
dpickah thanks00:00
dpickcan i just remove the wine directory?00:02
zoredacheprobably... you could start by renaming or moving it somewhere else if you are worried00:02
dpickalright, thanks00:02
dpickthat did it, thanks all00:04
jwishnieHi folks. Seeing a problem with the desktop. I have a script that automounts a remote Samba share on user login. The folder is mounted properly in the user's desktop, but the folder icon does not show up. Thunar sees the folder, and from command line I can list it, edit files etc... But somehow the XFC4 desktop doesn't see it00:38
jwishnieAny idea how to force the desktop to refresh?00:38
jwishnieMore info: manually killing XFDESKTOP process and restarting it solves the problem. But obviously this is not a good solution!00:39
zoredachewhat happens if you send xfdesktop a '-HUP' signal instead of killing it?00:40
jwishniezoredache: am about to try the. Need to reboot to reproduce case where folder is not showing00:40
zoredachelooking at 'man xfdesktop'  The '-reload' option may be what you want...00:41
jwishniezoredache: but in general the desktop recognizes changes to the ~/Desktop folder without HUPing or reloading00:41
zoredachejwishnie: couldn't you just unmount it, and try the HUP?00:41
jwishniezoredache: any idea why it might be failing here? this is new since Hardy, was fine under Feisty.00:41
jwishniezoredache: unmounting and remounting sometimes (but not predictably) solves the problem, so am rebooting for more valid test00:42
jwishniezoredache: will try HUP and reload00:42
zoredacheI don't know anything about it.  I kinda think the desktop is silly.  I never look at it00:42
zoredacheI don't really care if an icon shows up or not as long as the filesystem I want is mounted and I can browse to it in thunar00:42
jwishniezoredache: :-) well, this system is for basic  users who like that sort of thing00:42
jwishnieAnyone know how xfdesktop monitors the Desktop folder? FAM or something similar?00:43
jwishniezoredache: xfdesktop --reload seems to force the redraw. It's a hack, but I'll add it to my mounter!00:43
jwishniezoredache: thank you for the pointer!00:44
bigapeIs it legal to put Ubuntu on a PS3?01:11
favrobigape: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PlayStation_301:13
zoredachewhy would it be illegal?  You own the hardware.  Do what you want with it.01:13
Ben_Cshello. is it possible installing fluxbuntu on a U3 usb stick, without removing the U3 app?01:18
Insane1Hello, I was wondering if anyone else had trouble with the about:config in the Epiphany browser. I tried turning the spell check on, but I can't change any values at all. If I try, the browser does nothing, but will not turn off unless forced to.03:31
AcaceolI'm running Xubuntu on an IBM Thinkpad 600E, and it's very slow. Moving my mouse can take up to 100% of my CPU, and scrolling down on Firefox is choppy. Is this normal?04:10
lecheAcaceol: what are the specs of this laptop?04:37
AcaceolUh, a pentium II processor?04:38
lechehow much memory?04:39
Acaceol64 MB04:39
AcaceolAlso, the hardware thing stalls when I'm booting04:39
lechethats definitely too low04:39
AcaceolWell the mem thing on the CPU bar never really changes04:40
AcaceolThere's like CPU, mem, and something else.04:40
AcaceolLoading hardware drivers. That fails.04:41
lecheon this hardware i would suggest a really minimalistic setup04:42
lecheeven xubuntu will be too much i think04:42
AcaceolWhat else is there? :/04:42
AcaceolApparently it's designed for 98.04:43
lechetake an command line system and install fluxbox or openbox or something04:43
lecheor try out puppy linux, or damn small linux04:44
lechei think xubuntu is too much for that machine04:44
AcaceolIf I got it to 256 MB of memory, would it run fine?04:44
lecheyes, then you can try xubuntu04:45
lechebut with 64mb...04:45
lechei installed xubuntu on a machine with 3 320 ram and 400mhz... that worked well04:46
AcaceolThat's much better than what I have here. :/04:46
lechebut 350 mhz and 256 will do i think04:47
AcaceolThat's odd... apparently it does have 256 MBs of mem04:48
lechefree -m and cat /proc/cpuinfo please04:49
AcaceolTotal is 281, used 95, free 18504:50
AcaceolI'm running in just a terminal though04:50
Acaceol300 MHz04:50
lechewhat are the uptime values?04:51
AcaceolHow long it's been up?04:51
AcaceolI just started it about a minute ago. :/04:52
lecheno, it shows the load also04:52
AcaceolHow do I get them?04:52
Acaceol8 minutes, load average is 3.8,1.54,0.7304:53
lecheah kk04:53
lecheso you see your cpu is the thin bottleneck ;-)04:53
leche(sry if this isnt the correct word)04:53
AcaceolHeh, I wouldn't know. :p04:54
AcaceolOh, wow04:54
AcaceolWhen I run it in Xfce04:54
AcaceolIt only has 32 mb of free mem04:54
AcaceolAnd it's using none of my swap...04:54
lechecached or really free?04:54
Acaceol110 cached04:55
lecheyeah, so cached isnt really used04:55
AcaceolAnd the swap isn't used at all04:56
lechetheres no empty memory in linux04:56
AcaceolWhy isn't it using the swap though?04:58
lechecause it has 110 "free"?05:00
AcaceolSo it doesn't go into the swap unless it absolutely has to?05:01
lechethink so, yes05:01
lecheswap is slower than real memory05:01
AcaceolYeah, I just opened up like eight of everything I have, it's in swap now.05:04
AcaceolI think I saw somewhere that my CPU was running at an unsupported speed05:05
AcaceolI can't remember where I saw that, though05:05
AcaceolAny way to check?05:05
lecheyou want to overclock?05:05
AcaceolOr, er, underclock05:06
AcaceolWhatever makes it work05:06
lechethat isnt that trivial..05:06
AcaceolI can't really figure out how to change anything05:09
AcaceolWhen I get into BIOS, most things can only be checked if they're working05:09
AcaceolOn a sidenote, sound doesn't work because it "might corrupt my serial eeprom". Any way to play sounds on IBM laptops?05:10
lechegot no problem with it05:14
AcaceolAre you on an IBM laptop? :/05:14
AcaceolIt says it's because it's an IBM system05:14
lechei got an x24, yes05:14
AcaceolHuh, that's odd05:14
AcaceolRefuses to load05:18
AcaceolEr, yeah05:18
lecheany error messages?05:18
AcaceolIBM system detected, this may corrupt your serial eeprom, refusing to load module05:19
AcaceolNot really05:19
lechemaybe google this05:19
AcaceolThen /sbin/modprobe has an abnormal exit05:19
AcaceolShould I try the "alternate CD"?05:21
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insanecatnipi have a question about gwtting rid of windows after using wubi06:28
mespejelanyone trying xubuntu on a mac?07:17
generalsnusHi, i need some video files uploaded to a webserver, so that our students can watch them home. Our camera is a harddisk cam, wich records in the MPEG2 format, i need to convert this to a reasonable format, without having the students to download additional codecs. I understand that .VMW (windows media) is a good allrounder.. but what else could i use, that dosent require downloading codecs?  id prefer if if this could be converted on linux a16:05
gaurdro.avi should do the trick.16:05
gaurdroor leave it in mpeg16:05
generalsnus.avi  isnt that divx/xvid codec?16:06
TheSheep.avi is just a container format, it can contain video or audio streams encoded with any codecs16:14
TheSheepactually most video "formats" are like that16:15
TheSheepthere is no video encoding that you could play without having a codec for it16:15
steven_.avi is a good all around16:15
TheSheepsteven_: .avi is not a codec16:15
steven_yeah i know16:16
steven_it's a format16:16
Iskroh hi there skep16:25
whileimherehi. I am using XUbuntu 7.10 (because 8.04 doesnt like my USB CD drive) and each time I re-boot it asks for my keyring password. Why does it not remember it?17:29
cody-somervillewhileimhere, You need to install something17:41
cody-somervilleuno momento17:41
cody-somervillewhileimhere, Install the libpam-gnome-keyring package and it'll remember :-]17:42
LucenutHey guys! I installed Xubuntu on an old HP Pavilion laptop. The NIC card is busted, I've always just used a linksys USB wifi adaptor.18:26
LucenutAnyone want to help? I'll paypal you some happy hour dough!18:26
cody-somervilleIs it not working or something?18:31
LucenutI just installed Xubuntu and the NIC doesn't work on this thing.18:33
LucenutI looked in the hardware drivers app and there's nothing at all.18:33
LucenutUnplugging/plugging in the USB does nothing...18:33
LucenutI understand there's no linux driver for it...18:33
LucenutSomeone told me to: Lucenut, either go to System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers, if it does not find a driver, grab the XP driver and install it with ndiswrapper18:33
LucenutBut I have no idea what that means.18:34
The-Kernelhey, what's the command to check what's using the sound card?18:42
Zirrushwhats up ppl18:57
cody-somervilleNot too much18:57
cody-somervilleYourself? :-]18:57
Zirrushnm, taking a little break from some house work18:57
cody-somervilleLucenut, hey18:57
LucenutHey Cody.18:57
LucenutI tried plugging in the NIC but it won't connect.18:58
cody-somervilleLucenut, can you pastebin sudo lsusb -v after plugging it in? as well as the output of "dmesg | tail"18:58
Zirrushusb wireless?18:59
* cody-somerville nods.18:59
LucenutYeah, Lynksis USB wifi adaptor.19:00
LucenutSays sudo: lusb: command not found19:00
Zirrushthink of it as "list usb"19:01
LucenutWell, I can't pastebin it. No network connectivity.19:02
LucenutWait, this is with the NIC plugged in not the USB.19:02
Zirrushi've never dealed with a usb nic before... does fwcutter and/or ndiswrapper work with em?19:03
LucenutWell, I have a whole page of stuff.19:04
LucenutBut I can't paste it anywhere without network.19:04
Zirrushno wired nics or anything to get that box online with?19:04
LucenutI think the NIC's been broken a few years.19:05
LucenutI've always just used the USB wifi.19:05
LucenutIt's a nice old HP laptop. Only 256MB I think 800MHz...19:06
LucenutIt struggles with XP so I thought I'd give this a shot.19:07
LucenutBut I know nothing about drivers and stuff.19:07
Zirrushi'm reading up on some stuff to see if i can find anything for you19:07
LucenutSomeone in the Ubuntu channel said "Lucenut, either go to System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers, if it does not find a driver, grab the XP driver and install it with ndiswrapper"19:08
LucenutBut I have no idea what that means.19:08
ZirrushI think ndiswrapper might work with it... ubuntu uses fwcutter by default.  fwcutter never has gotten along with my linksys card too easily though, so i've always used ndiswrapper when i need wireless19:08
LucenutBut from a windows user standpoint, what does that mean?19:09
LucenutI have a CD with the lynksis driver on it.19:09
LucenutFor XP.19:09
Zirrushfwcutter and ndiswrapper are wrappers used to let the windows drivers function with the card in linux19:09
Zirrushgreat, was gonna say the first thing you need to do is find out what driver your card uses and get ahold of it19:10
LucenutBut would I need to download that?19:10
Zirrushyeah, lemme see if there's a deb package in the repositories of ndiswrapper19:11
ZirrushI just compile the latest version, but I'm not sure your ubuntu cd actually has all the packages you need to compile stuff on it19:12
LucenutI installed WUBI19:12
Zirrushnever messed with WUBI ...  there is a deb package of ndiswrapper on the repository, its version 1.50 ... latest is 1.53 if you opt to compile it yourself19:17
Zirrushtaking forever to load the site, but... http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/i386/ndiswrapper-utils-1.9/download and http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/i386/ndiswrapper-common/download19:19
Zirrushif you want to try snagging the debs and moving em over to that box somehow... might want to pop in your ubuntu cd and see if those packages are on it also19:20
Zirrushno prob man, just spitting it out so you have a little info if you need it : )19:24
Zirrushanyone ever run into xfrun4 freezing up and eating cpu?  seams like a common thing on my box for some reason19:49
* Hondo_Kitsune is away: Gone away for now.19:50
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=== HK_Away is now known as Hondo_Kitsune
vktoralguien habla español?21:10
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:30
unix_lappyhey, i want to install xfce on ubuntu server but not the entire desktop22:51
unix_lappyi installed the default ubuntu-server setup and then went a head and did sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg xfce422:52
unix_lappybut i get xorg errors...22:52
unix_lappyi also did the requisite dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg22:52
unix_lappyany ideas?22:53
unix_lappyi guess not.22:55

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