
asachuats: how long does it take bfore it shows up?00:01
asacits not there yet ;)00:01
asac30 minutes?00:01
huats5 minutes usually00:01
huatsit is now :)00:02
asacwhy is there no debdiff?00:02
huatsyou have the debdiff next the previous upload00:03
fta(X crashed)00:05
huatsasac: thanks for the comment00:12
huatsI'll talk with daniel tomorrow00:12
huatsgood night guys00:12
bdrungasac: PING01:20
bdrungsorry, capslock01:20
bdrungasac: ping01:51
dholbachhi guys05:57
dholbachwhat would you think about running a session at Ubuntu Developer Week?05:57
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep still has some free slots and I'm sure people would be interested in learning more about what you do05:57
asacbdrung: poing08:44
asacbug 25950309:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259503 in network-manager "MASTER NetworkManager 0.7 crashed with SIGSEGV in nm_device_get_act_request()" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25950309:06
dholbachhiya asac09:08
dholbachcould you guys agree on a time and date for the Mozilla team session at UDW? :)09:08
asacdholbach: you are awake far too early ;)09:09
asaclike at 6:57 ;)09:09
asaci think it must be the dog :-D09:09
dholbachearlier than that :-)09:09
dholbachMimi had to get up early again09:09
dholbachand if I go to sleep after waking up already, I'd sleep until 12 or something09:09
asacdholbach: then do it ;)09:10
dholbachnahhhh :)09:10
asacthat would make you available till 8 :-D09:10
dholbachrather later :)09:10
asacdholbach: jazzva wasnt here yesterday. i hope he will be today. Ill let you know asap. if you take preliminary reservation use Thu 4th Sep 1900 UTC09:13
asac<reserved for mozillateam> .... "to be announced"09:13
dholbachasac: alright09:13
asacId like to speak to him first, as he is doing most extensnion organization here09:13
dholbachok... added09:14
dholbachplease update as soon as you know :)09:14
asacmaybe we should make a conter-session "a xul browser in xml" :)09:14
asacdholbach: can you make the launchpad id thing go away from wiki?09:15
asaci am constantly logged out :(09:15
dholbachasac: no09:15
dholbachasac: best to ask in #launchpad about it09:15
dholbachI have no idea what's going on there09:15
asacit was so perfect before09:16
asacnobody needs openid there ;)09:16
asacjust my daily rant ... so ignore that ;)09:16
dholbachI'm happy for all kinds of sessions you add09:17
dholbachmore power to the mozilla team! :)09:17
asacfinally ;)09:22
bdrungasac: the license question of htmlvalidator is solved09:48
asacbdrung: ok09:48
asacbdrung: please update the bug when you have everything addressed (or tell me when you dont agree - i might have again forgotten anything)09:49
asaci was a bit confused, because i thought that it was already in bzr09:49
asacbut i guess thats just my flaky brain again?09:50
bdrunggive me some hours and you will have your bzr branches and a fixed package09:51
asacthat would be awesome09:52
asacbdrung: you should see lintian warnings/errors (if there are any) if you use debuild -b to test build09:53
bdrungi fixed the lintian warnings09:53
asacbdrung: i'd like to upload this today ... so we dont have to ask for freeze exception09:53
bdrunglast night09:53
asacbdrung: you remember how to do bzr?09:53
asace.g. first commit == upstream commit ... then do the packaging on top=09:54
bdrungits easy09:54
bdrungmy brain is mot flaky. ;)09:54
asacdholbach: so when i sponsor something from the sponsoring queue, should i leave the sponsorship team subscribed?10:03
asacmaybe thats useful for statistics at some point?10:03
dholbachasac: just leave it as it subscribed - that's fine10:04
asacok. i think i removed the team in some previous uploads. wont do that anymore then.10:05
asacdholbach: sponsoring queue cleared.10:05
* dholbach hugs super-asac10:05
dholbachthanks a lot for that10:05
asacdholbach: well ... i still suck.10:05
dholbachno no no :)10:05
asacwill take a quick lock at a few from universe, or am i not supposed to touch them?10:06
asaclike mplayer, xine-plugin10:06
dholbachfeel free to do a few :)10:06
* dholbach hugs asac some more10:06
asacdholbach: what does it mean when there is no assignee? does it meant that you havent pre-screened the bug? or that you just havent assigned anyone?10:07
dholbachnot assigned to anyone10:08
asacdholbach: people tend to just submit debdiff against debian package ... thats fine10:09
asacis there an easy way to grab the debian sid package=10:09
asaceasy == one command?10:09
dholbachhang on10:09
asacok ... i subscribe myself to those that i am working on (to make me show up on the dholbach blame list :))10:11
dholbachhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/40600/ - I'm sure there's a much much easier way, but I didn't fancy messing up my sources.list :)10:11
dholbachand I use   grab-attachments    from ubuntu-dev-tools a lot10:12
asacwould that script make sense in ubuntu-dev-tools too?10:12
dholbachI don't know10:12
dholbachI'm sure there are more elegant solutions10:13
asaci remember that i sometimes gave up because i didnt want to bother to grab the debian bits manually10:13
asacdholbach: the grab-attachment could parse the debdiff ... then see if there is the right debian version and get it ;)10:13
asacof course this depends on submitters using the right file name10:13
dholbachit doesn't work for incoming or experimental10:14
asacbut most do i think10:14
dholbachso a clever script using dget -x might be better10:14
asacdholbach: yeah. you could walk sid + experimental:10:14
asace.g. if the version isnt in sid, try experiemntal10:14
asacincoming ... of course not10:14
asacis incoming public at all?10:14
asacwhy would something hang in incoming for a long time?10:14
asaci only can imagine queue new, but i think thats not public to prevent warez to be spread until someone reviews the bits10:15
asacfta: are you there?10:15
dholbachasac: I used incoming a couple of times when it was only processed daily10:15
asacyeah. but for this script thats an ignorable use-case then10:16
asaci usually visit these bugs later than the day the package went to incoming ;)10:16
asaclet me test this script ;)10:17
asaci happily pulls the packages files ;)10:17
asacand gets the package10:18
asacwell done10:18
dholbacha small shell script would do it probably too :)10:19
dholbachI wrote that script ages ago10:20
bdrungasac: a question about bzr: i have a branch A. then i branch it to B. A and B gets modified. Now I want to merge the changes from A to B. how do I do that?11:01
bdrungbzr branch A?11:01
bdrungbzr merge A?11:01
asacbdrung: you go to branch B and do bzr merge A11:02
asacthen bzr commit11:02
gnomefreakasac: i made one final adjustment to firegpg branch so its ready when you are.12:56
* asac looking12:56
gnomefreakdr has me on limited pc time since my wrist isnt getting better but getting worse, i will work on chatzilla for a bit this morning12:56
asacgnomefreak: take it easy. chatzilla would be nice though12:58
gnomefreaki cant remember where i left off so i will look it over first ;)13:02
gnomefreakwe dont have a bug on spell checking with ff3 do we?13:02
asacgnomefreak: does firegpg work for you at all?13:05
gnomefreakasac: yep13:05
gnomefreaki have been using it since we fixed the unable to install bug13:06
asacgnomefreak: there is a native windows component in it13:06
asacthe complete components/ dir is non-source13:06
asacwe need to build those from source13:07
asac(the FireGPGCall directory has the source)13:07
asacand remove all files in components/ from the .upstream branch13:07
gnomefreakall files as in all files or all native windows files?13:08
asacgnomefreak: no ... all files from components/ need to be removed from .upstream13:12
asacall need to be produced during build time13:12
asacalso IFireGPGCall.xpt and IFireGPGCall.h need to be removed from upstream and produced during build13:13
gnomefreakok noted. i will look at it and finish it before chatzilla works conitnues13:15
gnomefreakanyone working on f-spot Importeer addon?13:15
gnomefreaki have an email from creater/author/upstream dev13:16
gnomefreakits a tbird one i thing13:16
asacgnomefreak: i have the patch for you13:20
asacgnomefreak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/40652/13:20
asacyou need to patch it that way ... and then run cd FireGPGCall/; make13:21
asacand cp FireGPGCall/*.xpt  FireGPGCall/*.so components/13:21
asacin build.sh13:21
asac(all assuming that you remove the files above from .upstream)13:22
gnomefreakok will remove all and add patch after commiting13:25
gnomefreakok noone has added f-spot importer to extension page but im getting email from author of it?13:27
=== asac_ is now known as asac
gnomefreakmaybe ill look into f-spot extension when i get caught up, if anyone wants info i have and add it to extension page let me know13:43
gnomefreakServer is too old for streaming pull, reconnecting.  (Upgrade the server to Bazaar 1.2 to avoid this)13:43
gnomefreakthat kind of bothers me13:43
gnomefreakasac: you had no issue pulling my branch? or did you look on the branch page?13:47
asacgnomefreak: i pulled it13:47
gnomefreakwas it slow?13:48
gnomefreaktook me 5 minutes to pull .upstream13:48
asacgnomefreak: ok i am pushing the almost done package to ~ubuntu-dev/firefox-extensions/firegpg.ubuntu/13:51
asacplease get that and merge the new .upstream (with removed files) in there13:51
asacthen try to build and fix the few lintian warning that are left13:51
asacgnomefreak: remember to remove all the .svn directories too13:53
asacand all thef iles i named above13:53
asac(from upstream)13:53
asaclet me know13:53
gnomefreakasac: you do want me to remove FireGPGCall/*.xpt from componants as well?13:58
asacgnomefreak: everything from that directory ... yes.14:20
gnomefreakasac: ok thanks, i may be going on a road trip to a hospital in virgina my uncle i being taken from nursing home to hospital he has als, demetia, and something else i cant recall15:11
jdstrandasac (or anyone really): have you seen any oddities with firefox-3.0 not starting if the network is flaky?16:20
jdstrandI am in a hotel, and I need to use ff to accept the wifi usage agreement. yesterday, ff3 would not start at all when I needed to re-register (ie, registered once for a 24hour period, shut computer off, turned computer on after 24 hours was up (so had to re-register))16:22
jdstrandI haven't looked at it much yet. this is on intrepid16:23
asacjdstrand: hmm16:25
asacjdstrand: only thing i am aware of is that there have been claims that firefox is dying if there is no lo interface16:26
jdstrandasac: I have that. it's very odd and I doubt I'll be able to reproduce it, but I'll try if/when I have time16:28
jdstrand(reproduce it reliably that is)16:28
asachmm. then i dont know16:29
asacif there is a crash i certainly would like to see the backtrace16:29
asacis that on intrepid16:29
bdrungasac: look 8 lines above: he uses intrepid16:32
bdrungasac: pushed htmlvalidator.upstream16:50
bdrungasac: htmlvalidator is ready17:36
asacbdrung: wqhy is the compelte debian packaging checked in witha comment "open tree ..." ?18:19
asacfta: i need a new mozclient feature18:24
ftaasac, shoot19:36
ftamozilla Bug 45190919:50
ubottuMozilla bug 451909 in Build Config "kill MOZ_XUL_APP now that all apps set it" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45190919:50
asacfta: injectino of subdirs to the mozilla tree during orig.tar.gz business19:52
ftafrom where ?19:53
asacfrom bzr ;)19:53
ftahm, a list of bzr urls ? or one url + a list of dirs ?19:53
asaclike: MOZ_ADD_SOURCE_BRANCH=http://code.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/branding19:54
asacfta: i dont ming. if it merges existing trees (e.g. just copy), just a url should be enough19:54
ftasubdirs are tricky.. same problem with hg19:56
ftathere's no sub-co19:56
ftai need to think about it19:56
asacfta: yeah. thats why i say ... just assume that the directory structure is complete19:56
asace.g. just copy the content to the top level of tree19:57
ftaBug 108420:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1084 in mozilla-thunderbird "Turn on full headers or long To: list and there is no scroll bar" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108420:29
fta(small bug id !?)20:29
asacyeah ... rotten old bug20:29
asacthought that was fixed in 2.020:29
asacbut apparently not ;)20:30
fta** Also affects: seamonkey20:30
sebnerasac: thx for sponsoring xine-lib :)20:31
asacsebner: oh. was that you?20:35
asacgood ;)20:35
asaci just grabbed a random other package i think :)20:35
sebnerasac: ^^ Stefan Ebner -> sebner :P20:36
sebnerasac: ha! this means you are a sponsor and have to comment my motu application :P20:38
asacyeah. though one merge isnt really good database ;)20:39
sebnerasac: ah sry it was xine-plugin xD. hmm not happy with one merge? I also have many syncs to ACK :P20:41
bdrungasac: about what are you complaining?20:46
=== bdrung_ is now known as beDrung
=== beDrung is now known as bdrung
ftaix:~/bzr/xulrunner-1.9.head$ bzr log -r1 | head -521:45
ftarevno: 121:45
ftacommitter: Fabien Tassin <fta@sofaraway.org>21:45
ftabranch nick: xulrunner.ubuntu.trunk21:45
ftatimestamp: Sat 2007-08-25 01:28:57 +000021:45
ftaasac, ^^ yeahhh, 1 year21:45
fta329 rev, not that bad21:47
fta426 including the merges21:48
asacfta: nice22:20
asacJazzva: hi22:20
asacwelcome back22:20
Jazzvaasac, hey... thanks :)22:21
Jazzvafinally sent documentation two hours ago :)22:21
Jazzvaand I'll finish nspluginwrapper now, and then push it22:21
asacfta: did you reply to stefan yet?22:21
asacJazzva: all fine ;) ... no need t hurry22:21
asacwe sill have tomorrow ;)22:22
asacJazzva: i have something else22:22
asacfta: for you too ;)22:22
ftaasac, not yet, still in my draft folder22:22
asacfta: ok.22:22
ftafor me too ?22:22
asacwe ended up here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep22:23
asaccurren title "Surprise Session" - MOzillaTeam22:23
bdrungasac: what was your question about htmlvalidator.ubuntu branch all about?22:23
asacbdrung: we have 2 revisions:22:24
asac1. upstream (fine)22:24
asac2. "open tree for development"22:24
asac2 comprises the whole debian/ directory22:24
asacwhich doesnt really fall under "open tree for devlopment" to me ;)22:24
asacmaybe its a confusion of wording ;)22:24
Jazzvaasac, ah... surpsrise session? so, we have to find something to talk about?22:24
asac"Open tree" mean, that just the changelog gets bumped to the next ;)22:24
asacJazzva: yes. we are supposed to provide a title ;)22:25
bdrungyes. i should call it "initial debian package" or something22:25
asacplease do that ... and keep the changelog targetted for UNRELEASED in that commit22:25
bdrungasac: how can i change this commit name?22:25
Jazzvaasac, do we have an idea what are we going to talk about? :)22:25
asacwe want to have final "just changelog" commits that read: "release XYZ-0ubuntu to ubuntu/intrepid"22:25
asacwhich basically is just a commit with target intrepid + updated time22:26
asacbdrung: you can only uncommit22:26
asacand commit again22:26
asacand the push --overwrite22:26
asacJazzva: no. thats why i am asking you and fta ;)22:26
asaccan be everything :) ... like: building a xulbrowser with xulrunner ;)22:27
Jazzvaasac, introduction to mozilla-devscripts :)? (just brainstorming here)22:27
asac yeah22:27
asacwe could also use "mozilla team procedure intro"22:27
asacor just "intro to mozilla team" ;)22:27
Jazzvaas far as I understood, there is a whole lot of scripts in there, and people usually ask about "how to build XY", so maybe we could explain then22:28
Jazzvamozilla team procedure intro == the way we work?22:28
asacright. but maybe just one agenda item in the session?22:28
bdrungasac: "Initial Debian packaging" or do you have a better name?22:28
Jazzvabdrung, I think "Initial release" or "Initial upload" are common22:29
ftai use "Initial release"22:29
asacbdrung: if you import targetted for intrepid (in changelog), use "* import of packageing and RELEASE 0.x.x-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu/intrepdi"22:30
asacor "* initial import of packageing and RELEASE 0.x.x-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu/intrepdi"22:30
ftaoh, commit log, not 1st changelog entry22:30
bdrungintrepedi <- nice :D22:30
asacfta: commit log22:30
asacintrapedia ;)22:31
asacfta: Jazzva: the other point i have is to get name suggests for a generic/while-label browser name ;)22:32
fta[reed], I crash a lot with jit22:32
asaci currently tend to ubuntu-xulbrowser ;)22:32
[reed]fta: yeah22:32
[reed]fta: they're working on it22:32
[reed]I have it off ;(22:32
[reed]I have it off ;)22:32
ftaI'd better turn it off too22:33
Jazzvaasac, ubuntu-xulbrowser is fine... maybe even ubuntu-browser - avg user shouldn't be interested if it's xul, or webkit or something else... it should just work :)22:33
asacJazzva: well. i dont want to occupy such a super generic name22:33
asacmost likely gnome folks want that name too ;)22:33
Jazzvadon't they have gnome-browser? or was it gnome-www-browser?22:33
asacgnome-www-browser :)22:34
asacits an alternative22:34
asacso nobody really owns it22:34
asacanyway, since the purpose is downstreams like gnewsense i even wonder if we should use something without ubuntu22:34
bdrungasac: done22:34
bdrungused now "import of packageing" and changed intrepid to UNRELEASED in changelog22:35
Jazzvataking in regard we shouldn't use something too generic... (ubuntu-)xulbrowser is fine IMO22:35
asacjust xulbrowser?22:36
Jazzvasounds good22:37
asacwhat i dont like is that its not really a safe name22:37
asacit might qualify for a trademark22:37
asacwhich is a bit of a difficult thing22:37
Jazzvabecause of xul?22:37
asacyes. i think someone evil could reserve it and take it away22:38
Jazzvaubrowser? it has "u" for ubuntu... but it's not saying ubuntu :)22:38
Jazzvaand it's not too generic22:38
asacwe can prevent someting like that if we choose a word that cannot be trademarked22:38
asacwhich of course means a commonly used word ;)22:38
asacsomeone said that this is the reason why codenames for processors and such use city names or something ;)22:39
asacor rivers22:39
asacJazzva: do you have a good river next to you? :)22:40
Jazzvasava and danube :)22:40
Jazzvahmm... not to be geo-specific... world-browser :P?22:41
asacyeah ;)22:41
asaci thought about that one too22:41
asacmaybe that means that we should take it ;)22:41
asacawesome-browser ;)22:42
bdrungasac: now you can branch lp:~bdrung/firefox-extensions/htmlvalidator.ubuntu22:42
Jazzvaheh :)22:42
asacwhy not ... it has an awesomebar at least :-P22:42
ftawhat's the purpose of this, i lack context here22:42
asacfta: for downstreams that cannot deal with the restrictions and copyright imposed by firefox branding22:43
asaclike gnewsense22:43
asacso the idea is to make a browser with a non-trademarkable name22:44
asacso we dont need to enforce trademarks and dont risk to loose the right to use that name by someone else claiming it22:44
asacbdrung: branching now22:45
asacbdrung: did you include the complete .svn directories?22:46
asacor something?22:46
ftaasac, i don't understand, it's not what thos debian ice* are for ? even gnewsense like you said ? why something new ?22:46
bdrungasac: you can take the svn repo, run "autoreconf -i; ./configure; make dist" to generate a source package.22:47
asacfta: its not something new. its just giving downstreams like gnewsense a package that is completely free and they can do what they want :) ... this is a long-been-asked-for thing.22:47
asacfta: and ice* applications are burned22:48
asacthe idea is to provide the same quality packages we do, that because of the branding undergo the same review and all22:48
bdrungasac: this is what i did. you can grab it from sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=134222&package_id=147401&release_id=61996822:48
ftaasac, so that's why you need this m-d feature.. i see now.22:49
ftawhat will it change for us ?22:49
bdrungasac: the extracted source package does not have any .svn files/directories or other trash.22:50
asac    Before you make any fork of the code, you should request to the author22:50
asac    if the changes that you want to add would not be better integrated with22:50
asac    the original program.22:50
asacfta: not much.22:50
asacfta: i am currently looking how to do that.22:51
asacfta: the idea is to provide the "unbraded version" and if you install the firefox package it gets flipped to the official branding22:51
bdrungasac: this is a remark, but this is not legally binding22:51
asacnot sure if the form is correct, but archive admin will take a look22:52
bdrungif you have a suggestion for beeing correct for lawyers, you are welcome22:52
bdrungi do not know which words have which meaning in law22:53
Jazzvaoff for 30-60 mins22:57
asacbdrung: maybe say: Authors Note: (not part of the license)22:58
asacbut i have no idea22:58
asacfta: i think its just mostly chrome thing and a few diverts of some images. so thing intrusive23:00
asacnothing ;)23:00
bdrungasac: the second pharagraph says, that it is licensed under GPLv3. so this should be enough it thought.23:01
asacwell ... if you put two licenses in a license file it means it has two licenses ;)23:01
asacso if you add text, it might appear as "additional requirements"23:01
asacthis is not must, but should so i dont think that it wouldnt be a problem23:02
asacbdrung: sgml-lib/23:03
asacthats non-free from what i can see23:03
asacdo we need that directory?23:03
bdrungfor validating.23:04
asacthats not free :(23:05
bdrungthe dtds are non-free?23:05
asacnot sure23:06
asacmaybe 2. is ok. but not being able to modify and such in a license is usually non-free23:06
asacwhy cant those be downloaded from the net?23:06
asacbdrung: maybe those files are already in the ubuntu ardhive?23:09
bdrungi opened sgml.dtd -> found link http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224 -> software licensing -> http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/copyright-software-1998072023:10
asacand you can depend on the package and link to the directory?23:10
bdrunggood idea.23:10
asactidy for instance already is23:10
bdrungi have to check if we could link tidy. it took me some month to change the build process for linking external opensp lib.23:12
asacfta: how easy is it to add support for a simply bzr branch checkout inside the tree?23:12
asacbdrung: yes. can be cumbersome23:12
asacbut definitly worth any minute23:13
asaci mean maintaining source duplicates is a pain23:13
bdrungasac: the dtds are not a problem. there is w3c-dtd-xhtml in main and w3-dtd-mathml in universe23:13
ftaasac, quite easy, it could even be just MOZCLIENT_POSTCOCMD23:13
asacespecially if its something used in onlnie apps23:13
ftafirefox-3.1.conf:#MOZCLIENT_POSTCOCMD  = cd mozilla && python client.py checkout23:13
asacfta: what parameters/environment does POTCO tget?23:13
ftaa full shell command23:13
asacyes. didnt know in what dir that would be23:13
asacfta: so could i say: MOZCLIENT_POSTCOCMD= bzr branch path/to/branding; cp -r branding/ mozilla/browser/23:14
bdrungasac: i have to check how tidy was modified and if it is possible to link tidy.23:14
ftatopdir (as from VCS), except if you use MOZCLIENT_WANTMOZDIR23:15
asacfta: is top dir always the directory where mozilla/ is in for us?23:15
asacor is that different?23:15
asac(e.g. xulrunner has a different layout than firefox)23:15
asacso everyone likes awesome-browser ;)?23:16
ftait's what you get when you do $MOZCLIENT_VCS $MOZCLIENT_VCS_LOC/$MOZCLIENT_PROJECT23:16
asacfta: will everything be tarred up later?23:17
asace.g. even something next to mozilla?23:17
asacor dont i need to bother about cleaning up?23:17
asacor is ther a INCLUDE variable that defaults to SOMETHING ;)23:18
ftahmmmm, not sure. i don't remember23:18
bdrungasac: how to check where "bzr push" will push the branch?23:18
asacok . i think i should clean up then ;)23:18
asacbdrung: bzr info23:18
asacbdrung: if its your own / private branch you can also use checkout ... which will automatically commit/uncommit in repo23:19
ftatry 1st, maybe there's no need. in fact, if you use MOZCLIENT_WANTMOZDIR, it may not be needed23:19
asacbdrung: you can convert a full branch to a checkout branch by bzr bind URLTOBRANCH23:19
asacand bzr update after that23:19
bdrungno need to23:19
asacfta: thanks23:20
asaclooks easy ;)23:20
asacgood work for providing hooks ;)23:20
asaclets see if there is a bug ;)23:20
bdrungasac: i only want to check it bzr push would push to .ubuntu or .upstream23:22
bdrungasac: i have updated the ubuntu branch23:22
asacbdrung: how?23:24
bdrungasac: added "Authors Note: (not part of the license)"23:25
bdrungasac: According to http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/IPR-FAQ-20000620.html,23:25
bdrung "while schemas and DTDs are frequently part of our specifications and23:25
bdrung seemingly fall under the document copyright terms, you may use them under23:25
bdrung the W3C Software License."23:25
bdrungand the W3C Software License is GPL compatible23:26
asacplease add that to the copyright as well23:27
asace.g. that that directory is under that license23:27
asacbut really, please search if those files exist in the archive23:28
asaci am pretty sure they exist23:28
asacno time to look them up23:28
Jazzvaback... to work on nspluginwrapper :)23:32
bdrungasac: found them: sgml-data23:35
bdrungbut the content is not 1:1 the same23:36
asacbdrung: how different are they? maybe the one in validator are outdated?23:41
bdrungasac: the file structure is different, the namings differer for some files slightly, and some files are missing (both ways)23:58
asacbdrung: shouldnt the file names not matter23:59
asacisnt there a dtd catalog that does that mapping23:59

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