
=== leonel_ is now known as leonel
tbielawahello ubuntuers01:31
bdrungwhere do i find legal experts?01:40
bdrungwhich package does have multiple licenses and is good as example for this?01:51
nxvlbdrung: define "this"02:06
bdrungnxvl: i want a package that is a good example for a package that has more than one license listed in debian/copyright02:07
nxvlbdrung: augeas02:08
nxvlit's a copyright nightmare02:08
bdrungnxvl: i am packaging a software wich contains other software with other licenses in subdirectories.02:09
bdrungnxvl: yes and i hate those legal issues.02:09
nxvlbdrung: yep augeas is what you are looking for02:11
bdrungnxvl: thx02:12
tgm4883_laptopi've created a setup.py for a program i'm packaging and made the the Mythbuntu team the maintainer.  I've sent setup.py upstream, but what should the maintainer be listed as upstream, or should it be removed altogether?02:15
bdrungwhat does lintian mean with copyright-lists-upstream-authors-with-dh_make-boilerplate?02:20
bdrungoh, google helped02:20
nxvlrun lintian -i02:20
nxvlit will tell you more about it02:20
nxvl(and the solution)02:21
bdrungthx for the -i tip02:21
mneptoknxvl: you? a MOTU? the gods have died. :P02:28
bdrungbug #250506 has now 23 duplicates.02:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250506 in consolekit "shutdown and restart act as logout" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25050602:36
nxvlmneptok: gringo loco!02:38
nxvlmneptok: yes now i've unlimited root in your machine02:39
* ajmitch makes sure not to install any packages nxvl has touched02:39
mneptoknxvl: be careful what you wish for.02:40
mneptoknxvl: "i have root on your machine" is almost like saying, "i can use the water fountain at the leper colony!"02:40
nxvlyeah, one time a read someone saying "i wouldn't give him unlimited root on my machine" refering to motuship02:41
nxvland i liked the quote02:41
mneptokwonder if that works talking about romantic partners.02:42
mneptok"Nice eyes, but I wouldn;t give her root on my machine, if you know what I mean ..."02:42
* ajmitch should just go back to windows, to be safe02:42
mneptokajmitch: it hurts to parse that sentence02:43
nxvlmneptok: that would be SO nerd02:43
ajmitchmneptok: why so, good sir?02:43
mneptokgo back to Windows.02:44
mneptokto be *safe*02:44
mneptokoh, the pain of unbridled, unapologetic irony02:44
ajmitchspyware & trojans on one side, MOTUs on the other02:46
ajmitchwhich would you pick?02:46
nxvlMOTUs are cool02:46
nxvland you can check the code02:46
nxvlbut not for spywares & trojans02:46
cody-somervilleand some, such as myself, are devilishly good looking02:46
ajmitchsee, he admits to being a devil02:47
ajmitchshocking admissions02:47
* ajmitch blogs it for the world to know02:47
nxvlwe are nerds, what can you expect?02:47
bdrungajmitch: do not trust motus and do come nearer than 100 m to Windows. :D02:47
ajmitchnxvl: a healthy lack of sanity02:47
nxvlyou are asking to much02:47
* cody-somerville agrees.02:48
* StevenK tries to determine the age of a file without resorting to find02:48
cody-somervilleI haven't been sane since 199602:48
nxvlajmitch: you don't know mneptok, don't you?02:48
nxvlin person i mean02:48
bdrungdo not trust motus and do NOT come nearer than 100 m to Windows.02:48
bdrungi am too tired.02:48
ajmitchnxvl: I have met him a couple of times02:49
* StevenK is sitting about 2 metres away from a window02:49
nxvlajmitch: and you ask for sanity?02:49
ajmitchread what I wrote above02:49
bdrungStevenK: the s makes a different02:49
* ajmitch is sitting a few metres from some windows02:49
cody-somervilleMore importantly, do not attempt to prove or disprove your windows are unbreakable02:50
cody-somervilleEspecially if you're a few floors up02:50
ajmitchthey are made of safety glass02:50
cody-somervilleYou've never heard of the guy who said the same thing and then one day it actually broke and he fell to his death02:50
bdrung"in a world without walls and fences, who needs Gates and Windows?"02:50
bdrungmaybe its better to be dead instead of suffering using Windows.02:51
bdrungbut the name Windows is a bit paradox. windows are usually transparent.02:52
bdrungyou can look through and see whats inside02:52
cody-somervillebut can you really?02:57
bdrungmy hardware window is transparent. if i look through it i can see the sky outside.02:58
bdrungbut maybe i am in a matrix.02:58
bdrunghow do i fix a debian-changelog-file-is-a-symlink? i am using cdbs. the source package is splittet to two binary package: x and x-data. the doc files of x are symlinked to the x-data doc files.03:00
nxvllintian is your friend03:01
nxvl-i will tell you03:01
ScottK-laptopbdrung: You can ignore it.  That's because of an Ubuntu unique change to CDBS.03:01
nxvlor you can file a bug against cdbs03:02
StevenKThere is a reason it's done that way.03:02
StevenKAnd it can be turned off, if you read the code03:02
nxvlStevenK: someone made a mistake?03:03
bdrungwhich code? lintian?03:03
StevenKnxvl: Why do you assume symlinking files is a mistake03:03
StevenKbdrung: No, CDBS03:04
nxvlStevenK: dunno, just makeing bad jokes about it, i haven't look closer to it03:05
StevenKnxvl: It's done to save space on the CD, where space is at a premium.03:05
bdrungto fix the lintian warning i can symlink the whole directory.03:08
bdrungbut i have no clue how to implement this in debian/rules03:08
bdrungfyi i am talking about bug 13153803:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 131538 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] htmlvalidator" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13153803:09
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NCommanderI think my laptop is developing a personality03:54
NCommanderThe last two times I've opened up my music collection, its started playing "Stay Alive" as the first track03:54
bdrungNCommander: create a lp-account for your laptop and ask him/her/it for helping to make ubuntu better. :D03:59
NCommanderGreat, then we can have a cake and grief theory package in Ubuntu ;-)04:00
dholbachgood morning05:42
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dholbachit's just amazing how many people are submitting their patches / packages to the sponsoring queue06:49
dholbachit's a lot of stuff coming in06:49
nxvland lot of work for us06:49
nxvlalso in revu06:49
* dholbach just reviewed a bunch of them06:49
nxvli've never seen a bigger revu queue06:49
* nxvl is reviewing a revu package06:50
dholbachlook at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-universe-sponsors/06:50
dholbachit speaks volumes06:50
nxvlthere is a list06:50
* nxvl suscribes06:50
dholbach311K of mails this month06:50
dholbachhighest ever06:50
dholbachand it's just the 26th :)06:51
nxvldholbach: i think the videos are making effect06:51
dholbachthat could well be06:51
dholbachI'd be happy if that's the case :)06:52
nxvldholbach: for sponsoring a REVU package i just need to do a normal sponsorship, don't i?06:55
nxvldholbach: or i need to do something special for it to be in NEW?06:55
nxvldholbach: btw, good morning!06:56
tuxmaniachi folks. I am working on bug 260158. As I found out that the reason for the build failure is the use of deprecated macro by the upstream. It builds clean on Debian unstable becasue gtk version there seems to be 2.12 still. But intrepid already has 2.1306:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260158 in gabedit "[ftbfs] 2.1.8-2 falils to build on intrepid pbuilder" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26015806:56
dholbachgood morning nxvl06:56
dholbachnxvl: once it has two ACKs you can just upload it06:56
dholbachbe sure to bounce the "accepted" mail to the motu mailing list06:56
tuxmaniacslytherin told me that by changing some flag for using Depercated symbols in intrepid this could be solved. ANyone has furhter inputs or links would be very helpful06:57
nxvli will as soon as i get it06:57
wgrantdholbach: Isn't it a more common practice to bounce the NEW one, rather than ACCEPTED?06:58
nxvltuxmaniac: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilerFlags06:58
nxvltuxmaniac: that might help06:58
nxvltuxmaniac: not sure it will, but it may06:58
tuxmaniacthanks. let me check.06:59
dholbachwgrant: excusez-moi - that's what I meant06:59
nxvlwell, going to sleep now06:59
nxvlread you later06:59
dholbachsleep tight nxvl06:59
nxvli will forward the NEW mail in the morning06:59
nxvldholbach: thank you! have a nice day07:00
RAOFtuxmaniac: It's likely that something's defining GTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED; you should find out what, and stop it.07:00
* apachelogger stumbles in 07:35
tuxmaniacRAOF: thanks found the file. it was right there in the parent directory. once i commented out that macro definition, it builds fine on intrepid07:35
apacheloggeris an almighty REVU admin around?07:36
tuxmaniacnow for creating a dpatch, mail the upstream and then look out for sponsors. one FTBFS gone! :-)07:36
sdhproblems with security.ubuntu.com port 80 ?07:51
dholbachwho would be interested to give a session about "working with debian" together with siretart?07:55
dholbachwe had a session about it at last Ubuntu Developer Week: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/devweek0802/Debian - I'm sure that'd help preparing such a sesion07:56
apacheloggersiretart, ajmitch, raphink, RainCT: please take a look at the issue on http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gtk-kde408:27
StevenKLooks like it failed to unpack, and that's fallout08:32
wgrantLooks more like somebody got a string slice wrong.08:36
wgrantThe a was amputated for some reason.08:36
aboganiAnyone could review my two new packages (linux-meta-rt and linux-rt) on REVU?08:36
wgrantErm, that sounds a bit odd.08:36
wgrantIsn't that likely to be almost identical to the kernel packages?08:37
wgrantSo shouldn't it go through kernel people who are likely to know what to look for in their ridiculously complicated packaging?08:37
aboganiwgrant: Identical. I have disabled *.udeb generation (for Debian-installer).08:38
wgrantIt sounds like a very bad idea to have a duplicated kernel source.08:39
aboganiwgrant: They (Ubuntu Kernel Team) say me to push -rt kernel into Universe through REVU with help of MOTUs.08:39
aboganiwgrant: We have 2.6.25 also (for ports). :-)08:39
StevenKSurely you want to Build-Depend on the linux-source package, and use your config08:40
wgrantOh, that is just absolutely lovely.08:40
aboganiPlease look as the size of the package: it works in that way.08:41
aboganiOnly config and rt patchset in the package.08:41
wgrantI'm not sure how that's relevant to me not liking the idea of having duplication and older kernels in universe.08:41
StevenKI don't like the idea much either08:42
StevenK2.6.27 just entered Intrepid, for example08:42
wgrantOh, so that'd be three versions?08:42
StevenKYes :-(08:42
wgrantPlease, no.08:43
didrockshi o/09:12
dholbachhi didrocks! are you still up for running a session with huats?09:12
didrockshi dholbach ! Yes, I will talk to huats when its network issues will be fixed09:13
dholbachthanks didrocks09:14
didrocksyou're really welcome. We will keep you in touch :)09:14
dholbachgracias mes amis!09:15
didrocksmerci mein Freund ^^09:16
huatsmorning everyone09:18
dholbachhi huats09:18
huatshey dholbach09:19
huatshow are you ?09:19
dholbachgood - how 'bout you?09:20
dholbachI was just talking to didrocks about your planned UDW session09:20
huatsgreat too09:20
dholbachdo you think you guys can add your session https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep ? :)09:20
huatswe have skipped talking about that yesterday09:20
huatswe will right now09:20
dholbachI'd like to announce it soon, so I'm chasing up a few speakers and the slots will soon be taken09:20
huatsand add ourself there...09:20
huatsdholbach: sicne I am talking to you09:21
huatsI have fixed lots of stuffs in pywebkitgtk09:21
huatsjames_w: was happy with it09:21
dholbachyou think it's good to go now?09:21
huatsyes I think09:22
dholbachI'll check it out later09:22
huatsso I went to chase a few ack yesterday evening :)09:22
huatsat the UDS you mentionned that I should talk with asac about that one, so I did09:22
huatshe gave his +109:22
dholbachI'll just try to fix something in harvest and check it out afterwards09:23
huatsand also nxvl did review too... but I'd like you to check it out if you can...09:23
huatsok great :)09:23
huatsthanks daniel09:23
DktrKranzIf you're bored, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=uus-pre-ff-810 has something interesting to do ;)09:24
* dholbach reviewed a bunch of sponsoring items this morning09:24
dholbachDktrKranz: I found out that this is the month with the most activity on the uus list09:25
asacdholbach: let me know when you signed pygtkwebkit off09:25
asacdholbach: i can upload it ;)09:25
dholbachso our contributors are doing a great job09:25
dholbachasac: will do09:25
flohackHi! I'd like to build a kernel module for my package repository which I use to install patched packages my servers. For all other packages I use pbuilder. Is there a way to build a kernel module using pbuilder?09:26
huatsmorning asac09:27
DktrKranzdholbach: if we can review/upload these before FF, it would be great. I processed some during weekend, I'll probably have some this evening, but we're going fast and should fix most of them in time09:27
asachi huats09:27
dholbachDktrKranz: I'll make them a priority - thanks for triaging them09:27
DktrKranzmy pleasure. I'll do another queue scan to see if there are some missing bugs and tag them accordingly, just to give them a chance09:28
dholbachDktrKranz: do you think it'd make sense to mail ubuntu-devel@ about them to get another few sponsors involved?09:29
DktrKranzI sent an announcment on ubuntu-motu friday, I'm not sure more sponsors will come if we send it to ubuntu-devel as well, but can be worth trying09:32
huatsDktrKranz: or dholbach if by any chance you have some time left : http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=tktreectrl09:33
huats(I already have a +1 in the comments by pitti, and almost the second one by norsetto who is on holidays...)09:33
dholbachDktrKranz: gracias!09:34
DktrKranzhuats: I'm not a tcl/tk expert, so I'm not a valid reviewer here, but I could have a look this evening. If you're around, ping :)09:37
huatsok thanks DktrKranz :)09:37
huatsbut don't worry09:37
huatsI'll try to find a review before that to get the remaining +1 :)09:38
huatsthanks a lot anyway :)09:38
DktrKranzif you find someone with a good tcl knowledge, it would be great09:38
huatsthat is the hard part..09:39
flohackCould someone please point me to some documentation about building a kernel module package on a development machine (to be installed on another machine with a different kernel)?09:39
* DktrKranz needs to learn tcl/tk packaging a bit09:39
huatspitti has some (he has already packaged some) so his +1 is important to me :)09:39
huatsDktrKranz: you can look at this package if you want :)09:40
DktrKranzI'm curious to see if Debian has some policy in place09:40
huatsDktrKranz: there is09:40
DktrKranzhuats: have you some references to it?09:41
DktrKranzso I can look at it and learn :)09:41
geserhuats: I just gave a quick look at tktreectrl: if you rename the manpage from .n to .3tcl should you move it also from mann to man3?09:41
DktrKranzoh... this one maybe? http://pkg-tcltk.alioth.debian.org/tcltk-policy.html/09:42
huatsgeser: it is done by dh_installmanpages I think09:42
huats(well in that case it is :))09:42
huatsDktrKranz: yes it is09:42
huatsor dh_installman09:43
huatsgeser: isn't the case for you ?09:47
geserhuats: it is now. I just looked at the debian/rules file but did a test-build now too.09:48
flohackCould someone please point me to some documentation about building a kernel module package on a development machine (to be installed on another machine with a different kernel)?10:46
slytherinflohack: I don't think a module compiled for a particular kernel will always be compatible with other kernel.10:47
henrik-kabelkaospersonally i'm a big fan of DKMS10:48
directhexit's a nice evolution of the module-assistant principle10:48
broonieslytherin: It won't be but it doesn't matter about the running kernel, only the kernel headers you point it at.10:49
aboganihttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/DkmsDriverPackage  and http://video.ubuntu.com/development/packaging-kernel-modules-with-dkms.ogg11:08
flohackslytherin: That's not a requirement, it's fine if I have to recompile and module whenever a kernel upgrade comes in11:09
flohackslytherin: I just need to compile it for a specific kernel version ( the one running on the server )11:09
flohackbroonie: Can I tell m-a to compile the module against a specific kernel-headers package11:15
broonieflohack: YYes.11:16
broonieflohack: IIRC you're looking for the -l option11:16
flohackbroonie: Thanks, that was what I was looking for.11:17
devfiluhm sorry for the link11:21
devfilfirefox do automatic copy-paste11:22
lagastop reading my mail!11:22
devfillaga: lol11:22
devfilSomeone know why REVU doesn't work with gtk-kde4 package? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gtk-kde411:24
jscinozrevu broke?11:25
jscinozor is it just me11:26
devfilonly kde-gtk411:26
flohackhenrik-kabelkaos: Can DKMS be used on Hardy with the supported kernel?11:26
henrik-kabelkaosflohack: yes. i use it for the vhba-dkms package.11:30
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henrik-kabelkaosflohack: basically the package just copies the sources+dkms.conf to /usr/local/src/yourpackage-version/ and the postinst script calls dkms to install the module for your running kernel. (it also installs hooks to auto-install for new kernels)11:35
sistpoty|workhi folks12:31
IulianHello sistpoty12:32
sistpoty|workhi Iulian12:32
james_wcould someone with a bit of perl knowledge check my work here please? http://paste.ubuntu.com/40644/12:40
StevenKjames_w: Ew!12:40
StevenKjames_w: Where did you learn Perl? :-P12:41
StevenKjames_w: Use backreferenes, for the love of all that is good.12:41
james_wthe regexes aren't mine, they are cribbed from dpkg12:42
StevenKjames_w: Which is why they read like crap12:42
StevenKjames_w: Okay, so essentially, you want to read $message and grab Bug #[\d]* and LP #[\d]*12:44
james_wactually I can probably use the dpkg ones12:44
james_wthey are in a library after all12:44
siretartjames_w: perhaps you can at least add a source code reference as comment, if you want them guaranteed to be in sync12:44
StevenKjames_w: You probably can, but my suggestion is to in this case you want to use backreferences so you can push(@debian_closes, $1);12:44
siretartStevenK: note that a Closes: statement can reference several bug numbers, and each of them must be closed individually12:45
StevenKEr, yes.12:45
StevenKI don't think the code handles that ..12:45
StevenKNope, it doesn't12:46
Yaitaneshello, I wanted to know if it was possible to add a new package in the officials depositories for the current version of ubuntu, or if the new packages only appear for new releases of ubuntu12:47
ScottK-laptopYaitanes: Only for new releases, but once it's in the new release, it can generallly be backported to the current release.12:48
Yaitanesin fact, I've developped a program (http://launchpad.net/gconjugo), and I wish to add it, whereas it's not finished12:48
StevenKScottK-laptop: You looked involved with the Phusion Passenger discusson on UUS, can you remind me what happened with it?12:51
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ScottK-laptopStevenK: I have no idea.  Is there a bug I can look at to refresh my old, worn out memory?12:51
james_wStevenK: any more palatable? http://paste.ubuntu.com/40648/12:52
StevenKjames_w: A little. Your foreaches are not Perl-ish :-P12:53
james_wStevenK: what's the idiom?12:53
YaitanesScottK-laptop: so after the 28th, it would be possible to add a package in intrepid+1, and to backport it easily?12:53
StevenKjames_w: I can remember the Python idiom, which is map, I don't think that's the Perl-y one12:54
ScottK-laptopYaitanes: As long as the package doesn't require any other packages not in Intrepid, yes.12:54
StevenKOh yeah, map is it12:54
YaitanesScottK-laptop: ok thanks12:55
StevenKScottK-laptop: Bug 24671912:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246719 in ubuntu "Phusion Passenger [needs packaging]" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24671912:56
* ScottK-laptop looks12:56
ScottK-laptopStevenK: No.  I kvetched a lot about Rails not respecting the packaging system on devel-discuss, but beyond that, I don't think so.12:57
StevenKThat's just Rails developers being "OMG <x> is 2 minor releases behind!! Sky falling!! Must have gems!!"12:58
ScottK-laptopRight, I so don't want whatever they feel like shoving into their gem coming ahead of the installed stuff in the system path.12:59
james_wStevenK: thanks, uses map now.13:00
StevenKScottK-laptop: Agreed13:00
StevenKjames_w: Share? :-)13:00
StevenKjames_w: Looks good to me13:02
huatshello james_w and ScottK13:02
james_whey huats13:02
ScottKHello huats13:03
* StevenK mumbles13:04
StevenKOh, *ew*13:05
StevenKScottK-laptop: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/passenger-0808222010/passenger-2.0.3/debian/postinst13:05
* soren cringes13:06
StevenKAnd no one mentioned that on REVU13:07
StevenKI'd really really like Passenger in Intrepid, but ...13:08
lagayeah, that should definitely be a debconf warning13:10
wgrantNo, that should definitely be immediate rejection.13:10
StevenKWhat wgrant said13:10
lagaheh, j/k ;)13:10
StevenKPackages don't subvert the packaging system upon install13:10
wgrantOr if they do, we remove them.13:11
ScottK-laptopBut it's for RoR, so surely it's OK.13:11
wgrantScottK-laptop: Good point.13:11
wgrantRoR seems to like ignoring it otherwise.13:11
* StevenK sobs, and ponders killing some kittens. Cute ones.13:11
* wgrant restrains StevenK, and sends him after some Rails developers instead.13:12
StevenKOh, I know why. debian/ is in the upstream tarball13:13
StevenKWhich is just as bad13:13
* wgrant chokes.13:13
sorenI'm wondering if that postinst ever makes its way into any debs.13:13
StevenKsoren: Reading the .diff.gz, it may not13:13
* soren test-builds13:14
StevenKHowever, any source shipping that file would get REJECTed very quickly13:14
StevenK(I daresay)13:14
wgrantI hope.13:14
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
StevenKI think lintian should pick up on that13:17
StevenK"You have an .orig.tar.gz and debian/ inside it, you bozo"13:17
wgrantStevenK: Maybe an implicit shutdown as well.13:18
StevenKwgrant: And 'rm -rf /' if they say no to installing fastthread from gems13:19
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sorenor yes.13:20
wgrantDo we know if that is the real postinst yet?13:23
StevenKsoren was test building it13:23
tuxmaniacHi everybody. Good evening. I would like to put forward review/sponsor request for bug 260158. Thanks in advance13:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260158 in gabedit "[ftbfs] 2.1.8-2 falils to build on intrepid pbuilder" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26015813:25
StevenKI have this feeling the first three lines in .install aren't needed either13:26
StevenKAfter reviewing that package, I need a strong drink.13:28
sorenwgrant, StevenK: I was, but I gave up. The rubygems dependency couldn't be fulfilled, and I don't want a bunch of ruby crap installed on my system just so that I can dpkg-buildpackage -S.13:29
StevenKsoren, wgrant: Note on REVU: "Note: depends upon the RubyGems package in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ruby/+archive which provides the default ’rubygems’ package missing in the main archive version."13:30
StevenKWhich is bad too :-/13:30
tuxmaniacis there a way to list out those source packages which belong to Category "Electronics" or such in Harvest? Just like appending pkg=gedit for specific package?13:31
sorenStevenK: Ah. Well, there's not way I'm adding that to my sbuild chroot.13:31
* soren deletes $HOME/src/horror-show again13:32
lucasfastthread is useless. it's just FUD.13:32
wgrantsoren: Might shred be more safe?13:32
StevenKA Cobalt bomb might be safer still13:33
StevenKlucas: Tell that to the RoR developers13:33
lucasthey are probably aware of that, but some third-party apps developers still believe in that13:34
lucaseverything that was in fasthread was merged in ruby at least one year ago13:34
lucasusing fasthread now just reintroduces bugs that were fixed in ruby since then13:34
wgrantBut bugs are fun.13:35
siretartonly fixed bugs a re fun ones13:36
lucasabout ruby/fastthread: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=47270213:39
ubottuDebian bug 472702 in ruby1.8 "ruby1.8: thread implementation has "a couple serious bugs"" [Normal,Closed]13:39
lucasconclusion is:13:39
=== asac_ is now known as asac
lucasHe said that Ruby 1.8.6 p110 was merged (backport) with fastthread, and that the13:39
lucascurrent situation is opposite. fastthread 1.0.1 does not yet fix an issue that13:39
lucasRuby 1.8.6 p110 has fixed. You should not use fastthread 1.0.1 with Ruby 1.8.613:39
lucasp110 or later.13:39
StevenKruby1.8 | | hardy-security | source, amd64, i38613:43
laszlokdholbach: ping13:44
dholbachlaszlok: pong13:45
jpdsLaney: Sure. Fire away and link me.13:45
Laneyjpds: Hm?13:46
jpdsLaney: semantik.13:46
Laneyjpds: Oh right. I put them on the bug13:46
laszlokdholbach: we've done a jokosher release and we were wondering if there is time to get an updated package in intrepid13:46
dholbachlaszlok: absolutely13:47
dholbachlaszlok: I'll take a look at it later13:47
dholbachlaszlok: thanks for the headsup13:47
dholbachlaszlok: when are you doing regular releases? :-)13:47
* dholbach hugs laszlok :)13:47
laszlokdholbach: 0.10 tarball and bzr branch is on launchpad *hugs*13:48
laszlokyeah we have moved to bazaar and are attempting the time-based release with trunk always in a releasable state :)13:48
laszlokso there should be one before each ubuntu release, maybe more often13:48
dholbachlaszlok: you should get into the GNOME release cycle :)13:49
SyntuxUbuntu-Arabic is planning to start translating MOTU docs, do we have to coordinate with -doc or -motu or we don't have to do that but keep one of them updated?13:49
Syntuxand btw, Good day :-)13:49
dholbachlaszlok: anyway, I'll let you know about it13:49
jpdsLaney: OK; thanks.13:49
dholbachthanks didrocks and huats13:50
dholbachyou guys ROCK13:50
LaneyI'll be back after 5.30 if there's any probs13:50
dholbachSyntux: nice... which documents are you targetting?13:51
Syntuxdholbach, Wiki Resources  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Lists/DocumentationResources as a start13:53
dholbachSyntux: isn't there some wiki magic where you can automatically redirect to some WikiPageAr page if the user uses an arabic locale?13:55
dholbachI thought there was13:55
dholbachSyntux: if you'd translate the PackagingGuide that'd be fantastic13:55
Syntuxdholbach, I'm not sure, we'll have to consult LP guys13:56
dholbachthe LP folks shouldn't be necessary as far as I know - hang on13:56
Syntuxdholbach, that's the plan but I'm afraid of some extra headache to the community if some people became interested in becoming MOTU but they are not good enough in English to hang in this channel or over the mailing list.13:56
Syntuxdholbach, preferred language stored in user's lp account.13:57
dholbachSyntux: please tell them not to worry - we're very happy to receive questions and to improve the guide if it makes no sense and is too hard to understand13:57
dholbachSyntux: in fact we're happy to get that kind of feedback13:57
didrocksdholbach: :)13:57
Syntuxdholbach, it's not just about the feedback, it's about language skills that either help or not to dive into the MOTU community.13:58
Syntuxanyway, lets hope for the best :d14:00
dholbachSyntux: unfortunately my arabic is nearly non-existent, so I can't really help you with that - I think I can still guess 50% of the arabic letters right ;-)14:00
dholbachSyntux: if you're attempting to translate the Packaging Guide as a team - that'd be excellent, the only thing that might work is: ask in the arabic team for help if somebody's unsure with the translation14:01
dholbachSyntux: if it's about understanding packaging or MOTU processes we're happy to get questions14:02
Syntuxdandy :-)14:02
RainCTdholbach: if I understand him correctly the problem is not translating the guide, but helping people who don't know English with their packaging problems after that14:03
dholbachI was thinking about http://moinmo.in/MultipleLanguagesSupport for translating wiki docs14:03
dholbachSyntux: is what RainCT talked about the problem you're thinking about?14:05
geserRainCT: helping those people will be impossible, but the translated text might help those who know some English but prefer to read longer texts in their native language14:05
SyntuxRainCT, Thank you :D14:06
Syntuxdholbach, yeah ;-)14:06
dholbachif that's the problem, there's one advice I can give you: make sure that as a long-term goal for each of the new contributors it is to actively engage with the global development team14:07
Syntuxdholbach, that should be a must but language skills is a must too to engage with the global team.14:08
* RainCT thinks that in addition to that, writing the package description, changelog, manpages, etc. can also be a problem... Uhm, perhaps Canonical could offer free English courses ^^ (jk)14:08
dholbachit's fine if somebody prefers to ask a question in their mother tongue at the beginning, but you don't get around working with the global team14:08
RainCTSyntux: np :)14:08
jpdsLaney: semantik uploaded.14:09
dholbachSyntux: I know... getting involved is even trickier if you don't speak English14:09
Laneyjpds: Nice one :D14:09
SyntuxRainCT, haha that would be awesome :D14:09
tuxmaniacgeser: thanks a lot for the sponsorship. I will update the maintainer field wothout forgetting the next time onwards.14:10
Syntuxdholbach, anyway, we will start translating within a week, will keep you updated and lets hope for the best.14:10
dholbachSyntux: thanks a lot for that! you guys rock!14:10
jpdsLaney: Thanks to you :)14:11
LaneyBack to work :(14:11
LaneySo many students with so many problems :(14:11
* Laney runs14:11
Syntuxdholbach,  :-)14:11
coolbhavihello dholbach14:13
dholbachhi coolbhavi14:13
bddebianHeya gang14:15
IulianHi bddebian14:16
bddebianHello Iulian14:16
geserHi bddebian14:16
jpdshello Iulian, bddebian.14:16
bddebianHi geser, jpds14:16
IulianHey jpds14:16
sistpoty|workhi bddebian14:17
bddebianHeya sistpoty|work14:18
RainCT  /topic Welcome to the Hi channel! || New: Hugs are now freely available :)14:18
bddebianw00t :-)14:18
IulianHi RainCT *G*14:19
dholbachcongratulations huats!14:22
tuxmaniacheya bddebian14:23
bddebianHi tuxmaniac14:24
nxvlgood morning!14:24
bddebianHi nxvl :)14:24
nxvldholbach: why are we contratulating huats ?14:24
nxvlbddebian: hi!14:25
dholbachnxvl: because you uploaded his package :)14:25
nxvloh! ok14:26
nxvlhuats: congratulations!14:26
nxvlwell, just commed to say hi! Be back in a bit14:27
nxvlhave a nice day14:28
slytherinCan anyone confirm that all gstreamer 0.8 packages have been removed from archive?14:28
geserslytherin: gstreamer 0.8 is long gone, but IIRC a pkg using gst 0.8 is still there14:29
huatsdholbach: nxvl :)14:29
huatsthanks to you guys :)14:29
slytheringeser: I was looking at FTBFS page. And there is a source package 'gst-editor' which needs 0.8 for building. SO I guess I will log bug for removal of that package.14:30
DktrKranzhuats: you're lucky, nxvl forgot to ask you to pay the bill for sponsoring NEW14:30
geserslytherin: sounds good14:30
slytheringeser: any chance you can find fix for libmatthew-java FTBFS in a day or two?14:34
geserslytherin: gst-editor was already once removed but apparently forgotten to add it to sync blacklist14:34
james_wnice work huats14:34
geserslytherin: certainly not as I need to prepare myself for 2 exams this week14:34
geserslytherin: unless we need a new upstream version it can still be fixed after FF14:35
huatsjames_w: it is thanks to you too14:35
Juli_Hi all! Can anyone take a look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=libnb-platform-java please?14:36
Juli_It must be nice to be congratulated:)14:36
slytheringeser: Haven't looked if there is any upstream version. Anyway, I will see if I can find time to do it. But I wish to fix jboss-cache1 package first.14:37
coolbhavihuats, hello14:39
huatshello coolbhavi14:39
geserslytherin: if you manage to fix it, it would be cool, as it would unblock another batch of java packages14:39
slytheringeser: I will have to check latest upstream version. I hope to have it done before FF14:42
BUGabundoanyone here interested in mantaining Laconica (aka www.identi.ca) from Debian?14:43
james_wBUGabundo: I doubt it will be so much about maintaining it.14:44
slytheringeser: FYI ... logged bug 261468 for gst-editor14:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261468 in gst-editor "Please remove the package from archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26146814:44
james_wBUGabundo: having someone that tests it on Ubuntu and forwards bugs to Debian would be great14:44
BUGabundoso, can it just get fetched from upstream james_w?14:45
BUGabundoI guess most ppl will just install from DARCS14:45
BUGabundobut having a package to install depencies14:45
james_wBUGabundo: if the upstream author is maintaining it in Debian I doubt there will be much work to do in Ubuntu14:45
BUGabundolike apache, php5, openid libs etc14:45
BUGabundoevan the creator is packaging it for devian14:46
BUGabundobut I don't know nothing about packagin14:46
BUGabundoso I'm not sure what it needs to be done in ubuntu14:46
james_wBUGabundo: but having QA by having users of it that report bugs to Debian where applicable, and asking for fixes in Ubuntu where needed would be great14:46
BUGabundocan I just post on LP and request a fecth?14:46
james_whas it hit unstable yet?14:47
BUGabundonot sure it will come before feature freeze14:47
BUGabundoI'll have to check14:47
BUGabundoevan hasn't replied me back14:47
james_wit doesn't seem to have hit NEW yet14:47
BUGabundolet me check on #laconica14:48
geserslytherin: ACKed14:52
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coolbhavigeser, please take a look https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scrapbook/+bug/25464915:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254649 in scrapbook "Please merge scrapbook- from debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]15:11
k0phi all15:11
k0pwhat the command to update changelog?15:11
coolbhavik0p, dch -e or dch -i15:12
k0pcoolbhavi, thanks :)15:13
Hobbseecoolbhavi: any *particular* reason you're bypassing the sponsorship queue?15:24
coolbhaviHobbsee, yes Its working on my system and Feature Freeze is a couple of days away. If its wrong please excuse me15:25
Hobbseecoolbhavi: so, it's more important than everything else on the sponsorship queue, which is also close to feature freeze, and is presumably also working on people's systems?15:26
slytherincoolbhavi: Unless and until you have already discussed the update/merge/sync with someone here for a particular bug, I see no reason to ping people for sponsorship.15:27
coolbhavislytherin, Okay!15:27
* Hobbsee notes that some of this stuff is quite old.15:28
* Hobbsee sponsors one.15:30
Hobbseehmmm, i wonder why libdvdread got thrown back to universe...15:37
orly_owlwhich one actually lets you play CSS encrypted DVDs?15:37
ScottKorly_owl: None that are in the official repositories.15:38
orly_owli know, but which one?15:38
orly_owlok. and what do dvd rippers use?15:39
slytherinorly_owl: dvdrippers will also need libdvdcss215:41
* Hobbsee decides that this libdvdread merge really is correct...15:41
slytherinHobbsee: libdvdread was never in main15:42
slytherinI mean libdvdread315:42
Hobbseeslytherin: i'm fairly sure libdvdread3 was.15:42
slytherinHobbsee: rmadison doesn't say so15:42
Hobbseeah, back in dapper. probably in edgy too.15:42
StevenKlibdvdread3 |  0.9.4-5.1 |        dapper | amd64, i386, powerpc15:42
slytherinHobbsee: ahh, it was in dapper15:42
orly_owlare libdvdread 1 2 and 3 different versions?15:43
Hobbseei think so15:43
slytherinHobbsee: by the way, which merge were you talking about?15:44
Hobbseeslytherin: which merge?15:44
slytherin(08:11:46  IST) ***Hobbsee decides that this libdvdread merge really is correct...15:45
Hobbseeslytherin: ....15:45
Hobbseeslytherin: are you intending to ask a really stupid question here?15:45
Hobbseeand, so, therefore, should i give you a stupid answer back?  or are you being sarcastic?15:45
dholbachjames_w: just commented on python-wadllib - other than the thing I found it looks really good15:46
slytherinHobbsee: no, I am serious. I didn't understand teh meaning of that sentence.15:46
Hobbseeslytherin: libdvdread is a (source) package.15:46
Hobbseeslytherin: it had a merge listed against it.  I sponsored it, after deciding that the changes really were correct.15:46
james_wdholbach: cool, thanks. I'll try and push updated packages some time today15:46
slytherinHobbsee: yes, so I was asking that only. As in bug number for the merge. :-)15:47
Hobbseeslytherin: oh.  would have been helpful if you'd actually mentioned the phrase "bug number" if that's what you wanted.15:47
dholbachjames_w: might make sense to update it at the same time :)15:47
Hobbseeslytherin: 25514015:47
slytherinBy the way, do we need to attach Ubuntu->Ubuntu debdiff to merge bugs?15:50
Hobbseedholbach: can you unsubscribe u-u-s from https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/axiom/+bug/258719 please?15:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258719 in axiom "Please sync axiom 20050901-10 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Incomplete]15:50
Hobbseeslytherin: not necessarily, but they can be helpful.15:50
* Hobbsee notes that people who don't test build *probably* won't get their stuff sponsored so quickly.15:50
StevenKHobbsee: Done15:51
HobbseeStevenK: thanks15:51
slytherinHobbsee: another not so stupid question. I am wondering why https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/intrepid-changes/2008-August/005808.html doesn't show debian part of the changelog.15:52
Hobbseeooh, wesnoth!15:52
StevenKBecause Nathan's sponsor didn't generate the changes file correctly15:53
StevenKslytherin: ^15:54
HobbseeStevenK: hush15:54
Hobbseeoh yeah, i didn't use -v15:54
StevenKHobbsee: Oh, it was you. :-)15:54
* StevenK didn't check who did it15:54
HobbseeStevenK: yes, it was...15:54
HobbseeStevenK: based on the fact that i mentioend tha tmerge before, in ehre, it was probably me.15:54
slytherinStevenK: os is that a problem usually?15:55
StevenKslytherin: "os is that" ?15:56
sebnerHobbsee: what's with wesnoth? If filed the sync request :P15:57
Hobbseesebner: i want the new version?15:57
slytherinStevenK: sorry, 'so id that a problem usually", not having proper .changes file?15:57
ScottK-laptopslytherin: Crisis, not, but it does cause problems.15:57
StevenKIt causes some confusion, but isn't a case of "OMG kittens dying"15:58
sebnerHobbsee: ah no. I didn't file the sync request but I subscribed u-u-s _P15:58
Hobbseesebner: i see your subscription, and raise you a direct upload :)15:58
* slytherin keeps in mind about .changes file.15:59
Hobbseeor at least, would if i had dpkg-source installed.16:00
StevenKHobbsee: Blink. No dpkg-dev?16:00
HobbseeStevenK: yeah16:01
* slytherin heads home16:01
* RainCT announces that REVU now also provides feeds for individual packages.16:01
sebnerHobbsee: \o/16:03
Hobbsee OK: wesnoth_1.4.4.orig.tar.gz16:06
Hobbsee OK: wesnoth_1.4.4-2.diff.gz16:06
Hobbsee OK: wesnoth_1.4.4-2.dsc16:06
Hobbsee     -> Component: universe Section: games16:06
Hobbseesebner: \o/16:06
sebnermighty Hobbsee \o/ \o/ \o/16:07
Hobbseedown to 150.  woot!16:07
Hobbseedholbach: keep going!16:07
dholbachHobbsee: hm?16:07
* dholbach hugs Hobbsee16:07
Hobbseedholbach: sponsorship queue decreasing!16:07
dholbachSponsoring FTW!16:07
dholbachI'll dive into it tomorrow morning again16:08
Hobbseedholbach: i've done my 4 :P16:08
dholbachstill some other stuff to work on16:08
dholbachjcastro just said to me:16:08
dholbach<jcastro> how about a package testing session?16:08
dholbach like, using lintian, pbuilder, etc.16:08
dholbach you know, the part I always skip. :p16:08
sebnerHobbsee: five a day, it's *5* a day :P16:08
dholbachwhat do you think?16:08
Hobbseesebner: i'm sure i fixed another couple of bugs in there too.16:08
dholbachwho would like to give such a session at Ubuntu Developer Week?16:08
Hobbseesebner: besides, for the wesnoth, i played the part of universe sponsor, *and* the part of archive admin.  so that counts twice :)16:09
Hobbseedholbach: you're going to run an hour on "TEST BUILD YOUR STUFF, ELSE THE MOTU MIGHT EAT YOU FOR BREAKFAST"?16:09
Hobbseegood luck with that16:09
StevenKHobbsee: You forgot "RAWR!"16:09
sebnerHobbsee: but a nasty trick :P16:09
Hobbseesebner: very :)16:10
dholbach"make your stuff build" isn't good enough16:10
StevenK"Make your stuff build, or we will find you" isn't very friendly either16:10
HobbseeStevenK: but it would get the point across :P16:10
Hobbseeand we'd have stuff in teh sponsorship queue that actually builds.16:10
sebner"Make your stuff build or upload it yourself" ?16:11
dholbachso... volunteers?16:11
sebner.. dinner calling .. :P16:11
* Hobbsee isn't volunteering, due to the timezone stuff.16:11
Hobbseeyou know, i think we should find some icon validation docs, and have a sponsorship day just on icons.16:12
ScottK-laptopMaybe a sponsorship hall of shame wiki page: "Do not sponsor from these people unless they repent their sinful ways"16:12
HobbseeScottK-laptop: *evil grin*16:12
HobbseeScottK-laptop: but if you're talking about FTBFS, i'd hate to see how many MOTU's would appear on that list, for nto test building.16:12
Hobbseebecause, of course, they can just keep abusing the buildds - or ppa's - to test.16:12
ScottK-laptopYeah, well there's that, but exactly, it's not in the queue.16:13
StevenKI abuse my home machine first16:13
Hobbseeright, so it's only non-MOTU sponsorship.16:13
Hobbseeand anything that takes a long time to build.16:13
StevenKI've had a few FTBFSes due to datacentre things, like OMG empty po files16:13
* Hobbsee recalls a package that will go to the top of the list.16:13
HobbseeStevenK: my particular favorite was the sync we got from debian, which had an interactive section during build, talking to cpanplus.16:14
Hobbseeand locked up a buildd for 3 days over christmas.16:14
StevenKI missed that one16:14
Hobbseelucky you...16:14
Hobbseeand the others died for other reasons, too16:14
Hobbseeas in, chroot-in-and-fix-them issues.16:15
Hobbseeah yes, icons and .desktop files.16:16
HobbseeSomeone should learn about them, and sponsor the 17 bugs.16:16
* sistpoty|work wonders how to test a package w.o. having it test-built beforehand16:22
ScottKBah.  Just throw it at the archive and see if it sticks.16:23
sistpoty|workor I need a better glassbowl *g*16:23
ScottKJFTR, in the spirit of doing the opposite, I currently have every single non-debug KDE package installed in my laptop for kde3.5.10 testing.16:23
StevenKapachelogger: So, libksquirrel is apparently i386 only? And completly fails to build on intrepid since upstream doesn't know what include files are?16:24
ScottKsudo dpkg -i *.deb is really hard on dpkg when it's all of the kde3 binaries.16:24
sistpoty|workScottK: does that mean that intrepid will ship with kde3?16:25
ScottKNo, this is for Hardy.16:25
sistpoty|workah, k16:25
ScottKUploaded it last night to hardy-backports and it's building now.16:25
taconehello, I've just created a chroot but seems to be no apt-get in there. any help ?16:25
sistpoty|worktacone: how did you create your chroot? with debootstrap?16:27
tacone sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch i386 hardy /var/chroot/intrepid http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/16:27
Hobbseesistpoty|work: ppa?16:27
taconefrom https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot16:27
ScottKHmmm.  Ubuntu Forums references on p.d.o.  What is the world coming to. http://www.news.software.coop/solved-but-why-belkin-f5d7630-to-realtek-8139-drop-outs/101/16:27
sistpoty|workHobbsee: -edon'tuseppamyself *g*16:27
sistpoty|worktacone: hm... then there really should be apt-get inside16:28
taconesistpoty|work: that's what disappoints me. broken ? 2 days before freeze ? brrr :D16:28
taconeany workaround ?16:29
sistpoty|worktacone: hm... what's you host system? hardy or intrepid? (as you seem to want to create a hardy chroot)16:30
taconeI also have an intrepid pbuilder16:30
taconeno, I want an intrepid chroot16:30
ScottKBTW, after having test built all 19 KDE3 source packages on my laptop over the course of about 4 days, my sympathy for anyone who 'doesn't have time' is pretty low.16:30
sistpoty|worktacone: than I very much doubt that debootstrap is broken on hardy16:30
taconesistpoty|work: I just pasted the wrong command16:30
tacone sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch i386 intrepid /var/chroot/intrepid http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/16:31
taconethis is the command I used, sorry.16:31
sistpoty|worktacone: did it give any errors?16:31
sistpoty|work(or how do you determine that there is no apt-get?)16:31
taconenot any I noticed.16:31
taconeI chroot there and type apt-get16:32
taconealso no apt-get binary in /usr/bin16:32
sistpoty|workhm... interesting...16:33
taconesure, but not funny :)16:33
taconeI could get a .deb in there and install it with dpkg, but I don't know about dependency16:33
taconesistpoty|work: ok, this definitely sucks http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg970616.html but maybe without =buildd it'll work16:35
nxvlgood morning!16:40
dholbachhi nxvl16:40
nxvldholbach: hi again!16:42
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
taconesistpoty|work: without =buildd works16:45
huatsmorning nxvl16:49
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apacheloggerStevenK: something like that, though upstream likes to use the reason "it's open source so there is no reason I wouldn't want to include 50 different libraries in my source tarball"17:53
james_wthanks REVU17:55
RainCTsuperm1: is bug #257754 right on u-u-s? (seems like some mythbuntu dev should take care of it, as ubuntu-dev can't merge the branch)18:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 257754 in mythbuntu-control-centre "Typo" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25775418:03
superm1RainCT, let me see18:03
superm1RainCT, ah yeah.  perhaps you pointed out a good point though that  the branch should be owned by ubuntu-dev18:04
superm1RainCT, but that would mean that folks who work on mythbuntu stuff  that aren't motu's won't be able to touch it right?18:04
RainCTsuperm1: perhaps ubuntu-dev could be a member of the mythbuntu group?18:05
superm1RainCT, oh that would work quite well18:05
superm1RainCT, yeah i'll do that18:05
superm1RainCT, hum the downside will be that all of our bugmail will probably end up sent to all of ubuntu-dev wouldnt it?18:08
* RainCT finds out that the new team page on LP sucks :P18:08
RainCTah no, that's just me being on the wrong page lol18:09
RainCTsuperm1: right.. unless you set a contact address for the team18:10
superm1RainCT, hm, well that's a bit counterproductive i think18:10
RainCTperhaps we need a ubuntu-dev-without-bugmail XD18:10
taconeI am trying to package a new upstream version. the description is not that good. am I allowed to change it or should I open a bug and wait for feedback on that ? (we're near the freeze)18:10
superm1RainCT, yeah that would be exactly what we need i think18:11
RainCTOK.. I'll create one then (/me hopes that nobody kills him because of that :))18:12
superm1well so how would the structure for this look in terms of which team is a member of what then?18:13
taconeok ok, no new description.18:13
=== devfil_ is now known as devfil
RainCTtacone: what do you mean? you can change the description whenever you want..18:13
taconeok, thank you18:14
RainCTsuperm1: ubuntu-dev is a member of ubuntu-dev-without-bugmail (which has some dummy contact address set), and this later one is a member of whichever other team you want to add it to18:14
superm1so basically i'll invite ubuntu-dev-without-bugmail to join the mythbuntu team18:16
superm1and then suddenly all of ubuntu-dev can do stuff since they are a member of ubuntu-dev-without-bugmail18:16
superm1great idea18:16
taconethe package I am updating has a patch. the patch shuold be changed. I'd just delete it and make a new one. shuold I choose a different name for the new patch or can I just drop in a patch with the same name ?18:18
RainCTtacone: it can have the same name18:18
taconethank you  :)18:19
RainCTuhm.. I don't know which email address to use :P18:20
RainCThow long does team mailing list approvation take?18:20
superm1can't you just use a fake email address perhaps?18:21
RainCTsuperm1: I'm not sure if LP will continue sending messages to all members until the e-mail address has been confirmed or not18:22
* sistpoty|work heads home18:23
superm1RainCT, so perhaps a temporary email address at something like http://www.mailinater.com/18:23
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RainCTsuperm1: ah, nice :)18:26
RainCTdone, and I've requested a mailing list and will change it to that once it's approved18:26
RainCTah, damn.. techboard has to accept the ubuntu-dev invitation anyway18:27
* RainCT hugs mdz18:33
RainCTsuperm1: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev-without-bugmail18:33
superm1okay RainCT, i've invited ubuntu-dev-without-bugmail18:35
RainCTaccepted :)18:38
RainCTawesome «Update this branch:   bzr push lp:~mythbuntu/mythbuntu/mythbuntu-control-centre»  :)18:40
taconeis there a way go convert a diff to the dpatch format ?18:46
taconeguess I found it18:47
RainCTtacone: get into the dpatch subshell (dpatch-edit-patch patch_name) and apply it :P18:48
superm1i've always just dpatch-edit-patch and then applied it.  is there an easier way?18:48
james_wthere's dpatch patch-template18:52
RainCToh, nice :)18:52
james_wdpatch patch-template -p "01_foo" "Do foo" < foo.patch > debian/patches/01_foo.dpatch18:52
RainCTsuperm1: If I merge that branch, should I push, set the bugs to "Fix commited" and that's it or also upload it? (Or rather, do you plan to upload a new revision somewhen soon?)18:57
superm1we'll be doing a new revision soonish.  so just add it to debian/changelog as UNRELEASED for now18:58
ssaboumhi everyone19:00
jpdsssaboum: Correct me if I'm wrong, were you the person who had some firewall problems with requestsync?19:01
ssaboumi'll correct you, sorry i'm not this one19:02
jpdsssaboum: Sorry then.19:02
ssaboumdon't worry lol19:03
sommerhey all, I'm trying to get an updated version of ldapscripts sponsored, so I filed bug #261462, is there anything else I need to do?19:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261462 in ldapscripts "New ldapscripts Version" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26146219:04
RainCTScottK: clamav master, shall I unsubscribe u-u-s from bug #260702 or upload it?19:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260702 in clamav "typo in man page clamscan" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26070219:14
Laneyjpds: semantik fail :( Can you try a give-back on amd64? (Just tried in an updated sbuild chroot and it worked)19:23
jpdsLaney: semantik has always failed in random occasions on non-i386 ports...19:25
Laneyjpds: Oh...19:26
jpdsLaney: buildd'ed it. It usually happened because the other ports needed to catch up on KDE4.19:27
LaneyYeah, I think that's what the failure meant (dep problems for kdelibs5)19:27
nxvlhow is the Freezes thing? i can upload new features until tomorrow or until Thursday?19:28
james_wnxvl: upload until someone tells you off for doing so :-p19:28
nxvljames_w: heh19:28
nxvljames_w: that's a dangerous policy19:28
james_wyou can upload tomorrow I am sure19:29
LaneyUpload until the email to ubuntu-devel-something saying that FF is in effect(!)19:29
mathiaznxvl: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule -> Freezes normally happen at the start of the given date, UTC time. So last minute changes need to happen the day before.19:29
NCommanderScottK, so I broke courier good19:30
nxvlmathiaz: so the Day of the freeze no more uploads are allowed?19:30
james_wand on that note, would someone be willing to review/advocate my two packages on REVU? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=python-wadllib and http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=python-launchpadlib19:30
nxvlLaney: ubuntu-devel-announce19:31
nxvlNCommander: you broke it?19:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260899 in courier "some courier executables can't load libraries in /usr/lib/courier-authlib " [High,Confirmed]19:31
nxvlthat is something I broke19:32
NCommanderYou broke?19:32
nxvlrpath issue19:32
nxvlcheck the changelog19:32
mathiaznxvl: no more uploads after Thursday, 00:00 UTC19:32
* NCommander looks19:32
NCommanderI thought I was to blame for this19:32
NCommanderWe need to figure out what to do19:32
NCommanderI can't believe someone is actually running a server off intrepid o_o;19:33
NCommanderThat's sorta insane19:33
gesernxvl, mathiaz: after FF no uploads with new features, but you're still allowed to upload bug fixes19:33
NCommandernxvl, do you simply want to backout the rpath issue?19:33
NCommanderI'm considering firing a release critica/policy violation bug against Debian19:34
NCommanderIt will either get fixed or courier will get pulled fromt esting.19:34
nxvlgeser: yes, that we know :D19:34
mathiazgeser: of course - nxvl was refering to uploads that would fall under FF19:34
nxvlgeser: we are assuming that for no more uploads me mean no more uploads that include features19:34
NCommandernxvl, how do you want to fix this19:34
nxvlNCommander: i suppose19:34
nxvli will check after lunch19:35
gesernxvl: just making sure that you don't stop working after Thursday ;)19:35
NCommanderAfter thursday, I'm going to go code on ReactOS for two months ;-)19:36
NCommander(well, it probably will see some love)19:37
RainCTjames_w: I'm looking at python-launchpadlib. About the Debian Maintainer, I've always seen that indicated as  Files: debian/*19:41
james_wRainCT: yeah, but there is zero difference there as far as I can see19:41
james_wi.e. copyright, licence etc. all match19:42
james_wand there is no "Author:" or similar19:42
RainCTjames_w: why is the Priority "extra"?19:45
james_wRainCT: not sure. I imagine that was what dh_make gave me and I didn't think to change it, should I?19:46
taconehello, uupdate created an own changelog entry. as a result I seem to have this changelog in my package http://paste.pocoo.org/show/83431/19:48
taconecan anyone lend me an hand ?19:48
cody-somervilletacone, lend you a hand with what?19:48
taconetaking a look to http://paste.pocoo.org/show/83431/ and suggesting me what to do.19:48
RainCTjames_w: Yep, it should be optional. As I understand it, extra is for packages which can break something, require special hardware or something like that; and python-launchpad-bugs, for instance, and most other Python libraries are of optional priority19:48
RainCTtacone: what's the problem? just remove the one you don't want and change the other one19:49
james_wRainCT: I'll switch it, I'll let you finish your review first.19:49
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taconeRainCT: ok.19:49
RainCTjames_w: The description has a "launchpad", which should start with an upper-case character, as it is a name. And the URL at the bottom has two spaces at the start. :P19:50
james_wRainCT: that's intentional19:50
james_wit prevents line-wrapping in some displays19:50
RainCTtacone: debian/changelog is just a text file, there's no reason why you might be scared to edit it by hand; just look at the existing entries and use the same formatting, and if you are not sure if you wrote something incorrect try if  dch   can still parse it19:51
RainCTjames_w: ah, didn't know that :)19:51
james_wRainCT: yeah, e.g. package.debian.org obeys the convention19:52
taconeI am not scared, I am just new at packaging and prefer to ask :)19:52
RainCTjames_w: lines 3-7 from debian/rules can be removed. debian/changelog says "Closes:" instead of "LP:"19:53
james_wRainCT: I'm happy to remove 3, but as 4-7 are a licence I like to keep them19:54
james_wbut good catch on the bug19:54
RainCTjames_w: yes, but the exception allows to remove it19:55
james_wRainCT: true, they're gone19:55
* RainCT goes to review python-wadllib19:59
RainCTjames_w: btw, is there some reason why you depend on debhelper 6?20:00
james_wnope, just keeping up with the times20:00
RainCTjames_w: wadllib also has priority extra20:02
RainCTjpds: is the sentence "library for navigating WADL files" correct?20:03
jpdsRainCT: Yeah.20:03
RainCTjpds: kthxbye :P20:03
RainCTjames_w: the .diff.gz has undocumented changes in the source20:05
* Laney spanks semantik20:05
RainCTjames_w: http://paste.ubuntu.com/40737/plain20:06
jpdsLaney: (Now you know why I didn't bother with the package ;-))20:07
james_wRainCT: ah, thanks. I forgot to actually merge the new upstream snapshot.20:07
taconewhat's the pbuilder equivalent of debuild -uc -us -S ?20:07
tuxmaniacwhere can I find the complete list of ftbfs packages?20:07
Laneytuxmaniac: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/20:08
tuxmaniacLaney: thanks20:08
Laneytacone: pbuilder doesn't build source packages...20:08
taconeLaney: what should I do to build a source package for intrepid then ? (I am on hardy)20:09
Laneytacone: Just use debuild -S!20:09
taconeLaney: nice.20:09
tuxmaniactacone: I think pdebuild --debbuildopts -sa should do. Not sure20:10
taconeanother thing. I get dpkg-source: warning: executable mode 0755 of 'debian/patches/001-Fix-Install-Errors.dpatch' will not be represented in diff20:10
taconeis this ok ? (guess dpatches have to be executable)20:10
RainCTtacone: just ignore that :)20:10
taconelast thing. what do I need to upload on launchpad to allow sponsors review ? it's a new upstream version.20:11
Laneytacone: .diff.gz20:12
taconeLaney: only the diff.gz ? .dsc etc ?20:12
taconealso, shuold I attach a separate debdiff ?20:12
RainCTtacone: only the diff.gz and a link to the .orig.tar.gz20:14
taconeRainCT: ok20:14
RainCTjames_w: I'll advocate once you fixed that20:15
tuxmaniacDktrKranz: thanks for the sponsorship of geda-gnetlist :-)20:15
sebnergeser: I updated the sync request for smuxi. Also added a comment. Your ACK is still valid I suppose :)20:15
DktrKranztuxmaniac, accepted?20:16
james_wRainCT: rockin'. thanks.20:16
taconedone ! if anyone would like to review it it's there https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/memaker/+bug/26154220:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261542 in memaker "[needs-packaging] Please package Memaker 1.0.1" [Undecided,New]20:18
Laneytacone: That's not a needs-packaging bug ;)20:19
taconeLaney: ops. :)20:19
taconeit's a needs-urgent-sponsoring-before-freeze :)20:19
Laneytacone: No, you've got it in in time.20:19
LaneyYou can add the tag uus-pre-ff-810 to let sponsors know that it was uploaded for sponsorship before the freeze20:20
gesersebner: only if you successfully test-build it20:20
taconewell, the freeze will happen in 2 days right ?20:20
sebnergeser: See comment :P20:20
taconeit wouldn't be nice to get the older version in intrepid, the newer is much nicer20:20
gesersebner: the archive admins always pull the current version in sid, so no need to update sync requests20:22
sebnergeser: I thought so but it's better to update it (at least for me)20:23
nxvlNCommander: did you mind if assign Bug 260899 to myself?20:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260899 in courier "some courier executables can't load libraries in /usr/lib/courier-authlib " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26089920:29
NCommandersure, take it20:29
NCommanderI thought I caused that so I took it20:29
nxvlNCommander: actually foolano patch is the correct one, it reverts my failure20:29
NCommanderI never said it was incorrect, just not the "right" way to do it20:30
* NCommander is running IE on Linux20:30
nxvlNCommander: yeah i know, i was just giving more information on the cause of the issue, which are all the lines foolano deleted20:30
NCommanderI think I'm going to barf20:30
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NCommandernxvl, so your going to handle it?20:33
shilbertHi, I am looking at bug 224077. Any advice on how I can get the word out so users will test instead of over and over reporting the bug against the old buggy version20:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 224077 in gnumed-client "Outdated (buggy) GNUmed version ( in Hardy " [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22407720:34
nxvlNCommander: yep, working on it20:34
* NCommander feels like he should be doing packaging work or somethng20:35
shilbertany help is appreciated. We, the GNUmed team get 2 or 3 bug reports a week which are all identical, despite the fact that a fix is available20:35
Laneyshilbert: Dupe them against the SRU bug and ask the users to test the -proposed version and report back?20:35
shilbertit is in hardy-proposed I believe but rarely any users read our mailing list20:36
joaopintoshilbert, the current release does not usually get release upgrades, you should create a diff which includes the code to fix the bugs, also listing the bugs that you are fixing20:36
Laneyjoaopinto: There is already a SRU in hardy-proposed20:36
shilbertso I was hoping for advice on how to get the word out20:36
joaopintooh, there is :P20:36
* henrik-kabelkaos says that the "pencil" package caused some kind of serverside error.20:36
Laneyshilbert: Where are these bugs coming in?20:36
shilbertwe have a reporter which is triggered when a python exception in GNUmed occures20:37
shilbertit does when using the stock buggy ubuntu version20:37
shilbertso almost all users automatically report the same bug20:38
shilbertbut are no aware that a newer version exists20:38
shilbertthey simply do not read our mailing list, blog etc20:38
LaneyWell, it might be enough for you to just get some other members of the gnumed team to verify the SRU20:39
LaneySurely there are two or three people you can pick on ;)20:39
shilbertI will try that but most of them use either Macs, Debian  or MS Windows but you are right they might as well test in a virtual machine20:40
shilbertI was hoping someone in the Ubuntu community could issue a call for testing in a blog20:40
shilbertbut maybe this is out of scope20:41
tgm4883_laptopCan someone check one of my packages for me?  I uploaded it a few hours ago, but haven't seen it show up in revu yet20:50
tgm4883_laptopThe package name is mythnettv-gui20:50
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NCommanderslangasek, if you have some time in the near future, any chance you can help me sponsor an upload into Debian?21:00
RainCTtgm4883_laptop: you did a binary upload21:03
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slangasekNCommander: I think my time is pretty much spoken for for the next decade or so; -mentors not doing the job?21:20
NCommanderNo one wants to go near codeblocks21:20
NCommanderFour people already tried to do it and failed21:20
NCommanderIts already in Ubuntu21:20
NCommanderslangasek, fork() yourself, and divide up the workload ;-)21:21
slangasekoh, hey, if no one wants to go near it, then I'm sold already ;P21:21
slangasekNCommander: unlike Unix, homo sapiens does /not/ have a lightweight fork()21:21
NCommanderit could wait until I'm a DD in hopefully another month or so21:22
NCommanderDebian Developer21:22
Riddelltseliot: hi21:24
Riddelltseliot: do you know why screen-resolution-extra is in multiverse?21:24
Riddelltseliot: and is it ubuntu specific?  seems to be a native package21:24
tseliotRiddel: it's phase 1 of the blueprint I'm implementing21:25
tseliotRiddel: it's an extension to the Display capplet of Gnome Control Panel which will allow it to set the virtual resolution in the xorg.conf when required21:26
tseliotRiddell: and of course it's very Ubuntu specific21:26
sebnertseliot: 2.6.27 kernel is (still) in new. I suppose you will also upload rebuilded nvidia drivers!?21:26
tseliotsebner: it will require a patch for the driver and one for the kernel. The latter will be included in rc5, I guess21:28
sebnertseliot: I see so hands away from the new kernel (as long it's based on rc4) :P21:28
tseliotsebner: right21:28
slangasekNCommander: debian/ directory in the upstream tarball? Pass21:28
NCommanderslangasek, I did pretty much completely redo their debian/ folder :-P21:29
Riddellsebner: 2.6.27 is no such thing21:29
sebnerRiddell: hm?21:30
slangasekNCommander: but the upstream tarball still contains a debian dir21:30
Riddelltseliot: is there a reason it should be in multiverse?21:30
NCommanderslangasek, true. Probably a reason why most people won't touch it21:30
tseliotRiddell: no, it should be in universe but I guess it doesn't matter since we are planning to move it to main together with python-xkit21:31
tseliotRiddell: BTW are you an archive admin?21:32
NCommanderslangasek, know any DD who is crazy enough to sponsor such a beast?21:33
slangasekI generally don't try to encourage the crazy DDs to inflict their craziness on the archive21:33
Riddelltseliot: yes (which is why I'm asking these questions)21:33
Riddelltseliot: and why sebner's defaming about 2.6.27 being in new is no longer true :)21:34
tseliotRiddell: can I bring envyng-core to your attention too?21:34
tseliotRiddell: aah, I see21:34
tseliotRiddel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/envyng-core/+bug/26086221:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260862 in envyng-core "Update EnvyNG in Intrepid" [Undecided,New]21:35
sebnerRiddell: bah :P21:36
* tgm4883_laptop smacks head21:37
tgm4883_laptopThanks RainCT, fixing now21:37
sebnerRiddell: but not in the archive yet :P21:39
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NCommanderso Riddell, if/when you have some free time, can you possibly look at sponsoring an upload to into Debian for me?21:44
tseliotRiddel: I meant to say that envyng-core is in the NEW queue21:44
slangasekNCommander: Riddell isn't a DD...21:44
RiddellNCommander: nope, I'm not a Debian developer21:44
NCommanderdamn it21:44
Riddelltseliot: still going through New21:44
* NCommander declares its DD's hunting session21:45
tseliotRiddell: ah, ok21:45
james_wNCommander: this is a new package for Debian?21:46
NCommanderjames_w, yeah, its codeblocks21:46
NCommanderOne of those longstanding RFP for both Ubuntu/Debian21:46
james_wNCommander: could I ask you to hold off on requesting people's time until Thursday or later?21:47
james_wI realise it's been waiting a long time, but a few more days can't hurt, and I'd rather time was spent on Intrepid until Thursday21:47
NCommanderNah, its fine21:51
NCommanderI just want to find someone who's willing21:51
NCommanderOnce I find that, I can wait a few months even21:51
RAOFstefanlsd: You here?21:51
james_wNCommander: have you tried #debian-mentors on oftc?21:51
RAOFstefanlsd: Re: gpa, obviously.21:51
NCommanderIt's a wxGTK package, and its not a trival one either, so no one is really willing to sponsor it21:52
NCommander(it's six split packages, a couple of patches to bend it to the debian FHS, and such)21:52
LaneyWhat about the utnubu team (does it still exist)?21:53
james_wLaney: no, it doesn't.21:53
james_wLaney: well, perhaps it's not formally disbanded, but it is as good as.21:54
LaneyOK : (21:54
NCommanderWell, if I ever get DD< I'll join it21:54
NCommanderIs there any major things that I can help to do before the freeze?21:57
RAOFNCommander: You're welcome to help finish packaging gnome-do-plugins in pkg-cli-apps :)21:59
NCommanderWhere's the wip for gnome-do-plugins?21:59
NCommanderI still need to get pangomm into Ubuntu21:59
* NCommander sees if its cleared the NEW queue yet21:59
huatsis there a place where I can track packages that are in new ? and not yet in the archive ?21:59
NCommanderseb128 was going to do a fastsync with it (he helped with the Debian packaging), but I haven't seen him in awhile22:02
RainCThuats: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+queue22:03
NCommanderhabtool, http://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html22:03
NCommander(for Debian)22:03
huatsthanks RainCT22:04
NCommanderhttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hoary/+queue - wow, these old queues still exist22:04
NCommanderhttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WOO, PPAs with the highest number of uploads in the last 7 days22:05
NCommanderI don't know if that's a good thing or not!22:05
RAOFNCommander: What are you putting in that PPA? :)22:06
NCommanderxfce 4.622:06
NCommandergnat 4.2 rebuild22:07
NCommandera few random GNOME packages22:07
NCommanderI realize I upload a lot22:07
NCommanderBut 55 O_o;22:07
RAOFOh, yeah.  While I think of it.  Any PPC users here?22:07
NCommanderRAOF, yeah22:07
NCommander(32-bit only though)22:07
NCommanderneed something built or done for Ubuntu PPC?22:07
RAOFI don't suppose you could check bug #181068, then try rebuilding gnome-python-extras and try again?22:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 181068 in gnome-python-extras "miro.real crashed with SystemError in MozillaBrowser() on PPC" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18106822:08
NCommanderI just need to plugin the PPC bok22:09
erpoHi. The package I want information about isn't in universe but I hope someone can help answer my question anyway. I would like to petition to get a package removed from ubuntu, or at least from the default installation (it's in main). How can I do this?22:11
Laneyerpo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/PackageArchive#Removing%20Packages22:12
RainCTerpo: what package is it?22:13
james_werpo: if it's in the default installation then it is best to give your reasoning on ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com22:13
NCommanderRAOF, ok, my box is up22:13
erpoLaney: Thanks!22:13
james_wis it mono-based by any chance?22:13
erpoRainCT: vinagre22:13
erpojames_w: I saw that on Laney's link, but that's for the pointer. I will definitely request feedback from the list first. :)22:14
erpojames_w: I don't think it's mono-based.22:14
james_wno, it's not I don't think22:14
james_wsorry for jumping to conclusions22:14
erpoNo problema. Why did you guess a mono app?22:15
james_wRainCT: I just uploaded updated packages to REVU, they should appear at :20.22:15
RainCTerpo: why would it be removed? it's one of the applications which were featured on the hardy announcements (http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/hardy/beta)22:15
james_werpo: there are a lot of vocal mono opponents, and a lot that argue that it shouldn't be in the default install.22:15
erpojames_w: Ah. Yes, I've heard about some anti-mono sentiment.22:16
RAOFNCommander: Need the bug link again?22:17
RainCTjames_w: uhm.. I only see a new pytho-launchpadlib upload22:17
NCommandernope, got it22:17
NCommander*installed GNOME*22:18
james_wRainCT: wadllib was second, it should appear in a moment, sorry.22:18
erpoRainCT: It's a humiliation to Ubuntu. It doesn't detect the bandwidth and adjust the color depth of the connection automatically, nor is there any way for the user to select the color depth. This makes VNC connections over the Internet unusably slow, and consequently gives VNC and Ubuntu a bad name. Bug reports have been filed against it and the author has not responded.22:18
jelmererpo, the highest importance bug in vinagre at the moment is triaged "wishlist"22:19
wgrantWe're not going to remove something just because it assumes that you have more bandwidth than you do.22:19
wgrantFixing sounds like a less ridiculous idea.22:20
jelmererpo: so at the very least, please make sure there are bugs open about the issues you're seeing in vinagre22:21
erpowgrant: I agree. I nearly filed a bug report until I saw the existing bug report and attached comments.22:21
erpojelmer: That bug is in there. It's a killer problem, but the author has assigned it wishlist priority.22:21
jelmererpo, that's not the author of vinagre22:21
wgrantIt is, in the end, a wishlist bug.22:21
wgrantAlbeit a high-importance one.22:22
jelmererpo, somebody from ubuntu has assigned it a wishlist bug22:22
erpojelmer: I contend, as do the people who responded to the bug with comments, that the bug makes the program effectively unusable.22:23
wgrant... except in cases where it's not.22:23
jelmererpo: I understand it makes the program hard to use, and I agree it would be nice to have that bug fixed22:23
wgrantDoes the upstream developer actually know?22:24
jelmerwgrant, yeah, the bug is forwarded22:24
erpowgrant: How could I find out?22:24
erpojelmer: Ah, thanks.22:24
* RainCT would mark it as "Medium" ("A bug that has a moderate impact on a core application."), but this has to be fixed upstream and not on Ubuntu anyway22:24
wgrantRainCT: It should be High/Wishlist. But LP doesn't support that.22:24
NCommanderRAOF, I can confirm the bug happens22:25
NCommanderWaiting on the build-deps to download22:25
erpoPardon me. I'm used to bugzilla. Does launchpad not have independent severity and importance ratings?22:25
jelmererpo, no, it's combined22:25
RainCTerpo: nope22:25
wgrantThey were removed somewhat over 2 years ago, IIRC.22:25
jelmerI would agree Medium is more appropriate here as well22:26
wgrantFor good reason.22:26
RainCTjames_w: still uploading?22:26
wgrantBut Wishlist should be a separate flag.22:26
erpoHmm. So the next step would probably be to contact the developer via email and confirm that s/he has no plans to fix it in the near future.22:26
james_wRainCT: dammit, wrong host, sorry22:26
jelmererpo, I haven't seen any indication that there are no plans to fix it in the near future22:27
jelmererpo, I think it would be more constructive to point out that this is making vinagre unusable for a lot of people22:28
erpojelmer: You're right. That's what I'll do.22:28
jelmererpo, and encourage them to fix it and/or contribute a patch22:28
wgrantEntering the wrong channel and asking to have it removed is not the best thing to do.22:29
erpoI believe I clearly noted that the package was not in main before asking for help. I also didn't ask to have it removed; I asked how one goes about making that request, provided that someone here was willing to help me. Please excuse me if that violates channel etiquette.22:30
erpos/not in main/not in universe/22:30
erpoAh. It appears that the bug in the bugzilla the author uses is marked normal/normal.22:32
Laneytacone: Is your memaker update ready?23:00
Laneytacone: If so, you should subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors23:00
Riddelltseliot: the packaging for screen-resolution-extra says Section: contrib/x1123:19
Riddellis that deliberate?23:19
tseliotRiddell: is it a problem?23:19
Riddelltseliot: no but it suggests something is non-free about it23:20
tseliotRiddell: it's all gpl23:20
Riddellthen it shouldn't be in contrib23:21
Riddellalso the long description is a repeat of the short description23:21
Riddellboth minor issues, I've accepted it23:21
tseliotRiddel: thanks23:21
Riddellzul: xenner includes the full GPL in debian/copyright, best to just point to the common-licences one23:22
Riddelltseliot: you said you had something else in New?23:22
tseliotRiddell: yes, envyng-core23:23
Riddelltseliot: I don't see it, launchpad seems to suggest it's done23:24
tseliotRiddell: you're right: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/envyng-core23:25
Riddellbut not in the archive yet23:25
tseliotRiddel: but it was accepted right?23:26
tseliotRiddell: if it's no longer in the NEW queue23:27
RiddellNew queue is empty23:27
Riddelli guess someone accepted it23:27
tseliotRiddell: ok, great. Thanks again23:28
tseliotRiddell: do you know if there is a way to use stock icons in pyQT4/pyKDE4?23:29
Riddelltseliot: not in pyqt, in pykde you just use the icon theme name KIcon("go-forward") or whatever23:30
tseliotRiddell: ok, thanks23:31
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taconeLaney: yes it is23:52
taconetseliot: where can I find xkit-datastore ?23:52
tseliottacone: the XML translator?23:57
taconetseliot: yes, I'd like to find out what is it, since I use xml too for my parser23:58

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