
compengii'm one of members in #ubuntu-lb loco. our leader barely appears in the channel nor on this server. i got a bit of access to the channel but sometimes we need some administrative tasks to do which requires more access to the channel. for example we need to set guard on, but i can't preform that16:16
MyrttiPriceChild, elkbuntu, nalioth ^16:17
compengileader's nickname is magaltavor16:17
compengiMyrtti, doesn't seem anyone could help17:16
Myrttisure they could, but timezones and work get in the way17:16
compengii see. any idea what actions could be taken17:17
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naliothcompengi: if you can wait a couple more weeks, we _might_ be able to fix you up with some privileges17:31
compenginalioth, any reason for that?17:32
naliothcompengi: /msg nickserv info magaltavor17:34
naliothif he doesn't show in a couple of weeks, as far as freenode is concerned, he's gone17:34
warriorforgodHow can I find out why I was banned from the #ubuntu channel?  I haven't even said anything in there for 2 weeks or so.23:35
Zicwarriorforgod: hello, first23:41
Zicwarriorforgod: the best solution is to take contact with operators of #ubuntu directly, unless, you can use /mode #ubuntu +b (wich is an alias of /ban in some IRC clients) to see the banlist of #ubuntu and confirm that *you* are banned23:43
Zic(and not a too large ban IP or somthing else)23:43
warriorforgodOk.  Thx.23:44

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