
frodo_is anyone using the x64 version?00:09
frodo_i figured00:13
* burner rocks intrepid but i'm not bleeding edge enough for x6400:13
frodo_x64 is doomed00:13
timboyI am having an issue with shutdown. it doesn't work when I press the button...00:15
cskmaxbug #25050600:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250506 in consolekit "shutdown and restart act as logout" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25050600:16
cskmaxhee hee, yes, you can use "sudo shutdown" in a console as a workaround00:17
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=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
timboyI'm getting this on boot? should I be worried? mkdir: cannot create directory '/lib/modules/2.6.26-4-generic/volatile/':read only file system00:40
Jordan_Utimboy: It's a known bug, it should be fixed soon ( if you need madwifi drivers they won't work until it's fixed )00:42
timboyJordan_U ok cool just making sure it wasn't just me. :)00:42
timboyglad to see that the java install now asks for license acceptance in a gui and not in console!00:43
hischildGreetings channel.00:50
hischildHow's the support of virtualbox?01:32
zniavrein panic01:33
hischildzniavre: for real?01:35
zniavrestill kernel panic yes for the last kernel (can't remember number sorry) at least yesterday night01:36
zniavrei can start it with old kernel of hardy 2.6.24-x01:37
zniavreim quite sure it's virtualbox bug01:38
hischildwell i just installed it ... let's hope my box'll stay alive01:38
zniavreare you ask for virtualbox running intrepid or running virtualbox in intrepid ?   :o)01:39
zniavreare/do *01:40
hischildthat would be virtualbox in intrepid, not intrepid in virtualbox01:40
hischildalthough it's complaining about not having a suitable module for running kernel ... so guess i'm out of luck01:42
zniavreok sorry so i do not know  you could try the .deb of sun virtualbox website no?01:43
hischildYes i could, but i prefer to try and use the software repo's.01:43
zniavreif they works ... :o)01:46
hischildI'll see what it turns out tomorrow. It's time for some sleep. Thank ou for your help. BB01:46
zniavresee you01:47
DanaGI can use the non-OSE Virtualbox just fine.01:49
DanaGJust needs dkms installed.01:49
zniavresome bodys knows if nautilus wil be 2.24 ? and if it will support rgba ?01:53
cskmaxzniavre:   Candidate: 1:2.23.90-0ubuntu1 is what I see for nautilus currently02:16
cskmaxzniavre: i am not sure what the release will use frankly, but that's what's in the repos right now02:17
VolkodavIs there wmv 9 codecs out there?02:30
VolkodavI have wmv hd video but no sound ?02:31
RAOFwmv is video only; your sound problem isn't to do with VC-1 (wmv3, aka WM9) codec support.02:33
RAOFDoes playing in Totem suggest a plugin to install?02:33
Volkodavyes it does02:35
Volkodavbut does not find anything though02:36
Volkodavany solution to it ?02:38
VolkodavI tried Mac but it won't mount ext3 partition for some reason02:38
Volkodavit mouns one out of 3 I have02:38
RAOFVolkodav: I'd need to know what audio codec it's using before being able to help more.  Unless _sound_ isn't working at all for you, of course.02:39
VolkodavI have sound working in all apps all around02:40
RAOFAnd other videos have sound?02:40
RAOFI don't suppose this video just doesn't have a soundtrack? :)02:40
Volkodavit does of course02:40
Volkodavmplayer says 0x16202:41
RAOF_mplayer_ doesn't play the sound, though+?02:41
Volkodavxine says unsupported codec Windoze Media Audio v3 (0x16)02:42
RAOFI'ts possible the file's just broken, but I don't think you'll be able to get it to play.02:42
RAOFIt would appear that nothing supports that codec.02:42
RAOFOh.  You could actually buy a gstreamer element that supports it, probably.  From fluendo.02:43
VolkodavI am copying it to windoze partiton and check it there02:43
Volkodavcuz it is rather large file and there is a chance it is borked02:43
Volkodav7.8 gb02:43
VolkodavHD 720p02:44
RAOFThey have the patent licenses etc needed to write and distribute a variety of nice codecs legally.02:44
Volkodavwell if I boot in windoze I should be able to dl all them codecs though /02:44
mneptokVolkodav: did you install the ubuntu-restricted-extras metapackage?02:49
VolkodavI believe so02:50
mneptokif you try installing it again you'll know for sure02:50
Volkodavwell all -restricted-extras  are installed and still no sound02:56
VolkodavI guess it is just winblows crap02:56
DanaGargh, durn iscsitarget keeps oops'ing.02:59
LunksWhat do you see? http://www.frappr.com/03:37
LunksIt says 'Please install flash 8' for me03:37
DanaGI get the same thing on many sites.03:37
LunksReally weird. Looks like some flash testing javascript is broken for flash 10. :P03:43
LunksHmm not javascript, probably a actionscript or something, as it is indeed a flash file which outputs it.03:45
* DanaG laughs at how some sites can't do math.03:48
DanaG10 < 8, apparently.03:48
bytor4232So, is the immediate problem of PAM out of the way?04:31
voidmageso an interesting bug05:02
voidmageif i logout with a tomboy note open05:02
voidmageit gets deleted05:02
=== LSD|Ninj1 is now known as LSD|Ninja
DanaG!find phonon.desktop07:29
ubottuFile phonon.desktop found in kdebase-runtime-data07:29
DanaGWhat's up with that Wikipedia thing in amarok-kde4?07:30
DanaGI don't want it.07:30
DanaGANd there's no "play folder" feature anymore.07:30
DanaG!find kcm_style07:30
ubottuFile kcm_style found in kdebase-workspace-bin, kdebase-workspace-dbg07:31
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
estuneclehow to upgrade to 8.10? cuz sudo apt-get dist-upgrade found nothing to upgrade08:03
estunecleah i forgot to enable 8.10 repo08:05
mvoestunecle: you can run "do-release-upgrade -d"08:08
estunecleand dont need to even enable 8.10 repo with this command?08:09
estunecledownloaded daily build and it failed to boot hanging at busybox prompt. this busybox hangs are in ubuntu since like 7.04 version :(08:12
estunecleit seems 8.10 will not be different08:12
verwilstanother satisfied customer08:21
=== hc is now known as hischild
hischildHello. I'd like to know if there's a pre-built wine version available or that the one in the repo's is the latest one.08:36
s0u][ighthi guys09:04
DanaGYo, I want to have a script do this: for every line in some file, call some command:09:21
DanaGcommand arg1 $THAT_LINE (as in, THAT_LINE is the name of the variable I want to pass, without dollar sign.)09:22
DanaGAnybody know how to do that?09:23
Xemanthdoes Catalyst 8.8 work in Intrepid ?09:23
Xemanthany patches to fix issues?09:23
DanaGoh, I see... I can use 'for X in Y' instead of xargs.09:25
RAOFXemanth: No, and no.09:25
RAOFCatalyst doesn't work, because it doesn't support the X video driver ABI v2.1.  And we can't patch the driver, so there's no fixing it.09:26
Xemanthok nice09:26
Xemanthjust bought 780G board with Radeon HD 3200 :D09:26
RAOFThe open-source driver should do 2D reasonably well for that.09:26
s0u][ightati just sucks09:27
RAOFXemanth: That's r500?  Or r600?.09:27
RAOFHm.  If you want to play the git-mesa fandango I believe there's open-source 3d kinda-support in mesa :)09:28
RAOFBut new(ish) hardware sucks, yes.09:28
Xemanthok then I'll install 64-bit Hardy.09:29
RAOFThat's your winner!09:30
DanaGI'm going to be getting an ATI HD3650 some time in September.09:31
RAOFThat's r700, right?  There's work in a gallium tree to support them, IIRC.09:31
Xemanth3650 is r600 too09:34
Xemanthr700 is 4850 an 487009:34
Xemanthright ?09:34
DanaGargh, tlsup doesn't give hotkey events on the old laptop I have around here.09:36
DanaGOr rather, maybe it does...09:37
DanaGbut HAL doesn't give the device to Xorg.09:37
DanaGI think I'll file a bug on that, but not right now.09:37
DanaGOdd, that tlsup is buggy....09:56
DanaGit registers only a 'button' capability, and no hal rules use just 'button'.09:56
XVampireXIs it just me or the new theme is really shitty?10:16
XVampireXfrom screenshots10:17
LSD|NinjaXVampireX: the dark brown one? Don't worry, it's not permanent10:18
XVampireXYeah, the dark brown...10:18
XVampireXwhen 8.10 comes it will have a better theme?10:19
LSD|NinjaXVampireX: They're taking submissions as we IRC10:23
XVampireXWait, it's a theme competition now?10:24
DanaG(WW) tlsup: Toshiba Fn Hotkeys: Don't know how to use device10:37
vistakilleribex will switch to 2.6.27 Kernel?10:55
vistakilleri have just read this10:55
RAOFMan, that's a totally awesome bug.  gnome-power-manager crashes each time the percentage battery charge changes.10:57
DanaGAnother random feature:10:59
DanaGthe toshbia_acpi module that relied on the broken-but-relatively-easily-fixable acpi_fakekey... has been removed.10:59
DanaGNow there's a plain input driver, tlsup... which Xorg refuses to use.10:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 137247 in gdm "libpam-keyring broken on autologins" [Medium,Confirmed]11:19
DanaGwtf... dvd drive can't read dvd+rw?11:31
doggymenzi want aquarium water in my compiz cube11:32
doggymenzand i want rotate window in 3d11:33
doggymenzsometimes my computer goes crazy scrolling mouse, anyone know why?11:33
yao_ziyuandoes anyone really burn intrepiad alpha4?11:48
doggymenzno, i use update11:50
Xemanthi burned kubuntu alpha 4 desktop 64-bit12:08
Xemanthand installation was full or errors12:08
Xemanthcouldn't install it at all12:08
Xemanthcd files chows no errors at all and iso image's md5sum was ok12:09
PolitikerALThmm ... IMHO kubuntu doesn't work quite well yet - use ubuntu12:12
Xemanthyes i noticed12:13
Bodsdaregel, hey :)13:52
regelhey :)13:52
Bodsdais there a way to do it?13:52
regelso, u want to try the Intrepid ?13:52
regelyou cant reinstall and keep the apps13:53
Bodsdaive got the intrepid cd, and want to install it, overwriting my 8.04 but keeping my installed aps13:53
regelyou could upgrade hardy (not sure if it works, though)13:54
Bodsdaive tried, my machine freezes13:54
regelbut fresh install is always recommended when upgrading13:54
regelu could tho backup your $HOME -folder, so all the settings would be safe13:55
Bodsdaive got a seperate /home partition13:55
regelbut not all config-files are compatible with newer versions13:55
regelthen you just dont format it13:55
Bodsdabut thats not where my installed applications are13:55
regelhave you installed them via ubuntu-repository?13:56
regeland you have an internet connection?13:56
regelyou might be able to get a list of installed apps (some sort of command) and then just reinstall them13:58
regelbut it takes a while to download the,13:58
Bodsdaits the (some sort of command) that i'm after :)13:58
regelokay, let me see13:58
regeldpkg -l \*13:59
regeldoes hat print some sort of list?13:59
Bodsdathe second column is the app name13:59
regeloh, but that list unistalled too13:59
regeldpkg -l13:59
regelthat list installed apps14:00
regeland packages14:00
Sharpieflash content makes firefox either slow down (sometimes to a halt) or crash immediately (with flashplugin-nonfree). is this common or is it only me?14:00
Bodsdathat issue is experienced with hardy aswell14:01
Bodsdanot to such extremes though14:01
Sharpieit's not nearly as bad though14:01
Sharpieyeah lol14:01
BodsdaSharpie, try running FF from the terminal to get error messages14:02
regeldpkg --get-selections14:02
regelthat's the one14:02
regeldpkg --get-selections >> installed_packages.txt14:02
Bodsdaregel, that would also print a column of the word 'install'14:03
regelthen you need to replace the "install" word with ""14:03
regelwith gedit14:03
regeli did this once, let mee think14:03
regelok, open with gedit14:04
regeland Ctrl+H14:04
Bodsdayah i can do the replace14:04
regelsearch for word  install      and replace it with nothing14:04
Bodsdabut how can i then use this list to install apps on the new install?14:04
regel"replace all"14:05
regelsudo apt-get install *pastes the list here*14:05
Bodsdathats nasty :)14:05
regelthere will be some packages whick dont exist14:05
regeland they have to be removed from the list14:05
regelbut otherwise it worked with gutsy->hardy14:05
Bodsdaok cheers14:05
Sharpiedoes anybody know when virtualbox kernel modules will be released?14:06
Sharpiehaving to go back to hardy every time i need windows is annoying14:06
regelBodsda, you need to get then to same line though14:07
Bodsdaregel, yeah, i can use python and regex to do everything i think, cheers14:08
regelBodsda, nope14:10
regelBodsda, theen replace in gedit "\n"14:10
Bodsdaregel, id prefer to use python, its moire fun :)14:10
regelyea :)14:11
Skiessihey, after this recent libpam upgrade I haven't been able to login on my main pc14:24
Skiessiand in recovery root shell, ifconfig looks ok but apt-get update kinda fails to connect to anywhere14:25
Skiessiany suggestions for fixing this? or is this channel atm. just for watching people ask stupid questions?14:27
BodsdaSkiessi, can you ping your router? can you ping a sites ip? can you ping www.google.com?14:27
Skiessiunknown host14:27
Bodsdawhen you did what?14:27
Skiessiping www.google.com14:27
Skiessinow I check the others14:27
Skiessiand btw, ctrl-c doesn't work14:28
Bodsdaits not registering keyboard interupts... hhmm14:28
Skiessiit does write ^C but it's not what I'm expecting14:29
Bodsdacan you ping           <-- googles ip14:29
Skiessinope, it's still pinging I had to try that14:30
Skiessiso I have to reboot?14:30
Bodsdactrl+z ctrl+d ??14:30
Bodsdadrop to a different tty14:30
Skiessithere's just the ctrl-alt-1 one14:31
Skiessiothers are black14:31
Bodsdasounds extremely borked to me, sorry i dont know what to suggest (im not an alpha tester)14:31
Skiessictrl-z does ^Z14:31
Skiessibut these recovery shell bugs are not new ones14:32
* Skiessi reboots14:33
Skiessiafter reboot pinging that google ip works14:35
* Skiessi reboots again14:35
Sharpiewhen i first installed 8.20 it booted in about 19-20 seconds14:36
Sharpienow it takes about 4014:36
Skiessiping probably has an option for choosing the amount of pinging attempts14:36
Bodsdaping -n 10 xxx.xxx.x.xx14:37
Skiessiok thanks14:37
Bodsdaping --help  for more info14:37
Skiessilooks like it's ping -c 10 xxx.xxx.x.xx14:41
Bodsdaoops sorry yeah14:41
Bodsda-n is winbugs14:41
Skiessipinging google works, apt-get update still doesn't14:41
Bodsdayou can ping goolgles ip or its domain?14:42
Bodsdaok, you cant ping the domain?14:43
=== Sebast1an is now known as Sebastian
Skiessijust the ip14:43
Bodsdahave you got any dns's assigned?14:43
Skiessihow do I check that?14:44
BodsdaSkiessi, i have no idea14:46
Bodsdanot from cli anyway14:46
Skiessinslookup possibly14:48
Skiessior resolvconf14:48
SkiessiI can't use them :|14:52
Skiessi_o_O/ I can apt-get update by replacing archive.ubuntu.com with in sources.list14:57
Skiessi!info tasksel14:58
ubottutasksel (source: tasksel): Tool for selecting tasks for installation on Debian systems. In component main, is important. Version 2.73ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 61 kB, installed size 880 kB14:58
Skiessi"dpkg: 2 expected program(s) not found on PATH"15:02
Skiessi"NB: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin."15:03
Skiessithis looks like a bit easier problem15:04
Skiessi:| I have the whole weekend to wait for an answer15:05
XVampireXUhm, is intrepid rather stable enough to try?15:12
IdleOneXVampireX, only if you feel comfortable with total system failure ( as a possibility )15:32
Skiessibut you get many new FEATURES15:39
regelit would time for me to start translating and testing Intrepid, but I need to know what kind of major bugs there are.15:42
regelsystem freezes, gui not working or something like that.15:43
PiciIdleOne: I usually use apt-get to update/upgrade, but I do notice that I get the 'new upgrades available' icon after I apt-get update, I never wait for it to trigger automatically though.15:45
IdleOnePici, I have been using the update-manager GUI and I have not been getting the icon for atleast a week now15:46
IdleOneI was getting the same behavior as you with the icon but not anymore15:46
IdleOnealso can not seem to boot into the latest kernel -25 is it15:47
IdleOneget a black screen after login window15:47
PiciI have not had that issue15:48
PiciWith Gnome..15:48
IdleOnestrange because I normally don't have any major problems with +115:48
IdleOnebut that was with my old desktop this laptop is a little more headaches for me15:49
IdleOnerunning Gnome also15:49
IdleOnewish we could get support for  Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)15:50
IdleOnethere is a work around out there but it's a pain15:50
IdleOneyou think I would be able to find that howto for my wireless ;/15:57
Carroarmato0I'm getting an error when updating Alpha 4, "Could not download all repository indexes"  I use a Belgian repo mirror and get a Hash Sum mismatch for main and universe.16:23
Carroarmato0Something to worry about or should I select another mirror?16:24
IdleOneCarroarmato0, use a diff mirror or weait for yours to be updated16:24
Carroarmato0IdleOne: kk I'll select a different one16:24
Carroarmato0IdleOne: thx16:25
IdleOnedon't forget to sudo apt-get update the sources.list16:25
Carroarmato0IdleOne: sure thing16:25
ramvi[CALL FOR HELP] Can someone help me with customizing a livecd / making Ubuntu Eee 8.04.1. If you know what these words mean, please msg me! busybox, initrd.gz, casper16:26
bazhangramvi, this should be in #ubuntu16:28
Carroarmato0Just a quick question, how the hell does Synaptic sort the packages when searching for something? The normal behavior in Hardy was to list alphabeticaly.16:31
Carroarmato0Besides that, Synaptic seems faster at looking up packages16:32
asfakadept manager does not work on kub alpha416:34
=== LSD|Ninj1 is now known as LSD|Ninja
asfakwhen i start adept manager from Konsole i get "16:35
asfakKCrash: Application 'adept_manager' crashing...16:35
asfakKCrash cannot reach kdeinit, launching directly.16:35
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:36
Carroarmato0Anyone know if PPTP VPN works in Alpha 4?16:37
JontheEchidnaasfak: update, there is a new version of adept that works16:38
asfakadept 3 is no user friendly. It's GUI is very confusing. Though that works, adept 2.1.3 is default in kubuntu Intrepid uptil now. I updated before few hours and no change16:39
asfaki had no choice but to use synaptic in Kubuntu. That's the best package manager i have seen. Adept 3 be better like this.16:41
asfakBooting and shutdown speed has improved16:42
asfakwhat version of amarok be default in Kubuntu Intrepid16:47
Carroarmato0asfak: not the answer to your question but Beta 1 of Amarok 2 has been released16:50
Carroarmato0asfak: so I guess when Kubuntu Intrepid will be released, Amarok 2 will be included16:51
asfakbeta1 of amarok is installed16:57
asfakCarroarmato0, are u Kubuntu user ? If yes, could you access windows partition from dolphin as user ?16:58
Carroarmato0asfak: sorry I'm not. But if you can't access it, you should check the permissions.16:59
Carroarmato0asfak: you'll have to add your account name to what ever group controls access to your Windows partition, I think in my case I have to be part of the Fuse group17:01
asfakubuntu user don't need to go aroung this fuss. Then why kubuntu user ? I am not power user. But this has happened in all kubuntu earlier version.17:03
Carroarmato0asfak: actually I too had to go through the fuss, but I think this depends on how you've selected the window partition during an install in the partitioning section17:04
Carroarmato0asfak: if during install you set the mount point /windows to your windows partition, you'll go through the fuss.17:05
asfakno, that's no matter. I have been using ubuntu since 4.10 and i don't make such mistake. In ubuntu live or install system, i can access all filesystem without all this permission stuff. But in Kubuntu, though i can see the partition in Dolphin as user, i cannot access them. I can do that as root. Kubuntu developers must change this permission making compulsion.17:09
asfakbtw, amarok2 B1 rocks17:09
Carroarmato0asfak: did'nt the introduction of Fuse change these things? (btw gonna try amarok b1 cuz I finally want something more stable than the nightly builds I've been running :D)17:11
asfaki don't think... :(17:12
Carroarmato0asfak: anyway that has been my experience with Ubuntu for the last 3 years...17:13
asfaki hate Vistaism. i want system, install and ready to use. Ubuntu is perfect in that regards. But my preference for pure Kde system drives me to Kubuntu. Now if i installed kde desktop upon Ubuntu, i had no such filesystem problem, nor do my friends whom i gift linux CDs.17:16
Carroarmato0asfak: you should point that out to #kubuntu-devel17:19
asfakanyway one more problem with kubuntu. I hope developers are listening to me. Why don't system setting have administrative priviledge ? How do i make changes in login manager in system setting ?17:20
Carroarmato0asfak: noprob17:21
emet!info xchat17:27
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.6-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 315 kB, installed size 840 kB17:27
Carroarmato0Does anyone know if the evaluation of Vmware Workstation is a fully functional version?17:32
excoatm is 1280x1024      61.0* the only supported mode with ati? (only available mode with xrandr on my machine)18:03
=== Sebast1an is now known as Sebastian
cskmaxcarroarmoato0: vmware workstation is free now20:12
=== evalles_ is now known as effie_jayx
aidyi'm still suffering from this bughttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/25586123:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255861 in ubuntu "arrow keys don't work intrepid" [Undecided,Incomplete]23:30
aidymakes everything kind of unuseable23:30
aidyselecting evdev managed keyboard as keyboard model works23:41

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