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iweinne1 here know if MID will work on EEE?06:44
persiaiwein: We've had lots of people ask that question.  So far, I can say that it appears to be troublesome to do, and that most Eee users prefer something designed for a lower-DPI environment.06:48
iweinok thx, that probably saves me a few hours ;)06:48
persiaPlease feel free to try installing the McCaslin image: I understand it ought to mostly work.  If it does, or it definitely doesn't, please let us know.06:48
iweinI could at least give it a go, it's paperweight now neway06:49
iweinI'll get back on that today then probably06:49
StevenKpersia: What are the packages remaining in the PPA that have older version in Intrepid?07:38
iweinI'm trying to install McCaslin image on my EEE, seems that it is hanging on the install already.09:11
iweini don't know if that qualifies as mostly working, but I guess not09:12
persiaiwein: That would mean it wasn't working.  Thanks for the feedback.  I'll tell people that it can't be installed in the future.09:16
persiaI suspect there is a way to jam it in place, with a net install or something, but there's no installer available that supports that, which makes it awkward.09:16
persiaI don't expect that intrepid Ubuntu MID will work on the Eee, although there's work on an Ubuntu Mobile that would be nice for those devices (although I can't promise it will be ready in time).09:17
iweinyes, I didn't really dig very deep, so I suspect there are ways to get it running09:18
iweinI'll just go for a standard Ubuntu and dress it down. there is plenty of doco's on that.09:18
persiaIndeed, which is probably better for that device anyway.09:19
persiaUbuntu MID is really designed for 4-6" screens, and things don't look so ideal on a 7" or 9" device.09:19
iweintrue, but it's always fun to try it anyway :D09:19
iweinI don't think a full Gnome desktop is going to look very pretty either09:20
persiaNo, it needs something inbetween.  Hence, Ubuntu Mobile.09:20
persiaUnfortunately, that's still in heavy development, and for intrepid onwards only, so I can't tell you want to install now.09:21
iweinyep, it all makes sense. I'll be waiting for a beta on that and see what I can do with a standard install for now. Seems like the least hassle option at the moment09:23
iweinhey, while I was chatting the install moved on cancel that negative, it was just really slow apparently.09:24
iweinI'll get back later to confirm if it works for real09:24
iweinit smells a little like burning plastic in here, but I'm booting ubuntu... hehe09:26
persiaCool!  Yeah, it's not very interactive, and needs to format the disk, but it's great news that it seems to be working.09:30
iweinyes, I just thought it would be faster, so if there would be some output you'd get less false negatives I guess09:33
iweinso, mostly working seems right. It looks really slick actually09:34
persiaiwein: You mean it does just work on the Eee?  That's excellent news.  Thank you very much for being patient enough to try it.09:35
iweinbut, and this is a bit of a bummer, I have no mouse whatsoever. The eee doesn't have a touchscreen, so I need to find a way to install mouse drivers without a mouse I guess.09:35
persiaIf you can get a terminal, you can modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf-samsungq1ultra to not hardcode the touchscreen settings, and it ought work that way.09:36
persiaTry switching to a VT with Alt-F2 or some such.09:36
iweinI'm a bit of a rookie here, so bare with me, this is going to take time09:36
persiaNot hardcoding stuff is another intrepid goal.09:36
iweinAlt-F2 doesn't do anything, Ctrl-Alt-Bksp restarts gnome, and spacebar selects home. I do have keyboard, but am clueless as to what to do with it09:37
persiaOh, that's my mistake.  Ctrl-Alt-F209:38
iweintold you I was a rookie ;)09:38
iweinis there a user/pass I should try09:39
iweinor a document I should read before asking :)09:39
persiaUser "ume", no password09:39
persiaHeh.  Better to ask.  If you get somewhere where there's a document, I'll let you know.09:39
iweinyeah, i'm modifying xorg, but with that tiny EEE keyboard it's going to take me a while...09:41
iweinare you sure about that filename?09:42
iweingot it09:43
persiaSomething like that.  /etc/X11/xorg.conf is ignored entirely (and yes, this is another bug)09:43
iweinok, so I should change the input device right?09:44
persiaRIght.  In the Core Pointer section, you want /dev/input/mice rather than the touchscreen.09:45
iweinI don't see a Core Pointer section.. I see a section for Mouse0 and one for touchscreen09:50
iweinshould I just remove the touchscreen section?09:50
persiaLet me look at the config again09:51
persiaOh, sorry, I've given you poor advice (because I hadn't looked at the config in a while).09:52
persiaChange /dev/input/mouse2 to /dev/input/mice in the Mouse0 InputDevice section, and try restarting X.09:52
ograyou might want to drop the touchscreen though09:52
ograif there is no device there is not much pint in having a config for it09:53
ograspecifically from the ServerLayout section09:55
iweinyep, i did that and removed the whole section too09:56
iweinrestarting now09:56
ograand you likely want a section for asynaptics touchpad09:56
ogra*a synaptics09:56
ograguessing thats what the eee comes with by default09:57
iweinyep, but I have a usb mouse attached, should that work out of the box?09:57
iweinit does09:59
ograyes, with /dev/input/mice10:00
iweinhrm, x doesn't come back up10:01
iweini can see the screen with the mouse pointer > black > repeat10:01
iweinI guess I made a mistake somewhere10:02
iweinok that was annoying, it kept restarting X or something. I just gave it a pkill X and now I'm back at the terminal.10:04
persiaiwein: How did you restart X?10:07
iweinfirst a reboot, then with X command10:07
persiaX command?10:07
iweinit was complaining about coming up from hibernation, so I suspect that there is something wrong there10:08
iweinyes, if you type X it starts X10:08
persiaNo, it's just that the hibernate scripts are similarly hardware-specific unfortunately.10:08
iweini looked for init.d/gdm or xdm, but the were not there10:09
persiaTry `sudo stop session; sudo start session` to restart X, which ought to launch the desktop.10:09
iweinwell, I'm still looking at the terminal, should I do something to get back at the desktop?10:11
persiaAlt-F7 ought get you back to VT 7, which ought have the desktop10:12
iweinyes, I tried that, but that gives me a black screen too10:12
iwein(showing the output for Alt-F7 to be precise)10:13
iweintty1 has some errors on it: FreeFontPath: ... refcount is 2 should be 110:14
ograthats ok10:14
ogracheck the end of /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:14
ograit should tell you about the exact errors10:14
ografont path issues are not perventing X from starting10:15
ogra*preventing (heh)10:15
iweinthat was helpful: Undefined input device, that could be it :D10:15
ograhow does your ServerLayout section look like ? 10:16
ograany input devices in there you dont have defined ? 10:16
iweinyes, I commented out SendCoreDevice and now x is starting fine10:16
iweinwith mouse :D10:17
iweinI'll look up the def for asynaptics later, next thing is getting wifi to work, I think i saw a reference on that.10:18
iweinfirst I'll celebrate with a coffee10:19
iweinwow, the touchpad already works I'll have two coffees then10:19
persiaogra: Do you happen to know when dh_gconf needs to be called?  I'm calling it in binary/$(package):: with CDBS, but I'm not getting a postinst or prerm.10:20
ograin rules10:20
ograbut not sure where in cdbs 10:20
ograi'm not a big cdbs fan/user ... only if i have to10:20
persiaBut it belongs in the binary rule, doesn't it?10:21
ograerr, i'D put it into install10:21
persiaHmm.  I'll try that.10:22
ograor if its an indep package at least into binary-indep10:23
persiaRight.  I am an idiot today.  This is why I prefer tracking down things that a broken for someone else: they already thought of all the obvious things, and I only have to look at what's left :)10:25
persiaStill, putting it in install: worked, so now we can actually launch X in intrepid \o/10:29
ograhmm, having working calibration shouldnt actually be to hard with hal-input .... hal-set-property is callable from userspace10:31
ogramight need an additional hal handler10:31
ograand a file to store the values10:31
ograwhch this hal handler reads then 10:31
ograif i get that going it shuldnt be to hard to just use different touchscreen drivers either :)10:32
iweinim fiddling with the EEE network drivers now, but it is a bit of a nag because don't have build-essentials. doco's I find assume that you already have network, quod non. is there a shortcut?11:01
persiaThe network drivers depend on DKMS now?11:03
iweinthose native ralink drivers need to be built with make11:06
persiaYou're runing Ubuntu MID on a 901?  Isn't that the large screen one?11:06
iweinno it's the 7, but the procedure is the same afain11:06
persiaOK.  I have a 7" device, and Ubuntu MID isn't so bad, but I just couldn't imagine it on a 9"11:07
iweini have 7'' too11:07
iweinthe instructions are for 9, but the basic steps are the same11:07
iweinyou need to make; make install, that's the problem11:08
davmor2persia: I've seen UNR running on both 7 and 9 inch and it looks great on both :)11:09
persiadavmor2: Reeally?  Some of the icons were getting blocky on my 7", which is why I thought they'd be especially bad on the 9".11:09
persiaMind you, I've seen Ubuntu Desktop on a 3.7", which has quite a different set of issues :)11:09
iweinwell, it's superbly better than the Xandros stuff they ship them with11:10
persiaiwein: I don't find any shortcuts from a quick look about.  It appears you need to compile it.11:12
davmor2persia: No at LugRadioLive Uk 08 on of the exhibitors was Efficient PC (Ubuntu Partner IIRC) and he had installed UNR via manual hacks and said it was much better on the smaller screen due to the add space you gained.  Then proceeded to ask me about when UNR would be released as a really desktop and save him the hassle of the manual hacking :)11:12
persiaIf you've a desktop and some way to copy files from the desktop to the laptop (e.g. USB key), you might either add packages to the Eee, or compile it on the desktop (remember to compile for the lpia architecture).11:13
iweinyes, that's what I'm doing.11:13
iweinit is a hassle though with one usb stick :D11:14
persiadavmor2: Oh, UNR is rather different than Ubuntu MID (although the color scheme is similar), and yes, it's better tuned for that size device.11:14
iweinI think I should go for UNR. MID isn't really a good fit for the EEE (although it does look ok). Mostly works is a fair assessment I think.11:27
nxvlgood morning12:22
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GrueMasterAny truth to the buzz about 2.6.27 in Intrepid?17:16
mkrufkyi think that's what they've decided, GrueMaster17:18
persiaThere's buzz, but I'm not sure the decision is final yet.  Depends on feedback.17:20
persiaThe current thread on the mailing list includes two positive comments and no negative comments, so it's likely we'll get an update.17:20
ogradepends on kernel.org as well17:20
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iwein@persia @ogra I was here 10 hours ago when trying MID on EEE. I tried some different options after that and if anyone asks you should point them to http://www.ubuntu-eee.com/20:11
* ogra knows ubuntu-eee.com ... i assumed you did too 20:12
iweinwith literally no extra work everything is just working20:12
iweinyes, i knew, but didn't try yet20:12
* iwein is better for trying MID too20:13
ograi'D love to see that integrated in the main distro though20:13
ograinstead of running as separate project 20:13
iweinyes, and you guys have the .img done way better. I couldn't prepare the usb from a mac.20:13
iweinit feels like cheating, but it saves a lot of time20:14
iwein(meaning the use of http://www.ubuntu-eee.com/20:14
shishirm1has any1 tried ubuntu netbook remix??20:17
iweinneway, thx for the help today and kudos. hope you guys support the iPhone soon ;)20:17
ograunlikely :)20:17
ograunless all the HW specs get revealed by apple 20:17
* iwein was expecting something like that20:17
shishirm1ogra: hey have u guys tried ubuntu netbook remix??20:18
ograwe'll likely start supporting arm at some point in the future20:18
ograshishirm1, its only four apps, feel free to try20:18
iweinI didn't find netbook remix very mature, although it looks promising20:19
shishirm1ya but i wanted to know i can switch back to gnome as usual if i dont like it!!20:19
shishirm1has any1 tried that20:19
ograyou can remove the four apps indeed20:19
ograand revert the config changes you need to make20:19
shishirm1i had put ume for a while on my khojinsha sh6 looks good waiting for a proper release20:19
ograits not clear that there will ever be a public release 20:20
ograits for OEMs20:20
ograso you might hav to buy a device with it preinstalled and customized for the device 20:20
ograbut who knows ... there might be someone making a public release for tesing or so20:21
ogra(its called -remix- ) 20:21
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