
SveinungHello. I have found a bug that is fixed (by upstream, could not find upstream report) in Intrepid. It is currently marked new. Should I change its status, and in that case to what?01:34
hggdhSveinung, did you confirm current Intrepid version does not have the bug?01:40
hggdhcan you find a reference to what upstream fix solved it?01:41
hggdhif you can, add it in as a comment, and state it is fixed for Intrepid; mark it fix released01:42
hggdhSveinung, if you cannot mark it fix released, ask here for someone with the necessary access to do it01:42
Sveinungok, thanks01:43
Sveinungreference as in bugnumber?01:43
greg-gSveinung: upstream bug report link or changelog entry01:43
hggdhyes, if you can find it. Otherwise, state it has been solved on unknown revision01:43
hggdhSveinung, BTW, thanks for helping01:44
Sveinungyou're welcome01:45
Sveinunghggdh: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shared-mime-info/+bug/204374 is this correct?01:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 204374 in shared-mime-info "application/x-flash-video (.flv) should have a "video-x-generic" icon" [Undecided,Fix released]01:47
hggdhSveinung, correct. The only other thing that could be added is what version on Intrepid added the fix, but that is it, otherwise. Thank you for your help.01:49
Sveinungthank you for helping me, too :)01:49
hggdh:-) we are always glad to help, and even gladder to be helped ;-)01:50
bcurtiswxwhats the bug rss feed address? i can't find it :-X03:14
andresmujicahey guys what's up03:32
andresmujicai'm trying to consolidate all the mime-share-info bugs related to office 2007 and the mime types and icons.03:33
andresmujicai thought that there were a lot of them but are a few really.03:33
andresmujicabut i've got a doubt03:33
andresmujicashould i consolidate the mime icon and the mime type bugs in one?  also the problem is fix released in one of the bugs but int03:34
andresmujicaalso about the icons03:37
andresmujicawhich would be the right package? human-icon-theme or gnome-icon-theme...03:37
dholbachgood morning05:41
tuxmaniacdholbach: good morning. The bug jam happened a couple of weeks late. But it happened and we had fun! :-)07:00
dholbachtuxmaniac: I think we should have bug jams all around the world all the time07:01
dholbachand then concentrated global bug jams like twice a year07:01
dholbachwhat do you think?07:01
tuxmaniacdholbach: hehe I was just typing something similar :-)07:02
dholbachgreat :-)07:02
tuxmaniacactually such Local bug jams will enable the new folks to get used to 5-a-day, LP and other basics of triaging. The jams wouldnt be effective with the number of bugs triaged. But atleast we are increasing the contributor base who can come rally good later on during the global bug jams.07:04
dholbachthat's why I'm going to try to set up regular jams in Berlin :)07:05
tuxmaniacI found from the GBJ sessions we had online, that most of them want to do "something" and they are still unclear of the fact that even if they are not so thorough with the Ubuntu code base (which ofcourse no one is ;-)) they can take part. So that took most of the time in letting them know how one can contribute still by reproducing the "NEW" bugs and stuff07:06
dholbachabsolutely, it's the most common thing I hear... "but I'm not a developer"07:07
elmargoli have bug #246081 any suggestions07:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246081 in compiz "Shift key not working with compiz as active window manager." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24608107:52
techno_freakelmargol, shift key not working as in key combinations? if so, which key combinations and/or for what action?07:54
elmargoltechno_freak, I can write big letters...07:54
elmargolABC or ?:;07:54
elmargolcan not07:55
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dholbachbdrung: I'm very happy with the CSS changes - it looks just great - the only thing that's broken is the import of scripts.xhtml in the handler09:19
dholbachand I have no idea what's going wrong there09:19
dholbachbdrung: also thanks for adding the anchors09:23
bdrungdholbach: the import error is due a missing patch in sys.path. have a look at http://www.modpython.org/live/current/doc-html/pyapi-apmeth.html . i tried to use apache.import_module to fix it. to test i setup an apache, but my apache config does not work correctly. so i could not test it.09:56
dholbachbdrung: I'll add a doc explaining how to set it up09:57
* dholbach has been very lazy about that09:57
* bdrung is tired.09:57
bdrungdholbach: i have set it up according to the ubuntuusers wiki. the script crashes with "ImportError: No module named handler"09:59
dholbachhang on10:00
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dholbachbdrung: check out if the guide you followed was similar to http://daniel.holba.ch/harvest/doc10:09
bdrungdholbach: using your doc works10:37
dholbachbdrung: great10:38
dholbachI'll take a break now - bbl10:38
dholbachbe back later10:38
dholbachuse wtf (bsdgames package) :))10:38
bdrungdholbach: i have a fix for the import error :D10:49
Ampelbeinhi! regarding bug #203574 - it is status fix released, but according to changelog the fix was reverted. so i think "confirmed" is the correct status to set?11:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 203574 in gnome-mount ""Eject" should eject the CD-ROM drive tray" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20357411:06
bdrungdholbach: html does not allow you to put a list into a paragraph11:12
bdrungwow, i have worked on 250 bug since 2008-06-1611:44
Ampelbeinbdrung: you can make that a +1 if you would please set bug 203574 to triaged (if you agree with my opinion) ;-)12:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 203574 in gnome-mount ""Eject" should eject the CD-ROM drive tray" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20357412:10
bdrungAmpelbein: done. there were a fix, so it is triaged.12:12
bdrungyou're welcome12:13
AmpelbeinHi! Could some member of bug-control please check on bug #249073 ? I think it could be set to triaged/importance medium.13:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249073 in kdebase "Dolphin can't open SMB folders whose name contains an accent" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24907313:11
james_wAmpelbein: you have applied haven't you?13:14
Ampelbeinjames_w: yes i did.13:14
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james_wit's feature freeze this week, so I'm busy stuffing the last broken things in to Intrepid, but I'll review your application after that if you haven't been approved by then13:15
Ampelbeinthank you. no haste needed, as long as i can report bugs here in channel and request the changes ;-)13:17
bdrungdholbach: i will notify you if i am ready with harvest13:26
dholbachbdrung: thanks!13:27
bdrungdholbach: currently i am tweaking the design13:27
bdrungmore fighting than tweaking ;)13:28
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bdrungdholbach: finished13:46
bdrunggrab revision 10713:46
dholbachbdrung: will check it ou in a bit, dealing with some other stuff right now - thanks a lot13:46
bdrungyou're welcome13:46
bdrungdholbach: on my local installation the buttons "mark reviewed" have no effects13:47
bdrungis it a configuration thing?13:47
dholbachbdrung: it shouldn't13:48
dholbachas long as the handler works that should work as well13:48
bdrungcan you then have a look at then handler when you review it?13:48
dholbachwill do13:49
bdrungdholbach: how does "mark reviewed" work? i have branched your version and tested with my local server and it does not work too.14:06
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bdmurraythekorn: your greasemonkey script looks neat16:24
bdmurraythanks for adding the screenshot!16:24
thekornbdmurray, you are very fast :)16:25
bdmurraythekorn: the karma suffix bit doesn't get added to the new comments though it seems, is that right?16:26
thekorni think it just depends on the order the gm scripts are loaded16:26
bdmurraythekorn: probably16:27
thekornbut I'm not totaly sure16:27
bdmurraythekorn: have you looked at bug 259860 at all?16:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259860 in python-launchpad-bugs "Subject should not be required subject when adding a comment with python-launchpad-bugs" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25986016:28
thekorndamn, you commented on it, I somehow missed it,16:29
thekornlooking at it *now*16:29
bdmurrayI think I've found the problem now, I'm just uncertain how to fix it.16:29
thekornwow, my gmail moves mails from you to spam16:30
* bdmurray isn't sure what to say16:31
Hobbseebdmurray: you bad spammer, you :)16:31
thekornok, with the new hidden field it is easy to fix16:34
bdmurraythekorn: okay, which part of html_bug.py needs to change?16:34
thekornI'm on it, it is line 81116:35
thekorn810 I mean16:35
bdmurrayOkay, that's where I was16:37
thekornwe need to change "" into "RE: ..."16:38
bdmurrayI've the xpath for that too16:38
thekornwhere ... is some string idealy the subject of the bugreport,16:38
bdmurraythat'll use the value that the html submission method would use anyway16:39
thekornbdmurray, this should fix it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/40693/16:49
bdrungdholbach: ping16:51
thekornunfortunatly there is no other way to get the summary of the bug to the comment16:51
dholbachbdrung: pong16:52
bdrunglets play table tennis. *joke*16:52
thekornhey dholbach16:52
bdrungdholbach: can you release the scripts for generating 5-a-day-stats? i want to play with it.16:52
dholbachhiya thekorn16:53
bdmurraythekorn: okay, I'll test it some today and merge it16:53
thekorncool, thanks16:53
bdmurraythekorn: can you push your bzr branch of lp-gm-scripts again, with the script this time? :)16:53
dholbachbdrung: not right now, I need to look a bit into the code myself before I 'release' it :)16:54
thekornargh, sure16:54
dholbachI'm quite busy right now, sorry bdrung16:54
* thekorn needs bzr auto-commit16:54
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thekornauto-add even16:54
thekornbdmurray, pushed16:56
bdmurraythekorn: the gm script seems confused about bug 15005817:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 150058 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "defects in some parts of the screen with ATI Radeon 8500 and DVI" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15005817:08
thekornbdmurray, sorry, what exactly is wrong there?17:09
bdmurraybryce invalidated the xserver-xorg-driver-ati task, not me17:09
bdmurraythey actually happened on different days too17:10
thekornare you using edge.lp.net?17:10
thekornok, this might be the difference, maybe17:11
thekornlet me try it on stable too17:11
thekornbdmurray, you mean the entry on 20 aug 2008?17:12
thekornit's bryce there for me, on both, edge and stable17:13
bdmurrayhmm, weird. that entry is merged into the one on the 15th for me17:13
bdmurrayI've disabled all my other gm scripts and it is the same17:16
thekornthis is really weird!17:18
thekornmaybe I did not get the handling of times/dates regarding different timezones right17:18
bdmurraythe installed one and the bzr one are the same?17:20
thekornthey should be, only the name is different because I did not understand how the naming is done by greasemonkey17:21
thekornargh, thekorn: please write more readable and understandable code, thx17:22
thekornbdmurray, sorry I don't unerstand right now how this both entries could be merged into one17:26
bdmurraythekorn: okay, I'll just comment in that bug you submitted and add a screenshot17:29
thekornok, thanks this would help17:29
bdmurrayand I'll take a peek if I get a chance17:29
CarlF1I got "gvfsd-trash crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_dispatch()"  app crash report thing kicked in and brought up launchpad and found #254479 - my choices are "subscribe to this bug" or "No, I'd like to report a new bug"17:31
CarlF1bug #25447917:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254479 in gvfs "gvfsd-trash crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_dispatch()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25447917:32
CarlF1guessing 'subscribe' won't upload the crash report stuff, so I want 'report new bug' right?17:32
bdmurrayCarlF1: Yours is probably a duplicate of that one though17:33
CarlF1bdmurray: no probably about it :)17:33
bdmurrayCarlF1: in that case having a second crash report about the bug isn't particularly useful17:34
CarlF1bdmurray: so if I see the same summary, i should just close the browser and forget about it?17:36
bdmurrayCarlF1: and looking at bug 254479 it looks very complete17:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254479 in gvfs "gvfsd-trash crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_dispatch()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25447917:36
CarlF1or is there any value to a bunch of "me too"17:36
bdmurrayCarlF1: No, it's possible information is missing from the bug report like the exacts steps to recreate the bug or more details.  In which case adding that information is quite helpful.17:37
CarlF1whoops - I got "gvfsd-trash crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_prepare()" which isn't on the list17:39
CarlF1_prepare distracted me...17:39
bdmurrayBut 'me too's generally aren't helpful17:39
CarlF1didn't think so.17:39
bdmurrayjames_w: Did you read Swofford's other book?19:49
james_wbdmurray: Jarhead?19:49
bdmurrayjames_w: right19:49
james_wbdmurray: yeah, I thought it was great19:50
bdmurrayjames_w: okay, I'll skip Exit A then ;)19:50
james_wit's not bad, there's just many, many better books out there, so it's not worth the time19:51
sbeattiebdmurray: didn't like jarhead? :-)19:57
bdmurraysbeattie: No, I liked Jarhead a lot!  It's just that if Exit A isn't as good as it, I'll pass.19:58
sbeattieAh, cool, I liked Jarhead, too, but I'd heard griping about it from other ex-military types.20:00
bdmurraysbeattie: Jeez, thanks for reminding me.  I'm still agitated (it seems) by what somebody wrote about the book and Swofford.20:01
sbeattiedoh! Sorry.20:02
bdmurrayit's alright, as long I don't try find that review...20:03
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hggdhbdmurray, where can I find any explanation on Malone's usage of tags?22:03
bdmurrayhggdh: I don't think they have a list like we do, what are you interested in?22:04
hggdhof old a bug would list all tags on a side window; I would like to check all tags, to see if those I am interested on are in use already or not22:06
hggdhfor example, OneTimeOnly22:06
bdmurrayhggdh: You want to find out all the tags every used for malone bug reports, is that correct?22:07
bdmurrayhggdh: I think you get that at https://bugs.launchpad.net/malone22:10
hggdhdarn! should have thought of that :-( tahnk you, bdmurray22:11
bdmurraythere's also a greasemonkey script that sorts them by quantity of times used and allows filtering ....22:11
hggdhand it is where? This would probably help22:12
bdmurraypardon the messy url22:13
bdmurrayIt'll show a max of 15 tags22:13
hggdhgood enough, and I can adapt it if I need (and I guess I will ;-)22:15
bdmurraybut it is all tweakable22:15
nhandlerHi qwerty652322:57
bdrunghi qwerty652322:57
Ampelbeinhi! could some member of bug-control please have a look at bug #258826 ? I think it could be set to status triaged? Regarding importance i would put it as medium since the fix/workaround is nothing an average-user could figure out on his own.23:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258826 in pulseaudio "[Intel 82801EB/ER] PulseAudio selects wrong default device" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25882623:17
hggdhAmpelbein, done23:35
andre___...has amaranth (alacarte maintainer) died or is he just unresponsive?23:46
james_whe's busy these days I believe23:47

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