
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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=== slytherin is now known as tuxmaniac
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NCommandermorning cody-somerville13:13
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ubottuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 25 Aug 04:00: Arizona LoCo IRC | 26 Aug 15:00: Server Team | 27 Aug 17:00: QA Team | 27 Aug 22:00: Platform Team | 28 Aug 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 28 Aug 13:00: Desktop Team13:48
cody-somervilleWaz happen to Xubuntu meeting? :-(13:48
NCommanderNo love13:53
NCommanderPackage 'dbus-1', required by 'xfconf', not found13:55
* NCommander uploads beta713:56
cody-somervilleI dunno how long I can stay for the meeting so lets get started as soon as possible :-]14:02
NCommanderGive it another minute14:03
NCommanderThen we'll start14:03
NCommanderIs it worth having a meeting with what, two people?14:04
NCommandercody-somerville, I'll chair if you feel the meeting is worth it14:07
NCommanderthat's three14:07
mr_pouithi there14:07
* Myrtti gets her glasses and microwaves some coffee14:08
NCommanderthat's enough for me14:08
NCommanderMootBot seems broken14:08
* cody-somerville nods.14:08
cody-somervilleSo, lets go over the follow up items14:09
* NCommander makes sure mr_pouit and Myrtti are still with us14:10
Myrttinot that I can contribute much, but yes14:10
NCommanderOne of us should log the chat14:10
NCommanderSince the bot is broken14:10
NCommanderI guess we should start with recent events14:10
MyrttiI'm logging14:10
Myrttihold on, checking14:10
Myrttiyes, it's logging14:11
NCommanderWe have a new Xubuntu-developer who shall remain nameless for his own safety14:11
NCommanderAnyway, the first note here on the list is the Team Updates section (Packaging/etc.)14:12
NCommanderxfce4.6-beta is mostly packaged, but beyond that, I got nothing14:12
* Myrtti gets her laptop to burn ibex alt xubuntu installation disc to install on the laptop14:12
cody-somervilleI've been working with upstream14:13
NCommanderAh, so I have you to thank for all the patches going upstream14:13
NCommander(I was able to remove almost 10-20 patches across the board since they rolled upstream)14:13
NCommander*ack, netsplit14:13
cody-somervilleI think this 4.6 alpha is the result of my prodding14:13
NCommanderWe lost of mr_prouit14:13
NCommanderAnd now they are back14:14
NCommandermr_pouit, wb from the otherside of the split ;-)14:14
NCommanderhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive - current packaged xfce 4.6 beta is in the xubuntu-dev PPA14:14
cody-somervilleIn the artwork department, jmakz has an updated gdm theme that has yet to be updated14:14
NCommanderEverything is packaged and works (ignore the xfprint failure, I just fixed that),14:15
cody-somervilleAlso, the xubuntu meta package needs uploading from and our branch needs merging with core-devs14:15
NCommanderCome again?14:15
cody-somervilleNCommander, xubuntu-meta needs uploading14:15
NCommanderThat's the meta packages that allows for easy updating if memory serves, right?14:16
cody-somervilleIts xubuntu-desktop binary package14:16
NCommanderI'm not too familar with that part of the packaging, I'm still new here14:16
NCommanderwhat's the hold up on that?14:17
cody-somervilleI just need to get it done14:17
NCommanderIf you shove the sources somewhere, I can roll one for xfce4.614:18
NCommander(its on my todo list once the last modules roll)14:18
cody-somervilleIt needs to be uploaded to the release achive :-]14:18
cody-somervilleand it is a script14:18
NCommanderWe need to work out the xfce 4.4 rdpepends when we roll 4.614:18
NCommanderA lot of the internal libraries got shuffled around14:18
NCommanderSo that's going to be nasty14:18
NCommander*-mcs is history, we have THREE new packages (xfconf, menu, and xfsettings)14:19
NCommanderOnce everything is confirmed and packaged, I'm going to drop xubuntu-devel/xubuntu-tester emails inviting them to beta test 4.6 beta14:19
NCommanderThe only outstanding issue is a few man pages need to be authored14:20
NCommanderI'll offer mentoring on the task, but I have no real interest in writing them14:20
* cody-somerville nods.14:20
cody-somervilleGood idea14:20
NCommanderThat's all I got for team updates14:20
MyrttiI'm a fairly newb, would this be something that I could do as a starters?14:20
NCommanderMyrtti, if you are good at writing, it should be fairly straight forward14:21
Myrttidocumenting and such is one of my few fortes14:21
NCommanderWait until Xfce 4.6 rolls though14:21
NCommandermake sure your an xubuntu-tester on LP14:21
MyrttiI know about nothing but I might want to give it a try if there is someone to mentor me through the process14:21
MyrttiI'll enroll right away14:21
NCommanderCatch me after the meeting14:21
NCommanderOk, so thats the basis of Team Updates14:22
NCommanderNow we have two outstandings from the last meeting14:22
* cody-somerville nods.14:22
NCommandergoffice without the -gtk variant14:22
NCommanderI know nothing on this, any ideas?14:22
cody-somervilleThats done14:22
* NCommander scratchs it14:22
NCommanderHow about possibly removing xfve4-session14:22
cody-somervilleI don't think we should do that anymore14:22
NCommander(I should note I already updated and merged patches for 4.6 ;-))14:23
cody-somervillebut we should consider making session saving disabled by default14:23
NCommanderWhat was the motivation behind that14:23
NCommanderThat I will agree to14:23
cody-somervilleThe motivation is that upstream plans to deprecate it anyhow in the future because of problems with it14:23
NCommanderIt means we'll need a new logout panel14:23
NCommanderSince xfce-session supplies that14:23
NCommanderWe'll put it to a vote on the list (although I guess we need an Xubuntu/Voting/Policy ;-)) over it14:24
NCommanderOk, goals for Xubuntu 8.1014:25
NCommanderStandard disclaimer: Freeze date is in a week14:26
cody-somervilleI have a patch to make starting Xfce4 faster14:26
cody-somervilleI'm going to play with it today or tomorrow14:27
NCommanderCan we get it rolled upstream, or should we shove it in our packaging?14:27
cody-somervilleIt'll probably make it for 4.614:27
cody-somervillebut 4.4 is frozen14:27
cody-somervilleso we'll shove it in our packaging14:27
NCommanderDo you want me to roll it and drop it in -testers for beta testing, or shall you?14:27
NCommanderAre we going to roll 4.6 for 8.10?14:30
NCommander(it doesn't look like a final will be available in time though)14:30
* cody-somerville nods.14:32
cody-somervilleI have to run for breakfast14:32
NCommanderI guess concludes that14:32
NCommanderWe can compare notes when you return14:32
=== nizarus_ is now known as nizarus

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