
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== Sergeant_Pony is now known as Pony_kb1ohy
* gnomefreak wonders *thinks*10:47
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakYAY i might have lucked out with smuxi ;)12:16
gnomefreakill be back later to check on it12:16
gnomefreakanyone here?13:05
bdrunggnomefreak: yes13:16
=== asac_ is now known as asac
gnomefreakis it possbile to add 1 file to be cleaned in rules?13:44
gnomefreakoutside of normal clean command it has13:44
gnomefreakbdrung: asac ^^13:44
bdrunggnomefreak: example?13:45
gnomefreakfor some reason its not removing that file during clean13:46
gnomefreakduring build nor with fakeroot debian/rules clean13:46
gnomefreakim sure nobinonly would be best way but its only one file13:47
gnomefreakgive me a minute and ill post the clean section of rules13:48
gnomefreakhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/523476 is full rules file13:49
bdrungadd something like "rm -rf bin/Meebey.SmartIrc4net.dll.mdb"?13:49
gnomefreakwill rules take a command like that?13:49
bdrungor "-rf bin/Meebey.SmartIrc4net.dll.mdb" should also work13:50
gnomefreakbdrung: before or after the clean section?13:50
gnomefreaki guess after would work since ther is no close to clean13:51
gnomefreakah thanks13:51
bdrungdropped the -r, because recursive is only useful for directories13:51
bdrungif this does not work, add "rm"13:52
gnomefreakok ill try it13:52
gnomefreakrm -f *-stamp13:53
gnomefreakf bin/Meebey.SmartIrc4net.dll.mdb13:53
gnomefreakmake: f: Command not found13:53
gnomefreakso i might have to it didnt fail yet13:53
gnomefreakalthought its not there13:54
gnomefreakseems to have worked thanks bdrung13:55
gnomefreaknope it didnt13:55
bdrunggnomefreak: the - is missing13:56
bdrung-f bin/Meebey.SmartIrc4net.dll.mdb13:56
gnomefreakusing rm worked13:56
gnomefreaki added it with -f13:57
gnomefreakrm -f *-stamp13:57
gnomefreakrm -f bin/Meebey.SmartIrc4net.dll.mdb13:57
gnomefreakfor some reason dpkg-build* isnt signing the .dsc14:06
gnomefreakclean chroot or normal system it fails to sign them so i cant upload them :(14:08
bdrunggnomefreak: are your email-adress in debian/changelog?14:12
gnomefreakit only asks for password once14:13
gnomefreakfor tar14:13
gnomefreakthan just fails and never asks for second passowrd14:14
gnomefreakhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/523521 bdrung here is end of build14:15
gnomefreakseems agent issue but doesnt give any help towards it14:15
bdrunghardy or intrepid?14:17
gnomefreakhardy works fine14:17
bdrungprobably a bug14:17
gnomefreakim trying killing gpg-agent14:18
gnomefreakUnable to locate package gpg-agent14:19
gnomefreakgnupg-agent is there14:20
bdrungif you give me a debdiff i can test it on my machine14:26
gnomefreakgonna be hard since its not in our repos14:29
gnomefreaki have to push to bzr anyway14:30
gnomefreakhmmmm this is gonna take a while14:44
bdrunggnomefreak: ping me when you have pushed it14:57
gnomefreakbdrung: it will be tomorrow most likely14:58
gnomefreakwaiting on LP to do something for me with it14:58
bdrunggnomefreak: PPA?14:58
gnomefreakbdrung: no. projects i cant push to PPA without a signed .dsc .diff14:59
bdrunga right14:59
gnomefreakmayb ei can push15:00
bdrungfor what are you waiting then?15:00
gnomefreakmetaproject but im pushing anyway15:02
gnomefreakthats branch15:02
bdrungok, i will test it15:04
gnomefreakand pushing smuxi so i can grab them after cleaning $HOME15:06
bdrungwill need some time. i fight with kvm15:07
gnomefreaktake your time if i leave befor eyou get a chance just catch up with me tomorrow15:07
* gnomefreak might make a lenny chroot while im at it15:08
=== Sergeant_Pony is now known as Pony_KB1OHY
asachmm ... how could i listen for all GObject instance creations?21:10
[reed]asac: so, I use network-manager-openvpn for connecting to Mozilla's various VPNs... it works great, except that after a little while, I lose the ability to resolve any hosts from the VPN due to my local DHCP server causing /etc/resolv.conf to be overwritten... I just discovered resolvconf today, but I don't know if it will help or hurt. Thoughts? I see multiple bugs filed on this not working right, and frankly, it's kinda sad that th21:19
[reed]is doesn't, as it's pretty important. bug 247257, bug 229912, etc.21:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247257 in network-manager "DHCP stomps on openvpn settings." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24725721:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229912 in network-manager-openvpn "Push of DNS settings doesn't work with n-m-openvpn" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22991221:19
asac[reed]: 0.6?21:19
[reed]I have Hardy21:20
[reed]whatever Hardy has21:20
asacI lose the ability to resolve any hosts from the VPN due to my local DHCP server21:20
asac^^ what does that mean? local DHCP server?21:20
[reed]means I only use the VPN for certain IP ranges (I don't redirect-gateway)21:21
[reed]most of my traffic goes through my normal connection and uses my normal nameservers21:21
asac[reed]: ok. how that "normal" connection setup? using NM as well?21:22
[reed]just wired connection21:22
[reed]nothing special21:22
asac[reed]: so when you initially connect to VPN is overwrites your resolv.conf with the DNS servers you got from VPN, right? ... and those are ok. then a bit later you end up having your "normal" DNS entries again?21:23
asacis that because of lease update?21:23
[reed]not sure... probably?21:24
[reed]I haven't tracked down exactly when it happens21:24
[reed]just that it works for a while, and then stops working, which means I have to disconnect VPN and reconnect21:24
[reed]for it to work again21:24
asacNM 0.6 DNS handling isnt really sophisticated and cannot be tuned. only thing i find strange is that you suddenly get your "normal" DNS entries back21:24
Nafallo♥ NM0.721:25
asaclet me check how resolvconf support is implemented in 0.6 ... havent used that for a while21:25
asacNafallo: does openvpn work? ... i got mixed feedback on that VPN type21:25
Nafallono idea.21:25
[reed]resolvconf makes stuff worse, apparently21:25
[reed]I just removed it21:25
Nafallobut it works great on my EeePC as well ;-)21:25
NafalloI just tweaked the setup a bit :-)21:26
asac[reed]: I'd say that if 0.7 works for you it will fix this issue for sure21:26
asaci mean if openvpn works.21:26
Nafallonormal hardy in the bottom, three PPAs on top (Terminator, NM0.7, UNR), BenC's next kernel rc3 running below everything.21:27
[reed]asac: does Intrepid have 0.7?21:27
asac[reed]: intrepid + hardy PPA21:27
asacits default in intrepid21:27
Nafalloasac: also. plz to bump gimp-python to Recommends in ubuntu-desktop, kthxbai ;-)21:28
asacNafallo: why do you say that to me ;)?21:28
Nafalloasac: core and stuff :-P21:28
Nafalloasac: and opinion...21:29
[reed]asac: how easy will I be able to revert if this doesn't work?21:29
asac[reed]: downgrading all packages that get updated through that PPA should be enough21:30
[reed]how do I downgrade?21:30
asacmost likely downgrading all NM packages will be enough21:30
asac[reed]: sudo apt-get install network-manager=<old-version> libnm-util0=<old-version> libnm-glib0=<old-version> network-manager-gnome=<old-version> network-manager-openvpn=<old-version>21:31
asacand maybe wpasupplicant=<old-version>21:31
asac[reed]: at best dont add the PPA lines and run:21:31
asacsudo apt-get install --reinstall network-manager libnm-util0 libnm-glib0 network-manager-gnome network-manager-openvpn wpasupplicant21:32
asacthat should download all current packages and you will have them in cache for the worst-case-scenario (that you dont have any net)21:32
asacbut its unlikely that you dont have any network due to this21:32
asachighest risk is that you end up having no vpn (chances are 50/50 that it works)21:33
[reed]ok, I'll try it tomorrow maybe21:33
[reed]maybe on my other laptop21:34
asac[reed]: ok resolvconf should make NM not change your resolv.conf at all21:34
asac(in 0.6)21:34
[reed]yes, that's what it did21:34
[reed]which was annoying21:34
asac[reed]: can you send me a syslog that captures the time when you revert back to "local" dns only21:35
asacthat sounds a bit wierd imo.21:35
asacmost complains i received were about the opposite: e.g. nm shouldnt overwrite the local dns when connected to VPN21:35
[reed]it just happened21:36
asac[reed]: yes. i think it probably happens from outside of NM21:36
[reed]Aug 23 15:35:43 jarodplus dhclient: DHCPREQUEST of <null address> on eth0 to port 6721:36
[reed]Aug 23 15:35:43 jarodplus dhclient: DHCPACK of from
[reed]Aug 23 15:35:43 jarodplus NetworkManager: <info>  DHCP daemon state is now 3 (renew) for interface eth021:36
[reed]Aug 23 15:35:43 jarodplus dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 3513 seconds.21:36
asac[reed]: do you have anything in your interfaces ?21:36
[reed]and that's when it rewrote /etc/resolv.conf back to my local nameservers21:37
[reed]reed@jarodplus:~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces21:38
[reed]auto lo21:38
[reed]iface lo inet loopback21:38
[reed]#iface eth0 inet dhcp21:38
[reed]auto eth021:38
asac[reed]: hmm. ok i think that should be fine21:39
asac[reed]: what is in /etc/dhcp3 ?21:39
[reed]reed@jarodplus:/etc/dhcp3$ ls21:39
[reed]dhclient.conf  dhclient-enter-hooks.d  dhclient-exit-hooks.d  dhcpd.conf21:39
[reed]don't think I've personally touched any of these files21:40
asactrue. what is in the hooks directories? is there resolvconf?21:40
[reed]in enter, yes21:41
[reed]but then again, I just installed resolvconf for the first time today21:41
asac[reed]: move that away. probably thats what is overwriting your thing21:41
[reed]and then I removed it21:41
asac[reed]: yeah21:41
asac[reed]: sudo apt-get remove --purge resolvconf21:41
asac[reed]: try to purge it21:41
asacthen that file should go away21:41
asac[reed]: gone?21:42
[reed]yes, but that wouldn't be causing my problem, as obviously, it wasn't installed until today21:42
[reed]and I've had this problem for over a year21:42
asac[reed]: you sure you never had resolvconf installed at some point in the past?21:43
asacthat file is a hook that overwrites your resolv.conf when dhclient gets a lease21:43
[reed]unknown, but I doubt it21:43
[reed]anyway, we'll see21:45
[reed]I'll let you know if it happens again21:45
asac[reed]: yes. for me it makes sense that that script causes exactly the behaviour you described21:45
asacif that doesnt fix it, trying NM 0.7 might be worth it.21:46
IdleOnehow come when I right click on a url in xchat it opens the link in epiphany browser? ( ubuntu 8.10 )23:43
NafalloI want to use software from the future too! :-)23:53

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