
TelnetMantaGuys, how can I add mythbuntu to an existing Ubuntu Gutsy install?00:01
hadsStart with `sudo aptitude install mythbuntu-control-centre`00:02
TelnetMantawill that install the 7.10 version or 8.04?00:04
=== gbutters_afk is now known as gbutters
PreacherManXQuick question regarding LIRC and01:42
PreacherManXSetup is [Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2000] cable box, [Haupage PVR-150]itv card, and 8.04 Mythbuntu, using the IR dongle that came with the PVR-15001:44
PreacherManXI am able to get a generic windows mce remote to control the video playback, and after downloading remotes.zip and putting it in place over the /usr/lib/lirc/remotes/ i can send individual commands to my scientific atlanta cable box01:45
PreacherManXmy question is how do I get this to work automagikally for mythtv ?   Or do I have to go map each command individually?01:45
PreacherManXAnd if so where can I do this @?01:45
PreacherManX[thank you for any potential help or support]01:46
tgm4883_laptopPreacherManX, to point you in the right direction, you would (in mythtv-setup) for your tuner, setup an external channel change command.  This command would be the full path to the script (ie, mine is /usr/local/bin/directv.pl)01:49
tgm4883_laptopproviding you can change the channel from the command line, this should work fine01:50
PreacherManXHrm, and this is under mythtv-setup ?01:50
PreacherManXfor the backend configuration? or front end?01:50
=== gbutters is now known as gbutters_zzzz
tgm4883_laptopmythtv-setup is a backend configuration thing01:51
PreacherManX[sorry new to the terminology of Myth]01:51
PreacherManXroger that.  Thank you.01:51
PreacherManXis there a way to use variables to pass arguments to the script?01:52
PreacherManX[my script takes $1 and $2 which are tuner to send to and channell number]01:53
PreacherManX to my chargrin I am now finding a lot of this in the extended remotes section of the install guide,  need to RTFM more.. :/01:56
tgm4883_laptopPreacherManX, it already passes the channel number, as for the tuner number it doesn't.  The way I did it was I built a script for each tuner that called the main script02:08
vincasHow do I make xfce stop starting the mythfrontend on login ?02:20
vincasif it is xfce starting it02:20
vincasI'm trying to use mythbuntu as a base for something else02:21
thatdoodis there an easy way to upgrade the mythbuntu 8.04 mythtv version from 16838 to the latest svn version 18198?02:25
MythbuntuGuest84Hey all.  I have a prolink pixelview pv-bt878p+ rev10a card that's showing nothing but snow.  Also I switched to it in PnP & now Live TV is stuck on this non working card.  I have a Hauppauge pvr-150 that's working great.  Any ideas on getting the prolink working?02:28
MythbuntuGuest84dmesg | grep bttv shows card=0 unknown generic.  Also, tuner type unset.  Not supported?02:30
Egghead2superm1 u here?02:35
MythbuntuGuest84Hey all.  I have a prolink pixelview pv-bt878p+ rev10a card that's showing nothing but snow.  Also I switched to it in PnP & now Live TV is stuck on this non working card.  I also have a Hauppauge pvr-150 that's working great.  Any ideas on getting the prolink working? dmesg | grep bttv shows card=0 unknown generic.  Also, tuner type unset.  Not supported?02:45
pteaguehmm...  do i give the new box a new name, or give it the name of the laptop who's function it's replacing?02:49
pteaguewhat about running lshw ? i think you'll need to run that as root02:50
MythbuntuGuest84Ok.  Will that give some more hardware detection output?02:55
pteaguels hard ware :)02:55
pteaguehmm... & that's right isn't it?03:01
MythbuntuGuest84that's the rest03:01
MythbuntuGuest84Since that's under the bttv I don't think it's talking about my pvr-15003:02
MythbuntuGuest84Wow!  it IS a mpeg2 capture device!03:02
pteaguelspci might also give some info, but not sure03:03
MythbuntuGuest84I'm gonna try to set it as a mpeg2 encoder & see what happens... (BOOM!)03:04
MythbuntuGuest84Nope.  Instead of snow live tv just stops when I switch to it.  Damn.  At least snow shows that it kind of worked.03:06
PreacherManXhaving the same thing with another bt878 btw03:08
PreacherManXsnow snow snow even after selecting the proper inputs ect.. and the funny thing is i know its using the right input because it has the SOUND from the cable signal.03:08
MythbuntuGuest84lspci = 01:08.0 Multimedia video controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capture (rev 11)03:09
MythbuntuGuest84Seems that it can't control the tuner on the BT878.  dmesg|grep bttv shows "tuner type unset"03:10
pteagueweird... sorry, i'm not a huge help... just recently set up mythbuntu myself...03:25
pteagueanybody know if i want to play dvds on the frontend if i need to be running the mythtv backend on it as well?03:26
MythbuntuGuest84Ok.  The card I have SHOULD show up as card=16 in dmesg|grep bttv.  Anyone know how to change this?03:28
owhSalutations. Just installed a mythbuntu machine from the 8.04.1 CD and am trying to figure out how to make my bluetooth keyboard work. It seems that bluetooth changed between 7.10 and 8.04 and seeing that mythbuntu isn't running gnome, I don't think I can install bluetooth-gnome to get the applet up :)03:29
MythbuntuGuest84It's based off of xubuntu i think.03:30
pteagueyes it is03:30
pteaguexubuntu is more lightweight than gnome or kde03:30
owhWell that gives me something else to google :)03:30
pteaguexubuntu uses xfce in case you weren't sure :)03:31
owhI was :)03:31
pteaguek, sorry03:31
MythbuntuGuest84LOL.  first Kubuntu, then Ubuntu, then Xubuntu.  Make up yo mind!03:31
owhpteague: Nah, don't worry, I didn't know that mythbuntu started from xbuntu :)03:31
Egghead2me either, i thought it was ubuntu :)03:32
pteagueedubuntu, mythbuntu, mediabuntu (i think?)...  isn't there 1 for graphic artists as well? or is that the media 1...03:32
* owh is more a ubuntu server geek :)03:32
pteaguetechnically they're all ubuntu, just use a different desktop03:32
hadsOr none03:33
pteaguethat as well... i use server on my home servers :)03:33
Egghead2running myth diskless (pxe lan boot using ltsp), having problems getting changes made to fstab to presist after reboot, any ideas?03:34
MythbuntuGuest84Yeah.  Different GUIs03:34
foxbuntupteague, its medibuntu and ubuntustudio03:34
foxbuntupteague, but forget fluxbuntu03:34
foxbuntuor kbuntu03:34
pteaguefoxbuntu: alternate cd seems to be working for me so far :)  just wondering if i need a backend installed on the frontend to play dvds03:36
foxbuntupteague, nope03:37
tgm4883_laptoppteague, no, but if you don't have a backend somewhere then you will get some errors from the frontend03:37
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, he has a remote backend iirc03:37
pteaguehave a backend server already up & recording :)03:38
pteaguemy dvd player died & the laptop i was using as a frontend is too slow for the heat of summer... finally got around to buying parts for a new frontend03:39
owhTurns out that you can install bluetooth-gnome and get the applet up :)03:41
owhIt sees the keyboard, asks for the passkey and then dies :(03:44
owhHmm, it tells me that it's running out of memory - bit weird.03:45
pteagueyou have something like top or htop that you can watch the mem usage?03:46
owhNo, I think there is a bug in the applet, still investigating.03:46
owhSeveral bugs appear to be related: Bug #179399, #216928 and #19170403:47
pteaguei ended up naming my new frontend mu03:48
owhThe bug happens because of a time-out, if I type faster, it works :)03:53
owhFor those googling this IRC log, to get mythbuntu to work with a bluetooth keyboard do this:03:53
owhsudo aptitude install bluetooth-gnome03:53
owhDeactivate the input service, then re-activate it.03:54
owhAdd your keyboard.03:54
owhType the passkey on the mythbuntu side.03:54
owhSwiftly type the passkey on the bluetooth keyboard.03:54
owhMagic :)03:54
BrennyIf anyone in here uses nuvexport with mencoder... is it normal for it to go way past 100%? I think it may have just had the initial frame count wrong...04:13
pteagueanybody know off hand which remote i should select for the RC6 that comes with a hauppauge pvr-500?04:23
balzwhen I play a video in myth the sound and video don't line up... It's only for certain files.  Is this a problem with myth or more likely with the file in question?04:23
Brennybalz, can you try playing the unsynced videos in MPlayer or VLC?04:26
balzBrenny:  let me try that real quick.  It's okay if i read it off of an smb share right?04:27
Brennybalz: They should play it, yeah04:28
balzBrenny:  ... still gonna take a few seconds here...04:37
pteagueok, what's the ir transmitter? is that different than the remote & receiver?04:41
balzBrenny:  it doesn't look like it's out of sync in vlc04:42
Brennybalz: Hmm, there is an option to manually tweak audio/video sync while watching videos in MythTV. Hit M while watching, it should be in that menu.04:42
BrennyIt might just be an MPlayer issue (if its a video watched using Video manager and not a recorded show).04:43
balzBrenny;  yeah it's a video in the video manager04:43
Brennyafaik, MythTV uses MPlayer to play videos through the video manager04:44
balzBrenny:  yeah that's correct.  When i hit the menu button though, it just resizes the mplayer window out of fullscreen...04:45
Brennybalz: Weird. Under my video player 'M' brings up an on screen menu.04:46
balzBrenny:  is xine still supposed to be more stable/less wierd than the internal player?04:47
BrennyHonestly, I have no idea. I came here for help with nuvexport (it says my show is 600% done transcoding and is counting upwards :P), so Im not a dev or anything.04:48
balzBrenny:  it's all good. thanks anyway04:48
balzoh well... i can watch casino royale a bit out of sync... it's good enoguh04:49
BrennyI don't know why, but my Video player seems to use the internal Myth player04:50
Brennymaybe there's an option for that somewhere04:50
balzyeah there definitely is.  I'll probably end up doing that if it helps04:50
balzalright. goodnight everyone04:50
pteagueargh!!!  http://pastebin.com/m4c7474f5  :(04:59
discombobulatedis mythbuntu easy to setup?05:42
BrennyI always install MythTV ontop of a Ubuntu installation, but I don't think its Mythbuntu you have to worry about, its configuring MythTV itself that can be hard05:45
discombobulatedis it the same process as installing on ubuntu? 1 time out of 4 i actually got it working when installing. usually some mysql connect error05:47
BrennyI always get some error or another. I usually google that error and persist until I fix it.05:47
BrennyBut the Mythbuntu metapackage might take care of the mysql database, im not sure05:48
discombobulatedi just want mythtv and kde4 to live together in harmony. hasn't happened for me05:49
pteagueweird... after that weird set of messages i rebooted... it seemed to do the same thing again, only ended with red text & immediately rebooted... then it seemed to do the same thing, but loaded the gui...  just finished installing nvidia drivers & rebooting05:49
discombobulatedthough this time i'm using an alpha, kubuntu alpha 4 so i can't say i wasn't asking for probs05:49
BrennyIve always used Gnome, but Ive never had too many problems I couldnt solve.05:53
BrennyMythbuntu install seems very nice and straightforward, but it wont install KDE4 for you. It uses XFCE and is meant for a Myth-only machine.05:53
=== tgm4883_laptop changed the topic of #ubuntu-mythtv to: Mythbuntu 8.10 Alpha 4 Now Available for testing http://www.mythbuntu.org/8.10/alpha4 :: Mythbuntu 8.04.1 Released Please see http://www.mythbuntu.org/8.04.1/release :: See our website at http://www.mythbuntu.org for release and support information :: Paste logs @ http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com Please stick around for people to answer your question, we check back often. Test new features here http://ubuntuforums.org/showt
=== Phssthpok is now known as FreezeFrame
BrennyMan, that guide on running a diskless client is tempting me to buy a flatscreen TV and a thin client.06:03
=== tgm4883_laptop changed the topic of #ubuntu-mythtv to: Mythbuntu 8.10 Alpha 4 Now Available for testing http://www.mythbuntu.org/8.10/alpha4 :: Mythbuntu 8.04.1 Released Please see http://www.mythbuntu.org/8.04.1/release :: See our website at http://www.mythbuntu.org for release and support information :: Paste logs @ http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com Please stick around for people to answer your question. Test new features here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=751668
pteagueok, now i've rebooted after installing nvidia drivers & it's still spewing stuff... keeps doing a "BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 11s! [cron:6083]"  & then does the same for CPU#1... :(06:08
pteagueubuntu security seems to be down :(06:55
pteagueis there a way to get it to skip the graphical boot up screen & show you what it's loading & such?07:50
lagaremove "quiet splash" from the boot options in grub07:52
pteaguei realize that's an option... once you can get to the filesystem... the problem is i'm apparently getting a bunch of segmentation faults & it's not letting me get to anything so i can't figure out what the problem is07:59
lagayou can hit "e" in the boot menu to edit an entry08:00
pteaguethere's "quiet", but no splash attached... i tried nosplash, but no luck... i finally got to a prompt & am running aptitude safe-upgrade...  & getting a seg fault....  http://pastebin.com/m68dba64808:12
lagais that on ubuntu hardy?08:13
pteaguejust installed08:13
lagahum. what cPU?08:13
pteagueIntel BOXD945GCLF Intel Atom processor 230 Intel 945GC Mini ITX08:14
lagatry running memtest86, maybe your hardware is faulty08:15
lagait shouldn't segfault all the time08:15
pteaguethat's the weird thing... i ran that the other day for 30 minutes to an hour & it didn't report any issues08:16
lagasometimes it needs more time than that to discover issues08:16
pteaguek, i'll let it run all night... i should be getting to bed, but just thought of an extra thing to try >.<08:18
lagaalso check CPU temperature08:18
pteaguewell, i can put my finger on the heatsink... no fan...  although the built in videocard has heatsink & fan08:22
lagaindeed, i forgot these are low power cpus ;)08:22
pteaguek, memtest started... i'll check it when i get home from work tomorrow... ok, off to bed08:23
M-SaundersHi all. Does anyone know where I can find a vector version of the silver Mythbuntu logo? No luck at all on Google10:43
lagai think troy_s is our artwork guy10:46
lagayou can find him in #ubuntu-mythtv-devc10:46
lagayou can find him in #ubuntu-mythtv-dev10:46
M-SaundersGreat, thanks!10:47
jdugganM-Saunders: from pcplus.test?11:02
jduggan(years ago)11:02
lagaM-Saunders: what do you have in mind?11:03
M-Saundersjduggan, Yep :-)11:03
M-Saunderslara: An SVG, ideally -- it's for a computer mag11:03
jdugganM-Saunders: wow, long time11:04
jduggan(used to use the nick remedy back then)11:04
M-Saunderslara: Or even a high-res PNG -- just something bigger than the one on the site11:04
M-Saundersjduggan: Ah... Those were the days :-)11:04
M-SaundersWhereabouts are you thesedays?11:05
jdugganeast midlands11:05
M-SaundersI'm down in rainy Bath11:05
lagaM-Saunders: computer mag? if you need any help, let me know. i'm one of the mythbuntu devels11:05
M-Saunderslaga: Cool, thanks. It's just a good logo I need at the mo11:06
lagaask troy_s ;)11:06
lagaor foxbuntu11:06
M-SaundersYeah, I've PMed Troy, although it looks like he's in Canasda11:06
jduggandoes it have to be a silver one?11:31
jdugganthere's a few theme devs usually awake this time of day, in #mythtv-users11:31
jdugganthey might have a suitable logo11:32
M-SaundersI'd like it to be the official one as used on the site11:32
hadsThere's some logo stuff in SVN IIRC12:08
tearoris there something special to the mplayer includet in mythbuntu? or can i simply compile my own mplayer and remove the included one?12:08
hadsSpecial? The fact that it's packaged for you is probably the special bit.12:09
tearorhads, okay, yeah, but i thought maybe it's configured for mythtv so that i shouldnt change anything12:25
hadsNa, it's just mplayer. What do you want to recompile for?12:26
=== gbutters is now known as gbutters|NotHere
jsheedyIs there a document that goes over how to remove menu option from the menu options.  Funny as it may sound, I dont want tv as an option.  Only video, music, and games.14:02
frank23jsheedy: not sure how to do that... But if you don't want pvr function you should check out xbmc for linux. It's not stable yet but the interface is amazing14:36
jsheedyit does have a nice look to it.14:44
NTolerancejsheedy: i believe there are XML files for that, lemme check14:52
NTolerancejsheedy: http://readlist.com/lists/mythtv.org/mythtv-users/13/68940.html14:53
DaveMorrisjsheedy in that case is mythtv really the solution for you?14:55
jsheedywell it is not for me, someone that does not use linux, just wants a box they can have mame/mess games, music, and downloaded videos on.  I gues there could be other solutions, but I had just used mythtv before.15:04
jsheedyNTolerance: thx15:04
frank23jsheedy: well xbmc is definitely not ready then15:05
jsheedyfrank23: yeah guess not15:06
MythbuntuGuest17tgm4883_laptop: two other movies that download low res covers are Smart People, and The Counterfeiters ( Die Fälscher )16:46
=== superm1|away is now known as superm1
thatdoodanyone running an intel Q6600 quad core machine by chance?17:10
kwilliamHi! I'm trying to get my "ATI HDTV Wonder" card to work with MythTV, but whenever I scan for channels, it doesn't see anything.21:06
kwilliamI've looked at http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/ATI_HDTV_Wonder but I don't know how to interpret it.  I just want to view analog US cable channels.21:06
kwilliamHas anybody here worked with this card before?  Or can help me interpret the wiki page?  I'm wondering it the wiki implies I need to reconfigure the kernel, which is something I've never done before.21:08
superm1it seems to be supported for both analog and digitla21:08
kwilliamWell, that's good.21:09
superm1you just need firmware21:09
kwilliamI'm using Mythbuntu 8.04...21:09
kwilliamthe most recent mention in the wiki is Ubuntu 7.1021:09
superm1well try it without21:10
superm1i dont know if that firmware is included these days or not21:10
kwilliamwhere it says the DTV tuner is already preinstalled. :-/21:10
superm1i'd doubt it, because it's probably not redistributable21:10
kwilliamwell, I'll try the firmware instructions for ubuntu 7.0421:11
kwilliamand hope they're not out of date.21:11
AlcomposerI am new to Mythbuntu- I am building a myth box - and I would like to know if using an AMD or Intel chip would be better?   Im currently thinking of going with a Core2 Duo 2 ghz- or a AM 5000+ .   Also if I go with the AMD- should I use the i386 or AMD64 binarys?   I understand that this is probably a newbie question...   I would just like to "get it right".  Regards  Alex21:27
AlcomposerPS: I am just so impressed with Mythbuntu,...  really slick job- keep this up and TiVo will be so 2005..  :D21:31
superm1Alcomposer, that's like asking are clementines or oranges better for you :)21:33
superm1Alcomposer, thanks for the kind words21:33
superm1both will do the trick and get you tons of vitamin c21:33
Alcomposerthanks for the quick reply :)21:34
superm1regarding the 32 bit vs 64 bit debate, if your hardware supports 64 bit, no reason that you need to use 32 bit21:35
superm1flash is the only stickler, but for a mythbuntu box you won't really be using firefox much for browsing usually21:37
superm1and if you are, there is a 32 bit plugin wrapper out there21:37
kwilliamah, I should add 32 bit has better chance of working with ndiswrapper wireless cards though21:38
Alcomposer(i suppose that this is the reason I asked)21:38
tgm4883_laptopwireless :/21:38
superm1wireless on a mythbuntu box, again something i'd lean against :)21:39
superm1particularly if you are doing HD21:39
AlcomposerWas looking into the wireless solution,...21:39
kwilliamI just need internet to fetch stations21:39
kwilliamso I was going to do wireless, myself.21:39
AlcomposerMy tv room is a part of the house that gets 'ok' wifi21:40
kwilliamfor wireless cards that require ndiswrapper, in Linux x64 you need Windows x64 drivers. I didn't have much luck getting ndiswrapper to work in x64 linux.21:40
AlcomposerHowever- currently its just anouther "PCI" card that I would rather not look into,..21:40
AlcomposerI downloaded mythbuntu live for my MacBookPro,..21:41
AlcomposerI must say that it worked OOB :D21:41
kwilliamsuperm1: How should I configure my card in MythTV to use analog channels? Do I configure it as an Analog V4L capture card or a DVB DTV capture card?21:42
tgm4883_laptop'ok' wifi?21:42
superm1kwilliam, analog.  the dvb stuff is only for digital21:42
tgm4883_laptopwireless G won't do HD, i've seen it choke on SD also21:42
superm1i only get SD to work in the same room as my AP wifi21:43
AlcomposerI would think that if one was to use WiFi- it would be for updates only,...   or internet,..21:43
AlcomposerI think that I will just have to run a cable downstairs,...  :(21:44
superm1well saying that wifi is discouraged != doesn't work21:44
kwilliam(That's all I'm interested in the network connection for. I don't have anything to stream video to.)21:44
superm1i mean try it by all means21:44
AlcomposerIll have a go!21:44
kwilliamwhat's the difference between us-cable, us-cable-hrc, and us-cable-irc anyway?21:45
superm1the width of the frequency band21:45
superm1eg how many channels are included in it21:45
kwilliamany way to tell which to use without trying them all, each time?21:45
=== kwilliam is now known as kwilliam|away
AlcomposerIll also be using the new release ,...21:47
superm1just use us-cable21:48
superm1ignore the others21:48
tgm4883_laptopusing wifi is like trying to run HD on a 2.6Ghz machine.  You can get it to work, but it won't work that great, and it's probably not worth the trouble21:48
=== kwilliam|away is now known as kwilliam
kwilliamWell, thanks. I've got a 2.0 GHz machine and now you've told me it'll be obsolete in a few years. :-P21:50
kwilliamNot that it makes a difference, everything is obsolete in a few years these days.21:51
kwilliamsuperm1: Is there a command line I can run to scan for channels, so I can see some diagnostic stuff? It sees the card, but it just gets "no signal" for every channel it scans.21:52
jphillipI've done both of those and I'll verify its not worth the trouble21:53
superm1kwilliam, well did you plug in the cable :) ?21:53
tgm4883_laptopkwilliam, people throw around the word obsolete pretty freely.  I wouldn't consider that machine obsolete, there is always a use for it ;)21:54
Alcomposeranyone have any experience with the TwinHan DVB-T HD PCI cards???   Their web site talks about Linux like its going out of fashon,...21:54
kwilliamYeah... it's on a splitter... god I hate hardware. I can try removing the splitter, but I doubt that'll affect it.21:54
kwilliamAlcomposer: going out of fashion?21:55
AlcomposerIm in Australia- and a budget computer shop here is selling them very cheep,..21:55
kwilliamAlcomposer: got a link? I could use some humor today.21:55
kwilliamLike I said, is there a command line program I can run to scan for channels?21:56
Alcomposer(going out of fashon: ie- when clothing is very fashionable it normally changes)21:56
kwilliamThe MythTV gui is nice, but doesn't provide much feedback about what's going on.21:56
Alcomposerhence they mention it more than XP almost,...  well not really- but you get the point,..21:57
Alcomposerin the words of william shatner- 'its a good thing' ;)21:57
Alcomposerkwilliam: was that a good answer?21:59
kwilliamkwilliam: I suppose.  I've been working on this thing for a week, and could use some light humor was all. :-)22:00
Alcomposerkwilliam: are you telling me,.. a HTPC is something that I have always needed- but never thougt of,...22:02
Alcomposerkwilliam: and now that I do know about it,...   BOOOM- there goes 5 hours,...22:02
AlcomposerI hope that when it works it will just W O R K22:03
AlcomposerThat is the plan - and Im sticking to it,...22:03
AlcomposerI must try to get some sleep,...22:03
kwilliamAlcomposer: Then I suggest buying a TV card that is raved about for working in Linux by fans everywhere.22:04
Alcomposerthanks so much for your answers,...22:04
Alcomposerany ideas?22:04
kwilliamI got a hand-me-down ATI card from my uncle, and wouldn't recommend it.22:04
AlcomposerI think that there is DVico22:04
Alcomposerand Hauppauge22:05
Alcomposerbut anyway22:05
AlcomposerI must be off,...22:05
kwilliamI've been told I shoudl have got a Hauppauge...22:05
kwilliamhindsight 20/20. I suppose. Bye Alcomposer!22:06
AlcomposerIll consider it,...22:06
* kwilliam installs and trys scantv22:12
* kwilliam reboots his Myth box22:17
kwilliamnxt2004: Firmware upload complete, well that's good I think.22:26
kwilliamNo luck.  Still can't find any channels.  It should though, because Windows can.22:27
kwilliamThat implies the hardware works.22:27
kwilliamAh. I'm almost certain now I need to reconfigure the kernel.22:33
kwilliamI hope that's not too hard in Ubuntu.22:33
=== kwilliam is now known as kwilliam|away
abarberi'm having some trouble with a channel change script23:42
abarberran it from the terminal23:42
abarber"/usr/local/bin/change-channel-lirc.sh 200"23:43
abarberbut it doesn't change the channel23:43

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