
bdrungmwhudson: ping01:13
mwhudsonbdrung: hi01:14
bdrungmwhudson: can you reenable the import of htmlvalidator?01:14
mwhudsonbdrung: sure, got a link for me?01:14
mwhudsonbdrung: do you have a reason to believe the server will be more reliable now?01:16
mwhudsonbdrung: perfectly happy to just give it a go, though01:16
* mwhudson hits the go switch01:16
bdrungthe sourceforge servers seems to be stable now01:17
bdrungand they have a new hp design.01:18
bdrungwe should give it a try. if murphys law strikes then we should wait another week01:20
bdrungmwhudson: thanks01:21
mwhudsonbdrung: np01:21
mwhudsonsigh, i really need to implement something that mails the subscribers to a branch when an import fails01:23
mwhudsonoh wow, the new look for SF is ... different01:25
lifelessthe orange?01:26
bdrungyes, a import failure mail would be good01:44
Hobbseewgrant: they get the impression that launchpad is ubuntu from teh forums, i think.02:32
cody-somervilleHave we stopped getting e-mail on changes we make ourselves?02:42
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doctormohmm, translations doesn't seem to work, I have a pot file in my bzr trunk branch and the lp translations ignores it. So I have translators offering to help but I end up having to send them to pot file to edit directly..07:12
RAOFdoctormo: You need to import the pot file into Launchpad.  It doesn't (yet) pick up translation templates from bzr trees.07:13
RAOFThen wait for the template to be accepted, which may take some time.07:14
mdkecan someone remind me how to upgrade branches on Launchpad? I recall it can be done with lftp but can't remember the precise details, and of course I don't want to break anything13:12
persiamdke: I believe you can upgrade locally and push, although some clients may complain.  I could also be wrong.13:19
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mdkepersia: I think you're right, but from memory when I did it last time I had to use lftp to delete the lp branch first. But I wanted to check first13:23
thekornhi, anyone from the API team around?13:45
thekornare there any plans to update http://people.ubuntu.com/~flacoste/launchpad-api-doc.html13:45
thekornor can you please publish the xsl stylesheet you use to create this reference documentation?13:46
leonardrthekorn, hi13:48
thekornleonardr, oh hi!13:48
thekornjust before you joined the channel I asked a question about the reference documentation13:48
thekorn<thekorn> are there any plans to update http://people.ubuntu.com/~flacoste/launchpad-api-doc.html13:49
thekorn<thekorn> or can you please publish the xsl stylesheet you use to create this reference documentation?13:49
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leonardrthekorn, flacoste is setting or has set it up to update the doctest as part of deployment13:51
leonardrand i don't see any reason not to publish the xst stylesheet13:51
thekornleonardr, maybe it is a good idea to publish the xsl file within the wadllib branch13:52
leonardrthekorn: that's not a bad idea, though our xsl file has some launchpad-specific assumptions13:52
rick_h_is there a method in LP to take a bug and remove it from releases it's been targetted for?14:14
rick_h_I was trying to figure out how to target a bug at a milestone and put it on a release, but now can't seem to figure out how to remove the release/tie in14:14
Hobbseeyou can't.14:14
Hobbseeyou just have to mark it as invalid.14:14
Hobbseeand ignore the bug mail.14:14
thekornleonardr, ok, thanks for your information, it would be cool if you could update the reference documentation or publish the stylesheet14:26
thekornbecause an outdated api-doc is not helpfull14:26
leonardrthekorn, it's likely that we have code to publish new documentation but it hasn't landed because we were doing a launchpad release last week and the queue was frozen14:27
thekornbtw, the Introspection feature is great, I really like it14:27
thekornmaybe you can also wrapp the content of the wadl:doc node to __doc__ of a method14:28
thekornso people can run help(launchpad.bugs.createBug)14:29
leonardrthekorn: yeah, that's on my list14:31
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ignasmwhudson: hi15:50
swe3tdaveis there a launchpad admin i can talk to?15:53
swe3tdavei need to modify a release version number15:56
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Peng_Why does Launchpad keep two copies of every branch?17:21
persiaPeng: Are you sure it's not just several URLs to the same branch?17:21
Peng_persia: I've heard that http://bazaar.launchpad.net/ uses a copy of bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/'s data.17:23
persiaPeng: No idea, but I suspect that if it's a copy, it's only for performance reasons.  It's fairly likely that the same resources are being accessed by two different URLs.17:23
persiaIt's certainly the same data, whichever protocol one uses to access it, and it tends to get updated together.17:24
thumperPeng_: LP only has two copies of hosted branches17:26
thumperPeng_: there is only one copy of a mirrored branch17:26
thumperPeng_: it has to do with trusted vs. untrusted areas17:26
thumperPeng_: in that sftp can write stuff that isn't actually a branch17:26
Peng_So I could sftp in and put arbitrary things on LP? Cool. :D17:27
thumperPeng_: not for anyone to access :)17:27
thumperPeng_: as only people with write access to a branch gets stuff from the "push" area17:27
Peng_Hmm, if someone wanted to do that, he could actually use a team branch..17:27
thumperPeng_: everyone else gets the publc (mirrored) area17:28
Peng_So the read-only copy is partially made to verify the data is valid?17:28
Peng_OK. :)17:28
thumperto be honest, if you want to share arbitrary files...17:28
thumperjust put them in a branch :)17:28
Peng_...Err. Right.17:32
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radixI just noticed bzr 1.6 final is out, does that mean stacked branches work on launchpad now?17:50
Ursinhamwhudson, ^17:51
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sorenCan someone explain what I need to do to bug 251480 to get it listed on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kvm?18:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251480 in kvm "X hangs in Intrepid in KVM" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25148018:05
thekornsoren, the ubuntu task is 'fix released', so not open18:07
sorenthekorn: Except the hardy task, which is "confirmed".18:08
sorenI can guess why it doesn't show up. that's why I asked what I need to change to make it show up :)18:08
thekornthis task is shown in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/kvm18:08
sorenThat's not good enough.18:09
thekorn...one of the strange things in launchpad18:09
sorenWell, i guess I can add an intrepid task, set that to fix released, and set the "general" state to "Confirmed".18:09
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radix'stacked-source' is a regular branch, 'SB2' is a branch stacked on it18:57
radixthe strange thing is that I would not expect an *authentication* error here18:57
radixI mean, doesn't authentication happen before anything else that might be affected by whether the branch is stacked?18:57
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radix(I created SB2 by "branch --stacked lp:~radix/+junk/stacked-source SB2; cd SB2; hackhackhack; bzr push --stacked lp:~radix/+junk/SB2")19:00
radixoh, hmm, I'm still on rc619:07
radixerr, rc519:07
radixI guess the .deb package of 1.6 final isn't out yet :)19:08
sorenmwhudson: qemu's upstream VCS has changed. How do I tell vcs-import this?19:20
LaneyI can't see how to add tags to a bug. Can someone give me a pointer?19:54
rockstarsoren, you'll want to create a new import branch.19:55
LarstiQrockstar: that sort of sucks.19:55
sorenrockstar: How do I do this?19:55
sorenrockstar: Note: I'm not the owner of the project.19:55
rockstarLarstiQ, well, yes.  As you can imagine, the import system is quite complicated.19:55
rockstarsoren, you can still create import branches from a project.19:56
sorenrockstar: Ok... I'm looking at the project page now. What to do?19:56
sorenOh, I see it, I think.19:57
rockstarsoren, go to register a branch.19:57
sorenrockstar: Yes, I see it now. I can take it from here. Thanks.19:57
rockstarsoren, great!  If you need anything else, I'm around.  mwhudson won't even wake up for another two hours or so.19:58
sorenrockstar: YEah, I know.19:58
* soren . o O { Slacker }19:58
sorenrockstar: Can you review new code imports?19:59
rockstarsoren, I can.19:59
LarstiQrockstar: yeah, I'm aware of that, and I see the difficulties in trying to graft two possibly different histories onto eachother.19:59
sorenrockstar: Please to apply your special love to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/qemu/svntrunk :)19:59
rockstarsoren, approved20:00
sorenrockstar: Thanks very much :)20:00
rockstarsoren, you are very welcome.20:00
Laney...is tagging bugs a blessed task?20:04
mdkeRinchen: around?20:16
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muntyanhey. i want to have my project in launchpad (hoping to get translations), but it is already registered there: https://launchpad.net/medit22:29
muntyancan i get hold of it somehow?22:29
muntyanbecome a maintainer or something22:29
muntyanemgent, vorian: ping. you are listed at https://launchpad.net/~motu, could you help me?22:32
mdkemuntyan: I'm sure you can, you should ask a question here - https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad22:32
mdkethen one of the Launchpad admins will sort it out for you22:32
muntyanok, thanks22:33
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=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk

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