
gleyveFrostwire? Limewire? ou aMule?00:01
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matissewhat do I need to do to be able to listen to mp3 streams. Something with demux failed00:10
thorsten_depends on the program, for the firefox i guess something like the mplayer or the vlc plugin00:16
thorsten_Good night, and good luck00:16
ahmoshello..what i8s the best codec i can install for playing sound and video00:30
matisseahmos: what do you mean with the best ?00:32
matissethe best one is which works for your sound and video..00:32
ubuntu_hay all quick question, I am trying to install 8.10 from the cd, but the installer keeps crashing. What is the console command to install?00:34
ahmosmatisse: yes00:34
matisseread again..00:34
ahmosmatisse: you mean to let for example amarok install it00:35
matisseit just depends on what audio and video files you have00:36
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matissewhich you want to play00:36
ahmosmkv mka avi mpeg flv mp3 flac00:37
matissethen install the codecs you need for those files :)00:38
ahmosha ha ha00:38
ahmoshow i didn't realize that ha haha haaaa00:39
matisseI mean what you wanna know with "which is the best" ??00:40
matissein general there not much to choose00:40
Githzeraiahmos: There is no such thing as best codec, there is only needed codec: U need mp3 codec to play mp3 files, i.e. So, any provided codec, if works, it is the best ;)00:41
nejodeahmos: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras00:41
ahmosthat is good restricted-extras .. it is encloding everything00:43
ahmosgoing to install00:43
ahmosthank u everybody00:45
ahmosmatisse: thank you :))00:45
matissenp :P00:45
FicaBlok38where i can download kvirc 3.4.000:53
level1_hi, has anyone noticed that google maps is different in linux than in windows?00:54
GithzeraiFicaBlok38: kvirc.net00:54
FicaBlok38Githzerai: haha00:54
FicaBlok38tu nece00:55
FicaBlok38a i reko da vas ne smaram00:55
level1_in windows, google maps has a box for "what" and a box for "where"... but in linux you can't find that00:55
discombobulatedcan someone tell me wtf my fstab is changing every time on reboot when i edit it?01:21
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shadowhywindanyone know how to start the gui install program on a livecd from the console?01:59
dr_WillisHmm.. wasent the installers binary called ubiquity? or somthing like that01:59
dr_Williscould look at the desktop icon and see what it launches i guess01:59
* claydoh checks01:59
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shadowhywindwhen i try to run it.. it gets as far as starting the actruall install, and then it crashes, i wanted to double check what the console error was02:00
shadowhywindthe funny thing, was  i reburned the cd, which gets farther like 35-45% done, and spits back and IO error i just wanted to see if the first cd would come back with the same error02:01
claydohI can't tell but the command might just be 'ubiquity'02:05
dr_Willistry ubi<tab> :)02:05
claydohdid you try burning @ a slower burn speed? I usually get better results if I get similar issues eith a disk02:06
leon_el ubuntu en espanol como puedo ir02:06
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nejodeleon: #ubuntu-es, #ubuntu-ve, #ubuntu-cl, etc02:08
corigoHow can I run a hard disk check and repair from the live CD?02:30
tsuna27i am running kubuntu kde4.1 + compiz what is the best/easilest way to make it look like mac os02:44
josephtsuna27: buy a mac02:45
tsuna27please help me02:46
dr_WillisHmm.. how does kde4 even USE compiz?02:46
joseph!compiz > tsuna2702:46
ubottutsuna27, please see my private message02:46
dr_Williskde4 has its own compiz-like features i thought02:46
dwidmann_tsuna27: try the "kwin-baghira - KDE theme for Apple junkies :)"02:46
dr_Willisand if you use the emerald window decoeration for compiz - theres a lot of stupid os-x looking themes also02:47
tsuna27dwidmann: how do i do that02:47
dwidmann_tsuna27: sudo apt-get install kwin-baghira02:48
dr_Willisthe baghira theme is in the package manager.02:48
dwidmann_tsuna27: then go to system settings -> appearance -> window decorations and set it to use bhagira ... it's rather customizable02:48
dr_Williswell its not really a theme tho is it? ive not noticed if it puts a entry in the themes, or if its just window decoration and widgets.02:48
dwidmann_dr_Willis: the "themes" portion of kde seems to be umm, sadly neglected as far as I can tell.02:49
dr_Willisdwidmann_,  yep.02:49
dr_Willisbhagira does not add an entry to the 'themes'  list02:50
dwidmann_but it does add the widgets and windecs, that's a start02:50
dr_Willisand looks just as ugly as the real osx ! ;)02:51
dwidmann_you betcha02:53
tsuna27i did sudo apt-get install kwin-baghira02:53
tsuna27then i went to appearance but i did not see any changes02:53
dwidmann_tsuna27: it should be in the list of window decorations02:53
dwidmann_tsuna27: and the list of styles also02:54
tsuna27i am using compiz so does that change things02:55
dwidmann_In here it's usually a fairly logical assumption that people are actually using kwin for their window manager/decorator.02:56
tsuna27sorry i just like the cube effect02:57
dwidmann_I think it might be in kwin_composite for KDE 4.2, based on things I've read.02:58
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dr_WillisI am constantly amazed at the efforts people to through for that silly cube.02:59
tsuna27what effort02:59
dwidmanndr_Willis: I admit I thought it was fun ... for about five minutes02:59
tsuna27i am a complete newb and i got in it under an hr02:59
dr_Willisan hr.... wow.  'just' an hr for some eye candy effect. :)03:00
tsuna27under an hr03:00
josephlooking for a page that talks about the best way to remove unneeded packages03:01
tsuna27how do i download ksmoothdock03:02
dr_Willissudo apt-get install PACKAGENAME03:02
dr_Willisor use the package manager to search/install it03:02
dwidmanndr_Willis:  don't see it in the package manager actually03:02
wharfHi there,i have a usb sound device that kubuntu has recognised03:03
wharfbut no soyund playing03:03
wharfthe onboard sound on the motherboard was broken so i got a usb one03:03
wharfi plugged it in03:03
wharfand the name of it came up on the mixer03:03
dwidmannonly thing that comes up when I search for it is kooldock ...03:03
dr_Willis!find smooth03:04
ubottuFound: gtk-smooth-themes, r-cran-kernsmooth, gtk2-engines03:04
wharfwhen i select it no sound03:04
dr_WillisIt may not be in the repos then. You may have to use source03:04
mernilhi all! :-)03:05
mernilclusby: hi there mate03:05
mernilhi wharf03:05
wharfmernil:  by any chance are u good with linux stuff?03:06
mernilwharf: im a guru my friend!03:06
wharfhears the thing03:06
clusbymernil: hi!03:06
wharfI had a motherboard with broken soundcardc03:07
wharfi baught a usb one03:07
wharfwhich kubuntu has recognised03:07
wharfcause its in the mixer settings03:07
wharfthere is no sound03:07
wharfnot sure what next03:07
dr_Willis#1 be sure to disable the onboard card in bios.03:07
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:07
dr_WillisThen check the troubleshooting guide.03:08
mernilwharf: difficult to answer, but i know linux dont recognise in-built soundcards easily. I have an in-built soundcard myself, but i have to use a regular soundblaster card03:08
wharfthe built in is broke anyway03:09
flaccidwharf: also try to play a file with aplay and check mixer settings in kmix and alsamixer03:09
flaccidit depends on the chip03:09
wharfhow do i run alsa mixer03:09
flaccidwharf: run command alsamixer03:09
mernilwharf: yeah, try alsamixer from the console03:10
merniland then that control command i always forget03:10
wharfi just type aslamixer?03:10
wharfnothing happened03:10
mernilalsactr store i think03:10
wharffailed it said03:10
wharffew other things03:10
flaccidalsamixer not aslamixer03:11
mernilwharf: maybe you should be root03:11
flaccidno its not root, its user03:11
wharfsame as root03:11
flaccidwharf: sounds like your path or something is stuffed up. what does file /usr/bin/alsamixer return?03:12
crimsunwharf: see what I asked in #alsa03:12
flaccidie. the command is: file /usr/bin/alsamixer03:12
mernilwharf: find you where you have alsamixer do a "slocate -u" as root03:13
flaccidmernil: its in /usr/bin03:13
merniland then slocate alsamixer03:13
flaccidand you wouldn't need root to locate it either03:14
mernilflaccid: yes, you have to be root to do slocate03:14
mernilto update the db at least03:14
MoesWhen I use pkill kdesktop to run compiz-fusion the next time I boot I have to pkill again is there a fix03:14
flaccidmernil: thats not what i mean. the file is in /usr/bin03:14
flaccidmernil: db should be updated with sudo updatedb03:15
mernilflaccid: okay03:15
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion03:15
mernilbtw, when im here. I burned a live-cd for my dad to see. But after you changed language, it hanged-up and stopped. Is this a feature?03:17
flaccidwharf: also you must have alsa-utils package installed to have alsamixer. this is installed by default on installation03:18
mernilmaybe it's the wrong channel to ask, it was a little sad, because i wanted show my dad linux with kde.03:18
flaccid!bugs | mernil03:19
ubottumernil: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots03:19
mernildifficult to report a bug when the computer just stops while booting.03:19
flaccidyou can turn off the splash and quiet flags on the kernel so you can see what it freezes up on so you can put it in the bug report03:20
dsmith_mernil, try verbose03:20
mernilflaccid: okay, im not so familiar with ubuntu. I use slackware normally. But thanks for the info03:21
mernildsmith_: thanks to you as well03:21
flaccidnp.  mernil you know what i mean but ie. you can do it from grub just by 'e' then edit then 'b' ?03:22
mernilflaccid: im using lilo .. will never use grub .. thinks it's to difficult03:23
mernili hate grub, worst piece of shit!03:23
stdinmernil: do I need to tell you not to swear again?03:24
flaccidgrub is awesome03:24
mernilstdin: shit aint a swear word03:24
flaccidit is in this channel03:25
mernilokay :-)03:25
flaccidmernil: so kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic root=/dev/sda2 ro quiet splash  <-- just take out quiet and splash03:25
mernili will not use it here03:25
flaccidi used to say it because im aussie but they don't like it so i don't say it anymore :)03:25
mernilwho is stdin btw? he/she just seem to appere when he thinks i say something wrong?03:26
stdinstop saying something wrong and I'll disappear ;)03:27
mernilvery annoying bot kinda guy :-)03:27
TheMaxzillaPlay nice and he'll leave.03:27
Hydrogenor just /ignore him, its bound to be successful!03:27
TheMaxzillahehe, that too.03:28
stdinbut ignoring me doesn't stop me from seeing what _you_ type03:28
mernilignore is to lame to use, im for free speach.03:28
Hydrogenno, but it stops us from seeing you repremand us :)03:28
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stdinuntil I then ask ChanServ for the magic of +o03:29
mernilim pro-stdin!! :-D03:29
mernilbut dont rain on my parade, or you will be taken down, hard and brutal.03:29
mernilwas that okay? not a single swearing word :-)03:30
stdinyeah, sure03:30
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discombobulatedanyone know why dolphin has a shortcut to my drives but i can't browse them?03:32
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mernilhi lizzie203:33
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mernilhi lizzie03:33
dwidmanndiscombobulated: not sure about the technical reasons why, but KDE 4's dolphin seems to be much better about that.03:34
mernilcan i tell about my ride in the elevator today? It's adult stuff so it might not be apropriate for everybody?03:34
mernilnothing bad really, just a very cute girl with a killer body :-)03:35
mernilthat's the short story03:35
flaccid!ot | mernil03:35
ubottumernil: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!03:35
mernilwb wharf03:35
wharfhey thanks03:36
discombobulatedis there a command for me to see what's mounted?03:37
flacciddiscombobulated: mount03:37
discombobulatedmy fstab after installing kubuntu has no entries for my other partitions03:38
lizziehello mernil03:38
mernillizzie: how's it hanging?03:38
flacciddiscombobulated: disks and filesystems in system settings to enable them03:38
lizziemernil: I was testing hash-based-coloring behavior, sorry about that03:38
mernillizzie: hash-based coloring? okay :-)03:38
discombobulatedflaccid: i don't see it. i'm on kubuntu alpha 403:39
mernili somewhat hate when woman knows more about stuff than me ;-)03:39
flacciddiscombobulated: wrong chan for help on that this is for stable versions and non-kde403:39
mernilbut that's okay .. you cant know everything :-)03:39
reboot08whats the command to view file eggdrop.conf its unzipped but i dont know how to view files ........?03:39
flaccidmernil: take the off topic talk to the off topic chan :)03:40
flaccidreboot08: kate or pico03:40
reboot08i have kate03:40
reboot08and pico03:40
mernilpico is less good, try to learn vi or emacs.03:41
flaccidpico is fine. text editor is always a personal choice03:41
stdinvi is e-vi-l03:41
mernilpff.. you force me to use expressions like "less good" :-P03:41
mernili do prefer vi, or vim. Emacs is in my opinion to difficult for just editing.03:42
discombobulatednm, i could've bought windows the time i spent googling03:42
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code03:42
flaccidwell im alternative to you guys, i use joe :)03:43
TheMaxzillaKate > vi[m] > gedit > notepad > emacs03:43
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dwidmannkate is *excellent*  .... but we all knew that already :)03:56
TheMaxzillaKate > All04:00
e`vim > *04:02
e`and remember "* > ALL!04:02
TheMaxzillae`: Kate > All04:04
dwidmannKate is special, Kate + Konsole part = potential vim vessel. Kate still wins.04:05
ahmosi installes audacity but there is no stereo mixer to choose ,anybody can help me plzzzzzz04:08
TheMaxzillasalez: I found something that may be of use to you. http://www.remote-exploit.org/04:10
flaccidahmos: turn on the device toolbar and change the device if needed04:14
tony_anyone try the new alpha?04:24
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discombobulatedbut it's my nick, dammit. i don't want someone else using it that's not discombobulated04:26
discombobulatedsry, wrong chan04:27
Dr_willisYou spelt it wrong.04:28
ahmos_Dr_willis: hi, there is no stereo mixer option in audacity,why?04:29
Dr_willisnever noticed.. never really looked.04:29
flaccidahmos_: did you hear my response04:29
Dr_willisLasty i uses audacity one could split the channels into left/right for stero editing.04:29
flaccidthere is no need for a mixer in audacity.04:29
Dr_willisso im not sure what you are meaning.04:30
Dr_willisI only have used the tool to make some ringtones for the wife.04:30
flaccidaudacity by default just uses oss or alsa defaults04:30
flaccidso if you have a stereo soundcard, it will be stereo04:30
flaccidmeh waste of breath04:31
ahmos_flaccid: when i try to recoed a sound from a video it become very very weak04:31
Hydrogendo you ever have the temptation to change your name to erect|afk and see what the response is?04:31
flaccidahmos_: very weak? if you are recording wave out then its dependent on the capture channel in your kmix/alsamixer and its fader there for gain04:32
ahmos_flaccid: could you help me plz sitting up that..what should i do exactly plzzzZzzzzZ?04:34
flaccidits dependent on your soundcard and driver. goto kmix  mixer select the wave out chan as capture and move the slider up. its probably labelled as Mix04:35
flaccidif you want to get audio from a video it would be better to rip it04:36
ahmos_flaccid: the problem that there is nothing labled mix or mixer in kmix04:37
flaccidwhat channels do you have?04:37
flaccid!info soundkonverter | ahmos_ use this instead04:38
ubottuahmos_ use this instead: soundkonverter (source: soundkonverter): KDE frontend to various audio converters. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.6-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 479 kB, installed size 1888 kB04:38
ahmos_flaccid: do you think my sound card is not configured proberly04:41
yueHi, on my kubuntu 8.04, strigi daemon always eat up the cpu resources, bug or not?04:41
flaccidi have no idea. can't help you if you don't respond to my questions.04:41
ahmos_ah sorry one moment04:42
yueflaccid: robot?04:42
ahmos_flaccid: master,pcm,front,front mic,front mic boost,surround,center,life,side,line,cd,mic,mic boost,pc speakers  those for the output04:44
flaccidprobably pcm then. look for the channels you can capture and select them. also make sure the right device is selected04:51
flaccidim off04:51
dwidmannwhy must kget (kde4) be so crashy? :(04:52
yueAgain---Hi, on my kubuntu 8.04, strigi daemon always eat up the cpu resources, bug or not?05:06
CHaiNSwhat did google say about it?05:06
yuewell, google said it is a bug exist long ago .05:07
yao_ziyuani bought a samsung dvd recorder. it can't copy files from a cd to my hard disk in kubuntu+kde4, but it can do so in a windows machine...05:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 128876 in strigi "strigidaemon causes 100% CPU and crashes after a while" [High,In progress]05:07
yao_ziyuanboth machines don't install the samsung driver (which is only for windows)05:07
yuebut no one fix it?05:08
yao_ziyuanmaybe it's kde4's cd/dvd driver's problem05:08
yuebut it is strange that it didn't crash on my machine as the launchpad said.05:09
yueCHaiNS: is there a way to turn the daemon off? I cannot find it in /etc/rc*.d/05:11
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde405:14
Dr_willisor its a bad link to the /dev/cdrom -> real device issue05:14
Dr_willisSince when did a dvd burner need a driver?05:14
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ubottuThunderbird is a free email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox (both by the Mozilla Foundation). To make Thunderbird links open in Firefox, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6042705:44
ehchow can I mount a ipod with permission to read and write?06:30
flaccid!ipod | ehc06:32
ubottuehc: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod06:32
flaccidif its mass storage it might appear in disks & filesystems in system settings06:32
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:32
flaccidsorry i've never used an ipod so i dont know exactly06:33
flaccidif an op is around that fstab factoid should say filesystems not partitions. this is what fstab integrates into the filesystem not partitions06:35
ForgeAusFlaccid Ipods can work as mass storage devices...06:36
ForgeAus(depending on how you wish to work with them)06:36
ForgeAusI just know I'm no fan of iTunes!06:36
flaccidso ehc is mounting read only or without the right mask or whatever. this can be fixed in the gui frontend or fstab itself06:36
ehctrying to go to Disk and Filesystems gives me an error that the module cannot be loaded.06:37
ehcin fstab I don't see anything entry for a usb ipod.06:38
ehcwhat should be my mount command?06:39
flaccid!ntfs | ehc masks are talked about there and also the fstab link above. i would also google your error and report a bug if necessary. i have to go walk the dog so maybe ForgeAus can advise the actual command if you are too lazy to work it out06:40
ubottuehc masks are talked about there and also the fstab link above. i would also google your error and report a bug if necessary. i have to go walk the dog so maybe ForgeAus can advise the actual command if you are too lazy to work it out: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE06:40
neptunepinkI'm gonna build a computer, what are good mobo chipsets?06:53
tony_p35's are good. i have an ip35 pro and compatible with vista, linux, and hackintosh06:54
ehcI am trying to mount my ipod so that I as a user can edit it but the following only allows user to write to it: /dev/sdb1 /media/IPOD vfat rw,user,exec 0 006:55
mrksbrdanyone here?06:59
mrksbrdflaccid: u awake?07:03
p_quarles!ask | mrksbrd07:04
ubottumrksbrd: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)07:04
mrksbrdany idea why after installing adobe reader, it will not assign rights to open pdf doc07:06
p_quarlesin Konqueror or Firefox?07:07
mrksbrdwell installed it via alien ...converted from rpm to deb07:07
mrksbrdonly opens thru kpdf07:08
mrksbrdno options under 'open with"07:08
p_quarleswhy alien? it's available at medibuntu07:09
mrksbrdi tried seaching only came up with flash07:10
p_quarlesyou have to add the medibuntu repository; or at least download the acrobat-reader .deb07:10
mrksbrdi don't think there is a deb file avail.....@ least not thru adobe web site07:11
mrksbrdi'll try again07:11
p_quarlesmrksbrd, through MEDIBUNTU07:11
mernilhi all! :-)07:12
mernilit might be ot, but i just made my semi-famous pasta sause. Strong as hell! My tounge is aching as i write this.07:13
bazhang!ot | mernil07:14
ubottumernil: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!07:14
mrksbrdp_quarles: ty07:14
mernilim just trying to be friendly :-)07:14
bazhangmernil, this is the wrong place.07:14
mernila dead channel is better?07:15
mrksbrdrepo was in there was just unchecked for some reason07:15
v6luris intrepid KDE4-only release?07:18
djdarkmanv6lur: don't think so07:27
djdarkmanbut as I recall it's not settled yet, it depends on how stable will KDE4 be when the time comes....07:27
v6luri found this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85431507:31
mrksbrdp_quarles: still there07:31
mrksbrdgetting this error when attempting install thru adept for Adobe Reader........."There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages."07:33
p_quarlesmrksbrd, did you uninstall the .rpm you used earlier?07:34
mrksbrdtried to uninstall thru adept "acroreader-enu" ....gave me same error07:35
mrksbrdthats what I can't understand.......thought what I had installed vs what the repos have was the same thing07:40
v6luris it ok to install kernel etc from intrepid's repo onto hardy machine?07:46
stdinv6lur: no07:47
v6lurany particular reason or would it just 'break things'?07:48
stdinv6lur: it would break just about *everything*07:49
mrksbrdstdin: could u page up a few lines & read the error i'm getting please07:53
stdinmrksbrd: try with apt-get and see what the real error is07:54
mrksbrdhow do i correct that07:58
stdinlibldap2 is not available in Hardy, apparently libldap-2.4-2 replaces it08:02
lalo2Hi! I have a big problem, and I need some help...08:02
mrksbrdhmmmm....think i found something08:03
tony_anyone know how to open a cps file?08:05
Dragon_MasterI need help installing java on Firefox 308:07
mrksbrdstdin: read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74954608:07
Dragon_Masteror atleast getting it to work08:07
mrksbrddon't understand why though you would have to downgrade08:07
tony_Dragon_Master: apt-cache search flash firefox08:07
tony_sudo apt-get install flashnon-free or something like that, should be easy08:10
stdinmrksbrd: I didn't say you have to downgrade, it's a different package. I, apparently, have both08:11
stdintony_: that's flash, he said java08:11
mrksbrdoh ok08:11
tony_stdin: my bad, though i thought it's the same08:12
mrksbrdis there a command to tell which is installed?08:12
stdinDragon_Master: usually you just install sun-java6-plugin08:12
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stdinmrksbrd: "apt-cache policy <package>" or you can filter to show only installed packages in adept08:13
mrksbrdok ty08:13
Dragon_Masterstdin, tried that already08:13
lalo2any help please? the nvidia restricted drivers completely freeze my computer...08:15
* Dragon_Master bangs head on wall08:15
lalo2any help please? the nvidia restricted drivers completely freeze my computer...08:17
Dragon_MasterI installed it manually08:17
Dragon_Masterand did the file link08:17
Dragon_Masterjust not detecting08:17
stdinDragon_Master: maybe try "sudo update-alternatives --config firefox-javaplugin.so" or "sudo update-alternatives --config xulrunner-javaplugin.so"08:19
reboot08howdy  yall08:21
Dragon_Master"no alternitives"08:21
stdinDragon_Master: you have tried restarting firefox?08:22
Dragon_MasterI've closed it completely08:23
Dragon_Mastereven restarted after I installed another app for it08:23
mrksbrdstdin: installed libldap2....and still coming up with same error....is a full reboot required?08:27
stdinDragon_Master: does the link /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libjavaplugin.so point to /etc/alternatives/firefox-javaplugin.so ?08:27
stdinmrksbrd: if you've installed it then it shouldn't be the same error08:27
Dragon_Masterit points to the sun java plugin08:28
stdinDragon_Master: the /etc/alternatives/firefox-javaplugin.so link points to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so for me08:29
mrksbrddon't know why but it is08:29
Dragon_Mastermine goes straight between the firefox plugins and libjavaplugin08:30
stdinmrksbrd: does "dpkg -l |grep libldap2" show it installed?08:30
mrksbrdlet me see08:31
ForgeAuswhy can't you plug thunderbird into firefox? hehe08:32
mrksbrdappears to be installed to me08:33
stdinmrksbrd: you seem to only have the -dev package installed there08:33
* mrksbrd bangs his head against wall08:34
mrksbrdthat was only install option avail in adept08:34
Dragon_MasterI know the feeliong mrksbrd08:34
Dragon_Masterjava problem for 2 days now08:35
mrksbrdsounds like u have a similar prob as me just with java08:36
Dragon_Masterwhaat're you with?08:36
Dragon_Masterwhats your prob08:36
stdinwhy do you need acroread anyway?08:37
Dragon_Masteracrobatt reader08:37
mrksbrdpersonal preference......plus kpdf doesn't recognize secured doc links for some reason08:38
ForgeAusyou don't need it, kpdf/okular does pdf filez08:38
ForgeAusohh kay... I guess you have a reason then ...08:38
ForgeAusI hate pdf files anyway08:39
mrksbrdstdin: ty anyways really appreciate help08:41
mrksbrdyahooooooooo finally got it to work08:59
pteague`$ ls -al` returns "total 0 \ -????????? ? ? ? ?                ? de.js" & it won't let me delete the file even as root... it's on ext309:00
Dr_willispteague Hmm... are the filenames messed up also?09:01
Dr_willissound slike you may be needing to fsck that filesystem09:01
pteaguei came across that while doing an `rm -fdr dir/`09:01
pteaguei have to unmount the drive before i can do that, don't i ?09:03
eagles0513875does anyone know when the vbox modules will be built for 2.6.24-21 kernel09:03
ehc3is there a command to show the hard drives on a system if I am running off a boot cd?09:12
ForgeAusshouldn't kde 4.1 be in hardy's repos?09:13
mrksbrdehc3: u running off live cd?09:16
mrksbrdForgeAus: sudo apt-get install kde4 should work09:17
ForgeAusit does09:17
ForgeAusbut thats kde 4.0.something afaik09:17
ehc3mrksbrd: yes09:18
mrksbrdehc3: kubuntu right?  if so l ook under system menu....icon next to kmenu down on the bottom09:20
mrksbrdForgeAus: did u try symantec or adept?09:22
ehc3mrksbrd: thanks.09:23
ilkinI have a problem with Firefox 3 in Kubuntu09:26
ilkineach time it starts in offline mode09:26
ilkinwhy does it happen?09:26
mrksbrdilkin: make sure "edit'..."preferences"....advanced setting....proxy isn't checked09:28
mrksbrdfor some reason it's not seeing your intrnet connection09:29
ilkinno proxy -is checked09:30
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mrksbrdstill checking for ya09:36
ilkin"Once I removed NetworkManager everything was fine." - I found this in internet. May it work?09:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 191889 in firefox-3.0 "[MASTER] [WORKAROUND] "Offline Mode" feature fails to detect proper online state for networks that are managed outside of network manager." [Medium,In progress]09:39
mrksbrdilkin: seems like a bug in v3....for some reason needs network manager to show online status09:45
ilkinnetwork manager does not see connected dial-up09:49
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ilkinpeople, is there any other network manager software for kubuntu?10:03
flaccidilkin: no but there is alternatives like wicd10:04
ilkindoes it support dial-up connections? PPP10:06
strawbeRRy_fieLdhi flaccid, how's it going?10:06
flaccidim alright10:06
flaccidilkin: not sure, check it out10:06
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flaccid!op | Roey10:15
ubottuRoey: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild or jussi01!10:15
Roeybut thanks :)10:15
flaccidthat was meant to be !ot :(10:15
Roeyoh come on ;)10:15
flaccid!ot | Roey10:15
ubottuRoey: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!10:15
flaccidthis is kubuntu support10:15
Roeyah, I see10:15
ForgeAusuh how do I set up the audio jacks on my soundcard in kubuntu?10:17
ForgeAusthe sound works, but I have two speakers that aren't outputting because I don't know how to set them to be speakerports10:17
ForgeAus(actually I think its some kinda onboard realtek card)10:18
flaccidwhat is the connectivity of the speakers ForgeAus?10:19
ForgeAusflaccid? they plug into the soundcard directly, its just that theres 6 ports and I don't know how to configure in Linux what they mean10:19
ForgeAus(in Windows you get the choice)10:19
ForgeAusright now it probably thinks theres a microphone plugged in! lol10:20
flaccidso they are analogue 3.5mm trs jacks i assume10:20
ForgeAus(I tend to set these two to the background L/R speakers of a 5.1 setup (or quadrophonic)10:20
flaccidin that case unless there is a hardware mixer, its all done with alsa through alsamixer and kmix for kde10:20
flaccidit should be an option in kmix10:21
ForgeAusI trid kmix but didn't seem to have that stuff there10:21
flaccidthen its probably a limitation of the driver for the card10:21
flaccidyou talking about changing between stereo and surround etc.10:21
ForgeAusuh not sure10:22
flaccidwhat are you trying to achieve?10:22
ForgeAusthere is some sound working (I guess that could be stereo)10:22
ForgeAusI just want my "extra" two speakers outputting sound...10:23
flaccidwhat chip/driver is it?10:23
ForgeAushow do I find out?10:23
flaccidwhatever it says in kmix10:24
ForgeAusit says ALSA + OSS is supported and ALSA is being used10:24
ForgeAuswhere does it say what HARDWARE (not what linux soundsystem)10:25
flaccidi don't see any of that in my kmix10:25
flaccidkmix is the speaker icon in the system tray10:25
flaccidbottom right hand corner it says the device which should match aplay -l10:26
flaccidthe option you are looking for to change modes should be in the switches tab10:26
ForgeAusuh I hjad to run it using kmix on the console... and can't see that mode10:28
ForgeAusjust mute, select master chaannel... hide mixer window and quit10:28
ForgeAus(nless its running a kde4 one?)10:29
ForgeAusanyway gotta eat, bbl10:29
flaccidyou still didn't tell me the soundard as it says in kmix and if the controls are not there its not supported in the driver10:29
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ForgeAusflaccid sorry to mess you around but I don't know any better, afaik its using ALSA, (OSS is supported too)... but I can't find any reference as to what kind of card it is...10:37
Fargh_+OK DepsZ/KItgk010:37
flaccidForgeAus: open kmix, its the label bottom right corner of window (or see aplay -l as advised)10:39
ForgeAuscard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: CMI9880 [CMI9880]10:44
ForgeAus  Subdevices: 1/110:44
ForgeAus  Subdevice #0: subdevice #010:44
ForgeAusshowed it twice only difference for second one is that its got Digital after the CMI code.. (and its device 1)10:45
flaccid5.1 or 6.1 or something10:46
flaccidfirst google result ForgeAus: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/soundmulti-channels-on-an-hda-intelc-media-cmi9880-soundcard-341822/10:46
abby87hello friends i'm getting this error when i type alsamixer... alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: Connection refused10:47
abby87my audio card is Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)10:47
flaccidabby87: what did google say about the error?10:47
ForgeAusthanx flaccid10:48
abby87its a bug10:48
flaccidForgeAus: there are more results on google but this will probably solve it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto10:48
abby87but mine is updated10:48
flaccidabby87: still might exist10:49
abby87flaccid: but i have no sound ...and practically waiting till the bug is resolved will be stupid on my part10:49
flaccidi see more on google than a bug10:50
abby87doing alsaconf now hope it works10:51
flaccidabby87: do you use pulseaudio at all? is this a pure kubuntu install?10:51
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kev_Hey, anyone here got any idea how to solve, or work around this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89915911:07
Dr_willisits alwyas a good idea to summerize the  problem kev_  :)  not just give a url11:09
kev_URL summerizes the problem :P11:11
Dr_willisand i imagine that no one is going to read it...11:12
flaccidkev_: dns problem.11:13
flaccidyou can install pb with etwolf install binary11:13
cacf3b2074how to allow to turn off coputer without entering the password, even if screen is locked11:14
flaccidcacf3b2074: not a good idea but it can be done by editing /etc/sudoers to not require a password on the command11:15
kev_yeah, but its an outdated vers, and it doesnt autoupdate, tried the pbweb thing, managed to get the vers updated, removed the errrors, and played for about 10 minutes, then got kicked and told to update manually, wich ive redone and redone :E11:15
snypermannhy, I can't install ndiswrapper-source. why? what do i need to do?11:15
kev_u think its a DNS problem at my end flaccid11:15
flaccidkev_: well according to the error its dns resolution, i resolve that host fine. i guess you could do su -c echo " websec2.evenbalance.com" >> /etc/hosts11:16
cacf3b2074flaccid: its an awesome idea11:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alsaconf11:16
* ForgeAus grinz11:16
cacf3b2074not by password, by key11:16
flaccidsnypermann: who knows. if you told us the error/problem we might be able to help11:16
kev_from su -c echo " websec2.evenbalance.com" >> /etc/hosts i get Unknown id11:18
Dr_williskev_,  one normally uses 'sudo' under ubuntu. and doing tha sort of command with sudo. takes a bit more effort. You could get a root shell then do it I guess.11:18
flaccidkev_: do kdesudo /etc/hosts and put it in manually11:19
flaccidnot sure why su -c don't work right in ubuntui get permission denied myself11:19
kev_well i did suod -i 1st, then entered11:19
Dr_willisI thought it was due to there being no root password at all11:19
kev_ill try kdesudo11:19
flaccidi have one set/root enabled11:20
Dr_willissudo -i, for a root shell then the echo ... whatever.. should work.11:20
Dr_willisperhaps its a quoteing issue with su -c ?11:20
flaccidi think i was trying to be smart because i never advise su for ubuntu11:20
snypermannflaccid: E: Package ndiswrapper-source has no installation candidate11:20
Dr_willisi rarely use the echo whatever >>  because I hate it when i forget to use 2 >>'s :)11:21
Dr_willis!find ndiswrapper11:21
flaccid!ndiswrapper | snypermann11:21
ubottuFound: linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-16-386, linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-16-generic, linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-16-server, ndiswrapper-common, ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 (and 12 others)11:21
ubottusnypermann: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:21
Dr_willis!find ndiswrapper-source11:21
ubottuPackage/file ndiswrapper-source does not exist in hardy11:21
flaccid!info ndiswrapper11:21
ubottuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in hardy11:21
flaccid!info ndiswrapper-common11:22
ubottundiswrapper-common (source: ndiswrapper): Common scripts required to use the utilities for ndiswrapper. In component main, is optional. Version 1.50-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 11 kB, installed size 92 kB11:22
flaccidman this is poor, i'll check the link above11:22
kev_searched for hours on trying to fix this, ur a genuis11:22
flaccidkev_: hehe np11:22
flaccidsnypermann: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper11:23
kev_such a simple thing too11:23
Dr_willisI would of just used  'sudo nano /etc/hosts' hrs ago. :)11:23
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flaccidif an op is around can we update the !ndiswrapper factoid to link to the wiki entry above please!11:23
Dr_willisand not gotten all fancy with echo11:23
flaccidstdin or jpds or someone :)11:23
flaccidDr_willis: yeah i was trying to be a smary pants and it failed :(11:23
Dr_willisheh heh.11:23
kev_ill do it however i learn it, bt picking up tips from here, forums and other places11:23
kev_dont mind being 'fancy' with echos, its all phun11:24
Dr_williskev_,  till a typo erases a file. :)11:24
kev_then u have fun fixing it, dont you!11:24
Dr_willisBeen there... DONE that.... :)11:24
* Dr_willis has the the t-shirt also11:25
peter__hello could somebody guide me or give a few tips to install the right driver for an i810 graphic chipset in kubuntu-kde4-heron?11:27
flaccidpeter__: its already installed, use Driver "intel" or none11:28
flaccidpeter__: do you have the pkg "xserver-xorg-video-i810" installed?11:29
flaccidyou can also use Driver "i810" to force it to use it11:29
flaccidpeter__: http://www.xfree86.org/current/i810.4.html :)11:30
peter__where do i change to driver intel in kde4 heron my xorg.conf doesnt look like normal(in a debian)11:30
flaccidthis is not the channel for kde4 support, see the topic11:31
peter__i dont know if it hangs with kde4?11:32
flaccidanyway xorg.conf has nothing to do with kde. its the same. you may need to add the directive because xorg 7.x is quite plug n play like11:32
flaccidi don't know if it hangs either :)11:32
peter__under device i just see "configured video device" instead of a name or so..11:32
flaccidthats because it detects now, its not required11:32
flaccidchances are your X is already using the intel driver. this can be checked in /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:33
Dr_willisi wonder if 'grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf' would show it11:33
peter__so in puppy i can run compiz...11:33
Dr_willisthats a scary thought. :)11:34
goofi know this is asilly question but this is the 1st time i have tried this program but what is it?11:34
peter__what program?11:35
peter__its an irc chat client...11:35
goofuseing my ubuntu name and password?11:35
kev_If u "mouse over" icons the tend to have a description11:35
peter__is there a channel for old hardware????11:36
Dr_willisNot ever noticed a 'old-stuff' channel. :)11:36
geek_peter__: not specifically, though i have a bit of experience running kubuntu on a PIII 350 ;p11:37
* Dr_willis proberly should be in a 'grumpy-old-people' channel11:37
geek_(protip. have LOTS of ram.)11:37
peter__@geek_: i want to have at least that expo thing on kde4 heron no shadows and sh.t. just thos useful things11:38
goofu ran it on a 350 im having trouble to get it 2 run on friends 93311:38
geek_peter__: if you're running it on an old box.. i think you should stick to  3.511:38
goofubuntu that is11:38
geek_goof: how much ram?11:38
goof512 pc13311:38
Dr_willisicky. :)11:39
Dr_willistime for dsl11:39
geek_goof: i ran it with 640 mb of ram ;p11:39
Dr_willisI dont reccomend puppylinux  much any more.. :) but its handy.11:39
peter__i run a P3 with nearly 800MHZ and... ah forget it i dont really need this...11:39
flaccidqt4 uses less resources which means kde can be like that too11:39
peter__i should be happy to have a running system...11:39
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geek_peter__: how much ram?11:40
peter__but this compositing sh..f.. is like a godda..n drug.11:40
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geek_peter__: personally, not on an old box. compositing is graphics card dependant anyway11:40
Dr_willisas useless as viagra to a ... err... Hmm...  ... forget it.. :)11:40
peter__thats the next thing...11:41
peter__my msi2000 doesnt seem to like that rivatnt that a burried out somewhere..11:41
peter__but i have everything running dont need nothing more....11:42
peter__i think ill do something useful instead and lear for lpi11:43
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peter__back again...11:44
peter__now something really simple for an expert:11:45
peter__how do i chang the modeline linux boots with?11:45
peter__when i change to a virtual terminal the font is as big as the empire state.11:45
flaccid!enter | peter__11:47
ubottupeter__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:47
peter__want to change modeline for boot - VT too big fonts - please help - thank you11:50
flaccidpeter__: simple google search reveals things like http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88319211:51
flaccidyou probably want to change the resolution instead..11:51
flaccidlots on google :) http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=opera&rls=en&hs=7xX&q=terminal+resolution+ubuntu&btnG=Search11:51
peter__no i dont want to because when a change to a !Virtual Terminal! with ctrl+alt+F2 the system is not interested in my X-Server resolution!11:53
peter__i DO try to google it meanwhile11:53
kev_flaccid: how do i give myself read/write/delete persmisions of a folder using terminal? nautlis wont load as root for some reason11:53
flaccidpeter__: thats correct. X runs on 1 virtual terminal.11:54
flaccid!permissions | kev_11:54
ubottukev_: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions11:54
flaccidpeter__: you can also change the font: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-372239.html11:58
peter__maybe u got me the wrong way a terminal not the konsole12:00
peter__is it ok just to append a vga=normal to the menu.lst entry?12:01
peter__so forget me... goodbye12:02
flaccidi am talking about the virtual terminals aka ttys. X runs on 1 of them and this is totally independant of the other ttys in the runlevel12:02
flaccidso emotional and impatient :)12:02
flaccidpeter__: yes. please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer which is a good reference/help thing12:03
peter__its nothing emotional .... its about losing time... i lost enough for my whole life ... wrong job and so.12:06
peter__but thank you for trying to help me...12:07
KyleNeedsHelphello  i need help with installing kubuntu 8.10 alpha 4 on fakeraid 0 (ICH10R)12:18
KyleNeedsHelpsomeone can help me ?12:18
emilsedgh!ask | KyleNeedsHelp12:19
ubottuKyleNeedsHelp: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:19
KyleNeedsHelpahhh ok ^^12:20
detrateDoes kde have a window 'snap to edge' or 'edge attraction' like gnome?12:20
KyleNeedsHelpi installed kubuntu 8.10 4 time and endless configuration12:20
KyleNeedsHelpi followed many different howtos12:20
KyleNeedsHelpfor 10 hours now12:21
flaccidKyleNeedsHelp: only hardy and prior support here12:21
flaccid!intrepid | KyleNeedsHelp12:21
ubottuKyleNeedsHelp: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!12:21
KyleNeedsHelpwhen it boots i tells me could not find /dev/mapper/..........Volume01 (my raid file )12:21
flaccidsounds about right for alpha software. anyway please take it to the right channel KyleNeedsHelp12:22
KyleNeedsHelpso it possible that it is not my fault ? which version would you recommand to use for installing kubuntu on fakeraid 0 ?12:22
flaccidplease read above12:25
KyleNeedsHelpwell, i just need to know which version is best for fakeraid and which image to use (desktop or alternate).12:26
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WalzmynI've made 2 attempts at downloading intrepid and installing in a virtualization - neither worked. is anybody else having trouble?12:27
flaccidthis is not the channel for interepid support, see above and topic12:28
KyleNeedsHelpi dont want interepid support12:28
flaccidthen why did you download it?12:29
flaccid!download | KyleNeedsHelp12:29
ubottuKyleNeedsHelp: Kubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php12:29
Walzmynthe topic's long since rolled off and all i asked was if anybody else was getting faulty downloads12:29
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flaccidKyleNeedsHelp: so just download hardy as per above12:30
Walzmynwhat is fakeraid?12:30
flaccidWalzmyn: you asked more than that. and for people to help you with your problem you need to give more information on what the error and actual problem are not 'doesn't work'12:31
KyleNeedsHelpbecause i just though it is the newest version and maybe best for installing fakeraid, but now i am JUST interested which version (7.10 or 8.04 or 8.04.1 or what.ever0) is best for installing on fakeraid12:31
flaccidKyleNeedsHelp: alpha software is not going to help you. download hardy from teh above link which is 8.0412:32
Walzmynflaccid, sorry, it just seems like the default answer on freenode is "this is not the correct forum" after a while it gets anoying12:32
flaccidWalzmyn: you won't have a problem if you ask in the right channel12:32
Walzmynwell, WTF is the right channel for a download of kubuntu if it's not #kubuntu?12:32
KyleNeedsHelpwhich iso alternate or desktop ? or can i use both ?12:33
WalzmynI think the topic here is something like "all things related to kubuntu"12:33
KyleNeedsHelp@wlzmyn #debian ^^12:33
flaccidWalzmyn: your statement said that you had problems installing intrepid. intrepid support is in #ubuntu+112:33
flaccidKyleNeedsHelp: either. desktop is livecd and alternate is text based installer12:33
KyleNeedsHelpjust kidding12:33
flaccidWalzmyn: thats not what the topic says.12:33
KyleNeedsHelpdoes hardy support fakeraid ? i read somewhere that it is not support fakeraid12:34
WalzmynKyleNeedsHelp, just FYI i tried looking up what a fakeraid is and the first hit said "fakeraid is not supported by Ubuntu"12:35
flaccidi just googled and seems a lot of people have done fake raid with hardy12:35
KyleNeedsHelp@flaccid: is fakeraid support and if, is it stable to use ?12:36
flaccidthis is also backed up by https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FakeRaidHowto12:36
flaccidand the above is Official documentation :)12:36
KyleNeedsHelpi know that page after 10hours of work12:37
flaccidhmm i see your point. doesn't look like canonical supports it officialy12:37
KyleNeedsHelpthank you12:37
peter__does anybody know what could be the problem if  u have not more then 2 options to choose for screen resolution?12:37
flaccidconsidering the warning, i'd wouldn't use fakeraid with ubuntu KyleNeedsHelp12:38
peter__before i had about 10 options to choose from12:38
flaccidpeter__: could be thousands of reasons. it should advise in the x log which is /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:38
flaccidreading that warning would of saved you 10 hours of time :O12:39
peter__want to go to 1024x768 give me a tip .. no more modelines i see in xorg.conf yoda said.12:39
flaccidlike i said the log will say. feel free to pastebin it for the channel to look at12:40
KyleNeedsHelpi have no other choise cause i have vista installed on fakeraid 0, so to whom can i talk who is experienced in raid and fakeraids ? any ideas12:40
KyleNeedsHelpi never give up !12:40
flaccidKyleNeedsHelp: try #ubuntu-server or #ubuntu . someone probably would of help you already here if they did12:41
KyleNeedsHelpok thank you12:41
blackflagHello all :) I want to connect amachine via a "usb isdn modem" but dont know to find it under /dev so I know which device I have to choose under kppp.  Can someone help?12:45
flaccidblackflag: you would probably need a driver, so you should check dmesg when you plug it in and also google your model in google12:46
blackflagyes , the driver is loaded. But I dont know how I can find it under /dev ?12:47
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flaccidcheck lshw and the logs to see if it mentions it i guess12:47
blackflagin log is only shown that the driver is loaded not where it is located under /dev12:51
flaccidand lshw ?12:56
blackflagno, ther it is also not shown12:57
flaccidhmm maybe there is  a way to work it out from lsusb12:58
flaccidim really not sure how to work it out although there would obviously be a way12:58
blackflaghmm, yes I had a look to lsusb. but can not find a way to find out how its now connected13:02
=== frybye2 is now known as frybye
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flaccidblackflag: unplug the device, then plug it in then check ls -lt /dev13:05
frybyehi - when inserting a usb pencil that is formated fat16 it does not get automatically mounted  - kde3 - how can I fix.. not sure exactly how to use mount command?13:05
flaccidif udev or whatever hooks it up with the driver auto as per dmesg, it should be the last entry in that list as its done dynamically13:05
flaccidfrybye: do you get a popup asking you what to do when you instert it?13:05
flaccidyep so thats a hald bug so goto disks & filesystems in system settings and see if you can configure it there13:06
frybyehi again btw...13:06
frybyeflaccid: that last stuff for me???13:07
flaccidyes sir sorry13:08
frybyein settings I dont find anything related to disks and filesystems.. hmmm13:09
flaccidsorry that was for blackflag13:09
frybyehang on different settings menu point.. sorry..13:09
flaccidwell yeah sorry it was for you13:09
flaccidyeah its in advanced i think13:10
frybyethanks flaccid you are an ace.. hehe13:13
krukis anytbody here?13:17
flaccidwb jr13:17
flaccidmany people are here.13:17
kruknow i see13:18
krukwho is from poland? :)13:19
frybyeflaccid - when i plug in the usb pendrive it now opens a popup but says that i dont have the rights to mount etc..13:19
flaccid!pl | kruk13:19
ubottukruk: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl13:19
flaccidfrybye: check the entry in fstab, if there is one, add the 'users' option to the entry13:19
flaccidthat should also be an option in the disks & filesystems frontend13:20
frybyeby editing the fstab.conf or ?13:20
flaccidnegative /etc/fstab13:20
frybyeok... hang on...13:20
flaccidso i have this commented out entry i need to use sometimes: #/dev/sdb1 /media/usb-disk auto users,noauto,atime,auto,rw,nodev,exec,nosuid 0 013:21
flaccidnotice the users option..13:21
frybyecan I use a normal   gedit /etc/fstab for that or do i need some sort of special **sudo??13:21
flacciduse kdesudo13:21
SwK1Hi Guys, Is there any option to do a remote login in kubuntu?13:23
frybyeflaccid:  this is already in there - not commented out   /dev/sdb1 /media/usb-disk auto users,noauto,atime,auto,rw,nodev,exec,nosuid 0 013:24
frybyewhat -is- commented out is /dev/sda1  <-- do i need to change that...?13:24
frybyeeh - or should i perhaps past the whole thing for u to have a gander at...?13:24
flaccid!xdmcp | SwK113:25
ubottuSwK1: xdmcp is the X Display Manger Control Protocol -- look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/ to find out how to configure it13:25
flaccidSwK1: there is also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThinClientHowto13:25
flaccidfrybye: as per sudo fdisk -l what is the usb disk or disk in question?13:26
frybyeflaccid it is /dev/sdb113:27
SwK1thanks guys, i tried this XDMCP but did not succeed so right now i am using x11vnc. probably i will give one more try.13:28
SwK1does this XDMCP work with KDE? most of the help site says they work perfectly with GNOME13:29
flaccidfrybye: yep so you have nouser in there, you need to change that to users so any user can mount and not root only13:30
flaccidSwK1: yes13:30
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frybyegive me a clue how to do it - not with chmod or...?13:30
flaccidfrybye: no fstab is a text file, im saying edit and change the ext nouser to users in the entry13:31
flaccidfrybye: like http://paste.ubuntu.com/40165/13:31
SwK1flaccid, you mean XDMCP will work with KDE?13:33
flaccidtotally. it has nothing to do with the DE but rather the X server13:34
SwK1cool, so can i access the linux box from XP? should i install any other client software?13:34
frybyeflaccid:  so the nouser part just needs to move up a line so as not to be on its own - right?13:35
flaccidSwK1: yes please read the link in full :p http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/procedure.html#REMOTE13:36
flaccidfrybye: no, you replace 'nouser' with 'users' just like my initial example and the pastebin i did back for you which is how your fstab should be for it13:36
SwK1yes thanks i got it these are some of the clients on XP "Hummingbird's Exceed, Reflection X, X-Win32 or X-ThinPro"13:37
SwK1so are there any open source client?13:37
frybyeI can copy it out of pastbin  40165 or???13:37
frybyesoory - didnt sleep to well not all that fit today..13:38
flaccidSwK1: no idea, try ##windows13:38
flaccidfrybye: yeah13:38
SwK1thanks flaccid :)13:40
uichey all13:43
uici already installed kubuntu on my desktop. i have a problem, my desktop is always empty. ( even i download extra files to it)13:44
uicwhen i look with dolphin or konqureror, i can show the files13:44
uicbut, in desktop image, it's always empty13:44
uicany idea?13:44
flaccid!enter | uic13:44
ubottuuic: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:44
flacciduic: are you on kde4?13:45
uicflaccid, yep13:45
flacciduic: wrong channel, see topic for right channel. p.s. thats how it is meant to be.13:45
mcscruffhow do i show/hide plasma widgets (is there a way like osx)13:54
flaccidmcscruff: wrong channel for kde4, see topic for right channel13:54
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techbwhi everyone,13:55
techbwis there anyone out there that knows how to setup ivtv tuner to work with either kdetv or mythtv...mythtv preferable13:56
karin_hi guys, one question, i downloaded a .deb file which should autoinstall itself when runned, it doesnt. maybe because i have an old kubuntu version, i dont want to upgrade because this version works too well and people who have hardy have lots of probs. i was wondering, is there a way to make this .deb file run and then autoinstall without upgrading the kubuntu version? thank you14:00
flaccidkarin_: define autoinstall please14:01
flaccidbecause there is no such thing14:01
techbwif you right click on the deb file you will find an option to install....or you could run through consol14:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about isdn14:02
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up14:02
karin_usually when you download a .deb file and you click on it, its installation starts and it does everything by itself14:02
flaccidtechbw: oh thats not auto at all, thats manual using GDebi. you can report a bug or just install it with dpkg14:02
karin_techbw: thank you, i right click on it, selected "install" and it worked thank you14:03
karin_flaccid: it worked...14:03
flaccidkarin_: yes but the default file association must be wrong which is why a bug report would help us all avoid it :)14:03
karin_and it is autoinstall since i didnt have to type anything like "make" or "make install" on any terminal...14:03
techbwobviously your setup does not have .deb linked to your dpkg or whatever14:03
flaccidyou manually selected it for install. its not automatic at all14:04
techbwany mythtv users out there...or dvb-t users14:05
karin_well "automatic" like in windows flaccid, that you click on an installation file and it runs by itself without typing anything from the ms-dos prompt, was that clear?14:05
vikkuhi all, i just installe the ubuntu-restricted pkg but iam still not able to play the mp3, wmv14:05
techbwrun apt-get install xmms should install the required plugins14:06
flaccidkarin_: i understand but in linux this is not classed as automatic :)14:06
flaccid!mp3 | vikku14:06
ubottuvikku: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:06
techbwwhat he meant was he did not how to get the installer to run14:06
tsuna27hi i am having trouble with emerald14:07
flaccidvikku: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP314:07
techbwme too...don't worry....lol...seems to be bug...when I load theme it crashes14:07
flaccidi understood it all :)14:07
tsuna27every time i need to use the command emerald --replace14:07
flaccid!compiz | tsuna2714:08
ubottutsuna27: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion14:08
tsuna27how do i make it do that on start up14:08
flaccid!autostart | tsuna2714:08
ubottutsuna27: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html14:08
karin_anyway, im sure you understood, but you're probably really picky and want to be ultra precise14:08
karin_which is a good thing for an helper14:08
flaccidkarin_: pretty much sorry ...14:08
karin_yes yes i understand, dont have to be sorry at all, you're right14:08
flaccidautomatic is defined way more cooler in linux14:09
techbwbeing precise is sometimes helpfull to us noobs...as we get to learn :-)14:09
flaccidim still a noob14:09
techbwlol...not quite as noob as some others.14:09
techbwlike me?14:09
karin_dont think so eheh14:09
techbwstill learning every day, and hope to never stop14:10
flaccidim just straight to the point on irc here so i sound a bit anal14:10
techbwflaccid: do you know anything about v4l and mythtv?14:10
flaccidnegative, if i did i would of helped :)14:11
flaccidi just use tvtime for my card and yet to set up a server for mythtv so something i havnt got experience in14:11
techbwlol...that is the only complaint i have with linux....just the fact that getting these things to work.14:11
flaccidwell its not supported like windows or mac by vendors, thats the problem14:11
techbwhave not installed tvtime.  is it easy to setup?14:12
flaccidyeah its very easy and its good. there are a couple of 'initial config' bugs but yeah its good14:12
techbwyeah! I just wish vendors would give linux a break sometimes...The monopolising M$14:12
karin_in case i wanted to how do i upgrade my fesity to hardy?14:12
flaccidtechbw: yeah they support what makes them money etc.14:12
techbwyou have and good sites for help with setup?14:12
flaccid!upgrade | karin_14:12
ubottukarin_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:12
geek_techbw: well quite a few vendors do ship linux systems now at least14:13
flaccidtechbw: no im just referring to a bug in their packaging. its no big deal just about ownership of the config file. i can help you with that14:13
flaccidi don't see many or if any tv tuner cards being supported officialy by vendors :)14:13
karin_thank you14:13
flaccidand in the tv tuner support thing, i meant linux support..14:15
* geek_ is sure there's a few, else mythtv wouldn't work ;p14:16
stephen_would love to have my tv card working on linux...seems to be much better interface once working.14:16
stephen_flaccid: is tv time in the repos? or build from source?14:17
flaccidwell i aint seen one and a lot of linux hardware support is not by the vendor but rather the community heh14:18
stephen_answered that myself, in the repo14:18
flaccid!info tvtime14:18
ubottutvtime (source: tvtime): A high quality television application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-0.3ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 676 kB, installed size 1928 kB14:18
stephen_busy installing now14:18
flaccidrun it from konsole after install and see if you have errors <-- advised14:19
stephen_oh I already had it installed...problem it does not detect my tuner at /dev/video0 /dev/video2314:19
stephen_don't know why though14:20
flaccidstephen_: you just run it with the -d switch then to set the device14:20
flaccidhmm it does defaul to /dev/video0 so run it from konsole to see the problem14:21
tsuna27i want to do this http://www.howtoforge.com/mac4lin_make_linux_look_like_a_mac but the instruction r for gnome14:24
tsuna27will it still work for me14:25
flaccidtsuna27: join #ubuntu for help then14:25
flaccidso yeah, you need to use gnome14:26
DragonsshoutHello people!14:27
tsuna27since i am using kde4 i cant do it right14:27
tsuna27so i need to remove kubuntu and install ubuntu14:27
DragonsshoutDo you have also problems with WIFI on kubuntu and Knetworkmanager?14:28
flaccidtsuna27: you only have to install the package ubuntu-desktop to get gnome14:29
flaccidDragonsshout: no.14:29
tsuna27flaccid, how much space does that take up14:30
tyfonon intrepid the knetworkmanager is struggeling atm i think14:30
lenstrа чилаек молекла!14:30
tyfondoesn't work here at least14:30
tyfonfor wifi14:30
geek_!ru > lenstr14:30
ubottulenstr, please see my private message14:30
geek_well i assume its russian anyway14:30
scifiHi guys,14:31
flaccidtsuna27: no idea14:31
mcscruffi think im gonna stick with hardy for a few years14:31
flaccidit works very well for most users, for the rest they should submit a bug ie. knetworkmanager14:32
flaccidit will only get better if we identify the problems and address them :)14:32
tyfoni've tried on two diffrent laptops using 2 wifi cards on one and 1 on the other all diffrent.. neither work :p14:32
tyfonbut i can file bugs14:32
flacciddoesn't sound like you know the reason why they didn't work. knetworkmanager is just a frontend to networkmanager and is here to stay for kubuntu14:33
flacciddon't blame the client until you can prove it ;)14:33
scifiyesterday i successfully installed kubuntu on my lappy and managed to get my wireless working. today i booted up and and kdewallet popped up and asked for my password, so i typed in the password that i had setup yesterday but it is not accepting it. I know its correct because i wrote it down. I managed to connect to the net by searching again for my wireless router and connecting without saving to the kdewallet. but i wud appreciate any hel14:34
tyfonit works using wpa_supplicant, but yes its networkmanager.. knetworkmanager sends the correct dbus message to get them going14:34
tyfonbut then nothing happens :)14:34
flaccidsubmit a bug then14:34
scifianyone else had this problem?14:36
DexterFnetwork problem after moving from debian to kubuntu: network's up but I can't ping my server by name. resolv.conf looks ok.14:36
blackflagI have connectet my telephone-system. Driver is loaded but can not find the device /dev/.... how to find that out?14:36
flaccidDexterF: what error do you get?14:37
DexterFpinging IP is alright so it's a resolve issue, but where?14:37
DexterFflaccid: ping: unknown host xerxes14:37
blackflagtrying also gnome-ppp and using detecting and its not found14:37
blackflagwhat is wrong?14:37
flaccidDexterF: what is the hostname of your server and how do you resolve it?14:37
DexterFflaccid: xerxes on domain citadel, what do you mean how?14:38
flaccidDexterF: is it dns or nmb or other?14:38
flaccidbecause this host is not in your dns14:38
DexterFflaccid: dns. got a m0n0wall router/firewall with dhcp which puts the two machines on fixed IPs by MAC, and that server is confed to announce its name14:40
DexterFplus it works fine from the same machine on debian14:40
DexterFwith the same resolv.conf14:40
flaccidresolv.conf is not dns14:40
flaccidthats local resolution14:40
flacciddhcp also has nothing to do with dns. do a host -v hostname on both machines and compare the difference. if the host is not in the dns forward zone then you are likely relying on nmb resolution which means samba and windows networking support eek14:41
DexterFflaccid: um.. host -v output is... really non-human readable...14:42
DexterFwhat should I look for?14:42
flaccidfeel free to pastebin both on 1 pastebin and i'll check it out to see problem14:42
flaccidyou should see 1. if they use the same dns server 2. if they return a result and what the difference is14:43
DexterFflaccid: oh hey, on the server it returns almost nothing, seems there's the prob.. moment...14:43
DexterFflaccid: http://pastebin.ca/118345714:44
DexterFflaccid: is the adress of said m0n0wall. so it asks it "who do you think xerxes is" and the wall replies: "no fscking idea", right?14:45
overmasterHello. I'd like to know if there's a way to assign mouse wheel movements to gwenview's previous and next hotkeys. I don't know how14:46
overmasterAlso, I'm using KDE 4.1, in case it's important14:46
crimecan some one tell me how to make "resolv.conf" in the etc folder?14:50
DexterFflaccid: compared: http://pastebin.ca/118346114:51
DexterFcrime: "make"? should be there.14:51
flaccidovermaster: wrong chan see topic14:52
flaccidDexterF: the examples you gave are for 2 different hosts14:53
crimeno its not there kppp says i should ask my admin to make it14:53
DexterFflaccid: and you wanted...?14:53
flaccidDexterF: the same host for both. ie. the host that doesn't resolve14:54
flaccidcrime: in konsole, sudo touch /etc/resolv.conf14:55
crimei wont to make a file called resolv.conf in the etc folder14:56
DexterFflaccid: from the machine that doesn't resolve or from here?14:58
crimeok its there now. Many THANKS14:58
flaccidDexterF: what is the actual hostname that doesn't resolve?14:58
flaccidcrime: np14:58
DexterFflaccid: xerxes14:58
DexterFflaccid: I'm on a box called shodan14:59
flaccidso i on shodan you did host -v shodan but should of done host -v xerxes14:59
DexterFflaccid: http://rafb.net/p/ExIxcB61.html15:00
flaccidDexterF: what OS is xerxes?15:00
DexterFflaccid: debian etch r415:01
flaccid so to me it looks like you do not have a local dns server serving this hostname with a forward zone or equiv15:02
flaccid192.168.0.12 is m0n0wall?15:03
DexterFI already went there, too, only to get pissed off by a guy called wols who obviously didn't get his wiener up last night or so and needed to vent... on me..15:03
DexterFflaccid: yup, .12 is m0n015:03
flaccidif you have no dns server, there will be no resolution unless you run nmbd on the machine or a different protocol for ns resolution15:04
flaccidso your behaviour seems normal15:04
DexterFflaccid: how come I can ping shodan by name *from* xerxes15:04
flaccidlet me look15:05
flaccidhow me that please15:05
flaccidshow me that in a pastebin sorry15:05
DexterF...and I just figured xerxes didn't lease an IP from the m0n0...15:05
flaccidforget about dhcp, has nothing to do with resolution besides the nameserver addresses it gives out which will be m0n0wall IP15:05
DexterFflaccid: http://rafb.net/p/AbAgf846.html15:06
flaccidwhat OS etc. is shodan?15:09
DexterFflaccid: till yesterday was debian etch, too, now kubuntu64b 8.0415:10
DexterFthe old debian resolv.conf looks just the same. search citadel, nameserver ....1215:11
flaccidDexterF: on xerxes do nmblookup shodan and let me know15:11
DexterFquerying shodan on / name_query failed to find name shodan15:11
flaccidso what does /etc/resolv.conf look like on xerxes15:12
helpphi guys i need some help overhere... i run feisty, was trying to set up my video card from system and settings, i pushed "try" and the screen its all blurry, im not able to see anything i also tried to reboot with recovery mode but nothing happens, please help, i dunno what to do, thank you15:12
DexterFflaccid: you said dhcp has nothing to with dns - from what I know *most* routers use dhcp hostname broadcasts to fill in on their local dns. don't know tho if m0n0 does15:12
DexterFflaccid: search citadel / nameserver all the same.15:13
flaccidDexterF: the nameserver addresses are put in resolv.conf on unix systems from the dhcp server. both your hosts are you using the .12 for dns from that15:13
DexterFflaccid: which implies that m0n0 on 12 *is* a dns server?15:14
flaccidDexterF: does nmblookup shodan.citadel return same?15:14
flaccidm0n0 is the dns server totally15:15
DexterFthis moment I read that in the web interface of m0n0wall, too - DNS fwder enabled = dhcp data is put there and it acts as a dns server.15:15
DexterFwhich adds to my theory the problem is the missing dhcp lease. if it did that, it would have announced to .1215:16
DexterFshodan.citadel fails as well15:16
flaccidbut you said nameserver is in both client's resolv.conf15:16
flaccidcompare cat /etc/nsswitch.conf | grep hosts on both machines15:16
helpphey, noone can help??? plzzzz15:17
DexterFflaccid: yes, but is that file regenerated on each boot? I don't think so. guess it always was like that15:17
blackflag!usb ppp15:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about usb ppp15:17
DexterFhelpp: patience15:17
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:17
flaccidDexterF: its static until changed by a dhcp server's lease which is what you are doing with the dhcp server15:17
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up15:17
DexterFhelpp: more info. kub version, video card manufacturer, display type, steps you took so far15:17
helppits kubuntu feisty, i dont know my video card the display is not an lcd15:18
DexterFhelpp: you don't know the card...? does it say nvidia or ati when you start the box?15:19
helppi was on systemsettings>monitordisplay> then i changed the gamma and click on "try"15:19
flaccidhelpp: go to a tty by pressing ctrl+alt+f2, login then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg15:19
helppim from another pc now15:19
flaccidhelpp: after that run sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart15:20
helppim trying right now thank you flaccid15:20
flaccidDexterF: anyway, what you need is a dns server for local resolution. does m0n0wall do this yet ? eg. bind915:22
DexterFflaccid: I cant really tell. the info is confusing.15:23
DexterFflaccid: http://rafb.net/p/vq0JsH96.html15:24
DexterFdns fwd is enabled but there's no dns server in "general setup". neither of my boxes run bind but as we figured m0n0wall is a dns server15:24
blackflagI looked here to configure my telphone system: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Setserial but I dont have ttyUSB* . USB- modules are loded. What is wrong? Can someone help?15:25
flaccidyes so you need an authoritive dns server for your local domain/hosts15:25
DexterFflaccid: like: set up bind on for example xerxes and tell m0n0wall to fwd there?15:26
helppflaccid, thank you so much, i solve my problem !!!!!!15:26
DexterFcan't figure tho why it worked so far15:26
flaccidhelpp: coolio!15:26
helppxDDD cya15:26
flaccidcia0 even15:26
DexterFhow does one force a re-lease again on debian-like systems..?15:27
flaccidDexterF: yeah so bind9 on a server. the dhcp server hands out that server's address as the dns server. that server dns forwards to your router or isp then. so it resolves the local domain and forwards for other addresses15:28
flaccidDexterF: depends on how the interface is configured in /etc/network/intefaces and if dhclient is resident15:29
DexterFflaccid: http://rafb.net/p/itXrR682.html15:30
DexterFguess the dhcp in line 11 is what I'm after, huh? looks good tho15:31
=== setyalinux is now known as tyas
flaccidyou sure the iface is eth2?15:31
DexterFuh huh15:32
flaccidDexterF: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart15:32
DexterFchanged NICs around a bit and Bob knows why the only NIC is now eth215:32
yao_ziyuanmy samsung dvd burner reads a cd well under windows but not under kubuntu 8.04+kde4.1. could this be a problem with the linux kernel version?15:33
flaccidyao_ziyuan: wrong channel, see topic15:34
DexterFah shoot, time..15:34
blackflagWhere are now usb devices located under /dev/ ?I can not find under Hardy ttyUSB*. Can someone help?15:37
geek_what kinda USB devices?15:38
* geek_ would think it depends15:38
flaccidblackflag: not sure maybe its /dev/usbdev15:38
flaccidsorry i meant /dev/bus/usb15:39
flaccidthat should be your usb ports15:39
flaccideg. /dev/bus/usb/001/00115:40
blackflagokay. I have an external usb telephone- system and I want to tell kppp which device it should use. How can I find that out?15:41
flaccidblackflag: what is the entry in lsusb?15:41
blackflagBus 004 Device 002: ID 057c:2800 AVM GmbH ISDN-Connector TA15:41
flaccidso im not sure but that could be /dev/bus/usb/004/00215:42
blackflagokay, but there no way to give the path kppp15:43
DexterFflaccid: ok, I need to run, thanks for all your help and time15:44
blackflagokay I set a link to /dev/modem. Now its say: modem is busy15:45
flaccidblackflag: pastebin ls /dev | grep -i usb15:46
flaccidwhat is your file /dev/modem15:46
flacciddunno maybe you can use one of those 4.2 ones15:48
blackflagyou mean seeting a link from taht to modem? okay, Ill try it15:48
flaccidjust use it in the kppp config directly15:49
flacciddon't stuff around with /dev symlinks etc.15:49
blackflagokay Itried that Im getting  modem devices can not be open15:51
blackflagwhat should I try next?15:51
flaccidim afraid im out of ideas again15:52
=== gregg is now known as Phantom77
blackflagso something ha changed in hardy?15:52
flaccidyou had it working before?15:52
hunterHi! flaccid!15:53
blackflagyes, since some time a had an older 2.4 kernel build to get it running. With the new kernel its not necessary, The driver is loaded. Im not able to find out which divice I have to use now for communication with modem.15:54
blackflagan  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Setserial    isnt any help!!15:55
afeijohi group15:57
afeijohow to change sudo crontab editor from vi to nano?15:57
flaccidafeijo: for the current session in shell: export EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano15:58
afeijohi flaccid, it will wont be permanent, right?16:00
afeijoit worked for what I need ATM, thanks for helping me again flaccid16:01
flaccidyeah not permanent16:01
flaccidim just trying to think of the right way to do it on ubuntu16:02
flaccidprobably put in .bashrc16:02
afeijoit in a file in home dir, I changed that to my user16:02
afeijoyeah, .bashrc I think it is it16:02
flaccidafeijo: just can't remember if you put in ~/.bashrc or /root/.bashrc try them16:03
flaccidim off cyas16:03
afeijoI left su session, and returned, nano remain as crontab editor :)16:03
=== |FoxIII| is now known as FoxIII
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion16:31
jeremiehow does this work?16:32
jeremiewtf is this?16:32
=== sudheendra is now known as sudheendra_
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=== ubuntu is now known as ROSSDA
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro16:45
mtrinityqui pe maide a install irc sous linux16:50
bdizzlemtrinity: frances?16:52
bdizzle#ubuntu-fr  , I believe16:52
DragonsshoutHello people16:52
bdizzlehi Dragonsshout16:52
pablopablovski1hey all. is there a safe way to uninstall kde 4.1 without breaking dependancies on my existing 3.5.9 install? I've tried 4.1, and I'm not ready to move over yet.... thx16:53
bdizzlenot sure16:55
bdizzleI didn't think you could downgrade like that16:55
geek_i don't think dependancies will be removed if you use apt16:57
kev_Hey, i have an issue running a game (enemy territory) and teamspeak at the same time, well, got them running at the same time, but only the app started 1st gets sound..searched, found some, but they didnt work, wondered if anyone here would know how to sort it. The error i get from the sound init section on the console is:16:58
kev_/dev/dsp: Device or resource busy16:58
kev_Could not open /dev/dsp16:58
=== janmalte__ is now known as JanMalte
kev_tbh if i can get this working ill probably do away with windows all together, since i play enemy territory in competition i need voip.17:00
ActionParsnipkev_: sup man?17:00
kev_[16:58] <kev_> Hey, i have an issue running a game (enemy territory) and teamspeak at the same time, well, got them running at the same time, but only the app started 1st gets sound..searched, found some, but they didnt work, wondered if anyone here would know how to sort it. The error i get from the sound init section on the console is:17:00
kev_[16:58] <kev_> /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy17:00
kev_[16:58] <kev_> Could not open /dev/dsp17:00
ActionParsnipkev_: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-accessibility/2006-September/001130.html17:01
concernedcitizenare there any package out for kde-qt17:01
concernedcitizeni mean mozilla-qt17:01
ActionParsnipconcernedcitizen: what do you mean?17:04
concernedcitizenfirefox's qt port?17:05
DragonsshoutIt's possible to install KDE 4.1 as an update from 3.5.9?17:05
josai believe yes... but that's just my gut feeling ;)17:06
ActionParsnipDragonsshout: indeed17:06
josaadd the kubuntu-kde4-desktop repositories17:06
Dragonsshoutwho had kde 4.1?17:07
jussi01concernedcitizen: go find apachelogger - I think he has a working deb - it may be in his ppa also.17:08
kev_does this look like it supports 2 devices? : cat /proc/asound/pcm17:11
kev_00-02: ALC883 Analog : ALC883 Analog : capture 117:11
kev_00-01: ALC883 Digital : ALC883 Digital : playback 117:11
kev_00-00: ALC883 Analog : ALC883 Analog : playback 1 : capture 117:11
ActionParsnipkev_: dont flood17:12
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:12
ActionParsnipkev_: use pastebin17:12
kev_will do17:13
=== araneina is now known as hibana
ActionParsnipkev_: maybe theres a room for the game. Im no good at audio in stuff. Is the app configured to use the correct /dev ?17:18
ActionParsnipkev_: is the a /dev/dsp or whatever it was you said17:18
ubottuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.17:24
mhermI'm trying Kubuntu Interpid Alpha 4 under VirtualBox, but I'm unable to boot from the disk, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/40202/ Suggestions anyone?17:24
kev_there device is there yeah, im working on it now17:25
jussi01mherm: #ubuntu+1 for intrepid help :)17:25
ActionParsnipmherm: intrepid isnt support here yet17:25
TomicBombyop :o17:26
florianIs there a way to find out what files are accessed (like filemon in windows)?17:39
miglohi all - does someone know how to create an icon on the desktop for shutting down the pc?17:39
=== aakash is now known as smarty
florianmiglo: think you should write a little script and put this to your desktop17:40
jussi01miglo: not sure about the desktop, but there is a panel applet you can add17:40
smartyis it possible to add a "Show Desktop" feature in KDE4? (as in kde3_17:40
doodooheadhello all17:40
jussi01smarty: #kubuntu-kde4 for kde4 support :)17:40
florianmiglo: a script containing something like "kdesu halt"17:41
doodooheadI am having a hell of a time installing 8.04, any way I cut it, the live cd freezes on boot at "install kubuntu"17:41
doodooheadany help would be appreciated17:42
=== doodoohead is now known as zchef2k
smartyjussi - no one is answering over ther , do you know how to?17:43
miglothanks - found the applet now for which I was looking for  :-)17:43
NthDegreezchef2k: you sure it isn't down to a lack of support to choose install kubuntu?17:43
NthDegreeYou need Legacy USB Mode enabled on the CMOS Setup Utility (BIOS) if you have a USB keyboard17:44
sysadminhello my laptop went into suspend mode, now i can't start the system up because it won't let me decrypt the fs17:44
NthDegreeor if that is of no luck, go grab the Alternate CD17:44
Fargh_got a small problem.  I have external USB drives.  They are not mounted when I log in.  I have to unplug then plug them back in before they are recognized.17:45
NthDegreesysadmin: reformat the swap partition17:45
NthDegreeuse a LiveCD to do this17:45
sysadminswap is encrypted17:45
zchef2kNthDegree: thanks, but unfortunately I 've got one of those dang UEFI BIOS's that doesnt let you select anything...I'll try the alternate17:45
kev_Hey, how do i stop artsd and make it stay stoppped? :D17:46
NthDegreesysadmin: wipe out the swap partition and recreate it then17:46
NthDegreekev_: easy, turn it off on the KDE settings17:46
NthDegreeK Menu > System Settings > Sound System17:46
kev_Using Gnome, sorry :o17:46
NthDegreeUncheck "Enable the sound system"17:46
Fargh_got a small problem.  I have external USB drives.  They are not mounted when I log in.  I have to unplug then plug them back in before they are recognized.17:48
NthDegreeFargh: edit /etc/fstab17:49
=== searle is now known as Dudledie
NthDegreeadd a set of lines for them =]17:49
=== Dudledie is now known as SeARle
NthDegreethen it can be mounted on boot17:49
sysadminNthDegree: there isn't a boot option to say resume=no ?17:49
migloflorian: do you wants to know if the file/dir has been modified or which process has accessed it?17:50
=== SeARle is now known as sEArle
NthDegreesysadmin: I don't know of any for that, I don't have a laptop I just know the basics of how it resumes17:50
Fargh_NthDegree: where can I get the info to put in fstab ?17:51
florianmiglo: both would be the best, but knowing the process should be enough17:51
=== sEArle is now known as ranug
sysadminthanks ill just blat the swap17:52
NthDegreeFargh: you need to know the device file it uses and pick a place to mount to17:52
migloflorian: hm, I remember that the "watch" command used with option "-d" makes it possible to monitor for file/directory changes17:52
NthDegreeand the filesystem it uses17:52
NthDegreethe only hard part is knowing the device file17:53
migloflorian: there are a couple of examples in the man pages17:53
NthDegreemy advice is look at dmesg @ Fargh17:53
NthDegreewhen you plug it in and unplug it17:53
NthDegreeit may give you a clue as to the device file17:54
NthDegreebut the rest is easy17:54
NthDegreemkdir /mnt/whatevernameilike17:54
NthDegreethen nano /etc/fstab17:54
NthDegreeand add a line like17:54
florianmiglo: Thank you, looks interesting17:54
NthDegree/dev/nameofdevicefile /mnt/whatevernameilike auto defaults 0 017:55
Fargh_/dev/sdc1/media/My Bookautodefaults0017:59
Fargh_that ?17:59
migloflorian: "lsof" - list open files could also be interesting for you18:00
Fargh_hmm .. i need to make it readonly first18:04
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr18:11
jussi01olivier: feel free to ask your question in enlish here tohugh :)18:12
rexxhi all!18:17
rexxhaving some  problems with cups in kubuntu 8.0418:17
rexxtrying to run kdesu kprinter or system settings-> printing -> administrator mode I get Connection to CUPS server failed. Check that the CUPS server is correctly installed and running. Error: /var/run/cups/cups.sock: read failed (14).18:18
rexxis there a way to reconfigure cups ?18:19
Fargh_NthDegree: thank you very much !18:24
NthDegreeFargh: I guess you did it =]18:24
NthDegreeWell done ^^18:25
NthDegreeNow if HAL ever breaks you can sort any drives that disappear18:25
NthDegree(similar procedure for that too)18:25
Fargh_sudo fdisk -l reveals most information :)18:25
shadowhywindhay all, install kubuntu onto an external hdd and want to install grub to it, any ideas on how?18:30
steven_just downloaded Konversation18:41
drkguyIs KDE4 final on ubuntu's repos?18:41
drkguyOr is it the beta?18:41
=== steven_ is now known as s_Even
s_Eveni believe it is final18:41
s_Evennot sure18:41
s_Eveni use xfce18:41
drkguyXfce is a lil bit lame18:41
drkguyalthough it's really light18:41
s_Evenno, i lik eit ^^18:41
s_EvenActually i don't like KDE18:42
drkguyThen y are you here?18:42
s_Evento much lay-out18:42
s_Evento slow :p18:42
* _2 uses blackbox when he uses a gui18:42
drkguys_Even: My machine's performance is not affected by KDE18:42
s_Even'cause conversations default channel is this one ^^18:42
drkguys_Even: Thanks to my dual-channel 2G RAM setup18:42
s_Eveni have a 51218:43
s_Evennotebook of dell18:43
drkguyThat's pretty low18:43
s_Evenit is ^^18:43
* drkguy doesn't have a swap18:43
_2drkguy kde doesn't need 2g ram.  i ran kde 3.5 on a p1 with 64m ram for a while.18:43
drkguy_2: dude, i mostly use my comp for gaming, that's why i need 2G Ram18:44
_2oh and that ^ wihtout swap.18:44
drkguyThe best QT App: Amarok18:45
_2i just saying that mentioning how much ram you have in a line about kde not bogging down is like saying the sky is blue because i have a hangnail18:45
drkguy_2: dude, i have a good sempron processor, ram is not the crucial fact18:46
_2ram is not an issue at all.  fsb and cpu are the issues.18:46
Eruaranhi guys18:46
EruaranI heard a rumor that canonical was dropping support for kubuntu, is this true ?18:47
drkguy_2: Yeah18:47
s_Evenhope not...18:47
drkguyEruaran: I don't think so18:47
drkguyEruaran: *ubuntu are the most important canonical projects18:47
drkguyxubuntu, edubuntu, ubuntu, kubuntu and gobuntu18:48
EruaranCause I was thinking I might have to look for another distro :(18:48
=== araneina is now known as hibana
_2Eruaran if so the site should tell you   http://www.ubuntu.org    kubuntu.org ...18:48
drkguyEruaran: you should NOT look at the side of gentoo/slackware18:48
drkguyand that kind18:48
Eruaranslackware scares me a bit18:49
drkguyEruaran: then you won't even like gentoo18:49
White_PelicanI used it years ago18:49
White_PelicanI just switched from gentoo to kubuntu18:49
EruaranI've been happily using Kubuntu since 200518:49
EruaranI tried opensuse the other day...18:50
White_PelicanI believe in Mark Shuttleworth's credo - itr should just work18:50
EruaranI still don't like it18:50
drkguyWhite_Pelican: I used gentoo last days, 6 hours to install KDE18:50
White_PelicanI would never use opensuse18:50
sourcemakerare there java bindings for kde?18:50
Eruaranthey had a kde4 desktop but they renamed stuff18:50
drkguywhat's up with SuSe?18:50
EruaranSo 'system settings' isn't system settings...18:51
White_Pelicanthey are novell and novel sold out years ago to microstink18:51
SeySayuxsourcemaker: yes i think so18:51
EruaranIts something else that I cant remember the name of18:51
Eruaranit was just annoying18:51
Eruaranand yast was meh18:51
White_Pelicanwhat version of kde Eruaran ?18:51
drkguyWhite_Pelican: lol18:51
_2i have used redhat 7,8,9 mandrake 9,10 slackware 4,5(non-release release) debian etch debian/dsl *ubuntu 5.4,6.6   and it seems to be that  linux is linux is linux...18:51
sourcemakerSeySayux: so I can develop kde applications based on java or is there no really support for that... propertly I should learn C++18:51
s_Evendon't sourcemaker!18:52
EruaranWhite_Pelican: well it was 11.0 so admittedly they were still on 4.0.x18:52
s_Evenlearn java ;)18:52
drkguyWhite_Pelican: novell is lame, the only think we should thank them is compiz18:52
SeySayuxsourcemaker: yes it's indeed best to learn c++ as there is not much java documentation at all... but normally it shout work18:52
White_Pelicanoh ok18:52
s_Evencross-platform :p18:52
White_PelicanI have to stry to remember the name of it18:52
EruaranI tried installing kde on windows the other day18:52
SeySayuxs_Even: cross-platform + KDE?18:52
White_PelicanI know it's not kde control center anymore18:52
drkguyEruaran: success?18:52
Eruaranit didn't quite work properly18:52
_2sourcemaker a lot of kde stuff is writen is python18:52
Eruarandolphin ran though18:52
s_Even@Eruaran: lol18:52
White_Pelicanas far as I'm concerned, kde 4 is not ready yet18:53
drkguyEruaran: but it worked, right?18:53
White_Pelicanmaybe with 4.218:53
Eruarandrkguy: yes18:53
sourcemaker_2:   cool... so as java expert... it is propertly a nice challange for me... to lern c++ and qt ;-)18:53
Eruarandrkguy: the only reason was becuase I wanted K3b on my workstation at work18:53
drkguyEruaran: Maybe i'll give it a try18:53
s_Evenbut i should go18:53
drkguyWho Said NeroLinux?18:53
Eruarandrkguy: I tried a reinstall but that seemed to foul things up a bit18:53
sourcemaker_2: can you give me an example... which kde application is written in python?18:55
aaron1i have a question, is there a suse like menu available for kubuntu?18:56
_2sourcemaker oh kdeink2desktop for example18:57
sourcemaker_2: ok18:58
_2k3b uses python18:58
sourcemaker_2: the complete user interface?18:59
White_Pelicanaaron1, I believe the opensuse kde menu is very similar if not an exact copy of kubuntu's kde 4 menu18:59
_2sourcemaker no, not writen in but uses18:59
_2sourcemaker i probably should have worded it differently.  i think most of the things that are "writen in" python are more sub/applets that the kde system uses.19:00
_2not major applications19:01
sourcemaker_2: ok... nice to know19:01
_2sourcemaker if jucato is in #kubuntu-kde4 he would be a good one to talk to about this.   he's part of the kde team and a kubuntu developer19:02
Nyadhi. can some people run this command and tell me if their cpu temp is near that value $ cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature    coz mine gives a constant value of 40 when I know that it's really 48 degrees celcius19:04
Lalo2Hi! I need some help... my kubuntu freezes!!19:04
Nyadmy friend's says 14 which is ludicrous19:04
_2Nyad no therm sensor here.19:04
NyadLalo2, what more can you tell us?19:06
aaron1kde 4 menu looks like opensuse's ?19:06
aaron1hmm i didn't know that19:06
_2Nyad i wrote http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d14a7f1c7 but like i said this box doesn't have a therm sensor19:07
_2looks like that script calls a function that most boxen wont have.  so it's probably not very useful in the wild.19:11
Dragon_MasterI need some help with enabling java on firefox19:12
Nyad_2, I get this error http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d5c5e791019:12
dakotahola buenas19:13
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pr19:15
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:15
Nyad_2, did you get my last message?19:15
_2Nyad looking19:16
coreymon77Dragon_Master: whats the matter with java on firefox?19:17
_2Nyad yes that's what i was talking about  ^  function you don't have.  one could delete the line with the C-F in it19:17
Dragon_MasterI've made the symbolic link19:17
Dragon_Masterbut its not detecting java19:17
Nyad_2, it gives me the same incorrect value of 4019:18
_2Nyad or i could add the function to the script...    i didn't really write it to be portable...19:18
_2Nyad hmmm  and you know that the value is wrong ?19:18
coreymon77Dragon_Master: give me a sec19:18
Nyadyup. my cpu is at 48. if I reboot into bios quick I can find the temp of 4819:19
Nyadplus I had a friend in the same room as me and his said his temp was 1419:19
_2Nyad heh without a thermal chip that would be impossable...    short of using ice water anyway.19:20
Nyadyup :)19:21
Nyadyou think it may be a bug?19:21
coreymon77Dragon_Master: so, you installed in properly19:21
_2Nyad what do you get from lm_sensors --> sensors_detect19:21
coreymon77Dragon_Master: it19:21
coreymon77Dragon_Master: which one, sun java?19:22
_2sorry Nyad that's dash rather than underscore19:22
Nyad_2, it wants me to install some kernel modules when I run sensors which tells me to run sensors-detect but from there I'm lost...19:22
NyadI ran it19:23
coreymon77Dragon_Master: you done the update alternatives yet?19:23
_2Nyad usually the defaults will work... "worth a try"   then see what it says.19:24
_2Nyad cause i'm "guessing" that you didn't actually have support for your sensors is the reason they didn't change any.19:24
_2but that is a guess   ^19:25
coreymon77Dragon_Master: so you have run the sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun command?19:25
Nyadwhen I run sensors it says 4319:25
_2that sounds more like right.    put a heavy load on it for a few seconds and check it again.19:26
Dragon_Masternot that one19:26
Dragon_MasterNo alternatives for xulrunner-addons-javaplugin.so.19:26
_2btw shutdown is cpu intense  so it read a little high on a reboot.19:26
coreymon77Dragon_Master: run this19:26
coreymon77java -version19:27
Dragon_Masterjava version "1.6.0_06"19:27
Dragon_MasterJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_06-b02)19:27
Dragon_MasterJava HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 10.0-b22, mixed mode, sharing)19:27
coreymon77Dragon_Master: okay then19:28
coreymon77Dragon_Master: run sudo update-alternatives --config java19:28
coreymon77then make sure you choose the sun java version you installed19:28
Dragon_MasterThere is only 1 program which provides java19:29
Dragon_Master(/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java). Nothing to configure.19:29
coreymon77now do the symbolic link thing for firefox19:29
smartyanyone know why i cant add more desktops? im only limited to 2... i tried adding 4 (total) but it just reverts back to 219:30
coreymon77Dragon_Master: btw, firefox should be completely shut down when doing this19:31
_2shutdown firefox ?19:31
djdarkmansmarty: right click pager on your panel (the desktop preview applet) and select Configure Desktops19:31
Dragon_Masterwhats the command for deleting a symbolic link and creating one =P I was using a guide19:32
coreymon77Dragon_Master: just go to the directory you made the link in with konqueror or something like that and delete it19:32
smartydjdark: i tried to add more, but it goes back to 2 after i hit apply19:32
_2Dragon_Master rm /path/to/link.name   ln -s inode linkename19:32
* djdarkman is drinking cofee to regain his suppernatural programming skills19:33
djdarkmansmarty: do you have compiz or something else like it?19:33
smartydj : i think i do19:34
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion19:34
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde419:34
smartyyes i do19:34
djdarkmansmarty: if you use compiz, then you have to configure it in compiz, that's your problem19:34
smartyahhh... i fell like an idiot19:34
_2youre welcome.   we're always glad to impart that feeling :)))19:35
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djdarkmansmarty: took me too a while too to find it :D19:35
=== Compiler-Mobile is now known as The-Compiler
smartyhaha. atleast you did find it, and i thank you for that :D19:36
Nyad_2, x-crashed but my temp is now 3819:36
Nyadwhich is great :)19:36
_2Nyad k  you all good then ?19:36
_2or do we know how you crashed x ?19:37
Nyadit's all good. but it still seems that the file in proc is wrong which I think means there's a bug in linux or else just ubuntu19:38
coreymon77wow, everyone having big problems today19:38
coreymon77talking to someone in another channel who managed a kernel panic19:38
_2Nyad by all means "file it"19:38
_2!bug | Nyad19:38
ubottuNyad: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:38
Nyad_2, will do19:39
_2coreymon77 kernel panic is common on the upgrade it seems    was theres an upgrade ?19:40
* djdarkman 's big problem is that, it's sunday, sadly that's beyond repair19:40
coreymon77_2: not on linux19:40
coreymon77_2: this is on the mac channel19:40
coreymon77getting osx to kernel panic is not easy19:41
coreymon77you actually have to try19:41
_2djdarkman not beyond repair...  but the fix will probably take a few hours of hard work....19:41
djdarkman_2: can't wait for the patch :D19:41
_2it'll be here tomarrow i hear   lol19:42
djdarkmancoreymon77: it's because osx is built for a limited number of hardware19:42
coreymon77djdarkman: true, hence why it is hard19:43
_2hmmm delete it's libC and the kernel will panic19:43
coreymon77djdarkman: getting osx to kernel panic is quite a feat19:43
_2if it can be broken, i can break it.  i have even cracked open ball bearings to see what was in them...19:45
* djdarkman thinks getting linux to kernel panic on hardware that Linus Torvalds uses is quite hard work too :D19:45
_2linus who ?19:45
djdarkman_2: don't tell me I've misspelled his name19:46
coreymon77 /facepalm19:46
_2no it was a joke.    i can't spell my own name so i'm not about to correct others.19:47
djdarkmanwell wikipedia says I`m correct http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linus_Torvalds19:47
_2any time someone mentions linus or stalman or ...   i might say    who ?     just to see what the reaction is.19:48
djdarkman_2: a lot of people use linux not knowing these two guys19:48
djdarkmanbasicly they are partialy right, if you buy a car you don't realy care who designed it's motor19:49
_2and most of them are found in #ubuntu  at some point in time.19:49
_2that channel has more   "where's my C:"   than i can do anything with.19:50
coreymon77meh, lunch time19:52
_2i mean i'm pretty new to the whole linux/opensourse thing but some of the questions are not even fit for ##windows  let alone a linux help channel19:52
djdarkman_2: some people like gnome, and most of them are not power users, but not understanding your computer is a platform independant bug19:53
coreymon77djdarkman: hence why windows will never be bug free19:53
_2djdarkman yeah.    ^   that.19:54
coreymon77now its definitely lunch time19:54
djdarkmancoreymon77: the problem is not Windows, KDE or GNOME, the problem is that some people want computers to read their mind19:54
coreymon77djdarkman: didnt i just finish saying lunch tim19:55
Eruaranall mono stuff now uninstalled19:55
djdarkmanEruaran: don't like mono? :)19:56
_2djdarkman this is way off topic and i'll take full responsability for it,  seeing that i did kinda start it.   but; and why is it that someone thinks they want that croud to switch from windarz to linux ???    is beyond me.     if they want their computer to "just do it, just work, just read my mind"   why do "they" want them to switch from windows to linux     don't tell me we need more of them using linux so it will grow...19:57
Eruarandjdarkman: no19:58
Eruarandjdarkman: It was an accident it got installed in the first place19:58
Eruarandjdarkman: I installed something not realising it was mono dependant19:58
Eruarantill I saw all those monolibs appearing19:59
_2i'm like   but isn't that what actually stunted windows growth.   idiot frendly means unusable to the rest of us.19:59
EruaranI think I screamed like Flanders19:59
djdarkman_2: some people just can't realise the difference between user friendly and idiot friendly20:00
_2djdarkman ah  you know i think you really put your fingure on it there.20:00
djdarkman_2: I have much experiance on this topic :)20:01
_2djdarkman :)20:01
EruaranMy mother likes linux better than windows20:02
_2mine did too while she lived.20:02
White_PelicanI like your mom :)20:02
EruaranMy mother likes Dragon Player20:02
EruaranAnd hates Windows media player20:03
EruaranThats the whole decision for her20:03
White_Pelicanshe has good taste Eruaran20:03
White_Pelicanit's why I call it winblows20:04
djdarkman<offtopic meta="noindex,nofollow">back 4-6 years I was considered a shaman because I've had a computer and known "secret" ways to make windows work</offtopic>20:04
_2well   if no one is going to break anything, just to give us something to do.   then i'm off to supper20:06
White_Pelicanit should just work :)20:07
tony_anyone know why mythtv wouldn't show up in the repos?20:14
_2!info mythtv20:14
ubottumythtv (source: mythtv): A personal video recorder application (client and server). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.21.0+fixes16838-0ubuntu3.1 (hardy), package size 28 kB, installed size 76 kB20:14
_2you don't have multivers enabled20:14
_2anyone know a good sourses.list for "debian" stable ?20:20
m_tadeuhow stable is interpid?20:21
tony_my /etc/sources.list has nothing20:21
djdarkmanm_tadeu: if you are not a developer, who like fixing broken things, don't use it!20:22
_2tony_ it's /etc/apt/so*20:22
_2!tab | tony_  ffr this wlll help you on things like that20:26
ubottutony_  ffr this wlll help you on things like that: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:26
tony_it's still not finding it20:29
tony_nm, it's just that one app20:30
m_tadeudjdarkman: got it ;)20:30
_2any changes in /etc/apt/sources.list must be followed by an apt-get update   or the equevilant in what ever dpkg frontend you use.20:30
_2i.e.  you must fetch the packages list files from the repo you added.20:31
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Boris85Guten Abend, kennt jemand ein gutes wiki um den bootsplash bei kubuntu zu ändern? möglichst nicht von ubuntuusers, die seite ist ja down. Danke21:04
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:05
ubottuTo change your KDE splash screen go to KMenu -> System Settings -> Splash Screen21:05
bucketheadHow do you know the different ! commands? Is there a master list, or are you that good?21:16
coreymon77buckethead: who are you talking to21:16
engineerin the console21:16
engineerhit tab21:16
_2buckethead yes  :)21:16
bucketheadI meant the commands to the bot.21:16
neptunepinkThere's a URL somewhere21:16
_2there is a list   and no i don't look at it.21:17
coreymon77buckethead: well, most of them just make sense21:17
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.21:17
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:17
neptunepinkhmm, that's not it. Oh well. ^_^21:17
coreymon77buckethead: usually you just type ![whatever you want] and that normally works21:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about madlinuxskills21:17
bucketheadThat makes two of us, bot boy.21:17
_2someone care to test this for me.  i'd like to know if it's portable.  other linux distros prefered but newer ubuntu needs tested too21:18
Nyadhi. I just installed kubuntu-kde4-desktop but it seems to have installed kde4.0.321:18
Nyadinstead of kde4.121:19
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde421:19
_2and is it too slow ?    i hope that using find on /proc doesn't bog down.21:21
bucketheadHmm. I got a pair of 'temp missings'. Its possible my A7V doesn't have temp sensors, but I would expect my toshiba lappy to have something..21:23
_2buckethead ok i will go back and work on it some more.21:24
_2thanks for the input.21:25
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miltonjohnhi how can i choose the rootpartition to install grub on it instead of mbr when i try to install kubuntu21:30
Nyadwhen you reach the end of the installer it allows you to pick where to install grub when you click on advanced optioons21:31
miltonjohnsure i know that i can choose wich hd but not partition21:33
neptunepinkahh, how do you say germany in country code?21:34
neptunepinkwhoops, -= that21:34
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:34
Nyadmiltonjohn, yes21:35
Nyadit means postal code21:35
_2miltonjohn there should be an option durring the install process.21:35
_2miltonjohn unless it has greatly changed you can select the partition as well as the drive21:36
miltonjohnfor kubuntu 08.0421:36
_2miltonjohn if you need that option and don't have it.  don't install grub and then manually install it from the same cd21:36
_2!grub | miltonjohn21:36
ubottumiltonjohn: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:36
miltonjohngrub-install by terminal thanks21:37
_2buckethead one more time   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d5f92b00e  if you don't mind21:37
aaron1does compiz come preinstall on kubuntu?21:39
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion21:39
bucketheadOne sec _2.21:39
_2!kde4 | aaron121:39
ubottuaaron1: KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde421:39
_2you might prefer the effects in kde4     just a thought21:40
aaron1so i have to install kde 4.1 & compiz21:40
_2i was offering an alternative21:41
aaron1i was going to install kde 4.121:41
buckethead4.1 is more fun than compiz, imho.21:42
_2it has three dee crap built in   so you may like that.21:42
aaron1i thought compiz was graphic effects21:42
shadowhywindhay all I just installed kde4.1 (intreped) when i try to open adept i get kapture::PkgSystem::PkgSystem()  KCrash: Application 'adept_manager' crashing... KCrash cannot reach kdeinit, launching directly.   any ideas?21:42
_2i thought kde4 was too21:42
_2shadowhywind wrong channel21:43
shadowhywindoh poo!!!21:43
ubottuAlpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!21:43
shadowhywindI joined the kde4 channel.. but didn't switch tabs.. hehe21:43
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aaron1mayve i should wait until oct21:43
shadowhywindsaw you guys talking bout 4.1 and didn't bother to double check (hehe)21:44
aaron1before installing kubuntu that way i won't have any problems installing kde421:44
bucketheadaaron1: Kde 4.1 has graphic toys too.21:44
aaron1had lil experience with debian back in 2003 last time i tried linux21:45
_2aaron1 maybe you are not yet familear with the quote "Q. what do linux users do?  A. they install software."   ;/21:45
_2there is a reason that is funny,21:45
aaron1lol i'm just scared i might destoy my install21:45
_2there is also a reason it's not....21:45
* _2 used to say. "i reload twice a week, whether i need to or not..." :)21:46
LoCaLMaChIn1anyone know what is wrong with the ubuntu channel21:48
_2i installed this particular system july 05 and in june 06 upgraded   been using it ever sense21:48
_2LoCaLMaChIn1 something wrong with it ?21:48
_2LoCaLMaChIn1 other than the overload of "where's my C:"  i mean ?21:49
LoCaLMaChIn1yeah its like freezing when I try to swtich it freezes21:49
_2hmmm i'd watch the network for intruders for a bit.   check logs maybe.   it may be someone testing their skills as a blackhat ;/21:50
LoCaLMaChIn1I type in #ubuntu then it acts like it is going to open then freezes21:50
LoCaLMaChIn1a black hat21:50
_2as opposed to a whitehat21:51
LoCaLMaChIn12 whats a blackhat sorry sort of a newbie21:51
LoCaLMaChIn1and why am I being prevented from logging into the ubuntu channel21:53
_2ever watch any old western movies ?   the men with black hats were always the vilian and the guy with the white hat the "good guy"     from that tradition the hacking world developed two branches of network cracking experts    white and black hats.  go figure.21:53
LoCaLMaChIn1so you think the black hat are screwing with me21:53
coreymon77LoCaLMaChIn1: maybe you were banned?21:54
bdizzleout of curiosity, how would I go about viewing all computers on the network I am connected to?21:54
_2i'm neither.  but i'm smart enough to know if i wanted to find 'newbeez' to test my skills on,   #ubuntu would be the best place in the world to idle21:54
_2bdizzle you mean just to find them ?    nmapfe21:55
bdizzleand then create a second connection to that computer on top of the current connection to the internet21:55
coreymon77LoCaLMaChIn1: do you get anything saying that you were banned when you try and join?21:55
LoCaLMaChIn1but why would I be banned I don't even go in that channel21:55
bdizzlecommand not found21:55
coreymon77i dunno21:55
LoCaLMaChIn1no just freezes21:55
coreymon77if you dont go into that channel, why does it matter21:55
coreymon77this channel is better anyways21:55
LoCaLMaChIn1my buddies list freezes and the main chat window21:56
_2LoCaLMaChIn1 are you banned ?   if so the server window will have a message explaining that.21:56
bdizzlebasically, I have to connect to my campus network for wireless internet access, but I also want to try to connect over the network to my desktop to access / modify / add / delete files from it without physically being in the room21:56
LoCaLMaChIn1no not banned just the window freezes21:56
_2LoCaLMaChIn1 try another client.  maybe it's a bug21:57
LoCaLMaChIn1must be a bug how do I try another client21:57
LoCaLMaChIn1should change my screen name?21:58
* _2 hopes LoCaLMaChIn1 makes it to the other channel...21:58
_2client == application21:58
_2the software you used to get here.    konversation   for instance21:59
_2gaim  xchat  mirc   irssi ...21:59
bdizzle_2: okay, program installed. how do I use it?21:59
Vutraltoo ful here21:59
LoCaLMaChIn1I am using Gaim messenger21:59
LoCaLMaChIn1thats all I got21:59
_2bdizzle open it.  it's pretty streight forward21:59
Vutralwho was on froscon21:59
bdizzleyeah, the target host, what is that? like the IP address?22:00
_2bdizzle it's an fe == front end   to nmap     i.e. a gui for it.22:00
bdizzleyeah, I appreciate that part22:00
fitoriaI tried to play a rmvb file in kaffeine it plays but the audio is pretty bad22:00
bdizzleI like front ends22:00
fitoriaany idea?22:00
_2bdizzle yeah   ip range that you want to scan22:00
_2fitoria only thing i would think of is try vlc22:01
dennisterhey ppl: having real killing a process that's named in []'s22:01
dennisterkillall's not working22:01
_2dennister cause it's a kernel thred22:02
_2you don't kill kernel threds22:02
_2my  key is sticking22:02
bdizzleokay, so if I wanted to scan to, how would I enter that into the target field?22:02
dennisterok, so what do i do?22:02
bdizzlejust - ?22:03
_2dennister in most cases if you have to kill a kernel thread you remove the module    modprobe -r name22:03
_2depends on what it is actually22:04
dennister_2: yes, and when I tried the modprobe -r name, terminal told me FATAL: Module speakup is in use22:04
LoCaLMaChInEthe ubuntu channel is pretty much toast on my comp22:04
_2dennister so lets stop guessing and why don't you reviel what exactly you are trying to kill22:04
dennisteri need to remove it so i can make a small change22:04
bdizzle_2:  ? what format does the range have to be in?22:05
_2bdizzle i just use dotted decimal   like   scan all the 192.168.*.*22:06
bdizzleah, okay22:06
bdizzleand what is the /16 for?22:06
LoCaLMaChInEthe reason I am trying to get in ubuntu is because I am looking for someone22:06
_2bdizzle class22:07
_2bdizzle a class is /8 b class is /16  c class is /24 ...     a.b.c.d22:07
bdizzleum, ok22:08
* _2 hopes no network engineer sees his gibberish22:08
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* _2 hides...22:08
LoCaLMaChInEBarack Omaha for president????????????>:o22:08
Dragnslcr/XX is the number of significant bits, the rest of the 32 bits being variable22:09
_2bdizzle i obviously don't know the jargon.22:09
DragnslcrSo /16 means the first 16 bits are fixed, and the rest can be anything22:09
bdizzleyeah, but at least you know what to do. I don't even know that much22:09
gkffjcsare scp and ssh relatively the same thing, just scp is used specifically file transfer?22:09
bdizzleI believe so gkffjcs22:10
dennister_2: i'm trying to stop/killall speakup process, to make a small change, but when I give the command "modprobe -r speakup" the error message is FATAL: module in use22:10
Dragnslcre.g. means all addresses between and 192.168.25..25522:10
bdizzlegah how is it this hard to set up a computer to computer network22:10
_2gkffjcs part of the same package using the same protocal  but highly different in actual use22:10
Dragnslcrgkffjcs- scp copies files across an SSH session22:10
LoCaLMaChInEstupid ubuntu channel22:11
_2dennister ok pastebin your pstree22:11
_2scp can copy from one remote host to another remote host    kinda kewl22:11
LoCaLMaChInEBIll Gates for president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-D22:12
_2only if he'll pay off the debt.22:12
bdizzle...and suddenly I hear the sound of millions of geeks crying out in pain at the thought22:12
dennister_2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/40257/22:13
_2just remember bill was a geek once too22:13
LoCaLMaChInEhe has millions he can pay off anything22:13
coreymon77nah, he was just a dork22:13
bdizzleyes, but he sold his soul22:13
gkffjcsthanks, _2 that's what I thought.22:14
coreymon77he didnt even make dos22:14
LoCaLMaChInEto the devil22:14
LoCaLMaChInEyeah the story was he copied the software from apple22:14
bdizzle...I'm sure everyone here has seen Pirates of Silicon Valley, we don't need it re-told22:14
_2dennister i don't see it in there.22:15
LoCaLMaChInEBIll Gates or Arnold Sxhwartznegger22:15
_2dennister am i missing something ?22:15
coreymon77actually, the one i heard is that he bought it off some guy cheap and then claimed it was his22:15
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LoCaLMaChInEcoreymon77 it wouldn't surprise me22:16
dennister_2: no, it's not whowing up in pstree...does show up near bottom when i " ps aux"...hold on22:16
LoCaLMaChInEjust like I think the bush daughter cheated on her S A TS22:17
_2fellows! i have to go.   someone help dennister see what is going on, and get it streightened out.   thanks.22:17
dennisterok, results from ps aux is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/40259/22:18
LoCaLMaChInElater 222:18
dennisterspeakup is process I'm trying to stop/kill, it's near the bottom22:18
bdizzleokay, so type in kill <processnumber>22:18
LoCaLMaChInELinux is such a pain in the butt22:19
dennisterbdizzle: i did 'kill 6452', but ps aux says it's still there22:20
coreymon77LoCaLMaChInE: not really, you just have to ge past the initial problems22:20
coreymon77LoCaLMaChInE: then it works perfectly22:20
LoCaLMaChInEI remember the first time I installed Ubuntu oh man the modem setup was like Japanese to me22:20
dennistersorry i did kill 645122:20
dennisterthe correct pid22:20
LoCaLMaChInEyeah I know I am computer literate so some things I can get but then I have to scratch my head when i Don't understand something like right now I can't get xubuntu if my life depended on it22:21
dennistercan anyone help kill this process?22:22
bdizzleCtrl + Alt + Backspace might22:23
LoCaLMaChInEanyone know where I can get a copy of xubuntu22:23
robotgeekdennister: kill -9 <process #>22:23
bdizzleLoCaLMaChInE: google for it?22:23
robotgeekLoCaLMaChInE: http://www.xubuntu.org/get22:23
dennisterrobotgeek: still running; no joy22:24
robotgeekLoCaLMaChInE: if you want to use it on your current machine, just use apt-get install xubuntu-desktop22:24
LoCaLMaChInEtried that I think I have order it because stupid torrents are so damn slow22:24
LoCaLMaChInEyeah but then I will get the old version22:24
robotgeekLoCaLMaChInE: wget it?22:25
LoCaLMaChInEif I wget it will it take me an eternity to get it22:25
robotgeekLoCaLMaChInE: no access to fast internet?22:25
LoCaLMaChInEnope I have a friend who has highspeed but he is having problems getting the new version22:26
dennisteri'm gonna try and reboot, maybe that will kill this process so I can make the change I need22:26
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LoCaLMaChInERick flare?22:29
LoCaLMaChInEParis Hilton for President:-D22:31
LoCaLMaChInE.Type a for George Bush22:33
LoCaLMaChInEType B for Rack Obama and C for Paris Hilton or D Britney SPears22:34
robotgeekLoCaLMaChInE: please keep conversation here relevant to Kubuntu22:34
robotgeektake all offtopic chatter to #kubuntu-offtopic22:34
LoCaLMaChInEsorry having a prob with one of my printers killing time the wrong way22:34
NthDegreeLoCaLMaChInE, i'll take B22:35
LoCaLMaChInEanyone know glitsj622:37
LoCaLMaChInEalthough this is the Kubuntu channel is there  a dial up toll I can use for Ubuntu22:39
LoCaLMaChInEdial up tool22:42
ubuntuhi again22:42
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:42
Jack3hardy kubuntu doesnt have KDE4 no?22:42
LoCaLMaChInEYeah looks like I am thoe only loser using Dial up oooooh god22:43
ubuntuthx by live cd22:43
dennisterok, was finally able to kill the process22:43
coreycan someone help me fix my sound issue22:44
Jack3is there a download manager for downloading iso's?22:44
Jack3my download fails :(22:44
LoCaLMaChInEDennister had a similar prob with my dust box freezed up a billion times22:44
LoCaLMaChInEhad to reinstall ubuntu to kill the bugs22:45
LoCaLMaChInEJack3 having the same problem torrents are crap22:46
dennisteror ... i thought i'd killed the process "(22:46
LoCaLMaChInEoh no dennister what happened22:46
dennisterhave no idea...22:48
LoCaLMaChInEI remember I deleted Xorg oh talk about a nightmare couldn't do anything my comp wouldn't boot22:49
LoCaLMaChInEand I had no backups whatsoever yep I am sure smart22:50
dennisteri was finally able to modprobe -r speakup_soft, and then modprobe speakup_soft; espeakup22:51
dennisterpulseaudio works in console, right?22:52
LoCaLMaChInEman I do not know yeah I am hopeless22:52
hoontekeis there a way to "duplicate" my wireless device?  I'm looking for a way to be able to mess with tapN with iwconfig.22:53
LoCaLMaChInEI think dennister I got rid of KDE too many probs22:53
dennisterLoCaLMaChInE: well, this has nothing to do with KDE...i'm trying to setup a screen reader and software voice synthesizer for console...for this user, and I did get it working at home22:54
LoCaLMaChInEoh ok22:55
LoCaLMaChInEgotcha hmmm I havent dealt with that before but it sounds like a headache22:56
LoCaLMaChInELinux at times can be a migraine if you get too frustrated22:57
TheMaxzillaLinux is play, not work.22:58
illmortal_Does anyone know if the SAPPHIRE 100247L Radeon HD 4870 has compatibility issues with Kubuntu?23:04
flacciddoubt it23:05
flaccidunless google says something. that will probably use the radeonhd driver23:05
josacan anyone suggest some kind of media plugin for firefox... i dont like vlc and mplayer ones23:07
flaccidjosa: might get more hits in #firefox23:08
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illmortal_Ah man... I need Linux to fully support the video card. There's no NVIDIA cards touching Radeon HD 487023:10
djdarkmanillmortal_: it's the other way around23:12
flaccidillmortal_: linux doesn't support it?23:12
illmortal_I'm trying to find info on it. Right now I'm readin this: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ati_radeonhd_4870&num=223:13
illmortal_If linux can't fully support, WINXP will have to take over =\23:13
tony_can someone tell me why every time i install mythtv i get "no upnp backends found" or something and then "couldn't login" etc?23:14
flaccidillmortal_: lots like http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=878709 people succesful23:16
flaccidillmortal_: and the support has nothing to do with linux. the responsibility rests with the vendor, amd, so complain to them not us :)23:16
flaccidtony_: what did google say23:16
illmortal_Ah that's right, it's not Linux devs who create the drivers but the vendor.23:17
flaccidtony_: http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=mythtv+no+upnp+backends+found&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-823:17
illmortal_alright cool,thanks for the flaccid, as usual you're on point with helpin :D23:17
tony_flaccid: googled it before and get a clusterfuck of suggestions. i don't do shit but just install it. on this, on kubuntu, on ubuntu, idk wtf is going on23:17
=== ubuntu is now known as ubu-kubu
flaccidillmortal_: well a lot of drivers are done by the community because the vendor fails to but yes its the responsibilty of the vendor particularly if they are closed source and commercial on their hardware23:18
flaccidtony_: you are going to have to try harder than that if you want to fix it :)23:18
tony_flaccid: you're right, i may have forgotten the pvr firmware or whatever it is, brb. why does this have to be so hard everytime?23:20
tony_holy shit, i'm using 36gigs since i installed kubuntu lastnight and only downloaded like 2. wtf?23:22
aaroni'm having trouble installing ATI drivers when i enter ./ati-driver-installer-8-8-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/gutsy  out put says Permission denied23:22
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:22
tony_sorry, but this prompts me to not watch it. i spent enough time googling for problems here, i could've bought windows again23:25
aaronwtf my su password23:25
aarondays authentication failure23:25
bucketheadtony_: Download a program called 'flielight', it will show when the space went.23:25
tony_buckethead: thanks23:26
aaronanyone know how to switch to root23:27
=== ubuntu is now known as jorgen
tony_aaron, why? just use xp if you don't care about security23:27
jorgeni need to create new file systems ona  drive with bad blocks, how do i go about that23:27
aarontony are you high23:27
aaroni'm trying to install ati drivers23:28
jorgenim high23:28
jorgenon cannabis23:28
tony_use sudo23:28
theunixgeekIs there a way to download the build-essential and gtk-lib-dev packages for later installation (along with their dependencies and so on and so forth)?23:28
Traveler232hi!  QUESTION:  how do I determine if I have a java compiler installed?  (I guess it's javac I'm looking for?)23:28
jorgenwith mke2fs how do i specify the file system size?23:28
theunixgeektony_: for later installation23:28
TheMaxzillaTraveler232: Open up a terminal and type in javac23:28
b3ny0-wish i was baked too23:29
neptunepinkWhat command tells me what kind of memory I have installed?23:29
ubottuA quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html23:29
jorgencan anybody help me with mke2fs please23:30
jerkfacei just bought a new computer. how can i tell if it's a laptop?23:30
TheMaxzilla!repeat | jorgen23:30
ubottujorgen: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience23:30
tony_buckethead: i'm not seeing that anywhere23:30
TheMaxzilla!patience | jorgen23:30
ubottujorgen: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:30
flaccidtony_: dunno. i know that mythv has always been a pita23:31
flaccidaaron: either you don't have perms in that dir or you need sudo23:31
aaroncan i su to root23:31
aaronlike opensuse & gentoo23:31
flaccid!sudo | aaron23:32
ubottuaaron: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)23:32
aaronsudo ./ati-driver-installer-8-8-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/gutsy23:32
aarondoesn't work23:32
TheMaxzillaaaron: What are you trying to accomplish?23:32
flaccidwell you shouldnt even need root for that command. what directory are you doing it in aaron23:33
aaroninstall ati drivers using this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI23:33
flaccidTheMaxzilla: hes making deb packages from the binary installer23:33
flaccidaaron: nah hes updating the driver as per the ati wiki23:33
TheMaxzillaAre you in the directory that you downloaded it to/23:33
aaronon my desktop23:33
YAOMTCI'm installing the KGtk fix, and one instruction is to set up the Qt4/KDE4 environment variables. I can't remember how to do this and can't find a howto.23:35
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=== Amen is now known as amen22
flaccidaaron: you should follow http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide could be that you are not using sh to run it and failed to chmod +x on the .run23:36
flaccidYAOMTC: wrong chan for kde4, please see topic for right chan23:36
amen22Could someone please tell me how to get flash player to work, so things such as youtube will load for me?23:36
YAOMTCOh, right. My mistake.23:36
flaccid!flash | amen2223:37
ubottuamen22: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:37
TheMaxzilla#kubuntu-kde4 - YAOMTC23:37
aaronthanks flaccid23:38
aaronwhich is better installing Catalyst 8.8 or drivers from Ubuntu's repositor23:39
flaccidaaron: only difference is that 8.8 is a later driver than the repos23:42
HighHoaaron: Depends how you look at things really, theres nothing really wrong with either methods, but using repo's means its been tested23:43
flaccidyeah and this is the reason it doesn't get updated within a release23:44
aaronsudo gedit /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common23:44
aaronsudo: gedit: command not found does this mean i have to install gedit ?23:44
flaccidaaron: use kate instead23:45
HighHoaaron: use kate23:45
HighHodo'h :)23:45
YAOMTCor kedit, but that's even less of an editor than gedit is so I'd go with kate23:46
dennisterhey all...having troubles with sound in this new kernel23:47
TheMaxzillasudo kate /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common23:47
dennisterspeakup and espeakup want pulse, and I have pulse working at home, but I don't understand why it's not working here...sound was working fine in older kernel on this machine23:48
flaccidif you are talking pulseaudio you might get better help in #ubuntu as that is what gnome uses23:48
dennisterok, will try23:49
laicohello, i am having problems installign rt2570 driver23:49
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions23:49
HighHomight help also23:49
flaccidlaico: always specify the problem otherwise you probably won't get a response23:49
eden06Hey guys, No ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu live cd ever boots for me, resets just as X loads, running amd athlon64 3000+ on a k8 with an nvidia 7600AGP 512mb videocard. Have tried both x86 and 64bit versions, disk fine as loads on a vm, any suggestions?23:51
flaccid!alternate | eden06 tried this?23:52
ubottueden06 tried this?: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/8.04/kubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent23:52
laicoi am using a dlinlk g122 usb wifi card and when i try to put it in monitor mode with airmon i get unknow command forceprismheader, i though it was the driver so i donwload and extract a new one. but  when i try to make install it says it could not find /lib/module so i dowload lzm2dir but then theres another problem23:54
eden06flaccid: was hoping not to as a straight install is not what I particularly wanted, I shall download it and try on a spare hard drive, although it's only ubuntu based distros that can't manage the live cd which is odd23:54
eden06flaccid: and also the links broke ^.^23:54
flaccidlaico: best bet is to google the errors and go from there23:54
flaccideden06: what are you trying to achieve23:55
laicothats what i have been trying23:55
laicobut i will keep searching23:55
flaccidie. what is it you particularly want eden0623:55
flaccidlaico: 1. your card needs to support monitor mode 2. your driver needs to support monitor mode 3. problem/bug could be with airmon23:56
laicohumm maybe its the driver23:56
laicocause the card does support it23:56
flaccidlaico: this could help http://forums.remote-exploit.org/showthread.php?t=5707&page=323:57
aaronmy xorg.config file looks wierd i don't see any lines for my monitor res or drivers23:57
flaccidairmon doesn't seem to support the forceprism command too23:57
eden06flaccid: long term, would like to replace my current distro with something ubuntu based, however, earlier versions of ubuntu/kubuntu couldn't even manage to boot past splash, which doesn't give me much hope, hence why I'd rather run it live first than risk my current distro which is installed how I like23:57
flaccidaaron: xorg 7 doesn't require them23:57
aaronso how do i enable23:58
aaronmy drivers to fglrx23:58
flaccideden06: the reason for that is the livecd is pretty generic with its X and doesn't work with all video cards. you can goto a tty and check the x log to see why and change it to Driver "vesa" if needed or just use the alternate cd to install text based. the distro is practically irrelevent because its about driver and Xorg support23:59
flaccidaaron: hardware drivers manager from the kmenu23:59
flaccideden06: if your current distro uses Xorg, you could just copy the xorg.conf and restart kdm on the livecd and it will probably work23:59

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