
taconetseliot: is there a download of it anywhere ?00:00
tseliottacone: I haven't released it yet. It parses the man page of xorg and generates an xml file00:00
tseliottacone: no, not yet but I hope to release it soon00:00
taconetseliot: does it perform the reverse conversion as well ?00:01
tseliottacone: no, it doesn't00:01
taconetseliot: if it's just one file, you could just pastebin it somewhere00:01
tseliottacone: I have to find it first00:02
taconetseliot: if it's too much effort nevermind, I'll wait.00:03
tseliottacone: my computer is a mess and it's a bit late now. I promise to find it and upload it ASAP00:04
taconetseliot: np, it was just out of curiosity. I'll wait :)00:05
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emgentnxvl: remember to remove update debian maintainer bla bla bla in changelog00:49
nxvlemgent: where?00:51
nxvlemgent: if you are refering to terminator, it's change it was made in this revision, shouldn't it go there?00:52
emgentnxvl: not if i remember ubuntu-devel policy, but dont worry :)00:53
nxvlemgent: mmm, then update-maintainer should be changed00:53
nxvl(as in script)00:53
slangasekit was changed01:05
slangasekthough possibly reverted; I haven't followed too closely01:06
ssaboum'night everyone01:33
james_wthanks RainCT01:55
ScottKRainCT: RE clamav: Just unsub UUS and wait for Debian to apply it.02:00
james_wScottK: do you have any time to help clamav in Debian?02:02
james_wwas it in fact you that offered?02:02
ScottKjames_w: There's a new pkg_clamav team.  I'm on it.02:02
james_wgood to hear02:02
ScottKI'd like it if some more Ubuntu people would join me there and we could maintain a common repo.02:03
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tbielawaalo motu's02:14
tbielawaI'm looking to enhance ubuntu-vm-builder. what channel do you recommend I start discussions on?02:23
RAOFI'd guess either #ubuntu-server, or #ubuntu-devel02:25
tbielawaI'm looking to add functionality to ubuntu-vm-builder so you can specify MAC addresses at build time. It's feature I had to make extra utils to implement in my workplace02:27
tbielawaIt feels like an essential thing :)02:27
tbielawaCan anyone please spare a few minutes to please give me a REVU on this upload? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=lucidlife much thanks!02:34
jscinozhi guys03:46
jscinozi think theres something wrong with REVU atm, if you try to view this package http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=google-gadgets it gives python errors, but if you go directly to an older upload ID of the same package (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=3475) it works fine... any ideas?03:47
nxvlScottK-laptop: around?06:20
persianxvl: It's late there (and moreso for you, no?)06:20
nxvlwe have almost the same tz06:21
nxvlbut he use to be here until late06:21
superm1meh not that late on the east coast06:21
superm1yeah i was gonna say i've seen him around 1 or 2 hours past now06:21
persiaIt's already today there, which counts as late in my book.  It should clearly be a day earlier.06:22
nxvlpersia: yeah, you live in the other side of the world06:23
persiaIt's the sunny side :p06:23
nxvl14 hours difference06:23
nxvlpersia: it;s summer there, doesn't it?06:25
persianxvl: That's the unfortunate side effect of it being the sunny side.06:26
nxvlyeah, geeks don't like sun often06:27
persiaI like the sun, it's just the heat that bothers me.  If there was an environment where it was always sunny, yet never above about 30 C, I'd be very happy there.06:28
nxvlpersia: then come to peru06:28
persiaThe new machine house in Dubai looks interesting: lots of piped sun, and systemic air conditioning.06:28
persianxvl: It's not always sunny there.  Look up.06:29
nxvl30 C on summer (and that's really hot) and 22 on winter06:29
nxvlpersia: Piura is ALWAYS sunny and it's between 28 and 33 C all year06:29
persianxvl: It's sunny right now?06:30
nxvlno, it's night right now06:30
stefanlsdmm. freeze is coming06:30
=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away
nxvlbuw i've been there last week and it was sunny (at day)06:30
nxvlstefanlsd: yep, one more day06:30
nxvlit already smells like FF, things are going funnier and my head is about to blow up06:31
stefanlsdRAOF: hihi06:32
RAOFstefanlsd: You should feel free to subscribe u-u-s whenever you think your package is done.  If we never had to make comments, we'd just let everyone upload.06:32
nxvlmaking comments is fun06:33
stefanlsdRAOF: hehe. kk. will sub it again.  and hopefully its ok this time.06:33
nxvlstefanlsd: don't quit, just keep trying, that way you will learn more06:33
stefanlsdI've been reading this http://mako.cc/writing/to_fork_or_not_to_fork.html.  pretty interesting. makes me wanna get more involved with debian06:33
nxvlDebian is not so fun as it seems06:34
tuxmaniacheya gang06:34
tuxmaniacgood morning06:34
RAOFDebian has the huge disadvantage that I can't upload packages to it :)06:34
nxvlgood $WhateverTimeIsInYourTimezon06:34
nxvldebian development is just a bunch of individual works06:35
nxvlsome of them collective, but just some of them06:35
nxvlnot an open community as ubuntu one06:35
stefanlsdmm. should be much easier to get dd status there if youre already a MOTU here06:35
RAOFYeah.  It would probably take 5 years instead of 10 :P06:35
nxvlstefanlsd: don't be so sure06:36
nxvlstefanlsd: NM process involves more than just technical stuf06:36
tuxmaniacin fact you need to be well versed with policies and licenses, philosophy etc06:38
stefanlsdmaybe i'll just go to work06:38
stefanlsdcya guys later :)06:40
nxvltuxmaniac: AND, the most important part, be a zealot :D06:41
dholbachgood morning06:41
nxvldholbach: gutten tag06:41
dholbachnxvl: Guten Morgen!06:42
nxvloh yeah! Morgen06:42
missblackhi do you know much about the moon06:42
nxvli don't speak german since 2001 when i finished the school06:42
dholbachnxvl: ask me about my Spanish - although I never learned it anywhere :)06:42
dholbachI'm pondering starting to learn it though06:43
nxvldholbach: heh, i wasn't able to speak anything but german at school06:43
dholbachugh... poor you :)06:43
nxvldholbach: then only courses i have in different languages was Spanish and English06:43
nxvleven math, biologi and physics was in german06:44
nxvl(inclusing sports)06:44
nxvldholbach: yeah, germans grammar isn't easy for a non german speaker :P06:44
dholbachI pity everyone starting to learn german - although I'm sure there are languages that are much worse :)06:45
nxvldholbach: chinesse to name one06:45
dholbachis the grammar worse?06:45
gilligan__Chinese grammar is super simple06:46
gilligan__basically almost non-existing06:46
gilligan__you just need to get a hang of the different tones06:46
nxvlyeah, but listening and pronoucing is hell06:46
nxvlthey just scream06:46
gilligan__it's not that bad :)06:46
nxvlwhat i found the hardest of german is to have, not only he and she, but it, and actually use it06:47
gilligan__not to mention all the irregular flexation of words06:47
* nxvl still remember 1st grade der = blue, die = red, das = yellow06:48
NCommanderhey ScottK, you floating around?06:48
NCommandermeh, I failed every language class I ever took06:48
nxvlgilligan__: and saying a completely and logical sentense in ONE word06:48
gilligan__nxvl, eh? "der blue" ?06:48
nxvlder in german is he06:48
dholbach"der" is "the" :)06:49
nxvlso they use colors so you know which object is what06:49
nxvlwell yeah06:49
nxvlbut male "the"06:49
nxvland die is female "the"06:49
nxvland das is neutral "the"06:50
nxvldholbach: and you actually use the 3 of them06:50
nxvlthat's hell06:50
dholbachso guys... how does https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek look?06:51
* dholbach is fairly happy with the sessions offered 06:51
nxvli want to give a talk :(06:51
tuxmaniachey people, is there a way to get harvest list a specific set of softwre packages?06:51
tuxmaniacnot the pkg=xxx,yyyy way.06:52
dholbachtuxmaniac: but?06:52
tuxmaniacbut depending on a category or team?06:52
nxvltalking about harvest06:52
NCommanderwho did the Ubuntu packaging videos?06:52
nxvldholbach: it would be usefull to have the header all the time06:52
dholbachnxvl: there's a bug about it, bdrung worked on anchors for packages06:52
nxvldholbach: from the middle to the bottom, you don't know which bug number represts what06:52
dholbachbut it's still not merged because of some other problems06:52
tuxmaniaclike MOTu Science subscribed packages or whose packages fall under Category="electronics" and stuff?06:52
dholbachnxvl: I know06:52
nxvldholbach: i have a workaround on my ppa, but i never finished it06:53
dholbachtuxmaniac: what is the launchpad team name?06:53
nxvlon my bzr06:53
nxvldholbach: you will do packaging 101 in just 1 hour this time?06:53
nxvloh, separate fixing bugs06:53
dholbachtuxmaniac: there's a small script at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2008-August/026118.html06:53
dholbachtuxmaniac: if you run    python bla.py motuscience    it will give you a harvest URL for that team06:54
dholbachit's not perfect, but bobbo is working on a different solution06:54
nxvli love slangasek talk!06:54
nxvlit's a funny name06:54
dholbachand we're looking into using seeds to split up the packages06:54
dholbachNCommander: I did, if you mean the ones on youtube.com/ubuntudevelopers06:55
tuxmaniacdholbach oh let me check06:55
nxvlNCommander: english ones dholbach and spanish one me06:55
NCommanderdholbach, ah, so that's what you look like :-)06:55
dholbachI have longer hair now06:56
nxvldholbach: i love UbuntuDeveloperWeek schedule06:56
nxvllooks better than the last one06:57
dholbachnxvl: I uploaded a few pictures from the India trip: http://picasaweb.google.com/daniel.holbach/India06:57
nxvland i'm surprised to see so many people i don't know06:57
dholbachand I'm still writing the blog entry about the trip06:57
* NCommander can see dholbach with a mullet for some reason ...06:57
dholbachI know... I suck06:57
emetis there a simple command to compile a source package into binary packages (deb)?06:57
nxvldholbach: and i uploaded almost all pictures from disney: http://flickr.com/photos/nxvl/sets/72157606957145935/06:57
dholbachemet: install devscripts and run     debuild -us -uc06:57
* tuxmaniac quickly clicks on that Indian photo link06:58
NCommanderI dunno why, but I do06:58
tuxmaniacand dholbach .. my goodness, the url returned is too big. I have to scroll back to get the complete one on terminator ;)06:58
dholbachtuxmaniac: tinyurl.com :)06:58
dholbachtuxmaniac: http://tinyurl.com/6l7x9b06:59
nxvl\o/ another terminator user07:00
NCommanderwhat is terminator?07:00
tuxmaniacnxvl: terminator rocks07:00
nxvltuxmaniac: yes it does07:00
NCommanderbesides a future killing machine07:00
* dholbach needs tabs and alt+1, alt+2, alt+3 tab switching to be happy :)07:00
dholbachNCommander: apt-cache show terminator07:00
nxvldholbach: terminator HAS tabs07:00
dholbachI know07:00
dholbachbut no alt+1 alt+2 alt+3 tab switching07:01
dholbachlike in gnome-terminal07:01
NCommanderwould it work on Xubuntu?07:01
tuxmaniacdholbach: cool thanks.07:01
nxvlNCommander: yep07:01
dholbachNCommander: I don't see why it wouldn't07:01
* NCommander installs07:01
nxvldholbach: file a bug07:01
NCommanderOk, what's the wow feature from gnome-terminal07:02
NCommanderI've opened a few tabs, but its not quite doing it for me (yet)07:02
NCommanderand suddenly I found it07:02
* NCommander changes his default X terminal07:03
dholbachNCommander: I think what people like best about it is that they can split the terminals horizontally/vertically07:03
NCommanderJust discovered it07:03
NCommanderI was using GNOME terminal in place of xfce4-temrinal07:03
NCommanderNow terminator is MY terminal07:03
* NCommander joins the Launchpad group07:03
nxvlmore terminator users07:04
emetdholbach, thank you it works :)07:04
nxvlmore bugs and pain for me07:04
NCommanderWhere is a list of keystrokes?07:04
nxvlNCommander: man terminator07:04
nxvlNCommander: mand terminator_config07:04
dholbachemet: party on!07:04
NCommanderCtrl-Shift-0 doesn't work for me07:05
dholbachmight need a newer version?07:05
NCommanderI use intrepid07:06
NCommanderIts in the man page07:06
nxvlNCommander: it's o not 007:06
NCommanderOh, O!07:06
NCommanderI think I'm in love07:06
nxvlNCommander: yep07:06
NCommanderIt's like when I first started X11 and discovered multiple xterms ...07:06
* NCommander joins the Terminator Users LP grou07:07
nxvlNCommander: and when the type in multiple terminals feature come out you will be more in love with it07:07
nxvlit is a terminator users group?07:07
NCommanderTHere is one07:07
nxvlNCommander: you also Cntrl+Drag&Drop to re-order your terminals07:07
nxvldidn't knew it07:08
NCommanderI also found ubuntu-smokers tonight07:08
NCommander(added after I stumbled upon canonical-smokers)07:08
nxvlmonkeys! -> http://picasaweb.google.com/daniel.holbach/India/photo#523812981906795654607:09
NCommanderFor some horrible reason, I want to file a blueprint against ubuntu-smokers "12 step plan to quitting"07:09
NCommanderBTW, anyone here xubuntu users?07:10
dholbachnxvl: there were lots and lots and lots of them in Shimla :)07:10
nxvlwalking on the streets?07:10
NCommanderLess that 24 hours until the freeze07:12
nxvlNCommander: the nightmare starts07:13
NCommanderDamn it07:13
NCommander"The Nightmare Begins - Final Fantasy VII Soundtrack"07:13
NCommanderMy laptop is achieving sentience07:13
nxvldholbach: btw, the other day i was talking with persia and we come to the point that i'm the only latin american MOTU, or you know other?07:14
dholbachnxvl: it very much looks like it07:15
* nxvl felt lonely after that conversation07:15
NCommandernxvl, it could be worse07:15
* nxvl feels oficialy lonely07:15
dholbachnxvl: I'm sure you can get a bunch of other people involved! :)07:15
nxvldholbach: yep, i get invited to latinoware this year to give a talk07:15
nxvldholbach: i will try to wash some peoples mind07:15
nxvli think they are going to invite jono also07:16
NCommanderInstall plan 9 on their machines, and when they beg you to remove it, install Ubuntu ;-)07:16
nxvlthey needed an ubuntu keynote speaker07:16
tuxmaniacbug 260158 is "fix released" but harvest lists it as an opportunity. I am not getting it.07:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260158 in gabedit "[ftbfs] 2.1.8-2 falils to build on intrepid pbuilder" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26015807:17
nxvlso i told them about jono and to forget about mark07:17
NCommandertuxmaniac, I think there is a lag before harvest updates07:17
nxvlthere is07:17
dholbachNCommander: hm?07:17
tuxmaniacmore than 12- 15 hrs?07:17
dholbachwhat kind of lag you mean?07:17
dholbachah - that07:17
nxvldholbach: you close a bug in launchpad and it doesn't update harvest automagically, or it does?07:18
dholbachit's not actually a lag in harvest, but in the script that generates the .csv list of bugs, that harvest downloads07:18
dholbachit's a harvest-data 'bug'07:18
nxvldholbach: yeah, but considering that script as part of harvest, it is07:18
NCommanderI don't know how harvest works so  can't say specifically07:18
dholbachharvest checks the list of .csv urls every hour and checks if there were changes made to those .csv files07:19
nxvlalso, not a bug, just how things work07:19
nxvlyou can't have up to date data on such a tool07:19
dholbachhttp://daniel.holba.ch/harvest and http://daniel.holba.ch/harvest/doc should have more info07:19
tuxmaniacdholbach: every hour. but this bug was closed 12 hrs back almost07:19
nxvltuxmaniac: + the time that it takes to create/update the /cvs07:20
dholbachtuxmaniac: in this case it's bdmurray's script that spits out a .csv file somewhere, that harvest downloads, puts into a database, then generates HTML from07:20
tuxmaniacoh ok. interesting07:21
nxvlso we need to blame bdmurray07:21
dholbachharvest has no understanding of bugs, duplicates, patches and so on07:21
dholbachI wanted to keep that kind of logic out of the code to make it easier :)07:21
nxvldholbach: oh, btw, it will be interesting to make a video about how/where to find things to fix (ie. harvest, MoM, ubuntuwire, etc...)07:22
nxvland how they work07:22
dholbachyes, it would07:22
nxvlbut as always time is a problem07:23
dholbachit'd be nice to have all this information in harvest07:23
nxvlor wiki07:23
dholbachMoM should spit out a .csv file too07:23
nxvland be updated07:24
nxvlwoohoo i've just find that terminator has a search bar07:24
nxvli always wanted that07:24
nxvland i call myself a terminator developer07:24
NCommander*falls over*07:25
NCommandernxvl, it could be worse07:25
NCommanderYOu could be a Vista developer07:25
* nxvl runs screaming07:26
NCommandernxvl, are there any important packages that needs work befor ethe freeze date?07:26
NCommander(aka, can I do some more good stuff?)07:26
slytheringeser: there? need to discuss libjboss-cache stuff07:26
nxvlNCommander: mmm you can make some ufw integration07:27
nxvlNCommander: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Roadmap#UFW Package Integration07:27
nxvlNCommander: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFirewall#Integrating UFW with Packages07:27
NCommanderwhats UFW?07:27
NCommanderUbuntu firewall07:28
nxvlUncomplicated Firewall07:28
nxvlor Ubuntu Firewall07:28
nxvlor U* Firewall07:28
slytherinIt is certainly not Ubuntu Firewall07:28
nxvl(replace * with whatever makes sense for you)07:28
* NCommander ducks for cover07:28
dholbachcan you just check if there are any glaring mistakes on http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/?p=18907:29
nxvli think oficial name now is Uncomplicated07:29
NCommanderdholbach, checking07:29
NCommanderdholbach, if you want to host something about Xubuntu, I am your man ;-)07:30
nxvldholbach: The Ubuntu Developer Week is designed to give you an overview of what’s going on in the Ubuntu Developer week07:30
dholbachNCommander: unfortunately the schedule is all set right now - but if you were available as a backup that'd be awesome07:30
nxvldholbach: doesn't make much sense07:30
dholbachnxvl: eh?07:31
dholbachnxvl: a yes :)07:31
NCommanderdholbach, I assume my notice to fill in comes five minutes after the start date of a class ;-)07:31
nxvli think last 'week' should be 'world'07:31
nxvlor something07:31
=== emma_ is now known as emma
dholbachat UDW find out what UDW is about!07:31
* NCommander falls over07:32
NCommanderDuring the freeze, I'm likely going to be dedicating a good chunk of time to backports testing07:32
NCommanderIts a good month to flush out the queue07:32
ajmitchstretching legs & kicking out power cord is not a good thing07:33
NCommanderajmitch, better then the dog takes a leak on your surge protector07:33
NCommanderThen again, I think that was probably the most effective house breaking ever07:33
ajmitchthankfully I don't have a dog to do that07:33
* NCommander should start a poll on the most common original Linux used by UDs07:34
NCommanderI see a lot of Red Hat, but relatively few people start off as Debian as their first distro ever07:34
NCommanderJust as a completely non-scienific poll, what varient of Ubuntu are the devs running07:35
NCommander(I'm kinda curious of Kubuntu or regular Ubuntu is more popular these days)07:35
nxvldholbach: why we are not having the ask Mark session? is he busy?07:38
dholbachnxvl: we have "ask Matt"!07:38
nxvldholbach: we should have ask jono07:39
nxvlthat would be SO fun07:39
nxvlpeople use to make funny questions to jono all the time07:39
nxvland worst if popey is aroun07:39
jpdsnxvl: Did we have that once?07:39
nxvljpds: yeah, don't read the logs07:39
NCommanderjpds, what happened?07:40
nxvldholbach: other than the s/week/world thing it's good07:41
nxvl(or at least it looks good)07:41
jpdsNCommander: Can't remember.07:41
dholbachthanks nxvl and thanks for digging07:41
NCommanderjpds, out of curosity, do you use kubuntu/ubuntu/xubuntu?07:41
NCommander(or other)07:42
jpdsNCommander: ubuntu.07:42
nxvlwhenever you want07:42
nxvldholbach: this UDW looks awesome07:42
NCommanderI'm trying to figure out what people find so appealing about kubuntu07:42
nxvldholbach: there are a lot of sessions i want to see07:42
dholbachyeah, same here07:42
nxvlmore than the half07:42
NCommanderI've tried it, but KDE never seems to work quite as seemlessly as Ubuntu, and I have to wonder if I'm maybe missing here07:42
nxvldholbach: i'm also surprised with the amount of new people giving sessions07:43
dholbachthat's right - we have lots of great people :)07:43
nxvlis good to see so many people don't being afraid and jumping in into new things07:44
NCommanderYup, I agree with nxvl07:45
dholbachwhich forums would be the first for the UDW announce?07:46
NCommanderkubuntu-desktop is uninstallable :-/07:46
dholbach"community cafe" and "intrepid ibex testing"?07:46
nxvldon't know the forums07:46
* dholbach will put it on those two07:46
nxvltime to sleep07:46
nxvlread you later07:47
dholbachsleep tight nxvl!07:47
nxvland have a nice day/sleep tight07:47
nxvldholbach: thank you! have a nice day!07:47
dholbachgracias :)07:47
didrocksmorning :)08:01
dholbachhi didrocks08:02
dholbachUbuntu Developer Week announced! :)08:02
didrocksdholbach: !!!08:02
dholbachseems like everybody is pretty happy with the offered sessions :)08:02
taconedholbach:  they look great indeed08:05
Hobbseeoh noes, udu!08:09
Hobbseeer, udw!08:09
dholbachHobbsee: it's been a while since UDU :)08:09
Hobbseedholbach: that's true.  that's before my time :P08:09
NCommanderdholbach, UDU?08:10
* dholbach still remembers the H U G E key signing party there08:10
NCommanderUbuntu Developer U?08:10
ajmitcheveryone line up...08:10
dholbachNCommander: Ubuntu Down Under08:10
NCommandersounds like fun08:10
ajmitchand don't touch mako's passport :)08:10
NCommanderWhere is this all being done?08:10
dholbachit was the UDS in Sydney08:11
ajmitchin 200508:11
NCommanderI mean this UDW?08:11
NCommanderOr is it just all online08:11
dholbachNCommander: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/JoiningIn#ubuntu08:11
ajmitchUDW is online, UDS isn't08:11
dholbachNCommander: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/JoiningIn08:11
NCommanderI'll join in08:12
NCommanderEven in the basic classes, you can learn neat tricks08:12
* Hobbsee wonders who will get sacrificed to the ubuntu gods, in the sessions.08:13
Hobbseei won't be there, so it won't be me08:14
Hobbseeor if i am, i wont be for much of it, and i won't be paying much attention.08:14
\shHobbsee: bug #244261 isn't resolved ... it crashes with the same output and I really think it has to do with the sound stuff08:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244261 in recordmydesktop "Locking assertion failure libxcb-xlib.so.0 xcb_xlib_unlock" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24426108:14
NCommandermorning Hobbsee08:14
Hobbseehey NCommander08:15
NCommanderhow goes it?08:15
ajmitchHobbsee: you'd be there more than me08:15
ajmitcheven if I wanted to be involved, I live in the wrong timezone08:16
Hobbseewell, i'll be writing parts of a compiler, and such08:16
ajmitchtrivial tasks08:16
NCommanderHobbsee, what are you doing O_o?08:16
ajmitchyou should have that done soon enough08:16
HobbseeNCommander: assignments.08:17
NCommanderYou get to write compilers in your uni classes?08:17
NCommanderDamn, your uni 0wns mine08:17
Hobbseeajmitch: heh.  i would have, if i was actually *here* this weekend.08:17
HobbseeNCommander: in programming languages, yes.08:17
NCommanderThe most I ever did was write the start of an assembler08:17
NCommanderHobbsee, luck be to you though, if your writing a C compiler, god help you on the grammer rules08:18
Hobbsee\sh: interesting.08:18
HobbseeNCommander: heh.  fortunately not - it's a calender language.08:18
NCommanderOh good08:18
ajmitchsome compiler theory isn't that unusual in a lot of CS schools08:18
Hobbsee\sh: i did that on the basis of "upstream says it's fixed, so it probably is"08:18
\shHobbsee: fun part, recording mono sound works...and doesn't crash, recording two channels -> same output08:18
NCommanderOur CS program believes in Java only08:18
ajmitchCS at the uni I went to is switching from java to python for its introductory courses08:19
NCommanderWhich is why I promptly left when I came to the conclusion that most professors have no idea what the real world needs08:19
NCommanderI don't mind if they teach java or require it08:19
wgrantajmitch: Mine is switching from C to Python.08:19
ajmitchbut they do a lot of C after that08:19
NCommanderMine was straight java08:19
wgrantAnd then C in later years, of course.08:19
NCommanderI think you get MIPS assembler in your fourth year08:19
wgrantAnd Java for one subject.08:19
NCommanderBut no C AFAIK08:19
wgrantHow can they avoid C!?08:19
NCommanderThey should teach C first IMHO08:19
NCommanderUsing a garbage collected language is a horrible learning tool08:20
wgrantTeaching C to non-programmers is stupid.08:20
NCommanderBecause it teachs all the wrong lessons08:20
NCommanderThe CS program here is a joke I found08:20
NCommanderAll theory, no praticial08:20
NCommanderWe do have a computer enginneering tech class which is what IMHO, CS should be, but its too heavy on the hardware side for me to enjoy08:20
NCommanderI personally believe though that using garbage collected languages as a learning tool is a joke08:21
NCommanderGet people not to depend on GC()s, or else they'll never learn to apperiate the full consequence of bad code.08:22
directhexi know first year rocket scientists at southampton were given some C08:22
directhexand my wife picked up some C from her MUD days08:22
NCommanderlike I said, its a joke here08:22
NCommanderThe local LUGS users know more then the graduates08:22
NCommander(five of them are people who left the CS major for the same reason I did)08:22
NCommanderat least in practical skills08:23
directhexmost CS degrees i know of start with "easy" languages then move down to lower level things, rather than the reverse08:23
directhexmy degree was mostly java based, possibly because they could teach principles and data structures and algorithm design without needing to do nearly as much unrelated groundwork first08:24
NCommanderour java classes was programming 10108:24
NCommanderAnd I mean like actual 10108:24
NCommanderYou know, this is a statement, you print text like this, meet objects, etc.08:25
NCommanderAbout the only thing I got out of two quarters of that class was a crash course in generics since JDK 5 was released over winter break :-)08:25
directhexi prefer the top-down approach these days. i think a beginner will learn more overall starting with ubuntu & ending on LFS rather than the reverse08:25
NCommanderNo, I understand what you mean08:26
wgrantdirecthex: That is my thinking.08:26
NCommanderA friend of mine told me the following08:26
NCommander"If your going to write code, use smart data structures and stupid code"08:26
directhexwithin reason08:27
NCommanderOf course :-)08:27
NCommanderMy big issue with my uni's CS courses is that data structures weren't taught until the second year08:27
StevenKNCommander: You can't teach data structures with no groundwork08:27
directhexiirc first year CS students at my alma mater write a basic kernel in first year now08:28
directhexwhen i was there we had to design our own malloc08:28
NCommanderI learned C from a Wrox book that taught basic structures08:28
NCommanderI dunno08:28
NCommanderI find in general a CS degree is somewhat overrated08:29
directhexwell, i don't specifically use what i l;earnt on my degree to do my job08:29
directhexi use what i learnt in my spare time during those 3 years08:29
NCommanderSure, thats how its supposed to work08:30
directhexbut that's not to say those years weren't valuable at some level08:30
NCommanderI just find that most CS students seem to lack the ability to think criticially08:30
NCommanderALthough I think thats a department issue here08:30
directhexs/CS //08:30
NCommanderVs. an actual CS issue08:30
NCommanderPOint taken08:30
directhexyou wouldn't believe some of the dunces here doing postgrad degrees08:30
NCommanderOh yeah08:30
NCommanderI would08:31
NCommanderI work ITS helpdesk08:31
NCommanderHad to help a postgrad install Office cause the autoplay didn't kick in08:31
NCommanderThis was a CS postgrad08:31
StevenKSo, you would believe some of the dunces teaching postgrad courses, too?08:31
directhexi mean phd students at the world's premier university who don't understand elevators08:31
NCommanderHow do people like that not wash out is beyond me o_o;08:31
directhex*literally* didn't understand elevators. the guy's an inorganic chemist08:31
NCommander*hits head*08:32
NCommanderThat just hurts my brain08:32
directhexhe's very special that one08:32
NCommanderAt some point, I think I came to the conclusion that a BS was a very expensive piece of TP that told employeers that someone can sit for four years and not get in trouble08:33
directhexwe also had the guy who spent 3 days organising a meeting, then on the day of the meeting, sends an email asking if he can arrange a meeting, as if he was on some drug-fuelled bender for those 3 days & didn't know they'd happened08:33
NCommanderI changed after my second year from Information Tech (after leaving CS) to Criminal Justice and I haven't looked back08:33
NCommanderI'm actually learning things and enjoying myself08:33
directhexi was sick of my degree by the time i got to third year. too much education makes one feel ill08:34
NCommanderWell, two years of CJ08:35
NCommanderAnd I totally love it08:35
NCommanderI'll keep doing tech stuff though Ubuntu and such08:35
NCommanderAnd if I can get an employeer who realizes CS degrees aren't really all that important08:35
NCommanderOtherwise, I plan to go on and become a sheriff up in Alaska08:36
directhexhttp://img.thedailywtf.com/images/200808/errord/orangefull.png #spot the problem08:36
NCommanderI already saw this08:37
NCommanderI'm a moderator on the daily wtf :-)08:37
wgrantUrgh MFD.08:37
directhexNCommander, that's cheating!08:38
NCommanderdirecthex, they've updated the image08:38
NCommanderNow its got the thedailywtf next to the NSFW item08:38
directhexNSFW is a bit of a generalization08:39
wgrantAnd the dozens upon dozens of comments saying that...08:39
directhexif you work for gawker media's porn review blog, for example, i'm pretty sure it's not nsfw08:39
sorenOr if you work from home..08:39
NCommanderRelatively speaking08:40
wgrantdirecthex: I suspect that that's a fairly rare position.08:40
taconebobbo: here ?08:40
StevenKWhat soren said :-P08:40
jmlsoren: depends on who else works from home :)08:40
directhexwgrant, sadly so :'(08:40
NCommanderI don't think I want MyFirstSexTeacher however popping up on my employors desktop08:40
sorenjml: Point :)08:40
wgrantOh no, attack of the Canonical people!08:40
sorenwgrant: You forgot "evil".08:40
jmlnyargh, we come to exploit your community-driven off-topic conversations08:41
wgrantsoren: Please wait while I grab that blog post with its creative insults.08:41
jmlwe will harness the power of off-topicness to RULE THE WORLD08:41
NCommanderQuickly, we must all go to #canonical and flood the place with ontopic stuff08:42
sorenjml: Or at least power a small city.08:42
NCommanderThe future of #ubuntu-motu depends on it!08:42
directhexless babble, more main sponsorship, canonical people.08:42
sorenNCommander: I'm not sure there's any such thing.08:42
jmlsoren: heh heh08:42
sorenNCommander: ontopic stuff in #canonical that is. I'm not denying the existence of the channel itself.08:42
directhexalso, find me some packing tape so i can mail this hard disk to SGI08:42
NCommanderIt's a pity non-sense isn't a viable power source08:42
NCommanderThe random bouts of insanity in thise room could power the world08:43
wgrantThat I cannot deny.08:43
NCommanderI mean, a few weeks ago, we had someone trying to make Ubuntu Developer trading cards08:43
dholbachawesome idea08:43
NCommanderit made slangasek go WTF08:44
Arc_so the AGPLv3 license issue seems to be resolved08:44
directhexmjg59, i choose you!08:44
wgrantArc_: [citation needed]08:44
* NCommander uses a FTBFS against didrocks 08:44
NCommanderer directhex08:44
Arc_wgrant: Mark Shuttleworth in an email to the community council, technical council, and myself:08:44
NCommanderWhats really sad is if we put our heads together, we could probably make a viable game08:44
directhextrading cards, pokemon cards, same difference08:44
Arc_"My view is that the AGPLv3 is a free license and I would have no reservations about supporting the main / universe inclusion of an AGPLv3 package."08:44
NCommanderThe goal is to be the first to release, and you have packages, bugs, blueprints, translations, FTBFS, and random events08:45
wgrantWell, he would say that.08:45
wgrantBut he might well be correct.08:45
Arc_given that the community council also has one of the AGPLv3 co-authors on it..08:45
Arc_so I return to ask what the process is08:45
sorenwgrant: Was this what you were looking for: "triblodyte bricordion nickerbook"08:46
wgrantsoren: That's the one.08:46
NCommanderWhat's the story with the AGPLv3?08:46
wgrantIt's creative; I'll give him that.08:46
sorenwgrant: Now, if we could somehow harness the power of the pointlessness of that discussion, we'd be close to world domination already.08:46
Arc_NCommander: the AGPLv3 is identical to the GPLv3 except section 13, which it adds the requirement that if you host an online app (ie, a webapp, game server, etc) that's modified from what has been distributed, you must offer to all users your changes08:47
wgrantsoren: But Canonical is evil!08:47
Arc_its to close the "ASP Loophole" in the GPL08:47
NCommanderright, I"m aware of that08:47
directhexwhat's debian-legal's take on AGPLv3?08:47
wgrantDebian bug #49572108:47
ubottuDebian bug 495721 in ftp.debian.org "ftp.debian.org: Is AGPLv3 DFSG-free?" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/49572108:47
Arc_directhex: the consensus seems to be that AGPLv3 is DFSG-nonfree08:47
NCommanderOh, there is dispute on if it is a free (DFSG) license?08:47
wgrantNCommander: Correct.08:47
NCommanderAt first glance, it seems to pass the d-legal evilness tests08:48
Arc_which is why I sent an email to the Ubuntu councils, since Ubuntu tends to be more sane when it comes to license freeness08:48
NCommanderbut reading this08:48
NCommanderI don't know08:48
wgrantWhether we are more sane is debatable.08:48
NCommanderI don't like the AGPL because it feels in many ways impratical08:48
NCommanderwgrant, sanity is not part of Ubuntu08:48
wgrantIn my mind it is non-free.08:49
NCommanderAt least, its not synced from Debian08:49
wgrantAs I can't safely modify it.08:49
Arc_NCommander: the issue is not whether anyone likes it or not, projects are using it, and people are voting through their use or non-use of it08:49
NCommanderRMS is correct that the ASP loophole is valid08:49
directhexhm, i wonder if my details are part of that "server ebayed contains millions of bank details" news story08:49
Arc_much like the BSD vs GPL issue, we could argue it for years, but in the end it's code released under the licenses that the philosophy is worked out08:49
directhexi should ask andy to grep for me08:50
NCommanderBut I think there is a point where even he's decided to push idealogy far ahead of everything else08:50
wgrantNCommander: I agree fully.08:50
NCommanderHaving had an opprtunity to briefly meet with RMS08:50
didrocksNCommander: ? :)08:50
NCommanderHe's right on a lot of issues, but he has the stance of no-surrender, no giving up08:50
Arc_NCommander: I don't believe RMS was the force behind the AGPLv3, it was several FSF board members and lawyers with the SFLC08:50
NCommanderI'm not aware08:50
wgrantArc_: There is a significant practical problem with the AGPL. It's not like BSD vs. GPL.08:50
wgrantGPL doesn't restrict use.08:50
NCommanderActually, RMS blessed the AGPL08:51
Arc_wgrant: let's not get back into that discussion.08:51
NCommanderWhen I was a FSF Savannah admin, we were told to explicately allow AGPL apps08:51
wgrantArc_: It is core to the issue.08:51
Arc_NCommander: yes he did, but he was not the force driving it08:51
NCommanderNormally, we only accept packages that are license compatible with the GPL current revision08:51
Arc_wgrant: I am not here to debate licenses.  I am here asking for information on how packages get included in Ubuntu08:51
NCommanderWell, until the issue is disputed08:52
wgrantArc_: Upon entry you mentioned the AGPL issue.08:52
NCommanderShove it into Multiverse08:52
wgrantAnd packages don't enter Ubuntu unless their license is fine.08:52
Arc_the package in question is not, nor will, be in the Debian repository08:52
NCommanderwgrant, AGPL is acceptable for multiverse08:52
wgrantNor do they enter Ubuntu a day before FF.08:52
NCommanderOh, thats true ;-)08:52
Arc_NCommander: the issue seems to have already been resolved, AGPLv3 is acceptable for universe.08:52
* directhex grumbles about having failed to get mono-basic into debian before ubuntu ff08:53
wgrantNor do they hopefully enter Ubuntu if somebody asserts that it will not be in Debian without good reason.08:53
NCommanderThat's going to be rather interesting if Debian says its not08:53
Arc_let me put it this way; if the package in question had to go into multiverse, we would not submit it for inclusion in any repository but only offer it on our website08:53
NCommandercause that means now non-free packages from Debian may enter universe08:53
wgrantArc_: I believe a chance exists that Mark is not impartial in this matter.08:53
Arc_NCommander: welcome to reality, they already are.08:53
NCommanderwgrant, what was marks relationship to AGPL?08:54
wgrantNCommander: He suggested that it be used by Launchpad.08:54
Arc_Ubuntu has considered the GNU FDL a free license and included packages into universe/main which debian includes in non-free08:54
NCommanderI thought I hated LP being closed08:54
NCommanderBut that's just plain ugly08:54
directhexwhen did FDL start being free?08:54
Arc_guys, please.  I'm here asking about packaging, not licensing.08:55
wgrantFree Documentation License.08:55
directhexthe documentation license with invariant sections08:55
wgrantWhich isn't so free.08:55
NCommanderI thought the FDL was free as long as there were no invarient sections08:55
directhexif i can say "this documentation is free, except all the sections are invariant" kinda goes against freedom08:56
didrocksIs it me or all *ubuntu* ML seems to be down (devel, motu, intrepid-changes) ? Or nobody's working ? :)08:56
Arc_what is the difference between Main and Universe, in terms of the process packages get to be included in each08:56
wgrantdidrocks: We're all busy debating the merits of the AGPL :P08:56
didrockswgrant: I see that :)08:56
Arc_is there a better channel for me to ask about Ubuntu package policy?08:56
NCommanderArc_, nothing enters main directly, it goes into universe, and if it needs to be supported by Canonical, you file an MIR to make it go to Main08:56
wgrantArc_: Packages almost always enter universe first, They may then get promoted.08:56
NCommanderArc_, normally, its here.08:57
NCommanderBut we're debating the AGPL at the moment08:57
directhexArc_, main inclusion needs a damn good reason and/or sexual favours in the right places08:57
wgrantdidrocks: Keep it family friendly...08:57
NCommanderthat was a visual I didn't need08:57
wgrantdirecthex: ^^08:57
NCommanderthen again, we were talking about that NSFW site before08:57
Arc_debating the AGPL would be better in a channel like #FSF would it not?08:57
directhexice cream, then. everyone loves ice cream.08:57
NCommanderthis is Ubuntu specific08:57
didrockswgrant: twice this morning :)08:57
NCommanderTechinically we could chat about this in -devel08:57
wgrantdidrocks: So I noticed.08:58
Arc_As I've been told MOTU doesn't make policy, the technical council and community council does.08:58
Arc_not regarding licensing, at least08:58
NCommanderThe community council doesn't make policy unless we can't decide on something08:58
directhexconsidering i've been directhex since the mid 1990s, i blame didrocks08:58
wgrantIn a matter like this, I believe it would be inappropriate for them to hand down a judgement without further discussion.08:58
NCommanderwhenever I see directhex, I think of directx08:58
wgrantParticularly given what has happened in Debian.08:58
NCommanderwgrant, what happened in Debian?08:58
didrocksdirecthex: I am didrocks from 1998 only, sorry :p08:59
directhexNCommander, yes, that was the idea. directx was new and hip when i picked the pseudonym08:59
wgrantWell, the license is ambiguous, and a has a use restriction.08:59
NCommanderObviously you never programmed against it08:59
NCommanderwgrant, I find the AGPL to be worse then the damn adversing clause08:59
directhexNCommander, no, because i would have been about twelve at the time08:59
NCommanderAnd its so freaking vague08:59
directhexNCommander, and far too busy discovering internet porn08:59
wgrantNCommander: Correct.09:00
directhexwait, family friendly. gah09:00
Arc_wgrant: that is your opinion.  not everyone agrees with your assessment.  use restriction would violate software freedom #0 and, if commonly held, would have never been released.09:00
didrockswgrant: can you just confirm that you didn't received any email from those ml from the last 8 hours?09:00
NCommanderIs there any mechanism where the TB can be overruled?09:00
wgrantNCommander: sabdfl.09:00
directhexNCommander, isn't that what the "dictator" part means?09:00
wgrantI don't believe we've had an official ruling yet, have we?09:00
NCommanderIt sounds like Mark though has a vested interest09:01
wgrantThere are other members of the CC and TB.09:01
wgrantAnd we've heard nothing official from anybody at all.09:01
Arc_they've been discussing it for days09:01
wgrantLet us not jump to conclusions about official decisions.09:01
NCommanderBut what's the fun of speculation then wgrant ;-)09:01
directhexbah. does anyone have any parcel tape i can borrow?09:01
NCommanderdirecthex, if you live in Rochester ....09:02
NCommanderBased on the few chats I've had on the AGPL09:02
wgrantdidrocks: I've received many emails on intrepid-changes over the past several hours.09:02
Arc_you know I came on here before asking about this, and left without answers because the people here then, too, were more interested in license banter09:02
wgrantThe last being some 37 minutes ago.09:02
NCommanderI won't be suprised if the developer community had a massive backlash if AGPL was deemed to meet DFSG for Ubuntu09:02
wgrantArc_: You did bring up the licensing issue.09:02
wgrantAnd it is an issue.09:03
wgrantAnd people wish to discuss it, so it shall be discussed.09:03
Arc_forget I mentioned the AGPLv309:03
Arc_I'm asking about package policy09:03
wgrantWhat's the actual question?09:03
Arc_ok so everything goes into Universe first, and it goes through the reve website to do so09:04
NCommanderStrictly speaking, it doesn't have to go through REVU09:04
Hobbseeyes, unless the licence says it's unsuitable for universe.09:04
HobbseeNCommander: it usually, does.09:04
* NCommander has has one package enter universe without passing through REVU09:05
Arc_Hobbsee: if the license is unsuitable for universe, we would not have it included at all, but rather only offer it for download from our site09:05
wgrantArc_: Why not include it in multiverse?09:05
NCommanderArc_, if it was unsuitable for universe, it can simply be placed in multiverse09:05
HobbseeArc_: you asked a general question, i answered it :)09:05
Arc_because that would be false advertising as proprietary software09:05
* Hobbsee blinks09:05
* NCommander double-takes09:05
wgrantvlc isn't proprietary. mplayer isn't proprietary.09:05
NCommanderThere are GPL-pieces of softare in multiverse09:06
NCommanderI'd put it at the majority actually09:06
wgrantThose are just two examples of things that are in multiverse for other reasons that source Freeness.09:06
Arc_I was told that multiverse == nonfree09:06
NCommanderArc_, no, multiverse is non-free, contrib, doesn't meet DFSG09:06
wgrantIt also includes things that have usage restrictions.09:06
HobbseeArc_: correct, but nonfree != propriatory, all the time.09:06
wgrantSuch as patents, or soon AGPL's clause 13, I hope.09:07
Hobbseethe usage restrictions, etc, ... make it nonfree - but not proprietory.09:07
Arc_multiverse is unsuitable for Main, correct?09:07
NCommanderArc_, yes09:07
NCommanderTHere is restricted, but someone has to litterialy die to get a package to go there09:07
Arc_then there is no point in inclusion09:07
directhexrestricted is multiverse for main09:07
wgrantBut most packages are unsuitable for main.09:07
wgrantArc_: Huh?09:07
NCommanderwhy the heck do you want your package to go into main09:07
NCommanderThe vast majority do not leave multiverse09:07
wgrantArc_: So there's no point having it at all if it can't go into main!?09:07
HobbseeNCommander: to get it installed by default, usually.09:07
NCommanderHobbsee, the CDs are so full that we're getting to the point we need to prune them back09:08
Arc_that is not what I was implying, but I'm not feeling a great deal of patience right now to explain09:08
HobbseeNCommander: don't tell me about cd sizes.  i'm part of the release team...09:08
directhexNCommander, mono will shrink for ubuntu+209:08
wgrantNCommander: They have been for years.09:08
NCommanderWe should just remove mono from the CDs09:08
NCommanderProblem solved for another year09:08
* NCommander runs09:08
HobbseeNCommander: :)09:08
* directhex drops an altix on NCommander 09:08
NCommanderArc_, I'm an Xubuntu developer. Our distributions main piece of software Xfce is completely in universe09:08
directhexTEH PATENTZ! O NOEZ!09:09
Arc_NCommander: I did not mean "there's no point if it can't enter main".09:09
Hobbseeoh dear.09:09
* Hobbsee has already dealt with one of them today.09:09
mwiegandspeaking of proprietary, we (= the OpenVAS project) have prepared packages to replace the nessus server packages (OpenVAS is the still-GPL fork of Nessus)09:09
NCommanderActually, I was just suggsting mono's removal cause its a little overkill to have both java and mono in the default install if only one or two apps depend on the later09:09
StevenKDidn't Nessus already change name?09:09
NCommander(although I think there is a non-free Xfce package)09:10
mwiegandis there any chance the packages could make it into intrepid?09:10
wgrantArc_: What precisely did you mean?09:10
NCommandermwiegand, if its in universe already09:10
directhexseriously though. mono's dependency chain should shrink a good 25%+ post-intrepid09:10
Arc_ok so how long does REVU typically take, given a situation where the packaging is well done and prepared by upstream, and what alternatives to REVU are available09:10
mwiegandStevenK: no, Nessus is still Nessus09:10
NCommanderArc_, we haven't have a REVU day this cycle09:10
NCommanderIt won't be included until intrepid+109:10
directhexNCommander, which java is in the default install?09:10
wgrantArc_: Well, Intrepid closes tomorrow.09:10
Arc_"REVU day"?09:10
NCommanderI thin jre609:10
directhexNCommander, so that's about twice the size of mono, then? which apps use it?09:11
NCommanderArc_, roughly speaking, unless a miracle happens, and you can get 2 advocations within the next 24 hours09:11
wgrantAnd we find that upstream packaging is often problematic.09:11
NCommanderIts not going to see a release this time around09:11
Arc_we're not looking at Intrepid, we're looking at 9.0409:11
wgrant(this is a generalisation; yours might be fine)09:11
NCommanderintrepid+1 == 9.0409:11
wgrantThe alternative to REVU is Debian.09:11
NCommandermentors isn't extactly happy these days09:12
Arc_we're nowhere near ready for 1.0-beta3 release, currently our trunk still has known multicore segfault issues and several thousands of lines of code remaining to be refactored before that'll be resolved09:12
NCommanderthey're dealing with their queue issues09:12
mwiegandNCommander: the client packages have already replaced nessusclient in intrepid, the server packages are in the Debian NEW queue09:12
mwiegandso right now in intrepid there is the openvas-client, but the nessusd as well09:12
Arc_ok so REVU and Debian are the only ways to get a package included in universe?09:13
NCommandermwiegand, so all the packages are in universe/intrepid right now?09:13
NCommanderArc_, if its part of a CDDS, it can also be synced into Ubuntu09:13
wgrantArc_: Pretty much.09:13
Arc_what is CDDS09:13
wgrantNCommander: Debatable.09:13
NCommanderer, CDS09:13
wgrantAnd rare.09:13
wgrantAnd frowned upon.09:13
NCommanderI asked, and I got a yes09:13
NCommanderBut yeah, its really rare09:13
Arc_I've not seen that acronym or project name before09:14
NCommanderCDS = CUstom Debian Distribution09:14
wgrantNCommander: You mean CDD?09:14
NCommanderChrist, I'm out of it09:14
mwiegandNCommander: from OpenVAS only -client and libopenvas09:14
stefanlsdAre packages accepted into debian more easily then through REVU into ubuntu?  - generall speaking...09:14
directhexdear DHL, please make the "email address" box bigger than the "surname" box. love directhex09:14
directhexstefanlsd, with a decent sponsor09:14
NCommandermwiegand, it might be worth granting a feature freeze exception once they pass the Debian NEW queue09:14
Arc_Debian isn't an option for us, so I'm guessing REVU is the only path09:15
NCommanderReplacing non-free with free is always a good thing09:15
mwiegandNCommander: so should I file a needs-packaging bug for the remaining components?09:15
NCommandermwiegand, wait, I thought the components were already packaged09:15
james_wArc_: has it actually been REJECTed from the Debian NEW queue?09:15
Arc_now the MOTU-games group has defuncted, is there a MOTU-python group active? or is there another path to get inclusion?09:15
mwiegandNCommander: they are, just not in ubuntu09:15
wgrantArc_: The groups are not particularly relevant.09:16
Arc_james_w: we have respectfully asked not to be included in Debian, and our request has been honored.09:16
NCommanderOh, ok, submitted to Debian I assume mwiegand?09:16
james_wArc_: why did you ask?09:16
mwiegandNCommander: so I'm unsure as to what we have to do in order to get it into ubuntu09:16
wgrantDeliberately not being included in Debian seems very... strange.09:16
Arc_wgrant: well a Python-based 3d game engine isn't going to appeal to every MOTU member, I'm assuming09:16
Arc_james_w: ask what?09:16
james_wArc_: ask not to be included in Debian?09:17
mwiegandNCommander: see http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/openvas-server_1.0.1-1.html and http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/openvas-plugins_1.0.2-1.html09:17
NCommandermwiegand, well, wait for it to go through the NEW queue, and enter unstable/experimental09:17
james_wmwiegand: you can file a "sync" request once it's out of NEW09:17
NCommanderIf we're still in soft freeze, I recommend then you file the sync request, and then ask for a https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess09:17
Arc_james_w: answering that question would risk diverting from my current line of questioning, I can answer in private if you'd like.09:17
james_wmwiegand: for Intrepid they will need a freeze exception unless it makes it out today.09:17
huatsmoring everyone09:17
huatshey james_w !09:18
james_wArc_: sure09:18
james_whey huats09:18
NCommanderjames_w, replacing a non-free with a free package (which appears to be based off the same codebase) should be ground for a FFE09:18
james_wNCommander: I agree, but I have no say in the matter09:18
Arc_REVU requires 2 MOTU members to do a code review, if I read the website correctly - this code review is several thousand lines of an obscure Python/C hybrid language09:18
mwiegandjames_w: I don't know, I have to talk with our Debian packagers about that09:19
NCommanderIts not a code review09:19
directhexit's a packaging review, not a code review09:19
directhexlintian cleanness, valid debian/rules, etc09:19
Arc_then why only provide a source package?09:19
NCommandermwiegand, wait for the package to leave NEW, then talk to cody-somerville, he can tell you if a freeze exception will be done09:19
james_wmwiegand: it's not likely to, but as long as it makes it out within the next couple of weeks you should be ok.09:19
james_wmwiegand: the sooner the better though, so I hope it doesn't get REJECTed.09:20
NCommanderArc_, REVU only accepts source packages by design, not much point to allowing binaries uploads which may or may not be built from valid source packages09:20
mwiegandthanks, that sounds good09:20
NCommanderThe main archive only accepts them so all packages are built in a clean-room environment09:20
Arc_NCommander: who builds them, then?09:20
james_wmwiegand: assuming you get the freeze exception that is.09:20
NCommanderArc_, automatic build daemons09:20
NCommanderSame as Debian09:20
NCommander(although DDs can do binary uploads to Debian directly)09:20
Arc_I'm not familiar with that process.09:20
NCommanderRoughly speaking09:21
NCommanderWhen you package something for debian/ubuntu09:21
StevenKNCommander: Unless you're blocked :-P09:21
NCommanderTyping debuild -B generates binary packages09:21
Arc_are we suppost to add a special script to inform debuild how to do this?09:21
NCommanderNo ...09:21
NCommanderArc_, you need to review the basics of packaging09:22
directhexjames_w, yes, it does09:22
NCommanderThe buildds generate these in a clean chroot'ed environment to make sure that packages can be built from source and to make sure no binary package has been meddled with09:22
directhexHAHAHAHAHA, i'm sure nobody's made that joke before. i'm a comic genius i am09:22
james_wdirecthex: yes, yes you are :-)09:22
Arc_NCommander: I'm asking how it knows how to build from source.  I know how Portage does it, for example, as I've been a Gentoo packager in the past09:22
NCommanderArc_, ok, ebuild == debian/rules file09:23
james_wArc_: you didn't /msg me to explain your reasoning for asking not to be in Debian.09:23
NCommanderthe rules file is a makefile with a set of targets that explain how to configure, patch (if necessary), and build it09:23
directhexArc_, because there's not much else to do with a dsc/diff.gz/orig.tar.gz combo09:23
Arc_I've built a few Ubuntu packages before (binary only) for configuration for our computer recycling program09:23
NCommanderANd then stages into a proper holding directory, and then uses debhelper to build the deb09:23
Arc_james_w: hold on a sec09:23
james_wArc_: if you don't explain it then it sounds like you are being hostile to Debian, which won't win you any friends in Ubuntu09:23
NCommanderWhile sometimes getting a package into Debian can be a pain, its for the good of both Debian, and Ubuntu (and Ubuntu descendants), that stuff goes upstream09:24
NCommanderI have (attempted to) submit things back to Debian09:24
NCommanderalthough slangasek took off screaming when he saw upstream shipped a debian folder09:24
directhexNCommander, which is why most of my packaging goes into debian, and i just hang out here to harass people for merges/syncs of my work09:24
NCommanderI have too many issues finding sponsors09:25
NCommanderOnce I get DD-ship09:25
wgrantI am strongly opposed to keeping things out of Debian.09:25
Arc_james_w: I will talk to you in a moment.09:25
NCommanderWhich should be soon, then everything I do will be going into debian09:25
NCommanderthen synced to Ubuntu09:25
Arc_NCommander: so the debian/rules file is included in the source package?09:25
NCommandera Debian source package is three things09:25
NCommandera .orig.tar.gz, which is simply an unchanged* tarball09:25
directhexNCommander, thankfully, debian-mono is an active team with multiple sponsors, including an ubuntu dev for that end of things09:26
NCommander* - there are rare cases where this tarball must be repackaged, but outside the scope of discusion09:26
NCommander.diff.gz - this is a giant diff file that is applied the original source to create the debian/ folder09:26
Arc_NCommander: I'm assuming either a bz2->gz conversion or .orig.tar.bz2 is acceptable09:26
StevenKNCommander: Along with other Debian changes09:26
directhexArc_, yes, and pretty common09:26
NCommanderArc_, In debian it is, but ATM, Ubuntu still rejects .bz2/lzma09:26
StevenKArc_: Usually, bunzip and gzip -9c09:26
NCommanderIt can also contain source patches, but this is frowned upon in favor of a proper patching system09:27
NCommanderand a .dsc which is just a descriptive file09:27
Arc_the .dsc contains the build rules?09:27
NCommanderI told you, the debian/rules file does09:27
NCommanderthe diff file is applied to the original source09:28
NCommanderThat creates the debian folder and everything in it09:28
Arc_where does the debian/rules file get included? in the diff?09:28
directhexin the diff, yes09:28
directhexother important debian/* files go into the diff, like changelog and control09:28
NCommanderEvery debian package has five files min.09:28
Arc_now a pointed and odd question; in order to build from source, an additional package is needed that is not a -dev of a normal package09:28
Arc_after that it's just a "python setup.py install"09:29
NCommanderThat's fine09:29
NCommanderJust add it under Build-Depends09:29
Arc_is that additional build package a dependency of the source package?09:29
directhexArc_, if it's in the archive, that's absolutely fine09:29
directhexArc_, build dependencies are defined in debian/control09:29
flohackHi! Is an apt wizards here? I'd like to know how apt chooses which real package to install if a virtual package is required as a dependency.09:29
Arc_AH.  debian is the directory, yes I've seen that.  ok.  things are clicking now.09:29
NCommanderArc_, rules are sorta like ebuilds on steriods09:30
NCommandercontrol is the part of an ebuild file that defines what binary packages are created, and the metadata09:30
NCommanderChangelog is extactly what it sounds like09:30
flohackMy problem is that installing linux-headers installs and old version of the headers package (for a kernel which is not even installed).09:30
stefanlsdArc_: have a look at the following - there are some nice guides there. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted09:30
NCommanderArc_, grab the source to the Debian hello package09:31
NCommanderIts a pretty clear cut example on how you can do it09:31
directhexflohack, which package exactly?09:31
Arc_Pyrex seems to be available.  only concern I have there is Pyrex versioning is extremely unstable, and what builds with one version may not build with a later version09:31
StevenKflohack: apt-cache policy can help distill what will be picked to be installed09:31
NCommanderArc_, again, thats fine09:31
NCommanderArc_, I assume pyrex generates a library?09:31
Arc_Pyrex pre-processes our source language into .c09:32
flohackdirecthex: I installed dkms, which depends on linux-headers and linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic got installed instead of linux-headers-2.6.24-19-generic09:32
directhexArc_, build-depends can define version number requirements09:32
NCommanderI think he was referring to packages built by Pyrex09:32
directhexflohack, i'm showing no sign of a linux-headers at all09:32
Arc_it's a convience language to make writing Python modules more sane09:32
StevenKflohack: linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic is in hardy, linux-headers-2.6.24-19-generic is in -updates09:33
flohackdirecthex: ?? Sorry?09:33
NCommanderArc_, is it a problem with the source that pyrex accepts changes with each minor release, or just building pyrex itself?09:33
Arc_we're in the process of replacing it but that'll be at least beta-4.  we're the largest package, by a long shot, using Pyrex.09:33
directhexflohack, jms@osc-franzibald:~$ apt-cache policy linux-headers | grep Candidate09:33
directhex  Candidate: (none)09:33
flohackStevenK: I enabled automatic upgrades, may that have something to do with it?09:33
Arc_we've hit the glass ceiling on what it can do and had to ask Pyrex's author to extend or fix many things to continue working on it, his code isn't very easy for others to work with09:34
NCommanderYou reminded me of gcl :-)09:34
flohackdirecthex: I get the same (none), what does that mean?09:34
NCommanderIts probably the only package in Debian who has a 70MB diff file ;-)09:34
directhexArc_, a build-depends looks like this: "Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5.0.0), dpkg-dev (>= 1.13.19)". you can say "i depend on foo version of bar package.09:34
directhexNCommander, OOo?09:34
Arc_directhex: awesome. ok.09:34
directhexflohack, it means no linux-headers package exists09:34
wgrantdirecthex: And then you FTBFS when a new version of the package is uploaded...09:35
NCommanderdirecthex, OOo's diff file isn't four times the size of OOo09:35
directhexwgrant, yes!09:35
directhexNCommander, oh, erm, true09:35
flohackdirecthex: But aptitude show linux-headers shows it09:35
Arc_ok so we build a source package and it can be built automatically.  we upload the source and binary package to our website, and send the source package to REVU09:35
james_wdirecthex: doesn't it indicate that linux-headers is pure-virtual?09:35
flohackStevenK: How can I tell apt to consider packages from -updates09:36
directhexflohack, ah, right. PROVIDES. purely virtual.09:36
Arc_"we" being upstream - what's the timeline or process involved in getting it into universe from there09:36
flohackStevenK: -updates are in sources.list for main and restricted09:36
james_wArc_: a couple of months unless you can get people interested09:36
StevenKflohack: If -updates is enabled, it should just work09:36
james_wArc_: longer if no-one wants to review it09:36
Arc_james_w: that comes back to my question of if there's a MOTU-Python team09:36
ssaboumhi everyone09:37
james_wArc_: there is sort of one, yes.09:37
StevenK% apt-cache policy linux-headers-generic | grep Candidate09:37
StevenK  Candidate:
StevenKflohack: ^09:37
flohackStevenK: According to policy, linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic is only in hardy/main, but linux-headers-2.6.24-19-generic is in hardy-updates/main and hardy-security/main09:37
Arc_should we be talking to the people in that team now?09:37
james_wI don't think so09:37
wgrantArc_: Restricting your audience seems counter-productive.09:38
flohackStevenK: But dkms cannot depend on linux-headers-generic, because I may have linux-image-server installed09:38
wgrantThere's little point going to MOTU sub-teams, as they don't really exist.09:38
Arc_I'm not talking about restricting audience, just talking to the people most likely to be interested in reviewing the package09:38
StevenKflohack: Sure09:38
flohackStevenK: I just don't get why linux-headers does not install the latest version, though it is avaiable, and linux-headers-generic would choose it09:39
james_wI'd say get it on REVU and then ask for reviewers here, that's your best chance of finding someone interested09:39
james_wor on the mailing list even09:39
wgrantflohack: I suspect that it is because linux-headers can't tell which flavour you want.09:39
Arc_now I've been told a few times about this cutoff time for 8.10; does this mean that new packages only get added to the next release, or can they be added to previous/current releases?09:40
flohackwgrant: But it chose the correct flavour (-generic), just the wrong version09:40
wgrantflohack: Oh.09:40
wgrantThat's odd.09:40
james_wArc_: only to the next release, but you can request a backport once it is in09:40
HobbseeArc_: only to the next.09:40
flohackwgrant: And it essentially breaks dkms09:40
Arc_ok so we'll need it on our download page regardless then09:41
Hobbseeor if it's zomgimportant, you may be able to get a feature freeze exception for it09:41
wgrantBut it's not zomgimportant, and it's non-free, so chances are slim.09:41
dholbachso... sponsoring09:42
* dholbach dives in09:42
Arc_wgrant: since your opinion is not universally held and of a contraversial subject, it'd seem prudent to say "I believe it's non-free" rather than stating it as fact.09:42
Arc_we're in beta, and will be for the next few months up until our API freeze, but we have Ubuntu users asking for compile/install help all the time09:43
wgrantDo we know why a controversial licensing decision is being discussed in private by the CC and TB? This feels wrong.09:44
Hobbseeso it doesn't turn inot a flamewar?09:45
wgrantPerhaps, but it needs discussion.09:45
Arc_and because consensus will never be reached on the subject09:45
Arc_wgrant: it has been discussed, in the larger community, for almost a year since the license's release09:45
wgrantArc_: "the larger community"?09:45
Arc_the free software community.09:45
flohackAnd further ideas why linux-headers seems to be broken?09:46
directhexthe free software community don't make decisions on DFSG freeness09:46
Arc_no, apparently random people who happen to be subscribed to debian-legal do, but I digress.09:46
directhexwhilst you can argue the toss for a long time, the line gets drawn in the sand at some point. and that line may differ for different people09:47
Arc_in any case09:47
Arc_ok so by the policies that exist, we will not be included in any Ubuntu repository until at least 8.04, correct?09:48
Arc_ah yes, sorry. 9.0409:48
Arc_so this answers my question as to the need for us to offer the Ubuntu packages directly from our download page09:48
Arc_once included, how are version bumps handled?09:49
FlannelArc_: consider a PPA instead of a download page09:49
flohackArc_: Personal Package Archive09:50
flohackArc_: see www.launchpad.net09:50
wgrantConsider that using PPAs encourages users to remove their security.09:50
Arc_... ok, is there a way to allow Ubuntu users an uncomplicated way to click on a link on a website to get the package?09:51
Flannelwgrant: How do you figure a PPA is less secure than a download page on an arbitrary website?09:51
Arc_or what advantage is there to a PPA over a direct .deb download?09:51
wgrantFlannel: Personal apt repositories can be signed.09:51
wgrantHTTPS can be used for non-apt downloads.09:51
wgrantPlus non-apt downloads are harder to exploit, as they don't automatically update.09:51
directhexArc_, version bumps require updated packages to be submitted to the appropriate places, see the MOTU guide on the ubuntu wiki09:52
directhexArc_, as for 1-click, only for in-repository things09:52
Flannelwgrant: PPAs don't do the whole key thing?  Thats a rather poor implementation.09:52
Arc_what is the process for a user to add a PPA?09:52
directhexArc_, have a launchpad.net account, click a button. done.09:53
Arc_so the user would need to have a launchpad account to add a PPA?09:53
Arc_I mean, add an existing PPA to their system09:53
wgrantFlannel: Correct. This is a severe problem. I can just poison somebody's DNS server and execute my code.09:54
wgrantArc_: No, anybody can add them easily.09:54
directhexara, oh, that. click a couple of places. essentially a line needs adding to /etc/sources.list* by hook or by crook09:54
wgrantArc_: One needs a Launchpad account to *create* a PPA, not to use one.09:54
Arc_I'm trying to understand this process.  I've seen .deb packages, in that they launch the package installer that requests verification and it's done, so that's easy enough09:54
flohackArc_: You, as the publisher of the sofware need an launchpad account. You create a PPA, upload your package and provide the user with the URL to the PPA09:54
directhexArc_, the most common cited methods are running a wget line in a terminal to add it to the right place, there's a clicky interface to add repositories too09:55
directhexhttps://launchpad.net/~banshee-team/+archive contains some sample instructions09:55
Arc_is there a way, akin to the package installer, to allow the user to click a link on a website to add a PPA?09:55
wgrantArc_: No, that would be a horrible security risk.09:55
Arc_ok so what is the most GUI way for them to do that?09:56
directhexArc_, not in ubuntu. other distros do it.09:56
wgrantSystem->Administration->Software Sources, click a button the name of which I forget, and enter the line shown on +archive.09:56
Hobbseewgrant: it's all a security risk, with it not being audited.09:57
Hobbseeand in the repositories.09:57
Hobbseewgrant: so, take the most convenient option?09:57
Arc_ok so this is less convient than clicking on a .deb download09:58
wgrantArc_: But it allows you to push updates as well.09:58
directhexArc_, yes. but it DOES mean the user gets alerted to updates09:59
Arc_that's true09:59
Arc_with luck beta4 will get into 9.04 anyways09:59
Arc_btw, how would that work - having the package in two repositories09:59
flohackArc_: You could simply write a wrapper script which the user can execute. But please provide the link to the PPA as well, so security concious users can add it manually09:59
Arc_nevermind that was a stupid question.09:59
wgrantThe top version wins.09:59
Arc_the PPA wouldn't apply to 9.04 in any event10:00
Arc_I assume that the technical board then decides what gets from universe -> main, if we went that route10:03
Hobbseeno, the main inclusion team does that.10:03
Hobbseeand the release managers decide if the applications get on the cds.10:04
Arc_on what basis is that decision made?10:04
Hobbseeso, both teams.10:04
directhexwhy would you get included in main? no offence, but i see absolutely no way a python 3d engine is useful for ubuntu main, and worth admin overhead for canonical to support10:04
wgrantThe TB's powers aren't often invoked.10:04
wgrantdirecthex: Precisely my thinking.10:04
HobbseeArc_: what canonical wants to support, and what gets put on one or more of the cds / dvd's / etc, afaik.10:04
Arc_because for regular, home users, games, and especially educational software, is important.10:04
StevenKAnd what rdepends does it have?10:05
HobbseeArc_: how big is it?10:05
Arc_Hobbsee: given that most of the deps are already included with Gnome, not very.10:05
HobbseeArc_: "not very" is not a quantitative answer?10:05
wgrantArc_: *r*depends. Reverse depends.10:05
Arc_a few megs10:05
wgrantThat's huge.10:06
* Hobbsee wonders what would get thrown off the cd, to add a 3d gaming engine.10:06
Hobbseeplus games, i guess.10:06
lagaopenoffice. ;)10:06
Arc_I'm not suggesting CD inclusion.10:06
Hobbseelaga: usually, people want an office suite.10:06
HobbseeArc_: then why do you want it in main?10:06
directhexArc_, so why are you suggesting main?10:06
directhexArc_, other than cd inclusion, main has no real benefits for users10:06
Hobbseedirecthex: commercial support, too.10:07
wgrantI can assure you that Canonical won't want to commercially support Joe Random's 3D game for 3 years.10:07
directhexHobbsee, for some random 3d engine?10:07
bdrungdholbach: did you ping me?10:07
directhexwgrant, not even joe random's game. the engine for joe random's game.10:07
Hobbseedirecthex: probably not, but i was answering in the general case.10:07
wgrantdirecthex: The only reason that the engine would be there would be if a game was there.10:07
dholbachbdrung: not that I know of - we were talking about harvest and I spoke about the branch you're working on10:07
slytherinArc_: Why not simply follow the process. Get it added to universe. Properly maintain it for at least one cycle. Then create a main inclusion report, if people are convinced that it is essential package then it will be moved to main10:08
directhexslytherin the diplomat10:08
Arc_slytherin: I'm not saying otherwise, just asking questions and getting harsh feedback to my questions10:08
bdrungdholbach: this channel was highlighted, but the log only contains 500 lines, so i did not know what that was.10:08
Arc_we're in beta, the only games we have are a few in our examples/ directory, so this is all very speculative, but our aims are a lot higher than serving one game.10:09
dholbachbdrung: yeah... people are talking a lot in here ;-)10:09
Arc_we have a non-profit corporation formed and putting through 501(c)(3) paperwork around this project, there's nothing small about what we're doing.10:10
HobbseeArc_: cool, good luck.10:10
Hobbseehopefully there will be some good games, which you can get, along with the gaming engine, in universe for intrepid+110:10
bdrungdholbach: yes. ;) if i would try to follow up, i would sitting here till tonight with reading10:11
Arc_Hobbsee: and the firefox plugin for it as well, yes.10:11
Hobbsee(or multiverse, if it's deemed non-free due to the requirements)10:11
directhexArc_, nobody's criticizing your project, but we're failing to understand why you need inclusion in main. what do you perceive as the benefit?10:11
Hobbseedirecthex: isn't it all hypothetical questioning?  surely the archive admins should deal in the licencing questions first, else it will be moot.10:11
Arc_we'll not be included in multiverse.10:11
wgrantWhy not!?10:12
wgrantIt's better being in multiverse than not being anywhere.10:12
Hobbseewgrant: developer's choice?10:12
Hobbseewgrant: it's a legitimate choice...10:12
wgrantHobbsee: Yes, but I am interested in the rationale.10:12
Arc_it's poor marketing10:12
stefanlsdI see main as tools critical to the functioning of an Ubuntu system.  So if universe / multiverse applications are not there - the system should still function.10:12
Hobbseestefanlsd: that's the idea, yes.10:13
directhexi see main as what goes on the CD10:13
directhexand frankly, a 3d game with art assets won't fit10:13
bdrungdholbach: did you reviewed my branch?10:13
Hobbseedirecthex: it is more than that, though.  it might get onto the dvd, for eg.10:13
dholbachbdrung: no, sorry10:13
RAOFThere's plenty of main that isn't on the CD.10:13
dholbachbdrung: does the handler work now?10:14
Arc_we are an extremely pro-software freedom project.  we explicitally leave out rendering features that are not implemented on free software drivers, we use only patent-clear algos and codecs, etc10:14
Hobbseestefanlsd: newly-installed systems contain only stuff from main, and function fine10:14
directhexRAOF, how much of it as a result of build-deps and the like though?10:14
Arc_directhex: you are missing details.  it does not matter if a game is included, the firefox plugin may be.10:14
HobbseeArc_: not if it depends on the game itself, it won't.10:14
RAOFMain _used_ to be the set of all things officially supported by Canonical, but isn't anymore.10:14
stefanlsdArc_: Im still not sure what you have against universe or multiverse?10:14
HobbseeArc_: or build depends, as it'll never build.10:14
laga"we'll not be included in multiverse" - if you're a free software project, there's nothing you can do about that ;)10:14
Arc_this engine aims to provide a free alternative for macromedia flash, for online 3d gaming, which is one of the main reasons we upgraded to the AGPLv310:14
flohackArc_: Just curious, I missed the point where you mentioned the name of your non-profit, engine, game...10:15
bdrungdholbach: it should. it some configuration thing here. your branch has the same issue. so i assume that did not break something10:15
dholbachdktrkranz is busy triaging the sponsoring queue as well - nice :)10:15
Arc_stefanlsd: I have nothing against universe.10:15
directhexflohack, http://www.pysoy.org/wiki/License10:15
Arc_flohack: PySoy10:15
dholbachbdrung: I'll review a few packages now, then check out the harvest changes again10:15
dholbachbdrung: (Feature Freeze soon)10:15
directhexArc_, okay, the browser plugin thing makes a little more sense10:16
bdrungdholbach: i know. i have to check 214 files for their licenses.10:16
* didrocks hopes strongly someone will see its bitesize change on the sponsor list one day (last one before removing an NBS) ^^10:16
directhexArc_, here's the thing though. what use is a browser plugin on a cd - if you have the internets to use the plugin, you have the internets to install the package from universe ;)10:16
dholbachbdrung: enjoy :-/10:16
bdrungdholbach: but rl tasks are also in the queue10:17
Arc_directhex: this is vaporware talk, we have parts of the mozilla plugin in place in our repository (py-mplug as it was previously called), mostly from a previous GSoC project, and we have a lot of work towards integrating, but it's far from finished10:17
* Hobbsee notes that nothing in main can depend, or build depend, on anything from universe either.10:17
Hobbseewhich might cause trouble, if you do eventually try to get parts of it into main.10:17
directhexArc_, so for now, the first thing to worry about is making a quality source package, followed by filing for inclusion in universe10:17
Arc_but that is our goal, and the browser plugin *in the current technical direction* depends on the engine itself, rather than duplicating it, even though it doesn't execute downloaded Python code for security reasons.10:17
directhexHobbsee, tell me about it :/10:17
Hobbseedirecthex: heh :)10:18
directhexHobbsee, on a related note, you don't have the awesome power to ack a merge do you?10:18
Arc_directhex: well no, first thing is getting beta3 out the door, but the source package will be part of that process.10:18
Hobbseedirecthex: i have most powers :P10:18
Hobbseedirecthex: it's a question of whether i'll use them, and the current answer is no (i'm about to head out)10:18
directhexwell, merge bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/monodoc/+bug/25685310:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 256853 in monodoc "[merge request] Please merge monodoc 1.9-1.2 from Debian Unstable" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:19
directhexat least i can scroll up & use it to bug you later10:19
Arc_directhex: I never said inclusion on the CD was a goal, I can only imagine the sort of politics that go into that.  Firefox could, however, be setup to automatically grab the engine and the plugin when it hits a site that requires it10:19
wgrantArc_: That can be done regardless of component.10:19
directhexArc_, yes, but i think that actually supports universe/multiverse10:19
wgrantSee Flash, for example.10:19
Arc_I understand.10:19
directhexArc_, i think it's an ubufox enhancement to install plugins from packages rather than from mozilla.com search10:20
Arc_it would take me a long time to explain the entire situation and our plans to your satisfaction, all I'm doing now is gathering more information though not trying to convince you of anything10:20
Arc_directhex: *nod* good to know10:20
directhexArc_, assuming i'm remembering the specifics correctly, then you'd simply file a bug against ubufox with a patch to add your package name to the mimetype->package mapping10:21
Arc_does ubufox currently support protocol->package mapping as well?10:21
Arc_there's a debate over which method is preferable10:22
wgrantDefining one's own protocol sounds like a bad idea.10:22
directhexi don't know enough about ubufox10:22
jpdsRainCT, Laney: Changes made to ubuntu-dev-tools and pull-lp-source - please make sure that everything works OK.10:23
directhexit's a jono!10:23
Arc_wgrant: we already are developing our own protocol, it's essential.  it will work via ICE/UDP, initiated either through XMPP (if running a local game) or HTML (if running from a remote server)10:23
Arc_the plugin mechanisms are far from decided on, I'm just asking :-)10:24
Arc_in the engine model, the only difference between local and remote execution is where the Python MainThread is running; instead of changes being made directly in memory, they're sent as action/state events over the network, just as a remote server keeps client states in sync10:26
stefanlsddholbach: aah. thanks for sponsoring gpa.  i've been trying to get that right for like a month!10:27
dholbachanytime :)10:28
* directhex waves his little monodoc flag again. zee patch is only wafer thin!10:29
Arc_something I'm still confused about, if not a code review what is the REVU process for?10:34
jpdsArc_: Package review.10:34
directhexArc_, bad packages damage systems10:35
directhexArc_, one bad "rm -f" in prerm and boom, lots of angry users10:35
Arc_ha, still no sandbox in apt-get eh?10:36
directhexhow do you sandbox making changes to your system?10:38
Arc_Gentoo does this10:38
Arc_portage "installs", with all package scripts and such, then tests these against what's currently installed and only then (safely) merges10:39
wgrantArc_: Packages need to be able to execute arbitrary commands. That cannot be sandboxed.10:41
* directhex sandboxes "ldconfig"10:42
wgrantAnd if I can get a package onto your machine in the first place, I can get my code onto your machine inside the package, not just in the maintainer scripts.10:43
Arc_it's not about security, just safety10:43
directhexeven with sandboxing, problems can occur10:45
directhexif a prerm keeps failing due to poor programming, how do you remove a package?10:45
Arc_what do you mean?10:47
directhexprerm is executed before removign a package - e.g. disabling an apache module before removign it. prerm fails, so the package manager stops10:49
directhexnow, how do you remove that package?10:49
Arc_AFAIK, Gentoo doesn't have the same concept of a prerm10:49
Arc_Gentoo records which files were added, along with hashes to ensure the files were not overwritten (ie, a manual compile/install of a later version), and just deletes them10:50
wgrantSo does dpkg.10:51
directhexleaving it to the user to add things to config files to make them work, and remember to remove them afterwards10:51
wgrantBut it might need to perform other actions to fully remove, or stop the server before removal, or removing the user's root filesystem just to be nasty...10:51
directhexdpkg handles adding/removing distinct config files, sure, but there are loads of cases more complex than just "rm"10:51
NCommanderwarp10, WOOO, I LOVE PITTI!10:57
warp10NCommander: WE TOO!!! :P10:58
NCommanderYet another LP icon10:59
warp10NCommander: :D11:00
NCommanderI just want that MOTU icon11:00
NCommanderThen life will be good11:00
StevenKNCommander: Not core-dev? :-P11:01
warp10NCommander: or worse, depending on the point of view :)11:01
NCommanderNot yet11:01
NCommanderWell, after the archive split11:01
NCommanderI'll be able to upload to xubuntu and universe/multiverse (if I have MOTU)11:01
NCommanderso core-dev can wait until I've been here long enough to prove I'm not going to break the archive11:02
StevenKWere you planning on? :-)11:02
NCommanderNot intentionally11:02
NCommanderSome day, I shall become an archive admin, and then I can finally rest (for two minutes until the NEW queue gets flooded)11:03
bdrungdholbach: handler.py works correct. activate_opportunity and deactivate_opportunity did not update the files in data/packages because they did not have write access11:04
dholbachah ok11:05
bdrungdholbach: there should be a log entry in logs/* if writing a file fails11:06
dholbachbdrung: sounds good11:06
dholbachhum... who is allowed to archive packages on REVU?11:09
ssaboumhey guys, is there a way to get warned on comments on REVU ?11:10
ssaboumor a rss feed ?11:10
jpdsdholbach: MOTU should be able to do it.11:10
dholbachjpds: should there be a link on the mainpage?11:10
dholbachjpds: or on the package page?11:10
dholbachthe "actions" column is empty in my case11:11
dholbachand I'm logged in11:11
DktrKranzdholbach: did you merged accounts?11:11
dholbachDktrKranz: merge two launchpad accounts?11:11
DktrKranzREVU accounts. I see your "old" one only11:11
jpdsdholbach: "Merge REVU Accounts " at the top of the index page.11:11
dholbachahh ok11:12
DktrKranzonce you are logged in, click on "merge revu accounts" and you're in :)11:12
dholbachthanks guys! :)11:12
DktrKranzyou're welcome :)11:12
bdrungdholbach: please inform me before you review my branch11:13
dholbachbdrung: will do11:13
dholbachDktrKranz: you're busy reviewing now :)11:14
dholbachI just did a bunch myself11:14
dholbachand we're slowly gaining ground again :)11:15
DktrKranzdholbach: I did some this morning, I plan to have a couple in time before FF. I hope archive-admins will process syncs, so queue will go down again11:16
DktrKranzI see there are some advocated packages on REVU too, they deserves a review11:18
ScottKNCommander: I'm around now.11:18
NCommanderScottK, cool. I'm now being tortmented with an FTBFS that occurs on i386/amd64, but not lpia or hppa11:19
NCommander(wrap your brain around that one)11:19
DktrKranz106 packages in the queue, nice to see they reduced so much in five days :)11:19
ScottKNCommander: I got one that's on lpia, but not any other arch and it seems to be an arch specific change to configure causes one piece of the package not to get built.11:21
NCommanderNo, it builds on lpia/hppa11:21
NCommanderFails on amd64/i38611:22
NCommanderLIke I said, wrap your brain around that one11:22
ScottKRight.  Mine's kind of the opposite.11:22
NCommanderBut you expect hppa to fail11:22
directhexNCommander, does it include any arch-specific code for i386/amd64 which is just *wrong*, versus generic code which works?11:22
NCommanderand spam your inbox11:23
NCommanderdirecthex, well, if mysql does, then I'm going to loose my mind11:23
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
Iuliandholbach: Yaay! No slots available. Well done.11:28
NCommanderdirecthex, how goes mono-basic?11:28
dholbachthanks Iulian - luckily it was not only my doing :)11:28
directhexNCommander, the package is in good shape, and the apparent "correct" behaviour is include bootstrap binaries but document in debian/copyright and ensure those binaries never get packaged11:29
Iuliandholbach: Heh, rock!11:29
directhexNCommander, mentor's having problems submitting to sid though.11:30
NCommanderI noticed11:30
NCommanderI've sent two archive admins running and screaming trying to find a sponsor for Debian11:30
NCommanderer wait11:30
NCommanderI thought ScottK was an archive admin for some reason11:31
directhexNCommander, mono-basic is ready for inclusion. the timing is just poor, with lenny and intrepid freezes.11:32
NCommanderYOu still have 24 hours for intrepid11:32
NCommanderUpload upload upload!11:32
directhexNCommander, i think i'll upload a copy to my PPA. i have people asking for it11:32
NCommanderStevenK, could you do me a favor and help review mono-basic on REVU?11:33
IulianNCommander: Less than 24 hours.11:33
directhexi think the revu one needs a little updating. let me check11:33
NCommanderI need to call in a second favor then11:33
ScottKIulian: Not necessarily, the exact time of the freeze is rather nebulous.11:34
NCommanderwho else have fixed random FTBFS before in the past11:34
IulianScottK: Oh, I thought its 00:00 UTC.11:34
NCommanderDktrKranz, care to review a packge on REVU?11:34
NCommandercody-somerville, otherwise, can you please do it to me as a favor?11:35
NCommanderdirecthex, hopefully someone I pinged will help you :-)11:35
bobbo_tacone: pong11:36
=== bobbo_ is now known as bobbo
taconebobbo: re-ping11:37
directhexNCommander, i'll upload a newer revision11:37
bobbohey tacone11:37
NCommanderdirecthex, I hope someone answers, but mono scares people mor ethan codeblocks11:37
taconebobbo: https://code.launchpad.net/~bobbo/+junk/uploads where's the cronjob ?11:37
bobbotacone: cronjob?11:38
taconeuhm. ok. bad wording. where's the code that does inserts in mysql ?11:38
bobbotacone: I havent got round to writing that bit yet :)11:39
bobbotacone: I just use phpmyadmin at the moment, but I really should write an add upload page11:39
NCommanderI crashed a PPA builder11:39
taconebobbo: ok, I see. you may be interested in utu then.11:40
directhexNCommander, what's the right version number to apply to an unreleased debian package? 0ubuntu1, or Xubuntu1 or X-1ubuntu1?11:40
taconehttp://thc.emanuele-gentili.com/utu.php here there's some code that parses the mailing list to find out uploads.11:40
bobbotacone: ah yeah, its awesome11:41
bobbotacone: cant find any source though, must ask emgent if he is releasing it11:41
taconeawesome perphaps is too much, but it's nice enough, yes.11:41
NCommanderWhen the Debian version hits, the sync will clobber it11:41
taconebobbo: I'll ask emgent, but maybe I have it somewhere. I'll take a look11:42
bobbotacone: cool, thanks :)11:42
taconefound the code.11:48
taconethere's not license on it. I'll ask emgent as a pure formality then send you the code.11:48
bobbotacone: sure, thanks alot :D11:49
taconebobbo: neverming :) I plan to reuse your code as well :-)11:50
sistpoty|workhi folks11:52
directhexNCommander, okay, Debian-approved if-svn-buildpackage-dealt-with-changed-orig-dot-tar-dot-gz-files-properly-i'd-be-in-sid-right-now upload: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=355011:52
directhexNCommander, if that goes in, ubuntu gets a "complete" mono stack for intrepid. monodoc and monotools still await merge acks for it to be up-to-date as well as complete, but better than nothing11:53
amarillionHey there, I have a question: how are .desktop files with Type=Directory supposed to work?11:54
IulianHey sistpoty11:56
sistpoty|workhi Iulian11:57
ScottKAnyone have an EEE pc?12:13
stefanlsdScottK: was thinking bout getting one...12:13
ScottKWell we've got a package that needs reviewing before feature freeze and it'd be nice to know if it works.  Please hurry.12:14
stefanlsdScottK: heh. let me try find a supplier12:14
jpdsRainCT: what do you think about bug #247157?12:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247157 in ubuntu-dev-tools "dget/dgetlp should have ca-certificates in their Recommends field." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24715712:15
TreenaksScottK: I have one at home..12:24
ScottKTreenaks: Can you build and test a package for us?12:27
TreenaksScottK: tonight (CEST), yes12:28
TreenaksScottK: you could ask popey as well, he has a stack of Eee12:28
ScottKTreenaks: Please try out the eee-applet that's on REVU currently.12:28
TreenaksScottK: I'll be home in ~6 hours, I'll try to remember12:31
ScottKTreenaks: Great.  I should be around.12:33
huatshello ScottK12:43
ScottKhello huats12:55
ScottKdevfil: I still don't understand what your README.source on the gtk-kde4 package means?12:56
devfilScottK: I dropped it12:56
ScottKdevfil: It's still there in the latest one I grabbed from REVU.12:58
devfilScottK: are you sure? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/gtk-kde4-0808261730/gtk-kde4-0.8~b1/debian/12:58
ScottKdevfil: My bad.13:00
ScottKThat's what I get for unpacking the new source on top of the old one.13:01
ScottKSorry for the disturbance.13:01
k0phi all13:08
k0pare there a article to made a diff of a package aleady archived?13:08
=== ember_ is now known as ember
bdrungdholbach: now my harvest branch is ready for merge13:15
DktrKranzNCommander: which one?13:24
=== jsg123 is now known as jsgotangco
Arc_thanks guys, I set up our PPA and we'll get our other devs who have committed to maintaining the Ubuntu packages to join13:29
directhexArc_, it's a good place for you to try out things without being committed to the ubuntu release schedule13:30
Arc_yea I agree13:31
Arc_do you know how to add hardy, or to upload to this?13:31
Arc_the most immediate thing I can think of is adding a -dev package that just resolves dependencies for svn builders13:32
directhexArc_, you upload packages to your ppa using "dput", right? well, either specify in your dput target (as specified in ~/.dput.cf) an incoming folder with a specific dist in the name, OR specify a generic one and make sure you have a correct first line in your debian/changelog13:32
directhexArc_, so EITHER my dput.cf specifies "incoming = ~directhex/ubuntu/hardy/" and i use that dput target, OR my dput.cf specifies "incoming = ~directhex/ubuntu/" and my package upload's debian/changelog starts with "pkgname (1.0-1) hardy; urgency=low"13:33
Arc_would pysoy-dev be an appropriate package name that's just a metapackage for resolving dependencies?13:34
Arc_and if so, what version should I choose, given that it's after 1.0-beta2 and before 1.0-beta3?13:35
james_wArc_: if you package pysoy then they can use "apt-get build-dep" to install the needed packages13:35
directhexArc_, packaging dependencies happen automatically, based on the build-depends of your debian/control13:36
Arc_for now, I'm just looking for a "metapackage" so building from svn doesn't involve manually selecting a dozen+ -dev packages13:36
directhexArc_, "apt-get build-dep pkgname"13:37
directhexArc_, build-dep pulls in all a package's build-depends13:37
=== calimer-- is now known as calimer
Arc_oh, what I mean is the package wouldn't actually contain any code13:37
directhexArc_, i know what a metapackage is for, but you don't make a metapackage purely for self-referential building on debbuntu13:38
Arc_I don't understand13:38
Arc_I'm just talking about something for now in this PPA to make things easier for the next month or two13:39
directhexArc_, then look at Equivs13:39
directhexand the "ubuntu-meta" source package as a practical implementation of it13:40
Arc_do you have a URL for version evaluation?13:41
ScottKArc_: apt-get build-deps will work from your PPA too as long as they have the source (deb-src) repository in /etc/apt/sources.list.  You could also provide a target in debian/rules to grab from svn so it's all done via normal package management.13:41
Arc_I guess all that's really needed is for the version to evaluate to less than 1.0-beta3 but it'd be good if it was after 1.0-beta213:41
directhexArc_, i believe the recommended way to deal with betas is with ~13:42
Arc_ScottK: is there a way to do that for automatic "svn sync"'s for developers?13:42
directhexArc_, i.e. since you want 1.0 beta 3 to be older than 1.0, you need to use ~, e.g. 1.0-1~beta3 is superceded by 1.0-113:42
ScottKArc_: Sure.  write a get-svn-source target in debian/rules (analgous to get-orig-source that is often used when there's no usable upstream tarball).13:43
directhexArc_, and then, since you want to work on a PPA, you should append ~ppaN to the end, to make sure your PPA version is overridden by the archive vetrsion if it's higher, so that would be 1.0-1~beta3~ppa113:43
=== asac_ is now known as asac
Arc_directhex: but here's the real challenge, we're not talking beta3, we're talking pre-beta3 SVN revision XXX13:44
directhexArc_, and (i bet you're loving this) since you don't want to be in debian, technically you can't use -1 in your version name, you're targeting ubuntu so the correct first version for your ppa is (don't choke) 1.0~beta3-0ubuntu1~ppa1. i think13:44
directhexArc_, well, svn is easy, you can just use rNNNNN in your version number13:45
directhexyeah, what james_w said13:45
directhexand there are worse numbers to have, trust me13:45
Arc_but when beta3 is released, it should evaluate as being a greater version than the svn before it13:45
Arc_would that do it?13:45
directhexflash plugin version for example sucks a bit13:46
james_w1.0~beta3 > 1.0~beta3~svnXXX13:46
directhexArc_, ~ lowers the version, so... what james_w said13:46
StevenK~ sorts lower than ''13:46
directhexso, who wants to advocate mono-basic on revu?13:46
Arc_is svnXXX the convention or rXXX13:46
directhexgo on, everyone loves visual basic.net13:46
directhexArc_, i've seen both13:47
directhexArc_, just promise me you won't do the most boneheaded thing i've seen, and use git hashes13:48
Arc_and "ppa1" is a convention refering to the first PPA that packages it?13:48
Arc_I promise ;-)  when we're ready to go git, we won't be doing trunk revisions anymore in any case13:48
directhexArc_, typically, you want the last bit of a package version number to be something you "control". if the package is on your ppa, then you need the freedom to increment the package version whilst keeping the rest the same13:48
ScottK-laptopArc_: Yes.13:48
directhexArc_, "ppa" is the common, if flawed, thing most people add to the end.13:49
ScottKdirecthex: Why do you say flawed?13:49
directhexArc_, like i said, the main desire is to make sure that if you manage to get 1.0~beta3~svnXXX-0ubuntu1 added to ubuntu "proper", it replaces 1.0~beta3~svnXXX-0ubuntu1~ppa1, hence using the ~13:49
directhexScottK, 1.0-1~hardy1 lower than 1.0-1~ppa113:50
ScottKGood point.13:50
ScottKActually I usually use ~hardy1~ppa1 if I'm targeting something other than the developmental release.13:50
Arc_so this would be valid; 1.0~beta3~r1348-0ubuntu1~ppa13:50
ScottKIt would be valid, but directhex makes a good point.13:51
directhexScottK, it'll remain flawed until queer quetzal13:51
Arc_what is the -0ubuntu1?13:51
Arc_I understand ubuntu means its ubuntu-specific, not debian13:51
Arc_but 0 and 1 around it?13:51
ScottKArc_: I'd recommend 1.0~beta3~r1348-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa1 if you're building for Hardy.13:51
RainCTArc_: 0 is the Debian revision and 1 the Ubuntu revision13:52
ScottKArc_: The 0 makes sure it's less than the first Debian revision and the 1 is the Ubuntu revision number.13:52
directhexArc_, ubuntu package versions reflect their place in the debian heirarchy. the first debian version of something is 1.0-1, so if ubuntu's package is based on that one, it becomes 1.0-1ubuntu1. if it's based on a pre-debian (or never-debian) package, it's 0ubuntu1213:52
directhexScottK, we could add some "+" to that to make it more exciting, surely?13:53
directhexScottK, i mean, four tildes? a bit one-sided13:53
directhexArc_, unfortunately, you just happen to have picked every single "non-simple" case for versioning your package at once13:53
directhexScottK, prepend 0.99+!13:54
ScottK1.0~beta2+r1348-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa1 if you prefer.13:54
ScottKdirecthex: Not all of them.13:54
Arc_I like that better actually13:54
directhexScottK, okay, no reverts. most of them13:54
Arc_what does the 1 at the end of ppa represent?13:54
directhexArc_, your first revision13:54
wgrantWhy is the hardy1 coming first?13:55
directhexArc_, if you mess up the packaging, but the software is the same, then you increment that number13:55
ScottK-laptopThat's your revision number so you can increment that if you need to fix something with another upload.13:55
RainCTwgrant: so that backports work13:55
directhexwgrant, cheap workaround to <directhex> ScottK, 1.0-1~hardy1 lower than 1.0-1~ppa113:55
directhexi find appending ~dhx1 easier ;)13:55
Arc_ok then why hardy1?13:55
ScottK-laptopdirecthex: Which isn't so great if you want to backport to Dapper.13:55
directhexScottK-laptop, fortunately, i only put things in my PPA ineligible for official backporting anyway13:56
Arc_I mean why the 1 at the end of hardy?13:56
directhexScottK-laptop, and my dapper repo is frozen13:56
directhexArc_, the first "official" backport to hardy would have ~hardy1, which could be incremented if that official backport were updated13:57
directhexArc_, so the idea is trying to work out where you want to slot in13:57
directhexArc_, if you want to guarantee being replaced by newer packages in the main distro, you need your version to be "older" than anything potentially official, whilst still replacing genuinely older versions13:58
directhexyou get used to it13:58
Arc_so why not hardy0?13:59
directhexor go mad and work on visual basic things. one or t'other.13:59
Arc_since its not an official backport13:59
Arc_and isn't that redundant with the archive version in any event?14:00
ScottK-laptopRiddell: Filed as Bug 261840.  I'll send mail to kubuntu-devel asking for feedback.14:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261840 in ubuntu "Please pocket copy KDE 3.5.10 from hardy-backports to hardy-updates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26184014:02
directhexthere are three* places a given package can be available, excluding a PPA. if we say 1.0 is in the main repository for intrepid, then 1.2 is in the main repository for jilted jackalope, then 1.2 can only end up available in intrepid via the backports repo, updates repo, or a ppa (and you won't be in updates without good reason). the version that comes in via backports/updates needs to be older than the version in jilted jackalope,14:02
directhexto ensure it's replaced if you upgrade your distro14:02
ScottK-laptopoops.  Wrong channel.14:03
directhexArc_, so i actually think you're right about using hardy0 instead of hardy1 in your ppa version, since you're not "based on" hardy114:03
tuxmaniac[OT] Any idea whom I should contact for enabling my @ubuntu.com email alias?14:03
ScottKSince hardy1 would be the first backport, as long as it's lower than that, it doesn't matter by how much.14:04
RainCTtuxmaniac: I think that's done automatically14:04
directhexArc_, in the event that the base software is the same version (1.2 in the example), you need to try and aim your package at the right place - either higher or lower than potential backports, but always lower than the next "full" release14:04
directhexScottK, i think hardy0 is a better convention to teach for PPAs. since it's NOT based on hardy1, i don't think hardy1 should be in the name. see what i mean?14:05
directhexi know it doesn't "matter", but it seems like more justified practice14:05
ScottKBy that rationale it should be ubuntu0 too.14:06
directhexdepends if you're also the packager, i suppose14:08
Arc_hmm.  1.0~beta2+r1348-0ubuntu0~hardy0+ppa114:08
Arc_because then a PPA "based on" a main version will superscede it correct?14:09
directhexArc_, buggered if i know, i got lost halfway through14:11
Arc_heh ok14:11
directhexessentially it's all guesswork until a version enters the archive14:13
Arc_got it14:13
directhexand there's no "official" rule on PPA numbering, especially given how much some people dislike them for assorted reasons. so if you're aiming to get 1.0-foo-bar-baz-boz into the archive, until that point, just use 0.99-1 in your ppa and say screw it.14:14
directhex(don't quote me on that)14:14
Arc_well since our deps change it's good to have the rXXXX in there14:15
directhexwell, version it how you like, just try not to get a headache14:16
Arc_yea that format is easy enough to follow14:16
directhexi think though that "1.0~beta2+r1348-0ubuntu0~hardy0+ppa1" is indeed a perfectly valid way to number the absolute first version of a dvn revision of a beta of a package, which is first appearing in a PPA14:17
Arc_last question, the mention of svn downloading/building for the source14:22
laszlokdholbach: do you know what the jokosher-0.10/debian/jokosher.sh is for in the diff of the 0.10 package?14:23
Arc_can a specific revision be specified with get-svn-source?14:24
Arc_the source repository is http://svn.pysoy.org/trunk/pysoy thats easy enough14:24
directhexArc_, yes. you write get-svn-source yourself - it's a target in debian/rules makefile14:25
directhexArc_, so you can even be smart, and make it parse the revision to download frmo debian.changelog14:25
directhexlet me find a simple example14:25
directhexman, can't find one. we use it for get-orig-source, but that's ftp based.14:29
Arc_just to clarify, with the PPA added as a source, "apt-get build-dep pysoy" would just compile all the dependencies, and "apt-get source pysoy" would build the deps *and* download the source to ./ right?14:29
Hobbseeit wouldn't buil dthe deps.14:30
Hobbseeit would download the source.14:30
Hobbseeand s/compile/download and install/, yes.14:30
Arc_I'd imagine it'd take a url but the revision # is the unknown14:30
directhexArc_, "apt-get build-dep pysoy" will install all the packages listed in the Build-Depends: line of your pysoy source package's debian/control14:31
Arc_ok so if you want both the deps and the source, both commands would have to be executed?14:31
directhexArc_, "apt-get source pysoy" will download & extract the source package into the current folder14:31
directhexArc_, so both steps needed, yes14:31
directhexHobbsee, you're back!14:32
Arc_yea and that would mean the equiv of "svn co http://svn.pysoy.org/trunk/pysoy"14:32
Arc_complete with .svn directories?14:32
Hobbseedirecthex: yes, but i'm tired, and i'm unlikely to be able to type my passprhase...14:32
geserHobbsee: should we help you? :)14:33
Adri2000Hobbsee: too tired for an archive admin task as well?14:34
HobbseeAdri2000: much14:34
Adri2000ok :(14:34
directhexso nobody feels like an ack for my monodoc merge in main? no?14:35
Hobbseegeser: does14:35
directhexhow about some nice stress-free advocation on mono-basic in revu. everyone loves visual basic.14:35
geserHobbsee: since when can I ack merges in main?14:35
Arc_directhex: do you know a URL where get-svn-source is documented?14:35
RainCTArc_: there is nothing to document, it it whatever you want it to be :)14:36
geserHobbsee: and I don't have time either as I need to learn for two exams this week (tomorrow and Friday)14:36
Arc_I don't understand14:36
directhexArc_, debian/rules is a makefile. technically, it can do whatever you would want a makefile to do14:37
Arc_so what activates get-svn-source vs get-orig-source?14:37
directhexArc_, i don't think (someone else may correct me) either is explicitly called by anything automatic14:39
directhexArc_, you can use them yourself, for convenience, to make collaborative work easier14:39
RainCTArc_: the name get-orig-source is a convention14:39
RainCTs/is a/is just a/14:39
Arc_ok so what does "apt-get source pysoy" do in that case?14:40
RainCTArc_: download the source from the Ubuntu archive14:40
RainCT(that is, the .dsc, .diff.gz and .orig.tar.gz)14:40
directhexArc_, downloads pysoy.dsc, pysoy.diff.gz, and pysoy.orig.gz, from the ubuntu archive (or ppa)14:40
jpdsHobbsee: Use gnupg-agent14:40
Arc_ok so whats the point of specifying get-svn-source?14:41
directhexArc_, get-orig-source is a popular convention for allowing you to generate (or download) the orig.tar.gz14:41
ScottK-laptopRainCT: Actually apt-get source downloads the highest version listed in any deb-src repo, Ubuntu official or not.14:42
Arc_"allowing you"?14:42
Arc_do you mean allowing you, outside the context of apt-get, or allowing you to specify an apt-get command to do this all automatically14:42
directhexArc_, essentially, outside the context of apt-get14:42
ScottK-laptopArc_: The idea would be to have a target in debian/rules so you can make -f debian/rules get-svn-source and have it all magically arrive ready to use.14:42
RainCTArc_: it has nothing to do with apt-get. it's just to get a new .orig.tar.gz when there's a new upstream version/revision14:43
directhexArc_, as an example, for working on mono-basic packaging, mono-basic packaging work is stored in svn. mono-basic upstream is in a zip file on an ftp server14:43
RainCTScottK-laptop: well, yea14:43
directhexArc_, i check out the mono-basic tree from svn, run debian/rules get-orig-source, and it generates a mono-basic orig.tar.gz for me14:43
ScottK-laptopRainCT: Since he's talking about a PPA, it's relevant.14:43
directhexArc_, i unpack it, add the debian/ folder in, and run debuild -S -sa. that generates the dsc and diff.gz against the orig.tar.gz14:43
Arc_ok so this really doesn't save time since it still requires pre-tarring the source code14:44
geserArc_: use get-svn-version if you need to get a version (from upstream) which you want to upload into the archive (or ppa) and "apt-get source" later to download it from the archive14:44
ScottK-laptopArc_: The point is to write a target in rules to automate all that for you.14:44
directhexArc_, it saves packaging time, since it means your get-orig-source can do that work for you14:44
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directhexArc_, so you can make your debian/rules work out the svn revision you want based on the changelog, and check it out, clean it, and compress it into an orig.tar.gz ready for use in the archive14:45
directhexArc_, it makes updating your packages much easier14:46
directhexArc_, the thing about dpkg packages is all three* files relating to a package need to come from the same place. you can't have a source package without the source14:47
directhextrust me, dealing with NOSRC packages on suse sucks14:47
Laneytacone: You here?14:52
Laneytacone: I got an error when upgrading to the latest memaker14:52
taconeyes here14:52
taconepastebin it14:52
Laneyam doing14:52
taconemy patch doesn't get applied ? possible ?14:53
taconelet me see14:53
LaneyDid you test install the package you uploaded?14:53
taconesure I did14:53
taconeon a clean wm14:54
taconenot weird, is about python versions14:54
* Laney nods14:54
taconeyou have something different from the standard. the problem was known and patched14:54
dholbachlaszlok: will check in a bit and let you know14:54
taconeI adapted the patch. let me check and correct.14:54
LaneyThis is a very dirty environment ;)14:55
LaneyMy installation has been dist-upgraded through loads of revisions14:55
taconethat's why you have an old python14:55
taconeas for me, I proposed to depend on a newer python. upstream never tested with old python, this I am sure14:55
ScottKDaviey or superm1|away: Why did you make every single Ubuntu developer a member of Mythbuntu (and thus get mail they really don't care about)?14:56
jpdsScottK: Jonathan Patrick Davies  â†’ MOTU  â†’ Ubuntu Development Team  â†’ Ubuntu Development Team (bugmail catching gateway)  â†’ Mythbuntu14:57
jpdsScottK: I blame the gateway, and thus RainCT.14:58
ScottKI was coming to that.14:58
ScottKBut why period.14:58
Laneytacone: Just bumping XS-Python-Version fixes it14:59
slytheringeser: there? few questions about libjboss-cache14:59
* Laney eyes whoever put All in the first place14:59
ScottKRainCT: What the heck is this ubuntu-dev-without-bugmail thing and why wasn't it discussed?14:59
taconeLaney: nice, but it would fail anyway with older python versions15:00
taconeso we either depend on python2.5 or get the patch applied15:00
taconepatch: ls debian/patches/001*15:00
RainCTScottK: you get mythbuntu mail? :S15:01
Laneytacone: Changing XS-Python-Version gets the right deps in15:01
LaneyDepends: python (<< 2.6), python (>= 2.5),15:01
Laney(but why isn't that patch applied? that would seem to be the right fix)15:01
RainCTScottK: ubuntu-dev was added as a member of mythbuntu so that it can commit to its branches (many packages are maintained in bzr barnches owned by mythbuntu)15:02
jpdsRainCT: http://paste.ubuntu.com/40919/15:02
taconeLaney:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/memaker/+bug/21440115:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 214401 in memaker "Installation of 0.9.4-0ubuntu1 failed" [Undecided,In progress]15:02
RainCTScottK: but we created ubuntu-dev-without-bugmail which is supposed to catch all the mail (sending it to its contact address)15:02
taconeLaney: that's the thing, I am loooking to understand why it doesn't get applied15:02
ScottKIt doesn't15:02
slytheringeser: Fixing current package is too much work. Even after that I am not sure what all reverse-build-depends will need to be modified.15:02
slytherin1. I can update it to 2.1.1 version with very minimal fixing required changes. But then should I change source package and binary package names from *cache1 to *cache2?15:02
ScottKRainCT: I get "New Mailing List for Mythbuntu Bug Team" and I bet I'll get the merge request mails too.15:03
RainCTScottK, jpds: seems like only bugmail is catched, but not other info mails15:03
taconeLaney: I can confirm it doesn't get applied :(15:03
geserslytherin: did the API change?15:03
Laneytacone: Is this the only 2.4 problem? Will the package work apart from this issue?15:03
ScottKRainCT: Please can we think this stuff through BEFORE we start spamming every single Ubuntu developer.15:03
LaneyDo you know why it wasn't applied upstream?15:04
taconeLaney: yes it does. I had no problem with that.15:04
ScottKRainCT: Please undo whatever it is you have done, figure it out, and then try again.15:04
slytheringeser: I couldn't find any direct statement about API change.15:04
RainCTbeh.. this will need changes in Launchpad then..15:05
Laneytacone: I'd better get back to work, but I'll have a look later if you don't figure it out15:05
taconethank you15:05
geserslytherin: is the new version a drop-in replacment? if yes, keep -cache115:05
LaneyOh, DktrKranz: Do you think the nanoweb problem you mentioned is a blocker? I'd like to have the php4 deps in for potential backporting if you don't mind. It doesn't cause a problem for Intrepid.15:06
geserslytherin: what about the reverse-build-dependencies? do they build/work with the new version?15:06
ScottKRainCT: I will actively object to being classified as a member of a Mythbuntu team.  I'm not involved in the project.15:06
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laszlokdholbach: also it looks like the import from debian used the control file from 0.2. In 0.9 we dropped dependencies for python-alsaaudio, librsvg2-common, python-gnome2, and changed gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs to recommended package15:06
* RainCT writes a mail to ubuntu-devel15:06
slytheringeser: Drop in replacement - it should be. I haven't tested reverse-build-depends. I don't have a package ready yet. I just checked if it compiles with whatever packages are available currently.15:06
ScottKRainCT: Which should have been done BEFORE.15:07
dholbachlaszlok: will check into that as well15:07
* laszlok hugs dholbach15:07
* highvoltage hugs dholbach too (just randomly)15:08
geserslytherin: ok, what about FF in a few hours? sounds like it would be best to file a FF exception so you don't need to hurry with packaging it15:08
* dholbach hugs y'all15:08
* directhex STILL awaits mono-basic love & hugs15:08
directhexfeature freeze fills me with fear and sadness!15:09
slytheringeser: I should have a package ready within 2 hours when I go home. That is about 5 hours from now.15:09
nxvlemgent`: /qui15:10
slytheringeser: What I can do meanwhile is still work on current package and make it build, irrespective of how many class files are built. So we can proceed with our build rounds.15:11
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slytheringeser: And that reminds me, some java files are not present in 2.1.1. So yes it is an API change. I will change source and binary package names and have a new changelog, is that fine?15:13
geserslytherin: yes, in that case it's better to rename it15:14
geserbut I'm not sure if it needs a full review through REVU or still counts as a new version update15:15
flohackI'm trying to package a new library. I created the skeleton using dh_make (adapted the necessary bits following the PackagingGuide). Then I created the package using debuild (it compiles and installs to debian/tmp), but the resulting .deb files do not contain anything. I have checked the *.dirs and *.install files and they are fine. Can someone please lend me a hand?15:16
slytheringeser: that we can discuss once I have package ready and I have tested the reverse-build-depends15:16
geserslytherin: http://builder.ubuntuwire.com:9998/dist/intrepid/arch/i386/failed has some *-java packages failing to (re)build if you're looking for work :)15:17
slytheringeser: will take a look15:18
directhexpfft, java. when there's lovely things like visual basic to work on?15:19
flohackAnyone with some packaging experience around (strange question on MOTU...)?15:22
broonieflohack: Just ask your question...15:23
flohackRepost: I'm trying to package a new library. I created the skeleton using dh_make (adapted the necessary bits following the PackagingGuide). Then I created the package using debuild (it compiles and installs to debian/tmp), but the resulting .deb files do not contain anything. I have checked the *.dirs and *.install files and they are fine. Can someone please lend me a hand?15:23
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slytheringeser: packages that build-depend on kaffee are failing. Will have to see how many of them are important and then migrate them to openjdk15:28
flohackCan I debug debuild somehow? I'd like to know which files it tries to copy into which .deb package15:28
flohack...and why they are not copied15:29
sistpoty|workflohack: can you pastebin your .install file? also you can debug building with export DV_VERBOSE=1 in debian/rules15:29
flohacksistpoty|work: Ok, give me a sec...15:29
sistpoty|workflohack: heh, you've commented out the dh_install call, which will actually install everything listed in .install files ;)15:32
flohacksistpoty|work: THANKS! I'll give it a spin15:33
flohacksistpoty|work: I just assumed that everything which is not specially commented in the skeleton is optional15:33
flohacksistpoty|work: Ok that looks good, it complains about missing files in usr/include15:35
sistpoty|workflohack: was just coming to that15:35
sistpoty|workflohack: if my memory serves me, you'll need to list the full path relative to the source package dir in install files15:35
sistpoty|workflohack: which then would be debian/tmp/usr/include etc.15:35
flohacksistpoty|work: That would be debian/tmp/usr/include/* then15:35
flohacksistpoty|work: lol15:36
sistpoty|workflohack: unless you use --sourcedir=debian/tmp (or s.th. like that, just check the dh_install manpage)15:36
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flohacksistpoty|work: Ok, I'll have a look!15:37
RainCTScottK, jpds: send15:38
bigonhttp://patch-tracking.debian.net/ new tools from debian \o/15:38
ScottKRainCT: Answered.15:45
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flohacksistpoty|work: Works just fine now, thanks once again!15:48
sistpoty|workyour welcome;)15:48
ryanakcaIs it possible to use the GNU Free Documentation License for manpages that we submit to Ubuntu?15:49
ScottKryanakca: Yes, but why?15:49
ryanakcaScottK: well, what license should I stick it under?15:50
ScottKryanakca: It's much simpler to use the license used by the thing it's a man page for.15:50
ryanakcaScottK: ok, thanks15:50
devfil_jdstrand_: can you take a look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gui-ufw ? it is the package of a GUI for ufw15:51
taconeis there any reason that could provoke a patch being not applied to just 1 of the files or just on the first file ? (I have 2 files in total)15:51
ScottKWas it not applied or did it fail to apply?15:52
taconehalf-ly applied. only to 1 of two files. also seems to work right when applying by hand in hardy.15:53
ScottKtacone: Also check and make sure you don't have a case where the same change for one file is inadvertently in the .diff.gz as a direct change and the patch isn't getting applied at all.15:53
taconeScottK: one of the two files get patched.15:54
taconeI guessed I shuold get a warning otherwise? shuoldn't I '15:54
ScottKRIght.  That or one of the files is patched via a direct change in .diff.gz and the actual patch isn't used.15:54
taconeok, here's the big news. dpatch apply-all seems not to work the same way in hardy and intrepid.15:56
directhexis your 00list valid?15:56
taconedirecthex: guess so. on my host computer I get everything ok. in intrepid dpatch apply-all gives no error messages but applies only half of the patch15:57
taconeif any of you has a hardy box or vm or chroot to download the source package of memaker-1.0.1, try to dpatch apply-all inside the working tree, then "grep class Memaker/ -Ri" and pastebin the result.15:58
jdstrand_devfil_: I can, but not today16:03
devfil_jdstrand_: tomorrow? the feature freeze will be tomorrow...16:03
jdstrand_devfil_: the feature freeze is 00:00 UTC tomorrow, or in 8 hours16:05
jdstrand_devfil_: I have too much to do for FF to get to it today16:05
devfil_jdstrand_: ok, np16:06
jdstrand_devfil_: I'd be happy to look at it another time though, otherwise try to get another revu person16:06
devfil_jdstrand_: yea, sure16:07
bddebianHeya folks16:10
flohacksistpoty|work: May I bug you once more? Now I have the problem, that the installed shared library does not work when being linked to with -lfb. I have to add the libfb dependencies too (-lnet -lpcap). I can remember that I had this problem a few years ago, but I can't remember how to resolve it. Google hasn't got an answer either.16:12
sistpoty|workhi bddebian16:12
IulianHeya bddebian.16:12
bddebianHi sistpoty|work, Iulian16:12
directhexso, anyone feel like giving mono-basic revu some love then?16:13
sistpoty|workflohack: it there a pkg-config file or similar? you could use that, to determine ldflags for the library16:13
flohacksistpoty|work: Ahh...ok so the pkg-config is responsible for pulling in required libs. But shouldn't the linker know that by itself?16:14
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sistpoty|workflohack: yes, it is... the linker can't know this when you try to link statically (as I assume you're doing)16:14
RainCTdevfil_: commented16:15
flohacksistpoty|work: Ok thanks...I'll dive into pkg-config. There isn't a dh_* command to create the necessary file automagically, is there?16:16
sistpoty|workflohack: no, you'll need to create such a file by hand16:17
flohacksistpoty|work: Cheers!16:17
superm1ScottK, I didn't.  RainCT had put together a gateway so that ubuntu developers could commit to the trees when sponsorship was needed and such16:17
ScottKsuperm1: Someone had to add that team to Mythbuntu16:17
james_wcongratulations Laney16:18
superm1ScottK, the gateway was supposed to catch any mail?  Is it not?16:18
RainCTsuperm1: bugmail yes, but not other notifications (like the announcement of the new mythbuntu mailing lists) :(16:19
devfil_RainCT: mhh, I'm not sure about somethings16:19
superm1oh yikes16:19
superm1okay well for now i'll take it out then until this is sorted16:19
RainCTsuperm1: can you remove the team from mythbuntu until there's something decided on ubuntu-devel? (I can't find how to do it myself)16:19
IulianLaney: Congratulations!16:19
superm1RainCT, okay should be done16:20
ScottKsuperm1: Thanks.16:21
RainCTdevfil_: like?16:23
sommerScottK: the perl spamassassin/clamav MIRs are done16:23
devfil_RainCT: - I’d call the binary package "ufw-gtk" instead of "gufw", to make it more discoverable and so that it’s more obvious what it is.16:23
devfil_then what about firestarter?16:24
sommerScottK: you, or anyone else, wouldn't have a moment to look at bug #261462 ?16:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261462 in ldapscripts "New ldapscripts Version" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26146216:24
sommererr would have a moment?16:25
devfil_RainCT: and the most other things seems me only aesthetics16:25
RainCTdevfil_: does gufw do anything which you can't do with plain ufw?16:28
RainCTdevfil_: and yes, I've only looked at the diff.. but aesthetics are important :)16:28
RainCTdevfil_: err, not everything. the debian/copyright issue for instance would be a rejection16:29
devfil_RainCT: no, but this is no reason to call the package in a different way from upstream don't you think?16:29
RainCTdevfil_: if so, why do you call the tarball gui-ufw instead of gufw?16:30
devfil_RainCT: because upstream calls the source dir gui-ufw16:31
devfil_and also it is the name of the project16:31
RainCTdevfil_: ah, evil upstream :P16:31
devfil_but the apps is called gufw16:31
RainCTdevfil_: anyway, I still think ufw-gtk is a better name (as you can do 'apt-get install ufw<tab>' and you find it), but n the other side, it could be confusing for users who directly search for 'gufw', so feel free to ignore this point :)16:33
RainCTdevfil_: (generally, always when I say "I'd" or stuff like that on a review it's just a suggestion)16:33
RainCTLaney: congratulations :)16:35
jdstrand_RainCT: I think there may be a competing project called ufw-gtk, but I am not sure16:35
RainCTjdstrand_: uhm.. if so, they should do some decent SEO :P16:37
jdstrand_I'm not involved with either project, but I've tried to make them aware of each other16:40
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RainCTpersia: I'm not sure if I understand your last mail16:50
flohacksistpoty|work: Cheers!16:50
sistpoty|workcheers flohack16:51
taconeLaney: found it out. wrong patch.16:51
persiaRainCT: Which part?16:51
RainCTpersia: "As long as members of the team maintaining the package have an accurate tree ready for upload (or follow the more typical (and more widely documented) practice of attaching the debdiff to a bug), there ought be no issues sponsoring the update in the regular manner"16:51
persiaRainCT: If someone prepared something that's ready to go into the archive, there's no need for write access to sponsor it.16:51
RainCTpersia: so option 4 of those I listed on my first mail?16:53
persiaRainCT: Well, some of that.  I'm against any upload which doesn't mirror the repo, as I discussed in my first mail.16:54
persiaIt's very much not ideal that the repo is out of date, and in my opinion, it's very much not ideal that someone upload something that can break a flavour without discussion with the flavour maintainers.16:55
persiaI'm a *huge* fan of collaborative development, and think MOTU ought upload anything either not modified in Ubuntu or maintained by MOTU.16:55
persiaThat said, there are some pockets of packages related to flavours that can have a vast impact on the flavour, and with which an arbitrary MOTU may not have familiarity: the change in the Maintainer field accurately represents this, and ought be respected.16:56
persiaIf you'd asked me about non-flavour packages, I'd not be so opposed, and would think it only appropriate that ubuntu-dev have rights to modify the repo.16:57
ScottK-laptopPersonally, I think the repo is a convenience.  The (pun intended) canonical source for the package, is the Ubuntu repository.16:57
persiaScottK-laptop: I can agree with that, but still think MOTU ought respect flavour-specific packages, especially core packages for a given flavour.16:58
RainCTpersia: So what you mean is that changes to mythbuntu packages (and in general packages which have a Maintainer different to the MOTU Team and have Vcs- fields set) should be done through branch merge requests instead of u-u-s?16:58
persiaIf a given MOTU happens to be interested in the flavour, they ought join the $(flavour)-dev group.16:59
ScottK-laptopRainCT: I don't think that's what he said.16:59
persiaRainCT: No.  Whether it's branch merge or UUS or what have you doesn't matter.  It should be done in coordination with the developers for the flavour.16:59
persiaWhen I find something in UUS for a flavour with which I'm not involved, I contact the flavour developers to confirm.  I've only had one case where I wasn't told "Go Ahead", and the flavour devs then fixed the issues and uploaded.17:00
ScottK-laptopAnd recognize that not all MOTU are interested manipulating $VCS as part of sponsoring, so a $VCS oriented sponsorship request will reduce your target audience.17:00
persiaScottK-laptop: Yes, but completely orthogonal to the point at hand: that I'm not a mythbuntu-dev.17:01
RainCTI that I agree with you17:01
ScottK-laptoppersia: Yes, but there was also a comment about 'or pull from the branch for sponsorship' that I was responding to.17:02
RainCTpersia: but that http://paste.ubuntu.com/40945/plain/ seems like a contradiction to me so I still don't understand your position in relation to sponsoring :/17:02
persiaScottK-laptop: That's not the documented procedure for UUS, but some people do it.  I'm not going to complain if it works for them, and I'm not going to tell anyone they must pull from a branch.17:02
persiaI'm also not going to update the UUS documentation to indicate that one ought pull from a branch.17:03
ScottK-laptopRainCT: Another point (unrelated to what persia is trying to discuss now) is that if the Mtyhbuntu icon is on my LP profile, people will, reasonably assume I have something to do with Mythbuntu and that's wrong.17:03
persiaRainCT: The repo should be up to date for an upload prior to it being sponsored.  Anything else is simply not correct.17:03
sistpoty|workScottK-laptop: but it's another icon for the collection! :P17:04
RainCTScottK-laptop: yes, that indeed a problem which I hadn't thought of until you first mentioned it17:04
persiaMind you, Mythbuntu is cool, and if I had an extra couple days each week, I'd like to be involved, but it's simply not the case now.17:04
ScottK-laptopsistpoty|work: I'm not an active collector.17:04
persiasistpoty|work: I like emblems.  I want more emblems, but I want them for stuff I actually do.17:05
RainCTpersia: Well, so if stuff can be uploaded going through u-u-s, but only if it is in the branch, we are back to the start.17:06
RainCTpersia: where people should file branch merge requests for the mythbuntu team to handle them, and if the guy who handles the request isn't a MOTU either he or the original contributor ask u-u-s to upload it17:07
persiaRainCT: Right.  We shouldn't be accepting random updates to flavour-specific packages that have not been approved by any members of the $(flavour)-dev team.17:08
persiaThat said, I don't know of any flavours (excepting possibly gobuntu) that don't have active enough development teams that this can be done in a timely manner.17:09
ScottK-laptop... unless $(flavor)-dev team has a policy otherwise (not that the do/should, but the option is there).17:09
RainCTpersia: (I though Gobuntu doesn't exist anymore?)17:10
RainCTpersia: so that behaviour should be documented on the wiki (after proposing it on -devel)17:10
persiaRainCT: gobuntu-meta was in the archives last I looked, but yes, I believe it's inactive.17:11
persiaI also think it doesn't need special discussion: the Maintainer is not MOTU either explicitly or implicitly.  Why should MOTU be changing the package?17:12
RainCT(p.u.c doesn't show gobuntu-meta being in intrepid)17:12
RainCTpersia: because it is in universe, and unless told otherwise new contributors only know that universe -> u-u-s, main -> u-m-s17:13
ma10New revision azureus_3.1.1.0-3ubuntu2 seeking sponsor. Bug 261879. lifeless, persia: it contains the fix we've been talking about on -java. Comments? jdong: ping :)17:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261879 in azureus "Candidate revision azureus_3.1.1.0-3ubuntu2" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26187917:14
persiaRainCT: Sure.  I don't see why they need to be especially informed.  Like I said, I've only once had any response from a flavour development team other than "Go Ahead".  Generally, someone refreshes the branch from the upload, or so I presume.17:14
jdongma10: looking17:15
jdong(packing today to go back to school)17:15
jdonglemme boot up my VMs17:15
ma10I'm packing too! My study abroad year is finished.. :( Going back home17:16
jdongma10: I hate that never-ending feeling like I forgot something17:17
ma10Don't tell me about it.. But this time i just have to empty the flat17:18
jdongma10: that makes life easy. I stayed back at home for the summer so there's stuff *all around* here that I could've forgotten17:19
jdongma10: have you tried submitting the multiuser workaround/fix upstream too?17:20
ma10jdong: just remember your pc and underwear, you'll be allright :)17:20
jdongI'd be curious what they have to say17:20
ma10oh i had quite a discussion with them17:21
ma10they fail to admit it's a real issue17:21
jdongma10: lovely.17:21
ma10because there should be one user per machine with one instance running (good for network performance)17:22
jdongazureus upstream is fun at times. Plus they REALLY love Ubuntu (not)17:22
ma10i managed to dodge that point17:22
ma10anyway i think this fix is too much of a hack for them, they should reduce code duplication first, as lifeless was suggesting17:23
jdongma10: indeed. At any rate, the fix is quite important for us as multiuser support and cross-user security are essential pieces of what Ubuntu is.17:24
ma10that's how i see it17:24
RainCTpersia: so.. contributors subscribe u-u-s providing a debdiff (and perhaps also a branch) and the MOTU who looks at the debdiff pings a mythbuntu member for him to merge it into the branch, and after that mythbuntu guy says 'OK' upload it?17:25
persiaRainCT: That might be one example of a workflow.  I suspect the majority of those who contribute to mythbuntu directly and propose things for upload will already be mythbuntu-dev, which makes some of that a no-op.17:27
persiaAt least my experience was that it was rare for someone not a member of the $(flavour)-dev team to be fiddling with a core flavour-specific package.17:27
* RainCT doesn't see why we would want such stuff on u-u-s then as it makes more sense to ask a mythbuntu dev directly, but doesn't feel like continuing the discussion :P17:32
Laneythanks RainCT, Iulian and james_w (and jpds and dholbach)! Also thanks persia for the taste of power. It felt good17:35
persiaLaney: Just a taste to get you excited :)17:36
ma10jdong: thanks!17:36
* dholbach hugs laney17:37
ScottK-laptopRainCT: If the mythbuntu-dev is also MOTU, then it doesn't.17:38
ScottK-laptopI think a lot of this goes away after the archive reorg.17:39
sebnerScottK-laptop: in the evening I'll present you my first MIR try  ^^17:39
ScottK-laptopsebner: Best hurry as sommer is going wild.17:40
sebnerScottK-laptop: Sure, I'll try17:40
Juli_hi! can anybody help with second +1 for http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=libnb-platform-java please?17:42
Juli_huge thanks to dholbach for the first one17:43
dholbachit's probably worth mentioning that it's "an update" of the existing libnb-platform7-java17:43
dholbachwhich makes the review more straight-forward17:44
dholbachand it'S required for the new netbeans :)17:44
Juli_yes, exactly:)17:44
jetsaredimanyone know where I can find libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.317:44
ScottK-laptopdholbach: If it's an update, why can't you just upload it?17:48
dholbachScottK-laptop: it's a new source package17:49
dholbachor rather upstream rename... you know what I mean17:50
dholbachanyway... I call it a day now - see you guys tomorrow!17:50
ScottK-laptopdholbach: If it's a rename, I think one MOTU is enough.17:51
Juli_ScottK-laptop: won't there be any problems with archive admins17:54
dholbachbetter stick to the rules - in any case, I need to rush off now and my intrepid machine is already shutdown17:54
ScottK-laptopJuli_: No.  That's a MOTU rule, not a hard archive requirement.17:55
dholbachthanks in advance - see you tomorrow :)17:55
* sistpoty|work also calls it a day and heads home... cya17:56
* persia looks at libnb-platform-java17:58
Juli_persia: thanks! so only netbeans itself will be a headache after platform is uploaded17:59
persiaJuli_: And that's in a bug, right?17:59
TomaszDhey, is it possible to create a debian driver package for the kernel so that it doesn't break between security updates to the kernel? I've manually modified the linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic_2.6.24-19.41_i386.deb package (added drivers, bumped minor version number), but this obviously will break after security updates18:00
Juli_persia: yes https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netbeans/+bug/25301618:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253016 in netbeans "New upstream version (6.1) for netbeans" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:00
superm1TomaszD, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/DkmsDriverPackage18:01
TomaszDso is it possible to create a package that will just throw some .so files into the kernel tree, without it breaking?18:01
superm1TomaszD, DKMS will recompile them when you rev the kernel more or less18:02
TomaszDsuperm1, great, that was so obvious that I didn't think about dkms, wonder if it'll work18:03
persiaNote that this ought only be used in cases where the driver is for a device that is typically installed in an environment suitable for compilation.18:03
superm1TomaszD, as long as you craft your dkms.conf properly, it should be able to to the trick for you18:03
persiaMoving everything to DKMS would be bad.18:03
superm1the impression i got was this is a local solution for TomaszD18:03
persiaWell, I'd argue there are cases where it's appropriate to use DKMS in the archives as well, just not for everything.18:04
TomaszDwell, not local, it's for MSI Wind users in general, it will eventually be released into the wild18:04
superm1TomaszD, well the proper route to go is to try to get these into SRU's18:04
superm1so that future kernels will include them and then you won't need the DKMS built packages anymore18:05
persiaTomaszD: MSI Wind is one of the examples where you might not want DKMS, as that's a fairly underpowered machine.18:05
persiaMind you, the new ones are nicer, but still.18:05
superm1and set a flag in the dkms.conf to stop using/building when you're on that newer kernel18:05
TomaszDSRU would be a good idea I guess18:06
jpdscongrats Laney! Keep up the good work.18:06
superm1TomaszD, so if these are NEW drivers that don't conflict with anything that shouldn't be too troublesome.  if they are large changes to existing drivers then that can cause complications18:06
TomaszDno, these are compeltely separate drivers18:07
TomaszDRealtek 8187SE18:07
superm1TomaszD, then i would try to factor them into the LUM packages and submit a patch to the kernel team's mailing list to add them18:07
superm1TomaszD, and until that package is released do a dkms package that includes binary and source of the modules18:08
TomaszDdang it I have to look up every SRU and LUM thing you throw at me18:08
superm1TomaszD, lum == linux-ubuntu-modules.  it's the package that contains modules that are not upstream yet18:09
=== persia_ is now known as persia
devfil_Someone can take a look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gui-ufw ?18:11
jpdsdevfil_: Wouldn't ufw-gtk be a better name?18:11
ScottK-laptopjpds: Read the scrollback.18:11
jpdsYay for evil upstreams.18:12
jpdslukehasnoname: irclogs.ubuntu.com18:15
=== devfil_ is now known as devfil
TomaszDjpds, a better name would be ubuntu-firewall, ufw-gtk is good for nerds only :]18:18
directhexTomaszD, ubuntu: linux for big fat nerds?18:22
* directhex jumps up & down & pokes people over: mono-basic on revu; monodoc 1.9 main merge18:22
TomaszDdidrocks, not quite the target audience Ubuntu is aiming at, they're all using gentoo ;]18:23
TomaszDI kid, I kid18:23
directhexTomaszD, cool kids dropped gentoo when it sold out & went mainstream. now they all run Arch18:23
TomaszDreal men use LSB. Let's stop this now.18:24
didrocksTomaszD: 3 times today someone hilight me here for directhex ^^18:25
directhexdidrocks, sorry matey... http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=directhex&word2=didrocks18:25
persiaAnd for extra points, NM should stop disconnecting me today :)18:27
directhexfor even more points, all my outstanding merge & sync requests should magically happen. and mono-basic gets the required approvals on revu18:28
directhexbut sometimes, persia, life just isn't fair :(18:28
lagadirecthex: before feature freeze? ;)18:29
directhexlaga, well, YES!18:29
persiadirecthex: If they are all in the queue, and they would otherwise violate feature freeze, chances are high they will be looked at in the next few hours.  No promises on them getting approved.18:29
lagatime to prepare another mythtv upload..18:30
persiadirecthex: In the meantime, if you'd like to help with the 40 packages above, it may favorably incline various MOTU towards you, including those in some of the leadership positions :)18:30
directhexwhich 40? i only just got home18:30
lagai guess i could look at some, too, to prepare for my UUC application.18:31
persiadirecthex: Visit http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ : everything with a new upstream ought get checked, as it will make the life of the SRU and SWAT teams easier if intrepid & lenny share the same version, and the current packages are likely to be RC buggy in intrepid.18:32
persialaga: That'd be great.  Thanks.18:33
lagadang, i need some caffeine...18:33
lagapersia: what am i supposed to do? check the new upstream to see if the bugs are fixedß18:34
persialaga: That, and also whether introducing the new Debian changes (through a merge or sync) would cause significant disruption to intrepid development.18:34
persiaIf the package is an edge packages (no rdepends or reverse build-depends), it's exceedingly likely it is best updated.18:35
persiaIf there are reverse dependencies, it needs a little more investigation.18:35
sebnerpersia: what about extra points for uqm upload? :P18:35
persiaClaim the package here, and ask any questions you have.  There are a few of us who tend to chase as much as possible pre-FF, and we'd be happy to help (as we need your help to get it done in time)18:36
persiasebner: No extra points for that: it's on my list of things to definitely do tonight though.18:36
* persia has a shorter, targeted list today18:36
sebnerpersia: \o/18:36
lagai'll look at i810switch. looks like a fun package18:37
persiasebner: You like new stuff.  Want to check the 40 RCbug new-upstream packages?18:37
persialaga: Remember to check the LP bugs also: it may be that someone already requested the sync or merge, and it's just waiting for sponsoring.18:38
sebnerpersia: are they more important as the non-new grave bugs?18:38
ScottK-laptopsebner: You owe me a MIR before you do fun stuff.18:38
sebnerScottK-laptop: of course. Though I file sync requests besides :P18:38
persiasebner: Yes, because they need to get done in the next several hours.  The non-new upstream grave bugs can be fixed over the weekend.18:39
persiaScottK-laptop: Is FF also the deadline for MIRs ?18:39
sebnerpersia: Bah, you should have asked me ealier. I'm not harry potter to do loads of magic in few hours -.-18:39
persiasebner: It's been there for weeks.  I just got anxious now.  I know you know about RCbugs :p18:40
ScottK-laptoppersia: It's not a hard, hard deadline, but yes.18:40
sebnerpersia: Sure but I focus on the grave ones and there a lot aren't new upstream ones18:41
persiaScottK-laptop: From a motu-release perspective, do you think it's more important to chase the MIRs, or the RCbugs with new upstreams?18:41
leonelhow do I know what package system uses any package ??18:41
persiasebner: No, only 5.  You can have those, if you like?18:42
persialeonel: Generally reading debian/control and debian/rules will advise you.  Most of the time, debian/control ought be sufficient.  For many packages, even the .dsc alone is sufficient.18:42
sebnerpersia: We'll see. First I have to do some other stuff, then finish the MIR for ScottK-laptop and then when I don't fall asleep I grab some new upstream versions18:42
leonelthanks persia18:43
persiasebner: No sleep until midnight UTC.  That's the deadline.18:43
sebnerpersia: I would if I wouldn't have a (summer) job -.-18:43
directhextypical. the one package i've got experience with, sebner's already on18:44
persiaWell, I suppose.  It's just the two days a year that this happens.18:44
RainCTsuperm1: btw, can mythtv be used for free?18:44
lagabtw, what do i do if i think a package is suitable for merging/syncing? file a bug?18:44
superm1RainCT, define free...18:44
persiadirecthex: Be more agressive: fix the bugs before anyone else has a chance :)18:44
RainCTsuperm1: €18:44
superm1RainCT, yes it can depending on your locale and data availability18:44
sebnerdirecthex: which one? midori?18:45
directhexsebner, nini18:45
sebnerdirecthex: ah ^^18:45
sebnerpersia: lol, that's a good motivation xD18:45
directhexsebner, i had to patch around its funny behaviour in my tangerine mods in my repo18:45
persialaga: Yes, file a merge/sync bug, and subscribe the sponsors queue.  For a merge bug, be sure to attach the debdiff before subscribing the sponsors.18:46
slytherinpersia: hi18:46
sebnerdirecthex: funny behaviour?18:46
persiaslytherin: You feel like looking at merges/syncs to ensure we match Debian for the Java packages, right?18:47
persia(upstream versions)18:47
sebnerpersia: though I'm sure "sebner on it" is even more readable then "Sync requested" :P18:47
persiaWe've 493 minutes to review, and get everything requested18:47
slytherinyes, I will be able to this over weekend. is that fine?18:47
directhexsebner, .INI file comment character is ";", tangerine uses ";" as its separator for multiple paths18:47
persiasebner: I tend to put in bug numbers, for ease of reference by others, rather than just "persia on it"18:48
sebnerpersia: Nearly nobody uses them. and if you click on the package you'll see the bug report anyways so nvm18:48
persiasebner: Well, some people do, but yes, not that many people.  I still try to be helpful.18:49
sebnerpersia: I appreciate18:49
sebnerScottK-laptop: Launchpad to go Open Source by next OSCon  ;)18:56
persiasebner: You're reading the news, aren't you?18:56
sebnerpersia: yes, why?18:56
ScottK-laptopsebner: Get to work.18:56
sebnerlol xD18:56
persiasebner: Aren't you supposed to be doing an MIR and some RCbugs?  If you're out of those, I can find you more stuff that needs doing: all new packages or new upstreams.18:57
ScottK-laptopsebner: If that helps reduce the parochialism of the developers, then I think I think it'll be a big win.  If not, not so much.18:57
sebnerpersia: ScottK-laptop: Don't worry. I'm already a slave of sebner. :P18:58
lagaam i supposed to request syncs even if the RC bug doesnt affect ubuntu?18:59
persialaga: Your call.  For edge packages, I tend to do that anyway, especially where Ubuntu has a chance of matching a Debian stable release, but if there are a lot of rdepends, it's not the best thing, as it introduces instability into Ubuntu.19:00
persiaIf you want a real opinion, ask ScottK or another member of motu-release.19:00
lagaokay. i810switch doesnt has rdepends and the diff is just a macbook fix.. who uses i810switch these days?19:01
* laga goes to request a sync anywaysd19:01
persialaga: The three users will all thank you :)19:02
slytherinpersia: will be back in 5-10 minutes19:02
sebnerpersia: so. here you have a new upstream sync bug #261939 --> but don't tell ScottK :P19:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261939 in kaya "Please sync kaya 0.4.2-3 from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26193919:03
sebnerScottK-laptop: just a joke. now working on your MIR :)19:03
persiasebner: I'll be silent on the matter, but that solves 2 RC bugs with a single sync :)19:04
sebnerpersia: Die you bad bugs, die! :)19:05
persiasebner: That's the attitude :)19:05
sebnerpersia: does a MIR also kill RC bugs? ^^19:05
persiasebner: Sometimes.19:06
* sebner back to work19:07
tuxmaniacHarvest is cool! It makes it easy for people to identify bugs fixed upstream (Debian or the devel) and get a syn throu or closing issues after verifying and testing. Cool!19:07
* tuxmaniac closed 2 bugs like that now :-)19:07
persiatuxmaniac: Indeed.  It's an excellent resource.  On the other hand, today we're focusing on bugfixes that need to be in place pre-FF, as we've only 472 minutes left, and harvest doesn't know any better.  Best to review quickly and see what's fixed in Debian or fixed Upstream that would require an FFe to be included, and concentrate on those.19:08
lagayay, my first sync bug evar19:09
sebnerpersia: I'm wonderin since new upstream versions won't get into the archive in 472 and they'll need a FF Exception. like it was in hardy cycle!?!19:10
asomethingAnyone know why Bug #259300 was marked invalid? seems like it would fix a RC bug....19:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259300 in motion "Please sync motion 3.2.9-5 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25930019:10
persiasebner: If they aren't approved within 470 minutes, yes.  The archive-admins often pull the syncs post FF (by a few hours) without bothering about FF, as long as the syncs were approved in time.19:11
ScottK-laptopasomething: Looking19:11
sebnerpersia: Really? I thought it was different in hardy cycle19:12
asomethingthe RC bug: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=48756819:12
ubottuDebian bug 487568 in motion "After upgrade from 3.2.9-3 to 3.2.9-4 Motion doesn't work anymore" [Grave,Closed]19:12
persiasebner: Nope.  We've always done it that way.19:12
ScottK-laptopIulian: See asomething's question about motion?19:12
sebnerpersia: kk, so my brain is playing a trick on me (as usual) :)19:13
tuxmaniacpersia: yes. I am checking all Science packages for any such pending syncs19:13
laga   * Save the world from masturbating monkeys (closes: #496409)19:14
* persia grumbles about source pacakges that can only be built in intrepid19:15
sebnerpersia: Still don't have a intrepid chroot?19:15
persiasebner: I've currently 7 of them.  I just didn't happen to be in one when trying to build one of the sources.19:16
sebnerah ^^19:16
sebnerpersia: btw, you maybe should also focus on forcing u-u-s to process your forced sync/merge requests in time. :)19:17
persiasebner: Indeed.  The three areas I'm concentrating on right now are UUS, REVU, and multidistrotools for the Debian team to which I belong.19:18
persiaI can only run a limited number of simultaneous builds, or I'd be pushing more.19:18
persiaSpeaking of REVU, we've 4 packages with one advocate.  Anyone want to be the second advocate?19:19
sebnerpersia: that is already pretty nice, just don't forget that many contributors aren't MOTUs and need sponsors(not only you) :)19:19
persiasebner: Indeed.  More sponsoring tonight would be a good thing.  Let's flood the buildds!19:19
sebnerpersia: I suppose u-u-s is already flooded? ^^19:20
devfilSomeone can take a look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gui-ufw ?19:20
=== emma_ is now known as emma
geserpersia: find an archive admin to process the open syncs requests and the buildds get flooded19:20
persiasebner: Indeed, but keeping it flooded is the best means to get the buildds flooded.19:20
persiageser: I'm not so worried about that: I suspect we've enough merges and updates to do a fair bit of harm.19:21
persiaarchive-admin processing of NEW might help as well.19:21
sebnerhopefully none of them is on holiday xD19:21
persiasebner: Doesn't matter.  archive-admins check the date of subscription, and will push stuff post-FF as long as it was forwarded to them (and valid) pre-FF.19:22
sebnerah cool19:22
sebnerso FLOOOOOOOOOOOD19:22
persiaShould all be caught up by Monday or Tuesday, but it might take that long.19:22
* sebner is already looking forward at filing FFe bugs ^^ (though not that many. /me learned from hardy cycle)19:24
slytherinpersia: What kind of setup do I need to do to use requestsync email interface?19:24
sebnerslytherin: I never checked how this piece of software is working xD19:25
persiaslytherin: No idea.  I used requestsync once, and decided that it was harder for me than doing it manually.19:25
sebnerchecked = understood19:25
sebnerpersia: +119:25
RainCTdevfil: advocated19:26
devfilRainCT: I've fixed the "allows" problem19:27
persiaFive.  Five packages on REVU seeking a second advocate.  Who's up for some?19:27
slytherinOk, can anyone tell me where can I find LP cookie in my firefox profile?19:27
devfilRainCT: can you readvocate it when I've upload the new version?19:28
sebnerpersia: I'm wondering that revu packages are still importatn19:28
RainCTdevfil: sure19:28
=== emgent` is now known as emgent
lagasebner: anything containing the string "mythbuntu" (not kidding)19:29
sebneremgent: \o/19:29
emgentLaney: congrats :)19:29
sebnerlaga: I see19:29
emgentheya sebner :)19:29
sebnerLaney: congratulations from me too19:29
RainCTslytherin: '~/.lpcookie.txt', '~/.mozilla/*/*/cookies.sqlite', '~/.mozilla/*/*/cookies.txt'19:29
persiasebner: No idea.  I've not reviewed them all.  People with important packages should be complaining about now.19:29
sebneremgent: want to help flood u-u-s or better the build machines?19:30
emgentlol no today sebner :)19:30
jpdsLP COOKIES! \o/19:30
sebneremgent: surely today19:31
emgentjpds: oh you can remove my account in your server. thanks19:31
sebnerpersia: convert him!19:31
persiaemgent: It's the day before FF.  We need your help to process everything that would otherwise be an FFe in the UUS queue.19:31
jpdsemgent: OK; done.19:31
emgentsebner: i cant, i should go out19:31
sebneremgent: dito :P19:31
emgentpersia: yeah i know :|19:31
persiaemgent: Please?  There's only 449 minutes left until the deadline.19:31
emgentpersia: tomorrow i will go out (Amsterdam)19:32
persiaWhy does installing devscripts install exim?  I thought that was fixed a while back.19:32
persiaemgent: Yes, but it's FF!19:32
emgentpersia: eh. I know, but i should go out! persia you can try to talk with my girlfriend, if you like..19:33
stefanlsdIm looking forward to dev week!19:33
slytherinRainCT: I was looking for instruction to copy it from firefox profile to ~/.lpcookie.txt. Anyway, I found that I have done it already at some point of time.19:33
emgentsee you later people, good work.19:34
RainCTslytherin: have a look at prepareLaunchpadCookie() in ubuntu-dev-tool's common.py19:34
persiaemgent: Just 5 sync requests?19:34
slytherinRainCT: ok19:34
RainCTdevfil: still uploading?19:34
devfilRainCT: it will appear at 20:4019:35
emgentpersia: uhm, i'm back in ~3hours i will try to give my little help19:35
emgentbut now i have to go out :(19:35
persiaemgent: Excellent.  See you then.  Thanks.19:35
emgentpersia: see you later19:35
RainCTdevfil: it isn't on REVU (on the server, I mean)19:36
sebnerScottK-laptop: I think I finished the MIR. do you check it now and I fix your complains or later and I can start killing bugs?19:36
devfilRainCT: I've uploaded it19:36
RainCTah now19:36
devfilRainCT: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gui-ufw19:37
RainCTdevfil: yep, advocated19:37
ScottK-laptopsebner: Sure.  What bug?19:39
sebnerScottK-laptop: bug #26194619:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261946 in libtext-glob-perl "MIR for libtext-glob-perl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26194619:39
ScottK-laptopsebner: Looking19:40
sebnerpersia: debian changelogs page is pretty slow these day. our fault?19:41
persiasebner: Might well be.19:41
slytherinpersia: Should I tell you bug number one by one or all at once?19:42
* persia hopes so, as this would indicate that *lots* of people were looking at pre-FF stuff19:42
tuxmaniacbug 220268 is fixed upstream. But no patch is attached in the bug tracker for us to have a look. Is it worth digging such issues and bypassing upstream release cycle and getting it fixed in ubuntu?19:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220268 in gnumeric "gnumeric crashes when formatting dates to mmmmm or mmmmm-yy" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22026819:42
tuxmaniacI mean there are atleast 2 more such patches that upstream has "fix released" for gnumeric but not released an offocial version.19:43
persiaslytherin: Subscribe the sponsors queue, and add the uus-fre-ff-810 tag19:43
slytherinpersia: ok19:43
persiaErr.  uus-pre-ff-81019:43
slytherinsebner: the page is indeed slow19:43
tuxmaniacif we port these patches we have the possiblity of clsoing couple of bugs19:43
tuxmaniacany suggestions?19:43
sebnerslytherin: luckily not the news page :)19:44
persiatuxmaniac: Has upstream actually done a release that includes the fixes, or are the fixes just in VCS?19:44
tuxmaniacjust in VCS19:45
sebnerpersia: you have the time in your head. how many minutes left?19:45
persiatuxmaniac: Feature changes, or just bugfixes?19:45
persiasebner: 375 or so.19:45
tuxmaniacpersia: but they have closed the issue. one solves a crash and two minor bugfixes19:45
persiatuxmaniac: We'll want to backport the fixes later then.  Keep looking for stuff that needs to go pre-FF.19:46
sebnerpersia: k, thx19:46
blueyedHi. Can somebody please review/advocate tvbrowser? should be fine by now: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=tvbrowser19:46
tuxmaniacpersia: aah ok19:46
persiasebner: Actually, rather 315 or so.  I can't do math right now.19:46
RainCTblueyed: I just started looking at it :)19:46
blueyedRainCT: awesome! :)19:47
ScottK-laptopsebner: Looks good.  Thanks.19:47
sebnerScottK-laptop: np. I'm just sad I didn't discover that ealier. I just did 1 and Asommer is working on it like hell :(19:47
RainCTblueyed: is it a KDE application?19:48
blueyedRainCT: java19:48
RainCTblueyed: right.. so for all desktop environments?19:49
sebnerpersia: And when I start complaining here that no one sponsors me? (1-2 hours before FF)? ^^19:49
blueyedRainCT: yes19:49
persiasebner: Don't.  You'll get sponsored.19:49
RainCTblueyed: I'd change the Name in the .desktop file then to be more descriptive19:49
persia(or if you don't, complaining won't help)19:49
sebnerpersia: I'm just answering for "worst case" :P19:50
sebner*asking xD19:50
sebnerpersia: bah, I always thought a u-u-c has VIP rights :P19:51
persiasebner: Regardless, the sponsors are likely agressively chasing the queue looking for FF stuff.  As long as you have the pre-FF tag, you'll get sponsored if the sponsors have the ability to sponsor it in time.19:51
persiaNo.  Why?19:51
sebnerpersia: *joke*19:51
sebnerbetter we get back to work ^^19:51
RainCTblueyed: does it need some special hardware / subscription to some service / etc? if not, the priority should be optinal19:52
blueyedRainCT: for example? IMHO it does not matter for the user which DE it is for really.19:53
tuxmaniaclooks like maxima needs a merge badly. Debian bug 474909 lists a whole lot of bug fixes.19:53
ubottuDebian bug 474909 in maxima "maxima: FTBFS: /bin/sh: ./maxima: No such file or directory" [Serious,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/47490919:53
RainCTblueyed: KDE displays the GenericName or something like that below the Name, that's why I asked if it if for KDE19:53
blueyedRainCT: it does not need some special HW/subscription19:53
RainCTblueyed: for GNOME/XFCE it is recommended (in the HIG, iirc) to have a descriptive name, like most applications preinstalled in Ubuntu  do ("Firefox Web Browser", and so on)19:54
RainCTblueyed: use the full URL in vcs-bzr19:54
RainCTblueyed: Overview.txt is uninteresting to the user19:56
blueyedRainCT: . I think it fits "extra", according to the desc: "This contains all packages that [...], or are only likely to be useful if you already know what they are or have specialized requirements."19:57
RainCTblueyed: because of what?19:58
RainCTblueyed: are all channels it knows about german or something like that? (if so I'm happy with extra)19:59
blueyedRainCT: I'm fine with "optional", too - if you still think it fits better.19:59
RainCTblueyed: no, just tell me the rationale :)20:00
blueyed..not sure.. they are already "going international", so..20:00
IulianScottK-laptop: Commented20:00
* RainCT is wondering wheter the priority has any real importance.. 20:00
blueyedRainCT: nothing more than above.. /me, too.20:00
blueyedRainCT: I will change it to optional.20:00
ScottK-laptopIulian: Thanks.20:01
RainCTcore dev ScottK-laptop :), is the priority used for anything useful?20:02
jpdsRainCT: base packages?20:03
RainCTjpds: beside that20:03
ScottK-laptopRainCT: Not in Ubuntu.20:04
ScottK-laptopRainCT: But you may as well get it right.20:04
RainCTScottK-laptop: and in Debian? higher priority = first to be build or something like that?20:05
blueyedRainCT: do you think GenericName in the desktop file should get improved?20:05
RainCTblueyed: no, it's fine :)20:05
blueyedRainCT: so a new upload is coming. changes at: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/aunchpad.net/~blueyed/tvbrowser/ubuntu20:07
ScottK-laptopNo.  Not exactly.  More what the primary was to get something done.  As an example, their default MTA is Exim.  All other MTAs are priority Extra as a result.20:07
ScottK-laptopIn theoty you can install all of optional and not get any confilcts.20:08
RainCTScottK-laptop: Ah. Thanks for the info.20:08
blueyedRainCT: fixed url is: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~blueyed/tvbrowser/ubuntu20:09
RainCTblueyed: OK. /me is test-building20:09
sebnerhow can I haXX0r debian/rules that gcc doesn't treat warnings as errors?20:11
RainCTblueyed: lintian is still unhappy.. output pasted on REVU20:12
gesersebner: look for -Werror in debian/rules or the Makefiles20:12
sebnergeser: thanks :)20:13
RainCTblueyed: I'll advocate once everything I said is fixed20:17
ScottK-laptopSo I find myself reverting to my pre-broadband browsing habit of clicking on something, moving on to another browswer window, and then coming back to it later on Launchpad.20:17
ScottK-laptopSo I have a new motto for them:20:18
ScottK-laptopLaunchpad:  For when you're nostalgic about dial-up.20:18
persiaYeah.  It could be a lot faster, especially today.20:18
lagai find some debian boxes slower.20:19
sebnergeser: well I had to edit the configure script =) what was now the discussion about patch-systems? ^^20:21
lagagah, i cant remove comments on http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/20:26
ScottK-laptoplaga: Known bug.  Harass ajmitch if you really want something done about it.20:26
lagaajmitch: consider yourself harassed - i can't delete comments on qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/20:27
lagaalright, not gonna merge qemu now, i need to prepare a mythtv upload20:28
persiaScottK-laptop: How is UMS re: FF stuff?20:29
ScottK-laptopUMS is one acroynm too many for me for today?20:30
RainCTblueyed: woot. Just tried out TV-Browser, nice :)  (I prefer tvmovie.de, though)20:31
persiaScottK-laptop: Heh.  OK.  Not likely stuff that worries me much, but I thought there might be a heap of last-minute stuff.20:31
ScottK-laptoppersia: What is UMS?20:32
persiaMy apologies: I thought you were ignoring that acronym specifically, rather than having forgotten the definition.20:35
ScottK-laptopNo problem.20:37
ScottK-laptopDunno.  I haven't had much time to look.20:37
persiaAnyone feel like doing a gnurobots merge?20:38
sebnerScottK-laptop: isn't that a *long-known* bug on ubuntuwire?20:38
ScottK-laptopYes, but still unfixed.20:39
persiaMy memory is that the reason the bug is there is that a spider deleted all the comments one day.20:39
persiaHow about a tuxtype merge?20:39
sebnerdebian packages site isn't loading for me :( :( :(20:40
lagayeah, seemed borked here too20:40
persiaWhich site?  packages.qa.debian.org?20:40
sebnerpretty everything ^^20:41
persiaWhat data do you need?  There's probably another way to get it.20:41
sebnerpersia: debian changelog site xD  ... why merge gnurobots ... sync?20:41
persiasebner: apt-get source in a sid chroot, and I haven't investigated whether the Ubuntu changes may be dropped.20:42
sebnerpersia: there isn't an ubuntu change. just a rebuild. but before it was on autosync20:42
persiasebner: Great.  Now that you've investigated, would you like to file the bug?20:43
sebnerpersia: xD you are playing tricks :P Sure, I'll testbuild and file the bug then20:43
persiaDon't forget tuxtype :)20:44
sebnerok ok. I'm taking it as well20:44
persiaThank you.20:44
sebnerpersia: np, just wondering that gnurobots isn't on the RC list20:45
persiasebner: it's not RC.20:46
sebnerpersia: a app you like?  ^^20:46
persiaNever used it.20:47
persiaJust on one of my lists.20:47
sebnerpersia: and now I have to work on your list so you have time to upload uqm? ^^ ^^ ^^20:48
persiasebner: I just finished downloading the source, and will be reviewing the patch momentarily.20:48
sebnerpersia: I don't believe you until I see it uploaded :P20:49
persiasebner: You don't have to believe me if you don't like.20:49
persiaLaney: Can you shed any light on the status of bug #229136?20:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229136 in extremetuxracer "Please merge extremetuxracer 0.4-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22913620:49
persiasmarter: Maybe you have an idea?20:50
smarterpersia: I'm still waiting for the Debian Maintainer to do something20:51
smarterI filled a bug with a patch to merge my changes to his package, but he never answered20:52
persiasmarter: Well, if it doesn't happen in the next 249 minutes, it's not going to happen for intrepid.  Would you like to prepare a debdiff?20:52
smarterI may try20:52
persiasmarter: Good luck, and thanks.20:52
smarterThis stuff is a bit old, I may have forgotten how it worked (:20:53
* smarter grabs his own patch and try to see what it does20:53
persiasebner: You could have told me someone else figured out the uqm packaging :)20:53
sebnerpersia: hmm? the git one?20:54
RainCTpersia: do you have the u-u-s with tag link around?20:54
persiasebner: Indeed.  Anyway, it's not really an issue: less work for me :)20:54
persiaRainCT: No, but I'll dig it out.20:54
sebnerpersia: ^^20:54
RainCTpersia: don't worry, I'll search it myself then20:55
persia15 bugs currently on the list.20:56
stefanlsd_That first one - Gpa I did.  Its been uploaded into intrepid and i've submitted the patches to debian.20:57
persia(and some of those are SRU or Debian, so I'm not sure exactly why they are there)20:57
RainCTstefanlsd_: ok, unsubscribed u-u-s20:58
persiaAm I still here?20:58
RainCTpersia: yep20:58
persiaExcellent :)20:58
sebnerpersia: tuxtype = main?20:58
persiasebner: Apparently so.20:59
stefanlsd_ok. the next one with zaptel is also mine. heh.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zaptel/+bug/6405920:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 64059 in zaptel "Wrong device-names in udev - Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'" [Low,In progress]20:59
sebnerpersia: /me hides20:59
persiasebner: Don't let main scare you: it's probably a useful update, or it wouldn't have happened so close to the Debian freeze.21:00
sebnerpersia: ^^, kk21:01
* RainCT is working on the sugar one21:01
stefanlsd_i think the problem with this is coming in that people are using asterisk with zaptel and asterisk is looking for /dev/zap/* with group asterisk, and its we have it as dialout.  I think thats correct and probably something we wont fix21:01
RainCT(although I'm tempted to reject it :P)21:02
sebnerpersia: I hope the contributors are doing a good job otherwise the reviewers will go wild xD21:03
persiasebner: Just to check, have you been adding the uus-pre-ff-810 tag on all the stuff that needs to get applied in the next 236 minutes?21:04
stefanlsd_Can we unsub u-u-s from 64059. i think its ok21:04
RainCTbug #6405921:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 64059 in zaptel "Wrong device-names in udev - Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6405921:04
sebnerpersia: ah. Didn't know that this exist xD but not needed for normal sync bugs I suppose!?21:05
* nxvl dances21:05
persiasebner: Anything that includes a new upstream or a new feature needs that tag if you expect the sponsors to get to it before feature freeze (as announced by DktrKranz some days ago)21:06
sebnerpersia: as I said, "normal" sync bugs (no new upstream) don't need it right? That are most of mine :)21:06
persianxvl!  Welcome to the last-minute rush against feature freeze.  We've 234 minutes to merge/sync/update/patch everything that might otherwise require a freeze exception.21:07
persiaUUS needs you.  MoM needs you.  RCbugs needs you.  mdt needs you :)21:07
sebnerpersia: what about "We need you"21:07
persiasebner: No, a sync without a new upstream doesn't need it, unless that includes some significant feature additionl.21:07
nxvlpersia: it smells like FF, things are going funnier and brains going to blow up!21:08
persiasebner: We always need nxvl, but today those four things need him especially.21:08
persianxvl: Yep.  232 minutes left.  Get cracking!21:08
slytherinFF doesn't block FTBFS patches, right?21:08
sebnernxvl: We want you for the US Army .. ehm for FF bug hunting! ^^21:08
persiaNo, but good luck getting them sponsored right now :)21:09
nxvlpersia: i will find a table, i'm at the university right now and my class has been canceled21:09
persianxvl: Excellent.21:10
* persia is rubbing hands vigorously21:10
* RainCT leaves the sugar sync for someone else :P21:11
sebnerpersia: tag is "uus-pre-ff-810" ?21:11
persiasebner: Yes.21:12
sebnermok0: \o/21:13
persiahattory: Are you about?  Do you have time to discussion bug #250186 ?21:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250186 in gl-117 "Please merge gl-117_1.3.2-2 (universe) from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25018621:13
persianhandler: Maybe you have insight?21:14
persiamok0: Join the team.  We're currently trying to crush https://bugs.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-universe-sponsors/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.status_upstream-empty-marker=1&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_cve.used=&field.tag=uus-pre-ff-810&field.tags_combinator=ANY&searc21:14
persiaExcept the URL works better if it's not hit by a buffer :)21:14
* mok0 looks at the probably longest url ever seen21:15
persiamok0: Also, anything else you can find that needs to beat FeatureFreeze, needs to be pushed in the next 225 minutes.21:15
* ScottK-laptop hands persia http://tinyurl.com/21:15
mok0persia: I am on the team21:15
persiaBah.  It's really just https://bugs.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-universe-sponsors/+bugs?field.tag=uus-pre-ff-810&field.tags_combinator=ANY&search=Search21:16
RainCTthat new custom alias thing is nice :)21:16
mok0persia: I was about to upload the linux-rt stuff at REVU21:16
persiamok0: Excellent choice :)21:16
smarterpersia: debdiff here: http://ks33313.kimsufi.com/~smarter/pkg/extremetuxracer_0.4-1ubuntu1.debdiff :)21:16
mok0persia: I cannot test it though21:16
persiasmarter: Stick it in the bug, and I'll pull, and run a test build.21:16
persiaYou'll fix it if it's broken?21:16
nxvlready for blowing brain!21:17
RainCTScottK-laptop: Launchpad may be slow, but packages.debian.org is way worse :P21:17
smarterpersia: I'll try21:17
nxvlparty on!21:17
smarterpersia: I also added a fix to bug #23783021:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237830 in extremetuxracer "package planetpenguin-racer-gimp-dev None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/planetpenguin-racer-gimp-dev.list] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/gimp/2.0/palettes/PPRacer---Default.gpl', which is also in package extremetuxracer-gimp-dev" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23783021:17
nxvlwhat are we working at?21:17
nxvlsponsoring queue?21:17
persiaRainCT: Use packages.qa.debian.org : it gets fewer hits, and tends to contain more useful links.21:17
persianxvl: There's 17 bugs in the sponsors queue that really need to be hit: https://bugs.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-universe-sponsors/+bugs?field.tag=uus-pre-ff-810&field.tags_combinator=ANY&search=Search21:18
persianxvl: It's also REVU day21:18
mok0ScottK:  I will probably need an FF exception for the eee-applet21:18
sebnerpersia: subscribing mighty u-m-s O_o ^^21:18
RainCTpersia: Emmet Day, remember? ;)21:18
persianxvl: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ lists some new upstreams, and we might want to push them.21:19
smarterpersia: debdiff attached to bug 22913621:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229136 in extremetuxracer "Please merge extremetuxracer 0.4-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22913621:19
nxvlpersia: i think sync are out21:19
RainCTpackages.qa.debian.org works, thanks :)21:19
smarterbug #22913621:19
persiaRainCT: Not "Emmet" Day.  No.21:19
nxvlpersia: since we need an archive admin for that21:19
persianxvl: Additionally, anything on MoM or mdt that would break FF but wants an update is fair game.21:19
RainCTpersia: hehe21:19
persianxvl: syncs aren't out.  We just need to get them approved and subscribed to the archive admins in the next 220 minutes.21:20
* Adri2000 notes that DaD nicely shows new upstream releases with bold red :)21:20
RainCTwhat's mdt?21:20
persiaAdri2000: Excellent point.21:20
persiaAnything in RED on DaD ought get a look, especially as Debian is near frozen, so updates are only likely where required.21:20
persiamdt is http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/ : http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/universe.html is probably the link most interesting to us.21:21
* smarter bbl21:21
mok0persia, what are those "changelog.intrepid" and "changelog.historical" in linux-rt?21:21
sebnerpersia: hey, you uploaded uqm. wuhu \o/21:22
persiamok0: From what I understand, changelog.historical is from the kernel when it was all together, and changelog.intrepid is for the new linux-rt kernel package.21:22
persiakernel packaging is rather frustratingly confusing, as it pulls in stuff from all over the place, and doesn't actually have any source.21:23
persiasebner: I did say I would, didn't I?21:23
persiasebner: Also, you got a special exception, as it didn't need to be uploaded today.21:23
persiaDid my connection drop again?21:27
persiaNo.  Hurrah!21:27
mok0Only 1 package left in "advocated packages", if there's someone up to it, please have a look. I already advocated it.21:29
persiamok0: The other three may be archived?21:34
sebneremgent: norsetto \o/21:34
emgentheya norsetto21:34
persiaemgent: Excellent :)21:34
norsettohi gents and ladies21:34
persianorsetto: Welcome back :)21:34
persianorsetto: 205 minutes left until FeatureFreeze :)21:35
sebnernorsetto: hide or persia is going crazy :P21:35
emgentpersia: :)21:35
sebnertoo late xD21:35
emgentnow, rock'n'roll21:35
* norsetto gets his defrosters ready21:36
sebnerpersia: did you saw. uqm amd64 build has a chroot problem. *give back*21:36
persianorsetto: https://bugs.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-universe-sponsors/+bugs?field.tag=uus-pre-ff-810&field.tags_combinator=ANY&search=Search is the key link to keep empty, although it keeps getting more.21:36
persiaThere's stuff on REVU, and DaD is highlighting any obvious FF-breaking merges in RED.21:37
persiasebner: What's the URL to the build?21:38
sebnerpersia: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/17122329/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-amd64.uqm_0.6.2.dfsg-8ubuntu1_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz21:38
norsettopersia: I see there is some kind of very subtle hints you are trying to pass which is apparently lost on me21:38
persiasebner: No, the link to the page that has that link.21:39
sebnerpersia: hehe. true https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/uqm/0.6.2.dfsg-8ubuntu1/+build/70247121:39
persianorsetto: Essentially, we've 201 minutes to sponsor everything that would otherwise require an FFe, and to get any new packages we want from REVU, or updated sources from Debian.21:40
norsettopersia: oh, I apparently lost my ability to speack English21:41
norsettopersia: seriously though, I'm off to bed, was a long day today for me21:42
persianorsetto: Basta leggere21:42
persiaAh, too bad.  We could use your help.  Sleep well.21:42
mok0err looked at wxwidgets, but can't find
sebnernorsetto: nighty21:44
persiadevfil: Any ideas?21:44
devfilpersia: let me read21:44
RainCTnight norsetto21:45
norsettonight everybody21:45
persiasebner: uqm given back21:45
devfilpersia: wxwidgets2.8
persiadevfil: Yep.  mok0 can't find it.21:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251260 in wxwidgets2.8 "Please upgrade wxwidgets2.8 to version." [Wishlist,Confirmed]21:46
sebnerpersia: :) /me is now going back to work and filing sync bugs \o/21:46
persiaExcellent.  Only 194 minutes left.21:47
devfilmok0: wxpython.org21:47
devfilyou also can use get-orig-source provided with the package (best solution)21:47
mok0devfil: yes, I looked there21:47
persiamok0: I'm archiving the three packages fully advocated on REVU.  You've uploaded, right?21:47
mok0persia: yes21:48
persiamok0: Thanks for the confirmation.  Uploaded.21:48
* persia gets distracted by real life and disappears for ~15 minutes21:49
RainCTis someone else already looking at rsplib?21:49
mok0RainCT: not to my knowledge21:54
RainCTmok0: uhm.. why do all descriptions in debian/control start by an empty line?21:55
RainCTand is there a needs-packaging bug for it?21:55
devfilmok0: have you found the tarball?21:56
mok0devfil: no21:57
mok0devfil: I am trying to get the source package21:57
devfilmok0: you can use the actual intrepid package to download the new tarball21:58
RainCT(found the needs-packaging bug)21:58
devfiljust change the version on debian/rules and use get-orig-source21:58
ScottK-laptopRainCT: Not in my experience.22:01
ScottK-laptopDebian BTS is definitely faster.22:01
ScottK-laptopmok0: I think the packaging is fine.22:01
ScottK-laptopmok0: If you want me to advocate it and we can test later, that's fine.22:01
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
mok0ScottK: ok, I will advocate it then22:03
ScottK-laptopmok0: Since you uploaded it, it's automatically advocated by you.22:04
ScottK-laptopmok0: I added advocation, so you can upload it.22:05
ScottK-laptopmok0: Did you see I uploaded your other one?22:05
mok0ScottK: yes, I did, thanks a lot22:06
RainCTmok0: I'm pbuilding rsplib.. will upload it if it build fine :)22:06
mok0ScottK: I uploaded the eee thingie.22:08
mok0ScottK: Thinking of getting the 901 when it appears in Denmark :-)22:09
smarterpersia: have you testbuilt extremetuxracer yet?22:10
smarter'cause it's already 11 PM here and I'll soon be off to bed22:10
persiasmarter: Not yet.  I'll probably be another 30 minutes or so before I get to it.22:12
persiaAnyone else have a gap sooner to help smarter be able to go to bed earlier?22:13
emgentpersia: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/17124866/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-amd64.pgbouncer_1.1.2-1ubuntu1_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz22:16
=== stefanlsd_ is now known as stefanlsd
persiaemgent: What's the page that links that?22:17
emgentchroot problem in amd64 build box22:17
stefanlsddev week is gonna be great22:20
emgentstefanlsd: :)22:23
stefanlsdSo this is the end of new stuff in Intrepid?22:24
james_wok, sorry to do this, but would someone be willing to sponsor a package update for me?22:25
james_wmy usual sponsor is not here right now22:25
james_wthe packaging changes are trivial (debian/changelog, debian/NEWS, debian/copyright)22:26
james_wI've tested building, installing and using.22:26
james_wand I'm the upstream author.22:26
mok0RainCT: Did you take a look at rsplib?22:29
james_wmok0: thanks for uploading my two packages22:29
mok0james_w: they were important packages to get into ii22:30
mok0james_w: looking forward to play with them myself :-)22:33
james_wyeah, it could make our tools much more robust, and then some cool stuff may grow out of it.22:34
devfilmok0: thanks from me for gui-ufw22:35
mok0devfil: anything that makes ufw easier for users :-)22:36
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK-laptop
devfilmok0: I have discovered it reading brainstorm, it is really requested22:37
mok0devfil: cool. I don't spend much time reading brainstorm myself22:38
devfilsome ideas are really interesting22:39
mok0devfil: I agree22:40
RainCTmok0: yep, build fine.. uploading now22:41
mok0devfil: ubuntuforums and brainstorm make Ubuntu very special for users22:41
mok0RainCT: great, thx22:41
devfilmok0: I don't read much ubuntuforums, but I spend hours reading brainstorm22:42
mok0We have to make a big effort in the next cycle dedicated to REVU22:42
smarterpersia: you're on it now? :)22:43
persiasmarter: Apparently my estimate was a little off.  I'm waiting for a build to finish, but it's next in the queue.22:43
mok0I have the feeling that many REVU contributors are pretty frustrated22:43
persiaI have the feeling that nearly all REVU contributors are frustrated.  We didn't really do much REVU this cycle, and it shows.22:44
smarterpersia: ok, thanks22:44
directhexi prefer to work directly on debian versus revu. but the lenny freeze has bitten me22:44
RainCTpersia: btw, nixternal said that I can take over the coordinator pos. I've to mail -motu somewhen but I'm not sure if makes sense now with the freeze22:45
devfildirecthex: +122:45
wgrantI cannot support any plan to increase REVU efforts.22:45
wgrantWhy not just have people go to Debian?22:45
directhexhence mono-basic in revu. i'd rather it hit sid22:45
persiaRainCT: Most of the coordinator work over the freeze period involves cleaning up the old "Needs Work" packages and setting expectations properly for the next release.22:46
persiaI'd be happy if you want REVU Coordinator: I was afraid it would be me again next cycle :)22:46
devfilpersia: if I want a package that I've uploaded in debian (but now in NEW) in ubuntu, do you suggest me to upload it now on REVU (is a really simple) or to request a freeze exception later?22:47
RainCTpersia: alright, I'll write a mail within the next days then :)22:47
persiadevfil: IF you think you can get two advocates in the next 133 minutes, upload to REVU.  Otherwise, it's better to seek a freeze exception.22:47
devfilpersia: it is a simple gtk gui for virtualbox and doesn't have problems at all22:49
ScottK-laptoppersia: Since it's been uploaded to Debian, I think one is enough.22:50
devfilmaybe the best solution is to upload it now as it is not important to require a freeze exception22:50
ScottK-laptopdevfil: Freeze exceptions for New packages are very hard to get.22:50
mok0Can someone please try clicking on "google-gadget" on REVU?22:50
mok0I get a strange error22:50
devfilScottK-laptop: I know, this is why I'm uploading it22:51
persiaScottK-laptop: In that case, I would expect you to advocate based on it being in Debian NEW, to state your point :)  But yes, otherwise I agree.22:51
persiaRainCT: ^^ Any ideas?22:52
ScottK-laptoppersia: Sync's of new packages from Debian don't take two sponsors.  Only one.  The fact that the mechanics might have to be a little unorthodox doesn't change that IMO.22:52
wgrantI wonder if I add a custom error handler that tells people to upload to sid instead.22:52
wgrantScottK-laptop: It's not a package in Debian.22:52
ScottK-laptopIt's package that's been uploaded to Debian.  A very fine distinction.22:53
persiaScottK-laptop: I understand your point.  On the other hand, I think it's easy enough to reflect that without changing the system.22:53
persiaScottK-laptop: So whoever reviews the package can probably ask here and say "It's also in NEW", and get someone to ACK with little fuss.22:53
persia(especially if the first person promises to upload)22:54
ScottK-laptopI'll be glad to if I'm around.22:54
RainCTmok0: does the package have a changelog? :P22:55
mok0RainCT: you mean the google one?22:57
mok0RainCT: I can't get to it22:57
RainCTyep. just fiex it22:58
RainCTmok0: the orig.tar.gz was missing for some reason and so dpkg-source -x wasn't executed22:58
devfilScottK-laptop, persia: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=vboxgtk23:02
* ScottK-laptop looks23:02
ScottK-laptopdevfil: You have a comment.23:03
devfilScottK-laptop: I removed also all papt stuff and changed the manpage "for the Ubuntu project"23:04
directhexfor the horde!23:04
ScottK-laptopdevfil: Say that in a comment.23:04
mok0RainCT: thanks. Unfortunately the problems with that package are not yet fixed :-(23:04
persiasmarter: Why change from CDBS to non-CDBS?23:05
smarterpersia: to match Debian23:05
persiaOh.  Am I looking at a debdiff from Ubuntu to new Ubuntu?23:05
persiaCan you attach a debdiff of your merge against Debian?23:05
smartergood idea, sorry ^^23:05
devfilScottK-laptop: replied23:07
smarterpersia: debdiff uploaded23:10
persiasmarter: recollecting23:10
devfilScottK-laptop: if you want a diff between Debian debian dir and Ubuntu debian dir let me know23:13
* ScottK-laptop does svn up on his local copy of the papt repo.23:13
RainCTgood night23:17
ScottK-laptopdevfil: debian/virtualbox-gtk is in Debian, but not your Ubuntu package.23:18
directhexmono-basic_1.9+dfsg-2_i386.changes uploaded successfully to localhost23:18
directhex        Your Debian queue daemon23:18
devfilScottK-laptop: it shoudn't be there23:19
ScottK-laptopdevfil: It's in the tagged copy of the debian/dir in the papt repo.23:20
persia100 minutes to go.  Sponsors: not much left!23:21
devfilScottK-laptop: uhm, maybe I forgot to remove it from svn, but as you can see in the install file it is not installed23:22
devfilScottK-laptop: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-apps/packages/vboxgtk/trunk/debian/install?op=diff&rev=1659&sc=123:24
devfilScottK-laptop: substituted by http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-apps/packages/vboxgtk/trunk/debian/links?op=diff&rev=1659&sc=123:26
persiasmarter: Looks clean.  Pushing.23:28
smarterpersia: great23:28
smartergood night everybody23:28
persiasmarter: Sleep well, and thanks for staying up to look at this.23:28
jpdsbonsoir smarter23:29
smarterhasta luego jpds23:29
* jpds closes some ubuntu-dev-tools bugs before heading off himself.23:31
ScottK-laptopdevfil: Who sponsored it in Debian?23:31
devfilScottK-laptop: POX23:31
ScottK-laptopPOX_ should apply for MOTU so he can advocate.23:32
persiahttps://bugs.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-universe-sponsors/+bugs?field.tag=uus-pre-ff-810&field.tags_combinator=ANY&search=Search now has 18 bugs.  Let's get them done in the next 88 minutes :)23:32
devfilgh... my wxwidgets2.8!23:32
persiaI know I don't have a build system capable of building that one :(23:33
devfilpersia: the build logs are available on my ppa23:33
ScottK-laptopmok0 has done wxwidgets before.23:33
devfilonly them23:33
persiadevfil: Yes, but I only upload that which I can build (except when I make mistakes).  Maybe I'm too conservative, but that's how I do it.23:34
devfilpersia: yes, however I think that wxwidgets2.8 can get the freeze exception, is a bugfixonly release23:35
ScottK-laptopdevfil: Advocated.23:36
persiadevfil: Sure, but if we can get it in now, it's less work for the motu-release team later, as we know we want it.23:36
persiaScottK-laptop: Based on your previous assertion, if I ACK it also, will you upload?23:36
RAOFGah!  Why does http://pastebin.com/f5b960558 run configure-stamp twice?23:36
ScottK-laptoppersia: Sure.23:37
devfilpersia: uhm... it needs 48 minutes on ppa if I remember right to build, what do you think?23:37
azeemRAOF: configure is PHONY23:37
directhexRAOF, configure is what azeem said23:37
azeemRAOF: build should probably depend on configure-stamp23:37
persiadevfil: What's the REVU URL?23:37
RAOFazeem: but configure-stamp isn't.23:37
devfilpersia: it is a bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wxwidgets2.8/+bug/25126023:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251260 in wxwidgets2.8 "Please upgrade wxwidgets2.8 to version." [Wishlist,Confirmed]23:38
azeemRAOF: well, my gut feeling; I can't cite the make manual chapter now :-/23:38
devfilpersia: or are you talking about vboxgtk?23:38
azeemor blame dh723:38
RAOFI can't blame dh7; it never calls configure :)23:38
directhexphony has configure (which runs configure-stamp) and build (which runs configure which runs configure-stamp), no?23:39
azeemRAOF: hrm, could be a phony patch target imported from dpatch as well23:40
azeemor something like that23:40
directhexor maybe i'm just lost23:40
RAOFYes.  So, build calls configure, which checks for configure-stamp; it doesn't exist, so configure-stamp is called.  Then install calls build which calls configure which checks for configure-stamp which now exists23:40
azeemRAOF: however, it's outdated, as configure is PHONY23:40
persiadevfil: vboxgtk23:41
devfilpersia: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=vboxgtk23:41
persia(or whatever package was in Debian NEW)23:41
=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away
ScottK-laptopThat's the one.23:41
persiaScottK-laptop: It's all yours.23:42
azeemRAOF: also consider running make -d -f debian/rules build or something23:43
devfilpersia, ScottK-laptop: thanks also for this23:43
ScottK-laptopdevfil and persia: Uploaded.  I'll archive it too.23:43
directhexSubject: mono-basic_1.9+dfsg-2_i386.changes is NEW23:46
persiaOnly 74 minutes left, and still 18 bugs needing sponsoring.  Does anyone else have free build cycles?23:47
RAOFazeem: Aha. patch is phony, so always gets rebuild, triggering a rebuild of configure-stamp!23:47
james_wpersia: I can test build if that is what you are after23:48
devfilpersia: I'm uploading wxwidgets2.8 to my PPA23:48
james_wpersia: I understand if that doesn't get you to where you want to be23:48
persiajames_w: Well, yes, but really I want sponsors to build the source, test the result, sign, and upload.  I'm not sure how much you can help with that.23:48
persiadevfil: Doesn't help me, but might help someone else.23:48
james_wpersia: not really, I'd only be weeding things out.23:49
persiajames_w: Well, if you've time and want to look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-universe-sponsors/+bugs?field.tag=uus-pre-ff-810&field.tags_combinator=ANY&search=Search and see if you can find anything that isn't realy to go, that could be helpful.  Even better if you can make sure it is ready to go before a sponsor gets to it.23:50
james_wpersia: I'll do what I can23:50
persiajames_w: 8 of them are sync requests, which are probably the easiest place to start.23:50
jelmerpersia, does that mean whatever is not tagged uus-pre-ff-810 won't make it into intrepid?23:51
* persia wants more processors and more memory and more minutes :)23:51
* Laney screams23:51
* ScottK-laptop considers that the only way to stop getting mail list invites for indirect subscriptions is to deactivate himself from ubuntu-dev.23:51
persiajelmer: No.  It means that the sponsors aren't reviewing things without that tag during the next 69 minutes, and anything that doesn't get uploaded in that time needs a Feature Freeze exception.23:52
persiaLaney: Why?23:52
* devfil thinks that persia want to stop the time23:52
LaneyOh no worries, just got to make a small change23:52
LaneyFF paranoia23:53
persiaLaney: Remember that you can still fix bugs post FF, just not introduce features.23:53
Laneypersia: Yes, it's a package update23:53
Laneyas in new version23:53
Laneyalthought the original sponsorship request was a couple of days ago, so I guess it'll be fine anyways23:53
persiaYeah, that needs to happen right this moment, and if it takes you a while to do, you'll be too late.23:53
persiaWhich bug?23:54
Laneybug #26115823:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261158 in nanoweb "Please update nanoweb to 2.2.9" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26115823:54
jelmerpersia, ah, ok23:54
Laney(personally I'd leave the php4 alternatives in)23:54
persiaphp4 is dead, and we want it that way.23:55
* jelmer looks forward to filing 7 ff exceptions23:55
slangasekphp4 is dead, references to it ought to be dropped wherever feasible23:55
LaneyIs it supported in any releases currently?23:55
persiaIt's in Dapper, but it's not supported upstream, and unlikely to be well maintained in Dapper as a result.23:56
LaneyBut php5 is also in dapper...23:56
* Laney removes23:56
ajmitchsecurity support for php4 has stopped23:56
persiaLaney: Yeah, you need to update, push the new debdiff, and set the status to something better.23:56
ajmitch(from upstream)23:56
LaneyI'll do it now, easy change23:56
persiaajmitch: Indeed.23:56
persiaajmitch: Want to help clear the queue?23:57
persiaOh, and Good Morning :)23:57
ajmitchpersia: for what?23:57
* ajmitch is at work, been organising hardware upgrades & annoying out-of-hours work23:57
persiaajmitch: FeatureFreeze is in 62 minutes, so we're trying to get everything listed at https://bugs.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-universe-sponsors/+bugs?field.tag=uus-pre-ff-810&field.tags_combinator=ANY&search=Search sponsored beforehand.23:58
persiaOh, well, if you're busy at work, then maybe not so much :(23:58
ajmitchand I don't have an updated intrepid pbuilder23:58
persiaAnd you live down the wrong end of narrow tubes23:59

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