
Sixofour|Sleepoh, the dot is importqant?00:00
Agent_bobSixofour|Sleep $PWD is not in the user path unless you add it.\00:00
Sixofour|Sleepcrono@Nekron:~/Desktop/Tempo$ . setup.sh00:00
Sixofour|Sleepbash: /bin/bashsetup.data/installer/installer: No such file or directory00:00
Sixofour|Sleepthat one sounds bad00:00
Agent_bobhah  that's a bug in the file.   bad coding practice.00:01
Sixofour|Sleepso i am screwed?00:01
Agent_bob .  ./setup.sh   should work around it.00:01
jhutchins_wkSixofour|Sleep: Um, ubotu listed the deb files for you above.  Why are you still struggling?  use apt.00:01
Agent_bobor sh ./setup.sh00:01
Sixofour|Sleepcrono@Nekron:~/Desktop/Tempo$ . ./setup.sh00:02
Sixofour|Sleepbash: /bin/bashsetup.data/installer/installer: No such file or directory00:02
Sixofour|Sleepcrono@Nekron:~/Desktop/Tempo$ sh ./setup.sh00:02
Sixofour|Sleep./setup.sh: 17: Bad substitution00:02
Agent_bobyeah it's a bug in the script.00:02
Agent_bobforget it or fix it.00:02
Sixofour|Sleepso what do i do?00:02
Sixofour|Sleepi don't know hwo to answer PMs00:03
Agent_bobthat's what linux users do with scripts that don't work for them   they edit them so they will work for them.00:03
Sixofour|Sleepi'm not a linux user, i'm a ubuntu user00:03
Agent_boband submit patches to the source00:03
Agent_bobSixofour|Sleep very well stated.00:03
ubottuTeamspeak is the proprietry VoIP software see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TeamSpeak  For a open source alternative consider using Mumble http://mumble.sourceforge.net/00:04
Sixofour|Sleepwhat uis the lnik to that thread someone posted?00:04
Sixofour|Sleepabout teamspeak.debs00:04
Agent_bob<jhutchins_wk> Sixofour|Sleep: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19376400:05
Sixofour|Sleepthat thread doesn't have a .deb, it has a fix for the script00:06
Sixofour|Sleepand i just dleetd everything, again00:06
Sixofour|Sleepdoes no one read the links they post?00:07
Sixofour|Sleepcorrection, that link is for seting up a server00:08
jhutchins_wk!info teamspeak-server00:08
ubottuteamspeak-server (source: teamspeak-server): VoIP chat for online gaming (server). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 1067 kB, installed size 2928 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)00:08
jhutchins_wk!info teamspeak-client00:08
ubottuteamspeak-client (source: teamspeak-client): VoIP chat for online gaming. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.0.32-2 (hardy), package size 7198 kB, installed size 14960 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)00:08
jhutchins_wkaptitude install teamspeak-server teamspeak-client00:09
Sixofour|Sleepfirefox still wants me to create a new profile every time even though ive changed the profile directy 5 times crappy software00:12
Sixofour|Sleepi have a profile directory with 5 profiles00:12
Sixofour|Sleepabout to add a 6th00:12
Dr_willisIve never understood firefox's obsession with profiles.00:13
Dr_willisCould just remove the profiles totally? perhaps its a permission issue.00:13
Sixofour|Sleepit is a permission issue00:16
Sixofour|Sleepdoes kubuntu need drivers or something for a mic?00:17
* Agent_bob installed debian etch and found out that he wished one could just select "no theme" 00:20
Agent_boblike why all the theme crap anyway ?       but i'm not messing with that now.    still looking for a vidio encoder00:21
Sixofour|Sleepwhere is alsa?..teamspeak as an "other" option for a sound devicwe, and i have to put a directory00:21
Sixofour|Sleeposs doesn't work00:21
Agent_bobalsa-oss module00:22
Sixofour|Sleepwhere is it?00:25
Agent_bobsudo modprobe snd-alsa-oss00:28
Sixofour|SleepFATAL: Module snd_alsa_oss not found.00:29
Sixofour|Sleepwhats a program for recording so i can test if my mic works?00:30
Dr_Willis_I do recall some  thread/wiki with teamspeak troubleshooting issues. i think it has to do with how teamspeak handles the alsa sound stuff. But the app does work here fien on my Audigy2 card.00:36
Agent_bobchatzilla   S:00:36
Agent_bobi have to go for a bit.00:36
Sixofour|Sleepcan you recall that thread to me?00:39
=== pablo is now known as pk
Dr_Willis_Ive not had any issues with teamspeak under linux. So i dont have any ofhte therads bookmarked.   Theres also a 'recording' wiki page/howto i recall - that may be the issue00:43
pki'm very very new with linux, which p2p recommend me? please00:43
CPrgmSwR2kde4 rulez00:47
Dr_Willis_Im sure a lot of people disagree with that statement at this time. :) but it does have potential... and will get better as time goes on00:49
CPrgmSwR2I am surpized if so00:51
coreymon77i personally think they went way overboard with plasma00:51
coreymon77the desktop cant be used for anything but widgets00:51
coreymon77no taskbar00:51
coreymon77i think they should tone that back a bit00:52
CPrgmSwR2I don't understand00:52
coreymon77currently, kde3 is much better00:52
coreymon77much stabler too00:52
coreymon77much much much stabler00:52
CPrgmSwR2I didn't find kde3 and more stable than kde400:53
coreymon77kde3 is much more stable00:53
CPrgmSwR2did you try out kde 4.0 or kde 4.1?00:53
coreymon774 is still at 4.1, 3 is at 3.9.10 or something like that00:53
coreymon77hence, much more stable00:53
coreymon774 is still buggy00:54
coreymon77but its all personal prefference00:54
extacyköhöm...hello :D00:55
coreymon77hi there00:55
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!00:55
extacydo you speak hungary? :P00:55
extacyi litle speak english :(00:55
extacyno problem :D00:56
extacyi have a problem00:56
extacyin ubuntu00:56
pkHi what p2p recommend me? i'm super new and ares don't work me with wine; it says connecting...00:56
extacymy graphic card drivert cant install00:56
coreymon77pk: it all depends what network you want to use00:57
extacyati radeon 960000:57
coreymon77pk: personally, i just stick with bitorrent00:57
coreymon77!ati | extacy00:57
ubottuextacy: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:57
pkbut i can't download singles songs with bittorent i just use it for complete albums00:58
extacyi se00:58
coreymon77pk: well then look around on google, see what you can come up with00:58
Dr_Willis_you 'could' use it for single songs.. if you found a torrent search site that had trackers with them... :) but it depends on the details00:59
ubottuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information00:59
extacypl write me how to 3d...őőő... desktop :D01:00
extacyi starter ubuntu, but i like this :)01:01
Dr_willis!compiz | extacy01:04
ubottuextacy: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion01:04
Dr_willisInstall compiz, install the ccsm tool, enable compiz.. play with silly eyecandy.01:04
extacyin terminal?01:05
Dr_willisYou will most likely need to use the terminal for some of this.. yes...01:05
Dr_willisbe sure you got your 3d drivers installed for your video card first also.01:05
extacyno problem...i have 2 month a debian (wow server) and i have a command and etc :)01:06
extacydidnt all :D01:06
Dr_willisI normally follow the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion01:07
extacyi havent "desktop effect" :(01:07
Dr_willisits a little out of date in some places.. but good info.01:07
Dr_willisextacy,  thats beause you dont have the compiz stuff installed yet then.01:08
extacysudo apt-get install compiz ?01:08
extacyor compiz stuff?01:08
Dr_willislookit --------------------->    the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion01:09
extacyi reading01:09
extacyand translet... :S01:09
Dr_willispart of that guide is out of date.. i normally just do a01:09
Dr_willissudo apt-get install  compiz compizconfig-settings-manager  compiz-kde compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra  emerald librsvg2-common01:09
Dr_willisof course you DO need to have your proper 3d video card drivers working befor compiz will work01:10
extacyI see the "desktop effect"01:12
extacybut i cant see where config this :D01:13
Dr_willisI use the 'ccsm' tool for advanced settings - like the guide says01:14
Dr_willisfurther help in #compiz-fusion01:14
extacyi see in youtube the 3d cube, but i didnt understand, how have me :D01:16
Dr_willisYou must enable the cube effect, and enable '4' desktops in the ccsm general tab.  to get it to look cubish01:18
Dr_willisits in the .wine directory somwhere01:26
Sixofour|Sleepdunno where that is either, heh01:26
Dr_willislike most .directorues they are in the users home directoru01:26
Sixofour|Sleepnot in mine, there is no wine stuff01:26
Dr_willisrun wine, it should auto make a .wine I belive.01:26
Sixofour|Sleepive ran it many times01:27
Dr_willistry cd .wine01:27
Dr_willisnote the . ?  its always made the directory here on every ubuntu release ive ever used.01:27
Sixofour|Sleepkde 4.001:40
Sixofour|Sleepi want to go down to something less visty01:40
gkffjcstry either going up to 4.1 which is better than 4.0, or just log out, and select kde from session type, which should just log you into kde3.501:40
coreymon77eamon: such as kde301:40
Sixofour|Sleepare you serious..just choose kde3.5 option?01:40
Sixofour|Sleepwill that break anything?01:40
gkffjcswhen you log out, you get a log in screen? In this login screen you should have a "session" biutton01:42
gkffjcsclick on it, and you should be able to select any desktop you have.01:42
Sixofour|Sleepi'll try it01:42
coreymon77 /facepalm01:42
gkffjcsif you don't have a kde3 option, then you need to install it, kde3 and 4 can be togather on the same machine at the same time, and it wont hurt anything01:42
Sixofour|Sleepi only have default/ kde 4/ failsafe01:43
Sixofour|Sleepno kde3.5 option [default is kde 4]01:44
jaakkomedid you try "default" ?01:44
gkffjcsok, you need it install kde301:44
Sixofour|Sleephow do i do that?01:44
Sixofour|Sleepisn't 3.5 better?01:44
gkffjcsyou can do it with "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:44
eamonif i add another hdd to my ubuntu machine how to i format it?01:44
Sixofour|Sleepwel, gkffjcs will installing kde 3 take alot of space up?01:45
Sixofour|Sleepi only have 47 GB01:45
Sixofour|Sleepwhich i need01:45
Sixofour|Sleep47gb free*01:46
gkffjcsit will take some space, probabily about a hundred megabites maybe less or more, not sure, but you have enough, don't worry01:46
gkffjcsyou have enought, install it01:47
Sixofour|Sleep373MB used, but ok01:47
Sixofour|Sleeplinux knows how to voerwrite yes?..mostof this i have already01:48
gkffjcsyou have 47 gb free? yes, you have space, 373 MB is only about a quarter gig01:48
Sixofour|Sleepi know01:49
Sixofour|Sleepbut i am the type of person that usually ends up with 4-6MBleft when i need to install a 3GB file01:49
Sixofour|Sleepnow that i have new OS, i want to closely managwe that01:49
Sixofour|Sleepdon't want soo much useless stuff01:49
Sixofour|Sleepi flip letters alot01:50
Sixofour|Sleeptoher, ehre, teh, etc etc01:51
Sixofour|Sleepi don't see it really untill i take another look or someone says something01:51
coreymon77trust me, i have a 20gb for linux and i still have plenty of space left01:51
coreymon77even with tons of useless stuff on it01:51
coreymon77linux is much more space efficient that doze is01:51
gkffjcsyou really don't have anything to worry about01:51
Sixofour|Sleepi know, but every little bit adds up is what i am saying01:51
Sixofour|Sleepi have an 74Gb parittion, its not [less than 24 hours later] down to 47GB01:52
gkffjcssuite your self! you want kde3 install it othere wise don't, it's your computer, what ever floats your boat01:53
Sixofour|Sleepi'm already installing it01:54
Sixofour|Sleepbut it doesn't appear to be installing kde301:54
Sixofour|Sleepits jsut installing everything i aslready have over01:54
eamongkffjcs do you know how to format a hdd for ubuntu01:54
eamoni want to add another hdd to my ubuntu machine01:54
gkffjcsinstall gedit, it's the easiest01:54
gkffjcssudo apt-get install gedit01:54
gkffjcsit's a gnome app, but it's the best disk manager i've used01:55
gkffjcsit's not01:55
gkffjcsSixofour|Sleep: it will never install the same thing twice, it might be kde 3 versions of the same kde4 apps, but there not the same01:55
* Dr_willis wakes up01:59
Sixofour|Sleepit installed kde401:59
Sixofour|Sleepits asking for the default desktop manager, kdm or kdm-kde4?01:59
Dr_willisgkffjcs,  you mean 'gparted' not gedit?01:59
darwin_I've got a 15gb / partition and a 385GB /home partition01:59
gkffjcsyeah, I corrected that, he private channeld me01:59
gkffjcsfor some reason01:59
* Dr_willis had to run to the store.01:59
Dr_willisSixofour|Sleep,  its your machine.. use what one you want.01:59
gkffjcsselect kdm01:59
Dr_willisyou can always change it back later01:59
Sixofour|Sleepi don't know what they are01:59
gkffjcskdm is kd301:59
Dr_willisin such cases.. you may want to stick to the defaults then02:00
gkffjcskdm-kde4 is kde402:00
Sixofour|Sleepoh, no one said that before02:00
Dr_willisthe name kdm-kde4   seems to be a big clue. :)02:00
Sixofour|Sleepkdm could be anything02:00
Sixofour|Sleepkde 0.402:00
Dr_willisThat wouldent make much sence once you think about it...02:01
Sixofour|Sleepalot of stuff about linux doesn't make much sense02:01
Dr_willisSince you have 2 versions of kde installed..02:01
Dr_willisSixofour|Sleep,  actually it DOES once you stop and 'think'02:01
gkffjcsSixofour|Sleep: kdm is the login manager, it's where you enter your user name and password02:01
darwin_it's more than that gkffjcs02:01
erickim member of gnusal02:01
gkffjcsdarwin_: I know it's more than that, but that doesn't matter in this scope02:03
jaakkomeWhen I try to make amarok (xine engine) use alsa as its output plugin, it won't initialize... I went through the troubleshooting in the alsa wiki but everything seemed to be fine02:04
jaakkomewhere should I look next?02:04
jaakkomeit has worked earlier, but then I <something something> and now all has turned sour :-(02:05
Dr_willisall other sound works. except for xine/amarok?02:06
jaakkomexine works with oss, wine works with alsa driver02:06
jaakkomebut I'd sorta like to listen to music and sound effects from a windows game at the same time02:07
Dr_williswell mixxing sound from 2 apps  is one issue.. no sound at all from an app.. is another issue.02:10
Dr_willisadding wine into the mix.. adds a 3rd  issue. :) so i got no idea where to even start..02:10
jaakkomemmh, well, I figured I should start with the alsa bit02:10
jaakkomeas alsa should support software mixing while oss does not02:11
jaakkomeand I figured it would be good karma to have all apps use alsa if they support it02:12
Sixofour|Sleepkde2.5 runs like windows 3.1 would on a 500ghz system02:20
Sixofour|Sleepfirefox is still being a prostitute though02:22
Sixofour|Sleepstupid profile crap02:22
naivetylostCan anyone explain to me why Rhytmbox recognizes and imports my entire music library, while Amarok, Banshee, and Songbird will only import about half?02:23
Sixofour|Sleepits the evil DRM02:23
DreadKnightcodecs perhaps?02:23
naivetylost??? I don't think so, Jamendo downloads represent the majority of my music files02:23
naivetylosti'll have to look into the codecs, but i believe all are .mp3 files, which i thought all 4 media players were compatible with. But regardless, would it be correct to assume this isn't a common problem?02:25
Dr_willissounds like a weird issue.02:25
naivetylostdoes amarok have it's own channel?02:25
eamonhow do i view someones web cam if im using pidgin02:25
Dr_willisbe interesting to see/compare 2 files  one that works and one that dosent.02:25
DreadKnighteamon: you can't02:26
DreadKnighteamon: you would rather use an old kopete, or.. skype02:26
DreadKnightpidgin will rather get deprecated until it gets the basic features for our current times02:27
eamoncan you login using msn accouts with either of those02:27
* Dr_willis finds it werd that people want to 'video chat' on a TEXT/IM client.. but then want to Text/IM on their cell phones.02:28
DreadKnighteamon: yes; you might also try amsn, but not sure if it supports webcams, give it a try... heh02:28
Dr_williswebcams add soooo much to the conversation. :)02:28
naivetylostOn another topic, can anyone suggest the netbook most compatible with kubuntu?02:28
Dr_willisnaivetylost,  i saw an add for one today that came with kubuntu/ubuntu02:28
flaccidDr_willis: can you link me, i've never seen a kubuntu book?02:28
orgthingy_Konversation looks like a nice client02:28
DreadKnightany tablet pc's (laptops) that come with kubuntu as well? xD02:29
eamondo you know any good places to download koptet or skype02:29
Dr_willisjust saw the banner ad at disrtowatch.com web site02:29
Dr_willisits 'not avail' yet. however.02:29
DreadKnighteamon: www.skype.com02:29
naivetylostDr Willis that may have been dell's upcoming, but it's keyboard is odd...no f1-12 keys, and no fn+ alternatives for them02:29
Dr_willisBUT it does seem cool that tehres gettting to be so many different netbooks out.02:29
flaccidDr_willis: what was it called02:29
DreadKnighteamon: get the one for ubuntu xD02:29
naivetylostinspiron 910 i believe02:29
Dr_willisSylvania GNET28001SN Meso 8.9" Netbook PC (1.6 GHz Intel Atom Processor, 1 GB RAM, 80 GB Hard Drive, Ubuntu OS) White $45002:29
naivetylosthowever i think Sylvania's latest crap-fest was the first to launch with netbook remix02:30
Dr_willisthe fact it has a 80gb hd... is.. interesting02:30
flaccidoh you guys mean hardware02:30
flaccidthese netbooks are really sub-notebooks02:30
Dr_willisbut i will wait a year or so befor i ge tone. I just got  a new laptop02:30
DreadKnighti wonder when does netbook remix gets launched02:30
DreadKnighti wished it was using kubuntu / kde / qt, not gnome/gtk02:31
Dr_willisI want a netbook with dvi output.. and a  way to dock it behind the monitor. :) so the wife can have a uber-micro pc.02:31
naivetylostnot quite, subs still come with media drives quite often, and standard intel chips. Netbooks have not media drives, and low pwered chips02:31
naivetylostDr Willis what about the eee desktop?02:31
Dr_willisthe wife takes the 22 inch monitors and sets the screen to be 1024x768 res. so she can play solitare with out her glasses... :)02:32
flaccida hard disk or flash disk is a media driver02:33
flacciderr drive02:33
naivetylostDreadKnight you can download the packages now as an add-on to the the standard ubuntu install, but i think it's mainly designed for OEMs, i don't think their will be an official after market launch...but i've been wrong b4 :)02:33
flaccidall of them have card readers anyway02:33
naivetylostflaccid sorry i was refering to cd/dvd/blue-ray, my fault for incorect terminology ^_^02:34
Dr_willisnaivetylost,  i dont think they have dvi out.. (yet?)  wonder when pcs will start getting hdmi outs. not seen one of those yet.02:34
Dr_willisall she does is web surf/play solitare02:34
flaccidnaivetylost: all good. seems like netbook is more a term intel made to differentiate them from sub-notebook and look good02:35
DreadKnightnaivetylost: yeah, you're right; remember there was a PPA with the packages... oh well, the 'one window at a time feature' was lame with gimp etc02:35
flaccidDr_willis: you can buy video cards with hdmi no problem. the video component in hdmi is identical to dvi-d02:36
naivetylosti really wish the other manufacturers (not including dell) would be more apt to play ball with linux distros, my old note book broke, and finding a reasonably priced/spec notebook is difficult enough without worrying about compatability02:37
flaccidyeah it still sux. i recommend people who care about that to take a kubuntu live cd out to the shops and ask the retailer if a test can be done with it. ie. won't buy notebook unless all the hardware is compat02:39
naivetylostflaccid i hadn't even considered that....do they often allow it?  I can't imagine Circuit City being to keen on that...02:39
Dr_willisflaccid,  ive proberly have4nt noticed them then. :) seeing the new tv's all seem to have 2+ hdmi inputs now.02:40
flaccidif they don't, they shouldn't get the business02:40
naivetylost:( the amarok channel holds a strong resemblence to an echo chamber...02:40
flaccidDr_willis: yeah i got a 9600gt with 1x hdmi and 1x dvi, its pretty good02:40
Dr_willisBest buy here in town dident matter.. but i did chat with the Store guy a while.02:40
Dr_willisHe even had been testing linux on the laptops. :)02:40
Dr_willisso to be 'extra' safe we uses his live cd's02:41
Dr_willisDoes it seem the cost of these hdmi cables and hdmi/dvi adaptors are... way out there?02:41
Dr_willisOr is it just the local stores with a huge markup?02:41
naivetylostJust out of curiosity to the g4 macbooks run ubuntu?  i like the look, but i don't really enjoy osx...02:42
* Dr_willis doseent enjoy the price. :)02:42
Daisuke_Idono reason they shouldn't, but 7.04 was the last officially supported ppc release02:42
flaccidDr_willis: have a look at the number of conductors and complexity of the connector with hdmi. its mostly justified. hdmi cable and connectors is not cheap02:43
flaccidnaivetylost: ppc version can be installed but ppc is being discontinued iirc02:43
Dr_willisbut still.. tigerdirect  is like $25 for the cheapest cable. :)   but i dont need any yet.02:43
naivetylostThat wouldn't be too bad, i'm just looking for something to tote about town with me, but even the MSI Winds 10 in. screen would get a bit annoying after a while02:44
Dr_willis23 ft hdmi cable = $100 - wowsers..  thats a lot of cable. :)02:44
Dr_willisdoes hdmi handle the sound also? I thought i read that once somewhere...02:45
Daisuke_Idoit does02:45
flaccidtotally. this is why there are so many conductors. its all hd. you can read about it on wikipedia which has a diagram as well. and we better get back on topic :O02:46
Dr_willisJust wondered how a PC hdmi cable can do sound from the sound card.. or would it only be used for sound from  things like DVD players.. :)02:46
flaccidit would need to go into a card that splits up to the audio and video. think of it like a dvi and dolby digital in one02:47
darwin_you need one of those DVI+audio to HDMI cables02:47
flaccidi havnt seen such hybrid cards in computers yet but im sure something would be out there02:48
Dr_willisYep.. its one of those 'the future will be cool' if they dont screw it up things. :)02:48
flaccidpretty much02:49
Dr_willisIm still waiting for these 'wireless usb hubs you connect the scanner to' things to get common.02:49
darwin_it'll be DRMed out of existance02:49
Dr_willisI want to move the printer/scanner/stuff to the far side of the room02:49
jhutchinsYou can get cables that are hdmi on one end and split out components on the other.02:49
flaccidwell you can get those, otherwise make a crappy print server heh02:50
flaccidyeah but splitting components isn't the same as a hybrid hd multimedia card :O02:50
darwin_just get a wifi printer/scanner/copier02:50
Dr_willisI saw a 'networked' usb hub the other day.. (windows only) that had potential. :)02:50
Dr_willisdarwin_,  i got enough printer/scanners as it is. :)  I just need  them to be 'over there' out of the way..02:50
Dr_willisthe wife buys more printers/scanners for her photo work - then i do. :)02:52
flaccidlets get back on topic02:52
darwin_kubuntu rocks!02:53
darwin_is that enough on topic?02:53
Dr_williswe need to get back to showing peole how to use the CRITICAL cube features! :)02:53
flacciddarwin_: not really, its kubuntu support here, rest goes in #kubuntu-offtopic :)02:54
Agent_bobCRITICAL cube features ?02:54
darwin_anyone know how to change the number of desktops by config file?02:54
flaccidyou guys can talk about that in the above channel02:54
Dr_willisLinux is all about the Cube man!  :) or so it seems some days in here.02:54
Moryddsince I upgraded to kde4 version of Kate, I'm not able to "open with" kate.02:54
MoryddKDEInit could not launch 'kate'.: Could not find 'kate' executable02:55
Dr_willistry kate<tab> in a terminal? perhaps its kate-kde4 ?02:56
flaccidMorydd: thats because kde4 is installed somwhere else and not in the path of kde302:56
flaccidMorydd: /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kate02:56
Agent_bobor find /usr -iname '*kate*'02:56
* genii puts on a pot of coffee02:59
* flaccid does the same02:59
geniiflaccid: Heya :)02:59
extacyhi mands :)03:00
Agent_bobmen'z  ?03:01
* genii pours coffee for the support crew03:04
extacyvalaki magyar? :D03:04
extacysome man hungary? :D03:04
ubottuMagyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál03:07
darwin_yay! i successfully got compiz working!03:25
Sixofour|Sleepok, so TFC works fine03:29
Sixofour|Sleepi have a feeling hl2 based games may work fine also03:29
Sixofour|Sleepthis is kubuntu channel isn't it?03:30
Sixofour|Sleepalthough, i do have a question: [22:35:56] An error occured when trying to record the sound : Could not gain access to /dev/dsp for writing.03:36
Sixofour|SleepWhats the problem there?03:36
flaccidsounds like a process has a lock on your sound device03:36
flaccidSixofour|Sleep: sudo fuser -v /dev/dsp03:37
Agent_bobSixofour|Sleep use alsa03:37
Sixofour|Sleepthis is for aMSN03:38
Sixofour|Sleepto send voice03:38
Sixofour|Sleepi can;'t tell it what to use [i think]03:38
flaccidSixofour|Sleep: so what did the above command say?03:39
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Thiago2008alguem quer tc?03:45
Sixofour|Sleepthat command did nothing03:47
flaccidthen that means nothing is locking /dev/dsp. problem could be that amsn is gtk so it does play nice with kde sounds system03:48
Sixofour|Sleepit does play nice?03:48
flaccidyou could kill arts and/or restart alsa03:48
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Agent_bobls -l /dev/dsp03:50
Sixofour|Sleepcrw-rw----+ 1 root audio 14, 3 2008-08-27 21:04 /dev/dsp03:52
eamonhow do i add anaother user to ubuntu03:54
flaccideamon: user management in system settings03:54
holycowhi guys03:54
holycowdoes an education listing in the repos still exist?03:54
holycowsynaptic seems to think no ... what happened to it if its not there?03:54
flaccidholycow: there is still an Edutainment in my add/remove programs which is adept not synaptic03:56
holycowdanke sir!03:56
Agent_bobSixofour|Sleep and you are in audio group ?03:58
holycowthis is a silly thing to notice but i like how the system tray works in kde404:00
holycowit seems more consistent for some reason04:00
holycowmaybe because i've been on gnome for so long04:00
holycowicons appear in the tray and stick04:01
holycowthey don't move around randomly04:01
holycowi'm not sure if i have other observations ... the gnome one always felt like jello04:01
holycowthis would move around for no reason04:02
flaccid!enter | holycow04:02
ubottuholycow: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:02
flaccidkde4 and gnome are offtopic here too :)04:02
holycowi'm bounced back here from kde4 .. *hmm* let me check04:02
holycow#kde4 #kde Forwarding to another channel04:02
holycowweird, do you know what that might be?04:02
Sixofour|Sleepis there a program that can open a directory, and make a slider shot of all the images in the directory, ANd use all the images from all the subdirectories?04:02
SalsaguyI have a kubuntu computer, a windows computer and a switch provided by my ISP and I'd them to all play nice.04:03
Sixofour|Sleepslide show*04:03
flaccidholycow: a simply redirect04:03
holycowoh lol sorry haha04:03
holycowwrong channel, i thought i ws in #kde04:03
flaccidholycow: stop using enter. respond on 1 line please04:03
holycowi'm using enter as i please.  feel free to use your ban stick.04:03
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici, Pici or jussi01!04:04
flaccidplease don't abuse the ops trigger04:04
flaccidholycow: im asking you nicely :)04:04
Sixofour|Sleepthats the first time ive used it04:04
Sixofour|Sleepalso, any dieas about my Q?04:04
flaccidSixofour|Sleep: yes i gave you one a few minutes ago04:05
holycowflaccid: and you should know enough of me to know i wont listen to really dumb requests04:05
holycowi will acknowledge you asked nicely04:05
eamonhow do i get a list of other chat rooms04:05
Sixofour|Sleepyouve onl;y posted 2 times after my question, both were to him04:05
flaccidholycow: these are not dumb requests, there are quite valid04:05
flaccideamon: /list04:05
holycowi refuse to follow silly ubuntu ops rules that don't make any sense.04:05
Sixofour|Sleepits the rules to not talk with onelineras04:05
stdinthen we can refuse to help, holycow04:05
holycowwell then, i guess the ops have their choices04:06
flaccidSixofour|Sleep: [12:49] <flaccid> you could kill arts and/or restart alsa04:06
holycowthey know i will never cowtow to nonsense04:06
Sixofour|Sleepflaccid: Sixofour|Sleep>is there a program that can open a directory, and make a slider shot of all the images in the directory, ANd use all the images from all the subdirectories?04:06
flaccidholycow: try thinking from other people's pont of views and not just your own :)04:06
flaccidSixofour|Sleep: someone will respond if they can help. dont' expect an answer to every question :)04:07
holycowflaccid: while you are still reasonable, take this piece of advice04:07
holycowforget all that ubuntu op nonsense04:07
holycowits a desease not a culture04:07
Sixofour|Sleepstop trolling.04:07
flaccidholycow: please leave unless you are here to help with kubuntu questions or ask them04:07
stdinSixofour|Sleep: ignore him04:07
Sixofour|Sleepubuntu is actualy an operating system, not a culture or diaease04:07
holycowah no? stop talking to me and i won't have anything to say to you.  the conversation started accidentally04:08
flaccidlets keep on topic and simply ignore this cow04:08
Sixofour|Sleepstdin duely noted04:08
SalsaguyI have a kubuntu computer, a windows computer and a switch provided by my ISP and I'd like them to all play nice. Is there a good guide for this?04:08
Sixofour|Sleepa "switch"04:08
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flaccidSalsaguy: no need to repeat. they should all play nice out of the box unless your isp has special requirements04:08
Sixofour|Sleepi'm on the same network as windows XP machiens..i work fine04:08
SalsaguyFlaccid: I can access my windows share from the kubuntu box, but not the kubuntu share from the windows box04:09
Sixofour|Sleepwindows doesn't know what unix is04:09
Agent_bobSalsaguy samba ?04:09
Sixofour|Sleepunix knows what windows is04:09
flaccid!samba | Salsaguy ok thats because samba is not installed out of the box04:09
ubottuSalsaguy ok thats because samba is not installed out of the box: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:10
flaccidie. out of box is samba client, but you need to install the server04:10
Sixofour|Sleepalso Salsaguy , you can use the kubuntu to add or remove files from the xp box04:10
Agent_bob<Sixofour|Sleep> windows doesn't know <<< so true....04:11
flaccidthats a negative. look up interix :)04:12
Agent_bobSixofour|Sleep btw linux is linus is not unix04:12
Salsaguythanks for the links ubottu, I'll try 'em out04:13
Agent_boblinus   oops  typo04:13
flaccidlinux is a unix derivative :p04:13
Agent_bobno.  linux is a kernel04:13
Sixofour|Sleephey agent bob, do you know of a good slideshow program not the one with kde?04:13
flaccidderived from unix04:13
Agent_bobSixofour|Sleep oo present maybe04:13
Sixofour|Sleepoo present?04:14
Dhraakelliandoes kubuntu have an LVM config GUI?04:14
flaccid!lvm | Dhraakellian04:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oo04:14
ubottuDhraakellian: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO04:14
flaccidnot sure if there is gui04:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oo.org04:14
Agent_bobdumb bot04:14
DhraakellianRaidConfigurationHowto apparently doesn't exist04:15
ubottua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org04:16
Sixofour|Sleepis that is bob?04:16
Agent_bobubottu oo is Open Office is a free office suite see !openoffice04:17
flaccidDhraakellian: true. i can't find much either but: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=raid&titlesearch=Titles04:17
Pici!oo is <alias> openoffice04:18
ubottuI'll remember that, Pici04:18
Agent_bobthanks pici04:18
Dhraakellianflaccid: not interested in RAID, just LVM, and the link I posted appears to be the non-RAID lvm page04:18
Sixofour|Sleepsudo apt-get install openoffice?04:18
Agent_bobsure if it's not installed already04:18
mr---t-they also have a site04:19
Agent_boband a channel04:19
Sixofour|Sleepno package named openoffice :(04:19
Sixofour|Sleepno oo either04:20
Dhraakellianapt-cache search openoffice04:20
Agent_bob.org   ^04:20
Sixofour|Sleep5873 results04:20
=== pablo is now known as pk
Agent_bobSixofour|Sleep alias q='apt-cache -n search' ;q openoffice.org04:22
Agent_bobq "any package name or part thereof"04:24
flaccidDhraakellian: sorry got you mixed up with someone else. let me have a look one sec04:24
Sixofour|Sleepwhy did i get openoffice?04:25
Sixofour|Sleepits a text editor..not a slideshow04:25
Dhraakellianflaccid: of course, a friend on another network says, "who uses a gui for lvm anyway?"04:25
flaccidive never seen one04:25
Agent_bobSixofour|Sleep cause you wanted to make a presentation maybe...  idk.04:25
Dhraakellianflaccid: system-config-lvm on Fedora, probably something less pretty in YaST...04:25
mr---t-Sixofour|Sleep:  it's not just a text editor04:26
flaccidDhraakellian: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21611704:26
Sixofour|Sleepnah, i need somethign to take images from a directory and its subdirecotries and make a slide show04:26
Dhraakellianplus stuff in various distros' installers04:26
Dhraakellianflaccid: found it already04:26
flaccidwell i guess its because ubuntu doesn't use lvm04:26
Sixofour|Sleepkde slideshow thing only uses images from the current directory04:26
Dhraakellianmine does, since I set it up from the alternate install Cd04:26
* Agent_bob thought lvm was standard04:27
flaccidyou can do lvm in ubuntu from the repos but its not used in the installers out of box04:27
Dhraakellianbut I basically end up figuring out lvm cli tools again each time I use them, so I was just curious if Kubuntu shipped a GUI04:27
Dhraakellianyarr.  My friend suggests NIH (to which I responded (tongue-in-cheek) that Fedora should use YaST)04:28
mr---t-o.o presentation maybe?04:28
Dhraakellianbut that's dangerously close to veering off topic04:28
flaccidi couldn't find one in the repos04:29
Dhraakellianhas anyone here had any success running EAC in wine in (k)ubuntu 8.04?04:30
Agent_bobanyone know a source of/for mencoder script ?04:30
emannuelhi there04:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mencoder04:34
Agent_bob!info mencoder04:34
ubottumencoder (source: mplayer): MPlayer's Movie Encoder. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc2-0ubuntu13 (hardy), package size 3603 kB, installed size 8356 kB04:34
Agent_bobkino on import is asking please choose a standared opetions are pal and ntsc    why is it asking that ?04:37
marceloalgum brasileiro?04:43
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.04:44
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Agent_bobQ. computer dvd drive, are they region specific ?04:53
Agent_bobyakuake has a gui to change it's hotkeys.  but it won't accept winkey as an hotkey    why?05:01
* Agent_bob will ask a question some time that someone will answer...05:01
holycowAgent_bob: pal is eu and ntsc is north american05:04
holycowthey have different frame rates05:04
holycowif you don't export to the right format it will playback funny on the other peoples dvd's if it plays at all05:04
Agent_bobwhat other peoples ???05:05
holycowin that case klicky away05:05
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Agent_bobwhy is it assumed that if anyone does anything with .vob vidio avi multimedia .* that they want to "put it on dvd"    i have no intention of ever putting anything on dvd for use in a "dvd player"  i'm only interested in putting a few vidio files on computer for ease access, and editing a few for personal use.   </rant>05:08
holycowyou've not done this much, have you?05:08
holycowgoogle what a .vob is05:08
Agent_bobholycow not much is still an overstatement.05:09
Agent_bobholycow .vob is a file extention05:09
holycowif you were to put a normal dvd in your system and browse the files you would see there is a file hierarchy05:09
holycow.vob files are part of the dvd output05:09
Agent_bob.vob is a file name extention05:10
Agent_bobmpeg is the format05:10
holycowthats fine05:11
holycowits designed to be packed in a dvd05:11
holycownot played standalone05:12
holycowif you want to render to a playable format choose something else05:12
holycowlike ffmpeg05:12
Agent_bobdesigned for holds no interest to me05:12
Agent_bobthe mpeg format is quite playable btw05:13
Agent_bobi just don't see why kino was asking me to select either  ntsc or pal  formats for an import.05:14
Agent_bobholycow don't get me wrong, i know mpeg is not free and would rather use ogm personally05:16
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Sixofour|Sleepwith restricted extras..mpg is free05:34
Sixofour|Sleepbtw, can anyone use gmail.com with konwueror?05:34
_2heh no.  you can't make a format free but adding support05:35
Sixofour|Sleepit says a script is slowing everything down..and everything is slowing down05:35
Sixofour|Sleep_2 sure you can, if you hold no reguard for what ever the law says about that format05:35
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing05:35
Sixofour|Sleepgratis > libre05:36
red_team316anyone know how to start a chrooted X whilin Xnest or Xephyr, I cant get it to work05:36
_2ignoring a law does not negate said law.05:36
Sixofour|Sleepanyways, this mail.google.com script thingy?05:36
Sixofour|Sleepof course05:36
Sixofour|Sleepbut that doesn't mean it has to be relevent to me05:36
_2every criminal ever executed ignored a law.05:37
Sixofour|Sleepi doubt i will be executed for using mpg on linux05:37
_2red_team316 can you start a shell within the chroot ?05:37
_2red_team316 tried startx within that shell to see what it said ?05:38
red_team316I can start my host X from another DISPLAY just fine, just not with the chroot environment05:38
drhe|sktim runnung ubuntu hardy right now. what is the difference with kubuntu?05:39
_2default de05:39
red_team316Xephyr -ac -screen 800x600 :2 & export DISPLAY=:2; /usr/bin/startkde   <--- that works fine as long as I set my DISPLAY back to :0 after exiting the Xeypher.05:39
red_team316With Xnest, I just do:   startx /usr/bin/startkde -- /usr/X11R6/bin/Xnest -ac :2 -geometry 1280X1024+0+0 -name Reconstructor_3_Xnest05:39
drhe|sktwhat is KDe?05:39
Sixofour|SleepKDE is the best desktop environment around05:40
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde405:40
Sixofour|Sleepinstall it and see, its 373MB05:40
red_team316KDE = best :)05:40
Sixofour|Sleeplogout after install and click options->session->KDe3.505:40
Sixofour|Sleepor KDM05:41
_2!start a desktop war05:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:41
Sixofour|Sleepi think its KDM05:41
_2Sixofour|Sleep kde05:41
Sixofour|Sleepits KDM forme05:41
_2*dm is display manager   "the login thingy"05:41
Sixofour|Sleepiforgot what its called05:42
drhe|sktcan i install kubuntu from ubuntu hardy???05:42
Sixofour|Sleepi hade kde 4.0 and 3.505:42
red_team316_2 startx -- :2 within the chroot shell starts it in fullscreen. What I want is it in the Xnest/Xephyr window05:42
Sixofour|Sleepyou can get kde right now05:42
drhe|sktfrom terminal? ok.05:42
_2drhe|skt do you read what people say in here ?05:42
Sixofour|Sleepdo: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:42
_2!kde | drhe|skt one more time.05:43
ubottudrhe|skt one more time.: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde405:43
drhe|sktim getting it05:43
drhe|skti thinking right after it downloads it and installs it. i can reboot and choose the05:43
Sixofour|Sleep!free | Sixofour|Sleep doesn't get it so i will explain05:43
ubottuSixofour|Sleep doesn't get it so i will explain: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing05:43
drhe|sktKDE version.05:43
Sixofour|Sleepheh, funny05:43
_2red_team316 ok. that's out of my league. maybe someone else can.05:43
Sixofour|Sleepdon't reboot, just logut05:43
drhe|sktah ok.05:44
Sixofour|Sleepwell,you can reboot if ya want05:44
drhe|sktam i going to tell much difference?05:44
Sixofour|Sleepbut you only need to logout05:44
red_team316dang :P thanks for trying to help though :)05:44
Sixofour|Sleepbetween ubuntu and kde?..yeah05:44
Chris1231123441Hi, I have a quick question about VMWare. Would someone help me?05:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:44
Chris1231123441lol srry05:44
drhe|skthey guys. thanks alot.! you guys are the best. i am loving Ubuntu! cant wait to see what this KDe Kubuntu is about.05:45
Sixofour|Sleepits typicall KDE not KDe..heh05:45
drhe|sktoh. heh.05:45
Chris1231123441Linux games seem to be slower than windows games (to me anyways). If I installed Vmware, would it be slowed down by both the windows OS and the linux OS?05:45
_2red_team316 yeah welcome.    i've actually never messed with Xnest/Xephyr so i'd only be guessing there.    glwit05:46
Sixofour|SleepWMWare = ?05:46
Chris1231123441Vmware, srry?05:46
Sixofour|Sleepvmware = ?05:46
Sixofour|Sleepisn't that the lucas arts thing for older games?05:46
Chris1231123441its a virtual system, isnt it?05:46
Sixofour|Sleepor am i wrong?05:46
ubottuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers05:46
Sixofour|Sleepis that it?05:47
_2that's it05:47
red_team316_2 Xephyr appears to be alot nicer than Xnest as sometimes Xnest screen isn't antialiased(or whatever) as well as Xephyr.05:47
Sixofour|Sleepgaming on linux is easy, just get wine, then you can get best of both worlds05:47
_2red_team316 i'll make a note on that.05:47
Chris1231123441Wine seems to have alot of bugs05:47
Sixofour|Sleepwin games [msotly] and of course linux stuff05:47
Sixofour|Sleepnot really, its a little slow, but meh05:48
Sixofour|Sleepwhat are you trying to run?05:48
Sixofour|Sleepbugs are dependant on the game you try to run05:48
Chris1231123441Dungeon keeper, starcraft, and unreal tournament05:48
Sixofour|Sleepall those run05:48
Sixofour|Sleepstarcraft is in the top 2505:48
Sixofour|Sleepunreal tournment has a native linux build05:48
ubottuFor information on how to play Unreal Tournament, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games/Native/UnrealTournament - for Unreal Tournament 2004, see !ut2k405:49
Chris1231123441really? when I tried dudgen keeper the cursor kept getting messed up (mind you that was a bit ago)05:49
Sixofour|Sleepdungeon keeper is a dos game iirc05:49
Sixofour|Sleepwine recently had a big update05:49
Sixofour|Sleepid try again05:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ut305:49
Chris1231123441kk i'll try it again05:49
red_team316hmm :/05:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about starcraft05:49
Sixofour|Sleepworth a shot, heh05:49
Chris1231123441and thx, I though unreal tournament was only commercial05:49
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php05:50
Chris1231123441sweet thx05:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about weather05:50
Sixofour|Sleeput is comercial, doesn't meant they can't have a linux based app05:50
Sixofour|Sleepthere are some comercial apps that are linux only too05:50
Chris1231123441so would that mean I would need an installation code for it?05:50
Sixofour|Sleepcedega for instance05:50
Sixofour|Sleepsince when did ut need an install code?05:51
Sixofour|Sleepi don't even think ut3 needs a cd key05:51
Chris1231123441im not sure if it does, so it costs money to download, then?05:51
Sixofour|Sleeput certainly doesn't05:51
Sixofour|Sleeput, probably05:51
red_team316no, but apparently you need an internet connx05:51
Sixofour|Sleepi'm not sure, actually, lol, read the link05:52
ubottuFor information on how to play Unreal Tournament, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games/Native/UnrealTournament - for Unreal Tournament 2004, see !ut2k405:52
red_team316or else it wont save your progress properly :/05:52
Chris1231123441kk thx05:52
Sixofour|Sleepwell, i only used ut to play old unreal map packs and mods05:52
Sixofour|Sleepold skool amp'd05:52
* _2 doesn't trust/use anything that has to have inet access to function properly. 05:53
_2including windows05:54
Sixofour|Sleepyou mean linux?05:54
Sixofour|Sleepno apt-get = broken instal;l05:54
_2not here it doesn't05:54
_2dapper drake 6.605:54
Sixofour|Sleepwell, no apt-get means you can maby write word documents, but thats about it05:55
_2apt doesn't have to have inet to work.05:55
Sixofour|Sleepanythign else usually requires stuff that doesn't come with the distro05:55
Sixofour|Sleepthen how do you get files you don't have without the net?05:55
_2i have them.05:55
Sixofour|Sleepyou have every single linux package on your hd?05:55
Sixofour|Sleepanything you can get from apt-get05:56
_2not every.   most.  and not hdd but cd's05:56
_2about 7 cdroms full05:56
_2there is actually about 10 but i don't have them all.05:57
red_team316...I mean, make them into a DVD :p05:57
_2into three dvd's ?05:57
red_team316or 1 bluray :)05:57
Sixofour|Sleepi'm suprised phsyical media still exists05:57
Sixofour|Sleepblueray ew05:57
red_team316whats wrong with blueray05:58
Sixofour|Sleepits iPhone + Vista on a cd05:58
red_team316um, i mean for data05:58
red_team316i agree, screw drm05:58
Sixofour|Sleepdrm at the cost of stability05:59
red_team316are you saying you cannot write data to a bluray disc without drm being included?05:59
Sixofour|Sleepbleuray is ruined by a peice fo dust05:59
red_team316doesnt make sense05:59
Sixofour|Sleepthey make writeable blueray disks? lol05:59
red_team316yes, and burners lol06:00
red_team316I dont own one but will get one once the price is right06:00
Sixofour|Sleepdvd is still too much to be worth buying06:00
eamonif i add another hdd to my ubuntu comp do i need to format it in some way?06:00
Sixofour|Sleepid rather rapidshare my shit06:00
red_team316man, a dvd burner is practically the same cost as a cd burner. why not06:01
_2eamon format it in same way ???  what do you mean ?06:01
Sixofour|Sleepcd is only useful if you plan to install onto an unformatted drive06:01
_2eamon how will the new disk be used ?   incorperated into the system ?  data storage/transfer ?    backup ?06:02
red_team316no, my grub has at least 5 linuxes on it right now...unless you mean something else06:02
eamonjust as data storage,  music movies ect06:02
_2eamon and will windows be accessing that storage ?06:02
eamonnah just ubuntu06:03
DarkriftXhow do you run apept updater? its not in my tray and i think i have updates available (i know how to manually do the update, but want my tray icon too)06:03
red_team316sixoffour, I dont see how an unfomatted HDD makes a difference at all06:03
_2eamon then i would sujest formating to ext3    or ext2    as one partition or as whole disk.06:04
eamonoh how do i do that06:04
red_team316sixoffour: If you dont know how to install manually to a partition then maybe.06:04
_2eamon qtparted ?06:04
_2eamon cfdisk ;mke2fs   ?06:04
Sixofour|Sleephow do you install to a partition when you are wiping the drive?06:05
_2eamon parted ?06:05
Sixofour|Sleepyou need a cd06:05
_2take your pick...06:05
eamonnot sure what you mean06:05
eamonwhat is qtparted06:05
Sixofour|Sleephow is there any other option? lol06:05
_2eamon there are at least those three ways to get there06:05
red_team316lol, you wipe the drive first and then install06:05
Sixofour|Sleepwhy not?06:05
_2!info qtparted | eamon06:05
ubottueamon: qtparted (source: qtparted): A parted frontend using QT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2ubuntu14 (hardy), package size 205 kB, installed size 712 kB06:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about parted06:06
red_team316On first linux install, I usually set up several partitions. Then on the rest, I just tell them to install to whatever partition I want.06:06
Sixofour|Sleepi used guided mode06:06
Sixofour|Sleepit made 5 partitions though :S06:06
red_team316Use manual, you'll never go back. trust me06:06
_2!gparted | eamon but gparted is a gnome app06:07
ubottueamon but gparted is a gnome app: gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php06:07
Sixofour|Sleepeamon you have to format your drifve yes to a format linux can understand06:07
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:07
Sixofour|Sleepsuch as ext306:07
_2eamon both qtparted (kde version)  and gparted (gnome version) are frontends to parted    see above  ^06:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about plesk06:08
_2Sixofour|Sleep linux can understand just about every disk format there is06:08
red_team316It may take you a few installs to understand all that you need, then a Manual install can always preserve any other data on your HDD06:08
drhe|sktso is KDE going to run ubuntu like how i have it setup now??06:08
Sixofour|Sleepi don't want to rpeserve the data06:08
Sixofour|Sleepi want to format the drive06:09
red_team316drhe|skt: It will be much better06:09
Sixofour|Sleepi back ym data up on the network06:09
red_team316lol sixoffour, then just wip it and install DOS06:09
eamonwhich on should i get qt or gp06:09
drhe|sktred_team316: okay. cool man. i dont see how it can get better than this. heh06:09
Sixofour|Sleepor wipe it and install kubuntu06:09
Sixofour|Sleepeamon qt06:09
red_team316exactly :)06:09
eamonwhat was the command to get qtparted06:10
_2drhe|skt ubuntu is a name given to a complete distrobution of GNU/Linux   kde nor any other desktop environment will "run ubuntu"   but they all run with in or upon ubuntu/linux  if that's your Q06:10
Sixofour|Sleepsudo apt-get install qtparted06:10
_2eamon     ^06:10
red_team316Ubuntu uses GNOME. Kubuntu uses KDE06:10
Sixofour|Sleepsudo apt-get install <name of app> works 99.9% of the time06:11
_2yes and both are ubuntu/linux06:11
drhe|sktokay i kinda understand.06:11
drhe|sktthere is just a display frontend difference between running KDE and GNOME. right?06:11
_2*buntu is *buntu is *buntu .... all one distro.   just diferent defaults06:11
red_team316I loved Ubuntu when I first started using it but GNOME absolutely pissed me off with it's functionality. Got Kubuntu and it was a godsend.06:12
Sixofour|Sleepits not just display06:12
eamonafter i have installed it what do it do _206:12
_2drhe|skt right06:12
drhe|sktSixofour|Sleep: what else is difference?06:12
Sixofour|SleepKDE has other apps too, like browsers, write pads, etc etc06:12
Sixofour|Sleepits KDE06:12
Daisuke_Idobecause they can06:12
drhe|sktjust to seperate itself from gnome?06:12
Sixofour|Sleepwithout kde or gnome..there arn't any rbwosers or write apps or...its just a command prompt06:12
_2!find .*06:12
ubottuFound: abiword-common, abiword-gnome, abiword-help, abiword-plugins, abiword-plugins-gnome (and 24959 others)06:12
Sixofour|Sleepno kde/gnome = no gui [mostly]06:13
_2there are 24964 packages in the *buntu repos right now.06:13
drhe|sktthe difference apps that will get installed along with KDE, do those apps work in GNOME aswell?06:13
ezequielsomebady know how can i go to ubuntu Chat06:13
red_team316any app for GNOME is most likely there for KDE, the main difference is that the program names are different and you have much more freedom to customize the environment06:13
Sixofour|Sleeptype /join ubuntu06:13
_2ezequiel /join #ubuntu06:13
drhe|sktred_team316:  okay.06:13
drhe|skti guess its done. i will logout!!!! BRB06:14
_2Sixofour|Sleep depending on client he may need the #06:14
eamonso back to my question how do i format my second hdd once i have got the qtpart06:14
Sixofour|SleepWHAT THE FACK06:14
_2eamon you use that app.06:14
Sixofour|Sleepspammity out the wang06:14
Sixofour|Sleepyou guys sere that?06:14
_2not i06:15
Sixofour|Sleep5-6 5000ish word blocks of etxt hit me06:15
Sixofour|Sleep5000ish letter*06:15
eamoni cant seem to find it,  do i have to use the konsol to use the app??06:15
Sixofour|Sleeptab pastes every name in the channel into my client06:15
red_team316didn't see a thing06:15
red_team316what client?06:16
_2eamon no.  but you can use the konsole or alt+f2 quick launcher to launch it06:16
Sixofour|Sleepthe apps that come with KDe are alternatives to the ones in gnome06:16
Sixofour|Sleepif you use kde, you won't need anything from gnome, visavis06:16
_2Sixofour|Sleep lets really confuse him and mention xubuntu as well  ;/06:17
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels06:17
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:17
eamonman i was confused the moment i installed ubuntu,  so how do i open the app06:17
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors06:17
red_team316KDE and GNOME are to *ubuntu as explorer.exe is to windows06:17
ubottuThe graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively)06:18
eamonwhere can i find the app06:18
_2eamon alt+f2 type qtparted06:18
_2eamon err may need root though.   alt+f2 kdesudo qtparted06:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alt+f206:19
_2corse not06:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about run06:19
red_team316um, is there any advantage to using kdesudo rather than just sudo?06:19
Sixofour|Sleep!run command06:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about run command06:19
Sixofour|Sleepyes red06:19
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)06:19
_2!sudo | red_team31606:19
ubottured_team316: please see above06:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about neverusesudo06:19
_2!kdesudo | red_team31606:19
ubottured_team316: In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)06:19
Sixofour|Sleepwhats the command abotu why sudo is bad for GUI?06:19
Sixofour|Sleepsometimes using sudo for a GUi app can KILL your computer06:20
_2!kdesudo > Sixofour|Sleep06:20
ubottuSixofour|Sleep, please see my private message06:20
_2not kill your computer....   but mess up permissions in your user account06:20
discombobulatedanyone use 7zip for windows?06:20
Sixofour|Sleepi don't think any of us use windows06:21
discombobulateddoes 7zip support passworded rar files?06:21
* [pyro] wonders if the channel name is #windows06:21
Sixofour|Sleeptry #windows06:21
red_team316.ICEauthority permissions changed!06:21
red_team316I've done that before lol06:21
discombobulated#windows now requires registered nicks and giving me trouble06:21
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free06:21
_2red_team316 yep among other less obvious things06:22
Sixofour|Sleepthey finally locked that channel up? neat06:22
Sixofour|Sleepevery time i go in there i argue with someone at some poiont06:22
discombobulatedit keeps telling me wrong password for my nick. i'm sure it's the right one06:22
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression06:22
Sixofour|Sleepthat didn't help much06:22
_2Sixofour|Sleep what channel ?    ##windows ?06:23
Sixofour|Sleepthe one i always get into an argument with?..yes ##windows06:23
discombobulatedi use kubuntu but currently on my windows partition06:23
_2Sixofour|Sleep it's not locked up06:23
Sixofour|Sleeptellhim that06:23
red_team316Sixoffour: The article is incorrect. You CAN run kate with sudo.06:24
Sixofour|Sleepyou can run almost anything with sudo,doesn'tmake it a good idea06:24
_2red_team316 can != should06:24
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/06:25
red_team316maybe is means from the start menu or something...06:25
Sixofour|Sleepwhat does "!=" mean? lol..i see it all the time06:25
red_team316lol i know06:25
red_team316not equal06:25
Sixofour|Sleepthats =/=06:25
_2Sixofour|Sleep heh   ! is not06:25
red_team316'no, you taught me something today.06:25
Sixofour|Sleepvista =/= linux06:25
red_team316I just need a script to determine if gksudo, kdesu is present and if not, use sudo. I'm a programmer.06:26
di48loanyone know how to eject a cd when using virtualbox?06:26
Sixofour|Sleepcd player button?06:26
di48loomg, what an awsome answer06:26
Sixofour|Sleepmost cd roms after 1987 have one06:26
di48lono seriously, I am installing xp in a virtual box and I can't eject cause ivman pwns the cd06:27
_2red_team316 simple enough.   Q=`which kdesu` || Q=`which gksu` || Q=`which sudo` || exit 4206:27
red_team316what about exit 1?06:27
_2no wait.  let me shorten that06:27
red_team316why 42? lol06:28
_2red_team316 simple enough....  Q=`which kdesu || which gksu || which sudo || exit 1`06:28
red_team316also, your code requires which to be installed. Is that standard with all linux?06:28
_2why 1 why not 42 ?06:28
Sixofour|Sleepwhat the crap language is that?06:28
_2why not 255 ?06:28
Sixofour|Sleepwhy not 256?06:29
Sixofour|Sleepits an even number06:29
Sixofour|Sleep255 isn't06:29
red_team3161 is nonzero, typically meaning that there was an error06:29
red_team316255 is nonzero also :P06:29
_2red_team316 you can use any exit code you want.  i often use progressive exitcodes so i can easily test what point a script is bailing out at.06:29
Sixofour|Sleepmake it exit 7352674 and make people think you actually have that many exits06:29
di48loso anyone had issues with ejecting cd's and ivman saying NO!??06:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ivman06:30
DarkriftXdoes 8.04 come with mysql installed?06:30
Sixofour|Sleep!ubottu | sucks06:30
ubottusucks: Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:30
Sixofour|Sleepno clue, how owuld i check?06:31
red_team316 <red_team316> also, your code requires which to be installed. Is that standard with all linux? <--that question is more important. I understand your exit code strategy _2, it makes perfect sense.06:31
di48loubottu, wanna come hang? I got some beers, you bring the buds and lets get toe up06:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:32
di48looh sorry06:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intelligence06:32
DarkriftXi want to install plesk to play with it a bit but it needs mysql... i thought for some reason on my last 7.10 install that when i tried to install it it was already there, but dont remember how to tell06:32
_2red_team316 redundant example of decreesing exit codes.  http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d56d38cf206:32
baudthiefomg @ "redirect" forwarding option with Kontact06:33
red_team316which kdesu %VAR || which gksu %VAR || which sudo %VAR || exit 1 <---would be even better, no?06:33
red_team316well ... "$VAR" ... my bad06:33
_2what will %var expand to ?06:33
_2and how will which find %var ?06:33
red_team316I hate bash, but here goes:06:34
red_team316then call the above line after it06:34
_2test it in a konsole and you'll see your error06:35
drhe|sktso i am running KDE, i guess its a bit better. i cant really tell. it did install some more apps. i guess this is a more complex version of ubuntu. also, what is KDE 4 remix?06:35
red_team316oh, oops, I dont even have to run the code to see the error _2 :)06:36
_2red_team316 http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d4a5c77b206:36
discombobulateddrhe|skt, it's kubuntu with kde4 only06:37
red_team316lol more like if(which kdesu) then run kdesu kate06:37
drhe|skthow does kde4 compare to the kde im running now?06:37
red_team316getting ahead of myself :P06:37
_2red_team316 you mean   which kdesu && kdesu kate blah     i think   ^06:38
_2!kde4 | drhe|skt06:39
ubottudrhe|skt: KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde406:39
discombobulatedi don't recommend 4.0, but 4.1 is shaping up06:39
_2drhe|skt you can install it along side and compare for your self06:39
red_team316&& is confusing for me in bash. That means that kate only runs if kdesu is true, right?06:40
red_team316in a prog language it would mean both items have to be true to run06:40
_2red_team316 you should then probably spend a day or two in   man bash     1 && 2    means run 2 if 1 exits zero    3 || 4    means run 4 if 3 exits non-zero06:41
drhe|sktwhat will i notice about kde4?06:41
_2red_team316  5;6 means run 6 when 5 exits06:41
_2or 5 ; 6    spaces are not important there ^06:41
_27 & 8   means run 7 in the background and run 8    both of which will start at almost the same instant06:42
red_team316yes _2, exactly what I meant. If 1 is true, run 2. If 3 is false, run 4(an or operator)06:43
red_team316is's just confusing kinda since I'm not used to the tests being actual progs. I guess it's no different than a function returning a value06:44
red_team316especially in the terminal06:44
red_team3165;6 means run the commands sequentially, no?06:45
_25 ; 6    means run 6 when 5 exits06:45
_2no matter how it exits06:45
red_team3167 has precedence over 8 though. I've figure that out :)06:45
_2yeah it will start first but the clock ticks are not many...06:46
red_team316what about &06:46
eamonwhen i go alt+f2 and try run qtpart it says cannot open location. ?? anyone? help06:46
red_team316bitwise stuff awlays confuses me06:47
_2means put the process in the background06:47
red_team316usplash -c -x 4000 -y 4000 $1 &06:47
red_team316sleep 106:47
red_team316usplash_write "VERBOSE true"06:47
red_team316usplash_write "TIMEOUT 0"06:47
red_team316usplash_write "TEXT Testing usplash theme..."06:47
red_team316that runs in a bash script but wont in the terminal06:47
_2ok you backgrounded "usplash" and continued parsing the script, sleep gave a one second delay before continuing to the usplash_write calls.06:48
red_team316wouldnt usplash be the first one ran. Is that what you mean by backgrounded?06:49
DarkriftXw00t, i got apache and php setup all by myself!06:49
Sixofour|Sleepyou guys still talking about exit 42?06:49
_2the backgrounded process is not dependant on the script but the owning process    the command   "nohup"  is also useful if you need a process to continue beyond it's parrent.06:49
red_team316Nice, nohup looks very useful06:50
Sixofour|Sleepmy clock still doesn't work, fack06:50
red_team316whats it stand for?06:50
_2red_team316 yes usplash will be the firest one to start running but,   but the shell is not waiting for it to finish before continuing.   it's in the background.   let me show you what i mean in a konsole.    type this       sleep 1m &06:51
red_team316ah, must be "no hangups"06:51
Sixofour|Sleepis there no way for kubuntu to use common time in kde3.5?06:52
_2now you have a sleep command running in the background  you can access it with   alt+106:52
Sixofour|Sleepi don't want to see 23:5906:52
_2red_team316 or the    fg    foreground command.06:52
red_team316looks like it's giving me the time or a second count or something06:52
_2Sixofour|Sleep the settings for that are in kcontrol language  section06:53
_2red_team316 the process id probably06:53
_2pidof sleep06:53
_2fg     and ctrl+c06:53
red_team316ah that makes sense06:53
_2red_team316 also you can background most running processes with the   ctrl+z   hotkeys in bash06:54
Sixofour|Sleepits not working, i told it to use am:pm, its still 23:00 pm06:55
red_team316i dont get fg, whats an example?06:55
_2however processes backgrounded that way are suspended while processes backgrounded with the apmersand are not suspended.06:55
_2red_team316 fg "foreground command"  will bring a backgrounded command to the foreground06:55
_2the following three lines are konsole examples...06:56
_2sleep 1m &06:56
_2pidof sleep06:56
_2you will notice that when you fg   the sleep command comes to the foreground and the konsole waits for the timmer to run out.   :)06:57
* red_team316 is waiting 1m :)06:57
_2you can of course kill it with ctrl+c   if you are impatient.06:58
red_team316nice, does that bring it back to the top, almost like a queue?06:58
red_team316well, a queue interrupt06:58
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:59
_2i like that first line    ^06:59
red_team316_2 me too. I'm not afraid of the cli, but you have to know what you're doing first lol07:00
* _2 learned everything he knows about linux by the trial and reformat methood...07:01
red_team316_2: I think you will like this: http://antonolsen.com/2006/04/10/bash-split-a-string-without-cut-or-awk/07:01
_2before i look07:01
randomicehelo, I am havin problems with my display driver after suspend07:02
randomiceevery time i scroll a page or move a window the screen content gets scrambled07:02
_2echo "this is a test" | while read a b c d e f g ;do for q in $a $b $c $d $e $f $g ;do echo $q ;done ;done07:03
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:03
_2red_team316  that ^ and this http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d158ad24607:03
Sixofour|Sleepare you useing restricted drivers?07:03
_2now i'll lock at yours07:03
jtmoneystrange problem... i'm running heron and whenever i click K, shutdown, shutdown/restart/etc. i get a black screen... whenever i type "sudo reboot" or "sudo shutdown -P now" i can get the machine to reboot/shutdown... whenever i close the lid of this laptop, it shutsdown... so everything works except for when kubuntu calls /sbin/reboot or /sbin/poweroff ... any ideas?07:04
randomiceI am using the ati driver from gutsy07:04
randomiceits a mobility m607:05
red_team316_2: what about using $@, couldn't that be better, as with a b c you are limited by how many times it's read?07:06
Sixofour|Sleepwhy does this not work:07:06
Sixofour|Sleepwget http://www.fmod.org/index.php/release/version/fmodapi41609linux.tar.gz07:06
Sixofour|Sleeptar -xvzf fmodapi41609linux.tar.gz07:06
_2red_team316 and what will $@ expand to ?07:06
red_team316this is a test I believe07:06
_2red_team316 you have to pass args to a shell/script for $@ to be set   it's like   $*    it's only the command line arguments07:07
_2red_team316 i could have imited it to only a and b that would cut out the first word from what ever folowed.07:08
red_team316whats $* do? I would never type that into the terminal manually lol07:08
_2red_team316 same as $@ unless you quote it07:08
red_team316I I'd be thorally confused then :P07:09
Sixofour|Sleepwhy does apt-get seach FMODex not work?07:09
red_team316...and if you quote it?07:10
red_team316I usually quote my vars since they may be more than 1 word or value07:10
red_team316sorry, i have no clue sixofour07:11
red_team316what is FMODex?07:12
red_team316if it isn't a package then that may be why it isnt working07:12
red_team316...hmm then again, yea, still why wouldnt it work lol07:13
Sixofour|Sleepgzip: stdin: unexpected end of file07:16
Sixofour|Sleeptar: Child returned status 107:16
Sixofour|Sleeptar: Error exit delayed from previous errors07:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zdoom07:17
Sixofour|Sleepi'm at the FMOD part :S07:17
eamonim having trouble formating one of my drives using qtparted,  any help07:18
pteague_laptopanybody know how to turn off the synaptics touchpad tap to click via xorg.conf?07:18
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about qtparted07:18
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter07:18
_2red_team316 drop this in a script and test this on it to see how all that works.     scriptname.sh "a 1" "b 2" "c 3"07:18
_2red_team316 drop this >>> http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d26619afd <<< in a script and test this on it to see how all that works.     scriptname.sh "a 1" "b 2" "c 3"07:19
=== mandragor is now known as weedar
_2you'll notice three different tests.  and three different outputs.07:20
_2from one input07:20
Sixofour|Sleepqtparted is point and click, pretty self explanitory07:20
djdarkmandid someone had problems with virtualbox's NAT?07:21
noaXessave read that kde 3.5.10 is available in backports.. unsupported updates.. when is i available in normal updates?07:22
_2what both $* and $@ expand to is the same as $1 $2 $3 $4... as many as there are...     but if you quote $* you get one string   if you quote $@ you get one string per arg  if you dont quote either you get the same "ifs dependant" args07:22
nigelI'm having trouble finding out how to get php5 upgraded beyond 5.2.1. Do I just link to the deb archives, which are more up-to-date? Or am I missing something in my kubuntu setup?07:22
nigel(5.2.1 is installed, and aptitude shows no upgrades available)07:23
red_team316hmm that does look useful. I tried it with different input too07:23
Chris_FosterHi, I have a quick question: If I get a virus in wine thats designed for windows (not wine), could that have any effects on my linux system, or if the worst happens could I just delete wine and kubuntu would be safe? thx07:23
_2red_team316 well i better stop there.  i could go on untile i get us both kicked out for being off topic  :)07:24
red_team316It looks like $* could be used in a loop similar to my $@ then stripping the args07:24
_2yes it can07:25
red_team316off topic lol, chat is about making your own topic :P07:25
Chris_Fosterwas that yes it can an answer to me?07:25
_2not official support channels07:25
_2Chris_Foster no. sorry07:25
red_team316oh, gotch ;)07:25
Chris_Fosterthanks you, so im safe?07:25
red_team316you're not on any other channels though :P07:26
_2!virus | Chris_Foster07:26
ubottuChris_Foster: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2107:26
Chris_Fosterokay, thanks07:26
_2red_team316 #bash  has lots of help on that kind of stuff.   and i'm glad to answer specific questions about it any time.07:27
red_team316I've learned alot from you tonight, Thanks :)07:27
_2just that i have been more or less "teaching" shell scripting 101 in here for the last 20 minutes and i'd probably better give it a rest.  :)07:28
_2and your welcome.07:28
_2!info php507:29
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package). In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.3 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB07:29
_2nigel what version of ubuntu you have ?07:29
_2nigel  lsb_release -r07:29
red_team316well, bash isn't my native language. Mainly because of readability. If I can't understand it, how will I when I come back to it 6 months from now trying to debug something :p07:29
_2red_team316 heh i have that problem with other languages  :)07:30
red_team316C/C++, and now some python. But I do like bash much better than DOS07:30
nigel_2: 7.0407:30
matt__i need a lil help if anyone can help :)07:31
nigel_2: I'm fully upgraded on 7.04... do I need to upgrade, or just changes sources.list?07:31
_2nigel looks like you have two options supported.  stay with the version you have of php or upgrade the entire system.    we don't really support adding wierd repos/packages07:32
red_team316unfortunetly it's past my bedtime and work in the morning. Great chat _2. Until we meet again ;)07:32
_2any other options are not really supported.   things like just grabbing the .deb from the site and using gdebi or dpkg -i on it are not supported.07:32
nigel_2: OK, I need to upgrade then. Thanks for that.07:33
_2red_team316 sleep well.07:33
_2nigel welcome.07:33
_2nigel meaning you break it you fix it.  when i say "not supported" of course.   ^07:34
_2noaXess did anyone answer you ?07:35
noaXessnot jet07:36
_2sorry we burried your q.  want to repost, maybe someone knows.07:36
nigel_2: Yes, on my home system I'd do so,; for work purposes, I'll upgrade so things stay nice n' official. :)07:37
=== joshua__ is now known as jnalli
jnallican someone help me with compiz fusion?07:39
_2well,  i'm out for a bit.   keep your pinguins happy, feed them windows!07:39
jussi01jnalli: ask yourquestion07:39
jussi01_2: will do :P07:39
_2!compiz | jnalli also notice07:39
ubottujnalli also notice: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion07:39
jnalliwhenever i choose desktop cube it reverts back to desktop wall07:40
jnallimy cube doesnt work07:40
jnallii have gnome07:40
jnalliultimate ubuntu07:40
jnalliand i cant do the cube anymore07:40
jnallihave to reboot brb07:41
jussi01sunshine: the poor guy using ubuntu ultimate07:43
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waylandbillI guess I'm supposed to be excited about IE8 beta being released with its porn mode button, but I'm not. ;-)09:05
Tm_Twaylandbill: aaand that's offtopic here ;)09:05
waylandbillTm_T: only a tad. it's okay konqui does good enough surfing for porn. :)09:06
=== logan is now known as logansan01
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr09:07
extacyHi all :)09:13
mcashi extacy09:14
Tm_Twaylandbill: no, that p-- is not for this channel09:16
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extacycan you help me? :)09:18
Tm_Textacy: not until you ask your question ;)09:19
extacyi finded a tutorial in help.ubuntu.com for the world of warcraft https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft09:20
extacyi stay in "Installing WoW" title :D09:21
Kubuntu-mansalut les Kubunticiens ^^09:24
Kubuntu-manj'aurai besoin d'une toute petite aide :$09:24
Kubuntu-manIl y a quelqu'un ? ^^09:25
bazhang!fr | Kubuntu-man09:25
ubottuKubuntu-man: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr09:25
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extacyim from hungary :D09:26
extacybut in ubuntu-hu....09:26
Kubuntu-manpersonne ? :(09:26
bazhangKubuntu-man, english here09:26
bazhangKubuntu-man, or /join #ubuntu-fr09:26
extacyoh fu09:26
extacyi didnt fined wow cd :S09:27
bazhang!language | extacy09:27
ubottuextacy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:27
extacyin ubuntu-hu...cant help me :(09:28
bazhangextacy, #winehq for wow questions with wine09:29
extacyoh my god! Give me a wow cd :D09:29
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Kubuntu-manpersonne pour une petite aide ? ^^09:31
bazhangKubuntu-man, this is english.09:32
bazhangKubuntu-man, join the french channel.09:32
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr09:35
Kubuntu-manpersonne ?09:58
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr10:01
logansan01Kubuntu-man @10:01
logansan01Kubuntu-man #kubuntu-fr10:02
bodekquelqu'un s'y connais en KDE ? ^^10:18
flaccidbodek: english only. which language you after?10:19
lumm_!fr | bodek10:19
ubottubodek: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr10:19
teknisihi too10:25
sbucat:) teknisi10:26
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:29
sbucat!samba | teknisi10:29
ubottuteknisi: please see above10:29
viscocan anybody help me to get rid of gnome and stay just with kde? ;]10:31
sbucatvisco: there is a metapackage10:32
sbucatvisco: i think gnome-desktop10:32
alecthefish, got some news if you're interested..10:32
stdin!purekde | visco10:32
ubottuvisco: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »10:32
grassonehi all10:33
viscothank you guys very much! :)10:33
sbucat:) visco prrego10:33
viscosbucat: ja wiem ;)10:34
sbucati see10:34
grassonei have a wifi usb pen, i have to compile a new kernel but i can't find the place to check for this module10:35
sbucatgrassone: what kind of wifi then...10:36
jussi01!kernel | grassone this may help10:36
ubottugrassone this may help: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages10:36
thefishalec: still there?10:36
grassonei know the name rt73usb  and  using the "/" in the configuration tool of the kernel i can find out the location10:36
alecremember the problem with con.h? you were helping me on that.10:37
grassonebut no switch is present for this module !10:37
thefishye the empty files in windows thing10:37
grassonethe problem is not to compile10:37
thefishalec: what solved it?10:38
grassonethe problem is very silly: i can't find out the place where make the choice of the module !!!10:39
alecright. the other day I also copied the files (including con.h) via smb to a windows pc. copying worked out but sill i couldn't access the file. then I accidently found in google that windows reserves the filename con.* . same goes for files you want to call nul.* . try it out on a windows pc. you just can't create a file beginning like that.10:39
grassonethe name of the module is rt73usb10:39
grassonebut it's impossible for me to find it out in the menu of the kernel configurator10:40
sbucatgrassone: are you italian?10:41
grassoneit say that the location is : "Device Drivers "10:41
grassonesbucat: si :)10:41
alecthefish, i also told my employees to do that on theirs xp-machines. everywhere the same.10:41
grassoneit say that the location is : "Device Drivers " "Network device support" "wireless LAN"10:42
viscosbucat: Im probably getting rid of gnome and kde now o.O10:42
sbucatgrassone: i have written to you on query10:42
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Tm_TGuest67338: are we rooted now?10:43
Guest67338tm_t ?10:46
Tm_TGuest67338: you are ircing as root10:46
grassonesome one could help me ?10:47
thefishalec: wow interesting find!10:47
alecthefish: thanks! makes one see the worth of linux even more :)10:48
thefishalec: they all have their interesting little quirks10:48
romunov_can i uninstall kde4 with "apt-get remove kde4"?10:49
romunov_and install kde3 over it?10:49
romunov_kde4 is still a bit short on what i need10:49
thefishalec: so with other empty files it works fine? ie "touch /media/disk/testfile" and move to windows, opens ok?10:49
alecthefish: yeah, i was wrong assuming that it's about the empty file. it's just these certain filenames con and nul (and probably a couple of other names).10:50
teknisilock directory /var/run/samba do not axist... can you help me10:52
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kuilmorning all10:55
Tm_TGuest67338: FYI, you shouldn't ;)10:56
kuila question.. any body else noticed when enabling 'compiz' effects that the number of virtual desktops is limited to 1 ?10:56
favrokuil: that is something you set up with ccsm10:57
kuilI use kde 3.5.10 with hardy10:57
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion10:58
TRDhello to all.. how to activate javascript in konqueror 3.5.610:58
ActionParsnipoh god not another10:58
kuilah.. thank!10:58
kuilI will try that10:58
ActionParsnip!java | TRD10:58
ubottuTRD: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper10:58
TRDi must run java to activate javascript ??11:00
razahello, im using kubuntu 8.04 with kde v4.0.3 , when i do a logoff i get a blank screen, pressing ctrl+alt+del, reboots the machine11:00
razaany way to fix this ?11:01
favroraza: try hitting ctrl+alt+backspace11:01
ichatverry short question befor downloading...  -  the  kde4 remix, is that  with  4.0 or  4.1  d11:01
razafavro : ok11:01
hahahehehey guys, im trying to tar up some directory but inside there is this file js.png , it's got a perm of    ?rw-r--r--  , and it breaks up my tarring.  what the hell is,  ?rw-r--r--11:02
flaccidraza: there are bugs relating to this. can you go to a tty when it blacks out?11:02
razaflaccid : how to get to the tty on black out ?11:02
ActionParsnipraza: id make a script to perform "sudo shutdown -h now" until it get resolved11:02
flaccidraza: ctrl+alt+f211:03
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jussi01raza: kde4 support is in #kubuntu-kde4 :)11:03
razaflaccid : ok, ill try that11:03
hahahehewanna help me?11:03
favrohahahehe: I would try  sudo chown -Rv you:you /path/to/dir and that should get the permissions right11:03
ichathahahehe:  -   change them to     rw rw  rw   -11:03
razajussi : ok :)11:03
jussi01!ask | hahahehe11:03
ubottuhahahehe: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)11:03
hahahehehey guys, im trying to tar up some directory but inside there is this file js.png , it's got a perm of    ?rw-r--r--  , and it breaks up my tarring.  what the hell is,  ?rw-r--r--11:03
flaccidhahahehe: please don't repeat11:04
hahahehefavro: so its not my hard drive dying?11:04
ActionParsniphahahehe: its the permissios, everyone can read but only owner can write//modify11:04
favrohahahehe: I wouldn't think so11:04
hahahehehow did ? get in there11:04
hahaheheyea,  when i do ls -l11:04
hahahehei see ?rw-r--r--11:04
hahahehewhat is that ?11:04
hahahehein the front11:04
flaccidhahahehe: if someone knew that would of said. run file js.png and let us know what it says11:05
hahahehestrange, i just tried [root@server2 images]# cp js.png js.png2,   and i got   cp: reading `js.png': Invalid argument11:06
hahahehei cant even copy that darn file11:06
flaccidso what does file say?11:06
hahaheheim now afraid to even delete it11:06
hahahehei dont know what it is11:07
ActionParsniphahahehe: why are you loggged in as root?11:07
hahaheheits in my wordpress/wp-includes/images folder11:07
* flaccid waits11:07
hahahehebecause, im facing some weird apesh1t problem right now11:07
hahahehewhat do you mean , what does file say?11:08
ActionParsniphahahehe: ok try using ./js.png11:08
flaccidfile ./js.png11:08
ActionParsniphahahehe: file is a command11:08
flaccidfile is a command11:08
hahahehei dont want to run it either11:08
hahaheheit might be something nasty for all i know11:09
flaccidyou dont run png files11:09
stdinhave you tried just changing it's permissions?11:09
hahahehei tried setting to 64411:09
hahahehesame result11:09
flaccidhahahehe: ?11:09
hahaheheit still has,  that question mark at the front11:10
flaccidwell considering you won't run that command. the only thing i will suggest is fsck.11:10
ActionParsniphahahehe: try man file11:10
hahahehejs.png: ERROR: invalid mode 03064411:11
hahahehethats what i got11:11
ActionParsniphahahehe: file just tells you what sort of file the data represents11:11
ActionParsniphahahehe: how did you get that error?11:12
hahahehei did file js.png11:13
ScorpKinghi guys. what's the best kernel to use on ubuntu with a dual core cpu? server or generic?11:13
stdinhahahehe: try 'chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r' see if that resets the permissions, if not then I'd agree with flaccid and suggest you run fsck11:13
hahahehewell if it is fs problem,    (my fs is RAID 10 fyi),  its not going to corrupt my entire raid is it?11:13
ActionParsnipScorpKing: both are pretty much the same for you11:13
ScorpKingActionParsnip: oh ok. thanks11:13
hahahehestdin, isnt that same as doing chmod 64411:14
stdinhahahehe: depends on how chmod is implemented11:14
hahaheheok i tried, chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r js.png , and it still same thing11:16
ActionParsniphi Freddy211:16
Freddy2i'm logging into my computer, and every time kicker starts it freezes.. keeps showing a window with a title like "File check progress" (source trash://)11:17
Freddy2how can i fix this?11:17
Freddy2i've tried to remove the contents of ~/.kde/share/apps/kicker but doesn't work11:18
ActionParsnipFreddy2: id run fschk11:18
stdinFreddy2: try making sure ~/.local/share/Trash (and subdirectories/files) are owned by you11:18
Freddy2ok, let me see11:19
stdinrunning "sudo chown -R $(whoami): ~/.local/share/Trash" will recursively change the ownership to you11:21
Freddy2it seems every single file/dir is mine11:21
flaccidFreddy2: if still no luck. you could goto konsole and killall kicker and then run kicker and see if you get any more output when it does the trash11:22
Freddy2here it is11:23
stdinFreddy2: I guess you need to clear it out manually (or at least the .png files)11:24
flaccidthey just look like warnings with rendering pngs for it11:24
Freddy2hmm what should i clear?11:24
flaccidlibpng wouldn't be run on the png files in the trash would it11:24
stdinit could be, konqueror with preview mode definitely would11:25
Freddy2maybe it's failing when trying to render some kicker icons? there are no png files in ~/.local/share11:26
stdinFreddy2: if you don't mind clearing your trash, remove the files in  ~/.local/share/Trash/info/ and ~/.local/share/Trash/files. or just move them somewhere else11:26
stdinyou said you've cleared the kicker configs though?11:26
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stdinthen that shouldn't be the problem11:27
Freddy2right now i've remove the Trash folder, and i've recreated it again (keeping 700 as permissions), but same results11:27
stdinhave you tried creating another user and seeing if the problem still happens?11:27
Freddy2that may be a good idea11:28
Freddy2it seems it's something related to compiz-fusion.. even launching kwin --replace at ~/.kde/Autostart i can see the cube11:33
Freddy2the other user's session runs fine11:33
Freddy2ok, i've found "it".. there was some problem at kickerrc11:36
Freddy2i've removed it and has just started fine11:36
flaccidsome problem?11:37
flaccidyou removed the whole file or the problem in the file?11:37
Freddy2the hole file xD11:37
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ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:57
flaccidgood evening11:57
denis__sorry, wrong room11:58
ameni want to dual boot window xp  and kubuntu on dell vostro 1310. since dell had use some of the hardisk for dell uttilly and pc restore. here it partition scheme that i had think about..50 - window xp(ntsf, 120 - shared data(fat32)12:21
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot12:21
bazhangamen ^^12:21
ameni know how to dual boot12:22
amenbut i want to if the partition that i want to created is okay..here is my partition..12:22
amen50 GB -window xp, 120Gb - shared data (fat32),20Gb - / ,30Gb- /home and for swap since i had 2 gb ram ,2 X 2gb =4gb swap. ..what do u think about this partition..?12:25
bazhangwhich is installed first amen12:26
amenwindow xp12:26
ameni had dual boot before..12:26
flaccidsounds alright yeah12:26
flaccidi'd probably do about the same in that situtation12:27
amenshould i make the 2 partiton for swap such swap1- 2GB, swap2 - 2GB or only use 1 swap - 4GB..12:28
amenthe only thing that i can't decide is regarding the partition for swap...12:30
favrowith 2G of mem you won't swap - I'd make it the same size as mem for suspend/hibernate12:30
amenthank your the help...12:31
favro!it | fulvio12:31
ubottufulvio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:31
favronp :)12:31
amenwhich the best .. kubuntu kde  3 or kbuntu remix kde4?12:34
abby87amen: kde4 one has some bugs but looks wise awesome12:35
abby87amen: it depends on what you like stability vs novelty12:35
abby87amen: btw if you update kde4 one to kde 4.1 it would be quite stable12:36
amenabby87,if u,what do u prefer?12:36
abby87amen: novelty,yes kde 4 differs from overall look and feel that kde 3 desktop provided ...check out some screenshots or videos of kde 4 and u'll understand y i mentioned novelty12:37
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abby87amen: i was and still am a gnome user but i moved to kde for kde 412:37
abby87amen: i prefer kde4 over kde3 , i never liked kde3 that much ...kde4 is a potential mac killer12:38
abby87amen: but if you do try kde4 pls update to kde 4.1 asap ..as kde4.1 is way better and stable than kde 412:39
Black_Monkeyhi, after recent kernel updates, I can't run X, except using the "failsafe" xorg.conf (nvidia graphics card, beta driver)12:39
amenif i install the kde4,if it automatically update to kde4.1?12:40
abby87Black_Monkey: u mean u are left with command line only?12:40
abby87amen: no12:40
Dr_willisBlack_Monkey,  try reinstalling the nvidia drivers12:40
abby87amen: you have to input this command into the terminal sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:40
Black_Monkeyabby87: well, I can boot into failsafe X12:40
Black_MonkeyDr_willis: which packages would that be?12:40
Black_MonkeyI tried running "nvidia-xconfig", as it told me to do when I booted into failsafe, but that didn't do anything12:41
Dr_willisBlack_Monkey,  depends on the card. and how you installed them befor. nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-legacy, or nvidia-glx-new I think.12:41
abby87Black_Monkey: try the command startx from terminal12:41
amenthank you..12:41
Dr_willisor rerun that restricted-hardware manager tool12:41
Black_MonkeyDr_willis: I removed and reinstalled nvidia-glx earlier, didn't do anything12:41
abby87amen: ;)12:41
Black_Monkeyabby87: yeah, that just gives errors and can't run12:41
abby87Black_Monkey: can u show post the errors via pastebin?12:42
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:42
abby87!pastebin | Black_Monkey12:42
ubottuBlack_Monkey: please see above12:42
abby87Black_Monkey: what i think is that you installed the driver for a wrong kernel12:43
Black_Monkeyabby87: ah, I've forgotten, which is the file it posts errors to?12:43
Black_Monkeyit was something like Xorg.log, but I can't remember where12:44
wolf_i installed hardy heron on my machine12:44
abby87Black_Monkey: not sure but check      cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:44
abby87wolf_: hi12:44
Black_Monkeyah, that's the one, thanks12:45
wolf_but activating fglrx kills x, it wont start, i use a x700 sapphire pro12:45
wolf_i got a message in kde to activate the restricted driver12:45
abby87wolf_: yes what happened after u activated it?12:46
wolf_what to do, i need acceleration for videos and mydesktoip environment12:46
abby87wolf_: did the xserver crash?12:46
wolf_abby87: xwanted to resatrt but it couldnt, so i booted in recovery mode and  repaired x with the menu12:46
abby87wolf_: tried reinstalling the drivers?12:47
hipstericaltroubles with xorg ?12:48
wolf_abby87: no, i think the same would happen when i use the restricted-drivers manager again12:48
wolf_hipsterical: yep12:48
wolf_dont know if it is my ATI radeon sapphire x700 pro12:48
hipstericalmaybe after upgrade the new kernel doesnt work with nvidia drivers? same 4 me12:48
wolf_hipsterical: no ati12:48
hipstericali had to step back to the older kernel12:48
hipstericalah, ok12:48
flaccidyou need to reinstall the nvidia driver after upgrading the kernel otherwise it won't match12:49
abby87wolf_: hipsterical: have u installed kernel headers?12:49
Black_Monkeyabby87: it looks like Xorg.0.log is from this failsafe boot - would it be Xorg.0.log.old, which ends in "Fatal server error: Caught signal 11. Server aborting"12:49
wolf_abby87: i have a non-modified default installation only made a cross in the hardware manager of kde for the ati driver12:49
abby87Black_Monkey: hmm wait a sec12:50
hipstericalbtw it's not the 1srt time that a kernel upgrade fucks up nvidia.12:50
abby87Black_Monkey: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/caught-signal-11.-server-aborting-256896/12:50
wolf_hipsterical: i never had this with nvidia12:50
hipstericalwolf: just 2 talk, maybe others have12:51
abby87wolf_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:52
abby87abby87: specify driverset to vesa12:52
flaccid!language | hipsterical12:53
ubottuhipsterical: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:53
abby87sorry wolf_:specify driverset to vesa12:53
wolf_abby87: so no reconfigure? and where to specify the driver set, but with vesa i have no acceleration?12:53
flaccidwolf_: if you want nvidia then reinstall the packages12:54
abby87wolf_: try reinstalling them for the kernel12:54
wolf_flaccid: ati, there is no need for 3d but 2d would be neccasssery12:54
wolf_abby87: how?12:54
flaccidwolf_: sorry you are on ati?12:55
flaccidthe ati open source driver has 3d support too12:55
wolf_flaccid: yep, since i use linux only ati is worrying for me :/12:55
abby87wolf_: first remove them sudo aptitude remove12:55
flaccidim on ati too :)12:55
wolf_flaccid: ok and why wants ubuntu me to install fglrx12:56
abby87wolf_: then install em sudo aptitude install12:56
wolf_abby87: yes but which packages?12:56
flaccidwolf_: because its an option. if X doesn't start with a driver, best to goto a tty and check the log to see why12:56
abby87wolf_: flaccid might help you with that one... nvidia here12:56
flaccidlog will always show why X doesn't start basically12:57
wolf_flaccid: i paste you the log12:57
abby87flaccid: wolf_: btw how is ati performance in gaming as compared to nvidia?12:57
abby87sorry for being off topic12:58
flaccidaverage. nvidia is definately better however in the lastest nvidia drivers there is some performance bugs but yeah12:58
wolf_abby87: dont know, nvidia is great, with ati i never got good results under opensuse 10 a kernel panic... with nvidia gt6600 i have no problems12:58
abby87flaccid: i use kde4 and the nvidia drivers perform below par12:59
Black_Monkeyabby87: I tried running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" like it said on that link, but it just gave a load of keyboard options, and then restarting X after gave the same result12:59
abby87flaccid: even for 8600gt .12:59
flaccidabby87: yeah that is something that the plasma devs and others discovered and its the driver for sure12:59
wolf_and i was playing only counterstrike 1.6 with opensuse, suse is crap for me12:59
flaccidabby87: yeah for all chips12:59
abby87wolf_: worst thing on suse is yast13:00
flaccidyou need the -phigh option with dpkg-reconfigure to skip all the extra stuff, Black_Monkey13:00
acemoI have installed my boot stuff on my 2nd hard disk by accident. grub self is on my 1st hard disk. how can i get the boot stuff to get on the first disk too?13:00
flaccidacemo: if the mbr is fine you can just copy /boot over13:00
Black_Monkeyflaccid: oh ok, well I went through the extra stuff anyway, and still nothing13:00
wolf_abby87: i hate the whole system i couldnt even compile something because the gcc version was strange dunno if it has changed but suse has died for me13:01
Black_Monkeywhen trying to run X, it says "(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration."13:01
Dr_willisor just leave it  where /boot is at..13:01
wolf_flaccid: abby87 *.0.log http://pastebin.com/m3e5fdf9a13:01
flaccidBlack_Monkey: pastebin the whole log. the warnings and errors above that are the problem for no screens found...13:01
acemoflaccid: i think the mbr is wrong, /boot/grub is on the 1st disk but atm in the bios i have to say boot from the 2nd disk, wich then loads the grub from the 1st disk or it just wont boot at all13:01
abby87wolf_: i never went past installing suse...it screwed my mbr once i remember :(13:02
abby87acemo: reinstalling grub 'might' solve the prob13:02
Black_Monkeyflaccid: http://pastebin.com/m7500cc1413:02
flaccid!fixgrub | acemo13:03
ubottuacemo: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:03
wolf_abby87: bad... also what i remember is taht the perfomance was bad, windoze booted faster....here the *.10.loghttp://pastebin.com/m4e9e8313:03
ibilickiHi guys, maybe a strange question but: I am making a party. What program would you use to play music? Something that has powerful media library capabilities (search, etc..)13:03
abby87actually there is a separate kubuntu-kde4 channel ...i dont see the purpose coz most ppl with kde 4 come here13:03
Dr_willisi dont worry about boot times much when i get 3+ month of uptime btweeen reboots. :)13:03
wolf_ibilicki: under kde amarok is nice13:03
abby87ibilicki: amarok ftw !!!!13:03
wolf_it also detects ipods etc13:04
ibilickiwolf_: I am trying it out now... but I can't get the collection to display properly, in the directory order... foobar2000 has it, for example13:04
abby87ibilicki: amarok which version?13:04
ibilickiwolf_: also, it's complicated to do anything but a simple search in Amarok...13:04
ibilickiamarok 1.4.913:05
abby87ibilicki: i guess there is no better player than amarok at the moment ..for linux i mean13:05
abby87ibilicki: amarok beta 1 is out and for help on the same pls goto #amarok13:05
flaccidwolf_: whats the problem with this X13:06
abby87wolf_: i mean i play gears of war on my windows xp and when i boot to kde 4 i get damn slow graphics ...i feel cheated ..13:06
wolf_flaccid: i have a ati card, a default hardy installation and want a driver to get more speed for videos and a 2d windowmanager (kde)13:06
ibilickiabby87: that channel seems deserted :)13:07
flaccidwolf_: then try fglrx13:07
wolf_abby87: hm so the ubuntu driver is doing good for me, perhaps your card isnt supported 100%?13:07
wolf_flaccid: when i activate it x wont start anymore till i repair it with the recovery boot13:07
abby87ibilicki: i am in it ppl surely help there13:07
flaccidBlack_Monkey: pastebin your xorg.conf and lscpci | grep VGA13:07
flaccidwolf_: what is the error in the Xorg.0.log when you do that?13:08
wolf_dont know i pasted it http://pastebin.com/m3e5fdf9a13:08
yeniklasorWhen I play full screen flash videos on firefox, it is using all system resources and video is not playing with a good fps. How can I solve this issue?13:08
Dr_willis'flash is an issue'13:09
abby87yeniklasor: wic graphic card?13:09
Black_Monkeyflaccid: well I'm using the failsafe one atm, but this is the xorg.conf that won't run: http://pastebin.com/m3859d91a13:09
yeniklasornvidia 9600 gt13:09
abby87yeniklasor: are u using propreitary drivers and kde 4?13:10
yeniklasorabby87 : I'm using kde3 and nvidia drivers13:10
Black_Monkeyand the second command gives "00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51PV [GeForce 6150] (rev a2)"13:10
abby87yeniklasor: try updating ur flash plugin13:10
yeniklasorits latest 913:11
yeniklasoralso I tried flash player 1013:11
yeniklasorIt has same issue on my computer13:11
acemotheres a linux version of flash 10 already? ~goes installing~13:11
Dr_willisI go to web sites taht tell me to update to the latest... and i am using 10 beta.. :) heh13:11
Dr_willissilly sites13:12
Dr_willisand they still tell me to update13:12
Dr_williscbs.com dosent work right with firefox under windows or linux any more for me since the site had some updates a few weeks ago13:12
acemoheard flash 10 will be able to use the gpu, so alot less heavy on the cpu :)13:12
wolf_flaccid: you got it?13:13
Dr_williswhat next. the "Flash OS" ?  :)13:13
flaccidBlack_Monkey: quite confused because your xorg.conf uses nvidia and the log uses nv. show the log when trying nvidia or reinstall the nvidia as the driver probably doesn't match current kernel13:13
Lord_Drachenblutacemo: but will that be so under linux13:14
abby87Dr_willis: maybe ya...but it wont crash like windows13:14
acemoLord_Drachenblut: i hope so13:14
yeniklasorabby87 : Can you play full screen flash videos?13:14
flaccidwolf_: um yeah like i said use restricted driver to try to get better performance13:14
Black_Monkeyflaccid: oh, well I guess running with failsafe uses nv, so that overwrote the log? :/13:14
Lord_DrachenblutDr_willis: have you tried adding the user agent switcher to firefox?13:14
flaccidBlack_Monkey: yes13:14
abby87yeniklasor: yes i can but i cant seem to get ur prob13:14
abby87yeniklasor: are u using restricted drivers?13:14
flaccidand failsafe from kdm has nothing to do with the driver. the driver is already loaded.13:14
Dr_willisLord_Drachenblut,  not tried that. I did notice the flash site does work with opera under linux and windows. (well at least under windows) I need to check that again under linux13:15
wolf_flaccid: but with fglrx x doenst start anymore? whats with this ati driver, how to get this working?13:15
yeniklasorabby87 : Nvidia's drivers at www.nvidia.com13:15
Black_Monkeyflaccid: I can't get to kdm, it was copying xorg.conf.failsafe into the place of xorg.conf13:15
flaccidwolf_: radeon is the ati driver, same thing. and if fglrx doesn't start anymore we need to look at the log when it doesn't start with fglrx in the xorg.conf...13:15
abby87yeniklasor: hmm13:15
Lord_Drachenblutacemo: I hope your right but if it does happen I lay odds it will probably only happen with nvidia and ati drivers13:15
abby87yeniklasor: try #flash13:16
flaccidBlack_Monkey: what you need to do is enable the failsafe driver and then when X fails to start goto a tty and check the log to see the problem. checking the log with another driver etc. won't help13:16
Lord_DrachenblutDr_willis: if you try that and it works can you let me know?13:16
flaccidBlack_Monkey: sorry i mean enable the restricted driver then log at the log in a tty when it fails13:16
acemoLord_Drachenblut: thats fine.. if your willing to use propiertry flash, why not propiertry drivers too? ^^13:16
Black_Monkeyflaccid: ok, just a sec13:16
wolf_flaccid: here the xorg.0.log some days ago when x failed to start http://pastebin.com/m46147f8013:17
[ifrog]!find libgnutls.so.1313:17
ubottuFile libgnutls.so.13 found in libgnutls13, libgnutls13-dbg13:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kde4.113:18
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde413:18
Lord_Drachenblutacemo: true that it's just would be nice if it worked on more than the propeitary drivers.  and I still hope that the gnu flash will work out sometime13:18
placintaHello. Can I get here some help a with sound issue?13:18
flaccidwolf_: that one looks like fglrx doesn't like your monitor or the modes set in the xorg.conf13:19
wolf_flaccid: my xorg.conf is now default, no entry default monitor etc...13:19
flacciddefault is not restricted, so its not the same13:20
acemoLord_Drachenblut: i think it doesn't matters if its propeitary drivers or open source as long as they have the functionality it needs13:20
Black_Monkeyflaccid: http://pastebin.com/m2b56036913:21
wolf_flaccid, so i should activate fglrx and see what happens?13:22
placintaEver since I upgraded from Kubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 my sound dissapeared. I tried deleting pulseaudio, running only with alsa, didn't works, I reinstalled all of them, still no effect. Does anyone have a clue what it could be?13:22
Cabshelp i am on kubuntu, i also have gnome ubuntu studio and xfce so i have all the packages from those two, my friend is a photographer and i installed *buntu in his computer but apparently he's having trouble reading some dvds, opening some cds and opening raw files, he has some photo work he's gotto work on for tuesday so i need help13:23
flaccidwolf_: yeah. the best way to work it out is have the xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log pastebinned when it fails to start X to see whats going on. the errors i've seen so far tonight i don't know about13:23
ibilickiwhat does a "Full Upgrade" do in Adept?13:23
wolf_flaccid: ok i give you a fresh failed xorg.conf and xorg.log13:24
flaccidBlack_Monkey: yeah yours is a hard crash. i would try installing the lastest from nvidia and failing that the beta drivers13:24
Black_Monkeyflaccid: using this? http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_173.14.12.html13:25
flaccidif thats the latest Black_Monkey then yeah13:25
Black_Monkeykk thanks13:25
flaccidi was expecting some simple video problems tonight. the errors shown so far are new to me13:25
Cabswhat's a good program to open and edit raw files?13:28
flaccidCabs: what kind of raw file?13:28
Cabsimage files13:28
flaccidah the panasonic format, one sec13:29
=== berrier is now known as spartou
Cabshe's having trouble mounting some cds withbackups of his photos which he had burned before i installed ubuntu on his pc when it was windows13:29
Cabslike one of his cds just won't mount and the other will and then when you go through the folders, it's all empty13:30
Cabsthe files that aren't suposed to be there don't show up13:30
flaccidCabs: seems to be a pretty closed up format: http://www.cybercom.net/~dcoffin/dcraw/#i18n13:30
flaccidi guess they are gone13:30
Cabshow do you mean?13:30
Cabshow do i go about it then?13:30
Dr_willisraw type 'image' files?13:31
flaccidwell i can help with the mount problem but otherwise thats about it13:31
=== C8773487 is now known as chalcedny
Dr_willisyou could try 'dd'ing the cd to a iso file and trying to mount it.13:31
flaccidyes, its not a standard at all13:31
Black_Monkeyflaccid: installed the latest driver, and now I can hear the kde log in sound, it's probably booting ok... but the screen flashes "out of range"13:31
wolf_flaccid: ok it seems to work dunno whsy, how to see if 3d works?13:32
wolf_or which driver is used13:32
Cabsi've heard that bibble is able to read the raw files but apparently it wasn't13:32
flaccidBlack_Monkey: likely a monitor or monitor config problem in xorg.conf . please pastebin xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log of this current session13:32
Dr_williscould be theres a dozen variants of raw files. :) not ever used them13:32
wolf_flaccid: in the xorg.conf fglrx ist listened13:32
flaccidwolf_: fglrxgears or glxgears13:32
Black_Monkeyflaccid: of this current session? with the failsafe xorg.conf that loads?13:33
flaccidwolf_: i mean fgl_glxgears and glxgears13:34
flaccidBlack_Monkey: well im a bit confused. its like your monitor doesn't like the mode, so pastebin both files before killing X...13:34
CabsCabs: from that page it says i have to download and install some package right? that guy's program, can i get that program from the repositories?13:35
flaccidthe current xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log13:35
Cabsflaccid: from that page it says i have to download and install some package right? that guy's program, can i get that program from the repositories?13:35
Dr_willisive noticed with dvi monitors - X is much smarter now about using the right modes. :) Hurry for progress.13:35
Black_Monkeyhttp://pastebin.com/m5189a7df <- the xorg.conf.failsafe13:35
flaccidCabs: i couldn't see it there13:35
Dr_willisCabs,  if the program is in the repositories.. yes..  if not.. then you have to find a .deb or the source13:35
Cabsi've never installed a program not doing sudo13:35
flaccidBlack_Monkey: we are not using that but are we nor care about it?13:35
CabsDr_willis: is the program he talks about in that page linked to?13:36
flaccidBlack_Monkey: [22:35] <flaccid> the current xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log13:36
Black_Monkeyhttp://pastebin.com/m27e5e8d2 <- Xorg.0.log13:36
Black_Monkeyflaccid: sorry?13:36
Dr_willisCabs,  i dident see any link, or program mentioned.. what program? Im not even sure of the actual problem/question.13:37
flaccidBlack_Monkey: we are we using the failsafe/vesa xorg.conf? what are you trying to achieve?13:37
Dr_willisPlus i gotta go to the dentist in a few min. :(13:37
flaccidBlack_Monkey: why?13:37
DeniseDr willis u are evrywhere13:37
Black_Monkeyflaccid: right now, I'm using xorg.conf.failsafe, as when I use the normal xorg.conf, the screen won't work13:38
Dr_willisDenise,  i run around a lot. :)13:38
Deniseu r a brain13:38
Deniseur teeth are good?13:39
CabsDr_willis: where it says dcraw under my code13:39
Cabs"My code"13:39
loganbande de nouille13:39
nick_how do I tell what version of X11 I'm running?  Im setting up some software and its giving me a "At least the following dependencies are missing:    X11 >=1.4.1"13:39
flaccidBlack_Monkey: yes and this is not going to diagnose or fix anything. what i asked is to install the latest drivers and run them, when it fails check the log to see if you have the same error and if so try nvidia beta drivers. showing me a vesa log is pointless.13:39
=== nick_ is now known as came0
Dr_willis!find dcraw13:40
Deniselogan tu es mechant13:40
ubottuFound: dcraw, libkdcraw-dev, libkdcraw3, gimp-dcraw13:40
Black_Monkeyah ok13:40
Dr_willisCabs,  seems its in the repo :)13:40
Dr_willisCabs,  and a gimp add on also.13:40
Cabsok so what do i have to do13:40
Cabsi really sorry i'm a beginner with ubuntu myself13:40
loganDenise no13:40
Cabshow do i install the decoder13:40
Black_Monkeyflaccid: well it's not the same as before, I don't get the error, it's booting. however, the "out of range" comes up on the screen, so I can't see anything13:40
flaccidCabs: hmm there you go it is in the repos so sweet13:40
flaccidBlack_Monkey: this is why you press ctrl+alt+f2 and login to see the log13:41
Cabsflaccid: so what do i have to do?13:41
Dr_willisYou may want to work on backing up the image files to  somewhere.. then worry about editing them...13:41
CabsDr_willis: the files are already backed up, they're in cds13:42
flaccidCabs: install it and run it i guess. i've never used it13:42
Dr_willissudo apt-get install dcraw gimp-dcraw  gimp, and run gimp and have a blast....13:42
flaccidthe gimp plugin would be good too...13:42
Dr_willisor use wine and some of the other tools he has on that site..  :)13:42
loganhow do install one site of x ?13:42
Dr_willisI use wine and 'irfanview' all the time13:43
CabsDr_willis: thankyou, however there's only *buntu on this partition13:43
Dr_willisCabs,  so? You dont need a windows install to run wine/windows apps.13:43
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.13:43
Cabssudo aptitude install wine?13:43
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr13:43
Dr_williswine lets you run (some) windows apps. :) its a handy thing to learn about13:43
Cabsok i am downloading it13:44
Cabsit finished downloading the dcraw gimp-dcraw thing13:44
CabsDr_willis: do you know if wine will let my friend use photoshop?13:45
Cabsit just finished installing13:45
Black_Monkeyflaccid: ok, it gives this Xorg.0.log - http://pastebin.com/m558965c13:45
Black_Monkeywith this xorg.conf - http://pastebin.com/m5105f61013:46
Havoc][have someone ever tried the vmware sdk?13:47
CabsDr_willis: i just stuck in a cd of his backups which is suposed to have some important pics for his exhibit, it's saying: mount: block device /dev/scd0 is write protected, mounting read only mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0, missing codepage or helper program or other error in some cases useful info is found in syslog try dmesg try dmesg| tail or so13:49
flaccidBlack_Monkey: doesn't help. its using the nv driver with no device specified. you have to install the lastest nvidia driver from nvidia and use that and failing that try the beta driver. its using the nv open driver atm and it doesn't like it thus errors like (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)13:49
flaccidCabs: goto disks & filesystems in system settings and see if you can get it to mount there13:49
Black_Monkeyflaccid: oh. well I just installed the latest driver, how do I make it use it?13:49
flaccidBlack_Monkey: Driver "nvidia" in section Device13:50
Cabsflaccid: it shows the file partitions, at the very bottom it has: Burner dvd-ram uj-85OS /media0/cdrom auto /dev/scd0 disabled13:52
Cabsfilesystem's partitions and*13:52
Black_Monkeyflaccid: fixed, thank you very much :-)13:53
Cabsflaccid: what does that mean? do i right click on it and then modify?13:54
flaccidBlack_Monkey: coolio have fun then :)13:56
flaccidCabs: if you have the cd plugged in, try to click enable13:57
Cabsflaccid: did that but nothing happened, it seems like disabled is just a properties type description on the same line13:57
flaccidnot sure what the problem is then sorry13:58
Cabsmatter of fact13:58
Cabsthe button with enable13:58
Cabsis in gray, it gives not such option13:58
flaccidso when you put the cd in you don't get a prompt from hal to open it?14:00
JampiterI have a quick question:14:00
Cabsi get a prompt to open it14:00
Cabsthen when it loads the window14:00
JampiterHow do I get the wireless to work on Kubuntu? (noob :p )14:00
Cabsit's blank, as in...nothing shows and there's a popup beneath that says what i described to dr willis flaccid14:01
flaccidCabs: sorry what was the thing you described14:02
Cabsmount: block device /dev/scd0 is write protected, mounting read only mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0, missing codepage or helper program or other error in some cases useful info is found in syslog try dmesg try dmesg| tail or so14:02
flaccidCabs: pastebin dmesg please14:02
Cabstype dmesg into a terminal and paste the output for the command dmesg?14:03
flaccid!pastebin | Cabs14:03
ubottuCabs: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)14:03
Cabsflaccid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/41228/14:04
evilmachinehi. can anyone help me setting up my HSDPA web n walk compact III card (GT MAX) for use with kubuntu?14:04
JampiterHow do I get my Belkin wireless to work?14:05
flaccidJampiter: throw it out the window.14:06
flaccidJampiter: what kind of wireless are you talking about?14:06
JampiterBelkin 54G14:06
JampiterI think it's an RT2570 or RT250014:06
flaccidwhat is the problem14:06
JampiterI've just installed Kubuntu and I don't know how to set up the Wifi14:07
flaccidJampiter: if you want to connect to a wireless network, there is a systray icon which you right click called knetworkmanager14:08
JampiterAre the drivers alrealdy installed?14:09
flaccidno idea14:09
Cabsflaccid: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/213696 what do ido to go around this?14:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 213696 in linux "Ubuntu Can't Mount LiveFS CDs Burned on Vista" [Wishlist,Fix released]14:09
JampiterFor some reason it's not letting me log in with my username and pass I gave it in the install14:10
flaccidCabs: no idea14:10
JampiterOh, it's working now :p Thanks14:11
JampiterHow do I get KDE4? Is it included or will I have to Download it?14:11
flaccid!kde4 | Jampiter14:11
ubottuJampiter: KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde414:11
JampiterThanks :D14:11
Cabsflaccid: from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/213696 someone wrote: Using kernel version 2.6.26-3-generic from Intrepid Ibex I was able to successfully mount a LiveFS formatted CD (by Windows Vista) with it.14:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 213696 in linux "Ubuntu Can't Mount LiveFS CDs Burned on Vista" [Wishlist,Fix released]14:14
Cabshow do i do that?14:14
flaccid!intrepid | Cabs14:14
ubottuCabs: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!14:14
Cabsflaccid: so i upgrade to intrepid ibex?14:15
flaccidsure can14:16
Cabshow do i do that?14:16
Cabsis there a way to just get the kernel new version14:16
flaccidCabs: #ubuntu+1 for support. you basically change 'hardy' to 'intrepid' your sources.list and then upgrade14:17
acemois it normal for strigi to use alot of hard disk space?14:25
Cabsflaccid: how do i open the sources.list file?14:27
Manyfoldhello i have problems to get dns name resolution with freebsd running in virtual box14:27
flaccidCabs: kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list14:27
acemocabs: sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list14:27
flaccidacemo: sudo is not for gui apps14:27
acemoflaccid: it works :)14:28
acemonever had any problems with it14:28
flaccidone day you might14:28
acemoi hope so14:28
Cabsflaccid: so i only substitute "hardy" for intrepid everywhere and save?14:28
flaccidCabs: yep14:29
acemobecause so far, i just see kdesudo as being pointless14:29
ubottuIn KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)14:30
HS^so i just download kubuntu.............14:31
miguelnecesito ayuda14:31
HS^and it comes not with kde 4.114:31
acemo!es | miguel14:31
ubottumiguel: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:31
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DragnslcrBecause you have to install it14:31
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde414:31
HS^yes so i downloaded for nothing14:31
acemoHS^: did you get the kde 3.5 or kde 4.0 disk?14:31
HS^i thought it contained kde 4.114:32
HS^i wanted to test that\14:32
flaccid!enter | HS^14:32
ubottuHS^: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:32
flaccidHS^: your thought was unfortunately incorrect14:32
HS^it says experimental and development version of kubuntu............ well then i expect kde 4.114:32
flaccida lot of people have unrealistic expectations14:32
HS^with big banners on kubuntu site screaming KDE 4.114:32
acemoit contains 4.0 since that was the stable version when 8.04 came out. you can update to 4.1 tough :)14:33
HS^yes its given them by other people14:33
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox14:33
Cabsflaccid: here http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/d28576be5 is that right?  and if so what do i do next?14:33
acemoHS^: what is given who by other people?14:34
flaccidCabs: well i can't say if all the repos are valid with intrepid, yet but it would be sudo apt-get update && sudo dist-upgrade but you really should join #ubuntu+1 for support14:34
HS^that kubuntu contains kde 4.1,  given by the people that made kubuntu's website14:34
flaccidi don't read that HS^14:35
acemoHS^: if you did click on the big banner saying kde 4.1, you could have seen that its there to upgrade to14:35
flaccidHS^: this is the support channel. is there something about kubuntu we can help you with?14:35
HS^yea fix your site and make it clear that it does contain kde 4.0.314:36
DragnslcrHS^- I assume you've already been to the link that I gave you?14:36
HS^so that saves people a lot of time14:36
flaccidHS^: it looks clear to me14:37
DragnslcrHS^- maybe you should look at it before you continue to complain and make a fool of yourself14:37
acemoHS^: when you go to the download page it clearly says kde 4, not kde 4.114:38
acemoKubuntu 8.04 KDE4 Remix - Featuring the cutting edge KDE 4 with community support only14:38
HS^cutting edge kde 4 is at LEAST kde 4.114:39
acemoHS^: at the time that kubuntu 8.04 came out kde 4.0 was pretty much the cutting edge14:39
flaccidHS^: says what? it has to do with the release cycle. this is normal is sdc.14:40
HS^how am i supposed to know when 8.04 came out14:40
HS^website doesnt tell me/14:40
acemothe 8 stands for 200814:40
acemothe 04 stands for the 4th month14:40
jussi01HS^: 1. this is not up for discussion here. 2. if you need support to get the latest "cutting edge" kde 4.1, please go to #kubuntu-kde414:41
JampiterQuick Q again14:43
jussi01go ahead :)14:44
JampiterI've just started KDE3 for the first time and the resolution is 800x60014:44
JampiterSo everything is unusably large14:44
flaccidJampiter: please pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /etc/X11/xorg.conf while in this session14:44
JampiterHow do I increase it? The slider in the system settings only goes up to 800x60014:44
JampiterI'm not using the Kubuntu computer14:45
Jampiterbecause everything is enormously big and unusable14:45
flaccidbest to check log first as this is a common issue14:45
jussi01Jampiter: which grafics card you have?14:45
JampiterA prehistoric Voodoo 414:45
JampiterIt's an old PC14:46
jussi01thats ati yeah?14:46
JampiterDon't think so14:46
* jussi01 looks14:46
JampiterI don't know what it is14:46
JampiterThanks :)14:46
bonaldo2000Is there any subpixel smoothing option in kubuntu?14:47
bonaldo2000I cant seem to find it...14:47
jussi01Jampiter: try this: (from the botI)14:47
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto14:47
JampiterCheers :D14:47
DragnslcrIt's a 3dfx14:47
jussi01yeah, I noticed14:47
DragnslcrI wouldn't be surprised if there aren't any drivers in the repositories for it14:47
jussi01the drier seems to be open, so should be in ubuntu...14:48
flaccidlog will tell14:48
DragnslcrWow, guess I was wrong14:49
Dragnslcr!info libglide314:49
ubottulibglide3 (source: glide): graphics library for 3Dfx Voodoo based cards - shared libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version 2002.04.10-15ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 330 kB, installed size 840 kB (Only available for i386 alpha ia64 amd64)14:49
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JampiterSo.. I install that?14:50
DragnslcrI think so14:51
favrothe 386 ketrnel is needed14:51
favro*kernel even14:51
favro(Only available for i386 alpha ia64 amd64)14:52
JampiterI don't know what  you mean14:52
JampiterI'm a noob at this :p14:52
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ibilickijoin #amarok14:54
sam__hi, i have an ADSL modem using PPPoE14:55
sam__how do i automatically make it dialup to the ISP?14:55
JampiterOk, got the driver now14:57
JampiterHow do I make it work?14:57
wishiei followed some howto, on where to set KDEWM to my compiz startup script.. now i want to revert the change, but cant remember where i specified it..14:57
wishiewhere is KDEWM usually defined ?14:57
favroJampiter: from ubottu's post above you need to have the i386 kernel to make it work - sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.24-19-38615:01
JampiterThanks :)15:01
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frybyehi - as I connected a usb-sb-card reader I get a fault report that mount-point /media/disk does not exist.."" - what should i do exactly to correct this?15:02
favrofrybye: sudo mkdir -v /media/disk  in konsole15:03
frybyethanks favro - should I safely remove the reader first...??15:04
frybyefavro - thanks that seems to have done it.. what does the " -v" do???15:06
wolf_i wnated to start simple-ccsm15:07
favrofrybye: gives feedback in the terminal15:07
wolf_Traceback (most recent call last):15:07
wolf_  File "/usr/bin/simple-ccsm", line 28, in <module>15:07
wolf_    import gtk.glade as glade15:07
wolf_ImportError: No module named glade15:07
wolf_but it doesnt work15:07
wolf_using hardy15:08
bazhang!enter | wolf_15:08
ubottuwolf_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:08
JampiterOk, installed the i386 kernel15:08
JampiterNow what do I do?15:09
favroJampiter: reboot into that kernel :)15:09
JampiterOk :) Thanks15:09
dr17I am having a strange problem with nvidia proprietary drivers. In the Hardware Drivers window it says "No Proprietary Drivers are in use on your system" and yet allows me to check "nvidia-new" to enable it. But when I do nothing happens.15:09
JampiterOk rebooting now15:09
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JampiterIt's booting now :D15:11
* Jampiter is surprised at the quickness of booting!15:11
JampiterHmm... slider still only goes up to 800x60015:13
favroJampiter: what does /etc/X11/xorg.conf look like now?15:14
favro!paste | Jampiter15:15
ubottuJampiter: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:15
JampiterHang on a sec - the internet's broke on it15:15
favroJampiter: it is an old card - can it go above 800x600?15:16
JampiterIt could with Damn Small Linux15:16
JampiterIt went higher than my moniter could :p15:16
wolf_no one can help why simple-ccsm doenst start?=15:17
favrowolf_: tried the full ccsm? - I haven't used simple-ccsm15:17
wolf_favro: simple-ccsm doenst start because it cant find a "glade" module, i only want to implent emerald as window decorator15:18
favrowolf_: try alt+F2 then type   emerald --replace15:19
favroJampiter: "<Jampiter> Hang on a sec - the internet's broke on it" - how did you get the new kernel?15:22
JampiterIt only broke after I restarted15:22
JampiterIt's a rather sketchy wireless network15:22
favrok :)15:22
* Jampiter goes to the wireless box and turns it off and on again - brb15:23
wolf_favro: ok works, but how to change the skin or theme of emerald., i isnatlled the emerald package and i have only this config tool, but i cant apply, why have i to apply with a terminal ?15:23
favrowolf_: emerald comes with a theme manager - should be in your menu15:24
wolf_favro: ok when i change in the theme manager somehting it works only when i first type emerald -- replace15:25
GekoneHi all.15:25
GekoneI've try to stop kde4, but i've an error: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/IrcLineeGuida15:26
Gekonecan i do?15:26
favrowolf_: try double clicking the theme in emerald theme manager15:26
wolf_favro ok works thx15:26
wolf_favro but why does simple-ccsm not satart?15:27
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favrowolf_: I don't know about glade and kde together...15:28
favrowolf_: there might be kde/compiz guides on the net15:29
Gekonei've must stop kde4 for installer nvidia's driver15:31
Gekonebye bye15:33
wolf_  File "/usr/bin/simple-ccsm", line 28, in <module>15:34
wolf_    import gtk.glade as glade15:34
wolf_ImportError: No module named glade15:34
wolf_it seems to be a kde bug simple-ccsm doesnt find glade15:35
wolf_i only use default repositories15:35
wolf_just installed ccsm15:35
favrowolf_: it is a better option :)15:36
wolf_favro: waht? asking in irc?15:36
Jampiter_Argh now my wireless LAN isn't working15:37
favrono ccsm vs simple-ccsm15:37
* Jampiter_ gives up for now15:38
Jampiter_Thanks for your help15:38
favroJampiter: might be your router15:38
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de15:40
favrodenis: type  /j #kubuntu-de15:42
denisretour is not German ;-)15:42
denisI am already there, thank you15:43
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!15:47
starenkaany clues how to list available wireless' in konsole?15:48
starenkait shows cards not hotspots, right?15:48
wolf_favro: ok works now i had to install python-glade2, but should be a bug that it is not a dependencie of ccsm15:48
favrostarenka: yeh - it shows cards15:51
* Dr_willis is back from the Dentist. :B) 15:52
starenkafavro: iwlist ;)15:55
starenkacan i grep "more terms" (without regexp)? f.e  cat asdsadsad | grep apple  milk  coconut16:03
ArtfulI want to know if it's just me who has this problem.  the columns in adept do not sort when u click the column bar16:03
Dr_willisstarenka,  you mean 'apple or milk' or 'apple AND milk' ?16:04
starenkabut you can also hint me the and thing16:05
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
starenkawell i can do it with regexp, but just wanna know more simple solution16:05
Dr_willisit would be a rather simple regrexp i thought.   not sure i rember it however.. :)16:06
Dr_willis[apple|milk] ?16:06
starenkayep, but dunno how it handles new lines, etc16:06
starenkagonna read man, then16:06
starenkaso i cant grep it without regexp?16:06
Dr_willisgrep dosent handle newlines.. its reads each line.. prints outones that matches a pattern16:06
Dr_willisi belive thats what my 'using grep book' said. ;)16:07
starenkaDr_willis: thanx16:07
Dr_willissome tools you just have to mess with to learn how they work16:07
Denisehow u can know so many things16:07
Dr_willisregrexps is one of those things thats worth LEARNING.16:07
Dr_willisread, read, read, read.... and reread16:07
sebastian_how do i install a Deb package? i tried to press it but then the ark starts and nothing shows, and i tried to open in with the terminal and i tried with sudo and all, but it dont work. so how do i install it?16:07
Dr_willisI got a whole shelf full of the Orieally books on linux topics.16:07
Dr_willis'buy old/clearance/used linux books.. put bookshelf in basement bathroom. eat lots of fiber... read'16:08
Deniseyes but u need experience too16:08
Dr_willisWith out the reading.. you aint goign to get much experience.16:08
DeniseI know16:08
Dr_willisand you read.. so you rember where to look when you do need to go back to look somthing up.16:08
luizAlguem do brasil por aqui ?16:09
arty_hi all can someone help  I have Wine and I need install photoshop CS3 but dont work if I click on setup.exe there is loading in wine butnothing happend16:09
sebastian_it works now :)16:09
Dr_willisI got the "Orealy USing reg. expressions' book somewhere in here. :)16:09
arty_sebastian_: how16:09
Fieldyarty_: unfortunately cs3 isn't known to work well, or at all, in wine, as their appdb page says (last i checked anyway)16:09
Dr_willisO'Riealy or whatever its spelt16:09
arty_Fieldy: so there dont work :(16:10
Deniseso u are a champion of linux16:10
Fieldyhttp://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=6584 is the page16:10
Dr_willisI just read a lot.16:10
arty_Fieldy: thx16:10
Denisedo you know windows as well?16:10
Dr_willisIt pays to check out the  Bargin Bins at the books tores16:10
Denisegood to know16:11
Dr_williswhats to 'know' well about windows.. :) where they hid this setting or that,, or how to work around this or that annoyance.16:11
Dr_willisI Learned more about computers and networking and stuff by learning linux.. then i EVER would learn by using windows16:11
Fieldyarty_: i fought with that for a long time and ended up installing XP in virtualbox. didn't have a choice really. wish i had better news.16:11
boggystudiosAfter installing the official nvidia kernal module the scroll feature on the side of my track pad doesn't work any more.  What controlls that?16:11
Deniseso i do good to want to learn about linux16:12
starenkaDr_willis: i know how to handle regexps... ;)  imo [apple|milk] is bad... i'd ratehr use egrep "apple|milk"16:12
arty_Fieldy: so the best way is instal xp on vmware and work there?16:12
Dr_willisI tend to use perl.  some programs may need the [] in there   i forget the details.16:12
Dr_willisI just rember that some programs have different regrexp flavors. :P16:13
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
starenkaDr_willis: [ in general means mean class = any of these charaxcters - so no use when using word or word, am i right ? :)16:13
Dr_willisstarenka,  id have to try it and see.  I just rember the  [a|b] examples16:14
arty_I have vmwre but in windows if which I have install there I cant have 1280x800 they said som x11 can support16:14
starenkaDr_willis: [a|b] will show only expression having a or b in16:14
starenkaDr_willis: more precisely, only "a" or "b"16:15
Dr_willisstarenka,  if you say so.  Im lucky to rember how to do a global replacement for a pattern in vi, without checking my vi book. :)16:15
starenkaDr_willis: nvrmnd, thx for the line hint - it was the trick. you made my day :))16:15
Dr_willisits hard to rember things you only do a few times a year. :)16:15
starenkatell me :))16:15
Dr_willisbut i rember where the BOOK is at on the topic!16:15
starenkahehehe. most important16:15
Dr_willisRight above my.. err... 'reading chair'16:16
arty_someone help with vmware16:20
starenkaarty_: wup?16:21
JampiterI have another problem16:23
JampiterAll of a sudden my wireless LAN isn't being detected by KWirelessManager16:23
arty_starenka: vsak vies aj po slovensky alebo cesky ne16:23
JampiterIt worked perfectly before but now it won't even see the network16:23
JampiterIt's not a network problem, as this computer works fine16:24
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starenkaarty_: yes, but this is english channel...16:24
fujisancan anyone help me please16:24
JampiterThe light on the adaptop isn't flashing like it should16:24
fujisani want to know how i can increase performance on kubuntu with kde4?16:24
fujisanmy system is 4 years old16:24
fujisanand it runs so-so16:24
fujisani expected more from linux :(16:24
JampiterAny ideas anyone?16:24
fujisaneven server 2008 runs better than this16:25
bazhangfujisan, how much ram16:25
fujisan1500 mb16:25
bazhangwith compiz or not fujisan16:26
fujisandesktop effects are enabled yes16:26
bazhangturn them off16:26
fujisanits just yerky you know16:26
fujisan:( my pc should be able to run this without yerkyness16:26
bazhangyou wanted to know how to increase speed; that is the best way16:27
JampiterAny ideas anyone?16:27
fujisanbazhang i want desktop effects only for the screen refresh rate16:28
bazhangfujisan, you want speed dont use compiz.16:28
fujisanso you are saying compiz in kde4 isn't there yet?16:29
Denisedesktop effects?16:29
Dr_willisHmm 'desktop effects only for the screen refresh rate' dont make much sence to me....16:29
fujisanbecause in gnome it works like i have cores16:29
Dr_williskde4 is VERY much a work in progress16:29
fujisanyeah dr willis16:29
fujisani am running it now though16:29
Dr_willisthere was some chatting in here earlier about how the nvidia and ati drivers are 'slower then they should be' under kde4.16:29
fujisanvery slow16:30
fujisanyeah i'll turn it off16:30
fujisanthats better16:30
Dr_willisIm not even sure how you enable 'compiz' in kde4. since kde4 has its own eyecandy stuff16:30
bazhangget a lighter window manager fujisan16:30
Dr_willisUnless we are getting terms messed up. :)16:30
fujisandesktop effects i figure that is a form of compiz, or uses a form of compiz16:31
fujisankwin is not good bazhang?16:31
fujisanwhich one would you recommend bazhang?16:31
bazhangfujisan, what cpu do you have16:32
Dr_willistechnically its using 'compositing' effects. Ibelive.. its 'not' using any of the code or stuff from 'compiz'  its just a similer but newer  tool/method.16:32
fujisanamd2800 xp16:32
Dr_willisI think. :)16:32
Dr_willisi never use the silly eyecandy16:32
fujisani disabled it yeah it's pointless in kde416:32
Dr_willisI find it pointless in most cases. :)16:33
JampiterI need help16:33
Dr_willisWife hates it when i turn on 'wiggly windows' on her system16:33
Dr_willis'turn them off! im going to puke!'16:33
Guest39696i want to upgrade my kubuntu16:33
Denisewhat is wiggly window16:33
Dr_willisshe did like the zoom in/maganify  feature. of compiz.. but hated most of the other effects.16:34
fujisanhow do i install the gnome terminal in kubuntu?16:34
Dr_willisfujisan,  install the 'gnome-terminal' package i belive16:34
Dr_willisfire up the package manager and go to town!16:34
Dr_willisI normally use konsole under gnome. :)16:34
fujisanwhat is gnome-terminal-data16:35
Guest39696i fetch and nothing happens16:35
Dr_willisfujisan,  just a guess... a related package...16:35
fujisantransparency on Konsole is broken for me16:35
fujisanthats why i want to try the gnome one16:35
Dr_williswith data :) proberly themes or other settings16:35
bazhangget yakuake16:35
sebastian_how can i save a document in kword so it can be opened in microsoft word? and can i fix so it can autocorrect in swedish? :)16:35
fujisanbazhang: ?16:35
Dr_willistransparent terminals.. yet another thing i found useless.16:35
bazhang!info yakuake16:35
ubottuyakuake (source: yakuake): a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.1-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 176 kB, installed size 1100 kB16:35
bazhangfujisan, ^^16:35
Dr_willisyakuake is handy16:35
fujisanDr_willis:  true but it looks so cool :)16:35
fujisanah kewl thanks bazhang16:36
christian__hey guys16:36
Dr_willislets make somthing LOOK good.. but actually makes it harder to use... I will pass. :P16:36
Guest39696the upgrade button fades16:36
Dr_willisnight all16:36
christian__i'm new to kubuntu, what the easiest way to setup a usb printer ?16:36
fujisanbazhang:  so which other desktop manager can i use ?16:36
Guest39696is there a private conversATion channel?16:37
bazhangfujisan, there are a wide variety; you can check in adept for openbox, fluxbox, xfce4 and decide which you like best16:38
Guest39696how do i upgrade?16:39
fujisanso is there a major difference in performance between a real install of kubuntu and using wubi?16:40
bazhangfujisan, somewhat16:40
Denisewubi is slower no?16:41
fujisanslower in what way?16:41
fujisanaccessing files?16:41
tzdhow on earth do i upgrade to KDE 3.5.10 please? Surely it must be available as a packet? Adept only wants to upgrade my kernel and i assume it's not included in there?16:41
Deniseslower than the real ubuntu16:42
fujisanoh ok16:42
Denisethats what i read16:42
DeniseI dunno yet16:42
DeniseI'll see soon16:43
fujisani always thought it was pronounced as Wubbi :o16:45
fujisanwow that qt style thingie is really cool i dont even have to use a skin to make firefox look like kde416:46
fujisando i have a burnerapp in kubuntu?16:46
=== kim__ is now known as daresbalat
christian__fujisan: k3b, great app16:49
bI have problem with desktop effects compiz setup. Which command should I use to configure compiz?17:00
bAfter installing it I can't start it17:01
corigoWhen running the live CD is there anyway to launch Keep (backup) with root permissions?17:03
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr17:03
rickestcorigo: kdesu probably17:03
bI have problem with desktop effects compiz setup. Which command should I use to configure compiz?17:03
bI would like to have nice 3D desktop can u give advice ?17:04
abby87b: try kde 4.1 with kwin effects17:05
sebastian_kde 4 dont have the best desktop effects17:05
stdinb: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion#Configure17:05
corigorickest: that seemed to work, at least it launched a new instance of Keep, but it is not listing my mounted drives in the new window. I can still navigate to the mounted drives throught the system folders, can I Not?17:06
babby87 & stdin thanks guys!17:06
abby87b: ;)17:06
babby87: I'm newbe in Linux so.. ;-)17:07
abby87b: i'm a newbie in kubuntu we're on the same side of the world ;)17:08
babby87: everything is so difficult but very impressive and I already love this system :>17:10
abby87b: i see kde4 as a potential mac killer17:13
corigoCan I navigate to a mounted drive in the local file system?17:14
babby87: do I have kde4 now? I just installed ubuntu 8.017:14
abby87yes i do17:14
rickestcorigo: I'm not familiar with Keep but my expectation would be that it sees mounted drives just like mounted anything elses17:15
corigorickest: The original window saw the mounted drives, but when the kdesu keep window launched the mounted drives are listing17:17
rickestcorigo: 'kdesu keep' is what I meant.  You use kdesu to launch keep as root17:18
corigoWhich I did, with the result that the new window doesn't see the mounted drivesw17:19
fujisananyone here?17:34
arty_what you need?17:37
DeniseI m here17:37
i<fujisan> нуы17:37
quentinhello there17:38
quentinDoes anyone know how to make knetworkmanager and pptp vpn plugin to work?17:39
quentinI've google it and the only reasonable solution were to apply a patch which was made for version 0.2.x (don't remember the exact version but it's not the current one) and to install the gnome package17:40
quentinwhich is not really convenient since I don't want all the gnome libraries to show up17:41
sluckzquentin: i found something from my local lug!17:52
sluckzah sorry didnt read it all.17:53
JackWinteri've gotten very used to konquerors tabs and have many sites open constantly.  is there a way to store these "sessions" so that i can open them again later ?17:56
corigoJackWinter: use opera18:01
JackWintercorigo: i like konqueror :)18:02
corigoJackWinter: Opera is the only browser I know to store sessions18:02
JackWintercorigo: ok, might try it but since i've started using konq i've really fallen in love with it, and it's a cornerstone of my enviroment...18:03
kayrickНарод кто подскажет как в akregator настроить автоматическое удаление прочитанных новостей?18:04
kayrickниужели никто не подскажет?)18:07
Tm_T!ru | kayrick18:07
ubottukayrick: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:07
kayrickCan anybody tell me how to make akregator delete new I have read18:08
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Sixofour|SleepOk, so..lets try this again. Kde3.5 Clock, won't switch to AM/PM standard time.18:28
corigoTrying to backup one hard drive to another from a Live CD. Any suggestions?18:30
therion_Hi, how can i use Oxygen theme in compiz? the default theme is plastik..18:33
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion18:36
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about clock18:37
fujisanSixofour|Sleep: how can i use a different destop manager, instead of kwin?18:37
Sixofour|Sleepdo you mean like KDE or Gnome?18:37
Sixofour|Sleepnot sure what you mean by desktop manager18:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about desktopmanager18:38
therion_Sixofour|Sleep: i'm not using Kde 3.xx but 4, sorry for my english18:38
Sixofour|Sleepfujisan: try sudo apt-cache search desktop manager18:38
Sixofour|Sleeplook trhough the results you see for one that suits your needs18:39
Sixofour|Sleepsudo apt-get install <app you want>18:39
therion_in poor words: "kde-window-decorator --style Oxygen --replace" return to me an error, this theme doesn't exist, but in kwin works18:39
Sixofour|Sleep!compiz | go to the channel at the end of my text therion_ [nice band btw]18:40
ubottugo to the channel at the end of my text therion_ [nice band btw]: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion18:40
therion_ok thanks for info18:40
fujisanSixofour|Sleep:  i meant windows manager sorry my system locked up18:41
Sixofour|Sleepthen try this" sudo apt-cache search windows manager18:41
fujisanyeah i want to replace kwin its painfully performance wise18:41
fujisaneven worse than vista18:41
Sixofour|Sleepfujisan you on kde 4 or 3.5?18:41
Sixofour|Sleepkde4 is slow because its buggy18:41
Sixofour|Sleepi just switched back to 3.518:42
fujisani cant18:42
Sixofour|Sleepif i were you id get 3.518:42
Sixofour|Sleepsure you can18:42
fujisani installed kubuntu with kde418:42
Sixofour|Sleepyes, type this in:18:42
christian__fujisan: which gpu ?18:42
Sixofour|Sleepsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop18:42
fujisanati radeon 9600 xt its old but has 256 vid mem18:42
Sixofour|Sleepthat will give you kde3.5 it will need 373 MB18:42
fujisanso that cant be it18:42
Sixofour|Sleepthen logout and chose kde3.5 from the session menu18:43
fujisanand will it replace kwin?18:43
Sixofour|Sleepno, it won't replace kde4 [what is kwin?]18:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kwin18:43
fujisankwin k windows manager18:43
fujisan!window manager18:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about window manager18:43
Sixofour|Sleepyou will have kde3.5 and 4..though they together don't take up much space18:43
Tm_Tkwin is the program handling windows in KDE18:43
fujisanapt-cache search understand window manager that bot is terrible18:43
Sixofour|Sleepits a bot :D18:44
fujisanit should have search18:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intelligence18:44
christian__fujisan: kde4 or 4.1 ?18:44
fujisan!search window manager18:44
ubottuFound: virtualization, splash, abs, o4o, lnw, dolphin, ntfs-3g, aiglx, antivirus, burniso18:44
fujisan!search fujisan18:44
Tm_T!find kwin18:44
ubottuFound: kwin-style-crystal, kwin4, kwin-baghira, kwin-kde4, kwin-style-alphacube (and 7 others)18:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kwin418:44
fujisan!abuse | fujisan18:44
ubottufujisan, please see my private message18:44
Sixofour|SleepTm_T he is probably on KDE418:45
fujisanyeah i am18:45
Sixofour|Sleephes having same problems i had18:45
fujisanits too slow18:45
bazhangbest to /msg ubottu18:45
christian__fujisan: kde4 or 4.1 ?18:45
fujisanbazhang:  you are too late i already told myself18:45
Sixofour|Sleepfujisan: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; logout ; select KDE4.5 or "default" [which ever you set] ; ??? ; win18:46
ieroglifhi all. i have kubuntu 8.04 in laptop. i have 2 partitions in NTFS with data but i can't mount them cuz i have to make checkdisk. wich utility can make chkdsk for ntfs?18:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chkdsk18:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about checkdisk18:46
bazhangSixofour|Sleep, /msg ubottu please18:47
Sixofour|Sleepfujisan: KDE3.5*18:47
ieroglifSixofour|Sleep: it's windows programm . linux?18:47
bazhangSixofour|Sleep, ie /msg ubottu info packagename18:47
Sixofour|Sleepoh, maby um qtparted has a checkdisk like utility?18:47
Sixofour|Sleepi know bazhang18:47
Sixofour|Sleepi made it public so thet he would see the results18:47
ieroglifSixofour|Sleep: qtparted?18:48
Sixofour|Sleepqtparted is a partitioning program for linux18:48
Sixofour|Sleepit comes with KDE18:48
ieroglifSixofour|Sleep: thnx. i'll try18:48
fujisanhmz werd Konsole doesnt do transparency, but gnome-terminal does18:48
fujisancan i also install gnome Sixofour|Sleep?18:48
Sixofour|Sleepkonsole is old school18:49
Sixofour|Sleepprobably, but ive never installed it18:49
Sixofour|Sleepso i don't know the command18:49
fujisantoo bad kde4 is lacking18:49
Sixofour|Sleepyou can apparently have as many desktop environments as you can fit on your hardrive18:49
Sixofour|Sleepkde4 is like..beta18:49
fujisani only have 5 gb :/18:49
Sixofour|Sleepkde3.5 is 373MB..i dobut gnome is much bigger18:50
Sixofour|Sleepyou can probably remove kde4 after you get 3.5, but i am unsure how18:50
EldaAside from the drivers listed on the repository, where would I go about getting drivers for nvidia cards? :s  Am on my laptop (has a go 7900 gtx)  and at least in Windows I've been using modified drivers from laptopvideo2go18:50
Sixofour|Sleepto conserve harddrive space18:50
bazhangubuntu-desktop and all it pulls in is quite a bit larger than that18:50
fujisanyeah kde4 is terribly slow i like the UI though18:51
Sixofour|Sleepi got ubuntu deasktop, it was 373MB18:51
bazhangkde3 and ubuntu-desktop are both the same size?18:51
fujisanseems like kde4 is forcing people to get dual core and stuff18:51
corigoSixofour|Sleep: Not sure what any of those items have to do with working from a Live CD18:51
ieroglifSixofour|Sleep: no.. parted can't work with ntfs =(18:52
Sixofour|Sleepum, corigo what was your issue again?18:52
ieroglifSixofour|Sleep: other ideas?18:52
Sixofour|Sleepqtparted should be able to work with ntfs18:52
ieroglifNo Implementation: Support for opening ntfs file systems is not implemented yet.18:52
Sixofour|Sleepyour trying to checkdisk an ntfs drive??18:52
corigoBackup while using a Live Cd18:52
Sixofour|Sleepyou can't copy info from one drive to another with live cd?18:53
ieroglifSixofour|Sleep: i need to do checkdisk for ntfs partition from linux18:53
corigoCopy is failing, claiming that certain files are larger than the allowed by their file type18:53
Sixofour|Sleepi'm not sure how, only way i know is to boot from a windows boot cd and then run chkdsk18:53
Sixofour|Sleepcorigo ive never heard that, i am afraid i won't be much help then18:54
Sixofour|Sleepmaby someone in #ubuntu ?18:54
Sixofour|Sleepif no one else comes forward in this channel18:54
fujisanSixofour|Sleep:  is it possible to use bluetooth headsets in kubuntu?18:55
corigoI've been at this for 5 days and still have no answers on either IRC channel18:55
Sixofour|Sleep!nvidia | Elda18:55
ubottuElda: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:55
ieroglifSixofour|Sleep: fsck.ntfs is not exist =( and this solution http://www.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfsck not work18:55
fujisan!bluetooth | fujisan18:55
ubottufujisan, please see my private message18:55
ieroglifSixofour|Sleep: ok. not good idea, but i'll try18:55
Sixofour|Sleepdunno what else, i'm not exactly a linux exprt, so most questions that arn't simple, fly passed me18:56
fujisani can just use gnome and skin it like kde418:56
Sixofour|Sleephello :)18:56
fujisanand it'll be 10x faster18:57
Sixofour|Sleepfujisan kde is not just a window theme18:57
Sixofour|Sleepits a whole set of apps and stuff18:57
fujisanyeah well a system with both environment has both sets of apps also18:57
Sixofour|Sleepfile manager, brwoser, write utilities, sound etc etc18:57
fujisani know all that18:57
fujisanbut you can use all those apps under gnome also18:57
Sixofour|Sleepi suppose, but you only got 5G of space18:58
fujisanyeah true18:58
fujisani installed via wubi thats why18:58
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.19:01
Sixofour|Sleepi just formatted my drive and slapped kubuntu into the cd drive19:01
fujisanyeah well i wont do that until i thoroughly test it since this is beta19:01
Sixofour|Sleepkde 4.1 is newer than kde4, they say it runs better, but i dohn't trust that idea yet :D19:02
Sixofour|Sleepkde3.5 runs great19:02
Sixofour|Sleepid just get that19:02
fujisanhow do i know if i have kde4.1 ?19:02
fujisani mean how can i tell19:02
Sixofour|Sleep!es | granmike19:03
ubottugranmike: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:03
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Sixofour|Sleepgo to an kde app, and go to he4lp then "about kde"19:03
Sixofour|Sleeplike daolphin for example19:03
fujisanok ty19:03
fujisani have kde 4.0.3 how can i upgrade to 4.1 ?19:04
Sixofour|Sleepnot sure onn that actually19:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kde4.119:04
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde419:04
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Sixofour|Sleepbtw fujisan this channel is for kde3.5 :D19:05
fujisanyeah i discovered that the same time you did19:05
Sixofour|Sleepi discovered it yestersday19:05
fujisanwell i am about to get kde3.5 and many of the apps i run are kde 3.5 since there are no kde4 equivalents yet19:06
wesley_i wanna test the bots19:07
atalantehelo - hola19:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about yourarestupid19:08
atalantesomething to help me ?19:08
wesley_i wanna test ubottu19:08
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Sixofour|Sleep!abuse | wesley_19:09
ubottuwesley_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:09
Sixofour|Sleepdidn't do what i expected19:09
atalantesomething know about kde ?19:10
Sixofour|Sleepsomething know about kde?19:10
Sixofour|Sleepi am asking what do you mean?19:11
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde419:12
atalantei try to login to kde19:13
atalantethe login is ok, but go back to de screen login19:14
atalantei see de Xorg log and i not have error19:14
EldaNot sure if went through as I disconnected, but as I asked earlier:S "Aside from the drivers listed on the repository, where would I go about getting drivers for nvidia cards? :s  Am on my laptop (has a go 7900 gtx)  and at least in Windows I've been using modified drivers from laptopvideo2go"19:16
exceptionAnyone can help me about a broadcom   board problem?19:21
grempusI put in a cd and Dolphin automounted it but I can't figure out how to access it from the command line19:25
Sixofour|Sleeproot/cdrom/ ?19:28
christian__grempus: go to command-line and type mount19:29
Bauldrickgrempus: isn't it somewhere like /media/cdrom019:29
christian__grempus: that shows you where it got mounted19:29
grempushmm I think my machine is hosed somehow19:29
grempusit says it's on cdrom0 but when I go there it has nothing in it19:29
grempusand if I try to unmount it it says it is busy19:29
Sixofour|Sleep!nvidia | Elda19:29
ubottuElda: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:29
Eldayes I've read of envy and how it's a last ditch tool :S19:30
grempusI'll try rebooting it19:30
grempusI might have to just reinstall19:30
EldaThank you though for the suggestion :s19:30
Sixofour|Sleepwhat is wrong with the restricted nvidia drivers [doesn't nvidia have native linux?]19:30
Sixofour|Sleepthe ones in the repository19:31
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Eldathe ones in the repository are somewhat buggy no?19:37
EldaAt least when Im using open office my gui goes wonky19:38
beata|desktopI picked up an Internet PhoneJack card recently, looking for information about it. The company, and most of the websites listed in the VoIP howtos, seem to be gone. Might any of you guys know where else to look?19:44
AcidUkany help with syslog19:51
chetanskahey people....total newbie here....can someone help me with puppy 2.17?19:51
AcidUksyslog is recieveing logs from my other devices but is not sending them to the designated file19:52
chetanskaI"m having problems with an old puppy linux...can someone help solve simple issues?19:54
AcidUkfire away not sure if will be able to help, but linux is linux19:55
chetanskayea...well...here's where I'm at...19:55
chetanskaI got puppy 2.17 and it's running fine....and installed...just can't figure out how to make it boot itself without the disk19:56
chetanskain other words, I don't know how to get the bootloader on the hardrive in the boot sector19:57
eamonwhen you are downloading apps from the konsol where is it downloading them from19:57
pimchetanska version 4.0 offers that automatically19:57
chetanskathe default repos19:57
chetanskaversion 4.0 won't run on this old machine19:58
pimthen it must be really old19:58
pimbut let's see19:58
chetanskadon't ask about the ram math19:58
chetanskabad chip but still more usable than the smaller one I have19:58
pimprobably a 512 chip but the motherboard only accepts 30819:59
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chetanskaI got three chips in it but one of them tests out partially19:59
AcidUkwhen u where installing it. did you select boot from MBR or logical drive20:00
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pimmaybe that'll help you20:00
AcidUkas it should be mbr20:00
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AcidUkMaster Boot record20:00
chetanskadon't remember for sure20:00
chetanskathat must be it20:01
chetanskastick around and I'll try it...I'm chatting through my ubuntu machine and the other's right next to it20:01
chetanskaI use the puppy universal installer to put it on the IDE ata drive right?20:02
AcidUkany1 know anything about syslog20:02
chetanskaok...i'm not sure of the diff between ata sata and the other one20:02
pimif it's old it is a pata (ata/ide) drive20:03
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JampiterHi, I have a quick Q20:04
JampiterI've just installed KDE4, but for some reason it's using the KDE3 window manager and borders20:04
JampiterHow do I fix this?20:04
pimfirst you go to #KDE20:05
pimand there you ask again20:05
JampiterOh, thanks20:05
eamonif i want to update java what is the apt command20:05
AcidUkas far as I now u need to sun web site and download the source and recompule irt20:06
chetanskaok...I've got two IDE's in it and I"m not sure which is the boot sector....is there a quick way to find out?20:06
eamonturn off computer and unplug one20:07
AcidUkwhen installing it should tell u20:07
AcidUknormally ide120:08
chetanskaok...that's where I'm screwing up20:08
JampiterHow do I remove KDE3?20:09
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fujisancan i get some help with this bluetooth stuff does it work for kubuntu20:10
chetanskait's copying files now and it never asked me about the mbr20:10
AcidUkyes bluetooth should be fine20:11
AcidUkChetk> sounds like it auto detected ide120:11
chetanskathere' s another application called grub bootloader config......do I have to configure the bootloader separatly with this version or something?20:12
AcidUkI use grub20:12
pimJampiter try using adept or synaptic20:12
AcidUkdefaults should be fine20:12
JampiterThanks :)20:13
chetanskaperhaps I should reformat both drives and configure the bootloader before installing20:13
chetanskaQ....how do I know which file system is the best one to use for this old dinosaur?20:14
pimI don't know20:14
pimI think you'd best ask on ubuntu forums20:15
pimext2 is better for older systems than ext3 I think20:15
AcidUkext2 or ext 3 should be fine20:15
chetanskaI'm trying this with ext2....but you're probably right...it seems a little sluggish20:15
AcidUklol yea20:15
chetanskathanks acid...what about for a much faster machine like a 2.6Ghz 512RAm machine?20:16
AcidUkgo 4 ext320:17
chetanskathe old Windowsxp I had on it ran NTFS20:17
AcidUkits more stable20:17
chetanskait's running ext3 now20:17
chetanskaactually dual drives with dual boot20:17
chetanskahence dual file systems20:18
chetanskadamn...the dinosaur froze up....lol20:18
chetanskait's an old compaq deskpro 2000 that was running windows95 (sort of) and dying fast20:18
chetanskaI wanna give it to my friend who's computer illiterate before monday20:19
AcidUkwots the spec again20:19
AcidUkinstall dam small linux20:20
chetanskaabout 20G hd between the two of them20:20
AcidUkor mandrake or Fedora older versions20:20
chetanskaWhy dsl...puppy 2.17 runs fine on it....I just need to figure out how to install the thing20:20
AcidUkDSL has a very small foot print20:21
chetanskaI had trouble locating the download url for the older mandrake versions20:21
AcidUkso is it reinstalling20:21
chetanskavery small footprint, but will it work as well as puppy...? and will it run a printer/scanner/webcam/cd burner?20:22
chetanskano, it froze up....but I swear it runs fine on this machine20:23
chetanskaI'm just not installing it right20:23
AcidUkmake sure all jumpers are correct on the drives20:24
AcidUkie: ide1 master ide2 slave20:24
chetanskadid that20:24
AcidUkM$ is not too fussy20:24
chetanskathey read fine....they mount fine20:24
chetanskaI just rebooted and it's loading the kernel from the disk again20:25
chetanskahaha....you have to tell it to start x20:25
AcidUkformat both drives and insure no partitions are active. then reinstall20:25
chetanskathat's what happened....the one partition witht the mbr was active20:26
chetanskaYou're right...I'll have to reformat..................(AGAIN!)20:26
chetanskaI have to use xvesa for this old graphics card20:26
AcidUkdose it ask u to repartition or format while installing20:27
chetanskano,..just asked if I want to wipe out the files that were on it or upgrade them20:28
AcidUkplonk in a msdos disk and fdisk the lot20:29
chetanskadon't laugh, I've been using microsoft all my life up until last month20:29
chetanskana...I can use the gparted in puppy20:30
chetanskaI'd say I'm learning pretty fast20:30
chetanskaI was bold enough to wipe out both machines and clean them of micro crap's internet extortionist software20:31
AcidUkvery nice20:31
chetanskaI started this project without a clue and wiped out xp on a wing and a prayer20:31
AcidUkstop M$ two years ago20:31
AcidUkMac Osx, Redhat and Kubuntu20:32
chetanskaI just wish it was easier to get voice chat, webcam, and dvd players working with this thing, but I love ubuntu20:32
ghostcubechetanska: webcam is easier todays20:33
chetanskait took me two days to get the damn dvd player to work and it still glitched badly20:33
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ghostcubehmm u have all codecs installed ?20:33
ghostcubebtw what dvd player are u running20:34
chetanskanot now....I started over from scratch....this time I installed a bunch of stuff that I think is causing conflicts with other software20:34
sourcemakerkonqueror crashs when open a flash page... what's wrong?20:34
fujisan_i left huh20:34
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fujisan_why am i still here then20:34
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chetanskaI've tried all the dvd players....vlc, totem, and a couple others...20:34
AcidUki cant get VLS to work niether so dont panic20:35
RamblurrHm, when I login via KDM, KDM quits to console and I have to login there even though I have selected a KDE session in kdm20:35
chetanskaI had vlc working a month ago on another machine and it worked much better than the others20:35
sourcemakerjoin #kde20:36
chetanskabut I had to figure out all the codecs to uninstall from the others to keep out of conflict20:36
chetanskaI'll give micro crap the credit for making it that way20:36
muaddhi, i am installed Ubuntu in my acer 5720 (replacing win32), and i have a trouble, the fan of chassis is not working (just work in the boot moment, after stop), how can i activate the fan ? the machine is shutdowning without a previously warning, and i think that is because the heat not disipatd20:37
chetanskafriggin corporate lawyers and their control on our laws and government20:37
favroRamblurr: !ot20:37
fujisan_my little pal20:37
favrooops Ramblurr are the vid drivers setup?20:38
favrofujisan_: hi, I'm not that little :)20:40
fujisan_wow its werd man all i need to do an os is change the wallpaper to my own one and its like the same os :O20:40
fujisan_i am from the 60s20:41
chetanskaok...puppy's loaded for the third time and I finally got a graphics setting that works but it's a white background20:43
Ramblurrfavro: yes, because after i login via console i can startx and KDE works fine20:43
Sixofour|Sleepbot died20:47
Sixofour|SleepRED ALERT20:47
chetanska_I"m making a partition for /home.....should that be extended, primary, or logical partition?20:48
Sixofour|Sleepest3 i think20:48
Sixofour|Sleepbut don't quote me on that20:48
chetanska_that would have to be a primary drive yes?20:49
favroRamblurr: if instead of startx you typed sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart the console should show error and give a clue20:49
Ramblurrfavro: hm ok i'll give that a try20:50
Ramblurrfavro: oh wait, starting KDM isn't the problem20:50
RamblurrKDM starts fine20:50
Ramblurrit's after i enter my pass and hit enter20:50
Ramblurrfavro: and it only does it for a certain user20:50
chetanska_ I"m making a partition for /home.....should that be extended, primary, or logical partition?20:50
chetanska_I'm guessing primary ext2. Can I get a yes or no?20:51
favroRamblurr: ohh - after the console login if kdm login fails and you back to console there will be useful output there20:51
chetanska_thanks....almost did it wrong20:52
ghostcubewhy extended20:52
favroit could be eithee - as long as there aren't 4 primary ones already20:53
chetanska_something's wrong....it split up the partition and left half of it unallocated20:53
lufthanzawhich init.d script controls NetworkManager?20:53
AcidUkext3 should be fine / or 220:54
sourcemakerhow can I setup the default java runtime for konqueror?20:56
lufthanzanetworking does not control NetworkManager20:56
eamonaptitude search java20:57
favrolufthanza: what are you trying to achieve?20:57
lufthanzai did 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop', and yet i'm still talking to you20:57
lufthanzafavro: my laptop fails to shutdown some times due to networkmanager failing to shut down before dbus20:58
lufthanzashutdown process stalls and I have to poweroff by holding the power button20:58
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HailandKillIs there a way of assigning the LiveCD more temporary space?20:58
favroone min :)20:58
lufthanzai have gotten a 100% chance of shutting down so far by killing networkmanager before shutting down. I am trying to reorder the way my laptop shuts down in order to stop having these locking up during shutdown issues21:01
lufthanzaI think it has something to do with me having an nfs share mounted21:02
favrolufthanza: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/138691 - seems to be dbus21:05
Sixofour|Sleepubottu is down21:06
lufthanzafavro: is there any clean way to shut NetworkManager down in ubuntu (other than 'killall NetworkManager')? I can fix this problem for myself with a quick hack to the dbus and hal scripts, but I would like a nice way to put NM down.21:09
favrolufthanza: does it happen with reboot?21:12
Sixofour|Sleephow do i enable universe/multiverse in apt-get?21:12
Sixofour|Sleepwhat command, if it is a single command21:12
favro!repos | Sixofour|Sleep21:12
Sixofour|Sleepi'm helping someone else btw21:12
Sixofour|Sleepbot is broke21:12
favrothere's no bot !21:13
Sixofour|Sleepi know !21:13
Sixofour|Sleepall linux knowlage is gone21:13
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favroSixofour|Sleep: I manually edit my sources.list file for that21:13
Sixofour|Sleepoh, is there a guide i can give someone?21:14
Sixofour|Sleepfujisan chan21:14
fujisan_favro is there a new konversation, can i use konversation for kde4 in kde3.5?21:14
fujisan_hi Sixofour|Sleep21:14
lufthanzafavro: yes21:15
fujisan_lufthanza:  ;021:16
fujisan_wie gehst?21:16
favroSixofour|Sleep: there should be something like application-system-software sources   in the menu - not using kde atm21:16
favrofujisan_: there would be diff dependancies I would think21:16
fujisan_oh i have both kdes installed21:17
fujisan_so that should take care of that21:17
Sixofour|Sleephow is kde3.5 going?21:17
fujisan_runs great thanks21:17
fujisan_i cant believe it's running so well only the gnome apps i install well certain anyways dont playback audio so is that, because, gnome apps need different codecs?21:22
Sixofour|Sleepsudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras21:23
Sixofour|Sleepthat might be wrong21:23
Sixofour|Sleepsudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras21:24
Sixofour|Sleepthat will givwe you lots of media compatibility21:24
Sixofour|Sleepbtw, kde4 doesn't recognize volume buttons, kde3.5 does o.O21:25
Sixofour|Sleepis there a palce to report bugs for kde4?21:25
nihlHi, I'm having a stereo problem with my computer. I have 2 speakers, the right speaker is attached to the computer and the left is attached to the right one. When I play any type of audio the left speaker never plays anything and when I put it up to my ear the only thing I get is fuzz, any help would be appreciated.21:25
Sixofour|Sleepsounds like your speaker is broken?21:26
Sixofour|Sleepkubuntu can't effect the signal to your elft speaker21:26
drkguyHow can i make dpkg-reconfigure a package following it's dependencies?21:26
Sixofour|Sleepthats your right speaker21:26
nihlI'm not running kubuntu21:26
nihljust ubuntu 8.0421:26
Sixofour|Sleepyour in #kubuntu21:26
Sixofour|Sleepanyways, the os wouldn't effect that21:26
nihlyeah, I'm running konquest21:26
nihldidn't think so21:27
Sixofour|Sleepdo the speakers both work elseware?21:27
=== drkguy is now known as Drk_Guy
nihlI'll test it out21:27
nihlmy cables look fine21:27
Sixofour|Sleepbot is dead21:27
Sixofour|Sleepand so is any hope for more thqan basic knowlaedge..it scares me21:27
nihlwell, at least I know it isn't the OS21:28
nihlthank you Sixofour21:28
Sixofour|Sleepnp :D i'm an electronic musician lol21:28
nihleven though you are asleep apparently21:28
Sixofour|Sleepthe copmputer only sends an audio signal, no data or anyhting [well, its data, but you know]21:29
Sixofour|Sleepananlouge signal21:29
Sixofour|Sleepunless your speakers are usb?21:29
Sixofour|Sleepare they usb? lol21:29
nihlyeah, I was thinking it was set to mono21:29
nihlno it's analog21:30
Sixofour|Sleepeven mono would play in both speakers21:30
nihlcolor-coded green21:30
Sixofour|Sleepit would just be really weird21:30
nihlit bothers me21:30
nihlI feel like I'm deaf from my left ear21:30
Sixofour|Sleepi think it might just be the connection between your elft and right21:30
Sixofour|Sleepmine are like that21:30
Sixofour|Sleepdo you have a subwoofer?21:30
YippMNi'm tring to get kppp working for a friend whos gonna try kubuntu but can't seem to get it to query the modem , and suggestions?21:30
nihlthe speakers came with the computer21:31
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Sixofour|Sleepid just get new speakers then, you can get a pair for dirt cheap, because it seems its your speakers are broken21:31
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nihlyeah, I always wanted 5.121:31
Sixofour|Sleepi got two speakers and a subwoofer from creative labs for 40 dollars21:31
Sixofour|Sleepand i use those to produce on21:32
Sixofour|Sleepwell, i also have a 40$ pair of headphones21:32
nihlI think I'm gonna switch them out with my sister's speakers21:32
Sixofour|Sleeplol maby she won't notice :D21:32
nihlthey're the same and she just blasts her music so that the neighbors can hears21:33
nihlhear it*21:33
Sixofour|Sleepi'm blasting Filteria right now :D21:34
Sixofour|SleepGoa Trance fits with Linux very well.21:34
nihl6o4: what headphones would you recommend?21:37
AcidUkany 1 knw about remote syslog21:38
Sixofour|Sleepwell, mine are from Behringer21:38
nihlhow's Bose?21:38
Sixofour|Sleepnever tried theirs21:38
Sixofour|Sleepit depends what you end them for21:38
Sixofour|Sleepif your just lsitening they don't ened to be uber good, if your producing they need to be good, if your mastering tracks they need to be uber21:39
nihlI'd probably want a headset21:39
Sixofour|Sleepwith a mic?21:39
nihlbut I don't want them to be craptastic either21:39
Sixofour|Sleepspend more than 20 bucks and they [likely] won't be craptastic21:39
Sixofour|Sleepberhinger, korg are nice comapnies21:40
nihlwell, I'll keep those names in mind21:40
Sixofour|Sleepi'm not much of an expert on hardware however, you can try #alsa21:40
Sixofour|Sleepi am sure someone is alsa klnows more about headphones21:40
nihlthanks again21:41
Sixofour|Sleepalsa is linux sound channel basicly btw :D21:41
fujisan_i still need help with bluetooth is it really impossible to use a bluetooth headset on kubuntu?21:41
Sixofour|Sleepbluetooth headset?????21:41
ghostcubefujisan_: impossible ?21:42
fujisan_i did some google queries21:42
fujisan_seems like there are only failures21:42
AcidUki use bluetooth with kubuntu21:44
AcidUka little dongal for my mobile phone21:44
AcidUkal is fine21:45
Drk_GuyAcidUk: Kandy?21:45
AcidUkjust the standard that comes with Kubuntu21:47
AcidUkworks brill21:47
AcidUksame as my MAC21:48
Drk_GuyAcidUk: You should try kandy21:49
Drk_GuyIt's really nifty, and it allows you to send commands directly to your phone21:49
fujisan_can someone please help me with blue tooth?21:50
fujisan_!blue tooth21:51
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Drk_Guyfujisan_: bot is dead21:51
favrofujisan_: what brand is the headset?21:51
Drk_Guyfujisan_: but what is your problem?21:51
fujisan_i want to use my blue tooth headset with kubuntu21:51
fujisan_dont know how exactly and if it is even possible21:52
=== authority2 is now known as Authority
fujisan_blue tooth doesnt work on linux huh :/21:58
fujisan_and people wonder why people still use windows21:58
fujisan_its because windows supports the peripherals i buy21:59
Sixofour|Sleepi bet i can fidn your answer in google, watch21:59
fujisan_no i have been reading for several hours21:59
Fieldyfuji is a troll many times over, he does this in many channels. he also evades bans.21:59
Drk_Guyfujisan_: linux has a really good bluetooth stack21:59
Sixofour|SleepOMG: http://nexthing.wordpress.com/2007/08/13/bluetooth-headset-with-ubuntu-skype-and-voip-applications/22:00
Sixofour|Sleepfirst result22:00
Fieldylike i said ;p22:00
Sixofour|Sleeptry that, if it doesn't work, i'll google something else22:00
Sixofour|Sleepyou have 3 google chances22:00
Sixofour|Sleepand funny part is, i hate using google22:02
Sixofour|Sleepor search engines in general22:02
Sixofour|Sleepwhich is why i have irc22:03
rickestwe have a standing rule at work.  if you interrupt me with a question I can answer in a single google search that you understand, top 5 results, lunch is on you.  Improved research ability around here tenfold  :)22:13
SoulgainHi. I would like to disable taskbar launch notification for executed programs. Where is the option to disable such a thing?22:26
SoulgainI use many terminal apps/scripts to do work at the background, but because of it, I end with a full taskbar for some seconds.22:26
SoulgainUhm, hello? Did I arrive in the middle of an IRC split?22:29
badkittyIm having trouble installing kubuntu, I have tried both the alternate and desktop versions... Basically there is no desktop22:39
jaakkomeIs there an easy way to move my home directory to another partition?22:56
jaakkomeactually it could be nice to have my home directory be an partition of its own22:57
fujisan_ok where is the keychain on kubuntu?22:58
Dragnslcrjaakkome- you can have a separate partition mounted to /home23:02
badkittyKubuntu is pissing me off23:07
andreas__I'm having some truble unrar'ing multiple .rar archives,  can anyone point me in the right direction?23:11
rickestdefine "trouble".  you're getting errors, they're not extracting where you want, they're blue instead of red?23:12
andreas__Well, i need a spesific guide...     " unrar -x <filename>23:13
badkittyIm having trouble getting kubuntu installed with a desktop. I tried both the alternate and desktop versions, both either drop to a console, or freeze at running local scripts23:13
andreas__.rar doesent seem to work23:13
rickestunrar x name_of_file.rar23:14
andreas__Thanks, have no ide why i put the "-" there in the first place -.-23:15
rickestandreas__: that's the normal way to do it, not sure why they don't  :)23:16
rickestandreas__: the other trick is if you're unraring multiple files, you have to escape or quote wildcards:  unrar x \*.rar23:16
moo_cowis kde4 going to be default in the next kubuntu?23:17
badkittyAny reason for kubuntu not to load a desktop either in the livecd or install (both alternate and desktop version?)23:17
rickestbadkitty: if you can get to a shell, /var/log/Xorg.0.log might contain clues23:17
andreas__rickest: doesent seem that logical to me, but thanks for the help;D23:18
rickestandreas__: I agree, definitely abnormal23:18
rickestbadkitty: although on a LiveCD, all bets are off on the actual path to that log23:18
AcidUkandreas__> unrar -c *.rar23:18
AcidUkandreas__> unrar -c *.rar23:18
AcidUkandreas__> unrar -x *.rar23:18
moo_cowanybody know????23:19
badkittyrickest: It said something about not finding any x screens before ..?23:19
rickestbadkitty: I'm guessing that's because it can't find/load your video drivers.  you might try boot options that limit the display to VGA or something reasonably simple.  I'm guessing here23:21
badkittyrickest: Yeah I tried that already ...23:22
rickestbadkitty: gotta be frustrating but I just don't know much about the boot CD, sorry23:22
joseph_Hello everyone!! Can someone tell me what's going on here.23:24
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andreas__How do u mount my external HDD?  It's a ntfs partition.23:46
ubot5Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter23:49
ubot5Factoid 'diskmounte' not found23:49
ubot5To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE23:49
starenkaandreas__:  in general it goes like sudo mount -t cifs -o iocharset=utf8,user=guest,pass=,noperms /what /where23:52
andreas__Cant seem to find it anywhere but "lsusb":S23:55
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Alex135well im finally reinstalling Kubuntu, it compleetly forgot everything about who it was and what hardware it had... :(23:55
andreas__starenka: Cant seem to find the hdd anywhere but "lsusb":S23:56
ErtainHello everyone.  I just upgraded to the 2.6.24-19 kernel.  When my computer starts up my internet services don't start.  This has happened before.  Any ideas why?23:59
Alex135your computer may have forgotten who it was like mine did when i updated the kernel23:59
Alex135im reinstalling on my desktop now23:59
Alex135it forgot ALL its hardware23:59

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