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AmpelbeinHi! Could some member of bug-control please set bug 219593 to wishlist? thanks in advance.01:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219593 in firefox-3.0 "Allow the user to specify enlargement factor" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21959301:27
hggdhAmpelbein, it was already wishlisted. I set it to triaged, though01:46
Ampelbeinhggdh: yeah. but for the record: it was not wishlisted as i posted here. ;-) thanks.01:46
Hobbseehggdh: repong.02:29
hggdhHobbsee, reping02:31
Hobbseehggdh: what did you want yesterday?02:31
hggdhHobbsee, nothing, you were pointing your bubblegun at me (or my my general direction, which is the same, given that bubbleguns are known to have a wide range)02:33
Hobbseehggdh: oh, fair enough :P02:33
* Hobbsee covers hggdh in bubbles02:33
* hggdh swims for safety02:34
hggdhhuh, floats, methinks02:34
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AmpelbeinHi! Could some member of bugcontrol please set bug #260659 to wishlist? Thanks in advance.16:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260659 in policykit "Indefinitely keep authorization by default isn't good" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26065916:13
persiaAmpelbein: Why is that wishlist?  Is it not possibly Low, as forgetful users might fail to lock the workstation, andsomeone else could run `rm -rf /`without a password?16:17
* persia is open to "Wishlist", but would like to hear a justification16:17
qenseAmpelbein: I agree with the reporter of the bug in this issue. However, you could consider it as a small usability bug. It's surely not a wishlist, since it's a really small change.16:19
qenseI would set it to Low.16:19
AmpelbeinJust thought it might be wishlist because its just a change of default behavior.16:19
Ampelbeinbut after rethinking persia's comment i agree to low.16:20
qenseAre you a member of the bugsquad?16:20
Ampelbeinbugsquad yes, bugcontrol no.16:21
qenseDo you want to confirm the bug and tell the user about that to collect bugs for your (possible) application to bugcontrol, or shall I do that?16:23
Ampelbeinam just writing the confirmation.16:23
qenseI'm going to set the importance to low16:25
qensedone, btw16:26
qenseBut the status was set to new in some way when I set the importance to low, so I had to set that again to confirmed16:26
qenseThat's really weird16:27
Ampelbeinyeah, sometimes the webinterface seems to not do what i want it to do. but most of the time it just works ok.16:29
persiaqense: I'm confused.  Why is it not wishlist because it's a small change?16:40
qenseIt's not something new, a new feature.16:41
qenseIt's a change of something that could be a security riks, or a usability bug16:41
qense(in its current state)16:41
persiaSure, but wishlist isn't only that.  If I say that I think the links in xchat-gnome ought to be human brown by default, surely that's also wishlist.16:41
persiaIn the case of this bug, I also think it's "Low", but I'm not sure that there aren't trivial wishlist bugs.16:42
qenseI agree with that.16:42
qenseYour example is a wishlist, because it doesn't cause problems when it isn't, just you not liking the colour.16:42
qense(that was probably a horrible sentence)16:43
persiaSure.  I think "wishlist" is for anything that doesn't actually cause a problem today.  This might be changling a colour, or it might be adding a feature, or it might be fixing a spelling mistake, or anything, really.16:44
qenseThat's my opinion too. :) I just used a bad argument.16:46
persiaqense: With the right conclusion :)  I only pick on you for the benefit of those reading the logs.16:48
qenseI don't mind :) It learned me to use better arguments when telling people why I agree with something and it was a good example to learn other people about the wishlist importance.16:49
persiaqense: Excellent.  Sometimes I worry when I pick on people even when they got it right16:50
qenseI have that too sometimes. You can't send body language over IRC16:52
AmpelbeinAnother importance question: bug #256820 - i think this should get high priority, because it affects a small portion of users (those with the same card). I googled for the problem and found some similar reports. other opinions?16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 256820 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[intel gma x3100] x server crashes when watching movies" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25682016:54
Ampelbein(just using the chance seeing some of bugcontrol round here, if its not ok to ask such questions, please say so)16:55
persiaAmpelbein: Asking such questions is one of the primary reasons for this channel.16:55
persiaI'm undecided between "Medium" and "High" for that one.  Lots of people who use that package doesn't have that hardware.  On the other hand, it could be considered to fall under "A problem with an essential hardware component".16:56
persiaOn the other hand, it only happens when watching movies, which makes me thing it's not quite as essential.16:57
persiaNor really that severe.  I guess it depends on whether one considers watching movies to be a core application.16:57
Ampelbeinfor the standard user i think watching movies IS important.16:58
persia(On a related note, why is "network card" considered a non-essential hardware component, and "laptop built-in wireless" considered an essential component?16:58
Ampelbeinnothing worse than sitting pants down and having to debug xserver-crashes ;-)16:58
persiaHeh.  Maybe so.16:58
qenseAbout that related note: I think that nowadays you should consider networking as essential, since it's often the main reason why people buy computers and all updates are downloaded.16:59
persiaqense: That's what I'm thinking.  Even on some of my laptops, I'm more likely to use the network adapter than wireless.17:00
Ampelbeinback to the bug, i'd say though it affects a small number it renders ubuntu for them quite useless.17:00
qenseNot completely, they still can check their email and flashplayers aren't affected, are they?17:01
persiaAmpelbein: I disagree entirely that it renders Ubuntu useless, but I'll mark it High anyway, as Xv *really* ought work.17:01
Ampelbeindepends. i'm trying to take my colleagues and friends as example. they want to browse, hear music and watch video. if one of this fails -> useless. but i agree that for the more technical interested users its not useless without video.17:03
persiaNot just the technical folk.  I know a bunch of very serious music fans who spend all day in front of their computers (and the nights at the livehouses).  These people almost never watch video, but text and sound are vital.17:04
stefanlsdWhen should the status be set to fix released?17:19
qenseWhen the fix is accpeted in the repositories17:20
qenseLaunchpad should do that by itself, actually17:20
stefanlsdqense: Whats the diff between fix commited then?17:21
qenseWhen the fix is comitted it still needs to be tested and accepted.17:21
persiaWell, it's more complicated than that.17:22
qenseThere is a good explanation of both statuses here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status17:22
persiaIn the case of most projects on launchpad, "Fix Committed" means that the fix is in bzr, and "Fix Released" means that the fix is in a tarball.17:22
persiaIn the case of Ubuntu, "Fix Committed" is nearly meaningless.  It tends to be used to indicate that an upload happened, but maybe the upload is waiting for something, and it will be closed in 5 minutes (if the changelog included the appropriate syntax)17:23
persiaSometimes it's also used for some special processes.  I don't remember if the SRU process uses it right now, but at one point it was used to indicate a fix was in -proposed.17:24
persiaGenerally, for Ubuntu, don't use "Fix Committed" unless you have a special reason to do so, and someone instructed you to set it that way.17:25
stefanlsdpersia: thanks for that. If i upload a debdiff and subscribe u-u-s. What status should i be setting?17:27
stefanlsdin progress?17:27
persiastefanlsd: Confirmed.  In Progress is when you are working on it.  There's a bug aganst LP about this, but it's not closed yet.17:50
persiaIdeally there should be a "Needs Review" status to indicate we have a fix not yet committed.17:50
persiaLP assumes that everyone who is capable of suggesting a fix is also a developer, which while true in a sense, doesn't really match the permissions configuration in launchpad.17:51
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stefanlsdpersia: thanks. makes sense19:29
AmpelbeinCould someone from bugcontrol please set the importance of bug #85439 to low? I think it should be low because this only affects a minor part of the system.19:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 85439 in libxslt "xsltproc crashdump" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8543919:41
Rocket2DMnAmpelbein, done19:45
AmpelbeinAnother Request: Bug #172343 - I think it could be set to status triaged, importance low. I reproduced the problem myself and verified with a non-ubuntu-version of ktorrent, then reported the bug upstream. Opinions?20:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 172343 in ktorrent "ktorrent group names broken for accented characters" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17234320:07
persiaAmpelbein: Done.20:22
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Ampelbeinhi! i have a question about bug #259387 ? i'm unsure whether it deserves medium or high importance. i tend to medium because it causes moderate impact on a non-core application. What is your opinion on this case?22:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259387 in thunderbird ""Edit Message as New" broken for eml messages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25938722:13
AmpelbeinAlso, I think this could be set to triaged.22:14
AmpelbeinAnother request: Bug #260356 - Could some member of bug-control please set it to status triaged, importance low? I have reproduced the problem myself and submitted the issue upstream.22:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260356 in network-manager-applet "Wireless network key dialog: typing key and pressing enter does not connect" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26035622:22
asomethingAmpelbein: I think you are right... I set the importances and marked as triaged. thanks for linking upstream!22:31
Ampelbeinthank you.22:33
bcurtisanyone alive in here?23:09
Ampelbeinbcurtis: me ;-)23:30
bcurtisAmpelbein, thank you.  Is there any way that traigers can set a bug as wishlist?23:31
bcurtisor just permissions issues u can't23:31
Ampelbeinonly members of bug-control can set wishlist23:31
Ampelbeinyou can post a request in here and someone will set it for you.23:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260747 in vinagre "Vinagre should support send/receive files" [Undecided,New]23:32
bcurtishow am i faster than ubottu?23:32
bcurtisand that was just me scrounging through bugs23:33
Ampelbeinbcurtis: i usually write something like "can some member of bug-control please set status blah on bug #12345"23:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 12345 in isdnutils "isdn does not work, fritz avm (pnp?)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1234523:34
Ampelbeinso when later on someone looks in the channel he can act upon it.23:34
bcurtisohhhhh, ok23:34
bcurtisCan someone please set status "wishlist" on bug #26074723:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260747 in vinagre "Vinagre should support send/receive files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26074723:35
bcurtisty :-)23:35
bdrungbcurtis: done23:36
bcurtisbdrung: ty23:36
bdrungeasiest thing to do.23:36
bcurtiswhat gives you the permissions to do so? j/w23:45
bdrungbcurtis: you have to be member of ubuntu-bugcontrol23:46
bcurtisahhh ok.23:46
bcurtisi've just recently started triaging bugs, so its all a new experience to me.23:47
bdrungif you like triaging and think you know how all these things work you can request to join23:49
bcurtisbdrung: the only thing i've done is take really old bugs and marked them for closure, and/or taken a package and tested the issue other users are having.. i've gone nowhere into the higher level triage.. i'd love to, but have no idea what to do and worry about being more of a nuisance than a benefit23:51

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