[00:09] hi, is there anybody having problem with mysql after yesterdays update? [00:09] is it only me having packege dependency problems? [00:16] does anyone know if the latest builds of intrepid work on virtualbox? [00:16] if not, how are you running intrepid virtually? [00:28] my laptop (sony vaio vgn-cr520e) is not well supported by hardy [00:41] has there been much work done in adding new APCI and intel video card driver support? [00:42] oohhh, alpha 4 is downloading at 1.3MB/sec [00:42] that's fast enough :) [00:43] now it's only 700kb/sec [00:44] adept keeps crashing in ibex alpha4 anyone have a work around [00:45] using kubuntu [00:45] matt__: I guess let apport file a bug and hope for the best [00:45] adept is also in alpha right now [00:46] yeah [00:47] well apt works fine from the cli [00:47] so im using it for the time being [00:48] atleast konversation works :p === Sergeant_Pony is now known as KB1OHY [00:54] is anyone here running intrepid virtually? [00:55] Is anyone having problems with Firefox 3 page load times? [00:56] I presume that you are :) [01:00] travist120: there are several pages online that tell you how to optimize firefox [01:08] oh I know [01:08] I have done that already [01:08] but it hangs up sometimes [01:09] and won't show the page until I refresh it === echidnaman is now known as JontheEchinda [02:49] hey guys where abouts is the repos information required to install/upgrade intrepid? [02:52] flaccid: upgrade *what* to Intrepid? [02:53] hardy [02:54] sudo do-release-upgrade -d [02:55] really, wow! [02:56] or update-manager -d but that isn't fun when x crashes [02:57] sorry i forgot to mention this is kubuntu hardy [02:58] sudo do-release-upgrade -d [02:58] okies thanks [02:58] * mneptok bows [02:59] * flaccid knights mneptok :p [03:00] sudo do-steed-upgrade --percheron [04:07] after going from 7.10 to 8.04 then to 8.10 my wifi stopped working somewhat (it worked on the first 2, but on 8.10 my network doesnt show in the list, but other farther wifi networks show up) [04:07] any idea whats wrong? [04:08] it didn't break x and gnome and proprietary graphics drivers? you're lucky [04:18] bug 250189 [04:18] Launchpad bug 250189 in linux "[Intrepid] GRUB Boot mkdir / rm permission problems" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/250189 [04:18] thanks ubottu [04:22] shouldn't interpid have new wallpaper by now? [04:40] yeah, forget those pesky software bugs! we want new wallpaper! [05:10] <_Zeus_> i have noticed an odd font issue in 8.10 [05:13] Anyone know why my kde4.1/kubuntu 8.10 built in wifi manager shows my ap, but doesnt connect to it? it puts it in the context menu like its connected but it says "state: disconnected" and I canot get it to connnect [05:16] Darkrift2: I'd suggest it would be a bug of some kind :). [05:17] Darkrift2: In particular, it seems that knetworkmanager is doing that for a number of people. [05:17] ahhhh [05:17] If there isn't a launchpad bug filed, please do so. [05:17] ok [05:17] so another wifi manager? [05:17] i couldnt figure out how to connect in command line [05:17] im used to x taking care of my wifi connect for me [05:17] Possibly. But definitely filing of the knetworkmanager bug. [05:17] ill do that [05:17] network-manager-gnome works just fine :) [05:18] once i get wifi lol [05:18] installing that now.. ill try it out [05:18] thx [05:19] ok, when i rebooted my app launcher button was gone. i added a new one but its on the right side and the menu is buggy over there, how do i move it to the left again? [05:21] <_Zeus_> i found a serious but in 8.10; whenever you try to add something to Sessions, it says "the startup field cannot be empty [05:21] <_Zeus_> *bug [05:21] <_Zeus_> can anyone see if they can reproduce? [05:22] <_Zeus_> ? [05:51] omfg this is enough to piss you off [05:51] adept doesnt work, cant install a new wifi manager, wifi doesnt work [05:52] i was better off with 7.10 [05:52] um... you're using alpha software. expect breakage [05:52] i didnt knwo it was alpha [05:52] someone told me i needed to be on 8.10 [05:52] so i upgraded [05:52] no one would tell you you *need* to be on 8.10 [05:53] no one sane, anyway [05:53] 8.04 perhaps [05:53] i was there [05:53] in the middle of the upgrade [05:57] ok, my wifi can SEE my ap, but wont connect [05:57] what are my options? [05:57] its open, no security on it [05:58] adept wotn open, crashes or just closes as soon as it pops up [05:59] use iwconfig and ifconfig to set up the interface and apt-get to install stuff [06:00] once i tell iwconfig what my essid and channel are, what do i do after that to make it connect? [06:01] iwconfig lists the right essid but it never connects [06:01] dhclient never gets a lease [06:04] no idea, i use wires [06:05] great... so I guess its format and reinstall [06:06] yeah probably [06:06] Darkrift2: The person who suggested you upgrade to Intrepid (it's not 8.10 yet!) should probably get a bit of a poke to not suggest people upgrade to development versions. [06:07] yeah [06:07] wish i had logs from last week [06:07] id give em a screenful [06:07] well, off to format.... wish me luck [06:08] As a bit of irony... if you were trying to reinstall intrepid you wouldn't need to format; the installer can now install without formatting / [06:08] nope, going to 7.10 then to 8.04 [06:08] because im out of media and i have a 7.10 disc here [06:08] Fair enough. [06:09] and kde4 looked soo nice too [06:09] oh well === Sebast1an is now known as Sebastian [06:37] i'm having a problem with intrepids dhcp client, it doesn't seem to send the hostname to the server which results in the server not adding my hostname to DNS [06:37] which again results in my ip not resolving to a name -> sending mail is not possible as the mailserver requires a resolvable ip address [06:38] any ideas? [06:39] the dhcpclient for hardy works ok in the same environment [06:53] * cyphase wants more awn integration === LSD|Ninj2 is now known as LSD|Ninja === emma_ is now known as emma [07:38] hello everyone, I got a problem with waking the computer up: whenever I wake my computer up, my (PS/2) keyboard isn't working properly any more until I restart gnome. If I attach a USB-keyboard (after I have woken the computer up with s2disk) this USB-keyboard works === LSD|Ninj2 is now known as LSD|Ninja [09:19] When I try to add a new startup application through Systen -> Preferences -> Sessions, it always says "The startup command cannot be empty" no matter what I write there in the command box [09:20] Can somebody verify this ? [09:20] Or is it just me ... === Terry is now known as Guest95743 [10:17] Anybody else suddenly have keyboard problems? The arrow keys and page up/down, home end keys no longer work on my Thinkpad R61 -- If I plug in a USB keyboard everything is fine [10:23] yeah, I had these problems too some time ago - but strangely they vanished after I deleted the xorg.conf - now I got the problem that as soon as I wake the computer up with s2disk, the PS/2 keyboard doesn't work any longer - A USB keyboard, however, does work [10:33] !hi [10:33] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu+1! [10:41] kool !hi [10:42] I can't have my keayboard to work correctly [10:42] it should be macintosh fr but i'm stick with PC fr [11:14] mysql-common dependency is broken for amd64. does anybody know when it is going to be fixed? [11:15] 5.0.67-0ubuntu2 is missing. mysql-server and mysql-client are not installable... [11:17] anybody? [11:33] hi [11:33] is Intrepid going to have openal-soft as the default openal implementation? since Debian is doing that now [12:48] can't get the macintosh layout with Xorg [12:48] I have set it both on xorg.conf and gnome configuration [13:11] someone tried intrepid? [13:13] runs here [13:14] Unksi: working ok? [13:14] upgrading from hardy.. [13:14] works well, except that vuze doesnt work and intel wireless is broken === phaverka1p is now known as phaverkamp [13:15] ok. [13:15] doesnt affect me [13:15] my intel wifi works. [13:16] sudo apt-get dist-upgrade? [13:16] oh, which card do you have? [13:16] or aptitude? [13:16] ipw3945 is the driver being used. [13:16] i would think it goes with update-manager or so [13:16] didnt work for me.. [13:16] Unksi: Bug 259533. If that's the problem, there's a fix available. [13:16] Launchpad bug 259533 in xulrunner-1.9 "Azureus(vuze) crashes on startup" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259533 [13:16] failed to count the upgrade... blabla.. [13:17] hmm, seems im using iwl [13:17] ma10: no, it starts up fine, but it doesnt transfer anything... it may connect to peers, but doesnt download or upload anything [13:17] any new big differences for intrepid? [13:17] Unksi: are you using [13:18] yes [13:19] Unksi: oh it starts.. probably the xulrunner uploader forgot tho close the bug [13:19] might be [13:20] using kde? gnome?..? [13:20] Unksi: about the transfert, are you sure it's not a problem of that specific torrent? if there's a bug we have to find out what it is [13:21] ma10: the same torrent works fine with ktorrent [13:21] kde here Orfeous [13:22] Unksi: no error message is shown? you could try deleting your ~/.azureus directory and see if it fixes [13:22] How should i tell evedv or hal that my keayboard has macintosh layout ? [13:23] hal seems to overide xorg.conf [13:42] ma10: yea no errors, will try that [13:46] ma10: no changes by removing that directory, its quite weird as there are no errors or anything [13:47] it worked when i used the deb from getdeb.net for hardy, broke when the intrepid update came [13:57] Unksi: i retested it now and it's working here. [13:58] to all: does anybody have a working azureus on intrepid? [13:58] ok [13:59] it's probably better if try to gather as much information as possbile and file a bug. [13:59] yep [14:00] the problem with it is though, that i cant actually find any other information... there are no errors or anything [14:11] Unksi: you can enable logging in the options, the in the azureus console you should see what's going on. there are also log files in ~/.azureus/logs. if you file the bug with apport we get useful informations like dependencies [14:12] *then [14:14] ok, will try and see if theres anything useful there [14:14] Unksi: what does help/about in azureus say about the used java version? if it something else than sun, then that's a probable reason [14:14] Java 1.5.0 Free Software Foundation, Inc. [14:15] there's your problem :) [14:16] how can i change that? [14:16] i see no option at settings [14:16] Unksi: install sun-java6-jre package and then run "update-alternatives --config java" to actually change it [14:17] ok [14:18] Trewas: it works now, thank you [14:19] oh nice.. i was taking java6 for granted [14:20] azureus (vuze) package should really somehow define that it should be used with sun's jre... [14:23] was the way keyboard layouts work completely changed in intrepid? I can't find the usual xkb/symbols files. [14:23] anything on the kde systray missing? [14:24] missing? [14:24] well, i think it is there, but i can't see it, or anything on it [14:24] right-clicking shows the right popup menu [14:24] Trewas: it's supposed to work with gcj too, there's also an azureus-gcj package. we need to do more testing [14:27] any kubuntu specific channel for ibex? [14:28] Nope [14:33] techII: That issue should have been fixed by an update [14:33] what version is you libqt4-core at? [14:34] 4.4.1-ubuntu2 === Sebast1an is now known as Sebastian [14:35] the issue just appeared today (yesterday i removed the kde4 directory though) [14:35] (since i think the configuration *is* all in the ~/.kde directory now) [14:36] hmm [14:36] removing it and readding it should make it work [14:36] the ~/.kde directory? [14:36] the systray widget [14:39] thank you for bringing voxforge acoustic model to intrepid! [14:40] JontheEchidna, its back after taking the systrays out of the config, and killing/restarting plasma [14:40] Daniell, no advertising in #ubuntu [14:41] techII: all you needed to do was right click on it, select remove systray, and then re-add one from the add-widgets list [14:41] i am sorry, was just a hint [14:41] i think i got rid of it, but couldn't find it, thus had to make sure... [14:42] (and the one i added to the desktop didn't have icons) [14:43] Unksi: i was able to reproduce the bug with gcj. thank you for reporting this issue! === x-spec-t is now known as Spec [15:00] ma10: great, yw :) i thought it was just me or something :D [15:01] intrepid on my laptop - X screwed - does the "low res" 800x600 thing, both live cd, stock install and if I add the nvidia drivers [15:01] worked great with hardy beta (don't have cds) [15:02] (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found) Atom 4, CARD32 4, unsigned long 4 [15:03] I've had issues with X right after upgrading. The FGLRX (ati) drivers don't support Ibex's Xorg version. [15:06] anyone here with working iwl3945? [15:17] Unksi: on .27? [15:20] hi all, I just did an upgrade to ibex, was running xubuntu 8.04, now on bootup and shutdown instead of showing the startup it shows white with some black, like the video card is missing drivers or somethin, when it finishes boot its ok === nand_ is now known as nand [16:12] just installed, "ubuntu is running in low graphics mode" - /var/log/Xorg.0.log shows (++) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe" [16:13] how do I get it to use etc/X11/xorg.conf ? [16:31] CarlFK, might have something to do with the final implementation of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/bullet-proof-x [16:34] techII: kinda - but I am still don't see how to go back to the nomal .conf [16:40] my best guess would be by getting the normal one to work :-/ [16:41] I am not sure it is trying [16:41] or... I don't see any log file [17:01] Pici: no on .26-5 [17:10] Is this channel for discussion of Ubuntu development in general as well as 8.10 development or only 8.10 development? [17:12] whats the difference? [17:12] jzsmith: doesn't really matter, I don't think :) [17:12] CarlFK, the scope of Ubuntu development I guess. [17:13] jzsmith: ubuntu+1 is currently 8.10 but it has been 8.4 in the past [17:13] jzsmith: if you bother folks by asking "off topic" questions, you'll be asked to take 'em elsewhere. I don't expect folks will be annoyed by ubuntu dev questions [17:16] hmm, any way to push ati to upgrade their drivers, again? [17:16] techII: need their phone number? [17:17] could probably find it [17:17] +1 (905) 882-2600 [17:17] try to create a relationship with ubuntu [17:20] #kubuntu is a little chaotic. >.> [17:21] Is it possible that Ubuntu will use KDE by default in the future or is that not really a problem? [17:22] jzsmith: kubuntu will probably use it by default :) [17:22] cj, I was kind of wondering that. :) [17:22] jzsmith: I haven't heard of any plans for a GNUbuntu or the like... [17:23] cj, what would a GNUbuntu entail? [17:23] Oh. I see. [17:25] gnewsense is close to ubuntu, and only has stuff free enough to keep the GNU people happy, if thats what you are after [17:25] ssam: no, I just meant "Ubuntu with GNOME as default desktop" [17:26] ok [17:26] Actually, I have a question about that. What's the difference between gNewSense and GoUbuntu? They basically have the same goals right? [17:26] Wait... [17:27] I don't mean to seem to get off topic. [17:27] i think gobuntu is 'official' [17:28] When I read about gNewSense I almost thought Gobuntu was renamed to gNewSense. [17:28] cj: handing out phone numbers is probably anti "Create relationship" [17:29] though, if they get support requests for people using an 'emerging' operating system [17:29] from what I can tell, gobuntu was an attempt to get the gnewsense people on board within Ubuntu [17:29] which failed [17:29] mostly because of launchpad's status [17:30] ah [17:31] pwnguin, what's wrong with Launchpad's status? [17:31] the source is not available [17:32] and is therefore against what gnewsense stands for it seems [17:32] pwnguin, oh. So Launchpad isn't under GPL? Heh. [17:34] i have a feeling it will never be "gpl" [17:34] more likely, affero [17:36] Canonical.com is so professional [17:43] <_Zeus_> 8.10 screwed up my fonts in PuTTY [17:52] pwnguin: nah, it's published online [17:53] <_Zeus_2> as i was saying, ibex screwed up my fonts in PuTTY [18:07] Hi, I am using the latest intrepid and my keboard behaves strangely, the arrow keys don't work and ctrl works like a down arrow, is it only me? [18:07] _Zeus_2: Curious - why would you use Putty in Linux? [18:08] <_Zeus_> ShackJack: to read my email [18:08] <_Zeus_> ShackJack: I have some windows laptops and some linux and i like to stay comsistent [18:08] cj: what's published online? [18:08] _Zeus_ - I suppose... I just ssh user@sitenname.com in the terminal :) [18:09] <_Zeus_> yeah well i use ssh all the time so i like customization [18:09] <_Zeus_> i use to get to elm on my server [18:10] hardy: it probably thinks you are using a different layout keyboard than you actually have [18:11] i think the location of the configuration files changed for ibex, so i'm not entirely sure where to set it :-/ [18:12] <_Zeus_> System > Preferences > Keyboard? [18:12] <_Zeus_> :-P [18:12] techII, _Zeus_: this is kde actually and the keyboard is set to US [18:13] <_Zeus_> well excuse me! :-P [18:13] <_Zeus_> try hitting reset to defualt? [18:13] <_Zeus_> actually, you may want to reconfigure xorg [18:13] techII: you are right it's fixed now. thanks a lot [18:13] <_Zeus_> that also handles the keyboard [18:14] <_Zeus_> hardy: why haven't you changed your name to "intrepid" yet? :-D [18:14] consolekit or something like that might also [18:17] _Zeus_: because some one working for mark learned it from me and register the name before the announcement of intrepid ;) [18:17] <_Zeus_> hahaha [18:18] _Zeus_: for fonts, i'd go from looking at putty itself, to the toolkit it uses (qt, gtk); and do the font's exist? [18:18] or is it a rendering issue? [18:19] <_Zeus_> well, the fonts work [18:19] <_Zeus_> but sometimes when i'm typing, they get flooded with the cursor color [18:19] * techII doesn't have any more ideas... [18:20] <_Zeus_> hang on for ss [18:35] I need help getting X working - I have a feeling the 'failsafe' thing isn't working as well as it should [18:36] and that continues to trouble me more than x problems, so I would like to try and fix the "low graphics... configure" process [18:38] CarlFK, did you get it working with generic drivers (vesa, nv)? [18:38] techII: nope. live cd throws the same "not working, low graphics.." dialog [18:38] ah [18:39] hardy beta from sometime in march worked great, right out of the box [18:39] pwnguin: that phone number [18:40] <|dupondje|> Mysql is still broken in Intrepid :( === |dupondje| is now known as dupondje [18:40] dupondje: oh? how so? got a bug report? [18:41] dupondje: the client or server? [18:44] I've installed Intrepid, and noticed that pulseaudio starts automatically when I log in. Is there any common place to set "session auto start" program? [18:44] There is no default.session anymore. [18:45] hi [18:45] How can I add a program as an session startup? [18:48] jasonlife, gnome-session-properties on ubuntu/gnome [18:53] techII: Is there a config file for it? so that I can tweak the config file directly during the installation of my program.. [18:55] jasonlife, ~/.config/autostart/ [18:55] jasonlife, it will also apply to kde and any other desktop that follows whatever freedesktop.org spec defines it [18:56] techII, Is there a generic file under /etc/ ? I want apply this to every user.. [19:00] jasonlife: you have the /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ directory also [19:04] techII: I boot, get "U is running in low..", I hit "configure", set nv (or nvidia), 1280x800, hit OK, X boots into 800x600. 1280 shows up in xorg.conf. but Xorg.0.log and .old both use xorg.conf.failsafe, so I have no idea what happens once I hit OK [19:04] Hi, the speakers in my laptop works but the headphone is not. can you please help me? http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=4a5513804cd186313f1aa79b9368796d2d024532 === DanaG1 is now known as DanaG [19:06] CarlFK: stop gdm and use startx [19:06] CarlFK, I can't think of anything, though when i upgraded to ibex, I had issues with X [19:06] and I keep getting additional xorg.conf files - now I have xorg.conf xorg.conf.1 xorg.conf.2 xorg.conf.failsafe xorg.conf.failsafe.bak [19:07] then wiped the whole configuration, and generated a new one (using an ati card with the 'ati' driver) [19:07] CarlFK: I thought that failsafe thing was ditched from Intrepid [19:08] tormod: does it matter what user, and should I do startx on the local console, or is it ok in an ssh shell? [19:09] CarlFK: any user can run startx, but I think you need to be on one of the VT consoles [19:09] tormod: $startx - desktop loaded, 800x600 [19:10] CarlFK: because your xorg.conf is a failsafe one? [19:10] and now a dialog: "use switcher" has quit unexpectedly. [19:11] CarlFK: did you try dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xorg-server ? [19:14] tormod: not yet - was hoping to debug the "u is running in low res, configure" thing [19:14] but if that is being replaced, Ill settle for just getting my box working [19:15] (WW) NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "1280x800@60"; removing. [19:15] wtheck... [19:15] CarlFK: yes that "failsafe" thing made more trouble than it solved [19:15] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+bug/257809 -- lovely feature there! [19:15] Launchpad bug 257809 in kde-guidance "guidance-backends overwrites xorg.conf without confirmation or notification, if video card has changed since last boot" [Undecided,New] === emma_ is now known as emma [19:22] hi! [19:22] upgraded to intrepid today and now KDE is changed to KDE4?? [19:22] Orfeous, yep [19:22] shit [19:22] i dont want that [19:22] doesnt like it at all [19:23] is it possible to run the previous [19:23] Orfeous, be careful, intrepid kde4 uses the ~/.kde directory, which hardy's kde3 uses [19:24] can i go back for the previous kde? [19:25] techII: but that's very confusing, my kmail on kde4 somehow uses .kde and .kde4 both in hardy now I am now sure what will it use [19:25] is it normal that "adept" upgrade is "kept back" and adept manager crashes, while adept notifier sits in system tray and does not react to mouse clicks? [19:25] tormod: dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xorg-server "Package `xorg-server' is not installed and no info is available." [19:25] * techII isn't that big of a kde person [19:25] * techII switched to kde when he upgraded to ibex [19:26] sending in 10 crash bug reports now :D [19:27] CarlFK: sorry, xserver-xorg [19:27] is this the right channel to ask questions about kubuntu intrepid bugs? [19:27] klerfayt, yes [19:27] is it possible to uninstall kde4 and run kde3 again? [19:28] did you uninstall kde3? [19:28] Orfeous, possibly, if your configuration isn't trashed :-/ (or you can find a way to convert it back, if kde3 can't read it) [19:28] JontheEchidna: not as i know.. [19:28] oh, wait [19:29] * JontheEchidna thought he was in #kubuntu-kde4 for a second [19:29] nope, no way to downgrade to kde3 in Intrepid [19:29] other than compile it yourself, i guess... [19:29] alt+f2 "kdesudo kate" does nothing, why? [19:29] damn! [19:29] maybe install with hardy packages [19:29] eek [19:30] that won't work [19:30] klerfayt, here it brings up the password dialog, but I don't have kate installed [19:30] ok.. then i will be using gnome them :D [19:30] klerfayt: works here too [19:30] (as far as I know, just came from gnome) [19:30] JontheEchidna: you got clean install from alpha4 disk? [19:30] tormod: xorg.conf: http://dpaste.com/74267/ log: Fatal server error: no screens found [19:30] no [19:30] JontheEchidna: that must be why mine does nothing [19:31] latest intrepid, full updates [19:31] maybe i must like things as they are.. :P [19:32] CarlFK: please pastebin the log [19:33] tormod: http://dpaste.com/74268/ log [19:33] CarlFK: I thought you would need a Section "ServerLayout" [19:33] tormod: that .conf if what dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg genned [19:34] CarlFK: http://dpaste.com/74270/ [19:35] CarlFK: "(EE) No devices detected. [19:35] " [19:35] CarlFK: (WW) NV: Ignoring unsupported device 0x10de0531 (GeForce 7150M) at 00@00:12:0 [19:35] cj: mysql-common (>= 5.0.67-0ubuntu2) but 5.0.67-0ubuntu1 [19:36] AMD64 [19:36] dupondje: so the client libs, I think... let me check that [19:37] cj: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.0/+bug/261956 [19:37] Launchpad bug 261956 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "libmysqlclient15off requires mysql-common >= 5.0.67-0ubuntu2" [Undecided,New] [19:37] no, that's really sparse... my.cnf, some docs... [19:37] tormod: is there anything useful to making ubuntu better, or is this just getting my box working? [19:38] I have a 7.10 cd - thinking it it works, I can just grab its xorg.conf [19:38] CarlFK: did it work with the nv driver before? [19:39] tormod: yes - hardy beta [19:43] tormod: Driver "nvidia" works (came up in 1280x800). "nv" does not: "unsupported device" [19:44] CarlFK: it's strange that the server picks nv then. please file a bug. [19:45] tormod: bug against package xserver-xorg ? [19:46] CarlFK: against xorg to start with. [19:47] CarlFK: or xorg-server (sic) [19:48] xserver-xorg [19:49] techII: you sure? [19:49] CarlFK: does the Xserver pick nv even if nvidia drivers are installed? [19:50] tormod: yes [19:50] tormod: the only thing I did to make it work was add Driver "nvidia" [19:50] xserver-xorg-video-nv, nvidia-glx-* [19:50] ? [19:51] ? [19:51] i have no idea what i was doing [19:52] doing other things than following the conversation... [19:53] CarlFK: the bug is that nv is chosen even if it doesn't support the card [19:58] CarlFK: so it can also be a bug in nv, that it says "I can" but it can't [20:20] tormod: bug 261977 [20:20] Launchpad bug 261977 in xorg-server "nv is chosen even if it doesn't support the card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/261977 [20:20] anything else I should add? [20:25] now to get my Atheros AR2425 wifi working. [20:26] which has a similar history - worked with hardy beta, but not with anything on or after 8.04 [20:26] CarlFK: no, that's an exemplary bug report :) [20:27] thanks [20:27] <- has been on the receiving end of bad bug reports [20:39] Evening, I have upgraded to Intrepid, everything seems good but just one small annoyance. GDM doesn't seem to auto-login anymore. Is this perhaps a known issue? [20:39] cj: any id when mysql will be fixxed ? :s [20:41] CarlFK, is it one of the 'new' chipsets that the main madwifi codebase didn't support? [20:41] is there a cd for intrepid? [20:41] think so [20:42] techII: um... I think it is supported. I somehow had it working :) [20:42] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/intrepid/alpha-4/ [20:43] techII: and it was definately working with hardy beta - I posted a wad of stuff bug 228548 [20:43] Launchpad bug 228548 in madwifi "Atheros AR242x support broken" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/228548 [20:43] CarlFK, mine needed ndiswrapper, until i found a branch of madwifi that supported it [20:44] hmmm, thanks dupondje I just started d/l'ing the one in daily. I suspect it will work to, right? or should I go for the alpha? [20:44] that should be fine also [20:44] techII: I thought I simply installed the intrepid kernel, but just did a lean intrepid install, ath5k module loaded, but sudo iwlist wlan0 scan "No scan results" [20:44] i have the 'ath5k', 'mac80211', and 'cfg80211' modules blacklisted [20:45] is there a place for changelogs in the new release? [20:45] i think they switched from the atheros provided parts to reverse engineered parts [20:45] to get a changelog I mean? or is that not available till the release? [20:45] (hardy vs ibex) [20:46] jmichelse1, through apt? [20:46] so does anyone happen to have gdm configured with auto-login? [20:46] any way [20:46] techII: any way, on the site or apt, just a way to get one? [20:46] ben: I do. works fine [20:47] how strange [20:47] it's broken for me :/ [20:47] jmichelse1, i've been pressing 'C' in aptitude, no idea about packages.ubuntu.com [20:48] CarlFK, as for madwifi, im on amd64, and have been compiling from said branch [20:48] ben: carl@dv67:~$ grep Auto /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom; AutomaticLogin=carl ;AutomaticLoginEnable=true [20:49] same here [20:49] it was fine in hardy [20:49] worked a few times in intrepid [20:49] then gave up the ghost [20:49] techII: did you roll it into whatever .deb ubuntu uses, or just 'make install' it? [20:50] using 'make install' [20:50] Oh yeah, gksu gdmsetup [20:50] now autologin and passwordless login are separated. [20:50] can I rename the version of a package ? [20:50] mysql-common_5.0.67-0ubuntu1_all.deb [20:50] needs to be mysql-common_5.0.67-0ubuntu2_all.deb [20:50] ... and timed is also separated. [20:56] hmm [20:56] timed works [20:56] that do i guess [21:07] hiya ppl has anyone managed to get the nvidia drivers to work with 2.6.27 yet all i get is the installer moaning about zen kernel [21:09] linux1, see if CarlFK found a solution... [21:10] just installed the new kernel - will be rebooting in a sec [21:10] how can I change the version of a .deb ? :s [21:12] dupondje: you probably want https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpdatingADeb [21:12] dupondje: debchange -i is what I use [21:13] dupondje: er.. i liked. i really use debchange --nmu $0 :) [21:13] where $0 is the name of the updeb.sh script I am currently hacking with [21:13] but u can't use debchange on a .deb ? [21:13] it needs to be the source ? [21:14] hmm... du no. [21:14] tweeking a .deb sounds dangerous [21:14] apt-get source PACKAGE? then compile, etc; what are you trying to do exactly? [21:14] techII: you me? [21:14] mysql is fucked since some days :( [21:14] on AMD64 [21:15] mysql-server-5.0_5.0.67-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb [21:15] CarlFK, ? [21:15] it needs mysql-common_5.0.67-0ubuntu2_all.deb [21:15] but only mysql-common_5.0.67-0ubuntu1_all.deb exists [21:16] techII: use an existing .deb for the /debian dir, and hope it works on updated source :) [21:16] where is this .27 kernel? [21:19] techII: you have a bug number for your atheros thing? (so I can link it to mine) [21:19] CarlFK, just search for 2.6.27 in synaptic package manager that what i did [21:21] hi, would this be a good place to show artwork related to ibex? [21:21] apt-get upgrade; packages have been kept back: linux-image-generic - is that expected ? [21:22] apt-get install linux-image-generic; following extra packages will be installed: linux-image-2.6.27-1-generic [21:29] "nvidia (177.68): Installing module. Kernel source for 2.6.27-1-generic not installed. Cannot install this module. [fail]" [21:29] http://dpaste.com/74302/ [21:31] anyone here know what happened to xorg? how does video config happen in hardy? Like, is there a keyword name for it, a special package? Anything that I can google for more info? [21:39] whenever i run an apt-get update i get the following warnings: [21:39] W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package perl [21:39] W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems [21:42] CarlFK, http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.devel/26242 [21:43] where can i view more details of what is happening to spit out those warnings? [21:44] danbhfive, my best guess is that Xorg autodetects everything when it starts, and the 'restricted drivers' tool modifies the (mostly blank) xorg.conf when needed [21:45] linux1: um... do I need to read the whole thread ? [21:45] hi [21:45] , W:Nie udało się pobrać http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-backports/Release Unable to find expected entry web/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) [21:46] i was trying to uprade to interpid [21:46] and i got this error [21:46] do you know it? [21:46] techII: mk, interesting [21:47] CarlFK, just this one will do " 22 Aug 14:47 Tim Gardner" [21:48] linux1: ok - now what? [21:49] I see the relevance, but not sure the point [21:50] CarlFK, i was just trying to let you know why it not working [21:53] ah - thanks [21:57] i have geforce8 card, my ubuntu updated kernel to 2.6.27 [21:57] and now graphics dont work in X, it starts fail-safe low-res mode [21:57] why? [21:58] doggymenz, just reboot back in 2.6.26 -- nvidia does not play with 2.6.27 at the mo [21:59] oh [21:59] ya, im in 2.6.26 now [21:59] when will nvidia player with 2.6.27 ? [22:00] Right now, I think. [22:00] Any number of ubuntuforums goers have it working. [22:01] oh, cool [22:01] link? [22:01] the metacity minimize effect is so horribly ugly, someone needs to fix it, thank god for compiz [22:06] doggymenz: cause: http://dpaste.com/74302/ http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.devel.kernel.general/2386 [22:06] no solution... just they why [22:08] CarlFK: You should install the kernel headers that it's asking for :) [22:08] RAOF: then how do I get it to use them? [22:09] By installing the 'linux-headers' package, generally. [22:09] that will cause the "Running DKMS auto installation service for kernel 2.6.27-1-generic" to run? [22:09] thanks [22:10] Probably. [22:10] If it doesn't, it'll run on boot anyway. [22:10] Or you can run /etc/init.d/whatever-the-dkms-thingy-is [22:11] i take it back i got nvidia working now - i was using the nvidia installer not the dkms-thingy which work for me [22:16] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/261318 [22:16] Launchpad bug 261318 in xorg "Xorg can't use Toshiba Laptop Support (tlsup) input device; input device does not support 'kbd' input handler" [Undecided,New] [22:16] Here's an issue I have. === stefanlsd_ is now known as stefanlsd [22:17] s/here/that/ [22:27] Hi, whats up with Mr Langaseks mail about the feature freeze? Does that mean that blueprints not marked with either Beta Available or Postponed at the end of this day will not be in Intrepid? [22:42] *sigh* for some reason, wpa now no longer works on my machine [22:42] that, and a HDD fail = epic fail [22:42] (its not getting the auth packets before it decides to time out) === Sergeant_Pony is now known as KB1OHY [23:05] Hi, to which LP project shall I report bugs in libglade2-0? [23:09] joh: the ubuntu project? [23:10] joh: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libglade2 [23:14] tormod: Ah, thanks [23:25] I am getting a partial update warning with the latest updates today