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nhandlerI'll ask my question again to ensure that all of the people dropped during the netsplit see it. As of yesterday evening, I am no longer able to add comments or change the status/importance/assignment of bugs on Launchpad. When I hit 'Save Changes', Launchpad never stops loading. It also does not apply the changes. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I normally use edge, but even disabling edge didn't resolve this issue00:28
kikonhandler, I have not experienced that, no. what bug are you trying to change?00:28
nhandlerkiko: I have had this issue with several bugs.00:29
kikonhandler, so you can modify no bugs at all?00:29
nhandlerkiko: Since yesterday evening, I am unable to modify any bugs. This includes Ubuntu bugs and other bugs on LP00:29
kikonhandler, it /seems/ like you're the only user having this problem, because it's the first I have heard of it00:30
kikonhandler, you can ping launchpad just fine?00:30
kikonhandler, also, have you tried to let the session time out -- i.e. more than a few minutes?00:30
nhandlerkiko: I'm able to ping and navigate around Launchpad just fine. This bug has been present since yesterday evening. I'm going to try logging out and back in of Launchpad to see if that fixes it00:31
kikonhandler, it's very very strange00:32
nhandlerkiko: Yes it is. Also, logging out and back in did not resolve the issue00:33
kikonhandler, does the session never time out?00:34
nhandlerkiko: Eventually, a blank page loads. This page has a different favicon in the address bar. Instead of the "lp" favicon, the blank page has the new Launchpad icon set as the favicon00:35
kikonhandler, anything in the page source?00:37
nhandlerkiko: I'll let you know once I get the blank page again. The page is still loading00:37
kikonhandler, this is annoying.00:38
kikonhandler, what's your IP address, btw?00:38
kikomthaddon, I'm not going to ask you if you have a clue about the above...^^ :-(00:38
nhandlerkiko: I can't view the source. The blank page isn't actually a "page". It is just the normal site failing to load. The address bar has also appended "+editstatus" to the URL.00:41
kikoso that's where you post to, and you get redirected back to the page if it works00:44
kikosounds like +editstatus is dying on you00:44
kikospm, ^^00:44
spmkiko: ta00:44
mtaylorkiko: so... who should I annoy about launchpad bzr integration... is that you?00:44
kikomtaylor, best person is thumper, but I'm always interested in being annoyed00:45
mtaylorkiko, thumper: well then... I just discovered that launchpad auto-updates bug and blueprint status when I push ...00:45
kikoblueprints too? :)00:45
mtaylorbut I only just now noticed it because it hasn't worked for me until just now00:45
Odd_Blokemthaddon: If you're still around, I'm happy to talk about PQM.00:46
kikoOdd_Bloke! many people are interested in PQM this week -- niemeyer is one :)00:46
mtaylorhrm... I thought I had a possible past failure scenario to point out, but now I think I'm wrong00:47
* mtaylor withdraws all annoying comments00:47
Odd_Blokekiko: That sounds ominous. ;)00:47
mwhudsonmtaylor: that's the kind of bug report we like!00:47
mwhudsonmtaylor: :)00:47
mthaddonOdd_Bloke, kiko: same issue - just wanted to let you know we're interested in the merge directive branch and if you have a chance to work on it (I think you just had a review of it), it'd be _very_ much appreciated00:47
mtaylormwhudson: anytime I can help! :)00:47
kikomtaylor, that kinda sounds like the branch scanner wasn't scanning your branch before..00:47
Odd_Blokemthaddon: I have until Monday (I start a job on Tuesday).  I'll have a look at it tomorrow.00:48
mtaylorkiko: well, I thought it had to do with the fact that my changesets were always being merged by someone else first00:48
mthaddonOdd_Bloke, congrats on the job - much appreciated!00:48
mtaylorand a lot of times the related changesets were several merges down...00:48
mtaylorbut now I dont' think that's the case00:48
kikoOdd_Bloke, you're working on a pretty core piece of code! :)00:49
thumpermtaylor: what is being auto-updated?01:10
spmnhandler: I've been poking through the logs. no useful joy there. Is it possible to get some simple network traces from you to help isolate possible environmental issues?01:50
nhandlerSure thing spm01:51
nhandlerI would be glad to provide whatever information you might need01:51
spmnhandler: cool. I can see lots of other posts to +editstatus, nut not yours. only GET's...01:54
spmnhandler: so if you could do a simple tcpdump? or even a firebug header capture in the first instance?01:54
nhandlerspm: Ok, give me a few minutes to get the data01:55
spmnhandler: no prob - am doing about 3 things in parallel so any delay is fine! ;-)01:56
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nhandlerspm: I feel like a real idiot right now. Yesterday, I was messing around with firestarter. I didn't add any rules, but I guess firestarter was blocking some things anyway. I had closed firestarter earlier, but I guess it was still running in the background. Killing the process allowed me to successfully modify a bug on Launchpad. Firestarter was preventing my computer from connecting to vanadium.canonical.com. I think the issue is resolved02:16
nhandlernow. Thank you for your time and help.02:16
spmnhandler: That is so not a problem. Been there. Made things worse. :-)02:17
nhandlerI'm just glad that I can go back to patching/triaging bugs again :)02:17
spmnhandler: ... something like that. ;-)02:18
kikonhandler, heh02:18
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Syntuxguys, I'm not able to login to Wiki system with LP open ID, any idea?10:29
intellectronicaSyntux: which wiki, help.launchpad.net?10:49
Syntuxintellectronica, no, ubuntu wiki10:49
intellectronicaSyntux: hmmm ... it seems quite slow to me, but i can log in. what do you experience?10:50
Syntuxintellectronica, clicking login to edit on wiki forward me to lp sign-in page and then forward me back to wiki without access.10:51
intellectronicaSyntux: have you got cookies enabled? can you  log in to launchpad itself?10:52
BjornTSyntux: which browser are you using?10:52
BjornTintellectronica, Syntux: i have the same problem when i use opera. it works fine with firefox.10:52
Syntuxintellectronica, sure10:52
SyntuxBjornT, ff3 but I tried it with galeon, epiphany and opera too and same issue10:53
Syntuxintellectronica, I have no problem with lp itself and never had an issue with it.10:53
intellectronicaSyntux: how about help.launchpad.net? can you please give it a try and tell me if you can login there?10:56
Syntuxintellectronica, I'm logged-in now10:57
intellectronicaright, so it's only the ubuntu wiki10:57
Syntuxintellectronica, if I may guess, I had different credentials on ubuntu wiki, different user and email but I'm not sure if LP meant to merge previous accounts with LP ones to keep user history10:57
intellectronicaSyntux: tbh, i don't know if it does, but i don't think so10:58
intellectronicaSyntux: do you know how to inspect your cookies? and if yes, can you please have a look at any cookies you may have for wiki.ubuntu.com and tell me what you've got?11:00
Syntuxone sec11:01
Syntuxalthough since it's doesn't seems to be a single browser issue I doubt it's related to cookies11:02
Syntuxintellectronica, just a MOIN_SESSION and MOIN_ID11:03
Syntuxintellectronica, I deleted all cookies and still having same issue.11:03
elmoSyntux: what's the error you're actually getting?11:04
Syntuxelmo, no errors at all11:04
Syntuxwould you like to see some http headers?11:05
elmoSyntux: so what actually happens?11:05
Syntuxelmo,  clicking login to edit on wiki forward me to lp sign-in page and then forward me back to wiki without access.11:05
elmoSyntux: what's your IP address and/or LP username?11:06
Syntuxelmo, jad
elmotry now?11:09
Syntuxtrying ....11:10
elmoSyntux: do you know your LP openID token?11:11
Syntuxelmo, where I can find it ?11:11
elmoI dunno11:11
elmolet me look11:11
sorenOn your launchpad overview page.11:12
Syntuxlemme see11:13
Syntuxsoren,  elmo  ok I have it now11:13
elmosoren: really?  I can't see it on mine11:14
elmoSyntux: anyway, can I have yours?11:15
sorenelmo: Right below your ssh keys.11:15
elmoI'm trying to find your username11:15
elmouser on wiki I mean11:15
elmosoren: oh, right, I see it for syntux now, thanks11:16
elmodoesn't exist for me though.  huh11:16
SyntuxI'm unique human being11:16
SyntuxI have one and I can't login :d11:16
elmoargh, what the hell11:16
elmoyour account's been disabled11:16
elmoSyntux: try NOW11:17
* Syntux trying ... 11:17
* Syntux .... 11:18
* Syntux ........11:18
Syntuxelmo, Ok it's working now but it didn't redirect me back to the original wiki page11:20
Syntuxelmo, and I have lost all of my wiki history11:20
* Syntux mef mef11:20
elmohow do you mean "wiki history"?11:20
Syntuxelmo, my edits, pages subscription with my old account 'jadmadi'11:21
elmowell, yeah, you're now logging in as the 'jad' user.  if you have an LO account details for 'jadmadi' you could still login in as that11:22
elmothe 'Right' solution might be to merge the two accounts.  I don't know what that'll do on the wiki side though11:22
Syntuxelmo, no, 'jadmadi' is the wiki account.11:22
Syntuxelmo, merge please11:22
elmoSyntux: dude, the wiki was authing off of LP before11:22
elmoif there's a wiki account -> there's an LP account11:23
Syntuxelmo, no way, I don't have another lp account11:23
elmoI am passingly familiar with this stuff...11:23
LarstiQfrom a random sampling of ppas, all of them have ppa/ubuntu/ and nothing else, is it possible to have also ppa/debian/ with it's own package pool?11:24
Syntuxthen can we merge jad with jadmadi ?11:24
elmoanyway, I'm out of battery, so I have to go sorry11:24
elmoSyntux: the LP guys should be able to help you with how to get that done11:24
Syntuxyou solved it and you deserve some recharging now :-)11:24
bigjoolsLarstiQ: we only do PPAs that build against Ubuntu right now11:25
LarstiQbigjools: right, since you rebuild all the binary packages, you'd want to have the environment present.11:26
LarstiQso we still need our own apt repository then11:27
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HobbseeAccepting Results:14:52
HobbseeOK: ubuntu-mid-default-settings(universe/(unchanged))14:52
Hobbseecprov / bigjools : ^ why is the unchanged there?  shouldn't it be whatever the unchanged value was?14:52
bigjoolsit's explicitly telling you that you didn't change it14:53
Hobbseehm.  oh well14:53
Hobbseewould have found it useful to have the other piece of info.14:54
persiaCould it display (universe/x11) (unchanged) just to be clear?  It was shown as universe/x11 in NEW.14:54
bigjoolspersia: there's more than one item that's overrideable14:54
bigjoolsthat page is the bane of my life :)14:55
persiabigjools: True, and I suppose it gets messy to be (universe(unchanged)/x11(unchanged))14:55
bigjoolsyeah, it needs some overhauling (again)14:55
Hobbseeat least it actually works.14:56
nizarushello launchpad admins15:01
nizarusthis channel is for launchpad admins ?? no ??15:02
* Hobbsee shoots wgrant. DUCK SEASON!15:02
wgrantHobbsee: kiko's the duck, not me.15:02
kikonizarus, for users!15:02
kikogo shoot some other avian15:02
wgrantFor everyone!15:02
nycerinekiko, :--o15:02
nycerinedo you know if anyone are alive now?15:03
nizarusah ok :) where i can find administrators ?15:03
Hobbseewgrant: oh.  too late.15:03
nizarusokay, I ask my question : I want to create a mailing list for my team15:31
kikonizarus, so far so good.15:31
nizaruskiko: ?15:32
kikonizarus, what is the problem you're having with that?15:32
nizarusi followed this "https://help.launchpad.net/Teams/MailingLists"15:32
nizarusbut my request was declined :/15:33
nizarus"The application for this team's mailing list has been declined. Please contact a Launchpad administrator for further assistance."15:33
nizarusthat's why i'm here ;)15:33
kikonizarus, ask a question, see answers.launchpad.net/launchpad15:33
nizaruskiko: i got this "Please contact a Launchpad administrator for further assistance"15:35
nizarusand in the documentation it's noted that Launchpad administrator are in this irc channel15:35
kikonizarus, yes, but it's best to ask a question in answer.l.n to ensure your request doesn't get lost15:36
kikobarry isn't here right now15:36
nycerineregarding yesterday, kiko, do you think I ought to ask in rosetta instead?15:37
kikonycerine, it doesn't matter, we all see the questions and shuffle them around15:37
kikomdke, are you by any chance around?15:38
nizaruskiko: barry he's the ML admin ?15:39
kikonizarus, he does most of that work, together with the OSAs15:39
nizaruskiko: OSA ?? sorry but i m a newbe :p15:40
nizarusok i got it "Operational Systems Administrators" :)15:42
kikosiretart, ping?15:45
wgrantkiko: Was removal of the answers URL from the topic deliberate?15:46
kikowgrant, I doubt that, hadn't noticed it15:47
siretartkiko: pong16:41
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cody-somervilleIs there something wrong with the PPAs or are they just busy today?18:52
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jkakarI'm seeing permission problems again: Permission denied (publickey).20:07
jkakarbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required)20:07
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kikojkakar, we did a quick rollout. it should be okay again.20:27
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NCommanderCan someone help me completely wipe an entry from a PPA?20:33
cody-somervillempt, Who is responsible for PPA stuff?20:38
cprovcody-somerville: I am20:38
mptwhat cprov said :-)20:38
cody-somervillecprov, Would you be able to help me out by nuking both source packages and their binaries in xubuntu-dev team PPA?20:39
cprovcody-somerville: do you really need to upload the same version ?20:41
cody-somervillecprov, The issue is that due to the way they were versioned they were accidentally built as native packages.20:43
abdelrahmanhi, I am a student working for a research project for lab...I want to use my launchpad but my code cannot be released for public as opensource code...what should I do20:43
abdelrahmancan I use launchpad aslan?20:43
kikoabdelrahman, you can buy a license to use it.20:43
kikoabdelrahman, contact feedback@launchpad.net20:44
cody-somervillecprov, so attempting to fix it using the same schema but modified to not build as a native package results in no love.20:44
cprovcody-somerville: please open a new question in soyuz product explaining the issue. I will handle it in a bit.20:46
cody-somervilleNCommander, ^^ Can you take care of that? :-]20:46
abdelrahmankiko, will do thanks :D20:46
NCommanderI broke it, so I'll do it20:47
NCommandercprov, https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/4290620:48
cody-somervillecprov, Thanks. Much appreciated :-)20:51
cprovNCommander: cody-somerville: thank you for reporting it.20:51
NCommanderheh, well, I found a "bug" in dpkg20:52
NCommanderSo ;-)20:52
cprovNCommander: didn't lintian complain about this version ?20:53
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geserNCommander, cprov: dpkg parsed this version as upstream version "4.5.80-0ubuntu1~xfce" and debian revision "beta1".21:30
NCommanderWell, its fixed now21:30
NCommanderand lesson learning about using hypons21:30
cprovNCommander: question commented.21:31
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jkakarkiko: Works, thanks.22:02
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kiko-afkafk for a bit22:38
mdkekiko-afk: here now23:06
mdkekiko-afk: not for long unfortunately, off again now, but feel free to email me and I'll get back to you23:11
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