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ograQ1 in intrepid is a pain16:52
* ogra doesnt get the wlan to connect16:53
persiaWe're using mumble now?16:53
persiaWhich arch are you running?16:53
ograwell, i got my complete custom gnome setup ported 16:53
ograall seems to be fine 16:53
ograincl touchscreen with new .fdi file (i'm missing some options though)16:54
ograbut i cant a) get the ath9k driver to scan any networks and b) the conncet attempts just die 16:55
ograoh, and i just took -generic16:59
persiaOdd.  I thought that most of that was ironed out now.  Then again, we did have an Eee user in here recently with similar issues (but that was hardy)17:00
ogramanual bootstrapped, remover firefox and evolution, added devilspie, cellwriter, thunderbird, midbrowser, xautomation and the evtouch driver 17:00
ograthe rest is only configuration and the .fdi file for the touchscreen17:00
persiaNifty.  Any other changes planned?  Have you pushed that to the seed yet?17:02
ograi need to roll the config into a gconf and panel-defaults file and need to create three .desktop files17:02
ograand the theme needs some small adjustments (wider scrollbars and rulers )17:03
ograwell, should that actually be -mobile ? 17:03
ograit rather resembles ume 17:03
ogra(and is definately touchscreen centric)17:04
persiaYes, it should be "mobile", as ubuntu-mid-default-settings is the stuff for the mid seed, and we've only two seeds to play with now.17:04
persiaMaybe we can make more seeds for intrepid+1, but I wonder just how many flavours we really want to support :)17:05
persiaAs far as I'm concerned, -mobile is for the 7-9" devices, many of which have touchscreens.  Things like your Q1U or my SR.17:06
ograwell, i'd see this one rather as a hildon replacement (no idea how it works on 800x480 though)17:06
ograok, then thats fine 17:06
persiaUmm, yeah.  Replacing hildon sounds good, but I don't think we can do that by Thursday.17:06
alienseer23if this is the right place to ask: I am running ubuntu netbook remix on my eeepc, and would like to be able to log out of gnome, and switch sessions into a regular gnome desktop from time to time, but am unclear on how to do that, since netbook remix becomes the default gnome sesion. How?17:06
persiaalienseer23: Not precisely the right place, but I'm not sure where else to send you.17:07
persiaThat said, I've not personally run the netbook remix, so have no idea  Sorry.17:07
ograwell, you likely need a new user who doesnt have the four netbook apps defined as desktop17:07
alienseer23ogra, I thought of that, but isn't there a way to be able to pick different session settings saved AS a new session at login?17:08
ograno idea if that works with UNR ... 17:09
ograits very intrusive ... once you have the launcher running it wants o stay17:09
alienseer23doesn't it shut off when you log out of gnome?17:10
ograi guess so ... but its still autostarted i think17:10
ograwe're all not big in UNR here ... i tried it once17:10
ograits a remox after all17:10
alienseer23yeah, I was thinking the same thing, not really a remix17:11
alienseer23not what you said17:11
alienseer23it's essentially just a different launcher17:11
persiaNo, it is really a remix.  It confusingly has the name "Ubuntu" in it, but it's just a few extra apps stuck in, and some different settings.17:11
persiaExactly what those are, or how they work is something not well known here, although for many cases, it's the same apps, so we can try to help.17:12
ograbut essentially its trageted towards OEMs to be preinstalled on devices and customized for that HW17:13
alienseer23there are 2 things added to start-up: maximus and UME desktop launcher, that and a few panel add ons. Is there a way to create a totally different session, using the same login, that would simply use the original defaults?17:14
* ogra doubts that17:14
ograyou likely need a second user 17:14
ograbut try it17:14
alienseer23is there a place you could direct me that could help me figgure out How to try that?17:16
ogranot really, as persia said ... UNR has no specific channels or something17:17
alienseer23thanks for your help, I'm going to just add another user17:18
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* ogra-Q1 waves18:45
persiaCool.  What was it?18:46
ogra-Q1ath9k doesnt work,but ath_pci does18:46
ogra-Q1ath_pci is still in lrm18:47
ogra-Q1but not defaulted to18:47
ogra-Q1anyway, Q1 is perfect now :)18:47
* ogra-Q1 goes to prepare dinner and do some cooking18:47
ogra-Q1oh, and according to the changelogs 2.6.27 ath9k works with this card 18:48
ogra-Q1so lets hope ben does the switch actually18:48
ogra-Q1persia, btw http://paste.ubuntu.com/39954/18:51
ogra-Q1for the tochscreen18:51
persiaBeautiful work.  It's nice to see an entire flavour come alive over such a short time.  Let me know when you've the seen and task ready, and I'll try an install on my Kohjinsha.18:52
persiaLooking very nice indeed.19:10

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