
Absortoyeah, that I meant. But nope, that wasn't it. :(00:03
Weasel[DK]_hmm normaly the root is an UUID as well00:04
AbsortoIt is. It had the UUID of the other host. I put the right one. But the kernel panic comes before that.00:05
Weasel[DK]_in the fstab file00:07
Weasel[DK]_in the fstab file /dev/sda2 like in menu.lst00:07
Weasel[DK]_argghhhh damn keyboard00:07
Absortoyep, the UUID is the same on both00:08
Weasel[DK]_i dont think the UUIDs are valid anymore00:08
Absortomaybe that's the one!00:09
Weasel[DK]_it has to be -id00:13
Weasel[DK]_arrrrrrgh that keyboard again00:14
* Weasel[DK]_ urgently needs sleep...00:14
Absortosleep? caffeine!00:15
* Absorto hands Weasel[DK]_ a cup of ubuntu. There!00:15
* Weasel[DK]_ urgently needs sleep...,)00:16
Weasel[DK]_im siting on an eee pc00:17
Absortojust kidding.00:25
nxvllamont: around?01:04
nxvllamont: i'm having a problem with palmer01:04
nxvllamont: lmms is FTBFS since an issue with the buildd trying to install wine -> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16865545/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-i386.lmms_0.3.2-1ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz01:05
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lukehasnonameIs there any program or script that more intelligently bridges networks, or is manually editing /etc/network/interfaces the only way?01:41
lukehasnonamewhen using KVM01:42
=== andreas__ is now known as ahasenack
nxvlkirkland: around?02:11
kirklandnxvl: barely02:11
nxvlkirkland: i commented yesterday on update-motd02:11
kirklandnxvl: i just uploaded a new version02:12
nxvlkirkland: i even include something like a patch02:12
nxvli will check02:12
kirklandnxvl: i copied and pasted 2345 from you :-)02:12
nxvlyep, but for some reason it didn't took the spaces02:13
kirklandnxvl: thanks for the continued review02:13
kirklandnxvl: i hate that revu doesn't send email02:14
mathiazkirkland: should there a locking mechanism to make sure that update-motd doesn't run more than once ?02:14
nxvlme too02:14
nxvlBUT it now has a feed system02:14
nxvlyou can suscribe yourself to the feed of your user/package/general02:14
kirklandmathiaz: i thought about that, definitely seems like a nice thing to have02:14
mathiazkirkland: I could imagine that one of the scripts in /etc/update-motd.d/ takes longer than the cron frequency02:14
kirklandmathiaz: that would be ill-advised, but yeah, it could happen02:15
kirklandmathiaz: i can put a lock in /var/run, sure02:15
kirklandmathiaz: it won't happen tonight, though, as it's 2:15am :-)02:15
mathiazkirkland: sure - I'll post my comments to revu02:15
kirklandmathiaz: thx02:16
nxvlkirkland: were are you?02:16
kirklandnxvl: London02:16
nxvlat canonical offices or at some familiar?02:16
kirklandone eye open02:16
nxvlyeah, but i mean, did you go there for work reasons?02:17
nxvlor some other02:17
nxvlis sprint now?02:18
wo0fhi, whats the best way to run a vnc server02:19
wo0fi want to invoke a x server every time i log in02:20
nxvland why would you like to do that?02:20
wo0fi only use ubuntu as webserver02:21
nxvlkirkland: i found the reason of the warnings, preparing patch02:21
wo0fbut i want to now be able to log into a remote ubuntu desktop from windows02:21
kirklandnxvl: k02:21
nxvlwo0f: putty02:22
lukehasnonameWhen I try to start a VM in KVM, I get an error "qemu: could not open disk image jeos2.img"02:22
wo0fnxvl: i'm using putty as we speak02:22
wo0fputty isnt graphical tho02:22
lukehasnonameI've googled, searched, ubuntuforumed, and couldn't get an answer02:22
nxvlwo0f: yep, that's the idea02:23
wo0fwhats the idea?02:23
nxvli still don't understand why would you want to use a graphical environment in your server02:23
wo0fthis is not somthing you need to understand02:23
wo0fits namesake is a terminal server02:24
nxvlthen that's something i don't need to answer :D02:24
wo0fif you dont know02:24
wo0fdont waist my time02:24
wo0four time*#02:24
wo0fnxvl: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminal_server02:25
nxvlwo0f: i know what's a terminal server02:26
nxvlbut you said your server is a web server02:26
wo0fso you know it has nothing to do with putty then?02:26
nxvlwo0f: dood, if you will come and insult people don't expect help02:27
nxvlwo0f: i'm a noob, don't waste your time02:27
nxvlkirkland: i don't understand what you tried to do at line 9 in the man page02:28
nxvlkirkland: the Vb tag is raising a lintian warning02:28
=== PrivateVoid_ is now known as PrivateVoid
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox02:55
lukehasnonameread that wo0f02:55
lukehasnonameWhen I try to start a VM in KVM, I get an error "qemu: could not open disk image jeos2.img"02:55
twbArgh!  Why are there two ldap.conf files, /etc/ldap.conf and /etc/ldap/ldap.conf ?03:57
twbAnd is there any reason I shouldn't replace the latter with a symlink to the former?03:57
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mathiaztwb: /etc/ldap.conf is used by the nss_ldap library, while the later is used by the openldap client library04:12
To1hi guys - iptables what does the -j PAROLE option mean compared to ACCEPT ?04:13
uvirtbotNew bug: #260264 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "install of mysql-server and mysql-server-5.0 did not complete properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26026404:16
twbmathiaz: is there any reason I shouldn't replace the latter with a symlink to the former?04:17
twb...since only /etc/ldap.conf is managed by ldap-auth-client (i.e. debconf)04:18
wantoki think it wil break stuff04:19
wantokand if you have a server you have a 3rdd one :04:19
twbwantok: slapd.conf has different stuff04:20
twbI've been making the symlink on my clients for ages, without apparent problems.04:20
twbI'm inclined to do the same on the server.04:20
To1anyone familiar with iptables here ? :)04:21
twbTo1: yes, but not PAROLE.04:21
KenHey everyone05:39
DeranderI am trying to set up postfix/dovecot.  They are functioning, but when I upgraded thunderbird 2 to thunderbird 3, thunderbird refuses to download messages, and gives this error: http://pastie.org/ 257801 .  I'm using IMAPS.05:40
Derander(A very similar error occurs when I attempt to send mail.)05:41
wantokso fix thunderbird :)05:41
wantok(btw, not breaking the link makes life easier on helpers)05:41
Deranderbah, I was having troubles with my client breaking the message onto two lines.  sorry about that.05:42
KenI have a dumb question... I installed ubuntu server with php, mysql, and apache2 on an old box I had laying around. I would like to be able to setup a domain now using it, can this be done easily?05:42
wantokKen: 'set up a domain' meaning?05:42
Deranderwantok: when I was using thunderbird before, it would give me a message about the certificate being 'wrong', but it would still download mail.  I suspect I have a problem with my certificate, but now thunderbird is stricter.05:42
Deranderken: do you have more than one domain?05:43
wantokDerander: the message tells you what the "problem" is. the fix is to make thunderbird less strict05:43
wantokDerander: or buy a cert signed by someone ...05:43
KenI have many that I can use, but I would like to use one for now just for testing purposes05:43
Deranderwantok: alright, I'll downgrade thunderbird - there is no option in 3.05:43
wantokKen: so what do you want to do ... setup a website?05:43
DeranderKen: if you want to use more than one, you'll need vhosts, but for just one, it should work out of the box.05:44
DeranderKen: oohh.. dns *palmface*05:44
Kenvhost, is this something I can setup using apt-get?05:44
Deranderken: it's built in.05:44
wantokKen: i still dont know what you mean by domain05:44
Deranderwantok: he wants to point a domain to his box05:44
KenThanks derander05:45
wantokDerander: ah.05:45
Kentest.com should point to my ubuntu box05:45
* lamont has always read "set up a domain" as "point an A RR in DNS at _that_ IP", which is trivial05:45
Kenah, sorry05:45
wantokKen: i'd suggest goign with vhosts from the start.05:45
lamonthaving done that, the next question is, so what services does said machine want to provide?05:45
wantoklamont: i have a similra though :)05:45
KenIm mainly going to use it for development and having a few team members accessing it.05:46
Kenmight host a wiki05:46
wantokKen: you'll need a static IP to start with, btw05:46
Deranderken: example of virtual hosts http://pastie.org/257804 .- if you're using ubuntu you can shove them in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default05:46
wantokDerander: or in a new file in sites-available - thats sort of the point :)05:46
lamontKen: so what you're saying is you want to set up a web server on the host.  Installing apache got you at least the start of one05:46
Deranderwantok: yeah, but I'm lazy.05:46
wantokDerander: it'll bite you on the arse on day then :)05:47
lamontDerander: more files _IS_ the lazy way05:47
KenYeah, I installed apache, php and mysql just a moment ago using apt-get05:47
Deranderwantok, lamont: I disagree, but I'll agree to disagree05:47
lamontDerander: remind me to never manage a machine you've configured. :-p05:48
wantokDerander: you'll be wrong :P (</bill hicks quote>)05:48
DeranderI know I'm wrong, but more files = more effort FOR ME.05:48
wantokuntil you need to disable one vhost for testing05:48
wantokor move it to a new server (which i spent this am doing here)05:49
* Derander continues muddling around with his cert05:52
DeranderNow the server just doesn't respond.. that is not an improvement05:53
Deranderyeah, this thunderbird alpha client is not bug free! how dare it!05:54
* lamont remains happy that he doesn't use the production version either05:55
Deranderwhat do you use?05:55
lamontmostly mutt05:55
* Derander needs to add some sort of filter that drops emails with attachments > 2 mbs, this is absurd.05:57
DeranderAnywho, thanks for clearing that up for me.  Goodnight05:59
lukehasnonamekirkland: props on the vm-builder script06:34
arakthorScottK, you there?06:37
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mib_p9zuqssuhey all07:08
mib_p9zuqssucan any one help with setting a maxpermsize with java - im just lost on how to even get started07:09
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_rubenhmm .. it seems possible to rename vlan interfaces using 'ip set link vlan0009 name wan0' for example .. to bad that totally confused ifup/ifdown :p09:05
soren_ruben: How so?09:10
_rubensoren: the old name (known in the interfaces file) doesnt really exist any more .. and the new name (which does exist), isnt known in interfaces file09:11
soren_ruben: That hardly counts as ifupdown being confused :)09:12
_rubenmatter of semantics :)09:13
sorenmatter you being mean to it :)09:13
_rubensoren: it just be big boy and handle the asaults :p09:14
_rubenguess i'll just stick with vlanXXXX interface names for now09:14
_rubenthe renaming is rather hackish anyways09:14
_ruben#       up /sbin/ip link set vlan0008 down09:15
_ruben#       up /sbin/ip link set vlan0008 name wan009:15
_ruben#       up /sbin/ip link set wan0 up09:15
_rubenkills the routing table entries as well ;)09:15
sorenSure, you should change it when you create them.09:15
_rubeni wonder if adding to sections to interfaces file might do the trick .. one with the vlanX name, which just gets renamed .. and one with the new name which actually configures it09:17
_rubensoren: do you know what's the proper way of setting up a bond0 without an ip address? its only got tagged vlans on it .. so i just add to it09:18
soren_ruben: You can't just "ifconfig bond0 up"?09:19
_rubenhmm .. wonder if that'd work from within a pre-up for the vlan interface09:20
sorenI think that's a logical place to put it.09:22
_rubenlets give it a try09:22
_rubenhmm .. i'd have to create the bond as well in the pre-up09:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #260298 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "mysql-dfsg-5.0 fail to install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26029809:46
RockHoundhi everyone ... I am really frustrated with cups atm ... I can not add a printer via the webinterface (have not tried another way). Once I select the ppd it just hangs once I click add. This is on 8.04.1 ... any suggestions ... log level debug does not produce any error once it hangs ...10:14
RockHoundthat happens even with raw printers10:14
RockHoundany hint on where I could look furhter?10:16
RockHoundargh ... should have googled before brain farting10:33
RockHoundworks flawlessly with konquorer ... firefox3 just hangs ...10:54
Bryan_SierraI keep seeing what Google results tell me is a disk about to fail. However, when I take it of this computer and stick it in another, it runs fine.10:56
Bryan_SierraIs there any other reason for this? (The error is ata2.01: status: { DRDY }10:57
Bryan_SierraDrives on the same IDE channel work fine btw. And I've even put other drives in on the same cable, and it works just fine. (Only thing I haven't tried hardware wise was to move it onto another channel. But that would require massive headaches, so I would like to keep that as a last resort.)10:58
RockHoundBryan_Sierra: any smart results that look way out of bounds?11:00
Bryan_SierraNo smart results no. I had a partion out of the header range (I believe it was the header range at any rate.) but once I reformated it went away.11:00
Bryan_Sierramaybe it was cylindars. At any rate no smart results issue. I even ran the seagate diagnostics on it. Reported back as "Fine"11:01
Bryan_SierraI assume it's a driver issue11:05
Bryan_Sierrabecause this was on a server, I used one of the channels for the CD, then added a HD once the install was done.11:05
Bryan_SierraOkay, now for something that might help a lot more:The drive is a slave drive, but in fdisk; both of them are gone.11:10
Bryan_SierraShould I go to ubuntu for this or :O?11:12
RockHoundwhat kernel?11:14
Bryan_Sierraso, anything I can do, other than just not use the drive :P11:25
RockHoundit also sounds to me like an ata driver issue ..11:26
RockHoundsee if the kernel in Proposed repository helps11:27
Bryan_SierraWell I was just thinking that since I added this drive after I installed, that maybe it just wasn't recognising it and that I could just...I dunno...re install the driver or something :z11:28
Bryan_SierraDon't even know if that was possible. Never realy ran into this before, so yeah.11:29
lee_when i restart bind9 it gives me an error "/etc/host.conf: line 1: bad command ` radius localhost"11:32
lee_need help11:33
thefishlee_: looks like you put stuff that was meant to be in /etc/hosts into host.conf11:35
lee_a okay will change it and try again11:35
thefishlee_: that 192.168.... line should go in your /etc/hosts file instead i would guess11:37
thefishyour hostname is radius and ip is if so, that line is for /etc/hosts (i would remove the localhost bit, as that should already be on the line starting
lee_i have changed it but still cant get apache 2 to work like i want it11:42
thefishlee_: your hosts.conf has very little to do with apache11:42
thefishyou want to be able to go to http://hostname/ instead of http://ip.add.res.ss ?11:43
lee_no want to be able to tipe in www.zarshare.co.za on lan and not
thefishlee_: you want to do this from just your local lan i assume11:44
lee_yes want 4 web pages on lan11:45
thefishok, do you have a dns server on the lan at the moment?11:46
lee_yes but it is a pice of windows &^$%#11:46
thefishno problem, it will still work11:46
thefishyou have 2 options:11:46
thefish1: use the windows dns server11:46
thefish2: install and configure a new dns server (maybe bind) somewhere, then reconfigure all the clients to use this new dns server. Then make sure it replicates all the dns stuff needed for AD11:47
thefishi guess you use ad as well11:47
thefishif not its slightly easier11:48
lee_i am new at ubuntu would like to get server up and running as i have to install 4 servers at clients running lan webpages11:49
thefishbind > +-5 can be a part of AD dns afaik, but ive never tried it11:49
thefishok and the clients also have windows dns servers?11:49
lee_no clients dont have server11:50
thefishi would recommend a very simple solution: add the zarshare.co.za zone to your windows dns server, then add a new host (A) record pointing www at
lee_want to put down a linux server11:51
thefishok thats fair enough, then at the clients you may want to install bind11:51
thefishremeber that they need dns for internet access as well, so your installation at their side will have to be authorative for the zone you want, as well as doing caching/forwarding for internet hosts11:52
thefishif the sites will never be accessable over the internet, then its easier again, if they will, you need to work on a dns topology11:53
thefishie is not an internet ip, so you may want a "split brain" dns structure: internal dns authorative server points to 192.168..., external authorative server points to for example11:54
thefishyou will need to change the client pc dns configuration as well to use your new dns server11:55
lee_will explain what we want11:55
lee_want to start a local web server on a pc accessable over the internet to host and share files for clients11:56
thefishare you ok with how dns works?11:58
lee_am new with linux11:58
lee_i got apache 2 working after 4 days of reading11:59
thefishwell done11:59
thefishok, this is a very doable project, but i think you may want to read up on a few things first11:59
lee_please give list12:00
thefishpublic and private ip addresses12:00
thefishthe basics:12:00
thefishyou will need to provide dns services to both internal and external clients12:01
thefishone set will access the server with a private ip address, one set with a public12:01
thefishthere are a few ways around this12:01
thefishone is "split brain" dns12:01
thefishyou could also set up a dmz, and have the web server in that with the same ip for public and private (needs a bit of routing setup)12:02
thefishyou havent considered hosting the stuff externally?12:02
lee_not in South Africa12:02
thefishi hear ya12:03
lee_u in sa12:03
thefishused to be ;)12:03
thefishstill deal with one or two servers there though12:04
lee_were u now12:04
thefishuk, with all the other saffers :D12:04
lee_u mean furs and lids12:04
lee_saffers soulerds12:05
lee_flat noses and blue gums12:05
thefishstill dont get it :/12:06
thefishremeber with your setup that you also have the unbelievable reliability of telkom if you host on the back on a local office connection12:06
thefishthats not to mention the daily power cuts12:07
lee_no power cuts here the head of eskom lives two houses away12:07
lee_flat noses = saffers12:07
lee_blue gums = the ligher dark half of the population12:08
thefishuseful to have the eskom matey close by12:10
lee_got one power cut for round about 15 min12:10
thefishfair enough12:10
thefishif i was there id open a UPS and generator shop12:11
lee_to late like all cape town business men u can buy a ups or generator at any cafe12:12
lee_so how is work that side12:13
thefishnot bad12:13
lee_and the weather12:14
thefishdont ask12:14
nxvlgood morning12:22
thefishhi nxvl12:25
nxvlzul: morning12:50
nxvlkirkland: commented @ update-motd12:53
nxvlkirkland: i still can't try the debconf thing, i think it may be for some component missing12:53
nxvlbut anyway i'm not a debconf expert12:53
kirklandnxvl: hmm12:54
kirklandnxvl: perhaps it's that the translations haven't been performed yet?12:54
nxvlnop, english system12:55
nxvltry it using a chrrot12:55
nxvli'm trying it from a pbuilder one12:56
nxvlkirkland: it should me something missing, like ncurses, or something12:57
nxvlwhat it's odd is that it doesn't show me any warning or error message12:57
serwouAnyone got a problem, got 2 hours to waste at work ;)13:13
_rubenserwou: yeah .. not enough money in my bank account, can you fix that for me?13:16
serwouaptitude install money ? ;)13:34
serwouyou should open a new bug13:35
serwouI can confirm it also _ruben ;)13:35
bogey-serwou: its "sudo apt-get install money $$ echo "teh lulz""13:37
bogey-$$ = &&13:37
pschulz01Evening all.13:48
pschulz01apt-cache search money..13:48
* delcoyote hi14:18
zulare we doing any for ubuntu dev week thingy?14:47
nxvlzul: as in?14:47
zullike a session14:48
nxvlzul: i think mathiaz is the right person to ask14:48
nxvlzul: he always run the server sessions14:48
nxvli will run a session if get the answer i'm waiting for and start in my new job that week14:48
nxvlin my current job i can't14:49
mathiazzul: are you working on mysql FTBS ?15:09
mathiazKoon: do you have your tomcat6 source package somewhere ?15:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #260396 in samba (main) "cifs.mount: mapchars + utf8 = loop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26039615:11
mathiazKoon: your .diff.gz ?15:11
mathiazKoon: applying your interdiff makes my head hurt15:11
zulmathiaz: yep the libtool mess?15:11
serwouwell, gtg, CU15:11
Koonmathiaz: I will post it on the bug, only 14k15:12
mathiazzul: yeah - I uploaded kirkland patch for mailx suggest yesterday and it FTBS15:12
zulmathiaz: lemme guess its complaining about tags and CXX right?15:13
kirklandmathiaz: i saw that...  i don't see how that patch would have broke the build15:13
zulkirkland: its because of libtool15:13
mathiazzul: yop15:13
mathiazkirkland: right - it's not your patch - it's the new libtool15:14
kirklandmathiaz: gotcha, i figured it had to be a problem with the build system15:14
mathiazWe'll be flooded with FTBS once infinity will do a complete archive rebuild15:15
zulhence why I said libtool die eariler ;)15:15
mathiazKoon: great - that will be very helpful15:15
sorenif anyone wants a moment of fame (and a big hug), a patch for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lilo/+bug/260059 would be a good way.. *nudge* *nudge*15:15
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 260059 in lilo "lilo needs to warn if initrd is too large" [Critical,New]15:15
Koonmathiaz: done. Anything wrong with my full interdiff, or they just suck in general ?15:16
zulmathiaz: there is an updated mysql in debian that has a couple of security fixes that I think we should have as well15:16
mathiazKoon: they just suck in general15:16
mathiazzul: well - I saw a post from the debian maintainer that he package the latest version from Mysql 5.0.67 IIRC15:16
zuloh really?15:17
mathiazzul: but it won't be uploaded to debian since the archive is frozen15:17
zulmathiaz: yeap15:17
mathiazzul: so I was wondering if we should take his package instead15:17
zulmathiaz: does it build?15:17
mathiazzul: I don't know - I've just seen norbert's blog post about it15:18
zulmathiaz: ok15:19
mathiazzul: http://tretkowski.de/blog/archives/418-MySQL-5.0.67-not-uploaded-to-Debian.html15:19
zulsoren: if you get me patch today and upload for inrepid and do an SRU today (when I get a breather) ;)15:20
zulmathiaz: lemme see about that one15:21
zulsoren: sorry lilo15:22
sorenzul: Yes, I understood that much :)15:23
zulsoren: if you get me a patch I can do it then15:23
sorenzul: Heh :) What I want is for someone to write the patch :)15:24
zulsoren: meh...15:24
zuluse grub ;)15:24
* soren kicks zul15:24
zulmathiaz: 5.0.67 builds fine15:25
mathiazzul: Ok go !15:28
zulkirkland: update-motd?15:35
kirklandzul: yeah, please15:35
zulkirkland: had a look at my notes?15:35
* kirkland grumbles about revu not sending email....15:35
kirklandzul: lemme do that15:35
ScottKkirkland: There's a mailing list that sends all the comments.15:36
kirklandScottK: interesting....15:36
kirklandzul: okay, copyright fixed15:38
zulkirkland: cool...i wasnt sure about that though15:38
kirklandzul: added changelog to docs, but didn't think it was necessary, because my rules does         dh_installchangelogs ChangeLog15:38
kirklandzul: actually, i don't think it should be in both places15:39
kirklandzul: also, i think we should keep the init script; it makes turning this on/off and getting status easier15:40
zulits kind of overkill dont you think?15:41
kirklandzul: no15:42
kirklandzul: how would a user temporarily disable update-motd?15:42
mathiazKoon: tomcat6 uploaded15:42
zulkirkland: run dpkg-reconfigure maybe?15:43
kirklandzul: and you think that would be better than "service update-motd stop" ?15:43
zulkirkland: yeah you are installing one less file and the init script seems a little odd for me for a cron job basically15:44
kirklandzul: the other thing is that the init script makes it possible to turn on/off non-interactively15:46
kirklandzul: in case you had a script where you wanted to disable/enable it15:46
kirklandzul: dpkg-reconfigure would have to ask you interactive questions15:46
zulkirkland: gotcha I trust your judgement though, call me old school I guess ;)15:47
kirklandzul: i suppose i could remove it, if it really really really grossly offends you.... but i think it's nice to have15:47
zulkirkland: it doesnt offend me at all it just seems odd to me but if you think users would want it then that would be fine with me15:48
kirklandzul: i do.15:49
zulkirkland: cool beans then15:49
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kirklandzul: what do I need to do next?16:03
zulkirkland: I believe you get two acks by MOTUs and then get it uploaded to universe16:04
zulill ack right now16:05
kirklandzul: cool.16:05
kirklandmathiaz: kees: soren: could one of you do the other ack for update-motd, if I've sufficiently addressed your concerns?16:05
zulKoon: tomcat6 MIR stuff is next on my list after I get mysql done16:06
Koonzul: i'll subscribe ubuntu-mir before I go for the weekend... just unsubscribe them if there is an obvious showstopper16:08
zulKoon: ok16:08
uvirtbotNew bug: #260424 in samba (main) "Incorrect hyperlink in samba-docs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26042416:31
bogey-When using apt-get remove squid squid-common I am having a problem of squid NOT install the files I manually deleted. How do I force this?17:00
jmedinabogey-: remove removes files donesnt nstalls them17:01
jmedinaor you mean: after removing config files manally, removing packages with apt-get remove and reinstalling, config files are not installed?17:03
bogey-jmedina: I meant that i removed them and deleted some files, then I tried to apt-get install squid and they dont replace the files17:03
jmedinabogey-: I already got in to those problems, never knew how to solve it17:18
jmedinawhat I did is copy squid and squid-common from /var/cache/apt/archives17:18
jmedinaextrac the .deb with ar and then copy the files to /etc/squid/17:19
arakthordoes using apt-get --purge remove pkgx pkgy     followed by apt-get install pkgx pkgy   work?17:19
jmedinaarakthor: not afaik, because there is nothing to purge, they were alredy manually deleted17:21
arakthorman the ubuntu is pretty slow17:25
arakthoror is it just me?17:25
jmedina"the ubuntu" ?17:27
jmedinasame here17:27
arakthorheh, just timed out for me now17:30
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krauthow do i get access with knoppix to a softraid?19:11
krautis mdadm --assemble /dev/md2 /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb3 incorrect?19:12
ju_I'm nearly killing me fixing some postfix problem here19:22
ju_is here some postfix geek?19:22
dtsdoes anyone know when tomcat6 will come out?19:27
dts* will become part of main19:27
zuldts: soon19:31
leonelScottK: Working now  on clamav-daemon  MIR19:34
keesare fresh hardy installs missing /etc/inittab?19:35
zulkees: uuuuuuuuuuuh.....they shouldnt19:36
dtswhat's the best way to install tomcat6 now?19:36
keeszul: no package seems to provide it...19:37
zulnm I dont have it in my chroot either19:37
zuldts: from the archive its still in universe19:38
keesanyway, lack of inittab surprised some random script of mine while it was looking for the default runlevel.  :P19:38
* kees worked around it19:38
dtszul what do you mean?19:39
zuldts: apt-get install tomcat619:39
dtszul: could not find package19:39
zuldts: enable universe in your /etc/apt/sources.lists apt-get update and apt-get install tomcat619:40
dts(sorry this is my first time doing it on the -server eddition with commandline)19:43
docta_vany syslog-ng guys in here?19:44
docta_vi want to suppress a particular message from snmpd19:44
docta_vgetting all these "truncated 32 bit integer" crap19:45
docta_vwhich supposedly is getting fixed in a newer package... but i backported the 8.04 snmpd to 7.04 and still getting the error so i just want to filter it out19:45
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dtszul the pastebin shows that my universe is enabled, correct? how come i can't find the tomcat6 package?19:58
zulapt-cache search tomcat19:59
zulit should be there check the forums19:59
dtsi only see tomcat5.520:00
zulshould be there check wiki.ubuntu.com20:01
ScottKleonel: MIR are by source package, so clamav is what we need done.20:24
leonelScottK: ok and that must be done working in intrepid  right ?20:39
ScottKIt should be based on the Intrepid packaging.20:39
ScottKYou don't need to be running Intrepid to write the MIR.20:39
nxvlkirkland: uploading update-motd22:04
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