
jendajuliux: ping11:14
jendaI've got your stickers.11:14
jendaStill want them?11:14
* shahriar86 raise his ear hearing about the stickers11:19
jendashahriar86: you can email me (or, soon, juliux) if you'd like to buy some. I'll archive the email and get to it eventually.. :)12:14
jendathe downside is that I've had orders lying around for about 8 months12:15
juliuxjenda: sure12:15
shahriar86ok then. I just need some more info.. when where and how I will get them and such..12:15
juliuxjenda: how much stickers you have?12:15
juliuxjenda: i don't know how much i ordered12:16
jendajuliux: it's a big pack, I'll have to look into the logs to see what you ordered12:18
juliuxjenda: i will take as much as i can12:18
jendaok, good12:19
jendathen I'll just give you the whole pack and see to satisfy any other orders from what I have left besides.12:19
juliuxok, but remeber i will not send out any stickers to anybody12:21
juliuxi haven't the time for that12:21
jendajuliux: ok, ok, ok ;)12:21
juliuxjenda: how much money you get?12:21
jendaI know what you mean12:21
juliuxi have send out shirts the last two years that was enough for me12:22
jendajuliux: I'm not sure, I didn't pay for them yet, I'll have to wait for the quote12:22
* shahriar86 is away: Gone away for now.12:22
=== shahriar86 is now known as shahriar_away
jendaLooks like there are about 3800 Ubuntu and 2200 of the rest (estimate12:25
jendaAnd one guy in the US wanted 2000, but I don't know if he still does (it's about a year since this order was put down :D)12:25
jendaOne email I have from him says 4400 U, 1600 K, 750 E, 250 X12:27
jendajuliux: My guess is €330 for 5000 stickers12:28
jendaor about €470 for 7000 if the U.S. guy doesn't want his.12:29
juliuxjenda: booth is ok for me12:29
jendaok, good12:29
jendaCan you send me your current address by email?12:30
juliuxyou got mail12:45
juliuxjenda: when can you send out the shirts?14:18

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