
danbhfiveare there issues with running intrepid in a vm?00:07
techIIi think there was something in the release notes00:08
danbhfivehehe, dang it!00:09
klerfaytany howtos about nvidia drivers in Intrepid?00:12
RAOFklerfayt: Install one of the nvidia-glx-* packages, done?00:14
klerfaytRAOF: right, I noticed. adept didn't show any for some reason00:14
DanaGOh yeah, 2.6.27 breaks nvidia, I've heard... is that true?00:14
DanaGAnd if it is, which package will indicate a fix: the nvidia-glx-VER package, or the linux-(stuff) packages?00:15
klerfaytDanaG: uname -r shows "2.6.26-5" here00:16
RAOFDanaG: I don't believe it's true, no.00:16
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Volkodav it's called in and out dude00:36
HappyHoboNo doubt.  LOL00:36
HappyHoboVolkodav:  Mepis may not be dead after all there is a new release.00:37
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
Volkodavwho cares at this point00:42
Volkodavit is dead for me anyway00:42
HappyHobopretty much Volkodav00:45
HappyHoboI only use it as a base to add gnome to and keep debian00:45
burneranyone else upgrade the kernel and have nvidia issues?00:57
HappyHoboburner: Nope, I had Ibex issues and switched to Mepis 7.0 final and apt-got gnome 2.22.01:00
burnerwow, that seems drastic01:01
HappyHoboJava still acts weird and flash is still a flash in the pain.01:01
burnerflash 10 with the modeless windows turned off works without crashing here01:02
RAOFburner: If you've got the kernel headers installed (and you're using the Ubuntu packages, of course) nvidia should work.01:03
burnerRAOF: it seems to have happened since I got .27  my xorg.conf showed "nvidia" but when I ran "nvidia-settings" it said nvidia was not loaded and nvidia-xconfig didn't fix things... I'm stuck with no "nv" driver working at the moment either01:05
* burner is using nvidia-glx-177 but nvidia-glx-173 did the same01:06
RAOFDid dkms work happily?01:06
RAOFThat's what builds the kernel module, which sounds like your problem.01:06
burnerRAOF: that happens via apt right?  I saw no errors01:07
RAOFYeah, should happen automatically.01:08
RAOFYou can probably get it to run again manually by poking sometihng in /etc/init.d/dkms-something-or-other, though.01:08
DanaGOh yeah, what's new in the 2.6.27 kernel?  I didn't see too much in the changelogs; mostly just driver changes and updates.01:09
burnerhrm... i ran the dkms-autoinstall-something-something but it says [OK] for the nvidia-177 driver.. and I still get no X01:09
burnerDanaG: so far... broken x for me :)  I was hoping my eeepc's wifi will work in .2701:10
burnera lot of atheros based wifi drivers should work in .27 that didn't in .2601:10
DanaGYay: "WMI-based hotkeys on HP laptops"01:10
burnerooh... i think that will help macbooks and their hotkeys as well01:11
burnerRAOF: you running .27 and an nvidia by chance?01:13
antioudoes Intrepid give estimates on remaining battery time when running off battery/laptop?01:27
DanaGodd, dkms autoinstaller didn't work at startup.01:32
DanaGI had to do it manually.01:32
RAOFantiou: Yes, but g-p-m crashes each time the % battery changes :)01:32
burnerDanaG: by doing sudo /etc/init.d/dkms_autoinstaller start ?01:32
DanaGhad to stop it first, but yes.01:32
DanaGstop, then start.01:32
ghindoThe last round of Intrepid updates made my laptop's touchpad slow and unresponsive.  Has anybody else experienced this or know how to fix it?22:36
bsnideruse the excellent windows vista operating system!22:37
bsniderjust kidding22:37
bsniderno one in hteir right mind would do that22:37
RAOFghindo: I suspect you're feeling the latest synaptics upload, which turned on using fdi files & HAL for configuration. :)22:38
ghindobsnider: Hey, it's got DirectX 10 amirite22:38
ghindoRAOF: What does that mean?22:38
RAOFThat your previous synaptics configuration probably isn't being noticed.22:39
ghindoRAOF: Huh, that's a shame.  Do you know of any way to fix it?22:41
RAOFNot yet.  You may want to read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config22:42
bsniderghindo: oh, yes, indeed it does, indeed it does. but so does the x-box22:42
ghindoRAOF: Cool, thanks for the help :D22:44
vistakillersto ibex perasame kai episima se 27 kernel23:11
moo_cowwhere can i download the latest intrepid? i dont have an existing ubuntu installation to upgrade.23:14
jpdsompaul: Hello.23:23
ompauljpds, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex web page points to it23:23
ompaulwithin the first few lines :)23:23
ompauljpds, also note that I was instrumental in naming this channel ;-)23:24
* ompaul runs23:24
jpdsompaul: ...and?23:24
ompauljpds, there is no and I am having fun :)23:24
ompaulit is late and I have just finished doing some work23:24
* jpds doesn't get the point.23:25
ompauljpds, there is none :)23:25

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