
bdmurraybryce: bug 180654 looks like it could be fixed released but the upstream bug is still open18:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 180654 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati "[r100] rendering artifacts: intermittent vertical lines on right side of round shapes" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18065418:00
bryceok, looking18:00
bryceyep, fix released19:16
tseliotfederico1: any comments on my reply? http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54696921:22
ubottuGnome bug 546969 in Screen resolution "The GUI components do not always reflect the current situation" [Normal,Unconfirmed] 21:22
federico1tseliot: hmmm, is there a way in which we could detect that a configuration will not apply correctly?  if not, could you add some code to compare the proposed configuration with what we actually got, and present an error message if they are different?  something like "your hardware or graphics driver didn't allow the specified configuration"21:25
tseliotfederico1: AFAIK there's no way to see it in advance since it might depend on the driver (e.g. a bug), or on some weird display/tv model21:31
federico1tseliot: ok, then we definitely need to tell the user what happened21:32
federico1otherwise he'll click "apply" and things won't seem to work21:32
tseliotfederico1: ok, that would be possible but doing some detection stuff would still be necessary. I can do that21:33
federico1tseliot: cool21:33
tseliotfederico1: ok, I'll write another patch with the warning21:34
federico1tseliot: thanks!21:39
tseliotbryce, tjaalton: to which package would you assign this bug report? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/26086722:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260867 in xorg "Bad video signal after upgrading to Interpid" [Undecided,Incomplete] 22:09
bryceyep, that'd be better than xorg22:12
tjaaltonor nvidia-96, if it's going to get support for 1.522:13
tseliotI have assigned it to both packages22:34
brycetseliot: ok I've done some updating to the patch and emailed it back to you to review23:26
brycetseliot: it seems there's been some changes upstream that need accounting for23:26
bryceI've tried to integrate your code in a bit better, but it could probably be done better23:27
tseliotbryce: I've just sent you a new patch23:53
brycetseliot: ok cool23:55
bryceyeah that's basically what I extracted.  See the patch I sent back to you which I feel is a bit cleaner patch23:58
brycesince it deletes only 1 line of existing code, in theory it should be easier to maintain as upstream code changes23:58
bryce(I've a feeling upstream won't be accepting use of python code for this, so we will be maintaining this patch a while; may as well make our lives simpler for us ;-) )23:59
* bryce -> lunch bbiab23:59

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