
mwhudsonepsy: try bzr -Derror rocks00:00
epsysame thing00:01
epsy$ bzr -Derror rocks00:01
epsyUnable to load plugin 'svn' from '/home/epsy/.bazaar/plugins'00:01
epsyIt sure does!00:01
epsyjelmer, i'm at it, second00:01
mwhudsonepsy: which version of bzr?00:01
mwhudson... and which version of bzr-svn, i guess?00:01
epsy0.140  looking for plugins in /home/epsy/.bazaar/plugins00:02
epsy0.162  bzr-svn: using Subversion 1.4.6 ()00:02
epsy[ 9154] 2008-08-24 01:00:02.301 WARNING: Unable to load plugin 'svn' from '/home/epsy/.bazaar/plugins'00:02
epsy0.165  Traceback (most recent call last):00:02
epsy  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/plugin.py", line 208, in load_from_dir00:02
epsy    exec "import bzrlib.plugins.%s" % name in {}00:02
epsy  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>00:02
epsy  File "/home/epsy/.bazaar/plugins/bzr_svn/__init__.py", line 158, in <module>00:02
epsyAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'properties_handler_registry'00:02
epsysorry that was a bit much00:02
jelmerepsy: your version of bzr is too old for your version of bzr-svn00:02
epsymwhudson, just checked it out00:02
epsyah, right00:02
epsyi'll upgrade00:03
epsyfor that i would need bzr 1.6 right?00:13
* meteoroid is excited to be the rhel5 x86_64 buildbot host for drizzle (the new mysql) using bzr :)02:46
markhwhen a test fails we see its trace output - how can I see the same output when the test passes?03:32
james_whi markh, I don't know of a way to do it for tests03:35
markhhrmph - oh well, hackery must be done then!03:36
james_wmarkh: actually, there is support for it03:37
james_wmarkh: I just don't think it's in the UI03:38
markhyeah - I think we just need to arrange for trace.set_verbosity_level() to be called03:38
markhor possibly be_quiet()03:39
markhit would be handy, eg, when you are working on a feature branch where a test fails - it would be very handy to see that same output on a branch where it works03:40
james_wso, there's soem way of stopping it from deleting the log file03:42
james_wbut I don't know if that's useful, or how to enable it03:42
markhI guess it might be...03:42
james_wtest._log_contents = ''03:43
james_wthat makes it look like some hackery will be required03:43
james_w(in addSuccess)03:43
* AfC is sad that bzr-svn is still segfaulting for him.04:00
Odd_BlokeAfC: Does jelmer know about it?04:01
lifelessAfC: 64-bit ?04:01
jelmerwtf, are all the Europeans living in .au tz these days?04:01
AfClifeless: no04:01
* Odd_Bloke starts a job on Tuesday, has to make the most of his last days of freedom. :p04:02
AfCOdd_Bloke: yes. I got him a gdb backtrace the other day04:02
AfC(although now that I see a fellow named jelmer in this channel, the least I can do is offer to run some other tests or diagnostics if it would help him)04:02
jelmerAfC, I didn't see anything obviously wrong and can't reproduce it here04:03
jelmerAfC, what platform/architecture are you on?04:03
AfCLinux, x8604:04
lifelessgentoo :)04:04
AfCSubversion 1.5.104:04
AfCBazaar 1.6-rc504:04
AfCbzr-svn from current 0.4 branch tip04:04
jelmerHmm, that's pretty similar to what I have here except that I'm on sid rather than gentoo04:05
jelmerOdd_Bloke, ah, all freedom and no sleep ? :-)04:07
Odd_BlokeSomething very much like that. :D04:08
VerterokAfC: I can try to reproduce it (I have a x86 box with Gentoo)04:09
VerterokAfC: steps to reproduce?04:10
AfCVerterok: Unfortunately it seems like a fairly fundamental flaw (which is why I doubt bzr-svn is to blame)04:10
AfCVerterok: I upgraded from bzr 1.5 & bzr-svn 0.4.1004:10
AfCVerterok: to bzr 1.6-rc5 and bzr-svn from the 0.4 branch04:11
AfCVerterok: meanwhile, Subversion upgraded to 1.5.104:11
AfC(care of Portage)04:11
AfCanyway, somewhere in there bzr-svn stopped working. Both `bzr pull` on an existing bzr-svn branch and `bzr branch` attempting to create a new one crash04:12
AfCwith a segmentation fault.04:12
jelmerAfC, does the testsuite for bzr-svn pass?04:12
AfCjelmer: not sure. I've never tried to run the Bazaar test suite before.04:13
jelmerAfC, should be a matter of running "make check" in the bzr-svn dir04:13
VerterokAfC: ok. I'll emerge subversion 1.5.1, try to branch a svn repo and come back with the results (in a while, I'm in the middle of a emerge -u world :P)04:14
AfCjelmer: ah, indeed? Well then, I shall do that presently.04:14
AfCjelmer: `make check` segfaults right quickly04:14
* AfC curses again04:15
AfC(as I am certain that I have done something wrong, though of course haven't the faintest idea what)04:15
jelmerAfC, can you perhaps paste the output of "make valgrind-check" ?04:15
AfCjelmer: gonna have to grab Valgrind first. Wait, out.04:15
Odd_BlokeHas anyone looked at packaging PQM?04:22
Odd_Blokejelmer: ^04:22
jelmerOdd_Bloke, yep04:23
jelmerOdd_Bloke, let me find the URL04:23
AfCjelmer: FATAL: can't open suppressions file '/usr/lib/valgrind/python.supp'04:24
AfCIs that something I can do something about?04:24
jelmerAfC, you may have to tweak the Makefile to point at the right suppressions file04:24
Odd_Blokejelmer: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jelmer/pqm/debian ?04:24
jelmerOdd_Bloke, http://bzr.debian.org/pkg-bazaar/pqm/unstable04:24
jelmerOdd_Bloke, yeah, that's the lp mirror04:25
jelmerweird coincidence, I actually put that up today04:25
AfCjelmer: any idea where I can get one?04:25
jelmerAfC, without the python suppressions, there'll be a lot of noise from valgrind04:25
jelmerAfC, http://samba.org/~jelmer/tmp/python.supp04:27
AfCjelmer: (understood). Thanks.04:27
jelmerAfC, It's shipped with Debian, not sure where they get it from though04:28
AfCjelmer: http://rafb.net/p/NmyJzz74.html04:31
jelmerAfC, please try again with r162704:33
jelmerAfC, I've added some extra error checks that may help determine what's going wrong04:34
jelmerOdd_Bloke, it uses my distutils code though, and that's not upstream et04:36
AfCjelmer: sorry to be slow, but what Branch URL should I be using? http://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-svn/0.4/ says its at 161304:36
jelmerAfC, yeah, that's the one04:37
jelmerI'm pushing, it's just slow..04:37
jelmerpushing over bzr+ssh is slower than over svn+ssh these days...04:37
AfCThat's exciting04:38
Odd_Blokejelmer: CDBS. D:04:40
Odd_Blokejelmer: The distutils install-html target seems to be broken.04:45
Odd_BlokeIt's trying to install into /usr rather than the build-area.04:45
AfCjelmer: take 2: http://rafb.net/p/zK9p2492.html04:47
jelmerAfC, can't think of anything that may be going wrong04:51
AfCStill, "Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd" is pretty funny04:52
* AfC heads out.04:53
AfCjelmer: thanks for looking04:53
AfCWithout wanting to be negative, /me hopes Verterok reproduces what I am hitting.04:54
AfCSee ya04:54
jelmerOdd_Bloke, yeah, cdbs is kinda nice when you have a package that's trivial to package04:59
jelmerOdd_Bloke, when you need to customize things a bit, it gets nasty04:59
Odd_Blokejelmer: I've found debhelper 7 to be pretty good for trivial packages.05:10
jelmerdoes that deal with setup.py ok?05:11
Odd_Blokejelmer: I think you still have to issue the setup.py line yourself.05:22
Odd_BlokeBut, looking at my packages, most of my Python packages either predate (my knowledge of) debhelper 7 or are inherited and haven't needed enough changing to move away from CDBS.05:22
Verterokjelmer: I wasn't able to reproduce AfC's problem with bzr-svn, only 1 test failure05:51
Odd_Blokejelmer: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/python-modules/packages/configobj/trunk/debian/rules?rev=6338&view=markup is an example of a debhelper 7 rules file for a Python package.06:06
clementeHow can I see the changes that would be made if I did a pull?09:26
mwhudson'bzr missing' is a bit like that09:27
luksbzr diff --new :parent maybe, not sure09:28
clementeIn git there's BASE (latest here) and HEAD (latest there), and you can get the log between the two09:30
luksbzr missing if you want a log09:30
clementeBut in „bzr help revisionspec“ I don't find anything like that09:30
luksand I think you have BASE and HEAD in git backwards09:31
lukser, backwards is not the right word09:31
luksbut BASE is probably 'latest there', and HEAD 'latest here'09:31
clementeAh, ok, I actually wanted to put the example of Subversion, not git. This works in Subversion: svn log -r BASE:HEAD09:34
lukswell, in that case you want bzr missing09:35
clementeIs it necessary to specify the branch URL in „bzr missing“? Can't it use the URL which was used for checkout, or for pulling?09:35
clemente(I mean automatically)09:35
luksit does, doesn't it?09:35
clementeWell, I am inside a branch inside a repository, and it tries to use the repository as branch; then it fails09:36
lukswhat does `bzr info` says?09:37
luksthe parent branch: line09:37
clementeIt refers to the repository. That's bad09:38
luksperhaps you ran 'bzr pull --remember' with the wrong URL?09:38
luksit defaults to the location you branched from09:39
clementeNo, but I converted the branch to a „branch inside a repository“, and the repository happens to have the same URI as the former branch09:39
luksah, that would be the problem09:39
clementeWhat should I set as parent? It's the branch for lp:bzr09:41
lukshttp://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.dev/ probably09:43
clementeSo the same as the attribute „checkout of branch“ which „bzr info“ shows09:43
clementeparent_location == bound_location09:43
clementeOk, now it works; a bit slow, but works09:45
clementeLuckily „bzr missing“ is a lot easier than in Subversion or git09:46
clementeI have seen the log. What if I want to see a particular diff?09:53
clemente bzr diff -r 3647:lp:bzr  ?09:53
luksI'd use `bzr diff --new :parent`09:54
clementeThat shows nothing09:56
clementeI want just from „the revision before 3647“ to revision 3647, both in the remote branch09:57
clemente-r 3647:lp:bzr seems to select more than 1 revision: not only 3647 but also the ones before09:59
clementeI don't understand the grammar for specifying revision ranges. If a range is REV..REV, and REV can be something like branch:/a (according to „bzr help revisionspec“), then a range could be for instance branch:/a..branch:/a10:05
clementeObviously there's something wrong10:05
lifelessclemente: thats a valid range, yes10:05
clementeBut it's ambiguous10:06
lifelesshow so ?10:06
clementeYou don't always know if .. will be a separator or not10:06
lifelessthats true, but its possible to look and see :)10:07
lifelessbranch:FOO - FOO is eaten by the parser and returns the unused portion10:07
clementeThen at „bzr help revisionspec“ it's missing a section about revision ranges. Nowhere it says that .. is the range operator10:10
lifelessok, we should fix that10:10
lifelessanyhow, are you having some problem ?10:11
clementeI also don't find at that page the way to refer to „the head of the current branch“10:12
lifelesssorry, I see some unicode glyph there10:12
lifelessterminal issue10:12
lifeless"the way to refer to XXXX" - I don't know what XXX is10:13
clementeok; without Unicode :-( :   to refer to: the head of the current branch10:14
mwhudson'-1' usually does that job, if i understand what you're saying10:14
clementeAnd then you don't have to specify that you are talking about the local branch?10:15
lifelessbzr diff -r -110:16
lifelessshow me changes in the working tree against the branches tip10:16
clementeThat could be also explained in the example in   bzr help revisionspec10:16
lifelessI agree10:17
clementeI'd like to fix bugs or improve documentation, but I still don't know how to do it in Bazaar10:18
lifelessdo you ahve a branch of bzr ?10:19
clementeI don't have much expertise with English; I don't know if I should write much documentation10:20
lifelessrevision spec help is in bzrlib/revisionspec.py10:20
lifelessour review pocess will catch english issues10:21
clementeSo I'm allowed to check in the changes even if they're not perfect? To which branch?10:23
lifelessyour own10:23
clementeYes. And how can then other developers access my branch? (ssh, http, ...)10:25
clementeProbably I have to push the branches to Launchpad10:25
lifelessyou can push it to launchpad, or just send in a bundle via email10:26
lifelessthe HACKING document explains the contribution process10:26
clementeOk, that's good (and long!), I read it10:27
twbI'm tracking a project's trunk, but never actually working on the codebase myself.  Is this (still) the best way to get a minimal (fast / small) copy of trunk?11:31
twbbzr checkout --lightweight lp:nxhtml nxhtml11:31
lifelesstwb: fast != small :) - less data locally means more remote access11:56
lifelesstwb: bzr branch --stacked is likely more efficient than checkout --lightweight11:56
twblifeless: all I will ever do to this copy is get the initial copy, then pull in updates11:57
twbReally all I care about is the working tree, and the ability to update it.11:57
lifelesstwb: I appreciate that, nevertheless12:00
AnMaster$ bzr pull --remember http://rage.kuonet.org/~anmaster/bzr/cfunge14:03
AnMasterhttp://rage.kuonet.org/%7Eanmaster/bzr/cfunge is permanently redirected to http://rage.kuonet.org/~anmaster/bzr/cfunge/14:03
AnMasterthat seems odd14:03
AnMasteranyone can explain it?14:03
twb%7E is an escaped version of ~14:06
twbIf you use curl -sLI, you get14:06
twbHTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently14:06
twbLocation: http://rage.kuonet.org/~anmaster/bzr/cfunge/14:06
AnMasterbut I gave ~ on command line14:07
twbSo what's happening is that the HTTP server is redirecting to include a /14:07
twbAnd something (bzr) is escaping the ~ just because it can14:07
twbProbably it's passing through some sort of normal form-izing printer14:07
twb(I'm just speculating; I don't normally even use bzr.)14:08
twbSo in summary, if you use the trailing slash in your original pull, the notice should disappear14:08
AnMasterwait this is #bzr right?14:09
lifelessAnMaster: yes it is14:09
lifelessAnMaster: the ~ is because bzr only emits accurate urls, to aid debugging in the event of unusal servers (there are many such :()14:10
lifelessAnMaster: but we accept things like ~ and normalise them for ease of use14:10
twbI dunno that using ~ isn't "accurate".14:11
twbMerely not non-normalized14:11
lifelesstwb: read std66, urls are not defined to be in any encoding14:15
lifelesstwb: it could be in EBCIDIC14:15
lifelessthe recommended encoding is utf8, but servers don't have to follow that14:16
=== jaypipes-afk is now known as jaypipes
epsyright, i've finally upgraded to 1.6rc5, but i'm still getting problems merging from an svn checkout into a bzr branch:17:06
epsybzr: ERROR: KnitPackRepository('file:///home/epsy/CODE/armagetron/http-auth-server-bzr/.bzr/repository/')17:06
epsyis not compatible with17:06
epsydifferent rich-root support17:06
clementelifeless: by the way, thanks; I just posted my first patch to the mailing list.17:09
clementeepsy: I don't know much about it, but maybe it's because of the format used. I think "bzr upgrade" can solve this17:16
clementeBut first make a backup of your .bzr/ ...17:16
epsyclemente, in the svn checkout? Oo17:16
epsywell, the bzr branch is completely new17:16
epsyas in, in just typed bzr init17:17
clementeI don't know... I only knew that because I read it here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/20625817:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 206258 in bzr "incompatible repository error messages are unhelpful" [Medium,Fix committed]17:17
LarstiQepsy: the bzr branch needs to have rich root support17:17
LarstiQepsy: what does `bzr info` say on the bzr branch?17:18
clementeSo this can work: bzr upgrade --rich-root-pack17:18
epsyhow do i turn that on?17:18
clementeHowever, apparently bug 206250 was fixed and therefore you should have seen the message with the solution. If you didn't see it, maybe you complain on that bug report :-)17:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 206250 in ubuntu "fonts visible in open office editer, but printed as square blocks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20625017:20
clementeOops, I meant 20625817:20
epsyis it fixed in rc5 ?17:21
epsyit says fix committed and not fix released17:21
clementeAh, ok.17:22
clementeI think this is important and undangerous for the release...17:23
epsyhow do i show "sub-revisions" with bzr log ?17:23
LarstiQepsy: just bzr log. Or --long to be sure it isn't overriden.17:24
epsyit only shows with bzr log --line17:24
epsynegative revision numbers ew..17:25
epsy$ bzr log --line17:27
epsy1: epsy46 2008-08-24 Imported from svn17:27
epsy0: epsy 2008-08-15 redirects back17:27
epsy-1: epsy 2008-08-15 moar typos17:27
epsy-2: epsy 2008-08-15 fixed bugs typos and turtles17:27
epsy-3: epsy 2008-08-15 typo17:27
epsy-4: epsy 2008-08-15 some old stuff i forgot to commit17:27
epsy[and it goes on]17:28
epsy(yes, with even more typos :P)17:28
LarstiQepsy: why do you supply --line? And displaying negative revnos certainly isn't default behaviour. Do you have any plugins installed that modify log behaviour, or an alias?17:29
epsyLarstiQ, i was merging from a bzr checkout17:29
epsyan svn checkout*17:29
epsyusing the svn plugin17:29
LarstiQepsy: so where are you running log on?17:30
epsythe bzr branch17:30
epsyafter merging stuff from the svn one17:30
LarstiQdid you commit after the merge?17:31
epsyyes, as i thought it didn't commit anything, as nothing showed up on bzr log without arguments17:32
epsy1: epsy46 2008-08-24 Imported from svn17:32
LarstiQok, you certainly aren't using just default bzr )17:32
epsyill file a bug to the bzr-svn guys :)17:32
=== fta_ is now known as fta
LarstiQepsy: bzr-svn also doesn't do that17:33
LarstiQepsy: try 'bzr log --long'?17:33
epsytoo late, i started over17:33
LarstiQepsy: and check `bzr plugins` for any obvious culprits. If that fails, peek at ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf for aliases17:33
jelmerepsy, what's going wrong with bzr-svn?17:33
epsyjelmer, bzr init --rich-root-pack && bzr merge [some svn checkout] && bzr log --line17:35
jelmerepsy, what's it not doing right?17:35
epsyassigning revision numbers, i guess, they show up as negatives17:36
epsythe last revision being 017:36
epsywait, you need to commit something before it show up17:36
epsyjelmer, bzr init --rich-root-pack && bzr merge [some svn checkout] && bzr ci -m "test123" && bzr log --line17:37
jelmerepsy, does "bzr log" (without --line) print antyhing sensible?17:38
epsynope, it seems that it stops at 1 anyway17:38
epsywhile --line continues as long as there are available revisions17:39
jelmerepsy, but shows the bzr-svn revisions below revision 1?17:39
epsyit only shows revision 117:39
jelmerepsy, can you put the bzr repo with this bug up somewhere?17:39
epsynow it calls it revision 3417:39
epsywell, i could reproduce it over and over17:40
jelmerI can't, that's why it would be useful to be able to analyse this branch :-)17:40
epsyin bzr log --line revision with commit message shows up as #1, with the older revisions from svn as 0 and negatives, while in normal bzr log, it shows up alone as rev #3417:41
jelmerepsy, It's very hard to say anything about this without a look at the branch. Any chance you can upload a tarball or something somewhere?17:45
epsyjelmer, also, what is the expected behaviour? i don't have much experience with merging17:59
jelmerepsy: "bzr log --line" should just show the revisions on mainline17:59
epsy[i'm still at packing an example tarball]17:59
jelmerepsy: so not the merged revisions17:59
epsyjelmer, is there a way we can somehow track these?18:01
jelmerepsy: The merged revisions are shown indented when you run "bzr log" (no --line)18:01
epsyhow do i manually choose a merge base revision ?18:43
epsyoh, right, that's what's before the .. in -r 1..2 :)18:51
=== emgent is now known as emgent`
jelmerepsy, any chance of that tarball?19:14
epsyjelmer, it's taking ages :(19:14
epsyi would need a not-so-big bzr branch for testing19:15
epsyi mean an svn branch19:15
LarstiQepsy: is the svn branch public? Then maybe jelmer could reproduce it locally.19:50
LarstiQjelmer: or did you already try that?19:50
jelmerLarstiQ, he's busy tarring up the bzr branch19:51
jelmerI doubt this is related to bzr-svn, rather a bug in bzr log --line19:51
LarstiQjelmer: right.19:53
LarstiQepsy: with the bzr branch you merged the svn checkout into, did it have any revisions before you committed the merge?19:54
=== mark1 is now known as markh
LarstiQepsy, jelmer: if that is so, I have a hunch it's a corner cases with the first revision assuming it doesn't have any merged revisions.19:55
epsyLarstiQ, no, this seems to be characteristic19:55
epsyLarstiQ, i could work around it making an empty commit first19:56
LarstiQepsy: ok, let me try to reproduce that with bare bzr.19:59
epsyi think at some point i could reproduce it with plain bzr stuff, without svn stuff, but i'm not sure anymore20:00
LarstiQepsy: yup, thanks, that does it.20:00
LarstiQepsy: so, that explains the negative revnos were we don't expect them. Was there anything else fishy?20:01
LarstiQepsy: do you want to file the bug, or shall I do it?20:01
epsygo for it, i dont think i have much more detail than you20:03
epsyLarstiQ, the different listing behavoir of normal bzr log and bzr log --line20:04
epsythe commit that you do, which shows as #1 in bzr log --line, shows as a higher revision number in normal bzr log20:04
epsybrb, dinner20:05
LarstiQepsy: yeah, the root cause is the same, --line is correct for your committed revision, but it shouldn't show the others (and hence not count down through zero).20:07
LarstiQepsy: the --long formatting is slightly more involved, but same cause.20:07
jelmersiretart, ping20:57
siretartjelmer: pong21:18
jelmersiretart: Did you have a chance to look at the loggerhead package?21:19
jelmersiretart, You asked me to ping you about it a couple of days back :-)21:19
siretartjelmer: yes :) - sorry, no, I had a family party today and was busy the whole weekend with preparations.21:25
siretartjelmer: I'll look at it tomorrow. btw, have you done some commits since my last comments?21:26
jelmersiretart, Yeah, I clarified the copyright file slightly21:27
siretartjelmer: okay, thanks. I'll get to it tomorrow morning21:28
jelmersiretart, thanks !21:28
Lani78Hello, I'm trying to get the Nautilus extension for Bazaar to work. I've downloaded the source for bzr-gtk 0.95 (as I could not find it in any repository?) I have Bazaar 1.6rc5 installed and I've tried to follow the installation instructions in the README. So I've put the nautilus-bzr.py file in the ~/.nautilus/python-extensions dir.21:53
Lani78Is there anything else that I need to do? I've restarted X as well.21:54
Lani78I then try to browse a folder in Nautilus to see if there are any new buttons, menu options or icons, but I cannot see anything, am I looking for the right thing?21:55
Lani78Anyone awake?22:01
cody-somervilleI am22:06
Lani78ok :) Hi there, do you know anything about the nautilus extension for bazaar?22:07
jelmerLani78, do you have python-nautilus installed?22:10
Lani78jelmer: I'm not sure if I've done it correctly, I've downloaded bzr-gtk 0.9522:12
Lani78I've put the nautilus-bzr.py file in the ~/.nautilus/python-extensions22:12
jelmerLani78, you need to install the nautilus support for python bindings as well22:12
Lani78Ah, ok, I will try that right away!22:13
Lani78Do I have to restart X then?22:15
jelmeryou'll have to restart nautilus22:15
jelmerthough restarting X will take care of that22:16
Lani78I've got some new menu entries now :)22:20
Lani78Is it possible to do a checkout from within Nautilus, instead of the command line: "bzr checkout sftp://server/bzr/proj1 dev22:22
jelmerI'm not sure if we added an option for that yet22:26
jelmerif not, please file a wishlist bug22:26
epsyis there a way i can prevent myself from committing a file, while it still being versionned?22:26
jelmerepsy, bzr commit has a -x option now22:26
jelmer(bzr 1.6)22:27
epsyi mean, permanently22:27
epsya bit like .bzrignore22:27
jelmerwhy would you want to version it then?22:27
epsyit's a config file22:27
Lani78jelmer: ok, I'm poking around a little. You should probably update the README for bzr-gtk to include the need for "python-nautilus". As it might not be obvious to everyone :)22:28
epsyand i don't want my passwords and other crap being committed, do i? :)22:28
jelmerepsy, I would not keep it versioned then22:29
jelmerinstead, just commit foo.conf.example and ignore foo.conf in .bzrignore22:29
epsygood idea22:29
Lani78I cannot find any menu entry for checkout22:30
Lani78So if I'm looking in the right place it might not be there, but I'm just learning bzr so it might be that I just have the wrong status of my project?22:31
Lani78I just did a commit now, that went ok.22:31
jelmerLani78, if you can't find it where you expect it to be, it's also a flaw :-)22:31
jelmerlamont, I think it's very possible we don't have a checkout menu entry yet22:31
Lani78jelmer: I agree ;)22:32
jelmerLani78, Any chance you can file a wishlist bug about it?22:33
Lani78jelmer: sure, I'll do that22:34
Lani78at launchpad, bzr-gtk, right?22:34
jelmerLani78, yep22:36
Lani78How do I mark it as a "Wishlist"-thing?22:36
Lani78I can only find "Report a bug"22:37
jelmerLani78, Once you've reported it, you can change the importance22:37
Lani78Ah ok, thanks22:37
Lani78jelmer: I've filed it now: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-gtk/+bug/260960 but I cannot change the Importance, I guess that only a member of the bzr-gtk crew can do that? I tried to explain it as well as I can, with my very limited knowledge of Bazaar.22:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260960 in bzr-gtk "The Nautilus extension should have a "checkout" command." [Undecided,New]22:43
jelmerLani78, thanks!22:44
jelmerLani78, Ah, yeah, that may be. We'll look at fixing that22:44
Lani78Np, thank you for helping me to get it to work at all :)22:44
Lani78I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to storing my projects source codes. This might be a very basic question, but how can I be sure that the project has been commited to the server successfully. Can I assume that all went fine if the Nautilus extension doesn't give me an error when I commit?22:55
jelmerLani78: yeah22:56
jelmerLani78, You can look at the logs of the branch to make sure22:56
Lani78jelmer: Ah ok, investigating right away ;)22:56
jelmerLani78, If there are other things you're missing, please do not hesitate to let us know22:57
Lani78jelmer: There is, an menu option to see the logs? ;)22:57
jelmerYeah, I'm pretty sure there is22:58
Lani78Or is the "history" the same as the logs?22:58
jelmeryeah, History sounds about right22:58
Lani78ok, but how can I be sure that it hasn't just been committed to my local .bzr and that it has gone all the way to my server?22:59
Lani78jelmer: also, in the "commit" dialog. I would like to see there where my commit is going, so that I can see to what server and what path. Or am I missing something obvious that removes that need?23:00
pygiLaney, when you commit, you commit locally23:00
pygiyou need to "push" to the repository23:01
jelmerLani78, No, that sounds sensible23:01
* Laney eyes pygi 23:01
* Laney points to Lani78 23:01
jelmerLani78, any chance you can file a bug about that as well ? :-)23:01
pygiLani78, what? xD23:01
jelmerpygi, Not necessarily; if the branch is bound it goes to the server as well?23:01
pygiLaney, ah yes, sorry :p23:01
pygijelmer, ah, right23:01
* pygi wasn't thinking of that now :p23:01
Lani78jelmer: sure I can do that ;)23:02
Lani78Another thing that I would like is to have some sort of "status screen", where you could see if it is a local repository or if it is connected to a remote repository. What other branches that exists on that repository and other useful stuff. But I only have one branch now so maybe this is obvious when you have several branches (I will soon try ;))23:05
* cody-somerville pokes pygi 23:10
pygicody-somerville, poke back?23:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260967 in bzr-gtk "Add repositrory information to the  commit dialog in the Nautilus extension" [Undecided,New]23:11
Lani78I misspelled repository and I cannot find an edit button :P23:13
Lani78Now I found it :)23:14
Lani78I'm really curious about the release of the Launchpad source code. I saw an article about that it should be released within 12 month!23:15
Lani78Another wish/question,  why don't you have ppa repository packages for Hardy Heron for bzr-gtk?23:22
jelmerLani78, Not sure, the ppa is maintained by other people23:27
* jelmer runs Debian :-)23:27
Lani78Do you do all this work in bzr-gtk in your spare time?23:29
VerterokAfC: ping23:33
mwhudsonis Transport.ensure_base fairly new?23:33
lifelessLani78: yes, bzr-gtk is a community project23:34
Lani78lifeless: Ok, That's impressive23:34
Lani78How can I make sure that I'm running the correct version of Olive from bzr-gtk? The About dialog doesn't show now. I want to make sure as I'm getting an error when I try to add a new file.23:36
=== mario_ is now known as pygi
AfCVerterok: pong23:39
lifelessLani78: I would check ~/.bzr.log23:40
VerterokAfC: Hi, I can't reproduce the segfault (with bzr-svn) in my gentoo box23:40
AfCVerterok: well, that's good (for you and for bzr-svn) and bad (for me)23:42
AfCVerterok: thanks very much for trying23:42
VerterokAfC: installed packages: apr/apr-util 1.3.2, neon  0.28.2 and subversion 1.5.123:42
AfCVerterok: same23:42
lifelesscould it be the server?23:43
VerterokAfC: did you tried a 'revdep-rebuild -p'?23:43
AfClifeless: I don't think so - the unit tests fail23:44
AfCVerterok: can't hurt, checking, but I mean, the stack is pretty tight23:44
Lani78I had an old version of bzr-gtk installed from the ubuntu repositories at the same time as I manually installed the latest version in another place, I've now removed the old version and everything worked fine :)23:46
VerterokAfC: also, a USEFLAGS double-check can't hurt :)23:46
AfCVerterok: yeah, it all seems sane though. We'll see what revdep-rebuild has to say.23:47

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