
_2i wonder if there is any chance that partimage could backup my root fs  ???00:02
gustavonareaHi. I'm running out of disk space because of a bad distribution of my partitions, so I have to reinstall Kubuntu and I wonder whether Intrepid is currently usable? I know it may be buggy, but is it usable?00:06
_2gustavonarea why reinstall ?00:06
gustavonarea_2: I'd prefer to do a clear install00:06
Daisuke_Laptoplivecd + gparted00:07
thefishis there an alternative to kprinter in kde4? i have an app that uses |kprinter --stdin, can i just substitute something else?00:07
_2or just add some more space through mount00:07
Daisuke_Laptopand you don't want intrepid yet, it's not even beta yet, i don't think00:07
thefishgustavonarea: im on intrepid now, been usable for a while - you need to put up with occasional breaks but otherwise its all good00:08
nihlMy totem movie player won't play any mp3s, I have the appropriate codecs and the application gives me no errors but when I press the button to play the mp3 it won't play. Can anybody help me?00:08
gustavonareahmmm, i think i'll give it a try if it works for some of you00:09
_2out of disk space on /  add some space with the mount command by moving things like var or /usr/share to a new partition/disk00:09
_2we've been doing that in linux for forever00:10
gustavonarea_2: I have two partitions, / and /home00:10
_2need more room in /home  seperate out users and mount disks/partitions as /home/user1 /home/user2 /home/user300:11
gustavonarea_2: ohh, ok, i'll do that. Thanks!00:11
_2gustavonarea heh.   welcome.00:11
_2gustavonarea if you "want" to reload the system   don't let me hinder that.   but if you don't want to, and just think you have no choice... that's what we are here for... :)00:13
mernilhi all, i have forgot the social channel?00:14
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!00:14
gustavonarea_2: no problem. I00:14
nihl!info totem00:14
mernilthanks ubottu :-)00:14
ubottutotem (source: totem): A simple media player for the Gnome desktop (dummy package). In component main, is optional. Version 2.22.1-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 39 kB, installed size 84 kB00:14
gustavonarea(sorry) I'll switch to Intrepid in the first alpha releases anyways00:14
_2gustavonarea i stand under you.00:15
_2gustavonarea it's the ole   "Q. what do linux users do?    A. they install software."     :)00:16
gustavonarea_2: lol, that's true ;-)00:17
_2i installed this system in 2004 and upgraded in 2006    so it's not always true... ;/00:17
jereme_I've been a long time ATI user and I just switched over the nvidia...  without making too many assumptions...  is there a reasonable method for package installing these drivers?00:18
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:19
_2jereme_ it kinda depends on the release version00:19
jereme_of the card, or ubuntu?00:20
_2jereme_ lsb_release -r00:20
jereme_so, of ubuntu00:20
jereme_I'm running 8.04.100:20
_2yeah  then the driver should be automaticly installed00:21
jereme_feel free to treat me like I know what I'm talking about...  I just haven't used an nvidia card for the better part of a decade00:21
jereme_oh okay00:21
jereme_pretty much like ati at this point then00:21
* _2 is not a fan of "automatic" especally when it comes to binary only crap. but hey.00:21
_2if it works for you, then you are happy with it. and i know how to get around it... so we are all happy00:22
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:22
master_ı have kaffeine sound problem00:28
master_ı need help00:28
=== root is now known as Guest49899
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:30
master_ı make00:33
master_sound have other program00:34
master_sample totem00:34
master_but not have kaffeine00:34
master_ı unistall kaffeine later instal00:34
master_ı install codecs00:35
master_but not work kaffeine00:35
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.00:35
jimbo53hey, is anyone around?00:51
Daisuke-Laptopbarely, we just got hit with a nasty split00:51
jimbo53what happened?00:52
jimbo53well I had a question about wifi with kubuntu and i was wondering if anyone could help me00:54
shadowhywindhay all not sure if this is possible if i want to copy a dir over using cp are there any flags that will also copy the filepermissions and user/group settings?01:02
=== Hydrogen_ is now known as Hydrogen
=== aurachron is now known as exio
exioAnyone know off hand when 4.2 is coming out?01:17
illmortalAnyone know where I could buy a RocketFish case? http://img69.imageshack.us/my.php?image=08102007068vd7.jpg01:21
ruscheli've just updated to kubuntu 8.04 and i'm having some problems, can anyone help?01:26
drifruschel: would be easier if you just stated the problem you01:26
drif're having01:26
drifif someone knows the answer, you'll get your help01:27
ruschelvlc is gone01:27
ruschelsudo is not working01:27
ruschellocate is not working01:28
ruscheland the list goes on01:28
_2have root access ?01:28
drif:-\ I'm not biggest fan of upgrading so I usually just reinstall everything01:28
_2got root ?01:28
_2dpkg --configure -a01:29
_2apt-get install -f01:29
_2see what those say01:29
_2!pastebin | ruschel large output ?01:30
ubotturuschel large output ?: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:30
ruscheldpkg said nothing01:30
_2k that's good.01:30
ruscheljust ran, and seemed alright01:30
_2and apt-get ?01:30
_2no error == no error01:30
ruschelReading package lists... Done01:31
ruschelBuilding dependency tree01:31
ruschelReading state information... Done01:31
ruschelThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:01:31
ruschel  libdc1394-13 libdvbpsi4 libavformat1d libxosd2 libdvdnav4 libiso9660-501:31
ruschel  libdvdread3 libid3tag0 libtar libvcdinfo0 libebml0 libmatroska0 libmpeg2-401:31
ruschel  libsdl-image1.2 liba52-0.7.401:31
ruschelUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.01:31
ruschel0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.01:31
* _2 wonders what part of ubottu's post ruschel missed....01:32
_2apt-get autoremove01:32
ruschelsorry about that01:33
drifruschel: in the future, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com ok?01:33
_2apt-get install kubuntu-desktop vlc01:33
_2!info vlc01:37
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.8.6.release.e+x264svn20071224+faad2.6.1-0ubuntu3.1 (hardy), package size 1113 kB, installed size 3228 kB01:37
_2you are missing multiverse repo01:37
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories01:37
prestonhow hard is it to get kde 4.1 in kubuntu?01:39
ruschelis there a way to undo this update?01:39
Dekanspreston: sudo apt-get install01:39
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde401:39
=== ebrima is now known as Gainde
ruschelnow adept-manager isn't working either01:42
_2close it01:44
_2apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade01:45
=== root is now known as Guest11653
=== ubuntu is now known as surfhai
=== chach is now known as TeamKiller
ruschelthe sound card stopped working too01:50
_2ruschel ok you still don't have multiverse in that list, but lets see what     apt-get install kubuntu-desktop      does for you.01:51
_2if no errors no need to pastebin it.01:51
prestondoes kubuntu contribute patchs fix's ect01:52
ruschelno errors01:52
_2preston yes01:55
preston_2 is it thru ubuntu or does kubuntu itself01:56
_2ruschel ok if you'll edit /etc/apt/sources.list  and add " multiverse"  to the end of the line with " universe"  in it    then run apt-get update ;apt-get install vlc     you should have that covered.   also on to point 2...01:56
_2preston *buntu is *buntu is *buntu01:56
ExilantAre there any digikam 0.9.4 packages for hardy? will it be in backports or so?01:57
prestonunderstood _201:57
_2ruschel make sure the user in question is in the admin group   and test sudo from root with "sudo echo boo"  if it boo's then it's working and it's just the group issue.01:58
_2Exilant someone may backport it.01:58
=== chabu is now known as chabu_
_2ruschel you can grep USERNAME /etc/group02:01
ruschelsudo: unable to resolve host ruschel-laptop02:04
ruschelsudo: unable to resolve host ruschel-laptop02:04
ruschelsame answer i get if not logged as root02:05
_2ok hostname issue.02:05
_2let me think...02:05
_2ruschel pastebin the output of cat /etc/hosts /etc/hostname02:06
_2ruschel   ruschel-laptop.home != ruschel-laptop   correcting that should correct the problem.02:10
_2hostname ruschel-laptop.home   ;sudo echo boo02:12
_2a simple test   ^02:12
_2also i'm not sure that dash will be problem free,  try to use underscore insted02:13
ruschelError: "/var/tmp/kdecache-ruschel" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.02:14
ruschelwould a simple chown do it?02:15
_2no rm maybe     i'd do this.    rm -r /var/tmp/* /tmp/* ;/etc/init.d/?dm restart02:16
ruschelwouldn't it be /etc/init.d/gdm restart?02:19
_2that's what i said   as well as kdm and xdm  so which ever one it finds it will run02:20
ruschelsudo seems to be working fine now02:20
=== ubuntu is now known as surfhai
ruschelbut locate is still out of order02:21
ruschelbe right back02:22
=== mjponce is now known as kenami
JestreDoes kubuntu support an encrypted filesystem with LVM?02:42
wharfhi there02:56
wharfwhat channel should i be in for beryl ?02:56
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion02:59
Mister_Teaberyl is a fork of compiz03:02
bewild_i need help on linux03:11
bewild_anyone can help me?03:11
=== bobesponjita is now known as bobesponja
reboot08:bewild what kinda help im sure someone in here can help you.03:15
bewild_i have installed linux ubuntu 8.04 and everything is well but my net connection wireless is too slow..03:19
bewild_i don't know what i can do to fix that..03:19
reboot08did you use ndiswrapper?03:22
reboot08to set up your card?03:22
bewild_no but my card is working..03:24
bewild_but to slow..03:24
reboot08ndiswrapper makes the card run as if in windows03:25
reboot08im kinda new to all this so take any thing i say with a grain of salt03:26
reboot08but it worked great for me03:27
Mister_Teawhat card. lspci03:27
bewild_Broadcom Wireless LAN Driver (HP)03:28
Mister_Tearun the command lspci in terminal to see what chip set03:29
bewild_Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Connection03:31
Dr_willisHmm.. I thought Broadcom and Intel were different.03:35
bewild_and next what i do?03:38
bewild_download is finished03:38
=== Hydrogen is now known as Wasserstoff
Mister_Teadoc willis can tell you how to untar it and install , I gotta go03:39
bewild_tks mister_tea03:40
bewild_dr_willis you can help me?03:41
bewild_i try copy the file to the paste /lib/firmware03:41
bewild_but say i can do it abou permission03:42
reboot08its like a zip file you need to "unzip" it03:46
jimbo53hey, i've been having a bit of trouble using KNetworkManager to connect to my wireless network03:47
jimbo53it never gets past the configuring device stage03:47
reboot08in linux its untar03:48
reboot08untar  iwlwifi-4965-ucode-
bewild_yes and i do it to lib/firmware...03:50
bewild_and now just reboot the system?03:50
reboot08not sure03:50
reboot08i think you have to install it03:51
bewild_how i do that?03:51
reboot08sudo install wifi-4965-ucode-
reboot08try that03:52
reboot08or go to the folder where you untared it and look around for the file to install03:54
bewild_i don't see any think to install it03:55
n00b-saib0tUsing KUBUNTU 8.04, on sony vaio laptop, wireless works in XP but not in KUBUNTU, hangs up at 28 % ETH 01. Works on neighbors unsecured sometimes. Any ideas? I did fool around a bit in wireless settings, dont know if I screwed it up. :(03:55
n00b-saib0tusing WPA personal03:56
n00b-saib0tim on my wired PC on windows XP right onw03:56
jimbo53i get the same problem with unencrypted wireless03:56
jimbo53hangs up at 28%03:56
n00b-saib0tmine IS encrypted03:56
n00b-saib0tits using WPA personal TKIP03:56
n00b-saib0tPSA TKIP03:56
reboot08bewild : do you see the files?03:57
bewild_in /lib/firmware...03:58
n00b-saib0tjimbo53: any ideas?03:59
pteagueany ideas?  http://pastebin.com/m3782ad3903:59
jimbo53sorry, i haven't found anyway to get mine to work at all, encrypted or not03:59
n00b-saib0toh wow04:00
n00b-saib0ti thought i had found the God of all OS :)04:00
c4rlitoxduid us fut sies04:00
=== c4rlitox is now known as c4rlitox_
Dr_willis_wireless is such a disaster under all OS's -  its scary.04:10
bdizzlehow do I use true crypt on kubuntu?04:23
arrrghhhdo we have any nfs gurus here?  i'm getting a lot of lock errors in dmesg04:26
bdizzlewow, quiet tonight04:35
paynei am new to ubuntu help..?04:39
reboot08welcome payne04:39
reboot08im a noob myself04:40
paynewhatmakeslinuxso much betterthan xp04:40
bdizzlehi, what is the issue you are having?04:41
bdizzlei'm still new to linux too, but I've been using it for a few months, so I might be able to help04:41
paynemy issueisrunningxp games on ubuntu?04:41
bdizzleum... depends on the game04:41
bdizzleuse Wine first off04:41
payne(and my bad keyboard04:41
paynewhich wine04:41
bdizzleWindows Is Not an Emulator - Wine04:42
bdizzleerr, Wine Is Not an Emulator -  Wine04:42
bdizzleits a binary windows layer if I recall properly04:42
bdizzlebut it runs a lot of windows programs. which game are you trying to play?04:42
payneyou mean a cheep osthatrelieson userto dodirty work...=P04:43
bdizzleperhaps, but its more fun04:43
paynehmm i was goingto trycs04:43
payne counter strike04:43
bdizzlelet me check04:43
payne(((checking linkbrb)))04:44
bdizzleyou might be in luck04:45
paynehowdo i download....04:46
=== santiago is now known as santiago-ve
flaccidyou need to own CS already04:49
bdizzleoh, sudo apt-get install wine04:49
bdizzlewell, yeah04:49
bdizzlethat was kinda the obvious I hope04:49
payneyep too lazy and tiredrite now yawn  seeyou guysl8ter04:49
paynei am out peace04:49
bdizzletoo lazy to install wine and then install counter-strike? he must not have wanted to play it very badly04:52
bdizzlehey flaccid, how does the lost & found folder work?04:52
flaccidum good question. tbh i've never bothered to find out heh04:52
bdizzleoh, any experience with true crypt, or creating an uninstall for a .deb file?04:53
illmortal_does anyone know if there's like a KDE version of alsa mixer? or is alsa mixer good on kubuntu?04:59
flaccidillmortal_: kmix05:00
illmortal_thanks flaccid05:00
=== ubuntu is now known as LoadBlnc
=== trevorcowan is now known as Freethinker_AU
silviohola soy nuevo por aqui06:01
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:02
silviomuchas gracias06:02
KrispyCremeanyone know what this quote means: art is a lie that makes us realize the truth06:20
Mr_Bunny_where can I find the secure apt keys for the kubuntu repos?06:25
koushik_I have a certain "service provider" whose website is "best viewed in IE", which means to say it doesn't work with firefox, konqueror and opera06:30
koushik_I really need to complete a transaction on this site, and I hate to have to reboot to the wrong side of my hard disk06:31
koushik_Please help06:31
koushik_I tried installing ies4linux over wine06:31
koushik_(I have wine-1.0, cabextract etc from latest repos - I am running kubuntu Hardy06:31
koushik_when I launch ies4linux install script, it is unable to download any of the cab / exe files... somehow wget fails to resolve the URLs06:32
setuid_w00tI am running a non-standard window manager inside KDE on kubuntu 8.04.  For some reason, my sound isn't active.  Is there some process that may have failed to start?06:33
setuid_w00tI had audio when I was using kwin06:34
Daisuke_Idoerm...  launch kmix06:35
raascompiz cube is zooming in/out slowly.. ideas?06:36
setuid_w00tDaisuke_Ido: It was already launched and it doesn't look like anything is muted06:36
flaccid!enter | koushik_06:36
ubottukoushik_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:36
flaccid!compiz | raas06:37
ubotturaas: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion06:37
flaccidkoushik_: show us the actual error with ies4linux including the URL06:37
koushik_At the end of ies4linux run, it reports "/home/k767654/.ies4linux/downloads/ie6/EN-US/ADVAUTH.CAB: No such file or directory"06:40
raasthx. solved it quickly06:40
koushik_flaccid: At the end of ies4linux run, it reports "/home/k767654/.ies4linux/downloads/ie6/EN-US/ADVAUTH.CAB: No such file or directory"06:41
flaccidkoushik_: thats not what i asked. you mentioned it failed to resolve urls. thats what we should look at06:41
flaccidpastebin the whole output if you don't know what to paste06:42
=== Daisuke_Laptop is now known as Daisuke_Ido
koushik_flaccid: Pasted the o/p at http://pastebin.be/1333006:47
koushik_flaccid: I don't see it while running ies4linux install script because it forks wget -o /dev/null06:47
jesse_Could anyone please help me with connecting to a windows ad-hoc network? I can see the network but can't connect to it.06:52
flaccidkoushik_: i don't see any fails like you report06:59
flaccidkoushik_: lots on google about that http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=ADVAUTH.CAB:+No+such+file+or+directory&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-807:00
koushik_flaccid, I understand. In another machine I don't see it also. in this m/c, wget works fine for lots of other domains07:00
koushik_flaccid: I will try google.07:01
flaccidi don't see a wget problem, i wouldn't be assuming that. i dont think that script is very good. i mean every time ive installed ie7 with it, its ie6 heh07:01
flaccidscript is likely broken in some way and could be referencing old URLs but like you said you can't see it in stdout07:02
frybyehi - when closing delphin in kde3 I get a fault report that saving /home/username/.kde/share/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml was not possible - bit in fact this file is at /home/micky/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml - so it is no supprise that it cant be saved.. how can I tell the system/delphin(-?) where too look??07:03
frybye- for those who don't know - I am a relative linux-newbie...07:04
flaccid!bugs | frybye07:04
ubottufrybye: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots07:04
frybyeok I get that - but how to fix right now...?07:04
frybyeflaccd - this is a system with kde3 and kde4.1 on it...07:05
frybyein case that is relevant...07:06
koushik_flaccid: Sorry, got busy with google (like always :)). I agree with you the script seems to be broken. thanks.07:06
flaccidfrybye: i don't know07:06
flaccidfrybye: googling the exact error minus the personal info and searching launchpad is a good idea07:07
frybyeflaccid: thanks for the tip - have found it - known problem with a work arround that I will do now...07:12
flaccidif its not in a bug report, it would be a good idea to create one so it gets fixed for all users07:14
Dr_willisfrybye,  last time ive seen that issue - was due to running dolphin as root and making that file owned by root07:21
frybyeit is in a bug report apparently..07:21
frybyeyep that was the problem...07:21
frybyedifferent ? - is there any reason why one should not install gedit in a kde3/4.1 envoronment?07:22
Dr_willisi was thinking the issue happened when you 'sudo dolphin' but SHOULD of used 'kdesudo dolphin'07:22
Dr_willisIf you like gedit.. install gedit. :) i like geany myself07:22
frybyetks Dr_willis in fact this was probably smbdy at a comp club I go too who was helping me with another prob a few days agao..07:23
frybyewhat is the difference - ie when to use kdesudo and when sudo??07:24
Dr_willisgui apps = use kdesudo07:24
Dr_willisterinal = use sudo07:24
Dr_willisterminal :)07:24
nctHello. I'm using a -rt kernel and latest ati drivers (8.8) do not compile because of GPL-only symbol (it is known to work for normal kernel). Does anyone has a patch that make it works ? The (older) version in restricted-modules do work07:25
frybyeeh - so even when starting dolphin from the terminal with root priv. it needs to be kdesudo or??07:25
nct(more precisely, it does not link)07:25
Dr_willisfrybye,  if you are launching a GUI type app.. use kdesudo07:25
frybyeok - thanks..07:25
frybyec u again soon - bye07:29
igalmarinohi testing kubuntu 8.10 here07:41
ehchow can I start DBUS and HAL daemons?07:54
flaccidehc: system services in system settings or in cli: sudo /etc/init.d/hal start && sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start07:55
weedarDoes anyone feel like suggesting a decent WYSIWYG web-editor for KDE or Linux in general?08:09
flaccidweedar: kompozer, quanta, bluefish08:10
weedarflaccid: Which one do you prefer?08:10
flaccidi don't use them because i don't need them so i havent really used them. i hand code everything as im a web standards guy08:12
=== jens is now known as Guest62596
weedarflaccid: Thanks anyway, I'll try them out :)08:25
kphey guys08:28
kpcan somebody explain me what exactly is that "switch screen" button on laptop doing in linux?08:29
kpis it switching device or x screen or monitor?08:29
Dr_willisMine switches between the external monitor and the  built in lcd.08:30
kpwell mine switches too but i cant make it work correctly08:31
Dr_willisSome times its handled in the bios/firmware on some laptops it seems.. some times its all software.. so may not work.08:31
Dr_willisIf switching i recall having to use xrandr to set the res higher for my external moniotr.. UNLESS i boot up with the exernal monitor attatched.. then thats the default. and it uses the proper res.08:31
Dr_willisdetails will depend on the exact Video card/chipset/laptop you have I imagine.08:32
kphm.. when i boot with attached monitor it still uses native08:32
kpi have dell vostro with nvidia 860008:32
Dr_willisI  recall rerunning the nvidia-settings tool on my laptop08:32
kpi'll try if i can set resolution with xrandr08:33
Dr_willismy xorg.conf ---> http://pastebin.com/f6890565a08:33
Dr_willisthat nvida-settings tool also lets you change the res I belive on the fly08:33
kpxrandr shows me output for only native monitor08:34
kpeven if i switch to use only the secondary one08:34
kpthanks for xorg, i will try it08:37
weedarIsn't there an easier way to switch between two screen-configurations? On my laptop I have 1680x1050, but when I dock my laptop I use a monitor that supports 1900xsomething08:40
weedarI'd love to be able to put my already running laptop into the docking station and have it automagically switch to the external monitor and use the higher resolution08:41
flaccidweedar: i dont know of a way to change on plug in or out but you can use krandrtray easy enough08:43
=== c4rlitox is now known as c4rlitox_
Dr_willisI always just boot up clean from work or the house.   So i dont 'hotplug' or swithc on the fly like that.08:46
Dr_willisI do have Twinview enabled.. that may help. :)08:46
kphow do i configure twinview so it wont maximize windows over 2 monitors? o_O08:47
kpkinda strange behavior08:47
weedarDr_willis: I am able to set the external monitor to clone the laptop-monitor but then I have to use 1680x105008:48
weedarDr_willis: Also, my filesystem is encrypted so booting is extra slow - and in 2008 I can't really accept waiting for my laptop to reboot - especially since I'm using Linux and not Windows ;)08:48
kpweedar: which monitor are you using?08:49
weedarkp: I have a HP w2408 24" LCD as my external monitor, it supports 1920x120008:50
weedarflaccid: Not at the office atm, but krandrtray will enable me to switch resolution on both displays without restarting X?08:52
flaccidit doesn't do multi display i don't think at all08:52
flaccidbut you can do xrandr for that08:53
weedarThe weird thing is that I'm pretty sure that the first time I used the docking station my laptop started using the external monitor, with the correct resolution and everything08:53
kphow do i find proper refresh rates for my monitor?08:53
flaccidproblem could be your docking station08:55
flaccidkp: sudo ddcprobe08:56
flaccidand your manufacturer's website08:56
weedarflaccid: Really? Because if I was unclear I have to clarify that I am able to use my external monitor with nvidia-settings, either cloned or setup as the only monitor08:57
weedarIt's just that it's a real hassle to start nvidia-settings each time I dock.. shouldn't there be some sort of file in /proc that is altered whenever I dock/undock?08:59
Dr_willisOn some laptops ive seen one could use the 'change display' hotkeys . but it depends on the moniotr.08:59
weedarDr_willis: That could work. I'd need a program to catch that event and then do whatever nvidia-settings does09:02
Dr_willisI will stick with just plugging in and powering up. :)09:02
weedarOr something that notices when the laptop lid is open/closed..09:03
Dr_willisMy laptop takes about 60 sec to boot to X..09:03
kpmonitorrange: 30-81, 56-75 - is it vertical first?09:03
Dr_willisOf course My window manager dosent handle xranr/screen res changeing on the fly very well.09:03
weedarDr_willis: I haven't used a non-encrypted filesystem in quite a while, but I find it hard to believe that the encryption alone is responsible for the difference in my boot-time and yours09:05
illmortal_does Kopete have a dictionary? And how do install a dictionary or spelling correct plugin into Konversation?09:05
Dr_willisNo idea. I dont bother with encrypted filesystems.. Im not that paranoid. :P09:05
Dr_willisOf coruse half the boot time is loading of kde/gnome it seems.. I am using jwm so X starts up almost instantly09:06
Dr_willisive had so many issues with Hibernate/suspend that i dont even bother with it any mor eunder windows or linux.09:06
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Dr_willisdoing some googling - i find the following.. (reading it now)  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/docking-station-external-monitor-with-laptop-lid-closed-578487/09:08
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flaccidthere is a lack of video software and support in linux. it should all be done by xrandr and the restricted drives don't support it with multiple ports. what can you do..09:13
flaccidanyway im off cyas09:14
Dr_williswell i am using jwm as my window manager. :) its  lacking a lot of features.  But my setup/monitors are simple. I power up at work.. it uses lcd. i come home plug in external. power up. it uses the external.  it even shuts off the internal lcd. i DO have to use the laptops lcd  to do any changes to grub. Which is a bit of a bother.09:15
weedarflaccid: thanks for your help!09:16
flaccidhehe np09:16
flaccidcatchyas later09:16
rams434hi i need help regarding sound problem in kubuntu. After installing updates i am not getting sound09:17
weedarDr_willis: I'm both paranoid and drawn to the geekiness of having an encrypted filesystem. Also, if my laptop was somehow stolen it would be great if nobody got hold of our company secrets or my Grateful Dead mp3s09:18
n4mui was wondering if anyone was into gps here or if anyone knew about a chan irc that mainly talks about gps on linux ?09:19
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Dragon_Masterwho can help me?09:26
rams434i have sound problem in kubuntu anybody help me plz09:27
Dr_willisCant help much with sound other then to point out the !sound and !alsa bot factoid sites..09:27
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:27
Dragon_MasterI have a problem adept manager09:28
Dr_willisState the exact problem then for a start. :)09:28
Dragon_Masterwhen I try to install a package09:28
Dragon_MasterI get "Could not commit changes"09:29
Dragon_Mastercan you help?09:31
jpds!aptfix | Dragon_Master09:33
ubottuDragon_Master: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »09:33
Dragon_Masteri've been told that already :x09:34
Dragon_Masterand it didn't work :x09:34
Dragon_Masterdid I mention I accidently killed adept_batch09:34
jpdsDragon_Master: That command should fix it tho..09:36
weedarDragon_Master: Are you unable to install packages from the command line with "apt-get install <package>" ?09:36
n4mudoesn't "apt-get install -f" work ?09:36
Dragon_Masterno from "request install"" haven't tried apt-get\09:37
Dragon_Master"invalid operation"09:39
n4muDragon_Master:           apt-get install -f09:40
n4muthat shouldn't say invalid09:41
weedarDragon_Master: You get "invalid operation" if you try apt-get install? If not, could you pastebin the output from "apt-get install kwrite"?09:41
n4mumaybe it won't solve your problem but  it shouldn't say "invalid"09:41
Dragon_MasterE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)09:41
Dragon_MasterE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?09:41
Dragon_MasterE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)09:41
Dragon_MasterE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?09:41
n4muDragon_Master:         sudo  apt-get install -f09:41
Dragon_MasterE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)09:41
Dragon_MasterE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?09:41
Dragon_Masterscrolled up09:41
weedaruse "sudo apt-get install kwrite", sorry about that09:42
weedarDragon_Master: and if you want to paste several lines you can use pastebins like paste.ubuntu.com and just send us the URL09:42
Dr_willis_some days i think these tools need to rewrite their error messages a bit. :)09:43
n4muDragon_Master:    sudo  apt-get install -f  <= that option is to "fix broken"09:43
Dragon_Masterwhen I installed it didn't add me as root oO09:44
n4muOMG could you actually type what i've been telling you or am i just wasting my time ?09:44
Dragon_Masteri tried that09:44
Daisuke_Idon4mu: calm down09:44
n4muand so nobody can be root on your computer ?09:45
n4muDaisuke_Ido: i am very calm09:45
n4mu: ]09:45
Daisuke_IdoDragon_Master: ps aux | grep adept09:45
Daisuke_Idoand are there any instances of adept open?09:45
Daisuke_Idoadept installer, adept manager, adept lord couldn't they do it the right way and make it one program, adept updater?09:46
Daisuke_Idopastebin the output from the command above09:46
n4muwhy not just use "apt-get" to fix it . . .    ?09:46
Daisuke_Idosounds like it crashed, but not completely09:46
Daisuke_Idon4mu: because it's locked, adept still has it, and adept must die09:47
Daisuke_Idobut i feel that way anyway09:47
n4muDaisuke_Ido: aaah09:47
Daisuke_IdoDragon_Master: killall adept_installer09:48
n4mukill -9 5912 590709:48
Daisuke_Idothat works too09:48
Dragon_Masteradept_installer: no process killed09:48
n4muDragon_Master: use09:49
n4mukill -9 5912 590709:49
Daisuke_Idok. use n4mu's09:49
Dragon_Masterbash: kill: (5912) - Operation not permitted09:49
n4muit's a bit more direct. . .09:49
n4musudo kill -9 5912 590709:49
Dragon_Masterno output09:49
Daisuke_IdoDragon_Master: that's good09:49
Daisuke_Idonow sudo apt-get -f install09:49
n4mu \o/09:49
n4munow try:    apt-get install -f09:50
n4mu: ]09:50
n4mu sudo  apt-get install -f09:50
Daisuke_Ido(don't worry, it works exactly the same either way)09:50
n4muyeppe : ]09:51
n4muhowever i added the sudo just in case. . .09:51
Dragon_Masterhow do I say okay to a Package Config?09:52
favroenter should work09:53
Daisuke_Idoor tab then space09:53
n4mui missed something. ..  did the "-f" do anything ?09:54
Dragon_Masterthnx all fixed =)09:54
n4muaaah . ..   :]09:55
Dragon_MasterKDE4 has me confused alot XD09:55
altctrlhi guys10:04
altctrlcan somebody tell me how to kill openoffice while it is recovering some file but hung up?10:05
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altctrlanyone here who knows how to kill a program?10:16
drmarwatim looking for ksquirrel but looks like its not available in ubuntu 8.04 repos, so any idea where to get it?10:17
Dr_willisaltctrl,  for a gui app with a window. one could use 'xkill' in the terminal, and click on the app to kill.10:18
Dr_willisaltctrl,  or the 'kill  PID#' command from the terminal after learning the apps 'pid' #10:19
drmarwatDr_willis: would you suggest anything about ksquirrel please?10:19
Dr_willisNever hared of it.10:20
Dr_willis!find squirrel10:20
ubottuFound: libksquirrel-dev, libksquirrel-tools, libksquirrel0, squirrelmail, squirrelmail-decode (and 1 others)10:20
Dr_willisCould always go use the source i guess10:20
altctrlhow is that jsut type xkill then click?10:20
Dr_willisaltctrl,  basicially yes. :)10:20
altctrllet me try10:20
Dr_willisbe carefull where you click. :) dont miss10:20
drmarwatso ksquirrel has to be complied?10:20
Dr_willisdrmarwat,  you said its not in any of the repositories.. so you could search for it at some unofficial repos i guess.. or use the source10:21
drmarwatok, looks like that10:22
altctrlhey, it worked:)10:22
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danielehoware you10:29
Dr_willisIm here. :)10:31
jhshola chicos..¡¡10:34
jhsalguien esta en el chat?10:34
jhsalguien me ayudvar el wifi?a a acti10:35
favro!es | jhs10:35
ubottujhs: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.10:35
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ih10:54
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!10:54
paul__im new to linux10:54
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:57
PhilRodhrm, konsole appears to only be offering me truetype fonts - anyone know how I can get bitmaps there?10:58
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Nyadhi. I want to view the temperature of my system, please can you tell me how. if it can be done via the cli please tell me the command11:00
paul__sorry mate only know how to do it via GUI11:01
Nyadthat's fine11:01
paul__use ksysguard11:02
NyadI have it open, I went to thermal zone but I dunno what to do from there11:02
Dr_willis_the 'lm-sensors' package has tools to show various temps.11:02
Nyadpaul__, how do I view my temp from ksysguard?11:07
NyadDr_willis_, I downloaded that package and I tried to run $sensors but it told me I need kernel modules so I ran sensors-detect but it still complains11:08
Dr_willis_normally one runs the sensors-detect tool and it tells you (or automates) the loading of some modules. then the sensors command works..11:09
Dr_willis_BUT  - a lot can depend on the exact chipset.11:09
dwidmann_For example, I can11:10
dwidmann_**t see diddly squat ...11:10
Nyadok. then with ksysguard, when I am here: localhost-->ACPI-->Thermal Zone--> THRM --> Temperature  how do I view this temp?11:11
dwidmann_Nyad: drag it onto a blank spot on a new worksheet11:11
Nyadit says drag sensors to empty fields in a worksheet11:11
dwidmann_Nyad: might need to file -> new worksheet first11:11
Dr_willis_Theres the window with the graphs, you  drag the item to them.. i recall..11:11
Dr_willis_that program . is a little... weird. :) in ways11:11
dwidmann_but weird in a good way ... sooooooo flexible, and lovable.11:12
JohnFlux_I hope to have lots of default tabs11:13
dwidmann_JohnFlux_: ??11:13
Dr_willis_conky can show temps also - i belive. :)11:13
JohnFlux_dwidmann_: I want to have a temperature etc tab by default.  cover all the normal cases11:14
JohnFlux_dwidmann_: (i'm the ksysguard maintainer)11:14
dwidmann_JohnFlux_: probably a tough call ... sooooo many possibilities out there11:15
NyadJohnFlux_, could you make it a bit more descriptive when you tell the user to put it in a new worksheet, coz once you know it makes sense, but to a noob it's confusing11:15
Dr_willis_yea the term 'worksheet' sounds almost like a spreadsheet term. ;)11:15
JohnFlux_dwidmann_: well it has Get Hot New Stuff support now :)11:15
JohnFlux_Nyad: It's called just 'tab' now11:16
JohnFlux_in kde 4.211:16
Dr_willis_heh - 'tab' ?  They need a fancier term then that!  We got Plasmids! they need to call tabs somthing else!  Tablids ! or somthing cool!11:17
dwidmann_mine runs something like: tab1: cpu load, load average(1min), physical memory, swap memory -- tab 2: cpu activity (one for each of my 4 cores) -- tab 3: first drive read data, first drive written, second drive read, second drive written -- tab 4: downloaded data for eth0, uploaded data for eth0, load avg 5min, load avg 15min .....11:18
dwidmann_JohnFlux_: good to hear that it's getting HNS support :)11:20
dwidmann_Dr_willis_: you can call them that, I think I'll just call them tabs :P11:21
Dr_willis_Plasmids and 'ADAM' Like in BioShock. :)11:21
Dr_willis_The Organic OS.11:21
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athlon1Hallo. What plugin do i have to instal to show photos as small images in konqueror whenselect view as icons?11:53
Dr_willis_I dont recall having to install a plugin.. but i do tend to isntall tons of stuff.. it may of gotten pulled in with somthing else11:58
=== root is now known as Guest52171
weedarHow do I know which nvidia-driver to use, I have a NVIDIA Quadro FX 570M chip. Should I use envy, new or new-envy?12:02
Dr_willis_You proberly dont need to use either one.12:11
Dr_willis_that restricted-drivers tool 'should' grab the right one.12:11
Dr_willis_The !nvidia factoid has a link to a web site on nvidia.com that lists what cards are for what drivers.12:12
=== rage_ is now known as rageburn
=== setyalinux is now known as tyas
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!12:30
=== tyas is now known as putri
favrohow do I turn off window shadows pls?13:11
Dekansappearence & theme -> style I'd say13:12
Dekanslook at the effects13:12
favrodesktop/window behavior/translucency/shadows :)13:14
master_hi all room13:31
master_ı need digital video card driver13:34
master_dvr card13:34
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out13:36
master_not have my dvr card driver13:39
yahya_hai evry one13:39
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mernilhi all! :-)13:59
mtrinitysalut tous le monde14:07
mtrinitysur le canal14:08
mtrinitysalut janeth sava14:09
mtrinitypersone pour parle de linux14:10
mtrinityqui poure mede pour linux kde14:10
josa!fr | mtrinity14:10
ubottumtrinity: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr14:10
mtrinityok bons+14:11
ActionParsnipyo yo yo14:51
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about luks15:06
ActionParsnipblackflag: wassup man15:07
blackflagsorry, wrong channel15:09
elviahola a todos15:14
corigoIs there a tool on the live cd to run a hard drive check/test15:17
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=== elvia_ is now known as elvia
gustavoHi. I'm trying Intrepid alpha 4 but my WiFi doesn't work and I have no clue on what I have to do to fix the problem. In Gutsy I just had to install the Broadcom driver via the restricted drivers manager and everything worked; now it doesn't work15:34
gustavoAccording to this app, the Broadcom B43 wireless driver is in use, but WiFi is not working. Not even the WiFi LED is on; and it can't be activated with Fn+F215:35
NutzebahnHello. Three of the partitions listed in blkid are not in fstab, could some one please help me?: http://pastebin.com/d1b1b723a15:40
Nece228!hi | slow-motion15:47
ubottuslow-motion: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!15:47
slow-motionhi Nece228, ubottu15:48
slow-motiondamn i'm talking to the bot15:48
janrofhi, how chance the name to PC?15:50
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juhiswhat do you mean by PC?15:52
famhi, useing an Geforce4 4200 ti, i need to use 9631 nvidia drivers. is there a way to instal them from aptitude, tutorial, envy?15:57
engineersudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-new-envy15:58
famengineer: i doubt that this is correct, but i will try to find out15:59
=== ubuntu is now known as fire
=== pteglia is now known as CrashTest_
CrashTest_Hi, searching on "Turn off password on resume KDE" doesn't produce, so does anyone know where that setting is?16:14
CrashTest_Oh, actually, think I may have found it in the very first result :)16:17
scifiHi, is there any TV tuner software that works with USB TV tuners for kubuntu??16:29
Nyadhi. if I've installed a whole lot of packages and a friend wants the same packages. how do I give him my packages that are installed without him having to download them? do I just merge my /usr folder with his?16:36
Ash-FoxNyad, /var/cache16:37
Ash-FoxNyad, your downloadwed packages will be stored there.16:37
NyadAsh-Fox, is that only the most recent ones or all of them?16:38
Ash-FoxNyad, that is the ones which have been cached locally.16:38
NyadI don't follow...16:39
Ash-FoxSome might of been removed, due to numerous reasons including freeing up space, not being accessed in ages etc.16:39
DeBertIs it possible to overwrite part of a file with random data?16:40
Ash-FoxDeBert, yes.16:40
ign0ramusdebert: man shred16:40
Ash-FoxDeBert, dd if=/dev/urandom of=outputname -- look into 'man dd' for more parameters on how to define the size, where etc.16:41
scifiHi, is there any TV tuner software that works with USB TV tuners for kubuntu??16:41
Ash-Foxscifi, if your tv tuner is supported by the kernel, any tv tuner software should work.16:42
scifiAsh-Fox: unfortunately I have one of these generic, unbranded usb stick tuners, so i dont know how to check for compatibility16:44
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Ash-Foxscifi, plug it in, check 'dmesg'. It will probably create a /dev/video device too16:44
scifiAsh-Fox: cud i try it with the livecd, i havent actually installed kubuntu yet16:46
Ash-Foxscifi, go ahead.16:46
scifiAsh-Fox: ....also i will be installing it on a laptop, will kubuntu detect the trackpad ok?16:47
firei have tried to install kubuntu on my computer like 4 times each time when i get to the part were it install s it it freezes at 15%. dose anyone know how to fix this?16:48
sundevilHello, im trying to get help regarding mounting of a specific partition. The partition in question (hda2) is a /home partition. The kernel on my OS partition somehow got corrupted and I was forced to reinstall. The new /home that was created with the new install is now on hda3. The question: how to switch to the old /home on hda2. Any help appreciated. ~Thanks16:48
Ash-Foxscifi, if it works on the livecd, it will work when installed.16:48
firei have tried to install kubuntu on my computer like 4 times each time when i get to the part were it install s it it freezes at 15%. dose anyone know how to fix this?16:49
Ash-Foxsundevil, okay, this is what I'd do. sudo mv /home /home.old && sudo mkdir /home && sudo mount /dev/devicenameherewithparititionnumberhere /home16:49
katabaticfire: you sure the CD is ok?16:49
fireya it i16:49
Ash-Foxsundevil, after doing that, I'd copy the relevent line from /etc/mtab to /etc/fstab16:49
fireya it is16:50
katabaticI think there as a CD check at the first menu when you boot16:50
Ash-Foxsundevil, note that your desktop environment would likely break, so it's best to do this all from the console.16:50
firei ran that it said it was fine16:50
sundevilash-fox, thank you, but will that affect the data stored on the old /home partition? The data must be saved16:50
katabatictry googling the issue I guess, I duno16:50
fireok ty16:50
Ash-Foxsundevil, no, the data will be there still.16:51
sundevilok, trying it now, thanks16:51
Ash-Foxsundevil, what you're essentially doing is moving the current /home to the folder /home.old, creating a new /home folder and then mounting the old home partition as /home16:51
Ash-Foxsundevil, note, I'm assuming you have reasonable Linux knowledge at the moment. If you need step by step instructions, let me know.16:52
sundevilAsh-Fox, you made my day. Thank you. All is well :D16:55
Ash-Foxsundevil, no problem :)16:55
sundevilone more question Ash-Fox, has fstab been suitably modified, or do I need to manually do it?16:56
Ash-Foxsundevil, just grab the line in /etc/mtab that has your '/home' partition mentioned, and stick it into your /etc/fstab - that's all you need to do.16:56
scifiis it possible to install kubuntu from the harddrive??16:56
Ash-Foxscifi, yes. you can do a wubi install to install it within a windows NTFS partition.16:57
Ash-Foxscifi, you just need the kubuntu iso image for that and daemon tools for mounting the iso image to run the installer.16:58
scifiAsh-Fox: thankyou, will look into it, my laptop has problems reading burnt cds u see, real pain in the arse16:58
Daisuke_IdoAsh-Fox: i believe you can just download the wubi standalone installer and have the iso in the same directory, no need for daemon tools16:58
Daisuke_Idowhich is a big plus16:58
Ash-FoxDaisuke_Ido, ah, I didn't know.16:59
Daisuke_Idono worries :D16:59
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.16:59
sundevilOk, I'm going to test and make sure everything works correctly. If I don't return, that means its all good. Thanks again Ash-Fox17:00
NooB-Saib0tanyone have probs with KUBUNTU 8.04 wireless not connecting at 28 % ETH 01 using WPA PERSONAL?17:04
Ash-FoxNooB-Saib0t, nope.17:04
NooB-Saib0ti found the issue on a bunch of forums (google) with different solutions17:05
Gnome2anyone here? lol17:15
scifidoes the wubi installer completely replace ur windows system with kubuntu or just run alongside it????17:17
Gnome2so what's kubuntu about?17:17
* Gnome2 = linux noob17:18
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Gnome2idle room....17:21
Gnome2bye all tc17:21
ign0ramushey all- whats the Alsa fix when sound will only work in a media player or a browser, but not both simultaneously?17:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about arts17:34
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:35
ign0ramusJohn: you're using Ubuntu, right?17:36
ign0ramussorry, wrong tab17:37
khlmCan anybody help me with WEBCAM VX6000 (Microsoft) and ubuntu?????17:39
khlmI can not find any solution or any driver17:40
engineerkhlm http://www.linux-projects.org/modules/mydownloads/visit.php?cid=7&lid=5417:41
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de17:43
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.17:45
maupehello, how to mount an hard disk?18:06
maupeit says Access Denied18:06
engineermount /dev/hda1 mountPoint/18:10
maupefuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy18:11
maupeit's /dev/sda118:11
maupeaccording to the guide i have to modify the fstab but im not able to, would u help?18:12
engineer4 column18:13
maupei dont understand, im quite of a newbie here18:14
engineerhang on18:16
engineer/dev/sda1 /mnt/recovery ext3 defaults,user 0 018:17
maupealright, by typing this i should fix the prob?18:17
engineeryou have to add that into fstab18:17
maupeich versthe18:18
maupei open fstab with root rights and insert in the 4th line that18:19
engineerat the end of the file18:19
engineerwas an example18:19
engineerchange that to your needs18:20
maupei think i've just seen what the prob is18:20
maupei have 2 hard disks and it gave em the same mounting point, so it kind of conflicts18:20
maupeto both18:21
engineerthe slashes are right faced18:23
engineernot left18:23
maupeok but this is not the point18:24
maupei am not able to manually modify my fstab18:24
maupecan i pastebin it, you modify it and repastebin it modified so i only have to replace it?18:25
engineerdo you have paypal18:26
hidechis there french?18:43
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr18:45
azizhow do I lock the screen with a command? something like "gnome-screensaver-command --lock" but for KDE.19:06
azizgot it: xdg-screensaver lock19:07
* TheMaxzilla is away: Mowin' a lawn!19:39
DexterFjust installed 8.04/64 and nv 173 with envy-qt. now I have 640x480 with vesa and the xorg.conf nearly has no real info even after a reconf. wtf?19:42
trevorwhen i killed the 'plasma' process i lost my desktop background and the right click menu (i want to use kicker instead of plasma) any one know how to get normal kde background and right click functions back on the desktop?19:43
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:44
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epimethanybody know the link for the mini cd?19:47
=== drkguy is now known as Drk_Guy
Drk_GuyI've just installed kubuntu-desktop over ubuntu-desktop, but i have some issues19:53
Drk_GuyI reconfigured kdm to use a theme, but i want to use the default themes again, how can i do that?19:53
Drk_Guy2. My boot screen is ubuntu, and my shutdown screen is kubuntu, how can i make it kubuntu for both?19:53
djdarkmanDrk_Guy: reconfigure it to use the default theme....19:54
EagleSnDrk_Guy try removing the usplash theme for ubuntu, and later run dpkg-reconfigure usplash19:55
Drk_Guydjdarkman: i can't find it on control center19:55
Drk_GuyEagleSn: O19:55
djdarkmanhow did you find it in the first place :D19:56
trevoris kde 4.1 available for kubuntu yet>20:00
djdarkmanbtw EagleSn I think this is what you need, but not sure: sudo apt-get install kdmtheme20:00
djdarkmantrevor: it's available since it was released20:01
mernilhi all :-)20:01
mernilany ops here.. i dont want to be banned?20:02
merniljust tell me it aint so, and we are all fine20:02
djdarkmanohhh and EagleSn, after tha'ts done, you will find it in kcontrol20:02
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=== KeY is now known as KeYhOle
KeYhOlegood day20:03
djdarkmanmernil: they are everywhere masquarading as ordanary users, ready to strike :D20:03
mernildjdarkman: please let me in, i have so much to say :-)20:03
trevordjdarkman, is it in adept>20:03
djdarkmanmernil: then go and write a blog :D20:04
djdarkmantrevor: it isn't in the repositories by default, because it isn't "officially" in hardy20:05
mernildjdarkman: i have a blog .. mostley with a racial bias.. ;-P20:05
mernilstupid, but people dont listning on me if it aint very non-pc :-/20:05
djdarkmantrevor: but if you want to try it, here is what you need to do: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.120:06
mernildoes mark shuttleworth ever visit this channel?20:07
EagleSni think kdm has not relationship with boot screen20:07
mernilkdm is the login thingie, not the boot screen.20:08
djdarkmanmernil: you writing something usefull, that can help a few people has more value than writing something hat more people read but won't help anyone20:08
djdarkmanEagleSn: "[21:54] <Drk_Guy> I reconfigured kdm to use a theme, but i want to use the default themes again, how can i do that?"20:08
djdarkmanohhh sorry20:09
mernildjdarkman: my part of the job on ubuntu is to act as the clown :-P20:09
djdarkmanDrk_Guy: what I said to EagleSn was for you20:09
mernildjdarkman: realize that :-)20:09
EagleSnin kcontrol you can choose the kdm theme20:10
mernildjdarkman: you aint funny, people just say lol to pleace your big fucking ego!20:10
* djdarkman 's powers are fading, because the effect of the coffe is wearing off...20:10
EagleSnbut only if u have one package installed20:11
Drk_Guylol djdarkman20:11
DexterFafter running make-googleearth-package - where is the deb?20:11
mernili have a big package, but no girl to install it in.20:11
EagleSnyes if you install kdmtheme you can select theme for kdm in kcontrol20:11
mernilno fun ehh? ;-)20:12
* epimeth quickly hands djdarkman a caffein IV20:12
stdinmernil: watch your topic and language in here20:13
djdarkmanmernil: it's "please" not "pleace", and it takes more then writing 3 charecters to please my "fucking ego"20:13
mernilstdin: okay, if someone whould reply to me maybe i would think anyone was alive here.20:14
epimethmernil: patience is a virtue.  whats the problem?20:15
mernilepimeth: i dont have a problem, yet20:15
rabiddachshundhow do you uninstall a program that's not included in the repos?20:15
djdarkmanthanks epimeth, but I'm driking CC instead :)20:15
djdarkmanrabiddachshund: how did you install it in the first place20:16
epimethmernil: so why are you complaining that nobody is responding?20:16
rabiddachshundfrom a .deb off their website. It's kxdocker20:16
epimethdjdarkman: that stuff doesn't work... the sugar brings you down like a rock20:16
mernilepimeth: ur the first for me20:16
stdinrabiddachshund: should uninstall just like any other package then20:16
rabiddachshundapt-get remove?20:17
stdinrabiddachshund: yeah, or using adept20:17
epimethmernil: actually, stdin was... :-p20:17
djdarkmanrabiddachshund: it doesn't have to be in the repos, you can remove it like any other .deb, with adept, or apt...etc.20:17
mernilepimeth: but you was the best :-P20:17
rabiddachshundoh, duh. Thanks20:19
djdarkman15443 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3088.487 FPS and scrolling in yakue and konversation are sluggish, pretty damn weird20:19
epimethmernil: 'are', actually.  and yea... I know20:20
mernilepimeth: dont complain on my exellent english :-)20:20
mernilepimeth: ur knowledge on forreign languages is quit small i suppose?20:20
djdarkmanepimeth: no problem, I could use some sleep, the sooner, I go the sleep the sooner I get, up, and the sooner I can start drinking coffe again20:21
tony_can someone help me. I'm getting ""/var/tmp/kdecache-tony" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0" when i try to install synaptic because adept won't work right either20:23
djdarkmantony_: use kdesudo20:23
tony_djdarkman: how do i do that?20:23
djdarkmantony_: kdesudo adept20:24
tony_djdarkman: after running that i'm getting some lines saying "....is not compliant with XDG standard" and such20:25
tony_i'm on kubuntu alpha 4, i know it's alpha but i figured i could at least be able to install something20:26
stdinintrepid support is in #ubuntu+120:26
djdarkmantony_: use apt....20:26
tony_apt doesn't work either. sudo apt-get install firefox gives errors20:27
stdintony_: we don't support intrepid in here until it's released20:28
stdintony_: #ubuntu+1 is the pace to ask20:28
Dragon_MasterI need help installing java on firefox20:28
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Dragon_MasterI need help installing java on firefox20:29
abby87my sound card is detected but not playingy  any sound any idea ?20:30
djdarkmanabby87: what soundcard do you have?20:31
abby87djdarkman: i'm using a laptop dont have any idea20:31
abby87how to find that out?20:31
djdarkmanDragon_Master: it goes like this http://www.google.ro/search?q=ubuntu+java+firefox&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a20:31
djdarkmanabby87: don't know, ask please in #alsa , they know it better than I do20:32
Dragon_Masterdjdarkman, i've installed it20:32
Dragon_Masterit's just not detecting it20:32
djdarkmanDragon_Master: did you restart firefox?20:33
djdarkmanDragon_Master: did you test it on a site with a java applet?20:33
ahmoshi, how i can disable integration on compiz-fusion20:34
Dragon_Masterits not even in plugins20:34
Dragon_Masterabout:plugins only brings up flash20:34
djdarkmanDragon_Master: it's not a plugin20:34
djdarkmanDragon_Master: go to Edit->Preferences->Content20:34
djdarkmanand Enable Java20:35
djdarkmanahmos: what kind of integration?20:35
Dragon_Masterit is enabled20:35
Dragon_Master"click here to install plugin"20:35
djdarkmanDragon_Master: then install it :)20:36
Dragon_MasterI did20:36
djdarkmanDragon_Master: sudo apt-get install java6-runtime20:36
Dragon_Masterdid it20:36
Dragon_Master"package already installed"20:36
djdarkmanDragon_Master: you didn't look at the link I gave you20:37
djdarkmanhere is what you should have looked up20:37
Dragon_Masterit's been uninstalled20:38
Dragon_Masteri never installed it20:39
Dragon_Masterfor once nothing worked20:40
joshuajtlhey folks, how can i switch back to konqueror for file manager? i'm not that fond of dolphin20:40
stdin!dolphin | joshuajtl20:41
ubottujoshuajtl: Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.20:41
djdarkmanDragon_Master: you don't make sense if you use short phrases like that20:41
Dragon_Masterthe package icedtea....has never been installed20:41
detrateI have two monitors and I like to drag full screen applications from one to the other.  In gnome, it'll snap into place no matter where my cursor resides.  However, in kde I have be 15px  or so from the edge for it to 'snap' into place.  Is there any way I can make it behave like gnome?20:42
joshuajtlwhy do people prefer dolphin?20:43
djdarkmanDragon_Master: but there's the solution also...20:43
epimethbecause its built for folder browsing, not *everything in one place*20:43
epimethbut thats just me20:44
djdarkmanepimeth: last time I checked d3lphin was way featureless and slower than konqueror20:44
djdarkmanbtw krusader is the king of all KDE filemanagers :D20:45
Dragon_MasterI give up20:45
* TheMaxzilla is back (gone 01:06:31)20:46
epimethdjdarkman: well I like it... and what do you mean "featureless"  it has everything I feel a file broswer should have20:46
* djdarkman hates it when people come asking for thelp, but don't even bother reading a short solution and copy pasting two lines of code...20:48
WalzmynIf I plug a new scanner in (USB) should anything happen automatically?20:49
eagles0513875how do i set this up to auto log me in20:50
djdarkmaneagles0513875: systemsettings->advanced->login->conviniense20:50
eagles0513875djdarkman: im talking bout in konversation20:51
stdinyou can just put your nickserv pass as the server pass to auto login to freenode20:51
eagles0513875stdin: thanks20:51
eagles0513875stdin: its not working20:52
eagles0513875stdin: its not working20:53
stdineagles0513875: f2 -> edit -> then click edit by "Identity"20:54
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stdinunder Service put "NickServ" and then put in the pass20:54
eagles0513875stdin: i had to restart konversation20:55
eagles0513875is there a virtualbox kernel for the .21 generic kubuntu kernel20:55
djdarkmaneagles0513875: reinstall virtualbox from Sun's website?20:57
eagles0513875djdarkman: the one in repo works but it works with .20 kernel20:57
eagles0513875is there a vbox kernel that will work with .2120:57
djdarkmaneagles0513875: it's old20:57
eagles0513875ok what will happen to all my vm's that i have already20:58
ubottuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok20:59
djdarkmaneagles0513875: nothing https://cds.sun.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/CDS-CDS_SMI-Site/en_US/-/USD/ViewProductDetail-Start?ProductRef=innotek-1.6-G-F@CDS-CDS_SMI20:59
eagles0513875im trying to listen to streams but it says no decoders available20:59
stdineagles0513875: file a bug against virtualbox-ose-modules, saying it hasn't been built for 2.6.24-2121:00
eagles0513875stdin: will do21:00
=== alexei is now known as GreenPeace
eagles0513875stdin: any idea why im getting no decoders i have ffmpeg amarok-engines lame flac21:01
stdineagles0513875: for what file type?21:01
eagles0513875mp3 stream21:01
stdinyou have libxine1-ffmpeg ?21:02
eagles0513875stdin: think thats what im missing21:02
eagles0513875stdin: thanks21:02
eagles0513875!hi | Roey21:04
ubottuRoey: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:04
RoeyWhy does using KTorrent make browsing unusable?21:04
Roeyeven after I stop all torrents, I can't browse sites for a good ten minutes afterwards.21:04
RoeyI have RCN for my internet.;21:04
=== oem is now known as Lokke
bucketheadRoey: I'd look towards your internet connection for that and/or your torrent settings. I have seperate azureus bandwidth settings for if i'm home or not.21:09
bucketheadOr, If you want to get really fancy.. quality of service on your router.21:09
Roeybuckethead:  I've tried limiting my upload to 5 kB/s, the quanitty of upload slots to 5 even.21:09
Roeynothing works.21:09
RoeyBy the way, the Bucketheads' "The Bomb" is one of my favorite pieces of music21:10
NthDegreeRoey: make upload less than 12kb/sec21:10
RoeyI was just listening to it yesterday21:10
NthDegreethen less than 10 upload slots21:10
bucketheadHehe. Not me unfortunately. I just have a large head.21:10
RoeyNthDegree:  this problem happens even when I limit it to 5 kB/s and 3 uploadslots.21:10
Roeybuckethead:   :)21:10
NthDegreeRoey: what speed is your Internet?21:10
NthDegreeand what provider?21:10
RoeyNthDegree:  I cannot ping any IPs at all now, and it's a good 15 mins. after I've stopped the torrents21:10
RoeyRCN is the provider21:10
Roey10 Mbit/s21:10
Roeywith 100 kB/s upload.21:11
NthDegreewhat type of Internet?21:11
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!21:11
eagles0513875stdin: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox-ose-modules/+bug/260722 link to my bug if u can confirm it21:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260722 in virtualbox-ose-modules "has not been built for kernel 2.6.24-21" [Undecided,New]21:12
uoaphysHello, I'm trying to use K9Copy, and I go from DVD to DVD, and it gets to 15% and says "authoring canceled" error message (in a popup box) and then thats it.. no other errors. What could be wrong? Can you help?21:13
uoaphysIs there a way to debug it?21:13
Walzmyndamn, I can't get my scanner to work in any OS21:13
Walzmynuoaphys, have you ran it from the commandline?21:14
pablovicenteHi i want to install Kubuntu, but after download the ISO nad burn it; when i put the LIve CD>install kubuntu and wait; it says in black screen: Buffer I/O Error; so help me!21:15
pablovicentei need help!!!21:16
eagles0513875!help | pablovicente21:16
ubottupablovicente: Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:16
eagles0513875!ask | pablovicente21:16
ubottupablovicente: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:16
NthDegreepablovicente: Is the CD clean?21:17
NthDegreepablovicente: what software did you burn with and in what mode?21:17
pablovicenteNero; Burn Image21:17
NthDegreeOkay what burn mode?21:17
jessejazzai did it a couple of days ago. It was fine - you may have burnt it too fast. I used Brasero for the first time other times k3b21:17
pablovicentethe usual21:18
NthDegreeTAO (Track At Once)?  DAO (Disc At Once)?21:18
pablovicentei did it with the one that says21:18
pablovicentein Nero without touch anything21:18
pablovicentejust burn21:18
pablovicentei tried to install it with K3B21:19
NthDegreeOkay here's an idea.. Redownload the CD Image21:19
NthDegreeBurn it using Disc At Once (DAO)21:19
pablovicenteand if i use K3B?21:19
NthDegreeMake sure you set Nero to verify the burn too21:20
pablovicentethe thing it's that i don't have Nero anymore!!21:20
pablovicentei have K3B21:20
uoaphyswalzmyn: yes, and there are no error messages,21:20
NthDegreeif you use K3B to burn the disc you want to make it use Session At Once (SAO) or Disc At Once (DAO)21:20
NthDegreeand you want to choose ISO Image, as opposed to Auto21:20
pablovicentei have to burn it slow?21:21
NthDegreepablovicente: if your burner can do 4x I recommend that21:21
pablovicentethe slowest posible?21:21
NthDegreeotherwise do 6x or 8x21:21
NthDegreeno.. anything below 4x will give you no extra benefit21:21
pablovicentethank u21:21
NthDegreethe most important thing is to use Disc At Once (DAO) or Session At Once (SAO) as for ISO burning that produces some of the best quality error-corrections during burning21:22
NthDegreemeaning your burn should work better than with the "normal" Track At Once (TAO) method21:23
scifihi guys, ive installed kubuntu on my laptop but its not detecting any wireless networks even though in the network connections it lists a wireless lan device, cud someone advise me further please21:24
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Lokkehey gusy i'll install adobe flash player for firefox an kopete -------> pls help (deutsche bevorzugt)21:50
jack_wow i got it working21:51
bittin_jack_: what21:51
jack_i,m on for the first time21:51
jack_you can reasd me21:51
uoaphysis there a chat room with k9copy developers in it?21:53
discombobulatedanyone know the extension on FF that lets you see your favorite sites in a layout?22:13
ubuntuhello !!22:15
Lokkehello! ubuntu22:16
ubuntuhello lokke, how are you?22:17
Lokkefine thx22:17
Lokkeund you22:17
ubuntufine, thanks!22:18
ubuntui am trying my new kubuntu !!22:18
Lokkei too22:19
Lokkei am looking for the flashplayer plugin22:19
Lokkewhere are you from?22:19
ignoLokke: sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree22:20
Lokkei cant find this i have kubuntu 6.1022:20
discombobulatedanyone know how to do away with entering and leaving status messages in konversation?22:20
ignoLokke: why so old version?22:21
Lokkei have this on a original cd-rom22:21
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ubuntui am from Mexico, excuseme lokke.22:25
eagles0513875!es | ubuntu22:25
ubottuubuntu: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:25
pix_salve a tutti22:39
eagles0513875!it | pix_22:39
ubottupix_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!22:39
adityaanyone here22:42
adityasome one answer22:42
scifihi guys, talking to u on my lappy with kubuntu :D22:46
scifihow do i check system uptime??22:46
eagles0513875scifi: uptime22:46
eagles0513875scifi: type in command line22:46
eagles0513875no prob22:47
scifiwhich value is the time? :P22:47
eagles0513875scifi: the vry left column22:48
TheMaxzillaHow do I register my channel?22:49
scifithat just tells me the time i entered the command22:49
scifiis it the figures following "up"  ??22:50
scifiwow if thats right ive had 4hrs, 48mins battery life :O22:51
eagles0513875thats not right the battery life22:51
scifihow can i check how long the system has been on?22:51
eagles0513875to see how much time u have on battery what it shows isnt accurate22:52
scifiive just said uptime figures and usaid that cant be right22:52
eagles0513875!es | angel22:53
ubottuangel: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:53
=== araneina is now known as hibana
TheMaxzilla...Having trouble typing, naman_?23:06
naman_sorry but i don't speak english23:07
pablovicenteHi; the live cd's of Ubuntu/Kubuntu they really send them to your home TOTALLY free? even if you are in a country like Venezuela (my case)23:09
pablovicentePlease I Need Some Help!23:11
nejodepablovicente: go ahead and make your cuestion23:18
TheMaxzillapabloviecente: Yes, they do. And You can get it in... Venezuela-ese, Or what ever language fits your taste.23:19
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:21
TheMaxzillaBut you probably want to order it closest to you. It may take up to 6-10 weeks, I heard.23:21
nejodepablovicente: ve a #ubuntu-ve23:21
HazaHey folks. Quick question. I need to get agraphics driver from ATI and i need to figure out what version of my graphics card i have. Is there somewhere on Kubuntu that gives me detailed info about my graphics card? :)23:21
favroHaza: try   sudo lshw   in konsole23:23
Hazafavro: Okay. i have a huge printout of information. Just browsing through it23:24
nejodeHaza: graphically: K menu>system>kinfocenter23:26
Hazafavro, nejode: Cheers. You guys are kings! :)23:27
jhonnathanI need you help23:30
=== jhonnathan is now known as jhonnathan_
jack_heloo from bc23:33
pablovicenteHi; now i got a big problem my Printer (LX-800) a very old one don't work in Kubuntu? there's a way to make it work?23:36
discombobulatedanyone know why dolphin sees my drives but when i click, it does nothing? only sees the system drive23:38
jhonnathan_alguien habla español aqui???23:39
gleyveEnabling NUM LOCK at boot ?23:39
gleyveHow to enable NUM LOCK at boot ?23:40
Githzeraigleyve: Do u use kdm-kde4 ?23:40
thorsten_@pablovicente maybe turboprint (http://www.turboprint.de/english.html), but there are restrictions for the free version23:40
discombobulatedgleyve: might try the bios23:40
gleyveI think my BIOS is already ok23:40
gleyvebut I'm gona try anyway23:40
gleyveGithzerai: I'm ubuntu..not kbuntu23:41
thorsten_@gleyve maybe this helps: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81218223:42
Githzeraigleyve: So u use GDM, I presume. I think it is in GDM configuration, but can't tell for sure. Or use numlockx....23:43
gleyveI think its going to work now23:51
gleyvegood forum23:51

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