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calc16GB DDR3 dimms, drool :)01:07
brycecalc, almost enough to run open office!!01:09
calca few 16GB dimms and a large SSD, with a 8 core cpu, and i could build OOo in under 1hr :)01:11
Nafallodual octacore01:11
calcNafallo: yea that would be nice :)01:12
calcaiui the intel chips for 2011(?) should have 8 core01:12
calcnehalem will have up to 6 core but not on desktops aiui01:13
slangasekyou know, when I lived in Iowa I loved Intel's naming scheme01:16
slangaseknow I live in Oregon and I hate it, because I keep thinking people are talking about local stuff, not chips01:17
calcyea the Core 2 Duo was named after my hometown in Texas01:22
cathyalis there a channel for storage discussion01:26
slangasekbigon: in bug #255307, Cody left a conditional at the end of his SRU ack... :)  do you agree to his terms, or do I need to check with him later to confirm whether he was joking? :)02:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255307 in pymsn "Can't connect to msn accounts" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25530702:27
wgrantIt's specified as part of the SRU process.02:34
wgrantOne cannot not agree to it.02:34
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bigonslangasek: yeah I will keep a look a this package, but It cannot be worst, changes to the msn server completely broke pymsn02:59
albertitohi! the sauerbraten package is broken (aptitude says so, it seems a dumb dependency issue)03:01
albertitoI was about to write a bug for it, but I thought I should ask on irc first, just in case03:01
albertitois this the right channel?03:02
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pwnguinis there anything left of an apparmor upstream?04:27
saivannHi, I'd like to ask ubuntu developers to consider the removal of the compiz blacklist on ati driver. This could be discussed as according to compiz official blacklist and launchpad users comments, a few graphic cards really have problems.05:34
saivannI also suggest this since there is not proprietary driver for ATI so far in intrepid (at least for the machines that I tested), so that means that a high proportion of computers are currently not able to use compiz without a tweak05:35
saivannRemoving the blacklist on ati driver would also help to identify which graphic cards are really problematic.05:37
saivannSo I wanted to suggest discussion on this, and if it's not the appropriate place, to ask when and where this can be discussed (if you want it)05:38
saivann(or if this is possible)05:38
saivannbug 19713505:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 197135 in compiz "need to blacklist xpress200m when using ati driver" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19713505:42
Hobbseesaivann: if you actually wanted discussion with ubuntu developers on something, you'd do *much* better to actually ask at a time where they're likely to be here.09:52
Hobbseesaivann: like, during the european working week, or something.09:52
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bazaarhi. how do i get a newer version of SCons into the ubuntu package repositories? should i post a request (where?) ??14:17
bazaari the hardy repos there's 0.97 and the most recent stable is 1.014:17
GyrosGeierI'm looking for Geir Helland14:20
devfilDktrKranz: you are the last uploader of scons package, can you merge the new 1.0.0-1 version from Debian?14:21
devfilyou are also the Debian maintainer :D14:22
DktrKranzreally? :)14:22
devfilDktrKranz: I haven't seen lol14:22
bazaarcome again?14:24
DktrKranzbazaar, if you wan to merge it, go ahead14:25
bazaardon't i need some permissions?14:26
DktrKranzI need too, scons is in main :)14:27
DktrKranzyou need sponsoring, as usual :)14:27
GyrosGeierif anyone sees Geir Helland, please tell him that his email is bouncing14:31
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Chipzzbazaar: not going to happen16:43
Chipzzbazaar: a release, once shipped, doesn't do arbitrary upgrades of packages "just because a newer version is available"16:44
bazaarso the only way to get an update for scons is from their website?16:45
persiaChipzz: Right, but we could certainly get the newer version in intrepid, no?16:45
Chipzzthat would be a really bad idea16:45
Chipzzpersia: he wanted it in hardy16:46
Chipzzor at least I got that impression16:46
bazaarthere is a newer version in hardy (0.98) but not the latest, as the latest is 1.016:46
bazaarsry: meant intrepid.16:46
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases16:46
persiabazaar: Right.  As mentioned before, if you're up for the merge, and submit a debdiff, we'll try to review it.16:47
persiaAnyway, hardy should only be 0.97.0d20071203-1ubuntu1, not 0.9816:47
bazaarso i'll have to stick for example to the MOTU vids on youtube, get that debdiff up, submit it, and w8?16:48
persiabazaar: Essentially, yes.16:48
persiabazaar: Also, if you need help, you'll want to ask in #ubuntu-motu16:49
bazaarok. cool. if i'll merge scons for hardy, does it go to hardy oder hardy-updates?16:49
pwnguinprobably hardy-backports?16:50
persiabazaar: You want to merge for intrepid.  Once complete, and if accepted, you can request a backport.  Personally, I doubt it will be backported because of the number of build-dependencies.16:51
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sistpotybryce: I'm just about to merge libxfont, but I'm not exactly sure about the speedo/type1 thingy. do we want that in? (http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/libx/libxfont/libxfont_1.3.3-1/changelog)20:42
sistpoty(it's basically --disable-type1 --disable-speedo passed to configure)20:44
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brycesistpoty: is there a bug report or mailing list discussion associated with that change?  sounds curious to me too21:02
* sistpoty looks21:03
sistpotybryce: none that I can find in dbts/debian-x ml...21:06
sistpotybryce: I guess jcristau might know more21:06
brycesistpoty: yeah, it'd be nice to know the rationale on that; are they being deprecated or is it a space issue, or...?21:14
sistpotybryce: well, apart from the changelog entry, I don't know anything about it... esp. I'm not too sure if this is not causing regressions (cf. thread at http://lists.debian.org/debian-x/2008/08/msg00307.html)21:16
Nafallowhy are gimp-python in ubuntu-desktop's depends?21:16
Nafalloshould be recommends if something...21:17
brycesistpoty: I notice jcristau says in that thread, "Because you don't want to use the type1 module anyway." so sounds like it's deprecated21:23
bryceI wonder why21:23
sistpotybryce: yeah, so do I21:23
brycesistpoty: anyway, I think you're good to merge in that change.  We can always revert it easily if needed.21:23
sistpotybryce: ok, then I'll upload it (heh, I just filed a bug with my debdiff, since I'm sure I won't be able to make an upload during next week *g*)21:24
* sistpoty just tests restarting X... brb21:24
sistpotyworks like a charm for me :)21:26
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