
xXxREDxBULLxXx...I installed CRRCSim and can't uninstall it now :(00:04
excalibashello, how can i use my wifi for internet and cable for networking? (at the same time)  can someone direct me for some help on this please?00:05
excalibasis this the best way? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137000:15
excalibasmaybe there is some easer way...00:15
xXxREDxBULLxXxany ideas?00:18
favroxXxREDxBULLxXx: how did you install it?00:20
favro!find CRRCSim00:22
ubottuPackage/file CRRCSim does not exist in hardy00:22
xXxREDxBULLxXxits some stupid air plane sim00:22
zoredachedid you install it with apt, dpkg, or what?00:23
favrok - I never use debs - does sudo apt-get remove do anything00:23
excalibashello, how can i use my wifi for internet and cable for networking? (at the same time)  can someone direct me for some help on this please?00:23
xXxREDxBULLxXxfavro didn't work00:23
xXxREDxBULLxXxI think its called gdebi00:23
xXxREDxBULLxXxI downloaded it from www.getdeb.net00:23
zoredachetry 'sudo dpkg -P crrcsim' perhaps00:24
xXxREDxBULLxXx<3 thank you00:25
excalibassould i use firestarter? im a bit lost, please help00:36
cody-somervilleexcalibas, what are you trying to do?00:38
excalibascody-somerville: i have internet with my wireless connection (wlan0) i want to connect to my wired connection (eth0) at the same time.00:39
* cody-somerville backs away00:40
favroexcalibas: there is a chat channel for network stuff that might be better for that question - #network00:44
zoredacheexcalibas: what you are asking for is a fairly complex configuration.  It is probably possible, but it is not easy.  The question really isn't xubuntu specific.  The networking components should be the same for almomst any debian/ubuntu based distro.  You might want to look for a channel like ubuntu server00:44
favroexcalibas: sorry I was wrong about the channel :)00:46
excalibasok, thanks i though it would be a simple thing to do ill try to read some more. thanks00:46
favroexcalibas: the channel is #networking00:49
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu!02:19
zenstonei have this problem with my hardy... installed it on a no-name laptop and x seems to go screwy... the screen is bigger than the actual display, cant scroll it.. and randonly everything goes white and i have to drag a window around like a paint brush to bring stuff back to view...02:24
zenstonethat makes no sense.. hah.. hrm..02:25
favrozenstone: sounds like you need to set up the vid card driver02:26
zenstonehow is that done ?02:27
favrolspci | grep VGA  in a terminal will let you know which card you have02:27
zenstoneok.. im not on the machine sadly.. no net at home so im at a public library...02:28
zenstonewhat next..02:29
zenstoneim hoping theres a simple vesa server02:30
favrohmm - the only way I know in hardy is to edit the xorg.conf file and add some resolution stuff - I'll paste a basic one you can copy02:30
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:30
zenstoneis there any documentation on this? list of servers to play with ?02:32
favrohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/40538/ - it'll get you started02:33
favrothen gksu mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:34
zenstonenice.. ok, cool...02:34
favrozenstone: if you new the h/ware you could google for what others use02:34
zenstonei wish i knew the brand of the laptop..02:35
favrolspci and lshw will give you the details02:35
zenstonethank you.. :)02:35
favronp :)02:36
zenstoneanyluck setting up bootable thumb drives ?02:36
favropendrivelinux.com is good for that02:36
favrolots of howtos02:37
shadowhywindhay all, just installed and wondering I have a font that i want to use and don't know where to install it to. would be be .fonts in the home user?02:37
zenstoneyeah, im trying to follow those, but i dont have net access and i need mtools and syslinux, seems like a i need to get a lot of dependencies02:37
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer02:37
shadowhywindthanks, didn't know if it would be the same from ubuntu/kubuntu02:38
favroshadowhywind: they work the same - the desktop environment and some apps are the diff02:39
shadowhywindalso in kubuntu i used to use kedit a lot, is there a xedit? (hehe)02:40
favrozenstone: using linux pretty much needs an internet connection - or get a dvd of a distro which'll come with more apps available02:40
favroshadowhywind: mousepad in xubuntu02:40
shadowhywindok thanks a ton02:40
favronp :002:41
favro:) even02:41
Guest24487has anybody else has any problems getting eee pc 900's audio workiing?  I changed the 'alsa-base' as it shows in every forum.  Thanks.03:24
favrotry in #eeepc :003:30
Guest24487thank you :)03:30
=== [zEr0-x] is now known as {zEr0-x}
victorsouzahello, im a computer engineer student and Im doing a big tutorial and  basic introduction to Xubuntu to the  users that are more familiar with windows but are curious to try Xubuntu. This is a 35 pages final paper for my class but I would like to support Xubuntu with this documentation?04:35
victorsouzaI think its a pretty good basic tutorial and information for the windows users.04:35
PorkSod1oh man I thought I was a gonner for sure04:41
PorkSod1peace and quiet room love it04:42
PorkSod1and I am talking to myself not good04:43
PorkSod1well I guess I deserved a kick in the butt out of ubuntu04:45
PorkSod1the channel that is04:45
PorkSod1anyone ever been banned from a channel04:45
Odd-rationalei have never been kicked from a channel :)04:46
PorkSod1yeah looks like I'm the only loser04:46
PorkSod1I was trying to be a ass but I have a short fuse and sometimes when someone says something that gets under my skin I will blow fire04:47
PorkSod1not trying to be a ass04:47
Odd-rationalehey, it's only the internet... no need to get heat up about anything...04:49
PorkSod1yeah just when people say stuff like this is the last time I tell arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr makes me tick off  theres a better way to say something so I just let it out04:50
PorkSod1all I wanted to know was how to search for someone that comes on ubuntu from time to time and then I get a vague answer like go to freenode channel04:51
PorkSod1This person I was looking for was helping me out with linux and the last thing I need is someone to give me a answer like that because linux has been frustrating to me and the modem setup was a nightmare the first time around04:53
PorkSod1but does anyone know how long it takes to get the latest version of xubuntu04:55
Odd-rationalePorkSod1: by latest, you mean the 8.10 alphas? or the latest stable 8.04 LTS ?05:03
PorkSod18.04 lts05:03
PorkSod1Brainteaser time how can I upgrade Ubuntu 6.06 to xubunu 8.04 lts without the torrent05:04
xXxREDxBULLxXxis there anyway I can get a uptime monitor, I like the one in the panel, but then it doesn't fit correctly05:17
* aschmidt is in need of assistance with regard to wireless networking06:06
favroxXxREDxBULLxXx: I use conky for that06:18
toki_hey guys ive been trying to install ubuntu on a P3 866mhz/128mb, the 7.04 and 8.04 standard cds hang after after the menu, so im to a xubuntu 7.04 alternate cd now, so what should i add to the boot options other than noacpi?07:26
favrotoki_: I didn't need any boot options for a similar system07:28
toki_its a laptop, does that make a difference07:29
favrowell it might - noapic nolapic seems the best boot options for older lappies :)07:30
toki_both of those? and is that an "L" in nolapic07:31
favroyes and yes07:31
toki_thanks :) lets see where this goes........07:32
favroit was the amount of mem you have that was the issue with the live cd imo07:32
toki_i agree07:34
toki_i thought it was worth a shot though07:34
toki_so i already have a dual boot between backtrack and win2k with lilo as the boot loader, what is this xubuntu installer going to do with that? im open for either adding an entry in lilo, but if xubuntu can install grub and autodetect the others, id like that.07:44
favroit should find other os's ok07:45
toki_do i need to modify the mount point / mount options / bootable options for its new partition?07:46
favrodid you select manual or auto partitioning?07:47
favrofor manual you need to select the mount points07:48
wols_toki_: 2 linux distros can be a hassle with conflicting bootloaders07:49
wols_which one do you want to keep? or maybe do a cascaded boot menu?07:50
wols_e.g. you could install grub to your partition only not the MBR07:50
toki_i selected manual partitioning, i already have a 1gb swap partition (they can share it right?), and about the boot loaders, i dont care if it overwrites the old one (on mbr) if it boots to the others07:54
toki_if its easier to change the splash menu, ill go with grub07:54
toki_so what mount point do i go for, root or what?07:55
favrotoki_: you need to have a / mount point07:55
favrosharing swap is ok07:56
toki_still installing...... how much hdd space does a typical installation take?08:23
favroabout 2G for /08:24
toki_sweet, it will be in the last 4G chunk of free space on this 15G drive08:25
toki_dang this thing is brutal on the cd drive08:28
favrohehe - they do get a workout08:29
AlexCONRADhi, I'm trying to install the nvidia drivers from the official site (nvidia.com), but it tells me I have to exit X server before installing. How can I do that ?09:09
AlexCONRADI tried CTRL +ATL +F209:09
AlexCONRADbut it seems that X is still running then09:10
favro CTRL +ATL +F2 then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:12
wols_AlexCONRAD: not supported will break your package management09:31
bakadesuhello guys09:39
AlexCONRADfavro, wols_: actually I was able to make the envy drivers work as I wanted. I'm trying to automate the installation of my setup. But envy is pretty GUI. How can I automate the install of the envy drivers with the nvidia ?10:36
AlexCONRADenvy seems to call a subscript to install the nvidia drivers10:36
AlexCONRADany idea what that script is and how to run it without having the Envy GUI menu installed ?10:37
favroI've never bothered with envy - sorry :)10:42
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:42
bakalokalokai wonder if11:20
bakalokalokais possible to use the drawer function of gnome11:20
bakalokalokais there an alternative for xfce?11:20
bakalokalokato add a drawer to the panel?11:20
bakalokalokaand the add programs launchers to the drawer.. cause i use to do that in gnome11:21
favrobakalokaloka: if you make a launcher in the left panel it can open as many apps as you want - there will be an arrow at the side if there is more than one app to launch11:23
bakalokalokathanks i will try11:27
bakalokalokai cant found mercury messenger11:28
bakalokalokaon synaptic11:28
bakalokalokai wonder why11:29
favro!find mercury11:29
ubottuFound: jukebox-mercury, mercury, mercury-doc11:29
favro!info mercury11:29
ubottumercury (source: mercury): A new logic/functional programming language. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.0.rotd.20040511-5ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 4585 kB, installed size 20180 kB11:29
bakalokalokanot that one11:29
favrohehe - what does mercury do?11:30
bakalokalokamercury messenger11:30
bakalokalokai like it better than amsn11:30
favroirc client is it?11:30
bakalokalokai use to have it when i had ubuntu11:30
favroif it is available in ubuntu it is available in xubuntu11:31
bakalokalokaim looking11:34
bakalokalokabtw wow.. i take out the option for11:34
favrobakalokaloka: http://mercury.im/ - has a deb for it11:34
bakalokalokause hinting in the user interface preferences11:34
bakalokalokathe image quality improve a lot11:34
bakalokalokaseems that option is for older monitors11:34
bakalokalokathanks favro11:35
favronp :)11:35
favrobakalokaloka: use gdebi to install it11:35
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.11:35
bakalokalokadoes it come with with xubuntu by default?11:37
bakalokalokaor i need to install gdebi11:37
favroI never use it and am not on a xubuntu box atm...11:39
favroin terminal type   gdebi   and see :)11:39
bakalokalokait type gdebi-gtk11:39
bakalokalokait work11:40
bakalokalokahmm but its all blank11:41
bakalokalokai cant do anything11:41
bakalokalokagdebi is not workign for me11:43
bakalokalokaall oprtions are off11:43
bakalokalokai only can select file > open and quit11:44
bakalokalokaand help > about11:44
bakalokalokathats it11:44
bakalokalokai get it now11:47
bakalokalokahow this works11:47
favroif you started it from terminal when you close it there might be error messages to give a clue11:48
favroyah :)11:48
bakalokalokaits unpacking mercury messenger now11:48
bakalokalokaits kind of slow but seems to be working11:48
bakalokalokait was supposed installed11:51
bakalokalokai cant found it11:51
hajhousej #R11:51
favrotry sudo update-menus  then look again11:52
toki_whats the ubuntu equivilaint of fedora's yum?11:52
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)11:53
favrotoki_: ^^11:53
toki_right on, thanks guys11:53
bakalokalokawhat command is not working11:54
favrobakalokaloka: in terminal type   mercury   then hit the tab button11:55
mespejel_hello again12:20
mespejel_i know whats the problem with mercury12:21
mespejel_seems i need java sun version not java open source version12:21
mespejel_i have gnu version12:21
mespejel_i need java version12:21
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:21
favro2nd one I think12:22
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:24
mespejel_it was12:24
mespejel_btw do i need gnu java12:25
mespejel_or i can just remove it now12:25
mespejel_if i have the sun version now12:25
mespejel_i dont need for any other version.. or do it need?12:25
favroit won't take must space12:25
mespejel_but i mean i dont need gnu anymore12:26
mespejel_or gnu can run some stuff that sun version doesnt?12:26
favroI wouldn't know...12:27
mespejel_any tip12:32
mespejel_where can i get the lastest CVS of the libdc1394 library12:32
favrothat'll be at bit of time with google...:)12:34
mespejel_i found it12:37
mespejel_from may 8 200812:37
mespejel_was the last one12:37
mespejel_lets see if it supports my fireware webcam12:38
noob369Hello everybody I need immediate help about Xubuntu on eeePc: can't use the efault wireless card of Atheros, actually using an external usb device but not working properly. PLEASE ANYBODY HELP!!12:52
vinnlnoob369, have you looked on the Eee wiki?12:52
favrothere is  #eeepc12:53
mespejel_ahhh i cant install13:04
mespejel_i alrady inside the folder.. cd libdc1394-2.0.013:05
mespejel_i found the install file13:05
mespejel_is install-sh13:05
mespejel_im trying sudo ./install-sh13:05
favrois there a readme file?13:06
mespejel_and is not working.. i get an error that no input file specified13:06
mespejel_does commands do not work13:07
mespejel_the ./configure one did work13:07
mespejel_but not make13:07
mespejel_even less make install13:07
favrodo you have build-essential installed?13:08
favrohmm - can you paste the readme?13:08
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:08
BlueRiderhello Xubuntu fellows13:09
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu!13:09
mespejel_yeah favro i think i know my mistake13:10
mespejel_i need to do a system wire installation13:10
mespejel_and compile and install libdc from a svn source13:10
mespejel_i give up13:25
mespejel_i cannot install it :(13:25
favroyou gave it a good shot :)13:26
mespejel_the readme is wrong13:31
mespejel_and the install manual as well im doing exactly what they want13:31
mespejel_to cd the directory then to ./configure13:31
mespejel_then make to compile the package13:31
mespejel_and when i type make.. i get this error: make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.13:32
favromespejel_: you're not in the right dir from that error?13:34
mespejel_im in the rigth dir13:36
mespejel_thats the only one starting with libdc13:36
mespejel_cant be any other13:37
mespejel_is the correct dir13:38
favromespejel_: there might be a dir in there you need to be in  - I'm far away and can't see from here :)13:39
mespejel_well there is just the original one which is tar.gz ....13:40
mespejel_they want me to go to that one?13:40
mespejel_cause i did unpack does files13:40
favroit won't be the tar.gz13:41
mespejel_well there is no other13:41
favrocan you paste the output of   ls   ?13:41
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:41
mespejel_no one is here let me copy paste13:42
mespejel_is not that much13:42
mespejel_commands         libdc1394-2.0.2.tar.gz                 vmware-tools-distrib13:42
mespejel_Desktop          open-vm-tools-2008.04.14-8718213:42
mespejel_libdc1394-2.0.2  open-vm-tools-2008.04.14-87182.tar.gz13:42
mespejel_is the one im using13:43
mespejel_cd libdc1394-2.0.2/13:44
favromespejel_: the dir you need will have file named configure in it - you  are not in that dir13:44
mespejel_im inside13:44
mespejel_i even try .configure && make13:44
mespejel_but didnt work13:44
favrocd ./libdc1394-2.0.213:45
favro./configure && make13:45
mespejel_now is the turn for make install13:47
mespejel_i hope it works but i dont think so13:47
favrosudo make install pal :)13:47
mespejel_yes  i know13:47
mespejel_make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.13:48
favrodid the make work ?13:48
mespejel_same thing again13:48
mespejel_package is not working i guess13:48
mespejel_i will try to install the old version13:49
mespejel_my webcam is old so13:49
mespejel_i dont need the new one i guess13:49
mespejel_i have a final exam in a couple of hours13:51
mespejel_i dont even know why im doing this13:51
mespejel_part of my adhd, shit13:51
mespejel_now i cant stop until my webcam start working13:51
favroalways sleep well before exams! hehe13:51
mespejel_i have my adderall13:51
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras13:51
mespejel_no need to sleep13:51
mespejel_same thing13:57
mespejel_with the old version13:57
mespejel_i dont get it!13:57
mespejel_why aahhh13:57
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:58
needhelp89ANY idea about Why is my usb wifi device on eeepc getting too hot and stop workin'??14:13
favroneedhelp89: try in #eeepc :)14:15
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
RakZer0Ok, does anyone know what became of repo 'ps3pf-utils'?15:30
cody-somervilleof the repo?15:32
cody-somervilleIsn't that a package?15:32
favro!find ps3pf-utils15:32
ubottuPackage/file ps3pf-utils does not exist in hardy15:32
RakZer0sry, pkg not repo15:33
RakZer0im in xubuntu (specifically for ps3), and typing ps3videomode (to set my videomode) returns:15:33
RakZer0The program 'ps3videomode' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:15:34
RakZer0sudo apt-get install ps3pf-utils15:34
RakZer0following instr. as described in post here: http://psubuntu.com/wiki/SetupMonitor15:34
favroit must of been dropped for hardy - it is listed for gutsy15:35
RakZer0this is 7.1015:35
RakZer0I get error dependancy libc6 is not satisfied, yet I tried to inst before I even ran it and it says libc6 is current15:42
favro!find libc615:42
ubottuFound: apt, apt-utils, libc6, libc6-amd64, libc6-dbg (and 7 others)15:42
RakZer0well, ok...libc6 on my system is outdated..15:44
favrosudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade15:45
RakZer0no wonder, forgot to reload uponf fresh install :-!15:45
RakZer0right.. :P15:45
RakZer0sudo apt-get hot-support-love15:46
RakZer0whaddya know, located every ps pkg15:47
favroit's working out?15:49
RakZer0seems to be, we'll see in a second..15:49
RakZer0the next steap after this is:15:49
favroxubuntu ftw! hehe15:49
RakZer0yes indeed, xubuntu is my fav..15:50
favroyou'll be busy for a while :)15:52
favroany more hassles feel free to ask here :)15:52
vinnlXubuntu Community ftw :)15:53
RakZer0thanks favro15:56
favromy pleasure RakZer015:56
RakZer0sudo etc/init.d/gdm stop  ..is the syntax right to stop gdm?15:57
vinnl/etc/init.d/gdm I guess15:58
favrosudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop15:58
RakZer0ah of course..15:58
RakZer0finally, no more 400x300 resolution :P16:01
RakZer0though Im not sure, was linux made for 1080p?16:01
favrodepends on your vid card16:02
favrolinux isn't the bottleneck there  - the vid card drivers are afaik16:02
RakZer0not sure on gpu usability on a ps3 yet..last I heard was iffy16:03
RakZer0its a modified nvidia ~7950 gpu16:03
favrothe nv driver will get you 2d - on a ps I wouldn't be sure but16:04
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:05
RakZer0well..remember, its a nvidia gpu...modified to work with a PowerPC..16:06
RakZer0oh crap...is this site mirrored anywhere? http://psubuntu.com/wiki/SetupPSUbuntu16:06
RakZer0ok back up...16:08
RakZer0Im guessing no one else in here has attempted this?16:08
favromight be time to find a ps support channel - I'll have a quick google :)16:08
favromy google skills fell short here.. :(16:14
RakZer0!find rpm2cpio16:15
ubottuFile rpm2cpio found in rpm16:15
RakZer0favro: yeah...try #ps3 on freenode here ;)16:15
RakZer0it's 'official'...officially empty16:16
favro!info rpm2cpio16:16
ubottuPackage rpm2cpio does not exist in hardy16:16
RakZer0says its a redhat pkg?16:17
RakZer0this claims its an ubuntu pkg..16:17
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)16:17
RakZer0so, go alien, to rpm, to sprm2cpio?16:17
favroerr - not using my name as a recomendation fot it ...16:18
RakZer0well...the kernel version I am on doesnt detect my wifi, and this tut says this is the way to do it16:18
favrogo with the tute then16:18
RakZer0trying to update the kernel..16:19
RakZer0what is the path of the dekstop? :/16:59
RakZer0pfft, nm16:59
bytor4232 ~/Desktop17:00
RakZer0OK, take a look at this...http://psubuntu.com/wiki/Setup When I do command number 5, it says premature end of archive...any idea what I may be doing wrong?17:12
s_Evenare you in the right directory?17:14
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
RakZer0you mean am I pointing it to the right dir? yes17:14
RakZer0when in doubt, drag and drop anyway :P17:15
RakZer0if im pointing to the wrong place it just returns file not found anyways.17:15
s_Evenwell... i don't have any idea at all...17:16
s_EvenI'm really sorry...17:16
favfrowhat was the issue - I got disconnected...17:17
RakZer0.http://psubuntu.com/wiki/Setup When I do command number 5, it says premature end of archive...any idea what I may be doing wrong?17:18
zoredacheare you sure the file you downloaded was good?17:18
favfro+1 zoredache 's point17:19
RakZer0well, I tried it several times...17:20
RakZer0form 2 different machines..17:20
zoredacheare there md5sums provided at the download site so you could verify?17:21
favfroor an alternate source?17:21
=== favfro is now known as favro
favro /msg NickServ identify ere4si17:25
zoredachesomeone change his password for him..17:25
RakZer0ok..I think I got them extracted, but when I try to drag them to /boot nothing happens...17:26
favrowho would think a soace would make a diff...17:26
RakZer0heh, apparently freenode..17:26
favro*space even17:26
RakZer0how do I manually copy files? (as in with admin priv :P)17:30
favrosudo cp -v /path/to/copy /path/to/copy/to17:31
zoredachesudo cp src dst17:31
RakZer0what is -v?17:32
zoredacheverbose... it tells you what it is doing17:32
RakZer0and can I define multiple src?17:33
zoredachesure sudo cp file1 file2 file3 dstdir17:33
RakZer0what if file 1 is a dir?17:33
zoredacheyes, you can use wildcards.  and if you need directories you may need a '-r'.17:35
favrocp -Rv   for copying dirs17:35
RakZer0was he angry about the verbose echoing? :P17:35
favrotrying to change my password ;)17:38
RakZer0what does it mean when a file icon has a square with a white x in the center?17:40
favroit can't find an icon afaik17:41
favrosudo ap[t-get install human-theme17:42
favro sudo apt-get install human-theme17:42
RakZer0http://psubuntu.com/wiki/Setup ok now back to this for a sec, step 7...17:44
RakZer0any idea wtf  The value "48124dc5-2c8f-43d0-a210-0b6549ffde56" have to be changed according to your PS3. ?17:44
KtronIs XFCE resolution aware?17:45
favroRakZer0: I saw that earlier and wondered...17:46
favroKtron: you need to set the vid card driver up17:47
zoredacheRakZer0: it probably needs to be the UUID of your hard drive17:47
favrolooks like a md5....?17:48
Ktronfavro, So, GDM rendered correctly, and my mouse renders correctly, by XFCE is rendering two 'squished' and messed up copies of the Desktop side by side17:48
zoredacheno... it is an rfc4122 uuid17:48
Ktrons/XFCE is rendering/er, XFCE is rendered as/17:48
favroKtron: can  you paste your xorg.conf?17:49
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:49
zoredachea command like 'sudo vol_id /dev/sda1' would tell you the uuid17:49
favroRakZer0: ^^17:49
KtronThe screen is loosely checkboarded17:51
KtronI managed to get into Display Preferences by using my other xubuntu machine as reference and choose a different resolution, but its still wrong17:51
favroKtron: if you only have one monitor that is wrong - try ati-config again17:51
RakZer0zoredache: says error open vol...17:53
zoredacheyou would need to replace the 'sda1' with whatever root is17:53
Ktronfavro, I reran aticonfig --initial, same results... But, I think I may have found the issue17:54
Ktronthere's no reason to be running XGL anymore, right?17:54
zoredacheit could be hda1, it could be other things... running 'df' or 'mount' might help you figureo out the device name for '/'17:54
RakZer0/dev/disk/by-uuid has something interesting...17:54
Ktronfavro, I'm wondering if the XGL server and the X server are both being seen by something and its trying to render to both the same video17:54
favroKtron: http://paste.ubuntu.com/40702/ - my xorg for single fglrx config17:55
Ktronfavro, disabling xgl fixes it, and I *think* its doing what it should17:56
Ktronfavro, are you using xserver-xgl?17:56
favroKtron: from what I've read you need to only install xgl after the fglrx driver - why??I dunno17:56
Ktronfavro, so I should uninstall xgl for now17:57
Ktronand maybe reinstall17:57
Ktronfavro, alright, I can try that17:57
favroKtron: uninstall xgl - reboot and reinstall if you want - I get no benefit from it tho...17:59
RakZer0Im wondering with partition UUID it is wanting? its a line to declare the root UUID17:59
RakZer0root=UUID=48124dc5-2c8f-43d0-a210-0b6549ffde56 quiet splash17:59
Ktronfavro, yeah, I think it might be unnecessary after the last set of major Xorg updates17:59
zoredacheit wants the UUID of the 'root' partition17:59
RakZer0so if I have 3 partitions, first one boot, second swap, third etx3 all else...which is root?17:59
Ktronfavro, I just want to try to get compiz-fusion up and running again17:59
RakZer0oh duh17:59
Ktronand I couldn't for a while because I couldn't seem to get the ati drivers running right, I think I may have hit pay dirt today18:00
RakZer0ffr, type blkid in prompt18:00
favroKtron:  the fglrx driver from the ubuntu packages will do that18:00
Ktronfavro, no, it wouldn't with my system-- aticonfig would core dump when I tried to enable fglrx18:01
favroKtron: did you add fglrx to /etc/modules?18:03
KtronI have not18:03
Ktronfavro, it shows up in lsmod|grep fglrx though18:03
favroyou need to for it to be loaded and used...18:04
Ktronfavro, nice, all is working :)18:07
RakZer0OK, it only took 3 hours, but with my new conf written, im going ot try it out :P18:07
favrosiberian sized pinch of salt for RakZer018:08
favrohehe :)18:08
favrowell done18:08
RakZer0now im updating...18:09
zoredachedo you have a backup boot method, just in case something bad happens?18:09
RakZer0hopefully when I reboot I will have wifi :P18:09
=== s_Even is now known as s_Even_away
RakZer0yeah, its setup so you I have to type somehting to get into gnome18:09
RakZer0and i have 3 options...18:09
RakZer0linux, old, and now test :P18:10
RakZer0im on the ps3 right now18:10
RakZer0ok bb, going to boot it18:11
RakZer0lol, siberian sized...<3 it18:11
RakZer0didn't work :P but I'm close now. I just need to cp a diff file...18:15
RakZer0afk break18:15
Ben_CsBTW guys, do i remember correct that debian has only open software in repos.   ?18:18
zoredachethat is true if you are talking about 'main'18:19
favroBen_Cs: afaik the deian repos have old proven software - that's why *buntus are popular - more up to date18:20
favrotime for a nw keyboard...18:20
Ben_Csfavro: so not only open source then?18:21
favroBen_Cs: only open source that is proven reliable for years afaik...18:21
Ben_Csok thanks18:22
favroBen_Cs: they have unstable releases too18:22
Ben_Csso ubuntu has it's own soft then18:22
vinnlUbuntu is based on Debian unstable18:23
favroI use *buntus for the packages18:23
favrovinnl: it is deeper then that18:23
zoredacheBen_Cs: was there more do your question?  For the official answer about Debian see chapter 2 of the Debian policy manual http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html18:28
favrovinnl: debian unstable is the starting point roughly speaking - it may have evolved past that now18:28
vinnlAh true18:28
ubottumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU18:28
RakZer0Opera browser for linux FTW.18:29
zoredachefavro: resyncs to the debian source happen frequently and patches are submitted back to Debian and upstream18:29
vinnlAt the beginning of each six-month cycle Ubuntu is based off Debian unstable (i.e. all Debian unstable's packages are copied over to Ubuntu) as the starting point for the new version18:29
favrowatch for zoredache he knows18:29
favroand vinnl too :)18:30
zoredachepfft... I just pretened to know things... Sometimes I get lucky and I am acutally right18:31
favrohehe - you have rarely let me down - if at all :)18:32
vinnlzoredache, hush, don't spoil the secret ;-)18:32
favrohaven't seen the sheep for a while...18:33
favrohe was always a ready helping hand18:34
vinnlHe's in this channel :)18:35
favroso he is..18:35
RakZer0Hey guys, I noticed that on step 8 here: http://psubuntu.com/wiki/Setup when I run 'sudo update-initramfs -k 2.6.24 -u' I get no such file or directory messages...(/lib/firmware/2.6.24: No such file or directory)18:38
RakZer0any cluesw what I might be missing?18:38
favroRakZer0: uname -a says what?18:40
RakZer0Linux rakzer0 2.6.20-15-powerpc64-smp #3 SMP Sun Apr 15 06:52:37 UTC 2007 ppc64 GNU/Linux18:40
RakZer0(been up for a long time now...linux causes me to become very energized :D)18:41
favrothere you go - you have a .20 kernel and it wants a .24 one18:41
RakZer0well, that's what I am trying to do...update the kernel..18:42
favrosudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic I think18:43
RakZer0er, what's that command going to do18:44
favrogive you the latest ubuntu kernel18:45
favroand let you do step 818:46
favroneeds a reboot after d/loading18:46
RakZer0 kernel-2.6.24-20080131.ppc64.rpm18:49
RakZer0thats what i am trying to change it to18:49
RakZer0the highest in the repo is 2.6.20...18:49
RakZer0!find  kernel-2.6.24-20080131.ppc64.rpm18:50
ubottuPackage/file kernel-2.6.24-20080131.ppc64.rpm does not exist in hardy18:50
favroRakZer0: I'm seeing rpm mentioned alot in an apt based distro support channel - you need another guide or debian based disto18:51
RakZer0this is the guide for xubuntu18:51
RakZer0to get wifi working18:51
favronot with rpm tho18:51
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)18:51
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about buggerme18:52
zoredacheyou won't find much help there for ps3...  It is an odd-duck that needs a fair ammount of hacks to get going18:53
RakZer0yeah...less than before...I mean, it works fine, im online, can run anyhting...just the wifi needs a little work..18:53
RakZer0bb, going to reboot again18:53
Ben_CsHey guys, anyone using Debian with xfce, in adition to xubuntu?18:54
zoredacheyou mean on the same machine?18:55
zoredacheI have Debian with xfce installed on one of my computers..18:55
zoredachebut I use xubuntu on my work computer and my laptop18:55
favroBen_Cs: if you have an issue ask your question - we don't take large chunks if we bite :)18:57
Ben_Cszoredache: i'm installing debian with xfce on a virtual machine. was wondering if there's a reason to use debian when we have ubuntu?18:58
favroI use *buntus for the packaging :)18:58
favromore up to date18:59
vinnlfavro, that depends, Debian unstable can have more up-to-date packages than the latest Ubuntu release :)19:00
zoredacheI have Debian on the box because it is primarily my home server...  It releases slower.  Plus I support Debian boxes at work so having a Debian box at home is occasionally useful19:00
vinnlWhich might be a reason to use Debian (unstable): a rolling release system19:00
vinnl...and stable because of the slower releases :)19:00
zoredachebut as a desktop user I prefer xubuntu over Debian19:00
favroI keep turning up here and learn new things daily :)19:02
cody-somerville#xubuntu is a great place to be! :]19:02
vinnlIt's the reincarnation of the garden of Eden! :P19:02
cody-somervillewithout the evil19:03
vinnlIf you want evil, visit ##windows ;-)19:03
vinnl(I know, I know, stupid joke)19:03
favroI want an apple19:04
vinnlIf you put Xubuntu on it, fine :P19:05
RakZer0closer still...19:07
favroRakZer0: one step at a time heh ;)19:08
RakZer0indeed...all is happy19:10
RakZer0i'm far from phazed..19:11
favroapple, snake, garden of eden...19:11
RakZer0do you use opera browser?19:12
favronope - not here19:12
Ben_Csdid anyone notice that Opera browser displays correctly more IE sites?19:13
vinnlBut then again, it's been a long time since I've seen a site that didn't display correctly19:13
zoredacheI avoid IE only sites..19:13
RakZer0same. :P19:14
vinnl(Apart from those times I tried Dillo, of course :P)19:14
RakZer0imo, opera is the best most friendly and customizable browser EVER19:14
RakZer0even in windows platforms19:14
vinnlMost customizable?19:14
vinnlWhat's more customizable than open source? :P19:14
zoredachevinnl: things that are easy for a non-programmer to customize.19:15
vinnlzoredache, yeah, I understood, was just being a smartass :P19:15
zoredachewell... not more... but more in there opinion19:15
RakZer0what other browser gives you a ctrl+z option to reopen a window you accidentally closed, right where you left off, with all browing history of the window intact?19:16
vinnlRakZer0, Firefox uses Ctrl+Shift+T19:16
vinnlA real lifesaver :)19:16
vinnlWell, for tabs, that is19:17
favrowhat does a site look like that doesn't display correctly - never seen one19:17
vinnlIt might be useful for windows too indeed, but then again: who uses Windows who'd also use that option? :)19:17
RakZer0since new opera...I haven't had a problem with any site...19:17
RakZer0from hotmail to kontraband, to whatever19:18
vinnlGood for you :)19:18
RakZer0firefox is slower :P19:18
vinnlFirefox 3 also?19:18
RakZer0ive used opera vs firefox on 3 different x86 machines, 2 different versions of windows, and now a ps3...19:19
RakZer0its faster on all counts..19:19
RakZer0Im just saying..use what you like19:19
vinnlOf course :)19:19
RakZer0but the more people who use opera the more dev it gets... :D19:19
vinnlOpera is Qt, Firefox integrates with my GTK theme :)19:20
vinnlRakZer0, how come?19:20
favroI like lynx19:20
RakZer0more input, feedback, deman, desire..19:20
RakZer0oh yeah lynx...who needs images19:20
vinnlYou could also donate Opera software a huge sum of money so they can hire more developers ;-)19:20
favrowho needs overheadfs...19:21
RakZer0I will gladly do that when it is pertinent19:21
vinnlI'd rather pay a load of open source developers in that case :)19:22
RakZer0good read.. http://www.infoworld.com/article/06/10/16/42OPopenent_1.html19:24
MyrttiI edited a .desktop in /usr/local/share/applications, how can I refresh the menu?19:25
cody-somervilleMyrtti, update-desktop-database19:25
vinnlOr wait19:26
Myrtti(needed to add hostname and password to xfmpc shortcut)19:26
vinnlRakZer0, it's definitely cool that Opera provides a Linux version at all, and even cooler that it provides all those packages for different distros19:27
Myrtti*sigh* now the damned thing isn't there in the menu at all19:28
favrodoesn't sudo update-menus work?19:29
RakZer0yeah beyond cool...and the voice controlled browsing is..like...stellar19:29
RakZer0it's all good19:30
RakZer0I wish I could get this up and running19:30
RakZer0haven't aske din a while... Anyone run xubuntu on ps3? :)19:32
RakZer0silly mammoth19:37
favroI like mammoth's...19:39
RakZer0who doesn't...19:41
RakZer0ok, so lets assume, I just want to upgrade the kernel to 2.6.24 ppc64...how would I just normally do that..19:42
zoredacheIf it wasn't already packaged I suspect I would download the source.  Copy the running config, then use make-kpkg to build a new kernel package.19:44
RakZer0any idea where to get it?19:45
zoredachewhat?  the source?  Kernel.org if you want a vanilla kernel.  The reposistories are good too19:46
RakZer0I'd like something more officially xubuntuish..19:46
RakZer0but looking through the repo's, I'm not finding it...19:46
RakZer0maybe I am just not sure what it's called19:47
nikolamhmm if yiu want to use supported distro then it it advisable to use kernel compiled for that distro..19:47
RakZer0I don't see it around kernel-image*19:47
zoredachelook for 'linux-source'19:47
nikolamMaybe you could use newer version of distro you use that uses newer kernel?19:47
cody-somervilleRakZer0, whats the output of uname -r ?19:48
zoredacheRakZer0: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-source-2.6.24_2.6.24-16.30_all.deb19:48
BlackTulipGirli have a question regarding downloading/installing xubuntu19:48
cody-somervilleBlackTulipGirl, shoot19:48
BlackTulipGirlI tried to download xubuntu 3 times today and it stops at 75%19:49
BlackTulipGirland from all different places19:49
BlackTulipGirlso what should I do?19:49
zoredacheBlackTulipGirl: you might try downloading with bittorrent19:49
BlackTulipGirlwonṫ it take longer then?19:50
zoredacheit will pull from lots of places... It tends to get around flaking network connections better.19:50
zoredacheit may take longer...  But it is more likely to complete19:50
BlackTulipGirli will try that19:50
BlackTulipGirlwhen i googled it, lots of ppl seem to be having that problem19:51
BlackTulipGirlwhen dwnloading the alternate19:51
BlackTulipGirlso i just wanted to make sure19:51
zoredacheI generally always use rsync or bittorrent.19:51
BlackTulipGirlI had the same problem when downloading kubuntu, but not with Symphony or Mandriva19:52
RakZer0cody-somerville: 2.6.20-15-powerpc64-smp19:53
RakZer0I guess I could just run sudo apt-get upgrade?19:53
zoredacheyou could try19:54
cody-somervilleRakZer0, What is the output of cat /etc/lsb-release ?19:54
BlackTulipGirlthx for help19:54
favrosudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:54
RakZer0cody-somerville: http://pastebin.com/d66f494c819:55
cody-somervilleIf you want .24 you'll want to upgrade to Hardy20:03
RakZer0apt-get upgrade in process...20:04
xXxREDxBULLxXxmy sound just randomly stopped working20:04
nikolamI am wondering.. does default xubuntu alternate cd opens serial port for connection during install?20:05
xXxREDxBULLxXxany ideas?20:05
cody-somervillexXxREDxBULLxXx, are the speakers plugged in? turned on? turned up?20:05
cody-somervillexXxREDxBULLxXx, Have you tried other applications? try rebooting?20:05
cody-somerville!sound | xXxREDxBULLxXx20:05
ubottuxXxREDxBULLxXx: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:05
RakZer0service running?20:05
xXxREDxBULLxXxnot a reboot yet20:05
nikolamlike, I could connect to another machine with terminal with serial port and do installation without screen?20:05
xXxREDxBULLxXxwhat should I look for?20:06
zoredachenikolam: I don't think it does... but you could make a custom cd that did it... you would just need to adjust the isolinux.cfg20:06
Ben_Csdebian users here: does lenny going to have the current xfce version? (cause etch doesn't)20:06
nikolamzoredache, aah, do you know some floppy or cd-based small distro that opens serial by default. i need a quick fix for something, not temporary install, anyway20:10
xXxREDxBULLxXxthanks I think it's fixed now, mpg321 was running in the bg20:11
zoredachenikolam: if the keyboard works, you could just boot any cd, and type the right command20:11
nikolamzoredache, Hah, that is nice :) But I just need to see some output heh.20:14
nikolamok, what should i put in isolinux.cfg ?20:16
zoredachesorry being distracted... I am saying if the cd boots, you  could say linux whatever=/dev/ttyS020:18
nikolamconsole=ttyS0,19200n8 ?20:19
zoredachethat looks right20:19
zoredacheI was trying to find my notes from when I had to use get the results of a kernel dump...20:20
zoredachebleah... had to use serial console for finding a kernel bug20:21
nikolamNow I need to save It as new .iso20:22
nikolamI mounted Hardy i386 xubuntu alternate cd, maybe I should copy it to hd, change isolinux.cfg and save them as a new iso?20:23
zoredacheyou have to be careful about how you do your copy.  there are symlinks on the iso.20:24
nikolamI just hid the wall with it20:25
nikolamso, how to change tha iso? to treat it as the archive in file-roller or something?20:26
zoredachecopy the contents of the iso to a folder using rsync or 'tar -c . | tar -C newfolder -x'20:26
RakZer0thanks for the suggestions guys ill give it one more go and be back much later20:27
zoredacheupdate your copy... then rebuild with -  mkisofs -r -V 'Custom Ubuntu Install CD' -cache-inodes -l -o ../test.iso -no-emul-boot -J -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -c isolinux/boot.cat .20:27
geekthrasSomehow my desktop was changed to the default normal ubuntu desktop background, and none of my desktop files are showing up. What did I do wrong?20:36
zoredachegeekthras: press alt-f2 and run 'xfdesktop'20:47
geekthrasthanks, I wonder how that got killed20:47
Klowneranyone know if there's a deb of the modemlights panel plugin (xfce goodies) floating around somewhere?21:36
MyrttiI might have the checkinstall package on my hard drive, but I'd rather not spread it around21:47
Myrttiit wasn't that hard to compile myself though21:47
Klownerah checkinstall, I forgot about that, I'll do that on another box and then copy the deb over22:35
Klownerthanks Myrtti22:35
Myrttino probs22:36
MoonStormhi.  normally i use kubunt, but recently had a machine go down so i put xubuntu on a 450mhz, 512mb, 4g hard drive, and it's been working well for me23:01
MoonStormin fact, i'm liking xubuntu better every day that i use it23:01
MoonStormone of the things i'd like to know, is how do i play m3p files?  in kubuntu it's amarok, in xubuntu it's ?23:01
vinnlAlso known as "Movie Player" :S23:02
cody-somervilleYou can install other music players if you'd like23:02
vinnlOf course23:03
MoonStormactually, i am reviewing the *untu distros, so the defaults are what i'm looking for23:04
vinnlThat's Totem, but you'll need to install the appropriate codecs before you can play them23:04
vinnlBut of course, Totem can look them up for you when you request to play one, so :)23:05
MoonStormfor usability reviews23:05
MoonStormyes, i noticed that.  that is a neat feature23:05
MoonStormit's like magic23:06
vinnlMagic would be that it worked immediately :P23:06
vinnlOr even better: that everybody used Ogg :)23:06
MoonStormso, i noticed that movie player has this window open with graphics.  does totem have a minimalist mode?23:47
MoonStormit totem a xfce thingy, or something else?23:48
TheSheepMoonStorm: totem is gnome's default movie player too23:49
MoonStormah, ok23:49
TheSheepMoonStorm: xfce has xfmedia, but we had trouble with it before23:49
MoonStormdeveloped by totem or by gnome/xfce ?23:49
TheSheepxfmedia is developed by xfce and uses xine for playback23:49
MoonStormit would be nice for an audio only view when playing audio23:49
MoonStormfor lower end machines23:49
TheSheeptotem uses gstreamer23:50
MoonStormi did turn off the gloom glooom23:50
MoonStormah, ok.  kaffiene uses xine23:50
vinnlI believe Cody was thinking about including an audio player23:50
vinnl/ping cody-somerville23:50
TheSheepMoonStorm: I doubt that this movie thingy takes up so much resources to display23:51
TheSheepvinnl: audacious or something else?23:51
Myrttixfmedia was included once upon a time, IIRC23:51
vinnlIIRC he mentioned Audacious but it was just brainstorming23:51
vinnlMyrtti, correct23:51
TheSheepMyrtti: yes, first it was xfmedia, then totem but with xine backend, and finally totem with gstreamer23:51
MyrttiI feel so old...23:52
Myrttihave I been using Ubuntu *this* long?23:52
* cody-somerville has to jet.23:52
TheSheepMyrtti: here, I prepared a lime pit for you ;)23:52
dpickwhat does adding a list of backdrops do? Does it switch between on some interval?23:53
TheSheepdpick: it picks the next one every time you log in or you send it the USR1 signal23:53
MyrttiTheSheep: thanks23:53
TheSheepdpick: you can set up a cron job to send that signal on some interval23:53
dpickah, thanks23:53
TheSheepMyrtti: at your service :)23:54
Myrttioh and btw, xfmpc really needs love.23:54
dpickTheSheep: what command do i have to send to have it change?23:54
TheSheepMyrtti: I'm starting to think whether it makes sense23:54
vinnlMyrtti, have you checked out gmpc? It's very light-weight and has no GNOME dependencies :)23:54
TheSheepdpick: killall -USR1 xfdesktop23:54
vinnlxfdesktop -reload works too23:55
TheSheepvinnl: but that restarts the whole desktop23:55
TheSheepvinnl: less smooth23:55
vinnlAh OK23:55
Myrttivinnl: awwww I just compiled xfmpc with hard work (it really was!) today from svn and now you come up with a better one :-<23:56
vinnlAnd that author provides a PPA :)23:56
TheSheepvinnl: gimmix is pretty nice once you edit its .glade files and put it back to its original, old interface :)23:56
TheSheepI grew used to tabs while I was using Sonata23:57
Myrtticompiling xfmpc from the sources SSSSUUUUCKED. I had to get the ubuntu repo version to get a sane configure-file23:57
vinnlI think I know that but I suppose gmpc is more feature-rich23:57
Myrttiand automake configs23:57
vinnlI use three different clients :P23:57
TheSheepvinnl: it's too rich to my tastes23:57
TheSheepvinnl: mpc, gmpc and?23:58
vinnlThe xfce panel plugin :)23:58
vinnlFor when I want to click quickly23:58
Myrttincmpc > anything23:58
vinnlOr see what's currently playing23:58
TheSheepah, I have keybindings for mpc for that23:58
vinnlYeah me too for when I want to use the keyboard23:58
Myrttithat's a novel idea23:59
TheSheep.oO( I wonder if I could make keybindings for my game pad for controlling mpc... )23:59
vinnlProbably :)23:59

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