
=== leonel_ is now known as leonel
bdmurrayIs there an archive of launchpad page layouts somewhere?01:28
muntyanhi guys. is it possible to delete a bzr branch?02:22
Adri2000yes, on the branch page, next to its name, there is an icon for deleting and an icon for editing02:27
muntyandamn it, i was looking for text!02:29
muntyanAdri2000: thanks :)02:29
Peng_jml: bzr+http? :)03:17
bdrungmwhudson: vcs import failed again ( https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/htmlvalidator/trunk ). is it really a fault of sourceforge?03:21
mwhudsonbdrung: urgh, don't know really03:28
mwhudsonit might be a bug in cscvs too03:28
bdrungsvn co / up / commit works without errors.03:29
muntyanif i want to get translations on launchpad, and i can't have a bzr branch there, do i upload a tarball?03:32
mwhudsonbdrung: so the reason the import fails is that the importing process doesn't produce any output for an hour03:35
mwhudsongiven that it tries to output something every 30 seconds, i think, something has clearly gone wrong...03:38
bdrungmwhudson: is there an option to resume an import?03:39
mwhudsonno :(03:39
bdrungone idea: sourceforge kills the connection after 24 hours.03:40
bdrungdo the servers have static ips?03:41
mwhudsonwe've had imports that run for much longer than 24 hours though03:42
mwhudson(also the importer uses lots of connections, not just one)03:43
bdrungok, then my idea is wrong03:44
mwhudsonit seems i can grab the svn repo by rysnc03:45
mwhudsonso i could try to do the import from there03:45
mwhudsonbdrung: there will be some odd things happening to the code import03:49
mwhudsonthis seems to be going slightly faster04:01
mwhudson(like ~100x faster)04:02
mwhudsonbdrung: wee, it worked04:07
bdrungmwhudson: übercool04:07
mwhudsonbdrung: now i just need to fiddle things so that subsequent imports come from the right place...04:08
mwhudsonbdrung: all done!04:10
mwhudsonjeepers though, 25 hours to fail to import from a remote repo, vs 13 minutes to import from a file:///04:11
bdrungi needs hours to scroll through my firefox tabs04:11
mwhudsonsomething is wrong here04:11
bdrungand my clock is wrong too04:12
bdrunghow can it be 5:12 in the night?04:12
mwhudsonhope you enjoy your new branch :)04:12
bdrungmwhudson: no. i throw it away. *joke*04:43
laacqueHi there, got some problems when I try to change my emailadress in launchpad. I want to add a new emailaddress first, than I get the message that I m not allowed to do so, eventhough I m logged in.09:50
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thekornhi leonardr, are there any plans to update python-httplib2 in ubuntu?13:47
thekornbecause the most recent update of launchpadlib is unusable because of an import error13:48
epsyhi, i've noticed this search field at the top of the bazaar. pages, trough it appears to not have any search index at all, is that a known issue?13:52
leonardrthekorn, what revision of launchpadlib are you using?13:56
leonardrthekorn, i thought i fixed that in launchpadlib13:57
thekorn<type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: cannot import name safename13:58
leonardrah, a different error13:58
thekornin _browser.py13:58
thekornand also another one:13:58
thekornplease also remove super() in the _request() method13:58
thekornof OAuthSigningHttp() that is13:59
leonardrthekorn, what version do you get from dpkg -l python-httplib2?13:59
leonardrare you using dapper or something?14:00
leonardri have 0.4.0-114:00
thekornno hardy,14:00
thekornsame version in intrepid14:00
thekornaccording to https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-httplib214:01
leonardri don't know how this happened14:01
leonardrmaybe the launchpad developer dependencies include a later httplib214:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239734 in python-httplib2 "python-httplib2 should be upgraded to 0.4.0" [Wishlist,Confirmed]14:02
leonardryes, the developer dependencies have a later version14:03
BUGabundohi guys14:12
BUGabundoI'm getting timeouts14:12
BUGabundoon LP14:12
BUGabundo         (Error ID:         OOPS-969EB69)14:12
BUGabundowith this url https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+builds?build_text=2.6.&build_state=all14:12
BUGabundo(Error ID:         OOPS-969EB73)14:15
leonardrthekorn: i thought i could make it work with the old version, but if the old version doesn't have safename that's not possible. i've commented on the bug that 0.4.0 is a launchpadlib dependency, and i'll bring it up in the standup today14:15
bigjoolsBUGabundo: I see the same, thanks for letting me know14:15
BUGabundoshould I email LP-users?14:15
SyntuxDo we have a roadmap of when we will have translation API ?14:15
bigjoolsBUGabundo: no, I've got the oops, thanks14:16
BUGabundodidn't know you were a lp dev, bigjools14:16
bigjoolsnow you do :)14:17
geserare there somewhere some examples how to use the LP API? e.g. for adding a comment to a bug?14:17
thekornleonardr, ok cool14:17
leonardrSyntux: no, it depends on when the translation team can make time to do the work. i'll investigate14:17
BUGabundocan u let me know of a way to search for the kernel next  (2.6.27) without the time out , bigjools ?14:18
Syntuxleonardr, we have a project that is so dependent on translation API14:18
wgrantBUGabundo: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux?14:18
bigjoolswhat he said14:18
leonardrSyntux, what is the project?14:18
BUGabundothanks wgrant, bigjools14:19
Syntuxleonardr, a sponsored translation campaign, we need a way to count translated string per user within certain period and we need a way to review the quality of translation to approve or not14:19
thekorngeser, I'm not sure if adding comments is possible right now, lst time I check it wasn't14:20
leonardrSyntux: that's a cool project, and you should talk to the translations team about it so they can be thinking about it when they do the work14:21
Syntuxleonardr, ubuntu-translators or do we have LP translation team ?14:22
leonardrSyntux: it would be someone on the LP team, I'm not sure who14:23
intellectronicathekorn, geser: no, you can't add new comments to bugs using the api yet. hopefully in the next release14:24
Syntuxleonardr, Okie :-) will digg it up :-)14:24
thekorngeser, cool thin is: you can add an attachment with a comment ;)14:25
intellectronicathekorn, geser: indeed. please don't abuse this, though :)14:26
geserso I just need to find a 1 byte attachment? ;)14:26
intellectronicageser: 1 bit, please. global warming and all that, you know...14:32
jpdsCould someone please look into: https://edge.launchpad.net/+builds/vernadsky ?14:37
epsywho maintains ubottu ?14:40
jpdsepsy: jussi01; for queries about the bot, best try in #ubuntu-irc.14:41
geserjpds: it's building now since 5 days?14:53
jpdsgeser: That's what it appears to say.14:53
hyperair_hello. how do i associate a team with a certain project?15:10
hyperair_as in under related projects =\15:10
jpdshyperair_: Change the projects driver or owner to the team you want to relate it to.15:15
hyperair_i see15:16
hyperair_nevermind then lol15:16
stubSyntux: I think you need to talk to jtv15:37
jtvSyntux: hi15:38
Syntuxstub, jtv  Hi :-)15:39
jtvSyntux: what's the problem?15:39
Syntuxjtv,  We're planning for sponsored translation campaign to boost up the Arabic translation progress, we will pay $0.10 per translated string (now you wish you speak Arabic), so we need a way to count translated strings per user within certain period and of course we need a way to QA the translation by approving & disapproving it to avoid skams for money :-)15:40
jtvSyntux: you may need to treat members of the translation team differently from non-members.  The distinction is there exactly so that members can review.15:42
Syntuxjtv, only selected members will have that distinction15:42
jtvSyntux: also, if you go to a user's home page and click on the Translations tab there (or you go to the Translations app and click on a user name there), you'll see an overview of what they contributed recently in terms of translations.15:42
jtvSyntux: so there are separate groups, one that translates for money and one that reviews the translations?15:43
Syntuxjtv, yes and those selected reviewers will not be able to translate15:44
Syntuxjtv, but they will get paid for reviewing translation.15:44
jtvSyntux: that's great15:44
Syntuxjtv, :-) now, is it possible to find someone to help us in building such integrated app with LP ?15:45
Syntuxjtv, I mean, it might be piece of cake kind of tasks for one of LP developers and if that models worked out it can be used with other translation teams, we got the money, we can market the campaign around Arabic blogs and forums, we got the team but we lack the development skills to build such app15:52
jtvSyntux: hold on, I'm just checking whether the UI can give you everything you need15:55
jtvSyntux: it's a bit of extra work, but you could go over the per-person translation overview.  That lists the translations (per PO file) that the person has contributed to.  If you click through from there, you'll see the list of actual strings.  The ones that have been accepted will be highlighted.15:55
jtvSyntux: looks to me like you could write a script around curl or wget to get this information, and use "grep -c" to get the counts per person.15:55
jtvSyntux: just a moment, have to go talk to someone15:56
Syntuxjtv, the thing is, sponsors love reporting and we need to be accurate especially when money is involved, so I thought we could do it in a web app.15:56
Syntuxjtv, sure.15:56
jtvSyntux: back.  A script should be accurate, as long as it can deal with result pagination.16:02
Syntuxjtv, so there is no chance to get an LP developer doing an app for us ?16:03
jtvSyntux: I don't think we can do that...  just not enough time!16:04
Syntuxjtv, I'd do it myself it we had translation API but with the current API we can do nothing, this is why I'm asking for an LP developer16:07
jtvSyntux: I can help you get the information you need to use the HTML as an API though16:09
Syntuxjtv, lovely, what's your email? I will build a basic app and proceed with your help16:10
jtvSyntux: same as my IRC nick, but at canonical.com.  :-)16:11
Syntuxjtv, lovely :-) I appreciate your time and efforts in advance.16:12
jtvSyntux: np, hope I can help you get a good solution16:13
Syntuxjtv,  you will :-)16:14
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jtannerI just want to publish a couple of open-sourced projects and am a beginner in the open source hosting stuff. I've been looking around the launchpad website and have registered a 'blueprint', i guess that's a project.  Ok, what's next?16:47
Adri2000jtanner: a blueprint isn't a project16:50
jtanneran outline of the project?16:51
Adri2000a blueprint is used for new features16:52
Adri2000to specify it, track its implementation progress, etc.16:52
Adri2000blueprints is one component of launchpad your project can use16:53
Adri2000there are also bugs, translations, answers, code16:53
jtannerwhere do i start, i have the idea and probably a couple of files / screenshots I could upload, or at least initial documentation16:53
jtanneroh register a project16:53
jtannerI'll be static linking against an irrlicht.a library I keep updated, I don't need to distribute irrlicht itself, right?  I can just distribute the binaries and source of my project?16:57
jtannerI make no modifications to irrlicht.a16:57
emet_how do I add downloads17:02
emet_to a launchpad project17:02
yannickHi guys, can smoeone give at least aa answer to this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-buildd/+bug/259173 I'm running into trouble each time i try to build Ekiga. The build service is just not usable like it is now for me :/17:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259173 in launchpad-buildd "Dependancies are not updated even if packages are published." [Undecided,New]17:17
bdrungyannick: which distro?17:45
bdrunggutsy, hardy, intrepid?17:46
bdrungaccording to your ppa, for hardy its build and the deb files are published17:46
bdrungyannick: it needs some time till the builded packages are copied to the repository17:47
yannickbdrung, sometimes? like more than 13 hours?17:51
VladimirMelohello, anyone knows when we're going to have intrepid available to translate in rosetta?17:51
yannickyannick, i'm pushing new packs before the one in the PPA are not published correctly.17:51
yannickyannick, i'm pushing new source packs, because the one in the PPA are not published correctly.*17:52
yannickbdrung, i've issue with gutsy and intrepid. It is like playing dice.17:53
bdrungyannick: 13 hours is a bit long. normally it needs some minutes.17:53
yannickbdrung, it seems stuck.17:53
bdrungyannick: if you publish many packages, they can be queue and you have to wait hours until the build gets started17:54
yannickbdrung, see yourself: https://launchpad.net/~sevmek/+archive17:54
yannickbdrung, it issue is: i need to spam the PPA each time i want to build, there is too much failures.17:55
bdrungdo they only fail in the ppa and build locally correct?17:56
bdrungyannick: are there interpackage relations?17:57
yannickbdrung, yes: "ekiga" build over "libopal" which in turn build over "libpt".17:59
bdrungits better to test the build locally and only if there are no errors then upload a package to ppa. because you have to wait until a package is build in ppa.18:00
yannickbdmurray, it build locally, it even build the amd64 version, but do not build i386 version! because it wait a dependancy over another ppa's package.18:01
yannicksee: ekiga-snapshot - 20080825v1gutsy418:02
bdrungyannick: you have to wait till ptlib is build (queued 27 minutes ago, Estimated build start in 55 minutes).18:02
yannickptlib is built since: 16 hours! see ptlib-2.3 - 20080825v1gutsy418:03
bdrungyannick: then check if the builded package was copied to the repository (on your ppa website there should be the *.deb files listet)18:04
bdrungyannick: ptlib-2.3 - 20080826v4hardy4 , ptlib-2.3 - 20080826v02intrepid4 , ptlib-2.3 - 20080825v1gutsy4  are published and only ptlib-2.3 - 20080826v03intrepid4  is pending18:05
bdrungits need to build on i386 for intrepid18:05
yannickyes, issue is one gutsy, not intrepid18:06
bdrungopal-3.3 - 20080825v1gutsy4 fails on lpia because libx264-dev is missing18:07
yannicklibpt-2.3_20080825v1gutsy4_i386.deb26-Aug-2008 01:41 1.1M see http://ppa.launchpad.net/sevmek/ubuntu/pool/main/p/ptlib-2.3/libpt-2.3_20080825v1gutsy4_i386.deb18:07
bdrunglpia failed, not i38618:08
yannickopal-3.3 - 20080825v1gutsy4 fails on lpia because the libx264-dev package is missing on gutsy/lpia18:08
yannickshould i provide it too in my PPA?18:09
bdrungyannick: if you want opal to be build, then yes18:09
bdrungthe other packages are queue, so waiting is the solution.18:09
yannickwill this solve all the trouble?18:09
yannickok i'll do it18:10
bdrungyannick: i have to go now. when i come back i will have a look.18:10
yannickok, thx18:10
bdrungotherwise ping me18:10
oSoMoNhi all18:17
oSoMoNI'm having trouble uploading a package to our PPA (https://launchpad.net/~elisa-developers/+archive)18:17
oSoMoNa few hours ago a package called elisa-plugins-good-0.5.7-1fluendo1~ppa1 was successfully uploaded18:18
oSoMoNbut it was buggy18:18
oSoMoNI rebuilt it as elisa-plugins-good-0.5.7-1fluendo1~ppa218:19
oSoMoNand try to upload it using dput18:19
oSoMoNeverything seems to work fine, but I can't see it in LP18:19
RichWHow do i make a project group?18:20
RichWfor the life of me i cant figure it out18:20
RainCTHi. Is some LP admin around?18:21
intellectronicaRichW: you can't make one yourself, you'll have to file a question on the launchpad project, and an admin will attend to it asap, review the request and create the group for you18:23
intellectronicaRichW: which projects are you hoping to put under this project group?18:23
RichWhypernucleus and hypernucleus-server, i suppose the project group could be called hypernucleus-project18:24
RichWintellectronica: your an admin?18:26
intellectronicaRichW: sorry to disappoint you, i'm not18:27
oSoMoNanyone: a clue about my problem?18:28
RichWRainCT: I would advise using https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/18:31
RainCTnevermind don't need one anymore :)18:32
intellectronicaoSoMoN: cprov may be able to help you18:36
oSoMoNthx, I'll ping him18:37
cprovoSoMoN: you are missing a upload, right ? did you receive an acceptance/rejection email about the upload ?18:37
oSoMoNnope, that's what's weird about it18:37
cprovoSoMoN: an email was sent about 30 min ago to Philippe Normand <philippe@fluendo.com>18:39
oSoMoNah crap THE guy of the team who is on vacation18:40
cprovoSoMoN: and the error was: Unable to find elisa-plugins-good_0.5.7.orig.tar.gz in upload or distribution.18:40
cprovoSoMoN: usual oddness ;)18:40
oSoMoNhow can I change the e-mail setting so that it's sent to me instead?18:41
oSoMoNor sent to him and me18:41
cprovoSoMoN: change the email address responsible for the current version in debian/changelog18:43
oSoMoNok, makes sense18:44
oSoMoNthanks I'll retry with this18:44
cprovoSoMoN: are you using his key to sign the upload ?18:44
oSoMoNwe're using a shared key for packaging18:44
oSoMoNthat he generated18:44
cprovoSoMoN: but the key is associated to him in LP, right ?18:46
oSoMoNI guess so18:46
cprovoSoMoN: it would be easier if you could setup you own key18:47
oSoMoNcprov: indeed it is associated to him18:47
cprovoSoMoN: then, if you use that to sign the upload (even if philippe is the user responsible for the change), you would receive an email too.18:48
oSoMoNyeah I understand18:49
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No`howdy all19:35
No`darn. Where's the Revell when you need him?19:35
bdrungyannick: i am back20:46
yannickbdrung, i'm building x26420:47
bdrungi saw it20:47
bdrungyour version sheme is a bit strange20:48
yannickyes, that's personnal...20:49
yannickI agreed with myself...20:49
yannickI hope x264 will help20:49
bdrung_yannick: can you try to restart the ekiga-snapshot - 20080826v02intrepid4 building?20:52
bdrung_there should be an option in lp to do that20:52
bdrung_and you can restart ekiga-snapshot - 20080825v2gutsy4 on i38620:52
yannickbdrung_, done20:54
bdrung_yannick: x264 - 1:0.svn20070309-7ubuntu1 has finished building on amd64 and lpia, but it is not copied to your archive yet20:54
yannickbdrung_, what can i do?20:55
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beDrungyannick: wait20:55
beDrungbetween 5 - 15 mins20:55
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bdrungyannick: you can restart opal-3.3 - 20080825v1gutsy4 for lpia21:16
bdrungyannick: ekiga-snapshot - 20080826v02intrepid4 failed to build.21:31
bdrungdue to missing libpt-2.3-dev (= 20080826v02intrepid4)21:31
bdrungbut you have only in a newer version in your archive: ptlib-2.3 - 20080826v03intrepid421:32
MezWhat's with emails about a new mailing list?21:32
yannickbdrung, no, i build on exact version21:32
yannickthis failur for intrepid was expected21:32
yannicki will push a new source pack for ekiga-snapshot/intrepid21:33
yannickwhen opal for intrepid will be built and published21:33
bdrungnormally we use >= for versions21:33
yannickbdrung, yes, but i rely on SVN trunk, thus i suffer from API brakage from time to time21:34
yannickexact version ensure the set "ptlib+opal+ekiga" is right21:34
bdrungok, then its right to do so21:34
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bdrungyannick: tip: you can use dashes in the version name.21:49
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