
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, Slade said: ubottu: candy is mmmmmm good03:06
mneptoki like how when the candy goes in my mouth it tastes good.03:25
mneptokthat's WICKED AWESOME03:25
FlannelBlah.  Why does it seem like theres always someone giving bad advice.05:33
elky_workFlannel: there's always going to be one in a channel that big05:34
elky_workmneptok: where's my candy05:34
Flannelelky_work: yeah, but some of them are the *same* people over and over again05:35
elky_workFlannel: you need a larger cluebat, and eventually you'll need to use one without the foam padding05:35
* tritium wants his own cluebat05:36
elky_workFlannel: and despite what they think the code of conduct means -- we're not obliged to keep them, and infact must take responsibility to protect our users.05:36
Flannelelky_work: I'm aware, it usually has to do with people just doing stupid things, not necessarily "bad" things.  Just not being as helpful as they could be.,05:38
FlannelI just feel bad sometimes because I always seem to come in the tail end of these conversations, where someone is finishing up something dead wrong, or in a round about way.05:38
FlannelObviously, I just need to stop leaving.05:39
MyrttiI want chicken I want liver Meaow-Mix Meaow-Mix please deliver...05:56
Myrttino, akshully I want candy05:56
Myrttiwhere's my candy?05:56
naliothcan anyone get http://nalioth.homelinux.org up on their box?05:59
robotgeeknalioth: works for me06:00
MyrttiNalioth's Corner of the World06:00
naliothok, i guess i'm overthinking it06:01
naliothfunny how my networked box can't resolve it06:02
elky_worknalioth: your router probably doesnt do loopback06:02
Myrttisame here06:03
elky_workyou'd be getting like an obnoxious pink page with somethign to the point of 'doesnt exist'06:03
naliothnah, it just sits and spins ( OS X )06:04
naliothif it works for y'all, i'll just call it by network IP from the iMac06:05
Myrttia kid from IRCnet's #ubuntu.fi came in to one of the irc channels I am op in yesterday06:57
Myrttiand wanted to release the angst of having a WOMAN as an op06:57
Myrttiluckily I was sleeping06:57
elky_worksounds like someone has issues with his mother07:04
bazhang whtguy4asnlady (n=charlie@S0106001a70fabc5c.vc.shawcable.net) has joined #ubuntu family friendly?08:26
MyrttiI'm not following your logic now08:28
bazhangwhite guy 4 etc etc08:29
Flannelbazhang: It was a verify, not a identify08:36
MyrttiI just used my emp cannon in IRCnet's #ubuntu.fi08:49
bazhangircnet? is that rougher than here Myrtti ?08:50
MyrttiI've sorta given up on ircnet almost altogether08:50
Myrttisome of the ircnets linux related channels drove me away from linux for years before Ubuntu came along08:51
bazhangwow thats sad08:52
bazhangall it took was feisty for me08:52
Myrttithat's one of the reasons I've got RTFM and JFGI on my hilights08:52
bazhangnot away from linux, mind you, just away from ubuntu08:53
Myrttithere was no Ubuntu back then...08:54
bazhangright :)08:58
bazhangwas speaking for myself08:58
Myrttibut yeah08:58
MyrttiIRCnet is quite horrible08:58
bazhangleft feisty for the warm embrace of pclinuxos08:59
Myrttithough - QuakeNet is even more notorious for being the place for scriptkiddies and idiots08:59
bazhangglad I only know freenode08:59
MyrttiI'm in six networks atm.09:00
* Myrtti sighs09:01
Myrttiand here we have ASUS-tek again09:04
Myrttibazhang: mind making that a banforward here?09:04
bazhangMyrtti, wont he be told to come here when he hits that ban?09:05
Myrttinot necessarily09:05
bazhangbit embarrassing09:05
bazhangnot sure how to do that09:06
MyrttiI can do that09:06
Myrttiwatch ;-)09:06
bazhangthanks Myrtti09:06
Myrttihello Ape300009:07
bazhangaha; just add ! #channel09:07
MyrttiApe3000: having a fun morning?09:07
Ape3000You understand the joke?09:07
bazhangnot a joke09:07
Ape3000'rm -rf /' does nothing09:07
Myrttisince it's not a joke09:08
Myrttioh, reheeeeallly09:08
Ape3000it doesn't do anything even with root09:08
Ape3000So there is no harm09:08
Ape3000Just like I'd say run: cowsay -f tux This is a joke09:08
Myrttiand when was the last time you tried that with root on your own computer? (no, don't try now)09:08
bazhang#ubuntu is not the channel for that (nor is any other)09:09
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/09:09
Ape3000Trust me, it doesn't do anything on Ubuntu, even if you are a root09:09
Myrttijust because rm -rf / doesn't work for you, doesn't mean that it will not work for others09:10
Ape3000It might work on other distros, but not on any official ubuntu09:10
Myrttiso no, we cannot trust your word on this09:10
ikoniaApe3000: there is a failsafe built into coreutils to prevent that09:11
Myrttiand it really was not a funny joke09:11
ikoniaApe3000: but there are senarios where it won't work09:11
ikoniaApe3000: plus as a "method" - its not a sane method to suggest to people09:11
Ape3000"rm -rf (variously, rm -rf /, rm -rf *, and others) is frequently used in jokes"09:12
MyrttiApe3000: ha                                          ha09:12
ikoniaApe3000: it's not funny to give out potentially dangerous advice to people, just please don't09:13
Ape3000"Upon executing the command, the system now reports that the removal of / is not allowed."09:13
Ape3000I learned my lesson, don't tell jokes on #ubuntu09:13
MyrttiApe3000: good one09:13
Myrttisince #ubuntu is support only channel09:13
ikoniaApe3000: yes, and thats the failsafe, but that doesn't always work,09:13
Ape3000I could have told a nasty repartioning command that would really do something09:14
Ape3000But it wasn't meant to be anything evil09:15
bazhangApe3000, why are you in #ubuntu09:15
Ape3000I had a question about ubuntu networks and I just forgot the leave it09:15
Ape3000Is it disallowed to idle in there?09:16
bazhangwell you have left now09:16
Ape3000I was kicked..09:16
Myrttias everyone suggesting that command there ar09:16
Ape3000But I hope I can rejoin, if I really come up with a problem09:16
Myrttithat remains to be seen, the decision of unbanning you is pending on this conversation09:17
MyrttiI'm not happy with this conversation as of now09:17
Ape3000Just do the thing you are told to do in this situation09:19
Myrttithe thing is what we usually do...09:19
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/09:20
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:20
MyrttiI hope you are acquainted with those documents?09:20
Ape3000At least after minutes from now09:21
Ape3000Yeah, I agree with those09:24
Myrttinow that we've told you that "rm -rf /"ing people in #ubuntu is really not a good idea, and will result into you being banforwarded here to have a time out...09:25
Myrttido you agree to use your common sense not to do that and similar kind of "jokes" there again?09:25
Myrttibazhang: since this is originally your remove-ban...09:25
Myrttibazhang: it's your call09:26
bazhangMyrtti, I concur with you completely09:26
MyrttiApe3000: if I see you doing that, or see a report of you doing it from other ops, "Auntie Myrtti will be very angry and spank you senseless over Ethernet"09:27
Myrttihaving said that...09:27
Myrttiyour ban has been removed by bazhang09:27
bazhangApe3000, play nicer in the future09:27
Ape3000I will09:27
Myrttisince your issue has now been cleared, you can part this channel09:31
jussi01!idle | Ape300009:38
ubottuApe3000: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.09:38
bazhangApe3000, please part now09:47
Myrttiidle 20mins09:48
Ape3000Oh sorry09:53
bazhangthanks Myrtti09:55
Myrttino probs09:55
bazhangmr farmer has taken over ku-ot10:04
jussi01bazhang: how so?10:12
bazhangjussi01, you seem to be in there10:13
jussi01bazhang: be more explicit, who is "mr farmer" (nick)10:13
jussi01bazhang: and what has he done in #k-ot specicifically10:14
bazhangjussi01, that is ORDOS (aka almightycthulhu/ryan1984/etc) of foxconn fame10:14
bazhangalso mjg livejpurnal10:15
elkbuntubazhang, taken over? how?10:15
jussi01bazhang: ok. Ive been watching him for the last few days, and I know the story, however, he has done nothing that Ive seen to be a problem, so meh10:15
jussi01if he behaves himself, its all good10:16
bazhangthat channel may have a different standard than u-ot; never mind me10:16
Myrttinamespace wide bans are in general A Really Bad Idea10:23
elkbuntuwell, since he had another go at spamming matthew last weekend, i'm rather suspecting he'll try again this weekend10:23
elkbuntuMyrtti, it's a matter of protecting users when it comes to serial recidivist spammers10:24
elkbuntualthough, it's only a matter of time before someone mentions mjg or foxconn and he cracks11:02
elkbuntuuh, anyone else awake and feel like backing me up in -offtopic please?12:10
MyrttiI wouldn't call zaxces my friend...12:13
elkbuntuhell no12:13
elkbuntui understand he's just being normal for a young indian guy on the wow of the internet, but he's moreso than other indian kids12:14
Myrttinow I feel like smacking him12:15
elkbuntuno need 'sweetz'12:16
elkbuntuoh. crap12:16
Myrttinow he's in your pm12:16
ikoniaof what a surprise what other channels he's in12:16
elkbuntu<ZAXSES> don't do that12:16
Myrtti"or what"12:16
elkbuntuikonia, *that* other channel?12:16
ikoniawhat a surprise12:16
ikoniaI don't get it, that channel is there for people who find the ubuntu COC to restrictive, so if thats the case why not use it ?12:17
elkbuntuMyrtti, i'm just going to leave him stew12:17
MyrttiI wonder "don't do that or..." he'll do12:17
elkbuntuhe's now wondering why i didnt clamour to respond12:17
elkbuntui dont think he's figured i only removed12:17
elkbuntu<ZAXSES> say some thing12:18
elkbuntu<ZAXSES> not fair I was nice what is with ya was I very rude say some thing12:18
ikoniajust ignore it, he's not banned so he could go back in if he tried12:19
elkbuntui know12:19
ikoniawhois hynx12:21
ikoniaahh same guy12:21
elkbuntudidnt bother changing hostname12:21
MyrttiI can see it from the ip and the ident and all without checking12:21
jpdsa/wii hynix12:23
elkbuntuhe's gotta be like 13 at the most i think12:23
Myrttithough he claimed once to be working for ASUS or AMD in India12:23
elkbuntudoubt it12:24
Myrttiand this is the exact reason he is on my ignore... and why I want to smack him in the face for changing his ident, ip and nick all the time12:24
Myrttihe slips through the ignore12:24
* elkbuntu huggles Myrtti again12:24
ikoniatrying to get the channel on a reasonable offtopic12:26
elkbuntuikonia, can you reinforce my thing about a single identity please? i dont think he takes Myrtti or i seriously since we lack testicles12:31
ikoniasorry was away for 30 seconds12:40
ikoniaback now12:40
jpdsbazhang: ...12:41
bazhangjpds, hi12:41
ikoniajust had to let my builder out12:41
jpdsTotally random.12:41
ikoniawie gehts bazhang :)12:41
Picisheesh... /me just read -ot backlog12:53
ikoniahello Pici12:53
Picimorning(or whatever) ikonia12:54
ikoniaonly just turned afternoon (55 minutes ago)12:54
bazhangmissed that in ot (zaxses)12:55
PiciWho is the other multi-personality person? I need to setup some sort of note system here...12:56
bazhangaka z/sporty/patchpockets/icesword12:57
bazhangerr z_12:57
Myrttibe careful with that12:57
PiciMyrtti: do you happen to know of any irssi plugin that can help with this, or am I sort of stuck with setting up some sort of hilight?12:58
Picior maybe a trigger...12:59
PiciOr a sticky note on my desk.12:59
bazhangmore like a legal pad full-sized12:59
MyrttiPici: http://scripts.irssi.org/html/tracknick.pl.html13:05
Myrttilooks promising, but might need more perl love13:05
Myrtti"Tab complete servers and userhosts (irc. -> irc server, user@ -> user@host). Useful for lazy ircops for /squit and so on :)"13:29
Myrttiuh oh13:41
Myrttilook at -ot13:41
* Myrtti curses13:44
Myrtti16:22 < z_> i think Lynoure hates me...14:23
Myrtti16:24 < z_> no, she wants to "teach" me to not ask some questions...14:25
PriceyIs z_ a problem again?14:36
MyrttiI've got no idea what he's up to14:36
PriceyHow long ago?14:42
Myrttihe's not been that bad today as far as I know14:53
ubottuSlart called the ops in #ubuntu (inspectr)15:06
ubottuinspectr called the ops in #ubuntu (Start)15:07
ubottuinspectr called the ops in #ubuntu (Slart)15:07
Myrttihe wasn't done yet15:08
Myrttisome how n=jkkjkjkj@ rings a bell15:09
Myrttiand so he is15:22
PiciHe can stay with you15:38
* Pici runs15:38
MyrttiI can haz pickaxe?15:38
Myrttihe scares me15:38
idimmuhai can i be unbanned from #ubuntu please15:51
Piciidimmu: do you remember why you were banned?15:52
idimmuit was well over a month ago15:52
Myrttibanlog is nice15:53
idimmuam i in it?15:53
PiciDoes this sound familiar:15:55
Pici2008-06-22T05:35:35 <idimmu> nomopofomo: try www.vcdquality.com for your warez masterbation15:55
Pici2008-06-22T05:35:47 <idimmu> nfos are for criminal white van men men SCUM15:55
Pici2008-06-22T05:36:41 <idimmu> i once had a date with a girl15:55
Pici2008-06-22T05:36:46 <idimmu> she didnt fuck me15:55
MyrttiPici: you're making my irssi feel filthy15:55
PiciMyrtti: sorry :(15:55
PiciMyrtti: I felt filthy reading it15:55
MyrttiI know, I read it too15:55
* Pici hits himself on the head with a pastebin15:56
Piciidimmu: ?15:56
Myrttiidimmu: why do you want to join #ubuntu now?15:56
idimmujust a tick in the middle of a site release15:57
idimmucos puppet isnt working in dapper due to dependancy issues15:57
idimmuand i was wondering if it was just me15:57
PiciDo you remember the events that I pasted above?15:58
idimmunot massively but yeah ok15:58
idimmuwhat do you want me to do? issue a public apology to pirates and women?15:58
Picino. I want you to read and understand our irc guidelines.15:59
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:59
PiciLet me know when you are done with those/15:59
Myrttielkbuntu elky_work ping16:00
PiciMyrtti: thanks ;)16:01
jussio1mobile internet rocks :D16:10
idimmuwok read the ircguidelines and the code of conduct16:10
idimmupici am i missing something?16:12
Piciidimmu: one moment16:12
idimmui think i might have missed a warning for being annoying16:13
idimmubefore the ban16:13
idimmuive actually digged up my logs now16:13
idimmutheres nothing in the code of conduct or guidelines about swearing or being off topic16:13
Myrtticompengi: #ubuntu-irc16:13
idimmuespecially considering it was a massively low traffic channel at that time16:14
bazhangidimmu, you dont understand why you were banned then?16:16
idimmubeing offtopic and demeaning to women by using the word fuck?16:16
idimmuor was it my assertion that typically .nfo files containing ascii/ansi art are more often than not used by pirates, but in a somewhat enflamatory and colourful manner?16:18
idimmuwhy do you think i was banned bazhang ?16:18
bazhangidimmu, you seem to view the whole process here (of hoping to be unbanned) in a somewhat less than serious manner.16:19
idimmuonly because it was bought to my attention i didnt really break any rules or get the warning before the ban i should have16:20
idimmutrust me16:20
bazhangidimmu, so you feel you have done nothing wrong.16:20
idimmuthis is getting kind of circular16:21
idimmui would like to rejoin the channel, contribute and learn please16:21
bazhangidimmu, feel free to depart then.16:21
idimmui _am_ very sorry for talking random crap that was totally offtopic and not specific to ubuntu16:21
bazhangidimmu, this goes way beyond being offtopic.16:22
idimmubelieve me when i am taking being banned very seriously16:23
idimmuand am happy to step up and accept responsibility for my actions16:23
bazhangidimmu, you have done nothing here today to indicate that is the case.16:23
idimmuyeah thats because im lieing16:23
idimmu4 lines of rubbish being fussed over for no real reason16:24
bazhangno need to stay here then idimmu16:24
idimmuomg terrorist act16:24
Myrttiidimmu: you're welcome to buy support services from canonical or to use the forums to aide you with your problems16:24
idimmuwhich dont actually break any of your guidelines or codes of conduct16:24
bazhangin light of what you have said today there is clearly zero reason to lift your ban.16:24
idimmuis this because i didnt get laid?16:25
idimmuis that it?16:25
bazhang!idle | idimmu16:25
ubottuidimmu: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.16:25
bazhangidimmu, best to part now.16:26
idimmuor what, youll ban me *more*?16:26
Myrttiwe'll just kick you16:26
idimmuthat will massively hurt my feelings16:26
idimmuthe internet is serious business after all16:26
idimmuwhat if i promise to be good?16:28
Myrttiafter you said you've been lying the whole time...16:28
Myrttido you *really* think we'd believe you?16:29
idimmuwell, what exactly is it you're expecting me to do if i did rejoin the channel?16:29
idimmui could either contribute and actually not act like a dick16:30
idimmuor utter something stupid and instantly get banned?16:30
bazhangidimmu, you wont be rejoining.16:30
Myrttiof course, elkbuntu might reassess the situation when she comes back16:30
idimmui dont think you can really guarantee that16:30
Myrttibut I suspect her opinion wont differ ours16:31
idimmuthat is fair enough16:31
Picibazhang, Myrtti: Thank you for continuing, I had some pressing business to attend to here at work.16:33
idimmuso pici, sorry for trolling but it looks like im banned forever :(16:35
MyrttiPici: if you don't mind reading the backlog and pointing out what I've perhaps missed16:36
Piciidimmu: You are banned until elkbuntu can assess the situation. She has been notified that there is something pending her decision.16:36
jussio1idimmu: as elkbuntu wont likely be back for at least 5 hours we ask you to part until then at least.17:01
idimmuok, i will miss you guys, bye bye!!!17:03
bazhanghi alokito17:16
Myrttihow can we help you today?17:17
alokitonot for help, just came to visit the channel17:17
alokitoany problem?17:17
Myrtti#ubuntu-irc is for LoCo channel ops :-)17:18
Myrttiyou're welcome to join there17:18
alokitoalrite, Im leaving this.. nice to meet you :-)17:18
Myrttilikewise :-)17:19
Myrttitea, anyone?17:19
jussio1yes please - tun down the station - Im there now17:57
MyrttiI'm bored senseless18:47
* Daviey tickles Myrtti 18:48
FlannelSeems you still have some senses!18:49
PriceChildnalioth: elkbuntu: LjL: (and everyone else really) Today is (one of) the day(s)! I'll send out the mail to the ML this evening listing candidates that have nominated themselves. Comments from others will then be welcome either on the candidates wiki pages or to the irc-council ML.18:51
* nalioth blinks18:51
PriceChildnalioth: hmm?18:56
naliothPriceChild: big long highlight18:56
Flannelwere those suppoesd to be colors?19:47
FlannelOh, no, they were uspposed to be Is19:47
PriceChildFlannel: where?19:47
FlannelwIth gIrl I19:47
FlannelPriceChild: #u19:47
PriceChildoh and colours has a u in it.19:47
* PriceChild runs19:48
FlannelPriceChild: I put the u right there!19:48
Flannelsince.... if you don't get helped within 15 minutes, you should start spamming.20:05
Picihe was still spamming whilst he was muted.20:07
FlannelAndrewB: Er...20:48
AndrewBFlannel: just moving him to offtopic20:49
FlannelRight, that won't help20:49
FlannelHe's going to be abusive whereever he is20:49
Flanneland actually, hes back with a new IP20:49
FlannelI don't think "q" as an realname is going to work very well20:50
Flannelanyne else have suggestions?20:50
AndrewBhe seems to be content with a quiet  i have tried contacting him also20:52
MyrttiI guess he got bored20:56
AndrewBnope he is still here [in pm]20:56
AndrewBok i think he may return as i need to leave and i can't keep him content in /msg21:05
MyrttiI'll look around21:07
Myrttithough now I have to reboot21:09
Myrttinow he's in #gentoo21:24
Flannelnot surprising21:40
PriceChildWho is this?21:41
Myrttiand now he's gone21:41
Myrtti23:24 [freenode] @,-    #gentoo ___THEGOD H   0  n=q@ [q]21:42
Flannelhe had a different IP, and two underscores earlier21:42
Myrttithat's why I did /who 88.240.*21:43
* idimmu pokes elky_work elkbuntu 21:51
PriceChildidimmu: anything I can help with?21:52
idimmuyes actually, i was wondering if elkbuntu was awake yet, as per our earlier conversation21:53
MyrttiPriceChild: banlog might tell more21:53
MyrttiPriceChild: also backlog21:53
idimmuMyrtti: i would actually like to apologise for earlier, i have a habit of treating all irc channels as silly irc channels and after a bit of chilling out realised that #ubuntu, and especially here, arent the places for that kind of behaviour21:55
Myrttiright, I'm off to bed to read that python book21:55
Myrttitis too late21:55
Myrttinini folks21:55
PriceChildidimmu: Why do you want to go back into #ubuntu?21:56
idimmuto discuss ubuntu, offer help and in particular right at the moment, muse about the puppet packages in dapper21:56
PriceChildthose first and last should go in #ubuntu-offtopic21:57
PriceChildwe try to keep #ubuntu support only21:57
idimmusupport as in installation and use support?21:58
idimmuis there a channel faq?21:58
PriceChildas in, if someone has a problem with any part of ubuntu, they ask their questino, and hope for an answer21:58
idimmunot trying to be a nuisance, but would dependancy issues whilst insatlling packages come under that umbrella?21:59
idimmu(packages from the official distribution repositories)22:00
PriceChildyou're trying to install a package, it doesn't work, that is a problem, you can ask for help in #ubuntu22:03
idimmunow i know i have a lot of apologising to do re. my ban ~6 weeks ago and the way i handled myself earlier today22:05
idimmubut i would quite like to discuss the problem i am having in #ubuntu in a civilised manner22:06
PriceChildidimmu: If you're now happy with the topic for #ubuntu, and promise to abide by the guidelines which I believe you've already read, then I'm willing to let you back in I think.22:09
idimmui have read the guidelines and i do promise to abide by them22:10
PriceChildidimmu: do you have a link to the guidelines?22:12
idimmuive read it all and the code of conduct today22:13
PriceChildidimmu: good good, well I've removed the ban, please play nice.22:14
idimmuthanks very much and im sorry to have troubled you all!22:14
idimmuhave a good day!22:15
* ompaul has to get off irc23:20
ompaulI scored too high in the nerdy class of test argh23:21
nickrudompaul, that is a lost cause. Reverse your perception, it's the only way to keep your pride ;)23:22
ompaulnickrud, ok but ehh a score of 9523:24
nickrudmy god, nearly perfect :p23:24
ompaulnickrud, :)23:24
ompaulwhat they said was: All hail the monstrous nerd. You are by far the SUPREME NERD GOD!!!23:24
ompaulnickrud, hmm I would have said geeky but then again23:24
nickrudprobably have too good a haircut to be geeky23:25
ompaulnickrud, I got a 7 on top four around the sides today23:25
ompaulI'm 45 I have to keep it short or they will arrest me :)23:25
nickrudoh, yeah, nerdy. Non-nerds get scissor cuts :)23:26
ompaulI even know the numbers :)23:26
ompaulbut am confused are they digit numbers, or letter numbers23:26
* nickrud shakes head, what a nerdy question23:27
nickrudhahahahhaha. What's the test?23:27
ompauljust plain silly23:28
nickrudgot 5 before I need to try work again23:28
ompaulnickrud,  http://www.nerdtests.com/images/badge/c97df89bda51165b.gif23:30
nickrudcouldn't cut it on the elements :(23:32
ompaulwhat does that make you23:32
warriorforgodHow can I find out why I was banned from the #ubuntu channel?  I haven't even said anything in there for 2 weeks or so.23:36
nickrudhm, ubottu isn't responding23:37
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore23:37
ompaulI can has history23:37
Flanneler... works for me?23:37
ompaul08-08-20T23:16:13 <warriorforgod> VERSION23:38
ompaul2008-08-20T23:16:16 *** FloodBot2 sets mode: +b *!*@ip98-161-18-92.om.om.cox.net23:38
nickrudnothing. I haz been demoted?23:38
warriorforgodHmmm.  Interesting.23:38
ompaulnickrud, I haz been been ignored more like23:38
ompaulwarriorforgod, that seems to be something23:38
ompaulyou said two days ago23:38
ompauljust going by the dates23:39
warriorforgodI don't remember saying anything in there.  Only thing I can think of is I must have pasted something in the wrong screen when I was working on scripting.23:39
ompaul!worksforme | Flannel23:40
ubottuFlannel: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/23:40
* ompaul grins in a most twisted (think python networking) way23:40
ompaulwarriorforgod, so that is why you were banned23:41
Flannelompaul: why would that single line cause a ban though?23:41
warriorforgodI am trying to find what I even typed23:41
PiciFlannel: because he sent a ctcp to the channel23:41
ompaul / c t c p something ;-)23:41
warriorforgodThat is what it was then.  I was playing around with scripts and must have typed in the wrong screen by accident.23:42
warriorforgodWell I admit my mistake.23:42
ompaulwarriorforgod, up arrow in that window (whatever)23:42
ompauland see your last couple of lines23:43
warriorforgodIt was nice being involved in the community, and I apologize for doing that.23:43
ompaulwarriorforgod, I suppose I could translate that into please remove ban ;-)23:43
* ompaul computes23:43
ompaulyeap that is what I see there23:43
ompaulgive me a moment to evaluate something23:44
* nickrud thinks he'll make a real badge and mail it to ompaul23:44
* Flannel feeds ompaul some more nybbles.23:44
warriorforgodompaul, That is up to you guys.  I understand that I violated a policy, and if a ban is the necassary action so be it.23:44
warriorforgodI am willing ot accept the consequences of my actions.23:44
ompaulehh don't be so fast I might just lift the ban23:44
Picidont mind ompaul... hes just being... wel..23:45
ubottuompaul is well ompaul, don't get me started about that guy23:45
ompaulyou dare to laugh at me (AFTER I LIFT THE BAN) I should be insulted but I wrote the factoid !23:46
warriorforgodI though it was clever.23:46
ompaulthere was a bot in a channel called #nohelp on a different network about 10 years ago23:46
ompauland if you did !$nick_in_channel23:46
ompaulit would return that23:46
ompaulelse it would do seen23:46
ompaulyou could only get help in #nohelp if you had been there for 6 months or more23:47
ompaulit was nuts23:47
ompauland rather fun23:47
warriorforgodsounds like it.23:47
ompaulso there you23:48
ompaulehh mind what you type - we only know you by what you type and note you triggered a bots response23:48
warriorforgodThank you very much.  I will be more careful in what window I am typing into in the future..23:48
ompaulso that in itself will tell you something about something23:48
ompaulwhat exactly well that we shall leave as an exercise for the reader23:49
ompaulwarriorforgod, do you have another further questions for us?23:51
ompauldear me I really feel like using this factoid !l33t now23:52
ubottu1337 i5 n1gh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.23:52
warriorforgodNop that is about it.  You have been very helpful.23:53
warriorforgodThx again.23:53
PriceChildahhh nickrud, how feindish23:53
PriceChildnickrud: Right, time to write that ML post and put you out of your misery.23:53

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