
aaronkewl another question my monitors supports 1900x1200 res00:00
aaronhow can i add this to my monitor resolutions highest one there now is 1600x120000:01
eden06flaccid: not a bad idea, I'll look into it, what's the cheat code to boot to tty?00:01
TheMaxzillaHey guys, How can I change my default browser to Firefox?00:01
flaccideden06: ctrl+alt+f200:02
TheMaxzillaIt's been bugging me lately.00:02
flaccidTheMaxzilla: default applications in system settings00:02
b3ny0-how to view/change charset in irssi-client?00:02
=== lordofpottatos is now known as lordofpottatos__
=== lordofpottatos__ is now known as lordofpottatos
TheMaxzillaHello, lordofpottatoes. What do you need?00:03
lordofpottatosnothing i am ok00:04
TheMaxzillaOkay. Don't spam...00:04
lordofpottatosI was trying to find how I go to a new server00:05
lordofpottatosbut i found it00:05
YAOMTCOh, another question. Would there be any faster way to get characters like the euro or pound symbol than going into the character map?00:12
YAOMTCOn ol' Windows, for instance, I'd be able to enter the Alt+xxxx00:13
flaccidYAOMTC: might have more luck in #kde00:13
YAOMTCOkay, thanks00:14
YAOMTCOh wait... kde.org uses freenode?00:15
YAOMTCYeah... #kde on freenode and #kde on kde.org are exactly the same00:16
YAOMTCLike a redirect or something00:16
Hydrogenirc.kde.org points to freenode00:16
anom01yI need some help with my sound system,00:19
anom01ythe problem consists of more than one question,00:20
anom01ybasically whenever I reset the computer it will have a 50/50 chance of correctly loading kmix00:22
Mark__hi to  everybody00:22
Mark__i have this problem, and i'd be grateful if somebody can help me to solve it00:23
anom01yeither kmix shows itself correctly or 50% of the time it will not show correctly and it does not display any of the channels00:23
flaccidanom01y: run kmix from konsole and see the problem. also try to ask/respond on 1 line please00:23
anom01ylike I said the problem is a multi question problem00:24
Mark__no device is recognised in knetwork manager, perhaps after updating kio-umountwrapper, i'm not sure... i'm using both kde 3.5 and kde 4.100:24
anom01ykmix shows no errors from konsole, as it thinks its loading correctly, but its not loading correclty because there is only a few volume slides showing and no input slides at all00:24
anom01ythe only way I can fix it is by resetting the computer00:25
flaccidanom01y: you can ask more than 1 question on 1 line :)00:25
flaccid!bugs | Mark__00:26
anom01yyeah I barely am able to get any help here anyways so00:26
ubottuMark__: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots00:26
flaccidanom01y: that sounds like a complaint00:26
Mark__thanks, i'll provide a report, the fact is i'm not sure, i have done a dist-upgrade, anyway can u or anyother suggest me something in the meantime00:28
flaccidMark__: only to run knetworkmanager from konsole to see what it spits out and use another manager like wicd or something for now00:29
linux_всем привет00:30
flaccid!ru | linux_00:30
ubottulinux_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke00:30
Hydrogenubottu: english only!00:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about english only!00:30
Hydrogenc'mon dood00:30
Hydrogenyou know better00:30
flaccid!botabuse | Hydrogen00:30
ubottuHydrogen: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.00:30
Hydrogenwell, considdering I did none of that00:31
HydrogenI guess I'm safe00:31
flaccidbut hopefully you have common sense00:31
Mark__ok, when i run from terminal, it only starts the program w/o messages in konsole, thanks flaccid00:31
flaccidMark__: ok cool go with a bug report. is this for wireless or wired interface(s) ?00:32
linux_Народ есть ли под Linux переводчики ?00:32
flaccidlinux_: please leave or use english00:33
Mark__flaccid: wireless00:33
=== Hydrogen is now known as Idrogeno
flaccidMark__: does iwlist scanning work in konsole to show APs ?00:33
sheppHello I moved my home folders around  NOW all my /home/brian  Folders show on the desktop00:36
Mark__flaccid: it says "interface doesn't support scannong", i think it refers to l0 and eth0, :-(00:36
flaccidMark__: yes it will do all interfaces, so only look under your wireless device listing in the result. also do it under sudo to see if there is a difference00:37
Mark__flaccid: no difference! :-*00:39
flaccidMark__: is your wirless device listed however?00:39
YAOMTCOh, that character question I asked earlier? It's been a wishlist request for 3 years now actually. http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10378800:40
ubottuKDE bug 103788 in qt "input of arbitrary unicode characters as defined in ISO 14755" [Wishlist,New]00:40
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:41
Mark__which is the right cmd, "iwlist scanning"? and what i should see? when i write iwlist scanning it only shows the message l0 and eth0 interface doesn't support...00:41
flaccidMark__: if eth0 is your wired ethernet then it deosn't look like you have a working wireless interface...00:42
Mark__flaccid: i really don't know exactly what happened! thanks anyway00:44
flaccidum to me it looks like your wireless interface doesn't exist so its broken in some way. i would check the system logs to see the problem and or reinstall the driver etc. from the relevent guide for your chipset on the ubuntu wiki00:45
flaccidMark__: ^^00:45
anom01yhow do I completely reinstall alsa and all its configuration files (reinstall / reconfigure alsa), because its completely confused and 50% of the time my computer boots up kmix will only show a portion of the volume slides that it does the other 50% of the time. ?00:45
flaccidanom01y: i doubt it will fix your problem but sudo apt-get install --reinstall alsa-utils00:46
anom01ywhat a stupid problem there is no solution it seems but to reinstall my whole operating system lol00:47
flaccidit can be like that sometimes. but you should submit a bug and provide detail and screenshots so this problem can be fixed00:47
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HighHoanom01y: have you looked in alsamixer in konsol, maybe its kmix issue?00:54
anom01yHighHo: alsamixer has always given me a problem and I've never actually even seen it work00:55
babeckI'm trying to compile subcommander (http://subcommander.tigris.org/), but it fails looking for APR.  Does anyone know which package I may have to install to satisfy that dependency?00:55
wharfHi there, what channel should i go to, for help on running games on linux00:55
anom01ylsemple@TIR:~$ alsamixer00:55
anom01yalsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: Invalid argument00:55
mrksbrdwharf: #kubuntu-offtopic00:56
dennisterBIG problem folks: no soundcard listed, although lspci -v notes the one i know is present00:56
anom01ywharf: #winehq00:56
laicohello i am trying to install rt3570 drivers put when i try to make install it says /lib/modules/ no such file or directory00:57
dennisterdid the stuff in comprehensive sound problems...reinstalled alsa from "fresh kernel" still nada00:57
dennisterdoing a lsmod only shows emu10k1_gp...not the emu10k1 itself00:58
HighHoanom01y: as suggested try just reinstalling the alsa packages if you havent yet, libasound2 alsa-base and alsa-utils00:58
anom01yHighHo: I think its because my tv-card gets slot 0 50% of the time I reboot, and the other 50% my onboard sound card gets slot 0 (therefore kmix works properly)00:59
flaccidanom01y: it doesn't look like the driver has a mixer, have you submitted the bug report yet? repeating here probably is not going to help. your problem is not common.01:00
flaccidlaico: install linux-source01:00
anom01yflaccid: I would do what you suggested but I do not have enough information yet to submit a bug report, I barely even know what questions to ask yet01:01
flaccidscreenshots and description are suffice, plus you can also include dmesg output01:02
flaccidanom01y: also aplay output would be good01:02
flaccidanom01y: aplay -v /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav01:04
anom01yflaccid: I get static noise01:06
anom01yI tried it on a mp3 and I get static noise aswell01:07
flaccidanom01y: so your problem is soley with the mixer right, which soundcard is this?01:08
flaccidyou have the error for that to go in the bug report. but you sure you had a mixer before with this soundcard?01:08
anom01ywell I have an onboard intel sound card, and a tv/tuner card that I am considering removing from the computer01:08
flaccidbut have you had the mixer before?01:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 81975 in alsa-utils "alsamixer : function snd_mixer_load failed" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:09
anom01yand I think the reason why kmix loads properly only 50% of the time after rebooting is because the tv/tuner is getting slot 0 half the time, and the other half the onboard is getting slot 001:09
flaccidanom01y: this could just be default soundcard problem ie. its trying to load the tv tuner mixer. please pastebin aplay -l; aplay -L01:10
anom01yflaccid: yes it was just working properly today before I reset the computer, and if I reset the computer right now it will be working properly, but if I reset it again it will not01:10
flaccidsounds like your sound devices are swapping each other each boot for default or something01:10
flaccidsee bug report above as well01:10
dennisterit's been a long time since i had to compile alsa drivers for a emu10k1 card...01:12
anom01yflaccid: http://pastebin.ca/118383601:13
flaccidtats only 1 of the commands01:13
flaccidoh sorry i see01:14
flaccidanom01y: i can only see 1 soundcard there which looks like your soundcard. can you see the tv tuner, i can't..01:15
flaccidyou could compare this command on the reboot as well to see the difference01:15
flaccidie. when its working and when its not working01:15
=== EagleSn is now known as EagleScreen
anom01yok I will be right back01:16
wharfflaccid: you any good with wine?01:17
wharfi asked for help in wine channel but the problem didnt get resolved01:18
EagleScreenis wubi compatible with Windows 95?01:18
dennisterwharf: that's the case with lots of other channels :)01:18
flaccidyes i drink lots of it :)01:18
wharfdennister: lol01:18
wharfanyone any good with it?01:19
flaccidEagleScreen: nope01:19
wharfJust wana run a command and conquer installation using wine01:19
wharfbut wine wont open it at all01:19
flaccidwell you don't open wine, you run programs with it01:19
flaccidwhat are you trying to achieve?01:19
wharftrying to install a command and conquer demo01:20
wharfi run cnc setup along with wine01:20
wharfin the console it says it can not start it01:20
wharfand says01:20
wharfinvalid parameters01:20
flaccid!enter | wharf01:21
ubottuwharf: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:21
flaccidwharf: perhaps its not compatible with wine, did you check the appdb01:21
wharfno but i found this shown on the wine website01:21
laicoflaccid: hey now that your takigna bout wine you know how to run punkbuster in wine so i can play cod401:21
anom01yflaccid: ok I reset, and kmix is working again01:21
flaccidwharf: http://appdb.winehq.org/search_results.php?cx=013271970634691685804%3Abc-56dvxydi&cof=FORID%3A11&q=command+and+conquer&sa=Search01:21
anom01ywhat where those two commands again ?01:21
wharfflaccid: thats the site i been on01:22
flaccidanom01y: check the appdb and go from there. i mean if you go by that and google and it doesn't work then its obviously not supported yet. nothing i can do to make wine work with anything..01:22
flaccidwharf: link me to the specific version on the appdb please01:23
wharfversion of wine?01:23
anom01yflaccid: ok well there was no differences anyways in those two commands when kmix was working and when it wasnt working01:24
flaccidwharf: no of c&c01:24
anom01yboth had exact same output01:24
flaccidanom01y: check dmesg and /var/log/messages for each to see if there is anything there that could help like an error. otherwise i would test with taking out the tv tuner from the computer. failing all that i guess you might have to wait for the bug to be looked at01:25
anom01yflaccid: I had the tv card working before, but are they very supported in Linux ?01:26
EagleScreenanom01y if you buy a card compatible with Linux: YES01:26
flaccidwharf: the invalid params issue is talkinga bout on the comments on that page01:26
anom01yactually, better question: how do I set up the tv card, and how do I prevent alsa from loading it as slot 0 instead of slot one01:26
flaccidanom01y: depends on model etc.01:27
anom01yits a haupaugge and I had it working in Debian01:27
flaccidgenerally googling the model etc. and checking the dmesg to see if its supported out of box. use tvtime to test and check if /dev/video0 exists already..01:27
flaccidwharf: solution is on that page, you just didn't read it :) http://appdb.winehq.org/commentview.php?iAppId=4671&iVersionId=7155&iThreadId=1876701:28
wharfim near the bottom :\01:29
wharfloads of codes and stuff are making me confused01:30
tony_my cpu usage is 44% but it's not showing what's using it. anyone know how?01:30
flaccidwharf: 1 line please01:30
flaccidtony_: ksysguard or top in konsole01:30
tony_flaccid: ok, top's showing it's kwin, wtf?01:30
flaccidthats the window manager01:31
tony_every time i install linux, it uses more resources than vista. i have an oc'ed q6600 quad with 4gigs and 8800gt01:31
wharfok sorry, found it, reading01:31
flaccidtony_: which video driver are you using?01:31
tony_people have to stop hyping linux, it's really disappointing when you finally install it01:31
tony_flaccid: 177, i think01:31
flaccidits also dissapointing when people assume the problem is linux and havnt worked out what the actual problem is. and kwin is not linux its part of kde01:32
tony_it was fine at one time, until i recently checked01:32
tony_...which is part of linux01:32
flaccidno linux is a kernel and its not part of it01:33
flaccidthe problem could well be nvidia's driver with your card...01:33
tony_yes, kwin runs on top of the kernel, it's a part of it01:33
flaccidstill don't assume like that, its not a good idea01:33
tony_yes, could be nvidia01:33
flaccidno its not a part of the kernel01:33
pablovicenteHi i wanna install Kubuntu, i download the ISO, and i 'm gonna burn it with k3b, and when i look to the recording speed,i see that can't burn lower than 12x, help!01:33
flaccidthis is why i ask what driver you are using. have you even check the logs for errors?01:34
tony_still, maybe not kubuntu's fault but i can't keep googling this crap all the time01:34
geek_pablovicente: just let it burn at that speed then01:34
pablovicentebut i has problems before, it says with another cd : buffer i/0 error on device sr001:34
tony_kubuntu's working awesome now, but those little let downs piss me off cuz i really want to start using it01:34
flaccidgoogle won't help, you have to look at the logs and rule out the problem if possible01:35
flaccidtony_: complaining won't fix the problem :)01:35
tony_flaccid: idk how to do that. there's hundreds of log files in linux afaik01:36
flaccidtony_: /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog /var/log/Xorg.0.log /var/log/kdm.log01:36
pablovicenteplease what meeans Buffer Error I/0 on device sr0 when i try to install kubuntu01:37
tony_i'm using kde 4.1 and kubuntu alpha 4. it's looking sweet and working great for an alpha but kde 4.1 is a big a download as the alpha so i went with it01:37
flaccidpablovicente: usually means hardware problem/damage01:37
pablovicentethat means that i can't install it?01:37
flaccidtony_: this is not the channel for kde4 support, also if you are using alpha software i would expect this behaviour01:38
pablovicenteok well i would have to stay with my XP then!!!01:39
pablovicentethenks anyway01:39
flaccidsweet as01:39
tony_flaccid: those log files seem to be huge for me, it's no option01:40
Dr_willispablovicente,  of the disk was burnt badly/wrong01:40
flaccidthats too bad01:40
pablovicentei burn it with k3b01:40
Dr_willispablovicente,  but if this is affecting several disks.. it sounds luiek the cd drive may be going bad/dirty01:40
Dr_willisOr could be a loose/bad cable01:40
pablovicentehow do i clean it?01:41
pablovicentei check the cable that's not it01:41
Dr_willistry the disks in another pc also, and check the md5sums on them to verify they are good.01:41
wharfflaccid: i been trying to use extractor software, none of them saw the exe01:41
pablovicentei did01:41
wharfi downloaded a few as well01:42
pablovicentethenks anyway i gonna keep using wubi01:42
Dr_willisI would rather run linux in virtualbox. then use wubi... :) but whatever you want.01:42
pablovicentei'm a total rookie i don't work with partitions or that stuff01:43
pablovicentei can keep using wubi for long time?01:43
Dr_williswith virtualbox you dont have to either. :)01:43
pablovicentei have just 36 GB space01:43
Dr_willisI dont use wubi. i dont reccomend it.. :) so i cant support it..01:43
flaccidwharf: saw ?01:44
pablovicenteok thenks anyway01:44
Dr_willisI would be keeping an eye on that optical drive..  and be sure to verify stuff you burn with it.01:45
jimmy51_homehow can i see what kind of NIC my machine has?01:45
Dr_willislspci perhaps, check the dmesg logs, ?01:45
Dr_willisI think thers some other command.. but i forget what it was.01:45
jimmy51_homelspci looks like it did it01:45
Dr_willissudo lshw01:46
Dr_willisalso has info01:46
Dr_willissudo lshw -c network01:47
Dr_willismight work best. :)01:47
wharfthanks flaccid,uve been a great help01:48
wharfits extracted01:48
jimmy51_homethanks Dr_willis01:49
jimmy51_homerebooting :)01:49
Reed_SolomonI recently tried running the latest kubuntu with kde4 (64 bit version) and for some strange reason TKIP WPA2 does not work.  It connects to the router, and has an IP and everything, but i get a "cannot resolve" error, I can't even connect to the router itself at its IP.  any ideas?  I actually have mythbuntu installed, and kubuntu running from the live CD, and I get the same problem both times.  If I turn off encryption, things01:51
Reed_Solomonwork fine... I have a laptop running regular 32 bit kubuntu which is connecting fine via that usb stick01:51
Reed_SolomonI've tried using knetwork manager and the gnome network manager and even wicd, same result.01:52
flaccid!bugs | Reed_Solomon01:56
ubottuReed_Solomon: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots01:56
flaccidbut Reed_Solomon lets do some basic troubleshooting. what is the error you get when you ping the router IP ?01:57
Reed_Solomonping ( 56(84) bytes of data.02:00
RosaBrancaboas noites02:00
hades_boas :)02:01
Reed_Solomonthen icmp_seq=1 destination host unreachable02:01
flaccidcan you ping ?02:03
flaccidwhat is in your arp -a02:03
flaccidand /etc/resolv.conf02:03
Reed_Solomonthough I can't ping it from other computers02:03
Reed_Solomon? ( at 00:1c:DF:20:9D:9B [ether] on eth2 then 2.5 at <incomplete> x202:04
flaccidyou can't ping it from other computers? what OS are they and is it the same problem?02:05
Reed_Solomonits kubuntu 32 bit on a laptop that im typing on02:05
Reed_Solomonworks fine02:05
flaccidyou just said you can't ping it from other computers02:06
Reed_Solomoni should maybe dl the latest 32 bit kubuntu02:06
Reed_Solomonno i mean it works fine connecting to the internet02:06
flaccidcould be something wrong with your route table, not sure02:06
Reed_Solomonit wont ping to 2.2 though.  only one that can ping to that one is the main computer itself02:06
Reed_Solomonthe desktop that is02:06
Reed_Solomonim using a wireless router02:07
Reed_Solomonill download the latest kubuntu 32 bit  version and try running it on the desktop02:07
Reed_Solomonsee what happens02:07
Reed_Solomonif it works then it might just be specific to the 64 bit02:08
flaccidquite possible. i've seen network problems like this reported on 64bit02:09
Reed_Solomonfyi it works fine if i take off security on the router02:09
Samuel1Do 32bit network cards work on 64 bit OS?02:09
Reed_Solomonif i turn off WPA/WPA202:10
Reed_SolomonSamuel oh sure02:10
Samuel1Then why would anybody want to pay lots of money to get a 64bit network card?02:10
Reed_Solomonisn't the pcmcia bus 16 bit02:10
flaccidyeah so could be something wrong with wpa supplicant and 64bit or the driver under wpa etc.02:10
flaccidSamuel1: thats off topic02:11
Reed_Solomonwell ill try the 32 bit version anyways and mess with the router a bit.02:14
flaccidyeah um its rare that a person doesn't have problems with 64bit in some way so it looks like a good suspect02:14
Reed_Solomonwell thats interesting02:15
Reed_Solomoni turned it to the WPA-PSK only setting, and that worked02:15
Reed_Solomonill try only WPA-PSK2 setting and see if that works too02:15
Reed_Solomonerr wpa2-psk02:15
flaccidyeah maybe the tkip support is dodgy with networkmanager or something02:16
flaccid!es | jaume02:16
ubottujaume: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:16
Reed_Solomonbut at the very least that works well enough with me02:16
flaccidactually let me check my settings, i have done the same thing02:16
Reed_Solomonnah network manager isnt the problem, as I tried wicd too02:17
flaccidsorry i meant wpa supplicant02:17
flaccidum this could be the reason why i use psk myself, kind of sounds familiar now hmm02:17
Reed_Solomonyeah the problem seems to be with WPA2-PSK02:19
Reed_Solomonas if I have WPA-PSK it works, but if I go to WPA2-PSK it fails in 64 bit02:19
Reed_Solomonworks fine in 32 though02:19
Reed_Solomongo figure02:19
flaccidi guess submit a bug for wpa supplicant then02:19
Reed_Solomonah well better that than nothing02:19
georgyвсем привет02:20
flaccid!ru | georgy02:21
ubottugeorgy: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke02:21
Reed_SolomonI dunno if thats bug file -worthy02:21
Reed_Solomonthey probably know about it02:21
flaccidi wouldn't assume that02:21
flaccidReed_Solomon: only one that i can find that could be related is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/13403402:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 134034 in ubuntu "WPA doesn't work" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:22
Reed_Solomonthats kinda vague02:23
Reed_Solomonfine ill file a bug report02:23
flaccidyou don't have to but if it gets addressed you would be helping other users02:24
Reed_Solomonyeah I know02:24
Reed_SolomonI find the process tedious02:25
Reed_Solomonthats all02:25
flaccidyeah it can be but i try to raise a bug for every little thing that can be classed as a bug because ubuntu is full of issues heh02:25
rhoninany speak spanish? i need some helping02:26
Reed_Solomonwell ill try updating before filing anything02:26
rhoninalguien habla español02:26
flaccid!es | rhonin02:26
ubotturhonin: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:26
Reed_Solomonkde 4.1 is pretty spiffy though.  4.2 will rock02:27
Dr_willisIm waiting for kde 5.1 :)02:29
bucketheadWhen will that be? 2015? :P02:29
Reed_Solomonthe thing I hate about kde 5.1 is the direct cable up my nose, the olefactory addons are quite buggy, when you smell virtual flowers a lot of times they smell like feces02:30
bucketheadYeah, That feature has been known to turn alot of users *off*02:30
bucketheadEspecially since its the startup scent.02:30
* Dr_willis recall his force feedback mouse from ages ago...02:36
sebase habla español en este chat¿?02:37
Pici!es | seba02:37
ubottuseba: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:37
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
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sebadisculpen. me dan de nuevo los link para entrar a Kubuntu y Ubuntu en español03:12
p_quarles!es | seba03:14
ubottuseba: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:14
Picihes gone03:14
haydenGreetings, gentlemen... I could use some help with CIFS/Samba.03:23
hayden(And ladies)03:23
sebahola, alguien me pude dar el link de kubuntu español, gracias03:25
bucketheadhayden: Whats troubling you?03:27
tacosarecoolWhat's the difference between a archive zip and a zip archive?03:27
haydenbuckethead: I have a samba share set up on my OpenSuse box, and I have it mounted on my Kubuntu box using FStab.03:27
haydenbuckethead: However, there's some strange permissions error that occurs. When I move folders into this mounted share, I get a permissions error the first time when it creates the folder, but the second time the files copy fine.03:28
bucketheadOver my level, I think.03:28
haydentacosarecool: I was wondering this earlier today. Perhaps an archive zip is a zip file with 0% compression?03:28
seba hola, alguien me pude dar el link de kubuntu español, gracias03:28
bucketheadLet me try it real quick.03:29
haydenseba: #kubuntu-es03:29
bucketheadhayden: I have no problems whatsoever, but my smb.conf is rather barebones. My only recommendation would be to rebuild your smb.conf. Your past my skills, sorry.03:33
flaccidhayden: paste the entry from mount please03:33
haydenbuckethead: I just reinstalled SuSE on the server box... it must be something local. But I doubt I'm past your skills :P03:33
hayden/,password=************,rw,exec,uid=hayden,gid=hayden,umask=00070 003:33
bucketheadI've been doing this for three months. I'm just the bored on sunday guy that has nothing to do.03:34
flaccidhayden: unmount the share, add the users options and take out the umask and then mount it with user hayden and not root03:34
haydenflaccid: How do I go about mounting it as user hayden?03:35
flaccidhayden: mount /home/hayden/Server03:35
haydenflaccid: Ah. Heheh.03:35
flaccidalso befor you mount it again ensure that the mountpoint has sufficient write perms for you and is owned by you03:36
haydenflaccid: OK, mounted... but still the same odd problem.03:36
flaccidshow me the perms on the dir in question please03:37
haydenWhen copying directory trees it gets all messed up03:37
flaccidmessed up?03:37
haydenI try copying over a folder called audio with subfolders "GUI, weapons, etc."03:37
haydenIt makes the audio folder03:37
haydenBut then stops and says03:37
haydenAccess denied to /home/hayden/Server/Sound/audio/gui.03:37
flaccidhayden: what is the output of file  /home/hayden/Server/Sound/audio/gui; ls -l  /home/hayden/Server/Sound/audio/gui ?03:38
haydenIf I try it again, the GUI folder is created fine.03:38
flaccidalso what are you copying with?03:38
haydenflaccid: Konqueror03:38
hayden/home/hayden/Server/Sound/audio/gui: directory03:39
haydentotal 003:39
flaccidand ls -l?03:40
haydenIt just outputs "total 0"03:40
flaccidsorry ls -ld  /home/hayden/Server/Sound/audio/gui03:41
haydendrwxr-xr-x 2 hayden hayden 0 2008-08-24 21:39 /home/hayden/Server/Sound/audio/gui03:41
flaccidnow run touch  /home/hayden/Server/Sound/audio/gui/test.txt03:42
haydenflaccid: OK, no output.03:42
flaccidi've witnessed this before. i bet if you copy with say cp -Rv in konsole you won't have the problem03:42
haydenflaccid: Just tried it and got a bunch of permission denied errors.03:43
haydencp: cannot create regular file `/home/hayden/Server/Sound/audio/fx/weapons/cg_water2.wav': Permission denied03:44
flaccidcheck the perms on each parent folder going up the tree..03:44
haydenHowever running that seemed to create all of the directories03:44
haydenIt just didn't copy over the files03:44
bucketheadDarn you hayden, You reminded me I was planning on reworking my smb.conf.03:44
haydenbuckethead: Heheh.03:45
flaccidso it can create folders but not files. what is the entry in mount when its mounted?03:45
hayden/,username=hayden,password=samsonite171,rw,exec,uid=hayden,gid=hayden0 003:46
haydenflaccid: Based on previous behavior, I bet that if I run the command again it will copy the files.03:46
flaccidhayden: that looks like fstab to me, i asked for mount03:46
hayden/ on /home/hayden/Server type cifs (rw,nosuid,nodev,username=hayden,password=samsonite171,uid=1000,gid=1000)03:46
haydenForgot to star out the password... everyone Ssh!03:47
flaccidyou should use credentials=/home/hayden/.smbcredentials so the pass is not in your fstab03:47
haydenflaccid: I don't really mind since I'm the only one (usually) looking at my fstab.03:48
flaccidconsidering perms seem fine etc. i reckon the problem is more likely server side03:48
haydenflaccid: I just re-installed SuSE on the server... I was having this problem before the re-install too.03:49
haydenflaccid: Do you think NFS would be a better choice?03:49
flaccidmaybe, you could give it a go of course03:50
haydenflaccid: How do I get it to authenticate me as the server-side hayden user?03:50
flaccidyou are already doing that03:51
flaccidim ount like this myself //nas/PUBLIC\040DISK\0401 /media/nas-1 cifs uid=1000,gid=1000,noauto,rw,users,credentials=/etc/fstab_smb_credentials_2 0 0 which is basically the same03:51
flaccidhayden: you can check the logs on the samba server to see what it is doing03:52
haydenflaccid: I mean with NFS03:52
flaccidnever used nfs03:52
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.03:52
haydenflaccid: The log doesn't mention anything except my connect and disconnect.03:53
haydenShould I have both smbd and nmbd running at once?03:54
flaccidyeah. and its connecting as the right user?03:55
flaccidalso check the perms are sufficient for that user server side03:55
haydenYeah... "connect to service hayden initially as user hayden"03:55
flaccidalso show me the entry of the share in a pastebin from testparm  on the server03:56
flaccidor the whole smb.conf03:56
haydenThe odd thing is that everything copies OK the second time around03:57
flaccidcould be some sec policy of opensuse or finer detail posix perms on the server not sure03:58
haydenflaccid: Well previously I had Fedora installed and was having the same issue.03:58
haydenOn the server, that is.03:59
bucketheadfedora.. *shiver*03:59
haydenbuckethead: It *used* to be good.03:59
flaccidwell you are doing the wrong thing to share home dirs03:59
haydenflaccid: I have a seperate hayden share at the very bottom of the file04:00
flaccidthats not the right way. do it like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/40322/04:01
flaccidinherit acl could also be the problem04:01
haydenI'll try turning that off...04:02
bucketheadIs the password the same? I had that problem once. Was authenticating as buckethead:(windows password) instead of buckethead:(linux password)04:02
haydenbuckethead: I'm fairly certain that the passwords are all the same.04:03
bucketheadOk. Just a random thought I had.04:03
bucketheadYou would know..04:03
haydenflaccid: OK, I disabled ACLs, restarted the samba server, remounted, and am still getting the same problem.04:04
flacciddid you use the [homes] share instead of [hayden] ?04:04
haydenflaccid: I did not...04:04
haydenflaccid: Should I?04:04
flaccidthats what i suggested04:05
haydenSorry... remove the semicolons?04:05
haydenNow I get total permission denied04:07
haydenCan't even create new files04:07
flaccidbut you connect as hayden right?04:07
austin_Could someone please tell me why when I try to run a progran with wine, the desktop goes black  and then the progran window runs normally?04:08
haydenflaccid: According to the log... yes.04:08
flaccidhayden: so you restarted server right. can i have a look at the current smb.conf please in pastebin04:09
flaccidhayden: hmm uncomment the profiles share, restart server and try then04:10
haydenflaccid: The profiles share appears to be already uncommented.04:11
flaccidsorry i mean comment04:11
haydenAh, K.04:11
haydencp: cannot create directory `/home/hayden/Server/Sound/audio/fx': Input/output error04:12
haydencp: cannot create regular file `/home/hayden/Server/Sound/audio/T2Intro.wav': Permission denied04:12
flaccidrun ls -ld on the server on the audio and sound folders and see what it says04:12
haydendrwxrwxrwx 9 hayden hayden 0 2008-08-24 22:03 Sound04:13
haydendrwxr-xr-x 2 hayden hayden 0 2008-08-24 22:03 audio04:13
flaccidmaybe you can up the log level of samba and it will show you the reason it can't write04:14
master_ı need for help vdr programing04:17
flaccidmaster_: this is not a programming channel sorry04:17
haydenTHe log file is now ten times longer04:18
haydenlocking/locking.c: fetch_share_mode_unlocked(856) fill_share_mode_lock failed04:19
flaccidthat could be it, not sure. any other ones?04:21
flaccidi'd take this up with #samba people04:21
flaccidthere is only a few reports on google of this with no solution i can see04:23
haydenflaccid: That's probably a good idea.. The only other errors I've found are the no such file or directory ones04:23
=== Daisuke_Ido is now known as Sierra-X
michaelim new to kubuntu and i need help with the effects04:54
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter04:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cue04:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bin/cue04:58
Jack3hey im trying to install kubuntu on my amd64 computer, but the problem is that when it tried to install grub boot loader it said it failed and it was a fatal error05:09
Jack3this was at the very end of the install05:09
flaccid!grubfix | Jack305:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grubfix05:09
Jack3i chose to use XFS as my file system, and also I have 4 other hard drives in the computer, one containing 2 partitions:one  that has vista , one that has xp05:09
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:10
Jack3flaccid, yeah but i said okay to the error and now the screen is just black, the mouse cursor is an x05:10
flaccidi don't think grub supports xfs so you might need lilo or something05:10
flaccidso it boots?05:10
Jack3umm, ill have to restart and see05:11
Jack3its still booting to the windows boot manager that lists vista and xp05:12
flaccidso its probably because grub doesn't support xfs. you can either try to install grub again or install lilo05:14
Jack3can i install lilo from kubuntu without reinstalling kubuntu ?05:15
Jack3i mean from the disc can i install it05:15
=== seba is now known as yif
flaccidyep Jack305:19
ubottulilo is an alternative [Li]nux Boot[Lo]ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.05:19
Jack3flaccid, dont suppose you can help me with that ::P05:20
Jack3like install it from the livecd05:20
flaccidJack3: something to keep in mind https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lilo/+bug/1385105:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 13851 in lilo "Grub will not install to XFS Formatted Partition (dup-of: 8058)" [Medium,Confirmed]05:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 8058 in grub "grub-install hangs with xfs root/boot" [Low,Confirmed]05:21
flaccidits not on the livecd, but its on the alternate and minimal i think. i've done it but we can look at how05:21
flaccidalso https://launchpad.net/bugs/15699905:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 156999 in ubiquity "Failed LILO support for XFS filesystem in installer" [Medium,Triaged]05:22
flaccidJack3: please see https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/3756005:22
Jack3eek the link on that page doesnt work :(05:23
kevin_I have just tried to update and teh package manager tells me that it cannot open. There seeems to be a problem with the medibuntu list 5. Can anyone tell me how to remove medibuntu from the sources list using the command line. I cant access the GUI05:24
Jack3ah google caught it, yay05:24
flaccidkevin_: kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list05:24
Jack3flaccid, im still a  little confused, where do i exactly install lilo05:26
Jack3over the vista bootloader?05:26
flaccidthats 1 component then the files will go in /boot on your xfs probably05:26
Jack3how do i find where that is exactly?05:27
flaccidsudo fdisk -l05:27
Jack3okay well its on /dev/sda05:29
flaccidcool and then the part will be /dev/sdax05:29
Jack3and /dev/sda1 is marked Boot, it starts at 1 , Id of 7 and its HPFS/NTFS05:29
Jack3then i have /dev/sda2 which is marked W95 Ext'd (LBA)05:29
Jack3and /dev/sda5 which is HPFS/NTFS05:30
Jack3I know I installed Winxp first so its probably sda1?05:30
flaccidso you need t make the xfs / linux partition the bootable one05:30
Jack3do i use lilo for that?05:30
flaccidits in step 4)05:31
Jack3and i want lilo to boot from the xfs partition then?05:32
kevin_Flaccid, done that....I have the kate editor open, also in another terminal I ran sudo apt-get update and got this: E: Malformed line 56 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)...which is line 56? I am not sure what to do next05:32
Jack3flaccid, one problem, wheni open parted and hit print, it only lsits /dev/hde, no other hard drives.. how do i tell it to use /dev/sda05:33
flaccidJack3: yeah because you can't put it on a ntfs or fat05:34
Jack3flaccid, so now what?05:34
flaccidkevin_: press f11 in kate to show line numbers :)05:34
Jack3flaccid, actually whoops i get you05:34
Jack3flaccid, still the problem though because /dev/hde is Not my linux hdd05:35
flaccidJack3: sudo parted /dev/hda05:35
kevin_tks, I new you could get the line numbers but did notknow which keys  tp  press05:35
Jack3its /dev/hdg (hdg1 is XFS, hdg2 swap)05:35
Jack3flaccid, thnks05:35
DeepthoughtI replaced nvidia-9700GS with older FX5200; now when I activate restricted driver x-server won´t start; anything I´m overlooking ?05:35
flaccidJack3: you have more than 1 linux partition? you want to boot it on the root linux partition of the linux install which is probably the xfs one right which you say is /dev/hdg ?05:36
Jack3flaccid, yeah i just did parted /dev/hdg05:36
Jack3im not sure exactly what /dev/hde is haha05:36
kevin_deb ftp;//ftp.nerin.net/debian-marillat/ testing main this is line 56, I  think I waaaas trying to get adobe. or something ike that. what shoud I do   now?05:36
flaccidkevin_: put a # at the start of the line to comment it out, save then fetch updates05:37
kevin_will do05:37
kevin_# space, then save and then fetch updatees.05:38
Jack3flaccid, okay i got it marked as boot, also did the fdisk command confirmed it is marked now05:39
kevin_thanks the update is progressing05:39
flaccidyou are on livecd atm?05:39
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Jack3flaccid, yes im on the livecd, i moved to the next step, and when i get to liloconfig05:41
kevin_ 05:41
Jack3it says sudo:unabled to resolve host ubuntu05:41
Jack3sudo: liloconfig: command not foudn05:41
flaccidyeah ignore that warning05:41
flaccidyou have to install lilo first05:41
kevin_Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)05:41
kevin_ Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?05:42
flaccidJack3: step 1) it is05:42
Jack3flaccid, should i do step 7 before step 6 then?05:42
kevin_perhaps I did  not save the kate edit ?05:42
flaccidkevin_: do you have another package manager running ie. adept or apt-get etc.05:42
flaccidJack3: just install lilo package and keep going05:42
kevin_hmmmm.......................will check05:42
flaccidkevin_: nope only 1 can use dpkg at a time so you have to close the other one05:43
Jack3flaccid, I cant do that apt-get install lilo doesnt work (im connected to internet yes)05:43
kevin_Yeagh....................the original message was still on a screen, sorry. trying agian  now05:43
flaccid!doesntwork | Jack305:43
ubottuJack3: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.05:43
flaccid!info lilo05:44
ubottulilo (source: lilo): LInux LOader - The Classic OS loader can load Linux and others. In component main, is optional. Version 1:22.8-3.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 355 kB, installed size 1132 kB05:44
Jack3flaccid, haha i knew that was coming, anyways it says the package lilo is not availble but is referred to by another package this may mean that the package is missing has been obsoleted or is only availble from another source05:44
Jack3E:package lilo has no installation candidate05:44
flaccidJack3: did you run sudo apt-get update first?05:45
Jack3flaccid, i should mention im stil chrooted into the mounted xfs FS05:45
flaccidJack3: you don't want to do it in that...05:45
Jack3flaccid, ah okay, how would i do it then, in normal console?05:45
kevin_update running now flaccid, thanks for your help05:45
flaccidyou can probably just sudo chroot /05:45
flaccidkevin_: np05:46
austin_Could someone please tell me what the best  way to convert mp3 to oggs are? Oggconvert only allows me to convert one at a time. :(05:46
flaccidaustin_: soundkonverter05:47
austin_Thank you very much. I had to reformat today and  I accidently got rid of my windows disk. Luckily my Kubuntu one was still here. I've used it in the past and enjoyed it, but just didn't use it for a longggg time.05:48
austin_Viruses should be under the dictionary as evil.05:48
Jack3flaccid, do i need to do something now that i Have lilo isntalled?05:48
Jack3or just continue with the steps05:48
flaccidum not sure what you mean, you need to complete the steps to install lilo onto the mbr and hardisk then you reboot. its just like the instructions say05:49
flaccidso liloconfig does both of those just like it says..05:49
flaccidim doing pretty good for having never used lilo heh well actually i probably did years ago heh05:50
Jack3oh noes haha05:51
flaccidi only use grub or the freebsd boot loader05:51
flaccidwhy you use Xfs anyway?05:52
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about profanity05:54
flaccidsay poo, its probably accepted here as the one you just said is considered a swear word :O05:54
Jack3well after i installed it and everything, i went and did the mounting/chroot stuff in the steps05:55
Jack3and when i type liloconfig its still not found05:55
Jack3apparently I need to somehow install lilo on that kubuntu05:55
flaccidprobably because you are chrooted05:55
flaccidlet me just check that05:55
flaccidah yeah of course so you can't boot into your linux to install grub on that install first06:00
flaccidso lets think how we can access /usr/sbin/liloconfig from within that chroot. hmm06:00
flaccidinteresting situation06:01
flaccidthere must be a param we can pass to the liloconfig command06:03
flaccidJack3: hmm come to think of it, if you chroot to the ubuntu install on the hard disk and then sudo apt-get install it, it might work and install it on that system...06:05
flaccidgive that a shot first06:05
Jack3flaccid, thats the problem, when im chrooted i dont get internet access aparently06:06
Jack3i tried to run sudo apt-get update under chroot and it failed to resolve all the sources, but works fine ina  normal console06:07
flaccidJack3: ah yes. so d/l the .deb and install with dpkg -i06:07
Jack3how would i download the .deb ?06:08
Jack3just find it online?06:08
flaccidyeah it will be on http://packages.ubuntu.com06:09
flaccidfrom the looks of it you definately need to be chrooted with liloconfig as it reads fstab. im sure you can install manual and do your own lilo.conf but yeah06:10
flaccideg. http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/lilo06:10
Jack3okay cool06:11
Jack3i take it i have to download all the depency packages too?06:12
Jack3actually no, ill just download the packages that apt-get downloaded06:13
Jack3so just libc6 lillo and mbr06:13
Jack3flaccid, i take it I need to copy all of these over to some directory on the xfs drive06:14
austin_This is a stupid question, but I cannot figure it out at all.  How do I make seperate playlists for different albums on Amarok? I've created new playlists, but the same music shows up in each one.06:15
mrksbrdaustin: click on playlist tab....right click on playlist folder & create separate folders for each06:17
flaccidJack3: yeah like just /tmp on it or something06:17
flaccidlibc6 will already be on the system iirc06:18
austin_I did that. But whatever I put in the first folder shows up in the other ones I make as well.06:18
Jack3flaccid, heh yep thats where i just saved em to :;p06:18
flaccidso just lilo and mbr pkgs06:18
Jack3flaccid, okay, well i already downloaded libc6 just in case06:18
flaccidyeah /tmp will be cleared on boot, but if you boot that means lilo worked heh06:18
Jack3flaccid, by damn i think its workign06:22
austin_I'm about to beat my head against the table since Amarok hates me.06:22
Jack3flaccid, okay so i just ran liloconfig, and it says Warning: Your /etc/fstab configuration file gives device UUID=eb2347c4-87ea-4b44-8dcd-44060f62ae0c as the root filesystem device. This doesnt look to me like an ordinary block device. Either your fstab is broken and you should fix it, or you are using ahrdware (such as a raid array) which this simple configuration program does not handle.06:24
Jack3flaccid, i should point out that my 4 hdd's (including the xfs linux one) are connected to a PCI Ide card.06:24
Jack3flaccid, however my hdd that has winxp and winvista is hooked directly to the motherboard06:25
mrksbrdjack3: don't know if this will help.... http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-289309.html06:36
Jack3mrksbrd, so i fixed it, but now i have a problem06:40
flaccidJack3: you didn't modify the fstab on the mounted fs as per step 2) ie. remove the UUID and use normal dev as lilo does not support it06:40
Jack3flaccid, i did so jusut now06:41
Jack3and I ran lilconfig and told it to install the bootloader06:41
Jack3but it failed because /dev/hdg1 is not the first harddisk06:41
Jack3also Fatal: filesystem would be destroyed by lilo boot sector: /dev/hdg106:41
Jack3Warning /dev/hdg1 is not on the first disk06:41
Jack3told me to correct /etc/lilo.conf06:41
flaccidwhat values did you give liloconfig?06:42
Jack3flaccid, none, i just ran liloconfig like it said06:42
Jack3and clicked yes to install bootloader06:43
flaccidwell i guess it needs to be your first disk ie. primary master06:43
flaccidfirst bios disk basically. maybe change the disks physically06:43
Jack3yes sooo doesnt that mean I need to resize like a couple MB from my vista/xp?06:43
Jack3oh you think itd be easier to simply put the linux hdd as disk 1?06:44
flaccidthats what it is saying. the disk needs to be first not the part/fs06:45
Jack3okay, i think i can do that,06:45
Jack3flaccid, it would probably be easier to just reintall kubuntu then after that?06:46
mrksbrdi think if he does that the mbr will no longer recognize proper order of boot06:46
mrksbrdbios will be looking for certain order I think306:46
flaccidJack3: err that won't help anything and you are simply changing the order of the disks plugged in, you are not changing anything on the disks themselves06:47
Jack3flaccid, well okay but id still need to edit /etc/fstab on the linux partition06:47
flaccidstill i don't know what you have on the mbr of the disk in question...06:47
Jack3sicne it would read itself as /dev/hdg which it isnt anymore06:47
flaccidyes the logical name will most likely change06:47
Jack3flaccid, does the live cd give the option to install lilo? I couldnt find it06:48
flaccidno, only the alternate06:48
Jack3i suppose i could just use reiserfs intsead of XFS06:49
Jack3flaccid, another question, If i change hard disk order, and get grub working, will vista and xp still function normally even though their disk has been moved?06:50
flaccidum what is wrong with ext2 or ext3?06:51
mrksbrdjack3: thats where i think you will run into prob, may have to redo bootloader.ini06:51
Jack3flaccid, oh i duno nothin really06:51
flaccidif you have not done anything to the windows fs then it will be fine06:51
* Jack3 hopes06:52
flaccidpfft you are doing something for no reason06:52
Jack3i read XFS had better performance06:52
Jack3probably unneccesary06:52
flaccidthats not really a reason heh06:52
Jack3lol kinad06:52
flaccidanyway good luck whatever you do06:53
flaccidand yeah reiser probably not going to be supported/developed anymore. the creator mr. raiser is jail for mudering his wife06:55
* Jack3 wikis06:57
Jack3holy shiiiiiiii06:58
Jack3what a whacko06:58
mrksbrdsee what women drive u to do....lol06:58
Jack3lol or coding linux?06:58
Jack3what do you guys suggest?07:00
illmortal_Does anyone know what sort of app. I need in order to do a little overclocking? I wanna run a few benchmarks, get my hands wet in over clockin..07:02
Jack3mrksbrd, filesystem07:02
mrksbrdwell i would first get rid of windows07:04
mrksbrddepends on what u want to do i guess07:05
illmortal_<,< I don't use windows.07:05
illmortal_I'm on Kubuntu :P07:05
illmortal_oh nvm.07:06
mrksbrdillmortal_: username messed up again...lol07:06
Jack3mrksbrd, i am using tripple boot system for a reason:P07:06
flaccid_i sometimes 4x boot :O07:06
mrksbrdwhat type of apps u run under windows?07:07
Jack3mrksbrd, apps i know how to use under windows and not linux  :P07:07
mrksbrdflaccid has more guts than me07:07
mrksbrdjack used to be that way.....just have to relearn07:08
mrksbrdonly windows apps i still run under linux is dreamweaver & photoshop07:09
flaccid_ouch i use kate and gimp for that stuff :p07:09
mrksbrdi don't know enough code though07:10
mrksbrdflaccid still learning gimp @ this point....quite a difference07:12
flaccid_oh well 2.4 gimp has awesome selection now07:12
=== flaccid_ is now known as flaccid
mrksbrdhave to see what ver i'm running07:12
mrksbrdbesides in the short time i've been on linux....2 windows dependenies aren't bad.....lol07:14
geek_mine are HMP and paint.net ;p07:16
mrksbrdnever heard of paint.net...is it a plugin?07:25
MooCowsI seem to have no sound in pidgin07:29
MooCowsand some other things, like Quake307:30
MooCowsI believe Quake3 needs to be run as root possible/07:30
illmortal_paint.net is part of asp.net07:35
geek_its a .net based programme similar to gimp07:36
illmortal_ah.. ok07:36
geek_allegedly migel icaza is doing a port, but i haven't seen a usable one yet07:36
p_quarlesMonopaint, yes -- that's been rumored for a while07:38
austin_I want to download custom themes and stuff, along with the things you can put on your desktop that tell the time,weather, stuff like that. But, I don't know what Kubuntu uses. KDE? Gnome?KDE4? Not really sure what all that means, but yeah.07:39
p_quarlesaustin_, Kubuntu is Ubuntu's KDE distro07:40
p_quarlesthe current version can run either KDE 3.5 or KDE 4.107:40
austin_Oh okay.  Thanks.07:40
illmortal_yeah KDE4.1 is an eyecandy distro :P07:41
illmortal_Kubuntu KDE Remix I believe it's called.07:41
illmortal_Pretty sweet... but waitin for it to be a little more stable.07:41
austin_I'm not exactly sure which one I have. I Just had a CD sent here not too long ago.07:42
geek_then its 3.507:42
p_quarlesaustin_, it's almost certainly Kubuntu 8.0407:42
p_quarleswhich has 3.5, as geek_ says07:43
p_quarlesmore on monopaint for those interested: http://code.google.com/p/paint-mono/07:43
austin_Something such as this would work in english, even though in the screenshots it's another language right?07:44
illmortal_anyone have a link to some documentation in learning how to over clock safely in kubuntu?07:44
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p_quarlesillmortal_, overclocking safely is a kernel issue; you wouldn't want to limit your query to Kubuntu, since any Linux guide will do07:45
illmortal_omfg... sick theme!07:45
illmortal_well, over all I just wanna learn how to run benchmarks07:47
austin_I followed the guide but the theme didn't install.07:55
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cstegmannhi, i just installed Kubuntu, with some fiddling around even found out how to connect to my wireless router, but where can i find Synaptic?08:46
kuresunatry openning a terminal and typing #sudo apt-get install synaptic08:47
cstegmannkuresuna: thanks08:48
=== jens is now known as Guest15332
emilsedghcstegmann: synaptic is in ubuntu, use adept in kubuntu08:48
vikkuhi all i ran the ./configure to have mplayer install but iam getting following erro :Cannot find header either inttypes.h or bitypes.h09:20
SitUbuntuSitwhy don't you install it from the command line?09:21
vikkuthats what iam trying to do09:21
SitUbuntuSitsudo apt-get install mplayer09:21
vikkui have the .tar.bz2 file09:21
geek_SitUbuntuSit: you mean use the package as opposed to build from source ;)09:21
SitUbuntuSityou don't need to download and compile it09:21
SitUbuntuSitexactly geek_09:22
geek_vikku: if you don't know what you're using use the repository version. Building from scratch is an advanced skill that often requires a lot of patience and hairpulling ;)09:22
vikkuwell i need to learn pls ....pretty bored of not knowing how apt-get fixes thing09:22
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)09:22
vikkuready to practic  that patience , not that i have not tried it09:23
illmortal_Does anyone know how to get klock?09:23
geek_vikku: in which case, have you installed build-essential?09:23
ubottuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto09:23
vikkuhmmm i thought so ....will install it now09:23
geek_also, i'd suggest checkinstall and replacing make install when compiling with the command build install09:24
geek_it will make a deb, makes management easier ;)09:24
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geek_checkinstall instead of make install even09:25
SitUbuntuSitso geek_ sudo make install? and then you can remove with apt-get remove packagename?09:26
SitUbuntuSitsudo checkinstall09:26
SitUbuntuSitexcuse me09:26
geek_SitUbuntuSit: yeah09:26
geek_SitUbuntuSit: i RARELY compile stuff but i find it very useful for when i do09:26
SitUbuntuSitthanks geek_! Same here, but on occasion, I have to compile. That's a great tip.09:27
geek_SitUbuntuSit: sudo checkinstall, then you get a deb, you can install that with dpkg or whtever you use...09:27
SitUbuntuSitBetter than tracking down fragmented files to remove if you need to remove a package.09:28
geek_SitUbuntuSit: also, i use a VM to compile, so i don't need to keep the devel files on my main box.. double win ;p09:28
SitUbuntuSitLOL... now I've heard it all!09:29
geek_SitUbuntuSit: well, i'm less concerned with time. with a VM, i can not worry about messing up my nice neat system ;p09:31
geek_last thing i compiled was the kopete thinklight extention though09:31
SitUbuntuSitNo, that's great thinking09:31
geek_thank you ;)09:31
favrobash: man: command not found - where do I go from here?09:31
geek_favro: man what?09:32
vikkuwhy do we say that compiling from source sould break the system09:34
geek_vikku: if you don't know what you're doing, you might replace something you need with something broken09:36
vikkuok !! , and how does virtualizaion helps ? (and which OS do u suggest to be run upon Ubuntu) ?09:37
favrogeek_: man anything...09:37
geek_vikku: it helps cause you can run everything on a snapshottable system, make sure it works and either make a deb (with checkinstall) or replicate the install on another box09:38
geek_it takes a little longer, esp with the latter but you ENSURE the system works09:38
illmortal_anyone know how to install kclock?09:39
* geek_ runs an install of ubuntu identical to what he uses on his laptop on VMware on windows (which also lets me test USB wireless adaptorss before i use them on linux ;p)09:39
geek_never got the passthrough to work quite right on linux, but that box runs windows anyway09:40
geek_(i love my VMware install ;p)09:41
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favfro |11:22
geek_ahh better11:22
* geek_ hates channels filled with join/parts... ;p11:22
favfrogeek_: in xchat you can right click the tab and select to not show join/parts11:24
geek_favfro: i'm on konversation. its just there being so many, and not any actual.. stuff going on11:25
favfrogeek reading folks joining/leaving leaves alot to be desired ...11:27
=== favfro is now known as favro
pim_How would I kill process xxxx?11:31
pim_I thought sudo killall xxxx11:31
furqankill -9 process id11:31
furqanyes sudo kill11:31
furqansudo kill -9 and then process id11:32
pim_what is the -9  parameter?11:32
strawbeRRy_fieLdor from KSYSGUARD11:32
dwidmann-9 = KILL signal (as opposed to other signals like TERM)11:32
strawbeRRy_fieLdyou look for the running process, select it with the mouse and press the KILL button11:32
pim_will -f also take care of this?11:32
pim_it doesn't work strawberry11:33
pim_not enough permissions11:33
pim_what I did was: sudo apt-get install language-support-de &11:33
furqansudo is to run as root11:33
pim_and then it sort of vanished11:33
furqanremove & then run11:34
furqanit will not vanish11:34
pim_I thought the & meant moving it to the background?11:34
furqanso it moves in the background and returns the control11:34
pim_so how do I recall the process to the foreground?11:35
ignofg ... :)11:35
furqanwhat is it11:35
pim_foreground I guess11:36
pim_do I need to specify a program to move to the foreground?11:36
furqanfg process id11:36
pim_ah, what would be an easy way to see a list of running programs?11:37
furqandont know man11:37
furqanps -ef11:37
furqanor try top11:37
furqantop will be good and u can kill the process there11:38
favrosudo top - k to kill with the pid11:38
furqanjust sudo top11:38
furqanyou will get the list of current running processes11:38
pim_how can I search the top list?11:39
favrops -e | grep prog name11:39
furqanpress h for help11:39
Mojo_risinhi guys, kio-umountwrapper is broken for me since last update, anyone noticed the same?11:39
dwidmannwhy not just use ps -C?11:40
dwidmannwait, I suppose that only helps if you know the whole name :\11:40
pim_heh :-)11:40
pim_Well I'm off11:40
pim_thanks for your help guys!11:41
* geek_ tends to use ps aux ;p11:41
fbe__ hello all and sorry if this is off-topic, but i'm not sure it's distro specific. on kubuntu 7.1 why do I have to run two times vlc in order to it to work on removable devices ?11:42
fbe__the first run says "/media/cdrom0 is a folder but a file is expected" ... and from the second try until I remove the media and reinsert again, it's OK.11:42
fbe__this is a pity and i've absolutely no idea where to wearch. this is a kioexec problem but don't know where to start ...11:43
dwidmannfbe__: just use vlc's file -> open disc dialog instead, that should work reliably.11:44
favrofbe__: from what you've said it seems you are trying to open a folder not a file - how are you starting vlc to open the file?11:44
fbe__right click on the media that appeared on my desktop bar and open with->vlc.11:45
fbe__it works from open disc dialog but i need to make it working directly from the desktop of "open with" dialog11:46
furqanhow can i map a windows share to the kbuntu box11:46
iulian_i have a question11:47
furqaneveryone has a question here :P11:47
iulian_can somebody help me to learn linux11:47
furqangood question11:47
favrofbe__: afaik you need to right click the icon - select open - then choose a file11:47
dwidmannawfully broad topic you've chosen there11:47
furqaniulian right?11:48
favroiulian_: you need to try to do stuff then ask about what you don't know - or google first to get clues :)11:48
fbe__i find an interesting article here about my problem: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/suse-linux-help/52425-2-problems-suse-10-0-kde-3-5-a.html#post32518611:48
favrotoo late11:48
fbe__it seems kde does some magic when thereis no %F%f%u on the command line in the application shortcuts (Menu editor)11:49
fbe__someine can confirm this ?11:49
furqananyone know about HP-UX11.1111:49
flaccidmagic lol11:52
favro    chicken12:23
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Solidedgegreetings all12:34
Solidedgeno one seems to be chatting12:41
neswthis is true12:41
jpdsSolidedge: All the chatting is at #kubuntu-offtopic.12:42
Solidedgeok thankyou.  new to IRC and new to Kubuntu12:42
=== rosskamp is now known as Sinistral_
x-X-xhow do i link a shell script to a identical shell script? i mean lets say i have a shell script in /usr/local/games and i want to link in /usr/local/bin to the /usr/local/games shell script, but still be able to use the command in terminal12:47
neswyou could create a symlink. see the "ln" command... (man ln). see the -s option12:49
favrox-X-x: ln -s /usr/local/bin/script /usr/local/games/script12:50
neswor add /usr/local/games to your PATH?12:50
favrogames is in path by default12:50
favro$PATH   in konsole12:50
favro/usr/games is in path - my bad12:51
ForgeAusis it just me or is Wikipedia windows-biased?12:59
geek_it works fine in firefox on kubuntu ;p13:00
=== eden is now known as eden06
sbucatgeek_: works fine konqueror and opera too , better than firesfoz13:08
eden06bit of a puzzle guys, loaded alternate and installed as livecd wont work, on a standard start the pc resets, dropping into a root terminal and running init 5 loads x fine, have disabled any power management to no effect, am on a k8 mobo with an athlon 64 3000+, any suggestions?13:10
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xavier__que tal _13:44
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ubuntu_is there a way to install grub again without full install?13:53
ubuntu_do see any option13:53
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seller23any one who want to buy iphones 3gb 16gb 32gb pls pm me14:00
favro!ot | seller2314:02
ubottuseller23: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!14:02
Anvilfavro : dont bother, he's been banned from fedora 2 min ago, you should ban him.14:03
Anviluntil he get his kline14:03
ubuntuuneed help installing grub14:03
ubuntuuon live cd14:04
* Anvil waves at Sonar_Guy 14:04
_sam_how can i log the internet traffic thats going thru my DSL modem monthly?14:06
_sam_using Kubuntu firehol and Squid14:06
hateball_sam_: Try vnstat ?14:06
_sam_installing now..14:07
_sam_hateball: what does it do?14:07
hateball_sam_: Logs traffic ;)14:08
seller23any one who want to buy iphones 3gb 16gb 32gb pls pm me14:08
hateball_sam_: man vnstat ;)14:08
_sam_thanks, installing it now..14:08
_sam_secondly, i have my DSL modem in bridge mode, so am using PPPoE, and "pon ppp0" to start internet, is there a more elegent way14:10
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_sam_for when internet service is interupted and ppp0 connection goes down14:10
jackychewhat do you mean "log traffic"?14:12
hateballI was assuming purely numbers, no real analysis of the data14:13
jackychei see.....14:14
jackychei think it can be done by saving the traffic first (use tcpdump), than crl_stats. but there should be a simple way for this job14:20
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hateballjackyche: Could just use Wireshark as well, if you wanted to see everything14:38
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michael_love5hi im new to linux14:45
modestilloalguien me puede ayudar? acavo de instalar kubuntu 8.04 , pero cuando activo kompiz fusion desaparece la barra de accion, lo de cerrar, minimizar de la venta, ¿como puedo solucionarlo?14:45
michael_love5is this the english chat14:45
modestillowell , i can say it in inglish14:45
geek_yeah it is english14:46
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:46
modestilloalguien me puede ayudar? acavo de instalar kubuntu 8.04 , pero cuando activo kompiz fusion desaparece la barra de accion, lo de cerrar, minimizar de la venta, ¿como puedo solucionarlo?14:46
michael_love5can pleae help me with getting graphics such as the 3d cube on my computer14:47
michael_love5i have kubuntu14:48
michael_love5is anyone here?14:50
cheesecakesomething is wrong with my installer15:15
cheesecakegetting error  "There was an error commiting changes. Possible there was a problem...15:16
cheesecakewhat does this mean?15:16
Dragnslcrcheesecake- try checking /var/log/dpkg.log15:21
cheesecakei just installed kde4 is it suppose to look like kubuntu's default kde?15:27
cheesecakeor do have to enable it15:27
DragnslcrYou can choose a KDE3 session or a KDE4 session from the KDE login screen15:32
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cheesecakei changed to kde415:35
cheesecakestill booting into kde315:35
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kakalotsaihow to install pigdin in Kubuntu"15:43
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde415:46
bdizzlehi, I'm having problems with compiz-fusion where it is interfering with kwin, causing the title bars to disappear completely around the windows15:50
ghostcubebdizzle: #compiz-fusion15:52
aaron__can someone tell how to change my display res16:00
aaron__my screen is clipped16:00
aaron__i can see but a small area can i open from shell?16:00
bdizzlejoin #compiz-fusion16:00
aaron__can someone tell how to change my display res16:05
aaron__i can see but a small area can i open from shell?16:06
favroaaron__: try in konsole - xrandr -s 1024x768 - or your res16:06
aaron__Unknown option '-s16:07
favrohaha - from my bash-history - xrandr -s 1280x102416:09
aaron__can you help me please16:11
aaron__can i open system settings from konsole16:12
favroaaron__: apart from xrandr -s 1280x1024 - try in terminal kdesudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and add your resolution to the screen section16:12
aaron__damn menu is clipped16:13
aaron__my res is at 1900x1200 but my screen is shrunk16:13
aaron__to 1/3 my screen size16:13
aaron__i can't see but a small section16:13
aaron__all i want to do is open control center change my res16:14
favroaaron__: I've had it where the res is 640x480 and hard to use but 1900x1200 would not be hard - can you open a konsole?16:16
favrotry just xrandr  it will let you know what the res is16:17
favrolate again...16:17
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bdizzleso I've figure out the perfect way to make someone's mind explode16:39
bdizzleand to make them lost to all of civilization16:39
bdizzleintroduce them to Gentoo16:39
linux_а ну подскажите мне пиплы фишку16:40
linux_translite Linux ? help16:42
* ForgeAus wonders when yahoo will add konqueror to its browser list :(16:43
bdizzleits russian linux_16:44
bazhang!ru | linux_16:44
ubottulinux_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:44
linux_bazhang yes16:45
bazhanglinux_, /join #ubuntu-ru16:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bd16:47
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grubsplash17:02
ubottuTo change your KDE splash screen go to KMenu -> System Settings -> Splash Screen17:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bootsplash17:02
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork17:07
coreymon77!hi | DexterF17:20
ubottuDexterF: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:20
abby87DexterF: hi17:20
DexterFnvidia gf9500gt, nvidia 173.xy. started kaffeine. it's all blue, as if red and blue channels were switched or so. what's happening here?17:20
abby87hmmm must be an nvidia bug17:20
abby87but still have u tried using some other player like vlc?17:21
DexterFnot yet...17:21
abby87kde4 rite?17:21
DexterFnope, kde3 with kaffeine 0.8.6 on 8.04 64 bit17:23
DexterFfriend has the same hardware setup and hardy64 but an 8800gt. doesn't have any issues.17:23
coreymon77gah, why do all of the people with problems have to have 64 bit17:23
abby87DexterF: try using some other player if poss17:24
coreymon77it makes things so much more annoying17:24
DexterFabby87: at it17:24
abby87coreymon77: but 64 bit is the future17:24
coreymon77i know17:24
coreymon77but still17:24
coreymon77currently, it makes things annoying17:24
DexterFcoreymon77: 4gig machine I use for virtualization.17:24
abby87ya quad cores outsmart 64 bits17:25
coreymon77you are virtualizing linux?17:25
abby87man 9500 GT must b awesome 4 gamin!17:25
abby87total kickass!17:25
DexterFi'm virtualizing everythiong. win2k3, winxp, vista, linux, osx17:25
coreymon77cause if you are, the virtualization might be the issue17:25
abby87virtual pc !17:26
coreymon77whats your actual native os17:26
DexterFcoreymon77: no, i have the issue on the host with vmware not running at all. no ESX, no Xen17:26
abby87i hope its not solaris17:26
coreymon77DexterF: is linux the native os17:26
coreymon77okay, thats different, i though you meant you were currently running linux through virtualization, in which case that could of been the cause17:27
abby87DexterF: i guess the nvidia drivers for 644 bit must be having some issues17:27
DexterFabby87: thought crossed me, too, but like I said friend with 8800gt has no problems.17:28
coreymon77thats my guess17:28
coreymon77DexterF: are you new to linux17:28
DexterFill check out kaffeine and 177 driver17:28
abby87any hardware issues?17:28
DexterFcoreymon77: heh :) started in 1999 with SuSE 6.0. answered? :)17:29
coreymon77DexterF: okay, so shouldnt you know by now that 9500gt != 8800gt, hence the drivers for one could cause issues but not the drivers for anoter17:29
coreymon77DexterF: shouldnt you know that just because something else works doesnt mean this should too17:30
abby87coreymon77: ya even i think tht's the issue17:30
coreymon77DexterF: the culprit here are the 64 bit drivers for your card17:30
DexterFcoreymon77: actually 9500 *is* the same core as 8800 with lesser shader units and clock speed. maybe a higher stepping, given.17:30
coreymon77DexterF: different driver17:31
DexterFcoreymon77: what makes you sure here?17:31
coreymon77DexterF: different card, different driver17:31
coreymon77DexterF: im not sure, thats just my best guess17:31
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:31
DexterFcoreymon77: like I said ill give 177beta a shot. don't really want to, but...17:32
coreymon77DexterF: another thing you should know17:32
coreymon77DexterF: dont use linux betas unless you are a developer17:32
DexterFI've been running Slackware for half a decade, I guess that qualifies me...17:33
coreymon77sorry bout that17:33
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:33
coreymon77thats my best guess17:35
coreymon77DexterF: the best thing to do is try another player such as vlc first17:35
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coreymon77DexterF: oh, and also check google, thats always a good thing17:36
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coreymon77i hate it when that happens17:39
DexterFbloody hell. works in xine. same engine. ill check wiht the kaffeine crowd.17:41
DexterFmplayer ok, too. wtf17:42
DexterFok, ill just put that under "mystery".17:43
DexterFnother thing: flashplayer fine in konw, no go in Opera. anyone know how to make Opera handle the 64bit wrapper?17:43
DexterF*in konq17:43
coreymon77screw opera17:44
coreymon77firefox ftw17:44
DexterFscrew ff17:44
DexterFopera ftw17:44
coreymon77opera ftl17:44
coreymon77too bloated17:45
abby87opera ! huh!17:45
abby87safari is good17:45
coreymon77opera is above ie17:45
abby87after firefox17:45
DexterFI've heard a lot of points against Opera, some even valid, but one hing it's not: bloated.17:45
coreymon77and commercial17:45
DexterFbut I've been in the ff vs opera fight far too often and it leads nowhere. no point in discussing.17:46
DexterFI couldn't care less ablout commercial, I need a computer that gets the job done17:46
coreymon77hate it when that happens17:46
coreymon77but ya17:47
coreymon77bloated and too commercial17:47
DexterFand I still say: to each his own. I like it better.17:50
coreymon77of course17:50
coreymon77i completely agree17:50
coreymon77but its still bloated and commercial17:50
DexterFnext thing... in kde3 I can't find the sysmon kicker applet. anyone know where it is/went/hides? not ksysguard, the simpler one17:50
coreymon77unless "his own" happens to be ie17:51
coreymon77then no way in hey17:51
coreymon77that must change17:51
Nece228does intrepid will include newer ati proprietary drivers?17:51
coreymon77i just use ksysguard17:51
coreymon77oh you mean the "finally they take their heads out of their asses" support for open source driver systems that ati decided to release17:52
Nece228i dont get your mind17:53
coreymon77i doubt that proprietary drivers will be included by default, because they never are17:53
coreymon77but they should be easy to get17:54
Nece228what will be next ati proprietary driver version and when it will be released?17:54
coreymon77no clue17:54
coreymon77i gave ati the finger long ago when nvidia showed support for open source drivers17:54
Nece228ban coreymon77 please because he dont know answer17:54
coreymon77if told you clearly17:55
Nece228im just joking17:55
Nece228no one bans someone of just because some guy says ban him17:55
coreymon77i know that17:56
coreymon77ive been here longer than you17:56
JohnFlux_oh my!17:56
DexterFNece228: the ati installer from their website can build ubuntu packages that integrate nicely into the apt database. ./install...blah --buildpkg distro/version. check --help.17:58
coreymon77or just look here17:58
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:58
Barbadillohi all, i have a problem with dolphin17:58
DexterFwho hasn't?17:58
Barbadilloi can't reach an sftp server17:58
Barbadilloby the shell i can reach it via ssh, scp, sftp, etc.17:59
=== charlie is now known as Guest84687
Barbadilloeven in konqueror i cannot browse via sftp18:01
Nece228well im using proprietary driver18:02
Nece228but its slower than open source in some operation18:02
Nece228like window minimising effect, and when i maximisie window screen wobbles only few frames18:03
coreymon77thats because ati are dunces and wont release open drivers for linux18:03
=== odmin is now known as _6apa6ashk0
_6apa6ashk0hi =)18:03
Artfulhi, I seem to be stuck in 640x480 after I changed from radeon fglrx to 'radeon'18:04
coreymon77*sigh* more ati problems18:04
Nece228coreymon77: they really want to release their drivers in open source and theyre working on it18:04
Artfulchanged back to fglrx, but cannot change the res.18:04
coreymon77Nece228: its taken them long enough to want to18:05
coreymon77Nece228: they just decided that18:05
coreymon77Nece228: nvidia has been doing it for years18:05
Nece228well no matter, i can use proprietary driver18:05
Barbadilloanyone experienced my problem?18:05
Nece228but what next version will be of ati drivers?18:06
coreymon77!google Barbadillo18:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:06
coreymon77!google | Barbadillo18:06
ubottuBarbadillo: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux18:06
Nece228and how to know which version im using?18:06
=== root is now known as Guest40473
_6apa6ashk0sorry for my english... i'm not from english-speaking country. have a problem18:07
Barbadillocoreymon77: google does not helped me18:07
_6apa6ashk0i try to create ad-hoc connecting with microsoft vista18:08
coreymon77umm, so?18:08
coreymon77this is the kubuntu linux channel18:08
_6apa6ashk0i config wlan0 =)18:08
_6apa6ashk0but ubuntu write like18:09
_6apa6ashk0after iwlist wlan0 scan18:09
Artfulso how do I get back to 1024x768... without reinstalling kubuntu and kde418:09
Barbadillocoreymon77: and so what? youe answered me18:09
Nece228why everythink lags horribly when i want record my desktop session18:09
_6apa6ashk0interface doesn't support scanning18:10
coreymon77_6apa6ashk0: so in other words, you want to connect to a wifi network on ubuntu, right?18:10
_6apa6ashk0yes =)18:10
Nece228why everythink lags horribly when i want record my desktop session18:11
_6apa6ashk0i want to connect directly to other notebook18:11
_6apa6ashk0by ad-hoc mode connecting18:11
_6apa6ashk0if i not mistake18:11
coreymon77_6apa6ashk0: do you know what your network essid is?18:12
coreymon77okay, and is it encrypted with wep or wpa?18:12
_6apa6ashk0i set it without secure options for testing18:13
_6apa6ashk0i just have only essid18:13
coreymon77and is your wireless card set up properly (drivers etc)18:13
coreymon77this should be easy18:14
coreymon77is wlan0 your interface18:14
coreymon77or is it something different liek ath0 or ra0 or something like that18:14
_6apa6ashk0no.. it's just wlan018:15
coreymon77so, open konsole18:15
coreymon77and type this18:15
coreymon77sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid yournetworkessid18:15
coreymon77replacing that last part with your network essid18:15
_6apa6ashk0i have read about  wi-fi connecting. i did all that was written in articles about it18:16
_6apa6ashk0drivers are OK18:16
_6apa6ashk0notebook could connect to ap18:17
_6apa6ashk0i make ad-hoc connection at win vista18:17
_6apa6ashk0but in case when one note with ubuntu and other with vista.. it have trouble18:18
coreymon77ya, vistas the trouble18:18
_6apa6ashk0i tried to config my wi-fi adapter with utilites like iwconfig, iwlist18:19
coreymon77did you just see what i just said18:19
coreymon77whats your network essid18:19
_6apa6ashk0i write that like you wrote18:20
coreymon77just tell me18:21
coreymon77what is it18:21
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=== genius is now known as ubuntubob
ActionParsniphey all18:40
ActionParsniphow can I write a file allocation table to a disk image please18:41
JohnFlux_ActionParsnip: mkfs18:42
JohnFlux_ActionParsnip: you want to create a filesystem on a blank partitino?18:42
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde418:43
ActionParsnipJohnFlux_: no im recovering data from a friends usb key18:43
JohnFlux_ActionParsnip: oh, well don't use mkfs then18:43
JohnFlux_ActionParsnip: fsck ?18:44
ActionParsnipJohnFlux_: ive dd_rescued the data and now im wanting to mount it18:44
ActionParsnipbut its missing the fat18:44
JohnFlux_ActionParsnip: you'll need a tool scan through the data and attempt to recreate it18:44
JohnFlux_ActionParsnip: *to*18:44
JohnFlux_ActionParsnip: but if you dd'd it, you should have the fat18:45
__-osh-__Quick question. I don't have the kde4-PPA-thingy in my repos, but when I do a search for kde4 a lot of packages show up. Do I still need to add the PPA?18:45
ActionParsnipJohnFlux_: thats my point. it doesnt have 118:45
ActionParsnipJohnFlux_: so i wanna add one to the image18:45
JohnFlux_ActionParsnip: what makes you think it doesn't have one?18:46
ActionParsnipJohnFlux_: ive tried to mount both the image and the device itself, my system told me18:46
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde418:46
JohnFlux_ActionParsnip: google around for tools to help recover data18:47
ActionParsnipJohnFlux_: i have been hence dd_rescue18:48
JohnFlux_ActionParsnip: you need a tool to try to guess at where files are18:48
=== holymoly is now known as holycow
=== sean is now known as Guest54640
Guest54640Hey, is there a way to resize my linux partiton to free up like 30 gb to install windows on?18:54
=== Guest54640 is now known as psyco
coreymon77and why would ou ever want to do that?18:54
psycoBecause I need a windows partiton18:54
rickestpsyco: download and burn the GParted LiveCD18:55
psycocool. Thanks18:55
ActionParsnipJohnFlux_: can yuo recommend one?18:57
__-osh-__psyco: have a look at knoppix. that's a wonderful recovery-cd. Got all the tools you need. =)18:59
* __-osh-__ just realized that that was slightly ot.18:59
coreymon77or jsut use the kubuntu live19:00
coreymon77never failed me19:00
__-osh-__coreymon77: Agreed. Kubuntu live is also good. There's just a special place in my heart for that other distro. It has saved me more times than I can count. =)19:01
=== skapin is now known as onslaugh
uffohello how i can run firefox from firefox-bin - do not tell me about install with sudo thing just how to launch firefox19:10
__-osh-__uffo: sh ./firefox-bin perhaps?19:10
__-osh-__uffo: or just sh ./firefox19:11
uffoi unpacked firefox 3 tar.bz2 to documents and where i write that sh./firefox19:11
__-osh-__uffo: yeah. just remember the space between the "sh" and the "./firefox"19:12
uffodo i write this to console?19:12
__-osh-__uffo: yeah. in that directory. or just click on the firefox icon in dolphin.19:13
* __-osh-__ will now log off to test his new kde4 installation. If I don't come back I must have broken something. =)19:14
uffobut i clicked firefox-bin in dolphin but it wants open it with something, i even set permission "is executeable" but nothing19:15
__-osh-__uffo: in console, go to the directory with firefox-bin in it. type ./firefox-bin19:16
HighHouffo: clcik the file called "firefox" not firefox-bin19:16
__-osh-__uffo: if firefox doesn't start. paste the output to me (perferably through pastebin).19:16
__-osh-__uffo: also, if ./firefox-bin don't work. test ./firefox19:17
uffoi test, it is on my laptop without internet19:17
__-osh-__uffo: then write what it sais.19:18
* __-osh-__ is now on kde4.1. =)19:20
uffocommand not found is answer19:22
__-osh-__uffo: are you in the correct directory?19:22
uffopath is /home/aero/documents/ - there is firefox files extracted19:23
__-osh-__uffo: are ALL files under /home/aero/documents? Make sure that the file called "firefox" is in that directory.19:24
uffoyes all firefox files like example: firefox-bin, plugins, greprefs, chrome...etc19:25
strawbeRRy_fieLdhi guys, i have kde3 hardy and use ff3 as a browser, nvidia drivers well installed, when i scrool down a page its extremely slow, why?19:26
__-osh-__uffo: then try sh ./firefox19:26
__-osh-__uffo: Same response?19:26
uffoyou mean in console i go to this directory and type that19:26
__-osh-__strawbeRRy_fieLd: I've heard that nvidia can be very buggy. That might just affect kde4 though.19:26
__-osh-__uffo: yes19:26
uffoi test19:26
strawbeRRy_fieLdbut i have kde319:26
__-osh-__strawbeRRy_fieLd: not sure. but if the drivers are buggy in kde4 they might be bad in kde3 too?19:27
strawbeRRy_fieLdand its weird cuz when i was using the VESA (generic) drivers it wasnt happening but i had some other probs... now everything works fine but this scrolling issue19:27
__-osh-__strawbeRRy_fieLd: yeah. odd.19:28
strawbeRRy_fieLd__-osh-__: i'm asking for help, not for sarcasm...19:28
bdizzlepotentially serious problem. I didn't realize it, but I had left my laptop on after closing the lid. Two hours later, I discovered it still on, rather hot, in my backpack19:28
__-osh-__strawbeRRy_fieLd: I'm not being sarcastic. I'm trying to help.19:28
bdizzleis there a way to have it automatically hibernate when you close the lid of the laptop?19:28
yao_ziyuanif in the US i bought a DVD burner only to find it not-yet compliant with my ubuntu, can i get a full refund, or do i have to accept the product and wait until linux kernel supports it?19:29
strawbeRRy_fieLdthank you for your help then19:29
strawbeRRy_fieLdso what do i do?19:29
__-osh-__bdizzle: It should do that. Make sure you configure it to hibernate on lid close. That's a right click on the battery icon.19:29
coreymon77yao_ziyuan: you can return the burner19:29
coreymon77yao_ziyuan: internal or external?19:29
__-osh-__strawbeRRy_fieLd: As I said. I'm not sure as I've never had that problem myself. And debugging proprietary software is kind of tricky (and basically nvidias job). Perhaps try the open-source "nv" driver instead of their official?19:31
__-osh-__uffo: No luck?19:31
strawbeRRy_fieLdwhen i installed the NVIDIA drivers i had to disable the "nv" ones by putting them in "DISABLE MODULES" otherwise the official ones wouldnt work19:32
uffoit shows cant open  sh ./firefox19:32
uffoit shows cant open ./firefox19:32
bdizzleI remember Gutsy having some issues with Hibernation. Has this been resolved with Hardy?19:33
coreymon77hibernation works perfectly19:33
coreymon77i do it all the time19:33
yao_ziyuancoreymon77: return for full refund? i love the US!19:34
__-osh-__strawbeRRy_fieLd:  Not sure but have a look here. http://tinyurl.com/685j62 quite a lot of things about performance issues and nvidia.19:35
strawbeRRy_fieLdalright thx19:35
yao_ziyuancoreymon77: internal. now it's certain that this is a linux kernel driver problem because many users complained about the same problem on ubuntuforums.org and there are discussions about the burner type on linux.kernel newsgroup.19:35
__-osh-__uffo: can't open?19:35
uffoyes that it shows19:36
uffoin console19:36
coreymon77yao_ziyuan: i have no clue19:36
coreymon77yao_ziyuan: you might have some problems returning it if it has been opened19:36
yao_ziyuancoreymon77: you have no clue if i would get refund?19:36
__-osh-__uffo:  write "ls -la firefox" without the quoutes.19:36
coreymon77yao_ziyuan: thats not the point19:36
coreymon77yao_ziyuan: where did you get the burner from19:37
__-osh-__uffo: tell me the permissions (-rwx-----) thing in the begining.19:37
yao_ziyuancoreymon77: i'm in mainland china and i bought it from a popular hardware reseller19:37
coreymon77then check the stores return policy19:37
uffowhat permission jou mean in documents folder properties with right click19:38
coreymon77if you can return the burner even after opening the package19:38
coreymon77do so19:38
coreymon77and you should get a refund19:38
__-osh-__strawbeRRy_fieLd: From one of the search results I linked. "2D performance problems with the newer GeForce graphics cards [...] This is especially apparent when rendering complex web pages with Firefox 3..."19:38
coreymon77what does it matter if the burner just doesnt work with your computer19:38
yao_ziyuancoreymon77: i got replacement once at that store even though i opened the package of the original machine19:39
coreymon77okay, so you can get a replacement again19:39
yao_ziyuancoreymon77: but the problem is not about replacement19:39
yao_ziyuancoreymon77: the burner type is not yet supported by linux19:39
coreymon77so you want to return it19:39
merikeanyone has 8.04 live cd near them (not 8.04.1)?19:40
yao_ziyuancoreymon77: yes, but it doesn't allow return19:40
coreymon77why are you asking this in a linux support channel, this has nothing to do with linux19:40
yao_ziyuancoreymon77: only infinite times of replacements19:40
coreymon77the fact that the burner wont work ahs nothing to do with returning it19:40
bucketheadThe craftsman of electronics!19:40
yao_ziyuancoreymon77: just want to know if stores in the US in general allow full refund in such a case19:40
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!19:40
coreymon77this is pointless19:41
bdizzlewhat is?19:41
coreymon77bdizzle: trying to explain this to him19:41
bdizzleokay, 99% of stores do not accept open software OR hardware19:41
bdizzleso if you've bought it, opened it, its yours19:41
bucketheadReally? hardware too?19:42
bdizzleregardless of any circumstance19:42
bdizzlein many cases, yes19:42
PiciPlease take offtopic conversation elsewhere, perhaps #kubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-offtopic, this is a Kubuntu support channel.19:42
coreymon77hardware is sometimes easier19:42
uffoi tested that ls -la firefox but it shows cannot access firefox: no such file or directory19:42
bdizzlethat's capitalism for you19:42
bdizzlenow then, can we move back on topic please?19:42
yao_ziyuanthought america was heaven...19:42
bdizzleit used to be, it used to be19:43
bucketheadOnly when your not at the gas pump.19:43
__-osh-__uffo: then you most probably are in the wrong directory.19:43
* coreymon77 is actually canadian19:43
bdizzlenow then, can we continue this convo in #kubuntu-offtopic ?19:44
* __-osh-__ don't understand why americans complain about gas prices. They've got about half of what I'm paying.19:44
coreymon77__-osh-__: so, doesnt mean people cant complain19:44
bdizzlethe economy doesn't support it and hasn't adjusted. Europe has had 10 years now to adjust to that high of prices. the US hasn't19:44
uffois there GUI way to launch firefox - in windows i extract firefox and click firefox.exe19:45
coreymon77__-osh-__: you can complain about a cut hurting even though there are people with much worse injuries in the world19:45
__-osh-__Yeah, I know, I know. I just wanted a little sympathy... :-/19:45
bdizzleuffo, go to the K-menu, click on internet, then "firefox"19:45
uffobtw i have kde419:45
bdizzleoh... not sure19:45
bucketheadNo sympathy here, or deviation from the topic.19:45
coreymon77why isnt he using apt btw?19:45
uffono firefox19:45
bdizzletry #kde419:45
bucketheaduffo: Same idea but it might say 'web browser'19:45
__-osh-__uffo: go to the firefox directory. click on firefox.19:45
uffoonly conqueror19:46
coreymon77why isnt he using apt?19:46
bdizzlefor what?19:46
bdizzleor do you mean to install it?19:46
__-osh-__coreymon77: Didn't want to. He had a local copy that he wants to use.19:46
bdizzleI keep forgetting. They got rid of kicker in KDE 4 ... *sigh*19:46
coreymon77well apparently this local copy isnt working19:46
__-osh-__coreymon77: or she. hart to tell from a nick.19:46
uffoi clicked firefox-bin, firefox and run-mozilla.sh19:46
coreymon77use apt19:46
coreymon77now im going to eat19:47
bdizzlehmm, not sure about 4.1. I use 3.5.9 and it works fine19:47
uffoeven changed permission to is executeable in properties19:47
bdizzleI'm sure it works in 4.1, but I haven't used plasma yet19:47
__-osh-__I use kde4 and run firefox3 just fine. Installed via aptitude.19:48
uffono internet19:48
__-osh-__right. that was the problem.19:48
bdizzleokay, so then uffo, go into terminal (or whatever you use) and type in sudo apt-get install firefox3.019:48
bdizzleerr, firefox-3.019:48
__-osh-__bdizzle: except s/he doesn't have internet on that box.19:48
bdizzleoh... okay19:49
bdizzlefun, um, use konqueror for now ... although if you have another computer that is running kubuntu, use APTonCD to install the repos19:49
bdizzleotherwise its going to be dependency hell. Its do-able, but its hell to copy files over with a jump drive and manually do everything19:49
__-osh-__uffo: If nothing happens when you click on the "firefox" icon then we could see what the problem is by going into console and typing firefox from there.19:49
__-osh-__uffo: But then you'll have to be in the correct directory where that file actually is.19:50
__-osh-__uffo: Are you absolutely sure that you are in the correct directory in your console window?19:50
uffobdizzle: it showed cannot find package firefox-3.019:50
bdizzleit should be in /usr/bin/19:50
bdizzleyeah, that's because the repos haven't been updated19:51
bdizzleis this a fresh install?19:51
uffonetwork card is fryed (got cheap core2 laptop) so no internet and it comes multimedia center19:51
bdizzleokay, then you're going to have to get a USB network adapter of some kind19:52
uffono i wan install manually like in windows19:52
bdizzleI've got a Linksys WUSB54G that works with ndiswrapper (native drivers don't work properly)19:52
bdizzlewhat do you mean "manually install" ?19:52
coreymon77uffo: well im sorry to say, too bad19:52
bdizzlethere is no firefox.exe file to use19:53
coreymon77uffo: linux doesnt use exe's19:53
bdizzleyou have to install all the dependencies first, then install firefox from that19:53
coreymon77uffo: this is how you install stuff in linux19:53
bdizzlewindows uses .dll files, but those are automatically installed when you run setup.exe19:53
uffoi know that there is no exe19:53
uffothere is .bin files19:54
coreymon77uffo: if you want it to work, you have to follow our instructions19:54
bdizzlein linux, particularly debian based distros, like *buntu, you have to install the dependencies yourself, then install the program you want.19:54
coreymon77you asked for help, we are giving it to you19:54
=== DreadKnight666 is now known as DreadKnight
coreymon77uffo: apt does that all for you19:54
uffobut i want use firefox like in windows i extract archive and launch19:54
bdizzlealternatively, if you have a fast internet connection, as is recommended with linux, use sudo apt-get, or use add/remove programs.19:54
bdizzleyou have to break that idea first if you are going to use it19:55
coreymon77uffo: heres something you are going to have to accept19:55
uffobut it should handle portable software19:55
bdizzleit does, but not the same way19:55
bdizzlewindows has .exe program files and .dll support files19:55
bdizzle*buntu has .deb program files and .deb support files19:55
coreymon77linux has programs and dependencies19:55
uffolinux has .bin program and .so files is like .dll-s - i have understand it that way19:56
bdizzle.bin files means you build it from source19:59
bdizzlehave you done any programing uffo?19:59
uffono i am not programmer19:59
bdizzlein programming, namely C++ as an example.19:59
bdizzleyou have to write the program yourself, then save it as a .cpp file, then you have to compile it, then you can run it20:00
bdizzlethat .bin file is the .cpp file (badly worded, but essentially). it is the instructions that tells that program how to run it20:00
uffoi am window user and i know programmings in just what it means and i can use windows filesystem very good level20:00
coreymon77uffo: first things first20:00
bdizzleLISTEN first20:00
coreymon77uffo: youre screwed until you get yourself a working internet connection on that computer20:00
bdizzlenot necessarily coreymon7720:01
bdizzleits possible, but its dependency hell20:01
uffobut why i cant install programs offline20:01
coreymon77bdizzle: do we really need to go through that20:01
coreymon77bdizzle: you can20:01
bdizzlepoint taken20:01
coreymon77wrong tab20:01
coreymon77uffo: you are installing offline, you just need an internet connection to get the program and its deps20:02
bdizzleif you have a jump drive, you can navigate through this site to find all the packages you need.20:03
bdizzlebut you must be careful, you have to do it in almost the correct order to get it to work20:03
coreymon77bdizzle: you sure you want him to go through this20:04
bdizzleits the only way to learn20:04
coreymon77oh well20:04
coreymon77its your funeral20:04
uffoand there is no fully automated packages like windows has installers (i know package .deb windows has .exe .msi20:04
coreymon77uffo: yes there is20:04
coreymon77uffo: apt20:04
bdizzleuffo, you can use apt-get, but that requires a working internet connection20:04
uffoand that apt can target offline packs20:04
coreymon77uffo: but just as you need internet to get exes and msi's to install, so do you need apt to get .debs to install20:05
bdizzleapt can, but only if you already have them installed on your computer20:05
coreymon77uffo: you need to get the .debs from somewhere, which requires internet connection20:05
coreymon77uffo: once you have a working internet connection, installing firefox requires one simple command in console20:06
uffoi know i have done that with package managers in ubuntu20:06
coreymon77look, you dont know how to compile20:07
coreymon77so just get an internet connection and use apt20:07
coreymon77take the advice or leave it20:07
bdizzlewait, you've used ubuntu before?20:07
uffoyes little bit20:07
bdizzleokay, kubuntu is the same core, its just different mask on it (ie, the KDE desktop vs. GNOME)20:07
uffoand i used package managers to remove, flush, install20:08
bdizzlealright, you know how in Ubuntu you had synaptic?20:08
bdizzlein Kubuntu you have Adept. Same damn thing, just different name. You can use Synaptic if you want, but not until you get an internet connection to download the GNOME requirements20:08
coreymon77as i said20:09
coreymon77youre screwed without internet, so deal with that first20:09
bdizzleuffo, do you have some way of connecting that laptop to the internet? even if its a hard-line, it will work. it doesn't have to be wireless20:09
byteme_hi all20:10
uffoyes but now i want know why linux cannot launch binary files just after extract, why it must integrate software20:11
byteme_can I access my store PC with linux from my office out of state like 'pc anywhere'?20:11
uffoi understand that driver integrates but software ??20:12
coreymon77uffo: it can20:12
byteme_it 'looks' like i can, but cant figure it out20:12
bdizzlebyteme, !ssh20:12
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/20:12
coreymon77uffo: programs need dependencies met to run though20:12
coreymon77uffo: if a dependency isnt met, it wont work20:12
byteme_great thanks20:12
coreymon77uffo: now you can take a vacation to dependency hell and try and get them all in the right order yourself, or listen to us and use apt20:13
bdizzleuffo, while windows is typically "one piece of software to do it," linux is mostly modular, meaning that you can swap out pieces as you see fit20:13
bdizzleie, for me, kubuntu comes with knetworkmanger. Works great for most20:13
bdizzleI only prefer to use it with a wired connection. Otherwise, I prefer to use wicd, as I like the interface better20:14
bdizzleunlike in windows, which forces you to use its wireless wizard20:14
coreymon77which doesnt work anyways20:15
bdizzlemore often than not, no20:15
uffoi know but can i copy these dependencyes to firefox to use it20:18
coreymon77uffo: only if you have them installed, which you dont20:18
bdizzlewhich dependencies?20:20
coreymon77for ff20:20
uffodo firefox requires some i dont know20:20
bdizzleyes, plenty20:20
bdizzleuffo, do you have a 2 GB jump drive and about 12 hours to spare?20:20
uffoi have dvd-ram disc20:21
bdizzleI said jump drive, not cd/dvd-ram20:21
uffono jumpdrive20:21
bdizzleits going to take an additional 6 hours on top of that to burn things, and to find new disks each time20:21
coreymon77then get a working internet connection or you are SOL20:22
coreymon77uffo: what exactly are you using to talk to us btw20:24
coreymon77uffo: and whats what, SOL?20:24
uffoReceived CTCP 'VERSION' (to uffo) from coreymon7720:25
coreymon77uffo: oh, thats to check what irc client you are using20:25
coreymon77i though you said you didnt have internet20:25
coreymon77then how are you talking to us20:25
uffopidgin newest on billg xp20:25
uffolaptop do not20:26
uffobut my quadcore has internet20:26
coreymon77do you have an ethernet cable anywhere20:26
uffolot of with linksys wrt54gl20:26
coreymon77because then you could just use that to get internet on your lappy20:26
uffoi told card is fryed20:27
bdizzleI need to get me some internet.... but my tube isn't big enough20:27
coreymon77 /facepalm@20:27
coreymon77youre wireless card is broken20:27
coreymon77but dont you have an ethernet port somewhere on your laptop20:27
coreymon77i give up20:28
uffoyes but no drivers20:28
coreymon77i really dont feel like dealing with this right now20:28
uffolooks like i must wait ReactOS, it is only hope for me for simple usage20:30
bdizzlelinux, especially these days, doesnt work so well without an internet connection20:31
bdizzleother than what is installed on that livecd20:31
bdizzlewhich really isn't much20:31
shadowhywindhay all whats the system requirements for kubuntu?20:31
bdizzleand on a laptop, that wireless card is kinda essential20:31
RurouniJonesMethinks uffo is a troll, most wired NICs on laptops are supported in Linux20:32
uffohope that kubuntu one day in future supports portable software launching20:32
RurouniJonesIt is only the wireless ones that commonly give problems20:32
RurouniJonesPlus the other statements are indicative of trolling20:32
austin_I was installing games through the add/remove thing. While they were installing, it froze and I had to reboot. Now when I start up, I get a thing saying that my hard drive might be failing and I have to press F1 to continue. Could a crash while installing games really end up killing my hard drive?20:32
coreymon77RurouniJones: or just an idiot20:32
coreymon77austin_: yup20:33
RurouniJonesOr that20:33
bdizzleuffo, it never will due to licensing restrictions20:33
RurouniJonesEither way, I would /ignore him and move on with your lives ;)20:33
coreymon77austin_: because your hard drive was being written to at the time20:33
coreymon77austin_: and then was interrupted20:33
bdizzlewhich is why it doesn't come with Adobe acrobat or Flash or .mp3 support20:33
austin_Do you think there's a high chance of my hard drive giving out now?20:34
coreymon77bdizzle: you can get those though20:34
bdizzlehard drives go out for any reason20:34
coreymon77with apt!20:34
bdizzleI know you can20:34
coreymon77austin_: it could20:34
bdizzlebut yes, through apt-get20:34
austin_I hope not, I can't afford another one. :(20:34
RurouniJonesaustin_: It could be the HHD was already dying and installing the game just pushed it over the edge20:34
coreymon77austin_: not for sure though20:34
bdizzlesometimes they just don't feel like getting up and working20:34
uffowhat licencing affects portable software usage20:34
coreymon77austin_: how old is the drive20:34
bdizzlethis stupid thing called copyright?20:34
austin_Not too old, but I can't be certain. Is there a way to check?20:35
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:35
austin_It's 180 gigs or so.20:35
RurouniJonesaustin_: There are disk checkers for bad sectors20:35
uffogpl do not block using portable softwares20:35
coreymon77well, my laptops drive just died out of nowhere last week20:35
RurouniJonesI had a brand new drive die in 2 days because it had so many bad sectors I used up the spares quickly20:35
bdizzleuffo, define "portable software" for me please?20:35
coreymon77lappy was still under warranty though20:35
RurouniJonesI don't know what the linux proggies are unfortuntaely20:36
coreymon77bdizzle: exe's20:36
austin_What would I search for to find one? I just started using Linux not too long ago.20:36
RurouniJonesbdizzle: I would ignore him, he is probably a troll20:36
uffowhat is troll20:36
Dragnslcraustin_- I doubt that your hard drive is about to fail20:36
coreymon77bah, im tired of this, im going away for a while20:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about troll20:36
* bdizzle facepalms20:36
bdizzleI have class to go to, later all20:36
RurouniJonesaustin_: Are you linux only or do you have dual boot with windows20:37
uffotroll ? trolltech qt4 i know20:37
austin_I only have Linux, I had to format and I accidently got rid of my windows cd.20:37
coreymon77uffo: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/troll_(internet)20:37
Dragnslcraustin_- if your computer locked up, the operating system has to check the hard drive for inconsistent data (i.e. stuff that didn't get fully written to the disk before it locked)20:37
Dragnslcraustin_- this isn't unique to Linux, either. Windows will do the same thing20:38
RurouniJonesaustin_: your HDD manufacturer might have a disk diagnostic utility that will run from freedos or a floppy or something20:38
coreymon77Dragnslcr: have him do a fschk20:38
austin_I was just installing like a gig or so of games. Then at about 19% it froze and wouldn't unfreeze so I had to reboot.20:39
uffoi do not post offtopic i post about kubuntu (read what troll was from wikipedia)20:39
austin_This feels like a stupid time to say this, but I love how you just have to search through stuff on that progam to automatically download and install it.20:39
austin_Instead of looking over the internet.20:39
coreymon77austin_: you'll get used to it20:40
Dragnslcrcoreymon77- yeah, I think that's it's telling him it wants to do when it boots20:40
austin_How do you do a fschk thing?20:41
=== Andrei_ is now known as FlyKiller
=== FlyKiller is now known as tangirehv
Dragnslcraustin_- it should have done it automatically when you rebooted (or at least said "Press [some key] to run a check"20:42
tangirehvhello guys20:43
austin_Oh, I'll reboot in afew minutes to see what my other choice was.20:43
tangirehvhow can I use prtable apps with Ubuntu?20:43
RurouniJonesas in http://portableapps.com/ portable apps?20:44
RurouniJonesYou could try wine20:44
austin_Be right back, going to go check it out.20:44
RurouniJonesbut those portableapps are windows portable apps20:44
RurouniJonesas in "Any windows machine"20:44
RurouniJonesNOt portable between different OSes20:44
coreymon77RurouniJones: he wants to install firefox without using apt, from source, without an internet connection20:45
tangirehvi mean analogical linux apps20:45
coreymon77and is complaining than the firefox .bin file that you can download from mozilla's site wont work20:45
tangirehvlike ubuntuapps.com or smt20:45
coreymon77without the deps20:45
coreymon77RurouniJones: oh sorry, that was the other guy, the troll person20:45
uffoyes friend wants know this too, i messing currently with that kubuntu20:45
RurouniJonesAye, that was uffo coreymon7720:46
RurouniJonestangirehv: There is currently no similar project in linux20:46
RurouniJoneshowever if you wanted you could install an entire linux operating system on a USB stick20:46
RurouniJonesand install the apps on that USB'd linux install and take it wherever you wanted20:46
coreymon77RurouniJones: it would be very hard to do something like that with linux programs due to the fact that you would need all of the dependencies aswell to run20:46
tangirehvyes.. that could be possibility20:46
tangirehvbut thos dependencies are horrible yes20:47
RurouniJonestangirehv: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/20:47
coreymon77i personally just use sync extensions with firefox such as foxmarks so that i can sync all of my stuff wherever firefox is20:47
uffomaybe future brings better softwareusability20:47
coreymon77tangirehv: not really, apt takes care of them all20:47
coreymon77as long as you have a working internet connection, its very easy20:48
RurouniJonesjust install your ubuntu distro of choice on a USB stick, install all the apps you want with apt-get and away you go20:48
Dragnslcrtangirehv- have you tried looking at the README or INSTALL files that I assume come with the download?20:48
coreymon77uffo: maybe the the 1990's brings the internet20:48
uffobut windows can be used without ninternet why linux cannot20:48
coreymon77uffo: you once you get the .debs you can install it offline without internet20:49
coreymon77uffo: just like an msi20:49
tangirehvwell.. the word "install" is bothersome itself.. there should be no install. i just copy app into apps dir and remove it when i want it. that it20:49
Dragnslcruffo- of course Linux can be used without an active Internet connection20:49
coreymon77uffo: but just like in windows, you need internet to get the msi file in the first place20:49
uffoyes yes but is there firefox .deb20:49
uffofor offline20:49
Dragnslcrtangirehv- and what happens when you try running the binary?20:50
coreymon77you just need to get its dependency debs long with it20:50
tangirehvit should run20:50
coreymon77Dragnslcr: prob another dependency problem20:50
uffooffical firefox pange do not deliver .deb olny tar.bz220:51
Dragnslcruffo- of course, since Firefox works on any Linux system, not just Debian-based systems20:51
coreymon77uffo: because only debian-based systems use debs20:51
uffois there link to download .deb in my windows to move it dvd20:52
Dragnslcrtangirehv- did you extract the bz2 file and try executing the firefox binary?20:52
austin_Primary master hard disk S.M.A.R.T status bad. Warning: Immediate backup your data and replace your hard disk drive. A failure may be imminent.20:52
coreymon77Dragnslcr: he doesnt have a working internet connection and has some sort of problem with using apt20:52
RurouniJonesuffo: Before you say another word, go and read about apt-get and package management in general20:52
Dragnslcr!aptoncd | uffo20:52
ubottuuffo: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers20:52
tangirehvand why they still use the inconvenient tar.gz/bz2 achiving.. and why not 7-zip?20:52
austin_I wasn't able to do a check thing, it didn't give me the option.20:52
austin_But that's what it says at start up.20:52
Dragnslcrcoreymon77- which of course raises the question of what good Firefox will do20:53
coreymon77Dragnslcr: he doesnt have the deps for ff, so its not gonna work without20:53
RurouniJonesLinux installs programs in a different, and in my opinion, much better way that windows20:53
HighHouffo: If you dont want to download things a good start would be using the kubuntu dvd to start off with, you can download it free or purchase it for a fair price20:53
coreymon77Dragnslcr: who cares20:53
uffoubottu: can i create dvd in windows too20:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:53
Dragnslcrtangirehv- because gzip and bzip2 are far more available on Linux systems20:53
tangirehvbut 7zip is open source also20:53
Dragnslcrtangirehv- that's great, but it isn't nearly as common20:54
RurouniJonesBut it hasn't been enshrined in UNIX usages since the old days20:54
coreymon77Dragnslcr: he needs to get aptoncd on a windows computer20:54
RurouniJonesif I give you a tar.gz file and you run linux I know you will be able to open it20:54
tangirehvwell. ok. let that archiving be, but..20:54
coreymon77and then burn the disc on windows and then use the disc on linux20:54
Dragnslcrcoreymon77- that should be exciting20:54
coreymon77Dragnslcr: i know20:54
coreymon77Dragnslcr: i said it would be much easier to just get another damn wireless card20:54
RurouniJonesor just plug in the wired20:54
coreymon77Dragnslcr: but he wants to make an argument20:55
tangirehvcan i do with the firefox on linux on the same way as on windows..  just exctract it and run it20:55
DragnslcrOr another Ethernet cable20:55
coreymon77tangirehv: no20:55
coreymon77tangirehv: do this20:55
Dragnslcrtangirehv- Mozilla has a binary package available for download20:55
coreymon77tangirehv: sudo apt-get install firefox20:55
coreymon77tangirehv: type that in konsole20:55
RurouniJonesOr just use the package manager20:55
tangirehvbut.. sudo  apt-get extract-run firefox?20:56
coreymon77tangirehv: no20:56
coreymon77tangirehv: sudo apt-get install firefox20:56
DragnslcrWell yeah, but he seems to be irrationally opposed to using apt20:56
coreymon77tangirehv: just that20:56
coreymon77Dragnslcr: thats the other guy20:56
DragnslcrI thought that was both of them20:56
=== root is now known as Guest36573
coreymon77tangirehv: type that into konsole20:56
tangirehvor just sodu run firefox.tar.bz2?20:57
Guest36573short question20:57
coreymon77tangirehv: just do what i said20:57
RurouniJonesno tangirehv, EXACTLY waht coreymon77 typed20:57
Guest36573irc://chat.freenode.net/#elisa i have link like this, how can i connect to it?20:57
Guest36573what part of this is server20:57
coreymon77tangirehv: sudo apt-get install firefox20:57
RurouniJonesthe chat.freenode.net is the server20:57
tangirehvbut where does it saves it preferences?20:57
DragnslcrGuest36573- /join #elisa20:57
KRFGuest36573, /join #elisa20:57
coreymon77tangirehv: just do it!20:57
DragnslcrW00t! I win!20:57
tangirehvff i mean..20:58
coreymon77tangirehv: dont worry20:58
RurouniJonestangirehv: We are a help channel, we help people, just do us a favour and work with us...after Firefox is installed we will tell you where settings are saved etc20:58
Dragnslcrtangirehv- ~/.mozilla20:58
tangirehvdows firefox put it setting in the firefox.tar.bz2 when i do the command: sudo apt-get install firefox?20:58
DragnslcrYou don't need the bz2 file if you're installing from the repository20:59
RurouniJonesthe tar.bz2 file is utternyl not needed. We are not installined from it, you can delete it and not care20:59
Guest36573by the way, can you tell me if it is possible to controll my laptop with IR pilot?20:59
ubottu#ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.21:00
DragnslcrThat's not what I wanted21:00
tangirehvok, but i dont like this sodu stuf.. why could there be just some other utility like judo, just type the command: judo run firefox and that it?21:00
uffowhere to download .deb file for my kubuntu 8.04, no sudo things21:00
DragnslcrGuest36573- might have to ask Google21:00
Guest36573Dragnsclr - i tried21:00
coreymon77tangirehv: no21:00
coreymon77tangirehv: just do what i said21:01
Dragnslcrtangirehv- because you need to be an administrator to install programs21:01
tangirehvwhy isn't there such utility?21:01
Guest36573i stopped at chosing device21:01
coreymon77tangirehv: all sudo means is that you are running it with root privileges21:01
tangirehvbut i don't need to be admin to run programs21:01
Dragnslcrtangirehv- it prevents unauthorized programs from being installed21:01
Guest36573what should i choose as a device?21:01
coreymon77tangirehv: you need it to install though21:01
coreymon77tangirehv: we are here to help21:01
Guest36573"/dev/irda0" or something?21:01
Dragnslcrtangirehv- no, you don't, but to install them you do21:01
coreymon77tangirehv: run this command21:01
coreymon77tangirehv: sudo apt-get install firefox21:01
coreymon77tangirehv: just do it and thats all21:01
Dragnslcrtangirehv- after it's installed, you can run Firefox without being root21:02
tangirehvstupid system :S21:02
coreymon77tangirehv: after its installed you can run firefox from the start menu21:02
DragnslcrGuest36573- I honestly have no idea, sorry. I don't have an IR receiver hooked up to my computer21:02
Guest36573ok no problem21:02
uffonow i use root account, where i can get firefox3.0.deb file without sudo thing21:03
coreymon77tangirehv: you see, he cooperates21:03
coreymon77sudo means nothing21:03
coreymon77apt-get is the thing you have an irrational fear of21:03
Daisuke_Idouffo: then you're not very bright.21:03
Guest36573uffo -> which ubuntu do you use?21:03
Guest36573and in what architecture?21:04
uffokubuntu 8.04 kde4 remix21:04
Daisuke_Idoshoulda known :)21:04
uffocore2 duo laptop x8621:04
Guest36573on the bottom you will se links21:04
coreymon77Guest36573: he doesnt have all of firefox's deps, without them even the deb wont install21:05
uffoGuest36573: thanks now something starts moving21:05
tangirehvlets discuss about portability of programs on linux21:05
Guest36573coreymon77 sudo apt-get -f install will help (?)21:06
coreymon77Guest36573: they wont use apt!21:06
tangirehvand no single word on sudo or judo or whatever that crap is..21:06
RurouniJonesLets make it simple tangirehv. In the sense that you want it, equivalent of portableapps.com - They don't21:06
RurouniJonesIt doesn't exist, zip, nil nada21:06
Dragnslcrtangirehv- everything that comes from the Ubuntu repositories will work with Ubuntu. Any other issues of portability are off topic for this channel21:07
tangirehvsudo nahui21:07
Daisuke_Idotangirehv: get over it.  sudo exists, get used to it.21:07
uffoand do i download these all red dependencies then is ready to install21:07
uffofirefox 3.021:07
uffook i start21:07
coreymon77thats exactly what apt is doing21:07
tangirehvbut explain me why tehere isnt any portable systems?21:07
Daisuke_Idoif you don't like it, use another distro that will let new users screw their systems by allowing them to run as root so they don't feel slightly inconvenienced21:08
coreymon77BECAUSE LINUX IS NOT WINDOWS!!!!!21:08
tangirehvjudo or karate or something21:09
Daisuke_Idotangirehv: you're obviously coming to linux with a windows mentality21:09
Dragnslcrtangirehv- you haven't defined "portable"21:09
RurouniJonesDragnslcr: He wants http://www.portableapps.com for linux21:10
* Daisuke_Ido hands corey a coffee21:10
kkathmanyah whoa21:10
Daisuke_Idokkathman: i feel his frustration, however21:10
coreymon77Daisuke_Ido: how long have i been helping out in this channel21:10
coreymon77Daisuke_Ido: how many years21:10
kkathmanyeah but, still thats CoC violation big time21:10
Daisuke_Idoa long time, i know21:10
DragnslcrRurouniJones- run programs without installing them?21:10
kkathmanand he knows :)21:10
Daisuke_Idothat's the first time i've seen something like that21:10
coreymon77Daisuke_Ido: have you ever seen me do that before21:11
Daisuke_Idowhich is why i said whoa21:11
coreymon77Daisuke_Ido: have you ever even seen me get angry21:11
uffowait wait i found word from google: you can build a deb package with all included dependencies21:11
RurouniJonesDragnslcr: Basically21:11
* Daisuke_Ido headdesks21:11
RurouniJonesI suggested WINE as his only possibility21:11
uffosomeone should do these21:11
coreymon77Daisuke_Ido: this is why i swore21:11
uffofull packs too21:11
RurouniJonesRunt he windows portable apps from the USB key through WINE....but well, you can see the problems21:11
Daisuke_Idouffo: and add tons of overhead to every program?  that's retarded.21:12
DragnslcrRurouniJones- well, Linux isn't Windows, so technically you don't have to "install" programs, since there's no stupid registry21:12
coreymon77ive been dealing with this for the past hour and a half atleast21:12
tangirehvportable in my definition: is application that can run from it's directory and save all it's preferences or files into the same directory where it runs from. that way the application will not pollute my system and my system is always clean and secure and working21:12
Daisuke_Idohow about you just use sudo, and get on with it21:12
coreymon77Dragnslcr: what he needs it the deps21:12
Daisuke_Idounless you're a very clever troll21:12
RurouniJonesJury is out on that one Daisuke_Ido21:12
kkathmancoreymon77,  I'd do a preemptive damage control to those that review the logs if possible...yanno just to maybe diffuse things :)21:12
Dragnslcrtangirehv- Linux doesn't quite work that way. Applications are installed to a common directory, and an individual user's settings are saved in their home directory21:13
coreymon77kkathman: and who are they21:13
Dragnslcrtangirehv- unlike Windows, Linux is designed to be a multiuser system21:13
kkathmancoreymon77,  hmm,  yanno the typical peeps I'd imagine21:13
coreymon77kkathman: what, like ridell and the like21:14
rickesttangirehv: how do different users have different settings then?21:14
kkathmancoreymon77,  prolly a good start yeah...its prolly no biggie21:14
coreymon77kkathman: i know, they know me around here, and im trusted21:14
tangirehvwell.. it keeps different profiles in it's directory21:14
Daisuke_Idotangirehv: what does?21:15
kkathmancoreymon77,  yah I know.21:15
tangirehvso that the whole application with it's s*it is in one place21:15
Daisuke_Idotangirehv: that.  isn't.  how.  it.  works.21:15
Dragnslcrtangirehv- yes, but those profiles belong to each user and are located in each user's home directory21:15
Daisuke_Idoam i speaking slow enough?21:15
DragnslcrDaisuke_Ido- might need to slow down a bit more21:16
tangirehvbut let the user chose where it wants to save settings!21:16
DragnslcrNo, you don't21:16
DragnslcrJust let Firefox save its settings in your home directory21:16
uffoonce i installed software and it updated dependencies too (when i tried ubuntu) then there was one software that replaced newer libs, after that ubuntu died - because of that i do not like shared libraries21:17
Dragnslcrtangirehv- you need to understand that Linux is designed to be a multiuser system21:17
mizipzor_in kde4, when right pressing the keyboard layout configurator and selecting "configure", no matter what layout i choose, its a dvorak layout... i can see that because of it hints the command that will be executed... however, i cannot change the command... anyone knows why? and how to fix?21:17
tangirehvand when i want to remove firefox, i have to go through millions of directories until i get it wiped out21:17
Dragnslcrtangirehv- unlike Windows, you don't have to worry about stepping over other user's settings21:17
Daisuke_Idotangirehv: NO, you have to apt-get remove firefox, then delete .mozilla/firefox in each user's home21:18
coreymon77btw, to anyone that might have been offended by that earlier outburst, sorry bout tha21:18
Dragnslcrtangirehv- well, that's why you'd want to use apt21:18
Daisuke_Idoit's not the end of the world, it won't kill you21:18
RurouniJonesmizipzor_: #kubuntu-kde421:18
mizipzor_RurouniJones: got it, thanks21:18
tangirehvbuty does the apt-get remove 100% remove firefox, leaving no traces?21:18
* Dragnslcr wishes that I wouldn't get permanently banned for telling him to run rm21:19
RurouniJonestangirehv: Everything but each users local settings in their home directories21:19
Daisuke_IdoDragnslcr: i'd back you up...  but probably wouldn't help21:19
Dragnslcrtangirehv- I believe apt-get remove leaves behind settings files, and apt-get purge removes everything21:19
Daisuke_Idoand is removing firefox something you're going to be doing on a regular basis?21:20
tangirehvand when i use multiple programs.. many many programs.. well, what happens to my home directory? i can't find anything useful there anymore21:20
Daisuke_Idohey, i need to use a browser!  better install firefox!  oh, i'm done, uninstall now.21:20
Daisuke_Idotangirehv: it's actually organized logically.21:20
Dragnslcrtangirehv- most settings are stored in directories that start with .21:21
Daisuke_Idoif you're going to continue trolling, stick with windows.  if you actually want to learn HOW linux works, and maybe understand WHY it works that way, stick around.21:21
RurouniJonesand those directories are hidden unless you specifically choose to view them21:21
Dragnslcre.g. .mozilla21:21
coreymon77my home folder is very organized21:21
ubottuWant to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm21:21
Daisuke_Idoread that21:21
uffoif apt get could open offline packages then i would happy with that21:21
Daisuke_Idobefore you say anything else.21:22
tangirehvwell.. then linux itself is bulls*it21:22
tangirehvand we need another op-sys21:22
tangirehvlike reactos :)21:22
RurouniJonesOk tangirehv, thanks for your opinion, we recommend you go back to windows and leave the channel. bye bye21:22
* RurouniJones waves21:23
coreymon77tangirehv: we are here to help out with how to work linux, if you do not want our help, fine21:23
coreymon77tangirehv: but dont argue with us21:23
tangirehvyou should also get back to your sudo and don't disturb discussion about future op.sys and application logic21:23
RurouniJonesJust say goodbye everyone21:23
=== uman is now known as melen
RurouniJonestangirehv should be leaving now21:23
Daisuke_Idotangirehv: if you don't like it, go elsewhere.21:23
coreymon77tangirehv: thats not the topic of this channel21:23
coreymon77tangirehv: this channel is support, not arguing21:24
tangirehvi'm not arguing..21:24
Daisuke_Idoi'm convinced you're here purely to start a fight, and that's not tolerable.21:24
tangirehvi want to make this better21:24
Dragnslcruffo- you can use apt offline. I already pointed you to AptOnCD21:24
Daisuke_Idotangirehv: no, you want to make this windows21:24
kkathmanthis isnt the channel for that21:24
tangirehvthing better*21:24
Daisuke_Idoit isn't.21:24
Daisuke_Idoso go read the link ubottu pasted, and use it as it is (it may change in the future), or go back to whatever os you're trying to make this into21:25
tangirehvand how to you hope to spread kubuntu or ubuntu with it's mountain monkey interface?21:25
kkathmanthis is a support channel, not suggestions on functionality - try another channel for that or feel free to add comments/suggestion to the development/bug system21:25
uffoin synaptic (and kde package) there should option to open .deb file, i know there is open repo cd but i do not know how to do simple repo cd with selected programs21:25
Daisuke_Idotangirehv: could you clarify that?  mountain monkey?21:25
rickesttangirehv: you're suggestion boils down to making /bin world writeable.  that's about as wrong as it gets21:26
tangirehvwell i was meaning the gmone which is mountain monkey in my native language21:26
kkathmanthis isnt exactly a gnome support channel either21:27
coreymon77kkathman: pm21:27
Dragnslcruffo- you don't need to use Adept to install .deb packages. You can just right-click and select install21:27
RurouniJonesJust /ignore him guys21:27
Dragnslcruffo- or use dpkg from the shell21:27
RurouniJonesThis is clearly troll territory21:27
Daisuke_IdoRurouniJones: i'd have to agree, i've already got him ignored21:28
tangirehvwell.. i ask: how to you hope to spread ubuntu when it's inconvenient for users?21:28
snarkstertangirehv: there are a LOT of ubuntu users21:29
Daisuke_Idookay, i lied21:29
rickestI don't think he came to troll.  He came in and made a really stupid suggestion that he's only thought about for 5 minutes and now he's getting defensive because it's obvious how stupid his suggestion is21:29
coreymon77rickest: no21:29
uffokde4 do not have install with right click, currently i download firefox requred libs from http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/firefox-3.021:29
uffoi try when completed21:29
kkathmantangirehv,  you are one opinion of course, many people contribute to the community and help out...perhaps you'd like to help?21:29
tangirehvmy suggestion is NOT STUPID21:29
Daisuke_Idotangirehv: it's not inconvenient, it makes sense.  ever wonder why windows is so full of holes and so easy to exploit?  part of it is because ANYONE can write ANYWHERE.21:29
coreymon77rickest: he asked for help about something, we gave him an answer, he refused our help and startd arguing about it21:29
Daisuke_Idotangirehv: yes, yes it is21:29
Daisuke_Idoin fact, it's the stupidest thing i've heard since the last commercial for Disaster Movie21:30
tangirehvwhat's wrong with it?21:30
Daisuke_Idoread what i said21:30
coreymon77Daisuke_Ido: easy buddy21:30
Daisuke_Idoit's fundamentally unsafe21:30
coreymon77Daisuke_Ido: thats not the issue21:30
rickestcoreymon77: no21:31
snarkstertangirehv: tho i didnt hear you suggestion please understand that switching to linux is a conscience choice and youll just have to learn like we all did.. If you were a windows user and someone told you to use a macintosh youd be lost.. same with linux21:31
coreymon77Daisuke_Ido: the issue is that he came asking for help and then refused our suggestions saying they are stupid and inconvenient21:31
tangirehvand is it safe when i let sudo to install any crap?21:31
=== ubuntu is now known as oi-polloi
Dragnslcrtangirehv- if you trust the source of the package, yes21:31
Daisuke_Idotangirehv: at least if you have to use sudo, you can see beforehand what is being installed21:31
Dragnslcrtangirehv- which is why you should always use the official repositories21:31
Daisuke_Idowithout that, things could be installed without your knowledge - malicious things even21:31
melenDoes anyone know if it is normal to have cron.daily, cron.d, cron.hourly, cron.weekly and cron.monthly directories in the /etc/ folder if i have never programmed any tasks to be run? Thanks21:32
tangirehvbut when i have an offline repository?21:32
Dragnslcrmelen- yup21:32
Daisuke_Idomelen: they're there by default21:32
Dragnslcrmelen- they're probably empty, or have one or two system tasks21:32
mizipzor_how do i manually "save a session"? it seems that my sessions arent restored21:32
Daisuke_Idotangirehv: doesn't matter, root access (or superuser, sudo) is still required21:32
Daisuke_Idothat's how it is21:32
rickestso instead of backing up /home/my_name I should have to look all over the distro /bin directories?  absurd21:33
Dragnslcrrickest- to do what?21:33
melenthanks everyone21:33
Daisuke_Idorickest: what?21:34
tangirehvat least i have everything in one place.. not scattered around my system21:34
rickesttangirehv: if personal settings were saved in app directories.  That's reason #2, the first was those directories aren't world writeable21:34
coreymon77Daisuke_Ido: nvm, he was explaining21:34
Dragnslcrrickest- /bin only contains executables that are easily replaced from the repositories21:34
uffosomeone one day should create offline repo creator gui for windows in qt4 c++21:34
DragnslcrOops, sorry rickest21:34
rickestDragnslcr: np, apparently I confused a couple  :)21:34
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers21:34
RurouniJonesWe already tried that21:35
tangirehvwell.. anyway, i keep waiting for reactos though.21:35
RurouniJonesHe didn't listen, or understand, or both21:35
uffoAPTonCD wont run on windows21:35
Daisuke_Idouffo: what?21:35
uffothat repo creator21:36
tangirehvcurrently there is not possible to create any IT infrastructure on ubuntu21:36
=== wilma is now known as hudnix
Daisuke_Idoit's for ubuntu, what the h*** does windows have to do with it?21:36
snarksterwhat are you talking about21:36
coreymon77Daisuke_Ido: his linux box doesnt have internet access apparently, busted wifi card21:36
Dragnslcrtangirehv- maybe if you don't know anything about IT administration21:36
coreymon77snarkster: hey there, can we help you21:37
Daisuke_Idoi'm off top offtopic, my brain hurts now21:37
tangirehvi know well and i know it is not quantum-crack safe21:37
snarksternah im listening and chiming in about tangirehv and everyones else discussion..21:37
DragnslcrAnd no, we haven't figured out what use Firefox will be on a computer without a network connection21:37
melenHello. I was looking at my system logs, auth.log and saw something weird. I am the only person with the password to a root account on ubuntu 8.10 on my computer. THere are others who know the password for a limited account though. The thing is i saw the following log http://pastebin.com/d298be6d3 and these events occurred at times I was not even home, where I have my pc. DId someone login as root or do something strangE? thanks21:38
coreymon77snarkster: if you need help we can ignore him21:38
snarksternah I dont need help..21:38
snarksterIm on kde4.1 anyway21:38
Dragnslcrmelen- look like cron jobs being run21:38
RurouniJonesmelen: Looks like automated cron jobs21:38
RurouniJonesscheduled tasks21:38
Daisuke_Idoyep, every hour21:39
Daisuke_Idonothing special :)21:39
coreymon77in other words, youre fine21:39
Daisuke_Idocoreymon77: we can ignore him anyway :)21:39
DragnslcrI dunno what would be scheduled for 17 after every hour, but whatever21:39
snarksterIm perfect thank you.. listening to jams on amarok and relaxing in the cool a/c21:40
snarksterare you ok coreymon7721:40
coreymon77had a little outburst due to these trolls earlier, but i apoligized and everythings fine21:40
hudnixI know this may not be the best place to ask, but does anyone know where I can get an ubuntu version that will install as a paravirtual guest under xen instead of full virtual?21:40
snarksteroutbursts are good they releave stress.21:41
coreymon77hudnix: does regular ubuntu not work?21:41
snarksterwhat is paravirtual21:41
snarksternew term21:41
Dragnslcrhudnix- I know it's possible, since we do it at work, but I didn't set it up so I don't remember exactly how21:41
coreymon77Dragnslcr: i would think regular ubuntu would work, wouldnt it21:42
Dragnslcrhudnix- I thought the Xen management console had an option to create new Ubuntu guests21:42
hudnixparavirtual -> the guest has kernel mods that allow it to share resources and run faster21:42
hudnixfull virtual - the guest doesn't know about virtualization21:42
Dragnslcrcoreymon77- Xen is a bit weird. I don't think it uses normal disc images for installation21:42
hudnixYes, I can install it full virtual, but it doesnt recognize the ISO as valid for paravirtual.21:43
coreymon77Dragnslcr: then wouldnt it have its own way of converting the normal images to its wierd images21:43
snarkstercan the ubuntu xen run windows?21:43
Dragnslcrcoreymon77- yup21:43
coreymon77hudnix: i am completely unfamiliar with xen paravirtual, maybe google can yield some results21:44
hudnixI tried google first, it seems either no one else has this problem or no one else cares :)21:45
DragnslcrI'm pretty sure that Ubuntu is an option when you create a new guest in Xen21:45
coreymon77hudnix: does xen have a website, or some sort of other manual21:45
DragnslcrI don't think we had to do anything special for it21:45
hudnixDragnslcr: yes, it is, but only in full virtual mode.21:45
DragnslcrI'll take your word for it. Like I said, I didn't do the setup, I only know that we have it21:46
DragnslcrYou might have better luck on Xen's message boards21:46
hudnixI'll try that, thanks21:46
coreymon77hudnix: check their site, maybe they have help files21:47
uffoi got a atheros wifi card from local friend ang kubuntu installed now net works but Adept get cannot check repos, it tries to download something but then comes kde crash report21:55
coreymon77uffo: whats the report21:55
snarksterwhat about sudo apt-get update21:57
coreymon77uffo: hes right21:57
uffoi launched again now shows waiting for headers, now comed copy file in progress, (i saw it wanted some tmp file) then is closed, not adept mannager but some strange sub downloading software i dont know21:57
coreymon77uffo: do sudo apt-get update first21:57
uffook i try in konsole but there is 2 consoles ? whitch is best21:58
uffo1 konsole terminal program and 2 konsole/kde3 terminal21:59
snarkstermakes no difference21:59
snarksteruffo what happened?22:01
snarksterOT: have any of you seen the The Watchmen Trailer??22:02
uffodamn it cannot do sudo, i checked i dont know why but it do not find (wifi card) my router is online, how i can fix that it finds net (drivers is installed it shows propertary drivers in use and they work)22:02
coreymon77sudo has nothing to do with internet22:02
uffodo i need newer driver22:02
uffoi need wifi card to work first22:02
coreymon77sudo stands for super user do22:02
coreymon77it runs the command with admin privileges22:03
uffoi know it makes superuser22:03
coreymon77uffo: i can help you with that22:03
coreymon77uffo: so you still cant get on the internet with that card?22:03
uffowifi card cannot find wrt54gl22:03
uffomy friend told it works22:03
uffoatheros card22:03
coreymon77what card exactly22:03
coreymon77model company?22:04
engineeraka brand22:04
uffowait i check, i open my laptop again22:04
coreymon77and card model22:04
engineerlspci | less22:04
engineerno need to open22:04
coreymon77i know what that will say22:05
coreymon77it will jsut say atheros communications22:05
coreymon77thats what they all say22:05
hardyHi, what is the conf file to change the layout of the keyboard in kde?22:05
coreymon77hardy: no need to edit that22:06
coreymon77hardy: just do it graphically22:06
coreymon77hardy: go into system settings22:06
coreymon77hardy: look through there, you will find keyboard layouts22:06
hardycoreymon77: I am using Intrepid and the GUI is not working22:06
coreymon77what do you mean22:07
coreymon77x isnt working?22:07
snarkstercoreymon77: I think he means the keyboard config GUI isnt workin22:09
coreymon77uffo: any word on what the card is?22:09
SitUbuntuSitis there still an ubuntu+1 channel?22:09
SitUbuntuSithardy, you might want to try there22:10
uffoi did not opened laptop instead i searched clues from windows drivers and found Atheros AR500122:10
uffothat is currently in22:11
uffofriend gave windows drivers together with card22:11
hardycoreymon77: yes kcontrol and kde-systemsettings are not installable now. SitUbuntuSit: I already asked in ubuntu+1 but no one knows22:11
uffohardware tool in kubuntu says it is okay, but it is not22:12
coreymon77there is a huge thing to get this working natively, but no point22:15
uffoknetworkmanager shows no active device22:15
coreymon77we're gonna use ndis22:15
SitUbuntuSithardy, I understand. No problem, wasn't discouraging asking here, just thought those guys would be more knowledgeable :)22:15
coreymon77alrighty then, this is wha you should do22:17
coreymon77uffo: you do have the windows driver cd right?22:17
uffoi have 7z archive22:17
coreymon77uffo: works too22:18
coreymon77uffo: your windows computer is still the only one with internet right22:19
uffocurrently yes22:19
uffoand i have dvd if transport neened22:19
uffoi zipped that driver22:20
snarksterisnt there a good howto on ndis?22:20
snarksteri used to use ndis all the time, then i got smart and bought a belkin wireless G usb for 36 bucks at wallmart; works right out of the box22:21
coreymon77snarkster: me too, but im gonna walk him through22:21
snarkstergood luck22:21
coreymon77uffo: whats the name of the windows driver22:21
uffocurrently offtopic but: i heard it should by now inside kernel 2.6.27 because atheros opened drivers- is that true22:23
coreymon77uffo: maybe22:24
uffoi know kubuntu has 2.6.2422:24
coreymon77uffo: type lspci into konsole for me22:24
coreymon77lspci -v | less22:24
coreymon77uffo: find your wireless card in the output list and tell me what it says22:26
uffohow i can get that character between -v less22:27
uffoi never used that in win22:27
coreymon77shift + key above enter22:27
coreymon77uffo: find it?22:30
coderipper1983anyone know a good tutorial for the command line interface22:30
uffotryng in kate to find22:30
snarksteryup man bash22:30
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:30
=== _roconnor is now known as roconnor
uffomaybe my keyboard is different from yours22:32
uffoofftopic, i discovered that my last card was same model atheros esprimo mobile 5535 i have22:33
engineeruffo depends on your kyboard22:34
engineermine is above tab22:34
Daisuke_Idouffo: also, on the keyboard, it doesn't look like a solid vertical line22:36
uffoit gives ˇ these marks (sorry i have not used these characters only in subtiles with copyng them)22:36
Daisuke_Idoit looks like...  a colon made up of two vertical lines, if that means anything22:36
uffonow i moved command to kubuntu with dvd and it cave quite big output22:48
uffoi cannot move back because no  dvd burning program22:49
Guest36573anybody here with lirc experiencE?23:03
snarksterguest36573: try mythtv23:04
Guest36573snarkster - how?23:05
Guest36573just ot install mythtv?23:05
Guest36573what for?23:05
snarksterno no try asking there, as they use lirc alot23:05
snarksteritll be OT but im sure someone can assist with using lirc there23:05
Guest36573ok im there thanks23:05
thorsten_hello, is there any way to store the size of the different windowsections in kde programms?23:06
thorsten_what do you want to do with lirc? Transmit or receive?23:06
emiliafaneitehello ebribody23:07
=== emiliafaneite is now known as mariana
PiciYes, hello.23:08
marianawhat what23:09
uffowho are you, hello was sooo long23:09
nandoalguien habla español???23:10
uffoegnlish please23:11
Guest36573thorsteni would like to receive23:11
Guest36573thorsten would like to receive23:11
nandosomeone speak english here?!!!23:11
snarksteryes most of chickens speak english23:12
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:12
gustavoHola, necesito ayuda de algún ingeniero23:20
uffohola losna huina tuhkru jahuveski - i even myselt do not know what it is23:22
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:22
highwaychilehi! Can anybody tell me what user agent konqueror is using in hardy?23:23
gustavoHi, would some ingeneer help me w a homework?23:23
engineerwe dont do homework23:23
engineerunless you pay23:23
gustavoit is not about computers or that23:24
gustavois a little interview23:24
gustavojust 4 easy questions23:24
uffowhen i remove openoffice from kubuntu with Adept manager, does it remove it completly 100% or i must do sudo apt-get clean or what?23:27
engineeruffo apt-clean won't hurt23:34
engineerbut mostly likely everything is vanished23:34
uffoyou mean temporary downloaded packages right?23:35
=== ubuntu_ is now known as _M3741_
jhutchins_wkisn't there a "purge" option to get rid of things like conf files?23:43
_M3741_Hey guys, I wanna try to compile the kubuntu kernel to run on a different distro. Where can I find the sources and the .config file?23:43
favroI use  sudo apt-get --purge autoremove23:43
jhutchins_wk_M3741_: Why?23:44
jhutchins_wk_M3741_: There really is no "kubuntu kernel", it's the standard kernel with debian and ubuntu patches and configuration applied.23:44
jhutchins_wk_M3741_: What are you looking for on what other distribution?23:44
_M3741_The problem I'm having is that after kernel 2.6.21 I can't get the kernel to load the disk controller. I've tried the vanilla sources as well as the gentoo sources. Since the vanilla sources fail as well I think there is a bug with my controller driver.23:46
thorsten_@guest36573 would you please accept the dcc-request?23:46
_M3741_Amazingly the kernel from ubuntu doesn't have that problem, so my guess is that there is some ubuntu patch tha addresses that problem23:47
_M3741_I've done a git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-hardy.git to get the sources, but everything seems to be out of place. I mean, its not the common kernel source structure23:49
thorsten_@guest36573 maybe that helps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallLirc/Hardy23:49
jhutchins_wk_M3741_: Yeah, that's a problem you'll have crossing distros.23:50
jhutchins_wk_M3741_: You would probably be best off building the kernel on a (k)ubuntu machine and copying it over.23:51
_M3741_jhutchins_wk: No problem with that, as long as I get the correct sources23:52
jhutchins_wk_M3741_: I think your conclusion about it being a ubuntu patch is probably correct.23:53
_M3741_I have compiled centos kernel sources on my gentoo boxes in the past with no issues, but the ubuntu sources seem to be out of standard.23:53
jhutchins_wk_M3741_: I have a similar situation with an Intell controller that only SuSE will install on.  I need to get RHEL/Centos 4.x on it.23:53
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_M3741_jhutchins_wk: My controller is also an intel one. Damn, this intel guys are messing up with everything!23:54
_M3741_jhutchins_wk: Where can I get the sources for ubuntu in a standard way? Cuz the git clone thing is all messy23:55
_M3741_jhutchins_wk: When I say standard I mean like the vanilla sources (from kernel.org).23:55

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