
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
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apacheloggerJontheEchidna: pleae head over to the debian guys with bug 24879213:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248792 in kdenetwork "Binary package knewsticker should be renamed to plasmoid-knewsticker" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24879213:01
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: what would be the best way to get in contact with them?13:04
apacheloggerirc.debian.org - #debian-qt-kde13:04
\shCzessi: ping acer aspire one + kde4.1 on hardy + desktop effects == works out of the box13:32
jjesseRiddell: new adept updater shows there are updates ready for me even if there aren't any13:36
jjesseinsteresting i restarted my intrepid vm and got a notification through adept? about an apt authentication issue?  any ideas?13:47
jjesseand when i resolve the authentication issue synaptic is runing instead of adpet?13:47
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Czessi\sh: kool, works wlan and the cardreader?14:04
\shCzessi: wlan works with updated drivers..cardreader I can't test right now, but regarding the ubuntuusers wiki report, no...but I'll check it out later tonight14:04
\shCzessi: the cam is working too, with selfmade drivers...the only application which can't work with this webcam is adobes flashplayer...14:05
Czessi\sh: ok, some work to get kubuntu work fine14:08
Czessi\sh: http://www.czessi.de/en/images/linux-messen/froscon-2008?page=1&img=2 :-D14:09
\shCzessi: yes..the fonts are too big for the 8.9" display...I set it to 7 instead of 10, and it looks nice14:09
\shCzessi: http://gallery.sourcecode.de/v/Exhibition/album_003/14:11
Czessi\sh: lol, some crazy photos14:16
Czessi\sh: downloaded as zip14:18
apacheloggerall new kickoff theme in 4.214:26
waylandbillThis is the first time I fixed a bug. I follow the 'HowToFix' instructions on the ubuntu wiki verifying that the fix worked and submitted a patch via comment attachment on the bug page. Is that there all is too it?14:32
JontheEchidnawaylandbill: subscribe the sponsor to either ubuntu-main-sponsors or ubuntu-universe-sponsors14:33
JontheEchidnathen poke either an motu for universe or Riddell for main to take a look at the bug14:34
waylandbillJontheEchidna: not quite sure what you mean regarding 'the sponsor'.14:36
ScottK-laptopwaylandbill: What bug?14:36
JontheEchidnaer, subscribe the the bug14:36
JontheEchidnabug 26074114:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260741 in kubuntu-grub-splashimages "black selection bar on black background is not the best option" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26074114:37
waylandbillyes. that's the one14:37
JontheEchidnaif you say bug then number ubottu will make a link ;-)14:37
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waylandbillokay. so I would subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to the bug since it is in the universe. Sounds simple enough.14:39
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: can you testrun the diff?15:25
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: for kubuntu-grub-splashimages?15:25
apacheloggerwaylandbill: the series in changelog should be intrepid and the version 2.2 <- because it's a native ubuntu package15:25
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yesso15:25
waylandbillapachelogger: should I change that and submit a new patch?15:29
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I never really needed to do this so I never learned, so how does one apply a debdiff?15:29
apacheloggerpatch -p0 < PATCHFILE15:29
apacheloggerwaylandbill: not if the patch itself works properly15:30
apacheloggerthen I'll just change that before uploading15:30
JontheEchidnaoh, that easy then15:30
apacheloggerthat is one old package :S15:31
* JontheEchidna debuilds15:31
JontheEchidnawhoa, you're right15:31
JontheEchidnastandards version 3.6.215:31
JontheEchidnaE: kubuntu-grub-splashimages: debian-changelog-file-contains-invalid-email-address waylandbill@waylandbill-laptop15:32
* apachelogger updates15:33
apacheloggerwaylandbill what email address are you using on launchpad?15:33
waylandbilloh. I should've set that to waylandbill@gmail.com. :-/15:33
apacheloggertechnically it could be anything in form of x@y.tld, but with a proper email address launchpad can associate the changelog entry :)15:33
JontheEchidnabrb, rebooting to test15:34
* apachelogger is wondering whether we can incorporate these images into kgrubeditor somehow15:35
apacheloggerkgrubeditor crashes on the new menu.lst15:38
waylandbillI've never used kgrubeditor. perhaps it doesn't know about the foreground and background commands.15:39
apachelogger-rw------- 1 root root   4965 2008-08-25 16:37 menu.lst15:40
apacheloggerthat isn't all that correct15:40
apacheloggerwaylandbill: I am not sure it is related to that15:40
waylandbillwhat should the correct permissions be? 644?15:42
JontheEchidnaWorks from what I can see15:43
JontheEchidnaI had to reboot again since on the first reboot /var was mounted as read-only for some reason >.>15:43
asfaki am very happy about present state of Kubuntu Intrepid alpha4. Updated regularly. Hardly any crash. Huge boot and shutdown improvement.15:44
jjesseyay glad to hear asfak15:45
waylandbillI could've set the background to value in the menu.lst to kubuntu style blue say 0x0cccfc, but it made the grub menu text harder to read I thought.15:45
JontheEchidnawhat was the bug number again?15:45
waylandbillbug 26074115:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260741 in kubuntu-grub-splashimages "black selection bar on black background is not the best option" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26074115:46
apacheloggerwe really should get that crash fixed15:46
waylandbillI'm installing kgrubeditor, but my connection is a little slow and it need needs 65MB to download15:48
asfakBut some features need to be improved. I will list them. First, bootsplash image shows 2 progress line. One broken small line below actual boot progress line . is it known problem or it's problem with my old Nvidia Geforce2 Int GPU ?15:48
nixternalhrmm, running ipmitool with strace and receiving this error:15:49
nixternalopen("/usr/lib/kde4/lib/tls/i686/sse2/cmov/libm.so.6", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)15:49
nixternalmy question is, why is it looking at /usr/lib/kde4 instead of /lib?15:49
apacheloggerasfak: report a bug against usplash15:50
JontheEchidnaasfak: I get that too15:50
apacheloggernixternal: ipmitool?15:50
apachelogger!info ipmitool intrepid15:50
ubottuipmitool (source: ipmitool): utility for IPMI control with kernel driver or LAN interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.9-1 (intrepid), package size 307 kB, installed size 812 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 ia64 powerpc)15:50
apacheloggernixternal: maybe LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set?15:52
apacheloggerwaylandbill: KUBUNTU_splashscreen_real_colors_0* is causing the crash apparently15:53
apacheloggerstill getting strange errors though15:53
nixternalapachelogger: yup, that's it16:02
nixternalwth is that about?16:02
apacheloggerleftover in startkde?16:03
nixternalshouldn't be, but I will look16:03
apacheloggerwell, it's not the latter apparently16:03
apacheloggerkgrubeditor just nuked my system16:04
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
waylandbillhopefully you had a menu.lst backup16:09
JontheEchidnait automatically backed up mine16:09
apacheloggerbut it's much worse that kgrubeditor is now causing waitload16:09
waylandbillthe installation of kubuntu-grub-splashimages should've made one.16:09
apacheloggera lot of it actuall16:09
JontheEchidnaRiddell: software-properties-kde used "/usr/bin/adept-batch update" to reload the sources.list16:10
JontheEchidnaand it doesn't look like install-package has that functionality16:11
JontheEchidnaany idea what to use instead?16:11
JontheEchidnaI suppose if it comes to it we could call apt-get update, lol16:13
JontheEchidnaactually doing that causes software-properties to freeze until apt-get is done, lol16:18
asfakapachelogger, sorry i was disconnected. How do i report a bug against usplash. ? I am non-technical person but willing to help for kubuntu16:25
waylandbilltwo-thirds of the download to install kgrubeditor is kde-icons-oxygen. ;-)16:26
asfak_apachelogger, sorry i was disconnected. How do i report a bug against usplash. ? I am non-technical person but willing to help for kubuntu16:26
=== asfak_ is now known as asfak
asfakI have installed Lancelot on Kub-int A4. It's very very sexy. I am in favour of adding it as optional menu in final release.16:35
jtechidnaasfak: packages should be available for that soon actually16:35
asfakno it's already available on http://ppa.launchpad.net/samrog131/ubuntu16:38
jtechidnathat's not official16:38
asfakyes, it should be included in off repo16:39
jtechidnait will be, soon16:39
asfakanyway, others packages in above mention launchpad makes dolphins life very easy.16:41
asfake.g servicemenu-rootaction, extractandcompress etc16:43
waylandbillapachelogger: find anything else out about the kgrubeditor issue? I still have 20 minutes wait for installation before I can try.16:46
asfakwaylandbill, kgrubeditor is fine, but the only issue which i have faced is when getting new bootsplash images from internet. Clicking add new opens the new stuff in back of kgrub screen and you are unable to select the splash image16:55
waylandbillasfak: when testing a patch I made for kubuntu-grub-splashimages, kgrubeditor was crashing for apachelogger.16:59
* apachelogger made his hole grub explode17:09
waylandbillapachelogger: how does run kgrubeditor?17:10
apacheloggerdidn't find the problem17:11
apacheloggeralthough I found another problem :P17:11
waylandbillI meant how does one run it?17:12
apacheloggerwaylandbill: kcmshell4 kgrubeditor17:14
apacheloggerjtechidna: please add a comment to the bug report17:15
waylandbilldon't have kcmshell4. is that because I have kde 3.x?17:17
apacheloggerwaylandbill: /usr/lib/kde4/kcmshell4 kgrubeditor17:17
waylandbillfound it in /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kcmshell4. thanks.17:19
waylandbillwell that didn't get me far. it's complaining that it can't find kgrubeditor.desktop17:21
apacheloggerwaylandbill: run /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kbuildsycoca4  before17:26
* jpds wonders where nosrednaekim went.20:36
Riddelljtechidna: hmm, I guess I should look at adding apt-get update to install-package then20:37
jtechidnaRiddell: Have you seen papabean's work here? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~papabean/language-selector/kdeport20:52
jtechidnaIt's a bit more pykde than language-selector-qt is at the moment20:53
jtechidnaI think all it needs is to be converted to use install-package and then it'd be good for merging20:53
Riddelljtechidna: I merged that into the main branch20:54
Riddelldevfil_: got packages?20:54
devfil_Riddell: there are all in my ppa20:55
Riddelldevfil_: good to upload?20:55
devfil_Riddell: yes20:56
waylandbillI submitted a patch earlier today. The email notification from LP said that the state went from Confirmed to Fix Released. Does this mean that the bug is now closed and the patch is done or do I need to do anything else?20:58
Riddellwaylandbill: bug number?21:00
jtechidnaRiddell: bug 26074121:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260741 in kubuntu-grub-splashimages "black selection bar on black background is not the best option" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26074121:00
jtechidnaapachelogger set it to fix released 5 mins ago21:00
Riddelldid someone upload?21:01
apachelogger<-- did21:02
Riddellsorted :)21:02
Riddellwaylandbill: there you go21:02
waylandbillRiddell: so the fix is all set?21:03
Riddellalthough it should have put the changelog in a bug comment21:03
Riddellwaylandbill: looking at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-grub-splashimages it is in, thanks for the fix21:04
jtechidnaRiddell: any reason the QMessageBox -> KMessageBox changes in lanugage-selector didn't get merged?21:04
Riddelljtechidna: not too sure21:05
Riddellmaybe I didn't do the merge properly21:05
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waylandbillRiddell: great. I just wanted to make sure. I don't want to work on another bug before that one was done.21:06
waylandbillI picked an easy one with low priority since it was the first bug I attempted to fix.21:07
apacheloggerwaylandbill: very good fix though :)21:08
waylandbillI set up an RSS feed for ubuntu bugs. Is there a feed that would just give me kubuntu bugs since I'm not interested in gnome based ones?21:10
Riddellkubuntu-bugs mailing list should21:12
Riddellalthough it was set up ages ago and the selection of packages it's subscribed to might be out of date somewhat21:12
apacheloggerRiddell: is this list associated to the 'kubuntu team' lp team?21:14
Riddellapachelogger: could be21:16
apachelogger  kubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com21:17
apacheloggerseems so21:17
waylandbillokay. I will subscribe to that mailing list. I don't mind seeing the ubuntu bugs. It is just that my connection gives me 30kb/s and it would be much easier to work with binaries and sources based on kde.21:18
Riddelldevfil_: let's upload these babies21:19
apacheloggerRiddell: I certainly can't add bug subscriptions for this team though :|21:19
* Riddell wonders how to fix that21:20
waylandbillRiddell: you have probably heard this before but kubuntu rocks. Happy to help out.21:28
* Riddell rocks waylandbill 21:29
smarterhey folks21:30
smarterKvkbd is almost ready21:30
Riddellsmarter: ooh21:30
smarterI will probably release a rc tomorrow, so that it can get in before feature freeze21:30
Riddellsmarter: great21:30
smarterI still need to polish some things21:30
smarterand I'd like to do some other works before FF too ;)21:31
smarterI also need to contact the original author21:31
Riddelldevfil_: please e-mail Debian maintainer Jeremy Lainé <jeremy.laine@m4x. org> about the new kdevelop release being out and no packaging changes needed21:31
coreymon77oh boy, these people are unbearable in the ##kubuntu channel21:32
Riddelldouble hash?21:32
devfil_Riddell: ok21:32
coreymon77im going nuts21:32
coreymon77i meant single hash21:33
coreymon77either way this guy is driving me crazy21:33
apacheloggercoreymon77: who?21:34
coreymon77this tangirehv, he comes in asking for our help, then refuses it and says our suggestions are stupid and linux is inconvenient etc21:35
apacheloggercoreymon77: just ignore him then21:35
apacheloggerwe don't force him to use linux :P21:35
coreymon77we've tried21:36
apacheloggerthere is no point in arguing about that kind of stuff21:36
ScottK-laptopSome of us don't even care if he uses it.21:36
coreymon77we know21:36
apacheloggercoreymon77: well, if he disturbs supporting others you might poke one of the irc dudes21:36
coreymon77im thinking of invoking the ops command21:37
ScottK-laptopcoreymon77: Is he being anoying or actually disruptive?21:37
coreymon77im waiting until he starts actually being disruptive21:37
coreymon77before i do it21:37
coreymon77finally, this guy has shut his trap21:42
Riddelldevfil_: uploaded!21:44
devfil_Riddell: thanks, now I working to gtk-kde4 package with should provide a good integration between gtk and kde421:45
Riddelldevfil_: better than gtk-qt-engine you think?21:47
devfil_Riddell: yes21:47
Riddells/witch/which/ :)21:47
* devfil_ go to kill "t"21:48
devfil_Riddell: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/gtk-kde4?content=7468921:48
coreymon77you mean integration between kde and, for example, the gimp?21:49
devfil_coreymon77: yes21:49
devfil_gtk-kde4 is a gtk theme that looks like kde4 default theme21:49
Riddellwe need to make gtk apps looks nice, since gtk comes with a horrible default theme21:49
* coreymon77 is still waiting for stable kde4/mac21:50
* devfil_ too21:50
devfil_Riddell: also should exists a sort of integration between kde3 and kde421:50
* coreymon77 is still using a macported konversation over x11.app that cant copy and paste from aqua firefox and crashes randomly21:50
* apachelogger rofls21:51
coreymon77its true21:51
coreymon77thats what im on now21:51
apacheloggercoreymon77: pretty good stuff that is :D21:51
coreymon77i cant copy for example, a url from mac firefox and paste it in konv21:51
apacheloggercoreymon77: next time poke me, I am good at trolling ^_^21:51
coreymon77will do21:52
coreymon77maybe you guys will know this21:52
devfil_coreymon77: gimp: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/preview.php?preview=3&id=74689&file1=74689-1.jpeg&file2=74689-2.jpeg&file3=74689-3.jpeg&name=gtk-kde421:52
coreymon77in the custom browser string of konv, any idea how to make it use my aqua firefox when i click on links21:52
coreymon77it worked before21:52
apacheloggerdevfil_: about kde3 + kde4... feel free to find a theme making KDE 3 oxygenish :)21:53
coreymon77but my hd died and i lost everything, forget how i did it21:53
apacheloggerRiddell: maybe we should go with that gtk-kde4 thingy, it seems more reliable than gtk-engine-qt21:54
apacheloggerI think suse is also using it21:54
coreymon77firefox '%u' is in the custom browser box and thats not working21:55
apacheloggerPATHTO/firefox '%u'21:55
apacheloggerwould be my guess21:55
coreymon77should i include the .app after firefox21:56
coreymon77so /Applications/firefox.app '%u'21:57
Riddellapachelogger: I've not had a chance to look at either yet.  was hoping someone else would sort it out :)21:57
apacheloggercoreymon77: looks reasonable, give it a try21:58
apacheloggerRiddell: well, looking at the bug reports for gtk-engine-qt-kde4 it's pretty buggy and that gtk-kde4 thing is using pixmap/pixbuffer, so the latter should be less bug hunted22:00
coreymon77did it22:00
* apachelogger remembers that the implementation wasn't all that great last time he checked22:00
coreymon77got some help from the macports channel22:01
coreymon77open -a Firefox 'u%'22:01
apacheloggerah, xdg-open for mac22:02
apacheloggermakes sense :)22:02
smarterRiddell: I don't know if it's Printer Applet or CUPS fault, but I had to remove my configured printer from system-config-printer-kde and readd it to be able to print22:07
coreymon77meh, i just use hp printers22:07
coreymon77they work easy22:07
smarterit's an hp printer22:08
coreymon77hp-lip ftw22:08
smarterand it works fine22:08
smarterdidn't like hardy->intrepid transition22:08
smarterRiddell: by the way, system-config-printer-kde doesn't popup a message when it configure a newly plugged printer?22:09
Riddellsmarter: printer-applet shoulDigital Downloadsd22:11
Riddellsmarter: printer-applet should22:12
smarterRiddell: printer-appled should what? (:22:14
Riddellsmarter: should popup a message22:15
smarterbut it doesn't22:15
apacheloggerRiddell: I'll talk to the opensuse guys about GTK tomorrow ... fedora uses their nodoka theme anyway22:25
devfil_apachelogger: I think this night I will upload gtk-kde4 to REVU22:42
apacheloggerok, cool22:42
apacheloggerpoke for a revu22:42
echidnamanI think it's already in revu22:42
devfil_d'oh really?22:42
devfil_I've already finished it22:42
echidnamanpretty sure22:43
devfil_echidnaman: Archiving per uploader request.22:43
devfil_apachelogger: yes, but it is archived22:44
apacheloggerI think vorian uploade by accident22:45
apacheloggerechidnaman: anything else we should get in before FF?22:48
ScottK-laptopapachelogger: Everything.22:48
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JontheEchidnaRiddell: did you ever get around to jockey?22:49
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: jockey, and language-selector-qt needs to be fixed to work with package-installer22:50
JontheEchidnaor install-package22:50
RiddellJontheEchidna: it seemed to work, I'll look at uploading it tomorrow22:53
JontheEchidnaCool, thanks22:53
=== devfil_ is now known as devfil
devfilRiddell: CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:36 (FILE):23:04
devfil  file INSTALL cannot find file "/root/gtk-kde4-0.8~beta/lib/kcm_gk4.so" to23:04
devfil  install.23:04
devfilthe file is in obj-i486-linux-gnu/lib/kcm_gk4.so23:04
devfilan error of the cmake?23:04
ScottK-laptopdevfil: Did you see http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=74689&forumpage=8&PHPSESSID=e5af23:06
devfilScottK-laptop: so I need to use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, thanks23:08
apacheloggerkopete is the best23:32
apachelogger"There was a negotiation error: It appears we have been redirected to another server; I do not know how to handle this."23:32
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