[05:52] hey guys! gotta question... anyone got some ears to lend me? [05:55] hmm well durn... i'll ask anyway [05:57] i am part of the dev team for PCLinuxOS "I won and run www.GetPCLinuxIS.com" but I am dissapointed in their support and community and I am lookign for a new distro to hop with witha great community and support... i was wondering what you guys think if I switch to Ubunto and made GetPCLinuxOS.com into a pointing site for my new site which would be GetUbunto.com and have it offer the 3 major versions of Ubunto... [07:26] ZlNG, i'm not entirely sure that would be overly respectful, as per the Code of Conduct of this community. [10:04] I'm not sure anybody would visit either misspelled URL, so the matter is probably irrelevant [23:54] Hi [23:55] I sent a mail to ubuntu-art mailing list but it seems that it never arrived ...