
tseliotbryce: you're right, I didn't pay enough attention to your patch. I guess it's because it's 1:11 AM here ;)00:12
bryceah, no prob.  I'll get it built and stuff, maybe we can test and/or commit tomorrow00:22
tseliotbryce: ok, great00:36
tseliotand good night00:36
brycetjaalton: I've updated notes on http://bryceharrington.org/X/PkgList/versions_current.html; let me know if you disagree with any of it01:45
dholbachhi guys05:51
dholbachwhat would you think about running a session at Ubuntu Developer Week?05:51
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep still has some free slots and I'm sure people would be interested in learning more about what you do05:52
brycedholbach: I did one last time06:49
dholbachbryce: how did it work out? are you guys interested in running another one?06:49
brycedholbach: well, we didn't get any helpers, mostly people were just asking about X status, and for help with their X problems06:50
bryceso, I don't have an interest in doing another myself, but maybe someone else would06:51
dholbachah I see - did you pimp your TODO section enough and talk a bit about stuff that people could get involved with?06:51
brycecertainly, and explained how to get involved, pointed out low hanging fruit that'd be easy for newbs to make a difference at, etc.06:52
dholbachOK... I'm not going to pester you much more :)06:53
dholbachin my sessions I'm going to point to harvest a lot, I hope that people will drive fixes toward you guys that way :)06:53
bryceI think mostly people were just interested in what upcoming features there were going to be in the next release, so I think they got useful info out of it, but that could be taken care of with just a blog post or two ;-)06:54
bryceyeah I've not been able to make much use of harvest so far06:54
bryceby default it displays too much data - I think what I'd love to see is a variant that displays only the several dozen Xorg packages06:56
dholbachhang on06:56
dholbachbryce: do you have a team that is bug contact for the X packages?06:57
bryceyep, it's 'x-swat' iirc06:57
dholbachjust a sec06:58
dholbachbryce: http://6b62lx06:58
dholbachbryce: http://tinyurl.com/6b62lx06:58
bryceah perfect, thanks06:59
tjaaltonwow, that looks nice07:13
dholbachbryce: you could run a session called "the perfect contributor" :-)07:16
bryceI'd just point to tjaalton and be done, I think07:17
dholbachok ok, I said I'd stop pestering you :)07:18
* dholbach hugs bryce07:18
* dholbach hugs tjaalton too07:18
* bryce hugs dholbach07:18
brycethanks for the harvest help, I was thinking I'd need to do some major hacking, this'll be extremely handy07:18
dholbachbryce: I wrote a small script that generates the "harvest url" from the +packagebugs page: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2008-August/026118.html07:19
dholbachthat's not perfect or anything - the long term plan is to use seeds, but I'm just so busy right now that I didn't manage to start hacking on that07:20
tjaaltonbryce: :D07:20
* bryce nods07:20
dholbachyou could add that tinyurl to your GettingInvolved page07:20
dholbachso people triage the page every now and then07:21
bryceyeah, although the first place I'll slot it in is at http://bryceharrington.org/X/Reports/status_current.html07:21
dholbachok... works for me :)07:21
dholbachsleep tight07:23
dholbachsee you07:23
tjaaltonbryce: btw, now that evdev is used for keyboards and mice, we could be able to drop kbd and mouse from -input-all09:27
tjaaltonhm, that doesn't buy us a lot of diskspace after all09:28
tjaaltonjoystick and evtouch are just as small09:28
brycewell, every bit helps09:42
brycebut will people need them perhaps, if evdev proves problematic?09:42
tjaaltonthey can install those afterwards09:43
tjaaltonI think it's safe to say that evdev just works09:44
tjaaltonmerging intel09:45
tjaaltonjcristau: was there a proper patch for the Xv issue on G45?09:46
* Ng perks up at mention of G45 ;)10:07
tjaaltonNg: 2.4.1 aka 2.4.2 on the way10:08
NgI'm getting a weird thing where the display drops out every so often (in that my tv blinks and shows the signal information again, like it switched video modes)10:08
Ngit happens more on DVI than HDMI, but other than that I have no useful information about it, there's certainly no log entries anywhere10:09
crevettehi there10:09
NgI'm worried that it might be something with the northbridge itself, when I was installing the board I picked it up by the thing's heatsink and I may have disloged it a bit :/10:09
tjaaltonNg: nah, those things should be robust10:10
Ngtjaalton: the heatsink definitely had more movement in it after I'd done that. I'm worried I might have cracked a solder joint or something ;)10:11
crevetteis there some known corruption problem with intel latest driver on intrepid?10:12
tjaaltoncrevette: probably10:14
crevettethe chipset is 94510:14
brycecrevette: bug #?10:15
brycecrevette: what sort of corruption?  got a screenshot/photo?10:15
crevetteI can do that tonight when I'll be at home10:19
tjaaltonhm, enabling greedy migrationheuristic doesn't help anymore10:19
crevetteI didn't opened a bug yet10:19
tjaaltonbryce: the greedy patch for intel hasn't been applied since 1.5 came along (it crashes), and setting the option by hand doesn't seem to help improving the performance at all. so, what about dropping the patch from the diff?10:23
brycetjaalton: I figured we'd need to drop it eventually, so yeah10:24
tjaaltonI've forgot already; why don't we use XAA?10:24
bryceEXA is the future!10:24
brycewell, there were some bugs / mis-features which intel said they'd not support on XAA anymore10:25
tjaaltonwell, EXA performance doubled with backported EXA changes from xserver master10:25
tjaaltonah right10:25
brycewasn't it video compositing stuff or something?10:25
tjaaltonsomething like that10:26
* crevette keeps with ubuntu defaut config to support the future10:29
crevettebut the performances are not here :)10:29
jcristau+   pI830->TexturedXvEnabled = xf86ReturnOptValBool(pI830->Options, OPTION_TEXTURED_VIDEO, FALSE);10:32
jcristautjaalton: just add || OVERLAY_NOEXIST(pI830) there10:32
jcristautjaalton: and, updating the patch description and the manpage to say this option defaults to off would be nice10:33
tjaaltonjcristau: heh, right. Now that I tried with the default settings (textured video on) on my i965, I didn't notice any problems10:33
tjaaltonbut I should probably get a more demanding clip10:34
tjaaltonright. no problem running an episode of Fifth Gear10:41
tjaaltonwhat the hell made it work this good?-)10:41
tjaaltonso I guess that patch could be dropped as well10:45
tjaaltonat least disabled for now to see if people complain10:45
tjaaltonjcristau: so; +   pI830->TexturedXvEnabled = xf86ReturnOptValBool(pI830->Options, OPTION_TEXTURED_VIDEO || OVERLAY_NOEXIST(pI830), FALSE); ?10:56
tjaaltonargh :)10:57
jcristaupI830->TexturedXvEnabled = OVERLAY_NOEXIST(pI830) || xf86ReturnOptValBool(stuff);10:57
tjaaltonmakes more sense. anyway, I'll leave it disabled for now10:58
Q-FUNKisn't today archive day?12:47
tjaaltonQ-FUNK: AIUI mon, wed, fri are13:08
Q-FUNKwas wondering what was going on with -geode sync from debian13:11
tjaaltonno idea..13:24
tedgHey guys, can you tell me about fast-user switching on Intrepid.17:06
tedgI'm getting an X error from GDM.17:06
tedgAnd from the log it looks like the nVidia driver can't initialize the kernel module?17:07
tedgSeems odd that it could once, but not the second time.17:07
tedgIn general, is fast-user switching working in current Intrepid?17:07
tseliotbryce: can you upload this, please? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/envyng-core/+bug/26086217:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260862 in envyng-core "Update EnvyNG in Intrepid" [Undecided,New] 17:47
tseliotbryce: so that I can ask an archive admin about envyng-core and screen-resolution-extra?17:48
tseliotbryce: thanks, let me know when it's done so that I can bug an admin before feature freeze ;)18:37
crevettenew intel driver seems to be better18:47
crevettebetter performances at least18:47
crevettehey, there is not comosited launch animation on gnome-panel18:53
tormodbryce, are you interested in imagemagick?21:22
tormodI was wondering if I should try to merge 6.4 which fixes some Ubuntu bugs21:26
tormodbut there are diffs not described in the changelog :(21:26
tormodwould you review it if try? before FF?21:27
brycetseliot: btw envyng-core is uploaded21:29
tseliotbryce: thanks a lot21:30
tormodbryce, you had something to merge changelogs, right?21:35
james_wbryce: sorry, but I very much doubt I'll be able to review anything before feature freeze22:28
bryceyay, mesa 7.1 released23:25
brycetseliot: found a problem in the screen-resolution-extra stuff - email sent23:33
tseliotbryce: thanks for reporting. I'll have a look at it23:35
tseliotbryce: does it solve the problem if you replace time.time() with str(time.time()) ? line 25923:38
tseliotin screenresolution-mechanism.py23:39
* bryce tries23:39
brycethat solved the error23:40
brycelet's see if it updated things correctly23:40
tormodbryce: Imagemagick got messy. Found out a sync was probably better, but it needs some changes to BFS. Don't understand while my PPA build failed during dh_install.23:41
bryceok looks like it worked and updated xorg.conf correctly.  Rebooting to see if the Screen Resolution settings take too23:43
brycetormod: ah too bad23:43
tseliotbryce: great23:43
tormodbryce: see bug #18877323:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 188773 in imagemagick "please merge imagemagick 7: from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18877323:44
tormodit's a bit awkward that I don't have intrepid myself...23:45
tormodthe most important bug fix here was for bug #17857523:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 178575 in libexif "bad orientation tag causes gthumb to show strange value" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17857523:49
tormodexif data is lost on image transformation23:49
brycetormod: yeah I agree getting that patch upstream is probably the best way to go23:52
brycetormod: I don't think you can sync it otherwise23:52
brycetseliot: I put up some additional screenshots 8a-1023:53
tormodbryce: we have to wait for the patch to go upstream before syncing?23:53
brycetormod: unless there is a reason why that patch is unimportant, yes the folks that do syncs would probably require it to be a merge23:55
brycetseliot: and http://bryceharrington.org/ubuntu/ScreenRes/screens-11.png23:56
tormodbecause it's cosmetic? typo in documentation?23:56
brycetseliot: sweetness :-)23:56
tormodI'll add that.23:56
tseliotbryce: the fact that it outputs the "Error" word is just the output of the logging library, nothing to worry about23:57
tseliotbryce: I'm glad to see that it works23:57
brycetseliot: notice that in the console output there's info msgs that are labeled Errors which really aren't - is there a way to clean that up?23:57
bryceok, so it seems to generally work23:57
tseliotbryce: yes, I think it's in the mechanism. Let me have a look23:58
brycetseliot: it's a bit irritating that the Screen Resolution tool has to block until the python tool completes, and I think some users may get confused about that, but I don't think there's an easy way around that23:58
brycebut something we may want to think about23:59
bryceanyway, once you get that time.time bug fix in, I think this is good to go23:59

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