
MythbuntuGuest11Thanks foxbuntu.  It worked.00:00
MythbuntuGuest11But now I only have channels 2-1300:00
tgm4883_laptopMythbuntuGuest11, you need to change your cable type from us-bcast to us-cable00:23
MythbuntuGuest11Yes.  Figured that out.00:33
MythbuntuGuest11Now volume control for Hauppauge pvr-150.  Says it's changing volume & muting but isn't.  Works on other video playback, but not Live TV.00:34
ldndoes anyone know what codeset fios uses for the irblaster?01:04
thatdoodso apparently im missing something in mythbuntu for my alsa to work properly, getting "Mixer unable to find control Master1"01:58
thatdoodlspci reveals:01:58
thatdood00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller01:59
lovinglinuxHello, I'm having problems to install MythTV Control Center because lirc gives me an install error02:22
thatdoodanyone know what causes this:02:26
thatdoodRingBuf(/var/lib/mythtv/recordings/2801_20080824202551.mpg) Error: Invalid file descriptor in 'safe_read()'02:26
MythbuntuGuest62wow quiet in here02:52
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thatdoodfoxbuntu you still around?03:19
foxbuntuthatdood, no03:19
foxbuntuthatdood, what did you break now? ;)03:20
thatdoodwell, is there a 64bit fix to that guide lockup problem? libmyth-0.21-0_0.21.0fixes16838 is 32bit03:20
thatdoodlibmyth-0.21-0_0.21.0fixes16838-0ubu.deb  that is03:20
foxbuntuthatdood, just switch your deinterlacer03:20
foxbuntuthatdood, its only related to the default deinterlacer settings03:21
foxbuntuthats just a work around for it03:21
thatdoodok, im lookin for it03:21
foxbuntuSetup > TV > Playback as I recall03:21
thatdoodon a remote frontend should you always use "always stream recordings from the backend" ?03:22
foxbuntudepends on several things but most of the time thats easiest03:23
thatdoodi assume the deinterlacer is in the playback profiles, which is currently CPU+03:24
foxbuntuswitch to CPU-- or Slim03:25
foxbuntuor even Normal03:25
foxbuntubut I personally use CPU--03:25
foxbuntuexcept on my Q6600 system03:25
thatdoodok, thx foxbuntu, im gonna go try it out now (fe is upstairs)03:27
thatdoododd thing is it seemed to work better in high-quality04:01
thatdoodman, this new backend server im settin up sure seems slow as hell for a quad core04:05
kgbzealor_Is there a mythtv 0.21-fixes repository for Gutsy?  Failing that, is there a way to use the hardy repository listed at http://www.mythbuntu.org/auto-builds ?04:37
thedarkonei have a small question06:00
thedarkonewell i use channel browser and when i do i get freezing06:00
thedarkonewhen i hit up or down06:01
abarber_Anyone have myth working with a Dish 322 receiver?06:48
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plbAnyone recommend a good tuner for a laptop?14:41
plbone which supports that new digital standard coming to the states in Feb.14:41
jphillipplb HDHR?15:20
jphillipplb  in15:21
jphillip          Feb.15:21
plbI'm looking for a usb tuner that will support it15:23
plband work in linux15:23
plbI've seen a couple wintv usb ones on amazon but am still trying to determine if they work well or not15:24
plbtheres one15:24
plbhere is the other15:25
jphillipethernet is external, though I don't know your needs15:26
plbI think the 950 works in linux15:27
MythbuntuGuest67is there a way to have the server shut down the drives after a long period of inactivity?16:28
foxbuntu_vmMythbuntuGuest67, only if your hardware supports it16:30
foxbuntu_vmMythbuntuGuest67, and its usually handled in the BIOS16:30
MythbuntuGuest24i am sorry i lost connection did anyone reply to that16:35
MythbuntuGuest24i saw someone say only if hardware supports it.16:35
MythbuntuGuest24where would i check that?16:36
foxbuntu_vmMythbuntuGuest67, and its usually handled in the BIOS16:37
MythbuntuGuest24oh, thank you16:38
foxbuntu_vmMythbuntuGuest24, I will warn you however that Sleep/Resume is not well suppoted16:40
MythbuntuGuest24i appreciate it, a friend of mine was wanting to do that, i will let him know17:03
MythbuntuGuest24on a different note, do any of you guys use the movie poster download feature in mythtv?17:08
MythbuntuGuest24lately when i import a dvd, then go and search for cover art i get low res images back.17:12
tgm4883_laptopMythbuntuGuest24, works fine here17:16
tgm4883_laptopwhat movies?17:16
MythbuntuGuest24one of the movies was Shoot em Up17:25
tgm4883_laptopfirst, that movies terrible17:29
tgm4883_laptopsecond, look at http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0465602/  On the far left, is that the movie poster that you are getting?17:30
MythbuntuGuest24ya, but it seems to be of lower quality than others that i have gotten17:33
tgm4883_laptopyes, same here too.  Looks to be just that movie too17:34
tgm4883_laptopI just grabbed "glory road" and it is hq17:35
MythbuntuGuest24i am trying to remember off hand the others, i would have to look at them and i am not there right now17:38
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MythbuntuGuest24tgm4883_laptop: can i use my own .jpg image for cover art19:36
MythbuntuGuest24or anyone else that knows the answer19:49
lagacheck the mythtv wiki19:51
jphillipmythweb lets you set them IIRC20:20
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Comm_hi all - mythtv-backend on hardy is currently on +fixes16838, is there any chance you could build and release a later version - I am mainly looking for Freesat EPG support (http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/5365) - TIA!20:50
lagaComm_: use the weekly fixes builds at http://www.mythbuntu.org20:50
Comm_is that not just mythbuntu?20:51
lagait's for ubuntu hardy20:52
lagaand mythbuntu is basically ubuntu hardy20:52
Comm_ah right i'll go take a look, thanks!20:52
lagajust a special selection of packages20:52
MythbuntuGuest24when i use mythweb and update picture it never takes20:59
MythbuntuGuest24i am talking about when i try to edit the video info21:00
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thedarkonecan linux play windows games?21:30
kwilliamthedarkone: In some cases.  See http://appdb.winehq.org/21:33
superm1thedarkone, generally a better question for #ubuntu, as this channel is centered around setting up mythtv on ubuntu21:33
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Egghead2running mythbuntu diskless, anyone figure out how to change (and keep) fstab after reboot?23:20
TheGuyUpstairshave installed 8.04.1.  I understand that backup comes with 8.04 but is not configured.  Any suggestions on a site that would cover this?23:21
TheGuyUpstairsBy backup I mean the ability to convert the video to DVD.23:21
superm1Egghead2, yeah i did23:26
superm1i ran into that exact issue too23:26
superm1let me see, i filed a bug on it23:27
Egghead2superm1, u the man :)23:27
Egghead2btw hi how ya doing23:27
superm1Egghead2, bug 25979023:27
ZinnBug 259790 in ltsp (Ubuntu) "ltsp-client-setup init script should source lts.conf" [Undecided, New] http://www.launchpad.net/bugs/25979023:27
superm1Egghead2, just coming off vacation this weekend, so pretty good thanks :)23:28
Egghead2thanks zinn23:28
superm1jphillip, maybe you should teach Zinn to be polite and say "Your welcome" to these sorts of things too?23:33
Egghead2superm1, zinn's the bot huh, lol23:41
superm1Egghead2, yup :)23:41
superm1unless you know a human that can type out a canned response like that so quickly23:42
superm1bug 123:42
ZinnBug 1 in clubdistro "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical, Confirmed] http://www.launchpad.net/bugs/123:42
Egghead2so if i add  config-fstab = true to /etc/default/ltsp-client-setup thall do it?23:42
superm1well if you source /etc/lts.conf that should do it23:43
superm1because there is a variable in /etc/lts.conf that controls this23:43
superm1look through the ltsp-client-setup init script a little23:43
superm1and you'll see the reference to fstab, and it should all stick out23:43
Egghead2ahh ill take a look23:43
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Egghead2superm1 thanks :)23:48

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