
=== meoblast is now known as meoblast001
bbyeverdoes anyone know when ubuntu open week is?03:18
Flannelbbyever: Usually the week after a release03:21
Flannelthat is, the week following the thursday of release.03:21
bbyeverFlannel: ah ok. i got a mail from the ubuntu-es-locos list about organizing localized events so i thought it would be sooner03:23
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
juliuxjenda: can you give an advise for a good and not to expansive hotel in prague?16:11
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
* shahriar086 is away: Gone away for now.16:42
=== shahriar086 is now known as shahriar_away
* shahriar_away is back.16:52
=== shahriar_away is now known as shahriar086
=== shahriar086 is now known as shahriar86
yao_ziyuani strongly suggest that ubuntu.com put an obvious "Supported Hardware" menu on its front page20:10
yao_ziyuani just bought a Samsung burner provably not yet supported by the current linux kernel. i think hardware compatibility is a big issue for promoting linux.20:10
yao_ziyuanubuntu.com should make it widely aware which hardware is linux-friendly20:11
yao_ziyuanconsidering most hardware stores don't give full refund for linux not supporting a hardware product20:12
Flannelbut... I don't want to talk about it.20:13
jpdsFlannel: That guy has been doing the same thing in several channels for some time now.20:14

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