
refriedbeanson vista, my fan runs a lot more rapidly00:00
refriedbeanson ubuntu, my hardware seems to be more laid back00:00
kernnandookay.. but still i have downloaded a plugin for amsn.. its a music plugin so it displays the now playing feature of msn... anyway if i try to do chmod +x music-1.5.zip it says no such file directory ... but its there00:00
fsufitchJordan_U:  is there any way to ensure my system *only* uses ram if ram is available? (which it will almost always be)00:00
Saladinrefriedbeans: Ubuntu uses nowhere near as much resources as Vista, even with all the Compiz effects running. Like I said, Ubuntu FTW. You sound just like me when I made the move to Ubuntu. ^_^00:01
wols_disable swap00:01
tyg13can i allocate a program less ram to run on?00:01
rrrunning setti@home to get my PC with vista running00:01
wols_tyg13: no00:01
failureis disabling swap a good idea?00:01
bastid_raZortyg13; are you referring to virtualbox?00:02
refriedbeansomg i know, ubuntu is like xp, but a million times better00:02
bastid_raZorkernnando; you're typing the path/to/file incorrectly?00:02
obf213refriedbeans, yes dude it was m4a file00:02
PokshunFriends, I have just changed a user's group membership.. but when I do "groups myuser" it still shows the old groups. what do I have to do for the changes to take effect?00:02
TheaxiomIs there a hotkey combo to switch between desktops?00:02
wols_bastid_raZor: talk about warez elsewhere please00:02
refriedbeanswhen i first discovered Ubuntu, i was shocked at how fast it ran00:02
obf213refriedbeans, it like causes 90 percecnt of my screen to go black with little white strips00:02
obf213and i have to cold restart00:02
tyg13tyg13: no I'm running john the ripper and its taking almost all of my resources. BTW i'm running john because I saw something about google hacks which led to DES hashes etc. etc.00:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about renice00:02
wols_tyg13: use renice00:02
refriedbeansare you serious? yeah right. i would rather get a mac, and then install ubuntu on another partition00:02
refriedbeansi have nothing against pc's, just windows00:03
ScheissDrogendoes that viideo work for you ?http://www.movierumor.com/watchonline/24/Michael-Clayton00:03
Saladinwols_: I just checked the netstst, and a couple of things: First, how can I tell what is an upload stream? Secondly, something that seems strange on the streams is this: " /tmp/orbit-matt/linc-18a6-0-66aba4111d92b" as I have no idea what it is. Any ideas?00:03
wols_orbit is a ORB. what is the other endpoint?00:03
=== obf213 is now known as obf214
wols_orbit is used by gnome bonobo. what was your netstat commandline to check?00:04
tyg13Is there a way to search the package database using aptitude?00:04
Saladinwols_: I just typed in netstat on the command line00:04
tyg13something like apt-find or apt-search?00:04
wols_tyg13: aptitude search00:04
Jordan_Ubastid_raZor: This might be helpful http://vu1tur.eu.org/tools/00:05
wols_Saladin: wrong way. that /tmp thing is a local unix socket not a program00:05
refriedbeansi'm taking up 502 MB of RAM so far, and using 50% CPU power, but i can understand because i have multiple programs open00:05
carandraugtyg13: yes. aptitude search00:05
wols_not even a network thing00:05
refriedbeansfor music, internet browsing, im, etv00:05
refriedbeansugh, etc lol00:05
wols_refriedbeans: using 50% cpu is bad00:06
Odd-rationalerefriedbeans: + compiz?00:06
Saladinwols_: Okay. What command SHOULD I use?00:06
refriedbeansi have compiz on yes00:06
wols_Saladin: sudo netstat -anp00:06
tyg13I'm currently up to 100% but I have jtr running00:06
wols_Saladin: and only look at tcp and udp connections00:06
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JordanWould anyone be able to give me a bit of help? I think I've successfully broken my computer. :)00:06
wols_!ask | Jordan00:06
ubottuJordan: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:06
refriedbeansok, i got rid of the special graphics00:07
Jordan_UJordan_U: Just state your problem, and try not to get too confused with nicks if I help you :)00:07
wols_Jordan_U: you seem to be very confused yourself...00:07
Jordan_UJordan: Looks like I was the first to get confused ... :)00:07
refriedbeansyep i knew it. firefox was taking up the cpu power00:07
JordanHaha, no problem.00:07
tyg13damn firefox :(00:07
wols_damn flash rather00:08
refriedbeansthats why i have opera on here too00:08
tyg13I have only XChat running and I'm up to 100% still CPU00:08
refriedbeansyeah, i was on youtube a second ago on firefox00:08
refriedbeansi'm around 10-20% now00:08
JordanWhen I try to install updates using the package manager I get the error message "dpkg was interrupted, you  must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to solve the problem". When I do that it spits out a really long error message, about 30 or 40 lines and still doesn't work.00:08
tyg13I'm going to say from experience that that is VERY BAD..00:09
Odd-rationalerefriedbeans: flash takes up a lot of cpu...00:09
wols_!errors | Jordan_U00:09
ubottuJordan_U: If you have problems or errors, you will need to describe/paste them. Please use the !pastebin for errors that cannot be quoted in a single IRC message00:09
wols_Jordan_U: the dpkg-reconfigure -a  errors00:09
refriedbeansOdd-rationale: i definitely learned that from using vista lmao00:09
Jordan_Uwols_: Wrong nick :)00:09
wols_refriedbeans: do you have a ubuntu support question?00:09
wols_refriedbeans: this is not a vista or XP channel. talk about it is OT00:09
tyg13!errors | tyg1300:11
ubottutyg13, please see my private message00:11
will00hardy is saying that my hard drive is full, i only keep the operating system on this disk and mount everything else of massive drives i have in addition to it.iv used the disk usage analyzer and it comes up with 11.3 gigs have been used, but everything else thinks that iv used all 70.900:11
will00any ideas as to the problem?00:11
refriedbeanswols_: whats the OT room channel?00:11
wols_will00: df00:11
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:11
ubottuScheissDrogen, please see my private message00:11
Saladinwols_: Thank you, that gives MUCH better results. The two anomalies seem to be the following PID/Program names - 5546/cupsd and 4917/named00:11
will00wols: df?00:11
refriedbeanswols_: thank you00:11
tyg13I'm only running XChat, how come my CPU is all the way maxxed?00:11
wols_cupsd printer program. named DNS daemon00:11
pmagik101how do I see what device/app is using my sound card?00:11
wols_Saladin: why do you run named?00:11
Odd-rationaleScheissDrogen: /msg ubottu ot might be the easier way... ;)00:11
pmagik101whatever it is its preventing me from playing sound00:11
wols_tyg13: check top00:11
Saladinwols_: I didn't know I was. Lol.00:11
napsterany one know how to install automatrix2?00:11
wols_Saladin: uninstall it00:11
bastid_raZorJordan_U; thank, i'm looking at that now. unsure if that'll work since the file is .iso format already but we'll see. i'm assuming it was saved on a mac hence the issues i'm having00:11
tyg13wols_: top?00:11
wols_napster: not supported at all00:11
wols_tyg13: yes00:11
Jordan_Upmagik101: try "fuser /dev/snd/*"00:11
JordanOkay, sorry for sounding stupid but how do I paste the error message if it's too long for a single IRC message?00:11
Saladinwols_: Okay. How? And what does it do?/Why is it bad?00:11
Odd-rationale!paste | Jordan00:11
ubottuJordan: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:11
wols_!paste | Jordan_U00:11
ubottuJordan_U: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:11
wols_Saladin: it00:12
ScheissDrogenOdd-rationale:i always mess with ubu-ot or the other way00:12
tyg13wols_: I've only been running ubuntu for a few weeks. What is top?00:12
wols_Saladin: it's a DNS server. and how do you install and uninstall packages?00:12
tyg13type top?00:12
wols_tyg13: man top00:12
tyg13okay, I found the problem00:12
wols_Saladin: did you install ubuntu server?00:13
tyg13how do I kill john-mmx00:13
wols_tyg13: why would you? but: man killall00:13
Saladinwols_: Nope.00:13
carandraugtyg13: kill -9 john-mmx or killall john-mmx00:13
casao_Ubuntu is no longer detecting my wifi card, and saying i have no proprietary drivers installed even though i'm using madwifi00:13
tyg13now its cleared up00:13
backenfuttertyg13, pkill john-mmx00:13
tyg13thank you00:13
SladeIf anyone here uses Cairodock, can u tell me where i can get more cairo-dock themes?00:13
bastid_raZorJordan_U; the readme on that page gives :: modprobe hfsplus then mount -t hfsplus -o loop file.img /mountpoint   .. that may be a value for your future helpings00:14
pmagik101Jordan_U, ok that showed me the ps's that used sound00:14
wols_Jordan: gzip: stdout: No space left on device00:14
wols_Jordan: disk full00:14
pmagik101but after killing them it didn't work00:14
TazzY-hey all00:14
FirefisheI get a boot error when I try to boot to my 2gb usb drive with 8.04 ubuntu on it.  It brings up the boot manager, but won't recognize the image.00:14
TazzY-dudes need some help with eeexubuntu00:14
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC00:15
Jordanwols_: I have 142 GB free space.00:15
Jordan_Ubastid_raZor: Not sure if I understand you wrong or if you didn't notice that you run that *after* converting the .dmg file to a .img file00:15
wols_Jordan: no you don00:15
wols_Jordan: no you don't. df -h00:15
casao_Hi, fairly major problem once again - ubuntu has decided that i no longer have a wifi card in my laptop, that makes it fairly unusable00:15
TazzY-wols_, i cant download with mozila00:16
Odd-rationaleJordan: this might help clean up some space: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14092000:16
bastid_raZorJordan_U; right, i understand that. i was giving you the command to get it mounted after converting. for a FYI. thanks for the page.00:16
TazzY-wols_, i cant use right click :(00:23
refriedbeanswhat the hell00:23
JordanThanks for the help everyone, I'll go download another copy of the live CD. Cheers!00:23
ketawhere another party can see and hear me00:23
ketais ekiga free?00:23
Saladinwols_: I tried searching for the named package, but can't find it. Do you know what it is?00:23
refriedbeansaahh, bot flood00:23
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit00:23
wols_keta: yes. the SIP provider to phone a landline is not however00:23
Saladinketa: Try Skype?00:23
Hyuukaiive installed tightvnc-java tightvncserver and xtightvncviewer00:23
ketai have no landline00:23
TazzY-wols_, i cant use right click :(00:23
ketai just wanna use a web cam over an IM serivce, what can i use00:23
wols_Hyuukai: so you haven't installed tightvnc, have you?00:23
ketaskype doesnt work on 64bit00:23
wols_keta: but in a 32bit schroot00:23
starenkahullo, any tips for db-modelling package (other than db - bussiness etc welcomed). to put it simply i need smthng like Db-designer or PowerDesigner.. thx00:23
ketawols_: how do i do such00:24
floppyearshi guys00:24
Saladinketa: Have you tried aMSN? That gives webcam support.00:24
ketaSaladin: let me try00:24
Hyuukaiwell according to synpatic there isnt just a tightvnc so im guessing i should just that command to tightvncserver00:24
floppyearscan somebody recommend me a good entry level nvidia video card that has great support in ubuntu ?00:24
floppyearswhat do you guys use ?00:24
RyanPriorWhere is the user data for Rhythmbox stored?00:24
wols_floppyears: any except the 9xxx ones00:24
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JL1213Ok. So I am still having problems getting Ubuntu online with Wifi. I've done what the wifi docs states to do, and it will register that there are networks around, but it won't connect to any of them.00:24
Terralthrathe 7xxx and 8xxx are both good00:24
geniifloppyears: I have both a 7600GT and an 8800GTS, they both work great00:24
wols_genii: ENTRY level00:25
=== awflame is now known as AWhiteFlame
Odd-rationaleRyanPrior: ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox00:25
bastid_raZorfloppyears; i have a 7600GT that works after you enable the restricted drivers manager. very simple and easy00:25
failureAnybody have a solution to having Debian Installer choose Arabic as its default langauge, even though the preseed file explains that it should be using english?00:25
Hyuukaiok its installed aright i did  sudo dpkg -L tightvncserver00:25
geniiwols_: Note the 7600GT00:25
=== AWhiteFlame is now known as awflame
Hyuukaibut i dunno where to run it from00:25
TazzY-How can i use Save target us without right click?00:25
wols_genii: try to find one still...00:25
wols_TazzY-: disable javascript00:25
Odd-rationaleTazzY-: you can use a lot of tabs and the right-click key on your keyboard.... :P00:26
lenswipeHow do i00:26
floppyearsthanks guys00:26
lenswipeHOw do i send SMTP e-mail if my ISP blocks port 2500:26
lenswipeanyone know?00:26
lenswipeor have any ideas?00:27
hacky_zack23how do i stop x-chat from auto joining freenode and #ubuntu?00:27
lenswipec'mon guys im really stuck with this00:27
wols_lenswipe: use a smarthost, like gmail and deliver the mail to port 58700:27
TazzY-wols_, where i can found the options for java scripts? sorry :-00:27
RyanPriorOdd-rationale: thank you.00:27
Odd-rationaleRyanPrior: np00:27
lenswipewols: tyvm, what mail server should i use? Will sendmail do ok?00:27
Hyuukaiso how do i run tightvncserver? sorry im new to ubuntu00:27
wols_lenswipe: never ever use sendmail00:27
wols_lenswipe: NEER00:27
wols_use exim4 or postfix00:27
lenswipewols: Do tell..00:27
RyanPriorOdd-rationale: how come Rhythmbox tries to import PDFs and reports import errors?00:28
lenswipewhy shouldnt i use sendmail?00:28
rrthey dont want you to use mailservers00:28
lenswiperr: obv00:28
wols_lenswipe: cause you're not capable of configuring it, will botch it and be an open relay or create other security holes00:28
lenswipewols: Although you are right how do you know im not capable of configuring it?00:28
JL1213@lenswipe: Use an SMTP that isn't on port 25. try GMX.00:28
Odd-rationaleRyanPrior: idk, does it do this when there are .pdf's in the library folder?00:29
TazzY-wols_,  founded buw doesent work :(00:29
RyanPriorOdd-rationale: positive00:29
rrlocked out for o month, bot00:29
TazzY-wols_,  i think my right click is dead :(00:29
wols_lenswipe: you didn't know the answer to your problem. a sendmail admin who is capable would know it in his sleep00:29
Odd-rationaleRyanPrior: let me try that...00:29
lenswipewols: kk, so is it easy to work the other two00:29
wols_lenswipe: no. NO mailserver is easy. never ever. but some are worse than others00:29
darkblue_Bsomething is screwy with my XHOST.. last night I had to add a ahck to get another login to run a JAVA GUI program over VNC.. xhost +... at the end, they told me to run XHOST -.. so I did00:29
darkblue_Bnow I cant seem to logn with vnc00:30
Terralthrasendmail is a black hole00:30
wols_darkblue_B: do NOT use xhost. ever00:30
lenswipewols: so what would be your reccomendation to a noobie who just wants to send newsletter, no frills00:30
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
Terralthrafrom which no admin escapes alive00:30
FirefisheJL1213:  Are you being helped?00:30
TazzY-wols_, ? please00:30
Hyuukaidarkblue do u use tightvnc?00:30
darkblue_Bwols_: a little late for that..00:30
wols_lenswipe: I won't complain myself endlessly. either you read what I tell you or you solve your own problems00:30
darkblue_BHyuukai: no this is the built in screen sharing00:30
wols_darkblue_B: never too late to stop using security holes00:30
Hyuukaioh ok00:30
Odd-rationaleRyanPrior: i guess because rhythmbox doesn't like pdf's ? :P00:31
wols_darkblue_B: vnc doesn't care about xhost00:31
lenswipewols: im just asking which one you reccoemdn to a noobie, whats a good one to start with00:31
uyuyuyuuylag test applicant any for ubuntu00:31
darkblue_BI wonder what t is then...00:31
Hyuukaiah ok00:31
darkblue_BI can ssh in...00:31
wols_lenswipe: please stop talking to me. I answered you already. you don't read what I tell you, I don't want to read what you write me. goodbye00:31
Hyuukaiwhat would be a command to run tightvnc server00:31
RyanPriorOdd-rationale: It just feels like bitching and moaning, I think.00:31
GillpyI can see that lots of linux documentation is formatted with PREV in the top left, and NEXT in the top right. Is there a program for formatting html like this?00:31
lenswipewols: sooorry, no need to be rude00:31
RyanPriorOdd-rationale: were you able to reproduce the bug?00:31
SaladinDoes anyone know what aplay is? I have about 8 instances of this process running, each taking 10% CPU. When I end/kill the processes, they just come back. Any ideas, as it is killing my computer.00:32
wols_Hyuukai: man knows. /usr/share/doc/<package> does too00:32
wols_Saladin: man aplay00:32
TazzY-Odd-rationale, how can i download something without use save target us.my right click is down:(00:32
JL1213Ok. So I am still having problems getting Ubuntu online with Wifi. I've done what the wifi docs states to do, and it will register that there are networks around, but it won't connect to any of them.00:32
wols_Saladin: alsaplay or such00:32
JL1213If no one knows, let me know.00:32
FirefisheJL1213:  pm me00:32
wols_TazzY-: find out the url, use wget <url>00:32
Saladinwols_: Okay; any idea why I would have so many instances of it?00:32
darkblue_Bok, trying tightvnc.. but I wonder why the built-in VNC stooepd working right around now00:32
wols_Saladin: something calls it. how would I know what? man pstree00:32
Odd-rationaleTazzY-: easy, get a new mouse!00:33
TazzY-Odd-rationale, im on eeepc lol00:33
Hyuukaiwols thanks for trying to help maybe i am a moron but we all start somewhere sorry i am new to ubuntu and sorry i didnt realise that i needed permision to send a private message00:34
Odd-rationaleTazzY-: have any usb mouse?00:34
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
TazzY-Odd-rationale, nope.. and i need to download something for school00:34
ValentineXHi I got samba file alpha 4 version in .tar.tar extension how to install/handle it?00:34
wols_ValentineX: why would you?00:34
CShadowRunDoes anyone have more than one X Screen? If so do you know how to get the notification area to work? it appears to be a well-known bug.00:35
Odd-rationaleTazzY-: link?00:35
ketaok. i checked the cams section on ubuntu site and bought a cam that works out of the box. but its not working at all. where do i start00:35
wols_!webcams | keta00:35
ubottuketa: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:35
Terralthraketa - is it showing up in device manager?00:35
ValentineXTazzY-: I am also school student nice to see another ubuntu school fan :D00:35
ValentineXwols_:  what?00:35
speeneri have a question? when i fetch all the cover art for my music, does it save the images in the same dir as the file?00:36
WDCHey I am getting this error: Nautilus cannot handle computer: locations.00:36
wols_ValentineX: you heard me. why would you want samba4 alpha?00:36
speenerwill all the album art be available for other players? including those in windows?00:36
wols_speener: depends how it works. why don't you check yourself?00:36
Odd-rationalespeener: using rhythmbox?00:36
palomerhow do I put a 0 before every file name in a directory?00:36
ketaTerralthra: dont know where that is. but im installing v4l info now00:36
ValentineXwols_:  I don't  have samba for file sharing isntalled in my ubuntu that's why I downloaded it from internet :)00:36
floppyearshi guys00:37
Snarescan someone give me a pastebin of their sources.list? I broke mine00:37
floppyearswhat's a good media player for ubuntu ?00:37
speenerwols_: well because i just started doing it and i wanted to see if anyone else knew00:37
wols_ValentineX: bad move. apt-get samba00:37
Snareswell I didn't break it, but I need a default one00:37
speenerit would make things a bit easier00:37
floppyearsI installed ubuntu for a non-geek friend so something user friendly is what I'm looking for00:37
Odd-rationaleSnares: just use the System --> admin --> software sources utility00:37
Snaresoh cool00:37
ValentineXwols_:  apt-get give that invalid package etc something like that :(00:37
WDCfloppyears: What's wrong with the included one?00:37
Odd-rationalespeener: using rhythmbox?00:37
wols_!errors | ValentineX00:37
ubottuValentineX: If you have problems or errors, you will need to describe/paste them. Please use the !pastebin for errors that cannot be quoted in a single IRC message00:37
speenerOdd-rationale: amarok00:37
Odd-rationalespeener: ok. i don't know how that works...00:38
floppyearsWDC: there's a bunch, I'm wondering which I should suggest to him00:38
floppyearsWDC: I guess the problem is choice :)00:38
SnaresOdd-rationale: how exactly do I use that to restore my sources.list to normal00:38
WDCfloppyears: "Movie Player" should be JUST fine.00:38
ValentineXwols_:  owh I can't setup phone or modem internet at my ubuntu . every time to test and for errors I boot to ubuntu then I come back at windows for internet :(( ok I will tell of errors later.00:38
Odd-rationaleSnares: just select a mirror and reload00:39
wols_ValentineX: that's no reason to install stuff frm source00:39
TazzY-Odd-rationale, http://www.coffeecup.com/html-editor/download.php?getFile00:39
TazzY-ValentineX, nice to see you :)00:39
ValentineXwols_:  sudo apt-ger samba    or  apt-get samba?00:39
Jordan_Upalomer: rename 's/^/0/' /path/to/directory/*00:39
TazzY-ValentineX, get :)00:39
DekansHow to automatically mount my windows partition at KDE 3 startup ? it's currently handled by KDE without any fstab entry00:40
ValentineXTazzY-:  hehe yup00:40
Odd-rationaleTazzY-: wget http://mercedes.coffeecup.com/CoffeeHTML2008.exe00:40
Dekansto access I have have tu enter my password, it's very anoying00:40
wols_ValentineX: man samba00:40
TazzY-ValentineX,  got messenger ?00:40
speenerOdd-rationale: how does rythmbox handle this issue?00:40
xintronI've got a problem with dbus. WHen starting rhythmbox I get this: (rhythmbox:20099): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: couldn't connect to session bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-zEVS8pzLrK: Connection refused. I've got dbus-daemon --session running and now I got no clue how to get rhythmbox to work properly00:40
wols_Dekans: make an fstab entry?00:40
DekansI'd like to do it with making a fstab entry00:40
ValentineXwols_:  just I type man samba at terminal?00:40
TazzY-Odd-rationale, thanks a lot00:40
wols_ValentineX: you type man apt-get or read a manual00:41
DekansI wonder there must be a simple seting to put right00:41
wols_ValentineX: or help.ubuntu.com to learn how to install stuff00:41
ValentineXwols_:  I don't understand those web sites that's why I come here :-s00:41
jahnkeanaterthere is something wrong with ubuntu on my comp00:41
jahnkeanateri think it might be compiz00:42
Bhaveshi found ( i think) a bug in buntu server with dmraid software00:42
wols_ValentineX: find someone else to prechew and handhold you. goodbye00:42
jahnkeanateri dont have a top thing00:42
Odd-rationalespeener: well, first it checks the local music dir (the one the music file is in) for any png, jpg with the name "cover". If none, then it goes online and downloads a cover and stores it to ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/covers and saves it as "<artist> - <album"00:42
* bastid_raZor laughs.. prechew00:42
ValentineXwols_:  don't get angry thanks :s00:42
jahnkeanaterwith the close button on it00:42
wols_ValentineX: I am not00:42
luks_guys i get an error while im loading xfce4 desktop im using ubuntu had configured gnome and installed xfce4 and i get an error saying that xfce4 cant access desktop folder in /home/user/desktop because its now a folder... any ideas?00:43
Saladinjahnkeanater: Try this in the command line: metacity --replace00:43
bastid_raZorValentineX; the ubuntu pages handhold you.. they tell you in step by step directions how to do almost anything00:43
Bhaveshnormall installation of ubuntu server goes fine, when i install dmraid and it rebuilds the initrd reboot fails00:43
jahnkeanaterwow what is the border called on a window00:43
speenerOdd-rationale: is there a way to save the files in the same dir as the song file?00:43
wols_Bhavesh: do you have a real hardware raid?00:43
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages00:43
pablin31how to install creative xfi in ubuntu 8.04 or module for alsa00:43
Odd-rationalespeener: in amarok, i beleive there was a plugin to do just that... let me see if i can find it...00:43
Saladinjahnkeanater: That will fix it for you. And the border is often called a chrome00:43
jahnkeanaterthanks alot00:43
Bhaveshwols_ nope.. i am trying to use fakeRAID, fyi, same setup worked fine earlier in 8.04 and i actually had raid working but now it's not working00:44
Saladinjahnkeanater: Let me know if you have problems00:44
jahnkeanateri didnt know what to call it00:44
ValentineXwols_:  I am sorry I am a simple user and new at ubuntu its hard for me to use commands and etc :) but I am learning day by day and I am sticking always to my ubuntu :d00:44
jahnkeanaterna it looks fixed00:44
jahnkeanatery did it do that00:44
Saladinjahnkeanater: I'm not sure. It's happened a few times to me, and I've never been able to diagnose the problem.00:45
jahnkeanaterhow often00:45
Odd-rationalespeener: you're not using amarok 2, are you?00:45
jahnkeanateris it compiz00:45
speenerOdd-rationale: nope00:45
Odd-rationalespeener: then this should work: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/CopyCover+(amaroK+Script)?content=2251700:46
jahnkeanaterit was hard to navigate here without the chrome00:46
ketawho was helping me with vwebcam earlier?00:46
Saladinjahnkeanater: Like I said, just a couple of times. And I've been using Ubuntu for nearly a year now. It may be compiz, but I can't be sure. And yeah, it does make it hard.00:46
ketai cant get cam to work. dont know if system is recognizing it00:47
floppyearshi guys00:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about v4l00:47
TazzY-Odd-rationale, where can i found the thing used with wget?00:47
floppyearswhat do you recommend: beagle or deskbar applet ?00:47
jahnkeanaterok then thanks bye00:47
floppyearswhat do you guys use ?00:47
Jordan_Uketa: What program are you using?00:47
Odd-rationaleTazzY-: in the same directory you ran it in00:47
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:47
darkblue_Bok.. more on VNC.. it seems that there is something running on port 5900, but a scan from the outside shows port 5900 on the box as 'closed'... what might have 'closed' port 5900? how can I open it.. (I have sudo.. its a remote machine)00:48
SaladinCheck that link, keta00:48
Odd-rationaleTazzY-: most likely, ~00:48
ketaok. i tried amsn earlier. brb guys, reading the page00:48
darkblue_B.. something meaning, the built in VNC sevrer I think should be working00:49
GillpyI can see that lots of linux documentation is formatted with PREV in the top left, and NEXT in the top right. Is there a program for formatting html like this?00:49
speenerOdd-rationale: thanx man, i'll try it out00:49
Odd-rationalespeener: np00:49
Denisewaht does it mean when u have a message error with dcopserver and teht it says after that it works fine?00:49
lenswipehow do i get phpMail() to use port 587?00:49
lenswipeanyone know?00:49
TazzY-Odd-rationale, thanks a lot :)00:49
Odd-rationaleTazzY-: np00:50
pablin31how to config xfi in ubuntu 8.0400:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about soundcards00:50
lenswipehow to make phpmail() use port 58700:50
Saladinlenswipe: Try editing the phpconfig file?00:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about soundcard00:50
lenswipeSaladin: does that work on ubuntu?00:50
IndyGunFreakpablin31: that device is known for some problems on 8.04.. google should find you some config options to get it working00:50
Saladinlenswipe: I haven't a clue. One would imagine so.00:51
molluskhey guise!00:51
SanketsuI'm looking for a way to easily convert a .txt file from it's normal formatting to <=39 characters for reading on my Nintendo DS via Moonshell, using something readily available in Ubuntu.  Any ideas?00:51
RyanPrioris there an Ubuntu performance / bottleneck test suite similar to Windows Vista's "performance information" program?00:51
Sanketsu*<=39 characters per line00:51
RyanPriorSanketsu: you could do that with sed no problem.00:52
* Sanketsu is quite... inexperienced with things in Ubuntu still.00:52
lenswipeSaladin: cos some things with regard to phpmail() only work with windoze00:52
ketaSaladin: i cant even install easycam00:53
Saladinlenswipe: I see. I'm not entirely sure; I'm not a php master, unfortunately.00:53
RyanPriorSanketsu: are you familiar with the Linux terminal at all?00:53
darkblue_Bok, more clues.. port 5900 is shown as 'closed' by nmap because the router has a port forward for it, but the actual machine dow not have 5900 open.. discovered with nmap localhost on the tagret machine00:53
Saladinlenswipe: I guess you could try it and see what happens?00:54
jahnkeanateryea some pages in my crome or w/e dont have minamize and maximize buttons00:54
rrmore or less should give output to screen file00:54
lenswipeSaladin: well seing as no mail currently works on my server i havent anything to loose, ill give it a try00:54
lenswipewhat the hell! :P00:54
bastid_raZorjahnkeanater; that would be window decorations in compiz00:54
FevrinDoes anyone know of a way to access extra content on a music CD?  When I insert a CD, I can only access the songs, and only from cdda://scd0/; I can't really access a folder with all of the files on the disc, as I can do in Windows, surprisingly.00:55
Saladinlenswipe: Alright. Sorry I couldn't be more help. Let me know if it works.00:55
SaladinFevrin: Does the additional content require Windows?00:55
lenswipeSaladin: thats ok, thanks for the help u did give me00:55
Bhaveshdoes anyone know of any current bug in dmraid or udev that is in that would create corrupted/wrong initrd image file and prevent someone from booting the computer?00:56
abe3kHi, Anyone knows how to make a program run automatically after detecting an internet connection ?00:56
FevrinSaladin: No, it's just .mov files (which of course play fine, with the correct packages installed from Synaptic).00:56
molluskHey to everyone that knows a bit about programming. I have an idea. recently I realized that running my external hard drive to load my music from it was a bit of a pain. So I though of an Idea to sort of fix this issue, although I don't know much about programming. My idea is to take my 14 gigs of music and compress is into a very small format then have something like rhythmbox read it and play them as normal. My format would convert 14 gigs persay into 500:56
mollusk gigs which would be small enough to happly place on my 80 gigs drive. Is there anyone who would be interested in this idea or willing ti make such a format. (not sure if this has been done) Thanks guys can always count on you.00:56
pablin31creative sucks00:56
IndyGunFreakpablin31: no, creative is fine.00:57
pablin31ubuntu sucks00:57
SanketsuRyanPrior: I've been doing some basic things with it, but not too familiar quite yet.00:57
SaladinFevrin: Ah, okay. In that case, I'm not sure.00:57
pablin31creative sucks00:57
FevrinSaladin: Thank you for considering my case.00:58
Odd-rationalemollusk: you can always just use a lower bitrate... :P00:58
jahnkeanateryea i had 3 creative mp3s break00:58
* lenswipe yawns00:58
SaladinFevrin: No worries. In fact, can you see the files on the disc?00:58
opethis there anyway to login to gdm with two usernames? I mean I have two monitors. is it possible to use one gdm on one screen as one user, and other screen as another user.. or something similar?00:58
IndyGunFreakopeth: that would be quite a feat... the easiest way, is hook the other monitor up to another computer.00:59
kitcheopeth: have to create another X.org server00:59
molluskOdd-rationale, yeah but thats no fun. I am into innovation and revolutionary ideas such as my idea which so far I have not found to be true00:59
FevrinSaladin: No.  Well, I can only see the music files (.wav files) in cdda://scd0/, but none of the .mov files.00:59
abe3kis there anyway to make a program run by itself every 10 or 20 minutes ?01:00
wols_abe3k: cronjob01:00
ubuntusrcwhere can i download the sources for my ubuntu hardy heron ??? 2.6.24-19-generic ?01:00
wols_ubuntusrc: same place you downloaded the package01:00
ubuntusrcwhere can i download the kernel sources for my ubuntu hardy heron ??? 2.6.24-19-generic ?01:00
molluskguess no one can carry out my idea...oh well time to make a forum post01:01
speenerOdd-rationale: thanx...it works well, the only thing is that it add the image once a song from the album has been played...01:01
speeneri have over 2000 albums01:01
Hyuukaihow do i run tightvnc?01:01
ubuntusrcwols_: there is only iso images01:01
wols_ubuntusrc: wrong01:01
adminuser//server us.undernet.org01:01
speenerit will eventually happen01:01
Odd-rationalespeener: correct, the scrip runs only when a song from the album is played...01:01
ubuntusrcwols_: i downloaded from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/release/01:01
danhsSeems like cups isn't recognizing foomatic drivers installed to /usr/local/share/foomatic/db/source/printer01:02
wols_mollusk: how do you want to compress 14GB of mp3 into 5GB. what you propose is simply... stupid01:02
Odd-rationalespeener: if you havne't played it yet, then you don't need the cover art... :P01:02
wols_ubuntusrc: that01:02
danhsanyway I can *make* it recognize those drivers?01:02
wols_ubuntusrc: that's the installer cd. not a ubuntu repo01:02
abe3k<wols_>: thanks alot :)01:02
speeneri play most my music...01:02
molluskwols_, explain how this would be stupid?01:02
HyuukaiCan somebody explain to me how i run xtightvncviewer?01:02
Hyuukaioh ok01:02
wols_mollusk: learn about compression before you continue and everybody laughs at you01:02
ubuntusrcwols_: but how can i install this?01:02
yopyop_Hello ppl01:02
wols_ubuntusrc: apt-get source <stuff>01:03
yopyop_Need some help! How 2 compile in 64 plz :D01:03
yopyop_New on buntu01:03
wols_mollusk: so before you propose this, first find out what compression scheme you want to use01:03
wols_yopyop_: install build-essential01:03
Odd-rationaleubuntusrc: well, in system --> admin --> software sources, be sure to enable the sourece code repos. then "sudo apt-get source <packagename>"01:03
wols_!compile | yopyop_01:03
ubottuyopyop_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)01:03
floppyears hi guys01:04
floppyearswhat are some good ubuntu apps to install ?01:04
* speener listens to Pink Floyd - Wish you Were Here01:04
pwnedulongtimewhy have there been no updates for Hardy for a few days...there's usually something every day?01:04
RyanPriorSanketsu: hang with me, I'm trying to figure out how to use sed to do what you want. :-)01:04
danhswols_: do oyu know how I can have cups recognize drivers in /usr/local/share/foomatic/db/source/printer01:04
ubuntusrcOdd-rationale: source from what repositorie?01:04
Odd-rationalefloppyears: everything!01:04
floppyearsI remember f-spot and tomboy01:04
danhsI installed drivers from source....doesn't seem to load them though01:04
wols_danhs: why /usr/local?01:04
RyanPriorfloppyears: that's not a question we can answer, unfortunately. :-)01:04
ubuntusrcwols_: i typed here apt-get install $(uname -r) and this don't download nothing01:04
wols_ubuntusrc: I didn01:04
danhsubuntusrc: tried adding sudo?01:04
Odd-rationaleubuntusrc: no, i mean in the Software Sources utility, enable the source code repos.01:04
wols_ubuntusrc: that is utterly wrong and not what I told you01:04
ubuntusrcdanhs: yes01:04
yopyop_Thanx Wols01:05
floppyearsRyanPrior: any place or website that might have that list ?01:05
ubuntusrcwols_: i typed here apt-get source $(uname -r) and this don't download nothing01:05
yopyop_thanx Wols_01:05
Hyuukaiwols can i please have the permission to pm u?01:05
palomeris there a program to help me find a file in my filesystem?01:05
SanketsuRyanPrior: Thanks.  (I'm looking at wikipedia to find out what sed is...)01:05
RyanPriorfloppyears: Applications -> Add/Remove has a comprehensive list.01:05
wols_ubuntusrc: uname -r is "2.6.24-21" or so. do you know ANY package of that name?01:05
floppyearsthanks RyanPrior01:05
wols_palomer: find, locate, etc01:05
SaladinFevrin: I've tried looking on Google for you, but can't find anything. If there is encryption/DRM, it may require windows to even recognise the additional content. I, of course, am not entirely sure though01:05
ubuntusrcwols_: uname -r here is = 2.6.24-19-generic01:05
wols_ubuntusrc: again, do you know of ANY package of such a name? hint: there isn01:06
kaivarhello room!01:06
wols_isn't one01:06
iki_How can one know whether your USB ports are 2.0 or 1.1?01:06
ichProblem with nvidia-glx-new, a 7900 GT and my nice Ubuntu 7.10 -> after installing and config of xorg.conf "save graphics mode"01:06
Odd-rationaleiki_: whether it is fast ot slow...01:06
wols_iki_: check your mobo manual. check if ehci* is loaded01:06
jahnkeanateryea none of the settings on compiz are working01:07
kaivari was wondering how to get java to work on hardy... i tried tutorials found on the net and on the java website itself but scripts won't load...01:07
user01can someone help me with my thinkpad bios so i can boot ubuntu?01:07
ubuntusrcwols_: yes, i tried linux-source-$(uname -r) and this dont find anything :(01:07
jahnkeanateruser01 ok01:07
* wols_ laughs at mollusk cause he`s so lcueless01:07
wols_ubuntusrc: you didn't say that in the first place. and this is NOT the name of your kernel package either01:08
Hyuukaican anyone tell me how to run xtightubuntuviewer?01:08
jahnkeanateruser01: are you dual booting01:08
Hyuukaii mean xtightvncviewer01:08
wols_Hyuukai: manpage. or how else do you know a program you know the name? you simply TYPE it01:08
yopyop_I got this error when i try yo compile01:08
threethirtyHello all01:08
yopyop_sudo apt-get install automake01:08
yopyop_*** Could not run GLIB test program, checking why...01:08
yopyop_*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the01:08
yopyop_*** exact error that occured. This usually means GLIB is incorrectly installed.01:08
yopyop_configure: error: "Cannot find glib"01:08
ubuntusrcwols_: in the search of apt-cache i only find for this = linux-source-2.6.24 and not linux-source-2.6.24-19-generic, i downloaded this and i can add the module 825001:08
ubuntusrcwols_: *i cant01:09
wols_ubuntusrc: I doubt you want to add this module and neither you you need kernel sources normally to compile a module01:09
wols_ubuntusrc: adding it won't work most probably01:10
threethirtyI was wondering, do the intel GMA 915 gfx card and the wifi chip work in gobuntu?01:10
ichi know this sounds funny but does anyone know how to install a graphics driver for 7900 (nvidia-glx-new) on a Ubuntu 7.10 system... i just dont get this card to run....01:10
user01jahnkeanater, no it doesnt like the hitachi 7200 i put in01:11
Hyuukaiich get envy01:11
ubuntusrcwols_: yes, i need to add this module, and i downloada the package linux-source-2.6.24 and i got to compile (8250.c --> 8250.ko), but when i insmod 8250.ko this fail01:11
user01jahnkeanater, hitachi isnt ibmish enough for it01:11
bigapeIs it legal to put Ubuntu on a PS3?01:11
Hyuukaiyes it is01:11
ichHyuukai, i have already installed envy... it says that my system is not supported :(01:11
ubuntusrcwols_: sorry for my bad english01:11
Flannel!hi | itachi01:11
ubottuitachi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:11
ubuntusrcwols_: but i think that you understand01:11
Hyuukaips3 have allowed linux to be put onto there system and even lisence yellowdog to do so01:11
wols_ubuntusrc: 8250 is a serial controller? RS232C?01:12
Hyuukaiupdate to 8.04?01:12
ubuntusrcwols_: yes01:12
bigapeHyuukai: but can I still access the PS3 system?  I don't need modchips, you mean?01:12
itachihello ubottu01:12
wols_ubuntusrc: you do NOT need a module for this. the end01:12
geniiwols_: Yes01:12
Denisewhat is crazy with pidgin?01:12
Odd-rationale!hi | itachi01:12
ubottuitachi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:12
itachithank you01:12
wols_ubuntusrc: that hardware was supported since about linux 1.x01:12
Hyuukaiyes you can access the ps3 system01:12
ubuntusrcwols_: in my ubuntu version, in the kernel, this is marked with * and not M and i cant add this module01:12
Hyuukaiyou install ubuntu in the other os feature on ps301:13
itachiso whats up01:13
Hyuukaiand it doesnt nothing to affect your ps3 system01:13
ubuntusrcwols_: man... i need this module!!!01:13
wols_ubuntusrc: that means it's COMPILED IN!01:13
floppyearswhat's a good iphoto alternative in ubuntu ?01:13
wols_no you don't01:13
bigapeCan I run Ubuntu live, Hyuukai?01:13
wols_your /boot/vmlinuz* has this module compiled in01:13
genii* instead of M means it's compiled into the kernel and not made into a separate module01:13
threethirtyfloppyears: fsopt is like iphoto01:13
Hyuukaii am not sure but tbh you wouldnt wanna01:13
ubuntusrcwols_: its for my remote control works with the lirc, cause the lirc_serial never work with my control01:13
Flannelbigape: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/7.10/release/01:13
bigapeWhy not Hyuukai?01:14
wols_that doesn't mean it will help you to compile it. you can't even modprobe it01:14
tspikeI have a home file server mounted using sshfs and I'm using it to stream mp3s, but I'm getting buffer underruns due to the network speed. Anyone know of a player that will pre-buffer?01:14
floppyearsthreethirty: is f-spot the only one or is there something else ?01:14
wols_ubuntusrc: no matter how long you will argue: you will NOT need to compile this module01:14
Hyuukaibecause ps3's arent that powerful even if u install it its kinda slow01:14
wols_ubuntusrc: you can't even01:14
ichHyuukai, ENVY ERROR: Your Operative System does not seem to be supported by Envy01:14
ubuntusrcwols_: i dont understand the sign of *, who its mean??? please01:14
wols_you were already told. by two people. READ more01:14
bigapeHyuukai: Xfce or JWM?01:14
ubuntusrcwols_: but, so, how can i use this?01:14
ichHyuukai, perhaps a new(er) version? :D01:14
wols_ubuntusrc: learn about kernel parameters01:15
Hyuukaii would sugguest get ubuntu 8.04 and make sure u got the latest envy01:15
carandraugtspike: audacious have prebuffer. You can control it in miliseconds01:15
Hyuukaiand bigape whats yur question sorry01:15
=== fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t]
RyanPriorSanketsu: I had to get help from a more experienced sed user, but I found a command that ought to do pretty much what you want.01:15
wols_ich: if you use envy you won't get ANY help here anymore01:15
tspikecarandraug: awesome... does it have a textmode interface in addition to the GUI?01:15
bigapeHyuukai: can I just boot Linux PS3 with the bare minimum, with only JWM?01:15
ubuntusrcwols_: but there is a way that i can compile this module for a .ko file???01:15
SanketsuRyanPrior: Sweetness, hit me.01:15
wols_ich: use envyng from hardy if your really must01:15
xyblor_what sets the XAUTHORITY environment variable, and when?01:16
threethirtyfloppyears: its the only one for gnome i know, but you can always install digikam in gnome01:16
Hyuukaii would try xubuntu if its possible to install01:16
ichHyuukai, no problem with 8.04, but i have a X-Fi card here and this card is currently only supported by/with (dont know) Ubuntu 7.10 because of this stupid driver from creative...01:16
bigapeHyuukai: why is it slow to run live if it's 3.2ghz?01:16
wols_ubuntusrc: you can,but it'S stupid and pointless and frm what you displayed so far won't work anyways or you botch the kernel compile01:16
carandraugtspike: don't know about playing in the terminal but I use the terminal to enqueue files01:16
wols_ubuntusrc: so even if you manage to do it, all you did was wasting time01:16
TheKhelp :) I'm having serious trouble installing hardy on my new rig. The partitioiner fails because of "deprecated SCSI operations" Has anyone encountered this before?01:16
Hyuukaia ps3 is not 3.2ghz and even if it is very little ram and no access to gpu01:17
ubuntusrcwols_: ok01:17
bigapeHyuukai: so how do I make a game for PS3?01:17
RyanPriorSanketsu: suppose you had a file called mystory.txt. To format it for your DS, run the command "cat mystory.txt | sed 'h;:a;s/\(.\{,39\}\).*/\1/p;x;s/.\{,39\}//;h;/./ba;d' > mystory-DS.txt" (without the beginning and ending quotes.) It will print out 39-character lines. If you needed a different number of characters, change the two 39's to some other number.01:17
Hyuukaiyou dont?01:17
bigapeHyuukai: but people play Super NES on PS3!01:18
ubuntusrcwols_: thanks01:18
Hyuukaiyeah you can install a emulator01:18
Hyuukaiand it will cope with that01:18
Hyuukaibut it doesn use the gpu01:18
tspikecarandraug: thanks for the help01:18
bigapehyuukai but isn't PS3 open source?01:18
wols_bigape: not in your dreams01:18
SanketsuRyanPrior:  Sweet, thanks!01:18
Hyuukaiyes it is but playstation have blocked the gpu t01:18
ichwols_, like i said, i cant even use envy... i just searched the web and found that thing... no, my true problem is that this driver dont initialize itself... xorg.conf seems to be good...01:18
rrps3 aint open source01:18
bigapeNo wols_?01:18
bigapeHyuukai why is that?01:19
wols_ich: stop talking about envy here. thank you01:19
ichwols_, ok :D01:19
rrask sony01:19
wols_ich: what driver, what videocard?01:19
itachihello i need help installing ubuntu01:19
bigapeHow do I play StepMania on PS3?01:19
Hyuukaibecause they dont want people turning the ps3 into a pc cause then they wouldnt buy as many ps3 games cause pc games wud eat into there sale01:19
wols_bigape: this is OT. stop this01:19
ichwols_, nvidia-glx-new with a nVidia 7900 GT01:19
Flannelbigape: install ubuntu, then install stepmania.01:19
wols_ich: check your Xorg logs01:19
ichwols_, how?01:20
ichwols_, :D01:20
wols_by looking at the file?01:20
rrits memorystick webcams, they wont01:20
itachihello i need help installing ubuntu01:20
ichwols_, im a n00b :D where do i have to look? (dont say google...)01:20
wols_!ask | itachi01:20
ubottuitachi: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:20
bigapeMean Sony... so how many GFX RAM can I use?  How many normal RAM can I use?01:20
Orange7Hey, does anyone know of a guide on getting soundblaster xfi cards to work? I tried installing the OSS one.. still no sound01:20
wols_!install | itachi01:20
ubottuitachi: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:20
wols_ich: /var/log01:20
wols_!sound | Orange701:20
ubottuOrange7: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:20
ForsakenSoulhey guys how do you unzip a file using shell01:20
wols_ForsakenSoul: man unzip01:21
Flannelwols_: Please stop that.01:21
ichi guess xorg.0.log01:21
Flannel!zip | ForsakenSoul01:21
ubottuForsakenSoul: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME), Ark (KDE), or Xarchiver (XFCE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression01:21
Andrilcan anyone help with server install?01:21
wols_Flannel: cool. do you know more factoids about console based archivers? :)01:21
Flannel!anyone | Andril01:21
ubottuAndril: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:21
wols_!ask | Andril01:21
ubottuAndril: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:21
Flannelwols_: That factoid does cover consoles01:22
SanketsuRyanPrior:  Now would there be a way to make that a script, and then make another script to call upon it for every .txt in a folder if they haven't been converted yet?01:22
lopinHey.  I've got a problem with multiple applications connecting to the internet...01:22
temoto ifconfig eth1 netmask up01:22
Whiz2ok. Completely different question now... For desktops (not servers) What is the best version of Ubuntu for a system with a 2Ghtz CPU, 1GB RAM, 128MB vid card, Ethernet (Static IP) and over 300GB of hard drive space?01:22
temotohow to write that in /etc/network/interfaces ?01:22
lopinFirefox, Foxmarks, Secondlife, Midori, Seamonkey, Pidgin.01:22
AndrilI need help installing server01:22
Flanneltemoto: interfaces doesn't deal with applications01:22
IndyGunFreaklopin: but xchat gets on?01:22
wols_Whiz2: anything you want01:22
FlannelAndril: Yes, what do you need help with?01:22
bigapeCan I play Frets on Fire with PS3?01:22
Flannelbigape: Yes.  install ubuntu, then install frets on fire.01:23
wols_Andril: you need to ask a answerable question and state a problem first01:23
temotoFlannel, i mean settings01:23
RyanPriorSanketsu: yes, those things are possible. Let me think a sec again. :-)01:23
bigapeFlannel did you try it?01:23
Andrilok i followed this http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts01:23
Flanneltemoto: What?01:23
bigapeDoes N64 work?01:23
FlannelAndril: No, don't follow that guide.01:23
rrminidisk and psp diskdrive01:23
cskmaxCompiz question: How can I change the drop shadow style, e.g. to a pattern rather than a few pixels of fuzz :)01:23
Flannelbigape: No.  Please stop with the silly questions.01:23
lopinIndyGunFreak, Yes, sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.  I disabled IPv6 in Firefox, and it got better, but it's still not perfect.  For example, AJAX stuff isn't working in Firefox 3.0.1, but I think that has something to do with the way Mozilla changed the way it handles AJAX now.01:23
SanketsuRyanPrior: Thanks, I really appreciate it.01:23
bigapeIsn't PS3 losing a lot of money?01:24
Andril you have a better tutorial?01:24
Whiz2rephrasing the question... Anyone recommend a specific version of ubuntu (or desktop gui for ubuntu)?01:24
FlannelAndril: Tutorial for what?01:24
temotoFlannel, how to write static on eth1 into /etc/network/interfaces ?01:24
wols_Whiz2: any you want. we like all of them01:24
RyanPriorSanketsu: figuring this stuff out clears the cobwebs from my scripting skills. It's been a long summer and I have hardly touched the computer. :-)01:24
Andriliinstalling server01:24
=== JordanR is now known as JordanOR
IndyGunFreakWhiz2: whatever you want..01:24
IndyGunFreak!install | Andril01:24
ubottuAndril: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:24
wols_temoto: address
cskmaxwhiz2: i'd recommend the latest stable release Hardy Heron 8.0401:24
lopinWhiz2, Like a sub distribution?  Like Kubuntu, Xubuntu, JeOS?01:24
effowehey what iso do I download with an intel q6600 processor?01:24
ichwols_, i got something.. (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device PCI:3:0:0.01:24
wols_effowe: how much RAM?01:25
Whiz2lopin: yup01:25
itachii need to install ubuntu without cd***01:25
wols_ich:  ther is more01:25
lopinWhiz2, It all depends on what you like.01:25
wols_effowe: unless you have a reason, use i38601:25
wols_!usb | itachi01:25
ubottuitachi: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:25
IndyGunFreakeffowe: i agree w/ wols on that01:25
Flanneltemoto: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html covers it nicely01:25
effowehm, no 64 bit support?01:25
wols_effowe: do you have a good _reason_ to need 64bit?01:25
ichwols_, true, something about "common problems" and a readme file...01:25
Whiz2cskmax: Right but I'm talking about a subdistro like kubuntu, edubuntu, etc01:25
lopinWhiz2, I used to use Kubuntu almost exclusively, then I got Ubuntu working okay with compiz, and I really can't use KDE much anymore...  Even though it does have more configuration settings.01:26
bigapeI didn't get an answer.01:26
JordanORI'm back to ask another stupid newbie question. I booted using a live CD and tried to resize the boot partition using the command 'resize_reiserfs -s [value] /dev/sb1'. The error was "you probably forgot to expand the partition size".01:26
FlannelJordanOR: Just use gparted01:26
wols_Whiz2: that is a matter of preference, something only YOU can answer01:26
Mecha25JordanOR: use gparted01:26
effowewols: well not necessarily, but im coming off of an x2 4200+ machine running 64 bit, just wondering if i could get back on it01:26
bravo7Which one is more stable Compiz or bery?01:26
ichwols_, i check the readme...01:26
IndyGunFreakeffowe: 32bit supports a wider range of hardware, software, etc.. so unless you have some reason to "need" 64bit... i'd stick w/ 32bit for the time being, for the best comppatibility01:26
Flannelitachi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation covers a few ways of installing without a CD01:26
Andrilok now is there a guide to install as server?01:26
wols_Whiz2: and op here tells you NOT to install X on a server but since you don't want to listen, why would anyone care?01:26
temotowols_, http://pastebin.com/d27a4c5cf doesn't work01:26
Whiz2lopin: I'm usded to Kubuntu, but I keep hearing things about gnome... guess I'll go do some reseaerch01:26
bravo7Compiz or Berly01:26
effowealright, ill do that then, thanks01:26
temotoFlannel, thanks for link.01:26
bigapebravo7: compiz.01:26
danhswols_: so it seems that the drivers I need are already in /usr/share/foomatic...etc01:26
FlannelAndril: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/I38601:27
danhsdidn't need local at all01:27
Flannelbravo7: Beryl and Compiz don't exist as separate entities anymore01:27
IndyGunFreakAndril: have you googled at all?01:27
ichwols_, oh some more: (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.01:27
danhsJust can't seem to load it01:27
wols_temoto: read the link Flannel gave you01:27
wols_ich: only FIRST errors01:27
Mecha25Anybody know about Ubuntu's USB backend and why it completely cuts out on me whenever I do intensive reads from any USB device?01:27
lopinWhiz2, Just install Kubuntu, then install Gnome through the command prompt.  You can remove it later (although it definitely takes a few steps)...  Just select Gnome from your login manager...01:27
bravo7Flannel so they are same?01:27
rippsI've got a weird problem, I recently bought a Kensington Micro USB Bluetooth module. It works great, the only problem is that my Wifi internet stops working whenever I have it plugged in. What's the deal?01:27
Andrilyes and that's where i got the guide you said not to use01:27
Flannelbravo7: Yes.  compiz-fusion.01:27
khroquestion: right click is not working anymore for my mouse(because of the mouse itself)...so how i can possibly perform right click?(on ubuntu generally)01:27
Mecha25rips: probably RF interference01:27
FlannelAndril: use this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/I38601:27
ichwols_, ok, then this thing about the pci:3*...01:27
JordanORFlannel/Mecha25: GParted kicked back a different error: "Partition is mounted with write permissions. Cannot check it."01:28
rippsMecha25: How do I fix it?01:28
Mecha25JordanOR: unmount the partition first01:28
lopinCould my router be getting in the way of my IPv6 communications?  Like, getting all confused?01:28
FlannelJordanOR: You need to unmount the partitions first (theyre mounted automatically)01:28
wols_JordanOR: you cannot use gparted on a mounted partition. unmount it first01:28
temotowols_, auto is redundant?01:28
lopinWhiz2, just use the command, 'sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop'01:28
itachito install it from usb drive i need to be running linux already01:28
wols_temoto: no. but reading the docs as flannel told you is not redundant01:28
itachiand thats what i want to do01:28
temotowols_, i've read it.01:29
wols_ich: install a colinux01:29
wols_temoto: then apply what you read01:29
Andril\This document describes how to install Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn" on Intel x86 computers ("i386"), using the Alternative installation CD.01:29
aguiteli cannot enable "important security updates (hardy-securuty) from software sources ,anyone know how fix it ?01:29
Mecha25ripps: not sure, I'm guessing you have low wireless signal as it is, right?01:29
wols_!errors | aguitel01:29
ubottuaguitel: If you have problems or errors, you will need to describe/paste them. Please use the !pastebin for errors that cannot be quoted in a single IRC message01:29
JordanOREach time I click 'unmount' a new window springs up listing the content of '131.6MB media', is it automatically remounting it? Even after doing that it brings the same error up.01:29
Flannelitachi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/#Installation%20without%20a%20CD01:29
Mr_Sonomahow would yall suggest I go about turning a .wmv into a playable dvd?01:29
lopinDoes anyone have any clue about my connectivity problems in certain applications?01:30
wols_Mr_Sonoma: convert to mpeg2 first01:30
Flannel!doesntwork | lopin01:30
ubottulopin: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.01:30
rippsMecha25: It switches between low and hi, but does seem to be more consistently powered in windows, how do I increase the power usage of the wifi?01:30
ichwols_, a what? oh... i guess google...01:30
wols_lopin: not until you state your problem01:30
wols_ich: sorry that was for itachi01:30
temotoaha i missed word 'inet'01:30
Mr_Sonomawols_, and the best program for that would be?01:30
Mecha25ripps: it's not that.  I don't know how to fix it, RF interference is caused by both devices using radio waves and interfering with each other01:30
RyanPriorSanketsu: I got the first part figured out.01:30
wols_Mr_Sonoma: mencoder, ffmpeg I guess01:30
RyanPriorSanketsu: Now the next part.01:30
ichwols_, oh ok :D01:31
ichwols_, long live the >tab< button eh?01:31
rippsThe strange thing is that wifi and bluetooth were working together when I first started using, but now they suddenly interfere with each other.01:31
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:31
lopinFlannel, wols_ I did.  Certain applications can't make connections.  Everything just times out.  Firefox 3.0.1, Foxmarks, Pidgin (On certain networks), Seamonkey, Midori, Secondlife, Opera, VMware Server, Azureus.  Disabling IPv6 in Firefox helped, but it's still buggy.01:32
Bhaveshcan you still download 7.10 ?01:32
ichwols_, i dont find this stupid readme... doh... but i dont think this is a "common" problem...01:32
lopinFlannel wols_ Also, no AJAX is working in Firefox
FlannelBhavesh: yes, http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/01:33
Flannellopin: "ajax" is just regular internet traffic, so if firefox can't connect, that's the root of that.01:33
Whiz2lopin: I did some research (just a little snooping around) and decided I'll just stick with Kubuntu since KDE is the interface I'm familiar with... besides... they revamped it since the last release I used which was Kubuntu 6.06 LTS01:33
rippsMecha25: could changing the channel on my Wifi router help?01:33
jahnkeanaterwho ever helped me before i think i fixed the problem pirmently01:33
jahnkeanaterwith compiz01:33
lopinWhiz2, Sounds good to me...  ^.^01:33
itachiit really dont say anything -.-01:33
cskmaxwhiz2: I recommend the mainline gnome-based distro01:33
jahnkeanaterin window dicorations01:34
Whiz2cskmax: I know jack about gnome01:34
Mecha25ripps: probably, if it's interference that's causing it01:34
cskmaxwhiz2: if you're brave, kde 4.1 is near usable :)01:34
jahnkeanaterreset the comand to default01:34
WDCOkay, serious problem.01:34
ScuniziWhiz2: you can have both at the same time.. at this point you'll find Gnome more stable than the new KDE interface.01:34
cskmaxwhiz2: kubuntu probably your cup of tea then01:34
lopinFlannel.  Some things are working.  Some web pages don't like AJAX.  I've heard that Mozilla completely redid the way that Firefox 3.0.1 handles AJAX for security reasons, and things stopped working on a lot of sites.  So, that one's somewhat explained...01:34
cskmaxwhat Scunizi said.01:35
WDCWhen starting Ubuntu it says that the disk is Read-Only01:35
cskmaxIncidentally the answer to my compiz question was the "reflections" plugin01:35
WDCand it ALWAYS checks sda1 for some reason, and I cannot boot into the GUI just the command line01:35
Whiz2cskmax: 4.0 is the version I see talked about on the website. Do you recommend starting with Kubuntu (KDE) then installing gnome as a trial run to see which i like better?01:35
aguiteli can't activate important security updates (hardy-securuty) from software sources ,anyone know how fix it ?01:36
Whiz2Scunizi: more stable maybe, but which is easier to actually use?01:36
ichwols_, could this be a resource problem? PCI IRQ?01:37
ScuniziWhiz2: won't matter which you install first.. when you change "sessions" on the password screen it will ask which you want as a default and use the underlying system.  Gnome I find easier... :)01:37
cskmaxwhiz2: I don't recommend using kde 4.0 at all, it's got a lot of serious usability features lacking. 4.1 is in Intrepid, but then you are dealing with pre release quality packages.  I would recommend installing the basic Gnome based Ubuntu, then the kubuntu-desktop metapackage after the fact01:37
gitcheegumeeflyehi I just installed 8.04.1 and I need help getting my "alltel kpc680" aircard to work.  I have the driver installation disc, but it is for windows (i think)  how can I get it to run?01:37
cskmaxwhiz2: at that point you can use either the stable Gnome, or the exciting kde 4.0 by choosing on the gdm screen. they coexist happily01:37
Scunizicskmax: Whiz2 isn't the KDE 3.x.x interface still in the repos?01:37
Mecha25Anybody know about Ubuntu's USB backend and why it completely cuts out on me whenever I do intensive reads from any USB device?01:37
ani1Mecha25, are you using a usb hub?01:38
Flannelcskmax, Whiz2, Scunizi: yes, kde3.5 is the default Kubuntu interface still.01:38
cskmaxflannel: thanks for clarification, whiz2 probably wants the kubuntu installer to begin with and for all time then :)01:38
ForsakenSoulhey guys what would -d  extract files into exdir mean ?01:38
ForsakenSoulthe dir I want ?01:38
Whiz2Scunizi: i have no idea. i have been using an old version of KDE on my server. i have yet to install anything newer on any machine until today... I'm going to dual boot XP and ubuntu on this machine and go with a server (or commandline) install on my server01:39
ScuniziWhiz2: if you like KDE stick with the 3.5 version for stability .. load it up after installing Hardy Gnome :)  If you currently have server installed with a gui just uninstall the gui and it will be command line..01:39
tyg13I'm planning on making a server computer, what version of ubuntu should I use? (Xubuntu, etc..)01:39
danhsHow can I convert a printer filter into a ppd?01:40
Flanneltyg13: Don't use a GUI at all.01:40
ani1tyg13, use server edition01:40
WDC"Could not start the X" WHAT!!?01:40
Scunizityg13: use "Server".. if you want a gui after that install one.01:40
danhsseems like in /usr/share/foomatic/db/source/printer I have all the drivers I need01:40
Flanneltyg13: Use the alternate CD (of whatever version) and install a GUI-less install01:40
sub-escfor vim config files, does the .vimrc file in a home directory still pull in the settings?01:40
danhsBrother-PT-1950.xml  however, I can't use it in the cups admin tool01:40
ichwols_, doh, good that i have a sli board... i switch the pci slot and see if this solve my problem... brb01:40
Whiz2Scunizi: I need to wipe the server and start over. it has been crashing badly for the last month or so, and I dunno what the cause is01:40
danhsI think it needs to be converted to a ppd file01:40
ani1Flannel, tyg13  its headless install =)01:40
FevrinSaladin: So sorry for this tardy reply :(  I stepped out for a bit.  Thank you for your time; I too searched Google with many different search terms, but came out empty-handed as well.  For now, I guess I'll have to settle with using Windows for this task.01:40
tyg13it'll be a terminal basically?01:41
WDCcan someone help me? I am getting "Could not start X"01:41
tyg13that takes up the entire screen?01:41
ani1tyg13, exactly with apache sql etc already loaded01:41
cskmaxwhiz2: for the server you can use Ubuntu Server 8.04 which lacks any desktop GUI at all by default01:41
ani1tyg13, usually you will ssh or terminal in to it via TTY01:41
blbrownI upgraded ubuntu (to Heron) a while back.  Now VIM is not picking up my vim settings.  Anyone face this issue01:41
Mr_Sonomaalright mencoder gives me a format not supported error. if i can ply the file i should be able to convert it right?01:41
khroquestion: right click is not working anymore for my mouse(because of the mouse itself)...so how i can possibly perform right click?(on ubuntu generally)01:41
Whiz2cskmax: doesn't the alternate CD have that option?01:41
FlannelWhiz2: it does.01:41
cskmax8.04 is the long term support version, good for your system. and yes you could put a gui on by option01:42
WDCCan someone PLEASE help me, I cannot start x01:42
Whiz2Flannel: thanks01:42
aguiteli can't activate important security updates (hardy-security) from software sources ,anyone know how fix it ?01:42
gitcheegumeeflyehi I just installed 8.04.1 and I need help getting my "alltel kpc680" aircard to work.  I have the driver installation disc, but it is for windows (i think)  how can I get it to run?01:42
ani1tyg13, you want to pull performance out of it which is the whole reason for running a server. I run apache from my normal box and an IRC server and it does have Gnome installed but its not a prod machine01:42
Mecha25ani1: not for the error causing devices, no01:42
Flannelblbrown: install the "vim" package01:42
WDCOkay, to be more specific, my disk is read only, how can I make it not? I only have CLI01:43
ani1Mecha25, ah, just curious when i use my ipod with a hub and i do file x'fers over 500Mb it fails via usb hub01:43
tyg13one question though, should I buy a high performance machine? Its only for a small website that might run a forum01:43
blbrownFlannel, I have it, but the old settings are screwed up01:43
Flannelblbrown: you've installed vim?  its not default01:43
ani1tyg13, I wouldnt01:43
blbrownFlannel, yes01:43
droopsta915i have a folder on my desktop, how can i move it to my home folder01:44
tyg13what should I get? A standard computer?01:44
Whiz2cskmax: when installing the version from ubutu.com (hardy) that is the gnome version if I'm not mistaken?01:44
Flanneltyg13: Do you already have a computer you're planning on using?01:44
blbrownFlannel, I really just want this setting.  ":syntax on ... ~/.vimrc01:44
bastid_raZordroopsta915; cd ~/Desktop mv folder ~/01:44
Flannelblbrown: No leading colon01:44
SanketsuRyanPrior:  I'm still here, I've got customers so I'll be in and out, but I'm here.01:44
tyg13Flannel: No but I have about 200 dollars budget01:45
RyanPriorSanketsu: I'm still crackin' on it, will be finished soon.01:45
bastid_raZordroopsta915; two seperate commands01:45
tyg13Flannel: Which I know wont get much01:45
blbrownFlannel, weird01:45
Flanneltyg13: What are you going to use this server for01:45
WDCWhat's the best file structure to use when installing Ubuntu?01:46
tyg13Flannel: I'm going to run a small Joomla site with Simple Machines Forum that might have a twenty people on at one time01:46
FlannelWDC: ext3 usually01:46
Whiz2wdc: ext301:46
ani1WDC, depends on your needs but Flannel  is right for normal use01:46
tyg13WDC: Ext301:46
WDCCall thanks, now can any one of you all help me make my hard drive NOT read-only?01:46
tyg13WDC: Although older versions of linux or obscure ones may use Ext201:46
ani1reiser is good for small chunk files from what i've heard01:47
Flanneltyg13: Well, if you feel like you do need a separate computer (because you turn your desktop off at times, etc), just buy something small... you can probably get a small form factor something or other.  It'll work fine with an old processor too, no need to buy some top of the line one.01:47
tyg13Flannel: What could get me a decent box for a small server? Like 400 bucks?01:48
Flanneltyg13: but, if you don't (turn your computer off at night, etc), you can run it on your home desktop just as easily.  There's really no distinction made by linux betwen "desktop" and "server"01:48
Flanneltyg13: I have no idea.  That particular question might be better off in #ubuntu-offtopic01:48
droopsta915bastid_razor: thanx, i shulda known the rm command, lol. i added the sudo in front of the command it worked fine thanx again01:49
tyg13Flannel: I have a laptop that I have to travel with, therefore I would rather setup a desktop server01:49
Flanneltyg13: Ah, yeah.  That'd be a good reasn then.01:49
ShdwShinobiHi, I can only get a screen resolution of 640x480 while using a 8600GT. How can I get to my normal resolution of 1680x1050?01:50
danopia_ShdwShinobi, did you get the drivers for it? the restricted drivers?01:50
Terralthrayou're using the restricted drivers?01:50
ShdwShinobiI tried the restricted drivers, but it did this01:50
ShdwShinobithen i uninstalled those and tried Envy01:50
ShdwShinobiand it's the same thing01:50
* danopia_ is using a 8600 GTS and it was very simple to set up dual screens and such01:50
danopia_i never had that problem so i can't help, sorry01:51
* ShdwShinobi wishes he had danopia_'s luck01:51
bastid_raZorShdwShinobi; once you had the drivers installed by the restricted drivers manager all you have to do is run sudo nvidia-settings and configure the screen from there01:51
djhashShdwShinobi: i wont be able to be much help.. but did you try to reconfigure xorg?01:51
ushimitsudoki1ShdwShinobi: Are you sure the nvidia drivers are being used? If the install is not done properly then the "vesa" driver may be in use01:51
danopia_ShdwShinobi, but when i booted xubuntu it prompted me to get restricted drivers01:52
danopia_then after that i rebooted and got nvidia-config01:52
ShdwShinobiushimitsudoki1, it says I have direct rendering...01:52
DefiantRican_Can someone assist me with installing my dell drivers for my wireless card01:52
danopia_i think it's nvidia-config01:52
ushimitsudoki1ShdwShinobi: have you tried running nvidia-settings when in X?01:52
bastid_raZordanopia; nvidia-xconfig01:52
danopia_ShdwShinobi, mine's nvidia-settings01:53
ShdwShinobiyeah, it wont let me go above 640x48001:53
danopia_i just ran it01:53
Mecha25Anybody know about Ubuntu's USB backend and why it completely cuts out on me whenever I do intensive reads from any USB device?01:53
ShdwShinobii'm going to uninstall envy and try the restricted driver's again01:53
elliotanyone happen to know what provides the PATH for non login shells in unbuntu?01:53
ushimitsudoki1ShdwShinobi: in the "X Server Information" section of the nvidia-settings dialog, what does the NVIDIA driver version say?01:53
ShdwShinobiushimitsudoki1, 173.14.1201:54
danopia_i have 169.12 and i used the apt-get ones01:54
ushimitsudoki1In the "X Server Display Configuration" under "X Screen", what are the listed MetaMode01:54
ShdwShinobihm ok01:55
ushimitsudoki1ShdwShinobi: You may have to "click" on the first button to see a list01:55
rippsMecha25: I don't think that the bluetooth is causing interference with the wifi. I used terminal to ping google.com, and there was virually no difference between the ping times before and after I put the bluetooth in. But when I try to open a page in a browser, I get nothing. There has to be software protocal error going on.01:55
djhashripps: it could be a browser issue.. did you try re-installing the browser?01:56
ShdwShinobiushimitsudoki1, like 16.7 million colors depth 24?01:56
danopia_ShdwShinobi, to see metamode you have to click Advanced then open the X Screen tab below the monitor thing01:56
danopia_for me at least ;P01:56
rippsdjhah: it's not just my browser, pidgin stalls as well01:56
=== alistair is now known as Guest50176
Dusk_hello there...i'm trying to telnet my motorola ROKR E2 telephone in ubuntu as described here (http://www.aktaeon.com/2007/12/31/telnet-ing-to-e2-from-linux/)  but get an error..does anyone have telnet experience on ubuntu 8.04??01:57
ShdwShinobiushimitsudoki1, 1 - "CRT: nvidia-auto-select +640+0, DFP: 640x480 +0+0"01:57
ushimitsudoki1ShdwShinobi: No. It should be something like 800x600 and so forth. Yes, you might need to click "advanced" srry01:57
rippsdjhash: it's not just my browser, pidgin stalls as well01:57
Mecha25ripps: not sure, I don't use bluetooth myself, I actually uninstalled it01:57
ushimitsudoki1ShdwShinobi: well there you go - you need to add some more metamodes to support the higher resolution01:57
ichwols_, no luck...01:57
ushimitsudoki1ShdwShinobi: one time i lost mine and had to add them - it is not hard01:57
danopia_my res is nvidia-auto-select01:57
djhashoh..ok.. then networking stuff is over my head.. sorry..01:57
TotakekeHas anyone had any experience with installing Linux to a flash drive with "UNetBootin?"01:58
ShdwShinobiushimitsudoki1 when I click add... it adds the same meta mode and I don't see how to edit it01:58
ushimitsudoki1ShdwShinobi: edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf as root with whatever text editor you like01:58
ushimitsudoki1ShdwShinobi: you are looking for the "metamodes" Option under the "Screen" section01:58
ushimitsudoki1ShdwShinobi: pay attention to the existing syntax01:59
Dusk_hello there...i'm trying to telnet my motorola ROKR E2 telephone in ubuntu as described here (http://www.aktaeon.com/2007/12/31/telnet-ing-to-e2-from-linux/)  but get an error..does anyone have telnet experience on ubuntu 8.04??01:59
danopia_telneting into a phone?02:00
* danopia_ re-reads that line02:00
ushimitsudoki1ShdwShinobi: You want something like: Option "metamodes" "1680x1050" - but check the existing syntax carefully - especially if you have multiple monitors or want to offer multiple resolutions02:00
ushimitsudoki1ShdwShinobi: that is my best guess. good luck02:00
tux1does anybody know how can i convert .vro video files to .avi or something more common?02:00
WDChow can I run a command in terminal on a read-only filesystem to make it not read-only? (terminal won't open)02:01
sjovanDusk_: I don't have much experience with telnet, but if you want help then i sugest that you --> www.pastebin.com <-- the error so that people can help you02:01
ushimitsudoki1ShdwShinobi: oh, you wil have to re-start X after your edits are done02:01
rippsWhile looking at dmesg, it seems that wlan0 can't authenticate with AP when my bluetooth module is plugged in.02:02
gleyvehow can I configura my txt files open automatticanlly with a text edit software? witout asking what software to use02:02
djhashtux1: check this.. it might be of help http://forums.techguy.org/multimedia/311767-ttt-viewing-vro-video-file.html02:02
Dusk_sjoerd, here is the error http://pastebin.com/m78b02d502:02
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sjovanWDC: then you have to change the owner or change the permition for that folder... man chmod and man chown . if you got any more questions then feel free to ask02:02
WDCsjovan: Can't open terminal02:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about taco02:03
bastid_raZorgleyve; you could right click the txt file and use open with02:03
rippsDoes anybody here know where I can go to get help bluetooth help? I'm apparently not getting it here.02:03
ubottutelnet is not safe. Please use ssh instead. See !ssh02:03
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/02:03
djhash!askthebot | mrzither02:03
ubottumrzither: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.02:03
mrzitherdjhash: sorry...02:03
sjovanWDC: then ---> ctrl+alt+F1 <--- to get back to this window ---> ctrl+alt+F7 or F902:04
maynardwvI have a Zimbra desktop on ubuntu question02:04
TotakekeNevermind, answered my own question. It turns out that the drive needs to be formatted as FAT32, but I had formatted it as NTFS. Dur :P02:05
=== derrick_ is now known as pcfreak30
djhash!ask | maynardwv02:06
ubottumaynardwv: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:06
maynardwvI am running Hardy, and installed Zimbra thru the installer that is in the repositories. Now, I have no idea how to actually open the program.02:06
gleyvebastid_raZor: Ok, but I'd like to open text files without asking if I want do execute or show the content02:07
maynardwvI installed into the home folder BTW02:07
danopia_i need to connect to a windows server from my ubuntu desktop, which package do i need? i heard rdesktop but that looks like VNC02:08
bastid_raZorgleyve; wasn't there an option to 'always do this for this type of file' ?02:08
danopia_rdesktop installs this: Vinagre is a VNC client for the GNOME Desktop02:08
sjovanDusk_: aperently you are just copy pasteing stuff from the guide... maby you should figure out what ip your phone got first?02:08
bastid_raZor!samba | danopia02:09
ubottudanopia: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:09
blbrownnewb question:  how should I create a multidimensional array.  Are they really needed? Should I just create an array of arrays.  I was using this as a reference (immutable array):  http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Arrays02:09
danopia_bastid_raZor, i need RDC for remote desktop, samba is file and printer02:09
Flannelblbrown: I believe you're in the wrong channel02:09
danopia_i already use samba for files02:09
Dusk_sjovan, it can't be seen in ifconfig list...i think i need zaurus module02:09
blbrownFlannel, dammit02:09
Dusk_sjovan, how can i learn phone's ip address?02:10
Ttechbastid_raZor, for Remote Desktop Connections?02:10
sjovanDusk_: that i don't know. i haven't played around with your phone, but one thing is for shure... it won't be in the ifconfig list because your phone doesn't have anything to do with your computer02:11
* sjovan loves his fishsupe02:11
arvind_khadriwhere can i find the print queue?02:12
frostbyt3anyone know how to install the mac os bar using AWN manager02:12
Dusk_sjovan, it must be seen as usb0 or else in ifconfig for i'm connecting it as Usbnet mode02:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about usbnet02:12
ani1Dusk_, does the phone have active sync?02:12
Dusk_ani1, it must be..there's an icon on menu to sync it and i pushed it02:13
gleyvebastid_raZor: I configured to always open with the same software(jEdit), but the problem is taht before open the file, it shows me a dialog box02:13
ani1Dusk_, ok microsoft active sync...does your phone run windows mobile?02:13
Dusk_ani1, no it has linux02:14
sjovanDusk_: that could be right... i don't know what your computer detect the phone as, but devicename has nothing to do with ip... why do you want to telnet the phone btw? telnet is old and not recomended....02:14
Dusk_motorola rokr e2 mobile phone02:14
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pcfreak30i am having some trouble with screen displays in ubuntu02:14
Dusk_sjovan, i need to config phone's files by telnet02:14
pcfreak30programs keep getting cut off, and it is hard to use them at times02:15
pcfreak30anyone got any ideas?02:15
updatesQuestion: VersionL=LTSP 5, OS=Ubuntu 8.04.1, Thin Client NIC=3Com 3C509B ISA, Mem=32MB, Boot=Etherboot floppy ... does not boot to server? No device found. Kernel panic?02:15
cskmaxwhiz2: yes the default is the gnome version, you get KDE via installing 'kubuntu-desktop' metapackage which gives all the dependencies and after that you can use gnome or kde on the system02:15
Dr_willispcfreak30,  clarify your video card and monitor information for a starters perhaps? YOU are saying ubuntu is using the wrong resolution?  or is theres some other issue?02:15
pcfreak30i have tried changing resolution02:15
sjovanDusk_: that sucks teh balls, nut i guess first of all you have to connect the phone to your network. don't you have a network-status or something on your phone?02:16
bastid_raZorgleyve; what does the dialog box say?02:16
Terralthrais there an updated how-to on the TI 1620 cardreader for Hardy?02:16
pcfreak30well never had the prob with windows02:16
TerralthraThe latest one I can find is Edgy02:16
pcfreak30also i dont use a monitor02:16
SanketsuRyanPrior: If this works I'll be sooooo happy, I've got a ton of fanfiction and various asstr stuff that I've been wanting to convert, but didn't want to go through all the cut and paste of formatting the hard way.02:17
pcfreak30i use a 32" lcd hdtv tv02:17
RyanPriorSanketsu: it's really close to working.02:17
pcfreak30hoocked up to it via standard cord02:17
RyanPriorI'm sweating the little details now. :-)02:17
gleyvebastid_raZor: dialog box says like this: "Do you want do show the content or run the file?"02:17
pcfreak30and the screen had no prob with win02:18
sjovanDusk_: or maby you can se the ip of your phone on the router after you have connected?02:18
ani1Dusk_, http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=bf-home&trurl=www.modmymoto.com%2Fforums%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D116801&lp=es_en&btnTrUrl=Translate02:18
arvind_khadriDr_willis, where can i find the print queue?02:18
ani1Dusk_, orginally in spanish but it has some steps to follow02:18
pcfreak30and if i made the res high, the display just goes smaller02:18
droopsta915i installed java to play chess online, the install is successful, but everytime i open a chess game im told i need jaa?02:18
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pcfreak30higher=smaller lower=bigger02:18
bastid_raZorgleyve; and this while trying to open a .txt file?02:19
pcfreak30and i cant use inkscape 4 ex02:19
droopsta915i installed java to play chess online, the install is successful, but everytime i open a chess game im told i need java? sorry i misspelled02:19
pcfreak30some of the buttons get cut off02:19
jmichelsen_in xset q setting, it says "prefer blanking = yes" what does this mean?02:19
Dr_willisarvind_khadri,  I manage the print que with the lpq command.. not sure where the actual files are located at. the cups settings proberly define where.02:19
pcfreak30and it make it hard to work02:19
arvind_khadriDr_willis, thanks :)02:19
pcfreak30i willpost a screen shot02:20
lintcan smoeone help me? i am having trouble saviong a file on my computer because i do not have the proper permissions02:20
pcfreak30use gedit from term02:21
pcfreak30but make it sudo gedit02:21
linuxfceI would like to disable tooltips entirely for the whole system. Is there any way to achieve this?02:21
pcfreak30then the location of the file02:21
jmichelsenin xset q setting, it says "prefer blanking = yes" what does this mean?02:21
gleyveWhat about this one? How to configure my keyboard when I type the "Window key", it opens my start menu...also when I type "Window Key" + "E" it opens the file manager...like windows do02:21
Dr_willispcfreak30,  with a gui app - one would be best to use one of the grapical sudo alternatives, like gksu02:21
pcfreak30sudo gedit /home/you/myfile02:22
Dr_willisjmichelsen,  check the man pages for xset yet?02:22
Dusk_sjovan, ani1 thx..let me google a little more..maybee i can find that zaurus thing02:22
pcfreak30well sudo works fine 4me02:22
pcfreak30never heard of that02:22
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pcfreak30gksu,or wut ever it is02:22
mralexandroimportant for me to know. i am a beginner when it comes to linux, and everything around it, but i need to know if the hardrive killer bug in the new ubuntu is fixed02:22
mralexandroi googled around and read about it02:23
jmichelsenDr_willis: I dont really understand them02:23
=== ben__ is now known as benzss
lintpcfreak30: thank you very much02:23
ushimitsudoki1pcfreak30: read here to understand the diff between gksu and sudo: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo02:23
benzssis checkgmail broken for anyone else?02:23
lintdoes anyone here use last.fm on ubuntu?02:23
bastid_raZorgleyve; i've never heard of nautilus trying to run a text file.. anyway System>preferences>keyboard shortcuts for the keybinding02:24
mdgAny PPC users here having trouble playing CD from console apps?02:25
Dr_willisjmichelsen,  the q setting just shows your default settings.. so it seems you have  'blanking' enabled.  is how i read that.02:25
jmichelsenDr_willis: well I get that, but what exactly is blanking?02:25
Dr_willisjmichelsen,  the screensaver02:25
gleyvebastid_raZor: that one was easy..thank you02:25
jmichelsenDr_willis: just blanks the screen?02:26
InfoEXAnyone running 8.04 on an Asus eee PC 701?02:26
linuxfceHow do I change tooltip delay? Can this be found in gconf-editor?02:26
histo!anyone | InfoEX02:26
ubottuInfoEX: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:26
Dr_willisjmichelsen,  but gnome has its own screensaver stuff.. so im not sure the xset stuff even works with gnome.02:26
histolinuxfce: did you try searching?02:26
user01why cant i get wireless to work during install?  it shows my card02:26
mdgrnInfoEX: what are the specs on your eee PC?02:26
jmichelsenDr_willis: hmm ok thanks02:26
linuxfcelol of course i tried searching02:26
LeprakanHas anyone tried to install Pinnacle Studio Plus vers 12 on Ubuntu02:27
Dr_willisjmichelsen,  http://www.shallowsky.com/linux/x-screen-blanking.html02:27
histolinuxfce: I don't see it anywhere02:27
lintcan someone help me with getting last.fm to play for me in ubuntu?02:27
nonewmsgscan i make it so i can fit a whole vnc screen into a small window and get the whole screen instead of a portion of it??02:27
nonewmsgslike a 320x120 rez or something02:27
jmichelsenDr_willis: thanks02:27
histolint: what is last.fm?02:28
user01i cant get intel 2200bg working is there a specific howto for hardy?02:28
updatesQuestion: VersionL=LTSP 5, OS=Ubuntu 8.04.1, Thin Client NIC=3Com 3C509B ISA, Mem=32MB, Boot=Etherboot floppy ... does not boot to server? No device found. Kernel panic?02:28
Dusk_how can i search a specific file in terminal?? for example usbnet.ko02:28
histolint: there site works on my pc? Do you have flash installed?02:28
Dr_willisIve had last.fm working with the bmpx media player.02:28
InfoEXI am running 8.04 on an Asus eee PC model 701.  Everytime that it wakes from sleep, it makes a loud double beep.  Does this happen to others?02:28
bastid_raZorDusk_; locate02:29
histo!flash | lint02:29
ubottulint: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:29
Dr_willisDusk_,  the grep command searches the contents of a file. (or files)02:29
LeprakanI guess not?02:29
mwilliams_orug /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER mwilliams_orug dfcwjtmfkwye02:29
kisobranhi ppl02:29
kisobrani need a help02:29
kisobrani must install ubuntu :)02:29
kisobranbut i have ubuntu on iso file02:29
Dr_willismwilliams_orug,  :) you put an extra space in the ccommand at the front.. we all saw that.02:29
WDC"Host lookup failed: smtp.bellsouth.net: Name or service not known" What's that mean? Evo sez it and that's my mail server02:29
kisobrani dont know how to make a bottable cd02:29
WDCkisobran: What OS are you on?02:30
kisobranwindows sucks:D02:30
Leprakanburn one with nero02:30
Dr_williskisobran,  you dont have to worry about it. YOu burn the iso properly and it will be bootable.02:30
kisobrani aleready install nero02:30
kisobranbut I DONT KNOW02:30
kisobranhow to make02:30
mwilliams_orugDr_willis: haha yeah, I realized, wouldn't have made a difference anyway02:30
bastid_raZorkisobran; burn the iso to cd. restart with the cd in the drive.. make sure the bios looks for cd first in the boot sequence02:30
kisobrana bottable ubuntu cd02:30
kisobranon isso files :S02:30
FloodBot2kisobran: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:30
histokisobran: then burn it to disc.02:30
WDCkisobran: Download PowerISO02:30
Dr_williskisobran,  use the 'burn image' feature in the nero menus. you DONT just drag/drop the .iso file to the cd.02:30
LeprakanI had trouble burning too it took a few times02:30
WDCkisobran: Or use Nero, I have no idea how t ouse Nero though02:30
n0ctumya, poweriso works - .iso burner by alex feinman works well too02:30
kisobrani have nero :S02:30
user01can i get help with ipw2200?02:30
histokisobran: that or file > Open the iso file then burn the image to the disk02:30
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.02:31
WDCDr_willis: he is on win02:31
cskmaxAnother vote for .iso burner by alex feinman02:31
the_darkside_986Is there a way to tell the exact motherboard name without opening the case (Ubuntu Hardy 64-bit)?02:31
Dr_willisHmm theres a bot factoid on this.02:31
cskmaxgreat windows iso burner, integrates to explorer right-click menu02:31
user01i have two computers with ipw2200 and i cant get it working02:31
histokisobran: http://wizardskeep.org/mainhall/tutor/neroiso.html02:31
n0ctumagreed cskmax - great lil app02:31
pcfreak30thats my prob02:31
kisobrantnx ::D02:31
LeprakanHas any one used Pinnacle Plus ver 12 with ubuntu02:31
Dr_willisI like the 'burnatonce' app to burn iso files under windows.02:31
mdgIn Ubuntu 8.04, what tells the system to autoboot a CD?02:31
mdglike an audio cd02:31
pcfreak30and thats not the only app that cuts off02:31
adudeis there a way i can get an older version of f-spot?02:32
pcfreak30i cant even resize it02:32
Guest50176Help: how to use OpenJDK I have installed but it does not seem to be associated to .jar files?02:32
pcfreak30where it worls02:32
cskmaxmdg: some setting in gnome - did you want to change the behavior?02:32
Dr_willispcfreak30,  if you hold down the alt key and click anywhere in a window. you can 'move' the window normally. Not sure of the rest of your problem. Othjer then the windows may be rembering their old location/sizes02:32
mdgyes - so it does  not automount cd02:32
jmichelsenis there a way to start the power management over ssh X tunneling to change power management settings on remote systems?02:32
the_darkside_986Can't sun's official Java plugin be wrapped in 64-bit with nspluginwrapper? It is embarrassing to have to reboot to XP in front of people just because OpenJDK is as (un)usable as Gnash.02:33
Dr_willisif its a gui app. you could have it X forwarded to the local system.02:33
=== shevek is now known as Guest60853
histothe_darkside_986: they have java for 64bit02:33
bastid_raZorpcfreak30; have you tried to hold alt and middle click? that should be a way to resize if you're using compiz02:33
the_darkside_986But not the plugin02:33
cskmaxmdg: looking02:33
user01is there another channel where people know about getting wireless cards to work in ubuntu?02:33
kindofabuzzdoes the gnome screensaver have to be off for the compiz screensaver to activate?02:34
histothe_darkside_986: yes its there02:34
Dr_willisuser01,  a lot depends on the exact card and its chipset. the ubuntu forums would proberlybe the best place to look.02:34
histothe_darkside_986: java is in the repos. Unless you are talking about something else?02:34
the_darkside_986histo, ok could someone point me to the exact package name for the 64-bit Sun java mozilla plugin.02:34
user01Dr_willis, it is ipw220002:34
RyanPriorSanketsu: done02:34
the_darkside_986Installing jre, jdk, or anything like that from sun does not provide the plugin.02:34
the_darkside_986*on 64-bit.02:35
Dr_willisuser01,  that means vyer little to me. :)    since i dont have one of those.  There is the wireless forums and the !wireless wiki info page.02:35
linuxfcesomeone finally brought back the macintosh-like animation02:35
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:35
linuxfcemagic lamp02:35
anto9ususer01, that particular chip needs ndiswrapper and the windows drivers02:35
pcfreak30doesnt effect anything02:35
pcfreak30also wut annoying02:35
user01Dr_willis, it is in my thinkpad r51 and and t4302:35
pcfreak30is that it is soo big02:36
=== tonsofpc1 is now known as tonsofpcs
SanketsuRyanPrior:  Is there a ton of code for it?  *Automatically assumes it's not a one-liner*02:36
user01anto9us, thats a huge tease to have it listed as a network in the install then02:36
Dr_willisuser01,   its proberly supported then.   You may have to insall some extra packages/tools.02:36
the_darkside_986I had to search for raw inf and sys files because of the dumb exe installer. Luckily I was able to find even a 64-bit raw windows driver file for it. But the performance is crap compared to my D-Link Atheros-based card.02:36
patifaOk, any tips on modifying the windows registry (on my NTFS partition) from ubuntu?02:36
pcfreak30that when i clickit moves to the other part of the program so i cant do anything hardly02:36
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin
pcfreak30ihave to use the task bar to close it02:36
itachii cant install ubuntu it says: invalid cd detected02:36
RyanPriorSanketsu: It's not much code, but I had to look a bunch of stuff up.02:36
anto9ususer01, it works fine in linux, you have to use the windows drivers though02:36
SanketsuRyanPrior: Ah.02:37
pcfreak30prob burn the iso wrong or something02:37
pcfreak30or bad download02:37
WDCHey how big is the 8.04 i386 image? Less than or more than 700mB?02:37
Dr_willispatifa,  i saw a trick Ages ago about using wine, to run a regedit tool on a existong windows install..  wich was sort of scary.02:37
pcfreak30need to try again02:37
user01anto9us, no ndiswrapper?02:37
itachii cant install ubuntu it says: invalid cd detected02:37
pcfreak30prob checksum didnt add up02:37
anto9ususer01, with ndiswrapper02:37
cskmaxok mdg02:37
bastid_raZorWDC; 698MB02:37
user01anto9us, d'oh02:37
mdgitachi: how did you burn your cd?02:37
WDCbastid_raZor: I am helping someone who sez it is 711?02:37
cskmaxmdg: right click the System menu, "Edit menu", then a new window comes up, you can add menu items, add System> Preferences> File Management02:37
itachii didnt i have it in a usb flash driver02:38
pcfreak30i used power iso02:38
cskmaxmdg: then you can use the rarely-changed File Management settings02:38
bastid_raZorWDC; look on ubuntu.com .. it will tell you the exact size02:38
mdgthanks cskmax - I'm on it :)02:38
BossmanbetaWhen I try to mount a an encrypted USB thumb drive (lukeFormat) I get a graphical interface to mount the encrypted partition into /dev/mapper. However I need to mount this volume from cmd line (not through a gui). so when I try to mount it myself (sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdh /home/user/enc) I get this error: Command failed: dm_task_set_name: Device /home/user/enc not found -- but the directory exists!02:38
itachii cant install ubuntu it says: invalid cd detected02:38
cskmaxmdg: media tab in File Management has what you want02:38
patifadr_willis: Ahh.  I think regedit can target non-default hives.02:38
Saladinitachi, at which point does it say that?02:38
pcfreak30make sure that the checksums add up02:38
bastid_raZorWDC; or here :: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/02:38
pcfreak30i believe the installer does that02:39
pcfreak304 the files02:39
kindofabuzzjust redid my whole server, i run ssh -X server1 and i try to run xterm and get DISPLAY not set error, i remember it has something to do with Xauthority and is a very easy fix, but cannot remember what the fix is.  anyone?02:39
WDCbastid_raZor: thanks02:39
levanderEvery now and then, sound just stops working on my system.  Sometimes if I play with the volume control, something pops and it starts working again.  Is there some daemon or something I can restart to see if the problem is just something crashed?02:39
itachii just click the aplication to install it02:39
Dr_willisBossmanbeta,   wouldent you use /dev/sdh1  instead of /dev/sdh ?02:39
itachii have it in flash driver02:39
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:39
chetnickdoes anybody know how can i convert .vro video files to .avi02:39
pcfreak30anyone have any ideas on my display issue]02:39
the_darkside_986just what i needed, thanks ubottu02:40
BossmanbetaDr_willis, the device isn't mounted ........ /dev/sdh1 isn't there (I don't think?)02:40
bastid_raZorWDC; for the i386 iso it is 694MB02:40
Dr_willispcfreak30,  sounds liek the refrresh rate may be wrong.. but im only guessing.02:40
pcfreak30its at max02:40
WDCbastid_raZor: Cool thanks02:40
BossmanbetaDr_willis, when i try it with /dev/sdh1 I get "Command failed: Can't get device information." (I dont think it exists)02:40
Dr_willisBossmanbeta,  check with 'sudo fdisk -l' and see whats there I guess. normally /dev/sdh would be like a cdrom drive. a fileysstem is normally on /dev/sdh#02:41
ak-49could someone maybe offer some insight as to why flash videos are very choppy on my system? divx and mpgs look fine.02:41
pcfreak30thats what happens if i click anywhere in inkscape02:41
Dr_willisBossmanbeta,  sdh may be totally wrong. but ive not used your specific tool. so i may be confused.02:41
pcfreak30i click02:41
SanketsuRyanPrior: Well I'm ready whenever you are mate.  *^_^*02:41
pcfreak30and it switches between those images02:41
BossmanbetaDr_willis, checking now....02:41
ak-49also it seems to be inconsistent02:41
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RyanPriorSanketsu: I shouldn't have said "done" - I decided I wanted to make another change.02:41
ak-49i could reboot my system and it would probably go away for 3/4 of the day02:42
bastid_raZorpcfreak30; from that screenshot your resolution is extremely small.. 800x600 at best.02:42
Bossmanbeta/dev/sdh is the device.. according to fdisk -l: Disk /dev/sdh: 1039 MB, 1039663104 bytes  (1 gig thumb drive)02:42
user01anto9us, are you sure?  this says there is an open source driver:  http://learn.clemsonlinux.org/wiki/Laptops:IPW220002:42
Dr_willisBossmanbeta,  try mounting someplace else perhaps like /media/test peraps.02:43
SanketsuRyanPrior: Oh ok, thanks.  I appreciate all your work on this.02:43
pcfreak30it is that02:43
pcfreak30its 800x60002:43
BossmanbetaIf I enter trhe password using the GUI, I can then from CMD line type: sudo mount /dev/mapper/luks_crypto_84f-a0-472f-977-f2dd5 /home/user/enc  but I can't seem to get the first step going via CMD line02:43
cskmaxak-49, are you on the official flash plugin, the non-free one?02:43
ak-49i believe i've tried both02:43
ak-49i recently downloaded one from adobes site after having the issues02:43
ak-49it was the tarball02:43
bastid_raZorpcfreak30; some applications will not resize smaller .. 800x600 is insanely small ..02:43
anto9ususer01, try it, I recall resorting to ndiswrapper when I last configured one02:43
ak-49i ran the install script02:43
ak-49same results02:43
pcfreak30i tryed 60 refresh rate no affect02:43
Saladinitachi: A small search on Google returned this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - Use that link to do it02:44
cskmaxFWIW, I don't have problems with the "non-free" version as installed via ubuntu - afraid I can't help much02:44
pcfreak30i will record a vid and post it so u can see02:44
cskmaxdoes restarting your browser act as a workaround?02:44
toryif one can figure out why my tablet + external monitor is acting like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD1vKrbYNvQ I will be thrilled.02:44
bastid_raZorpcfreak30; what are you trying to do? with that small of a resolution you're going to have some issues.02:44
user01anto9us, what is the ubuntu path for firmware?02:45
itachihow can i boot my comp from usb02:45
BossmanbetaDr_willis, that doesn't work, even if I "sudo mkdir /media/encrytped1" then try " sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdh /media/encrypted1" it still says "Command failed: dm_task_set_name: Device /media/encrypted1 not found'02:45
ak-49restarting the browser doesnt' help02:45
ak-49restarting the comptuer does though02:45
t3flonboy linux is great02:45
kindofabuzzjust redid my whole server, i run ssh -X server1 and i try to run xterm and get DISPLAY not set error, i remember it has something to do with Xauthority and is a very easy fix, but cannot remember what the fix is.  anyone?02:45
Saladinitachi: Google the following phrase: "Change boot priority"02:45
t3floni just made the switch over to linux02:45
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mulvanet3flon: Sorry02:45
mralexandrohave any one played flight gear on ubuntu02:45
t3flonwhy are you sorry02:46
t3floni love it02:46
mulvaneLinux is a horrible platform02:46
gotamaHi! I've have installed ubuntu 8.04. and LTSP.  We have a printer on a thin client. Is there any howto that explains how to install a printer connected to a thin client.02:46
mulvaneYou should try a bsd02:46
BossmanbetaDr_willis, I think you may be right on the sdh1 part........ but when I insert the USB stick, /dev/sdh1 doesn't appear.............02:46
anto9ususer01, /lib/firmware/<kernel version>/<device>02:46
t3floni just love all the freeware avail...02:46
t3flonnot interested in bsd02:46
pcfreak30if i go bigger i have even more issues02:46
* t3flon slaps mulvane around a bit with a large trout02:46
droopsta915any one no why i cant play chess online? i installed the java like it said. it still wont work02:46
mulvanet3flon: You should check out freebsd.02:46
VipOrXmulvane:  I'm a HUGE BSD junkie (server), but you know BSD's desktop is nowhere near advanced as Ubuntu02:47
pcfreak30dont use the pkg manager02:47
RyanPriorSanketsu: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/39584/02:47
pcfreak30get it from the web site02:47
pcfreak30and use alien if u have to02:47
mulvaneVipOrX: Hrm, define desktop? I use freebsd as my main desktop OS02:47
pcfreak30use the first listing 4 linux02:47
RyanPriorSanketsu: It might be a little unimpressive - it took a lot longer for me to write since I'm quite rusty and needed to look everything up.02:47
pcfreak30the 1 they recomment02:47
pcfreak30for applets etc02:47
pcfreak30and it should wourk02:47
patifamulvane: So why are you in a GNU/linux distribution's help channel, then?02:48
VipOrXmulvane:  good, then you will know for the new user getting everything compiled on BSD is a huge issue.02:48
mulvaneHonestly, I don't know.02:48
imac_600How can I get an iMac G3 to start gdm from a 6.06 live CD? I need a way to start the installer.02:48
SanketsuRyanPrior: No problem, as long as it works, the wait is more than worth it.02:48
mulvaneVipOrX: Funny, bsd supports pkg_add02:48
RyanPriorSanketsu: to DS-format just one file, you'd run "fds mystory.txt" -- to DS-format all files in a directory, copy fds to that directory and run "fds -a"02:48
cskmaxmulvane: this is a rather rude place to troll...02:49
mralexandroplease, is debian the package version of flight gear i should download on ubuntu02:49
mulvanecskmax: Can you show me a non rude place to troll?02:49
VipOrXmulvane:  yes, type: /quit02:49
cskmaxmralexandro: it will *probably* work, and probably be better than a source installation.02:49
patifamralexandro, Ubuntu is debian based.  Debian is the best-match for installing packages for ubuntu.02:50
mulvaneI got invited here...02:50
mulvaneNot sure why.02:50
mralexandrothanks alot, really thanks02:50
VipOrXmulvane:  don't know, you could try leaving02:50
cskmaxmulvane: any general interest channel would be better02:50
SanketsuRyanPrior:  Ok, and it will automatically rename the output to not overwrite the existing files, and then I can transfer them to another folder and rename them to .txt, correct?02:50
mulvaneAh come on. I have one linux system in my house...02:50
mulvaneWait, no, I sold it...nm02:51
RyanPriorSanketsu: it will name the files their original filename plus ".ds", not destroying the originals02:51
mulvaneHrm, yeah, I have no real reason.02:51
RyanPriorSanketsu: actually, let me update the script slightly02:51
user01anto9us, hmmm firmware is already there02:51
SanketsuRyanPrior: Okies.  *^_^*02:51
VipOrXmulvane:  we are not impressed by your BSDness, I think it's great that you feel like your someone cause you use FreeBSD, I too will put a BSD server up against any server anywhere, but this isn't the place02:51
WDCHow do I see what drives I *CAN* mount. Not already mounted, but the devices hooked up02:52
mralexandropatifa: may i also ask you if the harddrive "killer" bug has been fixed in hardy heron ubuntu?02:52
Dr_willisWDC,  'sudo fdisk -l' shows all seen disks and their filesystems02:52
ushimitsudoki1mralexandro: what bug specifically are you talking about? link to launchpad or someplace similar pls02:53
cskmaxWDC I assume the drive you want isn't in /etc/fstab yet02:53
WDCDr_willis: thanks02:53
WDCcskmax: no02:53
patifamralexandro: Haven't heard of that.  I can't offer an opinion either way.02:53
cskmaxdr w called it then.02:53
mulvaneI'm impressed with your not impressedness.02:53
WDCDr_willis: worked like a charm, thank you02:53
mralexandroi hope i dont get banned, but here is the url: http://duopetalflower.blogspot.com/2008/04/harddrive-killer-bug-workaround-for.html02:53
Dr_willismralexandro,  ive not noticed my other laptop clicking/over-powersaving under hardy  - Technically that was  hard drive bios 'bug' :)02:54
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mralexandrook, but i have the same computer as that test team, a dell xps m133002:54
Dr_willismralexandro, the same problem also affected other disrtos  and even some windows variants  if i recall the HUGE forum posts on the toppic correctly.02:55
user01is modprobe supposed to return value?02:55
mralexandroforgive me but i am all new to linux or most distros02:55
cskmaxuser01: not if it is successful02:55
mralexandroand i should probarly google more than i chat:)02:55
m1rhello, i am trying to symlink /home/user/public_html /var/www , but i always keep getting http://localhost/public_html folder set. any tips how i can get all data from public_html show directly in /var/ww ? any help apriciated. tnx02:55
Dr_willismralexandro,  if it has the bug. you normally can hear the hd trying to spindown/click all the time. try the fix and see if it helps. I dont think its an issue now a days. and i think it was a overblown issue when it was an issue.02:55
cskmaxuser01: it will run quietly if successful02:56
WDCHow do I mount my iPod? It is /dev/sdc. I go mount /dev/sdc but it says it doesn't appear02:56
mralexandrook thanks02:56
mralexandroi have also tried to google how to fix my computer to detect usb external hardrive but could not understand it, is it to hard for me to configure?02:56
cskmaxWDC: My ipod mounts automatically... check for it under /media02:56
patifamralexandro, The problem is that in Ubuntu (along with other operating systems) can be overzealous about turning off the hard drive.  So it rapidly spins up/down.  Doing it properly extends battery life.  Doing it improperly shortens hard drive lifetime.02:56
patifamralexandro, apparently said balance is quite delicate.02:57
WDCcskmax: :O02:57
WDCcskmax: THANKS! Had no idea02:57
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cskmaxwdc: it also shows on my desktop with ipod icon :)02:57
mralexandroah, so if i run the fix i might get shorter battery if i have the bug already?02:57
cskmaxwdc: and finally, i use 'gtkpod' to manage its music, i find it better than rhythmbox for that02:57
mralexandrobut longer life for hardrive?02:57
Dr_willismralexandro,    theres a lot of hype about that 'bug' i doubt if you will notice much shorter battery life.02:58
m1rhow to corectly set home/user/public_html symlink into var/www ?02:58
WDCcskmax: It see's the iPod but says Permission Denied when I try to connect it, gtkpod that is02:58
cskmaxm1r: move the files to /var/www?02:58
RyanPriorSanketsu: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/39585/02:58
pcfreak30i am uploading a vid showing the issue02:58
mralexandroalright. thank you guys, really apreciate it02:58
RyanPriorSanketsu: new and improved: it creates a folder called "DS Formatted" and puts the formatted files there, with their original filenames.02:58
cskmaxwdc: odd, that doesn't happen to me. could not say :(02:59
TerralthraWhen someone has a minute, I'm trying to get my TI 1620 SD card reader working under 8.04, and the only tutorial I can find on the ubuntu forums are for Feisty, and it doesn't work for me.02:59
Terralthrais the relevant tutorla02:59
WDCIt's trying to connect with Firewire, but it's USB02:59
patifaDr_willis, mralexandro: Well if you spin down a hard drive infrequently, you get a decent increase in battery life.  However, repairing the 'bug' might merely extend the life of the hard drive, but not really improve battery time.02:59
cskmaxwdc: gtkpod has automagically recognized my ipod on a clean hardy install02:59
m1rcskmax: why move files if i want symlink ?02:59
SanketsuRyanPrior:  So it will make mystory.txt in the new folder instead of mystory.txt.fds in the original folder?  Is that right?02:59
WDCcskmax: Error initialising iPod: Couldn't find the iPod firewire ID03:00
cskmaxm1r:   'sudo ln -s [target] [link]'03:00
WDCcskmax: should I reinstall?03:00
Dr_willispatifa,  right thats what hes saying.. 'disable power savings on hd = uses more battery power'03:00
RyanPriorSanketsu: Correct. It will leave the original mystory.txt alone, putting the DS-formatted version in DS Formatted/mystory.txt03:00
cskmaxwdc: probably not over that ;)    i'd google the error and go from there, i have no experience with that issue03:00
m1rcskmax: ln -s /home/user/public_html /var/www ?03:00
linuxfceI'm trying to install gnome-seek from source. Pango needed gtk+-2.0 or better, so I installed the latest one, but pango ./configure still gives me the same error03:00
cskmaxm1r: probably use /var/www/public_html as the link name03:00
mdgrncskmax: I'm back - that helps.  Y'all troubleshooting MP3 players - I have a Samsungyp-U303:01
droopsta915i cant remove a folder from the desktop what can i do?03:01
patifadroopsta915, what's the error?03:01
m1rcskmax: i want evade /var/www/public_html, but want just to have all files from public_html in /var/www03:01
user01cskmsk i dont understand why it wont work03:01
cskmaxm1r: you can't make a symlink if a directory already exists with that name; and what you are describing is not really good practice for Apache03:01
cskmaxm1r: for clarity you should have things under /var/www03:02
droopsta915Patifa:Error removing file: Permission denied03:02
RyanPriordroopsta915: Use sudo to remove it.03:02
Gneamdg: what's the problem?03:02
SanketsuRyanPrior:  Thanks man, I appreciate it very much.03:02
patifadroopsta915, what folder is it? (Are you sure it's not a special folder, and that it's on the desktop?)03:02
cskmaxm1r: may i kindly suggest joining #apache for specific recommendations for your case03:02
RyanPriorSanketsu: thanks for asking. :-)03:02
patifaReference to pcfreak30: URL is http://www.derrickhammer.com/screenprob.AVI03:03
mdgGnea: just wanting to access Samsung YP-U3 contents to sync, etc03:03
user01i want to use the opensource driver over ndiswrapper but it doesnt seem to work with open source driver03:03
Gneamdg: so plug it in and use it - if you have problems, then ask :)03:03
m1rcskmax: apache have nothing to do with simple symlink, problem is ubuntu creates /var/www/public_html when symlinked which i want evade and have public_html files directly in www root03:03
SanketsuRyanPrior:  Would I need to change anything in the original script that you gave me in order for the second to work?03:03
mdgwhat's your recommended program for accessing it?03:03
droopsta915i tryed sudo rmdir jre1.6.0_07, directory is not empty03:04
anto9ususer01, you should download the windows driver and use that with ndiswrapper03:04
bastid_raZordroopsta915; sudo rm -Rf directory03:04
RyanPriorSanketsu: Just use the second script instead of the first one.03:04
user01anto9us, isnt that a cop out? :)03:04
Gneafor mp3 players and usb flash drives, i just plug it in. nautilus will, if it's detected correctly, popup a window showing you the contents.03:04
SanketsuRyanPrior: Oh, ok.03:04
user01anto9us, and how do i make sure it doesnt interfere with the opensource driver?03:04
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patifadroopsta915, be sure you type the rm command perfectly.  That can be a "very bad" command used improperly.03:05
Gneamdg: of course, if it doesn't automount, you'll need to find it in Places03:05
ShdwShinobidanopia_, are you still here?03:05
mdgokay , here goes03:05
RyanPrioruser01: It is a cop-out, but with many wifi drivers (esp. Broadcom) it is the only workable solution. :-(03:05
linuxfceI'm trying to install gnome-seek from source. Pango needed gtk+-2.0 or better, so I installed the latest one, but pango ./configure still gives me the same error03:05
droopsta915i typed rmdir03:05
cskmaxm1r: it's a little old but maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143350 has relevant info03:05
jatznote to self03:05
anto9ususer01, you wouldn't use the opensource driver with ndiswrapper03:05
pcfreak30also,if the resolution is higher03:05
cskmaxgood luck03:05
jatzpkill -v pulseaudio crashes ubuntu03:05
pcfreak30the screen just displays smaller03:05
user01anto9us, yes but it was installed automatically03:05
pcfreak30even if i change my tv settings03:06
m1rcskmax: i check it, tnx03:06
cskmaxyou are concerned with the 'userdir' module's functionality, it's really not specific to ubuntu ;)03:06
pcfreak30it doent help03:06
jatzI'm a try HL now, brb03:06
anto9ususer01, see http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/#issues03:06
WDCOkay, in gtkpod I get this: Error initialising iPod: Couldn't find the iPod firewire ID03:06
WDCThe only solutions I can find are for Gutsy, and I really would like to use my iPod.03:06
Sorlagis there anything like kinfocenter on gnome?03:06
droopsta915bastid_razor: u da boss, whats the -Rf for?03:07
danopia_ShdwShinobi, yes03:07
m1rcskmax: no, i dont want user dir or anything, just simple symlink like i used to do b4 and everything worked fine :/ now when i make symlink, it adds public_html in www root which i dont want or need.03:07
GneaWDC: how do you know they won't work for hardy?03:07
bastid_raZordroopsta915; -R is recursive f is for force03:07
patifaSorlag, "Sysinfo"03:07
* danopia_ is busy ripping CDs to his MPD :P03:07
WDCGnea: Because I tried them?03:07
ShdwShinobiok danopia_, I put in a new harddrive, wiped it clean and installed ubuntu 8.04.1 fresh. I should now download the restricted driver?03:07
WDCShdwShinobi: Yes03:08
droopsta915nice thanx a million!!!!03:08
danopia_when you boot it, does something in the tray meniton restricted hardware03:08
GneaWDC: so it can't find the firewire ID on a USB connection? or did you mean firmware?03:08
zachbWhenever I run sudo-anything, I get: "sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Aug 21 21:21:36 2008"03:08
danopia_ShdwShinobi, when you boot it, does something in the tray meniton restricted hardware03:08
WDCGnea: That is a paste, it means Firewire, which I am not using03:08
WDCGnea: I am in Gtkpod BTW03:08
SanketsuRyanPrior: I run fds in the folder and get   http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/39589/  back in terminal.03:08
deepakcan someone help me plz....03:09
GneaWDC: can't say i've ever used gtkpod (i don't own an ipod), but if you're not using firewire... and it can't find a firewire id... then i don't think there's a problem03:09
jmichelsen_is there a place in Xubuntu/Ubuntu to set "xset -dpms" at startup?03:09
Gnea!ask | deepak03:09
ubottudeepak: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:09
GneaWDC: unless i'm totally misunderstanding03:09
WDCGnea: well, it just WON'T look at the iPod. Which is odd03:09
Sorlagpatifa sysinfo is great, thank you03:09
ShdwShinobidanopia_, no03:09
WDCeven though I tell it to look at /media/WD (the iPod mount)03:10
danopia_ShdwShinobi, it did for me....03:10
RyanPriorSanketsu: you have to run it with an argument - either a file name, or the flag -a (to run it on all files)03:10
pcfreak30any 1 got any ideas bout my screen03:10
mdgrnAll my samsung does is charge - no programs opened, nothing03:10
Sanketsuoh ok03:10
ShdwShinobiwait, danopia_, now it did03:10
danopia_ShdwShinobi, k accept it and when it's done reboot? i think? i forget exaclty what i did03:10
deepaki have wget installed on ubuntu, i need to find out where it is installed and what library files it contains, how can i do that ?03:11
pcfreak30it is prob in /usr/bin/wget03:11
RyanPriorSanketsu: if I were prettying it up for public release, I'd make it spit pretty error messages when you do something wrong, but I skipped that stuff for now. ;-)03:11
pcfreak30but the librarys google it03:11
ushimitsudoki1deepak: dpkg -L wget03:11
deepakand where is it installed ?03:11
pcfreak30or just use sys pkg man03:12
pcfreak30find it03:12
pcfreak30right clickproperties03:12
pcfreak30and it will show u03:12
mralexandropatifa:i have created the file fixes and used the commands asked in terminal to copy the fixes to the right locations and with the right function. should i restart the computer to se if i discover any changes?03:12
Gnea!enter | pcfreak3003:12
ubottupcfreak30: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:12
ShdwShinobidanopia_, restarting03:12
danopia_ShdwShinobi, what system are on, a differnet one?03:12
Gneadeepak: why do you need to see what libraries it uses?03:13
ShdwShinobidanopia_, same one... just a fresh harddrive (one without all my data, settings, etc)03:13
danopia_ShdwShinobi, no i mean for IRC03:13
ShdwShinobioh, a laptop03:13
ShdwShinobiso yeah, different03:14
thurstonwhy is my login screen reslution larger thatn my desktop resolution?03:14
thurstonhow do i set them to be the same?03:14
user01user01, how do i blacklist the ipw2200 driver then if i use ndiswrapper?03:14
danopia_ShdwShinobi, ?03:14
ShdwShinobidanopia_, good and bad... good, it's using the full resolution, bad... it's only displaying 640x480 of it03:14
ShdwShinobiso i can't see anything but the upper left of the ubuntu logo on the login screen03:14
patifamralexandro, that'd be the simplest method.  There's probably some crazy terminal commands we could type to restart the parts of the system to engage your fix, but it's probably easier to restart the whole thing :P03:14
danopia_k well when it boots get the config thing03:14
user01i need to blacklist the driver first right>03:14
danopia_ShdwShinobi, oh03:15
jmichelsen_is there a place in Xubuntu/Ubuntu to set "xset -dpms" at startup?03:15
danopia_ShdwShinobi, yea that's bad03:15
glad_workhey - how do you manage what video driver you want to use with 8.04? dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't do it anymore03:15
danopia_ShdwShinobi, you can drop to a prompt and edit the config file to lower the res03:15
ShdwShinobiok, danopia_, just logged in... and it's displaying it all but 640x48003:15
m1rcskmax: ok, i tried with public_html and www , both give same result when symlinked to /var/www/www or public_html, i just cant get files to show under www root from any of those two folders03:15
histom1r: what are you trying to do?03:17
_spm_Dragetshould I use apt-get or aptitude?03:17
m1rhisto: make symlink from my docs folder to www root03:17
histo_spm_Draget: aptitude03:17
histo!best | _spm_Draget03:17
ubottu_spm_Draget: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:17
DevourerIs there a way I can access other computers on my network?03:17
histom1r: you need sudo to do it.03:17
joseph_whats the rename commands in terminal03:17
histojoseph_: mv03:17
RyanPriorDevourer: Yes there is. In which way would you like to access them?03:17
joseph_in terminal doing some xserver stuff, oh joy03:18
zachbI'm having trouble with apt, it appears that it thinks that nothing is installed...03:18
DevourerRyanPrior, I'd like to access shared files, or even, just get their IP.03:18
m1rhisto: /home/user/public_html /var/www ; creates /var/www/public_html , do you understand problem ?03:18
user01is /etc/hotplug/blacklist still used?03:18
RyanPriorDevourer: Are these Ubuntu machines, Windows machines, or other?03:18
Sanketsu12.3 MB of .txt files...  How long should it take to go though all of them RyanPrior?  Just a ballpark?03:18
histozachb: what do you mean?03:18
DevourerRyanPrior, they are Windows machines.03:18
zachbI type `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop` and it starts installing all those packages...03:18
RyanPriorSanketsu: no clue. :-)03:18
histom1r: so you would go to www.m1r.com/public_html03:18
SanketsuOkies  *^_^*03:18
m1rhisto corect03:19
RyanPriorDevourer: Places -> Network should find them. Otherwise... ask in ##windows ?03:19
zachbit lists easily over a hundred to install, 1967MB of space...03:19
m1rhisto: i want go localhost/ , not localhost/public_html03:19
DevourerRyanPrior, how can I find their IP?03:19
histom1r: ahhh. Well you need to change your document root then.  Or create a symlink in you Documents to /var/www that you have access to. Then you can just write files there and it will place them in /var/www03:20
RyanPriorDevourer: I don't know - keep asking though, somebody probably does.03:20
deepakanyone installed ubuntu using vmware here??03:20
histom1r: I would create a simlink of /home/m1r/webdocs to /var/www03:20
glad_workhey - how do you manage what video driver you want to use with 8.04? dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't do it anymore03:20
m1rhisto:  cottect03:20
m1rhisto: ln -s /home/user/www /var/www ?03:21
histom1r: yea03:21
histom1r: no03:21
isiahcan ubuntu be installed remotely on a windows machine?03:21
histom1r: ln -s /var/www /home/user/www03:21
pcfreak30its possible03:21
pcfreak30dont know how03:22
pcfreak30would require a network install03:22
hitman1985hey all, quick question how do i install an application from a couple of .xml and .mst files ? any idea (UBUNTU HARDY 8.04)03:22
m1rhisto: but then i need be root to edit /home/user/www ?03:22
pcfreak30and be supported by the pc bios03:22
RyanPriorm1r: you shouldn't have to be root to edit something in /home03:22
TerralthraI still need help with a TI 1620 card reader03:22
pcfreak30m1r, sudo03:22
Terralthraif anyone has any ideas03:22
m1rye, sry, sudo03:22
histoRyanPrior: but its a link to /var/www03:22
jmichelsen_is there a place in Xubuntu/Ubuntu to set "xset -dpms" at startup?03:22
Terralthrathe how-to I linked earlier has a whole bunch of errors when I tried to make it03:23
Saladinm1r: Are you talking about Apache?03:23
m1rSaladin: no , ubuntu03:23
pcfreak30any ideas bout my screen?03:23
RyanPriorhisto: That sounds silly.03:23
histoSaladin: yeah he wants  a remote www directory that is transparent to apache. ex: /home/m1r/www would lik to /var/www03:23
Saladinm1r: Okay, was just you talking about the www folder.03:23
mralexandropatifa: to be honest i see no change, but at least i dont need to worry about the problem i guess03:23
histoRyanPrior: why.03:23
RyanPrior!patience | pcfreak3003:23
ubottupcfreak30: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:23
m1rSaladin: symlink from user folder to www folder03:24
Saladinm1r: Why?03:24
pcfreak30read the conduct03:24
luks_xfce4 has problems accessing /home/user/Desktop it says its not a folder... i got it installed in spanish... any ideas??? how do i solve the enoying box pumping all times i login..!03:24
m1rSaladin: so user can edit files in his docs03:24
RyanPriorhisto: Why do you link /home/user/www to /var/www?03:24
m1rSaladin: and have them published online same time03:24
Whiz_2ok i think ubuntu has lost it's mind03:24
histom1r: the proper solution would be to add the user to the www group. and just have him edit /var/www files03:24
histoRyanPrior: because he wants to do that.03:24
electrofreakdoes anyone have any advice to fixing issues with standby and/or hibernation?03:25
Saladinm1r: Use sudo nautilus /var/www to open up the folder in root mode and then just allow that user the correct permissions.03:25
=== tonsofpc1 is now known as tonsofpcs
RyanPriorSaladin: sudo nautilus sounds like a recipe for disaster03:25
histoSaladin: but I don't believe he wants to do that.03:25
rockyhm, i'm looking around for a socks client cmd-line tool (like tsocks) that will allow me to provide the socks server on a per cmd basis ... does something like that exist?03:25
histo!gksu | Saladin03:25
ubottuSaladin: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)03:25
Whiz_2on my server install (alternate) CD i started the installation, and during install it says that no common CD-ROM drive was detected... but it's booted the install from CD... what sense does that make?03:25
SanketsuRyanPrior: Ok, it did  15 out of 312 and then hangs.  I hit ctrl-c in terminal to kill the process and tried it again and got no new files in "DS Formatted".03:25
m1rhisto , RyanPrior , Saladin , i just want symlink from user folder to var/www, so user can edit his files in his folder without worry for any permisions or problems03:25
RyanPriorSaladin: A) you should use gksudo for graphical apps, B) Nautilus as root?!03:26
SaladinRyanPrior: I did it for changing the sudoers file.03:26
histom1r: You are still going to run in to permission problems you are trying to edit something outside of the users home.03:26
mralexandrowhen i try to mount my external harddrive i get an error message saying "unable to mount the volume "My Book"03:26
zachbhisto: any ideas?03:26
zachbhisto: any ideas?03:26
m1rhisto: i shouldnt have problems as iit is symlink ? no ?03:26
RyanPriorSanketsu: that sucks. Is there a particularly large file that it's hanging on, perhaps?03:26
bastid_raZormralexandro; don't use a space in the mountpoint03:27
histom1r: they would still need permissions to the target.03:27
histom1r: which is /var/www03:27
RyanPrior!worksforme | Saladin03:27
ubottuSaladin: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/03:27
mralexandrobastid_raZor: all i did was plug in the usb03:27
Whiz_2Any ideas on why ubuntu server is telling me it doesn't detect a CD-ROM drive when it's booted from one?03:27
m1rhisto: chmod o+rx ~/www ?03:27
SanketsuRyanPrior: I'm not seeing one, and the ones that it has done are rather...  randomly selected from the folder, it's not in order at all.03:28
_spm_DragetIs it normal that I always get the warning that all my packages I install are untrusty versions?03:28
SaladinSorry RyanPrior; was the advice I was given03:28
linuxfceA program I'm trying to install requires GTK+-2.14, there is no GTK+-2.14!!!03:28
bastid_raZormralexandro; where is it trying to mount it?03:28
moomsmralexandro:can you se it when you run sudo fdisk -l ?03:28
RyanPriorSaladin: I would have protested if I saw you being given that advice. Now you know better, and can join me in protest. :-)03:28
mralexandrolet me check03:28
histom1r: hodl on a sec03:28
bastid_raZormralexandro; what does dmesg | tail give you? pastebinit please03:28
linuxfceEven unstable only goes to 2.1303:29
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m1rhisto: ok03:29
histom1r: yeah either way you need to make the user part of the proper group03:29
RyanPriorSanketsu: Well, perhaps try doing them one by one then. Unfortunately, I don't have any solution that I think is particularly likely to work.03:29
zachbIs there some way that I can do a fresh install from within ubuntu wo/ burning another disk?03:29
RyanPriorSanketsu: Finding the problem would probably take more time than I have this evening.03:30
Whiz_2Any ideas on why ubuntu server is telling me it doesn't detect a CD-ROM drive when it's booted from one for installation?03:30
SanketsuRyanPrior:  Ok then, no worries mate, thanks for all the help!!  *^_^*03:30
mralexandroi think it is this one cause it is the only one i have with 500 gb: Disk /dev/sdb: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes03:30
histom1r: let me check something03:30
user01anto9us, did you blacklist ipw2200 before installing ndiswrapper?03:30
m1rhisto: ok03:30
Saladinm1r: This may be of help to you - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50587003:30
pcfreak30whiz_2, dont sure. keep tryin. slackware did that 2 some03:30
ShdwShinobidanopia_, i have two screens now... one is at the proper resolution, but I can't get the other one03:31
m1rSaladin: checking, tnx03:31
danopia_ShdwShinobi, which one works03:31
mralexandrobastid_raZor: i took a screenshot of the error message in detail, anywhre i can upload it03:31
sk33t0rwhats the best program for linux to setup a proxy to connect to irc?03:31
Whiz_2pcfreak30: this is during the installation. it's already started detecting hardware, and it is running from the CD yet telling me it can't detect any common CD-ROM drives (the only one it has is the one it's running from)03:31
_spm_DragetEvery package I install is in an untrusty version o.o03:31
pcfreak30mralexandro: imageshack.us03:32
ShdwShinobidanopia, the one i'd rather have not work... smaller monitor, secondary03:32
pcfreak30i know03:32
rukcusI have Ubuntu 8.04 running with VMWare Server; how can I bridge my WiFi connection to the VM_OS?03:32
danopia_ShdwShinobi, might be monitor driver issues03:32
pcfreak30when i ran slackware03:32
LamerCHello all.  I can use hdparam to control write caching to hard disks.  Can I do something similar for removable disks? I wan't to disable the caching for usb drives.03:32
ShdwShinobidanopia_, it's a sceptre... wouldn't surprise me somehow03:32
Whiz_2pcfreak30: I dunno anything at all about slackware so that doesn't help me03:32
bastid_raZormralexandro; sorry.. my wife calls.. i'm out03:32
pcfreak30it tried to detect the cd-rom, and sometimes couldnt. During istallation03:32
sk33t0rIve seen ezbounce, muh and bnc03:33
sk33t0rwhats the best?03:33
danopia_ShdwShinobi, in the config you shuold be able to select monitor drivers03:33
pcfreak30well slackware is same as ubuntu, except gui ant enabled by dfault03:33
Whiz_2pcfreak30: will it cause a problem if I install it like this, or should I keep trying until it sees it?03:33
pcfreak30nd root ant protected03:33
ShdwShinobidanopia_, in the nvidia-settings window?03:33
danopia_ShdwShinobi, yea03:33
pcfreak30shutting it down, reboot, and go through it again till it sees it03:34
Whiz_2errr ok03:34
danopia_yay permissions failure03:34
ShdwShinobidanopia_, not seeing where03:34
danopia_ShdwShinobi, second03:34
Whiz_2pcfreak30: no need to shut it down... it's not liveCD03:34
pcfreak30haardware may be a prob, but prob not the case. cause linux supports all hardware usually03:34
zllance1I just installed the Ubuntu 8.04.1 desktop with all the updates on a Dell Latitude D400 in a docking station connected to two external LCD monitors. I am having issues trying to get the LCD monitors to display at the same time. the funny thing is that they both display in close  mode. Any help would be greatly appreciated.03:34
k20awhat app do i use to convert wav to mp3?03:34
pcfreak30i know03:34
pcfreak30if ur installin03:34
danopia_k20a, i would use lame03:35
pcfreak30and it ant a livecd03:35
k20adanopia_ thankyou03:35
pcfreak30then it will go through the process agsain03:35
pcfreak30and may detect it03:35
histom1r: who owns /var/www right now. try ls -la /var/www03:35
pcfreak30i had the same issue with a old emachine pc of mine03:35
WDCHey Hey! I am trying to install a .bin and it says Permission Denied03:35
_spm_DragetWhich tex-package would you guys suggest?03:36
geniuscan you suggest some big dm_crypt and LVM article. I can't find something useful..03:36
pcfreak30make sure u have perms top access it03:36
pcfreak30then right click03:36
WDCpcfreak30: What a noobish moment, I knew I had to do that! SORRY!03:36
m1rhisto , says root for all03:36
joseph_does anyone know of a good flavour of ubuntu, like linux mint?03:36
mralexandropcfreak30: here it is: http://img137.imageshack.us/my.php?image=harddriveerroruq7.png03:36
pcfreak30and give it execte perms03:36
Whiz_2pcfreak30: yeah it's an old emachine lol03:36
WDCpcfreak30: Thanks! I've done this before! Just forgot. THANKS03:36
SanketsuRyanPrior:  Quick note:  I modded a small script to this from my psp video formatting thingie.  "for i in $(ls | grep .txt); do "./fds" "$i"; done"  And it is working wonders!!!03:36
histom1r: arghh holdup03:36
WDCAn error occurred while installing Adobe AIR. Installation may not be allowed by your administrator. Please contact your administrator.03:37
pcfreak30got the same issue.03:37
WDCWhat does that mean?03:37
pcfreak30when migrating03:37
m1rhisto: ok03:37
pcfreak30seems some things wernt departed correctly03:37
pcfreak30u must go into windows03:37
pcfreak30aand manually remove it from use hardware03:38
Whiz_2pcfreak30: who are you talking to? helps if you put the name before what you're saying03:38
pragmaticpieI'm having trouble using my Logitech USB headset with Steam.03:38
mralexandroits me i think03:38
pcfreak30no wdc03:38
anto9ususer01, no03:38
IdleOnejoseph_, kubuntu xubuntu edubuntu03:38
pcfreak30wdc, in window,disconnect the hd from the usb devices03:38
joseph_IdleOne: I was talking about actual different flavours such as Linux Mint. A new Linux OS, but based on ubuntu03:39
pcfreak30if it says it cant cause a program is using it03:39
histom1r: The only way I see to do this is to create a group like www-data and chgrp /var/www to that group then just add yoru user to www-data group.  But someone else may have a better solution.03:39
pragmaticpieWhen I press the "Change device..." button under the voice tab of settings, all I get is a dialog box saying that the Windows audio control panel is is now open.03:39
pcfreak30turn it off then back on. the hd that is03:39
pcfreak30thren try again03:39
pcfreak30once u done that03:39
IdleOnejoseph_, check distrowatch.com03:39
TerralthraI really need help. =/03:39
pcfreak30and ur in ubuntu 4 good03:39
m1rhisto: that wasnt so hard last time i set this up :)03:40
m1rhisto: many tnx for your help, i check further on03:41
* xaj is away, auto-away after 60 minutes03:42
amenadowhoa..electric power via wireless?03:42
jigphello how to see the icons of my desktop? done alt f2 compiz and metacity..same thing no icons..plus everytime i minimize my pidgin, i will not see the client anymore...03:42
kitcheamenado: ? if your talking about power over ethernet it's not what you think really03:43
mralexandropcfreak30: are you sure that was not related to my usb disk problem as well?03:43
amenadokitche its some technology that Intel supposedly announced today..03:43
pcfreak30what was u prob03:43
mavsman4457Hi I just updated songbird and I love the new layout but the menu bar ie file, edit, view, etc. doesn't show up, does anyone know how to fix this?03:43
geniusHow to use cryptosetup on /dev/mapper/lvm-volume ?03:43
pcfreak30jigp, i believe that pidgn goes in to the system tray03:44
Saladinm1r: Was that link any good to you?03:44
pcfreak30so clickit at the top03:44
pcfreak30and it will come03:44
m1rSaladin: reading on, will try with usermod03:44
mralexandropcfreak30: http://img137.imageshack.us/my.php?image=harddriveerroruq7.png03:44
amenadokitche yahoo had  a lil blurb about it..03:44
cafreeMy system's recently starting locking up on me.  I can't kill X, I can't SSH, the screen goes all "garbled" too, lines and blocks everywhere.  I'm not sure how to figure out what the cause is.  Can anyone help?03:44
pcfreak30i gott ppl mixed up03:45
pcfreak30that was ur solution03:45
mavsman4457amenado, wow that's amazing03:45
mavsman4457talk about wireless03:45
dumplesdoes anyone know a good windows channel or would mind helping me even though its unrelated?03:45
kitcheamenado: kinda off topic but looks just like a supped up power over ethernet sorta03:45
kitchedumples: ##windows03:45
Whiz_2pcfreak30: That's why it's a good idea to put a name in front of what you're saying so people know who you are talking to (like i did)03:45
jamboodadoes anyone know how to install a package without some of its dependencies03:46
mavsman4457dumples you can ask here and go there too03:46
amenadokitche  am ready to be beamed up..skotty :P03:46
jigp pcfreak30 yes but after 30 minutes it will gone...how to see the icons in my desktop?when i plug my usb flash drive before it will show the icon in desktop.now there is no icon anymore....done with alt f2 compiz and metacity but same thing....03:46
jamboodai want to install openoffice base but it wants to install some java stuff03:46
jamboodai already have my own version of java installed that I odn't wnat to overwrite03:46
mavsman4457jambooda install the dependecies first?03:46
Whiz_2jambooda: when you install a package, it normally installs the dependancies with it automatically as far as I know03:46
mralexandropcfreak30: ah ok thanks:) so i go in windows and disable usb hardrive in advanced settings under my computer or something then?03:46
ShdwShinobidanopia_ any luck?03:46
dumplesOk, would I be able to use an old sony vaio's install discs to reinstall windows xp on my compaq presario?03:46
kitcheamenado: go to #ubuntu-offtopic and we can talk there about it03:46
jamboodathe problem is I dno't want the dependencies at all03:46
jamboodaonly some of them03:47
danopia_hi ShdwShinobi, no i can't find it03:47
jamboodanot all03:47
danopia_but i saw it before03:47
Terralthraanyone free to help with the TI 1620 sd card reader?03:47
amenadokitche nah, one lil comment i had thats it..03:47
pcfreak30mralexandro: yea, but if u dont have windows.then i feel sry 4 u03:47
danopia_ShdwShinobi, switch the outputs on the card? :P03:47
mavsman4457jambooda why not? there is no problem in having them03:47
jamboodacan i select which dependencies to isntall and which to leave off03:47
Whiz_2jambooda: if the package you want is dependant on those other packages, I don't think you will be able to install it without them03:47
mralexandropcfreak30 i do have windows03:47
pcfreak30jambooda: not really03:47
os2macanyone got any info on how to get an open source ID certificate?03:47
jamboodawell when it installed it puts its version of java ahead of theone I already have installed03:47
pcfreak30dont know any way to trick the manager03:47
croddyWhiz_2, there is a way, actually, but it breaks more than it fixes03:47
ShdwShinobidanopia_, if it doesn't recognize the monitor... what good will it do?03:48
ShdwShinobibut i'll try it03:48
adakoshowdy folks. I was wondering how I would go about setting up another network interface ( i have 3 NIC's installed, autoconfig took care of 1 during setup, how do I go about enabling the other 2 so i can use the server as a DHCP host/ firewall)03:48
pcfreak30even if u could u would prob mess up the package and it would not run03:48
Whiz_2croddy: then it's not recommended03:48
danopia_ShdwShinobi, see if it recognizes it in the other plug03:48
m1rhisto , Saladin , RyanPrior , many many tnx for your help guys i got almost where i wanted with your help, it is working now.03:48
danopia_ShdwShinobi, are you using dual x displays or twinview03:48
pcfreak30mralexandro: just saying/joking03:49
Whiz_2if ubuntu server won't detect the CD-ROM that it is installing from (odd i know) would it make sense to tell it to use /dev/cdrom or whatever the default usually is?03:49
ShdwShinobibad idea switching03:49
IsleVega1my friend just got an ASUS M51TA-X2 with an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650 and when trying to boot the Ubuntu 8.04 cd he has no success with any of the options on the CD, such as safe graphics mode, try ubuntu without changing your computer, etc. Even the check CD for problems didn't work. They appear to start and then the video goes blank and nothing happens even after a long while.03:49
danopia_ShdwShinobi, me too03:49
marco--I'm trying to install build essential on a laptop that doesn't have access to the internet. I've tried apt-get from the ubuntu CD, without sucess. Is there a way other than downloading all the build-essencial dependencies separetly?03:49
deepakhow do i install a programme with a .run ext ?03:49
rafaelscj!iso > rafaelscj03:49
ubotturafaelscj, please see my private message03:49
Omar87How do I safely upgrade to Intrepid Ibex?03:49
mralexandropcfreak30: heh, ok:) restarting to try to figure out a disconection in windows, thanks for your help03:49
vasilisaWhen i make install something, the headers go in usr/include... but where do things like the configuration files go?03:49
Qsterdeepak: i think its just simple ./program.run03:49
pcfreak30mralexandro: no prob03:50
adakosvasilia : usually configs are under /etc/program_name/03:50
vasilisaadakos: thanks :)03:50
pcfreak30i just wish my issue could be solved03:50
deepaki dont understand.03:50
adakosvasilia: dont thank me yet, i could be wrong! :)03:50
anto9usjambooda, cross that bridge "if" you come to it, I don't think you will, you can have several java versions installed03:50
IsleVega1it's a new model, and brand new computer - he bought it here, specs are listed - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683422034903:50
ShdwShinobidanopia_, it's too smart for switching03:51
Saladinm1r: No problems03:51
vasilisacrap it didnt :/03:51
pcfreak30whiz_2: wuts ur issue03:51
vasilisaIm supposed to compile with like:  "g++ test.cpp Gosu/linux/gosu.a `Gosu/linux/gosu-config --libs` -Igosu `Gosu/linux/gosu-config --cxxflags`"03:51
vasilisabut it cant find those paths....03:51
adakosHow do i add a NIC (eth0, eth1, eth2) and enable it on dapper ? (and also, is load-balancing an option)03:51
shiloh7can anyone possibly give a bit of advice?03:52
pcfreak30shiloh: wut03:52
Whiz_2pcfreak30: same issue. it won't detect the CD-ROM even tho it's booted from it. claims it may not be IDE or SCSI but it is an IDE Atapi CD-ROM03:52
IdleOneshiloh7, advice on?03:52
shiloh7question: i have a Dell inspiron 110003:52
etzerdhello all03:52
pcfreak30whiz_2: keep trying03:52
shiloh7where can i read if there are drivers for the video03:53
pcfreak30if u have to use a diff kernal03:53
electrofreakcan someone help me get standby and/or hibernation working on my system? I just installed ubuntu 8.04 on an abit AN8 nforce4 board.03:53
Whiz_2pcfreak30: I'm only going to try so many times before I threow it out the window03:53
mavsman4457how do i uninstall songbird? i think i installed it with a .deb but I may have installed it with a script03:53
SinisterBenif add/remove programs freezes up when you try to download a network manager and also I can no longer get into samba even after a reboot what should i fo03:53
RyanPriorSanketsu: I'm glad you found a way to make it work!03:53
IdleOne!hardware | shiloh7 take a look at the follwing link and see if your harware is supported03:53
ubottushiloh7 take a look at the follwing link and see if your harware is supported: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection03:53
adakosSinisterBen: try removing and reinstalling samba03:53
SGBAnyone know how to fix my partitions mount point,  I'm unable to access my windows drive it comes up with "mount_point unable to contain following characters: new line, G_DIR_SEPERATOR"03:54
pcfreak30whiz_2: try using a scsi compatible kernal03:54
Whiz_2pcfreak30: my previous installation of kubuntu 6.06 LTS had absolutely no problems with the CD drive03:54
SinisterBenadakos Add/remove locks up whenever I try to do anything03:54
Whiz_2pcfreak30: why? it's an IDE device03:54
adakosSinisterBen: try doing the old-fasioned way with terminal and sudo apt-get --purge remove samba03:54
pcfreak30wjiz_2: well the os doent know it03:54
SinisterBenok thanks03:54
Whiz_2pcfreak30: it is a standard cd-rom drive double speed03:54
etzerdguys, since yesterday I tried all the distro out there to see which one reconize my IBM ThinkPad T42 Wireless none of them. That's when I said let me try ubuntu, bengo my wireless connection work fine under ubuntu.03:55
shiloh7thank you very much :)03:55
pcfreak30is it usb or  built in03:55
shiloh7i love this distro so much i want it on my work pc03:55
SGBAnyone know how to fix my partitions mount point,  I'm unable to access my windows drive it comes up with "mount_point unable to contain following characters: new line, G_DIR_SEPERATOR"03:55
RyanPrioretzerd: I'm glad it worked out!03:55
etzerdme to shiloh703:55
adakosSGB: I dont know if this will help, but try reinstalling NTFS-3g, or check to make sure there are no illegal charcters in the drive name03:56
pcfreak30sgb, try deconnecting it from the usb list in windows,then try to use it in linux03:56
pcfreak30but that might not be ur prob03:56
pcfreak30cause u wernt clear enough 4 me03:57
etzerdRyanPrior, I tried them all. From Suse to Fedora, none of them work with the wireless that build in the laptop03:57
RyanPrior!u | pcfreak3003:57
ubottupcfreak30: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..03:57
SGBIts my actual HDD,  when I try to load it up in ubuntu I get the unable to mount volume error...03:57
Omar87How do I safely upgrade to Intrepid Ibex?03:57
pcfreak30wbottu: well i am a bad typer03:57
Whiz_2pcfreak30: could it be the fact that my BIOS sees it as an ATAPI CDROM device?03:58
anto9usOmar87, it isn't safe for use on production machines yet03:58
electrofreakcan someone help me get standby and/or hibernation working on my system? I just installed ubuntu 8.04 on an abit AN8 nforce4 board. Could the software raid0 have anything to do with them not working??03:58
pcfreak30whiz_2: good idea03:58
pcfreak30check ur bios settings and make sure they are correct03:58
Whiz_2pcfreak30: they are.03:58
RyanPrioretzerd: distros like Ubuntu, Mepis, and Knoppix work very hard for out-of-the-box hardware support, and though we've still got a long way to go, we're proud of the wide array of stuff that works without any extra fiddling.03:58
Omar87anto9us, I'm not on a production machine, that's my own laptop... at home.03:58
pcfreak30whiz_2: uh, maby try doconnecting it physically boot up03:59
pcfreak30thrn reconnect it?03:59
pcfreak30not sure03:59
pcfreak30just throwing stuff out03:59
TerralthraSpeaking of out of the box working with hardware...03:59
Whiz_2pcfreak30: now why would that make a difference? it boots from it03:59
pcfreak30i dont know04:00
anto9usOmar87, my point is, it's not yet ready to be "safely upgraded"04:00
pcfreak30judt trying to think04:00
Whiz_2pcfreak30: maybe I should just try telling ubuntu it is /dev/cdrom?04:00
adakosomar87: Intrep. Ibex isn't ready for the public yet, it's still in testing phase04:00
pcfreak30whiz_2: that could work04:01
RyanPrior!intrepid | Omar8704:01
ubottuOmar87: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!04:01
pcfreak30couldnt hurt04:01
pcfreak30whiz_2: this is a hd right04:01
Omar87adakos, yeah, I know, but I did upgrade to Hardy Heron when it was Alpha 4.04:01
jmichelsen_ anyone know the modprobe command for a Airgo Networks Inc AGN100 card?04:02
Whiz_2pcfreak30: no it's not a hard drive. it is a CD-ROM drive04:02
Omar87adakos, and I'm thinking of doing the same with Intrepid Ibex.04:02
Ben511Hi all, can anyone recommend a gigabit NIC which works without any tweaks at gigabit speed?!!!04:02
RyanPriorOmar87: Thank you for being a brave pioneer and alpha tester. However, once you upgrade, you shouldn't look in #ubuntu for support - #ubuntu+1 is your channel now, until October.04:02
shiloh7etzerd, i was die hard fedora 8, that died on an update, critical kernel04:02
pcfreak30whiz_2: can u boot from a usb stick?04:03
shiloh7loaded fed 9, same thing last week04:03
Omar87RyanPrior, :-)04:03
pcfreak30does ur bios support it04:03
shiloh7this is a work of art :)04:03
pcfreak30mine does04:03
Omar87RyanPrior, I didn't upgrade yet, I'm just planning to do so.04:03
pcfreak30whiz_2: if you have a usb stick try that04:03
linuxfceI am desperately trying to disable, or change delay of, gnome tooltips04:03
RyanPriorOmar87: Ah. My comment is slightly premature then. :-)04:03
Whiz_2pcfreak30: no and even if I could, it doesn't matter cuz I don't have one anyway04:04
Omar87RyanPrior, :)04:04
pcfreak30whiz_2: k, just checking04:04
=== linux_ is now known as DareDevil
Ben511Can anyone recommend a gigabit NIC which works without any tweaks at gigabit speed?!04:04
pcfreak30whiz_2: wait04:05
pcfreak30i have an idea04:05
pcfreak30whiz_2: does ubuntu support network install04:05
RyanPriorIs there a performance testing / bottleneck assessing suite for Ubuntu similar to Vista's "performance information" view?04:05
pcfreak30like getting everything fromthe web04:05
kitcheRyanPrior: yep04:05
pyrak is there a command to check the physical sanity of a hard drive, as opposed to just the sanity of a particular partition?04:05
pyrak<pyrak> meaning, i know this drive has give me trouble in the past.  it seems to be working fine now.  if i reformat it, can i start trusting it again?04:05
pcfreak30i know debian does04:05
magic_ninjaare there any good utilities out there (aside from dd) to move this 12 gb windows partition to my new hard drive?04:06
Gillpy!info netselect04:06
ubottunetselect (source: netselect): Choose the fastest server automatically. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.ds1-11 (hardy), package size 21 kB, installed size 104 kB04:06
Whiz_2says it does, but I dunno how to do it on a system that needs drivers to access the network (NO OS is installed anymore)04:06
magic_ninjai want to basically copy the install over04:06
pcfreak30whiz_2: if it does then run04:06
pcfreak30a copyof it on cd04:06
pcfreak30and it will download everything04:06
ShdwShinobican someone help me acheive the proper screen resolution for one of my monitors on a 8600GT?04:06
Whiz_2pcfreak30: I'm running an alternate CD with no LiveCD04:06
kitcheRyanPrior: hardinfo is one04:07
deepaklinux or windows ?04:07
RyanPriorHmm, my irc client doesn't like apt links.04:07
mralexandropcfreak30: it worked!:)04:08
jahnkeanateri need help with mysql04:08
jahnkeanaterim trying to get this working04:08
DareDevilI need a software to see wich of my lan computers is generating spam04:08
kitcheRyanPrior: sudo apt-get install hardinfo04:08
DareDevilkitche, are you talking with me?04:08
anto9usDareDevil, nmap will list computers, ports and services running on the network04:08
pyrakhow can i check this external hard drive for damage?04:08
pcfreak30jahnkeanater: ur in luck04:09
RyanPriorkitche: I know. :-) However, hardinfo is not sufficiently comprehensive. Any other ideas?04:09
jahnkeanaterwhen it tells me to Copy the following SQL to create a table and structure what do i do to do that04:09
pcfreak30i am a full blown phpprogrammer04:09
DareDevilanto9us, thank you very much04:09
kitcheDareDevil: umm no is your name RyanPrior :)04:09
jahnkeanaterhow do i do that04:09
pcfreak30u have a web host04:09
kitcheRyanPrior: well look up a better one then just look up system profiler in synaptic and such04:09
pyrakalso, what format do you recommend using for an external (used just for backups/extra storage)04:09
dispraekailoMight anyone here have experience with rt2500 in feisty?04:09
DareDevilyou are rigth sorry kitche04:09
DareDevildoes nmap have graphique interface?'04:10
jahnkeanaterthe php is already done i need to do the mysql part04:10
Ben511Can anyone recommend a gigabit NIC which works without any tweaks at gigabit speed?!04:10
deepakhow do i free up resources and processes so i can run a command and install something from terminal ?04:10
isiahpkill will end process04:11
IdleOnedeepak, you should not need to kill processes to install something04:11
isiahso if you type in "pkill firefox" it will end firefox04:11
DareDevilanto9us, does it have graphique interface??04:11
dispraekailoNice, duplicate entry for freenode listed as 'Ubuntu Servers' from default install ;[04:11
mralexandrois it possible to mount my memory stick reader in linux?04:11
kitchemralexandro: if linux sees your memory reader04:12
deepakok, so bad to kill processes to install something...noted04:12
anto9usDareDevil, no, use it like this, nmap or perhaps nmap depending on your network numbering04:12
Appl3KorkI need some help with installing like apps or emulators on ubuntu04:12
Appl3KorkI can't get the commands "make" and "make install" working04:12
gregbradyI just installed Ubuntu via Wubi on my laptop and I'm wondering how to tell if I'm running the 32bit or the 64bit version?04:12
IdleOnedeepak, not it is not neccesarily bad just i don't understand why you would want to do that or need to04:12
DareDevilanto9us, thank you04:12
isiahtry using the program nice04:12
mralexandrokitche: do you have a command i can type in terminal to see if linux does in fact detect my memory reader?04:12
isiahdeepak: use nice04:13
kitchemralexandro: look at dmesg to see if linux sees it04:13
bobertdosAppl3Kork: Install build-essential04:13
Appl3KorkI did already04:13
deepakok, will try another way04:13
Appl3Korkcause I was trying to install a game, and the ./configure would fail04:13
deepakok, heres one, how do i know that my display drivers are installed?04:14
deepakor drivers for all my hardware for that matter?04:14
bobertdosAppl3Kork: Take note of the dependencies causing it to fail. You will need to install any dependencies the configure script demands before proceeding any further.04:14
Appl3Korkhow do I check the dependencies?04:15
IdleOneAppl3Kork, what are you trying to install?04:15
mralexandrokitche: alot of text....04:15
Appl3KorkWell first I was trying to install xmoto, but it didn't work for configure04:15
Appl3Korknow I'm just trying to install tuxnes04:15
BeepIIok, I just got a NVidia e-GeForce FX 5200 graphics card04:15
IdleOneAppl3Kork, sudo apt-get install xmoto04:16
BeepIIand a notification came up when I turned my computer on about drivers from the restricted set.04:16
bobertdosAppl3Kork: Just watch the output of the script for errors about missing dependencies.04:16
Whiz_2pcfreak30: looks like my problem is a common one with this latest release of ubuntu! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdrom-detect/+bug/19561404:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 195614 in cdrom-detect "No common CD-ROM drive was detected." [Undecided,New]04:16
BeepII.... and it said something about them not being free...04:16
BeepIIdid I understand that right?04:16
IdleOneAppl3Kork, always search in Synaptic or use apt-cache search package-name to see if it is available in repos04:16
anto9usBeepII, they're not free as in speech, they're free as in beer04:17
kitchemralexandro: yep you kinda have to dig though that text to see if it's detected or not04:17
BeepIIok, so I don't have to pay for them04:17
unavailablei need libexpat.so.004:17
IdleOneAppl3Kork, what errors are you getting for tuxnes?04:17
anto9usBeepII, not in cash, no, just in freedom :)04:18
BeepIIanto9us: well, I'll worry about the freedom when I can actually understand source code. =P04:18
IdleOneBeepII, you dont have to pay for them but you are not allowed to give them away either or modify them and ubuntu does not support them if they don't work but yeah you can use them04:18
Appl3Korkit says this04:19
Appl3Korkemu.c: In function ‘loadpal’:04:19
Appl3Korkemu.c:893: error: expected ‘)’ before string constant04:19
Appl3Korkemu.c:915: error: expected ‘)’ before string constant04:19
Appl3Korkemu.c:927: error: expected ‘)’ before string constant04:19
Appl3Korkemu.c: In function ‘main’:04:19
FloodBot2Appl3Kork: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:19
Appl3Korkemu.c:1605: error: expected ‘)’ before string constant04:19
bobertdos!paste > Appl3Kork04:19
ubottuAppl3Kork, please see my private message04:19
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:19
IdleOnesorry Appl3Kork I should of warned you before hand04:19
unavailablei need libexpat.so.004:20
pwnedulongtimewhy have there been no updates for Hardy for a few days?04:21
Whiz_2anyone know if it is possible to load MS-DOS CD-ROM drivers such as mscdex.exe for mounting my CD-ROM drive since 8.04 LTS obviously doesn't detect it? (all older versions detected the drive perfectly fine so someone screwed something up in this release)04:21
IdleOnepwnedulongtime, nothing to update perhaps or none available04:21
IdleOneAppl3Kork, i have no idea what that error means04:21
pwnedulongtimeweird....usuelly something every day04:21
bobertdospwnedulongtime: Nah, not every day. Believe it or not, sometimes a distro does reach a period of everything being "good enoug"04:22
linuxfceThe is rather program specific, so I'm not really expecting answer, but.. Is there a way to set a custom, or higher resolution in flashcam?04:22
unavailablepwnedulongtime ive had updates every day...04:22
unavailablei need libexpat.so.004:22
anto9usWhiz_2, are you sure it's not detected? Try sudo lshw | grep cd04:23
pwnedulongtimeunavailable: today?04:23
Whiz_2anto9us: it tells me that it is not detected right here on my screen04:23
unavailableyep kernel, headers, and nvidia drivers04:23
Whiz_2anto9us: during installation no less04:23
IdleOneAppl3Kork, there are plenty of NES emulators in the repos search Synaptic04:23
unavailablepwnedulongtime: yep kernel, headers, and nvidia drivers04:23
gregbradyWhere are the settings for compiz found?04:23
mralexandrokitche: found it ricoh mms04:24
SinisterBeni have uninstalled and reinstalled my add/remove software, and no matter what I do it hangs when I try to update04:24
SinisterBenany ideas?04:24
anto9usWhiz_2, have you checked the media for defects from the install menu?04:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cssm04:24
Whiz_2anto9us: here look at this... this is exactly what I'm dealing with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdrom-detect/+bug/19561404:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 195614 in cdrom-detect "No common CD-ROM drive was detected." [Undecided,New]04:24
IdleOne!ccsm > iplaythisgame04:24
ubottuiplaythisgame, please see my private message04:24
mralexandrokitche ricoh mmc i mean. it says it is disabled04:24
bobertdosgregbrady: Install compizconfig-settings-manager04:24
gregbradybobertdos, thanks04:25
iplaythisgame!ccsm > gregbrady04:25
ubottugregbrady, please see my private message04:25
kitchemralexandro: probably will until a card is put in it04:25
mralexandroi have put a card in04:26
tritiumikonia: rounding?04:26
anto9usWhiz_2, what about a netboot install?04:26
Whiz_2anto9us: even when i choose to check the cd for defects i get the saem message04:26
Whiz_2anto9us: my network is not designed for netbooting04:27
anto9usWhiz_2, you have a floppy drive?04:27
Whiz_2anto9us: why else would I ask about loading drivers such as mscdex.exe?04:27
mralexandrokitche: i think i found out what is wrong, the reader will not detect memory stick cards: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76035704:28
gregbradyiplaythisgame:  thanks04:28
anto9usWhiz_2, sorry, I don't understand, what's your question exactly?04:28
Whiz_2anto9us: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdrom-detect/+bug/195614 <-- how do I solve this problem?04:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 195614 in cdrom-detect "No common CD-ROM drive was detected." [Undecided,New]04:29
anto9usWhiz_2, do you have a floppy drive?04:29
Whiz_2anto9us: we are going in circles04:29
anto9usWhiz_2, not if you answer the question04:30
kitchemralexandro: all I m not great with readers so it's probably a driver issue or something04:30
SurfnKidWhat is the best Wireless Express card out there for Ubuntu without all the FWcutting/NdisTortillaWrapping stuff, that can be easily configured or detected or moded??04:30
kitcheSurfnKid: probably Intel but you still need to get the firmware04:31
Whiz_2anto9us: yes I have a floppy04:31
Whiz_2anto9us: why else would I ask about loading drivers such as mscdex.exe?04:32
anto9usWhiz_2, then you can boot of that for a network install04:32
SurfnKidkitche: I've been on Dapper/Edgy/Fiesty and now Im on Hoary and the Broadcomm 4306 is not installing well due to the new b43 and b43legacy drivers04:32
anto9us!netboot | Whiz_204:32
ubottuWhiz_2: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate04:32
andresjhey wanna play Spring? spring.clan-sy.com why am i saying this? cuz at this time there's not a lot of people :P04:32
mralexandrokitche: but thanks alot anyway!:)04:33
SurfnKidkitche: I could just get that card and get rid of that problem, and forget assistance from the bcm-users group. since no one seems to be helping04:33
Whiz_2anto9us: that has nothing to do with my problem04:33
SurfnKidkitche: what do you have04:33
anto9usWhiz_2, I'd try it and see if it works after install04:33
kitcheSurfnKid: a broadcom I don't use native drivers though since all drivers really for broadcom are bad04:34
SurfnKidbut they work dont they?04:34
SurfnKidi used ndiswrapper all the time04:34
anto9usWhiz_2, or you could make a live USB stick if you have one04:34
kitcheSurfnKid: yep work just drop connections alot04:35
Whiz_2anto9us: don't have one04:35
SurfnKidand never had any problems after, like now where the card isnt being detected after following all the instructions.04:35
Ben511Can anyone help with an RTL8169 NIC performing very very slow?04:35
Whiz_2anto9us: this is not a liveCD installation anyway. it is an alternate CD for a server04:35
mralexandrowhen i try to print it says printer is sleeping:) what should i do04:36
anto9usWhiz_2, then I recommend a bootable floppy for a network install04:36
fauziecan anybody tell me where ubuntu stores downloaded packages?04:36
Whiz_2anto: you don't get it... it is *booting* from the CD04:36
SurfnKidkitche: im using a usb wifi linksys stick, and once its connected, the Broadcomm 4306 is seen by the system... although it doesnt detect anything... and once I unplug the usb stick,... that stick PLUS the Broadcomm are gone from the system, wlan0 which is the BC card, shows up with iwconfig, but ifconfig says device doesnt exist04:36
SurfnKidweird s**t04:37
Whiz_2anto9us: that was meant for youy04:37
unavailableok guys. i compiled gyachE / py! voice, make install yah yah....  had to make a symbolic from libexpat.so.0 to libexpatso.104:37
unavailablewhen i run it its fine04:37
P_KableHi there, long time no see... One of my machine got something wrong04:37
unavailableexcept when i try voice04:37
P_Kablehere is the pastebin04:37
unavailablei get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/39598/04:37
anto9usWhiz_2, my guess is that it may be a problem with the installer's kernel and not the finally installed kernel04:37
danhsI just installed brand new wireless card intel 4965agn04:38
danhsbut, ubuntu isn't detecting it04:38
danhsI guess it needs drivers setup04:38
Reformer81My internet connection has been incredibly slow all day (the web, downloading, apt, etc).  What steps should I take to find out why and fix it?04:38
danhshow do I do that?  I thought it'd be like plug n' play like windows04:39
test34If I play music and then start a game, I get no sound in the game.. which sound server should I use?04:39
test34Reformer81: what speed is your DSL04:40
anto9usReformer81, if it's wireless then do iwconfig <device> and check what speed that is running at04:40
jahnkeanaterin mysql how do i CREATE TABLE04:40
unavailableok guys. i compiled gyachE / py! voice, make install yah yah....  had to make a symbolic link from libexpat.so.0 to libexpat.so.1....    when i run it its fine ... except when i try voice i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/39598/04:40
danhsjahnkeanater: uhh create table04:40
danhsjust connect to it04:40
danhsjahnkeanater: maybe get a mysql administrator frontend04:40
gregbradySo, is there a way to tell if I'm running the 64 bit or the 32 bit version of Ubuntu?04:40
danhsthey're pretty easy04:40
jcarterWhy can´t any of my applications, aside from the browser, show an icon for Network Servers for open/save operations?04:41
masterloki_Anyone knows the status of the current kernel and the b44 module for ubuntu?04:41
danhsgregbrady: lot of places saya 64 bit or 32 bit04:41
unavailablegregbrady try installing something 32 bit only and it will tell you if you have 64 bit04:41
jahnkeanaterwhen i run it it lets me make the table but how do i tell it to stop04:41
test34gregbrady: type: uname -a in a terminal04:41
ZaspAnybody use unetbootin?04:41
jcarterI´m using Ubuntu Desktop 8.0.4 in VMWare on a Mac OS X 10.5.404:41
danhsgregbrady: looking....I'm pretty sure synaptic woiuld have it04:41
unavailableok guys. i compiled gyachE / py! voice, make install yah yah....  had to make a symbolic link from libexpat.so.0 to libexpat.so.1....    when i run it its fine ... except when i try voice i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/39598/04:41
danhsyou guys, how can I install drivers to my new wifi card?04:42
jahnkeanaterit just keeps making more lins like this ->04:42
test34I'm on 64bits, maybe thats why I have so many problems..04:42
danhsI bought intel cause it's supposed to have great linux support, but it's not working after just pluggin in04:42
danhstest34: I don't have problems from 64 bit on my desktop....04:42
unavailabletest34:  yep04:42
P_Kablecan somebody please help me with this issue http://pastebin.com/d512fec4504:42
unavailableok guys. i compiled gyachE / py! voice, make install yah yah....  had to make a symbolic link from libexpat.so.0 to libexpat.so.1....    when i run it its fine ... except when i try voice i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/39598/04:43
P_Kableseems to be a HAL problem04:43
gregbradytest34, that did it, thanks!04:43
danhsnone of you guys have ever added hardware before?  there's no simple "add new hardware" dialog like in windows04:43
test34gregbrady: welcome04:43
eligosanyone know how to unmount bolumes??? I'm trying but tells me I'm not previleged to do so04:44
eligosvolumes, I mean, hehehe04:44
jcartereligos: try using sudo before the command04:44
unavailableeligos sudo ubount04:44
P_Kableumount eligos04:44
unavailableeligos sudo umount04:44
test34when you change the sound server settings in Ubuntu, do you need to restart X for it to be active?04:45
P_Kabletest34=> no04:45
unavailableok guys. i compiled gyachE / py! voice, make install yah yah....  had to make a symbolic link from libexpat.so.0 to libexpat.so.1....    when i run it its fine ... except when i try voice i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/39598/04:45
eligosP_Kable, jcarter, unavailable, thanks04:46
alistair_Help: anyone here using Amorok - mines suddenly stopped working with this error ' Don't run gdb, valgrind, etc. against this binary! Use amarokapp04:46
test34P_Kable: ok, thanks04:46
hitman1985hi @ all, just reinstalled the whole ubuntu deal04:46
unavailablewhere's pici when i need him04:46
Whiz_2ok obviously no one here can give me the help I really need...04:46
hitman1985how do i get the gfx driver in there the right way ?04:47
unavailablehitman1985: depends on your chipset04:47
xajhi all, i'm pretty new too ubuntu but i have a quick question i'd like to ask: i've noticed that everytime i want to do something in ubuntu (play music, play videos) i have to download dependency after dependency after dependency.  is there anyway i can install these files from my copy of ubuntu cd? or must i download these drivers using apt-get?  it just seems to me that some of these programs should include the necessary files in order to play music/video04:47
littlehow can I traslade all my favorites pages from  other user section to my new one04:47
test34Whiz_2: what is your Q again04:47
hitman1985unavailable, nvidia 5200 fx04:47
anto9usunavailable, sudo ln <full target path> <full link path>04:47
unavailablenvidia propritary should work no?04:47
jcarterWhiz_2: keep coming back asking again. Someone might be online to help.04:47
drderek_hmm, my graphics seemd to have crashed. when I press alt f7, it just gives me a blinking _04:48
drderek_I pressed alt f6 to get in the text mode, how do I get my graphics going again?04:48
hitman1985unavailable, it popped up with the first start but after restart never came back about it04:48
floppyearshi guys04:48
unavailablehitman1985: try system administration hardware drivers04:48
TotakekeDoes anyone have any experience with UNetBootin04:48
Whiz_2test34: During install of ubuntu server (alternate CD) when booting from the CD it says it can't detect any common CD-ROM drives. I do not have any floppy disks I can use for a netboot, and I have no USB stick. this installation *must* be done from a CD04:48
hitman1985unavailable, but as far as i know i need the gfx installed for compiz right ?04:48
test34drderek_: try killall gdm04:48
floppyearsI'm wondering what kinda of video card to get for ubuntu04:48
unavailablehitman1985: check the box in there04:49
unavailablehitman1985: yep04:49
hitman1985unavailable, :) ty04:49
littlecan anybody help men04:49
floppyearsI want something basic, I'm not a gamer, and want something for entry level04:49
unavailableanto9us: i already did the link04:49
floppyearsdoes radeon have better support than nvidia ?04:49
test34Whiz_2: did you try mounting the CD from the command line?04:49
hitman1985unavailable, any idea about compiz to install04:49
unavailableanto9us:   when i run it its fine ... except when i try voice i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/39598/04:49
TotakekeI succesfully installed Linux to the flash drive, but when I boot it says, "Default, Try Linux, Install, etc. etc." What am I supposed to do after that? The website was no help and I couldnt' find anything about it on the internet.04:50
drderek_test34 - nah, didn't do anyhting04:50
Whiz_2test34: i would if it was listed in /dev but /dev/cdrom doesn't exist04:50
drderek_test34 - still a blinking cursor04:50
drderek_er, leme try running gdm now04:50
test34drderek_: did it tell you that it didnt kill any process?04:50
G3N0Does anyone know how to use airodump?04:51
hitman1985floppyears, its user preference, cant say that in gerneral i d say04:51
test34Whiz_2: is it IDE ?04:51
floppyearsthanks hitman198504:51
drderek_test34 - it gave me a new line, so I'm assuming the process was killed.04:51
gwdmy god ,how to use this04:51
Whiz_2test34: it's atapi according to my bios, but it is connected to a standard IDE interface04:51
mwanderleyoi galera04:51
test34Whiz_2: try /dev/hdb, /dev/hdc, etc..04:52
hitman1985floppyears, i do prefer nvidia since the gaming support is better ie driver software of ati buggers up if u play steam games (did it for a bunch of my clan mates)04:52
Whiz_2test34: those are hard drives04:52
hitman1985i ll brb (restart)04:52
floppyearscool thanks hippu04:52
test34whiz, no04:52
unavailableok guys. i compiled gyachE / py! voice, make install yah yah....  had to make a symbolic link from libexpat.so.0 to libexpat.so.1....    when i run it its fine ... except when i try voice i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/39598/04:52
TotakekeI succesfully installed Linux to the flash drive using UNetBootin, but when I boot it says, "Default, Try Linux, Install, etc. etc." What am I supposed to do after that? The website was no help and I couldnt' find anything about it on the internet.04:53
anto9usTotakeke, is it booting again from the installation disk?04:53
hitman1985unavailable, do you know what the best themes are or some advice how to do themes in ubuntu (newbie)04:53
unavailablehitman1985: try emerald04:54
TotakekeAnto9us: No, I make sure it boots from the flash drive. Then it gives me the UNetBootin menu.04:54
unavailablehitman1985: and go to gnome-look for themes04:54
jansenpkill -9 X ??04:54
jansenHow do i stop X ??? pkill -9 X ??04:54
test34drderek_: try init 3 ; init 504:55
anto9usTotakeke, you need to make sure you select the device for grub to go to during the install process, it's easily missed in the process04:55
Whiz_2test34: nothing starting with hd shows in /dev either.04:55
jansentest34, how do i stop X to install nvidia driver?04:55
unavailablehitman1985: http://www.gnome-look.org/04:55
G3N0Has anyone every used airodump or kismet before?04:55
Gneajansen: ctrl-alt-backspace04:55
unavailablehitman1985: and you may wish to try out screenlets04:55
Gneajansen: or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop04:55
jansengnea, how do i stop X when im control + alt + f1?04:55
hitman1985unavailable, i have that site04:55
jansengnea.. i do that, but it says i already have an X prcoess running04:55
hitman1985unavailable, but i never figured out how to use that stuff :(04:55
Gneajansen: killall -9 X04:55
jansenwhen i go to isntall nvidia driver04:56
test34jansen: why do you want to do this?04:56
janseni need to isntall the gforce driver04:56
greegis there a list of linux compatable nvidia cards ?04:56
hitman1985i can do wine and my day by day stuff fine (just reinstalled few mins ago) because i made a mistake installing wine04:56
Gneatest34: nvidia.ko probably won't unload until he does04:56
hitman1985so i had to redo everything04:56
TotakekeAnto9us: Okay, I made a little clerical error. I didn't completely isntall it, I get to the part where I have to reboot (after the UNetBootin thing finishes) and when I reboot, a text menu comes up saying "Default, Try Ubuntu, Install, etc. etc." I'm not sure what to do next. Default? Install?04:56
janseni could do that on hardware fdrivers04:56
Gnea!nvidia | greeg04:56
ubottugreeg: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:56
Whiz_2test34: I'm looking at the /dev list. if you give me about 10-15 mins or so I can provide a paste of the entire /dev list as detected by the installer to get idea04:56
unavailablehitman1985: and Cairo-dock http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5578231&postcount=3104:56
test34Whiz_2: ls /etc/ > ~/list.etc04:57
greegi know how to install drivers.04:57
unavailablehitman1985: well for emerald themes, you download the theme you want, open your emerald icon, and import the theme04:57
greegi want to make sure the card is compatable with linux in the first place04:57
Gneagreeg: then you didn't fully read the site.04:57
G3N0Whats the best game compatible for linux?04:57
anto9usTotakeke, install, make sure you configure grub to install on your flash drive04:57
hitman1985unavailable, first i got to restart in one sec, for the gfx card to take the driver update, then i want the cube (compiz/ equal) and some cool animations what dont eat to much juice04:57
Gnea!best | G3N004:57
ubottuG3N0: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:57
test34G3N0: this is like asking what is the best linux distribution04:58
unavailablehitman1985: you may wish to know that the new compiz has sphere cube04:58
G3N0cant i just get a simple answer04:58
IdleOnetest34, that would be gentoo correct?04:58
hitman1985unavailable, sphere ?04:58
Whiz_2test34: what am I supposed to do with that once it's output? I can't get it anywhere you can see it that way, cuz the computer has no network access04:58
hitman1985unavailable, (german/american) here not toooo good in english but almost 90%04:58
unavailablehitman1985: globe04:58
greegare all geforce compatable with linux?  im looking for a PCI card04:59
test34IdleOne: if you say so;)04:59
hitman1985unavailable, looks bad or good ? :) what u think04:59
test34Whiz_2: dcc send to me04:59
unavailablehitman1985: i love it04:59
hitman1985unavailable, screenshot available ?04:59
Gneagreeg: no, seriously, visit that link and click on the nvidia section - there's a link to a list of compatible cards there.04:59
hitman1985unavailable, i had this one :04:59
Whiz_2test34: I can't paste it!04:59
TotakekeAnto9us: Shouldn't it do it for me? I'm using an application that installs Linux onto the drive for me.04:59
salmonquestion. im trying to run WoW through wine. i have an older copy so i have had to download a whole mess of patches. well i'v downloaded and installed about 5 patches now and i get to this last one and i keep getting an error message when i try to open the game. the whole thing locks up and i have to force quit the whole thing. anyone know or have experienced this??04:59
unavailablehitman1985: hold on one sec, lemmie get it04:59
Whiz_2test34: i have to write it out manually04:59
test34Whiz_2: you should learn to cut and paste before using linux05:00
cwill747salmon: visit #winehq05:00
hitman1985unavailable, ohhhh i also need help with flash and sound in it :) if you know that much05:00
IdleOnetest34, guessing it is on another machine without internet05:00
Whiz_2test34: i can not open a terminal window. i'm running straight ona command line05:00
Whiz_2test34: pay attention please05:00
unavailablehitman1985: not too good at flash, nor sound, just the eye candy :)05:00
IdleOnesalmon, /join #winehq05:00
anto9usTotakeke, the ubuntu installer defaults to putting grub on the first HD, you have to tell it specifically where to put it if you want it elsewhere05:01
test34Whiz_2: it is 30$/hr for me to pay attention05:01
jcarter Why can´t any of my applications, aside from the browser, show an icon for Network Servers for open/save operations? I´m using Ubuntu Desktop 8.0.4 in VMWare on a Mac OS X 10.5.405:01
R_YoYo_R30$ an hours is cheap too05:01
hitman1985unavailable, ok i guess if u got some time it would be nice to get that eye candy goin for this machine and i ll get the sound and flash figured our myself ?05:01
greegGnea: i scrolled all the way down.  i dont see a list05:01
greegnor do i see a link pointing to a list05:01
ajhtiredwolfLets start it loading05:01
test34Whiz_2: copy on CD or floppy or get creative to save some time05:01
greegwhy dont you just give me the link to the list05:01
G3N0jcarter: boo just overwrite your mac installation with unbuntu :)05:01
* cwill747 agrees with G3N0 05:02
hitman1985unavailable, http://hitman1985.com/gallery/album0505:02
hitman1985thats the cube i had05:02
Gneagreeg: because you ought to know how to read if you want to use a real OS.05:02
unavailablehitman1985: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5558229&postcount=2305:02
hitman1985unacompiz sorry :)05:02
Whiz_2test34: no network access of any kind, running without LiveCD (command line installation only), no working floppy disks, nor can it mount the floppy for some reason, no way to get it to you except typing it out manually05:02
unavailablehitman1985: you may need to login or sign up for that to see my screenies05:02
hitman1985im on there :)05:02
greegugh... reading05:02
hitman1985registered my friend :)05:02
naliothwhen you're running a web server with dyndns pointing to it, do you have to have the hostname in your apache.conf or anywhere like that?05:03
TotakekeAnto9us: Oh, the boot loader towards the end of the install. Yeah, I know that, but the website makes it sound like there's some kind of installation process that starts up as soon as you restart (but before you can actually load up Linux from the flash drive.) I need to know how to get to the installer. (Unless I just do a normal install.)05:03
IdleOnegreeg, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsNvidia05:03
ivanm1my mouse randomly stops moving for a few seconds, i f i stop hald it works ok. Is there any way to stop those random freezes without killing hald?05:03
test34Whiz_2: do whatever you have to do.. and paste it somewhere when you are done05:03
greegTHANK YOU05:03
anto9usTotakeke, don't really know about that, just the little 'gotcha' that I pointed out05:03
TotakekeAnto9us: I guess I'll just try a normal install frmo the UNetBootin menu after the restart. Should I put the boot loader on /dev/sdd or /dev/sdd1 (or sdd2, etc.)?05:03
greegGnea: you call ubuntu a real OS?  try slackware or gentoo.05:03
hitman1985unavailable, holy s.it05:03
LeefmcQuestion: How do you set a default "photo" application? Currently it seems to be F-Spot but i want it to be digiKam05:03
Gneagreeg: i did, years ago.05:04
G3N0whats slackware?05:04
hitman1985unavailable, think i can run that with this old pc :( ?05:04
anto9usTotakeke, which ever you're configuring to boot from, i.e. whichever is the flash device05:04
Gneagreeg: along with freebsd and netbsd.05:04
greegGnea: the only reason im here is becuase no one else of 20 distros could provide what IdleOne provided05:04
IdleOnegreeg, if you came here to talk smack about ubuntu you came to the wrong place. every distro has it's +'s and -'s05:04
test34Slackware can even deal with a corrupted partition table05:04
unavailablehitman1985: dunno whats your ram? processor?05:04
jcarterG3N0: I plan on doing that someday, but only when it comes time to shell out for an upgrade on the Mac.05:04
linuxfce its depressing when google has nothing on every angle you go at it with, very depressing05:05
Gneagreeg: you know what? there's a reason there's a support structure in place.05:05
Gneaoh. heh.05:05
zigzagswhats the name of the plugin to view .wmv's in web browsers.05:05
TotakekeAnto9us: But they're both the flash device. sdd is the flash drive, but there's sdd, sdd1, and I believe sdd2. I think those are the seperate partitions. Should I just do it to /dev/sdd (without any numbers)?05:05
hitman1985unavailable, 2.8 p4   2gb crucial and 5200 fx 128 mb05:05
unavailableoh yah05:05
hitman1985unavailable, it was free so i dont mind it :)05:05
linuxfcei would have thought a year later someone would have figured out how to do this05:05
anto9usTotakeke, yes05:05
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks05:05
TotakekeAnto9us: Okay, thanks for your help.05:06
unavailabledunno about the gfx card but I got a 2.2 athlon 64 (32 bit ubuntu) with 512 mb ram, and an onboard 6150 LE nvidia05:06
unavailablehit dunno about the gfx card but I got a 2.2 athlon 64 (32 bit ubuntu) with 512 mb ram, and an onboard 6150 LE nvidia05:06
TheaxiomHow do I make a program automatically start in sudo?05:07
BabyJesus666Can Ubuntu be put on an external hard drive by any chance?05:07
cwill747BabyJesus666: yes, i have it on mine05:07
unavailableok guys. i compiled gyachE / py! voice, make install yah yah....  had to make a symbolic link from libexpat.so.0 to libexpat.so.1....    when i run it its fine ... except when i try voice i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/39598/05:07
hitman1985unavailable, i can read :) w/o my name on it but if u want i ll log into icq or pm or something to get my eye candy tweaked :) only if u dont mind!05:07
hitman1985unavailable, i dont feel like bothering ppl with my stuff : ) im greatfull for the help i get here05:07
BabyJesus666cwi11747: Would it depend on the brand and all that? I would imagine it does?05:08
cwill747BabyJesus666: nope, as long as it's a hard drive05:08
=== whatever is now known as Guest70765
linuxfceunavailable i am miserably trying to install gyachi. did you get the error Possibly undefined macro  AM_PATH_GTK_2_005:08
cwill747BabyJesus666: you can install ubuntu on any hard drive that's on your computer, if you partition it correctly05:08
cwill747!install | BabyJesus66605:08
ubottuBabyJesus666: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate05:08
=== Sekure is now known as sekyourbox
anto9usTheaxiom, you can edit the launcher and put gksu in front of it, or use a menu editor (alacarte) to do the same for menu items05:08
unavailablelinuxfce: nope,05:09
R_YoYo_Rwhen a new release of ubuntu comes out.... i will just be able to upgrade... correct?05:09
cwill747R_YoYo_R: yep05:09
Theaxiomanto9us: thanks05:09
linuxfceunavailable, any ideas on how to get past it?05:09
unavailablelinuxfce: but im running gyachE not gyachI05:09
BabyJesus666cwi11747: Here's the big thing. Would it work to run Ubuntu on my external if my desktop is running Mac?05:09
cwill747R_YoYo_R: well, you're supposed to be able to do it. XD05:09
linuxfceoh, why so old?05:09
cwill747BabyJesus666: not at the same time... but you can dualboot your system05:10
R_YoYo_Rcwill747, :) thanks. Im not afraid of reinstalls .... im just wondering if anyone out there has upgraded from upgrades05:10
LeefmcQuestion: Anyone know of KNotify problems? I often get, what appears to be, problems with knotify itself, any thoughts on this?05:10
cwill747!dualboot | BabyJesus66605:10
unavailablelinuxfce: voice support05:10
ubottuBabyJesus666: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:10
unavailablelinuxfce: with yahoo.05:10
BabyJesus666cwi11747: It's a PowerPC. I'd need to go back to Version 6 or so, wouldn't I?05:10
G3N0BabyJesus666: and if you're setting up a dual-boot from windows make sure you use pentagon partition magic to adjust your partitions, best software ever05:10
zigzagswhats the name of the plugin to view .wmv's in web browsers.05:10
cwill747R_YoYo_R: yeah, but they are notorious for problems05:10
unavailablelinuxfce: but alas, it doesnt seem to work05:10
linuxfceunavailable gyachi has that built in, along with photoshare. using pyvoicechat05:10
lenovo_SUXso i have this god-aweful lenovo brick to put ubuntu on, but the owners cant afford a decent card, so im stuck with a onboard  geforce 6100 that outputs 600x800 without  nv drivers and 640x480 with them. needless to say, this simply wont do for anyone in these times, much less a family wanting a linux gaming box. can anyone help me out here?05:11
G3N0BabyJesus666: paragon*05:11
R_YoYo_Rcwill747, ok :) i feel safer with fresh installs anyway05:11
linuxfceno need to compile it really if thats what youre looking for05:11
=== developer is now known as bluebit
cwill747!powerpc | BabyJesus66605:11
ubottuBabyJesus666: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ05:11
=== bluebit is now known as bluebits
tritiumlenovo_SUX: the 6100 can do better resolution than that05:11
newclimbdo you know any solution do the chrome hc driver video05:11
cwill747R_YoYo_R: haha, it should work. The update manager updates when a new distro comes out "formally"05:11
linuxfceunavailable i use this and voice chat works fine http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?nlrmdlub4tv05:12
tritiumcwill747: same distro, new release05:12
lenovo_SUXtritium: i know this,as should anyone else, but the ubuntu doesnt think so05:12
jeffzso, I ran sudo do-release-upgrade to upgrade from 6.06 to 8.04, my install has stopped with dpkg saying, too many errors giving up, assertion failed, segmentation fault blah blah, do I just run dpkg --configure -a?05:12
cwill747tritium: oh yeah, my b, it's midnight here XD05:12
lenovo_SUXtritium: the system is OKish05:12
Theaxiomanto9us: I did that to eclipse and it lost all its plugins?05:12
cwill747R_YoYo_R: yes, sorry, new release of the distro, not a different distro05:12
tritiumlenovo_SUX: my 6150 can do 1080i on ubuntu05:12
linuxfce1080 seems to perform better on ubuntu for me05:13
lenovo_SUXtritium: sempron 3400+ AM2, 512 ram and onboard geforce 6100 in the nvidia chipset05:13
R_YoYo_Rcwill747, yea i know that :)05:13
test34G3N0: paragon partition manager doesnt seem like a good idea05:13
tyocis ubuntu 8.4 able to read/write ntfs files???05:13
tyocin an external USB HD?05:13
tritiumlenovo_SUX: yes, you should be able to do better than that, especially with the nvidia-glx-new package05:13
linuxfcewith ntfs-3g, i dont know if thats built in or not05:13
pcfreak30tyco: yes05:13
Theaxiomtyoc: yes05:13
cwill747tyoc: yes, you can mount it with ntfs-3g05:13
tyocthx Theaxiom05:13
pcfreak30my external hd is ntfs05:13
cernexa n00b here05:14
cwill747!hi | cernex05:14
ubottucernex: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:14
linuxfce!hi linuxfce05:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi linuxfce05:14
tyoccwill747, looking forward to it, thx05:14
R_YoYo_Rjeffz, i missed the question05:14
anto9usTheaxiom, I don't think you should run eclipse as root. I guess that happened because you're a different user and eclipse maps plugins to the user's home directory05:14
lenovo_SUXtritium: yet thats what it gave me. would a 64 bit install make a diffference? i only had a 32 bit 8.04 disk handy05:14
cernexI'm trying to open YasT05:14
Theaxiomanto9us: Then how can I have permission to edit files?05:14
linuxfce!hi | linuxfce05:14
ubottulinuxfce, please see my private message05:14
tritiumlenovo_SUX: no, it shouldn't05:14
Theaxiomanto9us: I am editing files outside my user directory05:14
cernexBecause I'm stuck with a lousy D-Link wireless thing05:15
jeffzR_YoYo_R: I ran sudo do-release-upgrade to upgrade from 6.06 to 8.04, it downloaded installed mostly everything then postinst scripts started segfaulting, dpkg threw some assertions then said too many errors giving up05:15
cwill747tyoc: no problem05:15
cernexRight now I'm using a friend's cable connection05:15
jeffzR_YoYo_R: do I just run dpkg --configure -a?05:15
cernexBut after that, I need to use this D-Link thing05:15
pcfreak30Theaxioum: use sudo gedit05:15
anto9usTheaxiom, add yourself to that group and add group permissions to those folders/files05:15
pcfreak30thren the file05:15
R_YoYo_Rjeffz, is 6.06 to 8.04 even supported?05:15
cernexFound a tutorial to do so05:15
jeffzR_YoYo_R: both are long term thingos, so yes.05:15
wbmjjeffz:There are a great amount of diiferences between 6.06.and 8.04...better to do 7.04 then 8.0405:15
cernexBut now I'm stuck because I just can't seem to either find YasT, let alone use it05:15
cernexAnd it's on one of the steps05:16
jeffzwbmj: why? it's supported to go from one long term release to another?05:16
Theaxiomanto9us: Add myself to what group? argh I am lost, but thanks for getting me on the right track. I want to have ownership of /var/www - how do I do that?05:16
linuxfceok time to give up05:16
mralexandrocan anyone explain how to install flight gear from a tar.gz file?05:16
jeffzwbmj: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading#head-e059d5452a24b50d09c64df48058ef2d834eb19705:16
lenovo_SUXxritium: im in a 64 bit live cd and it defaulted to 1680x1050 on a old ast vision5l05:16
anto9usTheaxiom, to the group that the folders/files belong to05:16
R_YoYo_Rjeffz, ahh good point. . . what is the error again?05:16
linuxfcei guess flashcam is ONLY able to run at the lowest resolution05:16
sekyourboxcan someone whois me?05:16
linuxfceand i mean LOW05:16
jeffzR_YoYo_R: while it was trying to configure packages the configure scripts crashed, then dpkg crashed and gave up05:16
linuxfcepostage stamp low05:16
Theaxiomanto9us: Can't I just add the folder to my group? WOuldn't that be more secure?05:16
R_YoYo_Rjeffz, did you try again?05:17
toryhas anyone used a tablet with a dual head set up... I'm having the issue that I recorded here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD1vKrbYNvQ05:17
lenovo_SUXtritium: imeant that to you[this keyboard sucks]05:17
cwill747[00:16] sekyourbox (n=user@adsl-76-214-44-25.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net)05:17
jeffzR_YoYo_R: I'm not sure that's wise, I think I'll just run dpkg --configure -a05:17
lenovo_SUXtritium:  in a 64 bit live cd and it defaulted to 1680x1050 on a old ast vision5l05:17
cernexUnless one of you guys know how to configure the D-Link wireless G thing...05:17
newclimbanyone know any hints do the chrome9 hc video driver?05:17
sekyourboxcloak didnt work05:17
ivanm1my mouse randomly stops moving for a few seconds, i f i stop hald it works ok. Is there any way to stop those random freezes without killing hald?05:17
anto9usTheaxiom, I'm not sure if that would create other problems for your web server05:17
jeffzyeah... great. doesn't look good.05:17
Theaxiomanto9us: Thanks05:17
R_YoYo_Rjeffz, oic what you mean....but that command might not be smart either....unless you know exactly how everything is configured05:17
naliothhow do i get my hostname to resolve in apache2?05:18
jeffzR_YoYo_R: something has gone bad...05:18
R_YoYo_Rjeffz, what now?05:18
jeffzR_YoYo_R: same as before, a bunch of packages are left unconfigured because the scripts which configure them segfault05:19
TheaxiomWhat do I do to find out what group(s) have what permisssions on a specific folder?05:19
wbmjjeffz:I tried to tell you05:20
jeffzwbmj: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading#head-e059d5452a24b50d09c64df48058ef2d834eb19705:20
R_YoYo_RTheaxiom, gnome? just right click and properties05:20
=== sekyourbox is now known as fubar2223
TheaxiomR_YoYo_R: Thanks05:20
jeffzwbmj, unless you have a time machine, what you told me is of no use.05:20
anto9usTheaxiom, ls -l, addgroup, chown and chmod are your friends05:20
R_YoYo_RTheaxiom, there is a better command line command but i forgot it05:20
=== cce_muTzh is now known as yarizz
Theaxiomanto9us and R_YoYo_R, thanks05:21
dmsuperman_How can I get a cursor set to work all the time, instead of just when I mouse over certain windows?05:21
TerralthraI could still use help with a TI 1620 card reader on 8.04, if anyone has a spare minute.05:22
TerralthraI tried the howto on the forums, but it doesn't wor05:23
Terralthralots of errors05:23
Terralthraand it's listed as being for Feisty05:23
boumawhen i try and copy and paste between panes in pidgin, i get ... http://www.evil.com05:24
boumai get that url pasted, when something else should be on the clipboard05:24
=== fubar2223 is now known as sekyourbox
TheaxiomAll I want to do is add write permissions for myself on /var/www - how would I do that?05:24
TheaxiomThe only group with write access to it right now is root.05:25
roxanhello, where to look to see what new things coming in 8.105:25
TheaxiomAnd I don't want to add myself to root.05:25
dmsuperman_Theaxiom: take ownership of it05:25
dmsuperman_Theaxiom: chown YOUR_USER /var/www05:26
Theaxiomdmsuperman_: Will that break anything?05:26
wbmjjeffz:sudo dpkg  --audit05:26
dmsuperman_Theaxiom: usually you actually want to do www-data to own it05:26
jcarterTheaxiom: Add yourself to the group for that folder05:26
Theaxiomjcarter: The group for that folder is root05:26
dmsuperman_Theaxiom: something like "sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www" and then the first permission byte will be for www-data05:27
anto9usTheaxiom, I'd just change group ownership, to www and join that group, then you can also add anything else that might need write permission to that group05:27
roxanyou can put write permission to world but not recommented05:27
boumamy clipboard is broken, it just pastes http://www.evil.com05:27
Theaxiomanto9us: Thanks05:27
boumawhat is going on05:28
boumai really need my clipboard05:28
Theaxiombouma: lol sorry can't help you there05:28
anto9usTheaxiom, chgrp will change just group ownership, "chown user:group" changes both05:28
dmsuperman_How can I get a cursor set to work all the time, instead of just when I mouse over certain windows?05:28
jeffzwbmj: yeah, I can see which packages are half configured, I'm trying to work out the reason for the crash05:28
TerralthraWhat do you mean "set to work all the time"?05:28
jcarterbouma: might try logging out and back in.05:28
Theaxiomanto9us: Thank you, I will create a www group, then add apache2 to that, and then chgrp for /var/www05:29
dmsuperman_Sorry...whenever I mouse over gnome-panel or CCSM or my wallpaper, for instance, it reverts to the old cursor05:29
dmsuperman_But when I mouse over gnome-terminal, or firefox05:29
anto9usTheaxiom, that sounds good to me, yes05:29
dmsuperman_it shows my new cursor theme05:29
MaverricKokay silly question here.. installed KDE and decided i wanted to go back to gnome but can't figure out how to...05:29
TheaxiomMaverricK: You can choose from the login screen05:29
dmsuperman_MaverricK: when you go to login, change it to gnome05:29
wbmjjeffz:sudo dpkg  --audit......should give you suggestions for fixing things05:29
anto9usTheaxiom, add yourself to the www group too05:30
MaverricKahh okay.. i knew it would have been an answer that was right in front of my face.. thanks.05:30
Theaxiomanto9us: of course, goes without saying :P thanks05:30
jcarterMaverrick: silly thought, but have you made a backup?05:30
jeffzwbmj: it doesn't tell me anything I don't already know, running dpkg --configure -a attempts to configure the outstanding packages and from there it goes down the toilet05:30
anto9usTheaxiom, yes, though it pays to be pedantic in this game :)05:30
MaverricKnot yet i just installed ubuntu.. hadn't quite gotten around to it yet.05:30
Theaxiomanto9us: Yes. Ok problem, the only users I can add is me and root to the www group, how do I add apache2?05:31
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FlannelTheaxiom: www-data is the "www" group, and apache already runs as it.05:31
sekyourboxlol, lsd ninjl05:32
MaverricKonce i get a day off from work i'll be doing that..05:32
TheaxiomFlannel: That group is not showing in my groups list...05:32
anto9usTheaxiom, you can add as many users/processes as you like, edit /etc/group05:32
FlannelTheaxiom: that's fine, it exists.  ls -l /var/www/ and you'll see stuff.05:32
Flannelanto9us: No need to edit files manually05:33
MaverricKokay think thats all the questions for now..05:33
anto9usTheaxiom, Flannel is correct you can use the users-admin tool05:33
FlannelOr adduser, or a number of others.05:34
TheaxiomFlannel: /var/www is a symlink, and all I see is: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 2008-08-21 04:49 /var/www -> /media/System/Users/Travis Rowland/www/05:34
FlannelTheaxiom: er... I see.  Well, chown the files there to www-data:www-data and apache will be able to deal with them.05:34
TheaxiomFlannel: The problem is not apache, the problem is me writing to them...05:35
TheaxiomFlannel: Eclipse crashes every time I try to save, because it does not have permission05:35
FlannelTheaxiom: right, you then add yourself to the www-data group, and you're done (after allowing group writing)05:35
FlannelTheaxiom: why aren't you just using userdir, by the way?05:35
TheaxiomFlannel: How do I add myself to that group?05:35
RecycleBinWhere can i find an older version of ubuntu ?05:35
TheaxiomFlannel: I want to edit the files in the www directory directly05:35
TheaxiomFlannel: They are on a shared partition with Vista05:36
R_YoYo_RRecycleBin, just curious why?05:36
RecycleBini get the busybox error on this mobo, i need to install an older version and upgrade05:36
anto9usTheaxiom, I think the problem is your mount permission, that directory has global write permissions05:37
FlannelTheaxiom: adduser user group, will add user to group05:37
TheaxiomFlannel: Thanks I will try adduser travis www-data05:37
TrogdorburnHow would one connect to an ubuntu/PulseAudio RTP stream from a windows streaming client like VLC/winamp? I'm not sure what's wrong.05:38
TheaxiomFlannel: Still didn't work :/05:39
anto9usTheaxiom, I think the problem is your mount permission, that directory has global write permissions05:39
FlannelTheaxiom: You need to make sure that directory has write permissions for the group, as well as owner.05:39
RecycleBinFound one05:39
alistair_Help: In Gnome Commander there is 'Open Terminal here' is this available with Nautilus?05:39
Theaxiomalistair_: sudo apt-get nautilus-open-terminal05:39
Theaxiomalistair_: Then in console type: killall nautilus05:40
anto9usFlannel, his directory is lrwxrwxrwx, I think his problem is the mount, yes?05:40
alistair_Theaxiom, that has to be done on every session right? I wanted a menu item that was always available the answer is no?05:41
Theaxiomalistair_: Only once05:41
Theaxiomalistair_: and you are all set05:41
alistair_Theaxiom, Tks vm!05:41
alistair_Theaxiom, got this : E: Invalid operation nautilus-open-terminal05:42
wbmjjeffz:sudo dpkg  --force-configure-any05:42
anto9usTheaxiom, I believe you need to set permissions on your mount05:43
Theaxiomalistair_: Did you sudo?05:43
alistair_Theaxiom, To be sure just copied and pasted05:43
Theaxiomanto9us: I used a little utility called NTFS Configuration Tool to setup my partitions to automount05:44
jeffzwbmj, perl is segfaulting on doglob(..) when it calls the systemcall getdents64()05:44
anto9usTheaxiom, and can you write to it?05:44
Theaxiomanto9us: When I sudo I can...05:44
anto9usTheaxiom, then that's your problem, you need to set user permission on it05:45
sekyourboxdoes ubuntu work with .bin files?05:45
Theaxiomalistair_: sorry I forgot install: sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal05:45
wbmjalistair:sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal05:45
Theaxiomanto9us: How do I do that?05:45
anto9usTheaxiom, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VolumePermissions05:45
Theaxiomanto9us: Thanks I will follow that guide...appreciate it05:47
Theaxiomalistair_: The option won't appear until you: sudo killall nautilus05:47
alistair_Theaxiom, ok tks thats done now the killall that is needed too?05:47
Theaxiomalistair_: It reloads the GUI05:47
TrogdorburnHow would one connect to an ubuntu/PulseAudio RTP stream from a windows streaming client like VLC/winamp? I'm not sure what's wrong.05:48
Theaxiomanto9us: /dev/sdc1 /media/System ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0       -yeah that is my problem, thanks very much I will fix it now05:49
alistair_Theaxiom, u wee beauty - ripper!05:49
munsuhi there~05:49
Theaxiomalistair_: I take it that it worked, heh05:49
alistair_Theaxiom, happy as a pig in s...t05:50
sekyourboxDoes anyone know the package name for PostgreSQL?05:51
crimsunpedantically, it would be closer to postgresql-8.3 for 8.0405:52
alistair_Help: how to get Gnome commander to put deleted files in Trash (instead of kill) Nautilus works well, but often I am using Gnome for different stuff.05:52
Theaxiomanto9us: I can't umount because the device is busy...can I force it?05:52
owen1can u see videos on reuters? http://www.reuters.com/news/video?videoId=89391&videoChannel=105:53
sekyourboxE: Couldn't find package postgresq05:53
anto9usTheaxiom, move away from any terminals using it and close any apps using it05:53
gregbradyMy sound is not working....how to modify?05:53
Luchito_23I AM05:53
slammed87d21where can  i get a screensaver?05:54
Theaxiomanto9us: Still won't work, even tried stopping apache05:54
FlynsarmyHave there been no updates on apt for well over a week?05:54
FlynsarmyOr has my automatic update broken?05:54
troxorgregbrady: do you get any error messages?05:54
sekyourboxslammed87d21 applications>add/remove, search screensaver05:54
Theaxiomanto9us: I am going to do it from livecd05:54
anto9usTheaxiom,  sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop?05:54
busbeyanyone know how to change the defualt boot OS with grub?05:54
Theaxiomanto9us: Yeah I did that05:54
troxorslammed87d21: synaptic- rss_glx are awesome, if you've got 3d accel05:54
slammed87d21tried. it bribgs up a power saver app05:55
anto9usTheaxiom, any terminals cd'd to it?05:55
troxorbusbey: you can use startup-manager, or edit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:55
slammed87d21any other ideas?05:55
Theaxiomanto9us: nope05:55
troxorslammed87d21: rss-glx05:55
TotakekeHas anyone used UNetBootin to install Linux onto a flash drive?05:55
busbeyunder ubuntu or in the grub menu?05:55
Theaxiomanto9us: I will just do it from a livecd05:56
wbmjjeffz:did it work?05:56
TotakekeAnto9us: Yes, I'm back. It didn't work for me.05:56
sekyourboxChecking for SVN (ibsvn_client-1 libapr-0.so libaprutil-0.so) ...05:56
sekyourbox                              ... NOT found, module svn disabled05:56
troxorbusbey: once you've booted into ubuntu, search synaptic for startup-manager05:56
busbeycan i do it in vista?05:57
FlynsarmyI cleared my apt cache with some command a week or two ago and since then there've been no updates at all. Did i turn it off?05:57
troxorbusbey: probably05:57
busbeyubuntu doesnt like my wacom pad for a mouse05:57
EllementHi, I'm currently using ubntu at work and love it so i want to get rid of windows on my home pc and replace it with ubuntu. I'm concerned though whether or not ubuntu will drive dual screen on my video card which is ati 9200 PCI, can anyone help me out?05:57
jeffzwbmj: no, something is wrong since perl crashes05:57
salmonquestion... does anyone know how to uninstall pulse audio??05:57
sekyourboxwhat is SVN?05:57
sekyourboxgoogle says subversion05:57
troxorsekyourbox: source code management system05:58
jeffzsekyourbox: it's subversion.05:58
wbmjjeffz:did you try purging perl05:58
jeffzsekyourbox: it's a slow, centralized version control system05:58
sekyourboxsounds like fun05:58
TotakekeSo what do I do with UNetBootin after restarting from Windows? I think I'm on Linux right now because the CD isn't in the drive, but I'm not sure. I can't save anything and when I restart my computer it's like Linux just got installed for the first time. Is this because it isn't persistent?05:58
troxorsalmon: probably just go into synaptic, search for pulse, then remove everything05:58
TotakekeOh, wait, I'm probably on Linux using a Live USB instead of a Live CD, that might explain why nothing's saving?05:59
jeffzwbmj, several packages depend on perl, so I can't purge05:59
busbeyvista says its deult os05:59
anto9usTotakeke, looks that way, yes, I think you've created a live usb rather than an installed one06:00
busbeyi want it to be but its not. if my computer restarts and im not near it goes into linux06:00
jeffzwbmj, can't remove the packages that depend on perl because they have to run perl scripts to be removed06:00
TotakekeAnto9us: Is there any way to install it, instead of just using a Live USB? Is there some kind of application that can do it (preferably) or do I have to do it manually?06:01
EllementHi, I'm currently using ubntu at work and love it so i want to get rid of windows on my home pc and replace it with ubuntu. I'm concerned though whether or not ubuntu will drive dual screen on my video card which is ati 9200 PCI, can anyone help me out?06:01
Freddis it possible and ok to change the size of the hard drive where ubuntu is installed?06:01
anto9usTotakeke, yes, you can install from the liveusb stick, provided there's space06:01
TotakekeAnto9us: Oh, there's space, 32 gigabytes in fact :P So I should just go ahead and install it like I normally would? (which I don't really want to, it gave me lots of problems before)06:02
sekyourboxis there a package for SAP?06:02
alistair_Help; Manually installing a .jar file. Cant find help do I typically drop files into /usr/bin06:02
busbeytroxer you there?06:02
anto9usTotakeke, what's it matter? It's on a partition you can erase easily and get rid of without effecting anything else.06:02
eligosI downloaded xmms but can't install it, anyone knows how to?06:03
gregbradytroxor, yes, "Audio output unavailable; the device is busy"06:03
anto9usTotakeke, just remember to configure grub :)06:03
jeffzalistair_: typically you just run it by typing java -jar foo.jar06:03
TotakekeAnto9us: I'll make sure of it :P06:04
owen1please email reuters about lack of support for ubuntu in their online videos - http://reuters-en.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/reuters_en.cfg/php/enduser/ask.php?p_sid=omjB8Wbj&p_lva=&p_li=&p_accessibility=&p_redirect=&p_page=1&p_cv=&p_cats=&p_hidden_prods=&p_new_search=1&p_prod_lvl1=&p_masthead=us06:04
alistair_jeffz, tks but its a mp3 utility which should be iconized in the apps/media I know how to run it ok06:04
TotakekeAnto9us: But before I go and completely screw up (lol) when you say configure grub, do you just mean installing it to the correct place or actually configuring it?06:05
Avi_IRChow can I configure my audio driver06:05
owen1what a shame - big media site not supporting ubuntu!06:05
eligoscan anyone tell me how to install something I just downloaded06:05
pyrakwhat format should i use for this external drive (just for file storage/backups)?06:05
anto9usTotakeke, install it to the correct device06:05
Flannelowen1: Please don't do that hree.06:06
gregbradyAnd anyone with a problem with sound giving the following error: Audio output unavailable;the device is busy06:06
owen1Flannel: where else can i do that?06:06
Flannelowen1: #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is for support only06:06
unavailablekillall pulseaudio06:06
Avi_IRCFlannel: how can I configure my audio driver06:06
sekyourbox... NOT found, module sapr3 disabled06:07
busbeywe want driver support! when do we what it? NOW06:07
TotakekeAnto9us: Okay, thanks. I guarantee though, I'll be back. I have the worst luck in the world. I couldn't win the lottery if I was the only one playing and had all the numbers. :P06:07
sekyourboxI found the link but i can only find the download for suse and redhat06:07
jeffzalistair_: then you just put it in your home dir and create a shortcut to it06:07
Avi_IRChow can I configure my audio mixer06:07
jahnkeanaterother than chmod y would my server not be able yo upload a file06:07
alistair_jeffz, OK tk u06:08
TrozPSUanyone know why my xchat keeps launching on startup despite not being in the sessions list?06:08
troxorgregbrady: try searching "<your audio card model> ubuntu" in google06:08
anto9usTotakeke, I do believe buying a ticket increases your chances slightly too but not enough for me to part with my £06:08
gregbradytroxor, nah, going back to XP requires no effort, thanks though!06:09
troxorgregbrady: np06:09
jahnkeanatermy server wants me to chmod a file06:09
jahnkeanateri did and that didnt work06:09
gregbradytroxor, I thought it was a simple fix....no luck....06:09
FlynsarmyCan anyone tell me if theyve had any automatic updates from the default sources in the last 1 week?06:09
Flynsarmyfor hardy06:10
alistair_jeffz, why do you think I cannot move from desktop to home when permissions are all set?06:12
gregbradyok, anyone else with a good audio solution?06:12
Totakekeanto9us: I guess so. You have to be in it to win it :P06:12
anto9us!pulseaudio | gregbrady06:13
ubottugregbrady: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions06:13
gregbradyanto9us, I understand the reference, but it does nothing to help my situation.  Thanks though.06:13
anto9usgregbrady, what application are you trying to get sound from?06:14
anto9usgregbrady, you have sound working elsewhere?06:15
anto9usgregbrady, all applications give the same error?06:16
gregbradyno other tried06:16
JoshPritchardwhat does 'SIOCADDRT: No Such Process mean?06:16
anto9usgregbrady, try another application and see if you have sound at all06:16
gregbradyI have nothing else to play06:17
anto9usgregbrady, did the ubuntu logon give a sound?06:18
gregbradyOk, CBC plays06:18
Flynsarmyits a pretty simple question people. Has anyone gotten any hardy updates in the past 1 week with the default apt sources?06:18
Avi_IRChow do i run "ample"06:19
gregbradyanto9us: any ideas?06:20
anto9usgregbrady, did the ubuntu logon give a sound?06:20
JoshPritchardis ther ea server room?06:20
TrozPSUanyone know how I can stop xchat from loading at startup? it's not showing up in my sessions startup list06:20
Avi_IRChow do i run ample06:20
FlannelFlynsarmy: A number of the Australian mirrors are one week behind: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors06:20
Avi_IRChow do i run ample?06:21
Flannel!repeat | Avi_IRC06:21
ubottuAvi_IRC: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:21
anto9usgregbrady, Amorok | Settings | Configure Amorok | Output Plugins, try the options there06:21
Avi_IRCthanks ubuntu06:22
Gnea /window 2306:22
sekyourboxdoes the floodbot do what it says06:22
FlynsarmyFlannel, au.archive.ubuntu.com is the default apt sources ubuntu gave me and i haent received any updates from them either.06:22
FlannelFlynsarmy: try switching to a different mirror06:23
gregbradynope, no worries.  I guess I'm done here06:23
Flannelsekyourbox: What?06:23
frybyehi all...06:23
sekyourboxwas that floodbot made with php?06:23
Flannelsekyourbox: No06:23
sekyourboxor .pl06:23
anto9usgregbrady, do you have the codecs installed for the media files you're trying to play?06:24
sekyourboxIm having a hell of a time getting libsshv.11 to install06:24
gregbradyyes, or the error would indicate so06:24
zeeeeecupsd is running on my system; is this enabled by default (at least in 8.04)? if not then i'll disable it06:25
sekyourboxis it possible to install 2x and .11 (libssh) at the same time?06:25
jeffzzeeeee: yes it's default, since many users wish to print things, if not to a real printer, to pdf06:25
Ross`is there a way to make directories public as if they were in a workgroup on windows06:26
dmsuperman_I log into gnome and all I get is a cursor and orange background. no panels show, compiz doesn't start, nothing. I've tried with another user, and they can start fine. Gnome, without xclient, and also failsafe gnome, do the exact same thing06:26
Ross`with ubuntu06:26
anto9usgregbrady, rhythmbox and banshee are similar alternatives to amarok, tried those?06:26
zeeeeejeffz, ah, i see. it's a daemon that only listens for localhost connections06:26
jeffzRoss`: if you want to use windows file sharing, you can do that with samba, or you could use apache to serve some files if it's intended to be readonly06:27
gregbradyanto9us: they work06:27
jeffzRoss`: I bet there are some howtos on one of the ubuntu websites06:27
zoasterboySamba is simple enough, but is there a simple way to share Ubuntu to Ubuntu?06:27
k20awhat would i use to turn the quake 3 source into the run abble game?06:28
jeffzk20a: data files06:29
k20ajeffz i have them06:29
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insanecatniphow do you get rid of windows after using wubi it install xubuntu?06:29
sekyourboxchecking openssl/blowfish.h presence... no <<I have open ssl installed.. do i need to change the directory?06:29
jeffzk20a: if there are instructions or scripts to build the source then you follow them and hope that whoever maintained the source code intended for it to "just work"06:29
Keiyentaiis there a way to like restart my sound card in Ubuntu with out rebooting?06:30
King /join #ubuntu-es06:30
Flannelinsanecatnip: You first have to transfer your wubi install to a proper partition first06:30
jeffzsekyourbox: it means that it didn't find the development files06:30
hnicI'm having trouble with the universe hugin package for gutsy and I'm wondering if someone has any insight with it. I can install and run fine, but hugin doesn't seem to be able to use autopano. I have looked at the preferences, but couldn't get it to behave properly. This worked fine on previous versions (running 7.10, I never had a problem). Is this a good place to find help with this? I looked in the forums already, but nothing spe06:30
King /join #ubuntu-es06:30
Keiyentaiseems like when Aramok dies It kills my sound\06:30
anto9uszoasterboy, ubuntu will share over samba as client and server, I mostly use ssh for my quick and file access though06:30
k20aso how would i compile the quake 3 data files into the run-able game?06:30
insanecatniphow do i do that?06:30
sekyourboxI installed the dev files...06:30
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Flannelinsanecatnip: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43859106:30
zoasterboyah ok, thanks anto9us06:30
insanecatnipthank you06:30
Terralthra^^ can anyone help me with making that work on 8.04?06:31
TerralthraI swear, I ask that, and everyone quits06:31
gregbradyOk, Amarok does not play where others do.......06:31
sekyourboxthey have been busy... Good job guys that are helping out guys...06:32
gregbradyI can get every other player to work but amarok.06:32
FlannelTerralthra: Try asking in that thread.  The people who wrote it, etc already know whats going on, etc.06:32
anto9usgregbrady, I think they'll know more about amarok in #kubuntu06:33
Terralthrayeah, I posted ther06:33
Appl3Korkwould anyone know why on my laptop running Ubuntu, I can't see my Desktop Computer on the Network?06:33
Appl3KorkI can see the other Desktop in the house, but not mine?06:33
sekyourboxwhat network06:33
Avi_IRChow to run vux player06:34
Appl3Korkjust a home network06:34
Appl3Korkit was working yesterday06:34
TheaxiomIs there any way to force a partition to unmount when it is busy? OR how can I find out what is using said partition so I can umount it?06:34
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Appl3KorkI tried changing the Workgroup on my Desktop but still nothing06:34
Flannelnzmm: Please don't do that here.06:34
Theaxiomnzmm: Internet is srsly serious bizniss!06:35
sekyourboxApple3Kork http://www.control-escape.com/linux/lx-samba.html06:35
anto9usTheaxiom, I believe fuser is the command to find what processes are using what files, do a web search on it06:35
Theaxiomanto9us: Thanks06:36
Appl3KorkOMG I think I might have changed something on my desktop earlier06:36
Appl3Korklet me check06:36
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sekyourboxchecking openssl/aes.h presence... no << I have the open ssl dev package06:37
sekyourboxbozy, none of that06:37
Appl3Korksek: THANKS FOR THAT06:37
FluxDHi, when you compile something, what does "checking for short" mean?06:38
Appl3Korkonce I saw step 2 that said TCP/IP, I remembered that I changed something earlier06:38
Appl3KorkThanks again!06:38
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Avi_IRCcan anyone tell me hwo to run Vux package06:39
schmittydoesithow do i close kde so im not running any xwindows?06:41
sekyourboxi think its ctrl-alt F1206:42
extorI'm pleasantly surprised at how easily winetools is installing Internet Explorer 6.0 without windows even being installed--how on earth did the wine project get away with this?06:42
Flannelschmittydoesit: ctrl-alt-f1 and then sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop06:42
Flannelextor: #winehq would be the place to ask06:42
Avi_IRChow do you execute a package in ubuntu06:43
Avi_IRConce it is installed06:43
extorFlannel, dang it's too bad #wine itself is compromised. I went there first and left06:43
hnicanybody would know what the best channel would be to get info about hugin?06:43
FlannelAvi_IRC: dpkg -L | grep /bin/06:44
rukcusHow can I get Amarouk or Rhythm Box to play mp3s?06:44
FlannelAvi_IRC: that'll give you a list of probable programs06:44
anto9ushnic, #hugin is listed on the network06:44
sekyourboxnight folks. Thanks to whoever helped06:44
hnicanto9us, thanks.06:45
anto9us!restricted | rukcus06:45
ubotturukcus: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:45
Avi_IRCFlannel: how do i run a package from command line06:47
itachican any1 help me i already install ubuntu but when i go to run it06:47
itachisome comment thingy comes out06:47
FlannelAvi_IRC: packages could install a number of files, and the binaries are named arbitrarily.  Like I said, use that command to find likely candidates06:47
Avi_IRCit showed me 2 file06:48
itachican any1 help me i already install ubuntu but when i go to run it06:48
itachisome comment thingy comes out06:48
Avi_IRChow do i execute them06:48
vegombreihi .. is there an equivalent software like download accelerator in ubuntu ? the thing is there is a feature in download accelerator that enables you to download all via dap that i really wish would be available in ubuntu06:48
TotakekeQuick question. Yes, it's me, the Linux flash drive guy. :P I didn't do the installation yet because I'm just messing around in Linux, but when I partition, how much space should I use for root and /home?06:48
FlannelAvi_IRC: type the name.06:48
FlannelAvi_IRC: /usr/bin/foobar gets run on "foobar"06:48
itachicommand program comes up06:48
itachican any1 help me i already install ubuntu but when i go to run it06:49
itachicommand program comes up06:49
Avi_IRCFlannel: its not running06:49
pyrakwhat filesystem should i use for an external that i'm going to run rsync backups to?06:49
FlannelAvi_IRC: what package are we talking about?06:50
TotakekeSo when I partition how much space should I give to / and /home? Or should I just make one for swap and one for /?06:50
Avi_IRCFlannel: vux06:50
itachican any1 help me i already install ubuntu but when i go to run it06:50
FlannelAvi_IRC: it'd be 'vux' or 'vuxctl'06:50
FlannelTotakeke: How much room are you going to give for Ubuntu in total?06:51
vegombreihi .. is there an equivalent software like download accelerator in ubuntu ? the thing is there is a feature in download accelerator that enables you to download all via dap that i really wish would be available in ubuntu06:51
Avi_IRCFlannel: if i run vuxctl it gives me an error no pid file exist and not started06:51
rubydiamondHi ppl06:51
itachican any1 help me i already install ubuntu but when i go to run it06:51
itachicommand program comes up06:51
rubydiamondhow do I check environment variables on UNIX environment06:51
vegombreihello rubydiamond06:51
TotakekeFlannel: I don't know. I'm installing it onto a 32 GiB flash drive. (Which goes down to about 29 after formatting.)06:51
FlannelAvi_IRC: Then you have some setting up to do.  check out /etc/vuxrc06:52
TotakekeFlannel: How much space would I need for Linux anyway?06:52
rubydiamondhello vegombrei06:52
itachican any1 help me i already install ubuntu but when i go to run it06:52
itachicommand program comes up06:52
Whiz_2ok it took a while, but I finally have all the items listed in /dev pasted for someone to look at... we are looking for a device that could be used as my CD-ROM because it's not detecting it http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/39613/06:52
FlannelTotakeke: 10G will be plenty for the install itself.  You probably won't even need that much.  The rest can go to home and swap06:52
pcfreak30Totakeke: bout 3-5 gigs06:52
itachican any1 help me i already install ubuntu but when i go to run it06:52
rubydiamondhow do I check environment variables on UNIX environment06:53
itachidam can some1 help me?06:53
Flannelitachi: When you go to run it... what?06:53
Flannelitachi: And, please watch the language.06:53
pcfreak30itachi: what happens when u go to run it06:53
TotakekeFlannel: So where would I mount the install partition, in /?06:53
pcfreak30u never told us06:53
seth1232I'm curious is this you itachi http://paste.ubuntu.com/39540/06:53
FlannelTotakeke: / is the partition that holds anything that isn't in another dedicated partition06:53
itachiwhen i go to run it a comman propt comes up nd is like i cant run the os06:53
TotakekeFlannel: So the isntallation would go into root.06:53
Whiz_2Flannel: it sounds to me like when itachi boots up they get a command line instead of a desktop06:54
TotakekeFlannel: (You can tell I'm coming from Windows :P)06:54
pcfreak30totakeke: then type statx06:54
pcfreak30but u soulnt have to do that06:54
Flannelitachi: Which CD did you use to install?06:54
vdsyrubydiamond, env06:54
Avi_IRCFlannel: bash: /etc/vuxrc: Permission denied06:54
anto9usTotakeke, go with / and swap as you can easily move your /home if you feel you need to later, 10GB+ for nicely sized linux playground06:54
Totakekepcfreak30: I think you got the wrong person :P06:54
pcfreak30imean the run level is 5 by default which = gui06:54
itachii just use my usb flashdriver06:54
pcfreak30i might06:55
rubydiamondthanks vdsy06:55
pcfreak30bit busy now06:55
FlannelAvi_IRC: sudo nano /etc/vuxrc06:55
FlannelAvi_IRC: or gksu gedit /etc/vuxrc06:55
TotakekeAlright, I just want to get this straight. 10 GiB for /, 4 or so GiB for swap, and the rest to /home? (about 18 GiB)?06:55
Flannelitachi: which ISO did you use?06:55
geev_hi to every one06:55
FlannelTotakeke: that'll be good, yeah.06:55
pyrakwhat should i format this external hd to?  i'm going to use it to make file backups with flyback06:55
TotakekeFlannel: Okay, thanks.06:55
itachiwat do u mean06:55
Flannelitachi: To install you downloaded an iso file, what was that file called?06:56
itachiok 1 sec06:56
Whiz_2i'm still here for my original issue... during ubuntu server install (command line only) ubuntu setup tells me it cannot detect any common CD-ROM drives. it prompts me to specify a dev to use so I have pasted my entire /dev list for all to see in hopes of getting the right device. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/39613/06:56
itachiubuntu 8.4 something06:56
Flannelitachi: Yes, but what exactly?06:57
geev_i hav a qn i head linux is free from virus but i see with ubuntu i can install clamwin, it is there for what purpose06:57
BabyJesus666Just incase?06:57
anto9uspyrak, if it's just going to be used on linux then go with ext306:58
seth1232geev: To scan for windows viruses06:58
DacvakI recently installed Ubuntu and need help.06:58
DacvakI'm trying to set the resolution for my laptop06:58
trojatraDacvak, what seems to be the problem?06:58
DacvakI need it to be 1024x768, but that's not listed06:58
DacvakIt's currently not taking up the whole screen at 800x60006:58
neil_dCan I limit the access to the internet on a user basis ?  i.e. allow user A to access the internet but not user B06:58
DacvakIt's a very old laptop.06:58
Flannelitachi: and what do you see when your install boots?06:59
Whiz_2I need assistance during install of ubuntu server 8.04 LTS06:59
TotakekeIs it alright to install an OS onto a flash drive? I mean, won't that wear it down much quicker or no, not that much? I'm not going to be on it all the time, I'd dedicate a hard drive if I wanted to do that.06:59
=== mojo__ is now known as mojo
DacvakIs there a way to manually set the screen resolution to something that's not currently listed?06:59
trojatraDacvak, your xorg.conf should be able to do that for you.07:00
itachii just ran wubi07:00
itachiit was in the ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i38607:00
Dacvaktrojatra, how do I configure that? I'm a Linux noob.07:00
MaverricKtrying to get gnome display manager to work but not having any success, currently its stuck on KDE07:00
mojoI have an Ubuntu Server and Desktop.  Is there a GUI client I can run on my desktop similar to Synaptic that will work against the server's package managers?  I can make an ssh connection to the server or whatever would be needed... any ideas?  Mabye a web-based synaptic i can run on the server?  it is a LAMP box07:01
anto9us!resolution | Dacvak07:01
ubottuDacvak: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:01
neil_dmojo: should be able to use snaptic07:01
hmlis there a way to watch quicktime in firefox on ubuntu?07:01
DistroJockey!apt-proxy | mojo07:02
ubottumojo: apt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy07:02
mojoneil_d:  there is a way to make the gui client on my desktop manage the server???  i didn't nkow that07:02
neil_dmojo: vnc07:02
mespejelanyone using vmware07:02
trojatraDacvak, I believe this should help  --  http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=129379&postcount=2107:02
mespejelim mean ubuntu installing by vmware07:02
kaiwenmespejel virtualbox07:02
mojoDistroJockey:  I know about apt-proxy, but i run AMD64 on the desktop and AthlonXP on the server.  Besides, that does not address my use07:03
Whiz_2I need assistance during install of ubuntu server 8.04 LTS. It says it can't detect any common CD-ROM drives during install even though it boots from one. it is an ATAPI CD-ROM drive attached to an IDE controller. Here is a list of devices shown in /dev if anyone has an idea which one to use? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/39613/07:03
DistroJockeymojo, ok07:03
mespejelkaaiwen.. do you have any kind of messenger? please i need to know something about virtual os07:03
neil_dmojo: are you doing this local or over the internet ?07:03
kaiwenmespejel, i'd rather not, plus i have finals tom.07:03
mojoneil_d:  vnc would mean installing a gui environment and libs on the server; i can use vnc or nx or whatever or remote x if i did but i don't want to add that to the server07:03
kaiwenmespejel just ask on here.07:03
hmlis there anyway to watch quicktime movies on ubuntu linux in firefox?07:04
itachiwhen i go to run it a comman propt comes up nd is like i cant run the os07:04
hateballIs there a way to use /etc/iftab instead of udev in 8.04?07:04
mojoDistroJockey:  i don't want to just have a localized pkg database.  i want to manage the software on the server from the desktop with a gui or web front end as opposed to using aptitude on an ssh session.  i am just not grokking aptitude for some reason very well though i am well familiar with console apps07:04
neil_dmojo: oh.   one thing I do is use snaptic local to find the package names then use 'apt-get' on the server via ssh07:04
kbrosnan!quicktime | hml07:04
ubottuhml: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:04
mespejelkeiwen: Ok, is just that I dont get it... installing linux using virtualbox or vmware.. its really linux? i mean its using the kernel? cause i dont get it.. when i install ubuntu on my macbook.. nothing use to work.. keyboard, mighty mouse, etc.. now that i install vmware.. everything works! i dont get it.. leopard is sharing kernel with linux or what?07:05
itachiwhen i go to run it a comman propt comes up nd is like i cant run the os07:05
mojoneil_d:  that is a thought, though there are a few differences between the apps available in the different architectures i686 vs x86_6407:05
itachican any1 help me i already install ubuntu but when i go to run it07:05
hmlkbrosnan: thanks07:05
itachican any1 help me i already install ubuntu but when i go to run it07:05
mojoitaschi do yo get a graphical boot screen first?  it could be you are at a grub prompt???  grub is the boot-loader program that boot-strapps the OS into memory07:06
kaiwenmespejel, no, it is really linux for both ends, virtualbox and vmware. vmware may have more support since ppl pay for it, virtualbox is free. vmware also has the plus of having some drivers that go with it already installed for you, which is why your jmouse and keyborad used to work07:07
itachican any1 help me i already install ubuntu but when i go to run it07:07
chumpaswhats wrong with it itachi?07:07
mespejeli get it07:07
cernexEscuse me, somebody knows were to check the IP on ubuntu?07:07
itachican any1 help me i already install ubuntu but when i go to run it07:07
mespejelthanks for the info keiwen07:07
mojoitachi: don't repeat yourself pls07:07
mojoitachi:  ifconfig07:07
neil_dmojo: if you have nfs to the server maybe you could temperarly mount the servers /etc/apt on your local /etc/apt use snaptic to look up the packages (but not do anything) then run apt-get on the server.07:07
itachiwell when i go to run the os07:07
itachia command line comes up07:08
seth1232itachi: Put your question on one line, and try to describe what it is your seeing accurately07:08
anto9uscernex, ifconfig will list all network devices and associated ip addresses07:08
mespejelkeiwen: and yeah its very expensive, im using try version.. lol07:08
itachind idk whats wrong07:08
kaiwenmespejel, plus macbook has it's own hardware, so for virtualbox, you may need to configure/install some stuff.07:08
Whiz_2mespejel: itachi's computer will only boot to a command line07:08
Whiz_2mojo: how else are people to see questions if they are not repeated after a time?07:08
mespejelkeywen: 80$.. but i can use vista, linux and even solaris 64 bit support, i was surprised07:08
mojoneil_d:  yeah but that's just a kludgy work around with me still having to go manually install with apt or aptitude.  i would just plug on with aptitude if i had to then.07:08
kaiwenmespejel, I suggest you try to figure out what's wrong with the virtualbox then, another virtualization software you can use is parallels, which is more mac oriented07:08
mespejelI see07:08
TrogdorburnHow would one connect to an ubuntu/PulseAudio RTP stream from a windows streaming client like VLC/winamp? I'm not sure what's wrong.07:08
kaiwenmespejel, they all have their pluses and downs, i think i have a comparison somewhere...07:09
mojoWhiz_2:  yeah, after a time.07:09
chumpasMy question is, I'm trying to install wireless on an Atheros card07:09
MaverricKwhenever i go to window login under administration it comes up with this.. how do i get gnome to reboot..07:09
itachiwhen i try to run the utubu a command line comes up i forgot what exatly tell me but yeh i cant use ubuntu07:09
`brooksQuestion:  I realize TOR is slow for a good reason, but does anyone know of an application/decent proxy list that I can use for every-day browsing when speed is a bit more important, or am I stuck with creepy adult friend-finder ads?07:09
chumpasbut when I got to sudo make, it says there is no make07:09
mespejelkeiwen: i was reading that vmware is much better than parallels, but i need to try as well07:09
mespejelkeiwen: virtualbox works for mac as well?07:09
MaverricKGDM (GNOME Display Manager) is not running.07:09
kaiwenmespejel http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/VBox_vs_Others07:09
Flannel!repeat | itachi07:09
ubottuitachi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:09
kaiwenmespejel, yes, have you not tried using it?07:10
itachiwhen i try to run the utubu a command line comes up i forgot what exatly tell me but yeh i cant use ubuntu07:10
mespejelbut you know why07:10
MaverricKYou might be using a different display manager, such as KDM (KDE Display Manager), CDE login (dtlogin), or XDM. If you wish to use this feature, then your system will need to be configured to use GDM instead.07:10
kaiwenmespejel, download it from teh virtualbox site07:10
neil_dmojo: be handy if snaptic had a ncurses interface, but I don't know how to do anything like that.07:10
mespejelcause it does not support 64 bit07:10
mespejelthats why07:10
jeffzmy system is booting kernel 2.6.18, but boot shows a 2.6.22-15, how do I select the newer kernel for default?07:10
MaverricKmy question. how do i reconfig for it to use GDM?07:10
mespejeland i have 4gb of ram.. good for 64 bit07:10
FlannelMaverricK: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm07:10
rosshow do i host directorys07:10
kaiwenmespejel, parallels doesn't according to the chart07:10
rossin my samba thing07:10
sk33t0rhey.. Im wondering if the reason why bf1942 is running strange is because of ubuntu and wine.. not because of my gfx card.. if thats the case Im gonna dual boot windows and ubuntu07:10
Theaxiomanto9us: I got everything working peachy now, thanks man. :) It was my mounts.07:10
mojoitachi is gone huh?07:10
itachi8soz im bak07:10
Expl0itedjeffz: remove the old one... in synaptic.07:10
kaiwenmespejel, looks like virtualbox does for host07:11
jeffzsk33t0r: how do you mean strange? I run it07:11
Trogdorburn'brooks - AFF ads are just approximations of the closest router on a traceroute to you, connected to a few stock pictures.07:11
itachi8well like i was saying everytime i select ubuntu (OS) THE COMMAND LINE COMES UP...07:11
anto9usTheaxiom, well done and you're welcome07:11
=== wisnu is now known as ^^co-pgnn
jeffzExpl0ited: i textmode only, i don't have synaptic.. ill try it07:11
trojatraDacvak, did that link help at all?07:11
sk33t0rthe models look weird.. they're all red07:11
Flannelitachi8: *stop* repeating07:11
sk33t0rand explosion models dont show up07:11
jeffzsk33t0r: which video card and drivers?07:11
Expl0itedsk33t0r: you got BF1942 running?07:11
sk33t0rI have an atix30007:11
jeffzExpl0ited: I run it almost dialy07:11
sk33t0rit works fairly well07:11
`brooksTordgorBirn: I realize this.07:11
jeffzsk33t0r: there's your problem07:11
mojoitachi8:  it would help to know what the "prompt" said or looked like.  which characters?  how far does the boot get.  Do yo see a message flash up about Grub stage 1.5 loading?  Do you get a boot menu to pick the OS from before it continutes on to this prompt?07:11
Expl0itedmine dies after fully loaded.07:11
jeffzsk33t0r: all ati drivers are crap07:12
Trogdorburn'brooks - they mean nothing, and tor would feed you ones for wherever the proxy is coming from. If you want to remove it, there are plenty of ways to do that in FF07:12
mespejelkaiwen: i will try it thanks let you know.. btw, what its your major?07:12
Expl0itedafter the level is loaded.07:12
jeffzExpl0ited, it works almost flawlessly with my nvidia07:12
sk33t0rjeffz, crap in ubuntu or crap in general07:12
=== ross is now known as ros`
mespejelkeiwen: i mean.. your final exam.. which class?07:12
mojoitachi8:  so yo are selecting Ubuntu from the boot menu then, right?07:12
itachi8hold up i ma go nd copy what is says07:12
jeffzsk33t0r: crap in any linux, ati drivers are poorly written and impossible for ati to fix07:12
Avi_IR1Flannel: thanks for your help07:12
Expl0itedjeffz: Im using a intel card, should this be a problem?07:12
sk33t0rso are there any other drivers I should use?07:12
kaiwenmespejel, hopefully computer engineering. i have math and cse exam tom.07:12
chumpasOkay Guys, I have a Atheros AR5007 and I was following the howto in the Ubuntu forums, but when I enter the comman "sudo make" it does nothing...it actually says"No targets specified and no makefile found"07:12
DacvakHi, I'm editing my xorg.conf file in the standard terminal. How do I save my progress and close out? Is there anything special I need to do?07:12
itachi8mojo: yes07:12
jeffzExpl0ited: with intel, you get a "maybe", maybe it will work, maybe it will have bad performance07:13
`brooksTorgdorBurn: The ads are just one thing that slightly annoys me.  I want a hair of anonimity.07:13
sk33t0ryea Ive had a lot of problems getting it to work.. I need to stop compiz and replace it with metacity everythimg07:13
neil_dcan you configure a firewall to allow user A to access the internet but not user B ?07:13
mespejelkaiwen: awsome, lol.. good luck07:13
mojookay then it is likely that it is an OS prompt for Linux, not a Grub prompt.07:13
kaiwenmespejel ok guys time to start my all night shift. ttyl all07:13
=== ros` is now known as ross`
mespejelkeiwen: my major is biochemistry07:13
mespejelall right07:13
itachi8mojo: im gonna see what it says07:13
seth1232Dacvak: Did you use vim or nano?07:13
mespejelgood luck in your exam07:13
kaiwenmespejel, i was also thinking double major in bio e07:13
mespejelbye bye07:13
mojoitachi8:  when you pick, does it say anything like "recovery" in the item you choose?  That would boot to a single user mode, text prompt I believe07:13
FloodBot2mespejel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:13
mojoitachi8:  okay fine report back07:13
sk33t0rmespejel, at university of rochester?07:13
itachi8mojo: ok07:13
jeffzsk33t0r: you can try reporting the bug to ati if you are on the latest version of their drivers07:13
Dacvakseth1232: nano07:14
mespejelsan diego state university07:14
sk33t0rbah fux ati.. I doubt they'll fix it as you said07:14
seth1232Dacvak: if you look down at the bottom it tells you ctrl+x to save07:14
sk33t0ris there any alternative to the ati drivers? or am I stuck07:14
sk33t0rotherwise I may be forced to dual boot windows just so I can play this beloved game07:14
TheaxiomIf I want to play windows games in linux, do I need to install wine?07:14
jeffzsk33t0r: there's a free alternative for the ati drivers but they are incomplete07:14
jeffzTheaxiom: yes07:14
Theaxiomjeffz: What else?07:14
chumpascan anyone help me?07:15
jeffzTheaxiom: make sure you have 3d drivers installed, which video card do you have?07:15
Flannelmespejel: Chatting is preferred in #ubuntu-offtopic (you might also be interested in #ubuntu-california)07:15
sk33t0rjeffz, any chance they would work better or is that doubtful?07:15
trojatraTheaxiom, read a lot of documentation :P07:15
Theaxiomjeffz: I am using the drivers for my 8800GTX07:15
mojosk33t0r:  ati has done quite a turn around with their linux and open source support so perhaps it's not fair to be as cynical as we all once were regarding them.  plus, bad language is bad form here even with xx's07:15
Theaxiomjeffz: I am using the new nvidia glx drivers07:15
jeffzsk33t0r: doubtful, I've seen some screenshots of some stuff and it still looks very preliminary07:15
DacvakI tried to add potential resolutions, but I don't know how to do it. I'm trying to add the screen resolution 1024x768.07:15
TrogdorburnHow would one connect to an PulseAudio RTP stream (my ubuntu box) from a windows streaming client like VLC/winamp?07:15
ross`can someone please tell me how to use samba07:15
jeffzTheaxiom: it should work well, check the appdb for compatibility with your programs http://appdb.winehq.org07:15
sk33t0rsorry mojo07:15
zcat[1]problem; my laptop doesn't work with any kind of external display, it works fine right up to the login screen but locks up hard a few seconds after logging in.. not a hardware problem because it still works (including logging in, playing videos, etc) when I boot from the live cd. ANY SUGGESTIONS?07:15
Theaxiomjeffz: Thanks bro07:16
mojosk33t0r:  np07:16
sk33t0rhmm I may be forced to dual boot w/ windows just to play these games07:16
zcat[1]sorry, didn't mean to hit capslock there..07:16
ross`how do i have directorys or stuff show up on my samba network07:16
sk33t0rI just bought a $10 pack that included all bf1942 and expansions plus bfv07:16
sk33t0rbest 10 bucks Ive ever spent07:16
sk33t0rat best buy07:16
jeffzsk33t0r: yeah, it's a shame, I wrote a letter to the president of ATI because I was so annoyed that I had bought an ati video card and it was useless07:16
chumpascan anyone help me?07:16
mojoumm okay i have to leave for a bit, guess itachi will miss me07:16
sk33t0rjeffz, did you receive any sort of response?07:16
chumpasOkay Guys, I have a Atheros AR5007 and I was following the howto in the Ubuntu forums, but when I enter the comman "sudo make" it does nothing...it actually says"No targets specified and no makefile found"07:17
zcat[1]chumpas: you tried ./configure first?07:17
chumpasthanks zcat07:17
anto9usTrogdorburn, as a guess, enter the ip address of the ubuntu box into the rtp box in vlc's open network stream dialog box07:17
sk33t0rI used to love ATI cards on my windows machine.. now that I switched to linux.. I see that they are not very good with it.. very disappointing07:17
chumpaszcat[1]: I'll try that07:17
jeffzsk33t0r: well, this was a few months before they announced they were going to cooperate and release free documentation so that free drivers could be written, and that was the main point of my letter, so perhaps a coincidence, the straw that broke the camels back, I don't know, but no formal response.07:17
DacvakDo I have to, like, reset xorg.conf to have the changes take effect?07:17
DacvakLike an added resolution I made07:18
zcat[1]chumpas: ./configure ; make ; sudo make install is the standard way of compiling stuff.07:18
sk33t0rjeffz, very nice.. amazing what a few finely crafted words can do :-D07:18
ross`please someone07:18
ross`please help me07:18
ross`i need to know how to list directories on my network with samba07:18
Flannel!samba | ross`07:18
ubottuross`: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.07:18
sk33t0rwhat do you need ross? an ambulance?07:19
DacvakDo I have to, like, reset xorg.conf to have the changes take effect?07:19
jeffzsk33t0r: nvidia has been quite good,  they accept bug reports from wine developers for real problems and nvidia have provided fixes in their drivers07:19
bazhangsk33t0r, please take chat elsewhere07:19
CRASH69hello, I already set up a ftp server, but I would like to acces it by web, can someone point me?07:19
anto9usDacvak, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:19
bazhangjeffz, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic07:19
jheskethHi, I'm playing around with a USB device and I want to dump all the IO for it... it is there a way to listen to /dev/ttyUSB0?07:19
jeffzbazhang: ok end of chat07:19
* jeffz goes back to upgrading his server07:19
sk33t0rpeace out jeffz, Ill see you around07:19
sk33t0rnice talking07:20
ross`[can someone tell me where the samba GUI is located07:20
bazhangross`, read those links first07:21
ross`no bazhang thats too hard for me07:22
CartoonCatAnyone ever setup ubuntu with bluetooth for more then just the FTP profile?07:22
bazhangitachi, he left07:22
ross`there is supposed to be a GUI07:22
ross`that you can do thiss in07:22
ross`so you dont need to edit the files yourself07:22
itachiwell can u help me07:22
ross`i need to know where its located on ubuntu07:22
bazhangitachi, md5 the iso you downloaded07:22
DistroJockey!info swat | ross`07:22
ubottuross`: swat (source: samba): Samba Web Administration Tool. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.28a-1ubuntu4.4 (hardy), package size 950 kB, installed size 2604 kB07:22
bazhang!md5 > itachi07:22
ubottuitachi, please see my private message07:22
tiglionabbitwhat package provides jni.h?  How do I search for the package that gives me a particular file?07:22
TheaxiomIs there any need for antivirus in ubuntu?07:23
MM2How I reconfigure X, because it won't start after changing the motherboard?07:23
bazhang!virus | Theaxiom07:23
ubottuTheaxiom: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2107:23
jeffzTheaxiom: you can install clamav07:23
jeffzbazhang: lies07:23
bazhangjeffz, what is the issue07:23
jeffzbazhang: windows viruses work fine on GNU/Linux07:23
TheaxiomThanks guys07:24
bazhangitachi, please keep it in channel07:24
chrismurf"sudo kill -9 1025" won't kill totem (1025 is the pid)07:24
chrismurfany magic suggestions?07:25
jeffzbazhang: this page is misleading and incorrect07:25
bazhangjeffz, please take chat elsewhere.07:25
chumpasdoes anyone have expirience with madwifi?07:25
chrismurftotem is consuming 100% CPU and I can't kill it (the window is gone)07:25
CartoonCatchumpas, yes, what are you needing07:25
jeffzbazhang: I'm suggesting you don't recommend it in the channel as it creates a false sense of security07:25
MM2How do I reconfigure X, because it won't start after changing the motherboard?07:25
Theaxiomchrismurf: Try sudo killall totem07:25
itachi  have anyone seen mojo07:25
juanHi: I need a system monitor for my video card07:26
chrismurfTheaxiom: good call, but nope - that doesn't do it either07:26
chrismurfI've tried sending it a variety of signals07:26
Theaxiomchrismurf: Reboot07:26
juanfor see that memory are using07:26
chumpasCartoonCat: I have an Atheros 5007 wifi but I can't get it to work following the howto in the Buntuforums07:26
chrismurfworking on my thesis07:26
Theaxiomchrismurf: Don't know what to tell you, sorry.07:26
chrismurfrebooting would be...undesirable07:26
chumpasCartoonCat: do you have 5 minutes and the willpower to help a noob?07:26
chrismurfanyway I can foreground it?07:26
chrismurfzombie it remotely?07:26
chrismurfI don't understand how this is even possible07:26
jeffzchrismurf: if you've tried to kill it using -9, try killing the parent process07:27
neil_dchrismurf: have you tried 'kill -9 <number>'07:27
chrismurfneil_d: yes, thanks07:27
chrismurfand several other signals after that07:27
CartoonCatchumpas, the 5007 takes more then 5 min, post me thel ink you use, and ill find the one that worked for me, it might be out of date tho, it has been 3 months07:27
zcat[1]A friend of mine gave me a CD of useful tools (some of it warez) a few years back ... just recently I noticed the cd has three viruses on it as well. I ought to try getting them to run in wine sometime.07:27
chrismurfjeffz, how do I determine the parent process?07:27
jeffzchrismurf: pstree07:27
itachiminimal bash like line editing is supported for the fisrt word tab list possible command completions.anywhere else tab list the possible completetions of the device/filename07:27
itachiwhat does that mean07:27
jeffzzcat[1]: that's not recommended unless you do it in a virtual machine07:27
DistroJockeychrismurf, probably firefox if you have that open07:27
zcat[1]jeffz: hmm07:28
jeffzzcat[1]: wine provides no level of security against viruses or any other software07:28
chrismurfDistroJockey: I did, it's closed now07:28
jeffzzcat[1]: wine is not a virtual machine07:28
neil_dchrismurf: have you tried logging out ?07:28
FluxDHi, can anyone tell me what this error means? EADDRNOTAVAIL07:28
itachiok everyime i try to run ubuntu this comes up07:28
Kartagiswhen I install ubuntu using LiveCD and choose to let ubuntu do the partitioning, will it allocate a swap partition?07:28
chrismurfhm - sadly the parent is init()07:28
erpoWhat does Kino's "Resample Audio" checkbox on the Export tab do? It's not in the documentation.07:28
itachiminimal bash like line editing is supported for the fisrt word tab list possible command completions.anywhere else tab list the possible completetions of the device/filename07:28
Expl0itedwow my dvdrom drive's spin up is loud...07:29
bazhangitachi, are you trying to install ubuntu from inside windows?07:29
juanHi: I need a system monitor for my video card07:29
juanfor see that memory are using07:29
jahnkeanateri need help with my database07:29
MaverricKsimple question how do i get gnome display manager running again instead of using KDM?07:29
bazhangitachi, then md5 the iso first07:29
TrogdorburnIs the PulseAudio RTP audio stream compatible with generic RTP audio players, or do the clients need to be PulseAudio installations?07:29
Kartagisjahnkeanater, is it mysql?07:29
chrismurfany other thoughts?  Also, any ideas of how it's possible that this script becomes unstoppable?07:29
jahnkeanateryea mysql07:29
bazhang!md5 | itachi read this link07:29
ubottuitachi read this link: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:29
awaghi, my machine froze and a restarted with reisub, when i rebooted i got a message saying my video card wasn't detected correctly and ubuntu was in "low graphics mode", X doesn't seem to want to load, what should i do?07:29
TheaxiomIs there a program to create virtual drives in linux and mount images to them?07:29
neil_dchrismurf: have you tried logging out ?07:29
FlannelMaverricK: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm07:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rtp07:30
jahnkeanatercreate table07:30
Kartagisjahnkeanater, #mysql is your friend07:30
erpoTheaxiom: cd drives?07:30
chrismurfneil_d: I'd really rather not, because I have many thesis-related windows open.  Plus, this is linux, I shouldn't have to, right? ;-)07:30
CostaRicanQuaker^can i install that on ubuntu?07:30
Flannel!iso | Theaxiom07:30
ubottuTheaxiom: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:30
MaverricKflannel i'm assuming thats in console and will i need to be root for that?07:30
erpoFlannel: Not all CD images are ISOs/07:30
FlannelMaverricK: no, sudo does that.07:30
=== dac_ is now known as Dacvak
FlannelMaverricK: but yes, a console.07:30
MaverricKahh okay.07:30
CostaRicanQuakerFlannel: if i install Xen on ubuntu will i be able to install a different OS like freebsd and run both at the same time?07:30
Kartagis!mysql | jahnkeanater07:31
ubottujahnkeanater: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:31
esacCostaRicanQuaker, yes07:31
TheaxiomBut aren't there any programs like daemon-tools for linux?07:31
DacvakCould someone be extremely helpful and tell me step by step what I need to do in order to add 1024x768 to my possible screen resolutions?07:31
erpoTheaxiom: There is a program called cdemu that is like daemon tools, but it takes a ton of work to get it running and it's hard to use.07:31
anto9usTheaxiom, mount -o loop does the same thing07:31
CostaRicanQuakeresc: would it work the same as if i had a partition and dual booted? as in, the only difference would eb that i could be on both systems at the same time?07:31
Kartagiswhen I install ubuntu using LiveCD and choose to let ubuntu do the partitioning, will it allocate a swap partition?07:31
seth1232Theaxiom: Yes I found one give me a second to pull up the project on google07:31
erpoanto9us: mount -o loop does not do the same thing. Not all CD images are ISOs.07:31
neil_dchrismurf: not generally but a runaway process is another story.   maybe you could just 'renice' it with htop or something so it does slow your system down.07:32
itachii dont get this is driving me crazy07:32
chrismurfneil_d: now that's the kind of creative thinking I need :-)07:32
bazhangitachi, you need to read the md5 link and follow it.07:32
itachii am07:32
juanHi: I need a system monitor for my video card07:32
juanfor see that memory are using07:32
jahnkeanaterok i am having problems with where do i put my username and pass07:32
itachiwhere do i put md5 codes07:32
jahnkeanaterpaste bin07:32
jeffzjuan, why do you think you need that?07:33
CostaRicanQuakeresac: would it work the same as if i had a partition and dual booted? as in, the only difference would eb that i could be on both systems at the same time?07:33
anto9userpo, I understood that you can specify the image type/filesystem with the mount command07:33
jahnkeanaterhow do i do that07:33
jeffzjuan, your video drivers manage the memory.  it's none of the users business.07:33
itachiJust download the two files from any of the mirrors. Store them in the same directory. For Hardy, the CD image MD5s can be found at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/MD5SUMS and the Hardy DVDs can be found at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/release/MD5SUMS07:33
MaverricKokay see if that'll work and comin from windows. will that or won't that require a reboot flannel?07:33
DacvakNo one here knows how to add screen resolutions that aren't listed?07:33
chrismurfneil_d: still @ 100%, but I suspect that'll make my laptop more usable, thanks for the thought07:33
seth1232Theaxiom: http://cdemu.sourceforge.net/07:33
jeffzDacvak: usually by adding them to xorg.conf07:33
esacCostaRicanQuaker, a virtualized os will never run at the same speed as a native os, but assuming you arent doing anything intensive, yes that is the only difference07:33
Theaxiomseth1232: Thanks07:33
erpoanto9us: The kernel only supports files that contain and ISO9660 or UDF filesystem. That leaves out most image types.07:33
chrismurfneil_d: back to work ;-)07:33
FlannelMaverricK: no07:33
Kartagis!paste | jahnkeanater07:33
ubottujahnkeanater: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:33
MaverricKdidn't think so.07:34
Dacvakjeffz: I'm an ubuntu noob. Can you tell me what to type?07:34
esacCostaRicanQuaker, well and some virtualization products offer cloning and snapshotting as well07:34
erpoanto9us: cue/bin ccd/bin blindwrite alcohol 120%...07:34
neil_dchrismurf: did that help ?07:34
seth1232Theaxiom: It mounts an iso as if it were a real block device ie /dev/sdc07:34
MM2How do I reconfigure X, because it won't start after changing the motherboard?07:34
CostaRicanQuakeresac: what if i got a lot more memory? like 4gb?07:34
jeffzDacvak: if you do it wrong then X may not start07:34
chrismurfneil_d: my laptop is more responsive, but the process is still pegged at 100% (I have a dual core)07:34
Theaxiomseth1232: Thanks very much07:34
juanjeffz: i need it07:34
jeffzjuan, why do you think you need it?07:34
BeepIIIs there a way to recover the password on an account?07:34
anto9userpo, ok, thanks07:34
ubottuForgot your password? Boot into recovery mode. What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords07:35
FlannelBeepII: no, but you can set it to something07:35
esacCostaRicanQuaker, thats a start sure, but virutalized is NEVER 100% of native, it can get pretty close with hardware and paravirtualization but still ...07:35
alittlerI got some issued with Java07:35
jeffzDacvak: first of all, open /etc/X11/xorg.conf in a text editor, scroll to the bottom and you should see a list of default resolutions07:35
jahnkeanaterhow do i setup that database with my data07:35
jeffzDacvak: tell me when you understand what you're looking at07:35
FlannelBeepII: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword07:35
BeepIIooo thanks guys07:35
seth1232Theaxiom: It looks like they even have ubuntu packages here https://launchpad.net/~cdemu/+archive07:35
juanjeffz: ummn... i know that ubuntu have this monitor, but i dont remenber it07:35
CostaRicanQuakeresac: what's the max memory i can put on my computer? i think it's a 2.5 ghz motherboard intel07:36
juani need debug my app07:36
Flanneljuan: Thats best to do in a language specific channel07:36
esacCostaRicanQuaker, you have to lookup your motherboard specs for that, thats not something i can just randomly tell you , sorry07:36
DragonforceIVI deleted my Ubuntu partition and now, when I boot the computer, it says: 'GRUB Loading, Error 22' and I can't start Windows or Ubuntu (within Windows). Does somebody know how I could get Windows to boot and control booting?07:36
jeffzjuan, sounds like you are "doing it wrong"07:36
zhaozhouHi [a-Z]*buntu users!07:36
cyphasewhy doesn't policy kit do that dimmed desktop thing that gksu does?07:36
Flanneljeffz: Please be helpful07:36
esacDragonforceIV, boot up a windows cd and run repair mode07:36
Expl0itedDragonforceIV: good luck with that.07:37
Dacvakjeffz: I'm in xorg.conf right now. I'm just trying to add 1024x768 as a possible resolution07:37
zhaozhouno wait, that came out wrong...07:37
itachii need help verifying07:37
CostaRicanQuakeresac: what command can i enter into the terminal to get my motherboard's model name?07:37
zhaozhouHi [a-Z]{1,2}buntu users!07:37
jeffzDacvak: you should see the existing format, just write in the new value so that it looks the same07:37
BeepIIhow do I know what my root password is?07:37
juanjeffz: ?? :/07:37
BeepIIunless it's the one for the first account I created?07:37
FlannelBeepII: There is no root password, the root account is locked.07:37
jeffzDacvak: but, to save this file you'll need to edit it using sudo07:37
Dacvakjeffz: I looked around and didn't see anything.07:37
DacvakI did.]07:37
itachii need help verifying07:38
ghindoCould someone tell me what the default NUM is in the GRUB menu.lst?07:38
FlannelBeepII: Ubuntu doesn't use the root account, you don't need to set it.07:38
jeffzDacvak: Dacvak towards the bottom, you should see a list of resolutions07:38
BeepIIoh that's good.  thanks flannel07:38
Flannelghindo: What do you mean?07:38
regel!sudo BeepII07:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sudo beepii07:38
esacCostaRicanQuaker, you cant, you have to look it up for your computer model07:38
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)07:38
jahnkeanaterDragonforceIV: insert the windows cd and run fix mbr in the console07:38
itachithis is so confusing07:38
zhaozhou!sudo > BeepII07:38
ubottuBeepII, please see my private message07:38
juanFlannel: why??07:38
TheaxiomFor future reference, I found a program in synaptic called kiso, seems to work well, thanks.07:38
juanHi: I need a system monitor for my video card07:38
ghindoFlannel: Wait, nevermind.  Figured it out on my own07:38
ubottuIn KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)07:38
jeffzjuan, what are you debugging that would require you to know what the video drivers are doing?07:38
juanfor see that memory are using07:38
Theaxiomjeffz: Wall hacking?07:38
Flanneljuan: because debugging is a language specific thing, etc.07:39
itachithis is so confusing07:39
itachii need help verifying07:39
juanjeffz: yes, dont worry, i need it this monitor07:39
CostaRicanQuakeresac: i know there's a command for your computer specs07:39
Dacvakjeffz: There are no resolutions for some reason.07:39
jeffzTheaxiom: you don't even need to do what juan is asking to do wall hacking07:39
Flannelitachi: please don't repeat so quickly.  Also, what do you not understand about verifying?07:39
jeffzDacvak: can you copy and paste it to http://rafb.net/paste07:39
esacCostaRicanQuaker, many .. lspci, lshal, cat /proc/...  .. however none of them that i know of will give you your motherboard mfgr and model07:39
itachiFlannel: is asking me to downlaod something but is just codes07:40
jeffzjuan, I think you are confused.07:40
Flannelitachi: What is asking you to download what?07:40
juanFlannel: lol lol i need only this monitor, i my very old version of ubuntu i have it (excuse my english)07:40
seth1232lshw shows mine07:40
itachiFlannel i'll show u07:40
yoghurthas anyone here ever successfully backed up a wii game07:40
itachiJust download the two files from any of the mirrors. Store them in the same directory. For Hardy, the CD image MD5s can be found at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/MD5SUMS and the Hardy DVDs can be found at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/release/MD5SUMS07:40
MM2How do I reconfigure Xserver, because it won't start after changing the motherboard?07:40
Flannelyoghurt: That's offtopic, please take it to an appropriate channel (perhaps #ubuntu-offtopic)07:41
Dacvakjeffz: http://rafb.net/p/a9fiiI60.html07:41
DacvakNot the entire thing copied, but the important part.07:41
seth1232esac:  lshw shows my motherboard manufacuter07:41
Flannelitachi: Are you using Hardy?07:41
regelMM2, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:41
itachiFlannel whats thatr07:41
jeffzDacvak: do you have a Section "Screen" in the file?07:41
esacCostaRicanQuaker, there you go :)07:42
Flannelitachi: Sorry, I already know the answer.  You are using Hardy.  What don't you understand about those instructions?  Yes, download that file and save it to the same place as your iso07:42
regelMM2, but fresh install might be good to avoid problems in the future07:42
zhaozhouOh wow, i thought the implications to why not using 'sodu' for GUI applications were alot bigger07:42
jeffzDacvak: mine looks like this http://rafb.net/p/AJllnT70.html07:42
Dacvakjeffz: There are no resolutions listed07:42
Flannelzhaozhou: Not being able to log in to a GUI is big for a lot of people07:42
regelMM2, just dont format ur /home -folder, back it up or something07:42
DragonforceIVSorry to ask, I'm new at this... how do I run repair mode on a Vista disc? or run 'fix mbr' in console ?07:42
itachiFlannel: to the root of ubuntu?07:42
ushimitsudoki1CostaRicanQuaker: dmidecode will show you mb and model info07:42
Flannelitachi: no, to the same folder that you have the iso image in.07:43
BeepIIHow do I create a second user account?07:43
zhaozhouFlannel, I mean, why you should use gksudo or kdesu.07:43
FlannelBeepII: Go to users and groups07:43
jeffzDacvak: if yours doesn't resemble mine, I think I'll stop trying to help, kind of dizzy, need to take a break07:43
regelBeepII, sudo adduser username07:43
bazhangDragonforceIV, vista? best to ask in ##windows07:43
sleepsteris there a package I need to setup in order to have a working raid?07:43
Expl0itedBeepII: system administration users/groups07:43
DragonforceIVbazhang: Thank you.07:43
=== C0`ngeSEKs is now known as h0b0ng
Flannelzhaozhou: right, if you don't, you can (temporarily) break your ability to log in to the GUI07:43
Expl0itedor what regal said.07:43
itachiFlannel: wheres that at07:43
MaverricKokay didn't seem to work. flannel.07:43
regelsleepster, software or hardware raid?07:43
sleepsterregel: hardware07:43
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto07:44
FlannelMaverricK: did it ask you to pick between gdm and kdm?07:44
BeepIIexploited & flannel  ok, the add user button is grayed out. . .07:44
itachiFlannel: im soz i know that im anoyyin  but i dont get this07:44
MaverricKnope. didn't ask me that.07:44
FlannelBeepII: yes, you'll need to click unlock07:44
BeepIIthere a way to make it not do that?07:44
zhaozhouFlannel, Why should X break if you use the users configuration instead of root's configurations?07:44
juansomebody know a monitor of devices for Ubuntu (KDE, Gnome, Debian ...)07:44
CostaRicanQuakerushimitsudoki1: esac: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/39623/ there?07:44
regelsleepster, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Raid07:44
BeepIIwhat'll the unlock thing do?07:44
bazhangitachi, is it hard for you to follow how quick this channel goes?07:44
cernexOk, I'm having 1 too may problems setting this D-Link Wireless G in my PC07:44
Flannelzhaozhou: thats not the reason, it has to do with putting root owned files in your homedir.07:44
Expl0itedjuan: devices like what?07:44
MM2regel: thank you07:44
cernexSomebody, how the heck do I set it up?07:45
Expl0itedjuan: cdroms or temps and such07:45
zhaozhouFlannel, Aha. Right. Got it.07:45
cernexI alraedy did the ndiwrapper thing07:45
mojoitachi:  you get help while i was away?07:45
ushimitsudoki1CostaRicanQuaker: Heh, you might be out of luck. On my system that will show the mb info in the second section (Handle 0x0001)07:45
bazhangcernex, what chipset07:45
itachimojo: no -.-07:45
bazhangmojo, he is using wubi; and does not how to md5 the iso.07:45
cyphasenvm, it does do it, just without the dimmed-desktop07:45
juanummn... video cards....07:46
FlannelMaverricK: it should give you a screen like this: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/how-to-switch-between-gdm-and-kdm-on-ubuntu/07:46
mojobazhang:  itachi oh, i have not used wubi07:46
bazhangcernex, lets keep this in channel07:46
CostaRicanQuakerushimitsudoki1: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.80GHz, what's the max memory i can add to it?07:46
bazhangmojo, he does not understand the md5 iso links07:46
Expl0itedCostaRicanQuaker: that depends on your motherboard.07:46
itachimojo: iight07:46
juanExpl0ited: video cards07:46
cernexbazhang, D-Link WUA 134007:46
ushimitsudoki1CostaRicanQuaker: that is not limited by your CPU only07:46
cyphasealthough it might be better to dim the desktop, so as to indicate to the user what's going on07:46
zhaozhouExpl0ited, depends on the chipset, right?07:47
bazhangcernex, yes, that is the brand name; we need the chipset07:47
itachibazhang: so do i just give up? ^.^07:47
CostaRicanQuakerushimitsudoki1: how do i find out what motherboard i have?07:47
Expl0itedjuan: video cards what, explain more clearly.07:47
cernexI already managed to pull most of this up: http://forums.opensuse.org/archives/sf-archives/network-internet/wireless-networking/326041-wua-1340-tutorial.html07:47
mojooh, okay.07:47
cernexWith some great help by linuxfce07:47
bazhangitachi, is this format hard for you to follow?07:47
Expl0itedzhaozhou: among things yes.07:47
BeepIIok, so I have to unlock the users & groups thing each time, right?07:47
itachibazhang: kinda07:47
BeepIII mean, it won't stay unlocked07:47
cernexbazhang: Were can I check the chipset?07:47
ushimitsudoki1CostaRicanQuaker: you will have to open it up and look i suppose07:47
bazhangitachi, then consider posting to the ubuntuforums.org07:48
Expl0itedBeepII: its not inteneded to.07:48
FlannelBeepII: Each time you want to add a user (I believe it should cache it for like 5 minutes, but that might not be accurate)07:48
regelBeepII: quess so, u could use the command line alternative07:48
juanExpl0ited: i looking for a monitor for all devices, specifically video cards07:48
bazhangcernex, usb ?07:48
regelBeepII: sudo adduser user, if u have to add a lot of users07:48
Expl0itedjuan: what are you trying to minitor?07:48
MaverricKthanks flannel. i had put a space in the command there.. shouldn't have.07:48
seth1232CostaRicanQuaker: sudo lshw -C memory do it for you? should show the max memory07:48
Scorp_Hey, my amarok is hanging the moment i Play a song. What could be the reason ???07:49
cernexYes, but what am I looking for? Model number? P/N?07:49
BeepIII just wanna make sure someone using my account later won't get to modify the accounts.  wasn't sure if I had to re-lock or whatever07:49
cernexOr something completely different?07:49
zhaozhouScorp_, getting any error messages?07:49
esacScorp_, killall pulseaudio and then retry ?07:49
CostaRicanQuakerushimitsudoki1: ok i found the box: ASRock motherboard it says intel celeron d processor it says serial ata intel core 2 duo cpu fsb 1066 mhz for external graphics intel extreme graphics 207:49
bazhangScorp_, where are the mp3 files stored; on that drive or another07:49
regelScorp_: do u have the codecs or whatever they r called?07:49
ushimitsudoki1seth1232: won't that just show installed memory?07:49
bazhangcernex, lsusb in the terminal07:49
juanExpl0ited: the processor and memory07:49
FlannelBeepII: ah, no, you don't have to.  If you are worried (there is a 5 minute timeout on sudo at least), you can use 'sudo -K' to clear that.07:49
juanExpl0ited: the processor and memory of my card07:49
Scorp_zhaozhou: No, just a blank small window on the top left of the screen and later it says force quit.. I have the codecs and have been using it till yesterday.. and also, the drive is mounted07:50
CostaRicanQuakerseth123: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/39624/07:50
regelScorp_: does it work on other player?07:50
zhaozhouha, this channel is in no need of any help i see. One guy asks a question and then 5 others jump on him with counterquestions.07:50
vegombreihi .. is there an equivalent software like download accelerator in ubuntu ? the thing is there is a feature in download accelerator that enables you to download all via dap that i really wish would be available in ubuntu07:50
BeepIIok, one last question.07:50
cernexbazhang: Bus 001 Device 003: ID 07d1:3c04 D-Link System07:50
BeepIII got a new flash drive.07:50
seth1232ushimitsudoki1: on mine it shows size: 1GiB capacity: 2 GiB so i figure capacity is the max it can handle07:50
BeepIIwhen I plug it in, there's supposed to be an icon on the desktop, right?07:50
boumais there a good virus scanner for ubuntu other than clam ???07:50
juanWhat is the better sysmon for Ubuntu??07:51
regelBeepII: assuming there's a filesystem on it07:51
Scorp_regel, yeah...07:51
jeffzbouma: none are perfect07:51
bazhangjuan, visible on your desktop?07:51
Flannelzhaozhou: We're always looking for more help.  In theory, it'd be better than 1:1 helpers to helpees, but its often not.07:51
regelbouma, avira07:51
boumajeffz: right, but still07:51
ushimitsudoki1seth1232: hmm i only see a size, not the capacity - must be a slight difference there for some reason. i will have to read up on the command07:51
juanbazhang: yes07:51
BeepIIwhat if there isn't?07:51
zhaozhouScorp_, WHat you could do, but that could be a bit advanced, is to strace it.07:51
BeepIIwhat do I do?07:51
boumaregel: ok i'll look thanks07:51
bazhangjuan, conky perhaps or screenlets07:51
juanbazhang: ok, thanks07:52
boumaregel, jeffz, im trying to remove kavo (and possibly ckvo or something not sure) from my xp system07:52
lonejackhi, I've to make an external 160GB drive divided in 4 partitions. What's the best fs that allow me an user's access compatible with others SO? GParted allow:ext2,ext3,fat32,fat16,reiserfs. Thank you. P.S. finish previous discussion, thank you07:52
CostaRicanQuakerseth1232: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/39624/07:52
Scorp_zhaozhou: Umm, and that means ???07:52
cernexbazhang: Bus 001 Device 003: ID 07d1:3c04 D-Link System07:52
jeffzbouma: ah, well in that case I'd recommend you backup any data you want to keep and reinstall to make sure it's gone completely07:52
bazhangcernex, and a search of those turns up what chipset?07:52
Scorp_i think i'll try restarting the X first.. that solves most of the probs... hehe07:52
zhaozhouScorp_, Can try whatever the others are saying first, see if you find a better solution. :-)07:52
boumaregel: jeffz, basically i have a system partion. i made a image level backup with dd just after it was installed.07:53
BeepIIthe little icon isn't showing up from my flash drive.   what do I do?07:53
Scorp_zhaozhou: i think i'll try restarting the X first.. that solves most of the probs...07:53
juanbazhang: and at Kubuntu??07:53
pyrakwhat's the diff between dirvish and rdiff-backup?07:53
jastivWhat program do I use to convert midi files to .ogg?07:53
regelBeepII: is it a solid disk drive or usb disk?07:53
bazhangjuan, superkaramba07:53
BeepIIusb I guess.07:53
boumajeffz: right so ive reinstalled/ using a dd backup of the partition. but the virus came back, and it must be from some other file in which it survived dormant and reinfected07:53
juanbazhang: ok, thanks07:53
seth1232CostaRicanQuaker: ushimitsudoki1: sorry run it as super user, sudo lshw -C memory if you don't run it as root it won't show07:54
BeepIIregel:  I think USB... I'm not sure what the diff is but it plugs into a USB port.07:54
BeepIIso if that's the diff then it's a USB07:54
zhaozhouScorp_, I doubt it.07:54
bazhangbouma, why are you worried about viruses with linux07:54
regelBeepII: it's a usb, let me see where u could paste some info for me07:54
Scorp_zhaozhou: I clicked the icon and the system monitor shows more than 25 processes of amarok, each around 1.1 MB07:54
CostaRicanQuakerseth1232: how do i run it as superuser? i already did it with sudo that's the output07:54
jeffzbazhang: windows viruses can run on GNU/Linux07:55
ushimitsudoki1seth1232: no no i ran it sudo the first time - I only see size for my memory, not capacity .. strange that07:55
zhaozhouScorp_, The reason it's hanging is most probably when it's opening a file, whether it's the audiodriver, the song or perhaps any library.07:55
bazhangjeffz, no07:55
jeffzbazhang: yes.07:55
regelBeepII: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ paste the command dmesg there07:55
zhaozhouScorp_, Oh wow, you could kill those.07:55
bazhangjeffz, stop07:55
Scorp_zhaozhou: there are 4 amarok and many more amarokapp!!07:55
regelBeepII: and give us the link07:55
boumabazhang: im not worried wrt linux, but im trying to use my ubuntu system to clean up my xp system07:55
jeffzbazhang: many users install wine, which will run viruses.07:55
zhaozhouScorp_, Kill every single one, then start amarok again.07:55
seth1232CostaRicanQuaker: ushimitsudoki1: must depend on your chipset/bios etc... then I do see it refrenced as being able to show total memory on some google results07:55
cernexbazhang: apparently, rt7307:55
cernexBut it's hard to be sure07:55
=== dac_ is now known as Dacvak
cernexI don't know how to look for such things, :(07:56
BeepIIregel:  ok, what do I paste?07:56
bazhangbouma, ah okay; clamav, avast and a couple of others are available for linux to scan your windows virii07:56
DacvakIs there any program or something that I can use to change resolutions?07:56
Scorp_zhaozhou: When i kill the last 2-3 processes they come back again.. Why is that ??07:56
regelBeepII: run command 'dmesg' and paste whataever it gives u07:56
DacvakThis seriously doesn't seem like it should be such a difficult problem to solve.07:56
boumahas anyone heard of the new chinese linux distro? its got a rhino as a mascot, and its called rhinix07:56
bazhangcernex, what does ifconfig show; two entries or three07:56
DacvakI need to add 1024x768 and no one can help me07:56
pyrakwhat's the diff between dirvish and rdiff-backup?07:56
Scorp_zhaozhou: and the number is increasing automatically !! :(07:56
bazhangDacvak, how were drivers installed07:57
seth1232CostaRicanQuaker: ushimitsudoki1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39626/07:57
DIFH-icerootDacvak: system settings, there you can change the resolution07:57
regelDacvak: system - settings - resolution or something07:57
DacvakI... didn't install any.07:57
cernexbazhang: ... 507:57
bazhangDacvak, which card07:57
BeepIIall of it?07:57
zhaozhouScorp_, Since i don't run amarok i can't check this, but as you may know every process have a 'mother' checking out for them. That process is starting them. But - you could do a 'killall amarok' and 'killall amarokapp'07:57
Dacvak1024x768 isn't in my settings.07:57
bazhangcernex, wlan0 and wmaster0?07:57
regelBeepII: well the last 10 or so lines07:57
ushimitsudoki1seth1232: hah i am jealous it sure doesn't show for me: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/39625/07:57
Dacvakbazhang: I'm not entirely sure. This is an old laptop I just got for free.07:57
cernexbazhang: and wlan0:ava07:58
cernexBut yes07:58
boumabazhang: also that flash exploit is working on linux. i was shocked when it over took my clipboard.. so i was dealing with a linux "virus" just earlier today :(07:58
CostaRicanQuakeranyway i have to be off, only reason i was asking is because i'm planning on buying a bunch of memory for my computer07:58
Scorp_zhaozhou: thanks.. that helped..07:58
CostaRicanQuakerthanks anyway07:58
Scorp_but i need to get it working now07:58
bazhangDacvak, paste output of lspci to paste.ubuntu.com (NOT here) and give us the url07:58
BeepIIregel: ok good, because I can't get to all of it.07:58
DacvakWhat is that?07:58
DacvakAnd how do I get to it?07:58
BeepIIregel  here ya go:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/39627/07:59
bazhangScorp_, try copying over a couple of mp3 and right click open with amarok07:59
Scorp_Hey, that pulseaudio kill worked... Thanks..!!!07:59
Dacvak(I'm a linux noob)07:59
bazhangDacvak, alt f2 gnome-terminal07:59
Scorp_bazhang: I think it would having a problem opening the sound system... so i restarted pulseaudio and its worling07:59
cernexbazhang: Yes, I got those 207:59
Scorp_bazhang: zhaozhou, thanks everyone !!07:59
bazhangcernex, is the wifi hotspot open or encrypted08:00
zhaozhouScorp_, So, it works now?08:00
Scorp_zhaozhou: yepp!! prob was with pulseaudio !08:00
pyrakwhat's the diff between dirvish and rdiff-backup?08:00
cernexbazhang: If by encrupted you mean it uses WEP or something like that... no08:00
Scorp_zhaozhou: those multiple instances were opening trying to open the sound driver..!!08:00
seth1232ushimitsudoki1: that's okay I'm jealous of what yours show's for size :)08:00
bazhangcernex, try this in terminal: sudo dhclient wlan008:00
regelBeepII: try command: sudo mkdir /media/flash && sudo chmod 777 /media/flash && sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/flash08:01
zhaozhouScorp_, Haha. Well, you know what to do if the problem comes again.08:01
juanbazhang: superkaramba isnt a sysmon08:01
Dacvakbazhang: http://rafb.net/p/7Jt2nw70.html08:01
Scorp_zhaozhou: sure i do..08:01
regelBeepII: and after that lets see if we can get it to automount08:02
cernexbazhang: A lot appeared. Should I send a PM?08:02
Dacvakbazhang: I apparently have Trident Microsystems CyberBlade XPAi108:03
bazhangDacvak, try this : gksudo displayconfig-gtk08:03
bazhangcernex, any dhcpoffers?08:03
cernexbahzang: no08:04
bazhangcernex, please paste output to paste.ubuntu.com08:04
BeepIIregel  Pasting what I did & messages that went with it.  here's the link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39629/08:06
bazhangjuan, correctly configured it can be; also look at screenlets for use with compiz08:06
cernexbazhbang: Ok, just did08:06
BeepIIoh, I see what I ddi.08:06
cernexThat helps, baz?08:07
Dacvakbazhang: Is there a way for me to add this resolution?08:07
regelBeepII: now run again dmesg and the latest 20 lines or so08:07
bazhangcernex, does iwconfig have any output?08:08
BeepIIok.  btw, here's another thing I tried: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39631/08:08
bazhangDacvak, did you run that command?08:08
Dacvakbazhang: yes08:09
BeepIIregel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39632/08:09
boumaregel: could i please ask, Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus, seems to be only for windows but its hard to tell cause the dl goes to a german page, should i pick the Avira AntiVir Server??08:09
cernexbazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39633/plain/08:09
Dacvakbazhang: I'm messing around with it, but I'm nervous to try and change anything. When I clicked "Test" it sort of worked... The small window that asked whether or not I wanted to keep my settings showed up fine, but the background was all... greyish.08:10
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-763964.html Dacvak08:10
bazhangsudo iwconfig <interface> essid "ESSID_IN_QUOTES" cernex08:11
bazhangsudo iwconfig <interface> mode Managed cernex08:11
regelBeepII:hmm, that's odd, let see if there's a filesystem on the disc: sudo fdisk -l08:11
cernexWhat should I put in "interface"?08:12
rlcthat's a secret08:12
bazhangsudo dhclient <interface> cernex08:12
bazhangrlc what is the issue08:12
bazhangcernex, wlan008:12
BeepIIregel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39634/08:13
cernexbazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39635/plain/08:14
bazhangcernex, dont add your name to the command08:14
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cernexbazhang: same thing appeared08:15
regelBeepII: the disk sould be fine, so try: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/flash08:15
=== dac_ is now known as Dacvak
Dacvakbazhang: Hey, I just wanted to let you know that you helped me and it worked. Thanks a lot for taking the time.08:16
FinnishI'm installing ubuntu, and I want to delete previous ubuntu-installation. I'm on the Manual-page on the partitioning, should I choose "/" for mount point?08:16
regelBeepII: if there are no error messages, the disk is now usable in /media/flash08:16
FlannelFinnish: yeah, just remove your old partitions and recreate them.08:16
bazhangdacvak nice08:17
BeepIIregel:  ok, it's there now.08:17
cernexWhat else should I do, baz?08:17
bazhangcernex, type baz<tab>08:18
regelBeepII, cool :) so the previous command should mount it in the future, but let's see if we can get it to automount08:18
cernexWhat do I put in tab?08:18
bazhangpress the tab key08:18
BeepIIregel hold on:08:18
Whiz_2ok who's the wise guy that broke the debian installer?08:18
BeepIIregel I don't have permission to do anything in the drive.08:18
bazhangWhiz_2, what is the issue08:19
Whiz_2seems my problem has something to do with the SATA drivers loading and blocking the CD-ROM drivers08:19
cernexnothing happens, baz08:19
regelBeepII: sudo chmod 777 /media/flash08:19
Whiz_2I can't install ubuntu on my server because it fails to detect my CD-ROM drive even though it boots from it08:19
bazhangcernex, you need to type : baz then hit the tab key08:19
regelBeepII: the gives read/write permissions to every1 on your pc08:19
rubydiamondhow file sharing done in virtualbox xp and ubuntu08:19
bazhangrubydiamond, ask in #vbox08:20
BeepIIregel nope.  didn't work08:20
cernexcernex@cernex-desktop:~$ baz08:20
cernexThe program 'baz' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:08:20
cernexsudo apt-get install bazaar08:20
cernexTab still didn't caused anything08:20
cernexJust "bleeps"08:20
bazhangcernex, no.08:20
regelBeepII: hmm.. what about sudo chmod 777 -R /media/flash08:20
bazhangcernex, you still need help?08:20
magic_ninjaanyone know of any utilities i can use to check a hard disk for corruption08:21
bazhangcernex, then pay attention.08:21
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview08:21
=== Charitwo is now known as Neo
BeepIIregel nope...08:21
TheaxiomWhat is a good terminal program that allows me to have tabs, opacity, etc? I thought xterm did that...08:21
bazhangcernex, in this chat: type baz<tab> to get my complete name. that will highlight it and make it easy for me to read. I will miss it if you dont and not answer.08:21
=== Neo is now known as Charitwo
Whiz_2anyone know how I can stop the loading of SATA drivers during install?08:22
jeffzTheaxiom, I use gnome terminal08:22
bazhangcernex, NOT in the terminal08:22
regelBeepII: so u cant add anything? like mkdir /media/flash/testfolder08:22
meekTheaxiom: Konsole can do all that08:22
Odd-rationalemagic_ninja: fsck?08:22
BeepIImkdir: cannot create directory `/media/flash/testfolder': Permission denied08:22
magic_ninjawill that do a phsyical diagnostic08:22
BeepIIregel that's the error message08:22
magic_ninjabasically i'm trying to do a windows install on this new hard disk and i get "...errors on drive C: and cannot be fixed setup cannot continue"08:23
cernexOh, ok08:23
cernexSorry about it08:23
Theaxiomjeffz: Is there any way to set a background image?08:23
magic_ninjai bought this "never used oem pull" off ebay wondering if its got bad sectors08:23
regelBeepII: yea, hmm whatabout sudo chown *insert your username here* /media/flash/08:23
cernexIn any case, bazhang, what else do I do?08:23
bazhangmagic_ninja, windows? ask in ##windows08:23
Whiz_2magic_ninja: if you're trying to install windows, then why are you asking in here?08:23
Theaxiomjeffz: I found it, thanks08:23
bazhangcernex, did associate the ap?08:24
BeepIIchown: changing ownership of `/media/flash': Operation not permitted08:24
magic_ninjaWhiz_2, because obviously i'm looking for a linux utility to aid me in the troubleshooting of a corrupt disk with nothing to do to windows...08:25
cernexbazhang, what ap? All I did was that I installed the drivers in Ubuntu via ndiswrapper08:25
bazhangsudo iwconfig <interface> essid "ESSID_IN_QUOTES" cernex08:25
Whiz_2any way to stop the loading of SATA drivers during install (expert mode) in debian install of ubuntu server so they atop blocking my CD-ROM drivers?08:25
cernexAfter I ran the setup.exe from the CD08:25
magic_ninjabazhang, because i'm trying to see if this disk is actually corrupt which is much more easily done under linux08:25
regelBeepII: OR! use the graphical file manager (nautilus) (gksudo nautilus), go to /media, right click the folder -> properties -> permissions, set permissions to read and write08:25
magic_ninjaBeepII, use sudo08:25
bazhangmagic_ninja, hw damage?08:25
cernexwhat should I put in ESSID, banzhang?08:26
magic_ninjabazhang, possibly, its an oem pull disk, so very possible08:26
Whiz_2magic_ninja: run live-CD and try to partition it08:26
magic_ninjaWhiz_2, partitions fine...08:26
styylecould someone help me get a usb bluetooth device working?08:26
Whiz_2magic_ninja: try formatting it08:26
Expl0itedanyone have alot of experience with Gimp?08:26
styyleit doesn't seem to be added to hci08:27
cernexbazhang, what should I put in ESSID?08:27
Expl0itedI want to make a profile picture, should I use Gimp or something else?08:27
BeepIIregel: where's /media?08:27
magic_ninjaperhaps format it with an ext2 filesystem and run fsck to see if it works? windows can be finicky installing on a secondary hdd08:27
Expl0itedsomething easy to use to resize images. ie.. 640x480 to 100x10008:27
magic_ninjaBeepII, cd /media will get you to that directory08:27
Whiz_2magic_ninja: that is one idea08:27
magic_ninjaExpl0ited, use gimp08:28
regelBeepII: Filesystem -> media08:28
styyleuse gimp08:28
Expl0itedI can't find any way of do this.08:28
newman0709how can i modify my IRC password08:28
EarthAngel/msg nickserv help set password08:28
BeepIIooo found it.  somehow.08:28
tenbytesmy places>conect to server>ftp/w login isn't asking for a password08:29
=== aura is now known as aura_
tenbytesand everything is read only08:29
Whiz_2Someone broke the debian installer in this latest release! I can't install ubuntu 8.04 LTS server because when it tries to detect and mount the CD-ROM that it is booting from, it fails! Ideas I've seen online say something about SATA drivers blocking it, but I dunno how to disable them from loading08:29
Expl0itedwould inkscape be easier?08:29
tenbyteshow do i change this?08:29
styylecould someone help me with a usb bluetooth dongle?08:29
styyledoes anyone have experience with this problem?08:30
=== aura is now known as aura_
RensoreKstyyle: State your question, if someone knows, maybe they can help08:30
BeepIIregel:  ok, here's what it says:08:30
BeepIIowner: root08:30
BeepIIfolder access: create and delete files08:30
BeepIIgroup: root08:30
BeepIIfolder access: access files08:30
FloodBot1BeepII: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:30
zcat[2]weirdness here. laptop uses a bcm5906m chipset for eth0, that's wired NOT wireless and I'm on it right now with a static configuration. it works fine, but the chipset will not configure via dhcp at all. any suggestions? My guess is that it's possibly trying to use gig-ether speeds for dhcp (the same way my 10/100 cards won't dhcp through a 10m hub)08:31
regelstupid Floodbot08:31
BeepIIdid it not show all of it?08:31
regelBeep, wait a few sew and paste the last line08:31
Flannel!pastebin | BeepII, regel08:31
ubottuBeepII, regel: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:31
magic_ninja!pastebin | BeepII08:31
ubottuBeepII: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:31
bazhangBeepII, not here08:31
styylehow do i get my usb bluetooth dongle detected?08:31
styyleit works well in windows, yet it doesnt get detected in ubuntu08:32
styylei can post dmesg and hcitool output if necessary08:32
RensoreKstyyle: What brand/model is it?08:32
amaviszcat: what is hosting your dhcp server, router, server?08:33
styylerocketfish rf-flbtad08:33
BeepIIooops  sorry all.  ^^;08:33
BeepIIregel:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/39638/08:33
BeepIIthere's the whole thing again08:33
bazhangstyyle, what generally works is telling us the name and model, what you have tried and what errors you have gotten, etc.08:33
BeepIIeverything is grayed out so I can't change anything08:33
newman0709SETPASS <nickname> <key> <password>08:33
newman0709where should i get the <key>08:33
styylei dont think it has a name....08:33
styylebesides what i gave you08:34
styylelsusb defines it as08:34
styyleBus 001 Device 019: ID 0a5c:4503 Broadcom Corp.08:34
styyleBus 001 Device 018: ID 0a5c:4502 Broadcom Corp.08:34
styyleBus 001 Device 017: ID 0a5c:4500 Broadcom Corp.08:34
FloodBot1styyle: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:34
ubuntu_hey boys howa08:34
ubuntu_i dont sound card detect08:34
bazhangstyyle, there were four questions there08:34
zcat[2]the dhcp configures 4 other machines without any issues. It's dhcp3-server on a hardy box08:34
Flannelnewman0709: /msg nickserv help setpass, you get the key from the email08:34
ubuntu_is a ES 1371 chhp08:34
styylewhat do you mean?08:34
ubuntu_ac media08:34
ubuntu_put on08:35
ubuntu_who make it fine08:35
RensoreKstyyle: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Broadcom+Corp.+%2BUSB+%2BDongle+%2BLinux&btnG=Search08:35
bazhangstyyle, name, model, tried, errors.08:35
regelBeepII: use command gksudo nautilus to get root access08:35
ubuntu_dont detect08:35
RensoreKThere seems to be quite a few incompatibilities with Broadcom USB Dongles08:35
Flannelubuntu_: What language?08:35
newman0709yes , i get a mail , the content:08:35
newman0709In order to complete your registration, you must send the following08:35
newman0709command on IRC:08:35
newman0709/msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER newman0708 lenxsevsyoti08:35
FloodBot1newman0709: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:36
newman0709ok ,i see ,sorry08:36
regel:) that's the spirit08:36
Flannelnewman0709: er... yes.  You do.  Please don't ask about IRC stuff here, #ubuntu-offtopic would be a better place08:36
aura_can i speak privately with someone about an obscure intel_agp module function?08:36
bazhangnewman0709, change your pass quick08:36
ubuntu_okey boys i back in a moment's08:36
dac_What's the keyboard command to switch workspaces?08:36
BeepIIregel: ok, I can change stuff now.08:36
BeepIInow what?08:36
RensoreKstyyle: Try this page, it seems someone might have solved your issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=92246008:37
Dethrayctrl-alt arrow with compiz08:37
B3z3rk3rdac_, Ctrl+Alt+arrow08:37
magic_ninjalol argh if only I could get my darn mic to work under steam in linux I would have no use for windows08:37
regelBeepII: and change the owner and group to your user, and change permissions for then to read/write08:37
BeepIIis that safe?08:37
zcat[1]Inbound IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:1b:38:e1:42:f2:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=328 TOS=0x10 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 PROTO=UDP SPT=68 DPT=67 LEN=30808:37
zcat[2]does that look like a normal dhcp request?08:38
seth1232dac_: that works without compiz as well08:38
regelBeepII: yep, just keep "others" as read only08:38
bazhangzcat[2], what was the command you gave for that08:38
Dethraycompiz does it with so much more class. ;)08:39
Dethraycompiz does it with so much more class. ;)08:39
FloodBot1Dethray: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:39
cernexbazhang, I'm still stuck here08:39
regelDethray: compiz does it with blingbling08:39
bazhangcernex, you never answered my question08:39
cernexbazhang, I don't know what to put in ESSID08:39
DeranderCan anyone recommend a 'dreamweaver' for linux?  A friend of mine is looking to ease into website design and doesn't want to learn the actual code.08:39
amaviszcat: yup that looks like a dhcp request - which usually hits port 67 at server08:39
inflexhi, running a nVidia FX5500 on  Dell 2407 24" 1920x1200 screen... however the most I can get either out of open-source driver or nVidia propriatory driver is 1600x1200 :(08:40
Flannel!html | Derander08:40
bazhang!equivalents | Derander check here08:40
ubottuDerander: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/08:40
ubottuDerander check here: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant08:40
FloodBot1ubottu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:40
inflexIknow it runs at 1920x1200 because it runs fine on an ATi card08:40
zcat[2]that was logged by firewall on a different box08:40
exlibrisHello! I'm looking for an application like grep, but does something like "output everything as it was received but highlight everything that matches search criteria"... Is there such a thing?08:40
alistair_Derander, Plenty in Windows could run using Wine if he cant find anything else08:40
BeepIIregel do I apply permissions to enclosed files?08:40
Deranderalistair_: yes.08:40
inflexfor some reason the FX5500 card seems to think that 1600x1200 is the limits :(08:40
bazhangcernex, the essid name (in quotes)08:40
zcat[2]I'm stumped here. laptop seems to send dhcp requests but can't hear the replies. When I give it an ip and route manually though it works just fine08:41
bazhangzcat[2], what command08:41
alistair_Derander, I use WYSIWYG which has a virtually nil learning curve you can see my web pages from here: www.alistairgeorge.com08:41
MAEZ_199Can anybody has the Hardy randomly freeze?08:41
regelBeepII: yep, u could do that 208:41
cernexbazhang, sudo iwconfig <interface> essid "ESSID_IN_QUOTES" cernex08:41
inflexalistair_: what's your WYSIWIG?08:41
inflexalistair_: mine is gvim  :)08:41
alistair_Derander, funny but when I use Linux Firefox my pages dont come through properly must be desktop fonts or summat08:42
zcat[2]command for what? dhcp via net config thingy fails.. via dhclient also fails. I just don't see any reply08:42
cernexbazhang, what do I write on interface, then?08:42
bazhangcernex, pastebin the exact command you gave08:42
cernexbazhang, but what about <interface>?08:42
amaviszcat: have you got any firewall running on your laptop? in case some settings have got screwed up?08:43
bazhangzcat[2], this is dsl or cable? is there a router?08:43
alistair_inflex, do a Google for WYSIWYG editor should bring it up it only costs around $25 and if you dont want to learn html its pretty good08:43
MAEZ_199Does anybody found hardy random freeze?08:43
jeffzMAEZ_199: depends on hardware and drivers08:43
alistair_inflex, is gvim a linux one?08:43
inflexalistair_: oh, I'm fine myself - I'm a hardcore vi [ab]user08:43
zcat[2]amavis: running off the live DVD to eliminate any possible misconfiguration. same problem still08:43
bazhangcernex, you are not paying attention; this is the second time you have asked that---->wlan008:43
MAEZ_199I'm use Acer aspire 5580 LAPtop.08:43
inflexalistair_: vi, vim, gvim... it's all vi ... which a lot of people hate initially08:43
jeffzhi inflex08:44
inflexalistair_: it's not really WYSIWIG at all in fact... it's all pure native text :D08:44
cernexbazhang, just wanted to be sure08:44
BeepIIregel: I still don't have permission08:44
alistair_inflex, what the heck is vi vim?08:44
inflexhi jeffz08:44
zcat[2]and it's the same wire I usually have plugged into my laptop which works just fine08:44
inflexwow... people don't know what vi or vim is :08:44
jeffzinflex: reformed ##c user :)08:44
MAEZ_199Can you explain which hardware/driver may be that problem?08:44
cernexbazhang, done, and nothing happened08:45
inflexalistair_: vi is a fundamental  but exceptionally powerful text editor08:45
inflexalistair_: did you ever get to use WordPerfect 5.1 ?08:45
cernexbazhang, asked for my password, and that was it08:45
jhattaraalistair_, which is incredibly hard to use for an unexperienced user08:45
bazhangcernex, pastebin the exact command you gave08:45
RensoreKMAEZ_199: Check your system is stable, run Ubuntu with the memx86 test I think08:45
inflexjeffz: and now you're abusing Ubuntu?08:45
BeepIIregel: ok, I'm gonna change the permissions back08:45
ogzyis there an organizer for gnome  that will enable me to schedule my events, check my calendar and so on, i have already evolution installed is that a buil in calendar, may i run it manually and any other suggestion for other software?08:45
regelBeepII: uh, that's reallyreally weird08:45
BeepIIregel  and see what happens when I restart.08:45
regelyep, sounds like a plan to me08:46
BeepIIbut first08:46
BeepIIhow do I make it automout?08:46
cernexbazhang, I did. Like I told you, it asked me for my passoword, and then it just gave me a cernex@cernex-desktop:~$ again08:46
alistair_inflex, if I was going to go further I would go for Joomla which I have been told by many is really hot.08:46
jeffzinflex: nah, I joined when my upgrade started segfaulting and throwing asserts08:46
bazhangcernex, did you successfully associate the ap08:46
alistair_inflex, yes I did use wp many years ago sounds like you may be of my vintage (a good year)08:47
inflexjeffz: nasty...I'm here because my father's Ubuntu box isn't doing nice things with the graphics card/screen08:47
MAEZ_199I was use mem. test, it's pass ok.08:47
cernexbazhang, tell me how08:47
inflexalistair_: well, vi is a bit like how WP5.1 appears... blank screen on startup... :)08:47
RensoreKBye, I know when I reboot GRUB will error 15 me, brb08:47
bazhanginflex, alistair_ jeffz please chat elsewhere08:47
Amir-Bpersian ubuntu ! www.ubuntu.ir08:47
inflexit's also a modal-editor, eg, it has a command mode and an edit mode.. brutal to learn on... very fast once you know it08:47
jeffzinflex: 2 hours later I'm still here, dizzy with some sort of flu thing trying to figure things out, well, I discovered more than an hour ago that itwas perl crashing, looks like something broke with the glibc upgrade08:47
alistair_bazhang, fair enough!08:47
inflexsorry bazhang08:48
cernexbazhang, maybe I did08:48
MAEZ_199before my hardy freeze, laptop screen blink.08:48
bazhangAmir-B, its #ubuntu-ir08:48
alistair_Back to Ubuntu - has anyone here been having low audio output problems?08:48
bazhangcernex, what did you put for essid name08:48
BeepIIregel how do I make it automount?08:48
MAEZ_199and System monitor shown cpu at 100%.08:48
cernexbazhang, 2WIRE16908:48
inflexalistair_: I get that on motherboard-based-audio chipsets08:49
Amir-Bbazhang: ok08:49
bazhangcernex, check in iwconfig that it is set08:49
inflexalistair_: also very narrow dynamic range - installing a cheap 16 bit PCI card fixes a lot of that08:49
alistair_inflex, do you have audio volume controle enabled - I just want to check if my theory is right08:49
cernexbazhang, IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:"2WIRE169"08:49
cernex          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.437 GHz  Access Point: 00:14:95:D9:B9:7108:49
cernex          RTS thr:off   Fragment thr=2346 B08:49
cernex          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:008:49
cernex          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:008:49
FloodBot1cernex: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:49
cernex          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:008:49
inflexalistair_: ermm... can't be sure now - since I've got a separate card installed now08:49
MAEZ_199Another thing, the wireless or network icon disappear. !!08:50
cernexbazhang, ok, will use pastebin next time08:50
bazhangcernex, to paste.ubuntu.com not here08:50
alistair_inflex, OK I see lots of folks are having probs and I found by enabling the system volume control and winding up front has fixed everything up (for me)08:50
cernexbazhang, yeah, noticed08:50
bazhangcernex, sudo dhclient wlan008:51
Kartagiswhen I install ubuntu using LiveCD and choose to let ubuntu do the partitioning, will it allocate a swap partition?08:51
newman0709when i use the firefox watching flash video, firefox often crashes, i don't know how to resolve the problem08:51
amaviskartagis: yes08:51
wolsKartagis: yes but it might delete all other partitions08:51
bazhangnewman0709, which version of ubuntu, ff, flash08:51
Kartagiswols, I don't mind that, I copied data08:52
sjovanKartagis: run ubuntu from the cd and use gparted...08:52
newman0709ff 2.0 ,ubuntu 7.04 , flash 9.008:52
Kartagisamavis, thanks08:52
cernexbazhang, but made everything you did, and this is what I got: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39641/plain/08:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about automount08:52
amaviskartagis: but as wols said, becareful if you have other partitions, if it detects an existing windows partition, options are to resize and whole disk which will wipe it, so just becareful around that part08:53
bazhangcernex, now : sudo dhclient wlan008:53
newman0709bazhang,  ff 2.0 ,ubuntu 7.04 , flash 9.008:53
DistroJockey!fstab | regel08:53
ubotturegel: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions08:53
alistair_Anyone here got an integrated Motherboard with via video onboard?08:53
cernexbazhang, http://paste.ubuntu.com/39642/plain/08:53
wols!anyone | alistair_08:53
ubottualistair_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:53
bazhangcernex, run it a couple more times08:54
regelDistroJockey: i meant flash driver automount for BeepII08:54
Kartagisanother question. does ubuntu have a script like pastebinit which will paste to http://paste.ubuntu.com?08:54
DistroJockeyregel, ohh, sorry08:54
wolsKartagis: install pastebinit08:54
bazhangnewman0709, 7.04?08:54
styylei have tried to use the the rocketfish rf-flbtad usb bluetooth dongle, yet it is not loaded correctly to work.  i have done extensive searching, to no avail08:54
newman0709bazhang, yes ,7.0408:55
bazhangnewman0709, is that still supported?08:55
Kartagiswols, I installed that but that doesn't paste to http://paste.ubuntu.com08:55
regelBeepII, you should check out threads at ubuntuforums.org, there are many ppl with problems with automount08:55
styyledoes anyone have experience with usb bluetooth dongles that could assist me?08:55
FloodBot1root_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:55
bazhangroot_, stop08:55
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Amir-Broot_: hi08:55
=== Helbert is now known as Helbert_Gomez_To
cernexbazhang, second time: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39644/plain/08:55
newman0709bazhang ,  i use 7.04 for server months ,08:56
cernexbazhang, want me to do it again?08:56
Kahlessis there a que to get help?08:56
newman0709bazhang ,  i use 7.04 for several months ,08:56
=== Helbert_Gomez_To is now known as elber_Gomez_Torb
styylelooking for help with bluetooth dongle08:56
bazhangcernex, one last time (no need to paste)08:56
=== elber_Gomez_Torb is now known as juan__
alistair_styyle; whats happening?08:56
DistroJockeyKahless, nope, just ask away with as much detail as possible :)08:56
styylei plug it in, yet it is not processed correctly08:57
bazhangstyyle, you were given a forums link; what errors did you get from that08:57
styylethey were too old to be relevant08:57
cernexbazhang, done08:57
styyleseveral hotplug fixes08:57
bazhangstyyle, how do you know if you did not try them08:57
earthianHello, I have a problem with sound: sound is duplicated in my headphones and the internal speaker (laptop). The headphones switch/slider in the sound mixer is not working (does not adjust headphones loudness) and the front does adjust both headphones and the speaker but not only the speaker. How could I fix this? I have amili Li1818 Laptop with snd-hda-intel (ALC883) soundcard.08:57
styylei did08:57
KahlessI am trying to use an unbuntu live CD version 7.10 usually it loads teh linux kernal pretty damn quick but on this DELL XPS 410 is has been over half and hour and is onyl at 49%08:57
bazhangstyyle, and what errors did you get08:57
styyleit suggested copying files to /usr/lib/hotplug08:57
styylethis folder does not exist because hotplug itsnt used anymore08:58
styylei tried and installed bluez-firmware1.2, but it changed nothing08:58
BeepIIregel guess what.08:58
BeepIImy other flash drive works fine. 0.o08:58
BeepIImore weirdnes08:58
KahlessIs there a reason why it could be taking forever to load the kernal off the cd I mean is a very recent computer08:58
alistair_Kahless, have you tried another burn of the cdrom?08:58
styylethe dongle works correctly in vista, as of a few minutes ago08:59
KahlessI am making one now, i have used this curent burn for the past year on about 10 computers but it could be old or damaged by heat08:59
Kahlessi suppose08:59
cernexbazhang, ok, what now?08:59
DistroJockeyKahless, if that machine came out after 7.10 did then it probably is missing a driver. Might be better getting and using 8.04.108:59
alistair_Kahless, I find CD are really not as robust as they are made out to be likely is cause of your problem08:59
styyleany suggestions?09:00
bazhangcernex, how far away are you from the router?09:00
bazhangcernex, and is essid hidden on it?09:00
cernexThe reuter is just a couple of centimeters from my PC09:00
KahlessI did'nt consider that I am burnign the latest version right now, I am trying to fix this Windows XP home is has a corrupted  vgaoem.fon file09:00
cernexbazhang, The reuter is just a couple of centimeters from my PC09:00
bazhangKahless, turn off quiet and splash in the kernel you are booting to see the errors09:01
newman0709bazhang, could you tell me why the ff crashes, when i watch the flash video09:01
cernexbazhang, and I don't know what you mean by "essid hidden on it"09:01
=== juan__ is now known as juan
KahlessHow do i do that I'm a linux noob09:01
bazhangcernex, you need to connect to router and set it to not hidden (using ethernet)09:01
newman0709bazhang,how should i resolve the problem09:02
bazhangnewman0709, this is server?09:02
cernexbazhang, Well, I'm currently plugged directly to the reuter/modem by a USB cable09:02
newman0709no ,my desktop09:02
styylebazhang, do you have any more help for my bluetooth problam?09:02
ikoniaKahless: k'plah, turn off the wirless card with the kill switch09:02
newman0709bazhang, it's my desktop09:03
Kahlessoh yeah it does have a wirless card09:03
Kahlessi forgot about that error09:03
ikoniaKahless: disable it with the kill switch09:03
BeepIIwhat's the terminal command to un-mkdir?09:03
bazhangnewman0709, any reason not to use gutsy? bad luck with feisty here all around09:03
BeepII*undo mkdir09:03
ikoniaBeepII: rm -r09:03
KahlessOkay once again linux noob09:03
BeepIIrm -r filename?09:03
ikoniaKahless: it's a switch on the side of the laptop09:03
ikoniaBeepII: thats it09:03
Ape3000rm -rf /09:03
ikoniaApe3000: no09:03
KahlessIts a desktop09:03
ikoniaBeepII: ignore rm -rf /09:04
BeepIIwhat does that do?09:04
cernexbazhang, oh, I get it now...09:04
KartagisI'm looking for a program that will act like a GPS client,09:04
bazhangBeepII, do NOT do that09:04
styylecan anyone help me with a bluetooth dongle problem?09:04
ikoniaBeepII: that would destroy your file system potentially09:04
ikoniaBeepII: you just want rm -r $your_directory09:04
Kartagisbut do I need a GPS device for that?09:04
cernexbazhang, still, you want me to plug via an ethernet cable to my reuter?09:04
ikoniaBeepII: as in the one you want to delete09:04
Kahlessshould i yank the wireless card and try again?09:05
cernexbazhang, that's going to be a little hard, as I have no ethernet modem myself09:05
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BeepIIikonia:  ok, before I do it, is sudo rm -r /media/flash  correct?09:05
ikoniaKahless: no09:05
ikoniaBeepII: that looks good09:05
arethiuswhat's a good IRC client?09:05
ikoniaKahless: there is a kill switch on the laptop to disable wirless09:05
BeepIIregel was helping metry & set up my flash drive but it didn't work09:05
ikoniaKahless: flick the kill switch09:05
BeepII& I wanna try sth new but first undo everything.09:05
BeepIIikonia: ok, why is permission denied?09:06
ikoniaBeepII: sudo09:06
BeepIIoh right.09:06
KahlessIts not a laptop09:06
KahlessIts a desktop09:06
ikoniaKahless: oh, I thought you where on a 4.1009:06
ikoniaKahless: a 41009:07
strawbeRRy_fieLdhi, after clicking on the nvidia driver link to download it, it opens a page full of written codes but it doesnt let me download it... why?09:07
Kahlessit is a 41009:07
ikoniaKahless: I thought that was a 15'' laptop ?09:07
KahlessDell XPS 410 Desktop Computer (Core 2 Duo E6600 2.40GHz/500GB/2GB)09:07
ikoniastrawbeRRy_fieLd: use the restricted drivers nvidia driver09:07
KahlessIts not that exactly09:07
DistroJockeystrawbeRRy_fieLd, right-click it and choose Save rather than clicking it09:07
strawbeRRy_fieLdi dont have "save" but only save link as09:08
Kahlessso should i turn off the computer and yank the card then?09:08
DistroJockeystrawbeRRy_fieLd, that's the one09:08
Kahlessits but about an hour now and is at 64% lol last time i did this it loaded in about a minute09:08
ikoniaKahless: well, I was going to suggest that the delay was the network stalling on a dhcp request09:08
DistroJockeystrawbeRRy_fieLd, but you should try ikonia's suggestion first if you havn't09:09
ikoniaKahless: but an hour is a long time09:09
strawbeRRy_fieLdDistroJockey: it doesnt let me save the file itself but only the .aspx link....09:09
ikoniastrawbeRRy_fieLd: use the restriced drivers09:09
earthianI have a problem with the sound: sound is duplicated in my headphones and the internal speaker (laptop). The headphones switch/slider in the sound mixer is not working (does not adjust headphones loudness) and the front does adjust both headphones and the speaker but not only the speaker. How could I fix this? I have Amilo Li1818 Laptop with snd-hda-intel (ALC883) soundcard. It did work ok in Ubuntu 7.10 where the front was silenced wit09:09
earthianh "surround" slider and headphones with the "front" slider of the gnome mixer.. Is it possible to solve the issue now in Hardy? Or is it an ALSA problem that needs time to get fixed?09:09
DistroJockeystrawbeRRy_fieLd, no Save target as?09:09
Kahlessi mean i have it plugged into my router and it also has a wirles card installed w/o the wirless antenna09:09
strawbeRRy_fieLdonly "save link as..."09:09
ben__Is it possible to sync my phones pictures automatically via bluetooth09:09
ikoniastrawbeRRy_fieLd: use the restriced drivers09:09
strawbeRRy_fieLdwhat are the restricted drivers?09:09
Kahlesscould it be hanging on the wirles card?09:09
strawbeRRy_fieLdand how do i install them?09:10
ikoniaKahless: try removing it09:10
jeffzok, i figured out my problem, ubuntu didn't check which kernel i was using before attempting to upgrade glibc09:10
jeffzso it broke.09:10
Kahlessworth a shot09:10
ikoniastrawbeRRy_fieLd: system -> administration -> hardware drivers09:10
bad_imageHello, have I already told you that Ubuntu terribly sux?09:10
ikoniajeffz: why are you trying to update glibc ?09:10
ikoniajeffz: the pacakge manager will give you any updates you need09:10
jeffzikonia: that's part of a distro upgrade09:10
bazhangbad_image, then this is the wrong channel for you09:10
joottroll alert09:10
jeffzbad_image: hello, I agree. it needs more work.09:11
strawbeRRy_fieLdim using kubuntu, dont think i have that09:11
bad_imageand Debian even more, when a dull head retarded monkey (windows administrator) force someone to use it on the server09:11
jeffzikonia: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading09:11
bazhangjeffz, dont feed09:12
ShayI deleted somefrom thing that i backuped from windows and don't need it anymore and the trash says09:12
ikoniajeffz: thats fine, I know what your up to, although I'm surprised the running kernel would matter in that senario09:12
jeffzikonia: if the kernel changes the abi for syscalls and glibc follows suite to match it, running the wrong kernel and glibc together will cause havok09:13
ShayThere was an error deleting Desktop.ini. Error removing file: Permission denied09:13
cernexI think bazhang leaved...09:13
ikoniajeffz: I get that, but the dist upgrade does a force, which is how it gets past some of the incompatabilities between core thigns as you rightly suggest like glibc09:13
bazhangcernex, did you set to not hidden09:13
earthianShay, remove that file as root09:13
cernexbazhang, how do I do that?09:14
Shayhow do i remove it as root @earthian?09:14
earthianShay, i.e. "sudo"09:14
jeffzikonia: yeah, but the do-release-upgrade script should check which kernel I am using if it knows glibc is going to be upgraded else it breaks my system09:14
Kahlesslol i believe that made it work09:14
earthianlike sudo rm /path/to/Dekstop.ini09:14
Kahlessits now hanging after i hit enter on start or Install Ubuntu09:14
Shayi'll try09:14
ikoniajeffz: ahhh your saying it "should" not "it did"09:14
ikoniajeffz: sorry, I miss-understood what you where initially saying09:14
DistroJockeystrawbeRRy_fieLd, Save link as... works fine here *shrugs*09:15
jeffzikonia: yes, I mean to say it should have checked and aborted, instead it broke my system09:15
ikoniajeffz: nope, I can appriciate that, I can see why it potentially should not do the force09:15
Shaywell it's in the trash bin, and i cant move it to a folder somewhere else because the same error occurs09:15
Kahlessso I'm back to square one09:15
shoto谁知道 oo怎么挂接postgresql数据库?09:15
Kahlessliterally its hanging at 3%09:16
ikonia!cn | shoto09:16
ubottushoto: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:16
ikonia!jp | shoto09:16
ubottushoto: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい09:16
cernexbazhang, I don't know how to do that, I'm afraid09:16
cernexbazhang, I think it is "not secret" already, to begin with09:16
cernexbazhang, how can I check that, even?09:16
bazhangcernex, open a java enabled browser09:17
cernexok, done09:17
cernexbazhang, ok, done09:17
bazhangnow type in
ShayI believe the direct path to the trash is ~/.local/share/Trash?09:17
Shaythen /files09:18
BeepIIOk, everyone who helped me, thanks. I finally got it to work by going on another computer & putting some files on the flash drive. 0.o  anyways, good night09:18
earthianShay, if you would open that desktop.ini file with a text editor would you see something ubuntuish or windowish in there??09:18
Shaywindows, it starts with [.ShellClassInfo] and so on09:18
cernexbazhang, I have the browser ready. What's next?09:19
earthianShay, you could try chmod that damn file tho.. in ~/.local/shared/Trash/files09:19
earthianand then remove it with "empty trash" thing in Nautilus or so09:20
KahlessANy more hints for me?09:20
Shayhmm ok09:20
geevlooking for any one who worked with crontab to help me09:20
bazhangKahless, still trying to install?09:21
Kahlessyanking the wirless card didn't work09:21
Shaywell the folder isn't visible on  ~/.local/shared/Trash/files, only the trash:/// thing09:21
bazhangKahless, hardy? livecd?09:21
Shaythe file isn't chmod-able from there09:21
tenbytesis there something better to putty?09:21
tenbytesthat has tabs09:21
tenbytesand has better copy/paste support09:22
earthianShay, it should be there09:22
geevi set crontab to execute my script but no success09:22
Kahlesslivecd lol09:22
bazhangKahless, hardy?09:22
Shaylet me check again09:22
earthianShay, maybe that folder does not exist anymore and the trash thing shows it by mistake?09:22
Kahlesshow do i tell09:22
magic_ninjadd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdb bs=1M  (warning DO NOT RUN THIS COMMAND) would this command be the proper syntax to write zeros to hdb?09:22
Shaynah, its still here09:22
DistroJockeyKahless, you said 7.10 earlier didn't you?09:22
bazhangKahless, where and when did you dl it09:22
earthianand where is that desktop.ini file?09:22
Shaywhat's the correct chmod code from the terminal? chmod a + x?09:23
Shayits in a my pictures folder in the trash bin.09:23
KahlessSomeone gave it to me its version 7.1009:23
earthianShay, chmod ~/.local/shared/Trash/files/My\ Pictures/Desktop.ini09:23
bazhangKahless, how about trying the alternate cd09:24
KahlessApparrently I am failign pretty hard tonight09:24
bazhang!alternate | Kahless09:24
ubottuKahless: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent09:24
earthianermm. sorru, add 777 after the chmod09:24
KahlessWell i dl'ed 8.04 from unbuntu site09:24
DistroJockeyKahless, and didn't you say you were using it to fix Windows, not installing it?09:24
Shayhmm thanks, but i dont see anything , not files or folders in the /files directory09:24
Shayi just tried to delete it normally from the files folder, but its still in the trash bin09:24
Kahlessburnt it and its saing misssing operating system09:24
michal_hi. does anyone know if it is possible to start initx with an init.d script as a normal using using sudo?09:24
michal_or any other way09:24
Kahlessyeah i am trying to use it to acess teh hd09:24
earthianShay, then your trash is empty09:24
Shaymaybe it's like you said that09:25
Shayshould i clean out /home/username/.local/share/Trash/info?09:25
earthianShay, remove things from that info then09:25
cernexbazhang, what do I do with the browser?09:25
Shayargh it all comes back to the my pictures folder, it seems some jpgs and etc are have to be chmod too.. somehow09:26
michal_sudo -u michal xinit gives me X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting. even thought that user can run xinit09:26
geevdears crontab is a prob to me ya help please09:26
bazhangcernex, type
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earthiangeev, just ask09:26
KahlessDo i need to do something to allow me to boot from the ISO?09:27
geevi set crontab to execute my script but no success09:27
cernexbazhang, oh, that doesn't work. I need to type http://homeportal09:27
DistroJockeyKahless, burn it to CD and set BIOS to boot from CD09:27
Zeit|awy_Kahless: no09:27
Kahlessokay i jsut need to burn the ISO to a disk09:28
earthiangeev, did you set up the time correctly? whats the line from there crontab?09:28
Kahlessokay last time i clicked somethign saying make disk bootable and tried that I'll do it that way now09:28
Kahlesslol sorry I'm in NY and its 4am here09:28
Zeit|awy_but be sure to burn the ISO the right way, some people brin the ISO on a data-disc, which is not quite right.. ^^09:28
cernexbazhang, but, in any case, I'm there09:28
geev<earthian yes and for test i set it to run this time but no effect09:29
cernexbazhang, what do I do now?09:29
Shayargh i tried sudo rm -Rf * in the ./local/share/Trash/files and still there09:29
DistroJockeyKahless, the iso if burnt as an image will have a boot part already09:29
Shayi'll try chowning the files09:29
earthianShay, remove Trash folder from the local/shared/ and restart gnome (maybe that would help?)09:29
bazhangcernex, check the settings and set essid to not hidden (or check that it is not) also check if mac filtering is on or not09:29
ishbibenobI have a 250 GB HD on Ubuntu Hardy that I cannot use because of permissions? any body have any ideas?09:29
earthianand yes chowning could help09:29
bazhangcernex, you will then need to reset the router09:30
KahlessBefore i waste more time waiting for this to burn this is the correct version right09:30
KahlessUbuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition - Supported to 201109:30
geev<earthian> 17 ** * *root/home/geev8/mazoezi/synch.sh09:30
Shayfor  <username>:<username> do i put shay:shay?09:30
bazhangKahless, that is the right one09:30
Kahlessokay got scred thoght i need this Check here if you need the alternate desktop CD. This CD does not include the Live CD, instead it uses a text-based installer.09:30
earthianShay, yes09:30
bazhangKahless, be sure to !md5 the iso09:30
geev<earthian> where synch.sh is my script file09:31
DistroJockeyKahless, and if you are unsure about burning, see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto09:31
bazhangKahless, desktop means it is the right one09:31
ishbibenobI have tried using it through nautilus but to no avail09:31
Kahlessk good09:31
KahlessSo tired09:31
bazhangKahless, get some rest; we will be here tomorrow :)09:32
DistroJockeyKahless, yeah :)09:32
KahlessThe person is moving to California tomarrow09:32
Shayhmm doesn't work09:32
DistroJockeyKahless, :(09:32
Kahlessand they cant afford to bring it into a shop09:32
bazhangokay; well we never sleep so lets carry on Kahless09:33
Shayi'll try deleting the trash folder and reboot09:33
Kahlesslol i never sleep either09:33
ShayThanks Earthian!09:33
earthiannp :S09:33
cernexbazhang, ESSID difusion is on (Ergo, it isn't hidden nor private)09:33
KahlessWhats with computers these days coudl have fixed this damn computer if dell would have included a damn ide port on teh mobo09:33
cernexbazhang, and I don't see antything related to mac filtering09:34
LSD|NinjaKahless: PATA is dying09:34
LSD|NinjaKahless: Dell made the right call dropping the PATA port09:34
LSD|NinjaKahless: Is it an Intel system we're talking about?09:34
KahlessEh not for me coudl haev fixed this already if the didn't09:34
bazhangcernex, okay; now when you are trying to connect wirelessly you are also connected via usb? is there another computer that will allow you to troubleshoot this box09:35
LSD|NinjaKahless: then Dell DEFINITELY made the right call dropping the PATA port09:35
zcat[1]so, any good theories why a laptop would fail to get a dhcp reply from the server even though it works perfectly (and can talk to the same machine  running dhcp-server) with a static address? -- there are no firewalls involved on either machine btw;09:35
dOT3ChCan someone help me get my unresponsive usb drive to work again?  It doesn't mount or show up on the system anymore.  So I'm thinking about trying to re-format it somehow09:35
cernexbazhang, there isn't another computer close, I'm afraid, and I have tried both09:35
KahlessEducate me09:35
cernexbazhang, with the same results: utter failure09:35
LSD|NinjaKahless: The Intel south bridge lacks native PATA support now so most vendors cover the shortfall with a crappy chip that causes more trouble than its worth09:35
DistroJockeyKahless, I usually just pull the drive out and plug it into my USB to IDE/SATA adapter and stick it in my working machine09:35
alistair_Amarok analyzer - can that be made full screen anyone know?09:35
cernexbazhang, here, this is what I have done: http://forums.opensuse.org/archives/sf-archives/network-internet/wireless-networking/326041-wua-1340-tutorial.html09:35
KahlessYeah i wish i had one09:36
DistroJockeyyeah, they be handy :)09:36
LSD|NinjaKahless: consider yourself lucky that you don't09:36
zcat[1]I got a usb to pata/sata adapter recently. handiest thing ever09:36
cernexbazhang, I'm just misssing one LAST thing, I KNOW09:36
KahlessI have a computer that was reformatted stupidly and trying to recover the data and this computer with a corrupted vgaoem.fon file and who knows what else after a ligthening hit09:36
c1rcuit:( ubuntu keeps randomly freezing when im browsing the internet09:36
bazhangcernex, that is all done; the bit that you need to try is connecting without the usb connected (ie try the sudo dhclient wlan0)09:36
LSD|NinjaAnyone here ever had to deal with the JMicron PATA chip? I'm sure you can back me up here :)09:36
ShayHmm the folder is still there09:37
KahlessIf i coudl jsut plug either hard drive into the otehr compute ri could fix both09:37
cernexbazhang, no, it doesn't works09:37
fanrithI'm also having trouble with a USB drive that won't mount. It's FAT32 and it works in Windows (and I need it to be able to share data, so I can't just EXT it). I have another USB drive that will automount in my Ubuntu. So I'm just confused.09:37
bazhangcernex, it was not associated before; now it is.09:37
KahlessBut one computer is pre-sata and only has ide the other is post ide and onyl has sata09:37
cernexbazhang, really?09:37
cernexOk, lemme try09:37
geevhow do i set crontab to execute my sript file09:37
bazhangcernex, try to ping the router09:37
bazhangcernex, no wait09:37
bazhangcernex, type : ping
dOT3Chfanrith, let me know if you figure it out09:38
fanrithSure thing.09:38
earthiangeev, i dont think you need that "root" thing09:38
Shay@earthian: the trash folder isn't back hmm09:38
DistroJockeyKahless, may I PM you?09:39
earthiangeev, take a look at http://www.reallylinux.com/docs/basiccron.shtml09:39
Kahlessyeah sure09:39
earthianShay, try remoing something to trash09:39
Shayyes it comes back09:40
magic_ninjaanyone know a good linux utility to write zeros toa  drive09:40
cernexbazhang, didn't worked09:40
Shaystill, the pictures are still there09:40
cernexbazhang, were do I type the ping thing?09:40
bazhangcernex, what was the error message09:40
ishbibenobanybody know how to enable a hard drives permissions in Hardy09:40
Shaythe pictures folder does not show up in infos or files under /.localTrash09:40
cernexbazhang, no, it just timed out09:40
KenBW2ishbibenob: fstab i think09:40
fanrithmagic_ninja, I've used shred for that before. There may be a better one, though.09:40
Shayonly the trash:\\\ thing you find by pressing the applet button in the panel09:40
cernexbazhang, here's what I think I'm missing http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27075609:40
ishbibenobin terminal?09:40
earthianShay, try finding it09:41
earthianmaybe its somewhere else09:41
KenBW2i did apt-get upgrade and it tells me "The following packages have been kept back:". What does it mean?09:41
moldytrying to run lire on an ubuntu system: complains about "missing Omega 'lambda' command" -- but that command is there. any hints?09:41
KenBW2ishbibenob: no, /etc/fstab09:41
bazhangcernex, try bringing the wlan0 down and then back up09:41
cernexbazhang, D-Link Wireless G are quite troublesome in Ubuntu, I'm afraid09:41
cernexbazhang, wait, how do I do that?09:41
Shayis there a search tool?09:41
Shaytracker search tool doesnt work well09:42
earthianlocate name09:42
KenBW2Shay: yea, Files > Search09:42
earthianor what KenBW2 said09:42
ishbibenobKenBW2 forgive me for not following, but I cant find that? is it in the etc file in home?09:42
ShayWhere is this "files"? Is it in the browser09:42
KenBW2Shanix: Places sorry09:43
KahlessUm i burnt th iso directly from DL'ing it and it is not aloowing em to boot it09:43
earthianShay, places :)09:43
KenBW2ishbibenob: oh, sorry. type in Terminal "gksudo gedit /etc/fstab"09:43
KahlessI think sonic sucks09:43
Shayoh yes i see09:44
DistroJockeyKahless, downloaded straight onto CD from web?09:44
bazhangsudo ifconfig wlan0 down cernex followed by sudo ifconfig wlan0 up09:44
Shayi was looking in the file explorer :P lol09:44
KenBW2Shay: whats up with Tracker?09:44
KahlessYesi did somethign stupid didn't I09:44
cernexok, done09:44
DistroJockeyKahless, always best to save local then burn09:44
cernexbazhang, ok, done09:44
Shayi copied the BK folder i made on my ipod while i switched to ubuntu09:44
KahlessWell i mean i dl'ed it to desktop then burnt it to cd as it was on a data cd09:44
cernexbazhang,  checked the links I posted?09:44
Shaythen copied it to my desktop, thus having a BK folder on my desktop, then i deleted the one ON THE ipod09:45
bazhangcernex, check iwconfig again09:45
DistroJockeyKahless, ahh.09:45
Shaythe search tool didn't find any that was on the trash bin09:45
Shaybut on the normal desktop folders09:45
KenBW2Shay: lol, dont think itd be set up for trash09:45
DistroJockeyKahless, see this link:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto09:45
KenBW2ishbibenob: how you getting on?09:45
ishbibenobKenBW2 it is set to defaults and it is vfat whereas the others are ext309:45
KahlessYeah I'll try dl'ing that progream09:46
cernexbazhang, http://paste.ubuntu.com/39653/plain/09:46
KenBW2ishbibenob: do you know what to do with that file?09:46
Shayi wonder if the trash bin displays it but it doesnt even exist anymore09:46
Shayhow can i clear the trash bin if this is so?09:46
ishbibenobnot really, I see that my other identical drive is also set to defaults but it is ext3 and I have no problems using it09:46
bazhangsudo iwconfig <interface> essid "ESSID_IN_QUOTES" cernex09:46
KenBW2ishbibenob: that makes two of us :)09:47
ishbibenobone has my home and everything on it, the other is sitting there unused, and they are identical drives09:47
ActionParsnipyo yo yo09:47
KenBW2ishbibenob: i can give you basic ideas, but i dont know fully how to play with it09:47
KenBW2ishbibenob: what are you trying to acheive?09:47
cernexbazhang, ok, done09:47
cernexbazhang, really, you should check the links I posted, dude09:48
DistroJockeyKahless, and don't skip the MD5 checking step09:48
ishbibenobok, do you know what the diff is between ext3 and vfat, I am trying to being able to use it, place music and videos and whatever on it09:48
cernexbazhang, they have almost all of the info in there09:48
KenBW2ishbibenob: prefix messages with the peron's name youre talking to :)09:48
Finnish_How do I automount my windows-partitions on every startup?09:48
cernexbazhang, if anything, I just don't know how to read it, :/09:48
bazhangcernex, I did; better to get the rt73 drivers than ndiswrapper imo09:48
ActionParsnip!fstab | Finnish_09:48
ubottuFinnish_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions09:48
earthianFinnish, you would want to have them in /etc/fstab09:48
ishbibenobwhen I had it built two 250 GB drives were put in, one had Ubuntu installed on it the other just there09:49
cernexbazhang, ok...09:49
cernexbazhang, so, what do you want me to do now?09:49
ishbibenobKenBW2 so one works the other doesn't09:49
ActionParsnipFinnish_: if its ntfs formatted and you want write access you'll need ntfs-3g09:49
KenBW2ishbibenob: ext3 is a linux format which is best for installing Ubuntu on. Windows cant read it. vfat (FAT) is a universal format which all OSs vcan read/write, and it best for files09:49
Shayhmm this might work http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2219215&postcount=21 but nothing is displayyed in my trash files folder wtf09:49
bazhangcernex, go to serial monkey site and get the latest09:49
ActionParsnip!ntfs-3g | Finnish_09:49
ubottuFinnish_: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:49
cernexbazhang, lastest what?09:49
Kahlessdamn it okay i wont skip the step09:49
earthianShay, is your ipod connected to the PC?09:49
KenBW2Shay: sure it's not in Root's trash?09:49
bazhangcernex, drivers09:49
ishbibenobKenBW2 you have any idea why defaults would work for one but not the other?09:50
DistroJockeyKahless, no point burning a broken image :)09:50
Shayno, i checked both, but i know its supposed to be in my user';s09:50
Shayyes my ipod is connected09:50
ActionParsnipKenBW2: good place for an ipod :)09:50
Shayoh it might be in the .trash folder on the ipod09:50
KenBW2ActionParsnip: agreed09:50
earthianShay, maybe its in there somekind of a trash?09:50
earthianyeah :)09:50
KenBW2ishbibenob: what are you trying to do09:50
fanrithAnyone have any thoughts on the problem I mentioned up above?09:50
cernexbazhang, ok, I'm there. What drivers am I looking for? The rt73 chipset ones?09:51
ishbibenobKenBW2 just trying to change permissions so I can put files on it, use it like a big Thumb drive09:51
Shayarghh again if i delete the trash-1000 folder, it says the same permission error09:51
KenBW2ishbibenob: onto which drive09:51
bazhangfanrith, shred?09:51
ActionParsnipfanrith: i dont see any text, whats up?09:51
bazhangcernex, yes09:51
KenBW2ishbibenob: paste the contents on fstab to www.nomorepasting.com09:51
Shaymaybe replug my ipod09:51
ishbibenobKenBW2 ok09:51
Shaydiscovery, if i unplug my ipod the trash bin goes back to empty, but if i plug it in it shows up again09:52
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fanrithNot shred, that was me helping someone else.09:52
fanrithThe problem I'm having is with flash drive automount.09:52
ActionParsnipfanoh ok09:52
fanrithI have a flashdrive that automounts and one that doesn.t09:52
cernexbazhang, ok, downloaded them09:52
cernexbazhang, what now?09:52
earthianShay, what filesystem is there on that ipod?09:52
fanrithThe one that does is fat16, the one that doesn't is brand new and fat32.09:53
ActionParsnipfanrith: is it a similar drive?09:53
bazhangcernex, you will need to follow the steps in that forums link09:53
Shayi used to use it on windows itunes, so it probably NTFS09:53
fanrithAs far as I know.09:53
fanrithI'm no expert.09:53
fanrithDifferent makers.09:53
Shayubuntu says msdos09:53
OldTokerhi all got a problem with a drive of mine that show's up in the Places.. but I can't mount it? and I don't see an entry for it in fstab?  can someone help?09:53
fanrithBut the new one works in Windows.09:53
cernexbazhang, the second one, I suppose?09:53
fanrithSo it's not broken outright.09:53
ActionParsnipfanrith: you dont need to be, is it the same model and size?09:53
bazhangcernex, yes09:53
cernexbazhang, also, what post number?09:53
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fanrithDifferent model, size, filesystem.09:53
ActionParsnipfanrith: well done you are now expert enough09:53
fanrithThanks. :)09:53
ActionParsnipfanrith: ok, have you had this thing in a windows machine09:54
earthianShay, copy things from that ipod soemwhere safe on the PC and format the ipod with some internal command of the ipod09:54
Shayinternal command?09:54
cernexbazhang, post number 4?09:54
ActionParsnipfanrith: did you unplug it gracefully?09:54
fanrithYes, I did.09:54
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ishbibenobKenBW2 it is the sdb1 drive09:54
moncojhryooo whats a good audio player for linux like foobar09:54
earthiansomething usually is under preferences->filesystem->format in ipod and other pods09:54
Shayahh earthian09:54
KenBW2ishbibenob: you dont have anything mounted to your home folder09:55
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2395871&postcount=1 cernex09:55
Shaybut what if i lose my itunesDB data?09:55
Shaythen songbird, floola won't work for example i think09:55
ishbibenobKenBW2 what do you mean?09:55
Shaymight as well back that up09:55
vegombreihi .. is there an equivalent software like download accelerator in ubuntu ? the thing is there is a feature in download accelerator that enables you to download all via dap that i really wish would be available in ubuntu09:55
ActionParsnipfanrith: id do it again, make sure you use the remove device thingy in windows09:55
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fanrithWell, I did do that. And I had tried it in Linux before I ever used it in Windows.09:55
KenBW2ishbibenob: "ishbibenob one has my home and everything on it, the other is sitting there unused, and they are identical drives"09:55
Guest51862This is kahless09:55
fanrithI only took it to Windows because I wanted to see if it would work there.09:55
joaopintovegombrei, there are several download managers for linux09:55
earthianShay, what if you would copy all stuff (except .trash) from ipod to hard disk and then after format back to ipod? (not sure)09:56
Shayi guess, i'll try..09:56
KenBW2ishbibenob: none of those partitions/drives are mounted at /home09:56
DIFH-icerootvegombrei: dowmthemall for firefox, wget, kwget09:56
Guest51862Decided to log onto the compter I am burning the CD on so i dont have to run back and forth09:56
DistroJockeyfanrith, wouldn't happen to be a U3 flash drive would it?09:56
ishbibenobKenBW2 one of these my ubuntu Hardy is installed on09:56
fanrithNo - Corsair.09:56
strawbeRRy_fieLdhi my monitor is "unknown" how do i make it recognize it?09:56
DistroJockeyfanrith, ahh, good09:56
ActionParsnipfanrith: ok, well try there and if its still no good run mount in terminal, you should see the mountings, one will look like your stick09:56
ishbibenobKenBW2 that is what I was getting at, somehow I am able to use my computer on this thing09:56
Shayubuntu doesn't come with a reformat feature does it?09:56
cernexbazhang, and after I have done all that, the thing should work now?09:56
KenBW2ishbibenob: ah right i see. yea, /dev/sda109:57
earthianShay, it does but i would use the ipod's one09:57
fanrithI've managed to mount it manually but it doesn't let me write to it.09:57
bazhangcernex, hope so09:57
ActionParsnipShay: reformat in what way?09:57
KenBW2ishbibenob: and oure trying to do hat?09:57
fanrithAnd even that took an unusual amount of work.09:57
vegombreijoaopinto: do they have the feature of download all with dap when you right click on a web page ?09:57
cernexbazhang, lol, so do I09:57
Shayi can try to delete .trash in windows too09:57
ActionParsnipfanrith: can you write as root?09:57
Shaybut i have no access currently hmm09:57
fanrithI'll try.09:57
earthianShay, you could09:57
Kahlessthe guest is me09:57
bazhangcernex, just a fyi: I have had bad luck with ralink09:57
ishbibenobKenBW2 whats that?09:57
joaopintovegombrei, what is dap ?09:57
earthiananyway... i cant help you anymore now.09:58
ishbibenobKenBW2 sorry noob here09:58
KenBW2ishbibenob: sorry, typos. what are you trying to change?09:58
bazhang!info ldap09:58
ubottuPackage ldap does not exist in hardy09:58
earthiangood luck Shay09:58
Shayahh tyvm09:58
cernexbazhang, you know, that's odd: it says ralink... but I'm using D-Link...09:58
vegombreijoaopinto: download accelerator plus ..09:58
sauvinHow to force fsck on reboot?09:58
cernexbazhang, there is a sligh chance I got the wrong chipset on my search...09:58
joaopintovegombrei, that is just a fancy name for something that does multiple connections for a single download ?09:58
cernexbazhang, did you cheked, JIC?09:58
fanrithOkay, yes, I can.09:58
earthianI have a problem with sound: sound is duplicated in my headphones and the internal speaker (laptop). The headphones switch/slider in the sound mixer is not working (does not adjust headphones loudness) and the front does adjust both headphones and the speaker but not only the speaker. How could I fix this? I have amili Li1818 Laptop with snd-hda-intel (ALC883) soundcard.09:58
ishbibenobKenBW2 whenever I try to put anything on my drive (which I can see on my desktop) it says no permission I have tried through nautilus as well09:58
bazhangcernex, that seems to be correct09:59
KenBW2ishbibenob: which drive09:59
ActionParsnipfanrith: then its mounted without user writing, it needs remounting09:59
vegombreijoaopinto: basically lets say i visit a site with like 50 images .. i wish to download em all ... so instead of individually clicking each i could simply right click and say download all09:59
fanrithHow do I do that?09:59
fanrithI'll unmount first.09:59
ishbibenobKenBW2 both my 250GB hard drives I can see on my desktop, the one I can the Other I cant09:59
TotakekeCan someone help me with UNetBootin? I searched around and something is definitely supposed to happen when I boot up Linux from my flash drive, but it doesn't.09:59
DistroJockeyKahless, Guest51862 : ahh, k :)09:59
KartagisI'm looking for some program like Igo on Windows, for Linux. any idea what?09:59
bazhangcernex, though with the way they switch makers no way to be 100% sure these days09:59
joaopintovegombrei, ah, for that you will be better serverd with a firefox addon09:59
DIFH-icerootKartagis: what is igo?09:59
fanrithOkay, I've umounted it.09:59
Kahlessyeah i installed an irc client on a laptop09:59
Shayuhh earthian10:00
Shayi fixed it in ubuntu10:00
vegombreijoaopinto: whats the addon called ?10:00
ishbibenobKenBW2 one of them has my bin, lib and other filesystem files on it, the other is completely empty10:00
fanrithHow do I mount so that my regular user can write?10:00
KenBW2ishbibenob: i dunno which is your 250GB one. do you know its /dev/xxxx name?10:00
KartagisDIFH-iceroot, a GPS program10:00
Shayfrom the edit > properties of natuilus, you could set the behavior so that deleting files bypasses the trash bin, but it does NOT work.10:00
KahlessI found a system dogignotic menu buried in the boot setup menu10:00
ActionParsnipfanrith: can you please direct your speech, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-405396.html10:00
DIFH-icerootKartagis: ah ok, sorry dont know10:00
Kartagisbut you don't need a GPS device to use it10:00
Shayso i found out press shift + delete which works a little differently and it deleted the .trash folder from the ipod10:00
TotakekeHas anyone had any experience with UNetBootin or installing Linux onto a flash drive? (I've been to the wikis already, many times, no help)10:00
ishbibenobKenBW2 Actually I take that back, I cant drag and drop files on either10:00
majnoonhave a crazy question10:00
fanrithAh! Excellent.10:00
fanrithI had looked in forums and found nothing.10:01
Shaywell i never noticed this thread before.. but http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26887110:01
KenBW2ishbibenob: do you know its /dev/xxxx name?10:01
fanrithThanks, ActionParsnip!10:01
majnoonwhat happen if try 64 ubuntu on a 32 bit machine ??10:01
Shaycould it be a pulseaudio problem?10:01
Guest51862Is hirens boot cd any good?10:01
ishbibenobKenBW2 one is sda1 the other is sdb110:01
bazhangmajnoon, wont work10:01
TotakekeMajnoon: It won't work.10:01
DistroJockey!usb | Totakeke10:01
ubottuTotakeke: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:01
majnoonno hurt machine otherwise ??10:01
bazhangGuest51862, ask in ##windows10:01
cernexbazhang, can't do step 4 for some reason...10:01
KenBW2ishbibenob: youre having the problems with sdb1?10:01
ActionParsnipfanrith: you may want to try dosfsck -a /dev/sdb110:02
Guest51862Ah this is Kahless btw10:02
TotakekeI've already been to both of those URLs, no help whatsoever. I need to speak to someone who's had experience with either UNetBootin or just installing it onto a flash drive in general (a persistent install, not a live install)10:02
bazhangGuest51862, more what you need10:02
KenBW2Totakeke: i have10:02
ActionParsnipor whatever dev it is, to check the fs. you sure you arent just pulling the stick out in windows. that can cause issues10:02
bazhangGuest51862, but offtopic here10:02
vegombreijoaopinto: whats the addon called ?10:02
ishbibenobKenBW2 it looks like both, I just want to be able to freely place files on them, one I know I am able to (sda1) the other I cant10:02
majnoonbut 32 bit run on 64 bit machine right ??10:02
Guest51862jsut waiting for the unbuntu to burn ll10:03
ActionParsnipmajnoon: indeed10:03
DIFH-icerootmajnoon: yes10:03
majnoonthis 64 bit machine ?/10:03
ActionParsnipmajnoon: what processor do you have?10:03
cernexbazhang, how am I supposed to paste that line of code in Step 4?10:03
majnoon cpu[2 x Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 3.00GHz]10:04
ishbibenobKenBW2 I dont understand how my system can be installed on sda1 and I cant place things on it from the Desktop level, If I go into home I can, so what do I need to do to the other drive to enable me to place and save files on it10:04
ishbibenobKenBW2 simply put use it10:04
bazhangcernex, you need to change it to what it was you dl'd (ie the name)10:04
ActionParsnipishbibenob: depends where /home is mounted10:04
KenBW2ishbibenob: you cant write anything to your home foldeR?10:04
krazy-h_Hi there10:04
TotakekeMajnoon: I believe most, if not all, 64 bit processors also have 32 bit support. I don't think they make any consumer-grade just 64 bit processors.10:04
majnoonActionParsnip,  cpu[2 x Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 3.00GHz]10:05
ishbibenobKenBW2 when I want to save a document it saves it to my home, so I am just wondering what I need to do to be able to choose to save it to the other HD10:05
Kahlesswow linux guys are nicer than windows10:05
fanrithAction: I've only ever used it in Windows once and I was careful to remove it correctly. But the FSCK is bringing back what look like errors.10:05
KenBW2ishbibenob: right, what i have on my lappy is this:10:05
fanrithI have no idea what they mean though.10:05
DistroJockeymajnoon, nope, it's 32bit10:05
majnoonit dual processor10:06
KenBW2ishbibenob: on the sdb1 line replace "defaults" with "uid=<your ubuntu user name>,owner,users,user"10:06
DistroJockeymajnoon, core2duo?10:06
majnoonthink so10:06
fanrithThat dosfsck fixed it! It mounts now!10:06
LSD|NinjaIf it has EM64T then it's capable of running 64 bit10:06
majnoonwas going to try the 64 disk10:06
KenBW2ishbibenob: for example, mine is "uid=kenneth,owner,users,user"10:06
fanrithI think it was screwed up right out of the box. This is the first time it has mounted in Linux.10:06
ishbibenobKenBW2 ok10:07
LSD|NinjaThat includes certain P4s and PDs as well as Core2s10:07
fanrithActionParsnip, thank you so much!10:07
majnoonif 32 bit puter it just no run right ?10:07
cefanyone got an idea on how acpi works in hardy, and how I can get it to actually talk to my h/drive and set the correct apm mode (using hdparm or whatever)??10:07
KenBW2ishbibenob: then restart10:07
ActionParsnipfanrith: please direct you r speech, yours gets lost in this sea of names10:07
KahlessOMG i love you guys KISS KISS10:07
ActionParsnipfanrith: all groovy now?10:07
fanrithActionParsnip: sorry.10:07
fanrithAction: I'll make sure.10:07
LSD|Ninjamajnoon: 32 bit will run, better than 64 bit for hte most part10:07
KahlessYou were right the CD got fried in my car10:07
ishbibenobKenBW2 let me try that I will be back to let you know10:07
KenBW2ishbibenob: let me know when youre back10:07
TotakekeHmm, if I install Linux onto my flash drive, and it uses the flash drive for /tmp, the persistent linux installation guide thing says that putting /tmp on the flash drive might cause excessive wear and tear. Should I do it anyway? I mean, it'll last a good while, won't it? I won't be using it all the time. (This is more of a hypothetical question :P)10:08
majnoonubuntu USED to have smp kernels10:08
ActionParsnipfanrith: you can tab complete the names, just like you do in terminal10:08
DistroJockeyKahless, glad you got a nice new one :)10:08
LSD|Ninjamajnoon: SMP is the default now afaik10:08
bazhangmajnoon, they are called generic now10:08
KenBW2Totakeke: how you getting on with the USB install thing10:08
Totakekefanrith: lol cool10:08
KahlessYes now hopefully i dont get th eporlbem where it says windows is still running and wont let me mount hte drive10:08
LSD|Ninjamajnoon: SMP works on uniprocessors and it means you don't have to do a kernel replacement on machines that have dual core, HT and whjatnot10:08
krazy-h_I have a problem with the update manager i can't update in my ubuntu 8.04 hardy heron it say that"Not all updates can be installed" Please help me10:08
KenBW2Totakeke: i installed Ubuntu onto a USB drive. it killed in a few hours10:09
byte_slaveg morning everyone!10:09
majnoonbeen a while since got semi-top of line puter :)10:09
Shaygood morning10:09
fanrithActionParsnip: Oh! Tab-complete is wonderful. And it's working! I'll just make sure it still works in Windows now...10:09
ActionParsnipTotakeke: its just that /tmp gets written to a fair bit and usb sticks have limited numbers of read/write cycles before they get unstable10:09
Shayfinally my ipod works with floola, :D10:09
majnoonbrb need smoke10:09
TotakekeKenBW2: O_o10:09
fanrithActionParsnip: Thanks for all your help!10:09
bazhangkrazy-h_, paste sources.list to paste.ubuntu.com10:09
ActionParsnipfanrith: np10:09
KahlessDrats spoke to soon10:09
Shayis the /opt folder used for anything? people recommend putting programs in there10:09
KahlessIt wont let me mount the HD10:09
KenBW2Totakeke: flash memory has limited read/write capacity. instaling an OS does a lot of read/writing10:09
ActionParsnipfanrith: just remember to do a proper removal and you win10:09
Kahlessit says unclean shutdown10:09
bazhangShay, not these days10:09
Kahlesswhat can i do?10:09
byte_slavehow can i reload "/etc/environment" to get access to the new setup variables without reboot the machine?10:10
Shaywhat was it used for?10:10
TotakekeKenBW2: Well yeah, I knew that, but I figured it wouldn't be writing that much. But I forgot about /tmp :(10:10
bazhangShay, only realplayer wants to install itself there10:10
cernexbazhang, after step 6, what else should I do?10:10
fanrithD0c5i5: Were you the one having trouble with flash drive earlier?10:10
KenBW2Totakeke: it wasnt just /tmp - files all over the place were getting corrupted10:10
Kahlessany help i feel liek I'm so close10:10
LSD|NinjaGentoo uses /opt for binary distributed stuff, I'm not sure if there was any kind of standard as to what it's used for though10:10
bazhangcernex, not sure as I am not reading the guide atm; best to continue on10:10
wolsbyte_slave: run it. you cannot run it to set the "system environment2 however I think. maybe by changing runlevels but then you can just as well reboot10:10
Shayi just put songbird and floola downloads in there and it works fine :)10:10
TotakekeKenBW2: The guide recommends putting /tmp into ram on the computer from which you're running the flash drive (just to point out :P) But I was kind of hoping to take Linux with me places :P10:10
KenBW2Totakeke: i know, i was excited at the prospect as well. but alas no can do10:11
ActionParsnipKahless: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85508110:11
cernexbazhang, it's hard when they're saying "If you don't have internet access on the Linux install, refer to the section below"10:11
MikeSethKahless: I'm completely confused as of what is the problem that you're trying to solve10:11
ActionParsnipKahless: if you dont unplug your usb drive from windows properly you get that, use the safetly remove hardware app before just yanking the drive out10:11
Kahless$LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 1) Failed to mount '/dev/sda2': Operation not supported Mount denied because NTFS is marked to be in use.10:12
Shayi used ndiswrapper to get my broadcom.. 4310 i think running using dell drivers10:12
ishbibenobKenBW2 you are the man, thanks a bunch10:12
KahlessNo it is a Hard drive10:12
KenBW2ishbibenob: its worked?10:12
ishbibenobKenBW2 works likes a charm10:12
KenBW2ishbibenob: glad i could help :)10:12
Kahlessa crashed hard drive and i trying to repair a corrupted windows file so i can start windows10:12
ishbibenobKenBW2 thanks alot10:12
KenBW2ishbibenob: np10:12
TotakekeI really don't want to replace Windows (I need it for gaming, unfortunately Linux can't run some of my favorite games) but I have two 250 GiB hard drives. I guess I could part with data security to run Linux :P10:12
ishbibenobKenBW2 catch you later10:12
LSD|NinjaShay: you shouldn't need ndiswrapper for broadcom, just a wired ethernet connection10:12
cernexbazhang, well... at least do you know a good wireless G like my D-Link one that is compatible with Ubuntu?10:13
DistroJockeyKahless, you will need to use a similar mount command to what is mentioned in that post ActionParsnip mentioned10:13
TotakekeStrike that, 320 GiB10:13
Shaythis is a laptop10:13
cernexbazhang, without all this hassle?10:13
KenBW2Totakeke: youve exhausted all options for running them in Wine etc?10:13
Kahlessah you mean sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdd1 /media/disk -o force10:13
LSD|NinjaShay: so?10:13
TotakekeKenBW2: Pretty much yeah10:13
Shayi haven't tested my ethernet connnection though10:13
DistroJockeyKahless, yep10:13
TotakekeKenBW2: I haven't checked on some though.10:13
Shayyet* in ubuntu10:13
KenBW2Totakeke: ah well. luckily im not much of a gamer so i wiped XP10:13
TotakekeKenBW2: All I really need is EVE though, and that has a Linux version.10:13
byte_slavewols, well the idea was not reboot machine, i thought maybe some "init x" would do that for me10:14
geevwhich command will let see runing services10:14
TotakekeKenBW2: Lol what I would give to be able to wipe Vista -.-10:14
Kahlesswhere is consoel again?10:14
TotakekeAll I really need is EVE though, and they have a Linux version10:14
KenBW2Totakeke: eugh. ive been forced to use Vista on someone else's PC for a month. *horrible*10:14
DistroJockeyKahless, Applications - Accessories10:14
ActionParsnipKahless: you want terminal, konsole is kde10:14
geevanybody which command will let see running services10:14
TotakekeKenBW2: The eye candy is, well, sweet :P but as far as blue screens and hangs, I hate it. And this computer's brand new, built it myself.10:14
dustrialhey folks, i was wondering how to do remote admin tasks on a maschine, without fixed IP adress, that is only running some hours a week ... ( namely the PC of my parents) ... how do i best find out the ip? for a remote connection10:14
Shayis there anyway to fix a nm-applet default keyring at startup login10:15
ActionParsnipKenBW2: unlucky, turn off the visual garbage and its bearable10:15
Kahlessyeah thats what i mean10:15
Kahlessno 5am10:15
Shaythe application nm-applet wants access to the default keyring, but it is locked10:15
Slartdustrial: get a dynamic dns thingy.. www.dyndns.org10:15
Kahlessits nwo 5am lol10:15
Kahlesshow do i get to terminal?10:15
LSD|NinjaShay: With a wireed ethernet connection handy you need only install the fwcutter and then enable the driver in the drivers panel for it to work10:15
DistroJockeyKahless, Applications - Accessories - Terminal10:15
dustrialslart, thx, i will have a look10:15
Slartdustrial: there are small clients that run in the background that updates the dynamic dns alias..10:15
=== BOLDCAPS is now known as haptiK
KenBW2Totakeke: Vista always decides it knows best - that annoys me. i like that Ubuntu gives you the freedom to do what you want (even the freedom to totally f**k it up :P)10:15
Shayfwcutter? does it enable wireless too?10:16
MikeSethKahless: ummm.. you10:16
Shaymy laptop uses a nforce ethernet thing and a broadcom wireless10:16
Shayas so hp says so10:16
LSD|NinjaShay: the drivers are already there, fwcutter just downloads the firmware to make them work10:16
MikeSethKahless: you're trying to repair an ntfs partition from Linux?10:16
Slartdustrial: then I guess you could just install some kind of im client.. add yourself to the list and block everything else.. that way you can see when it's online10:16
LSD|NinjaShay: nforce ethernet has been supported for years ;)10:16
TotakekeKenBW2: As the saying goes, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." Microsoft needs to work on some things. Okay, I should get off of my Live USB flash drive before I kill it :P Thanks for all the help. (And maybe there was a gooooood reason why I wasn't able to install Linux onto my flash drive. The universe didn't want me to murder it. :P10:16
Shaynforce 630i10:16
cernexhttp://cgi.ebay.com/Linksys-WUSB54G-V4-Wireless-G-USB-Network-Adapter-Linux_W0QQitemZ350090902452QQihZ022QQcategoryZ45002QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem z10:16
Shayor 630m w/e10:16
Shayyay :D10:16
Kahlessno I am trying to acess the data from linux10:16
cernexIs that thing really compatible with Linux?10:17
KenBW2Totakeke: lol, np10:17
wolscernex: ask the seller not us10:17
Shayso fwcutter uses the same ini i used to install bcmwl5.inf?10:17
KahlessHave done it many times before10:17
wols!hcl | cernex10:17
ubottucernex: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection10:17
LSD|NinjaShay: lots of people come a cropper with broadcom because they don't keep a wired connection handy when they try and install it and then assume it's not supported10:17
geevanybody which command will let see running services10:17
LSD|NinjaShay: then they try and give all kinds of silly excuses for just why they don't have a wired connection handy10:17
ActionParsnipgeev: top or ps -ef10:17
dustrialslart: in case of Do It Yourself, i will youse a email client, but i am searching for a secure and nicer solution...  that account seems to be interessting10:17
Shayi have to use wireless most of the time though10:18
majnoongoing to try10:18
LSD|NinjaShay: Once you get wireless going you can do without the wired, you just need the wired to make installing the wireless easier10:18
wolsgeev: does not exist10:18
ShayI don't understand though what you're trying to say. = Nforce will work meaning ethernet will work? and also wireless will work if i use either ndiswrapper or bcm43xx-fwcutter?10:18
geev<ActionParsnip> thanks10:18
rconanHow do I change the colour depth under hardy? The relevant sections in xorg.conf don't seem to be there any more.10:19
majnoonburning now10:19
Shayoh you mean to switch too fwcutter, but get ethernet to make it able to download the firmware?10:19
majnoonif not 64 bit it just no run10:19
LSD|Ninjarconan: Alt+F2 -> gksudo displayconfig-gtk10:19
Shayas in - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174?10:19
rconanLSD|Ninja, that program doesn't seem to agree with my graphics hardware10:19
SUSaiyanhello, is there any way i can get apt to restore the default smb.conf file?10:19
dustrial... so i only know the adress of the router, how can i connect to a routers client? from the internet? with ssh?10:19
rconandustrial, you need to set up port forwarding on the router10:20
cernexMmmh... the linksys WUSB54G is easy to install, I want to believe?10:20
TotakekeGreat, now I'm all worried. I've been trying to boot from my flash drive for a couple days now, formatting multiple times, running from the LiveUSB stick for at least an hour at times. How much wear do you think I put on this little drive? (I just bought it a few days ago)10:20
wolsdustrial: only if you portforward to the sshd10:20
ActionParsnipdustrial: most use web browsers10:20
ActionParsnipdustrial: oic10:20
dustrialwols : has the router to portforward nthe ssh?10:20
* ActionParsnip sits quiet10:20
wolsdustrial: yes10:20
LSD|NinjaShay: Yeah, installing the fwcutter enables the driver in the hardware-drivers panel, you simply enable it there and it'll download the firmware and do all the config needed to make the driver work. The catch is that without a working internet connection you run into a chicken and egg type situation. Many people assume (incorrectly) that it's not supported at that point and run to ndiswrapper10:21
geev<wols> top works but not certifying my need10:21
cernexwols, the Linkysis WUSB54G is easy to install, I want to believe?10:21
DistroJockeyTotakeke, not enough to kill it10:21
dustrialActionParsnip : what is oic ?10:21
LSD|Ninjadustrial: Oh, I see10:21
Shaydoes using fwcutter fix the nm-applet keyring thing at startup?10:21
ActionParsnipdustrial: say it out loud, its initials10:21
Kahlessdisk force worked I'm in10:21
LSD|NinjaShay: Once you have the firmware installed and the driver working, nm will work as well as with any other driver10:21
Shaybut i know using it is easier, but what would make me switch from ndiswrapper to fwcutter? any key features beside the auto config or firmware?10:21
TotakekeDistroJockey: Lol but I mean how close am I? I shouldn't be too close at all, I think? Since it's new? Formatting only counts as 1 read/write (per cell of memory)?10:22
wolscernex: I gave you a link. the ebay seller description is useless. it doesn't tell what chip the wlan device uses, so no one can say how good it supports linux10:22
Slartdustrial: I've used an account myself for several years.. just to not have to bother with ip-numbers for teamspeak, game servers and such10:22
dustrialActionParsnip : and rest : oh well ic10:22
DistroJockeyTotakeke, did you see the part in all those guides you read about syslinux and maybe needing to use a lilo command to make the flash drive bootable?10:22
geev<wols> i want to see if crontab is running how to10:22
strawbeRRy_fieLdsorry what is the KDM?10:22
Shaywell ndiswrapper = manual install.. mostly (ndisgtk doesnt work sometimes), and fwcutter = auto10:22
ActionParsnipgeev: ps -ef | grep cron10:22
LSD|NinjaShay: If you're already using ndiswrapper and it works then there's no real reason to change. I was just pointing out that there was no real reason to use ndiswrapper in the first place and whoever told you otherwise doesn't know what they were talking about :)10:22
dustrialActionParsnip: : so where to find a tutorial for ssh through webbrowser?10:22
ActionParsnip!kdm | strawbeRRy_fieLd10:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kdm10:22
TotakekeDistroJockey: No, but I'ev heard about syslinux. I have since then, however, decided not to install Linux on the drive and murder it. :P It costs too much to go killing it. :P10:22
Shayoh well, :) if next time i install ubuntu on a broadcom, then i'll try :D thanks!10:23
ActionParsnipdustrial: ok, so you wanna ssh to your system from outside your LAN?10:23
strawbeRRy_fieLdthe bot says he doesnt no10:23
Shayyeah i guess they didn't know10:23
strawbeRRy_fieLdso what is it?10:23
prockhey guys10:23
TotakekeI'll just use one of my hard drives to install Linux. I lose my RAID data security, but I can always make backups on DVD.10:23
prockhow do i change my country in ubuntu 8.0410:23
TotakekeSo yeah, formatting should only count as one read/write, shouldn't it?10:23
LSD|NinjaShay: ndiswrapper is becoming to wireless what hdparm is to disk issues. People are flocking to it without first investigating alternatives10:24
DistroJockeyTotakeke, the way that persistent installs work, minimises writes10:24
dustrialActionParsnip: : problem is i want to connect from internet to my parents machine, behind a router. ( my machine is also behind several router and firewalls (which i do not control).10:24
SUSaiyananyone have any idea how to restore the default smb.conf?10:24
prockit shows usa when i lock my machine :/ i just want to change it to australia10:24
Shayyeah i didn't know either, i just looked  at a post on ubuntu forums o.o10:24
DistroJockeyTotakeke, yeah, I guess10:24
rick111how can i setup a new user via ssh? google wont tell me :/10:24
ActionParsnipdustrial: then forward port 22 TCP on your router to the system running the ssh server, id suggest putting it on static ip for simplicity10:24
LSD|Ninjaprock: I think that means the keyboard layout. We use a US layout here.10:24
Slartprock: huh? it shows your country when you lock it??10:24
wolsrick111: adduser10:24
rick111ta wols10:25
LSD|NinjaShay: next to the password prompt10:25
Slartprock: or you mean timezone? language setting? keyboard settings?10:25
Nelson_ApartI can connect to my local Windows network's computer,  but how to let them to connect to my share folder too?10:25
ActionParsnipdustrial: then you connect to user@your.roues.wan.ip and you'll get a connection10:25
Shay@LSD|Ninja, what about the password prompt?10:25
prockeverything is set to au10:25
LSD|NinjaShay: sorry, I miscompleted that last one10:25
prockbar keyboard layout10:25
LSD|NinjaI meant Slart10:25
prockis that where it reads it from ?10:25
rick111that was far too easy \o/10:25
LSD|Ninjaprock: I'm guessing10:25
TotakekeDistroJockey: But it would still shorten the life. And what about all of the other stuff the OS does that involves writing to stuff to (what it thinks is) the hard drive, like KenBW2 said?10:25
LSD|Ninjaprock: My Ubuntu is set up for .au everywhere else10:25
dustrialActionParsnip: : static ip is an extra service ( telekom, germany)  - okay i will search for portforwarding options in this router! thx anyway10:26
SlartLSD|Ninja: ahhhh.. that one10:26
Nelson_ApartHow to let my local Windows computers connect to my share folders on ubuntu?10:26
LSD|Ninjaprock: even to the point of failing when it tries to download en_AU translation files10:26
procklol nice10:26
Slartprock: that's the keyboard layout alright.. system, preferences, keyboard if you feel like changing that one10:26
DistroJockeyTotakeke, it's all done in RAM on a decent persistent USB system10:26
ActionParsnipdustrial: yes, static ip on the system running the ssh server as it may get a different ip when it reboots10:26
prockhaha no it should be fine10:26
Nelson_ApartHow to let my local Windows computers connect to my share folders on ubuntu?10:26
TotakekeDistroJockey: I'd do it but it's fine, really. The people at the public library would probably get mad at me anyway :P (And anywhere else I decide to do it.)10:26
Slart!samba | Nelson_Apart10:26
ubottuNelson_Apart: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:26
prockLSD|Ninja have you tried any other australian mirrors?10:27
procki was thinking of trying 3FL but im unsure of how up to date thy are :/10:27
dustrialActionParsnip: : i am exactly looking for an solution to this problem!  - because it reboots often and static ip is to spent extra money10:27
DistroJockeyTotakeke, well, if they let you boot from USB that's their fault not your's ;)10:27
Shayargh pulseaudio is so annoying10:27
ActionParsnipdustrial: no no no. you misunderstand10:27
LSD|Ninjaprock: It downloads the package info just fine, it just fails on the other half of the files it tries to download because there's no such thing as and no need for a specific en_AU internationalisation10:27
TotakekeDistroJockey: Ah, too true. :)10:27
rconandustrial, not a static internet IP. A static IP for your local network10:27
ActionParsnipdustrial: the system is behind a router which uses the dhcp (not static) which is fine10:28
SlartShay: what's so annoying about it?10:28
prockno worries10:28
prockcheers for your help10:28
LSD|Ninjaprock: it's almost certainly an update manager bug but it's harmkless so I ignore it10:28
ActionParsnipdustrial: the ip of the computer running ssh server is better to be on a static ip as routing s easier to manage10:28
Shaywhen i use vmware it doesn't work, and if i try to make it work it has to disable the ubuntu audio, so you can only hear vmware10:28
dustrialActionParsnip  : oh okay now i get it ;D10:28
xnvIs there a way to get windows to resize using an outline when desktop effects are disabled?10:29
Shayi think you could disconnect pulseaudio from the psaudiodev or something.. i can't remember.. control panel10:29
ActionParsnipdustrial: to make life even easier, head over to www.no-ip.com and register your routers ip with a name so you dont have to remember silly ips10:29
LSD|Ninjaxnv: you mean draw the window while resizing?10:29
SlartShay: ah... never tried it with vmware.. never tried vmware at all really.10:29
Shayalso wine might do the same10:29
Shayi set wine to OSS i think10:29
ActionParsnipdustrial: you can then install the disalup client from no-ip to refreshevery 3 hours or so so you know the ip for uor chosen name is sound10:29
TotakekeWould it be possible to make a persistent DVD instead of a Live DVD? Since you can install Linux onto a flash drive smaller than 512 MiB shouldn't it, in theory, be possible? Swap might be a problem, though. And DVDs have way less writes than flash memory.10:30
yao_ziyuanwhat is the dvd writer program in ubuntu?10:30
LSD|Ninjayao_ziyuan: brasero I believe10:30
yao_ziyuank3b looks suspicious to me because kde apps are generally lame10:30
dustrialActionParsnip : i will have a look at it, thank you and see you later (in case of other questions)10:30
wolsTotakeke: a livecd is a "persistent" install of sorts10:31
yao_ziyuanLSD|Ninja: it is not installed by default. is there any default-installed one?10:31
wolsas much as a CD can be such an install10:31
TotakekeWols: So it wouldn't be possible to use it as an OS and be able to save stuff onto it for later?10:31
xnvLSD|Ninja: I don't want it to redraw the window. I just want it to leave the window alone and draw an outline of the new positioning.10:32
rconanyao_ziyuan, brasero is installed by default at least for me10:32
LSD|Ninjasame here10:32
wolsTotakeke: no. you cannot write to a DVD10:32
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:32
wolsnot when you boot from it. knoppix and other livecds use unionfs which saves to usb sticks or hdds10:32
yao_ziyuangenerally i want to use a gnome one10:32
LSD|NinjaI certainly never installed brasero myself. It could have been left over from an upgrade though (and the default has now changed)10:32
yao_ziyuankde is pretty but less functional10:32
TotakekeWols: I see. Thanks for the info. Just something I thought would've been interesting to try :P10:32
SUSaiyandoes anyone know how to restore the default smb.conf?10:33
SUSaiyanor any config file for that matter10:33
=== root is now known as Guest92837
Guest92837Can anybody tell me how to remove hyperlink from table of contents in openoffice10:33
DistroJockeySUSaiyan, usually you back it up before changing it10:33
SUSaiyanDistroJockey, i did, but then i accidentally overwrote it10:34
ActionParsnipGuest92837: are you logging in as root?10:34
SUSaiyanthere has to be a command to put the default config files back10:34
Guest92837ActionParsnip, Yes I have logged as root10:34
SUSaiyanlike a fresh install of the package10:34
ActionParsnipGuest92837: id log off and then log on as a user so your install doesnt get broken10:35
DistroJockeySUSaiyan, only thing I can think of is a remove and purge and then reinstall10:35
wolsSUSaiyan: check the dpkg --confmiss option perhaps10:36
ActionParsnipGuest28222: and your stored passwords harvested10:36
Guest92837ActionParsnip, why I am not able to do as root user10:36
wolsGuest92837: there is no root in ubuntu10:36
jahnkeanaterhow do i make a html index that will automaticly go to another page10:36
ActionParsnipGuest92837: you can do anything as root, even break your own computer10:36
wolsjahnkeanater: #web10:36
yao_ziyuani want to burn a ubuntu cd. considering ubuntu 8.10 will be out in 2 months,10:37
yao_ziyuanis it still worth burning a 8.04 now?10:37
jahnkeanateri want a blank page that will send it to another page10:37
wolsjahnkeanater: and this is not a ubuntu question. ask in #web or some html channel or whatever10:38
yao_ziyuani just bought and installed a dvd burner, but find nothing worth burning...10:38
jahnkeanaterits a quick question10:38
wolsjahnkeanater: it's an OT one10:38
murlidharhow to upgrade to firefox 3 ?10:39
rlcnot sure10:39
wolsmurlidhar: upgrade to hardy and you have ffox3 by default10:39
Ademananyone know what audio driver sdl_sound defaults to using?10:39
wolsAdeman: probably alsa?10:39
murlidharthen  why does my firefox shows that it is firefox 3 beta 5 ?10:40
vinothhi all, i need some help! i am trying to run alice (game deve) on my pc. i am using ubuntu 8.04 amd64 bit version. i am getting the following error on executing the program. "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /opt/game/Alice/Required/jogl/lib/linux-i586/libjogl_drihack.so: /opt/game/Alice/Required/jogl/lib/linux-i586/libjogl_drihack.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32 (Possible cause: architecture word width mismatch)"10:40
murlidharwols: i am already using hardy10:40
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins10:40
wolsmurlidhar: you didn't upgrade to the latest hardy security fixes. btw, beta5 is the same as ffox 3.010:40
murlidharwols: is there any manual command to upgrade firefox?10:41
wolsvinoth: you run 64bit and try to use a 32bit library10:41
Shaygod floola crashes to much10:41
wolsmurlidhar: have the hardy updates repo in your sources.list and upgrade10:41
vinothyes, how do i tell my pc to use 32 bit f10:41
murlidharwols: k thanks :)10:42
ActionParsnipvinoth: if you are running 64bit you can install 32bit libs to run them10:43
xnvvinoth: f?10:43
ActionParsnipvinoth: you dont really need them though as apps come in 32bit and 64it flavours10:43
wolsActionParsnip: if they are all available. it'S not so simple. a chroot is usually better10:43
wolsActionParsnip: most of them at least10:43
vinothhow do i force the app to use the 32 bit libs10:44
porncakei made a raid with mdadm raid0 consisting of 2 disks i want to remove the raid and use the disks seperate (used mdadm) how can i undo it ?10:44
vinothor is there any alternative available?10:45
ActionParsnipvinoth: if its 32bit it'll do it automatically10:45
ubuntu_i dont know10:45
ActionParsnipvinoth: what are you tryin to achieve10:45
ubuntu_no thing10:45
vinothi need to run an java app. which is built for 32 bit in my 64 bit pc10:45
wolsvinoth: look for a 64bit version of this dev kit first10:46
vinothwols: no it is not available10:46
wolsvinoth: use a chroot10:46
wolsie a 2nd, userspace only install of ubuntu inside a single directory10:46
kabadswhat is the best method of creating h.264 video files for use with flash player? ffmpeg or mencoder?10:47
wolskabads: either works10:47
kabadswols: and h.264 has been compiled in?10:47
ActionParsnipkabads: there is no "best" or thats all we'd use and nothing else. see which you prefer, that one is "best"10:48
wolsI _think_. if not, medibuntu's should have10:48
kabadswols: I'm just looking for documentation on it, and it seems that it's a bit sparse (or my searching skills are lacking)10:48
wolskabads: that's probably true (sparseness)10:48
Shayis there a addon for songbird that allows you to display a  now playing box in the corner when a new song is playing like rhythm box?10:49
kabadswols: ah, ok. As it takes ages to encode, I'd like to get it right the first time. But hey ho.10:49
SUSaiyanDistroJockey: tried that , didnt work10:49
SlartShay: are you running songbird? which version?10:50
Shay0.7.0, i found a addon for minimize to tray but i'm not sure if it works for my version10:50
DistroJockeySUSaiyan, did you rename  smb.conf  to something else before you re-installed?10:50
DIFH-iceroothow to install a rpm? there is only a rpm and no *.tar.gz oder *.deb10:51
Slart!alien | DIFH-iceroot10:51
ubottuDIFH-iceroot: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)10:51
wolsDIFH-iceroot: don't. you can create a tar.gz with alien and unpack it manually.10:51
SUSaiyanDistroJockey: i removed it completely10:51
DIFH-icerootSlart: thx10:51
ActionParsnipDIFH-iceroot: you can use alien but id recommend source if you cant find a deb10:51
wolsDIFH-iceroot: do NOT use alien to create a .deb. it will bork your system usually10:51
SUSaiyanit seems to reinstall the init and cron and logrotate conf files for samba, but not the smb.conf10:52
wolsSUSaiyan: dpkg -l |grep samba10:52
ActionParsnip!alien | DIFH-iceroot10:52
ubottuDIFH-iceroot: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)10:52
DIFH-icerootthere is no source or deb, only rpm http://www.lacie.com/support/drivers/driver.htm?id=1009410:52
ActionParsnipDIFH-iceroot: replace quite with a lot10:52
wolsDIFH-iceroot: do as I told10:52
DIFH-icerootwols: ok thx10:52
Shayhmm Slart i found one that might work http://addons.songbirdnest.com/addon/15210:53
Shaythey say it'll work if i change the maxversion to 0.7 which i'll try10:53
ActionParsnipwhy do idiot companys only make rpm when ubuntu is getting so much press etc10:53
DIFH-icerootActionParsnip: at the link there is "ubuntu is tested succesfully"10:54
SlartShay: mm.. go ahead.. I'm installing songbird.. I tried 0.6 but it was to buggy for me.. crashed all the time etc10:54
Shayahh, same for me10:54
ActionParsnipDIFH-iceroot: then im guesing thats with compilingn10:54
reppelHi, gnome-terminal takes an insane amount of cpu with fast scrolling text. Is this a known bug?10:54
Shay0.7.0 is ok, takes a while to get used to the toolbar at the bottom though10:54
ActionParsnipreppel: try tilde or xterm10:55
DIFH-icerootActionParsnip: very strange with no public source10:55
Slartreppel: are you just scrolling a text file? or is it some program generating the text?10:55
SUSaiyanokay apparently smb.conf is part of samba-common10:55
DIFH-icerootis there a lightscribe-driver for ubuntu? so maybe i must not use 4L10:55
Anarhisthello, i'm looking for 2 types of application: 1 something to batch convert from bmp to jpeg, 2 something to look for identical files on the machine10:55
SUSaiyanDistroJockey: thanks for your help10:55
ActionParsnipSUSaiyan: theres a stock on in /etc/samba10:55
DIFH-icerootAnarhist: for the first use imagemagick10:55
DistroJockeySUSaiyan, you're welcome. I hope you get it back10:56
ActionParsnipSUSaiyan: but it needs modifying to your needs10:56
SUSaiyanDistroJockey: i did :)10:56
DistroJockeySUSaiyan, good to hear :)10:56
SUSaiyanActionParsnip: naturally, but i just needed the default back10:56
SlartAnarhist: fdupes is one app for finding duplicate files10:56
ActionParsnipSUSaiyan: i see10:57
Bl00dFoxHey all10:57
ActionParsnipSUSaiyan: make a backup before modifying .conf files10:57
DIFH-iceroothttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/LightScribe    <-- they are also using alien for lacie-lightscribe, so i will test that tutorial10:57
DistroJockeySUSaiyan, I was just about to point you to a pastebin of my unmodified one before you said that :)10:57
ActionParsnipSUSaiyan: then you can roll back10:57
Bl00dFoxI have a few questions... I left Ubuntu for a few months and now I have come crawling back10:57
cih997hi, how can I check file encoding? i've tried 'file filename' but i get type only :/10:57
SUSaiyanActionParsnip: i did, but then i made a mistake and overwrote it :)10:57
ActionParsnip!ask | Bl00dFox10:58
ubottuBl00dFox: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:58
Slartcih997: what kind of encoding are we talking about here? text encoding? sound files? video files?10:58
ActionParsnipSUSaiyan: no, i mean crate a backup (e.g sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.old10:58
cih997Slart, text file encoding10:58
Bl00dFoxThe default installation of Ubuntu includes a horrible set of fonts: my IPB forum displays very badly on Firefox (the fonts are all displayed in courier). How may I fix this?10:59
Shayyeah system tray support for linux doesn't work, songbird, its only for windows10:59
ActionParsnipSUSaiyan: oh did you copy the wrong way to roll back?10:59
SUSaiyanActionParsnip: thats exactly what i did, but then i did it again after changing it10:59
Slartcih997: I don't know if there is a good way to know that..10:59
Slartcih997: you can make more or less educated guesses... but that's it10:59
yao_ziyuani wonder if the ubuntu live cd has such a feature:10:59
ActionParsnipSUSaiyan: you can always create version numbers in yuor fileneames :D. Glad its ok now :D10:59
SUSaiyani was also going to make a backup of the changes i made but forgot that the original was .old too11:00
ActionParsnip!fonts | Bl00dFox11:00
ubottuBl00dFox: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer11:00
ShaySlart: might be able to try firetray though, it seems to be for all platforms http://addons.songbirdnest.com/addon/17311:00
wolscih997: distinguihshing an english text in utf8 vs. ascii is (almost impossible) for example11:00
SlartShay: hope it works better11:00
yao_ziyuanformat my hard disk in ext3 and install a basic system that boots to grub11:00
SUSaiyanActionParsnip: the thing is that the original file is usually smb.conf.example on gentoo11:00
ActionParsnipslart, Shay: firetray is pretty sweet11:00
yao_ziyuanso i can install ubuntu by netboot11:01
cih997Slart, i have a file, gedit recognize it as a utf-8 and text is ok but when i open this file with eclipse it is opened as utf-8 but text has wrong chars :/11:01
Shayjust change the maxversion for songbird from 0.7pre to 0.7.* in the install.rdf file hopefully11:01
wolsSUSaiyan: somehwere in /usr/share/doc/samba* there are examples too. might be in package samba-doc tho11:01
Slartcih997: so gedit is better at guessing than eclipse.. or has another default value11:01
SUSaiyanActionParsnip: so i didnt think that .old would be used, but i used it as backup a couple of weeks back11:01
Shayyes its pretty good!11:01
Shayits funny they used a egg icon11:01
Slartcih997: there is no magic byte/id value/encoding string in text files..11:02
ActionParsnipSUSaiyan: its not really as it doesnt match the filename expected by samba11:02
cih997Slart, i've moved large php project from gedit to eclipse and i must be sure that encoding is ok11:02
KahlessHey guys I'm back with an update11:02
Bl00dFoxIs it possible to get all the fonts I have on my windows installation and use it on Ubuntu?11:02
SUSaiyanActionParsnip: true but gentoo by default doesnt have a smb.conf i believe11:02
Shayit has notifications! Slart and ActionParsnip11:02
cih997Slart, ok, thx for help11:02
DistroJockeyKahless, welcome back11:02
KahlessI used the linux console with help from distrojocky and Mikeseth11:02
ActionParsnipBl00dFox: you can install them over, yes11:02
Shaywow works prety well for 0.7 :) good luck trying it slart11:02
SUSaiyanActionParsnip: they make you copy the example11:03
Kahlessand i was able to force mount the Hd11:03
SUSaiyanActionParsnip: anyway, back to work for me, thanks :)11:03
Slartcih997: you have my sympathy.. unless you can find some program that is good at guessing you've got quite a lot of work to do =/11:03
yao_ziyuancan the ubuntu live cd recognize, format and read/write a hard disk?11:03
Kahlessthen i used a memory stick to copy good sytem files from my compter over the corrupted ones on the computer i was fixing while in linux11:03
Shayubuntu live cd comes with a disk partitioner, called gparted11:03
Kahlessrestarted teh computer and its laoding windows now11:04
DistroJockeyKahless, nice work :)11:04
Kahlessgoign to run a disk check not to repait any furthure damage11:04
Slartcih997: you could try enca, see if it gives good results.. it's still guessing though11:04
Slart!info enca11:04
ubottuenca (source: enca): Extremely Naive Charset Analyser - binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9-4 (hardy), package size 84 kB, installed size 216 kB11:04
Kahlesscouldn;t have done it without you guys i forgot how to use lunixs aftet these years11:04
amavisanyone know if there is something better than superkaramba?11:04
cih997Slart, ok11:05
DistroJockeyKahless, happy to have helped. Now go get some sleep ;P11:05
ActionParsnipamavis: define better11:05
Oli``Shay: just a tip: It sometimes gets pretty chaotic in here so it's best to prefix your messages with the person they're intended for so they're highlighted at their end11:05
Bl00dFoxDoes anyone here use Openbox? IF so, could you kindly send me a PM?11:05
ActionParsnipBl00dFox: i use fluxbox11:06
Shay@Oli``: you mean add a @ first? yeah, i always forget to do that. I'll remember now. :)11:06
amavisActionParsnip: yeah it was a bit of a vague question on my behalf, erm basically just wanting some basic applets, weather and perhaps some system information.  Is superkaramba pretty much the leading player or is there a well used alternative11:06
Shay@Oli``: Usually, when I come to this chatroom, it's pretty barron, but at morning here it's busy.11:06
yao_ziyuancan a live cd writes user changes to the user's hard disk?11:07
yao_ziyuanso that it can become a real OS....11:07
yao_ziyuani think that's definitely a direction...11:07
yao_ziyuanOS on the CD/DVD11:07
yao_ziyuanand user data/apps on the hard disk11:07
cih997Slart, enca works well, thx for help again :)11:08
KahlessAh man now time to fix teh second computer and right my newspaper article before the deadline11:08
DistroJockeyKahless, lol11:09
KahlessOh and i think the replacement LCD inverter for a clients laptop comes in gonan be fun11:09
Kahlessthank god for the Olympics and chinese ping pong11:09
KartagisI'm looking for some program like Igo on Windows, for Linux. any idea what?11:10
Slartcih997: you're welcome11:10
SlartKartagis: if you tell us what Igo does it might be easier11:11
nadia_embedded QuickTime movies are played by Totem Movie Player instead of the QuickTime plugin. How can I disable this?11:12
SlartKartagis: many people here run... tadaaaa!.. Ubuntu.. not windows =)11:12
arwanhi, I was wondering if there are any known issues with Ubuntu Hardy Herron on Dell Vostro laptops (1510 to be precise)?11:13
yao_ziyuani don't know how those of you with a burner manage dist upgrades...11:13
crabgrasswhat's the opposite of cat? rather, how do i split files without using tar or rar?11:13
thenetduckhellow, I need help dual booting Gentoo and Ubuntu would someone be able to assist me?11:13
yao_ziyuando you burn a new cd for every new ubuntu version as soon as it is out?11:13
Slartcrabgrass: tried split?11:13
crabgrassSlart: lemmie man that real quick11:14
reasonpunu 8.04 only11:14
Slartyao_ziyuan: I burn a new cd for each major version of ubuntu, yes11:14
yao_ziyuanor do you just keep a certain ubuntu version on cd and install it when system is broken and then upgrade to the latest version via net?11:14
Slartyao_ziyuan: when system is broken? do you get that a lot?11:14
crabgrassSlart: yeah, that looks like it ought to do what i need. thanks!11:15
Slartcrabgrass: you're welcome11:15
KartagisSlart, a GPS program11:15
yao_ziyuanSlart: no, but one month ago i dist-upgraded from 8.04.1 to an experimental intrepid and my system was f*cked up11:16
yao_ziyuanthen i tried fedora 9 for a week11:16
thenetduckcan someone help me with dual booting gentoo and ubuntu? I have gentoo installed as of now, I just can't figure out how to do the ubunt installation properly11:16
yao_ziyuanand then back to ubuntu 8.04.111:16
DistroJockey!gps | Kartagis11:16
ubottuKartagis: Street mapping and GPS navigation software available for Ubuntu includes !GpsDrive (GTK, raster maps, free), !Roadnav (GTK, free vector maps from Tiger and OSM, free), !GoogleEarth (Qt, proprietary vector maps, proprietary)11:16
thenetduckI will wait if someone will help me11:16
SlartKartagis: there are a few gps programs.. gpsdrive is one... but it's not like your ordinary gps car navigator..11:16
nadia_Embedded QuickTime movies in my browser are played by Totem Movie Player instead of the QuickTime plugin. How can I disable this?11:16
oobethenetduck, thats amazing a gentoo user how cant install ubuntu11:17
Slartyao_ziyuan: well.. then I'd install 8.04 and upgrade from there11:17
thenetduckoobe: I can, I just want to do it right the first time11:17
Slartyao_ziyuan: or not mess with the main system because I want to try intrepid.. rahter install it on some smallish partition and see how it works..11:17
KenBW2anyone here use Conduit?11:18
oobethenetduck, you just need to decide which OS contains grub or lilo then configure it to boot both OS's11:18
thenetduckoobe: I just wasn't sure if I could share swap and where the MBR should be located11:18
Slarthmm.. we should tell ubottu that Roadnav only works for the US.. or rather it used to .. don't know what it does today11:18
oobethenetduck, yes you can share swap11:18
oobethenetduck, and either one can contain MBR11:19
KenBW2how do i install an older version of an app?11:19
thenetduckoobe: I would prefer ubuntu do generate the grub.conf because I feel its better with grubmagic via ubuntu11:19
oobethenetduck, i would choose to keep gentoo's since you are already familiar with it and you may not want to keep ubuntu11:19
oobethenetduck, then ubuntu will search for other installs during installation and add gentoo to grub boot menu11:20
oobethenetduck, that is probably the easiest option11:20
thenetduckoobe: easy is good.. BIG reason ubuntu is looking good right now11:20
KenBW2oobe: i was thinking about this a while ago. isnt there a way to have one-grub-for-all?11:21
yao_ziyuani wish the live cd can have an option to "install a base system (without ubuntu-desktop) to my hard disk"11:21
oobethenetduck, grub can install to any partition or to the first sector of HD11:21
raboofsomehow I feel every info/error message should have a unique ID, and there should be an online wiki page associated with that ID where the message can be discussed11:21
oobeKenBW2, yes and most setups are like that11:21
raboofe.g. 'you might get this error when ....' and more details11:21
yao_ziyuanso i can then upgrade to the latest ubuntu via net from this base system11:21
thenetduckoobe: am I going to need to create a partition for /boot in ubuntu or will my ubuntu installation use my existing boot partition11:21
yao_ziyuani know the alternate installer cd can do this (install a base system only),11:22
oobethenetduck, no it wont use your existing /boot partition it will make a folder in / called boot which i prefer11:22
yao_ziyuanbut i'm not sure if the alternate installer can also let me access my hard disk first (to save user data to my USB stick)11:22
oobegonna idle for a while hope i helped11:23
thenetduckoobe: ok great, thanks for the help11:23
DistroJockeyyao_ziyuan, alternate won't install a "minimal" system or let you access data for saving11:24
yao_ziyuanDistroJockey: it can11:25
yao_ziyuanDistroJockey: it will be like a netboot install11:25
=== benklop_ is now known as benklop
DistroJockeyyao_ziyuan, that would be the minimal iso not the alternate11:25
yao_ziyuanDistroJockey: maybe this minimal iso is what i want11:26
DistroJockeyyao_ziyuan, that or the server iso (not sure there is a minimal atm)11:27
amaviswhat's the name of the app which is like the mac/osx dock?11:28
ActionParsnip!find dock | amavis11:28
ubottuamavis: '|' is not a valid distribution11:28
DistroJockey!awn | amavis11:28
ubottuamavis: Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy11:28
ActionParsnip!find dock | amavis11:28
yao_ziyuanbut, say, if i burn a hardy minimal cd, can i use this cd to upgrade to intrepid?11:29
raboofin certain cases, '/etc/acpi/sleep.sh' just exits silently11:29
raboofi think it should at least print a diagnostic message, would that be a wishlist bug against acpi-support?11:29
ActionParsnipDistroJockey: does awn need compiz to work?11:29
yao_ziyuani don't know how to use apt-get to version-upgrade...11:29
ActionParsnipyao_ziyuan: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgade11:30
DistroJockeyActionParsnip, not really sure, I don't use it much11:30
yao_ziyuanActionParsnip: this can do version upgrade like from gutsy to hardy?11:30
ActionParsnip!upgrade | yao_ziyuan11:30
ubottuyao_ziyuan: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:30
kr0gur_grrr, gnome panel has become unresponsive.... anything I can do?11:30
kr0gur_can't click on app bar11:31
kr0gur_it was PIDGEN that did it11:31
kr0gur_cant alt-f211:31
kr0gur_grrrrr. damnit what process should I restart?11:31
ActionParsnipkr0gur_: gnome-panel maybe11:31
ActionParsnipkr0gur_: id just reboot11:32
ActionParsnipkr0gur_: if it happens again you have an issue11:32
raboofkr0gur_: i'd say it's the panel's fault that it lets a mere application like pidgin crash it :)11:32
pvh_sa|wrkheya, i'm trying to run a https server on the same host as a http server - when i access the https server from localhost, everything works fine...11:33
DistroJockeykr0gur_, ctrl+alt+f1  and  killall pidgen  and/or  killall gnome-panel11:33
pvh_sa|wrkbut when i try and get to it from another box, it doesn't do SSL - its like the VirtualHost hostname:443 is ignored - any ideas?11:33
DistroJockeykr0gur_, ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to X11:33
DistroJockeykr0gur_, pidgin is the better way to spell it though :)11:34
jpjacobsHi! i'm trying to have pdftk recombine 2pdf containing the odd and the other the even pages of a document. So as to have the pages in the order they belong11:34
jpjacobslike A1 B1 A2 B2 ....11:34
ozkelligirlhi all11:35
raboofbasically, all executables should have a manpage, shouldn't they?11:35
ozkelligirli need a little help to find a program to down load you tube videos11:35
DistroJockeyHi ozkelligirl11:35
ozkelligirlhi jock11:36
jpjacobsraboof: some don't11:36
* DistroJockey chuckles11:36
raboofjpjacobs: yes, but they *should*, shouldn't they? :)11:36
Slartozkelligirl: there are plugins for firefox if that's ok?11:36
ozkelligirlwhat is it11:36
Slartozkelligirl: download helper11:36
kr0gur_ok, how to restart gnome-panel ?11:36
raboofjpjacobs: or is there another 'canonical' source for documentation on specific commands nowadays?11:37
kr0gur_it says panel already running11:37
DistroJockeyozkelligirl, here is an informative link:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54784811:37
ozkelligirlthanks jock brb11:38
EmukQ: I have a dedicated server and i want to start a program at the beginning from the boot i know i have to be in the map rc1.d but how do i get my script in there? with chmod etc.11:38
yao_ziyuanif i have a 7.04 ubuntu and i start Update Manager from it, then will it upgrade to 7.10 or 8.04?11:38
yao_ziyuanwill it "skip versions"?11:38
Emuki think it will upload to 8.0411:39
raboofjpjacobs: so the recommended way of getting specific information about an executable (like what's it intended to do, which parameters it gets, any return values) is 'dpkg -S /the/file'; go to its docs, and search there?11:39
Emukthe most recent version cause i think they don't support 7.10 anymore11:39
DistroJockey!upgrade | yao_ziyuan11:39
ubottuyao_ziyuan: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:39
jeffzyao_ziyuan: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading11:39
yao_ziyuanEmuk: but ubuntu.com says skipping versions is dangerous11:39
rawhow can i change the boot screen of 2 operating systems ? so when my pc starts ubuntu can run in 10 seconds first.11:40
arwanhi, I was wondering if there are any known issues with Ubuntu Hardy Herron on Dell Vostro laptops (1510 to be precise)? I'm asking because the installation on my new laptop is really acting up: problems with ethernet/DHCP, sound, keyboard,...11:41
fhoraw: /boot/grub/menu.lst11:41
yao_ziyuani somehow know what to do now...11:42
rawfho, to type that in terminal window ?11:42
fhoraw: edit the file11:42
rawthrue windows ?11:42
fhoraw: ??11:42
rawam from windows now11:42
Oli``Can anyone suggest a screen recorder that might be able to record compiz effects at 3840*1200? Istanbul and recordmydesktop have both failed miserably11:42
fhoraw: no under ur ubuntu installation11:42
rawok thx bro11:42
rawbrb to try it11:42
danagehow can i change FTP in Nautilus from passive to active? I use hard with GVFS11:45
kr0gur_ok, gnome-panel can't be killed11:48
kr0gur_what now AAAAAARGH11:48
rawfho, where to type /boot/grub/menu.lst to take me there ?11:48
fhoraw: ?11:48
kr0gur_what do you do when you have a process that cannot be killed?11:49
fhoraw: you must edit the file11:49
talxthere is a good RDP program that i can share my desktop with XP user11:49
fhoraw: with an text editor11:49
HumanGodIn terminal you need to type sudo /boot/grub/menu.lst11:49
kr0gur_sudo kill -9 PID  **DOESN'T WORK** for gnome-panel11:49
joaopintokr0gur_, if it does not die with a sudo kill -9, you will need to reboot the system to kill it11:49
rawthx god11:49
fhoHullu_Jussi: to get an Command not found error?11:49
rawam new fho11:49
kr0gur_joaopinto, so, when changing runlevel, what kernel call is made to FINALLY kill that process?11:49
kr0gur_can I reproduce that? I am pretty sure it is possible11:49
kr0gur_joaopinto, if the process can be killed in a reboot, there must be a way to kill it without11:50
rawhumangod, command not found it says11:50
DistroJockeykr0gur_, did you do   sudo killall gnome-panel11:50
joaopintokr0gur_, no, it is not killable, it will be freed with the power cycling11:50
kr0gur_DistroJockey, did that first11:50
fhoraw: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst11:50
talxdoes anyone knows a good RDP program to share my desktop with WinXP user11:50
HumanGodOn your keyboard do Alt + F211:50
HumanGodand then type terminal11:50
joaopintokr0gur_, there is no way, that process is hang due to some rare unexpected condition, the kernel is unable to manage it11:50
HumanGodsudo gedit should work11:51
rawfho, now its opened but is empty file.11:51
fhoraw: also if u new, how you can edit an file u should know :) you could also do it windows-like over the "gnome-explorer"11:51
kr0gur_joaopinto, DistroJockey - did killall, and kill -9, Listen, the only two times linux has ever crashed in 3 months is this issue of a non killable process.... would be nice to find a work around11:51
fhoraw: no the file shouldnt be empty11:51
rabooftalx: something like VNC?11:51
HumanGodok here11:51
HumanGodtry this sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst11:52
rawfho, i typed sudo nano etc.. and the file opened but its empty.11:52
talxraboof, i think so11:52
fhoraw: find out if the file exists11:52
rawhumangod, now opened.11:52
DistroJockeykr0gur_, initially I said   killall gnome-panel   not   sudo killall gnome-panel    just making sure11:52
rawok fho.11:52
HumanGodIf the panel is a trouble use Ctrl + ALT + BAckspace to restart gnome only as a last resort11:53
kr0gur_DistroJockey, I always start with killall-911:53
HumanGodOnly as a last resort11:53
kr0gur_then if that don't work I do sudo kill -011:53
HumanGodok raw11:53
HumanGodso now it works11:53
HumanGodraw: does it work??11:53
Bryan_SierraI swaped a cdrom for a hardrive, and now I'm getting buffer I/O errors. I know the drive is good, because i've tried it other comps. Any help?11:53
rawhumangod, is very difficult to edit that file ?11:54
kr0gur_DistroJockey, I think it is a huge flaw that a process can optionally put itself into an unkillable state11:54
HumanGodraw: what you trying to edit it for?11:54
HumanGodbryan: what does it say when you swap it back11:54
joaopintokr0gur_, there is no work around, such rare cases most of the time are caused by bugs that need to be fixed :)11:54
joaopintokr0gur_, it is not the process doing it, it's the kernel11:54
Bryan_SierraHumanGod, If I remove the drive and stick another drive in its place, it's fine. No buffer errors11:55
rawto fix my mistake i said before, humangod i want windows to start first automatically because in my family they use windows. I only use ubuntu.11:55
kr0gur_joaopinto, *sheds a tear* I will reboot. I have about 100 windows open!11:55
kr0gur_dorobell time11:55
joaopintokr0gur_, it's called a zombie process, please do some research on the subject11:55
Bryan_SierraHumanGod, I believe it's a problem with the ata drivers.11:55
kr0gur_Yeah, that word was in my mind before11:55
kr0gur_I thought it was that11:55
habitHello guys. I am ubuntu linux user and I'm tired of "sound device is busy". I googled about it and found some info - as I understood the problem is my built-in soundcard. Where I can find list of soundcards without problems?11:55
kr0gur_or an orphaned process11:55
monster_kr0gur_: don't you mean adieu?11:55
raboofkr0gur_: just dropping into the conversation, you've allready tried 'kill -9'?11:55
kr0gur_monster_, I meant that, but my keyboard is still taking language classes11:56
HumanGodraw: did you install windows first and then Ubuntu or vice versa11:56
kr0gur_doorbelling won't work11:56
kr0gur_looks like the only way to kill this is the take out the local substation11:56
talxdoes anyone knows a good RDP program to share my desktop with WinXP user11:56
kr0gur_that or pull out the power cord....11:56
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o11:56
rawHumanGod, windows was 1st and i created a partition 45GB for ubuntu installed perfect.11:56
HumanGodBryan: Is your harddrive sata11:57
kr0gur_joaopinto, what about putting it into runlevel 2?11:57
rawHumanGod, and ubuntu became 1st in boot screen while is starting up.11:57
Bryan_SierraHumanGod, nope, ye olde ide drive11:57
kr0gur_or something?11:57
HumanGodraw: If you installed windows first then this problem is wierd11:57
joaopintokr0gur_, let me repeat myself, the kernel is unable to kill it....11:58
fhoraw: look in the gnome file manager if the exists, it should, than open it with a double-click like windows...11:58
HumanGodraw: wait till I fetch some good tut11:58
fhoHumanGod: it isnt wired11:58
rawfho, i take some time to find gnome file manager because am new.11:58
HumanGodBryan: I'm sorry I am lost on this one11:58
Bryan_Sierraanyway to reinstall the ata drivers?11:59
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which always turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)11:59
HumanGodRaw: Go to places and then computers11:59
fhoraw: you would find it much faster than asking here :)11:59
artemishi, what shall i do to have sound on movies, mp3 files are ok i have sound, they play but when i play movies there is no sound ?! HELP11:59
HumanGodBryan: you could do that but you will have to find the right drivers and then build them12:00
rawfho, am in the menu.lst now and i see ## ## End Default Options ## 3 things of ubuntu like in boot screen12:00
rawfho, if i copy paste there windows text first ?12:00
Bryan_SierraHumanGod, hmm. no easier way? Like being lazy and reinstalling the kernel or anything?12:00
fhoraw: try to read and understand the config file12:00
fhoraw: than ask again :)12:00
artemishi, what shall i do to have sound on movies, mp3 files are ok i have sound, they play but when i play movies there is no sound ?! HELP12:00
DistroJockeyartemis, mp3 is a type of data, "movies" isn't12:01
artemishi, what shall i do to have sound on movies, mp3 files are ok i have sound, they play but when i play avi there is no sound ?! HELP12:01
strawbeRRy_fieLdhi guys, does anybody had KOOLDOCK?12:01
DistroJockeyartemis, stop repeating please12:01
artemisDistroJockey: i changed :P12:01
artemisadded avi :) instead of movie :D12:02
HumanGodRaw: In your menu.lst do you see anything staring with title Windows XP/Vista #12:02
HumanGodbryan: not that I can think off ;)12:02
kr0guris there a short term fix for this firefox fsync issue?12:04
kr0gurwhat are people playing at, why is it still an issue?12:04
rawhumangod, yes at the end of the conf.12:04
talxdoes anyone knows a good RDP program to share my desktop with WinXP user12:04
rawi think i did it.12:04
rawam gonna restart to check.12:05
=== Initial_1 is now known as Edge_31
kr0gurI saw the guy who reported it has made a NOOP fsync library, is that the best way to run firefox?12:05
HumanGodraw: now type find /boot/grub/stage1 in terminal and12:05
HumanGodpost result12:05
rawthat it says /boot/grub/stage112:05
=== Edge_31 is now known as Initial_M
HumanGodraw: You'll get a response like "(hd0)" or in my case "(hd0,3)"12:06
HumanGodadd sudo12:06
HumanGodand do the command12:06
artemiswhat shall i install to have sound in avi files12:07
kbrosnankr0gur: firefox 3.0.1 has a fix12:07
kr0gurgreat, I click help about, see I am on 3.0.1, but because I clicked, it froze again12:08
HumanGodraw: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows   bookmark this page if you want to it is pretty clear there12:08
DistroJockeyHumanGod, raw : You just want to change what boots by default right raw ?12:09
iwein@artemis: you're probably missing a codec, you should find out which one and install that12:09
rawdistrojockey, i want the first option to be windows vista12:10
rawand then ubuntu.12:10
raeknouhl@raw: you have to config that in your bios12:11
wolsraw: in the grub menu listing?12:11
HumanGodYou need to just move it up and down the title that says windows move it before the ubuntu part12:11
DistroJockeyraw, you need to change the order of the entries in   /boot/grub/menu.lst  then12:11
strawbeRRy_fieLddoes anybody know if there's something for ubuntu like nlite for windows?12:11
artemisiwein, how can i do it ?12:11
rawhumangod, thats what i did. it will work ?12:11
wolsstrawbeRRy_fieLd: there isn't12:12
rawokay! be right back :)12:12
HumanGodit will my bad thought you wanted to recover your loader12:12
HumanGodtry that12:12
strawbeRRy_fieLdso how do i do with progs like konqueror that comes together with the installation but i never use12:12
strawbeRRy_fieLdhow do i get rid of these progs?12:12
wolsstrawbeRRy_fieLd: uninstall them12:12
wolsand you cannot use kubuntu without konqueror12:13
wolsit's your webbrowser and filemanager12:13
PolitikerALThmm? you can use dolphin as filemanager and firefox as browser12:13
strawbeRRy_fieLdexactly what i do12:14
wolsthe uninstall it12:14
strawbeRRy_fieLdi use dolphin as a filemanager as it comes with it anyway12:14
strawbeRRy_fieLdand firefox as a webbrowser12:14
artemishow can i see which codec's i don't have ?12:14
strawbeRRy_fieLdwhich is much more better than konqueror12:14
wolsstrawbeRRy_fieLd: I was assuming kde3 since kde4 is not supported here12:15
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde412:15
talxdoes anyone knows a good RDP program to share my desktop with WinXP user?12:15
PolitikerALTthere is d3lphin in kubuntu, a KDE 3 port of dolphin12:15
wolstalx: there are no rdp ones that act as server. rdp is a MS only protocol. there are only rdp viewers in ubuntu12:15
strawbeRRy_fieLdi dont have kde412:16
PolitikerALTyou can use vnc12:16
wolstalx: there is remote X, vnc variants and freenx12:16
talxvnc is free?12:16
Whiz2someone in here mentioned installing ubuntu via netboot using a floppy disk... i found one that is working finally, but i can't seem to find instructions on how to actually do it online. Can someone help me?12:16
talxi want a free program12:16
PolitikerALTfor windows, UltraVNC e.g. is free12:16
PolitikerALTand there are many vnc programs for linux too12:16
DistroJockey!vnc | talx12:16
ubottutalx: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX12:16
HumanGodstrawberry: wats nlite12:17
wolsHumanGod: a windows program. OT12:17
Whiz2!nlite | HumanGod12:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nlite12:17
HumanGodme too never heard of it12:17
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:17
PolitikerALTIt's a tool to integrate (?) patches and programs into winXp so you can install a fresh XP with patches already installed12:17
strawbeRRy_fieLdnlite is a prog for windows through you can build your own installation cd choosing all the applications you want or you dont want12:17
artemishow can i see which codec's i don't have ?12:18
wolsartemis: how are you supposed to see what'S not there....12:18
wolsstrawbeRRy_fieLd: there are ways to create custom CDs but not in the way nlite does12:18
tzdflash animations in FF3 puts itself on top of everything else, including drop down menus with text... any help please?12:18
DistroJockeytzd, that's normal12:19
HumanGodartemis: you can see all installed programs through synaptic package manager12:19
tzdDistroJockey: i see, is there some kind of fix for this? It's pretty annoying ;)12:19
strawbeRRy_fieLdive found slackcreator, it seems its what im looking for, du no it?12:19
artemiswols: i don't have sound codecs but i don't know which should i install so i want to find out :)12:19
DistroJockeytzd, only one I have heard of is to use flashblock12:19
HumanGodtzd: its a problem with the site you are viewing12:20
HumanGodso like distro says block flash12:20
strawbeRRy_fieLdits actually called slackware12:20
tzdHumanGod: i doubt it's a site issue since i've seen it on several major sites and it works on, dare i say it, windows ;p12:20
HumanGodtzd: which browser on windows12:21
HumanGodbrowser compatibility is the issue here12:21
HumanGodThe OS has nothing to do with the web12:21
tzdDistroJockey: ok cheers12:21
DistroJockeytzd, you're welcome12:22
CyberCodmorning everyone12:22
tzdHumanGod: ff, ie and even opera... it must be the flash drivers?12:22
DistroJockeytzd, it's possibly the adobe flash for linux12:22
CyberCodwhat? flash apps making ff lock up and take up 100% cpu?12:23
tzdDistroJockey: yeah that's the one i have installed for now... is there a better free version that might solev my issues?12:23
HumanGodreinstall the flash driver and use the adobe flash driver not gnash if you are using that12:23
tzdCyberCod: do you have adblock installed?12:23
gman_223hey folks12:23
newman0708what is gnash?12:23
DistroJockeytzd, there are others yes, but I have not tried them, so no idea if they would help12:23
CyberCodi'm not having major problems, just trying to find out what the issue is12:24
HumanGodwell tats the free alternative to flash to render flash contetn12:24
joaopintonewman0708, its an open source implementation of flash, very limited yet12:24
CyberCodcame in here because I was bored12:24
gman_223gnash is a free swf player12:24
newman0708oh, i see ,thanks12:24
joaopintogman_223, not only free but also open, macromedia flash is also free :P12:24
tzdHumanGod: i've got the adobe one already... it works though so I'll just have to live with the on top issue12:24
gman_223joaopinto:  right :)12:24
gman_223i got a query regarding kde4 :)12:25
gman_223anyone here running kde 4?12:25
tzdCyberCod: your issue is perhaps an adblock related thing.... at least that was what causing my ff to go use 100 cpu12:25
joaopintogman_223, probably better on #kubuntu :)12:25
gman_223joaopinto: alrighty sir :)12:25
CyberCodI'm not using adblock... I am just having trouble because I'm using the ff3 beta in gutsy12:25
HumanGodtzd: I am not a flash fan myself so good luck with it lets hope that adobe supports linux better sooner than l8r12:25
artemiswhat codecs do u use ??12:26
HumanGodcodecs for what??12:26
gman_223HumanGod:  i agree , i hope they come out with a linux version of photoshop and other products too12:26
gman_223i would love that :)12:26
artemisi have sound using mp312:26
tzdHumanGod: yeah. I don't like flah that much either.. at least not until there's a sweet linux version :)12:26
artemisbut there is no sound on movies (avi), youtube, etc12:26
HumanGodwell just double click on the movie and it will give you a choice to install multiple codecs12:27
gman_223let me  goto kubuntu12:27
gman_223be right back12:27
HumanGodgman: try pixel i use it12:27
rawHumanGod & fho, it works great!12:27
fhoraw: you're welcome :)12:27
rawHumanGod, but it says Other operating systems and is empty but ok. ;p am trying to fix that too ;p12:28
HumanGodartemis: check sound drivers12:28
HumanGoduncommment the line with no operating systems12:28
artemisHumanGod: everything is on alsa12:28
HumanGodtzd: you should check open lazzo if you are interested it I hope is the future12:29
moncojhrhow do i get drag and drop to work with foobar in wine12:29
ZikeyHi, do you know why there are two files: /etc/passwd & /etc/passwd- (or /etc/shadow & /etc/shadow-) ?12:30
tzdHumanGod: ah thanks, will have a look into that one12:30
hklidk does wine work with counter strike12:30
HumanGodraw: good to know you got it working uncomment that line12:30
HumanGodsorry its open lazzlo12:30
DistroJockeyZikey, those are usually backups made by certain editors12:30
rawhumangod, thanks :)12:31
Zikeyk DistroJockey thx :)12:31
DistroJockeyZikey, no problem :)12:31
HumanGodartemis: try tweaking the alsa driver file are you on a laptop12:31
hkl-=-=-=-=-=hey does any1know if wine works with counter strike source=-=-=-=-?12:31
Zikeylast question, is that ok to manually edit passwd/group/shadow to add a user rather than going trough adduser/group ? in other words, does adduser/group modify some other files than these 3 ones ?12:32
DistroJockey!appdb | hkl12:32
ubottuhkl: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org12:32
artemisHumanGod: no, normal PC, i turned on everything using alsamixer and nothing happens12:32
HumanGodhkl: you could use cedega12:32
hklcedega i will lookit up thatnks12:32
hklthanksfor your help12:33
Oli``hkl: yeah I don't have any problems with plain Wine and CS:S (apart from PulseAudio which is resolvable)12:33
uojnSomebody's here?.12:33
ozkelligirlubottu how are you?12:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about how are you?12:33
Oli``!ask | uojn12:33
ubottuuojn: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:33
hklyes.. i just switched from win xp tolinux thisosiskinda cofusing12:34
newman0708I like Empire II very much ,but i can't with in wine,who can show some useful message,12:34
hklth-os-is-kinda confusing to me12:34
Oli``hkl: appdb will give you the most tips on how to run specific Windows apps under Wine12:34
newman0708I like Empire II very much ,but i can't play it in wine,who can show some useful message,12:34
illuminateis someone avaliable to help me with install java..?12:35
hklis that program in cedega12:35
HumanGodhkl: its just the start. once you get the hang of it you will love it12:35
ForsakenSoul|Zzzhey guys ... how do you open multiword files in the console ?12:35
Oli``!java | illuminate12:35
ubottuilluminate: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:35
CyberCodhkl: how good were you at using windows?12:35
HumanGodyeah cedega lets you play windows games on linux12:35
hklVERRY good @ windows12:35
uojn!ask i have a notebook compaq cq50-103LA, and I've tryed to run live version ubuntu (lastes version on the web), and i have a athlon x2 64. And... It doesn't run! What do i need to install in this processor?.12:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:35
Oli``ForsakenSoul|Zzz: you mean filenames with spaces? escape the space with a backslash12:35
DistroJockeyilluminate,  sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin12:35
ForsakenSoul|ZzzOli``:  yeah12:35
HumanGodHuman beings resist change12:35
=== ForsakenSoul|Zzz is now known as ForsakenSoul
Oli``ForsakenSoul: so "file name" becomes "file\ name"12:36
CyberCodhkl: the more you were familiar with windows, the more out of place you will feel when changing to something different.  this is natural12:36
eloI have a problem with Firefox ... yesterday I had sound with my flash movies, but today there is no sound. The only thing I did different is I added some restricted modules or something that MPlayer was asking for to play an .avi (Hardy Heron)12:36
illuminateah, ok.  i ran '  sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre', and i got a message about it being 'broken'12:36
uojn!ask i have a notebook compaq cq50-103LA, and I've tryed to run live version ubuntu (lastes version on the web), and i have a athlon x2 64. And... It doesn't run! What do i need to install in this processor?.12:36
ForsakenSoulOli``: ok thanks ...12:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:36
ozkelligirlanyone know the best and easiest way to down load video from sites like u-tube12:36
hklyes i know that lol12:36
HumanGodelo  upgrade to the new distro12:36
elonew ubuntu?12:37
DistroJockeyilluminate, plugin is for browser related java12:37
hklwhat distro is that12:37
CyberCodhkl:   here's an article that talks about it http://straightshootincomputin.blogspot.com/2008/08/ssc-73-time-to-face-change.html12:37
elothat's a pretty hefty task just to get audio that existed yesterday12:37
DistroJockeyozkelligirl, so that thread I mentioned did not help?12:37
HumanGodsorry i meant  upgrase the os12:37
hklthanks brb (looking at it)12:37
ozkelligirlno did not12:37
HumanGodoh god.. i meant update the os12:37
newman0708I like Empire II very much ,but i can't play it in wine,who can show some useful message,12:37
moncojhrhow do i run something in a directory with a space in bash12:38
hkli i am still here12:38
Oli``uojn: It's not the processors that's the problem (I'm running on an X2) but likely the laptop. I'm not familiar with it so I cant really be much more help than that12:38
hklHumanGod: I am still here12:38
Oli``moncojhr: escape the space with a backslash: ./file\ name12:38
uojnOk Oli.12:39
illuminateDistroJockey, thank you.  it says "setting up sun-java6-plugin 96-06-0ubuntu1)12:39
HumanGodelo: update all the necessary updates12:39
DistroJockeyozkelligirl, sorry then. (It's 5 pages long and the first page covers many ways)12:39
uojndont worry12:39
eloHumanGod, my system is up to date... Like I said, yesterday I installed something for mplayer and I think that is what is doing it12:39
hklByeguys thanks for your help12:39
Zikeyadduser adds a user, but what is the command to remove a user ? there is no removeuser12:39
DistroJockeyilluminate, you're welcome12:39
eloZikey, deluser ?12:39
HumanGodhkl: TC12:39
Zikeythx elo :)12:39
kbrosnanelo: see the start of the know issues at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio12:40
gman_223ok back here12:40
moncojhrOli, it didnt work for me? this is what im trying to do fb2k="wine /root/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/foobar2000/foobar2000.exe"12:40
HumanGodelo : I think an upgrade should fix it.. My suggestion12:40
gman_223HumanGod:  nice nick :d12:41
HumanGodthanks gman12:41
Oli``moncojhr: why is .wine in /root?!12:41
moncojhrwhy not ^_^12:41
eloit says my syste is up to date though12:41
Oli``moncojhr: because that's a really awesomely easy way to turn your install into dust12:41
elothats what i dont get12:41
moncojhrcool, so how do i get this to work12:42
HumanGodmoncojhr: bad practise to enable the root user12:42
HumanGoduse sudo12:42
HumanGodto install12:42
moncojhrbut it saves me some keystrokes D:12:42
gman_223lol moncojhr12:43
HumanGodI understand but security is very important12:43
HumanGodand thats the essense of linux after all12:43
moncojhrwell, at the moment i just dont care if it blows up12:44
gman_223<<hands moncojhr a rdx stick ;)12:44
HumanGodis foobar supported by wine12:44
moncojhryeah it works good12:44
moncojhrbut drag and drop isnt working for me12:44
cih997hi, what antivirus for ubuntu are You using for checking i.e. windows files from internet?12:45
eloW: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783 <-- any ideas?12:45
gman_223cih997: mostly you dont need an anti virus on nix12:45
HumanGodoh ok.. I can suggest an alternative but i don know if it will work try using crossover office12:45
DistroJockey!antivirus | cih99712:45
Oli``cih997: AVG do a good Linux AV. There's ClamAV as a free/OSS AV12:45
ubottucih997: antivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus12:45
gman_223but if ya want ya can install clam or avast12:45
moncojhrwhat about security !!!12:45
HumanGodbut no guarantees12:45
gman_223most have linux version12:45
gman_223moncojhr:  heard of mediamonkey?12:46
wolsmoncojhr: you won't ever encounter a linux virus12:46
gman_223HumanGod:  welcome back sir12:46
wolsif you do, chances are no AV recognizes it12:46
HumanGodsorry connection got disconn12:47
wolselo: read the medibuntu instructions12:47
moncojhris there something like \n for spaces12:47
gman_223spaces where?12:47
wolsmoncojhr: what context?12:47
wolse.g. in bash there is "\ "12:47
moncojhrwell i have a bash script... fb2k="wine /root/.wine/drive_c/Program\\ Files/foobar2000/foobar2000.exe"12:48
moncojhrlooks like that12:48
razielone question please: i get an eror about not been able to read the .ICEauthority file when i am tryingto log in in a portable usb. Does anyone knows about that bug? also happened in kubuntu when tryed to make a portable instalation12:48
wolsmoncojhr: that dual backslash is bad12:48
HumanGod_viruses on a linux machine are few12:48
moncojhryeah i was messing i tried "\ " and it didnt work12:48
=== HumanGod_ is now known as HumanGod
jansenhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/39681/     <--- can anyone help me plz!?!?!?12:48
gman_223moncojhr:  1 more thing12:48
gman_223moncojhr:  this is windows \,  this is linux /12:48
HumanGodso dont worry as long as you dont compromise security by enabling the root account and stuff12:48
wolsjansen: you don't get them. you use the ubuntu nvidia packages12:49
gman_223\n is the newline character12:49
moncojhrfb2k="wine /root/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/foobar2000/foobar2000.exe" ->  wine: cannot find '/root/.wine/drive_c/Program\'12:49
DistroJockeyjansen,  sudo apt-get install build-essential12:49
gman_223my friiend moncojhr its wrong12:50
moncojhrit is?12:50
gman_223fb2k="wine /root/.wine/drive_c/Program/ Files/foobar2000/foobar2000.exe" ->  wine: cannot find '/root/.wine/drive_c/Program/'12:50
gman_223i think12:50
gman_223let me get some coffee12:50
rwHello. I need to install a windows driver for my ndiswrapper setup, but I'm running fluxbox., so I can't use "install windows wireless drivers". How would I do this in fluxbox?12:50
eloHumanGod, Bah I dunno what to do, I updated the keyring for medibuntu and I am searching my update manager for any updates and it shows none12:51
moepmanhave a big problem here, have a headless ubuntu system that has a problem with something, but i cannot see the logs, as the root is mountet readonly due to the error... how can i fix this?12:51
moncojhrgman_223 i tried that and same error :-(12:51
gman_223moncojhr: 1 sec12:51
gman_223was my mistake12:51
gman_223do 1 thing12:52
gman_223open konsole12:52
gman_223cd to that folder which u wana add to script12:52
gman_223the pwd , it will tell u exact path, then copy/paste it to scruipt12:52
rwnever mind, found it12:52
moncojhrwine/drive_c/Program Files# pwd12:53
moncojhr/root/.wine/drive_c/Program Files12:53
razielone question please: i get an eror about not been able to read the .ICEauthority file when i am tryingto log in in a portable usb. Does anyone knows about that bug? also happened in kubuntu when tryed to make a portable instalation12:54
moepmanhave a big problem here, have a headless ubuntu system that has a problem with something, but i cannot see the logs, as the root is mountet readonly due to the error... how can i fix this?12:55
DistroJockeymoepman, why does readonly prevent reading logs?12:56
raboofmoepman: perhaps 'dmesg' output gives any pointers? (not sure whether that comes from the filesystem)12:56
Slartraziel: can you ssh to the system?12:56
Slartraziel: nevermind.. wrong nick12:56
Slartmoepman: can you ssh to the machine?12:56
moepmanraboof, no, seems to be something with the kernel. DistroJockey no, reading is no prob, but what should i read if nothing is writen12:57
razieli tried to change ownership but that didnt work either12:57
moepmanSlart, yes12:57
isplicerHey all12:57
DistroJockeymoepman, fair enough12:57
isplicerI am having trouble using conky with my openbox setup12:57
moncojhri cant believe this im going to cry...12:57
Slartmoepman: "tail /var/log/syslog" doesn't tell you anything? or "dmesg"12:57
KiDFlaShtry google12:57
isplicerwhen I run conky from the terminal, it displays as its own window... can someone help... im new to openbox12:58
moepmanSlart, nothing that seems to be an error12:58
Slartisplicer: it's a setting in the conkyrc12:58
isplicerSlart: which setting do I change in the conky config file?12:58
Slartmoepman: try "less /var/log/syslog" and look further back.. there ought to be an error of some kind12:58
Slartisplicer: you'd have to check the conky documentation for that12:58
Krustyhi guys12:58
Slartisplicer: I just did it once several months ago12:59
icedwaterNeed help adding a boot image on another partition to my default Grub menu :P12:59
moepmanSlart, no, theres nothing... just the normal entries...12:59
icedwaterAnd no, it's not Windows :P12:59
Krustyje sais que ça n'a rien à faire ici, mais est-ce que votre entourage serait touché par un vers MSN ce matin ?12:59
Slartmoepman: and dmesg?12:59
Slart!fr | Krusty12:59
ubottuKrusty: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr12:59
moepmanSlart, same content12:59
KrustyI"m sorry13:00
SlartKrusty: no worries.. =)13:00
moepmanSlart, i just set the default kernel to the one before the update, and rebooted, but now i have no ssh anymore... grmpf... the system is headless in such a way that it belongs to my sister 500km away13:01
strAlaneveryone in Sweden gets a free college education?13:01
bazhang!ot | strAlan13:01
ubottustrAlan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:01
SlartstrAlan: well.. we don't pay for it, no13:01
SlartstrAlan: but !ot.. very much so13:01
razielone question please: i get an eror about not been able to read the .ICEauthority file when i am tryingto log in in a portable usb. Does anyone knows about that bug? also happened in kubuntu when tryed to make a portable instalation. i tried to change ownership but that didnt work either13:02
strAlanbazhang: relax - please don't be mean to me13:02
Slartmoepman: well.. without any error messages it's hard to know what might be wrong.. but it should be in the logs...13:02
strAlanbazhang: did you ever consider that perhaps I typed in the wrong channel ?13:02
xintronwhat is the name of that little volume control thingy in the tray?13:03
Slartxintron: gnome-volume-control I think13:03
icedwaterxintron: is it gnome-volume-control?13:03
=== HumanGod_ is now known as HumanGod_hey
PiciNot to be confused with gnome-volume-manager, which deals with storage volumes.13:03
=== HumanGod_hey is now known as Human
xintronSlart and icedwater: well, running gnome-volume-control gives me the controlles, but I'm using fluxbox and would like the tray icon for easy access13:04
=== Human is now known as God
=== God is now known as GodisHuman
Slartxintron: it isn't a tray icon.. if you watch closely it's placed on the gnome-panel.. not in the tray13:05
Slartxintron: but I think there's something similar available for xfce13:05
xintronSlart: ah, ok :) Is there any chance I can get it in fluxbox then?13:05
icedwaterHm, yeah, it's not part of the tray. Fluxbox ... well, which version of Ubuntu are you running?13:05
xintronicedwater: hardy13:05
icedwaterxintron: maybe you can try apt-cache search volume and see if there is any for X11 or Fluxbox...13:05
Slartxintron: sorry.. fluxbox.. I have no idea then.. never used fluxbox13:06
xintrondidn't find anything but I guess alsamixer in the terminal works :/13:09
stryd_onehi all13:09
stryd_oneanyone here who could give me some advice regarding multi-screen setups?13:09
Oli``Is sauerbraten broken in the repo? It says it needs a dependency but the one available has the wrong version13:10
voxstryd_one: sure13:10
voxstryd_one: ask your question(s)13:10
moncojhrim going to explode T_T13:10
erUSUL!xinerama | stryd_one13:10
GodisHumanask the q13:10
ubottustryd_one: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead13:10
stryd_oneta vox... as far as i can tell, it's twinview (i'm using an nvidia), xrandr, xinerama...  did i miss one?13:11
Oli``stryd_one: Twinview > xinerama13:11
stryd_onewell, i don't want the one-big-screen thing13:11
=== GodisHuman is now known as HumanGod
stryd_oneif this helps at all, i'm coming from windows with ultramon13:11
raziel i get an eror about not been able to read the .ICEauthority file when i am tryingto log in in a portable usb.also happened in kubuntu when tried to make a portable instalation. i tried to change ownership but that didnt work either, someone plz?13:12
arvind_khadriHow do i setup my HP all in one... sudo hp-setup doesn't help13:12
HumanGodyou have twin monitor settings in the default gnome display manager13:12
Oli``stryd_one: you want twinview. install the nvidia driver. then install nvidia-settings and play with that13:12
HumanGodonce you install nvidia13:12
stryd_onei like to be able to maximise an app to both screens, but also to maximise to just one screen or the other, and to be able to switch screens quickly13:12
regelstryd_one: HumanGod should be right this time13:12
stryd_onei have it setup with twinview but it doesnt seem to be what i'm after13:13
Oli``stryd_one: twinview only lets you max to one screen (as far as I can see), but you can stretch a window over both manually if you so wish13:13
Dr_willisstryd_one,  being able to max to 'both' or a single.  will be a bit harder to setup. if its even possible at all without some fancy tricks.13:13
HumanGodok.. But I am not sure why you would want to do that anything special13:14
HumanGodwont it break the window in two pieces13:14
SeveredCrossstryd_one: I'm not sure you can maximinze acros different monitors even with Xinerama.13:14
stryd_onesometimes that's not a problem13:14
stryd_one(to split it in half)13:14
HumanGodoh well as far as I know thats as far as you can go13:14
Dr_willisSeveredCross,  from what i recall xinerama can do that.. and it does it badly and always the wrong way. :)13:14
HumanGodbut can give you a solution13:15
HumanGodyou could instead of maximizing drag and increase the size of the window13:15
stryd_onewel i'm glad you mention that, thanks fo the segue to queston #2 :)13:15
HumanGodto fit both screens13:15
Dr_willisthen theres the various apps/video plauers/games that do 'full screen'  vs Maxaizing13:16
raziel i get an eror about not been able to read the .ICEauthority file when i am tryingto log in in a portable usb.also happened in kubuntu when tried to make a portable instalation. i tried to change ownership but that didnt work either13:16
stryd_oneyaknow how you can use alt+click/drag to move13:16
stryd_onei'm using a tool on windoze that does the same, and also allows ctrl+click/drag to resize13:16
stryd_onei don't suppose that's possible?13:17
Oli``stryd_one: alt+middle-drag13:17
haichmancan install backtrack software in ubuntu? howa can i do?plz13:17
Oli``stryd_one: (in compiz anyway)13:17
stryd_oneah darn, there's a question #3 i hadnt thought of13:17
stryd_onei am seeing quite a few references to middle-click in linux land13:17
Picihaichman: You can install some of the software included on backtrack in Ubuntu, but Backtrack itself is a distribution of its own.13:18
stryd_onei use middle click on my mouse to switch the gearwheel (it's one of those logitechs)13:18
haichmanyes i know13:18
HumanGodstryd setup your compiz13:18
HumanGodwith the keys you like13:18
Picihaichman: Search the repositories for some of the tools13:18
haichmanpici: how can i do13:18
Pici!software > haichman13:18
ubottuhaichman, please see my private message13:18
stryd_oneahh thank humangod13:18
Slarthaichman: what software do you want to install?13:19
haichmansecurity software13:19
stryd_onei was about to do that anyway cause i'm trying to figure out how to turn off all the blingy animations and fades and such that appeared when i got my video card driver going13:19
Oli``stryd_one: yeah as HumanGod says you can customise all the shortcuts. You'll need ccsm but it should be possible13:19
haichmanubottu: thanks13:19
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)13:19
Picihaichman: It depends from one application to the next whether its available in the repos.13:19
HumanGodcusomize keystrokes for anything in ccsm13:20
haichmanpici : ok13:20
stryd_onei take it that ccsm is tho compix configuration tool?13:20
stryd_oneahh ok13:20
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion13:20
moncojhrso is there an audio player that doesnt suck for linux D:13:20
stryd_oneare compiz and compiz fusion the same thing?13:21
Slartmoncojhr: audacious, songbird, amarok.. suckiness.. eye of beholder.. yadda yadda13:21
HumanGodamarok is an awesome audio player13:21
moncojhrok ill try it again13:21
moncojhri need to be able to use .cue sheets13:21
NauraushaunNeed* :\13:22
HumanGodyeah naur13:22
NauraushaunI'm trying to scan my Windows drive for viruses, running the latest version of Ubuntu, live off the CD. I need to mount the drive? How is that done?13:22
rtz4783moncojhr: what have .cue sheets to do with audio playing?13:22
Slartmoncojhr:  I have no idea then.. never used .cue sheets13:22
Dr_willisNauraushaun,  you do have to have the 'filesystem' mounted.  to access the files on it.13:22
HumanGodyou need to enable ntfs-3g13:22
HumanGodit comes by default now13:23
HumanGodso you can access it easily13:23
rtz4783HumanGod: i think it's even enabled by default13:23
HumanGodgo to places and then computer13:23
arvind_khadriDr_willis, i have a hp all in one.. deskjet f2200 series... i am unable to install it using hp-setup13:23
moncojhrcue sheet with information about when tracks start and stop... so you can go between tracks13:23
HumanGodand then you should be able to access your drive13:24
HumanGodrtz: thanks for rem13:24
NauraushaunIt says unable to mount the volume.13:24
rtz4783moncojhr: okay, i don't need that since i only play mp3 and ogg which are already seperate songs13:24
HumanGodthen do this in terminal type sudo nautilus13:25
HumanGodand then try the same thing13:25
Pici!gksudo | HumanGod Nauraushaun13:25
ubottuHumanGod Nauraushaun: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)13:25
Slartmoncojhr: apparently there is a cue sheet plugin for audacious.. it seems to have some bugs though13:25
HumanGodnever had a prob with sudo its something we could debate later on13:25
moncojhryeah i tried, its shittttttttttt13:25
HumanGoduse gksudo for now13:25
HumanGodthanks pici13:26
Picimoncojhr: Watch your language13:26
Slartmoncojhr: and it seems amarok does cue sheets also13:26
Nauraushaun"Unable to add monitor. Not supported"13:26
HumanGodyou tried wat?13:26
NauraushaunIn fact, it seems to have a lot of issues.13:26
HumanGodnaur: try sudo13:26
Slartmoncojhr: check out this thread.. http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6224113:26
HumanGodmon: tried what??13:27
NauraushaunJust Sudo?13:27
HumanGodjust sudo13:27
NauraushaunIt came up with some stuff13:27
Dr_willisarvind_khadri,  the only hp all in one ive ever used with linux was a 1200 (i think) and i had to install the hpoj tools for it. But i dont have that any more. so cant help.13:27
HumanGodyeah then it will open the file manager13:27
moncojhralright, cool got amarok... trying to drag cue and nothing happens D:13:27
NauraushaunI don't think it will.13:27
sajmon313Hello. Anyone knows how to record all snouds are playing on pc?13:27
sajmon313I need help with Audacity. I cant record sounds. I can record from mic, bu i want to record from pc (all sounds are playing). How can i do this?13:28
HumanGodmon: read doc13:28
NauraushaunIt seems to be done doing whta it's doing.13:28
wolssajmon313 snouds?13:28
NauraushaunWols, shh.13:28
HumanGodsaj: get a sound recorder @ synaptic13:28
moncojhrlol my god amarok is on crack13:28
HumanGodamarok is better than any player in existense13:29
NauraushaunHumanGod: I'm not getting anywhere =[13:29
moncojhrfoobar is better then anything.13:29
HumanGodok well try this in terminal type su13:29
HumanGodyou should know that13:30
NauraushaunThere isn't one!13:30
moncojhryou need to tell me your password for us to continue13:30
HumanGodno naur13:30
HumanGodyour password is yours13:30
HumanGodso type it in the terminal13:31
PiciHumanGod: Ubuntu uses sudo, not su to.13:31
NauraushaunBut I don't have one!13:31
Picimoncojhr: Excuse me?13:31
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)13:31
HumanGodyou can use su13:31
=== LFC|Doppp is now known as Doppp
flukeboxwhere i can find printtool ?? any repos ?13:31
unopHumanGod, not by default, you can't13:31
Dr_willissu dosent work unless you have set a password for the root user. (which is not reccomended)13:31
PiciDr_willis: took the words right out of my mouth... er... fingers?13:31
HumanGodI am assuming he had a password13:32
HumanGodsorry naur13:32
sajmon313where is sound recorder now? I just installed it.13:32
wols!noroot | HumanGod13:32
ubottuHumanGod: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)13:32
wolssajmon313: what package did you install?13:32
HumanGodsorry mybad13:32
NauraushaunOkay so that's sorted ^.^13:33
HumanGodI can suggest one last option boot into your windoze shut down the same properly and then try13:33
HumanGodin computer13:33
NauraushaunWindows won't work =[13:33
HumanGodplaces -> computer13:34
NauraushaunOh yeah you've got to shut it down properly13:34
unopNauraushaun, have you tried mounting this at a terminal?13:34
HumanGodoh that is the proble,13:34
HumanGodyour windows is not shut down properly13:34
unopNauraushaun, you could fix this device using ntfsfix13:34
unop!info ntfsprogs | Nauraushaun13:35
ubottunauraushaun: ntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 262 kB, installed size 672 kB13:35
HumanGodyou can shutdown windows properly by starting winoze in command line and giving the shutdown command13:35
NauraushaunCommand line?13:35
NauraushaunI'd rather not have to leave Ubuntu.13:35
NauraushaunCould I really fix it like that?13:35
HumanGodwhen you start windows press F8 and then choose that option13:35
unopNauraushaun, see what i said13:35
Dr_willisThe command line is leaving Ubuntu? :) i dont think so.. heh heh..13:36
arvind_khadriwols, i have a hp all in one.. deskjet f2200 series... i am unable to install it using hp-setup13:36
NauraushaunOh it's not?13:36
Dr_willisOr did i missread that statement?13:36
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NauraushaunI don't know what it is :P13:36
wols!printing | arvind_khadri13:36
ubottuarvind_khadri: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows13:36
NauraushaunWindows doesn't start.13:36
HumanGodthis is the solution I know works for sure13:36
wolsarvind_khadri: linuxprinting.org especially13:36
unopNauraushaun, sudo aptitude install ntfsprogs && sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdXX  # where /dev/sdXX is the device of the windows partition13:36
arvind_khadriwols, ok :)13:36
Dr_willisNauraushaun,  i have several windows machines with that same issue... :)13:36
wolsNauraushaun: we cannot help with that. for the future, built a BartPE livecd13:37
sajmon313sound recorder via synaptic13:37
wolssajmon313: package name?13:37
HumanGodyeah saj use the search option there13:37
HumanGodnaur till you tidily shutdown windoze you can access the drive from my exp13:38
Dr_willisYou can always 'force' the mounting of the ntfs filesystems.. but thats not a good idea13:38
HumanGodyou could corrupt files13:39
* unop i guess no one saw the ntfsfix suggestion 13:39
Dr_willisand hibernating/suspending windows - is NOT the same as 'shutting down windows' properly. the windows ntfs filesystems will still be tagged as 'in use' from what ive seen on my laptop13:39
wolsunop: ntfsfix is another possible corruption source. it can work or blow up13:39
HumanGodunop saw it but then its risky13:39
unopHumanGod, well, what can i say?13:39
arvind_khadriwols, doesn't help... i have a all in one13:40
unopHumanGod, in my experience .. it has always worked13:40
tolisguys is there any program to download for autoinstall some files?13:40
wolsarvind_khadri: huh? there is no "all in one"13:40
NauraushaunOkay. So there's nothing I can do without compromising my poor data's safety?13:40
Slarttolis: can you explain a bit more what you are trying to do?13:40
HumanGodwill give it a go again but then I never take risk with data on windoze13:40
wolsarvind_khadri: just cause it'S a printer and scanner in one case still means ubuntu sees it as two devices. one printer like any other, one scanner like any ohter13:41
HumanGodits already too flimsy13:41
arvind_khadriwols, in the linuxprinting thingy its not there...in our community docs its there...i did everything but it doesnt help...13:41
NauraushaunI'll have to try and boot it later13:41
unopNauraushaun, can't you boot up into windows' safe mode?13:41
HumanGodnaur if you shutdown windoze tidily you are safe13:41
wols!doesn't work | arvind_khadri13:41
ubottuarvind_khadri: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.13:41
tolisi want to install a programm to my pc and i can tfind it in add/remove program how can i install it?13:41
wolstolis: which program?13:42
[z]linux!compiz fusion13:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about compiz fusion13:42
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion13:42
NauraushaunThanks everyone13:42
Nauraushaununop: I'm not sure.13:42
DigiFlyDoes someone have experience with the audigy SE, its not in the matrix.13:42
HumanGodgoto synaptic and search for compiz13:42
NauraushaunMy first option, after restarting twice, was pounce on Linux.13:42
unopNauraushaun, boot up into safe mode and run chkdsk on the drive13:43
wolsDigiFly: checked alsa-project.org?13:43
tolisi dont have 1 at the moment but in the future maybe i want13:43
unopNauraushaun, you might even be able to fix whatever is wrong with your windows from safe mode.. but more on that in ##windows13:43
arvind_khadriwols scanning doesnt happen... when i run sudo hp-setup , the printer isnt found...if i enter the usb id manually then too it says cant find...13:43
tolishow can i install it without add/remove?13:43
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Avi_IRChow can i check which linux catalist is installed13:43
wolsarvind_khadri: scanning is the domain of sane-project13:44
NarevHello, I am a brand new Ubuntu user. I just downloaded the iso and I have a blank CD in my hand.13:44
wolsAvi_IRC: dpkg -l |grep fglrx13:44
DigiFlywols yup. thats why im still stuck. and audigy crads get rare in shops13:44
ben_Narev, install it13:44
NarevI wanted to look for live help to be completely sure of what I am doing13:44
NauraushaunI'll have a look in safe mode. Thanks again, ciao.13:44
arvind_khadriwols, so you want me to ask #sane?13:44
HumanGodnarev you need to burn the ISO pop it in your windoze and you are there13:44
joaopintoAvi_IRC, the ati driver ony linux is "fglrx"13:44
joaopintoAvi_IRC, just check the package version13:44
HumanGodnaur: ciao13:44
wolsarvind_khadri: for the scanner part I want you to check their website13:44
NarevHow do I make the iso image into a usable CD?13:45
arvind_khadriwols, ok...13:45
arvind_khadriwols, the printer works fine anyways13:45
HumanGoduse infra recorder13:45
ubottuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR13:45
unopNarev, are you on windows now?13:45
Avi_IRChow do i check the package version13:46
DigiFlyaudio is here for linux everytime he brainbreaker13:46
HumanGodnarev use infra recorder13:46
NarevYes, not on the machine I am going to put ub on though13:46
ben_Narev, http://www.petri.co.il/how_to_write_iso_files_to_cd.htm13:46
joaopintoAvi_IRC, apt-cache policy package13:46
ifireballarvind_khadri: I stumbled upon this problem as well, is seems the way USB is done has changed in hardy and HP havn't updated their drivers accordingly13:46
joaopintoAvi_IRC, anyway, do not expect to have the latest version, for that you will need to use envyng13:46
Avi_IRCW: Unable to locate package package13:46
NarevI have a copy of suse 10, but have heard such good things about ub I wanted to try it13:46
arvind_khadriifireball, oh ok... so do we mark a bug?13:46
ben_Narev, suse isnt great13:47
ifireballarvind_khadri: printing works because sane is ably to use the HAL backend rather then the HP one13:47
joaopintoAvi_IRC, are you using the restricted (ATI) drivers ?13:47
NarevI know, I couldn't even get my ATI card working13:47
arvind_khadriifireball, oh ... the scan button on the printer doesnt do anything13:47
tolishow can i install a program without add/remove ?13:47
HumanGodnow you need to enable ati drivers13:47
joaopintotolis, sudo apt-get add/remove13:47
ifireballarvind_khadri: there is already such a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hplip/+bug/18124213:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 181242 in hplip "[Hardy]HP printer is not detected properly by HPLIP" [Critical,Confirmed]13:47
Avi_IRCyes i am13:47
NarevI have a question about partitions13:47
HumanGodfglrx drivers13:48
joaopintoAvi_IRC, sorry, the name is xorg-driver-fglrx13:48
NarevI have partition magic, and I intend to use WINE to play games on Ubuntu13:48
HumanGodfglrx drivers for ATI13:48
Avi_IRCso how do i check13:48
NarevWill I need a separfate FAT32 partition in addition to my Ub one?13:48
joaopintoNarev, please split your questions, since partition magic and wine are not related13:48
Whiz2ok... so ubuntu does something even windows can't do :p13:48
arvind_khadriifireball, oh ... Hp should be contacted... scanning works through xsane13:49
joaopintoNarev, you don't need to use partitin magic, please use the ubuntu partition editor during the install13:49
Whiz2ewwww partition magic13:49
joaopintoNarev, you don't need FAT32 to run a windows app from Wine13:49
Avi_IRCbash: xorg-driver-fglrx: command not found13:49
NarevIf you took the time to read the second sentence, you would see that they are in fact both relevant13:49
HumanGoduse gparted live CD13:49
tolishow can i install a program without add/remove??13:49
HumanGodfor partitioning13:49
joaopintoAvi_IRC, erm: apt-cache policy xorg-driver-fglrx13:49
ifireballarvind_khadri: oh? you have it working with Xsane? it doesn't detect my scanner13:49
im_not_a_geekhello, can some one pless help me, im got a eeepc 900, and i want ubuntu 7.04 on it.13:49
Whiz2depending on your version QTparted can be used instead13:49
joaopintotolis, you can, from the terminal: sudo apt-get add/remove package13:50
BodsdaHi, i want to install intrepid, but want to keep all of my installed aps. How can i do this?13:50
NarevWill I be able to split my NTFS partition with something on the Ub CD?13:50
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC13:50
regelBodsda, wait till october13:50
jkatanaI'm new to linux, I am running ubuntu 8.04, when I try to open firefox-3.0 it says "opening 0 items", then apparently crashes. What steps should I go through to debug / fix this problem13:50
joaopintoNarev, yes, with the partition manager, during the install13:50
Bodsdaregel, no13:50
arvind_khadriifireball, i think i somehow did it...but the scan button doesnt work... and HP should provide drivers for us in there CD's13:50
Avi_IRC Installed: (none)13:51
Avi_IRC  Candidate: 1:7.1.0-8-3+
Avi_IRC  Version table:13:51
Avi_IRC     1:7.1.0-8-3+ 013:51
Avi_IRC        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/restricted Packages13:51
regelBodsda, go to #ubuntu+1 then13:51
Avi_IRC     1:7.1.0-8-3+ 013:51
FloodBot1Avi_IRC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:51
joaopintojkatana, wiki.ubuntu.com, search for debugging13:51
im_not_a_geekyes eeepc13:51
im_not_a_geek but it dosent work for me13:51
joaopintoim_not_a_geek, please check that page13:51
Bodsdaregel, ok different question, i want to reinstall but want to keep all of my installed aps, how can i do this?13:51
jkatanaI can't go online, firefox isn't working :/13:51
Whiz2Narev: the ubuntu partition manager allows you to resize your existing partition and make a completely new one for ubuntu to install on without losing data13:51
joaopintojkatana, have you run firefox from the terminal ?13:51
ifireballarvind_khadri: can you tell me how? it may stir me in the right direction, so far I havn't been able to find any way to manually configure sane13:51
joaopintodo it :)13:51
regelBodsda, I mean, let's discuss this on #ubuntu+113:52
arvind_khadriifireball, i read the community doc... wait a sec i'll give you that :)13:52
im_not_a_geeki have do that! but it can't find my sondcard13:52
joaopintojkatana, you can also install ephiphany for the bug report13:52
jkatanahow do I do it? (actually learning how to use the terminal when firefox died)13:52
arvind_khadri!print | ifireball13:52
ubottuifireball: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows13:52
joaopintojkatana, open the terminal and type: firefox13:52
vegombreihi .. i recently formatted a secondary drive on my system .. ubuntu wont let me use it all it has is a lost and found folder in it and wont let me even format the drive13:52
HumanGodI am leaving now. Got a webinar to attend see you all l8r13:52
arvind_khadriifireball, i followed the help.ubuntu13:52
Myrtti!pastebin | Avi_IRC13:52
ubottuAvi_IRC: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:52
jkatana"Could not find compatible GRE between version and 1.9.0.*."13:53
NarevIs there anything different about blank CDs labelled as "Music"?13:53
belendaxhow can I compile kernel 2.4.x in ubuntu 8.04 ?13:53
joaopintojkatana, I have no idea about that error, google :)13:53
ifireballarvind_khadri: well, been to all those places already, thx anyway.13:53
arvind_khadriifireball, hmm :)13:53
Avi_IRCjoaopinto: my ATI is crashing againg and again13:53
toliswhere i wrote sudo apt-get add/remove (and the name of program terminal says: Not valid operation add/remove13:53
jkatanaI can't google, without firefox, hmm13:53
vegombreihi .. i recently formatted a secondary drive on my system .. ubuntu wont let me use it all it has is a lost and found folder in it and wont let me even format the drive13:53
Whiz2A little research, an existing GRUB installation, a network/internet connection, and WHAM! I can install ubuntu straight from the internet :-D13:53
joaopintoAvi_IRC, you can get the latest drivers with envy-ng13:54
joaopintoerm, envyng13:54
im_not_a_geekcom on som plees help me!!!13:54
jkatanawhat other decent browser will run on ubuntu?13:54
Avi_IRCjoaopinto: i have installed from ATI itself13:54
belendaxhow can I compile kernel 2.4.x in ubuntu 8.04 ?13:54
Whiz2im_not_a_geek: what do you need?13:54
im_not_a_geekubuntu cant find my soundcard13:54
znoG_hey all. anyone familiar with prevu?13:54
im_not_a_geeki got a eeepc 90013:54
Avi_IRCanyone knows how to handle ATI  X1300 graphics card13:55
Whiz2im_not_a_geek: onboard or is it an actual card?13:55
ifireballarvind_khadri: the main problem it that there are things that worked in Feisty/Gutsy (an so appear in the table) but do not in Hardy13:55
jpds!help | im_not_a_geek13:55
ubottuim_not_a_geek: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:55
toliswhy when i type13:55
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im_not_a_geeki dont know eeepc 900013:55
im_not_a_geeki dont know eeepc 90013:55
ubottuGit is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)13:55
Avi_IRC anyone knows how to handle ATI  X1300 graphics card13:56
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Whiz2im_not_a_geek: did you get the soundcard seperately, or did it come with your computer when you got it?13:56
MrSteinHi! What packages are needed for compiling vanilla kernels ? I have a fresh Ubuntu 8.04.1 amd64 install and it complains about missing sys/types.h13:56
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arvind_khadriifireball, hmm can happen... the libs keep changing but not the drivers...13:56
joaopintoAvi_IRC, you should install drivers from the ATI directly, you should use the versions from the repositories, those are properly tested to work with Ubuntu13:56
arvind_khadriMrStein, ask #kernel13:56
joaopintoi mean, you should not13:57
unopMrStein, sudo apt-get build-dep linux-image13:57
toliswhy when i type (sudo apt-get add/remove the name of the program) terminal says (not valid operation) ?? (sorry bout i am new at linux)13:57
ifireballarvind_khadri: indeed, have you noticed that "lspci" doe not work as well nowdays?13:57
jkatanaanswer, used sudo dpkg --config -a, reinstalled firefox and some other programs I think13:57
joaopintotolis, you must use either add or remove, not both13:57
ifireballarvind_khadri: I mean "lsusb"13:57
Avi_IRCjoaopinto: how do i  do it now?13:57
znoG_Hi, anyone know how to determine what configure options prevu uses when compiling a package? where does it get them from?13:57
MrSteinunop:  thanks13:57
arvind_khadriifireball, oh yeah.... actually lsub shows a different port id than what hp-setup says13:58
tolisjoaopinto i type only the add13:58
arvind_khadri!hi | ozkelligirl13:58
ubottuozkelligirl: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:58
arvind_khadriunop, vanilla kernels arent encouraged13:58
grobda24-ghostim_not_a_geek, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC13:58
arvind_khadri!kernel | MrStein13:59
ubottuMrStein: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages13:59
unoparvind_khadri, I suppose innovation isn't too .. come on :)13:59
ifireballarvind_khadri: well, at least it show _anything_ on your end, here, it just returns nothing (although one can see usb devices in /sys)13:59
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tolisjoapinto i type only the add and  terminal says not valid operaion add14:00
=== grobda is now known as grobda24
arvind_khadriunop, innovation is ... but MOTU people do a lot of work on the kernels to make it Ubuntu compatible... you can use vanilla ones but they wont be supported from the community for problems14:00
arvind_khadriifireball, oh ...14:00
[z]linuxhow can i install compiz fusion in hardy?14:01
humphreyHi All.  I've got a IDE HDD with a single NTFS partition on it.  In trying to fix grub, I tried installing the bootloader to both that disk, and that partition.  How I can't access the data on that NTFS that partition.  Anybody got any ideas?14:01
grobda24[z]linux, you just have to turn it on. I think it's there by default (?).14:01
[z]linuxgrobda24: i cant find the advance settings14:02
tolishave any matter if i am adiministratot or normal user to use the commands at terminal?14:02
grobda24humphrey, I think there's a specific option in grub for NTFS.14:02
grobda24[z]linux, install "compiz settings manager".14:03
Whiz2humphrey: i suggest formatting the disk to ext3 unless there is a windows installation on it14:04
unoparvind_khadri, indeed ..as your factoid to him says .. it's also implied.14:04
unoptolis, you should try and do as much as you can as a normal user and only become the superuser when absolutely needed14:05
PPKumahi, do i need the UUID to create a new entry in the fstab file?14:05
unopPPKuma, you don't need to .. but it's better if you use the UUID style entries14:05
humphreygrobda24, so if I redo it with the ntfs option, do you think i'll be able to mount it?14:06
PPKumaunop: where can i get this number?14:06
unopPPKuma, sudo blkid /dev/sdXX14:06
corigoRegarding downloading the ISO, is there any way to download a bit torrent?14:06
corigoanywhere I should say14:06
PPKumaunop: thx14:06
humphreyWhiz2:  I've got a heap of data on that disk that I don't want to loose...14:06
Whiz2humphrey: have you tried accessing it with windows since you installed grub?14:07
Bodsdacorigo, http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/14:07
sjovanhumphrey: why don't you just mount the disk in linux?14:07
Whiz2sjovan: he said he can't14:07
humphreysjovan: I'm trying to mount it in linux14:07
lennadhi, when i run the configure, i met the problem: hecking for X... configure: error: Can't find X libraries. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!14:08
lennadhow to solve this problem?14:08
sjovanhumphrey: what error do you get then? do you use ntfs-3g?14:08
toliswhy when i worte (sudo apt-get add [and the name of the program])terminal says not valid operation add??14:08
sjovantolis: sudo apt-get install <--- is the command14:08
arvind_khadritolis, what do you want to achieve14:08
Bodsdatolis, install not add14:08
humphreyWhiz2, No, I haven't tried it in windows.  I haven't got it booting into vista correctly yet.  I think I broke that too!! :-)14:08
lennadhi, what x library should i intall14:08
lennadanyone help me??14:09
fsufitchhello all14:09
tolisit works thanks!!14:09
arvind_khadri!hi | fsufitch14:09
ubottufsufitch: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:09
sipiorlennad: try xserver-xorg-dev14:09
joaopintolennad, what are you trying to install ?14:09
PPKumais there a way to know what devices i have unmounted?14:09
Whiz2humphrey: ouch! if you had a vista installation on that disk, and you added grub to it, then I think you broke it, and would need to reinstall Vista. GRUB overwrites other boot loaders (like vista)14:09
fsufitcharvind_khadri: thanks :-P14:09
Whiz2humphrey: linux is not designed to boot from an NTFS disk14:10
unopWhiz2, grub is tho.14:10
unopWhiz2, you can setup grub to chainload the windows bootloader14:11
Arenwhat's wrong with grub and vista?14:11
Dethrayuse the recovery console14:11
joaopintoWhiz2, grub does allow to boot from a 3rd party OS, like Vista on NTFS14:11
fsufitchi got a problem with my compiz. every few minutes or so, my computer moves compiz's memory from the ram to the hard drive. this causes a brief but terrible slowdown in all my effects until it's all moved back to ram again. i have plenty of ram available so i dont see why this happens. can i prevent it manually?14:11
gulhello! i'm an very staified ubuntu user, and using it all the time on my main computer. however, i got a family member that needs to erase ubuntu from his computer and then resize the ntsf partition. i'm coming short in this scenario as i'm usually do it the other way around. anyone care to explain how to do this? do i have to DD the partition before resizing? need some help.. :)14:11
Arenchainloader +114:11
Whiz2unop: perhaps, but it still overwrites any previously installed bootl oader stored in the MBR14:11
lennadngirard: ok, i will try to install the latest version Kile.2.0.114:11
humphreywhiz2, yeah, I know... I've got it working, booting grub off a ext2 partition.  It was just in my frustration of not geting ubuntu to boot, I tried installing the boot loader everywhere :-)14:11
lennadhi, when i run the configure, i met the problem: hecking for X... configure: error: Can't find X libraries. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!14:11
unopWhiz2, by default yes .. but there's nothing wrong with that14:11
gulDD the linux partition*14:12
joaopintogul, do you want to rever to a full windows system ? is that your question ?14:12
Whiz2unop: i tried that on my vista laptop, and was not able to boot from vista again until I reformmatted the drive and restored it to manufacturer's defaults14:12
sipiorlennad: did you try installing xserver-xorg-dev?14:12
gauravgot stuck up with my ntfs14:12
PPKumais there a way to know what devices i have unmounted?14:12
humphreysjovan, gparted says that it can't read the contents of the filesystem14:12
guljoaopinto: well thats what my step father needs to, because of small hd on this laptop14:13
unopWhiz2, your efforts were in vain .. grub is fully capable of booting windows on another partition14:13
Whiz2humphrey: are you using ntfs-3g?14:13
arvind_khadri!ntfs | gaurav14:13
ubottugaurav: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE14:13
mydoghaswormsWhy does Ubuntu suddenly complain about not being able to authenticate packages?14:13
unopPPKuma, issue the mount command at a terminal.14:13
sjovanhumphrey: have you installed ntfs-3g (like i asked before)?14:13
arvind_khadrimydoghasworms, as those packages are third party14:13
humphreywhiz2, I think so... is that the default for 8.04?14:13
gauravwell i tried many things14:13
mydoghaswormsarvind_khadri: No, any packages I install, including the standard ones.14:14
joaopintogul, I guess that in your case the best place for help is ##windows, since your activities are windows related :)14:14
gauravand what i found is dat my NTFS partation is being bugged up or cracked14:14
Whiz2unop: not completely in vain... it ran ubuntu just (resized the vista partition and made a new one for linux) just always crashed or hung when trying to start vista14:14
sjovan!ntfs-3g | humphrey14:14
ubottuhumphrey: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions14:14
gauravcan i have the simple way to repair or restor the data14:14
guljoapinto: need to get rid of data on the linux partition, then convert it to ntsf then merge it with the existing ntsf partition is what i need to do14:14
humphreysjovan: just checking synaptic now14:14
guljoapinto: oh ok thanks14:14
unopWhiz2, http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/gnu/grub/html_chapter/grub_toc.html#TOC1414:15
sjovanhumphrey: i don't think it's default... look at the ubottu link14:15
humphreydjovan, ntfs-3g is isntalled14:15
arvind_khadrimydoghasworms, no idea14:15
sjovanhumphrey: k, then have you mounted the disk the correct way? did you take a look at the link14:15
DanielDevineI can't seem to login using ssh.14:15
DanielDevineanybody come across this before?14:16
sipiorDanielDevine: was it working earlier?14:16
sjovanDanielDevine: have you installed open-ssh?14:16
DanielDevineand sshd is running14:16
sipiorDanielDevine: i.e. what did you change that made it stop working? :-)14:16
joaopintoDanielDevine, what is the error that you get when you try to login ?14:16
sjovanDanielDevine: what error do you get? is the port open?=14:16
DanielDevinenothing. it was never working.14:16
DanielDevinethe port is open14:16
PiciDanielDevine: Which package did you install, what user are you trying to login as?14:17
DanielDevine22 is automatically opened and the other computer gets prompted for password when i attempt to login14:17
gauravis there any way i can restor my currupted NTFS14:17
CyberiaHi there, could anyone help me with a disk partitioning problem?14:17
Whiz2unop: shouldn't have to do that... especially since grub installs itself automatically when you install ubuntu14:17
sjovan!ask | Cyberia14:17
davaHow do I change the rights to access my new harddrive?14:17
ubottuCyberia: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:17
CyberiaMy bad, ok14:17
unopWhiz2, that's to configure grub to boot another operating system .. which usually isn't done automatically.14:17
sjovandava: man chown and man chmod14:18
DanielDevine"ssh -l devine -p 22" ---> Enter Password [I enter it again and again] ---> it fails every time14:18
tolisthe command sudo apt-get install works if i have download the program?14:18
Whiz2unop: done after install?14:18
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joaopintoDanielDevine, you don't need  -p 22 :)14:18
davasjovan: in terminal?14:18
gauravis there any way to repair the NTFS partation frm LINUX14:18
unopWhiz2, as far as i know .. no, you have to set it up manually14:18
sjovandava: mhm... -> man <- is a powerfull tool14:18
reikalusikkaI have ubuntu and windows vista  on my notebook, I can see my windows files(another drive) but virtual box can't. Is it possible to install vista on ubuntu on the windows drive?14:18
sipiorDanielDevine: do you have access to the other machine's logs? also, are you sure the login is correct on the other machine?14:18
murlidharany torrent client based on ncurses . except rtorrent14:18
Whiz2tolis: sudo apt-get install <program_name> is the syntax to download and install the program you want from the internet14:19
* delcoyote hi14:19
joaopintogaurav, there is an ntfs repair utility, but it is not recommended14:19
DanielDevinejoapinto i know, i was just trying to communicate that i know exactly how to connect (as that isnt the problem)14:19
humphreysjovan, just following the instructions on the link  now14:19
unopgaurav, you can use the ntfsfix utility from the ntfsprogs package .. but be careful with it14:19
gauravHELP ME14:19
murlidharany torrent client based on ncurses . except rtorrent ?14:19
joaopintogaurav, you should repair NTFS from a windows system14:19
Whiz2!hi | delcoyote14:19
ubottudelcoyote: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:19
kduboi1what sed command can i use to remove all newline characters?14:19
strawbeRRy_fieLdhi, everytime i watch any kind of video theres always a tedious horizontal line in the middle of the screen bothering me, how do i get rid of it?14:19
DanielDevinesipior: yes i am more than sure i know how to log into my own machine.14:19
* sipior gives gaurav a cookie14:19
PPKumawhere can i get the UUID from a device?14:19
=== kduboi1 is now known as kdub
gauravTHE main thing is that my data is dere in that NTFS and while installing LINUx that NTFs part got distrb and is dere any way i can just get the data14:20
sipiorDanielDevine: it wasn't clear to me whether the other machine was local or off-site. that's why i asked. no need to get touchy.14:20
DanielDevinesipior ill try to find my earlier paste dumps.14:20
arvind_khadriPPKuma, which device?14:20
DanielDevinesipior im sorry (though the 192..... might have been a hint)14:20
regelgaurav, some sortof revocery software?14:20
CyberiaI want to make a new partition on my 160GB drive to install WinXP on. I used GParted to resize the extended partition and make free space to make a new partition for WinXP. When I did this and tried to make a new partition it said there can only be a maximum of 3 Primary partitions. I heard you can have unlimited logical partitions in an extended partition. How do I make a logical partition within an extended one? Many thanks :)14:20
PPKumaarvind_khadri: errr... /dev/sda314:20
DanielDevineactually sipior im sorry for that last remark.14:20
Whiz2gaurav: try putting the disk into a machine running windows XP or higher to see if you can access the NTFS partition to copy the data off of it14:20
arvind_khadriPPKuma, you can find it in /etc/fstb14:20
arvind_khadriPPKuma, oops /etc/fstab14:21
murlidhargaurav: hope u didn't install linux in that ntfs partition14:21
sipiorDanielDevine: and have you looked through the logs on the other machine? /var/log/security, iirc14:21
PPKumaarvind_khadri: actually i need it for a fstab entry14:21
gauravno dear murlidhar14:21
sipiorDanielDevine: ah, no. /var/log/auth/log14:21
gauravi created a seprate partation for it14:21
DanielDevinesipior it is /var/log/auth14:21
arvind_khadriPPKuma, for entries into fstab UUID isnt compulsory14:21
DanielDevinesipior it is /var/log/auth.log14:21
gauravand selected dat one only14:21
murlidhargaurav: can u see the partition in gparted ?14:21
ackbahrHi! I'm using id3ren, but I'd like to use the current file name in the renaming pattern. Is there a tag name to do that, or is there a way to use find and pipe the original name (though I tried this already, but maybe I didn't do it properly)?14:21
DanielDevineyeah, ill find my paste dumps for you14:21
arvind_khadri!u | murlidhar14:21
gauravand while booting when menu comes14:21
ubottumurlidhar: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..14:21
Whiz2gaurav: are you using ntfs-3g?14:21
murlidhararvind_khadri: k14:22
Initial_Mcan't send file sometimes on Pidgin, or sometimes recieve files..14:22
arvind_khadri!gparted | gaurav14:22
ubottugaurav: gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php14:22
sjovanPPKuma: have you tryed googeling it? i think the fisrt link should have your awnser. don't remember the command14:22
gauravdear murli can i have ur any msn , yahoo14:22
murlidhargaurav: gnome partition manager14:22
unopkdub, do you need to use sed .. can't you use something like tr?14:22
ph8nautilus is so rubbish!14:23
Whiz2!ntfs-3g | gaurav14:23
ubottugaurav: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions14:23
gauravi am a extremely newbie to this14:23
ph8it crashes all the time when doing sftp stuff14:23
ph8is there not a replacement for it yet?14:23
murlidhargaurav: join #gaurav channel14:23
unopkdub,  tr -d $'\n' < filename14:23
arvind_khadriph8 use xubuntu with thunar14:23
ph8i'd rather not change my entire distro :p14:24
ph8what's xubuntu over ubuntu?14:24
kdubthanks unop14:24
toliswell when i try to install amule from terminal says: impossible the finding of parcel of amule what i should do?14:24
arvind_khadri!xubuntu | ph814:24
ubottuph8: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels14:24
gauravi am a new14:24
Whiz2ph8: different desktop interface14:24
gauravhow to join n how can i just14:24
murlidhargaurav: join the channel #gaurav14:24
gauravget the ntfs data14:24
Cyberiatype ./j #gaurav14:24
Cyberiawithout the dot14:24
gauravjoin the channel #gaurav14:24
Whiz2gaurav: type /join #gaurav14:24
gaurav /join #gaurav14:25
davasjovan: Thanks!14:25
humphreysjovan, I followed those instructions... added the following line to my fstab file:14:25
gulone more question.. is there safe to resize NTSF partitions in ubuntu?14:25
humphrey/dev/sda1       /media/data     ntfs-3g   defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 014:25
gulis it*14:25
Whiz2gaurav: yes just like that, but without the spaces before /join14:25
humphreyand for the following error14:25
toliswell when i try to install amule from terminal says: impossible the finding of parcel of amule what i should do?14:26
CyberiaHow do I make a logical partition within a n extended partition?14:26
humphreyUnexpected clusters per mft record (-127).14:26
humphreyFailed to mount '/dev/sda1': Invalid argument14:26
humphreyThe device '/dev/sda1' doesn't have a valid NTFS.  Maybe you selected the wrong device? Or the whole disk instead of a  partition (e.g. /dev/hda, not /dev/hda1)? Or the other way around?14:26
refriedbeanshello, i was trying to display an external display on another monitor using a VGA cable, but i'm not sure how to do that using Ubuntu14:26
murlidhargaurav: which irc client are u using ?14:26
Whiz2Cyberia: in your partition manager, select the extended partition and create new14:26
CyberiaWhiz, where is the partition manager :S14:27
arvind_khadritolis, have you enabled all the repos?14:27
Whiz2Cyberia: what did you use to create the extendedpartition?14:27
toliswhats that?14:27
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories14:27
Whiz2!repositories | tolis14:27
ubottutolis: please see above14:27
CyberiaWhiz, The laptop was preinstalled with Ubuntu which already had the extended partition.14:27
DanielDevinesipior: http://www.pastedump.com/paste/72 thats what i get when i attempt to log into the other computer14:27
arvind_khadriCyberia, you need to use gparted then :)14:28
DanielDevineand ill go get the output from the auth.log in a minute14:28
Whiz2Cyberia: are you using the gnome desktop?14:28
shahhi all after formatting my swap partition(by other distro) i hav to swapon /dev/hda2 everytime.. so can i replace UUID line in /etc/fstab with .. /dev/hda2  none  swap  sw   0 014:28
arvind_khadriCyberia, and afaik extended partitions should be left off ...14:28
Cyberiaarvind, I have already tried to create a logical partition with gparted14:28
refriedbeanshello, i was trying to display an external display on another monitor using a VGA cable, but i'm not sure how to do that using Ubuntu14:28
Cyberiaarvind left off?14:28
arvind_khadriCyberia, how much is the extended space?14:28
CyberiaWhiz: Ubuntu Hardy I think that's gnome right?14:29
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:29
Cyberiaarvind, roughly 140GB14:29
CyberiaI need to make 60GB partition for WinXP14:29
tolissays: !repos event not found14:29
arvind_khadriCyberia, ohh ... use sudo cfdisk14:29
Whiz2Cyberia: if the drive was left there and appears blank, you should leave it as is, because it may be a backup/restore partition in case you need to restore your system14:29
arvind_khadritolis, System->Administration->Software sources14:30
CyberiaWhiz, that's why I'm trying to 'split' the large extended partition14:30
Cyberiaarvind, thanks I'll look tha tcommand up14:30
Whiz2Cyberia: not recommended... if it's a restore partition, it likely needs the entire space it's using14:30
gauravis dere any easy way to repair the NTFS partation without formating14:30
wolsgaurav: only in windows14:31
arvind_khadrigaurav, no14:31
Whiz2gaurav: put the disk into a windows XP computer and try access it there14:31
arvind_khadrigaurav, and afaik NTFS doesnt suppot error recovery14:31
DanielDevinesipior: http://pastebin.com/d502fe70e14:32
tolisarvid_khadri: after System->Administration->Software sources ?14:32
Zeropagehello brothers14:32
corigobodsda: Why are there two HH 64 ISOs? What's the difference between the two files other than the size of the downloaddd14:32
Zeropageif someone can help me , i'll wait14:32
CyberiaWhiz, I have a recovery CD which wipes the whole drive to the factory settings and resets all partitions14:32
Whiz2gaurav: if you can access it there, open a command prompt bly clicking start, then run and typing CMD into the box then type chkdsk x: /f /r into the command window replacing x with the actual drive letter to repair it14:32
sipiorDanielDevine: interesting. what else have you got listening on port 22? try a sudo netstat -antup | grep 2214:33
Bodsdacorigo, its probably (not sure im not on the site atm) dvd and cd -- whats the sizes?14:33
stryd_onehi all...humangod was kind enough to tell me about ccsm... all those settings i was searching for, hidden away in this app :) ... i don't suppose there's a list or something somewhere that outlines all the gui's and other tools available for configuring the tools that are installed by default?14:33
tolisarvid_khadri: after System->Administration->Software sources what i must do?14:33
tosmois is possible to acces auto mounted volumes by different users at the same time?14:34
corigo688MiB & 696MiB14:34
DanielDevinesipior: i belive i sorted that problem (thats an old pastedump) i had more than one sshd14:34
arvind_khadritolis, check the uncheck boxes there14:34
Bodsdatosmo, if that user has read rights yes14:34
sipiorDanielDevine: ah, okay.14:34
Whiz2Cyberia: use gparted to erase the extended partition and make a new primary one in it's place (non-bootable) then format it as ext3. That should simplyfy it for you, and if you need to restore, just use the CD14:34
Zeropagehello: i tried to run under wine warcraft 3, doesn't work, i wrong something?14:34
BodsdaZeropage, wine questions in #winehq please14:35
tolisarvid_khadri there are all check14:35
Whiz2I didn't even know it was possible to run 3d games under wine14:35
ackbahrWell, more generally, what's your favorite solution to retrieve playlists from an ipod?14:35
BodsdaWhiz2, it is and with varying success rates14:35
ackbahr(with ubuntu, which justifies this being asked here)14:35
arvind_khadritolis, close it and run sudo apt-get update14:36
CyberiaWhiz2: I don't understand that partition is already ext3 (though with the 'boot' attribute')14:36
Bodsdaackbahr, its a poll/survey question not support which means it doesnt belong here but in #ubuntu-bots14:36
sipiorDanielDevine: there don't appear to be authentication failures from anything besides localhost. are you sure the packets are making it through? does "telnet <remotehost> 22" return anything?14:36
CyberiaWhiz2: Do you mean delete the ext3 partition, make a new smaller extended partition, plus a new partition for WInXP?14:37
Whiz2Cyberia: it shouldn't be with the boot attribute unless it is your root drive14:37
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CyberiaIt is the root drive14:37
perlmonkey2If the ubuntu source/package servers had been compromised, but the managers weren't sure how, would they wait until they knew exactly what was going on before telling the users they might have downloaded a bunch of compromised packages?  Or would they warn them immediately that there is a possibility they have been compromised, but they are still looking into it?14:37
Whiz2Cyberia: then do not delete it.14:37
Cyberiai.e. it has '/'14:37
CyberiaWhiz2, so then how can I create a partition to install WinXP?14:37
Whiz2Cyberia: linux is installed in an extended partition???14:37
CyberiaTHat's what I'm guessing14:37
arvind_khadriCyberia, use cfdisk its easy to use...14:38
ackbahrBodsda: Well, let's phrase it differently then : can someone help me retrieve playlists from an ipod? :)14:38
Bodsdaperlmonkey2, the repo would be closed for investigation i would assume14:38
Bodsdaackbahr, thats fine :) (i dont have an ipod so i dont know)14:38
perlmonkey2Bodsda: but would the community be made aware they might have been compromised?14:38
arvind_khadritolis, after that try installing amule14:38
gauravi am totaly puzzeld what to do14:38
ackbahrBodsda: Ok, thanks14:38
perlmonkey2Bodsda: you know, like share all the information they have, even if ambiguous?14:38
Bodsdaperlmonkey2, maybe, its at the discression of the server maintainer/canonical i believe14:38
Whiz2gaurav: I gave you advice lol14:38
tolisit works thanks you arvid_khadri14:38
CyberiaCan WinXP be installed on a logical drive or does it have to be primary?14:38
gauravi knw sir14:39
MrSteinsorry for kernel question, but #kernel is at sleep. How to compile a 32bit kernel on a 64bit host ? "make oldconfig" always changes CONFIG_64BIT to yes.14:39
gauravu game me14:39
Whiz2Cyberia: far as I know it will work on a logical drive14:39
perlmonkey2Bodsda: I'm just pissed beyond words at Fedora for sitting on the information until they were sure they'd been hacked.  And wondering if I'm being irrational.14:39
MrSteinCyberia: XP can live on logical. Just the booting partition must be primary (and active)14:39
perlmonkey2two weeks went by while they were pretty sure bad things had happened.14:39
perlmonkey2and the users were told it was probably just a hardware failure.14:39
Bodsdaperlmonkey2, they dont have to tell you unless stated in any terms of service you may/may not have agreed to14:39
Whiz2gaurav: put the disk into a windows machine, load windows and see if you can read it there. if you can read it there, use the chkdsk command on it to fix it14:39
gauravi will try this14:40
Whiz2gaurav: you're welcome14:40
perlmonkey2Bodsda: I know they don't have to tell us anything.  But this is supposed to be a community project.  Not the all might lord gatekeepers and the lowly peasant beta testers.14:40
gauravFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on14:40
gaurav/dev/sda8             9.2G  2.9G  5.9G  33% /14:40
gauravvarrun                498M   96K  498M   1% /var/run14:40
gauravvarlock               498M     0  498M   0% /var/lock14:40
FloodBot1gaurav: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:40
gauravudev                  498M   60K  498M   1% /dev14:40
gauravdevshm                498M   76K  498M   1% /dev/shm14:41
Whiz2!paste | gaurav14:41
ubottugaurav: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:41
Bodsdaperlmonkey2, sorry but this is offtopis so il have to ask you to take it elsewhere, but they dont have to tell you a thing unless they have promised to.14:41
luboszhow can find out the architecture of a binary file?14:41
joaopintoperlmonkey2, I don't expect a security breach to be reported until there is sufficient knowledge on the risks14:42
Whiz2perlmonkey2: this channel is support specifically for ubuntu.14:42
sipiorlubosz: file <filename>14:42
luboszsipior: thx14:43
perlmonkey2Whiz2: yeah, I got that when Bodsda said I was off topic.14:43
joaopintoperlmonkey2, there is also #ubuntu-security :)14:43
CyberiaDoes Ubuntu create a partitiion with Fat32 by default? Or is it just my laptop? :S14:43
joaopintoCyberia, it does not14:43
wolsCyberia: it never does14:44
Whiz2Cyberia: ubuntu as far as I know creates ext3 partitions by default14:44
CyberiaIt's  a primary partition, but it's only 3GB large, do you think I can delete it?14:44
perlmonkey2thanks joaopinto14:44
wolsCyberia: it's probably a recovery partition14:44
Cyberiaoh right14:44
wolsCyberia: no you cannot14:44
joaopintoCyberia, eventually can, but you should not14:44
CyberiaYe dell installed 2 of it's own primary partitions...14:44
Whiz2wols: Cyberia can delete it... just a matter of whether it is safe to delete it :p14:44
CyberiaI'll probably leave it for now...14:45
CyberiaOK I'm in cfdisk, and I want to make a logical drive within the extended drive. How do I do this?14:45
Whiz2Cyberia: try resizing the root drive and adding a new partition for XP. that is the safest route to go, but beware! installing windows XP will overwrite GRUB (which loads linux)14:46
gauravdear wiz2 could u please join us at channel gaurav#14:46
CyberiaWhiz2, but I'll still have a boot loader?14:46
DanielDevinesipior: that give protocol mismatch14:46
DanielDevinebut yes it does connect14:46
Whiz2Cyberia: for windows XP yes14:46
=== Karlprof_ is now known as Karlprof
Cyberialol how can I boot to Ubuntu then??14:46
DanielDevinewell, i cant login because of the protocol mismatch... but yeah it gets tehre14:47
sipiorDanielDevine: that's a good sign.14:47
DanielDevinesipior: http://pastebin.com/d6cd0ced5 thats the newest auth.log14:47
DanielDevine...i really dont know why i am having so much trouble...14:47
sipiorDanielDevine: still getting those extra "address already in use" errors. is there another script running that's trying to fire up sshd?14:48
CyberiaThe root you suggested to resize the root drive and make a new partition. I've already done this, then when I tried to make a new partition in GParted it said "You already made the max number of primary partitions" :S14:48
CorpusCallosumguys i have a problem. the problem is that, when i click the changing profile picture on amsn gnome restarts, when i click in order to see the messages on kopete, gnome restarts. how can i fix it ?14:49
DanielDevinehang on, i used to ssh into another box. let me try ssh into that.14:49
DanielDevinei know that ssh works.14:49
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter14:49
Whiz2that's not what I wanted14:49
Cyberialol ye that's gnome os14:49
sipiorDanielDevine: you might try bringing down the sshd daemon with /etc/init.d/ssh stop and then start it again. you've probably tried that already. there's no entry in /etc/hosts.deny, is there?14:50
DanielDevineand i cant ssh into that other box!14:50
DanielDevinewhat could be stopping it on the network?14:50
sipiorDanielDevine: are the other machines older installs of ubuntu, perhaps?14:50
vikkuiam trying to insatll php upon which i get this :14:51
vikku WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!14:51
vikku  libgd2-xpm libt1-5 php5-gd14:51
sipiorDanielDevine: also, what happens when you use the -v swtich for ssh?14:51
vikkuis it safe to continue ?14:51
DanielDevinei believe i posted a dump of that14:51
iqagi have the disk from a [broken] vista machine with a wubi install of ubuntu on it mounted in another linux machine. Can anyone suggest a way from within linux that I could go about removing the wubi install and the entry in the vista bootloader?14:51
ubottugparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php14:53
sipiorDanielDevine: could the target machines have host keys which were generated with the broken openssl from a few months back?14:53
CyberiaI already gave the gparted live cd14:53
DanielDevinehttp://pastebin.com/m3532495 < the verbose mode14:53
=== tobias_ is now known as tobia
DanielDevinesipior: no.14:53
DanielDevinei will regernerate them now anyway14:54
sipiorDanielDevine: looks perfectly normal... quite the puzzler...14:54
dextercan anyone suggest me some gud messengers bcoz i m facing problm wid pidgin14:54
sipiorDanielDevine: anything interesting show up in /var/log/syslog?14:55
KenBW2anyone here use Conduit?14:55
sipiorDanielDevine: or daemon.log, for that matter14:55
DanielDevinei dont think so... actually maybe14:55
phaverkampKenBW2: I have installed but never really found it useful14:55
DanielDevinelet me have a look14:55
DGMurdockIIIStop Dr. Uwe Boll Petition need 1 million people to sigh then he will retire http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?RRH5388814:55
=== tobia is now known as tobias
DGMurdockIIIStop Dr. Uwe Boll Petition need 1 million people to sigh then he will retire http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?RRH5388814:56
FloodBot1DGMurdockIII: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:56
dextercan anyone suggest me some gud messengers bcoz i m facing problm wid pidgin14:56
KenBW2phaverkamp: any idea how to make it sync subfolders on box.net?14:56
dextercan anyone suggest me some gud messengers bcoz i m facing problm wid pidgin14:56
phaverkampKenBW2: Sorry no, I found it to be way to buggy14:56
KenBW2phaverkamp: yea, its pretty crashy. latest version hasnt rashed on me yet though14:57
dexterKenBW2; can u tell me a better messenger than pidgin14:57
DGMurdockIIIwhy would you want a rashed on a pc14:57
jmichelse1is anyone here using hidpoint?14:57
KenBW2dexter pidgin is the best for me14:57
CyberiaDexter there is no better messenger than pidgin :P maybe trillian14:57
phaverkampKenBW2: Think I have an older version, but it left enough of a bad taste in my mouth that I wont try it again14:58
KenBW2phaverkamp: yea, dont blame you14:58
jmichelse1dexter: trillian sucks, pidgin is the best14:58
KenBW2dexter: what do you want it to do that Pidgin cant do14:58
dexterKenBW2; me nd my frnd came online...my frnd gave me a friend request..nd i never got it...i send him also a request nd he didnt ge the request14:58
jmichelse1dexter: what protocol?14:59
KenBW2dexter: which protocol14:59
fGesp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck !14:59
fGesp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck !14:59
jmichelse1dexter: msn; aim; yahoo?14:59
ubottuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...14:59
fGesp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck !14:59
jmichelse1!spam > fG14:59
ubottufG, please see my private message14:59
dexterjmichelsel; i have yahoo nd gtalk14:59
DGMurdockIIIInstantbird http://www.instantbird.com14:59
DGMurdockIIIbetter than pidgin14:59
fGesp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! vv14:59
fGesp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! vv14:59
fGesp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! esp suck ! vv14:59
FloodBot1fG: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:59
RequinB4That wasn't even spam that made sense15:00
KenBW2DGMurdockIII: whys that any better than pidgin15:00
jmichelse1lol based on pidgin15:00
phdmybesthow can i install linux source code and documents in ubuntu? anybody could help?15:00
sebastian__when i try to change the xorg file so i can change resolution i get an error message saying: cant find image, and it just start the text boot and not the x server, wat am i doing wrong?15:00
Cyberiaphd: install documents inubuntu?15:00
sebastian__i typed... Mod "1600x1200"   under default dep.15:01
phdmybestCyberia:yeah. i found a lot of document is missing in my ubuntu15:01
CyberiaDocuments are media files, they're uninstallable15:02
phdmybestCyberia: then where could i get them?15:02
Cyberiaphd: what documents exactly are you looking for?15:02
DanielDevineI am so annoyed15:03
unophe means 'documentation'15:03
dexterhey provide me the apt for instantbird15:03
sTz-ispanai duxai !!! mes uz lt15:03
sTz-ispanai duxai !!! mes uz lt!!!!15:03
sTz-ispanai duxai !!! mes uz lt!!!!!!!!!!!11115:03
jmichelse1dexter: I doubt it is in the repos15:03
sTz-ispanai duxai !!! mes uz lt!!!!!!!15:03
FloodBot1sTz-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:03
sTz-ispanai duxai !!! mes uz lt!!!!!!!15:03
sTz-loxai sukos15:03
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com15:03
albechanyone know how to make my virtualbox run 1280x800?15:04
Bried1sespania suckers !15:04
jmichelse1albech: usually the box inside controls the res15:04
dexterjmichelsel; pidgin is giving me problems..i m not getting friend requests nd my friends dont recieve my friend requests15:04
jmichelse1albech: what os are you running guest15:04
phdmybestCyberia:i create a mini linux distra.  i want to boot it into ram for silence and speed. anyway , i could not find any document about how could i deal with the goal.15:04
jmichelse1dexter: that could be a prob with the service you are using, is that over googetalk or what?15:04
albechjmichelse1: xp pro and only 800x600 and 1024x768 are available in the host15:05
Cyberiaphd use a Live CD in that case.15:05
stabbimalbech: install guest additions, then the XP machine should match res to the window it's in15:05
dexterjmichelsel; both wid gtalk nd yahoo15:05
jmichelse1albech: you need to install the guest tools, via virtual box menu15:05
albechstabbim: nothing happens when i select that menu15:05
jmichelse1albech: usually it has to download the tools then it will install15:06
bad_imageHello, does ubuntu suck?15:06
xintronhow do I install .deb files from the terminal?15:06
jmichelse1albech: did you see any prompt after selecting "install guest additions"15:06
=== bad_image is now known as inspectr
albechjmichelse1: no prompt15:06
inspectrUbuntu sux, right?15:06
Slart!ops | inspectr15:06
ubottuinspectr: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!15:06
jmichelse1xintron: dpkg -i "packagename.deb"15:06
trojatraI just set up Ubuntu, and set my smb workgroup to my family workgroup that we all use, and I can see the other computers on the network, but cannot access their shared files. Can anyone help me set this up?15:06
phdmybestCyberia: i do create a livecd .but as you can see ,livecd is slowly when it boot. i create a linux distr, i want to use init to copy the filesystem to ram ,then change the realroot.but i do not known how to deal with it .15:07
Cyberiatrojatra maybe run an FTP server?15:07
inspectr!ops | Start15:07
ubottuStart: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!15:07
Myrttiinspectr: are you done with the trolling?15:07
inspectr!ops | Slart15:07
ubottuSlart: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!15:07
sipiorinspectr: did you have a point, or are you trying to work out some issues?15:07
kloeriinspectr: stop that15:07
MyrttiI guess not15:07
Cyberiaphd that sounds like a complex issue it might be more convenient to make a forum thread15:07
trojatraCyberia, I'd like to just use samba if I can.15:08
Cyberia:S No idea then trojatra...15:09
phdmybestCyberia:i think about it for a long time. and the key question is how can i change the roolroot to ram.15:09
stabbimanyone gotten a sierra wireless compass 597 working? It's an EV-DO modem sold under Sprint in the US (possibly others, not sure)15:09
Skiessidpkg: 2 expected program(s) not found on PATH, NB: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin"15:10
stabbimi'm not sure where to go to tell the thing to dial, or even see if it's being recognized15:10
Skiessihow to make dpkg work?15:10
DEViUShow do i set my drives to automount on startup?15:11
erUSUL!fstab > DEViUS15:12
ubottuDEViUS, please see my private message15:12
DEViUSerUSU: there isnt a directory called fstab15:13
DEViUSerUSUL: there isnt a directory called fstab15:14
IdleOneDEViUS, /etc/fstab15:14
DEViUSIdleOne: it dosent exist15:14
erUSULDEViUS: it is a conf file15:14
DEViUSoh okay15:14
DEViUSi thought its a directory15:14
DevourerSo is ubuntu.org down?15:15
DEViUSerUSUL: but how do i get them to automount on startup15:15
IdleOneDEViUS, you read the link ubottu sent you15:16
erUSULDEViUS: have you read the web page ubottu pointed to on priv msg??15:16
CyberiaYep it's down15:16
atlefDevourer: try .com15:16
Devoureratlef, lmao. Thanks.15:16
squidlyDevourer: ubuntu.com is up. I dont get anything from ubuntu.org15:16
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* Devourer is stupid. :\15:17
=== Borec is now known as abaddon
squidlyDevourer: I've done that many times my self15:17
dexteri downloaded instantbird...but i dont know how 2 install it15:17
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jmichelse1dexter: what kind of file is it15:19
Slartdexter: you've read the info on the site, right?15:19
dexterjmichelsel; instantbird-0.1.2.en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz215:19
Slartdexter: support, download and installing?15:19
atlef!tar.bz2 | dexter:15:20
ubottudexter:: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression15:20
trojatraApparently my samba is set up to only access certain computers on my network, though I can see all of them. My other computer will not be accessed, though I know the folders are being shared.15:20
unopdexter, extract the file and have a read through the README or INSTALL file15:21
gunnyhello all, I have installed multiple video players (VLC, Mplayer, totem-xine, etc.) and the libdvdcss and the commercial DVD video I am trying to play breaks up and the picture appears to melt down upon trying to play it in all of theses, any suggestions?15:21
cjohnsonI'm trying to run ubuntu 8.04. I tried the livecd, it doesn't start. I just installed with the wubi installer in windows, and now when I boot it also doesn't start. I get this error: clocksource tsc unstable15:22
Slartgunny: do you know if the dvd is alright? not scratched etc?15:22
cjohnsonHow can I fix this?15:22
trojatragunny: You are doing something illegal, the government will be at your house within 10 minutes. Run.15:22
Slartgunny: it might be using some kind of weird windows only copying prevention too..15:22
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Cyberiacjohnson weren't you able to change the boot order to boot from CD first?15:22
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cjohnsonCyberia, it does boot from the cd, that's how I can see the error...15:23
CharminTheMoosenot meaning to stoke up some flames here, but does ubuntu 'hide' certain things from the user?15:23
trojatraI'd say so, yes.15:23
squidlyCharminTheMoose: Yes and no.15:23
SlartCharminTheMoose: not that I'm aware of... depends on how you define "hide"15:23
squidlyjmichelse1: lol15:23
sipiorCharminTheMoose: sure. although one could argue that that is the point of an operating system :-)15:23
tosmoBodsda: well. at the moment it seems like that user who first "grabbed" the new device (usb drive for example) can read the content, all others are denied. how can i then change the read rights? tried with mount option users which i remembered from good ols console times ;) but that must have been wrong15:23
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SlartCharminTheMoose: but it doesn't go out of it's way to keep you from seeing things.. but it doesn't put them on the desktop either15:24
gunnyslart: it works fine with "geekbox"!15:24
squidlyCharminTheMoose: ifyou know where to look it works fine. But unlike redhat when you change /etc/networks/interfaces it does not get reset by the os :D15:24
Slartgunny: try running the media player in a terminal and see what kind of error messages you get15:24
gunnyslart: dvd ok.15:24
CharminTheMoosesquidly, cool.15:24
CharminTheMooseI don't use ubuntu.. i use debian..15:24
CharminTheMoosebut I was talking to a guy online..15:25
CharminTheMooseyeah i know. :-D15:25
squidlyCharminTheMoose: debian and ubuntu are very similar15:25
CharminTheMoosethey're not the same.. blah blah blah.15:25
squidlythough ubuntu is much more uptodate and cooler :)15:25
squidlyI said similary not the same ;)15:25
atlefsquidly: debian testing15:26
trojatraLet's try to leave the word "cool" out of arguments of OS :P15:26
gunnyslart: ok best for that is VLC...15:26
squidlyatlef: at the latest ;)15:26
SlartCharminTheMoose: first rule of telephone support, users lie.. all the time.. even when they don't know what they are talking about =)15:26
Slartgunny: that would work15:26
jmichelse1Slart: haha yep15:26
Bried1sespania suckers !15:26
CharminTheMoosewould any of you guys say that the difference between any distro is 1. the packages preinstalled and 2. what package management system it uses?15:26
jmichelse1Slart: "I didn't click any popup"15:26
Kartagishoşçakalın / bye15:27
IndyGunFreakCharminTheMoose: that woudl be minimum differences..15:27
jmichelse1CharminTheMoose: somethin like that15:27
SlartCharminTheMoose: or 3. Very offtopic.. =)15:27
squidlySlart: "I didnt touch anything, it just started on fire"15:27
CharminTheMooseSlart, apologies.15:27
Slartno worries15:27
IndyGunFreak!zh | samubra15:27
ubottusamubra: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:27
albechis there a way to manually install guest additions on virtual box?15:27
atlef!samba > atlef15:28
ubottuatlef, please see my private message15:28
squidlytalking about off topic anyone hear about the RH server compromize?15:28
jmichelse1albech: yea probably15:28
jmichelse1albech: download them seperately and install to the guest, I assume15:28
jmichelse1albech: there is a channel for this as well #virtualbox15:28
albechjmichelse1: ill try in there.. thanks15:28
jmichelse1albech: check their forums as well15:29
jmichelse1albech: np15:29
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jmichelse1albech: http://code.google.com/p/virtual-box-windows-guest-additions-installer/15:30
IdleOne!es | Guest2822215:30
ubottuGuest28222: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:30
Guest48303hola q tal15:30
atlefwhat would be the best way to share files with both linux and windows machines?15:30
wolsatlef: samba15:30
jmichelse1atlef: samba15:31
IdleOne!samba > atlef15:31
ubottuatlef, please see my private message15:31
gunnySlart: It attempts to plat it and then give me: VLC media player 0.8.6e Janus Segmentation fault after bit rate, etc.15:31
atlefok, i thougt so15:31
Slartgunny: oh.. try one of the other ones15:31
gunnySlart: OK15:31
KenBW2anyone here use Conduit?15:32
erUSULatlef: samba15:34
TapoutI've got 1 machine that currently has samba on it.  Everything is great with it.  However, I want to take that machine, dedicate it to ADSL.  Right now it's all Cable.. 192.168.0.* (dlink).   Can I disable DHCP for that nic, enable it for the ADSL link, thus getting 192.168.1.* from the adsl.. and it should work eh?  it will still response to samba on that nic, but all internet will work thru the adsl .. can this be done?15:34
leepingHi there, I have the version of Python that came with ubuntu, but the "getopt" standard library seems to be missing.. is there a package that I need to install??15:35
wolsTapout: yes. and you can selectively enable and disable samba on certain interfaces too15:35
gunnySlart: It give me the error: The source seems encrypted, and can't be read. Are you trying to play an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss?15:36
Slartgunny: well.. is libdvdcss installed?15:36
Slart!dvd | gunny15:36
ubottugunny: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs15:36
atlefalthough i found openssh great for sharing files at home15:36
=== leeping is now known as leeping2008
gunnySlart: yes15:36
jmichelse1atlef: that's a diff kind of sharing15:36
atlefjmichelse1: i know15:37
IdleOneleeping2008, apt-cache search getopt15:37
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jmichelse1atlef: yea it works though, you could also share with rsync or ftp15:37
sipiorleeping2008: hmm...i have it on a default install. maybe a pythonpath problem?15:37
leeping2008sipior, yes, you're actually right, I don't have any of the standard libraries... what is the standard pythonpath?15:38
atlefjmichelse1: i want to accsess files from my home when i am visiting friends15:38
trojatraHas anyone successfully setup smb from Ubuntu to access the shared files on both Vista and XP? I can access the XP computers and their shared files, but not my Vista computer.15:38
mattster01anybody know good wireless cards to use in ubuntu? good brands for instance?15:38
Slartgunny: well, it seems ubuntu can't read the contents of the dvd for some reason..15:38
jmichelse1atlef: port forwarding, or hamathi, would work for that15:38
leeping2008sipior, I got it. :)  Thanks... it was /usr/lib/python2.515:38
atlefjmichelse1: ?15:38
IdleOne!hardware > mattster0115:38
ubottumattster01, please see my private message15:38
sipiorleeping2008: you might try "python -v" to see where it thinks things should be15:39
mattster01ok thanx15:39
jmichelse1atlef: id forword a few ports on your router to the box you want to access, and use ssh/puTTy(for windows) to access it15:39
leeping2008sipior, thank you :)15:39
gunnySlart: hmmmm , let me try another DVD.15:39
leeping2008IdleOne, thanks too, I was able to find the problem though, I just had a bad environment variable15:39
fr4nk-kCavallo: hi15:39
CavalloI have added to computer a new hard drive. Now I want to add this space to /home directory. Is it possible?15:40
IdleOneleeping2008, np hope I was of help15:40
wolsCavallo: if your /home is handled by lvm15:40
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO15:40
Cavallono its not :/15:40
atlefjmichelse1: well people i visit may have both linux and windows machines15:41
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:41
jmichelse1atlef: puTTy is ssh for windows, will allow you to connect from windows to your linux at home15:41
atlefjmichelse1: and from a linux machine?15:42
jmichelse1atlef: if you set a ftp server (port 21-22) you can xfer files a little easier than ssh15:42
jmichelse1atlef: use native ssh on linux to connect out to your home linux15:42
atlefok, thx15:42
Piciatlef: but ftp is not secure.15:42
IdleOneatlef, you can you the connect to server option from a linux machine usualy in the Places tab from the main panel15:43
molgrumhow can i install 32-bit openal libraries on a 64-bit hardy installation?15:43
wolsatlef: putty exists for linux too. and port 20-21 is not enoug for ftp under all circumstances. not at all15:43
CMD_L1N3does memory on video card have to be the same type on the mother board15:43
wolsCMD_L1N3: no15:43
CMD_L1N3ex.  can i use ddr vram on a board with sdram?15:43
jmichelse1wols: just giving the guy the idea, not a howto here15:43
wolsjmichelse1: port 22 is ssh, not ftp fyi15:44
atlefIdleOne: wols: jmichelse1: thx a lot of info here, i better get to it by reading15:44
IdleOnePici, is your update notifier working for you on the +1 install?15:44
jmichelse1wols: just giving him the idea about port forwarding, for ssh and ftp15:44
jmichelse1wols: 20-22 then,15:44
wols22 is ssh. NOT ftp in any way shape or form15:45
wolsCMD_L1N3: #hardware15:45
jmichelse1wols: I never said it was15:45
diogohi, i have a lot of my keys in my keyboard rearranjed... and i want it to go back to normal.... can someone help me15:45
wolsjmichelse1: "set a ftp server (port 21-22)"15:45
wols!keyboard | diogo15:46
jmichelse1wols: read above MORE15:46
ubottudiogo: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts15:46
atlefwols: so, the "connect to server" in places menu asks for "Server", is that the name of my machine?15:46
linuxman-dftry to set up your keyboard layout15:47
shafirehttp://z0r.de/?id=1272 <-- hihihi15:48
atlefwols: oh, the ssh part15:48
bazhang!ot | shafire15:48
ubottushafire: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:48
bazhangshafire, dont paste that here15:48
gunnySlart: Its playing Spiderman 3! Must be the first DVD was corrupted! Sorry! Thanks for your help. Looks like I will have to buy a new copy of the Bourne Ultimatum! (maybe a CIA plot.) VLC the best.15:49
jmichelse1bazhang: hey man15:49
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bazhanghi jmichelse115:49
jmichelse1bazhang: how you doin15:49
stefano_tHi guys, i'm a newbie in *nix systems; after a successful cp -r on a directory, the new one gets a lock and can't be deleted (Permission Denied). Any solution?15:50
gunnySlart: I am a newie, what can I say?15:50
wols!permissions | stefano_t15:50
ubottustefano_t: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:50
wolsstefano_t: did you copy it to a fat or ntfs drive?15:50
stefano_twols, simply copied from Desktop to an inner directory...nothing else!15:51
gfatherguys how can i know what jobs or ids are active ?15:51
gfatherlike what processors are working15:51
Igramulgfather: top15:51
jmichelse1gfather: top15:51
gfatherthanks :)15:51
IdleOnegfather, look at Htop also15:51
wicope!fonts | wicope15:52
ubottuwicope, please see my private message15:52
IgramulBy the way, is there a similar tool like top that shows the I/O throughput per process?15:52
cjohnsonI'm trying to install ubuntu, and before I can even get the installer to boot up I get "clocksource tsc unstable". I have a Dell Optiplex 32015:52
Slartgunny: no worries.. it happens15:52
Slartgunny: hope you can find a copy that works for you15:53
gfatherman when ever i start netbeans it start to loads but never open ?15:53
gunnySlart: Thanks again for your help.15:53
gfatherand its not active in top15:53
makinaliveHow can I change the language from console?15:53
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf15:53
Igramulgfather: Sounds like a dead-lock, try "strace /path/to/netbeans" and look for the last action.15:54
gfather<Igramul ok15:54
makinaliveI don't have localeconf15:54
gunnySlart: By now I've got enough video players and Codecs installed to start my own movie studio...:-)15:54
makinalivecan I change the language without reboot? I'm on dedicated server15:55
atlefwols: ill try again : so, the "connect to server" in places menu asks for "Server", is that the name of my machine?in the ssh option15:55
Slartgunny: hehe15:55
Redleerhow to install GLIB? im trying to configure xchat and it stops on: checking for GLIB - version >= 2.0.3... no15:55
wolsatlef: it wants a hostname or IP15:55
makinalivecan I change the language without reboot? I'm on dedicated server15:55
atlefwols: ah, ok15:55
wolsRedleer: why do you compile xchat?15:56
=== tiago is now known as Guest72152
gfather<Igramul> i got some stuff i didnt understand ?15:57
Redleeraj now i found that xchat what i wanted from add/remove :) dont like this xchat-gnome15:57
gfather<Igramul> can i pm u ?15:57
molgruma game i'm trying to run says it needs libopenal.so.1, but it has worked before on a hardy installation without any hassle that i can remember so i'm wondering why it would require openal1 instead of openal0 now? openal1 is not available until intrepid if i understand it correctly?15:57
haichmanhi,i can't delete a folder in my desktop, how can i do plz?15:58
wols!errors | haichman15:59
ubottuhaichman: If you have problems or errors, you will need to describe/paste them. Please use the !pastebin for errors that cannot be quoted in a single IRC message15:59
jmichelse1haichman: using the terminal try it, rm -i /path/to/file/filename15:59
haichmanubuttu : The file "VMwarePlayer_2.0.4" cannot be moved to the trash.16:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuttu16:01
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!16:01
cuilhow to use wine?16:02
Picicuil: wine program.exe16:02
jmichelse1!wine | cuil16:02
ubottucuil: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.16:02
needhelp_Hi, I'm in the middle of upgrading Ubuntu to 8.04. Problem is it has stopped after the errormessage "Generating locales... Error: Bad entry 'C '  de_AT.UTF-8...". What to do? Restart the comp and try again from start?16:03
generalsnusHi, i need some video files uploaded to a webserver, so that our students can watch them home. Our camera is a harddisk cam, wich records in the MPEG2 format, i need to convert this to a reasonable format, without having the students to download additional codecs. I understand that .VMW (windows media) is a good allrounder.. but what else could i use, that dosent require downloading codecs?  id prefer if if this could be converted on linux as16:04
bazhangneedhelp_, from gutsy? you need to cancel that out and reboot into the previous kernel then run it again16:04
needhelp_bazhang: from 7.10 to 8.0416:05
cjohnsonI'm trying to install ubuntu, and before I can even get the installer to boot up I get "clocksource tsc unstable". I have a Dell Optiplex 32016:08
Emukdoes anyone know a site where i can see my own site?16:09
jmichelse1!hi | amaiko16:09
ubottuamaiko: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:09
jmichelse1Emuk: what do you mean see your owe site16:09
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts16:10
wintellectHi all16:11
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:11
wintellectI'm having a little difficulty with apache2 and SSL on Ubuntu server16:11
wintellecthi jmichelse116:11
wintellectIs anyone able to spare me a couple of moments?16:12
diogoHi again.16:12
Whiz2wintellect: what kind of trouble?16:13
wintellectWhiz2: can't seem to get SSL started16:13
TJ-Linuxalright I have an easy question -- I'm trying to use nano, and I want to find something in a large file, I can search by using ctrl+w and then typing in what I want to search for, but it only finds the first instance -- how do I do a "find next"?16:13
QubexHey ubuntu mates, where can i see where my MySQL.sock is?16:13
diogomy keyboard didnt going to what is used to be (normal)16:13
Abracadabrahi, how do I list the different drives ?16:13
lufisAbracadabra: sudo mount to list mounted devices16:14
jmichelse1Abracadabra: fdisk -l16:14
wintellectWhiz2: I added the symlink to "mods-enabled"...16:14
wintellectWhiz2: ...but when I start it it says:16:14
Whiz2wintellect: try starting it from the command line (i dunno the exact command)16:14
Abracadabralufis, jmichelse1, ty, will try both16:14
jmichelse1Abracadabra: gparted is gui based and gives that info also16:14
jmichelse1Abracadabra: np16:15
wintellect apache2ctl startssl16:15
wintellectThe startssl option is no longer supported.16:15
wintellectPlease edit httpd.conf to include the SSL configuration settings16:15
wintellectand then use apachectl start.16:15
FloodBot1wintellect: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:15
db92someone remind me the command to list my connected drives?16:15
Whiz2!paste | wintellect16:15
ubottuwintellect: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:15
AbracadabraI am using the CLI :)16:15
diogoi try to write a question mark and it appears a mark too far from a question mark16:15
jmichelse1Abracadabra: good for you ;)16:15
harushimoanyone know how to stream the olympics online16:15
Qubex!sock | qubexy16:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sock16:15
jmichelse1db92:  mount16:15
wintellectWhiz2: I am - and it's not working :(  I just don't know what I'm missing to get it going16:15
Qubex!mysql | Qubex16:15
ubottuQubex, please see my private message16:15
Whiz2wintellect: it's giving you explicit instructions in the error message. follow those instructions16:16
harushimoIs their a way to work around ms silverlight or is their open source equivalent16:16
clifmoanyone got a sec to talk me through setting up a server with a static IP16:16
clifmoas a virtual machine16:16
jmichelse1harushimo: uh silverlight is the new player in the flash game I believe, use adobe flash16:17
=== hippu_ is now known as hippu
gunnySlart: If you are still here, Geekbox played the DVD (Bourne Ultimatim)that I couldn't play on Ubuntu just fine...16:17
harushimoI use flash but I can't view the olympics online16:17
rtz37453i wonder why people do not actually *read* error messages16:17
harushimobecause nbc uses silverlight16:17
Whiz2rtz37453: some do (like me) but the error messages don't always tell you like that one did16:18
phaverkampclifmo: Thats a tall order..If your using virtualbox I sugest the virtual box manual16:18
Red_WraithCan someone please help me? I can't mount the fedora filesystem on another disk from ubuntu http://fpaste.org/paste/5164 heres my error message, and list of mounts.16:19
unopsilverlight is nothing like flash ..16:19
harushimoI want to know is a there way around it16:19
harushimoi know16:19
arrrghhhair is nothing like flash16:19
jmichelse1unop: and cross-device plug-in for delivering  the next generation of .NET based media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web.16:19
stryd_onehi all... can anyone tell me how to stop the 'tracker search tool' from appearing when i hit the search button on the mouse (which i'd like to assign to something else)16:19
mzjilaniDoes anyone know how to fix flash video crash on Firefox (Ubuntu Hardy) ?16:19
Whiz2microsoft is trying to snuff out other operating systems and browsers by adding things like silverlight16:19
jmichelse1unop: when it first come out it was described as flash16:19
unopjmichelse1, i would say that was an inaccurate description then16:20
causeitsmeI thought moonlight would run silverlight stuff16:20
harushimoI want to see the argentina vs usa game16:20
rtz37453Whiz2: yeah, they always try to make own "standards"16:20
arrrghhhRed_Wraith, that device is already mounted as your "/"16:20
harushimodarn silverlight and Nbc16:20
Whiz2rtz37453: yeah that's why they keep getting lawsuits against them haha16:20
unopharushimo, you could try the bbc website - iplayer16:20
stryd_onei found keyboard shortcuts in ccsm, but i can't find mouse button shortcuts...16:20
arrrghhhWhiz2, they've been tryin to snuff out everybody for years16:20
harushimooh really16:20
harushimoI think thats country specific16:21
harushimoI can't view the content16:21
yaazelHey guys.. I want to use command telnet program for doing http communication with server running on my localhost. but I'm little confused with this program. When I issue `telnet localhost 80` it says "Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'". fine. after that I give HTTP method/command (along with headers). I don't understand how to execute it. I tried pressing ^]. it gives me telnet> prompt. bu16:21
Red_Wraitharrrghhh: No, that's sda, I want sdb.16:21
Whiz2arrrghhh: Red_Wraith is right. it's not already mounted16:22
arrrghhhRed_Wraith, hrm sorry it's early.  have you tried forcing the mount?16:22
Red_WraithI don't know how to do that.16:22
jmichelse1unop: I haven't used it so thanks for clarifying16:22
arrrghhhRed_Wraith, -f16:23
arrrghhhor --force i think16:23
Whiz2Red_Wraith: did you make the directory /home/fdora before you ran the mount command?16:23
djamelhi all, when i try to update my ubuntu, with synapyics it doesn't work, ans when i try with apt-get update it says "illegal instruction"16:23
harushimonothing against linux but I just hate when companies think their is only two os(Mac or Windows...whatver happen to linux)16:23
djameland when i look in the /var/log/syslog it says apt : segfault16:23
djamelanyone ?16:23
rtz37453djamel: which cpu?16:23
causeitsmedjamel, are your software sources correct16:24
Whiz2harushimo: big companies are always trying to get rid of linux, but this conversation is off topic, so I'm done with it :p16:24
ramvi[CALL FOR HELP] Can someone help me with customizing a livecd. If you know what these words mean, please msg me! busybox, initrd.gz, casper16:24
unopharushimo, you could try out moonlight to see if it works .. it's the opensource equivalent of silverlight.  http://www.mono-project.com/Moonlight16:24
mzjilanidjamel, Do you use it with "sudo" ?16:24
arrrghhhRed_Wraith, and that /home/fedora isn't "busy" in any way? :P  try forcing the mount16:24
djamelcauseitsme, yes, they was set automatically when i installed16:24
harushimoI'm looking at bbc to see if I watch the game their.16:24
djamelmzjilani, no, i did sudo bash first16:25
Whiz2Red_Wraith: sudo umount -a16:25
djamelrtz37453, i have only one cpu16:25
Red_WraithI can't manage to force it.16:25
Whiz2then sudo mount -a16:25
rtz37453djamel: yeah, but which type? cat /proc/cpuinfo16:25
thomashartman1How do I add a bottom panel to the desktop? I am in this situation where when I minimize a window, it just vanishes.16:25
Whiz2then run your mount command again for /dev/sda16:25
mzjilanidjamel, put the output of "$> sudo apt-get update"16:25
thomashartman1oh, and is there a way to get a vanished window back?16:25
Red_WraithWhiz: that won't work. sdb2 isn't in fstab.16:25
Abracadabramount points are just partition right ? .... like having different partitions in Windows ?16:25
Whiz2Red_Wraith: the umount command should unmount anything that is not "busy"16:26
razorbeakwhere's my power button?16:26
arrrghhhRed_Wraith, there's nothing currently mounted or in /home/fedora?16:26
djamelmzjilani, it only says : "Illegal instruction"16:26
Whiz2razorbeak: same place it was when you bought the computer16:26
kailieyhello.  What's a good wireless nic that I should get for my ubuntu?  I want the *-n , whether it's dlink/linksys... anyone know which is best supported16:26
causeitsmeThomas, right click on your top panel and add panel and it should give you one16:26
juananHelp for Aver Media Hybrid PCMCIA in Ubuntu Hardy16:27
Red_Wraitharrrgh: nothing. I can even mount other fss there.16:27
cambazzhello, I have a headless ubuntu server, and I need to add new ipnumbers to eth0. how do I do ethernet aliasing?16:27
jmichelse1kailiey: internal or external?16:27
razorbeakexcellent. that's what I was hoping16:27
Whiz2Red_Wraith: try making a new mount point16:27
kailieyinternal nic16:27
harushimothanks for trying. It didn't work16:27
Red_WraithWhiz2: I have.16:27
zeeeeei'm on ubuntu 8.04; is there an easy way to try the amarok 2 beta, which was just released? the blog entry says "Packages are available through your package manager for most Linux distributions", but after 'aptitude update' i don't see a package for v2 beta16:27
harushimoback on topic, I've been having a problem with Hardy16:27
AbracadabraHello, are mount points just partitions? .... like having different partitions in Windows ?16:27
arrrghhhRed_Wraith, strange... and fdisk -l does...?16:27
Whiz2razorbeak: try pressing ctrl-alt-del to bring up the shutdown dialog16:28
harushimoeverytime I try installing Hardy, I get an fd0 error when I don't have a drive16:28
harushimois their fix for that16:28
stryd_oneharushumo: disable it in your bios if possible16:28
Whiz2harushimo: disable the option for your floppy disk completely in the bios16:28
rtz37453djamel: illegal instruction occurs when the cpu cannot execute a specific machine instruction. code which is compiled for i686 would produce this error on older VIA cpus. that's why i ask for the cpu type.16:28
harushimoI did that. it didn't work16:28
stryd_oneif that doesn't work i'll link you another fix16:28
wintellectWhiz2: the error message was misleading. The actual issue was that I was missing "SSLOptions +StrictRequire16:28
draw2muchHello, I was wondering if someone could help me with my Wacom tablet?16:28
stryd_oneharu: laptop or headless server by any chance?16:28
jmichelse1Abracadabra: not really16:28
wintellectbut THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your help Whiz216:29
Red_Wraithhttp://fpaste.org/paste/5171 this is fdisk -l16:29
Whiz2wintellect: you're welcome. glad you figured it out16:29
ramvi[CALL FOR HELP] Can someone help me with customizing a livecd / making Ubuntu Eee 8.04.1. If you know what these words mean, please msg me! busybox, initrd.gz, casper16:29
harushimoits a desktop16:29
jmichelse1Abracadabra: as I understand it they are just a place to put the data so it can be seen in the tree, not separate from the partition they are mounted in16:29
thomashartman1causeitme: I don't have a top panel, I have only one panel vertical right.16:29
thomashartman1I don't seem to be able to move it.16:29
bazhang!eeepc | ramvi16:29
ubotturamvi: Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC16:29
rtz37453wintellect: cool you found out yourself and thanks for letting the channel know16:29
juananCan someone help me for install a AverMedia Card in Ubuntu Hardy?16:29
causeitsmethomas, click in the side one and add panel and drag to bottom16:30
Abracadabrajmichelse1, I need to do a network monitoring of disk space and usage......how do I find out then ?16:30
SataShey all i got a question somehow and i dont recall when i first installed ubuntu i made it so firstarter starts automatically when i boot cept i dont want it to now pluz it dont load anyway kuz it needs root pass so there is a big fat red FAILED on my load up screen can anyone tell me how i take it out of auto load on bootup ?16:30
Whiz2Red_Wraith: try mounting /dev/sdb1 instead of sdb216:30
ramvibazhang: Thanks, but please read what I wrote.. I've written a lot of what's on help...EeePC. I need help making Ubuntu Eee 8.04.1. I have a problem where I'm thrown to busybox instead of booting16:30
jmichelse1Abracadabra: well you can still check disk usage of mount points16:31
jmichelse1Abracadabra: using commandline> du /mount/point16:31
djamelrtz37453, ah ok, it's an Intel pIV 3ghz, but the strange thing is that it worked very well until today, i was able to make updates and install new stuff via synaptics and all16:31
bazhangramvi, you may also wish to look at the wiki for www.eeeuser.com or #eeepc16:31
thomashartman1causeitme: ok I have a bottom panel in addition to vert right panel now.16:31
thomashartman1but when I minimize windows they still disappear.16:31
rtz37453djamel: then maybe some binaries are corrupted due to hard disk failure or bad ram16:32
ramvibazhang: the problem is with Ubuntu, not the Eeepc. I need help booting custom kernel with Ubuntu16:32
causeitsmeThomas, I had that problem before, give me a sec to find out how I fixed it16:32
ramvibazhang: can you help me? I would be forever greatful16:32
bazhangramvi, no such problems here. it works fine.16:32
thomashartman1causeitme: thanks16:32
jmichelse1Abracadabra: man du for more info, its useful for disk usage (lol)16:32
Red_WraithWhiz1: it's mounted. It's the fedora boot and grub. These are the contents. http://fpaste.org/paste/517216:32
bazhangramvi, please read the resources I suggested.16:33
Abracadabrajmichelse1, well the disk usage is gonna be done by a Network management system, I just need to setup the different areas to check16:33
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:33
rtz37453djamel: because P4 should make problems like illegal instruction with i686 code16:33
jmichelse1Abracadabra: there are  a bunch of net moniters out there also16:33
djamelrtz37453, well ok, what should i do then ?16:33
rtz37453djamel: shouldn't16:33
jmichelse1Abracadabra: well mount points are viewed as part of the tree, when mounted, so shouldn't be too hard16:33
rtz37453djamel: you could run memtest8616:33
SataSanyone is there a file or list that i can edit to remove stuff from auto loading at startup (firestarter firewall) ??16:33
jmichelse1Abracadabra: they show as if native to that disk16:33
jmichelse1Abracadabra: in my experience)16:33
zeeeeeah, answer: http://amarok.kde.org/en/node/48216:33
juananCan someone help me to install an AverMedia Card in Ubuntu Hardy?16:34
ramvibazhang: The problem is when following: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization16:34
rtz37453djamel: btw, which ubuntu version did you install?16:34
ramvibazhang: I add a custom kernel, as in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization16:34
Whiz2Red_Wraith: where is it mounted?16:34
=== LSD|Ninj1 is now known as LSD|Ninja
thomashartman1I can cycle through windows using alt-tab16:34
djamelrtz37453, 8.0416:34
lufisI can't enable SHMConfig no matter what I do, nothing works16:34
causeitsmethomas, try this, Right-click on any empty space in your panel, select "Add to Panel", find the Window List-applet and add it16:34
bazhangramvi, the best resources are the ones I have suggested; ie not that one.16:34
rtz37453djamel: 32 or 64 bit?16:34
rtz37453djamel: 64 bit won't run anyway on P4 i guess16:35
thomashartman1causeitme: thanks, that worked.16:35
Whiz2Red_Wraith: I didn't see it in the mount list you showed earlier16:35
Abracadabrajmichelse1, ok, it's just that the NMS ask to setup in snmpd.conf, the different partitions, so I was looking to find them so I can add them16:35
ramvibazhang: the kernel got squashfs and unionfs. But I can't get it to work. I'm on a mac, customizing Ubuntu. wiki.eeeuser.com can't help me with that. Can you please help me?16:35
Red_Wraith /home/fedora_fs. I just mounted it.16:35
ramvibazhang: and please don't say call apple. I'm running ubuntu16:35
jmichelse1Abracadabra: so it is monitoring based on partitions?16:35
juananCan someone help me to install an AverMedia Card in Ubuntu Hardy?16:36
Whiz2haha @ calling apple16:36
jmichelse1Abracadabra: not folders or files?16:36
draw2muchHello, I'm using Ubuntu (Hardy) and trying to get my Wacom Bamboo tablet to function properly. I went through a HOWTO on the forums, which sort of works. The tablet is recognized by the system but functions like a mouse, not a tablet. Anyone know why?16:36
ramvibazhang: Is your job to piss people of or actually to help people? I'm looking for help with ubuntu and you're answering like a bad programmed bot16:37
Whiz2Red_Wraith: if you boot using sdb1 instead of sda1 can you read it in that installation of linux?16:37
bazhangramvi, not sure what help you want; cutting and pasting from the wiki seems silly.16:37
Abracadabrajmichelse1, it monitors disk space, based on the partition (full size, used size....and sends alarms based on a percentage I will setup (<90%, for eg)16:37
kewl_Help! Ubuntu wont save my keyboard layout, so every time I login I need to make changes. Can anybody advise me?16:37
Whiz2ramvi: calm down. not everyone can give you the answers you need. I learned this yesterday16:37
trigpinkewl_ , you using a live cd ?16:38
Red_WraithWhiz2: nvm. It's an lvm, and I managed to mount it with help in #fedora. Thanks for your help.16:38
ramvibazhang: True! The problem is that I get this message in casper.log     /init: /init: 1: cannot open /dev/fd0: No such file . And thanks for your interest! :)16:38
kewl_trigpin, nope16:38
jmichelse1Abracadabra: hmm in that case it may act different16:38
Whiz2Red_Wraith: np glad you got it :)16:38
kailieyis there a way to power-down a drive?  For example, weekly backups go to this drive.. lets say, sunday night.. it spins up, rsync's.. once done, idles for like 2 hours and detects idle.. and totally turns the drive off... not spinning at all16:38
juananCan someone help me to install an AverMedia Card in Ubuntu Hardy?16:38
causeitsmekewl, are you on live cd or an install16:38
KenSentMeIs it possible to switch the devices connected to /dev/video0 and /dev/video1?16:39
Whiz2ramvi: do you have a floppy disk installed?16:39
Abracadabrajmichelse1, here's the link http://www.opennms.org/index.php/Monitoring_disk_space_with_Net-SNMP16:39
monyEnter text here...16:39
kewl_causeitsme, im on install16:39
trigpinkewl_,  have a look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:39
ramviWhiz2: It's in a vm but I think it's emulating a floppy, yes16:39
rtz37453mony: do you have a ubuntu related question?16:39
trigpinkewl_,  try and change manualy16:39
juananCan someone help me to install an AverMedia Card in Ubuntu Hardy?16:40
Benjamin_LHi, I'm running latest hardy and updated today, when booting into the desktop I get a grey box which turns out to be a warning that the settings manager could not be loaded, I searched the forums but didn't find anything useful, does anyone know how to solve this?16:40
Whiz2ramvi: what exactly are you trying to do, and what error message are you getting?16:40
causeitsmekewl: I found this .... https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/3189416:40
jmichelse1Abracadabra: well it looks like you can specify file locaitions there so you could set it to monitor a mount point16:40
stryd_onesorry to nag guys... anyone know how to disable the mouse button binding to the tracker search tool?16:40
Tonnahi , im a new linux user...  got problems installing an x1950 ati card  ... tried envy but got black screen :(   im using ubuntu 8.0416:40
jmichelse1Abracadabra: is this a live network? commercial? I would try a few thing, set some alarms low and see what happens16:41
arrrghhh!ati | Tonna: don't use envy16:41
ubottuTonna: don't use envy: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:41
Tonnaneed som easy way to do it if there is :)16:41
Tonnaoh ok  .)16:41
Tonnathen i wont :)16:41
stryd_oneoops... i installed envy... seemed a lot easier than the manual binary install16:41
stryd_onewhat's wrong with envy?16:42
juananCan someone help me to install an AverMedia Card in Ubuntu Hardy?16:42
bazhang!info envyng-gtk16:42
ubottuenvyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB16:42
jtierHello, I was wondering how to install gui for server? I know you can install ubuntu-desktop but it comes with so much junk i don't need16:42
bazhangthat one?16:42
trigpinwhere can i check ssh logs ?16:42
webpiratehello everyone....16:42
Tonnai reinstalled linuy after the envy install .. all messed up16:42
ramviWhiz2: thanks for helping me! :) I'm trying to follow this howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization . The only thing I've done is extract the iso, followed "Live CD Kernel" and "Rebuilding initrd" before trying it out. That when the livecd doesn't work. I get a screen that says Busybox where I "cat casper.log". It tells me the /dev/fd0 can't be found16:42
neopsychehi .. im tryng to access dlink router16:43
j800ryo, someone...you know how with rar packages you sometimes get them split into seperate pieces/files. can you repair them in ubuntu like you can with winrar?16:43
Whiz2ramvi try disabling the floppy emulation in the vm then try again16:43
stryd_onebazhang i don't understand... what's wrong with envyng? why is it bad to use it?16:43
webpirateI have a problem that I need help with...I upgraded to the 64bit version of 8.04 and I noticed one little problem.....when I go to file...open on any program it seems to take a long time for the dialoge box to pop up...and ideas why?16:43
Abracadabrajmichelse1 it is on a live server yes16:43
snhi I want to set the program wine uses to open internet urls, does anyone know where it is set16:43
bazhangstryd_one, nothing wrong; the one to avoid is envy (envyng is for hardy)16:43
stat_csHello. I am trying to have dual monitors set up. I want to have my mail on to have a resolution of 1280x1024 (LCD - no choice). I want the one to the left to be 1024x786 - and it to be an extension of the one on the left. How can I do this? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance16:44
juananCan someone help me to install an AverMedia Card in Ubuntu Hardy?16:44
stryd_oneahh thankyou sorry for my confusion16:44
reduzHELP! I installed ubuntu on a computer with a VT-Switch, and it defaults to 640x480 and nothing bigger :(16:44
reduzseems it can't detect the monitor16:44
Whiz2ok my brain is linux fried for the moment... i'm outta here16:44
j800ranyone? :\16:44
causeitsmejuanan: there is a thread here: http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=76799916:45
ramviWhiz2: I don't find any option for disabling the flopping in virtualbox16:45
SataSuhm can anyone help me out is there a file for everything that starts at bootup ? im trying to get firestarter to stop loading as i found out iptables is my firewall and firestarter is just a front end gui16:45
trigpinreduz,  preferences > screen resolution ?16:45
jtierHello, I was wondering how to install gui for server? I know you can install ubuntu-desktop but it comes with so much junk i don't need16:45
reduztrigpin, shows 640x480 max16:45
jmichelse1Abracadabra: it still should be ok to test a few things if it just sends an alarm, its your call but I wouldn't see any harm in seting it to monitor a mount point with a low alarm setting and see what it does16:45
j800rjtier,  just remove the stuff from desktop edition which you don't need16:46
Abracadabrajmichelse1, I will try with a couple of mount points16:46
juananCauseitsme: No works my card with these instructions :(16:46
jmichelse1Abracadabra: I meant it doesn shut down the server or anything so it should be ok even on a live16:46
trigpinreduz,  sounds like a driver problem search for your driver on ubuntu forums16:46
causeitsmejuanan: what model is th card?16:46
jmichelse1Abracadabra: let me know what you find out though ;) curious16:47
juanancauseitsme: Aver Media Hybrid cardbus PCMCIA16:47
leeping2008Hey there, how can I SSH into another machine and automatically go to some directory?  Something to the effect of "ssh remote cd foo" except I keep the interactive shell?16:47
Abracadabrajmichelse1, I will give it a try16:47
jmichelse1Abracadabra: gl16:47
reduztrigpin, no, this was running fine in 1024x768 until i installed a VT switch16:47
reduztrigpin, then i can only use 640x480 max16:47
Absortohello! whatever happened to the bongo package on herdy?16:48
reduztrigpin, windows can also not detect the monitor on the other end of the vtswitch but lets me choose any resolution i want instead (even if not supported by the monitor)16:48
causeitsmejuanan: have you tried: tvtime?  sudo apt-get install tvtime16:48
juanancauseitsme: Yes I've installed tvtime16:49
juanancauseitsme: No signal scanning all channels16:49
reduzUbuntu is dooming me to 640x480 :(16:49
reduzI feel like in 199516:49
causeitsmejuanan: have you seen this: http://www.avermedia.com/avertv/Support/Download.aspx?Type=Software16:50
tritiumreduz: you may have to manually specificy your monitor specs, in that case16:50
webpiratehas anyone ever tried a program called ubuntu tweak...its pretty cool16:50
Red_WraithGoodbye everyone.16:50
juanancauseitsme: My dmesg:  mt352_read_register: readreg error (reg=127, ret==-5)16:50
juanan[   50.223016] saa7133[0]/dvb: frontend initialization failed16:50
juanan[   50.223114] saa7133[0]/alsa: saa7133[0] at 0x6c000000 irq 16 registered as card -216:50
egosintrickwebpirate what is it16:50
reduztrigpin, cool, how can i do that? (not editing xorg.conf i mean)16:50
unopleeping2008, ssh user@localhost 'cd /tmp && bash -i'16:51
plb_Hm how hot do peoples laptops run in Ubuntu? I've got a AMD 64 Turion x2 set on low scaling in the bios and it runs at around 60c16:51
juanancauseitsme: http://www.avermedia.com/avertv/Support/Download.aspx?Type=Software no ubuntu support for my card16:52
tritiumreduz: you'd have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, in that case16:52
jmichelse1plb_: Acer?16:52
plb_no..toshiba satellite16:52
reduztrigpin, ok, now i really am in 1995 :) been a while since i had to do that16:52
neopsycheanyone help .. cant access
tritiumreduz: normally you wouldn't need to, but it sounds like your monitor is either quite old, or the KVM switch prevents the EDID from being read16:53
trigpinreduz, heh16:53
unopneopsyche, what is at
leeping2008unop, thanks!16:53
reduztrigpin, it's the vtswitch likely.. but i believe in that case ubuntu should let you choose other resolutions.. (windows and osx do in that case)16:54
HardDriveBluescan someone help me with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89700016:54
tyyrant27good afternoon all16:55
neopsycheunop: ip of router for config on router16:55
neopsychedoesnt want to let me in16:55
neopsychenew router16:55
causeitsmejuanan, sorry for delay, I was reading this:  mt352_read_register: readreg error (reg=127, ret==-5)16:55
tritium!enter | neopsyche16:55
ubottuneopsyche: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:55
causeitsmejuanan: THIS is what I was reading: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=587056&page=416:56
juanancauseitsme: thanks, I'm reading also...16:56
neopsycheunop:any ideas?16:57
stryd_oneanyone know how to disable the mouse button binding to the tracker search tool?16:57
unopneopsyche, try this command.   awk '/^0/{print $2}' < <(route -n)16:57
neopsycheunop: too advanced for me16:58
unopneopsyche, that should give you the ip address of your router16:58
unopneopsyche, or the default gateway to be specific, which in most cases is your router.16:59
unopneopsyche, to open up your router's config page in your browser.   x-www-browser $(awk '/^0/{print $2}' < <(route -n))16:59
trigpinreduz, there are other resolution NORMALY in system > preferences > resolution but some time things fail , thats where terminal comes in17:00
stat_csHello. I am trying to have dual monitors set up. I want to have my mail on to have a resolution of 1280x1024 (LCD - no choice). I want the one to the left to be 1024x786 - and it to be an extension of the one on the left. How can I do this? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance17:00
neopsycheunop: does nothing17:01
juanancauseitsme: I don't find any solution :(17:01
neopsycheunop: not on ubuntu.. on knopppix17:01
trigpinwhere can i access ssh logs ?17:01
IndyGunFreakstat_cs: what what is your video device?17:01
unopneopsyche, can you get on the internet at the moment?17:01
stat_csIndyGunFreak, I am not sure. How can I find out?17:01
neopsycheunop: am on17:02
IndyGunFreakstat_cs: you don't knwo what video card you have?.. type "lspci" no quotes in a terminal.. should identify it there.17:02
tritiumtrigpin: all logs are in /var/log/17:02
causeitsmestat: what video card?17:02
=== codejunkie is now known as cppmonkey
unopneopsyche,  does this command return anything?  route -n | grep -i "0\.0"17:02
trigpintritium,  thanks17:02
harushimothanks everyone17:02
stat_csIndyGunFreak, "ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE]17:02
IndyGunFreakstat_cs: ok.. sorry, i don't have any idea on ATI cards.17:03
HardDriveBluestrigpin: try /var/log/daemon.log17:03
cppmonkeyRepartitioning Ubuntu install to have Ubuntu64 and Slamd64 on the same HD, recommendations please17:03
stat_csIndyGunFreak, where would it be configured? Right now I have the two of them attached - but they are clones of each other....17:03
webpirateI used to be an ONLY ATI guy until I got into linux..17:03
stat_cswebpirate, yeah. wh?Y17:04
webpiratethen I saw the light and realized that NVIDIA was the way to go17:04
unopneopsyche,  actually, make that.    route -n | grep -i "^0\.0"17:04
IndyGunFreakstat_cs: you can try messing w/ xorg. but that coudl be troublesom17:04
IndyGunFreakwebpirate: same here.17:04
tritiumwebpirate: that trend is not reversing.17:04
juanancauseitsme: I don't find any solution17:04
webpiratebecause NVIDIA supports linux all the way17:04
tritiumATI now has more open-source momentum17:04
webpirateATI is nothing but trouble with linux17:04
stat_csI see... that sucks17:04
tyyrant27i like nvidia drivers better than ati at the moment17:05
ShackJackwebpirate: Wasn't ATI the one that recently opened up its drivers though? :)17:05
IndyGunFreaktyyrant27: how could you not?17:05
tyyrant27but with ati opening there code up ....17:05
tritiumShackJack: yes.  ATI is taking the lead now.17:05
IndyGunFreakShackJack: eventually, ATI should have a quality linux driver, but its not there yet.17:05
webpirateIf you have ATI card and finally get it working don't even think about doing system updates or kernel updates cuz you will break your ATI drivers17:05
tritiumwebpirate: times are changing17:05
ShackJackwebpirate: That has not been my experience with X140017:05
graelbHi there, has anyone successfully gotten dual screens to work with an ati card?17:05
tritiumgraelb: yes17:06
webpirateI dunno but I switched from ATI to NVIDIA and have been happy ever since..17:06
graelbtritium, with compiz working?17:06
cppmonkeywebpirate my Radeon 3200, X800, X700, HD2900XT and 3850 all work great on Linux!17:06
WhtigerWhen setting up Traffic Shaping with Shorewall 4.0.6 on Hardy, I get this http://rafb.net/p/uD5DHj79.html and this is the only thing I can find about it http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2008/06/fix-for-traffic-shaping-in-shorewall.html but I can't get 'debuild -uc -us' to work.17:06
soapmanhello, I am hoping that someone here knows about 'starting eclipse' & java with Ubuntu?17:06
tritiumgraelb: yes17:06
webpirateIt may also be because I have switched over TOTALY to ubuntu...no dual boots...all computer are ubuntu..17:06
Trader_THello, my system keeps hanging randomly every few minutes for about 10-15 seconds.   I checked "top" in terminal, and it seems that when it happens, "compiz.real" spikes up, using 98% of the cpu.    The only thing I've changed recently is changing back from KDE to Gnome.   Any ideas what the problem is?17:06
causeitsmestat: okay, I have ati and I got dual monitors working with control center17:07
tyyrant27cppmonkey: which driver are you using?17:07
cppmonkeyAMDs own17:07
causeitsmestat: give me a second and I'll tell you how17:07
graelbtritium, Do you know of some tutorial or thread online that i can look at to see if i can get mine working?17:07
starenkasoapman: what's the buzz? my eclipse is ok...17:07
webpirateand I get better framerates in Americas Army with NVIDIA...17:07
tritiumgraelb: if you're running 8.04, simply use the System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution applet17:07
stat_cscauseitsme, thanks!17:07
=== stat_cs is now known as stat
cppmonkeyI wouldnt have thought HL2 would have been playable on my 780G chipset but it sure it at 1680x105017:08
webpirateAnd ATI needs too many xorg.conf mods to get it working properly..17:08
ScheissDroge1I'm missing my buttons to min/max/close my windows, where have they gone ?17:08
Coeus82Hey, I was wondering if someone can help me out. I'm thinking of fully converting to Ubuntu, but want to go through a "transition" phase.17:08
soapmanon ubuntu, i've downloaded the jdk & used the '.bin' method & extracted it into /opt17:08
polecatSomeone here know much about partitioning?17:08
Coeus82I currently have ubuntu on my laptop and love it, but my main PC still uses Windows17:08
graelbIt didn't work for me, it just clones the two monitors for some reason, i have a suspicion it's because both monitors are 1440 width17:08
cppmonkeywebpirate I made a grand total of 0 xorg.conf mods!17:08
IndyGunFreakpolecat: there's nto really much to know... what is your question.17:08
ScheissDroge1Coeus82:if you got big hd, do a dual boot, don't like wubi17:09
Coeus82So I'm first planning on having a dual boot, but then, when I feel I don't need windows any more, I plan on converting it completely to Ubuntu17:09
webpirateCOEUS82>> I would just keep on doing what you are doing.....use the laptop to learn on and windows xp as backup incase you can't do something...17:09
polecatI have two partitions--a primary partition with Ubuntu, and an extended partition with two logical partitions--a second Ubuntu install and a swap partition.17:09
* IndyGunFreak has dual screens w/ Nvidia working in abotu 5sec.17:09
polecatI want to kill the primary partition and it's install of Ubuntu, and move my extended partition to the primary partition position.17:09
=== stat is now known as stat_cs
soapmanthen i try launching eclipse "./opt/eclipse/eclipse" & it starts up & shows the 'splash' screen... then it disappears, and another window pops up & it's blank?17:09
tyyrant27xorg doesn't even handle video anymore does it?17:09
KiDFlaShhttp://pastebin.com/m3f19f493 <-- is this output ok?17:09
tritiumgraelb: it supports xrandr.  If you want, experiment with xrandr from the cli17:09
tyyrant27well xorg.conf...17:09
EagleScreenCoeus82 you dont need wubi17:09
starenkasoapman: oh, well i just use JRE, so i guess i can't help u with jdk...17:09
IndyGunFreakpolecat: you should be able to use a gparted Live CD, but that is gonna be a LONJG process17:09
webpirateThere is only ONE thing that I have found that I cant do on linux...that is use my Logitech Harmony remote contolr software to update the remote17:10
soapmaneclipse just hangs right there..17:10
ScheissDroge1!who | Coeus8217:10
ubottuCoeus82: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:10
starenkasoapman: you got the sun packages?17:10
rlcthat's a secret17:10
Coeus82webpirate, but I was looking toward getting away from Windows completely. I haven't upgraded to Vista (still on XP) and don't intend to17:10
IndyGunFreakpolecat: might be easier to back up important files, and do a clean install and partition how you want it.17:10
bazhangrlc, what is a secret17:10
juananCan someone help me to install an AverMedia PCMCIA card in Ubuntu Hardy?, thanks17:10
ScheissDroge1Coeus82:wubi is a windows intern installer to use ubuntu within xp17:10
polecatIndyGunFreak: My problem isn't time, it's killing my Ubuntu installation.  I tried some stuff yesterday and borked up GRUB/mbr/whatever.  As long as I know the steps, I can take the time.17:10
starenkasoapman: sry m8 then17:10
starenkasoapman: my eclipse runs ok (3.2) and i got these java packages on17:11
Coeus82if I create a partition on my HDD for Ubuntu, will it be easy to adjust the partition when the time comes where I want to completely remove windows?17:11
ScheissDroge1Coeus82:but quite odd as using ntfs then and is no fully ubu-system17:11
stat_cscauseitsme, can you ping me whenever you are ready?17:11
Trader_Tany ideas why compiz.real keeps maxin out my cpu and hanging the system?17:11
Coeus82ya, I don't think wubi is what I want then17:11
reduztrigpin, tritium: Any idea where can i find info on configuring xserver.xorg manually? It seems i don't have any section to modify, and dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg no longer allows me to select monitor17:11
soapmani 'cd /opt/eclipse' , then "./eclipse"17:11
ScheissDroge1Coeus82:size of your HD ? free space ?17:11
starenkasoapman: http://pastebin.com/m33f369ed17:12
stryd_oneCoeus82: I'm doing that right now17:12
webpirateCOEUS82: You can do it but it takes FOREVER...like hours...17:12
bazhangsoapman, best to install from synaptic17:12
IctinikeHello, I was wondering if someone could advise me what I'm doing wrong? I'm trying to theme Gnome and I can't manage to theme the panels... kind of.17:12
Coeus82Scheiss.. not that large, it's only 80GB - 25GB left17:12
Coeus82webpirate.. that's fine, I would just leave it on overnight17:12
stryd_oneCoeus82: do you need to interface with any unusual hardware?17:12
Coeus82not really.. I have a webcam, but that's about it17:13
juananCan someone help me to install an AverMedia PCMCIA card in Ubuntu Hardy?, thanks17:13
ScheissDroge1Coeus82:defrag it with xp before then17:13
SataS_hey can someone tell me how i edit my sudoers file like whats the command i type into the terminal ?17:13
stryd_onecoeus82: if not, just run a VM in virtualbox17:13
webpirateCOEUS82: if you use the gparted bootable cd you can do it easy....17:13
sharperguyHow do I get compiz fusion to desplay the size of a window when I'm resizing it?17:13
Ni1Hi I want to migrate to Ubuntu soon, however the we application is IE compatible I wonder if anyone would suggest some browser/plugin17:13
Trader_Tok, can someone at least tell me what compiz.real is, or how to disable it?17:13
trigpinreduz , sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf   try that17:13
jmichelse1SataS_: vi /etc/sudoers17:13
jmichelse1SataS_: I think17:14
soapmanisn't it simpler to just use the 'bin' method.  Then you can easily have muliple jdk's on your box & 'you' control which one to use..17:14
Coeus82how about photoshop running with WINE? Anyone here try it.. is it stable. That's the only program I thinkg I would need when making the transfer17:14
stryd_oneCoeus82: get it all set up sweet, document what you do, and then when it's totally ready, backup windows and test restore it, and then go ahead with a fresh ubuntu install17:14
webpirateNi1....I have not had and problem with website that say they need IE.....even my bank says you must have IE but I log in everyday17:14
Coeus82everything else is pretty much already there on Ubuntu.. I didn't like GIMP too much17:14
webpirateTHE GIMP IS AWESOME!!!!17:14
webpirateyes I was shouting..17:14
IctinikeGimp is 8 bit, not suitable for proffesional use.17:14
Coeus82webpirate.. I just don't like the interface. I heard they're changing it17:14
stryd_onegimp is good, but it's not a lot like PS.... give it time.17:15
LincidCoeus82: GIMP is just as good as PS, with plugins. Just a different interface you have to get used to. ;)17:15
Ni1its out custom application, running IE under linux requires windows licence17:15
Ictinike16 and 32 bit are the standard.17:15
webpirateYou can actually get a plugin for gimp that will give you the PS layout17:15
HardDriveBluesrewrite application17:15
IctinikeThe GIMP is NOT as good as Photoshop, and will NOT be, until it gets 8 bit.17:15
Ictinike16 bit*17:15
ChousukeLincid: That's not quite true; gimp still has a few limitations. It's more than enough for basic use though.17:16
Coeus82So if I create a dual boot, I can easily move all the space used by windows to my ubuntu installation once I'm ready to make the full move?17:16
Ni1rewrite will go in background :D17:16
webpirateI have never had any problems with gimp...I edit photos all the time....17:16
causeitsmestat: have you tried sudo aticonfig and follow the examples at the bottom of the list17:16
webpiratelots of cool plugins..17:16
LincidChousuke: I just say that because I've seen images and other things made just as well, if not better than PS. Just a personal opinion. ;)17:16
juananCan someone help me to install an AverMedia PCMCIA card in Ubuntu Hardy?, thanks17:16
tritiumwebpirate: that still doesn't address the 8-bit limitation17:16
stryd_oneanyone know how to disable the mouse button binding to the tracker search tool? (someone tell me to shutup if i'm asking this too frequently... i'm polling ;))17:16
IctinikeIt's fine for ameuter, but as soon as you get studio quality, 8 bit limits kick in.17:17
webpirateI have never run into the problem though..17:17
excois it possible to get a different resolution than 1280x1024 (native monitor resolution is 1680x1050) with Mesa?17:17
tritium!worksforme | webpirate17:17
ubottuwebpirate: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/17:17
GneaIctinike: what do you mean? GIMP has always supported up to 24 and 32 bit17:17
ChousukeIctinike: luckily they're working on fixing that :)17:17
xintronwhat is the name of the recording thing?17:17
Coeus82according to the Wine AppDB it looks like photoshop CS3 runs decently17:17
xintronterminal name that is17:17
webpirateI have not resommended anything to others...17:17
ChousukeGnea: he means colour channels17:17
IctinikeReally? Gnea, some what I read Gimp's most limiting factor is it only suppoprts 8 bit17:17
ChousukeGnea: GIMP only supports 8-bit channels17:18
IctinikeGnea, yes, 8 bit color. xD17:18
webpirateI am just stating that I have had good luck with it....but by all means choose by yourself17:18
IctinikeI plan on using, and fully embracing GIMP once it moves to 16 bit.17:18
jamiejacksonmy gnome panel disappeared. how do i get it back17:18
Coeus82webpirate.. would gparted allow me to easily move all the space used by windows to the ubunty installation?17:18
ChousukeGnea: most common picture formats have three or four 8 bit channels (R, G, B and A)17:18
GneaIctinike: well, it's free, what were you expecting, a $500 piece of software for nothing? ;)17:18
juananCan someone help me to install an AverMedia PCMCIA card in Ubuntu Hardy?, thanks17:18
tritiumwebpirate: then you don't care about higher than 8-bit color17:18
ichI have a problem with X-Fi and my GeForce graphic card: Cant load both modules (ctalsa and nvidia driver) at the same time; has anyone experienced that? (Ubuntu 7.10 | 8.04.1)17:18
ChousukeGnea: but pro stuff may have more17:18
Coeus82If so, what partition should I move it to (I'm not familiar with the way Linux partitions the hdd)17:18
GneaChousuke: right17:19
sk33t0rcan I add a small ntfs partition on to the end of my ubuntu partition.. I wanna dual boot windows to play bf194217:19
ChousukeGnea: this is being worked on, and will be fixed in gimp 2.6 IIRC ... someday.17:19
webpirateYes gparted allows you to do that.....17:19
IctinikeGnea, I was expecting something that would be at least able to stand up to some programs I could get for free for windows/mac. :)17:19
anirudh0sk33t0r: windows has to be the first partition17:19
trigpinreduz, when you finish editing your screen resolution ctrl - alt -back space will reboot your display17:19
excowell I wouldn't use gparted... but it is possible, sk33t0r17:19
sk33t0rso does that mean I would have to delete my ubuntu partition?17:20
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failureAnybody know why my installation of ubuntu, midway through the debian installer, I am seeing this: http://picasaweb.google.com/mrbrian/Ubuntu/photo#523737716219157085017:20
webpirateman the irc moderators are always power hungry.....just let people talk and recommend what ever they want....17:20
sk33t0rexco, so what would you reccomend then17:20
anirudh0sk33t0r: delete..or resize17:20
IctinikeCould someone tell me why when I open a linux native game (Such as ETQW) it comes up at like 80% transparency, full screen?17:20
excosk33t0r: no, you can just adjust the size of your ext partition (provided you have enough free space) and use that free space or a part for your new ntfs partition17:20
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!17:20
sk33t0rright thats what I want to do17:21
Denisesomeone knows why pidgn is always crashing?17:21
sk33t0rmy ntfs partition is like 74 gigs.. Id like to resize it to 50 or so17:21
sk33t0ris gparted the best way to do that?17:21
tigl0rzi'm using the liveCD, how can I set up the HD as a samba server?17:21
tritiumwebpirate: nobody is stopping you17:21
GneaIctinike: well, unless someone is being paid booko bucks to do something, don't expect so much ;)17:21
juananCan someone help me to install an AverMedia PCMCIA card in Ubuntu Hardy?, thanks17:21
excoI'd use partition magic, sk33t0r17:21
webpirateI dunno...I got some message that says just because you can blah blah blah17:21
sk33t0rhmm Ive heard of partition magic messing up the hd for dual boot?17:22
bazhangwebpirate, best to take chat elsewhere17:22
sk33t0rand isn't partition magic a windows program?17:22
excobecause I made some bad experiences with resizing ntfs partitions with gparted, but you should be fine shrinking an ext partition and creating a new ntfs partition, sk33t0r17:22
Gneask33t0r: only if it's used incorrectly17:22
IctinikeGnea, There are several available freeware image editors for windows/mac and even a few for linux which ate 16 bit, so it's the least I expect from such a massively supported linux app.17:22
webpiratesorry about that..17:22
ScheissDroge2sk33t0r:yes, gparted17:22
webpirateI will obey the rules..17:22
Qsteris there any shells that let you us split windows etc that i could put into a screen?17:22
webpirateo we o...o..o17:23
unopQster, screen itself17:23
Tuv0kmiro hard locks the system17:23
ichI have a problem with X-Fi and my GeForce graphic card: Cant load both modules (ctalsa and nvidia driver) at the same time; has anyone experienced that? (Ubuntu 7.10 | 8.04.1)17:23
unop!info screen | Qster17:23
ubottuqster: screen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-7ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 576 kB, installed size 980 kB17:23
sk33t0rthank you everyone17:23
Qsterhmm wasnt away screen could have 2 windows in it self17:23
sk33t0rId rather not have to do this.. but bf1942 doesnt run well with wine :/17:23
GneaIctinike: well, i'm sure that those editors fall short in many more ways than a paltry 16bit channel, and if you're that hung up on yourself over the whole thing, then i suggest you take the discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic, please :)17:23
webpirateI loved the miro program....not that I recommend anyone else use it...17:23
juananCan someone help me to install an AverMedia PCMCIA card in Ubuntu Hardy?, thanks17:23
excois screen resolution with mesa fixed to 1280x1024?17:23
* tritium never noticed the "multiplexor" mis-spelling in screen's description before...17:24
ScheissDroge2exco:vesa ? not fixed17:24
stryd_oneanyone know where mouse button bindings are set? I need to disable the binding to the search button on my mouse...17:24
webpiratethats the beauty of linux..you can edit  the spelling and recompile....not that I recommend anyone do that17:24
excoScheissDroge: "OpenGL vendor string: Mesa Project"17:24
=== kappaccino is now known as japanese_schoolg
IctinikeGnea, lol.17:25
mrtimdogHi, I'm looking for a clean way/app for comparing/synchronising installed packages between hosts. Any ideas?17:25
bazhangwebpirate, please join #ubuntu-offtopic17:25
unopmrtimdog, see !clone for an idea17:25
=== japanese_schoolg is now known as kappaccino
ScheissDroge2exco:using propietary driver, just one line from xorg.conf ?17:25
whitedoxEvery now and then all my media players stop functioning right, and my box needs restarted. Whats the problem?17:25
=== kappaccino is now known as kappaccino`
IctinikeAnyone know why when I open a Linux Native game (Like ETQW) in full screen it appears at 80% opacity?17:26
Trader_Tis there an alternative to wine? I'm missing roboform17:26
Gneawhitedox: no idea. can you be a bit more specific?17:26
excowe'll I can't use the fglrx driver "yet" as it doesn't support the new Xserver, but I still want to have my native resolution if possible17:26
ichIctinike, do you use compiz?17:26
IctinikeIch, yes.17:26
mrtimdogunop, thanks, waiting for ubottu...17:26
GneaIctinike: turn compiz off, then launch the game. is it still translucent?17:26
juananCan someone help me to install an AverMedia PCMCIA card in Ubuntu Hardy?, thanks17:26
ScheissDroge2I'm miising my /close/min/max buttons on my Desktop windows..  where to check ?17:26
webpiratewhitedox. Make sure your settings in your sound system settings have the auto-suspend if idle checked...17:27
ichIctinike, then you must change the opacity settings with compiz-config (dont know) manager :D17:27
unop!clone | mrtimdog17:27
ubottumrtimdog: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate17:27
IctinikeGnea, one moment.17:27
whitedoxGnea: Like right now, I am trying to open an mp3, and it opens the file, and refuses to play. Every media player does this with every media type (movies and music). However, it does display how long the file is.17:27
webpirateI had that problem too and that how I fixed it17:27
webpiratenot that I recommed you do it..17:27
ichIctinike, i guess this is called a "Popup window... "17:27
whitedoxwebpirate: what sound settings? o_o17:27
Gneawhitedox: using what applications, exactly?17:27
ichI have a problem with X-Fi and my GeForce graphic card: Cant load both modules (ctalsa and nvidia driver) at the same time; has anyone experienced that? (Ubuntu 7.10 | 8.04.1)17:27
webpirateoh wait....sorry..I am on kubuntu....you might not17:27
Ictinikeich, Perhaps, still trying to find the correct plugin to alter in Advanced Settings17:27
webpiratehave the options in ubuntu..17:28
ichIctinike, its under general settings :D17:28
jamiejacksonhow do i get back my gnome-panel (it's disappeared). i tried killall gnome-panel, but it comes back as another pid, but still invisible17:28
whitedoxGnea: Totem/Rythm music player/VLC17:28
SataS_jmichelse1:  it says permission denied how do i get around that ?17:28
Ictinikeich, I don't have a "Popup Window" section17:29
ichhmmm wait17:29
jmichelse1SataS_: what was your prob again? I forgot lol17:29
juananCan someone help me to install an AverMedia PCMCIA card in Ubuntu Hardy?, thanks17:29
Ictinikeich, I have Dropdownmenu, dialog, popupmenu,menu, dnd, notification, utility.17:29
SataS_im tryin to get firestarter out of the autoload list it starts auto or tries to but cant kuz of password required but i want it out donno how17:29
failureAnybody know why my installation of ubuntu, midway through the debian installer, I am seeing this: http://picasaweb.google.com/mrbrian/Ubuntu/photo#5237377162191570850 - all options point to english.17:30
=== SataS_ is now known as SataS
ichIctinike, trie out, i guess popupmenu... search for around 80 % opacity :D17:30
ERICHQ AUTH alitkin Chamber11G17:30
IctinikeI'm going to try making a variable were if a widnow is named ETQW it's 100%17:30
DrBroccoli|2Question, in Vista I shrank a volume to make a new 20gb unallocated partition, now if I want to install ubuntu and on the installer I use the option "guide - use the most free continuous space" will it install there and NOT format or repartition aything so I can keep Vista?17:30
needhelpHi, when trying to install a certain required lib, I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39715/  - how to fix it ?17:31
bardyrHey, there is a program to create cartoon too create hackergotchi's but i cant remember, any suggestions?17:31
SataSi need a list of stuff thats trying to start all i can find is a list of stuff that is started ??17:31
DrBroccoli|2It's on a separate drive than my Vista install btw17:31
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning17:31
thehurleyi've installed hardy in vmware 1.06, do i need to install vmware-tools?17:31
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash17:31
juananCan someone help me to install an AverMedia PCMCIA card in Ubuntu Hardy?, thanks17:31
ubottuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers17:31
ichIctinike, you can also adjust opacity by pressing alt and scroll17:32
ichI have a problem with X-Fi and my GeForce graphic card: Cant load both modules (ctalsa and nvidia driver) at the same time; has anyone experienced that? (Ubuntu 7.10 | 8.04.1)17:32
Ictinikeich, No, I can't. the way the game is coded it won't let me. :<17:32
ichdamn :D17:32
DrBroccoli|2Yes or no on the partitions?17:32
Ictinikeich, I tried that, several times xD17:32
ichIctinike, :D17:32
DrBroccoli|2Question, in Vista I shrank a volume to make a new 20gb unallocated partition, now if I want to install ubuntu and on the installer I use the option "guide - use the most free continuous space" will it install there and NOT format or repartition aything so I can keep Vista? <-- Vista in on a different hd then the new partition17:33
bardyrjuanan, TV/DVB card?17:33
whileimherehi. I am using XUbuntu 7.10 (because 8.04 doesnt like my USB CD drive) and each time I re-boot it asks for my keyring password. Why does it not remember it?17:33
fistandandelushas anyone here used magic-dic?17:33
Gneawhitedox: try audacious, and make sure that alsa is your default sound output ->  system->preferences->soun17:33
juananbardyr: Yes TV/DVB FM Card17:33
excoxrandr only shows  1280x1024      61.0* - how can I add different modes?17:34
Scorp_whileimhere: ur using a wireless, rite ???17:34
Gneawhitedox: audacious may also be using pulseaudio as your default sound output, you should change it to alsa17:34
whileimhereScorp_ Yeppo17:34
DrBroccoli|2Question, in Vista I shrank a volume to make a new 20gb unallocated partition, now if I want to install ubuntu and on the installer I use the option "guide - use the most free continuous space" will it install there and NOT format or repartition aything so I can keep Vista? <-- Vista in on a different hd then the new partition17:34
needhelpHi, when trying to install a certain required lib, I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39715/  - how to fix it ?17:34
bardyrjuanan, http://www.linuxtv.org/v4lwiki/index.php/Avermedia17:34
x5x-ubuntuHi all - anyone tryed ubuntu on a Clevo M860TU ?17:34
whitedoxAh ok, switching default to alsa fixed it. thanks :)17:35
danbhfiveneedhelp: have you checked your sources?17:35
Scorp_whileimhere: just go to system > Pref > keyrings and encryptions17:35
juananbardyr: Yes, I've read this web but my card don't works17:35
needhelpdanbhfive: no, where and what to look for ?17:35
Scorp_and there, u'll get something called a login.. click on that and remove the access password.. its basically to keep ur wireless security key encrypted... so it asks each time it accesses it !!17:35
danbhfiveneedhelp: what version are you running?17:36
bardyrjuanan, what card=17:36
whileimhereScorp_ I am using XFCE as the desktop and I do not have that in the menu at all.17:36
needhelpdanbhfive: ubuntu 80417:36
Scorp_whileimhere: ohh... anything which is related to key servers and encryption ???17:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 804 in eric "Bugged by pyQT api update (dup-of: 803)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80417:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 803 in eric "Bugged by pyQT api update" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80317:36
juananbardyr: AverMedia Hybrid Cardbus PCMCI17:36
Scorp_whileimhere: password keyrings ???17:36
trigpinneed help with screen resolution17:36
bardyrjuanan, what does dmesg say about it?17:37
whileimhereScorp_ Nothing even like that. I am looking in Synaptic to see if there is something to install17:37
danbhfiveneedhelp: that version has 264-57, why dont you use the later version?17:37
juananbardyr: my dmseg [   49.965461] PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:0b:00.0 to 6417:37
juanan[   49.965467] saa7133[0]: subsystem: 1461:f436, board: AVerMedia TV Hybrid A16AR [card=99,insmod option]17:37
juanan[   49.965480] saa7133[0]: board init: gpio is 22000017:37
juanan[   49.965560] input: saa7134 IR (AVerMedia TV Hybrid as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1e.0/0000:0a:03.0/0000:0b:00.0/input/input1117:37
FloodBot1juanan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:37
ScheissDroge2trigpin:go ahead17:37
Scorp_whileimhere: i dont think so... try googling it.. shud help u... its basically the encryption wid ur user password which needs to be corrected for the Wireless Security phrase...17:38
needhelpdanbhfive: I don't know. It is required by cinelerra. I am unable to install cinelerra because I am missing the lib17:38
trigpinScheissDroge2,  was  editing xorg when i messed up17:38
whileimhereScorp_ I did a search on Synaptic. Is it GNOME_Keyring_manager you think?17:38
ScheissDroge2trigpin:installed displayconfig-gtk ?17:38
sigma_zahas anyone packaged the nvidia 177.68 driver?17:38
Scorp_yeah... try that17:39
brady_khey everyone... having major problems installing on my RAID 1 hardware setup... i'm using the disk for "other" setups, but it decides it doesn't see my cd drive after getting past keyboard testing.  suggestions?17:39
bardyrsigma_za, its in intrepid17:39
bardyrsigma_za, and will first be available  to hardy trough envy when its out of beta17:39
ScheissDroge2brady_k: #grub17:39
sigma_zabut im on hardy:-(17:39
juananbardyr: You've received my dmesg?17:39
bardyrjuanan, no, paste it to paste.ubuntu.com17:39
brady_kjuanan: no, hold on17:39
brady_kjuanan: oh, sorry misread the name17:40
Scorp_whileimhere: its called seahorse-preferences17:40
brady_kScheissDroge2: really?17:40
stryd_oneFYI I found my answer: you disable the mouse binding for tracker search tool, in the keyboards shortcut gnome panel17:40
danbhfiveneedhelp: I dont see that application in ubuntu.  Are you sure that is available for ubuntu?17:40
trigpinScheissDroge2,  yes , only 800x 600 option17:40
sigma_zais it a real mission to build it from source?17:40
failureAnybody know why my installation of ubuntu, midway through the debian installer, I am seeing this: http://picasaweb.google.com/mrbrian/Ubuntu/photo#5237377162191570850 - all options point to english.17:40
juananbardyr: Yes, I've pasted it in paste.ubuntu.com17:40
ScheissDroge2trigpin:found your monitor ?17:40
whileimhereScorp_ Thanks!17:40
bardyrjuanan, then type the link to it17:41
needhelpdanbhfive: yes, but I had to add a line in Software Sources17:41
arrrghhhi'm tryin to sync /home's with rsync.  would "rsync -Cvxa /home/" work?17:41
juananbardyr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39720/17:41
sndqsthow do I get rid of the sticky windows function in ubuntu?17:41
danbhfiveneedhelp: mk, so, those software sources, that the "sources" that I was refering to earlier17:41
needhelpdanbhfive: this: http://cvs.cinelerra.org/docs/split_manual_en/cinelerra_cv_manual_en_2.html#SEC2417:41
ScheissDroge2brady_k:in there are often raid issues / using exotic HW ?17:41
DrBroccoli|2Question, in Vista I shrank a volume to make a new 20gb unallocated partition, now if I want to install ubuntu and on the installer I use the option "guide - use the most free continuous space" will it install there and NOT format or repartition aything so I can keep Vista?17:42
bardyrjuanan, thats not the complete dmesg17:42
brady_kScheissDroge2: oh ok.  i'm not really using anything exotic, no... and i even swapped out my new cdrom for a vanilla one that i know works with ubuntu install... no luck17:42
ShackJackfailure: wrong keyboard or  charset selected,  perhaps?17:42
needhelpdanbhfive: the sources seems to appear yes17:42
juananbardyr: I paste all dmesg, excuse me17:42
trigpinScheissDroge2,  found little panel  side, what about keyboard17:42
failureShackJack all options point to English.17:42
ScheissDroge2 DrBroccoli|2:if vista is older, defrag it, safest is to use gparted17:42
failureand when i say all, I mean ALL17:42
white_eaglehow can I install the drivers for a bluetooth dongle? I plugged it in and nothing showed up17:42
ShackJackfailure: ebidentally not ;)17:42
white_eaglewhat should I do?17:43
danbhfiveneedhelp: wana pastebin your sources.list?17:43
DrBroccoli|2But it is possible to install without losing anything from Vista?17:43
failureShackJack im running out of places to check.17:43
ShackJackfailure: and "English" isn't an option for charset...17:43
ScheissDroge2trigpin:found your monitor in displaybla-gtk ???17:43
brady_kScheissDroge2: #grub said fuck off to me17:43
bazhangbrady_k, no cursing17:43
failureShackJack locale string is en_US17:43
failureShackJack layout string is us17:44
brady_kbazhang: sorry, didn't know this was kindergarten17:44
ScheissDroge2brady_k:huum ? /join #grub     ,then asking for raid issues ??17:44
ShackJackfailure: and charset?17:44
brady_kScheissDroge2: that's what i did, and they said it's not a grub problem17:44
failureShackJack I do not see the option for charset.17:44
juananbardyr: I've pasted it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39724/17:44
whileimhereI want to install Ubuntu to a PC without the desktop enviroment. Can the server version do the trick?17:45
sk33t0ris it possible to dual boot with windows even though I installed ubuntu on my drive first?17:45
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de17:45
needhelpdanbhfive: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39725/17:45
Scorp_sk33t0r: yeah... loads of how to on google17:45
trigpinScheissDroge2,  looking17:45
unopsk33t0r, yes, though you will have to reinstall grub afterwards17:45
ScheissDroge2brady_k:i can take a look at a pastebin of your hw, but as I#m not using raid.. does live cd work ?17:45
arvind_kwhileimhere, yes17:45
alittleryes it is17:45
=== Triple_H is now known as JohnCena
unop!grub > sk33t0r17:45
ubottusk33t0r, please see my private message17:45
alittlerjust install XP on a seperate partition17:45
brady_kScheissDroge2: no, live cd's don't work on a raid array... it's a "known issue"17:46
sk33t0rI was under the impression that xp had to be the first partition on the drive?17:46
Scorp_whileimhere: just remove the ubuntu-desktop....17:46
arrrghhhsk33t0r, no17:46
sk33t0rthanks unop17:46
ScheissDroge2trigpin:(terminal) sudo apt-get install display-config-gtk && sudo displayconfig-gtk17:46
sk33t0rvery informative17:47
excoanybody know how to get xrandr to make more modes available?17:47
whileimhereWhat exactly are the backports in Synaptic?17:47
ScheissDroge2trigpin: then see if you can choose your monitor there17:47
ERICHhow to change to regular theme from eye candy theme in xchat?17:47
unopwhileimhere, yes.. that's the purpose of the server edition17:47
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri
danbhfiveneedhelp: how about the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.list17:47
arrrghhhERICH, i'm guessing preferences17:47
ScheissDroge2 whileimhere:bp are software driven back from a further deleop, e.g. for compability17:48
whileimhereunop. I am going to turn my old PC into a MAME machine but don't want any heavy desktop. I figure I can install Fluxbox for taht.17:48
needhelpdanbhfive: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39727/17:48
ERICHarrrghhh, im not seeing it17:48
unopwhileimhere, backports are new software that has been compiled for the current release that should actually only make it in the next one .. usually because of demand.17:48
stevenhelp with mod_mono and apache :(17:48
whileimhereScheissDroge2 is that good then to use them?17:48
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!17:48
danbhfiveneedhelp: ok, that file is wrong17:49
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:49
danbhfiveneedhelp: it is setup for gutsy, and you are running hardy17:49
arvind_khadriwhileimhere, enlightment is also lightweight17:49
whileimhereI stay at 7.10 because my USB CDROM doesnt like 8.04 nor for some reason does my wireless which is flawless in 7.1017:49
danbhfiveneedhelp: try this website:  it might make it allot easier17:49
danbhfiveneedhelp: http://akiradproject.net/repository17:49
whileimherearvind_khadri yeah or that.17:49
threethirtywhileimhere: backports are new packages that re redone for older versions.... sry if some else already answered17:49
sk33t0rall of these guides are about dual booting to ubuntu on a windows machine.. I'm vice-versa.. should it matter17:50
whileimhereThanks Threethirty17:50
arvind_khadriwhileimhere,  :)17:50
ScheissDroge2brady_k:sudo apt-get install pastebinit && lspci |pastebinit17:50
kwtmWhat program do I run to record some sounds from my USB microphone to a file? (Microphone confirmed to work in Ekiga, Skype.)17:50
ERICHis ther an xchat channel?17:50
white_eaglehow can I install the drivers for a bluetooth dongle? I plugged it in and nothing showed up (I also should say that I ran bluetooth-applet ticked all the boxes and nothing happened)17:50
ScheissDroge2brady_k:give me resulting url17:50
ERICHirc channel17:50
=== Bodsda is now known as DeepThought
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brady_kScheissDroge2: what?  for one thing, i'm on vista right now... i have no working ubuntu17:50
chimp_I want to resize a partition on this laptop, however i have no cd drive, no usb boot, and no floppy drive, so how can I do this?17:50
ERICHyes there is!17:50
whileimherearvind_khadri: Do you use 16 0r 17?17:50
brady_kScheissDroge2: second, i can't run anything during the install, i'm limited to like 4 command options17:50
danbhfivewhite_eagle: can you test whether it is working already?17:50
Scorp_chimp_: use gparted17:50
ScheissDroge2 whileimhere:what do you need them for ?17:51
arvind_khadriwhileimhere, am a gnomer :)17:51
SataSanyone help me im trying to edit my sudoers file but it say permission denied im new to ubuntu anyone tell me a command to use ?17:51
white_eagledanbhfive: how can I test it? :(17:51
chimp_Scorp_: Can gparted safely resize a mounted partition?17:51
kwtmchimp_: Easiest way might be to make it USB boot.  Able to set the settings on BIOS?17:51
Scorp_chimp_: yeah, very easily17:51
ScheissDroge2brady_k:i see, that would have given me an idea of your hw17:51
danbhfivewhite_eagle: try to do whatever you wanted to do with it?17:51
white_eagledanbhfive: I ran bluetooth-applet ticked all the boxes in prefs and nothing happened, maybe I should reboot?17:51
chimp_kwtm: Its a no go, can only network boot17:51
=== mib_sj12hm is now known as alik
stevenI am getting "wrong exec format" when mod-mono-server tries to run17:51
white_eagledanbhfive: but I CAN'T ACTIVATE IT17:51
whileimhereScheissDroge2 I am going to use an old p3 for MAME so I wont need a desktop 99.5% of the time on it.17:52
kwtmchimp_: Then agree with Scorp_: use gparted, and make sure the drives that will be affected are unmounted.17:52
chimp_Scorp_: I didn't realise that gparted could resize mounted partitions safely, what i've read on the net all advised heavily against it17:52
brady_kScheissDroge2: i just went to download the latest version and try again... realized that i'm 64-bit, and didn't have that disk.  maybe it would be the problem...17:52
brady_kScheissDroge2: so, be back later17:52
=== DeepThought is now known as Bodsda
brady_kScheissDroge2: and thanks17:52
white_eaglein network devis in the prefs of bluetooth-applet there is nothing17:52
chimp_kwtm: Can't unmount unfortunately17:52
danbhfivewhite_eagle: sure, try rebooting.  I have found that my hardware starts working fairly silently.  So, Im thinking, maybe its already working, but Ive never bluetoothed before myself17:53
ScheissDroge2brady_k: 32-64 not really, did you use the installers option for selfchecking cd ?17:53
kwtmchimp_: I've used GParted to resize my partitions, but they do need to be unmounted.  And: it took FOREVER!!  I ended up using Acronis PartitionExpert.17:53
white_eagleok, bye17:53
whileimhereLOL what is the CLI to create a folder?17:53
unopwhileimhere, mkdir17:53
whileimhereI was a bit off17:53
kwtmchimp_: I don't think there is anything that can resize partitions unless they're not mounted, because you might end up writing to them.17:53
kwtmchimp_: Possible to use a different computer, pull out the hard drive to be repartitioned, connect to the other computer via USB-to-hard-drive adapter?17:54
ScheissDroge2I'm miising my /close/min/max buttons on my Desktop windows..  where to check ?17:54
chimp_kwtm: Is there a partitioning program that can run from a network boot?17:54
chimp_kwtm: Don't have the equipment, anyway its a laptop17:54
kwtmchimp_: Even if you could run partitioner from network, you need to have the partition unmounted.17:54
chimp_kwtm: If im booting from a network, i could unmount the drive17:54
chimp_I cant exactly unmount / while im using it17:54
danbhfiveScheissDroge2: are you running compiz?17:55
kwtmchimp_: laptop doesn't mean you can't do it.  Most laptops you can set the BIOS to boot from USB, etc.  Your laptop *can't* or you don't know how?  Also, I've been repartition laptop drives using USB adapter.17:55
johngatoradewhy did my samba stop displaying the shared docs folder17:55
ScheissDroge2danbhfive:yes, tried to apt--remove it, reinstalled, no effect at all17:55
johngatoradewhy did my samba stop displaying the shared docs folder17:55
kwtmchimp_: How many partitions does your current laptop hard drive have?17:55
chimp_kwtm: Laptop can't usb boot, even if firmware update (its old)17:56
kwtmAnyone able to help me?  What program do I run to record some sounds from my USB microphone to a file? (Microphone confirmed to work in Ekiga, Skype.)17:56
johngatoradewhy did my samba stop displaying the shared docs folder17:56
ScheissDroge2kwtm: chimp_: gparted live cd ?17:56
FloodBot1DEATH_SIRENxx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:56
chimp_kwtm: Just the one, i partitioned it in a hurry when i installed it orignally17:56
danbhfiveScheissDroge2: can you try turning compiz/special effects off, just as a test?17:56
chimp_ScheissDroge2: No cd drive....17:56
ScheissDroge2danbhfive:did all possible setttings, nope17:56
xintron sudo start-stop-daemon --chuid teamspeak --chdir /opt/tss2_rc2 --start --exec /opt/tss2_rc2/server_linux17:57
xintronstart-stop-daemon: Unable to start /opt/tss2_rc2/server_linux: Permission denied (Permission denied)17:57
xintronfollowing this tutorial: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23683417:57
chimp_kwtm: ignore that, i mean 2 ie. i forgot swap17:57
ScheissDroge2kwtm: chimp_: usb linux ? usb boot possible ? trigger !usb17:57
white_eagleBLUETOOTH is working17:58
whileimhereHow can I tell how much real memory a program takes up?17:58
kwtmchimp_:  ScheissDroge2: not bootable from CD.  But I wonder if there is some way to transfer control over to the CD or USB drive after you've booted.17:58
white_eaglei just rebootd17:58
chimp_ScheissDroge2: Nope, i can only use network boot, nothing else17:58
chimp_kwtm: I have no cd drive17:58
Scorp_Hey, how can i get back my old nick ?? It was Scorp and now i cant get it... since it is supposedly registered..17:58
chimp_If i could network boot, then from there boot from usb.....17:58
kwtmchimp_: When you say network boot, is that a separate option from just using the hard drive unconnected to the network?  Or you MUST have network otherwise yo ucan't even boot from hard drive?17:58
mrtimdogchimp_: Just curious, what's your laptop17:58
needhelpdanbhfive: I tried to run the commands as stated on the link you pasted me, but the second command gave me this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39732/17:58
mneptokScorp_: /join ##freenode17:59
Bodsdawhats the open office channel?17:59
chimp_kwtm: I meant other than hard drive, i can only network boot17:59
Scorp_chimp_: yeah, which laptop u got ??17:59
kwtmchimp_: Even if no CD drive, you have USB, so substitute USB for CD drive in what I said above.17:59
whileimhereIs there a lighter web browser than Firefox that is as good or at least not bad ?:)17:59
ScheissDroge2 chimp_:does the bios not allow you to boot from usb ?17:59
needhelpdanbhfive: I can't access http://akirad.hfbk.net/ in FireFox either17:59
chimp_This is a strange laptop, toshiba portege, its my dads old laptop17:59
mneptokwhileimhere: Epiphany?17:59
Terrasquewhileimhere: opera?17:59
unopwhileimhere, try epiphany and galeon17:59
chimp_i think 200217:59
arvind_khadriwhileimhere, iceweasel17:59
kwtmchimp_: Ohh!  Well, geez, can you boot network and then run gparted from the network boot?  It depends how much memory you have.17:59
TrogdorburnIs there anyone here capable of helping me with RTP multicast problems in PulseAudio?17:59
chimp_kwtm: Is it possible to run parted from a network boot without installing loads of crap?18:00
leeping2008I have rather jumpy audio in VLC, there is occasional popping and skipping, I'm sure it's not the MP3 itself... is there anything I can do to fix this"?18:00
whileimhereAre those really lighter on system resources?18:00
chimp_Toshiba portege p400018:01
kwtmchimp_: You can run parted (text interface) which would involve installing small amounts of crap, but apparently very tricky to use without the GUI.  Haven't tried it myself.18:01
danbhfiveneedhelp: ok, I think I can help you directly18:01
ScheissDroge2chimp_: how was the running soft installed ?18:01
kwtmchimp_: Hey, got an idea.  Can you use fdisk instead?18:01
smelianhello there18:01
danbhfiveneedhelp: remove that package that the webpage suggested18:01
Terrasquewhileimhere: opera, or dillo. Opera is generally faster than firefox, dillo is very fast, but lack a lot of support for web standards18:01
chimp_ScheissDroge2: Used to have a cd drive for it but it has been left in manchester18:01
danbhfiveneedhelp: remove the file we talked about earlier too18:01
chimp_kwtm: What do you mean by use fdisk instead?18:02
kwtmchimp_: Use fdisk (which is minimal) or cfdisk (I think that's the curses interface).  You would destroy all your hard drive data, so you'd have to back it up, and then recopy after you finish partitioning.18:02
ScheissDroge2chimp_: has it usb or not ?18:02
whileimhereahhh thanks Terrasque18:02
smelianplease i want know how to Remote control Xp in linux / or linux in xp18:02
chimp_ScheissDroge2: It has usbs, but no usb boot18:02
kwtmchimp_: From network boot, you'd be in minimal system entirely contained in RAM (with RAM disk instead of hard disk, I guess).  Install fdisk (a small program).18:02
danbhfivesmelian: vnc maybe?18:02
needhelpdanbhfive: which package? It seems it didn't success in installing the package. Also not the lib from earlier18:02
bardyrsmelian, tsclient for linux -> XP, VNC (tightvnc) for XP -> Linux18:02
ScheissDroge2chimp_: liitle uncool : is it hard to pull out the drive ?18:03
chimp_kwtm: Ok, im going to give that a go then, thanks for the help, this could be interesting18:03
kwtmchimp_: Then use fdisk to change the partition table.  You'd split your big drive into two or three or whatever.18:03
bardyrsmelian, or  tightvnc for both18:03
juananCan some one help me to install an AverMedia TV Hybrid Carbus PCMCIA in Ubuntu Hardy?, thanks18:03
chimp_ScheissDroge2: What do you mean?18:03
LucenutHey guys! I installed Xubuntu on an old HP Pavilion laptop. The NIC card is busted, I've always just used a linksys USB wifi adaptor.18:03
smelianwhat is this tightvnc ? is it prog ? im using ubuntu hardy18:03
kwtmchimp_: Then you have to use mkfs (e.g. mkfs.ext3 or mkfs.reiser or whatever) to actually format the disk18:03
danbhfiveneedhelp: sudo aptitude remove --purge addakirad18:03
LucenutHow do I find/install a driver for it?18:03
mrtimdog chimp_: Have you tried booting from an SD card?18:04
ScheissDroge2chimp_: attach the drive to another machine, if possible (open lappi, oo)18:04
kwtmchimp_: THen you have to reinstall.  You'll have to rely heavily on network boot, so make sure it works18:04
LucenutJust plugging the USB in doesn't seem to do anything.18:04
kwtmchimp_: because you don't want to wipe your hard disk and then find out that you can't boot the thing at all.18:04
TrogdorburnIs there anyone here capable of helping me out with RTP multicast problems in PulseAudio?18:04
danbhfiveneedhelp: sudo aptitude remove --purge akirad-keyring-and-mirrors18:04
chimp_Ooh, this does have an SD card reader, never noticed till you asked, hmm i dont think its bootable though, no option in bios18:04
ScheissDroge2kwtm:network-parti, muharr18:04
kwtmchimp_: I still say it would be worthwhile spending 10-15 minutes on web checking your BIOS to see if you really really can't get booting from USB18:04
LucenutI looked in the hardware drivers and there's nothing.18:05
needhelpdanbhfive: done18:05
chimp_kwtm: Spent a lot longer than that checking18:05
kwtmchimp_: Alright, then , I trust you.18:05
kira_Hi all! I have GNOME on ubnutu 8.04 and my trash symbol shows me that they are things in it ... but a .trash folder does not exists and i cant empty the trash:/// folder cause there are files just with permission for root18:05
ScheissDroge2chimp_: have u an usb stick ?18:05
danbhfiveneedhelp: did you remove that extra source file?18:05
kwtmScheissDroge2: What does that mean, !BIOS ?18:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bios18:05
bardyrLucenut, either go to System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers, if it does not find a driver, grab the XP driver and install it with ndiswrapper18:05
ScheissDroge2kwtm:good idea with the 10 min,18:06
needhelpdanbhfive: you mean akirad.list ?18:06
bardyrkira_, gksudo nautilus18:06
danbhfiveneedhelp: yes: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.list18:06
ScheissDroge2I'm miising my /close/min/max buttons on my Desktop windows..  where to check ?18:06
juananCan some one help me to install an AverMedia TV Hybrid Carbus PCMCIA in Ubuntu Hardy?, thanks18:06
kwtmAnyway, looks like no one can answer my question (is there NO audio recording software at all in Ubuntu!?)18:06
needhelpdanbhfive: yes18:06
kwtmso I'm going to go18:06
kira_@bardyr then he shows me a empty trash:// folder18:07
doommasterhi all!! I have a question. When i try to add some panel like trash, I have a error: The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_Panel_TrashApplet"18:07
chimpbah, my session of irssi just stopped responding dont know why18:07
Trogdorburnkwtm: install Audacity18:07
danbhfiveneedhelp: ok, open up your sources.list with an editor, and start by removing the last three lines, something about k918:07
nakoshelp me please. my firefox doesnt display some flash or javascript content. i dont know what the problem can be.18:07
danbhfiveneedhelp: k9copy18:07
kwtmTrogdorburn: Ah, thank you!  I didn't think of that.  I'll give that a shot.18:07
danbhfivenakos: try this: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:07
kwtmTrogdorburn: Do you know if audacity can select which microphone input?  I want to use a USB microphone instead of the one built-in to the motherboard.18:07
Trogdorburnkwtm: that's the standard open source bulk sound manip app18:08
needhelpdanbhfive: done18:08
Trogdorburnkwtm: I believe so18:08
Trogdorburnkwtm: as well as monitoring output18:08
kwtmTrogdorburn: Ok, will try now.18:08
danbhfiveneedhelp: add the contents of this webpage to the bottom: http://repository.akirad.net/dists/hardy.list18:08
ScheissDroge2kwtm:alsamixer >input18:08
doommasterhi all!! I have a question. When i try to add some panel like trash, I have a error: The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_Panel_TrashApplet"18:08
mamohello, when i try to run TVTIME, i get xorg memory problem.. how do i increase memory in xorg.....  Increasing the amount of video memory in your X config file18:08
mamo         (for example, if you are using the i810 XFree86 driver.)18:08
needhelpdanbhfive: done18:09
kwtmScheissDroge2: Hmm, does alsamixer actually record, or is it just to set which input device?18:09
danbhfiveneedhelp: save, close, and try the install again18:09
juananCan some one help me to install an AverMedia TV Hybrid Carbus PCMCIA in Ubuntu Hardy?, thanks18:09
kira_@bardyr then he shows me a empty trash:// folder18:09
ScheissDroge2kwtm:alsamixer for setting input / output18:09
needhelpdanbhfive: now it is gone from Synaptic18:10
danbhfiveneedhelp: refresh?18:10
xintronFollowing this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=236834 and get this error while starting the teamspeak daemon: start-stop-daemon: Unable to start /opt/tss2_rc2/server_linux: Permission denied (Permission denied). What am I doing wrong?18:10
=== roger_ is now known as RecycleBin
mamohello, when i try to run TVTIME, i get xorg memory problem.. how do i increase memory in xorg.....  Increasing the amount of video memory in your X config file18:10
mamo<mamo>          (for example, if you are using the i810 XFree86 driver.)18:10
juananCan someone help me to install an AverMedia TV Hybrid Carbus PCMCIA in Ubuntu Hardy?, thanks18:11
kwtmTrogdorburn: ScheissDroge2: Okay, audacity lets me set USB device but gets error ("check sampling rate settings" but I've set to the lowest possible already) so I'll check alsamixer.18:11
Qsteranyone know how to get screen to startup with 3 splits running 3 programs?18:11
danbhfivexintron: how did step 3 go?18:11
ScheissDroge2kwtm:is your scard properly installed ?18:12
danbhfiveneedhelp: is it working?18:12
xintrondanbhfive: just fine18:12
kwtmScheissDroge2: The sound card is built in, but I have a USB microphone (because I've given up trying to use the built-in microphone input).18:13
needhelpdanbhfive: reloading... -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/39735/18:13
danbhfivexintron: can you pastebin step 6?18:13
KenBW2would ext2 be suitable for flash memory?18:13
ScheissDroge2kwtm:try if alsamixer is working, if so, mostly drivers are right, too, mic is often muted  which board ?18:14
xintrondanbhfive: http://pastebin.com/d1012b10d18:14
AzizLighthi everybody18:14
danbhfiveneedhelp: that should be gone, hmmm, try opening up synaptic, and checking your sources there18:14
ScheissDroge2KenBW2:usb stick ?18:14
KenBW2ScheissDroge2: well, SD card18:14
juananCan someone help me to install an AverMedia TV Hybrid Carbus PCMCIA in Ubuntu Hardy?, thanks18:15
AzizLightis it possible to install multiple shells and launch them whenever I want to test them?18:15
kwtmScheissDroge2: alsamixer working; have used to control output volume.  Card= HDA Intel, Chip= Sigmatel STAC9200.  WIll try microphone unmute.18:15
ScheissDroge2KenBW2:size ? only use in linux ? critical data or just sound /pics18:15
xintrondanbhfive: ah, it seems like server_linux doesn't have the right to exicute, might that be the problem?18:15
nakosdanbhfive: I installed that you wrote me, but still the same problem. or do i have to restart the computer too?18:15
needhelpdanbhfive: where in synaptic ?18:15
ScheissDroge2kwtm:looks good..18:15
arvind_khadriAzizLight, yeah18:16
=== doommaster is now known as xunumo
TrogdorburnIs there anyone here capable of helping me out with RTP multicast problems in PulseAudio?18:16
danbhfivenakos: who are you?18:16
needhelpdanbhfive: i found18:16
bp0what is the quickest way to restore grub to the mbr after a windows install?18:16
xunumohi all!! I have a question. When i try to add some panel like trash, I have a error: The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_Panel_TrashApplet"18:16
KenBW2ScheissDroge2: my /home folder, i know windows cant read it, 6GB18:16
AzizLightarvind_khadri: thanks18:16
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:16
shafiresome speaks here polish?18:16
xintrondanbhfive: nah, didn't change anything18:16
IgramulHi, I am looking for a software that reads a CD-ROM and measures the timings per track. This could be used to detect CDs that are about to fail in the near future. I have read an article about that software but I cannot remember the name...18:16
ScheissDroge2!grub > bp018:16
ubottubp0, please see my private message18:16
nakosdanbhfive: flash or javascript problem in firefox18:16
arvind_khadri!po | shafire18:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about po18:16
ubottushafire, please see my private message18:17
needhelpdanbhfive: there is one new there under uiniverse, called "repository.akirad.net/main". Packages: akiradnews. That's the only one.18:17
danbhfivenakos: ah, I remember!  hmmm18:17
arvind_khadriScheissDroge2, thanks :)18:17
soulchildHi all18:17
LucenutAnyone looking to get paypalled some $ today and can help me install a driver for USB Linksys network adaptor?18:17
macdjuanan, did you look@ http://www.avermedia.com/AVerTV/Product/ProductDetail.aspx?Id=31&tab=APDriver18:17
LucenutAnd I have no NIC.18:17
danbhfiveneedhelp: can you pastebin your sources.list again?18:17
xintrondanbhfive: any suggestions?18:18
ShackJackLucenut: how much is "some" $?18:18
KenBW2ScheissDroge2: i just mean that i know ext3 does journalling, and would probs kill it after not long. does ext2 have journalling?18:18
juananmacd: Yes, I haven't an AverMedia Hybrid Volar18:18
LucenutDunno, what would it take?18:18
LucenutHalf hour $20?18:18
zhaozhouDo you guys know an application for windows partition an USB drive?18:18
* ShackJack snickers18:18
needhelpdanbhfive: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39739/18:18
LucenutPM me if anyone's interested.18:19
xunumohi all!! I have a question. When i try to add some panel like trash, I have a error: The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_Panel_TrashApplet"18:19
RodMcKayhi all! why does my firefox crash on youtube but does well on 2nd. try?18:19
nakosdanbhfive: the same problem in opera too18:19
KenBW2xunumo: it means that the applet isnt installed but its still looking for it18:19
danbhfiveneedhelp: mmmm, more problems I see18:19
Trogdorburnzhaozhou: if you have a motherboard that can boot from USB, and a big enough USB drive, the only application you need is Microsoft Windows18:19
danbhfivenakos, Im not sure, one sec18:19
macdjuanan, its not expresscard right it IS pcmci?18:19
xunumoI don`t know18:20
ScheissDroge2KenBW2:main diff is yournaling, for small drives (1G) would use fat32, why do you think killing by e3 ? restoring ....18:20
wolson_hello all. I just fdisked my 400 gig drive. How do I give it a lablel like /backup?18:20
juananmacd: yes it's a pcmcia card18:20
macdjuanan, better yet whats the avermedia part number18:20
wolson_I tried following the guide but I must be doing something wrong18:20
danbhfiveneedhelp: why dont you delete your sources.list, and then use System > Admin > Software Sources to recreate it18:20
zhaozhouTrogdorburn, check, check, check. But the USB drive has a partition that's about 3 KB big on it. :-) need to take that one away18:20
ScheissDroge2yooh, window-butttons back on..18:20
=== ich is now known as ich_
KenBW2ScheissDroge2: fat32 doesnt have ability for Symbolc Lins18:20
=== ich_ is now known as ich
juananmacd: It's AverMedia Hybrid+FM cardbus PCMCIA18:21
ScheissDroge2KenBW2:what do you wan't to do with it ? size ?18:21
danbhfiveneedhelp: a general suggestion: make a separate /home partition, and do clean installs rather than upgrades18:22
Trogdorburnzhaozhou: sorry, no idea what that would be. gparted (in gnome, System -> Administration -> Partition Editor) can delete that partition, and ubuntu is capable of writing NTFS filesystems18:22
wolson_hello all. I just fdisked my 400 gig drive. How do I give it a label like /backup?18:22
KenBW2ScheissDroge2: my laptop's HDD is only 2GB so i have all my files on a 6GB SD Card18:22
danbhfivewolson_: do you mean a mount point?18:22
wolson_like /backup18:22
LucenutNo one wants to earn to happy hour $ for helping me install a driver for a linksys USB network adaptor?18:22
RodMcKaywolson_: tune2fs -L new_label /dev/sdxx18:22
LucenutI'm a complete newb and can't do this.18:23
zhaozhouTrogdorburn, I'm aware... although, i have windows, and my CD is disconnected. Want to boot from the USB, but that is badly formatted.18:23
ScheissDroge2KenBW2:would use ext 3 then (or get another machine;-)18:23
dmhouseHi all. Is there a way to shut down a system from the commandline, including correctly shutting down Gnome and so on?18:24
wolson_tune2fs: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdb18:24
wolson_Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.18:24
KenBW2ScheissDroge2: tell me about it - shouldve got the 4/8GB eeepc18:24
dmhouseDoes shutdown -h now do that?18:24
Trogdorburnzhaozhou: I don't understand the question.18:24
KenBW2ScheissDroge2: wont ext3 kill the flash?18:24
Doskahi, where is the firewall in hardy?18:24
detrateany idea why my volume not longer changes via my keyboard... the graphic shows me turning it down... but it only turns down if I use the sound icon in the 'tray icon' in the top right.18:24
jeykhi, I was happily running a custom window manager from my ~/.xinitrc but then I installed ubuntu-desktop and now I can't figure out how to get my window manager back18:24
tolispls remind  me18:24
Trogdorburnzhaozhou: you want to reformat the USB drive and then install Windows on it?18:24
wolson_man theres WAYYY too many people in here18:24
tolisis sudo rpt-get install?18:25
jeykI tried moving my .xinitrc to .Xclients and selecting "run xclient script" in the login manager, but it keeps throwing me into gnome18:25
favrodmhouse: sudo shutdown -h now works best :)18:25
jeykhow do I disable gnome and get my custom window manager back?18:25
ScheissDroge2KenBW2:why ? write access ? safer filesystem than ext 3, but can use e2, of course18:25
Toranhi guys, I use a thinkpad x60 laptop. I want to be able to hook up an external display, and then be able to press a key between dual monitor and single display mode18:25
Toranhow can I do this18:25
RodMcKaywolson_: /dev/sdb is the whole drive, tune2fs -L must be run over a specific partistion (e.g. sdb1)18:25
danbhfivejeyk: doesnt gdm allow you to pick the window manger at login?18:25
KenBW2ScheissDroge2: cos flash only has a llimited amount of read/write iirc18:25
zhaozhouTrogdorburn, i want to repartition and reformat the USB so i can use it as a liveusb18:25
dmhousefavro: thanks.18:25
jeykdanbhfive, stumpwm isn't in the list18:25
Doskai need to open ports, i don't find the firewall18:25
AzizLightis there a way to make fish shell or zsh read my bash scripts/aliases?18:26
jeykdanbhfive, because i built it in my homedir. I want to use ~/programming/stumpwm/stumpwm as my window manager.18:26
Trogdorburnzhaozhou: can you do this in gparted?18:26
Scorp_Doska: It maybe on the router..!!18:26
kitchejeyk: by using .xinitrc if you don't use gdm if you do use gdm you most likely have to make a .xession file for it18:26
DoskaScorp_ but ONLY on the router? not on hardy?18:26
jeyk kitche: oh ok, I will look into this .xsession file18:26
zhaozhouTrogdorburn, I could, if i had gparted. But, i'm running windows.18:26
kitcheAzizLight: yes zsh is very universal so it runs any script almost unless they have exact calls to the shell really18:26
Scorp_Doska: Depends... check if u have snort or any other firewall installed in synaptic..18:26
ubottukwtm, please see my private message18:26
Trogdorburnzhaozhou: Do you intend to install Ubuntu on the USB drive?18:27
toliswhats the command sudo rpt-get install?18:27
zhaozhouTrogdorburn, Just a liveusb. :-)18:27
Scorp_tolis: its sudo apt-get... not rpt-get18:27
juananCan someone help me to install AVerMedia TV Hybrid Cardbus PCMCIA in ubuntu Hardy?18:27
tolisok thanks18:27
ScheissDroge2KenBW2:if its halfway fixed to the pc , could not sync it maybe.. I'm no eeepc-freak and would hardly do anything under 10 gig18:27
kitcheAzizLight: such as this #!/bin/bash zsh will call bash to run the script18:27
AzizLightkitche: actually I have a .bash_aliases linked to my bash rc, can I link it to my .zshrc file?18:28
danbhfiveneedhelp: were you able to recreate your sources.list?18:28
ScheissDroge2KenBW2:does allow usb boot, doesn't it ?18:28
stat_csHow do you do updates in Ubuntu Server 8.04. In the GUI version you can just go to the Update Manager and click install - but whats the command for doing it in the command line version of Ubuntu?18:28
KenBW2ScheissDroge2: what? its an SD Card in te SD Card slot18:28
DoskaScorp_ snort is not checked, this is a fresh installation. the ports are open in the router, but the a m u l e  is not fully connected18:28
Trogdorburnzhaozhou: it would appear there are a number of apps to do this - see if any of these work: http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+liveUSB18:28
KenBW2ScheissDroge2: yea it does18:28
arvind_khadriAzizLight, i dont think you can do that... ask that in #zsh18:28
needhelpdanbhfive: I removed sources.list, and reloaded in Software Sources with this result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39741/18:29
juananCan someone help me to install AVerMedia TV Hybrid Cardbus PCMCIA in ubuntu Hardy?18:29
Scorp_umm, can u change the port on amule ?? try something over 600018:29
kitcheAzizLight: well you could but you might need to edit the .bash_aliases just a tad18:29
AzizLightarvind_khadri, kitche : ok, thanks for the help18:29
refriedbeanshello, i recently installed updates for Ubuntu 8.04.1, and one of the updates was Firefox 3.0, now for some reason, i can't install plugins, or add bookmarks to the application now18:29
danbhfiveneedhelp: er, hmmm, is your /etc/apt/soures.list.d empty?18:29
refriedbeansi want to know how to fix this18:29
macdjuanan, looking around the net, doesnt look like that card is supported by linux at this time in any capacity18:29
Scorp_Doska: umm, can u change the port on amule ?? try something over 600018:30
ScheissDroge2KenBW2:you can limit wwrite acces by make ubuntu not write, if data still in ram, but then never may "dirty" unmount it (simply plug out) and..18:30
kitcheAzizLight: I use zsh myself due to it being very universal with shell scripts and such18:30
danbhfiveneedhelp: we really need to get rid of that source.... or maybe not18:30
Trogdorburnzhaozhou: if they require access to the CD (and you don't have a CD drive in that computer), download the .iso disk image and install "daemon tools" to mount it in Windows18:30
KenBW2ScheissDroge2: nvm, ill just use ext218:30
IdleOnerefriedbeans, it is not firefox that is the issue it is the plugins that have not been updated to work with firefox18:30
ScheissDroge2KenBW2:i would then think about an external usb hd for homeboot..18:30
cleatonis it possible to only install a commandline ubuntu system using the alternate CD?18:30
danbhfivecleaton: do a server install18:31
ScheissDroge2cleaton :headless ?18:31
KenBW2ScheissDroge2: thats not very practical18:31
juananmacd: Thanks, in dmesg is detected:  board: AVerMedia TV Hybrid A16AR [card=99,insmod option]18:31
cleatondanbhfive: ok18:31
DoskaScorp_ tks i'll try18:31
refriedbeansits not that, if i attempt to install a plugin, firefox crashes18:31
IdleOnerefriedbeans, wait a day or two and the plugins will probably be updated18:31
macdjuanan, ohhh one sec the A16AR help18:31
needhelpdanbhfive: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39742/18:31
danbhfiveneedhelp: can you pastebin your sources.list again?  just so I can check?18:31
macdjuanan, what version of buntu are you on?18:31
blokkiehow do I get / install PHP-eclipse ?18:32
juananmacd: I have Ubuntu 8.04 64 bits18:32
KenBW2ScheissDroge2: 2+6GB is enough (its only as a runabout, not my main pc). it's just that i cant put symlinks on my FAT32 partition18:32
danbhfiveneedhelp: ahahahaha, ok, lets fix that!       I think its sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*18:32
needhelpdanbhfive: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39743/18:32
IdleOnerefriedbeans, you can also check in #ubuntu-mozillatem18:32
needhelpdanbhfive: should I delete all files in sources.list.d/ ?18:33
cleatonmy second question, i have made a bootable usb stick with the ubuntu server iso it boots fine but when it comes to the part that it wants to check the CD for the contets it freaks out because it can't find a cd, is there someway i can make it just take the files from the USB stick? it works fine with the LiveCD installer for desktop (I asume there's no live cd graphical installer for server?)18:33
ScheissDroge2KenBW2:a ok, I see18:33
herahello - anyone care to help me with a screen problem? Ive reinstalled Hardy Heron on my wifes new lenovo desktop, but the screen flickers/jumps a lot... maybe once a minute18:33
danbhfiveneedhelp: yes, and are your sure you completely deleted that sources.list file?  the last couple lines is still out of wack18:33
nakosI also dont see the chanels list's text on the left side in miro, this can be the same problem like by firefox18:33
macdjuanan, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=338178   has some people using your card, and one with the same chipset (which means it is the same driver) and they haver had some success, make sure to read it all the way through before starting18:33
xintrondanbhfive: no help with my problem?18:33
KenBW2ScheissDroge2: so ext2 doesnt do journaling?18:33
blokkiehow do I get / install PHP-eclipse ?18:34
needhelpdanbhfive: I actually renamed it18:34
danbhfiveneedhelp: that should work too18:34
juananmacd: OK, thanks, I'm reading now18:34
Flannelneedhelp: renaming stuff in sources.list.d won't do anything18:34
macdjuanan, though you can skip trying to configure your kernel, just do the things post 5 mentions aside from that, as well as making sure you have the proper line in modprobe18:34
needhelpOk, now I have deleted the file completely + all files in sources.list.d/18:35
danbhfivexintron: sorry mate, I'm not sure18:35
macdblokkie, eclipse is installable via apt/synaptic, then you can add your php plugin the standard eclipse way18:35
xintrondanbhfive: hrmm... ok18:35
Toranhi guys, I use a thinkpad x60 laptop. I want to be able to hook up an external display, and then be able to press a key to toggle between dual monitor and single display mode18:35
danbhfivexintron: also, im helping needhelp atm18:35
Toranhow does this work in linux?18:35
macdToran, dont we all18:35
macdToran, j/k, what graphics chipset do you have?18:35
Toranhmm, I use a thinkpad x60. I think it's integrated intel18:36
juananmacd: Thanks18:36
needhelpdanbhfive:   Ok, now I have deleted the file completely + all files in sources.list.d/18:36
ScheissDroge2KenBW2:right, no way for extended servives18:36
FlannelToran: Intel works wonderfully, yes.18:36
danbhfiveneedhelp: ok, use the Sources GUI to regenerate it18:36
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needhelpdanbhfive:   should I try reloading again in Software Sources ?18:36
needhelpdanbhfive:   ok18:36
zhaozhouToran, Could write a script to rewrite xorg and restart it. :-D18:36
heraso is this like a bidding thing? I should make my problem sound attractive and cool? Bah, drivers are never fun...18:36
Toranthat's a hack. There's no proper way to do it?18:36
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Flannelzhaozhou: He doesn't need to18:36
danbhfiveneedhelp: you can try reloading first.  Hopefully, NO packages show up18:37
FlannelToran: Plug in the external monitor, watch it work automagically.18:37
juananmacd: My dmesg: [   50.222993] mt352_read_register: readreg error (reg=127, ret==-5)18:37
juanan[   50.223016] saa7133[0]/dvb: frontend initialization failed18:37
juanan[   50.223114] saa7133[0]/alsa: saa7133[0] at 0x6c000000 irq 16 registered as card -218:37
macdToran, you should be able to just plug and play with intel18:37
ToranI just plugged it in, nothing is happening18:37
FlannelToran: I believe the fn-external display key works18:37
blokkiemacd:   no I cannot , coz the  link that provides the releases  in  the ubuntu wiki does not work. The dir on sourceforge does not even exist anymore18:37
ToranI pressed it and it doesn't. Maybe I should be on ubuntu rather than kubuntu?18:37
The-KernelHi! For some reason my sound stopped working18:37
macdFlannel, it does on this t61 out of box on hardy +18:37
IdleOneblokkie, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PHPEclipse18:37
Flannelmacd: Yeah, mine too.18:37
The-KernelI checked all the levels and made sure it wasn't muted or down or anything18:38
doommasternick xunomo18:38
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blokkieyeah IdleOne   .. you tried that link ;:  http://phpeclipse.sourceforge.net/update/releases   ?18:38
blokkieit's dead18:38
needhelpdanbhfive:  under ThirdParty Software? http://repository.akirad.net is here + 8 unchecked18:38
danbhfiveneedhelp: are your soureces set?18:38
FlannelToran: I'm not sure, you might ask in #kubuntu about how they deal with that autodetect.  Kubuntu should be able to do it (because the driver can) its just a matter of how to initiate it, etc.18:38
Toranthanks flannel.18:38
needhelpdanbhfive:  that akirad is the only of the third-party software that is checked18:39
macdblokkie, then install eclipse from the repo and use http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=5762118:39
IdleOneblokkie, http://www.phpeclipse.de/tiki-view_articles.php this might help. not sure18:39
danbhfiveneedhelp: well, make sure everything is unchecked in third party.  You only want the defaults.   Its weird though, how are those third parties getting in there?  I don't know  : (18:39
macdjuanan, I'm not going to be able to help you fix it, I dont have that specific card, might I suggest asking more later here, or posting to that forum thread18:39
needhelpdanbhfive:  uncheck, then reload ?18:40
Greentea121Hello all18:40
The-Kernelwhat's the command again to see what's accessing the sound card resources?18:40
danbhfiveneedhelp: are the other ones checked on the other tabs?18:40
The-Kernelfuser /dev/snd ?18:40
juananmacd: Ok, thanks.18:40
nnullwhy is tracker tracking ym folders18:40
nnullwhat is it doing18:40
Greentea121I was wondering what does the "Guided - use the largest continuous free space" mean exactly?18:40
ubottuServices to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)18:40
needhelpdanbhfive: Ubuntu Software: all checked. Updated: 2 first are checked.18:41
stat_csHow do you do updates in Ubuntu Server 8.04. In the GUI version you can just go to the Update Manager and click install - but whats the command for doing it in the command line version of Ubuntu?18:41
danbhfiveneedhelp: great, lets save and exit, and get to a commandline18:41
Flannelstat_cs: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:41
macdstat_cs, "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"18:41
IdleOnestat_cs, ^^^18:41
ScheissDroge2 stat_cs:sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade18:42
danbhfivestat_cs: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade    needhelp  you should run that command too18:42
* macd makes note for new trigger !cliupgrade ;P18:42
stat_csFlannel, macd, IdleOne, ScheissDroge2, danbhfive, thanks a lot!18:42
IdleOnestat_cs, hehe yeah. upgrade is deprecated btw use safe-upgrade18:42
stat_csIdleOne, so sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get safe-upgrad18:43
IdleOnestat_cs, yeah something like that or one of the above coomands is also good18:43
danbhfiveneedhelp: one sec!  first run sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop18:43
stat_csIdleOne, great! whats the difference between dist-grade and full-upgrade?18:43
Flannelstat_cs: no, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, apt-get doesn't have safe-upgrade, that's an aptitude thing18:43
danbhfivestat_cs: don't do the command you just wrote, do one of the above18:44
stat_csokay! thanks anoyone18:44
Greentea121If I have 80GB on my drive that isn't formatted, will the "Guided - use the largest continuous free space" automatically use that space for the install?18:44
IdleOneFlannel, ahhh oops18:44
stat_cs*thanks everyone!18:44
macdFlannel, I was wondering if I was just missing something there18:44
blokkieIdleOne:  Exelent !18:44
IdleOneblokkie, glad I could help.. google is your friend :)18:44
blokkieIdleOne:   the correct link is  now  http://update.phpeclipse.net/update/nightly     ...  should this be adapted in the ubuntu wiki link ?18:44
jwsports_hello all, i am kind of new to this and would like help installing drivers for my non-raid ata card.  I downloaded the drivers but the read me was kind of confusing18:44
IdleOneblokkie, go ahead you will be adding to the community :)18:45
macdblokkie, yes it should, and you can change it too18:45
FlannelGreentea121: Do you have another drive?18:45
FlannelGreentea121: (as well)18:45
needhelpdanbhfive: was that for me or stat_cs, that sudo aptitude update... ?18:45
ykphuahif I want to transfer my downloaded debs to another machine and install it, can I just copy the whole /var/cache/apt/archives/partial over?18:45
danbhfiveneedhelp: just do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop18:45
danbhfiveneedhelp: just to make sure18:45
Flannelykphuah: not partial, and you might be interested with aptoncd18:45
needhelpdanbhfive: done18:45
Greentea121Flannel: I do not have another drive for the install. But I left out 80GBs when I formatted XP into my main drive for this18:46
gfatherseems allot of stuff are messed in my ubuntu18:46
gfathernetbeans dont work anymore18:46
blokkieIdleOne:  macd   .. can't you do it ?  I do'nt have an account or anything18:46
danbhfiveneedhelp: now run sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade18:46
IdleOneblokkie, make one.18:46
AzizLightI use mrxtp, which doesnt support utf8, how can I change the encoding of the computer so that I dont get ugly squares and other symbols please?18:46
fbcHow does one view files make with adobe director? They end in DCR. It's like a shockwave. I've already tried gnash.18:46
gfatherand when i chek for java jdk , it tells me its not installed18:46
ykphuahFlannel: ok, /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb?18:46
FlannelGreentea121: Just make sure the guided one is using that drive, and not trying to use your XP one for some reason, but yes, it should use that drive.18:47
gfatherwhats gone wronge with my ubuntu18:47
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fbc*typo correction* How does one view files made with adobe director? They end in DCR. It's like a shockwave. I've already tried gnash.18:47
macdblokkie, yes someone else can, but the idea of opensource in general is everyone contributes18:47
needhelpdanbhfive: is this a 2 hours command ?18:47
Flannel!enter | gfather18:47
ubottugfather: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:47
matrixhi when i start my firefox nothing happens it starts loadin then it closes byhimslef18:47
rconangfather, you tell us, that is the point18:47
Greentea121Flannel: Alright, thanks alot18:47
ben45Could someone look up what the preferences window is called under settings, i need to disable compiz stuff18:47
Flannelben45: disable compiz all together?18:48
matrixhi when i start my firefox nothing happens it starts loadin then it closes byhimslef18:48
ben45well the 3d cube seem to mess up18:48
ben45so i just want to set it to standard18:48
Flannelben45: the cube isn't enabled by default, its a pane-slide thing instead18:48
ykphuahmatrix: start it in the terminal to see if it have any errors from there.18:48
yeniklasorhow can i hide my ip here?18:48
danbhfiveneedhelp: only if your computer is really messed up.  If you computer is ok, it will take 30 seconds18:48
blokkiemacd:   I'm to shy  :)18:48
Gun_Smokeyeniklasor, You need a cloak.18:48
matrixhow do i start from terminal18:48
macdblokkie, I'll go fix it ;P18:48
IdleOne!cloke | yeniklasor18:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cloke18:49
needhelpdanbhfive: alright. Finished18:49
ykphuahmatrix: applications->accessories->terminal18:49
gfather<ubottu> ok here is the thing  , its seems nothing is working today with my ubuntu , netbeans , jdk and other stuff , can u help pleas , i need to do something important18:49
The-Compiler!cloak | yeniklasor18:49
ykphuahmatrix: then in there, key in "firefox"18:49
ubottuyeniklasor: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks18:49
yeniklasorGun_Smoke : who can cloak18:49
ben45Flannel, the appearance menu will disable it though18:49
ShackJackben45: install compizconfig-settings-manager and you can turn on/off things in more detail - i.e. switch cube to wall or otherwsie...18:49
osborneAre there any media players which at least resemble Windows Media Player? My father liked WMP but not amarok or the other media players.18:49
IdleOneThe-Compiler, lmao thanks18:49
The-CompilerIdleOne: hehe18:49
blokkiemacd:  you're the best  !18:49
Gun_Smokeyeniklasor, You need an freenode staff member to do it for you.. You must first be registered with nickserv.18:49
IdleOneerr my mouse is frozen. does not move18:49
matrixmatrix@matrix-desktop:~$ firefox18:49
matrix  nothing happened18:49
ben45ah i have that menu18:49
ben45just didnt know how to open it18:50
blokkieany php devlopers here ?18:50
ben45no menus18:50
danbhfiveneedhelp: great!   it was just a check, to make sure you had a working system.  NOW, paste the lines here: http://repository.akirad.net/dists/hardy.list   into your sources.list18:50
Flannelblokkie: Try ##php18:50
ykphuahmatrix: hmm, is it already open somewhere else?18:50
osborneNo one knows of a Media player that resembles Windows Media Player?18:50
Gun_Smokeyeniklasor, http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup18:50
danbhfiveneedhelp: and try the install again, try try again18:50
ykphuahmatrix: what does "ps -ef | grep firefox" says?18:50
ShackJackosborne: No, you Dad will have to get over the fact the Linux !=Windows ;)18:51
matrixps -ef | grep firefox18:51
matrixmatrix    6284     1  0 19:45 ?        00:00:01 /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.1/firefox18:51
matrixmatrix    6320     1  0 19:46 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.1/firefox18:51
matrixmatrix    6342     1  0 19:48 ?        00:00:01 /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.1/firefox18:51
matrixmatrix    6361  6261  0 19:50 pts/0    00:00:00 grep firefox18:51
FloodBot1matrix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:51
yeniklasorGun_Smoke : I did them, where can I find a freenode staff now?18:51
needhelpdanbhfive: should there be no 'deb' keyword in front ?18:51
The-Compilerosborne: What'd be the use of this? However, it could run under wine ventually18:51
Gun_Smokeyeniklasor, #freenode18:51
danbhfiveneedhelp: you should paste those lines exactly18:51
ben45ShackJack, it is installed but compizconfig-settings-manager doesnt want to open it18:51
ykphuahmatrix: its already running...18:51
The-Compilermatrix: sudo killall firefox18:51
danbhfiveneedhelp: so yes, the deb keyword should be there18:51
The-Compilermatrix: then check again if its running18:51
osbornewell. crap.18:51
ShackJackben45: Prefs -> Advanced Desktop Settings....18:52
ben45ShackJack, The menus aren't there18:52
osborneby, no power is on right now, thank god for batteries.18:52
ShackJackben45 What menus?18:52
osborneyay hurricane fei!18:52
matrixi did sudo kill all firefox now i did this  ps -ef | grep firefox18:52
matrixmatrix    6376  6261  0 19:52 pts/0    00:00:00 grep firefox18:52
ben45Applications ect18:52
matrixis it still running18:52
ben45the menu bars at top and bottom of screen18:52
zaggy-nlmatrix, pkill -9 firefox18:52
Picimatrix: no, that is the '18:53
geirhamatrix: if that's the only line, firefox is not running anymore ... grep matched itself18:53
Picimatrix: process that you just exectured18:53
jricancan some1 help me with verifying ubuntu image?18:53
ShackJackAh --- well ALT-F2 and run gnome-terminal then run compiz settings from there...18:53
macdIdleOne, I think we both edited it, I didnt get the lock message until after it was saved18:53
ben45thats what im asking18:53
ben45whats the command for it18:53
ben45alt+f2 isn't working18:53
ykphuahmatrix: now key in "firefox" again.18:53
matrixwell i try to open agin firefox it starts then it closes again18:53
ykphuahmatrix: from the terminal, don't do it from the menu.18:54
needhelpdanbhfive: I reloaded in Synaptic, but still couldnt find cinelerra. In Software Sources->Third-Party, "http://akirad.cinelerra.org/ akirad-hardy main" is the only checked.18:54
ZikeyHi, is there a place to look for process that coredump ? (either a log of coredumps or a place where the coredump are located)18:54
jricancan some1 help me with verifying ubuntu image?18:54
ben45how can i open the appearance window through command line18:54
matrixnothing happens from terminal18:54
ScheissDroge2 jrican: iso ?18:54
erUSUL!md5 | jrican18:54
needhelpdanbhfive: sources.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/39747/18:54
ubottujrican: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:54
raymondDoes any one here own a trust spacecam 320????18:54
ykphuahFlannel: any advantages for aptoncd vs just copying /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb?18:55
matrixi think i need to reboot this tardy firefox18:55
ykphuahmatrix: I think you need to do the kill thing again.18:55
danbhfiveneedhelp: did you reload, or update?18:55
ykphuahmatrix: do the sudo killall thing.18:55
matrixi did kill thing again i start from terminal nothing happens18:55
ykphuahmatrix: and then after that, start firefox from the terminal.18:55
ShackJackb45 - too bad you left.. command is ccsm18:55
needhelpdanbhfive:  in synaptic, I pressed the "Reload" -button18:55
danbhfiveneedhelp: and you are sure its not there?18:56
[_Ulver_]does anyone here can help me on /etc/fstab file, please? I have a problem18:56
matrixi will reboot18:56
ykphuahmatrix: when did it stopped working?18:56
matrix5-10 min ago18:56
ykphuah[_Ulver_]: just ask.18:56
Flannelykphuah: Its more automatic, you have assured dependency satisfaction, etc.18:56
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needhelpdanbhfive:  2sec18:56
IdleOnehow do i scroll up and down the chat window using arrow keys ( xchat ) ?18:57
gfatherany one knows , why my ubuntu dont work like before , and netbeans jdk and otehr stuff dont work , is there any update that may couse that ?18:57
matrixnow nothing is workin i can not do anything on my destop everthing is blocked18:57
erUSUL[_Ulver_]: describe the problem and post the fstab file to a pastebin for a start18:57
matrixi can't click nowhere18:57
needhelpdanbhfive: Found it, and was able to install it! Thank you very much! :D18:58
danbhfiveneedhelp: woo!  glad its working18:59
[_Ulver_]erUSUL, I'll start to write. Soon, I'll expose the problem...18:59
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Kiyikochrono cross: harle left meh party...when do i get her back...:(19:01
AdakosIm running a heayv-duty fileserver for a dozen people. It's on a gigabit switch, the connection is nearly maxxed out all the time - would using NIC bonding/NIC teaming help alleviate/distribute the load ?19:01
ykphuahFlannel: actually, I just want to keep all the downloaded debs just in case I need to reinstall my ubuntu, I do not need to download the 100+megs update again via my slow EDGE connection. Using a CD for that seems an overkill, since I can just transfer the files from hd to hd. By right if I copy all the debs that I downloaded, it will sort of solve the dependancy tree by itself right? Since I am starting from the base system in both scenarios.19:01
IdleOnemacd, I was going to edit it but then my mouse and firefox froze. go ahead and make the change dude19:01
Flannelykphuah: yeah, just copy /var/cache/apt/19:02
IdleOnenow I need to know how to kill and restart mouse?19:02
macdIdleOne, yeah I did19:02
IdleOnemacd, cool19:03
macdIdleOne, oh hey FF does that to me too, except when I trigger any save as dialog box in gnome19:03
ykphuahFlannel: will it work if I just copy all the contents from /var/cache/apt to a newly installed 8.04 and it will install from the harddisk instead of downloading from the internet when I do an upgrade?19:03
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ichIdleOne, throw it against a wall.... :D then you mouse should be dead19:03
macdthe mouse and gdm lock hard and it needs a gdm restart19:03
macdgnome reports the bug as invalid ;P19:03
Fahkill and restart mouse? unload the kernel modules for it (HID, etc) then reload them.19:03
IdleOneich, thought about it but i don't have a spare flux capacitor to bring it back to life19:03
ichIdleOne, LOL19:04
Flannelykphuah: yeah, it'll notice that it has those packages, and then do its thing.19:04
IdleOnemacd, ok gdm restart it is19:04
ichIdleOne, perhaps unload the modules... (modprobe)19:04
ykphuahFlannel: ok thanks a lot.19:04
ykphuahi need my emacs. lol.19:04
arrrghhhi need to install java from cli - what's the best way?19:04
Flannelarrrghhh: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre19:05
stat_csanyone knows what this means: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)19:05
nakos my firefox doesnt display some flash or javascript content on some webpages. for exmple the menus on the left on www.rtlklub.hu19:05
Gun_Smokearrrghhh, wget the deb and dpkg -i xxxxxx.deb19:05
=== Joker_-__ is now known as Joker_-_
bobertdosarrrghhh: sudo apt-get install sun-java6*19:05
FlannelGun_Smoke: thats a horrible way to do it19:05
Slartstat_cs: some package you installed try to setup but failed..19:05
Gun_SmokeFlannel, it works19:05
ZikeyAny one knows if Apport works on server (without any GUI) or is it a graphical application ?19:05
joaopintoarrrghhh, install from the repositories with apt-get install19:05
FlannelGun_Smoke: No, because that won't resolve dependencies.19:05
Slartstat_cs: what are you trying to install?19:05
stat_csSlart, I see. That was postgreSQL database - it was being updated19:06
unopAdakos, have you benchmarked network performance - what speeds do the clients actually download at? I would say the bottleneck is probably the harddisks or memory.19:06
stat_csI dont use it so its not that important though19:06
PxXcnSsmTCan I get Ubuntu help here?19:06
stat_csI just use the LAMP19:06
SlartPxXcnSsmT: yes19:06
stat_csPostgreSQL is a pita compared to MySQL19:06
joaopintoPxXcnSsmT, yes, if you write the question :)19:06
Gun_SmokeFlannel, then we could just send him for restriced extras...19:06
FlannelGun_Smoke: Or actually be helpful and answer his question.19:06
PxXcnSsmTOk, so I bought a new laptop had Vista on it for a bit, then formated it and installed Ubuntu a few mintues ago. Now I have Ubuntu on it and it can detect my Atheros wirless card but wont use it I have the drivers for it on my flash drive but yeah...19:07
ichPxXcnSsmT, search about madwifi19:07
arrrghhhhrm, i think i'll go with Flannel's suggestion.  thanks all.19:08
IndyGunFreakPxXcnSsmT: which atheros device is it?19:08
SlartPxXcnSsmT: ah.. wifi cards.. not much I can help you with on that.. but there are lots of smart people here19:08
PxXcnSsmT1 second going to grab it19:08
bin1010help...I need to back up my ubuntu box.19:08
Slartnakos: nope.. no menu on the left for me neither19:08
RallentandoI'm having trouble installing Ubuntu...19:08
FlannelRallentando: What are you having trouble with?19:09
bin1010but I won't be able to guarantee that the partition I restore it to will be the same as the one it is on now19:09
nnullcan anyone recommend me a program i can run VNC (or equiv) from my ubuntu box to a windows box?19:09
nnullover lan19:09
RallentandoOnce I get to step 4, the partitioner, it loads up, then gets stuck19:09
PxXcnSsmTIs my lapto19:09
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX19:09
nakosSlart: but under windows works. should i uninsrtall linux? till now ubuntu was the best linux i ever saw19:09
RallentandoI've let it sit for 2 hours19:09
IdleOnemacd, restarted the computer and mouse is still frozen19:09
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX19:09
Rallentandobut no luck, couldn't find help on the web19:09
IndyGunFreakPxXcnSsmT: wellt hats about useless... open a terminal and type "lspci" no quotes.. and tell me how it identifies your wireless device19:09
macdIdleOne, now thats a new one19:09
=== Suah is now known as Sauh
macdIdleOne, is it still in the freezer 'P19:10
Slartnakos: I don't know how they create that menu.. it might be active x for all I know..19:10
IdleOnemacd, yeah tell me about it. first time this ever happens to me19:10
macdIdleOne, lucky you I get a 3 minute break everytime I need to save something to disk19:10
KhisanthIdleOne: are you sure your mouse isn't completely dead?19:10
IdleOneKhisanth, was working five minutes ago19:10
Trey-333hello - anyone have any ideas what might be causing my screen to jump/flick whenever the CPU has to think a little? using an openchrome driver19:11
Khisanthis it an optical mouse? is the light still on?19:11
PxXcnSsmTlspci made a huge list19:11
[_Ulver_]Well, I would like a tip to make a configuration of /etc/fstab file.19:11
[_Ulver_]Btw, I have installed ntfs-3g and ntfs-config program on my Ubuntu.19:11
IndyGunFreakPxXcnSsmT: its supposed to, look for the one that is yoru wireless device19:11
[_Ulver_]I have 3 HDDs in my PC.19:11
[_Ulver_]That's the file system table of them: http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p61/avsantos/Ubuntu/Tabeladeparties.png (Arquivos Pessoais = Personal files; "Janelas" = Windows)19:11
FloodBot1[_Ulver_]: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:11
[_Ulver_](I added a 3rd one last week and it has 40GB (fat32 and /sdc)19:11
[_Ulver_]I would like to mount, by default, all these others partitions instead of only /sda1, /sda5 (these two were mounted under ntfs-3g configs)19:11
IdleOneKhisanth, light was still on but it seems that firefox freezing and the mouse dying was a coincidence19:11
nakosSlart: but on some pages, also on ubuntu linux forum i even can not see the text. nothing appears. I search exemple...19:11
IndyGunFreakPxXcnSsmT: have you installed madwifi?19:12
IdleOneKhisanth, new battery in it now. working19:12
PxXcnSsmTNot yet19:12
IdleOneKhisanth, and macd thanks for the help19:12
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nnullso FreeNX only works if you want to connect to *nix box's?19:12
IndyGunFreakPxXcnSsmT: type this w/o quotes.. that device requires a bit of work, i'll talk you through it.. "/join #indygunfreak"19:12
bobertdosbin1010: Well in that case, you could burn to DVD's, use an external hard drive, use a LiveCD to copy things over to Windows, (or even use the Ext2 driver to copy to Windows). This all assumes you have access to larger partitions, of course.19:12
KhisanthIdleOne: one reason I refuse to get a wireless mouse :)19:12
IdleOnennull, nope works for windows also19:12
rampageoberonHi, could someone please tell me how I can use checkinstall for packages that compile with scons?19:12
nnullyou sure IdleOne ?19:12
Pici[_Ulver_]: floodbot is a bot, it cannot respond to you.19:12
Jeruvywhats the difference of using freenx vs. vnc?19:13
IdleOnennull, they have a windows version on the site19:13
RallentandoAny help for me?19:13
RallentandoTo restate my problem, I'm installing ubuntu on a laptop who's copy of window's got a corrupt dll. I get to step 3, then when moving to step 4, it loads up the partitioner and gives me a loading icon on the mouse and just sits there. I've let it sit for 2 straight hours, nothing.19:13
joaopintorampageoberon, you will need to read the instrall instructions, and just prefix the install command which checkinstall19:13
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nnullIdleOne, Note: At present FreeNX is limited to desktops where both local and remote machines are running Linux/Unix19:13
joaopintorampageoberon, what are you trying to install ?19:13
nnullfrom ehre https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX19:13
FlannelRallentando: Did you verify the CD? (theres an option at the initial boot menu)19:13
nakosSlart: like here: http://itcafe.hu/index.html the textlinks of the headlines dont appears19:13
Slartnakos: this doesn't look promising.. http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rtlklub.hu%2F&charset=(detect+automatically)&doctype=Inline&group=019:13
RallentandoThe check CD for defaults or whatever?19:14
RallentandoYes, I did that19:14
Slartnakos: I'll have a look19:14
rampageoberonjoaopinto: linuxdcpp, i tried "checkinstall -D scons" which failed19:14
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ykphuahdoes having only one password to access both the user and root account in ubuntu, poses the system more danger to virus and trojan attacks? Since if the virus runs as the user's privilege, it doesn't need the root password to escalate itself to root to destroy the system?19:14
IdleOnennull, well that is news to me year ago when I played with it it worked for windows also. you might want to talk to Seveas when he comes around. he was working on the freenx client for ubuntu19:14
[_Ulver_]Pici, ok. Thanks19:14
Pici[_Ulver_]: What does your /etc/fstab look like right now?19:15
KhisanthIdleOne: there are windows clients for NX but that is not free and there are no servers at least not on nomachine's download page19:15
nnullIdleOne, only part missing afaik is a windows server-side and it would be fully backward compatible19:15
[_Ulver_]Pici, one second...19:16
FrowarddLo ubuntu dudes!19:16
ben45how can i open the appearance window through command line19:16
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IdleOnennull, APPEARS SO19:16
bobertdosykphuah: Did you enable the root account? That's not even supposed to be enabled by default in Hardy. At any rate, yes, I'd agree that the two passwords should always be different. It's better to not have root enabled at all of course.19:16
Flannelykphuah: The root account is locked, sudo doesn't use it.  The user password is used by sudo.19:16
Terrasqueany information about freenx on 8.04?19:16
FrowarddAnyone using Xchat in here?19:16
FrowarddI've no idea how to connect to a new server in this version19:16
Frowarddthere's a server list, but19:16
[_Ulver_]Pici, http://paste.ubuntu.com/39751/19:17
Frowarddin windows I hit Ctrl+T and get a new server tab. That doesn't work here.19:17
rampageoberonjoaopinto: any ideas how i'd use checkinstall for linuxdcpp?19:17
unopykphuah, depends on the malware - some can escalate privileges by exploiting bugs in services, executables, etc without ever needing to use password authentication.19:17
IdleOneFrowardd, open a new server tab and /server whatever.server.com/net.org19:17
nnullwhat is the mostly used programming language in linux?19:17
joaopintorampageoberon, not really, just testing myself, I did build a package for it about 1 year ago19:17
ykphuahben45: gnome-appearance-properties19:18
rampageoberonjoaopinto: oh ok, thanks :)19:18
stevecccdoes anyone know if there is a tool which will read a web page which is a story and turn it into voice and save it to mp3?19:18
FrowarddIdleOne: I can't even figure out how to open a new server tab. The keyboard shortcuts aren't the same.19:18
FlannelRallentando: No idea.  You could try the alternate CD.  I've never seen it freeze there before.19:18
TurboBeeI am running a dual xeon setup but the processors are running at 2/3 their normal speed.  Is ubuntu some how throttling my processors back and is there a way to stop it from doing that?19:18
IdleOneFrowardd, click on Xchat tab at top left19:18
bobertdosRallentando: Again, we will ask, did you "Verify the CD" for errors? Also, when you wiped Vista, how did you go about it?19:18
FrowarddAlso, whoever designed gnome-xchat was all "FUCK RIGHT CLICKING"19:18
TurboBeeaccording to /proc/cpuinfo19:18
Slartnakos: I can't figure out why the second one doesn't work..19:18
jeroneTurboBee: that is called speed step19:18
FlannelFrowardd: Please watch the language19:18
nnullis there anyway to like kill the gnome GUI and go straight to command line? and like switch back n stuff?19:19
RallentandoYes, I verifeid, as I said earlier19:19
jeroneTurboBee: its perfectly normal .. will run at full speed when they are being utilized at full load19:19
Rallentandoand I did not wipe Vista19:19
Rallentandoit was XP19:19
Flannelnnull: ctrl-alt-f1, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop19:19
IdleOneFrowardd, right clicking is overrated19:19
Rallentandobut its a second hand computer, so I don't know why it was corrupt19:19
TurboBeejerone is there a way to have it run at full speed all the time?19:19
gd1hi what's the name of that KDE based C/C++/PHP etc... comprehensive IDE?19:19
Flannelnnull: then start (instead of stop) and ctrl-alt-f7 to get back there19:19
FrowarddIdleOne: it really is19:19
Rallentandothe screen was broken, rendering it unusable, and upon reaopening19:19
Rallentandoit had the corrupt DLL19:19
FlannelRallentando: The OS on the system shouldn't have anything to do with the partitioner19:19
FrowarddIdleOne: however, I demand obvious GUI buttons to play around with!19:19
ju_hi guys19:19
nnullcheers Flannel19:19
travalasHello, is there a setting so vino starts without being logged in locally?19:19
ykphuahFlannel: well, if I have just sudo-ed recently, and sudo keeps the password for 15 minutes, basically it means if any virus comes in thru my emails or something, and the malware does a "sudo rm /" it will run without prompting me for password, right?19:19
nakosSlart: here the whole artical's text doesnt appear and also the menus on the right: http://hvg.hu/Tudomany/20080822_kuruc_info_szilvasy_naci.aspx19:20
ju_is there any postfix geek in here?19:20
IdleOneFrowardd, they are pretty obvious on the main top panel19:20
jeroneTurboBee: yes .. go into the BIOS and under power settings turn off "speed step" or "freq scaling"19:20
RallentandoFlannel: I didn't think so, but I figured it was worth a shot19:20
TurboBeejerone thanks19:20
Flannelykphuah: please don't post commands like that here, ever.19:20
amokkhello, i have a problem with audio playing in ubuntu, when there are tracks joined in discs like dj sessions, all music apps play it with silences between tracks. there's no problem running the disc on windows or my hi-fi. any help? thanks19:20
FrowarddIdleOne: not..really19:20
gd1does anybody know what's the name of that KDE based C/C++/PHP etc... comprehensive IDE?19:20
FrowarddIdleOne: none of that makes any sense to me.19:20
ju_gd1: kdevelep? eclipse?19:20
ykphuahFlannel: oops, sorry about that.19:20
_8472hello, hmmm, can i find here some advice about some problem with SANE & LIBUSB? -- (distro based on debian, both are installed through debian package manager apt-get) -- well, my scanner is supported by sane as i've found on sane supported devices page, and i can see him through lsusb. but when i run sane-find-scanner in verbose mode, i get this message: [libusb not available] & [Sane has been built without libusb support]. so, what to hell is there fo19:21
_8472r a problem? ldd `which sane-find-scanner` didn't find any libusb dependency agains sane***** , how can i fix this? thx in advance for any help19:21
gd1thank you :!!!!!19:21
IdleOneFrowardd, click Xchat>New>Open server tab19:21
ju_your welcome19:21
nnullanyone recommend a good learning linux run through for a 15 year windows user? ;s19:21
bobertdosRallentando: Yeah, like Flannel says, it shouldn't, but I ask because it is possible with such a beat up system that you'd be better off wiping it clean and starting from scratch.19:21
Flannelykphuah: sudo's caching is five minutes by default, and its not system wide either (one shell doesn't know what the other is doing)19:21
IdleOneFlannel, with good reason19:21
[_Ulver_]Pici, any idea man?19:21
FrowarddIdleOne: that is not present on my menu.19:21
gd1thx I didn't remember the name, I searched for kide, kcode19:21
Flannelnnull: https://help.ubuntu.com/19:22
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IdleOneFrowardd, that is because you are running xchat-gnome. try #xchat and be patient and also be polite :)19:22
eitreachwhat would be the easiest way for me to install the latest KDE 4.1 with Ubuntu 8.04.1, running Gnome?19:22
FrowarddIdleOne: Oh, I see. Wll, thanks.19:22
Rallentandobobertdos: how would I go about that?19:22
Rallentando(forgive me, but I'm an IRC newb, and I don't really know to private)19:22
Flanneleitreach: You should ask in #kubuntu-kde419:22
Error4o4i have 2 non system disks  that are in a "hardware" raid array (Motherboard Gigabyte Raid Controller). Ubuntu shows them as seperate disks. I installed dmraid from the package manager, any idea what to do next ?19:22
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:22
nnullFlannel, when i click that link and select open in broswer nothing happens :<19:22
* IdleOne is off to see KID ROCK! later folks19:22
nnullhaveto copy and paste rather annoying :< anyway to fix19:22
Flannelnnull: ctrl-click, or just copy/paste19:22
wanderingiiim trying to get flash videos to play sound, but i cant seem to get it to work. im seasrchin the ubuntu forums here but havent really been able to find any fixes. anyone know of any?19:22
Pici[_Ulver_]: You'll need to create mountpoints for each of the partitions you want to mount.  They don't have to be named the same thing as the parition name if you don't want, but heres a little sample as to what it should look like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39754/19:22
Slartnakos: for me that page looks ok... and the right side menu's collapse and un-collapse etc19:23
nnullctrl+click doesnt work either :x19:23
PxXcnSsmTCan anyone help me while indygun is away?19:23
bobertdosRallentando: Well, probably the quickest way would be to use the LiveCD to temporarily install gparted and wipe out all existing partitions.19:23
P041NX_8472 : libusb is used to access usb connected scanners. update sane19:23
_8472hello, hmmm, can i find here some advice about some problem with SANE & LIBUSB? -- (distro based on debian, both are installed through debian package manager apt-get) -- well, my scanner is supported by sane as i've found on sane supported devices page, and i can see him through lsusb. but when i run sane-find-scanner in verbose mode, i get this message: [libusb not available] & [Sane has been built without libusb support]. so, what to hell is there fo19:23
_8472r a problem? ldd `which sane-find-scanner` didn't find any libusb dependency agains sane***** , how can i fix this? thx in advance for any help19:23
Flannel!repeat | _847219:23
ubottu_8472: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:23
_8472Flannel: sorry19:23
ykphuahFlannel: ah, I get what you mean, so any programs that run sudo need to be prompted interactively for my password. And there's no way for a program running as myself to escalate its own to root, right?19:23
ivxhello, how do i change what user owns a file?19:24
Flannelykphuah: not on its own, no.19:24
atomotainstead of pressing the middle mouse button in gnome, is there a short cut via key for pasting?19:24
carandraugivx: chown19:24
PxXcnSsmTSo how do I get it to reconize my card?19:24
dtsdoes anyone know when tomcat6 comes out on ubuntu??19:24
ivxcarandraug could you give me an example command?19:24
arrrghhhdoes anyone have experience with azureus from the console?  i need to configure it via ssh19:24
P041NX_8472 : update and use at least version xsane-0.99119:24
_8472P041NX , hm, update sane? i have the latest version from the repositories, and even as i've noticed on the sane homepage isn't any newer19:24
nakosSlart: if I start the program miro, i dont see on the left side the chanels texts19:25
spunkatomota: ctrl-v?19:25
[_Ulver_]Pici, to create mounpoint I need to do: sudo mkdir /media/xxx ?19:25
P041NX_8472: what version areu you using?19:25
PxXcnSsmTHow do you make Ubuntu work with Atheros cards?19:25
Pici[_Ulver_]: Yep, a mountpoint is just a fancy name for a directory.19:25
_8472ubottu: yes, but somehow i'm bit afraid of repeating, because maybe admins may not like it e.t.c.19:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:25
atomotaspunk: ctrl-v does not work for shells19:25
carandraugivx: chown username:group /path_to_file19:25
nakosSlart: so it looks a global problem in my system, not only in firefox, but in opera, miro  too19:26
[_Ulver_]Pici, hmm, ok. I'll do it now. But the other 2 HDDs aren't recognized when I mount them by ntfs-3g. What should I do?19:26
carandraugivx: take a look at "man chown"19:26
spunkatomota: true. what about shift-ctrl-v?19:26
theronI'm trying to sort out why I'm still getting an error that the br0 can't be ifup'ed. bridge-utils is installed, but I get the error: br0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device19:26
_8472ubottu: btw to your searching, i'm already searching for two days on google, and on many other places, even SANE howto e.t.c.19:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:26
Flannel_8472: What version are you currently running?19:26
Pici[_Ulver_]: They've never been recognized? or just all of a sudden?19:27
mississipi_joehi, found an interesting page that explains the technical backgrounds of the differences between xp and vista/longhorn -> http://www.xpvistadifferences.de.vu19:27
P041NX_8472: xsane --version19:27
atomotaspunk: shift-ctrl-v does not work either19:27
spunkatomota: Ok, then Im out of ideas. sorry.19:27
ykphuah[_Ulver_]: you have to find out how to mount them manually first.19:28
atomotaspunk: just found, that shift+<insert key> seems to work :_)19:28
PxXcnSsmTIf I used driverloader and the windows Atheros drivers would it work?19:28
ykphuah[_Ulver_]: try "sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt"19:28
_8472P041NX: when i said i'm using latest versions, then i have latest versions. i have even proposed repo's enabled, so, my version of sane i can install is 1.0.14-5 , sane-utils/libsane 1.0.19-1ubuntu3 and xsane 0.995-1ubuntu119:28
Slartnakos: not sure it makes a difference but have you installed java and such?19:29
Slart!java | nakos19:29
_8472Flannel: when i said i'm using latest versions, then i have latest versions. i have even proposed repo's enabled, so, my version of sane i can install is 1.0.14-5 , sane-utils/libsane 1.0.19-1ubuntu3 and xsane 0.995-1ubuntu119:29
ubottunakos: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository19:29
spunkatomota: ah, success! :-)19:29
_8472Flannel: sorry if i'm not that fast as you are, but it's running here pretty quickly19:29
_8472P041NX: sorry if i'm not that fast as you are, but it's running here pretty quickly19:29
=== SplinTer is now known as SplinTer0616_
[_Ulver_]Pici, /sdb and /sdc are just mounted when I click on them. Every time when I reboot they turn to be unmounted again.19:30
[_Ulver_]ykphuah, I'll try it now19:30
nakosSlart: of course19:30
sub-escbesides firestarter, what type of firewall is good for 8.04?19:30
ykphuah[_Ulver_]: oh, if you manage to mount them, then you should know what filesystems they are using the "mount" command, then you can just add that line in /etc/fstab19:31
rambo3sub-esc, firstarter isn't a firewall19:31
nakosSlart: I have java19:31
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monkayzhellow, how do i get to the boot menu of a mac19:31
wolson_firestarter is a movie19:32
ykphuah[_Ulver_]: if they are vfat, /dev/sdb /media/secondhd vfat defaults,locale=pt_BR.UTF-8 0 019:32
spunkwolson_: and also a tune by Prodigy? :-)19:32
amritahi to all19:32
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:32
P041NX_8472: don't worry. :-) pritty fast here as well. Humm... 1.019 ...I'm using 1.0.18-3ubuntu1, and last time libusb was giving a problem, it was because my old scanner was USB1.1, while hub was 2.0. Would you mind if you can tell us what speed the scanner is running at? I'll dig sume stuff up, one moment.19:33
nakosSlart: I have java, because I have also Azureus, and it need java too19:33
Error4o4i have 2 non sytem disks that are in mirroring, on the  Gigabyte motherboard's "hardware" raid. Ubuntu sees the disks as seperate. I installed dmraid now, but not sure what to do next..   dmraid -s  shows  one active set19:33
[_Ulver_]ykphuah, they're fat32. Brazil uses ISO8859-1 standard19:33
amritai have observed that sometimes i find the icons of ntfs partition on desktop and sometime not19:33
wizardslovakhello people19:33
ykphuah[_Ulver_]: so you can just try /dev/sdb /media/secondhd fat32 defaults,locale=pt_BR.UTF-8 0 019:33
amritai would like to know why ubuntu is showing such inconsistence behaviour !!!19:34
wizardslovaki just got installed ubuntu 8.04 server on vmware and is there a command to start gui? so far i see only shell19:34
zeeus\server irc.oltreirc.net19:34
Flannelwizardslovak: the server is only a shell by default19:34
ykphuah[_Ulver_]: you have to mkdir /media/secondhd first though...19:34
wizardslovakah can i change it to gui?19:34
Flannelwizardslovak: sure, which GUI do you want?19:35
wizardslovaksorry i have little experience with suse and this is my first time with ubuntu19:35
jeronewizardslovak: with ubuntu server there is no gui by default as most do not want it .. if you want a gui you will need to "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"19:35
[_Ulver_]ykphuah, I'll try it soon. I need to go now :(19:35
wizardslovakis there Kde?19:35
ZeroA4wizardslovak, you have to install X and a WM or desktop... like apt-get install ubuntu-desktop19:35
Flannelwizardslovak: yep, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop19:35
[_Ulver_]Well, I note all these infos. I hope you can help me (I really hope :) )19:35
nDuffHow is JAVA_HOME set in Ubuntu?19:35
[_Ulver_]ykphuah, Thanks dude :)19:35
ykphuahFlannel: will that be kde 3 or 4? in kubuntu-desktop?19:35
mcphailwizardslovak: remember you can install one of the desktop distros and use it as a server as well19:35
Flannelwizardslovak: also, you'll want to install linux-generic, and get rid of the server kernel after19:36
[_Ulver_]Pici, thank you too.19:36
Flannelykphuah: 3.5, 4 is kubuntu-kde4-desktop19:36
wizardslovakso what will be the command to get desktop with kde4?19:36
_8472P041NX: well, my scanner is this one: http://www.sane-project.org/cgi-bin/driver.pl?manu=umax&model=2100u&bus=any&v=&p=19:36
Flannelwizardslovak: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop19:37
PxXcnSsmTHow do I install Madwifi I have and and have the terminal pointed to its directory.19:37
ZeroA4wizardslovak, but why did you install a server if you want a desktop ?19:37
ykphuahwizardslovak: you can try the kde4 live cd first, I don't like it, in both suse and kubuntu, there's no bluetooth browsing!19:37
TurboBeejerone well I fixed the problem, but it was a little different than what you said.  my "ratio cmos" setting was set too low.  now I am running at normal speeds.19:38
TurboBeejerone thanks for your help19:38
TurboBee3.06ghz feels much better than a 2.0ghz :D19:38
jeroneTurboBee: ratio cmos ? Some call it by diffrent names in there BIOSes I guess19:39
keisangihi there, i removed my nvidia gfx card, and i'm trying to use the integrated intel chip (82G33/G31) , 2d works but then anything 3d support seems missing, for example, trying glxinfo tells me:  glxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:39
pepie34is there a picasa client or something to download google picasa album ?19:39
keisangiseems like i'm missing a package ? like mesa or GL something ? what could i do ?19:39
Flannel!picasa | pepie3419:39
ubottupepie34: Picasa from Google can be downloaded in .deb format from: http://picasa.google.com/linux/download.html19:39
jeroneTurboBee: but you are wasting power by having them run at full clock spped at all times19:39
_8472ubottu: btw to your searching, i'm already searching for two days on google, and on many other places, even SANE howto e.t.c.19:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:39
P041NX_8472: OK, found it. UMAX Astra 2100U USB. Would you mind checking if lsusb ; ls -alF /proc/bus/usb/001/ ; sudo ls -alF /proc/bus/usb/.usbfs/001/ is there?19:39
stat_csHey - i got this error. Anyone know how to fix it? I was trying to ssh and I just updated my installation via the sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get update dist-update:19:40
ykphuahpicasa client is only for upload, not for download.19:40
wizardslovakok i typed sudo apt-get package kubuntu-kde4-desktop and get "couldnt find package kubuntu-kde4-desktop19:40
keisangihow can i reinstall gl stuff?19:40
stat_cswizardslovak, you can just download the iso from kubuntu19:40
stat_cswizardslovak, thats what I did19:40
tolisguys i am new at linux19:41
turkshboyEnter text here...h0131  how  are  evrbody19:41
tolistell me some basic program who i must haver19:41
wizardslovakooo jeez i am starting to like ubuntu community better then suse19:41
turkshboy0131  need  company  now19:41
ykphuahstat_cs: you just reformatted your machine or something?19:41
Error4o4i have 2 non sytem disks that are in mirroring, on the  Gigabyte motherboard's "hardware" raid. Ubuntu sees the disks as seperate. I installed dmraid now, but not sure what to do next..   dmraid -s  shows  one active set19:41
turkshboyany  g0131rl  can  company  w0131th  me  please19:41
stat_csykphuah, not reformatting - just normal update19:41
cocaohow i enter in channel ubuntu-games?19:41
ykphuahstat_cs: ah, maybe openssl updates.19:41
hiptobecubichas anyone figured out why flash + firefox is so wildly unstable?19:41
stat_csykphuah, how can I reconnect via ssh?19:41
Piciturkshboy: Please don't, this is a support channel.19:42
PxXcnSsmTSo nobody has any idea on the Atheros chipset problems?19:42
carandraugtolis: it depends on what you want to do with your computer19:42
=== David is now known as Guest41444
* Guest41444 sighs. Good afternoon folks, back for help with fglrx / aticonfig & such.19:42
ykphuahstat_cs: you have to access that machine in another method, then remove the line containing your ip/hotsname from that file.19:42
=== Guest41444 is now known as Terroritory
turkshboyyes  my  engl0131s   0131snt  good do19:42
keisangiwhat package provides libGL.so.1?19:42
stat_csykphuah, from which file?19:42
wizardslovakok i am getting kubuntu , what would be command to install it on my ubuntu server?19:43
stat_csykphuah, /etc?19:43
TerroritoryI just recently installed an ATI x3850 and the redraw is horrible using fglrx. In the meantime, I'm trying to make things worse by enabling my second monitor though.. :)19:43
keisangicould someone help me please?19:43
ykphuahthere will be a line containing your ip/hostname at the end of the line19:43
ykphuahstat_cs: no no, the path is in your pastebin.19:43
stat_csykphuah, oh yeah- I know that onw. Thats right. sorrry19:43
ykphuahstat_cs: in your home folder19:43
turkshboysorry  0131   am  so  only19:43
stat_csykphuah, yes - my bad. editing19:43
turkshboy 0131  need company  please19:44
=== Exteris is now known as I
PxXcnSsmTIm just going to remove Ubuntu T.T19:44
=== I is now known as Exteris
magic_ninjais there any way to setup grub to rescan my hard drives and reset it up19:44
stat_csykphuah, that folder in a bunch of gibberish - random character strings that I do not understand19:45
_8472hello, hmmm, can i find here some advice about some problem with SANE & LIBUSB? -- (distro based on debian, both are installed through debian package manager apt-get) -- well, my scanner is supported by sane as i've found on sane supported devices page, and i can see him through lsusb. but when i run sane-find-scanner in verbose mode, i get this message: [libusb not available] & [Sane has been built without libusb support]. so, what to hell is there fo19:45
_8472r a problem? ldd `which sane-find-scanner` didn't find any libusb dependency agains sane***** , how can i fix this? thx in advance for any help19:45
ykphuahstat_cs: you meant that file?19:45
magic_ninjaie, i just disabled one drive so I could install windows to a second hdd, i still want linux as my first OS on my first drive, but I want windows on my second hard drive, can i reenable both drives to do this?19:45
stat_csykphuah, yes -sorry. That file is a bunch of gibberish19:45
darthbatorDoes anyone in here happen to know how to make a CNAME record for a main domain (like example.com CNAME othersite.com.) I can't get CNAMES to work on the tld only on subdomains (like www)19:45
ykphuahstat_cs: yeah, those are the security keys.19:45
ZeroA4wizardslovak, how are you getting ? .iso or apt-get ?19:46
ykphuahstat_cs: there are usually a couple of lines there...19:46
rampageoberonjoaopinto: any luck with the linuxdcpp package build?19:46
ykphuahstat_cs: just look towards the end of each line.19:46
stat_csykphuah, I cant read it. How do I remove the offending libe?19:46
keisangii need help to reinstall gl / mesa / dri i dunno what not, i would like to have 3d with my gfx card (intel G31)19:46
wizardslovaki found that i couldnt connect to network19:46
ykphuahstat_cs: just ignore those things you don't understand, look to the end of the line.19:46
wizardslovakfrom vmware and i have no clue what to do19:46
Ahmuckhi.  my hp 812c deskjet prints out garbage on the first page ... is cups broken?19:46
ykphuahstat_cs: when you see your hostname, just delete that whole line together with the gilberish.19:46
keisangicould someone point me what i need to reinstall pleasE?19:46
turkshboy does any g0131rl want  speak  w0131th me    because  0131  am  so  only19:46
linkmaster03How do I zoom out the cube with Compiz Fusion?19:47
stat_csykphuah, okay - doing so. thanks/119:47
ZeroA4wizardslovak, i think it will be easier to you to reinstall19:47
ZeroA4wizardslovak, but like ... if ubuntu is inside a VMware putting the VMware virtual card to be in NAT mode must give the Virtual machine access to whatever network  your real machine has19:48
wizardslovakhmmm ill try to get network working if not i will reinstall for some ubuntu desktop,which would be good for noob? can i still setup samba and apache on it?19:48
stat_csykphuah, I dont see the address anywhere there. I even did a search for it.19:48
ZeroA4wizardslovak, you can! server or desktop is just a pre-selection of packages19:49
pepie34Flannel May be i should have precised a free GPL client for picasa !!! I don't really like a propriatary  soft that's start to scan my hard drive ...19:49
stat_cswizardslovak, why not just get the ISO. Its very easy19:49
ZeroA4wizardslovak, like you can install desktop on a server... and servers on a desktop19:49
wizardslovaki did set it up as NAt and then as host only but still i didnt get netwrok19:49
wizardslovakim typing ifconfig in shell and ip is
Flannelpepie34: Sounds good.  I thnk Fspot integrates... somewhat?  Im honestly not into all that new fangled photo stuff.19:49
ZeroA4wizardslovak, shutdown you VM and set as NAT then restart it19:50
DigitalNinjaIf I modify an Ubuntu Server CD can I call it a new distribution?19:50
ykphuahstat_cs: let me get this straight, you are getting the problem when you ssh from box1 (client) -> box2 (server), and then you are editing the known_hosts file in box2, searching for the hostname "box1" or the ipaddress of "box1", right?19:50
wolson_how do I make it so vi when I exit will stay on the screen,19:50
* Hondo_Kitsune is away: Gone away for now.19:50
Flannelwolson_: Why do you want to do that?19:50
Pici!away > Hondo_Kitsune19:50
ubottuHondo_Kitsune, please see my private message19:50
wizardslovakok i downloaded kubuntu 8.04.1.iso19:50
=== Hondo_Kitsune is now known as HK_Away
Flannelwolson_: or rather, what is it currently doing now?  since my vim does that.19:51
stat_csykphuah, no. I am trying to connect from box1 (client) -> box2 (server). I am editing box1's known_hosts files searching for the host name/ip address of box2. I have no way of editing box2's file without getting on it physically - since I can no longer ssh into it19:51
d1ff30m0rf1zmis there any way to get the tty underscore cursor for gnome-terminal19:52
wolson_it's becuase I'm used to it on freebsd19:52
wizardslovakok did as NAt but its same think19:52
blackvdisnt there a ubuntu chat room for general talk?19:53
wolson_I'm using the same shell, I don't know what would cause it to do that19:53
Piciblackvd: #ubuntu-offtopic19:53
blackvdcool thanks19:53
vaderrif S.M.A.R.T. shows no damaged blocks, but the Hard drive keeps shutting off randomly, is it bad? -.-19:53
ykphuahstat_cs: then you are sort of screwed, lol.19:53
wizardslovakok FI i am going to install desktop19:53
ykphuahstat_cs: coz box2 don't think you are who you are.19:53
ykphuahstat_cs: you have to edit the known_hosts in box2, as far as I know.19:54
orionrI'm getting this message19:54
orionrDoes anyone know what Package i need:? The following packages have unmet dependencies:19:54
orionr  virtualbox-ose-modules-generic: Depends: virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-20-generic but it is not going to be installed19:54
ramvi[HARDY] Following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization . On the step "Rebuilding initrd" it says to "mv edit/initrd.gz extract-cd/casper/" but then I get mv: try to overwrite `extract-cd/casper/initrd.gz', overriding mode 0644 (rw-r--r--)? What do I do?19:54
stat_csykphuah, I see. So if I physically get on box2 - can I edit that and fix it?19:54
_8472hello, hmmm, can i find here some advice about some problem with SANE & LIBUSB? -- (distro based on debian, both are installed through debian package manager apt-get) -- well, my scanner is supported by sane as i've found on sane supported devices page, and i can see him through lsusb. but when i run sane-find-scanner in verbose mode, i get this message: [libusb not available] & [Sane has been built without libusb support]. so, what to hell is there fo19:54
_8472r a problem? ldd `which sane-find-scanner` didn't find any libusb dependency agains sane***** , how can i fix this? thx in advance for any help19:54
ykphuahstat_cs: yeah, go to the box2, edit the known_hosts file there, and search for the line that have box1 at the end.19:54
ykphuahusually with your username there as well.19:54
unopramvi, use sudo there. sudo mv ...19:55
=== FrozenFire_ is now known as FrozenFire
wizardslovakwhat is the difference btw kubuntu and ubuntu?19:55
Flannelwizardslovak: Kubuntu uses KDE, Ubuntu uses gnome19:55
ramviunop: But then it doesn't work. Can't boot from the file... I think whoever wrote it actually ment to keep the rights as they are.19:55
wizardslovakaha thank you19:55
wizardslovakjeez you people with ubuntu are better support then people from Suse19:56
unopramvi, if you are moving a file .. the permissions are preserved19:56
orionrAnyone know that package  i'm missing? virtualbox-ose-modules-generic: Depends: virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-20-generic but it is not going to be installed19:56
stat_csykphuah, I went to the known_hosts on box2 and it does not have any IP Addresses in that file...19:56
orionrI'm trying to setup virtalbox19:56
rambo3wizardslovak, you mean #openSuse19:56
* orionr virtualbox19:56
amritamissing ntfs partition in ubuntu19:56
Flannelorionr: try sudo apt-get update, then do it again19:56
unopramvi, so, if you are having problems .. the file you are moving probably doesn't have the right permissions set19:56
ramviunop: How come it doesn't work then? :( Been working with this for the last 8 hours19:56
ykphuahstat_cs: how about your username? or the box1's hostname?19:56
porncakei made a raid with mdadm (md0) raid0 and i want to remove hte raid and use the disks seperate how do i go about removing the raid?19:57
=== shichimi is now known as weed_dima
keisangicould someone help me reinstall 3d support for and intel chip ? glxinfo says: glxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:57
carandraugorionr: take a look at this. They eventually solve it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=892035&page=219:57
orionrthanks guys19:57
keisangiwhats going on ?19:57
ramviunop: casper can't find the livecd for some reason19:57
stat_csykphuah, no hostname - username- nothing. Just a bunch of randon character strings19:57
ramviunop: and I have followed the howto. and I have done it about 20 times19:58
carandraugamrita: what do you mean missing? You need help mounting?19:58
ykphuahstat_cs: well, you can just make  backup of that file and try to remove it.19:58
ykphuahstat_cs: mv known_hosts known_hosts.bak19:58
unopramvi, not sure .. I wonder if you chrooted properly there19:58
ykphuahstat_cs: then try ssh again from box119:58
Flannelr0m: That really wasn't necessary.19:58
keisanginow someone noticed me ?19:59
Flannelkeisangi: please don't ever do that.19:59
keisangiwhat do i need to reinstall ?19:59
stat_csykphuah, same error19:59
amritacarandraug : but i have seen that sometimes by default ubuntu shows the ntfs partition icon on desktop19:59
Flannel!patience | keisangi19:59
ubottukeisangi: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:59
keisangii'm lost i need help noone answering .. i dunno what to do ..19:59
durino13hey guys .. i am new here, so sorry if i break some rules ;) need some help (just a starter) with 'how to move root file system between 2 HDD's'19:59
Flannelkeisangi: Be patient.20:00
ykphuahstat_cs: hmm, that's very strange.20:00
carandraugamrita: it usually does that. Take a look at /media/ and see if it's there. If not, we'll need to mount them20:00
ramviunop: chrooted properly where?20:00
Flanneldurino13: cpio and find are the most reliable ways.  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome has an example (obviously not for /, but you get the point)20:00
stat_csykphuah, oh shit.  I missed the part you said about backup - sorry20:00
ramviunop: I'm blogging about the problem - http://www.jonramvi.com/2008/08/ubuntu-eee-8041-release-live-hour-by-hour20:01
th-nvstgrhello people20:01
durino13Flannel: i will have a look to it20:01
jimmy51_how do you connect to a non-broadcasted ssid in ubuntu?  i got it to connect by entering the information in, but on reboot it doesn't look like it's still there20:02
th-nvstgri've many questions20:02
th-nvstgrwhat is the line command "./config"?20:02
th-nvstgri'm not sur about this20:02
danbhfiveth-nvstgr: are you compiling something?20:02
stat_csykphuah, welll - same error anyways20:02
n3himahey guys, are there any steps I should take to secure my ubuntu box before opening its SSH port to the web?20:02
Terrasqueth-nvstgr: that runs the program "config" in the directory you're in20:02
keisangilook i'm volunter too, and a patient one20:03
th-nvstgryeah, i want compile20:03
keisangi<ramvi> unop: chrooted properly where?20:03
keisangi<Flannel> durino13: cpio and find are the most reliable ways.  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome has an example (obviously not for /, but you get the point)20:03
keisangi<stat_cs> ykphuah, oh shit.  I missed the part you said about backup - sorry20:03
keisangi* Zorak は IRC から離れました (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))20:03
keisangi* neutral (n=neutral@ は #ubuntu へ参加しました。20:03
FloodBot1keisangi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:03
wolson_can mutt send mail without an MTA on the box it's sending from?20:03
linkmaster03How do I zoom out the cube with Compiz Fusion?20:03
stat_cskeisangi, what?20:03
wizardslovakKubuntu is installing20:03
th-nvstgrwhat is the config program?20:03
ykphuahstat_cs: so you went to IP.ADD.RE.SS, and edited the /home/biomata/.ssh/known_hosts?20:03
danbhfivelinkmaster03: try ccsm20:04
wizardslovak10gb should be enought with 512mb?20:04
stat_csykphuah, yes20:04
wizardslovak512mb ram?20:04
defdgde<keisangi> * Fritten は IRC から離れました (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))20:04
defdgde<keisangi> * neutral は IRC から離れました (Client Quit)20:04
defdgde<keisangi> * Jack_Sparrow (n=Jack_Spa@unaffiliated/jacksparrow/x-876322) は #Ubuntu へ参加しました。20:04
defdgde<keisangi> * danbhfive (n=dan@pool-96-237-160-67.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) は #ubuntu へ参加しました。20:04
FloodBot1defdgde: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:04
defdgde<keisangi> * linxuz3r (n=linxuz3r@ppp-71-136-64-222.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net) は #ubuntu へ参加しました。20:04
defdgde<keisangi> * Jack_Sparrow は IRC から離れました (Connection reset by peer)20:04
linkmaster03danbhfive: i tried20:04
frfetret<keisangi> * d1ff30m0rf1zm (n=d1ff30m0@cpe-071-065-237-135.nc.res.rr.com) は #ubuntu から離れました。20:05
ykphuahand after that it still says "offending key in /home/biomata/.ssh/known_hosts"?20:05
frfetret<keisangi> <jimmy51_> how do you connect to a non-broadcasted ssid in ubuntu?  i got it to connect by entering the information in, but on reboot it doesn't look like it's still there20:05
frfetret<keisangi> * Calsium (n=identd@ は #ubuntu から離れました。20:05
frfetret<keisangi> <th-nvstgr> i've many questions20:05
FloodBot1frfetret: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:05
frfetret<keisangi> * n3hima (n=n3hima@unaffiliated/n3hima) は #ubuntu へ参加しました。20:05
frfetret<keisangi> <th-nvstgr> what is the line command "./config"?20:05
ykphuahstat_cs: but that file you have just remoevd?20:05
phecerandomly i started getting the "a disk read error has occured, press ctrl+alt+delete to restart" when trying to boot into my windows partition20:05
=== FrozenFire_ is now known as FrozenFire
stat_csykphuah, yes - it has been removed20:05
danbhfivelinkmaster03: ccsm should have an option somewhere...20:05
phecewhat could have caused this? and is there anyway to fix it without having the xp disk around?20:05
linkmaster03danbhfive: it does, but i have no clue how to zoom out :S20:05
ykphuahstat_cs: hmm, try /home/biomata/ssh/known_hosts in g53020:05
ykphuahstat_cs: mv it away again, back it up.20:06
Ahmuckneed help with a printing problem20:06
stat_csykphuah, okay20:06
danbhfivelinkmaster03: pole around more, it should tell you the keys.  Try holding ctrl or alt, and right click, and then move the mouse.  Or the left mouse button, thinks like that20:06
jimmy51_are non-broadcast ssid's a problem for ubuntu?20:06
rambo3!find ntfsfix | phece20:06
ubottuphece: '|' is not a valid distribution20:06
rambo3!find ntfsfix20:07
ubottuFile ntfsfix found in ntfsprogs20:07
ZeroA4jimmy51_, no... i use that way20:07
ramviunop: You're still there? :)20:07
stat_csykphuah, moving the known_hosts file on box1 to known_hosts.bak worked20:07
jimmy51_ZeroA4: how do you get it to connect automatically on reboot?  are you not in roaming mode?20:07
linkmaster03danbhfive: ok thanks20:07
fac3lessAnyone want to help me with xorg configuration? It's the most fun ever!20:07
fac3lessI've pasted my configuration here: http://paste2.org/p/6424520:07
blackZerohow do i enable color coding in vim on 8.04?? I have installed VIM full..but that didnt help...20:07
stat_csykphuah, I can connect - but what about the previous known_hosts files? + look at my post above20:07
ykphuahstat_cs: ah, now you can move back the known_hosts in box220:07
ZeroA4jimmy51_, but you has to add a new network do enter the SSID20:08
fac3lessIt's a radeon HD 3850 with two vx924 monitors attached, one of which just won't work.20:08
ykphuahstat_cs: I have mistaken the diagnosis, I think you need to open up the known_hosts in box1 and look for the box2 entry instead, not the other way round.20:08
phecerambo3: if i run that, will it wipe any of my files in windows?20:08
jimmy51_ZeroA4: what do you mean?20:08
ZeroA4jimmy51_, i dont did anything after entering the SSID and key... my ubuntu finds my wifi auto on reboot20:08
stat_csykphuah, I did that. I do not see the IP address for box2 there20:08
iwaterballblackZero: try running it with "vim" rather then "vi", also you using console or gui?20:09
tbrennerdoes anyone know how to connect to irc.gnome.org20:09
rambo3phece, no its like chkdsk on windows20:09
ykphuahstat_cs: anyway you shouldn't have a lot of troubles after moving the file away.20:09
jimmy51_ZeroA4: i can see it listed when i try to "edit wireless networks" but there's no connect option20:09
stat_csykphuah, I see. Can I just delete the file20:10
ykphuahstat_cs: I am going off soon, so can't debug anymore. ;)20:10
ykphuahstat_cs: I think when  you login to box2 again, another known_hosts will be generated, is that correct?20:10
stat_csykphuah, okay - can you just please quickly tell me if it is okay to delete the box2 knownhosts files. becasue it gives the same error when I move it back20:10
yaris123456789hey guys im doing cpan DBD::Pg, it works but it asks for path to pg_config....what to do ?20:10
ZeroA4jimmy51_, just select it... ubuntu should connect20:10
stat_csykphuah, lemme check20:10
jimmy51_ZeroA4: i can select it in the "edit" menu, but it's not listed under "Wireless Networks" to join20:11
blackZeroiwaterball: I am using GUI  shell man20:11
ykphuahstat_cs: do you use passwordless logins? meaning logging in to ssh without needing to key in passwords?20:11
Jeruvywhats the difference of using freenx vs. vnc?20:11
stat_csykphuah, yes a new one is generated20:11
ZeroA4jimmy51_, but are you sure you gave ubuntu the right SSID and Key ? they are case sensitive20:11
ykphuahstat_cs: if you don't, then its safe to delete those files, it will just prompt you to press "Y" the next time you try to login.20:11
stat_csykphuah, of course not. We have a very long and difficult alphanumeric pasword20:11
jimmy51_ZeroA4: yes.  i joined it and browsed before the reboot.20:11
blackZeroI have made alias for "vim" so thats no an issue20:11
th-nvstgrthe config program, launch with ./config doesn't compil anything, it's right?20:11
yaris123456789how do i check what os im running20:11
phecerambo3: oh, so it'll just give me statistics on it?20:11
ykphuahstat_cs: without the entry in that file, ssh will prompt you to import the key or something.20:12
stat_csykphuah, oh - no. We do not use the passwordless login20:12
guntbertblackZero: in vi type  :syntax on20:12
ZeroA4jimmy51_, strange... try to remove and re-add the ssid and key20:12
JeruvyWith the ALTERNATE install, is exim installed by default or do you have to add the package after?20:12
stat_csykphuah, yes it does prompt me to "accept the key"20:12
rambo3phece, no it will look for bad sectors20:12
iwaterballblackZero: does turning syntax on manually with ":syntax on" command work?20:12
=== David is now known as fac3less
amainlandwhat is the equilivant to DOS's start command?  (start file.pdf would open the file with the default pdf viewer (same as double clicking the file))20:12
ykphuahstat_cs: if you don't use passwordless login, it should be safe to delete that file.20:12
fac3lessthere's no equivalent amainland.20:12
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash20:12
stat_csykphuah, okay -  i wont delete it and have it around as backup just in case. Thanks a lot. Cheers!20:12
blackZeroguntbert: iwaterball: no that command doesnt work20:13
ykphuahstat_cs: you are my first customer here... lol20:13
stat_csykphuah, lol. have fun...20:13
amainlandfac3less,, hmm,, then is there anyway to tell the program gnome/or kde would use for a file ?20:13
shadowhywind_anyone know how to fix a udev-event[]: run program: '/sbin/modprobe' abnormal exit on boot?20:14
shishirmkhas any1 tried ubuntu netbook remix??20:14
fac3lessamainland -- not that I know of.20:14
jimmy51_shishirmk: that's what i'm trying now.  just installed.  it looks good except wireless is being goofy20:14
ben512blackZero: are you sure you have vim installed? try apt-get install vim again...20:14
shishirmkcan u comment on its usability and stability20:14
amainlandfac3less: thanks20:14
fac3lessanyone up for helping with a Xorg configuration20:15
shishirmkjimmy51_: i have installed normal hardy on my lappy wanna try netbook remix20:15
blackZeroben512: Yes..its installed..I use VIM exclusively20:15
shishirmkjimmy51_: can i switch between gnome and that desktop enviroment??20:15
benpiccoHi, my wifi connection suffers from periodic failure (http://img353.imageshack.us/img353/4186/horribleconnectionun0.png), what might cause this?20:16
jimmy51_shishirmk: i dunno, i haven't messed around too much yet20:16
yaris123456789guys what am i running? 2.6.18-028stab053.10-ent #1 SMP Thu Feb 28 20:34:08 MSK 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux20:16
iwaterballblackZero: maybe its having a problem detecting the filetype try seeing it what it thinks it is with "set filetype"20:16
fac3lessbenpicco: some idiot neighbour with a phone, probably.20:16
blackZerolemme try20:17
=== kostaz|away is now known as kostaz
benpiccofac3less, a 2.4GHz Phone?20:18
RecyclebinWhats the pak name for emerald themes ?20:18
fac3lessyep benpicco20:18
=== shevek is now known as Guest89150
_THEGODwell does ubuntu is obensource ?20:19
_THEGODc++ s guys are idiot20:19
phecerambo3: i ran it successfully, but i still got the same error message when trying to boot into windows20:19
_THEGODthat channell is ful with idiots20:19
tigerplugdynamips/dynagen on Ubuntu Hardy x64 ----> can anyone help me! I really need to get this going. I've tried several tutorials with no luck!20:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about troll20:20
fac3lessI'll pay someone $25 via paypal to assist with this stupid fck'n xorg issue.20:20
_THEGODwhy allmost all c++/c programmers on freenode are idiots ?20:20
_THEGODbut im there ?20:20
hwildewhere do I get to the printers?  It's not in my menu ?!20:20
_THEGODwell may be just ones at #c / #c++20:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 45620:22
_THEGOD!obama ;)20:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about obama ;)20:22
ykphuahafter I install emacs, can i get it to appear in the gnome Applications menu?20:22
jpds!botabuse > _THEGOD20:22
ubottu_THEGOD, please see my private message20:22
tolisguys i am new at linux please tell me somw good programs to get20:23
blackZerothat didnt help20:24
ken_hello all20:24
blackZeroauugh! this thing is bugging me20:24
toliswhats help?20:24
blackZerotolis: what do you mean?20:24
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer20:25
tolisi want to learn some usefull programs for linux20:25
Flanneltolis: What sort of programs?20:25
iwaterballblackZero: what did you do?20:25
ken_Question: I'm coming back to linux after a couple year hiatus.  I used to use Mandrake, but I've gone with Kubuntu now .  I am finding it very hard to find apps.  I've taken to opening a konsole and typing the names, is something screwed up with my menu?20:25
Flanneltolis: Actually, Ive got a better answer: You can scroll through all the programs available with Synaptic: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto20:25
lealmapehow to find a brazilian channel? please20:25
ihasnwould there be a reason the FSB would be running slower after a ubuntu install?20:25
Flannel!br | lealmape20:25
ubottulealmape: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:25
tolisdont know yet flannel20:25
=== rubydiam_ is now known as rubydiamond__
Flanneltolis: Alright, well, peruse synaptic, and also check out add/remove, which will give you a list of popular apps20:26
iwaterballblackZero: I'm quite sure its just a configuration issue, you said you were running vim in a terminal, which terminal?20:26
ScheissDroge2 ken_:adept or apt-cache search  /// eehm, sources.list ??20:27
blackZeroiwaterball: i said gui..i use kde..20:27
Falunis there a package that includes general dev tools (automake, man pages, gcc, etc?)20:27
pheceis there any easy way to fix the "a disk read error has occurred" error message when booting into windows? I never changed anything in ubuntu or windows and it just suddenly started giving me that message20:27
FlannelFalun: build-essential will install them for you20:27
PiciFalun: build-essential   and manpages-dev20:27
blackZeroi dont understand..why this issue has to do with terminal20:28
ken_Scheiss, apt what exactly?20:28
iwaterballblackZero: yeah but are you running the gui version of vim? (e.g. gvim) or within a terminal window?20:28
ramviunop: There?20:28
FalunFlannel,Pici: thanks20:28
blackZerowithin terminal window20:28
blackZerono gui vim..20:28
iwaterballblackZero: some terminal emulators are incapable of displaying color, or other wish convince vim this is the case20:29
dosadiAnyone have advice for getting ubuntu to recognise a gemplus gempc smart card reader?20:29
ScheissDroge2 ken_:current nick is ScheissDroge2; use adept-Manager to search for soft or cli-cmd : apt-cache search >paketname<20:29
PiciblackZero: does :syntax on   not work?20:29
danbhfiveanyone know of a good method for selecting a desktop wireless card?  with the main issue being compatibility with Ubuntu and FOSS20:29
iwaterballblackZero: so are you using konsole (the kde trminal) or something else?20:29
DigitalNinjaAre there rules for modifying an Ubuntu CD and calling it a new distribution?20:30
salmonjoin/ #winehq20:30
=== hiptobecubic^ is now known as hiptobecubic
blackZeroiwaterball: yes konsole..its not even working on console mode...20:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hw20:30
joaopintoDigitalNinja, check the ubuntu trademark policy20:30
PiciDigitalNinja: You may want to have a look at http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy20:30
blackZeroPici: No. that doesnt work20:30
ScheissDroge2!hw |danbhfive20:30
TapoutI'm new to ubuntu.  Fonts look terrible.  I was told yesterday to install msfonts, which I just did.  I don't see a difference in firefox.. it's hard as hell to read.  I've setup all options for "LCD" under the appearance... anyone know what else I'm missing or a link to read?20:30
danbhfiveDigitalNinja: you have to provide the source for all the files you distribute, I think thats the biggest road block20:31
PiciblackZero: And you did install the vim-full package?20:31
TapoutFonts outside of firefox = amazing, inside firefox = crap20:31
DigitalNinjajoaopinto, Pici, Thanks!20:31
iwaterballblackZero: ok, just had to make sure, konsole can do color. try turning vi compatibility off with "set nocompatible"20:31
joaopintodanbhfive, not really, the biggest road block is the trademark permission :)20:31
blackZeroPici: yes..someone on ubuntu forums said so..i installed it20:31
iwaterballblackZero: then make sure you got the right file type20:31
joaopintodanbhfive, the sources can easily made available online :)20:31
iwaterballblackZero: then do "syntax on"20:32
DigitalNinjadanbhfive: Am I allowed to point at the Ubunut website and say check there? Of course I would also include any extra software I include.20:32
danbhfiveDigitalNinja: no, technically not20:32
JeruvyWith the ALTERNATE install, is exim installed by default or do you have to add the package after?20:32
Tapoutanyone else with crappy fonts in firefox?20:33
HumanGoddigital: copyleft says you should give the source when you are distributing the software20:33
Tapouttoo hard to read20:33
HumanGodyou could however say that it is derived from ubuntu20:33
ScheissDroge2how do I start adept from console ?20:33
DigitalNinjadanbhfive: So I would have to include links to every single software package that is included in  Ubuntu?20:33
HumanGodthere are many ubuntu derived distros20:33
joaopintoJeruvy, I believe exim4 is part of the minimal install, just for mail client functions20:33
joaopintoScheissDroge2, "adept" ?20:33
Strife89Assistance, please. The distribution upgrade has been on "Generating locales" / "en AU.UTF-8" for almost an hour now.20:33
Jeruvytapout: did you alter your css?20:33
HumanGoddigital: you will need to give the licenses20:34
guntbertblackZero: what happens when you call vi with -g? "vi -g"20:34
blackZero$ syntax on20:34
blackZerobash: syntax: command not found20:34
ScheissDroge2 joaopinto: lol, nope, I'm sober...20:34
joaopintoDigitalNinja, not really, you would need to provide the source for any packages that you change20:34
Jeruvyjoaopinto: ok, thanks.  Been trying to figure out why exim is installed.20:34
blackZeroguntbert: VIM gui opens up20:34
joaopintoJeruvy, email sending  :)20:34
iwaterballblackZero: that is a vim conmmand, you run it within vim by typing":" and then the command, all the commands I gave you are for vim20:34
Strife89sh and gzip are zombies.20:34
TapoutJeruvy, I haven't edited anything.  Just installed ubuntu, opened firefox.. asked about it yesterday, someone said install msfonts... Opened firefox again, hit yahoo.com and can't read the text without eye strain20:34
DigitalNinjajoaopinto: I see. I'm not changing any ubuntu packages. I'm adding a few and making changes to a few config files.20:35
guntbertblackZero: and now open your file please20:35
ken_Is there a way to go back to an old style "k" launch menu in kubuntu?  it used to have a bunch of programs, now i have to manually type the name of the programs in a console.20:35
Strife89Does anyone know what could be wrong?20:35
ken_because there are very few options in the launch menu20:35
joaopintoDigitalNinja, such config files are part of a package, those packages must be available on the source format20:35
w4zI have the ati radeon 9000 mobility card.  It worked in 7.10. has anyone got it working in 8.04?20:35
JeruvyTapout: not really an ubuntu question or issue, but using Ctrl-mousewheel you can adjust the scale temporarily, or edit your custom css sheet for your particular needs20:35
danbhfiveDigitalNinja: joaopinto is slightly incorrect, according to GPL, you have to be willing to provide ALL the sources for whatever you distribute.  I believe thats the truth, but, it doesn't count unless someone asks you for the source20:36
TerrasqueDigitalNinja: I would recommend making your own repository, and make a deb file that installs that repository20:36
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:36
bobertdosw4z: It's probably on Hardy's blacklist. You'll have to bypass it.20:36
joaopintodanbhfive, actually you do not have to "distribute", you must make them available upon request20:36
blackZeroiwaterball: thanks man..20:36
ozzloywhat are good bluetooth headphones?  recommend some please20:36
blackZerothat works20:36
joaopintodanbhfive, your ubuntu cd does not come with sources...20:36
jimmy51_what packages do i need to play MP3's and other media files in amarok?20:36
jtierHello, mykeboard mouse doesn't works is there way to reconfigure it?20:36
DigitalNinjaTerrasque: Hmmm.... Sounds like a lot of extra work. I'll look into it.20:37
HumanGodwell wait so what about Lindos when it existed those guys never gave the source20:37
danbhfiveDigitalNinja: the problem is, if you distribute ubuntu software, you can't rely upon Canonical to make the sources available20:37
iwaterballblackZero: ok. good luck.20:37
w4zhow do i do that?20:37
blackZeroi was running syntax on on bash promt..stupid me20:37
HumanGodas far as i remember20:37
danbhfivejoaopinto: Ill explain it to you in off-topic... if you like20:37
ScheissDroge2 w4z: no prob with 9200 standard, ati-driver does it, also envyng before20:37
Strife89Assistance, please. The distribution upgrade has been on "Generating locales" / "en AU.UTF-8" for almost an hour now. My CPU is in full use and there are no signs of progression.20:37
iwaterballblackZero: if you want it on by default, add it to a vimrc file20:37
joaopintodanbhfive, no thanks, the GPL is clear enough on that part :)20:37
DigitalNinjadanbhfive: If it's on the Ubuntu CD then Canonical has to have sources for it. Right?20:37
FalwessGood lord, this channel is chaos! Well, I shall try to ask my question anyway.20:38
w4zthey dont offer the 9000 driver on thier site which one should i use?20:38
blackZeroiwaterball: yes..thank you.. :)20:38
ferfactorhow can i install ubuntu in a portable HD and activate all the desktop effects20:38
DigitalNinjaFalwess: It's always chaos. Somehow we get our questions answered.20:38
JeruvyStrife89: any log output?  tail -f /var/log/messages20:38
jtierHello, mykeboard mouse doesn't works is there way to reconfigure it?20:38
FalwessI have this ubuntu system which I forgot the password to, and also what I was doing on it.20:38
blackZeroBut I wonder why is this turned off in the first place20:38
ScheissDroge2w4z: might try envyng20:38
FalwessBeing the sharp fellow that I am, I decided to wipe it, and reinstall ubuntu.20:38
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk20:39
FalwessI have done this, but on reboot, grub gives me a corruption error :(20:39
iwaterballblackZero: to be compatible with vi and older terminals20:39
Dans34how do i stop other ssh users from looking in to my user area /20:39
FalwessHow do I re-configure/install grub?20:39
HumanGodfalwess: wats the w?20:39
hwildewhere do I get to the printers?  It's not in my menu ?!20:39
hwildewhere do I get to the printers?  It's not in my menu ?!20:39
w4zenvy doesnt find it20:39
w4zsays i have an unsupported card20:39
* DigitalNinja Thanks all for the info20:39
HumanGodfalwess: wats the question?20:39
HumanGodwats the err?20:40
FalwessErr. 1520:40
FalwessAnd then it just stops.20:40
selbIs Ubuntu ever going to get a proper FF3 package?20:40
joaopintoselb, what's wrong with it ?20:40
danbhfiveDigitalNinja: yes, but if you change the CD, then Canonical will no longer fullfill that part of the GPL contract.  YOU now have to, and you have to for EVERY package.  There was a big discussion on slashdot about it.  But, any further discussion, lets go to off-topic20:40
blackZeroiwaterball: oh..I dont use vi.. and I have worked on RHEL4..so never had to face ths issue20:40
s_spiffselb, it has a proper FF3 package!20:40
selbjoaopinto: There isn't one, except for an old beta20:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jeruvy20:40
s_spiffselb: something must be wrong. the repo's have been updated with the latest FF3!20:41
joaopintoselb, ff3 final is available on hardy20:41
__THEGODwhylinux is not opensource ?20:41
DigitalNinjadanbhfive: It looks like I need to do a lot of homework on this one. I'll do some searching on the subject. Thanks!20:41
selbI'm not using Hardy.20:41
JeruvyStrife89; why you dumping stuff in pm to me?20:41
FlannelblackZero, iwaterball: be sure to install "vim" the default one that comes with Hardy is a stripped down version20:41
s_spiffselb: what are you using?20:41
TerrasqueDigitalNinja: in theory, all your .deb package needs to do to install a repository is to drop a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d and add a gpg key.20:41
__THEGODand why anytinme i try to ask question about anythings details  i cant get any info .?20:42
Strife89Jeruvy: I'd rather not open Firefox, it'll be agonizingly slow.20:42
blackZeroFlannel: yes..I have.. :)20:42
selbI'm using Gutsy20:42
Strife89Otherwise, I'd pastebin it.20:42
__THEGODim using livecd xp ;)20:42
__THEGODas second os.20:42
__THEGODits awesome.20:42
s_spiffselb, it should have had the latest too. but incase you're unable to get it there, getdeb will have the latest FF3 deb's :)20:42
iwaterballblackZero: well, I think its because ubuntu come with the default vim configuration while RHEL contains a custom-made one. no sure20:42
selbI searched getdeb for Firefox already and got nothing D:20:42
__THEGODand another os that i can able to use is knoppix20:43
Strife89Jeruvy: At least read this.20:43
selbExcept for Songbird20:43
s_spiffselb, hold on. btw have you updated your repositories?20:43
__THEGODi dont like typing anything more then su for priiiages.20:43
Flannel__THEGOD: I... think your questions are better off asked in #ubuntu-offtopic, although I'm not actually sure what your question is.20:43
TerrasqueDigitalNinja: as for making a repository, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Personal20:43
RemsSshi everybody20:43
Strife89Jeruvy: Installing new version of config file /etc/belocs/iso-639.def ...20:43
selbs_spiff: Yes, I ahve20:43
selb* have20:43
__THEGODFlannel sure they are ;)20:43
loca|hosti have an ATI Radeon graphic card and i cant get more than 1280x960 resolution, i think i havent the correct driver for it ...20:43
JeruvyStrife89: sure.  whats the problem?20:43
selb"This is a build of a random development version (aka trunk). It is meant for preview and not for production use.20:44
HumanGodfalwess: try running it in rescue mode20:44
FalwessHumanGod: there IS no rescue mode for ubuntu20:44
blackZeroiwaterball: yes..under rhel..an alias is defind..so running vi actually launches vim20:44
Strife89Jeruvy: Basically I'm smack in the middle of an upgrade to 8.04, and I fear it's locked up.20:44
FalwessHumanGod: Just a live cd.20:44
__THEGODwhere can i find a little doslike linux ?20:44
DigitalNinjaTerrasque: I see. Well, sort of.20:44
HumanGodyeah but you said you installed it rite?20:44
__THEGODi think it werent the main problem .20:44
Flannel__THEGOD: You should ask in #ubuntu-offtopic20:44
Strife89Jeruvy: It has been "generating locales" for nearly an hour and a half.20:45
__THEGODvmlinuz ?20:45
HumanGodoh well i got your problem now20:45
__THEGODis actual sourece of linux ?20:45
FalwessHumanGod: indubitably!20:45
iwaterballblackZero: its actually done the same way with ubuntu I think, using the alternatives system20:45
RequinB4semi random question, how can I turn a text list into the arguments for a command; something like cat file.txt | command (that probably won't work)20:45
FlannelStrife89: Its a known bug, let me find you the workaround20:45
__THEGODFlannel go to your tinny idiotic room.20:45
cwill747__THEGOD: please ask your question in #ubuntu-offtopic20:45
CocoabeanRequinB4: shell script20:45
TerrasqueDigitalNinja: making a repository, adding all stuff in debs, and then making a meta package to pull all the needed is the "correct" way of doing it, I think. Then you only have to worry about your part :)20:45
blackZeroiwaterball: alternative system?20:45
iwaterballblackZero: (I seem to recall RHEL had it too)20:45
Flannel__THEGOD: I'm already there, waiting to answer your questions20:45
__THEGODand dont  disturb me pleas for the name of my nick ;)20:46
RequinB4Cocoabean: that doesn't help...20:46
Jeruvy!alternate > blackzero20:46
ubottublackzero, please see my private message20:46
__THEGODi dun care bt ur qstn .20:46
Strife89__THEGOD: Just because you said that, we're going to bother you now. ;)20:46
iwaterballblackZero: read "man update-alternatives" for details20:46
DigitalNinjaTerrasque: Now I'm confused. Are you say all the ubuntu packages need to be in the repository or just my packages?20:46
__THEGODwho trying to kick.20:46
s_spiffselb : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5211701 says that ff3 was available since RC5!20:46
__THEGODme ?20:46
cwill747!offtopic | __THEGOD20:46
ubottu__THEGOD: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:46
jpds__THEGOD: Please stop.20:47
JeruvyStrife89: ok, I'll let flannel find that for you.  Good luck.20:47
selbs_spiff: No, it says "20:47
selbP.S., the Firefox in the repositories is Firefox 3 beta 4, not the new release."20:47
Falwess!troll __THEGOD20:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about troll __thegod20:47
__THEGODyeah ban my country ips and sawe them from this shit ;)20:47
TerrasqueDigitalNinja: if you, instead of making a modified cd, make your own repository, then you only need to put your stuff there, and support your stuff.20:47
Strife89Jeruvy: Alright.20:47
cwill747!language | __T20:47
ubottu__T: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:47
yaris123456789also how do i start a postgresql service ? doing service postgresql says uncreognized20:47
Cocoabeanjust ignore him20:47
blackZeroI useralternative CD20:48
blackZeroLive CD install crawals20:48
FlannelStrife89: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=865679 I believe in the right one.  If not, just google for "Ubuntu generating Locales hardy" and I'm sure you'll find another one20:48
DigitalNinjaTerrasque: I think in this case a custom CD is the way to go. I just want to make sure I follow the rules for a new distro. Assuming one can call it a new distro.20:48
joaopintoDigitalNinja, not new distro, call it, a new derivate :)20:48
hwilde<hwilde> http://pastebin.com/m57dd15fe20:49
hwilde<hwilde> are my permissions supposed to be ?rwsrwsrwt20:49
hwilde<hwilde> and ownership some random user 429496729520:49
___THEGODubuntu is evil.20:49
___THEGODdear turks don use drugs20:49
jhattaraselb, have you tried running firefox as sudo ?20:49
___THEGODand nor ubuntu ;)20:49
selbjhattara: I... have not20:49
TerrasqueDigitalNinja: ok. your choice of course :) But personally I think overall work would be less with deb repository. But its of course your choice. I don't know your situation in detail20:49
joaopinto___THEGOD, do you have a support question ?20:49
flajann___THEGOD: flamebaiting the chat, are we?20:49
___THEGODi hawe hundreds.20:49
iwaterballblackZero: no no no the "alternatives system" is used to allow you ti choose which program gets run when you use certain commands, if you have several choices. for example which version of "vi" is actually run when you type "vi"20:50
jhattaraselb, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion20:50
white_eagle whitch packages do I need for compiling20:50
white_eagle                    kbluetooth right?20:50
joaopintowhite_eagle, you will need to read the install instructions20:50
white_eagleI need to compile kbluetooth 1-0beta820:50
FalwessHumanGod: thanks for helping, I found my answer :D bai!20:50
newclimbanyone has any hints to how to configure the 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. Chrome9 HC IGP (rev 01)20:50
Strife89Flannel: Can you direct me to the correct post?20:50
HumanGodwell you need to setup grub again i suppose20:50
HumanGodhappy you found it20:50
selbjhattara: thanks20:51
DigitalNinjaTerrasque: Truth is I have no idea what I'm getting my self into. I'v modified a server CD in the past but that didn't include deb packages.20:51
HumanGodFlannel: just in case http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4359120:51
FlannelStrife89: Actually, I have a better link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/24934020:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249340 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Gutsy->Hardy upgrade hangs in localedef" [High,Fix committed]20:51
s_spiffselb: my bad. anyways, not able to locate any debs made for gutsy. only thing I found was this : http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-firefox-3-beta-2-in-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon.html20:51
danbhfiveDigitalNinja: I don't think you need to worry too much until someone complains...20:51
jhattaraselb, not sure if it works but thought about checking the ubuntu community wiki20:51
alecthe housing of my laptop broke at the hinge. does anyone have any good do it yourself tips for repairing this?20:52
danbhfivealec: allot of cloth tape20:52
DigitalNinjadanbhfive: I hope you are correct. I'll do some homework before I start.20:52
selb15:51 < jhattara> selb, not sure if it works but thought about checking the  ubuntu community wiki20:53
selbThe community wiki usually does a good job.20:53
selb(I'm surprised that Google didn't find that page)20:53
jhattarayeah, usually the best place to find first aid20:53
DigitalNinjaTerrasque: I just had the install CD auto install a few packages etc... Plus a deb package that is not included in the repositories.20:53
newclimbhello anyone has any hints to how to configure the 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. Chrome9 HC IGP (rev 01)?20:53
Strife89Flannel: Still nervous about which procedure to use.....20:53
TerrasqueDigitalNinja: ok20:54
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RequinB4how can I turn a text list into the arguments for a command; something like cat file.txt | command (that probably won't work)20:54
DigitalNinjaIt might be possible to use deb packages. I'm trying to auto install web 2.0 (php) applications.20:55
Strife89Flannel: Your suggestion? There are a number of methods to try.20:55
geirhaRequinB4: man xargs20:55
TerrasqueDigitalNinja: to get completely automatic install you have to modify the cd20:55
FlannelStrife89: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/249340/comments/9620:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249340 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Gutsy->Hardy upgrade hangs in localedef" [High,Fix committed]20:56
HumanGodwhat is a good firewall to use on a commercial ubuntu server. Something that can block20:56
Prastydionalguem aqui entende minha lingua ?20:56
pheceis there any easy way to fix the "a disk read error has occurred" error message when booting into windows? I never changed anything in ubuntu or windows and it just suddenly started giving me that message20:56
HumanGodI mean production grade server20:56
Myrtti!pt > Prastydion20:57
ubottuPrastydion, please see my private message20:57
HumanGodany suggestions?20:57
ikoniaHumanGod: iptables20:57
DigitalNinjaHumanGod: The firewall software the comes with ubuntu. Unless you want hardware in front of the server.20:57
iwaterballHumanGod: the firewall capability is called "iptables" and is built-in to the kernel, all the firewall software you can get is just a wrapper around it20:57
exoideHi there. I wanna change the colors in my terminal. I was trying changing the LS_COLOR evironment variable. But it doesn't work. Can somebody tell me how to do it?20:57
joaopintophece, try asking on ##windows20:58
HumanGodhmmm I guess I have to consider some hardware then20:58
exoidefor example. I wanna change the color of the directories20:58
ikoniaHumanGod: what is the problem with iptables?20:58
ikoniaexoide: /etc/dircolors20:58
TerrasqueDigitalNinja: half-automated (and simple) solution: make a shell script that installs and tweaks things as neccesary, put it on a web server, and just do "wget http://server/script.sh -o /tmp/runit.sh && bash /tmp/runit.sh"20:58
iwaterballHumanGod: but a firewall is always only as good as the sysadmin that configured it20:58
HumanGodI am just paranoid about DDOS attacks ;)20:58
exoidewhen I use ls -G I see the default colors20:58
ikoniaHumanGod: I'll ask again - whats the problem with iptables20:59
iwaterballHumanGod: no firewall can block ddos20:59
DigitalNinjaTerrasque: Hmmm... Nice idea. Copying your command for future use.20:59
iwaterballHumanGod: its just impossible, you can only deal with ddos at the ISP level or higher20:59
joaopinto!anyone | newclimb20:59
ubottunewclimb: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:00
danbhfiveHumanGod: thats like trying to use a deadbolt on your front door to deal with getting snowed in by a snow storm21:00
HumanGodiwaterball: ikonia: oh ok wasn't aware of that so the only solution having backup servers is it21:00
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ikoniaHumanGod: I think your being overkill21:00
Strife89Flannel: That didn't work. "dpkg: status database area is locked by another process"21:00
HumanGoddanbhfive: ;)21:00
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HumanGodI was researching the whole day today on this stuff21:01
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HumanGodHad an attack on the server yest felt helpless21:01
ikoniaHumanGod: so don't make a decision based on one days research21:01
joaopintoHumanGod, if those servers share the same connection, that will not help either21:01
zguLI'm using mozilla flash plugin "flashplugin-nonfree" and I can't get the flash videos on www.gametrailers.com to work. Anyone else having the same problem?21:01
DigitalNinjaTerrasque: I don't know if I have the skills to do it but I would like to say I maintain my own Linux distro. It's the geek in me.21:01
iwaterballHumanGod: just use iptables (and maybe shorewall to help you configure it) and learn to work with your ISP's abuse department21:01
zguLI have tried the two other plugins that are available too.21:02
nyvhaxhi everybody ;)21:02
HumanGodikonia: I know thats why i am seeking some professional advice not so sound in networking yet21:02
nyvhaxi tried to run a .avi video but totem doesn't read it.. so i install codecs which are suggest by totem plus w32codedcs21:02
FlannelStrife89: you need to have the installer finish: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/249340  (sudo killall locales-whatever)21:02
FlannelStrife89: first post there21:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249340 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Gutsy->Hardy upgrade hangs in localedef" [High,Fix committed]21:02
ikoniaHumanGod: an Iptables firewall is good enough for most solutions, especially 1 - 2 box setups21:02
stat_csseen causeitsme?21:02
TerrasqueDigitalNinja: oh, a typo there, its wget -O not wget -o21:02
nyvhaxbut when i run my .avi video, totem doesn't read it and telle me "Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument" why ??21:03
HumanGodwell if I have two servers with two different ISP's only then it will be of any use i suppose21:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about causeitsme21:03
ubottugoogle is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux21:03
ikoniastat_cs: there is no seen function21:03
DigitalNinjaHumanGod: There's nothing you can do about DDOS attacks. You have to tell your ISP about them. They will try to blog addresses but the attacker will switch to new ones. It gets messy.21:03
ubottuScheissDroge2, please see my private message21:03
the_darkside_986I am trying to use an Ubuntu Hardy 8.04.1 64-bit live cd to make a disk image out of an NTFS drive... is that possible and can the image file later be mounted or accessed in Ubuntu in order to access the files?21:03
stat_csikonia, sorry - I guess I have been in a few other forums where you could do stuff like that21:03
DigitalNinjaTerrasque: Got it!21:03
stat_cs*not forums, channels21:03
HumanGodDigitalNinja: Well I realized that yest. ;)21:04
RemsSsi actualy use mplayer i had download a skin21:04
RemsSswhere must i put le skin21:04
Technqecan someone tell me why i should switch to ubuntu21:05
SuperQTechnqe: from what?21:05
geirhaRemsSs: ~/.mplayer/skins/21:05
SuperQTechnqe: It's not vista :)21:05
Strife89Flannel: Ran the killall, install's continuing.21:06
DigitalNinjaTerrasque: Now that I think about it your wget command would be a great way to test things. I could configure one CD to access the script. Any changes I make to the script would be downloaded the next time I install. Nice!21:06
hoarycripplemy computer has a IP address of netmask my router has an external address of with netmask of  I want to reach the IP from my computer but it says "No Route To Host."  How can I fix this?21:06
SuperQTechnqe: There is no one reason, it's not a simple thing21:06
Strife89Flannel: Java is left unconfuigured.....21:06
HumanGodwell I wil stick to iptables and shorewall to help me.. Just a quick one though whats this stuff I am reading about smoothwall is that something I should be looking at21:06
newclimbanyone has any hints to how to configure the 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. Chrome9 HC IGP (rev 01)?21:06
Technqewah ... i currently using vista i need someone to tell me why i should use ubuntu instead21:06
RemsSsi dont have file which called skins in mplayer21:06
the_darkside_986Does Ubuntu Live CD have hard disk backup tools? I need to make hard disk images that can later be accessed.21:06
SuperQTechnqe: There are lots of reasons, and anti-reasons21:07
geirhaRemsSs: then create it yourself21:07
guntberthoarycripple: your PC should also have a "default route"21:07
TerrasqueDigitalNinja: yes, that is a very good solution actually :) Been thinking of something like that, but haven't really had the need for it21:07
SuperQTechnqe: My favorite are: I prefer the UNIX style of doing things.  The computer doesn't argue with me, it does what I ask it21:07
Technqeso you think i should stay with vista21:07
geirhaRemsSs: run "man mplayer", it explains how to use skins.21:08
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HumanGodvista is like a body guard annoying I suppose21:08
SuperQTechnqe: Application/Package installation and updates are integrated (debian packages managed by apt) and unified21:08
hoarycrippleguntbert, do you mean I should add the route using the "route" command?21:08
SuperQTechnqe: The system is open to community involvement, something Microsoft doesn't do well21:08
Technqecan i open microsoft word files in ubuntu by any chance21:09
SuperQTechnqe: Yes, openoffice is included by default21:09
erUSULTechnqe: openoffice and abiword among others open word documents21:09
SuperQTechnqe: It is a MS office work-a-like21:09
guntberthoarycripple: yes you can do that at first just to test, you need to know the *internal* IP-address of your router21:09
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afallenhopehey is there a reason as to why if I leave me laptop on when I sleep when I wake up in the morning it's at the login screen?21:09
the_darkside_986  I know that dd can make hard disk images but that says nothing about accessing the internal files of it.21:09
SuperQTechnqe: The best thing youc an do is download the Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop CD21:10
hoarycrippleguntbert, the internal IP of the router is and it is my gateway21:10
erUSULthe_darkside_986: you can munt that images later through a loop device21:10
hoarycrippleguntbert, so basically i need to route from to to the external IP21:10
SuperQTechnqe: It is a bootable CD that loads directly into a full Ubuntu install.  "try before you buy"21:10
hoarycrippleguntbert, and do the same with the netmask21:10
erUSULthe_darkside_986: mostly like you can do with iso images21:10
hoarycrippleguntbert, is this correct/21:10
iwaterballthe_darkside_986: you can mount the images with "mount -o loopback <imagefle> <mountpoint>"21:10
jhattaraTechnqe, it's usually easier to open foreign program specific files in Linux than in Windows21:10
the_darkside_986ok thanks21:10
SuperQTechnqe: If you decide you don't like it at all, you can just not install it21:10
SuperQTechnqe: It will seem slow tho, because the CD is much slower than a hard drive21:11
TerrasqueTechnqe: install via wubi, no risk, and if you dont like it, remove it21:11
guntberthoarycripple: no, the router should do the routing, lets try a few things21:11
SuperQTerrasque: wubi?21:11
erUSULiwaterball: well for a whole disk image he/she will have to pass an offset to either mount or losetup afaik so the loop device skips the mbr and partition table21:11
SuperQTerrasque: oh, found it.. neat21:11
erUSULiwaterball: datails on google XD21:12
SuperQTerrasque: reminds me of the old dos booter21:12
guntberthoarycripple: 1) ping your gateway -ok?21:12
jhattarai read that wubi at least originally had troubles with Vista21:12
hoarycrippleguntbert, yes it works21:12
RensoreKAnyone own a Geforce FX 8/9 ?21:12
iwaterballerUSUL: that really depends on how he did the image, but yeah21:12
TerrasqueSuperQ: yes :) no messing around, no partitions or new bootloaders21:12
guntberthoarycripple: 1) ping the external interface of your gateway -ok?21:12
hoarycrippleguntbert, this also works21:14
RensoreKWhats a good dockbar besides awn? Anyone recommend anything21:14
guntberthoarycripple: good, now ping www.google.com21:14
SuperQTerrasque: Yea, i'm trying to find the technical details on how the files are stored on the host windows fs21:15
DigitalNinjaIt looks like I might be able to call my project a "remix". Hmmm...21:15
hoarycrippleguntbert, also works21:15
aidyhow do i set the standard display manager21:15
hoarycrippleguntbert, maybe the server I am trying to reach is down21:15
newclimbanyone has any hints to how to configure the 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. Chrome9 HC IGP (rev 01)21:15
hoarycrippleguntbert, i cannot ping that particular server.  it says no route to host.21:15
erUSULnewclimb: "gksudo displayconfig-gtk" use the via driver21:16
cwill747!info amarok21:16
guntberthoarycripple: who is "it"? you get a detailed massage?21:16
ubottuamarok (source: amarok): versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2: (hardy), package size 9386 kB, installed size 30784 kB21:16
bin1010will ubuntu work on an DELL inspiron 1720, 2.2GHZ duo,or is it too new?21:16
TerrasqueSuperQ: http://wubi-installer.org/faq.php#internals21:16
Flannelbin1010: yep21:16
Strife89Flannel: Is there an easy way to check which packages aren't upgraded/configured (as a result of the kill) after the reboot?21:17
RensoreKbin1010: Sure.21:17
danbhfiveare there any methods for selecting a FOSS wireless adapter, desktop?21:17
hoarycrippleguntbert, ping states "Destination Host Unreachable"21:17
Strife89Flannel: Does "sudo aptitude upgrade" do this?21:17
SuperQTerrasque: Yea, looks like a loopback mounted file21:18
RensoreKcwill: Amarok does require KDE libraries which are around 130MB21:18
IctinikeSo, having some issues with Theming Ubuntu Studio 8.04, it seems like no matter what theme I choose, the controls are the same regardless.21:18
SuperQTerrasque: LVPM looks neat21:18
FlannelStrife89: Thats what the other commands were for, the dpkg -r whatever and the reconfigure21:18
guntberthoarycripple: type traceroute
Strife89Flannel: Oh, alright. Haven't rebooted any yet, just waiting on the upgrade to finish.21:19
Strife8920 minutes to go.21:19
erUSULnewclimb: if yiou are looking for 3d acceleration with via i'm afraid you are out of luck ...21:21
hoarycrippleguntbert, hang on one sec....getting a phone calll ( at work :))21:21
IctinikeSo, having some issues with Theming Ubuntu Studio 8.04, it seems like no matter what theme I choose, the controls are the same regardless.21:21
TerrasqueSuperQ: the whole wubi system is a good way to test ubuntu :)21:21
ken_i have an agp 8x nvidia graphics card, but my window scrolling looks very sluggish, is there a way to tell if X is actually using the 8x acceleration?21:22
SuperQTerrasque: Yea, I'll have to add it to my random-stuff USB thumb drive21:22
tigerplugcan anyone help me with DYNAMIPS?21:22
hoarycrippleguntbert, it gets to the external facing ip address ( and then stops21:23
TerrasqueSuperQ: :D  -  note that it downloads the whole iso if you dont have it locally21:23
RensoreK_ken_: What model # is the graphics card?21:23
SuperQTerrasque: Yes, I keep several ISOs on my 4G card21:24
stat_csWhats the package name for the GNU Patch tool?21:24
SuperQstat_cs: patch21:24
stat_csSuperQ, you are sure, yes?21:24
newclimbanyone know how to configure the 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. Chrome9 HC IGP (rev 01)?21:24
SuperQii  patch                                2.5.9-2                              Apply a diff file to an original21:24
stat_csii patch21:24
guntberthoarycripple: so it looks as if the other server is really down21:24
ubottuPatches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.21:25
stat_csSuperQ, what do you mean by ii patch?21:25
hoarycrippleguntbert, ok thank you very much...i was worried that I wasn't able to route properly from this machine21:25
IctinikeI'm having problems theming Gnome in ubuntu 8.04, it seems like the Application theme isn't loading or something, anyone know why?21:25
SuperQstat_cs: sorry, that's the output of "dpkg -l patch".  "ii" means it's installed on my system21:25
stat_csSuperQ, I see. Thank you very much! Cheers!21:25
WDCHaving hard drive issues, need to reinstall, AND save files. How do I mount my normal partition to save the files, when it says: mount: can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab21:26
stat_csSuperQ, so sudo apt-get install patch should work, yes?21:26
guntberthoarycripple: you're welcome - for the future: don't make any configuration changes before you find out that the fault is really on your system21:27
SuperQstat_cs: Yup :)21:27
hoarycrippleguntbert, good point21:27
hoarycrippleguntbert, thank you21:27
stat_csSuperQ, thanks a lot!21:27
WDCWhat does: mount: can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab mean, and how do I fix it21:27
guntberthoarycripple: have a nice time21:28
IctinikeWhat do Question Marks in the "appearance" control panel mean?21:28
rconanWDC, you need to specify a mount point either in your mount command or in /etc/fstab21:28
WDCrconan: Like how21:28
rconanWDC, what are you trying to do?21:29
newclimbanyone know some tutorials about 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. Chrome9 HC IGP (rev 01) video driver?21:29
WDCrconan: Save my files, because the OS is corrupted!21:29
Strife89Flannel: If this is bothering you, tell me: Ten minutes to go.21:29
RensoreK_Wobbly windows its erratic in Ubuntu21:29
rconanfiles on /dev/sda1?21:30
WDCrconan: I'm on a Live CD right now, my Regular Ubuntu.21:30
WDCrconan: I got it now.21:30
guntbertWDC: create a directory as mountpoint (mkdir /mnt/myHD) then mount it (mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/myHD)21:31
tigerplugdoes anyone know anything about DYNAMIPS?21:31
WDCOkay, now I have a Western Digital 120GB hard drive I need to put files on, via USB. How do I mount that?21:31
rconanplug it in... it should be another /dev/sdXn device21:32
rconanthen mount it the same21:32
WDCWell it doesn't21:32
newclimbwhen I conect a pojector in my computer it doesn't work anyone know which is the problem(in a out vga port)?21:33
ScheissDroge2WDC: paste out from : fdisk-l  (usb plugged)21:33
WDCScheissDroge2: ah. That got it JUST right.21:34
ScheissDroge2wdc: feel lucky21:34
WDCScheissDroge2: hmm?21:34
WDCThank the LORD for USB2.021:35
ScheissDroge2wdc: did already or not, ur drive ?21:35
WDCScheissDroge2: I don't understand21:36
ScheissDroge2wdc: does your usb work now ?21:36
WDCScheissDroge2: Oh yes. Indeed21:36
ScheissDroge2wdc: feel lucky !!!21:36
Strife89Flannel: I'll come back after the reboot. Closing Pidgin early.21:36
WDCScheissDroge2: lol. I am ready to get rid of Ubuntu21:36
Slartnewclimb: I'm guessing the vga port (it's a laptop, right?) isn't active.. try using some kind of twinview, xrandr or similar to activate it21:36
ken_alright another silly question.  i used to use xmms to listen to internet radio and such, what are people using these days?  Im running kde4 and alsa21:36
KaiForceanyone have solid instructions for getting slimserver working on hardy?21:36
WDCken_: xmms21:37
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lintcan someone please help me? my rhyhmbox stopped playing music for some reason21:38
rconan!xmms | ken_21:38
ubottuken_: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious instead.21:38
definitelyHello all, when i am useign COmpiz, i cant watch films or i get them coruppted like here  in screenshoot: http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/5005/whencompizloadedbugvidexh6.png21:38
ken_audacious? k21:38
KaiForcei would use Slimserver if I could get it working!21:38
WDCI don't think anything could beat Winamp on Windows21:39
rconanWDC, winamp is getting worse every release wheras most linux players are getting better21:39
rconanWDC, imo at least21:39
WDCrconan: 5.54 was awesome.21:39
rconanWDC, also i think winamp under wine+linux beats winamp under windows21:40
lint\can someone tell me how to repair a broken package on my system?21:40
WDCrconan: I loled. I tried that, but the "Media Player" Tab displayed nothing21:40
rconanWDC, i can't say i've ever tried it but i know it was supposed to work at some point21:40
=== expl0ited2 is now known as Expl0ited
WDCrconan: hmmm.21:40
WDCrconan: I am ready to go back to windows21:41
danbhfivelint: start by pastebin'ing the error you are getting.  Im sure someone will help21:41
WDCrconan: After a week and a half of Linux, I have had WAY to many errors just getting the system to restart21:41
rconanWDC, wierd21:41
rconanbeing honest i don't restart often21:42
rconansomething like once a month21:42
lintdanbhfive: i di not get an error, synaptic simply told me i had a broken package21:42
danbhfiveWDC: whats one of the errors, just for my curiosity?21:42
WDCrconan: I have to, it will just lock up because it goes into "read-only" harddrive21:42
rconanlint, apt-get -f install21:42
rconanWDC, wierd, are you running hardy?21:42
lintok thank you21:42
WDCrconan: So I much force restart and then it says, cannot start X.21:42
WDCrconan: yes21:42
Tapoutso with ubuntu, when you install like Samba... should you open a terminal and edit the config or is there a 'better' gui method that people use?21:43
rconanWDC, never heard of an error like that21:43
rconanTapout, what are you trying to do with samba?21:43
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:43
WDCrconan: I love linux to DEATH, but with the recent errors, not worth it21:43
lintcan someone help me? i am having trouble playing multimedia files on my computer21:43
eligoshello everyone, I just download XMMS but don't know how to install it, anyone knows how?21:43
Tapouti want to configure it... but i want to get out of the habit of editing /etc/* if there is a better way to do it..   .. GUI configs and stuff21:43
rconan!xmms | eligos21:43
ubottueligos: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious instead.21:43
WDCeligos: Did you get it from Synaptic?21:44
Expl0itedeligos: use xmms221:44
FlannelTapout: SWAT if you want, Im not sure if theres another GUI21:44
Expl0itedbut its just a daemon.21:44
lintcan someone recommend a good music player for ubuntu?21:44
rconanExpl0ited, xmms2 is nothing like xmms, audacious is far more like xmms21:44
WDClint: XMMS221:44
WDClint: Audacious21:44
Expl0itedrconan: I understand that.21:44
KaiForcelint:  vlc21:44
rconanlint, exaile21:45
WDCKaiForce: mmm. VLC.21:45
rconanor many many others21:45
Expl0itedlint: everyone has a different opinion.21:45
Expl0itedI like MPD21:45
eligosWDC, Expl0ited, no, I got it form the xmms website21:45
arakthorlint: I like amarok21:45
rconaneligos, what is your motivation for using xmms?21:45
WDCeligos: So you got the source.21:45
crowolohello, I can't get vim-latexsuite working, could anyone help me?21:45
KaiForcei'd love Slimserver if I could get it working ;)21:45
Expl0itedplus I can stream music with MPD.21:45
roeebTrying to install ubuntu server on MS virtual server: I can't do "aptitude install linux-generic"21:45
KaiForceinstalled from Debian package and permissions are fubar all over the place21:46
Flannelroeeb: What error do you get?21:46
Expl0itedwith a good front end like sonata21:46
rconanExpl0ited, used to use that, or with qmpdclient when i used kde21:46
ken_audacious doest seem to play streaming media21:46
rconanExpl0ited, can't remember what made me change21:46
Expl0itedrconan: no idea.21:46
Tapoutis there a shortcut key for terminal?    winkey+t ?  .. something like that21:47
Expl0itedrconan: are you still using KDE?21:47
=== marcel_ is now known as Guest26013
ken_alt f2 for terminal21:47
rconanExpl0ited, no. started using gnome when i started using ubuntu21:47
TurboBeejerone no worries, power is not an issue for me since it's at a datacenter :)21:47
Expl0itedken_: alt-F2 is run dialog21:47
rconankubuntu hardy is poor21:47
white_eaglehey, what packages are the kde3 dev ones?21:47
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Guest26013someone german?21:47
roeebFlanell: that it couldn't find any package "linux-generic" (probably because it's not on the CD)21:47
eligosrconan, WDC, yes I believe I got the source. What happens is that xmms is the one that works more alike winamp21:47
Flannel!de | Guest2601321:47
ubottuGuest26013: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:48
StorrgieWhen I play video through VLC, I cant play any other sound. Is this supposed to be the case?21:48
Expl0itedeligos: if you want that specifically use audacious.21:48
moda1Hi.  i'm trying to connect to my wifi network  but my driver isn't recognized.  I have a Broadcom BCM4318 Airforce 1 54g wireless card.21:48
WDCeligos: Okay, extract and naviagte to the folder and go "./configure" all in terminal of course21:48
ken_ah wasnt using alsa by default21:48
rconaneligos, audacious is incredibly similar to xmms (even uses winam 3 skins) and is supported and available in the repos21:48
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:48
Flannelroeeb: That should be on the CD, but anyway: `sudo apt-get update` first, then it should work21:49
roeebFlanell: I tried, but can't connect to the internet (can't do host google.com)21:49
roelofserver irc.abjects.net21:50
cskmaxeligos: definitely use audacious if you want a current winamp clone21:50
Expl0itedone of audacious21:50
roeebFlanell: but I can connect to the internet before doing "chroot /target /bin/bash"21:50
Expl0iteds default skins is the old winamp one21:50
Error4o4dmraid question, i have 2 non sytem disks that are in mirroring on the  Gigabyte motherboard's "hardware" raid. Ubuntu sees the disks as seperate. I installed dmraid now, but not sure what to do next..   dmraid -s  shows  one active set21:50
=== HumanGod_ is now known as HumanGod
StorrgieWhen I play video through VLC, I cant play any other sound. Is this supposed to be the case?21:51
Slart!fakeraid | Error4o421:51
ubottuError4o4: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:51
eligosExpl0ited, rconan, WDC, cskmax, ok I'll give audacious a try then I guess, thanks everyone!!21:51
Expl0itedStorrgie: consider using ALSA instead21:51
roeebHow can I tell if linux-generic is on the ubuntu-server ISO?21:51
Expl0itedStorrgie: of OSS.21:51
StorrgieExpl0ited: I specify the device as ALSA21:51
WDCeligos: lol21:51
SlartError4o4: can you see the size of the active set? and number of hard drives in it?21:51
Error4o4Slart: one sec21:51
Expl0itedStorrgie: perhaps then you need alsa-oss21:52
adrianXXXhi there21:52
Expl0ited!info alsa-oss21:52
ubottualsa-oss (source: alsa-oss): ALSA wrapper for OSS applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15-1 (hardy), package size 51 kB, installed size 216 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 alpha amd64 arm armeb armel hppa m32r m68k mips mipsel powerpc ppc64 s390 s390x sh3 sh3eb sh4 sh4eb sparc)21:52
adrianXXXwho can i uninstall asterisk from Ubuntu 7.04...21:52
eligosWDC, what? hehe21:52
StorrgieExpl0ited: just nab that with synaptics?21:52
WDCeligos: We convinced you to change21:52
adrianXXXwho can i uninstall asterisk from Ubuntu 7.04...21:52
adrianXXXwho can i uninstall asterisk from Ubuntu 7.04...21:52
Expl0itedStorrgie: sudo apt-get install alsa-oss21:52
StorrgieExpl0ited: I want to say that this used to work before I specified the interface in VLC21:52
eligosWDC, well I'm still and ignorant when it comes to Linux, so don't have much of a choice than to follow advice21:53
guntbert!patience | adrianXXX21:53
ubottuadrianXXX: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:53
rconanStorrgie, so don't specify the interface in VLC21:53
Storrgierconan: i have tried default, but it does the same thing.21:53
Xan1hi,i installed nvidia drivers with envy (173.14.12), but I can't access to nvidia-settings, i got the message "Please run nvidia-xconfig as root and re-run nvidia-settings"; I do it, unsuccessfully, I tried many ways to install nvidia driver, with a lot of issues (white screens, low resolution...) does someone could have an idea?21:53
Expl0itedIm insinuating that the *other* apps might be oss.21:53
Tapouti *love* ubuntu, nice work :)21:53
Storrgierconan: Expl0ited: I have Indel HDA and logitech USB headset21:54
Error4o4Slart: http://pastebin.com/m379f5193   sda & sdb are in mirroring21:54
WDCeligos: We were (and some [like me] are) noobs at one time21:54
WDCTapout: I donj't. Won't boot X for me21:54
Tapoutwdc, when in doubt... reinstall ;)21:54
Expl0itedStorrgie: what are the apps the don't run while running VLC?21:54
TapoutI don't know enough to help you wdc, sorry bud21:54
Tapouti'm nub21:54
adrianXXXok sorry21:55
Error4o4Slart: maybe it doesnt work with NTFS partitions ?21:55
WDCTapout: lol that's the next step after file search and rescue21:55
newclimbhello my external port doesnt work anyone can help me?21:55
newclimbvga sorry21:55
StorrgieExpl0ited: rythmbox, and games in wine (steam-TF2)21:55
StorrgieExpl0ited: flash in my browser21:55
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lintcan someone recommend a good prpgram to scan my system for intrusions?21:55
=== lissyw is now known as lissyx
SlartError4o4: it looks like it's picking up your on board raid thingy..21:55
Flare183lint: aide21:55
Expl0itednevermind the oss suggestion.21:55
SlartError4o4: but then you get all kinds of weird errors21:56
StorrgieExpl0ited: yea i didnt do it yet, i wanted to discuss it first21:56
Expl0itedflash in firefox seems broken from the get-go.21:56
Error4o4Slart: its a  onboard gigabyte raid controler which should be "hardware"  not  intel's one from the south bridge...  what do you suggest ?21:56
Expl0itedfor most people.21:56
stripedcat_Hello guys!21:56
StorrgieExpl0ited: ?21:56
SlartError4o4: and lots of raid devices.. /dev/dm-5p1 and so on21:56
eligosWDC, ok, how's about this?, what is a good software to watch plain cable TV using my tv card?21:57
SlartError4o4: do you dual boot?21:57
rconaneligos, VLC21:57
Error4o4Slart:  yes, Grub ->  Ubuntu, XP21:57
WDCeligos: rconan speaks the truth21:57
lintFlare183: are ther any other programs that you know of?21:57
roeebCan't find ubuntu 8.04 (only 8.04.1). why?21:57
Flare183lint: Not off the top of my head21:57
eligosrconan, WDC, VLC will detect my tv card and allow me to watch tv??21:58
Uplinkany ruby ide application?21:58
rconanroeeb, 8.04.1 is just 8.04 with updates, no reason not to use it21:58
stripedcat_roeeb:It should be that21:58
RensoreK_Flash works fine for me, at least with FF 3.021:58
RensoreK_Why does it seem broken?21:58
rconaneligos, no idea, i've never used a tv card21:58
Expl0itedStorrgie: hmm ive gotta mull over it for a bit.21:58
roeebi think they removed ubuntu-generic from 8.04.1 iso file21:58
WDCeligos: should21:58
SlartError4o4: hmm.. I can only tell you what I would do... I would stop using the on board raid and use simple drives.. perhaps using one drive for backups for some security..21:58
SlartError4o4: but that's just what I'd do.. you might have other goals and desires..21:59
StorrgieExpl0ited: I can play games in steam and listen to rythmbox at the same time, so im thinking this is an issue with how i have my sound set up in ubuntu or how I have specified it in vlc21:59
rconanError4o4, or instead of using onboard RAID use a software mdraid21:59
stripedcat_Guys!---FLASH IS REALLY SLOW ON MY PC! ITS LIKE FRAME-SEQUENCE-what should I do?21:59
WDCstripedcat_: not use caps21:59
Storrgiestripedcat_: stop watching porn?21:59
SlartError4o4: I don't know how to make that raid chip work in linux.. it might work, it might just take some conf-file editing.. or lots of conf-file editing...21:59
WDCStorrgie: lol!21:59
RensoreK_stripedcat_: What browser are you using? Using the latest flash package from synaptic?21:59
Slartstripedcat_: first thing you should do.... stop.. shouting22:00
Error4o4rconan: i use XP also22:00
Krankiehi, anyone here using the bbc iplayer from a non uk country?22:00
rconanError4o4, on the same RAID>22:00
Tapoutif you're using ubuntu hardy heron, and want like rsync that is in backports (version 3) .. which one do you get.. etch-backport?22:00
Error4o4rconan: no OS on raid at all. just important data22:00
Error4o4rconan: 2 other harddrives for XP and Ubuntu22:00
Error4o4Slart:  http://pastebin.com/mec85696    looks good, but somethings wrong22:01
rconanError4o4, to be honest i haven't used dmraid much in ubuntu as the only thing I have on RAID is my vista install so i can't really help22:01
Expl0itedwhats the difference between seamonkey and firefox?22:01
rconanExpl0ited, seamonkey is mozilla not firefox22:01
SlartError4o4: yes.. that part looks good.. but then you get absurd amounts of dm-devices..22:01
Expl0itedrconan: oh hell with that then.22:02
Error4o4Slart: yea thats weird... always some problems with *nix  :)22:02
Uplinkany nice python IDE app?22:02
SlartUplink: not really22:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ide22:02
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, netbeans, pida22:02
ndoguys, ive got a little question. Is Ekiga free to use? i mean not the software, but to make calls. or is it the same as with skype? that u have to pay some fee. And if yes. Are there any free, to use, Voip's? ty :)22:03
rconanUplink, doesn't python ship with something GUIish?22:03
Uplinkhmmm to code?22:03
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:03
Slartndo: I think making real calls with ekiga costs money too..22:04
arquebusUplink- Eric and SPE are good python editors22:04
lintcan someone tell me how to download chkrootkit or rkhunter for ubuntu?22:04
pheceis there an easy way to share a wireless internet connection through the ethernet port in ubuntu?22:04
Uplinkarquebus, ty. will take a look on that22:04
Slartlint: sudo apt-get install rkhunter22:04
ndoSlart: as i expected. okey, ty :)22:04
lintah ok22:04
lintand what about chkrootkit?22:04
Tapoutdoes this open for anyone ?   http://packages.ubuntu.com/22:04
Slartlint: take a guess =)22:05
lintok, thank you22:05
MXIIATapout, no, it says loading22:05
vedantHi, I keep getting the error console-kit-daemon[5187]: WARNING: Couldn't connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused in the syslogs22:05
SlartTapout: still connecting22:05
vedantand I'm running a console application which shows the same error22:05
Tapoutdammit, of course when I want to install rsync v3, it's down ;)22:05
vedantCould anybody help me abot it?22:05
StorrgieExpl0ited: could it be something with gstreamer?22:06
FrowarddWhenever I click the title bar of an application window, it leaves a very ugly drag trail. How do I get rid of this?22:06
moda1I Just installed ubuntu.  Trying to connect to wifi network but my wireless card isn't enabled.  I go into Hardware Drivers, but when I try to enable my card the system either crashes, or asks me to reboot, which brings me back to square one. I actually had the wireless working fine when i was running it off the live CD, but after installing it it seems to be broken.   I tried downloading Ndiswrapper, and searching for the windows drivers 22:06
stripedcat_--Guys! Is there any alternative of Adobe Premiere of After Affects for Ubuntu???22:06
Miyavix3Hey, is there a setting to show how much your DL and UL speed is in transmission? I mean when it's minimized to the taskbar.22:06
FrowarddEh, I fixed by turning of eye candy. nvm.22:06
stripedcat_or Adobe After Effcts22:06
TapoutMiyavix3, enable system monitor... you can see the network graphs22:07
Tapoutover time22:07
white_eaglewhen I compile a program it says it needs D-BUS/Qt3 bindings22:07
white_eaglewhere should I get those?22:07
stripedcat_--Guys! Is there any alternative of Adobe Premiere or After Affects for Ubuntu???22:07
Miyavix3I meant in numbers. Something along the lines of "123^ 456v"22:08
RensoreK_moda1: What make/model is the wireless card?22:08
Slartstripedcat_: will you please stop it22:08
Frowarddstripedcat_: I don't think so. In fact that's why I didn't install ubuntu on my primary.22:08
Slartstripedcat_: ask your question.. without the extra stuff.. and then wait 5 minutes before you repeat it22:08
pidot86widget on ubuntu how22:08
moda1broadcom BCM4318 Airforce 1 54g22:08
Slartstripedcat_: use the time to try out google and the ubuntu forums22:08
Slart!pm | stripedcat_22:08
ubottustripedcat_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.22:08
ross`can someone help me i did apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree22:09
jjleehaving installed timer-applet, I find it doesn't show up in the "Add to Panel" dialog22:09
ross`and it said flash plugin in stalled22:09
ross`but when i open firefox22:09
Miyavix3Stripedcat_ http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu%3Aen-US%3Aunofficial&hs=90d&q=adobe+premier+ubuntu&btnG=Search22:09
ross`its not working22:09
jjleeany clues re how to add the timer-applet applet to the panel?22:09
rconanross`, does flash show up if you navigate to about:plugins in firefox22:09
Daisuke_Laptop!cinelerra | stripedcat_22:09
ubottustripedcat_: Cinelerra is a video editor and compositor that cannot be included in Ubuntu for legal reasons. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu22:09
stripedcat_Excuse me...22:09
ross`no but yes22:10
linthello, can someone help me with this? http://pastebin.com/m70c78dea22:10
yaris123456789hey guys i deleted pg_hba.conf ....how can i replace it ?22:10
ross`it shows shockwave flash22:10
ross`but i got adobe22:10
FloodBot1ross`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:10
OsseCould someone help me get USB sound working. I run Ubuntu 8.04, I've got ALSA installed.22:10
rconanross`, what version?22:10
zod21hey anyone in here know how to make nautilus the default file opening tool through terminal22:10
ross`9.0 r12422:10
ross`    File name: libflashplayer.so22:10
ross`    Shockwave Flash 9.0 r12422:10
rconanross`, that is adobe flash22:10
ross`oh ok..22:10
ross`then why wont southparkzone with22:10
rconanross`, so which website are you trying to use?22:10
ross`it says i dont have flash22:11
Slartlint: it looks alright to me, or?22:11
Miyavix3Is there a way to make your torrent client (when minimized) say "12up 34down"? Or something along those lines.22:11
arquebusstripedcat- there is a whole section of video software in apt-get, you should look through it and download stuff and try it to see what you like22:12
zod21what is your torrent client22:12
noskloMiyavix3: that depends on what torrent client you are using, and if you have access to its source code.22:12
ross`rconan: southparkzone.com is the website that dont work22:12
rconanross`, strange, that site works for me and if flash is in your about:plugins it should work22:12
lintSlart: i ran rkhunter on my machine and it gave me some warnings22:12
zod21yeah i think22:12
lintSlart: shall i past ethem?22:12
zod21try the settings22:12
Slartlint: I'm not sure you pasted all of the output though.. I only got about 20 lines22:12
ross`now its working22:12
Slartlint: please do.. in pastebin again22:12
OsseCould someone help me get USB sound working. I run Ubuntu 8.04, I've got ALSA installed.22:12
zod21i use utorrent in winebut i bet you can with trans22:12
lintSlart: http://pastebin.com/m18f2742122:13
Error4o4Slart: any idea where else i could look up for dmraid support ?22:13
Miyavix3I'm not seeing it22:13
Error4o4Slart: i mean any other channel22:13
SlartError4o4: nah.. this channel is pretty good.. just keep asking every now and then.. sooner or later a dm raid guru will come by, hopefully22:14
Slartlint: I'm pretty sure those warnings are harmless22:14
Miyavix3zod21: Did you find something on it?22:14
StorrgieSlart: i tried dmraid a ton, but I ended up just going ALL ubuntu and using mdadm22:15
TurboBeeis dmraid the same thing as mdadm?22:15
TurboBeeguess not22:15
guntbertlint: I cannot help you, but from what program do you get that output?22:15
TurboBeewhy not use mdadm?22:15
TurboBeeit's very easy22:15
FrowarddWhat's a good black-as-background-color theme for GNOME?22:15
ikoniaTurboBee: dmraid is a bad technology22:15
StorrgieTurboBee: please read before speaking22:15
ikoniaFrowardd: look on gnome-look.org22:15
egosintrickosse, try adding vorbis-tools and esound22:16
Frowarddikonia: I am..22:16
lintguntbert: rkhunter22:16
[\dan\]i know this has already been said but packages.ubuntu.com seems to be dead22:16
guntbertlint: thx22:16
egosintrickworth a shot22:16
noskloMiyavix3: if you mouse over the transmission tray icon near the clock, it will show down/up stats22:16
FrowarddDoes flash work in linux, yet?22:16
ikoniaFrowardd: it does22:16
Daisuke_Laptopit has for a few years22:16
Slartlint: I'm checking my own system now.. I get the same warnings22:16
OsseCould someone help me get USB sound working. I run Ubuntu 8.04, I've got ALSA installed.22:16
Miyavix3nosklo: It's not doing it22:17
zod21Miyavix3- no not on transmission, but if you use utorrent with wine it does that when you hover over it.22:17
Daisuke_Laptopwait...  flash player or the actual app Flash?22:17
TurboBeeStorrgie read WAT22:17
noskloMiyavix3: transmission shows it22:17
zod21hovering the mouse over it will give you the upload download rate22:17
Miyavix3It's not for me?22:17
=== CBoss is now known as Heikus
noskloMiyavix3: the main window needs to be closed22:17
StorrgieTurboBee: read words, assemble them into sentences, and then try to extract thoughts from them22:18
noskloMiyavix3: just close the main window then mouseover the little icon22:18
Miyavix3Yeah, still no22:18
TurboBeeStorrgie ohh ok22:18
* TurboBee extracts a thought22:18
TurboBeeit was good22:18
idimmudoes anyone know anything about puppet, and how it is package? http://paste.ubuntu.com/39773/ i am trying to install it on dapper and it depends on facter but there doesnt seem to be any packages for that22:18
perspectivetis there a way to do install onto RAID1 with the Hardy Heron desktop installer?22:18
idimmuit is a backport issue, and should i file a bug with the maintainer?22:19
ikoniaidimmu: facter is broken22:19
P041NX[\dan\]: try http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/22:19
ikoniaperspectivet: not with the desktop installer22:19
perspectivetikonia: I need the server installer?22:19
ikoniaidimmu: disable backports and use the stable version(if possible)22:19
idimmuikonia: how broken? is there an issue tracker for it please?22:19
hal_v2Is there a reason open office is correction-friendly? Seriously, whenever I go to review a document there's green lines EVERYWHERE. (No, it's not because I'm a bad writer, either) But it just feels like most of the time the spellchecker is just plain wrong. I have it set to my language, so I don't know what else to do. This is very important as I'll be writing college essays in no time.22:19
ikoniaperspectivet: no the alternative cd22:19
idimmuikonia: good idea22:19
perspectivetikonia: cool thx22:19
ikoniaidimmu: I don't know - take a look22:19
idimmuhello RR|Here22:20
idimmugoogling now ikonia22:20
idimmuthanks for the help22:20
FrowarddHow do I add synergy to the startup list for ubuntu?22:20
MXIIAhow do I add something to my Applications menu?22:20
noskloMXIIA: just right-click and choose "Edit menus"22:21
y0d4How do I get the stupid wifi to work22:21
=== RensoreK_ is now known as RensoreK
MXIIAthanks nosklo22:21
hal_v2Is there a reason open office is correction-friendly? Seriously, whenever I go to review a document there're green lines EVERYWHERE. (No, it's not because I'm a bad writer, either) But it just feels like most of the time the spellchecker is just plain wrong. I have it set to my language, so I don't know what else to do. This is very important as I'll be writing college essays in no time.22:22
noskloFrowardd:  just go to System -> Preferences -> Sessions to define what you want started when you log in22:22
johninlexhey I have a strange question I am playing in configure- KDE control Module and at the bottom it says clflush     64 does this mean I have a 64 bit processor22:22
y0d4Can someone help me getting wifi to work22:23
pudlandis there a tutorial for sata hdd install on 8.04?22:23
phecealthough i didn't change anything, i'm all of a sudden getting the "a disk error has occurred, press ctrl+alt+delete to restart" message when trying to boot into my windows installation22:23
P041NXanyone know how to force particular USB device to use ohci_hcd instead of ehci_hdc? rmmod ehci_hcd is not a potion, as it takes my system down22:23
Frowarddnosklo: not when I log in, when the system starts.22:23
pheceis there any chance that something got changed from an automatic update or something?22:23
Frowarddnosklo: if synergy doesn't start with the system, I won't have a mouse and keyboard to log in with!22:23
Tapoutdoes it break anything to install an intrepid package (rsync v3.0.3) on hardy ??22:23
noskloFrowardd: then check bum22:23
phecei haven't changed anything at all. at one point i accidentally hit f2 while highlighting the windows disk in nautilus, but i just hit enter again, i didn't change the name, but that's the closest to a change i've had before i started having problems22:24
Frowarddnosklo: excuse me!?22:24
zChris_How do i get the mic to capture ?22:24
Tapoutanyone know?22:24
P041NXTapout: apt-get install --dry-run rsync and see waht you get22:24
StorrgieWhen VLC is playing, I cant get audio from any other programs22:24
noskloFrowardd: bum - Boot-Up-Manager... install it using synaptic22:25
FrowarddOh, I see. Thank you.22:25
P041NXit won't change the system, juste tells you what will change22:25
Qsteris there a way to make screen for terminal to use a specific background color?22:25
P041NXStorrgie: Don't use ALSA, use OSS22:25
=== shevek is now known as Guest71509
expl0ited2it sure is convienent that the only thing I can't stop on my windows based router is its updates lol.22:26
StorrgieP041NX: i thought OSS was depreciated22:26
TapoutP041NX, 2.6.9 ... v3 has improved so much that I need it :(22:26
noskloTapout: it is not recommended (TM), you should Know What You Are Doing (TM) to do it22:26
y0d4Can someone help me get the wifi to work! I am new to linux and it would be much appreciated22:26
Tapoutnosklo, fair enough.. surprised hardy doesn't have v3... etch-backports has v3 cause it's so damn good22:27
=== expl0ited2 is now known as Expl0ited
noskloTapout: have you checked hardy-backports?22:27
Tapoutsays 2.6.922:27
P041NXStorrgie : You'll need to install a program that will aloow multiple sound streams to mix togater before going out the speaker22:27
StorrgieP041NX: why would I need that when I can play audio in 2 other applications at the same time with ALSA, its just when VLC is going I can only hear what VLC is playing22:28
P041NXcan't quite remenber the package name, but I had that problem myself a while ago22:28
Strife89Flannel: So far, so good.22:29
noskloTapout: get it here: https://launchpad.net/~pgquiles/+archive22:29
Strife89Flannel: My screen got messed with. Evidently my driver is no longer working.22:29
guntberthal_v2: are you sure its the spellchecker? in my version it makes red wave-lines22:29
Tapoutnosklo, how did you know about that?22:30
Strife89Flannel: My resolution dropped from 1024x800 to 800x60022:30
Next1What is Bicubic texture filtering in Compiz?22:30
P041NXStorrgie:... that means either VLC is hogging up the stream, but i'm not sure. i know that for mplayer+alsa, mplayer can play 2 or more at same time, but if one gets started after toe other, the sound hangs.22:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about screens22:31
guntberthal_v2: else ask at #openoffice.org22:31
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto22:31
noskloTapout: google22:32
MAT1i dont know about screens but can you put downloads to something on irc22:32
Slarthal_v2: consider yourself lucky since your writing in english.. the openoffice spell checker is awful for swedish.. I know it doesn't make your situation better.. I think Star Office from Sun has some better writing aids..22:32
noskloTapout: ;)22:32
Slarthal_v2: but it costs money.22:32
FrowarddWow, the high-contrast themes really suck balls.22:33
MAT1hav v2 were you talking to me22:33
FrowarddIt gives you black-on-blue/dark, way, WAY too often.22:33
Tapoutnosklo, sweet!  worked perfectly22:33
FrowarddCan't customize the colors, either. Odd..22:33
Tapoutnosklo, hopefully no 'phone home' network calls when I type in my login information ;)22:34
noskloTapout: the package will be included in hardy-backports soon, then you upgrade to that22:34
Tapoutnosklo, cool.. thanks man, appreciate the help22:35
johninlex hey I have a strange question I am playing in configure- KDE control Module and at the bottom it says clflush     64 does this mean I have a 64 bit processor22:35
zChris_How can i UNBIND alt in Gnome ? Cant find it in Keyboard shortcuts :O22:35
MAT1can i put a download on irc22:35
noskloMAT1: what? no. Irc is chat, not download.22:36
TheMaxzillaLike, a link to download something, MAT1?22:36
JonJSkype can't use my plantronics headset when my usb webcam is plugged in, is it possible to not use the sound-option on my webcam?22:36
MAT1yah a link22:36
TheMaxzillaFor what?22:36
MAT1my emerald theme22:36
noskloMAT1: you can put it somewhere else and paste a link if it is aproppriate on the channel22:36
TheMaxzillaDon't go randomly putting download links up though.22:37
P041NXIs there a way to force usage of ohci for a given usb divice, instead of ehci tring to autodeteks it and failing over?22:37
MAT1what do you mean22:37
noskloMAT1: #ubuntu is not a good place to paste links to download emerald themes unless someone asks for it specifically.22:38
MAT1im using pigin just so u know22:38
Osseegosintrick, hi again.22:38
MAT1oh well bye22:38
noskloMAT1: you'd be better submiting it to http://themes.beryl-project.org/22:38
MAT1wait how do you submit it22:39
TheMaxzillaI don't know, read on the site. FAQ maybe.22:40
OsseCould someone here help me get my USP sound work. It's a USB headset. I use Alsa/OSS and PulseAudio on Ubuntu 8.04.22:41
OsseUSB, sorry ^^22:41
AzizLightdoes somebody know a Tracklist creator that would convert a .m3u file into a .txt file please?22:42
P041NXHumm... is there a USB guru in here? I'd like to ask some questions....22:42
P041NXisn't a m3u a plain text?22:42
GneaAzizLight: .m3u files are text files22:42
bervothanks everybody and good night22:43
Gnea!ask | P041NX22:43
ubottuP041NX: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:43
OsseCould someone here help me get my USB sound work. It's a USB headset. I use Alsa/OSS and PulseAudio on Ubuntu 8.04.22:44
haostuni have a question... every time I turn on my pc i have to lad the wireless driver with "modprobe ath_pci".. and put the network password... some one knows hot to load it at de beginin?22:44
AzizLightGnea: yeah but they have weird stuf in it too, like comments I think (they begin with #) plus theere is the full path of the song which is not convenient...22:44
P041NXI'd like to run a usb 1.1 device, but the ehci usb driver trys to autodetect the speed and fails miserably, so i'd like to force a single priticular usb device to run on low speed. is it possible?22:44
nickrudhaostun, add the line  ath_pci  to a line by itself in /etc/modules22:45
haostuncan someone help me?22:45
haostuntnx nickrud22:46
pudland8.04 sata hdd not recognized. help please22:46
Reabyi can't play audio cd's anymore. datacd's works perfectly.22:47
P041NXAzizLight: Do you want to make a m3u from list of mp3's?22:47
Slartpudland: can you pastebin the output of "dmesg" ,please?22:48
Slart!paste | pudland22:48
ubottupudland: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:48
dmsuperman_How can I reinstall an application from the repos, even if I have the latest version. I don't want to remove it, however, because then it'll remove thigns that depend on it22:48
AzizLightP041NX: no I have an m3u playlist, I want to create a tracklist in a textfile :S yes I'm lazy22:48
Reabylooks like i'm missing permissions for reading tracks, as nautilus has red X in every tracks corner22:48
pudlandslart: yup22:48
P041NXAzizLight: correct me if i'm wrong.  tracklist in a textfile meaning, the extraction of title/song/artist from the mp3 itself?22:49
OsseCould someone here help me get my USB sound work. It's a USB headset. I use Alsa/OSS and PulseAudio on Ubuntu 8.04.22:49
haostunhey--- nm_applet ask for my network password every time i restart my pc.. any idea?22:49
nickruddmsuperman_, sudo apt-get install --reinstall <package>22:49
pudlandslart: cant paste the whole thing. i cant get to the top of it in terminal.22:49
dmsuperman_nickrud: that'd be it. how can I get a list of those sort of options? apt-get --help doesn't list --reinstall, for instance22:50
Slartpudland: try pastebinit22:50
Slart!info pastebinit22:50
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 84 kB22:50
noahhow come "sudo aptitude install mysql-server" didn't put /etc/init.d/mysql in place?22:50
Slartpudland: or do "dmesg > dmesgoutput.txt"22:50
nickruddmsuperman_, the man page, man apt-get22:50
Slartpudland: then open that text file in gedit or something22:50
dmsuperman_nickrud: ah. thanks :D22:50
pudlandslart: ok22:50
AzizLightP041NX: not from the mp3, from the m3u. Basically I want to clean the m3u text file, or place the mp3 tags instead of the full paths, basically create a tracklist out of the m3u file22:51
nickrudnoah, was this after removing it manually, by any chance?22:51
noahnickrud: yeah.22:52
noahnickrud: what's the connection?22:52
Slartpudland: if you install pastebinit you can just run "dmesg | pastebinit"22:52
Reabyany clue what's missin: audio cd's not working. nautilus has red X in every track --> i assume some kind of permission problem, thus datacd's works perfectly. any ideas?22:53
nickrudnoah, files in /etc are considered 'conffiles'. dpkg assumes that whatever the sysadmin does to a conffile should be respected22:53
pudlandheres "dmesg > dmesgoutput.txt" @ pastebin:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/39779/22:53
P041NXAzizLight: so in a nut shell, extract filename of mp3 from the fullpath written in the m3u?22:53
nickrudnoah, a sec22:53
Slartpudland: nice.. having a look.. be right back22:53
pudlandslart: thanks22:53
ShdwShinobiCan someone help me get the right resolution with a monitor for my 8600GT?22:53
nickrudnoah, you need to purge mysql-server-5.0 , then install it. Purging removes conffiles, so you'll be working with a clean slate22:54
scrambledegghey, i have this really really annoying problem with ubuntu and windows, that i could seriously use some help on  :S22:54
noahnickrud: ok... thought i did that but i'll give it another shot, might have been confused22:54
nickrudscrambledegg, get rid of windows, problem solved ;)22:55
AzizLightP041NX: yeah, and put them in a .txt in the order they are in the playlist. but If I get just the name of the file I'm happy so I don't really need the mp3 files unless I really want to be picky22:55
noahnickrud: ah. think i purged "mysql-server" but not "mysql-server-5.0"22:55
molleboondutch people?22:55
scrambledegg..ubuntu corrups my windows partition slightly every time it boots.. even though i dont mount it22:55
P041NXok, ill, just wip up a bash script if you like. Ok?22:56
nickrudnoah, a useful package is apt-file , you can use it to find out what package owns what file (among other things)22:56
adrianXXXsomeone can tell me who can y enabled the colors on asterisk console ?22:56
haostunhey... nm_applet ask for my network password every time i restart my pc.. any idea?22:56
scrambledeggso it makes windows take like 10 minutes to boot.. this time it succesfully nuked windows..  "mission accomplished!"  -_-22:56
noahnickrud: you mean even when the package isn't installed? i usually use dpkg -S and dpkg -L22:56
Slartpudland: ok.. so two hard drives, one 120 Gb and one 160 Gb. Some cd/dvd drives.. sounds correct?22:57
klndz3unop, you around?22:57
noahnickrud: that is when the package is installed22:57
scrambledeggi've tried a lot of things! re-installing both ubuntu and/or windows do not fix it..  :S its been like this forever i think22:57
LagboltLooking to find out if anyone has installed ubuntu on acer aspire one.  Does it require any special tweaks to get wireless working etc , or can I just use the normal install CD no probs?22:57
pudlandslart: 120G is IDE and new sata is 160G.  correct22:57
adrianXXXsomeone can tell me who can y enabled the colors on asterisk console ?22:57
Slartpudland: so, which drive is missing?22:58
paritosh1010mp3s won't play. i have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras package. something seems to be wrong with the sound :(22:58
Slartpudland: the 160 Gb drive can't be used in ubuntu?22:58
nickrudnoah, yeah, I don't have mysql on this machine.22:58
* paritosh1010 paritosh22:59
adrianXXXsomeone can tell me who can y enabled the colors on asterisk console ?22:59
AzizLightP041NX: sorry I just saw you message, I can do that with just a bash script?22:59
paritosh1010mp3s won't play. i have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras package. something seems to be wrong with the sound :(22:59
P041NXAzizLight: Should i start making the bash script? If you like, would you mind sending a sample m3u file? i'll work out the file format and send you a bash script that does the job22:59
pudlandslart: i dont think its mounting. a "scsi" icon shows in "computer" but cant open it22:59
Slartpudland: hmm.. ok, if you do a "sudo mount -a" in a terminal, do you get any errors?22:59
dmsuperman_paritosh1010: for debugging: does any sound work? what about if you install mplayer and try to play an mp3 with that?22:59
P041NXAzizLight: m3u is a plain text, so it is easy possible22:59
nickrudscrambledegg, I've been dual booting for years, never seen that. Can't imagine how it would even happen22:59
pudlandslart: 2 sec22:59
AzizLightP041NX: wow thanks alot, i'll put the content of an m3u file in pastebin23:00
Reabyany clue what's missing: audio cd's not working. nautilus has red X in every track --> i assume some kind of permission problem, thus datacd's works perfectly. any ideas for a fix?23:00
pudlandslart: uhhm. no23:00
paritosh1010dmsuperman_: no. no sound work..it worked earlier but broke suddenly. i have mplayer installed. it now says - no sound device initialised23:00
pudlandslart: gparted didnt see it either23:00
dmsuperman_paritosh1010: tried rebooting, closing firefox, and any other app that uses your sound?23:00
P041NXAzizLight: ok, ill work out the file format and paste the completed script. give me about 20 min23:01
paritosh1010reboot, restarting x23:01
paritosh1010all that ive tried23:01
dmsuperman_alright, then it's a real problem and i'm not sure :P23:01
paritosh1010it just went. it was there earlier23:01
scrambledeggnickrud, yes its really weird... first i thought it was a problem with grub, but i think its ubuntu causing trouble, caus it only happens after i've boot ubuntu23:01
paritosh1010does sound depend on xorg.conf?23:01
Slartpudland: ok, try this "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb"23:01
zorroleronickrud: dpkg-reconfigure resets the conffiles, iirc.23:01
dmsuperman_paritosh1010: not sure, tbh23:01
Slartpudland: if you can pastebin the output it would be nice23:02
pudlandslart: 2 sec23:02
nickrudzorrolero, only ones for which one is written. But dpkg itself won't mess with an altered one23:02
failurei am having a very similar error23:02
pudlandslart: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39783/23:03
* nickrud needs more nouns, fewer pronouns23:03
zorroleronickrud: ok.23:03
Slartpudland: ok.. looks like the drive is there.. but there are no partitions on it.. you said gnome partition editor didn't see it?23:03
pudlandslart: correct, i'll try again.  its new. not formatted to ext3 yet.23:04
failureCan somebody please explain to me what is happening? I checked to make sure the files that it complaining about are there.23:04
AzizLightP041NX: here is the content of the playlist http://pastebin.com/d7ec8d60923:05
failurelike 415-41823:05
pudlandslart: did the last paste tell us that fstab is good?23:05
AzizLightP041NX: once again thanks a lot23:05
failureoops that was line not like23:05
P041NXAzizLight: Ok, will start working on it23:05
Slartpudland: nope.. I don't think there is anything in fstab about this drive yet.. since there are no partitions on it23:05
nickrudzorrolero, interesting idea, that. I've never tried creating a missing conffile with dpkg-reconfigure. Gonna try that23:06
pudlandslart: ok, understood23:06
P041NXAzizLight: Is there any particular file format you want the output as? like xml, html,?23:07
pudlandslart: awww, crap.  gparted sees /dev/sdb/ @ 149.05G unallocated when run as sudo.  i'll do again w/o sudo to be sure.23:08
adrianXXXsomeone can tell me who can y enabled the colors on asterisk console ?23:08
AzizLightP041NX: .txt would be perfect23:08
P041NXok. txt it will be23:08
Slartpudland: gparted is supposed to be run as root.. doesn't it pop up a big warning if you don't run it as root?23:08
=== Administrator_ is now known as arrrghhh
Slartpudland: one other thing... run gui stuff with gksudo instead of sudo.. sudo is only for command line stuff23:08
ompaulpudland, better to run it as gksu gparted23:09
pudlandslart: correct !!! :-(. been using ubuntu for 4 years now.  i'm losing my touch.. or my mind.23:09
Slartpudland: hehe.. we'll blame it on lack of coffee =)23:10
javHi, how can I add a pear class? I want to be able to use the File_Bittorrent class http://pear.php.net/package/File_Bittorrent/docs/latest/li_File_Bittorrent.html23:10
pudlandslart: I'll format now.  THANKS MUCH FOR THE REFRESHER!!!!!23:10
Slartpudland: any time.. you're welcome23:10
Flare183!ot | pudland23:10
ubottupudland: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:10
failurepastebin.ubuntu.com/39784/ - I've googled some similar issues regarding this matter. I found one other pastebin result with similar a similar problem. Although, I can't find the resolution to this. Can somebody take a look and possibly give me a hint?23:10
Slarthuh, Flare183 ?23:11
Flare183oh nevermind23:11
y0d4How do you find your wireless card?23:12
nickrudy0d4, usually looking in the case works23:12
TwoDI've been trying to share folders between two Ubuntu comps, both using Samba and NFS without luck. The other PC used to run WinXP while I used Samba on my Ubuntu machine, and both could access eachother's shares without authorization. But with two Ubuntu machines I can't get anything to work. Samba logs say they can't create user groups, but I don't know what to do about that.23:13
nickrudy0d4, but  lspci  will list it, or maybe lsusb23:14
SlartTwoD: I use nfs between my two ubuntu machines23:14
cruddpuppetHalp, my cd burner does not work!23:14
cruddpuppetIt always says "no files were selected" when I try burning23:14
SlartTwoD: it works nicely.. samba just gives me all kinds of problems..23:14
cruddpuppetBut I have added four files to burn23:14
TwoDSlart, been trying to do that. Can't even find the other PC23:14
Odd-rationaleTwoD: have you tired using sshfs?23:14
sgillespieI have a question23:14
TwoDOdd-rationale, don't know what that is so no.23:14
sgillespieI can start up my wireless networking with iwconfig/dhclient23:14
SlartTwoD: how are you setting it up? you've edited the exports file, right?23:14
Odd-rationale!info sshfs | TwoD23:15
ubottutwod: sshfs (source: sshfs-fuse): filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9-1 (hardy), package size 31 kB, installed size 116 kB23:15
sgillespieso how do I get it working on startup?23:15
TwoDOdd-rationale, oh sorry, read that wrong, I know what it is, but I haven't23:15
xerxes1358If I install Ubuntu under windows in Virtual environment will the printer server work? If so what is the EASIEST way to install this?\23:15
Odd-rationaleTwoD: from what i hear, it even better than nfs :) that is, if you only plan to share among linux boxes...23:15
dmsuperman_python's cpu usage spikes about once per second to 20%. How can I check what is using python and causing such a spike?23:15
TwoDSlart, Yes. When first installing Ubuntu on the other machine I just used the right-click menu to install support for Samba/NFS, but that didn't work. Neither did adding somehting to exports.23:16
nickrudsgillespie, you can add it to /etc/network/interfaces, man interfaces has the right syntax23:16
Slartdmsuperman_: lots of stuff use python.. many small applets for the gnome desktop for example.. clocks, cpu meters, network useage graphs etc23:16
dmsuperman_Slart: I just like to get a feel for my computer, to know what does what, when, and why23:17
Slartdmsuperman_: you can setup the system monitor to "show command line" for all processes.. that will give you some more info23:17
TwoDOdd-rationale, yeah I read someone saying that, but I haven't found a guide on how to set it up yet. But I'd like to give NFS a good shot first, as it's a more "standard" way I guess.23:17
Odd-rationaleTwoD: ok. good luck!23:17
SlartTwoD: you have to install the nfs server part.. not just the client library23:17
sgillespienickrud: there is an entry there it has iface... and wireless-essid.. entries23:17
Slart!info nfs-kernel-server | TwoD, did you install this?23:18
sgillespiebut I still have to manually start when I log in23:18
ubottutwod, did you install this?: nfs-kernel-server (source: nfs-utils): support for NFS kernel server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.1.2-2ubuntu2.1 (hardy), package size 146 kB, installed size 364 kB23:18
TwoDSlart, Umm, why doesn't it install the client when you select to SHARE a folder then?23:18
dmsuperman_Slart: that doesn't update often enough to see the spikes, I have to do top -d 0.2 to see it23:18
dmsuperman_Slart: can I see the cmd with top?23:18
SlartTwoD: perhaps it does.. I don't know what ubuntu does behind the scenes =)23:18
=== carolina is now known as cigno
TwoDSlart I think so, but I've just purged my systems of both NFS and Samba to start over from scratch.23:19
Slartdmsuperman_: I personally use htop for the nice colours =).. I don't know if top can do it23:19
SlartTwoD: well.. let's see, run this "sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server"23:19
nickrudsgillespie, do you have the line auto <interface> in that file?23:19
TwoDSlart, neither do I, and that's a bit annoying at times, esp when a gui tool is supposed to make things easier hehe.23:19
sgillespienickrud: I do indeed23:20
TwoDSlart, ok, wait a sec and I'll run it on both machines. My gf is on the other one but I'm sshing into it.23:20
SlartTwoD: you only have to run it on the server23:20
nickrudsgillespie, I've only set it up a couple of times, wireless in that file. For wired, I'm good. But it Worked For Me. And my notes are at home23:21
dmsuperman_am I just being petty in wondering why Xorg spikes to 5% cpu usage every second?23:21
sgillespiehow do I restart my network here?23:21
TwoDSlart, I want to use both as servers23:21
SlartTwoD: ok, then go ahead23:21
failurexorg is like an italian husband23:22
Slartdmsuperman_: xorg does a lot of things.. and 5% doesn't seem like a lot23:22
failureits wife is always feeding it23:22
Slartdmsuperman_: I wouldn't really worry about that one23:22
dmsuperman_Slart: alright. I was just wondering...there's a "heartbeat" in my computer23:22
dmsuperman_Slart: every 1 second the cpu usage spikes to like 15% total in the monitor23:22
TwoDsgillespie, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart ?23:22
nickrudsgillespie, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart23:22
TwoDSlart, ok done23:22
sgillespienickrud: actually when i do /etc/init.d/networking restart my wireless network comes up23:23
SlartTwoD: ok, lets edit the exports file23:23
TwoDSlart, btw, will I be able to browse the shared folders just like with Samba? Or do I have to know which folders are shared and mount them to access them?23:23
nickrudsgillespie, hm, sounds like something in your setup isn't ready when networking comes up. Where/when does your wireless chip module get inserted into the kernel?23:23
SlartTwoD: I don't think you can browse nfs folders23:23
SlartTwoD: "gksudo gedit /etc/exports"23:24
sgillespienickrud: how do i figure that out?23:24
RensoreKIm done trying Ubuntu for the day. I think Ill switch back to PCLinuxOS23:24
nickrudsgillespie, you're not doing anything special? What chip do you have?23:24
sgillespieits a broadcomm23:24
TwoDSlart, ok, but isn't that a bit handicapped lol?23:24
pudlandslart: format done. thanks again!23:25
sgillespieubuntu did everything automagically for me :)23:25
Slartpudland: you're welcome.. glad it worked23:25
aguiteli can't check to enable important security updates from sources software ,anyone know about this ?23:25
TwoDSlart, editing exports btw23:25
SlartTwoD: well.. I usually mount the shared folder somewhere.. then I can of course browse it as usual23:25
SlartTwoD: ok.. a new line at the end.. first the folder you want to share23:26
SlartTwoD: then we do some ip limiting.. I use to only let my lan mount this23:26
TwoDSlart, ok, but is there a way to see which folders are shared on a server from a client?23:26
SlartTwoD: and at the end put (no_subtree_check)23:26
nickrudsgillespie, I'm not sure why it wouldn't be ready, but if you can call network restart after boot, something is late ...23:27
SlartTwoD: not sure.. I haven't really tried23:27
TwoDSlart, no_subtree_check does what?23:27
SlartTwoD: it's some kind of new setting.. if you don't put it in it will print warnings and stuff when you start nfs23:28
aidywhat's the intrepid channel?23:28
dmsuperman_aidy: #ubuntu+1 likely23:28
dmsuperman_aidy: surely23:28
trojatraI just experienced a weird issue after restarting, my user is not allowed to use Synaptic, Update Manager, or Add/Remove.23:28
SlartTwoD: it's a long explanation and I didn't get half of it.. check the man page if you have problem falling asleep at night =)23:28
TwoDSlart, ok, I assume it should be entered without the parenthesis...23:28
trojatraFailed to run synaptic as user root.23:28
trojatraThe underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator.23:28
SlartTwoD: nope.. include the parenthesis23:28
TwoDSlart, well, Samba kept me up last night, maybe time for NFS today hehe23:29
TwoDSlart, oh, rats23:29
SlartTwoD: my line looks like this     /media/disk5
OsseAnyone here any good at phpmyadmin? I've installed it through synaptic, but it doesn't show in 'www'.23:29
TwoDSlart, ok done23:29
SlartTwoD: ok, save the file, close the editor23:29
dmsuperman_Osse: it's in /usr/share/phpymadmin i think23:30
r4bguys, just today all my videos in any format on any player have become too bright to watch23:30
markelhashi ppl need to put firefox using jre plugin with ubuntu 64 bits, any tips?23:30
SlartTwoD: now run "sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start"23:30
RequinB4Hi, i'm trying to make a shell wait (sleep?) until all instances of a certain program are gone... But this: 'while (ps ax | grep program | wc -l) > 1 ; do sleep 5 ; done' seems to just stall forever...23:30
r4bgui is fine though23:30
dmsuperman_Osse: and is included with apache, using an alias23:30
dmsuperman_Osse: go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin to access it23:30
TwoDSlart, just a quick question, shouldn't it be
Error4o4Compiz that comes with Ubuntu 8.04  is not Compiz Fusion ??  :/23:31
SlartTwoD: I don't think it will matter..23:31
trojatraAnyone know why my user would be removed from the sudoers file?23:31
dmsuperman_Error4o4: i believe it is, why do you ask?23:31
Ossedmsuperman_ - I can't acress it directly through localhost, don't know why =/23:31
dmsuperman_Osse: what do you get when you go http://localhost/phpmyadmin23:31
dmsuperman_Osse: 404?23:31
dmsuperman_Osse: and have you restarted apache after installing?23:31
Ossehmm, I think so.23:31
mcphailOsse: you'll need to configure apache23:31
SlartTwigathy: I think I just wrote it when looking at some example online23:32
yaris123456789where is the global section of httpd.conf ?23:32
Error4o4dmsuperman_: little confused, cant find any configuration GUI, and Compiz and Compiz Fusion have 2 different websites23:32
markelhashi ppl need to put firefox using jre plugin with ubuntu 64 bits, any tips?23:32
dmsuperman_Error4o4: for the configuration gui, install the package "compizconfig-settings-manager"23:32
RequinB4Hi, i'm trying to make a shell wait (sleep?) until all instances of a certain program are gone... But this: 'while (ps ax | grep program | wc -l) > 1 ; do sleep 5 ; done' seems to just stall forever...23:33
TwoDSlart, I think I'm getting the warnings you talked about, will recheck the syntax.23:33
trojatraMy user was removed from the sudoers file, and since I'm not in the sudoers file, I can't add myself to the sudoers file, any suggestions?23:33
dmsuperman_Error4o4: then it'll be in System -> preferences - >advanced graphical something or other23:33
Error4o4dmsuperman_: ok thx23:33
dmsuperman_Error4o4: or optionally run "ccsm" in the terminal to open the manager after installing it23:33
y0d4I can't connect to wirelesss can someone help me?23:33
dmsuperman_Osse: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart23:33
dmsuperman_Osse: then if /phpmyadmin still doesn't work we'll create an alias for it23:34
SlartTwoD: here's my /etc/exports http://pastebin.com/f6aefbbad23:34
Ossedmsuperman_ - Yeah, found that command, I couldn't access the phpmyadmin site =/23:34
dmsuperman_Osse: so you executed that command and restarted apache then?23:34
TwoDSlart, found the problem, an extra space after the mask23:34
RequinB4Hi, i'm trying to make a shell wait (sleep?) until all instances of a certain program are gone... But this: 'while (ps ax | grep program | wc -l) > 1 ; do sleep 5 ; done' seems to just stall forever...23:35
Ossedmsuperman_ - Yeah, I ran sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart - Nothing.23:35
y0d4I can't connect to wirelesss can someone help me?23:35
TwoDAnd I just remembered ntfs drives don't support NFS exports 'sigh'23:35
mcphailOsse: what is your server's DocumentRoot?23:35
SlartTwoD: sigh..23:35
trojatraCan anyone help with my sudo problem? I can't do anything that I need to do.23:35
Ossemcphail - I have no idea. o.O23:35
dmsuperman_mcphail: it doesn't matter, phpmyadmin is referenced with an apache alias23:35
mcphaildmsuperman_: it _does_ matter23:35
TwoDSlart, but other than that I get no errors atleast...23:36
dmsuperman_mcphail: why would the document root affect phpmyadmin?23:36
TwoDMaybe I can trick it with a symlink... (doubt it)23:36
Ossemcphail - ServerRoot "/etc/apache2"?23:36
joshua24does anyone know of a backup app that will allow me to specify a directory to backup and backs it up reguarly, and only updates files that changed?23:36
Error4o4dmsuperman_: ok thx, that worked23:36
dmsuperman_Error4o4: sure23:36
SlartTwoD: ah.. well.. try accessing that share from the other machine then23:36
nickrudjoshua24, sbackup does that, using tar23:36
dmsuperman_Osse: DocumentRoot "/var/www" is more like it23:36
SlartTwoD: http://ntfs-3g.org/support.html#nfs23:37
mcphailOsse: try looking in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default23:37
dmsuperman_Osse: though yours may not be /var/www23:37
joshua24thanx... i need to backup SuperTux games, desktop files etc. :)23:37
mcphailOsse: mine is /var/www/htdocs23:37
dmsuperman_mcphail: 000-default, at least lately23:37
OsseDocumentRoot /var/www/23:37
dmsuperman_mcphail: you didn't answer me, why does DocumentRoot affect phpmyadmin?23:37
mcphaildmsuperman_: becomes 000-default when simlinked in sites-enabled23:37
P041NXAzizLight:  Hire is a cheap and simple bash script to extract the Song title from your m3u http://pastebin.com/m70d37d7423:37
dmsuperman_mcphail: ah, i didn't notice you were in sites-available23:38
Ossemcphail, dmsuperman_ - But in my www folder, no phpmyadmin to be found23:38
TwoDSlart, thanks, have you used FUSE?23:38
dmsuperman_Osse: it won't be23:38
dmsuperman_Osse: like I said, it installs it to /usr/share/phpmyadmin23:38
dmsuperman_Osse: then uses an apache alias to access it23:38
SlartTwoD: I think ubuntu hardy uses fuse for ntfs.. or?23:38
OsseHow do I do that?23:38
dmsuperman_Osse: mcphail i think was helping you set that up23:38
SlartTwoD: but I haven't used it as a conscious choice..no23:38
P041NXAzizLight: This is a alpha release. Tel me the things that you would like, and i will add it23:39
TwoDSlart, well I get a warning stating that NFS export is not supported for the folder I tried, which is on an ntfs partition23:39
mcphaildmsuperman_: mine doesn't have any alias set up - just a simlink from /var/www/phpmyadmin/ to /usr/share/phpmyadmin/23:39
dmsuperman_Osse: does /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf exist?23:39
r4bguys, all my videos in any format on any player have become unbearably bright to watch23:39
TwoDSlart, as are most of those I try to share.23:39
dmsuperman_mcphail: i dunno, when i installed from repos that's how it's always done it23:40
Ossedmsuperman_ - no.23:40
mcphaildmsuperman_: thus i would need to change my DocumentRoot to /var/www to access it23:40
SlartTwoD: hmm.. I guess you'd have to wait for kernel 2.6.27 then..23:40
y0d4I can't connect to wirelesss can someone help me?23:40
nickrudmcphail, then you didn't use apt-get to install phpmyadmin?23:40
mcphaildmsuperman_: this is a box which has been upgraded since warty, so maybe it is different23:40
dmsuperman_mcphail: it creates /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf which has Alias /phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpmyadmin as well as various other options23:40
markelhasplz some one help out with my problem23:40
markelhashi ppl need to put firefox using jre plugin with ubuntu 64 bits, any tips?23:40
trojatraWhat is the sudo group called?23:40
dmsuperman_mcphail: yeah, likely :P23:40
OsseI don't get what to do dmsuperman_. =/23:40
dmsuperman_Osse: does /usr/share/phpmyadmin at least exist?23:41
Ossedmsuperman_ - Yeah23:41
dmsuperman_Osse: alright...the easiest way is probably to do this: "sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/phpmyadmin"23:41
Ginwhen I scroll or move a window around, my ubuntu sytsem produces noises. hhas any one seen this problem before?23:41
dmsuperman_Osse: then try to go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin23:41
mcphailnickrud: i'd never install something like phpmyadmin from outside the repos. Sort of thing which _needs_ automatic updates!23:41
trojatraCan anyone please tell me the user group for sudo?23:42
dmsuperman_Osse: let me know if that works/gives you any errors (other than the "can't log in to mysql" error)23:42
Ossedmsuperman_ - Works like a charm :O23:42
nickrudmcphail, yeah, I saw what you said about updates since warty. No wonder it's weird ;)23:42
dmsuperman_Osse: cool :)23:42
Reabytrojatra: admin23:42
OsseThanks a lot dmsuperman_!23:42
OsseThanks mcphail.23:42
dmsuperman_Osse: sure thing23:42
mcphailOsse: sorry for leading you astray - my advice seems to be a few years out of date...23:42
bunganyone ever install ubuntu server on a machine without a video card?23:43
Ossemcphail - Haha, it's okay. I didn't quite get what you guys were discussing, but I'm sure I learned something.23:43
dmsuperman_mcphail: sorry for stepping on toes, didn't mean to tell you you were wrong or anything23:43
trojatraReaby, okay, I "id $user" and admin isn't listed. This is the only user besides root on my computer, do you know how I can add myself back to admin?23:43
Ossedmsuperman_ - Could you explain to me what exactly I did? Heh, want to learn some from it so that I can explain and help others. ;D23:43
dmsuperman_Osse: in short: you just created a link to it inside your /var/www folder so you wouldn't have to configure anything23:43
shiloh7i just wanted to say, i installed 8.04 in my dell insperon 1100, out of the box working compiz fusion23:43
r4bguys, all my videos in any format on any player have become unbearably bright to watch23:43
mcphaildmsuperman_: no probs. i learned something new as well23:43
dmsuperman_Osse: do you get the concept of symlinks?23:44
Ossedmsuperman_ - So the sudo ln -s makes sort of a link?23:44
TwoDSlart, thanks for the help! I think I'll have to get back wrestling with Samba for now. Will be converting my disks to another filesystem later, but that will take quiet a while and I need those shares now hehe.23:44
OsseSo the contents of /usr/share/phpmyadmin are linked to /var/www/phpmyadmin?23:44
ShdwShinobiI'm having a resolution issue with my 8600GT. Does anyone know how I can succesfully manually set the resolution?23:44
dmsuperman_Osse: yes. it creates a symlink, which could be explained as "another door into an existing room"23:44
SlartTwoD: mm.. I've been googling a bit.. and I think samba might be your best bet right now23:44
dmsuperman_Osse: yeah. now both /usr/share/phpmyadmin and /var/www/phpmyadmin point to the same place23:44
SlartTwoD: perhaps in intrepid23:44
Ossedmsuperman_ - I'll add that to my own Linux blackboox. =)23:44
dmsuperman_Osse: only /usr/share/phpmyadmin is the real location23:44
SlartTwoD: good luck, hope you get it to work23:45
OsseYea, got it. Thanks :D23:45
yeniklasorMore than one program can't use sound card simultaniously on my Ubuntu. Do we have a fix for this?23:45
dmsuperman_Osse: yup :D23:45
Reabytrojatra: sudo addgroup [username] admin23:45
dmsuperman_yeniklasor: it depends on the programs and how well they handle it, plus the sound type23:45
r4bguys, all my videos in any format on any player have become unbearably bright to watch. I like ubuntu but this is intolerable!23:45
dmsuperman_yeniklasor: I can use mpd and songbird and vlc all at once, but occasionally flash steals the entire sound device from all the rest23:45
trojatraReaby, I have to have sudo powers to do that..23:45
Reabytrojatra: whoppies23:45
Reabytrojatra: true.23:46
trojatraReaby, I am no longer in admin, and need to figure out a way to get myself back in.23:46
TwoDSlart, yeah I'm hoping intrepid will save me too. I did have Samba working in one direction atleast, but then it insisted on mounting every share I browsed to, which was extremely annoying as those mounts never worked...23:46
markelhasneed to put firefox using jre plugin with ubuntu 64 bits, any tips?23:46
aguiteli can't check to enable important security updates from sources software ,anyone know about this ?23:46
yeniklasordmsuperman_ : Previous build of ubuntus wasn't have this issue...23:46
dmsuperman_yeniklasor: i have the issue and i'm on gutsy23:47
dmsuperman_yeniklasor: it seems to be chance that causes it to work and not work23:47
dmsuperman_yeniklasor: do you use pulse or alsa?23:47
Reabytrojatra: boot from grub with recovery mode and then run that command23:47
TwoDI've actually got two problems now that I think of it. Sharing folders with samba, and accessing thoses shares via the computer names instead of ips.23:47
trojatraReaby, thanks, I'll try that.23:47
Ossedmsuperman_ - Isn't it the same as "alias <path1> <path2>"?23:47
dmsuperman_Osse: apache has the Alias command, which would essentially do the same thing23:48
Ossedmsuperman_ - Ah, okay. =)23:48
dmsuperman_Osse: the difference is, this is filesystem level. so, it's a bit easier for you to handle it23:48
Error4o4how can I install a compiz theme, do I need some other package than "CompizConfig" installed for this23:48
dmsuperman_Osse: when you to to /var/www/phpmyadmin in your nautilus it redirects. i like it that way, so I can sort of group things together like that23:48
dmsuperman_Error4o4: you want a theme for your window decorator23:49
Ossedmsuperman_ - Ah, okay! That's nifty!23:49
P041NXIssue with usb port reset conflict, ehci failing to detect lower bus speed 1.1 device. anyone have a tip to resolve this issue?23:49
dmsuperman_Error4o4: gnome-look.org and get a gnome theme and use system -> prefs. -> appearence to install it23:49
Error4o4dmsuperman_: i found some themes for compiz like: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Dark+Ice+Emerald?content=7028423:49
dmsuperman_Error4o4: that's if you're using the emerald window decorator23:50
dmsuperman_Error4o4: gotta install emerald from the repos for that23:50
OsseTwoD - Solved your accessing through network problem?23:50
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion23:50
r4bguys, all my videos in any format on any player have become unbearably bright to watch. I like ubuntu but this is intolerable! Forum searches yield no answers23:50
Error4o4dmsuperman_: ok thx23:50
r4bcan i reset my codecs or something?23:50
dmsuperman_Error4o4: then I think all you have to do is go into ccsm, then under the Window Decoration plugin change it from whatever the current "command" field is to "emerald --replace"23:50
OsseTwoD - Solved your problem with network sharing?23:51
gubbDoes anyone know how to fix sound not working on YouTube vids with firefox 3?23:51
Ossegubb - Have you another program that requires an sound output playing?23:51
ShdwShinobigubb, did you install the libflashsupport package?23:51
P041NXr4b:  Would you mind telling us what moviey player you have used? caffine and xine use the same engin, so messing up 1 will affect the other23:51
y0d4I can't connect to wirelesss can someone help me?23:52
c0mp133713313371gubb - Not working at all?  Or just kind of garbled, 'electric-sounding' sound?23:52
gubbShdw: lemme check23:52
gubbc0mp: not at all23:52
cyberwolfhello, is it possible to get 3D to a imac 3g ?23:52
r4bpo4inx: i'm not sure what you mean, i have mplayer, smplayer and vlc installed23:53
gubbOsse: no other program running23:53
c0mp133713313371gubb - Hmmmm.... yeah, usually when sound doesn't work for a program, it's cause some other application is using audio output.23:53
r4bdon't nkow about caffeine or xine23:53
TwoDOsse, not yet. Had to abandon NFS because of lacking ntfs support in my kernel. Purged NFS, right-clicked a file, chose "share", installed samba when prompted, now getting "net usershare" returned error 255 [...] cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. Connection refused, maybe smbd is not running...23:53
c0mp133713313371For me, at least.23:53
remoteCTRLy0d4: what have you done so far?23:53
OsseTwoD - It can easily be done through the Samba configuration file.23:53
P041NXr4b: VLC should run on it own engine, so if brightness/contrast setting is messed up,   would you mind checking the vlcc player?23:54
TwoDOsse, yeah I know. I used to do it that way when the other PC ran WinXP. Then my setup worked fine but borked out completely when switching to Ubuntu on the other machine.23:54
Pirate_Hunterneed help trying to install ubuntu on an IBM machine but Bios doesnt have an option to change drives and it boots straight into windows, can someone help me?23:54
[ipc]-michaelPirate_Hunter use wibu23:55
r4bpo41nx: vlc is just as bad as the others23:55
remoteCTRLPirate_Hunter: try pressing f8 in bios screen and see if you get to choose the boot media then23:55
TwoDOsse, so I thought "Why not do it the way which (according to the Ubuntu-way) should "just work"? Hehe23:55
gubbShdw: it wasn't installed.. applying23:55
nickster500i just got ubuntu i want to use windows drivers but i don't know how to23:55
remoteCTRLy0d4: still there?23:55
dmsuperman_nickster500: you don't use windows drivers in ubuntu23:55
dmsuperman_nickster500: you use linux drivers23:56
ShdwShinobigubb, ok. let me know if it works.. you need it for flash sound output23:56
OsseTwoD - What requirements do you have for the share? If you just want anyone on your network able to access the folder, just add; public = yes, guest ok = yes, guest only = yes, guest account = nobody, browsable = yes - to your samba path configuration?23:56
markelhascan some home tell me a way to remote desktop ubuntu 64 bits over internet?23:56
nickster500i know23:56
nickster500but how do u enable them23:56
ompaulnickster500, you don't23:56
dmsuperman_nickster500: enable what? the linux drivers?23:56
Picimarkelhas: the same way you do with 32 bits23:56
nickster500so i can use wireless23:56
remoteCTRLmarkelhas: have a look at nx-server at nomachine.com23:56
rcamposolá rapazeada23:56
y0d4I can't connect to wirelesss can someone help me?23:56
ompaul!wireless | nickster50023:56
ubottunickster500: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:56
rcamposto com um problema na mbr23:56
markelhasPici, not quit true23:56
Pirate_HunterremoteCTRL, [ipc]-michael: this is a free second hand ibm machine which is annoying me, i havent got access to the windows as it was already installed23:57
rcamposalguem pode me dar uma ajuda ai?23:57
P041NXr4b:could you play something on mplayer and adjust brightness/contrast by pressing the "1"/"2"/"3"/"4" number keys?23:57
robdig!br | rcampos23:57
ubotturcampos: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:57
dmsuperman_y0d4: see ubottu's message to nickster50023:57
bercikWhat tool similar to yakuake for GNOME You suggest?23:57
markelhasremoteCTRL, nop going to do23:57
Picimarkelhas: Why is that?23:57
Reabygubb, c0mp133713313371: a fix for problems with multiple sources audio output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/39794/23:57
Picimarkelhas: Both ssh and VNC work fine on 64 bit computers23:57
markelhasjava jre plugins problem for 64bits23:57
Reabygubb, c0mp133713313371: applies only for pulseaudio use.23:57
nickster500is that the files i use to enable my wireless driver23:58
noahwhere is it configured which user a daemon runs as? for instance, mysql?23:58
OsseCould someone recommend me a good editor that handles CSS/PHP/HTML in Linux? Something that easily handles variables, highlighting and good support?23:58
TwoDOsse, will test that. I tested a gui tool before called "system-config-samba" which seemed pretty good. But I don't know if it actually works yet.23:58
ShdwShinobiOsse kdevelop23:58
r4bpo41nx: the numbers bring up the meter thing but it doesnt move23:58
markelhasPici, my problem ist over internet , not on a local network23:58
Expl0itedOsse: screem23:58
ShdwShinobior bluefish23:58
nizioli sreach ssh exploit. :(23:58
OsseTwoD - Let me know if you need a more exact configuration example.23:58
bercikWhat tool similar to yakuake for GNOME You suggest guys?23:58
Picimarkelhas: Okay? How does that change anything, what exactly are you trying to do that you are having issues with?23:58
r4bpo41nx: it doesnt go up or down23:58
OsseThanks ShdwShinobi, Expl0ited - Will look into these.23:59
remoteCTRLPirate_Hunter: is it a thinkpad or something?23:59
gubbSa-weeet it works after libflashthing :D23:59
mcphailOsse: not to be flippant, but i always end up back with vim fro these things23:59
markelhasPici, if there is a way to have jre 5 or 6 plugins in firefox, i can use sslexplorer for example23:59
ompaul!illegal | niziol23:59
ubottuniziol: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o23:59

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