
=== leonel_ is now known as leonel
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amachuelkbuntu: persia: Hi11:40
amachulifeless: Hi11:40
elkbuntu20 mins yet!11:40
amachuelkbuntu: Just checking availabilities11:40
elkbuntui know :)11:41
* persia is present11:41
* elkbuntu has pinged themuso11:41
joseamunozI hope this is the right place for Membership Candidates Meeting11:43
persiajoseamunoz: It is.11:44
elkbuntuyes, but you've 17 minutes left :)11:44
joseamunozthanks :)11:44
elkbuntutuxmaniac, here?11:48
elkbuntuwe has quorum11:55
* tuxmaniac reports11:56
tuxmaniacelkbuntu: yep.11:56
tuxmaniacamachu: hi11:58
amachuHello every one!11:59
persiaDo we also have lousygarua?11:59
joseamunozamachu: Hi11:59
amachuelkbuntu: persia: lifeless: Hi11:59
amachuTheMuso: Hi11:59
TheMusohi amachu11:59
amachubelutz and zakame?12:00
lifelesshi amachu12:02
amachujoseamunoz: Hi12:02
amachuFine then..12:02
joseamunozamachu: Hi12:02
amachuWe shall start...12:02
amachuwe have quorum today :-)12:02
amachutuxmaniac: Please go ahead introducing yourself and your contributions to the Board12:03
tuxmaniacamachu: thank you.12:03
* tuxmaniac starts12:03
tuxmaniacHello Everybody. This is Aanjhan Ranganathan (pronounced as Anjan) currently residing in Chennai, India.12:03
tuxmaniacI have updated my wiki ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Aanjhan ) with most of the information about my relationship with Free Software and more specifically Ubuntu. Having given an opportunity now to say a few words, I would like to highlight a few contributions.12:04
tuxmaniacMajor contributions have been towards the Ubuntu India loCO team and the MOTU Science team.12:04
tuxmaniacBeen with the LoCo team ever since it was formed. Major work includes adminstering the Server (movement from old canonical server to our own new server was one major task recently accomplished), recently conducted a couple of Bug Jam preparatory sessions along with good friends techno_freak and slytherin on IRC.12:05
tuxmaniacand the Global bug Jam also was well received among the local community. We stood 5th in thenumber of bugs triaged.. Yay! :-)12:05
tuxmaniacAs with the MOTU Science team, I have been actively involved in constantly monitoring the Debian packages and trying to maintain sync between Debian and Ubuntu wrt these packages.12:06
tuxmaniacthese == science packages.12:06
tuxmaniacAlso have packaged a few software like Alliance, Magic, IRSIM, gResistor which are all lying in REVU and Debian Mentors due to license issues (expecting an update from upstream). Helped triaging bugs related to Science packages especially Electronics related.12:07
tuxmaniacI have also submitted a few debdiffs, .diff.gz for sponsorship into the Universe repos12:07
tuxmaniacthe most recent being for bug 260158 today morning :-)12:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260158 in gabedit "[ftbfs] 2.1.8-2 falils to build on intrepid pbuilder" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26015812:08
tuxmaniacI also have been blogging for nearly two years now and have done several posts under the Category "Ubuntu" which gets fed to Ubuntu Webblogs. One can find my blog at http://blog.tuxmaniac.com Apart from this I go to Universities in India and evangelise Ubuntu and Free Software (more specifically Electronic CAD tools)12:08
tuxmaniacMy road ahead with Ubuntu: I find very few people who are looking into core Science packages and often these are the ones I beleive are left not updated. Hence, my focus will be on Maintaning the sync with Debian and upstream and also package new science tools that would make Ubuntu, a better distro for Engineers and Scientists as well. eventually I am targetting in becoming a MOTU and continuously support the Ubuntu India LoCo in all it12:09
elkbuntu"India LoCo in all i"12:09
tuxmaniacelkbuntu: where? I am seeing it on the screen12:10
elkbuntutuxlinux, the last line you said. you will see it all because you wrote it. it's other people's clients that crop it12:10
tuxmaniacaah ok :-)12:10
elkbuntuerrr, tuxmaniac ^^12:11
elkbuntubut, you've said alot already12:11
elkbuntu+1 from me on motu and bug work, as well as rallying others to do the same12:11
tuxmaniaccan I mention a few words about acouple of people who helped me get this far?12:11
TheMusoStraight +1 from me also. I thought you were already a member I've seen your nick around a fair bit in the last year or so. Great work, and keep it up!12:11
elkbuntuwe seem to have lost amachu12:11
tuxmaniacTheMuso: thanks12:12
persia+1 from me based on work done (bugs, patches), active involvement with LoCo team including presentations and appearances, and excelent testimonials on the wiki page (plus leftover bias from my +1 opinion a fortnight ago)12:12
elkbuntuamachu, do you need scrollback or do you know this clown well enough? ;)12:13
* tuxmaniac wants to mention and thanks Laserjock and bddebian for their continuous support extended12:13
tuxmaniacelkbuntu: hehe12:13
lifelesstuxmaniac: I get a theme of strong coding work12:13
amachuI am also in Chennai, and I know his contributions12:13
* elkbuntu suspected as much12:13
lifelessI;m interested in your community contributions more, for this council12:13
amachuwe belong to same LUG12:13
* techno_freak cheers tuxmaniac :)12:13
tuxmaniaclifeless: as in to the Ubuntu India loco?12:14
lifelessfor instance12:14
elkbuntulifeless, i believe he has done this. his visits to the unis and organising the bug jam things are community12:14
tuxmaniaclifeless: well in general if you consider Free software community, I have been presenting a lot on Free Software Science tools to a lot of Universities.12:14
lifelesselkbuntu: bug jam is kinda blurry; but don't get me started12:15
techno_freaktuxmaniac, D/U Project Day ;)12:15
elkbuntulifeless, that shouldnt make the intent any less12:15
tuxmaniaclifeless: http://tuxmaniac.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=18&Itemid=26 <-- has the presentations made12:15
tuxmaniacthose dont have the duplicate presentations made at other places12:15
lifelesselkbuntu: I think we all need to apply our own judgement here, I'm not criticising your opinions; allow me the latitude to ask the questions to form mine, please.12:16
tuxmaniacand as techno_freak mentioned, we organised Debian Ubuntu Project day at FOSS.in last year. where we got several people from both debian and ubuntu communities to talk and share ideas. We had a Ubuntu Stall and distributed stickers etc12:16
elkbuntupoint taken12:16
amachuelkbuntu: only smart diff is that I am more into language mode..12:16
lifelessok, I'm +112:17
tuxmaniaclifeless: thank you.12:18
amachu+1 from me too.12:18
tuxmaniacthanks amachu12:19
lifelessThe thing that makes me plus one is the organising of things12:19
lifelessrather than doing individual talks (many active coders talk about their interests :)).12:19
amachulifeless: organising of things?12:19
lifelesse.g. debian/ubuntu project day at FOSS.in12:20
lifelessamachu: ^12:20
tuxmaniaclifeless: techno_freak and slytherin have been very helpful in that. So we could do a lot of things12:20
elkbuntuwe still have two more people to do, lets not make them wait12:20
amachuTheMuso: ?12:21
TheMusoamachu: I've given my vote, +1.12:21
amachufine then, tuxmaniac - Welcome!12:22
* tuxmaniac jumps in joy!12:22
tuxmaniacthanks everybody12:22
amachulet me call, amireldor12:22
techno_freakcongrats tuxmaniac :)12:22
tuxmaniacthanks techno_freak12:23
amachuamireldor doesn't seem to be here12:23
amachujoseamunoz: are you there?12:23
joseamunozamachu: yes12:23
amachuplease go ahead presenting yourself and your contributions to Ubuntu12:23
joseamunozHi All, first of all I would like to sorry for my English. (I'm not native)12:24
joseamunozI am 35 and I live in Madrid12:24
joseamunozI started with computing engineering 15 years ago and I knew Linux 7-8 years ago.12:25
joseamunozAfter playing with several distros, Debian was taught by a colleague of mine 4 years ago12:26
joseamunozand also he show me Ubuntu12:26
joseamunozI started to play with Ubuntu one year ago and, after two months of enjoying it :)12:26
joseamunozI started to write in a very famous Spanish Managazine12:26
joseamunozLinux +12:27
joseamunozI'm good in systems and networking, although my knowledge in program is very poor12:27
joseamunozSo, my way to contribute is to show the spanish people how good is Ubuntu distro in different scenarios12:28
joseamunozI confirm you I wrote 9 articles and now I'm doing the 10th12:28
lifelesseach article is in a separate edition of the magazine?12:28
joseamunozIt depends. Last month I wrote 2 articles12:29
joseamunozAnd the one I'm writting now is going to be divided in two parts12:29
joseamunozIn the professional environment12:29
lifelessIf I may ask, what do you do for employment?12:30
joseamunozDo you mean in my job?12:30
joseamunozRight now I'm IT Manager in the Air Liquide Group Company in Spain12:31
lifelessso these articles are from your own time, not from your job?12:31
lifelessvery cool12:32
lifelessanyone else have questions?12:32
joseamunozI would like to add one thing12:32
joseamunozI have a friend working in a very important company in Spain (This is reflected in one of the articles)12:33
joseamunozThis company has implemented Ubuntu12:33
joseamunozwith Zabbix12:33
joseamunozafter reading the article and testing the power of Ubuntu12:33
amachulifeless: I would like to hear about your involvement with Sapnizh LoCo community12:33
lifelessamachu: perhaps you mean joseamunoz ?12:33
amachulifeless: yes12:33
joseamunozReally, I'm very new in the Loco community (Last week), so I don't have to many to offer. I'm talking with the responsibles12:34
joseamunozto do asap documentation12:34
joseamunozand to be involved in their projects12:34
joseamunozI really like the CUPIE one12:35
joseamunozOne I like is to teach and offer people my knowledge12:35
joseamunozand I think CUPIE will make me happy12:35
elkbuntujoseamunoz, your wikipage kind of mentions bug reporting and QA. how many bugs have you reported?12:35
joseamunozI hope to be involved ASAP12:35
joseamunozFrom the time I'm using ubuntu about 10-15 (not too much)12:36
joseamunozI always try to fix or to find a workaround and12:36
joseamunozshare it asap12:36
joseamunozAs I told you, I'm not good in code or programming12:37
joseamunozonly system problems of functionality are the ones I usually report12:37
joseamunozAbout QA, I have 4 years of experience, so12:37
joseamunozalthough it is not my passion, I will be happy to help doing some test12:38
joseamunozThis is me :)12:38
joseamunozI think thats all. If you have any question...12:39
lifelessany other questions?12:39
amachuelkbuntu: persia: TheMuso: ?12:40
TheMusoNo questions from me.12:40
persiaNo, I don't have any questions.12:41
amachujoseamunoz: and I cannot get the info on CUPIE, its in spanish. whats its about briefly?12:41
persiaI'm very pleased with the articles, but without history of involvement in the LoCo, history of work with the Documentation, Translation, or QA teams, or much else beyond the articles, I'm feeling there isn't quite enough to vote +1.12:42
joseamunozC.U.P.I.E. is a Spanish project to extend the Ubuntu knowledge as much as possible12:43
amachujoseamunoz: ok. Thank You.12:43
elkbuntusorry, my bip proxy disconnected me again. did my vote get through?12:43
elkbuntupersia has worded my vote much better than I did, so i'm just going to point to what he said and say 'me too'12:43
lifelessI think the consistent effort over time of the articles is enough for a +1 - consistent over time is one of the most important things12:43
lifelessso my vote is +112:44
persiaIndeed.  The articles are excellent, and it's very nice to seem them continuing.12:44
amachuI would like to see joseamunoz's involvement with community more..12:45
elkbuntui agree the articles are good, but i havent read them.12:45
joseamunozanachu: I will do12:45
amachuindependently its great to have contributed through articles on Ubuntu12:45
elkbuntuby good i mean, a good contribution.12:46
amachujoseamunoz: are there people here to back you?12:46
joseamunozamachu: no12:47
elkbuntuhowever, i dont know if they're quality or not. i can point to many ubuntu articles that are less than ideal.12:47
amachuwould have also been great had the wiki been provided with few Testimonials12:47
joseamunozI can confirm you all the articles are deeply reviewed12:47
joseamunozbefore being published12:47
joseamunozbut, it is difficult to show here12:48
elkbuntuamachu, the wikipage i think is sadly taking up a url that could be better used too :(12:48
joseamunozIf you go to the <here> link, you will see the last two months12:49
joseamunozwith my publications12:49
amachujoseamunoz: the contributions are continuos and independent. Its great. Had there been one or two here to back your efforts, would have12:49
amachuit would have been great, and would have added value in giving +112:50
amachuTheMuso: ?12:51
TheMusoI think +0 as well. I haven't read articles so I am unsure of their quality, but some testimonials would have been nice. Please keep up your efforts however, and return to us when you think you have more to present to us.12:51
joseamunozok. thanks for your time12:52
joseamunozI will do12:52
amachujoseamunoz: thanks for turning up today. would like to see you back with a strong back up12:52
lifelessprotocol question12:52
elkbuntujoseamunoz, you have good potential12:52
lifelesswhat do we need for approval, as a total ?12:52
lifelessconsensus, >0 ? > 2 ? no negatives ?12:53
amachulifeless: we are seven in board, four in favour should do good, if all seven present12:54
amachunod from four is the protocol12:54
persiaI think +4 is good.12:56
joseamunozI let you now. Thanks again for your time and see you next time. I will prepare myself with a strong background for the next months12:56
amachutuxmaniac: Welcoming you again12:56
persiaI certainly thing joseamunoz is doing excellent work, but just needs a bit more of the newer involvement.12:56
joseamunozI hope you will be really happy next time12:56
lifelessI think > 1/2 of attending members actually, so that if we only have 4, we don't have to be unanimous12:56
amachujoseamunoz: Best wishes for you. Hoping to see your contributions more and be back :-)12:56
persiajoseamunoz: Looking forward to seeing you again.12:56
joseamunozbye :)12:57
amachuamireldor: there?12:57
persialifeless: I'm good 1/2+1 of attending members, so for +3 for 4-5 members and +4 for 6-7 members.12:57
persiaWould that meet your goals?12:58
lifelesspersia: yes, that fits what I was thinking :)12:58
amachuelkbuntu: what do you feel?12:58
persiaOK.  I just wanted to avoid +2 with 4 or +3 with six, which to me would indicate indecision: perhaps not the best support behind a new member.12:59
elkbuntuthere needs to be a buffer, but i agree .5 is too large a buffer12:59
amachuTheMuso: ?13:00
TheMusomakes sense to me13:00
lifelesspersia: > != >= :)13:00
amachuit takes two third of majority on crucial decisions :-)13:01
elkbuntui wouldnt call memberships 'crucial'13:02
amachuI think, minimum quorum need to be met (4 of us present), and 1/2+1 in favour should do good13:03
elkbuntuhow do the other councils manage such situations?13:03
amachuwe shall discuss more, may be involving other's opinion also and decide at mailing list13:04
lifelessdid we have a 3rd applicant?13:04
amachulifeless: Amir Eldor isn't present13:05
persialousygarua signed up, but isn't here.13:05
amachupersia: fine then. is that all for the day? anything else?13:06
persiaIs everyone OK with the idea that we just always reach quorum?  Does anyone need to miss some meetings?13:06
Seveaselkbuntu, EMEA wants half+1 of attending, and at least 4 attending members13:07
Seveas(maybe even at least 5, not sure)13:07
lifelesssame as we're proposing here13:07
elkbuntuSeveas, thanks. always worth having a standard that we all adhere to13:07
amachuSeveas: yes. we will confirm with the team too13:09
amachuWe will confirm with other team too...13:10
amachuis there anything else?13:10
amachufine then, it appear all are in deep thinking. let me call off today's meeting13:12
Seveas@now sydney13:12
amachuour next meeting will take place on Sep 02, Tuesday 11.00 UTC13:12
ubottuCurrent time in Australia/Sydney: August 26 2008, 22:12:57 - Next meeting: Server Team in 2 hours 47 minutes13:12
elkbuntuyes, not quite stupid-o-clock13:13
amachuthank you everyone for turning out today :-)13:13
tuxmaniacthank you all for approving my membership.13:14
elkbuntutuxmaniac, you deserved it!13:14
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tuxmaniacelkbuntu: thanks. and just as a sidenote, did you receive my forward reading FOSS.in announcement?13:15
Igorotheh, dinner. day-off ako ngayon13:19
Igoroter.. sorry guys. wrong channel13:20
lifelesswell gnight the13:20
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* ogra woders which one ... nothing on the fridge15:02
mdztech board, which has been in this time slot every 2 weeks for ages15:03
mdzI don't know why the fridge doesn't know about it or how to fix that; if you do, please help15:03
ograbut nobody bothered to update the frdge ... community meetings somewhat relyon the fridge schedule for this room15:03
ograhmm, there was a mail addy to poke ...15:04
* ogra digs15:04
mdzagenda items: 1. status of cdrtools discussion, 2. gobby co-maintenance with Debian, 3. revisiting limited upload privileges for kernel and printing packages15:05
ograoh, nobody has put 2.6.27 up ?15:06
sabdflhello all15:06
mdzI asked pgraner about 2.6.27 this morning and he said that we should discuss after he discusses with the team15:06
mdzthere is still active discussion on the mailing list and I think it would be premature to take it to the tech board to resolve15:07
jjesse@schedule Detroit15:07
ubottuSchedule for America/Detroit: 26 Aug 11:00: Server Team | 27 Aug 13:00: QA Team | 27 Aug 18:00: Platform Team | 28 Aug 08:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 28 Aug 09:00: Desktop Team | 01 Sep 00:00: Arizona LoCo IRC15:07
mdzagenda items: 1. status of cdrtools discussion, 2. gobby co-maintenance with Debian, 3. revisiting limited upload privileges for kernel and printing packages, 4. board membership/nominations15:07
mdzdespite the fridge not knowing about it, this is the regularly scheduled meeting of the Ubuntu Technical Board15:08
jjessesorry to interupt15:08
ograjust mailing fridge-devel15:08
mdzjjesse: no problem, I'll see about getting that fixed after the meeting15:08
mdzoh, thanks ogra15:08
james_wogra, mdz: news-team now15:08
james_wfridge-devel is dead15:08
mdzMootBot seems to be unresponsive at the moment15:08
mdz[TOPIC] status of cdrtools discussion15:09
ograjames_w, oh, the fridge still links it automatically for adding events ... thanks15:09
sabdflafaik joerg hasn't responded to my suggestion that we both agree to respect an SFLC finding15:09
mdzsabdfl proposed getting an opinion from the SFLC, but has asked Joerg to agree to make it binding before going to that trouble and expense15:09
mdzafter a week or so, he asked what was happening, and this was restated15:10
mdzI haven't seen a response to that yet15:10
mdzanything else on this topic?15:11
sabdflwe could see if the Sun folks are interested in that analysis too, which would make it binding on joerg in all the places where it is shipped or under consideration15:11
mdzI don't have any contacts there, and as I recall, Joerg didn't seem to either15:12
sabdfli'll mail sun15:12
sabdflnothing else form me on that front15:12
mdz[ACTION] sabdfl to contact Sun regarding cdrtools15:12
mdz[TOPIC] gobby co-maintenance with Debian15:12
mdzPhilipp Kern, maintainer of gobby in Debian, is interested in helping to maintain gobby in Ubuntu main15:13
mdzhe's a MOTU since October 200715:13
ogra(and was very helpful in edubuntu in the past)15:14
mdzhe hasn't contacted us directly, but spoke to sabdfl at DebConf15:14
mdzI'm happy for us to consider granting special upload privileges15:15
ograi asked to sponsor him for an UDS ... we somehow missed out on that (and i forgot it for prague, sorry)15:15
sabdflwe've had positive reports of the "limited upload rights" capability from Mario15:15
sabdfli explained to pkern that our main concern was folks thinking they had a monopoly on a package15:16
sabdflhe seemed very aware of the potential issues and sensitive to the ubuntu style15:16
ograwell, he surely knows the code best as upstream would be my counter argument15:16
sabdflhis point, that he could maintain it while it was in universe as a MOTU but no longer can help since it moved to main, is very valid15:16
sabdflogra: i don't follow?15:17
sabdflis pkern also an upstream for gobby?15:17
ograsabdfl, pkern wrote gobby15:17
ograand he is been a very active and helpful motu in the past as well, he surely knows the ubuntu way15:17
sabdflanyhow, i'm +1 in this case, and generally positive this sort of approach where we believe someone understands ubuntu and is sensitive to the idea that they don't have a monopoly15:18
ogra(i'm not as active in motu myself to judge his recent participation though)15:18
mdzas Debian maintainer and upstream he surely knows the package well enough, and MOTU is sufficient to me to affirm that he knows the basics of how things work in Ubuntu15:18
mdzI think it's fine, +115:18
mdz[ACTION] mdz to arrange upload rights for gobby for pkern15:18
mdz[TOPIC] revisiting limited upload privileges for kernel and printing packages15:19
mdzon a similar note, we've granted core-dev privileges to a couple of MOTUs interested in working with specific packages in main15:19
mdzwith the proviso that they were to follow standard sponsorship processes for other packages15:20
sabdfltill, tim gardner,... ?15:20
mdznow that Launchpad has the capability to implement this directly, I think we should revisit this and just grant those specific upload rights15:20
mdzsabdfl: yes15:20
sabdfl+1 from me, are there any other?15:21
mdzI believe that's all15:21
persiaThose are the only two people I know of that have had restrictions requested at the time of approval.15:21
sabdflat the moment, our options for permissions are: component ("main") and package ("linux-2.4.27")15:21
sabdflhow valuable would it be to be able to have groups of packages handled in this way?15:22
* ogra would propose stgraber for italc uploads but i guess he needs to ask himself first 15:22
sabdfllike: "java-core" or "gnome-desktop", where those package sets can be defined and refined on an ongoing basis?15:22
mdzwith the ArchiveReorganisation plan, upload rights would map to seeds, which provide a nice way to group packages15:22
mdzI think that would be sufficient for this use case as well15:22
persiaThat helps for gnome-desktop, but not for e.g. java-core or mozilla15:23
mdzthey've thought through the questions about how changes in dependencies, etc. would be dealt with15:23
mdzpersia: I see no reason it couldn't be applied that way15:23
persiamdz: OK.  That works.15:23
mdzsplitting java packages out of a more general seed for access control seems reasonable15:23
mdzI expect that we would do this on logical groups of packages, rather than random collections of them, anyway15:24
persiaCertainly, and likely only for groups of packages with existing maintainer groups.15:24
sabdfli would expect package sets could be aggregations of other package sets15:24
mdzlike the java and mozilla examples15:24
sabdfl"server includes java core"15:24
mdzsabdfl: seeds are hierarchical as well15:24
sabdflok, that's useful info, i'll try and get to Colin w.r.t. ArchiveReorganisation15:25
persiaSome Java-core is desktop only, but that's mostly irrelevant to this discussion.15:25
mdzdesktop includes standard includes minimal etc.15:25
mdzok, I'll follow up with Tim and Till15:25
mdz[ACTION] mdz to follow up regarding upload access control for Tim (kernel) and Till (printing)15:26
mdz[TOPIC] board membership/nominations15:26
mdzsabdfl asked for nominations from the community, and received a fair number of responses15:26
sabdfli haven't approached any of the nominees to establish their willingness to serve15:27
mdzis that the next step?15:27
sabdfli would only approach some of them, need to take a view on the ones we think would make great candidates15:28
mdzI've weighed in on all of them15:29
mdz[ACTION] sabdfl to contact the candidates and confirm their interest15:31
sabdflok, i will contact the ones we think would be good, and see if they are willing to stand in a vote15:31
mdz[TOPIC] AOB15:31
mdzanything else?15:31
mdzok, thanks all15:32
sabdflthanks mdz15:36
ubottuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: August 26 2008, 14:48:46 - Next meeting: Server Team in 11 minutes15:48
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Server Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 27 Aug 17:00: QA Team | 27 Aug 22:00: Platform Team | 28 Aug 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 28 Aug 13:00: Desktop Team | 01 Sep 04:00: Arizona LoCo IRC
jjessefinlly a server team mtg i remember15:52
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mathiazhello !15:58
mathiazanyone around for the meeting ? (except zul nijaba and jjesse) ?16:02
jjessenope :)16:03
nijabawe feel lonely today16:03
jjessei saw dendrobates join the channel16:03
mathiazwell - let's get started16:03
mathiazhm - MootBot doesn't seem to be around :/16:04
nijabanot even a bot for the meeting16:04
dendrobateshello mootbot!16:04
sorenThat's the worst turnout evar.16:04
mathiazToday's agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting16:04
mathiaz[TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting16:04
mathiazI wasn't there last week - and haven't seen any minutes16:05
mathiazis there anything left from last meeting ?16:05
Hobbseemathiaz: it's responding in PM, so...16:05
Hobbsee#start meeting16:05
jjessemootbot didn't work in the tech board mtg held previously16:05
mathiazso nothing from last week meeting16:06
mathiazlet's move on16:06
mathiaz[TOPIC] Review progress made on the specification listed on the Roadmap16:06
mathiazAs you may know, Thursday is FeatureFreeze for Intrepid16:07
mathiazThe current roadmap: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Roadmap16:07
mathiaz[TOPIC] Ubuntu VM builder16:08
mathiazsoren: ?16:08
sorenI'm going to upload something tonight.16:08
mathiazsoren: do you plan to blog about it ? or write up some documentation ?16:09
sorenI'm trying hard to squeeze in all the features I've been thinking of, and then expect to polish them after Thursday.16:09
sorenmathiaz: I'm adding a lot of API documentation inline.16:09
sorenI'm trying to get pydoc to generate some external API docs for me.16:09
* nijaba hugs soren16:10
mathiazsoren: great !16:10
sorenbut that's new territory to me, so I need to wrap my head around that first.16:10
sorenIt doesn't seem very complicated, though.16:10
* nijaba feels bad to have not made more time for uvb16:10
mathiazsoren: writing documentation ?16:10
zulwriting documentation sucks16:10
nijabazul: do you mean to say something to sommer?16:11
mathiaznijaba: are you planning to update your tutorial about uvb ?16:11
* Koon hugs sommer and shields him from zul's mentos throwing16:11
nijabamathiaz: which one?16:11
mathiaznijaba: once soren uploaded his work ?16:11
sorenmathiaz: Well, getting on top of the documentation system.16:11
nijabamathiaz: I'll gladly make one16:11
mathiaznijaba: you wrote a tutorial about uvb for hardy (the one published in the linux jounral IIRC)16:11
nijabamathiaz: no uvb in that one16:12
nijabamathiaz: but I could definitely update it to include uvb16:12
mathiaznijaba: ah right - it was about jeos16:12
mathiazsommer: which section should be updated in the server guide to cover the new uvb stuff from soren ?16:13
nijabamathiaz: the virtualization section16:13
sommeryep the virt section16:13
sommerit's on my list to update... I was thinking next week?16:14
mathiazsommer: seems like a good plan16:14
mathiazthe next step is for soren to upload his new stuff16:14
mathiazthen sommer and nijaba can start to have a look at it and update the documentation16:14
* nijaba agrees16:15
sorenRight on.16:15
dendrobatessommer: did you get  a chance to add the bit about support at the end?16:15
dendrobatessommer: or was I suposed to write it?16:15
sommerdendrobates: no haven't had a chance yet, it's still on the list though16:16
nealmcbOOPS - I forgot the minutes.  Here are two actions.   [ACTION] ScottK will post a blog request for help with the ClamavSpamassasssin MIRs16:16
nealmcb[ACTION] tarvid to summarize drupal issues and propose something to the mailing list16:16
mathiaznealmcb: great - thanks for running last week meeting16:18
mathiaznealmcb: I haven't seen any drupal email16:18
nealmcbI'll get the transcript on the web at least - harder without mootbot.  but I didn't even follow up on why mootbot wasn't working last week.  too much going on.....16:19
* nealmcb sighs16:19
mathiaznealmcb: ok - you can get the logs from irclogs.ubuntu.com16:19
mathiaznealmcb: that's were I grab them usually16:19
* nealmcb nods16:19
mathiazso any action on uvb ?16:20
mathiaznijaba: to write a tutorial ?16:20
mathiazsommer: to update the virtualization section ?16:20
nealmcbhttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/08/19/%23ubuntu-meeting.html - to be sliced up later....16:20
mathiaz[ACTION] nijaba to write a tutorial about the uvb16:21
mathiaz[ACTION] sommer to update the virtualization section of the server guide with references to uvb16:21
mathiaznealmcb: I usually use the .txt version16:21
mathiaznealmcb: rather than the .html16:21
mathiaz[TOPIC] Review ServerGuide for Intrepid16:22
mathiazsommer: how is it going on this front ?16:22
sommermathiaz: good almost have the cn=config stuff updated in the openldap section16:23
sommerbasically only need adding new schemas, and to update the samba and ldap section16:23
jjessesommer: let me know if there are section i can help w/16:24
mathiazsommer: sections that need review are marked in the IntrepidServerGuide wiki page16:24
sommerjjesse: actually the apache section could use a little love :)16:24
mathiazsommer:  is doc.ubuntu.com up-to-date ?16:24
jjessesommer: let me look at it16:25
sommermathiaz: nope it's quite a few revisions old at this point16:25
nijabajjesse: that would be great :)16:25
mathiaz[ACTION] jjesse to update the apache section of the server guide16:25
mathiazsommer: so where is the best place to start reviewing the server guide ?16:26
jjessebzr :)16:26
sommermathiaz: this is newer than doc.u.c: http://doc.ubuntu.com/~mdke/test/serverguide/C/16:26
sommerbut the bzr branch is newer still16:26
sommermathiaz: basically at this point there isn't a good online review location16:27
mathiazsommer: ok - so check out the bzr branch16:27
mathiazsommer: and send reviews to the ubuntu-doc mailing list16:27
sommeranother thing that would be very helpfull is to read through all the sections and upate any path names, package names, etc that may have changed with intrepid16:28
sommermathiaz: yeppers16:28
mathiazsommer: anything else on the documentation front ?16:28
sommermathiaz: I think that's it... getting closer, heh16:29
mathiazsommer: awesome - thanks and keep up the good work !16:29
mathiaz[TOPIC] Tomcat6 server stack support16:29
mathiazKoon: ^ ?16:29
KoonTomcat 6.0.18 was uploaded to fix a few security issues that were disclosed a few weeks ago16:30
KoonI've filed the required MIRs since it is a main target16:30
Koonnext step after MIR is seed inclusion, then tasksel. Those will probably appear after FF16:31
Koonno feedback so far. I guess we should blog about it at one point16:31
mathiazKoon: right - would you write a blog post for the ubuntuserver blog ?16:32
mathiazKoon: I can create an account for you and publish it once it's ready16:32
Koonmathiaz: sure, as soon as I'm done with wbem, which probably means after FF16:32
mathiazKoon: ok16:32
mathiaz[ACTION] Koon to write a post about tomcat6 for ubuntuserver blog16:33
mathiazKoon: you mentionned that tomcat6 pulls in a lot of dependencies16:33
mathiazKoon: if we want to put on the -server isos, do we have enough space on it ?16:34
Koonmathiaz: the unecessary stuff is pulled in through Recommends16:34
Koonbut there are a few that should be fixed before seed includion16:35
Koonthe lib*-java -> java2-runtime Depends in particular16:35
cjwatsonrecommends is pulled onto CDs just as much as depends at the moment16:35
mathiazcjwatson: is this going to change ?16:35
Kooncjwatson, mathiaz: I've filed bugs to fix those dependency issues, it's more a matter of sponsoring / doko approval16:36
dendrobatesKoon: adding it to the seed will force us to fix it.  So do it asap.16:36
mathiazKoon: ok - so work is under way. Can this wait after FF ?16:37
Koonmathiaz: I don't expect the MIRs to be processed by then, and seed work comes after that ?16:37
cjwatsonmathiaz: we may add some kind of exception mechanism, but not in general16:37
mathiazKoon: right - I was refering to the Recommends -> Suggests patches16:38
cjwatsonKoon: doko's on holiday - best to find somebody else16:38
Koonmathiaz: those are bugs, so I guess they can wait for after FF. I want to fix them for alpha-5 though16:38
Kooncjwatson: noted.16:39
nijabacjwatson: is our traditional maintainer for Java, so I would guess he'd like to have a word about his types of changes, no?16:39
nijabas/is our/Doko is our/16:39
Koondoko insisted in having lib*-java packages recomment lib*-java-gcj, which pulls in all non-headless gcj in server installs16:40
cjwatsonnijaba: indeed, and it would be a bad idea to make changes we know he hates in his absence, but we don't need to have individuals have a lock on packages in Ubuntu16:40
Koonso there is some discussion to have with him I suppose16:40
nijabacjwatson: point taken16:40
cjwatsonKoon: IIRC from the bug there were some possible tweaks there without having to drop all the recommends16:40
mathiazKoon: right - I guess that should be taken to the Ubuntu Jave team then16:40
cjwatsone.g. adjusting the -headless recommends target16:40
Koonanyway, I've filed bugs (1 pending), most of them are no-brainers that can have someone else sponsoring them16:41
Koonthe remaining two might be conflictual16:42
mathiazKoon: can you forward the list of bugs to me ? I'll have a look at sponsoring them16:42
Koonmathiaz: will do (and will file the last conflictual one)16:42
mathiazKoon: great - if you could subscribe me to the bug in LP that would be helpful16:43
mathiazKoon: anything else on tomcat6 ?16:43
Kooncjwatson: do you mind if I ping you sometime on the two conflictual issue so that you check if they should wait for doko's return or not ?16:44
Koonmathiaz: no.16:44
cjwatsonKoon: sure, please e-mail16:44
mathiaz[ACTION] mathiaz to sponsor Koon patches16:44
mathiazlet's move on16:44
mathiaz[TOPIC] UFW Package Integration16:44
mathiazjdstrand: ^ ?16:44
jdstrandthe ufw portion is basically done, with a few minor things I'd like to adjust. People can look at the Roadmap to see what packages need updating to integrate with ufw16:45
nealmcbsee also the discussion on that last week16:45
jdstrandyes, I am assuming people have seen that ;)16:45
nealmcbThe other big discussion from last week, which did make it on to the mailing list, was Rails Integration and Rubygems16:46
mathiazjdstrand: great - thanks16:47
jdstrandbasically, see ServerTeam/Roadmap on what to update, and UbuntuFirewall for details on how to do it16:47
mathiaz[TOPIC] Rails and Rubygems16:47
mathiazmacd: ^ ?16:47
macdIm here16:47
macdLooks like passenger needs a few changes as pointed out on REVU16:47
macdI sent NeilW an email (think he might be on vacation)16:48
mathiazRight - the passenger package looks in good shape - NeilW updated the package16:48
mathiazI haven't had time yet to review the package16:48
macdI saw your review from aug-22 and stevenk from aug 2616:48
nealmcbmacd: good job on getting discussion going!16:48
mathiazthere was some discussion about rubygems and the solution to use update-alternated16:48
nxvljdstrand: that integration must be done before FF?16:48
macdnealmcb, I had to hit the ML for some visibility16:48
macdmathiaz, yes I saw that, and that looks to be the middle ground we need16:49
jdstrandnxvl: yes16:49
macdso it looks that if the pass changes are made and the rubygems changes that were spoken of are made, we can get rails into intrepid in just enough time16:49
macdAnd we'll leave tasksel for the next release16:50
macdJust keep this focused on making sure everything works together when pulled in individually16:50
mathiazmacd: rails ?16:50
macdIntrepids rails play pretty nice16:50
mathiazmacd: my impression from NeilW was that the rails package was not working well16:50
macdThat was due to gem conflicts I _think_16:51
mathiazmacd: may be - he mentionned that he was planning to get proper gem support in intrepid, but expect people to use gem to install rails16:52
mathiazmacd: rather then apt-get install rails16:52
macdmathiaz, well that certainly sounds better to me16:52
macdmathiaz, gems tend to get updated faster than the release cycle here, I've always thought the distro should have gems and let people manage their gems like perl people do cpan16:53
mathiazmacd: I'll have a look at the latest package NeilW uploaded to the ubuntu-ruby PPA16:53
macdmathiaz, great16:53
mathiazmacd: right - that's what NeilW is trying to accomplish16:53
mathiaz[TOPIC] Open Discussion16:54
mathiazanything else ?16:54
sommerI spoke too soon doc.u.c has been updated... yay!16:54
sommerjust fyi16:54
nijabafyi: bloggers wanted at http://www.workswithu.com/2008/08/22/ubuntu-linux-bloggers-wanted/16:56
mathiaz[TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time16:57
mathiaznext week, same time, same place ?16:57
nealmcbwhere does ClamavSpamassasssin stand?16:59
mathiazgreat - see you all next week, same time, same place16:59
sorenMeeting ended at 15:59:58 UTC.17:00
* nijaba hugs mathiaz17:00
nealmcbsoren: :)17:00
* soren has a part time job as MootBot.17:00
* soren didn't know what to do with all his spare time, and there was an opening, so.. Yeah..17:00
sommerthanks mathiaz, later all17:00
nealmcbsoren: when you get around to preparing the minutes for my meeting last week I'll really be impressed :)17:01
macdrandom question has anyone looked at the fail2ban bug in intrepid17:01
macdapt wont pull in the updated package from the repos, but manually downloading and installing it fixes17:02
* macd moves to ubuntu-server with this17:02
sorennealmcb: I'm still proofreading all the stuff the old mootbot guy did. He's good, but I'm sure I'll find something.17:03
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=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 27 Aug 17:00: QA Team | 27 Aug 22:00: Platform Team | 01 Sep 04:00: Arizona LoCo IRC | 28 Aug 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 28 Aug 13:00: Desktop Team | 28 Aug 14:00: Ubuntu Java Team
nealmcbbug 2672617:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 26726 in bzip2 "bzip2: new changes from Debian require merging" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2672617:55
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jdonghi everyone22:28
jacobhello, my first time making it to one of these in a good while22:29
Technovikinghi all22:29
forumsmatthewI made it, but I might have to leave at short notice22:30
Technovikingforumsmatthew: how was the trip22:30
jdongjacob: oh, likewise, it's hard to get schedules to match up22:30
forumsmatthewit's been crazy...I'm living in a hotel and trying to buy a house.22:31
forumsmattheweveryone is healthy and in good spirits, though22:31
jdongthat's the most important thing :)22:31
jdongof course, having a house is nice and all.22:31
jacobjdong: you've got reasons, i've just been forgetting ;)22:31
forumsmatthewanyone seen u-g or kiwi?22:32
Technovikingnot yet22:32
Technovikinglets give them a couple more minutes22:33
* PriceChild waves22:35
Technovikinghey pricey22:35
jdongPriceChild: you're late. that's 5 demerits.22:35
PriceChildjdong: you're ignoring me. That's 10 demerits.22:36
* forumsmatthew waves quickly to avoid demerits22:36
jdongPriceChild: well.. where's that iMac I wanted for my birthday?22:36
jdongPriceChild: I thought you cared about me!22:36
jdongPriceChild: after all that stuff I did for you at night22:36
PriceChildjdong: you never said!22:36
jdonglike watching the IRC channels22:36
PriceChildYou've been too busy doing stuff you're not allowed to tell us and not paying us any attention.22:37
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
Technovikingshall we start we have a quorum22:39
forumsmatthewI'm ready when you are22:39
jdonggood to go22:40
Technoviking==================== Meeting start =================22:40
Technovikingok the meeting agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ForumCouncilAgenda22:40
Technovikingis xhhux here?22:40
TechnovikingWould like to put this to bed22:41
TechnovikingGoing 1.. 2.. 3..22:41
jdongdid ubuntu-geek say if he's going to be here?22:41
jdonglooking at the second item it seems like he'd be helpful on the technical side of the discussion22:42
Technovikingjdong: probably still on the way home22:42
PriceChildthe ubuntuforums-staff launchpad group doesn't do anything though does it?22:43
Technovikingok xhhux was banned from the forums for creating multiple accounts, the FC gave him a second chance which he wasted in about 30 minutes22:43
PriceChildeek sorry thought we'd moved on22:43
jdongdid we ever manage to reach him at a valid e-mail address?22:43
jdongthis game is really pushing my patience to its limits22:43
TechnovikingWe have invited him to two FC meeting to discuss this issues and he has chosen not to show up22:43
Technovikingjdong: The last e-mail I sent did not bounce22:44
forumsmatthewHe has had his agenda item removed twice, if I remember correctly22:44
jdongTechnoviking: ok, then let's asssume he has received the notices22:44
forumsmatthewand he put it back on each time22:44
Technovikingthree meeting, I have lost count22:44
jdongat this point, I'm not interested in wasting my time playing this game every meeting22:44
forumsmatthewAt this point, I think he is only interested to the extent that he does not have to be accountable for his actions22:45
jdonguntil further notice from the FC, xhhux is to stop making accounts at the forums.22:45
forumsmatthewhe isn't interested in actually discussing the problem and seeking a real solution22:45
forumsmatthewjdong, +122:45
Technoviking+1, I will send him e-mail from the best address I can find22:46
jdongalright, thanks22:47
forumsmatthewthank you22:47
Technovikingshould we wait for ubuntu-geek or hear what ubuntu-geek has to say22:48
Technovikingshould we wait for ubuntu-geek or hear what jacob has to say (whoops)22:49
jacobthe Launchpad group for LoCo mods is trivial really, someone on the forums had wondered if loco mods were allowed on the staff group22:49
jdongI think we can start discussing it22:49
jacoband later it was suggested to just make a new group22:49
forumsmatthewI'm going to have to leave soon, so I would prefer to hear about it22:49
jdongthe "whether it's technically feasible" part would need Ryan's advice though22:49
jdongbut we can leave that for later22:50
jacobjdong: afaik, the current staff launchpad group isn't integrated into the forums either, so this wouldn't be too difficult to get going22:50
Technovikingthis in Launchpad or a forums group?22:50
forumsmatthewMy thought is that it is better to leave the current forums staff group on Launchpad exclusive to global mods and admins, but22:50
jacobTechnoviking: Launchpad22:51
forumsmatthewwe can add a new group for loco staff22:51
jdongjacob: ok, it's a LP group22:51
jacobTechnoviking: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=899138 for reference22:51
jacobmaybe just a simple ubuntufourms-loco-staff group, added as a subgroup of ubuntuforums-staff22:52
forumsmatthewfor the record, I am okay with the idea....sorry, I have to leave now22:52
forumsmatthewhopefully I can get settled in before the next meeting. :)22:53
jdonghow do subgroups work?22:53
jacobforumsmatthew: bye :)22:53
jdongI'm not sure if it's the right relationship22:53
jacobjdong: you can add a group as a member of another group22:53
jdongi.e. how is the Ubuntu MOTU Contributors vs Ubuntu MOTU team set up?22:53
TechnovikingI would just suggest ubuntufourms-loco-staff that is owned by the FC group22:53
jacoband anyone who is a member of the subgroup is effectively members of both22:53
jdongI think it should be owned by the FC group22:54
jdongbut I'm not sure if it should be a subgroup of the staff group22:54
jacobthat's okay with me22:54
TechnovikingThe top subgroup is a member of its child group I believe22:54
jdongunless we have a "ubuntuforums-core-staff" group22:54
jdongI'm concerned it might get confusing who's staff and who's loco staff22:54
jacobjdong: sounds fine, having too many groups will get confusing22:55
Technovikingjdong: agreed22:55
jdongok, then I think a separate loco-staff group owned by the FC is more appropriate22:55
Technovikingand maybe loco-forum-mods or loco-forum-volenteers is a better term, so not to be confused with forums staff22:57
jacobsounds good22:57
Technovikinglets mkae sure to have ubuntu-geek and kiwi read the log of the meeting and make sure there is no problem22:58
Technovikinganything else?23:00
jacobi was about to ask "What about Jane Sample?" but then something sunk in...23:00
jdongjacob: LOL likewise23:01
Technoviking ok, thanks for coming everyone23:02
jacobquick meeting, good23:02
Technoviking====================Meeting end ====================23:02

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