
=== EagleSn is now known as EagleScreen
davmor2Morning Everybody08:29
davmor2nand: morning dude09:59
davmor2Anybody about who can confirm a bug on desktop cd's?11:03
persiadavmor2: Which bug, and which CD?11:05
davmor2Ubuntu 32 bit iso from this morning 20080825.  bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/26107311:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 261073 in ubuntu "Intrepid: Wrong theme default used in Install option on Live cd" [Undecided,New]11:06
persiadavmor2: I've started a download, but cdimages.ubuntu.com can't spare that much bandwidth, so it will be a couploe hours.  Perhaps someone else will get to it first.11:11
davmor2persia: thanks anyway :)11:13
persiaOh, I will confirm if nobody gets to it: just wanted to provide warning of the time lag involved :)11:15
persia(and I'd really like that machine to have more bandwidth: I probably have more at home than the server)11:15
davmor2persia: try using chromium rather than cdimage11:16
davmor2I got all the iso's updated this morning in under 20 minutes :)11:17
persiadavmor2: No better for me.  My issue is mostly latency: I'm about a second away from those machines.  There's plenty of bandwidth, but the nature of the TCP ACK window causes me pain.11:20
persiaHmm.  Actually, about a second from chromium, and only about 700ms from cdimage.  Anyway, further away than any part of the internet ought be.11:21
persia(and I don't understand why, as I'm 10ms from the national hub, which is supposed to be <300ms from anywhere: there's something specifically odd about routing to that datacentre)11:21
jpdspersia: "mtr cdimage.ubuntu.com" give any useful info?11:24
persiaIt tells me that despite the statement earlier, chromium is cdimage :)11:32
persiaIt also tells me that I need to get a new router, as my own router seems to be adding latency.11:32
jpdsI wonder why beryllium is cdimage here then: http://paste.ubuntu.com/40399/11:34
persiaOther than that, it I've got huge variance.  Most of the pain seems to be that I'm going Tokyo-Osaka-Seattle-New York-London, rather than Tokyo-Kobe-HeathRow-London, but I remember there being problems with some of the Europe-Asia links this spring and nobody wanting to draw more given events in the region, so perhaps I oughtn't be surprised.11:34
persiaload balacing through round-robin DNS maybe?11:35
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=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
persiaDavmor2: My apologies: I became significantly distracted.  I can't reproduce that bug with teh image from the 22nd at all.15:36
araping cr315:59
cr3ara: pong16:00
aracr3: hey, have you had the opportunity to read my latest emails?16:00
cr3ara: nope, been swamped16:00
cr3ara: I need to send one more email and I could have a few minutes16:00
aracr3: ok, no prob16:01
aratake your time16:01
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
stgrabercr3: hey, just saw your mail. What about python ? still using 2.4 ?18:03
cr3stgraber: yep, because Zope3 is still working on moving to 2.518:21
cr3stgraber: I'll keep in close contact with the Zope3 folks so that we can move to 2.5 from the trunk when it's ready18:21
cr3stgraber: that's one of the many advantages of having our own Zope3 tree from which we can merge with the trunk when we want18:22
EagleSnamsn installed from ubuntu packages cannot change skin19:58
=== Crazyguy_ is now known as Crazyguy

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