
Ngis -intel 2.4.1 going to be able to sneak into intrepid?00:59
Ngit seems to work with vt switching on G45 better00:59
Ngwhich is weird since it looks like our 2.4.0 has at least some of the 2.4.1 fixes as patches02:03
Ngjcristau: debian 02:26
Ngjcristau: debua bug #494441 - I got that when I was messing around with having an xorg.conf. not having it works fine02:26
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 494441 could not be found02:26
jcristauNg: so 2.4.0 is broken, and 2.4.1 works?12:44
Ngjcristau: ish, yeah. in intrepid's 2.4.0 changing vt seems to pretty much break everything, and also if usplash is enabled then X doesn't start properly13:52
Ngjcristau: but 2.4.1 seems a lot happier13:52
Nghaving textured video is nice too, although it seems like it's not syncing properly, I'm getting.... well I'm not sure how to describe it correctly, but I can see a break move down the video sometimes where it's like above the break and below it aren't quite rendering in sync14:00
NgI think this is the vblank sync thing? (although this is HDMI output to a TV, so I'm not sure that there is a vblank ;)14:01
NgI switched from DVI to HDMI this morning and I don't seem to be having the display blank out every minute or so, so maybe there is something wrong with the DVI connector, or my cable14:01
Ngbut switching to HDMI is fine by me ;)14:01
NgI'll play with XvMC later, but aiui that only helps with mpeg2?14:03
jcristaui don't think xvmc is supported on your chipset14:05
jcristauonly 915/945 and g33, according to the manpage14:05
Ngit seems like the hardware has video acceleration stuff, but maybe that's just not supported via current X stuff?14:06
jcristauyeah it's just missing from the driver14:06
Ngok :)14:06
jcristauthere's also a branch for xvmc on 965 but it's not quite done afaik14:06
Ngfrom what I can find on blog postings, it seems like the drm/gem stuff is nearing done, but won't be in the kernel until 2.6.2814:09

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