
Mizutsukihello, I was wondering if there is anything I could do to increase the oddds that a developer might spare some attention for a particular bug that affects me?00:11
MizutsukiIt's a java swing bug, it probably has something to do with x11, though I'm not sure00:12
bdmurraynullack: what show stopper bug is this?00:27
nullackBrian one moment pls00:27
nullackbdmurray: Bug 26199500:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261995 in linux "Kernel 2.6.27 Prevents Logitech G5 Mouse From Working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26199500:28
james_wMizutsuki: hi, if you give the bug number it helps with people giving advice.00:28
james_wbug 24081800:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240818 in sun-java6 "Some Java programs doesn't display characters correctly when scrolling bottom and up with scrollbar" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24081800:29
Mizutsukijames_w: that one's not mine, mines the one set to this one as a duplicate, 'cause there was more interest in this one, it sems00:29
james_wMizutsuki: if you can hang on for half an hour I'll have a bit of time00:29
james_wotherwise someone else might00:30
Mizutsukijames_w:unfortunately, in half an hour work ends and I'll be out of here ^_^00:30
james_wyou could try00:30
james_wbut it's a *really* bad time right now00:30
Mizutsukiwhy's that?00:30
james_wthere's a freeze in 28 minutes, so it's a bit of a rush00:31
Mizutsukiah, the feature freeze for 8.10... I see00:34
Mizutsukialright, well then I'll just leave it for tomorrow00:34
ogasawarabdmurray:  dunno, but the last comment makes it seem to be hal related00:38
ogasawarabdmurray: sheesh, I didn't expect people to be testing 2.6.27 already!  now I gotta tweak my call for testing script00:38
nullackIts in Intrepid now mate youll get lots of em using it :)00:39
ogasawaraah nullack:  can you attach some logs files for debugging hal00:40
nullackSure, anything to help. What ones you want?00:40
bdmurrayThere should be a DebuggingHal page00:40
ogasawaranullack: yah, lemme find the link for ya00:40
nullackok will take a look00:40
nullackWhile were at it, anyone want to look at another one I raised? lesser priority :)00:40
nullackbug 2602700:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 26027 in update-manager "Icon in upper right contains Ubuntu icon (dup-of: 16843)" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2602700:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 16843 in ubuntu "Ubuntu branding of the Update Manager and Device Database programs" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1684300:41
ogasawaranullack: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHal00:41
nullackbug 26202700:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262027 in synaptic "Synaptic Erroneously Reports Success on Fail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26202700:41
ogasawaranullack: additionally dmesg output might be good too00:41
nullackIm on it, will ping when its attached to LP00:41
ogasawaranullack: k, thanks00:42
nullackbug 262027 erked me in particular cos I dont like the system saying its ok when it failed00:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262027 in synaptic "Synaptic Erroneously Reports Success on Fail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26202700:42
mrooneyhggdh: I don't know, it is weird02:06
mrooneyIt really worked flawlessly with 0 errors when I ran it02:06
qwerty6523how to find bugs to help fix02:13
mrooneyqwerty6523: hi02:13
qwerty6523how do i*02:13
mrooneywell, you want to look in the topic, specifically, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs02:13
mrooneyhggdh_: I don't know, it is truly a mystery02:14
hggdh_mrooney, I will have a look at it tomorrow. This sounds more like some sort of python thing than really network02:15
hggdh_under the same LAN, same firewall(s), my xchat session usually stays up until I reboot02:15
mrooneyhggdh_: yes, it is strange02:15
mrooneyit worked fine on my eeepc and this laptop, but they were both on the same network02:16
bdmurrayIsn't the problem connecting to Launchpad though?02:16
mrooneyso it might be some particular of my network that let it work fine02:16
hggdh_bddebian, we are not yet sure02:16
hggdh_maybe LP, maybe freenode02:16
hggdh_dammit, not bd debian, but bdmurray ^^02:16
bdmurrayI thought it was announcing more than one at time which sounded to me like a connectivity to find out about new bugs issue but...02:17
hggdh_mrooney, can I su - to your account later on? (on xibiu, I mean)02:17
hggdh_it seems it loses the connection, and then the python code automatically retries it02:18
hggdh_mrooney, you are running it under screen, and I do not have a log on disk to look at02:18
mrooneyit isn't http02:18
mrooneyit is getting an error 110 on sending to the IRC socket02:19
mrooneyhggdh_: sure, you can do whatever you want, it's your machine :D02:19
hggdh_mrooney, its my machine, but it is your account :-)02:20
* mrooney grants hggdh_ full access :)02:20
mrooneyit is getting a timeout on sending to the socket, how mysterious02:20
hggdh_yes, but which socket? the LP one, or the freenode?02:21
mrooneyI am using a raw socket for that one, for the http I am using feedparser02:22
mrooneywhich seems to be working fine02:22
* hggdh_ wonders about timing02:22
hggdh_mrooney, how often it gets hit by the timeout? You know?02:23
mrooneywell, every time EeeBotu leaves the channel...unfortunately I didn't put timestamps in the error output02:24
hggdh_np. I will set it up on a different channel and will monitor it as needed. This is a standard Hardy server, no special drivers/kernel02:24
mrooneyhggdh_: okay it is logging all stdout and stderr to logFile02:42
mrooneywith timestamps, now02:42
mrooneyoh hehe I can't commit, my SSH key isn't on that server :}02:44
mrooneybdmurray: though even if I logged everything, to be honest, I really feel something odd is going on with that atom feed02:47
mrooneybdmurray: since the feed constantly changes, here is a snapshot: http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/7879/bugsatomfeedtx4.png , notice the bottom three are in reverse order contrary to the overall chronologically ascending order, though the second to top is also off.03:00
mrooneyokay, bedtime for me, let me know what you think though, I should see it03:03
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
tuxmaniacLaserJock: still around? I tried maxima from Debian unstable. Fails to build in intrepid.06:35
LaserJockyeah, needs newer gcl06:36
LaserJockit really is too bad that maxima requires gcl. It's such a great app but hard to keep updated06:36
tuxmaniacso I left it and went off to sleep. Saw your mesage at #u-motu. Now that freeze is over, am not sure whether we will be able to get maxima in :-(06:37
tuxmaniacgood morning everybody btw :-)06:37
dholbachgood morning06:38
LaserJockhi dholbach06:39
tuxmaniacdholbach: hi06:39
dholbachhi LaserJock, hi tuxmaniac06:39
=== geser_ is now known as geser
=== mcas_away is now known as mcas
mcasi have a question about todays bugday08:39
mcasi am looking for a bug report but this one should be fixed upstream but i still have this problem...08:40
mcasnow i don't know if it is a problem with the german locale08:40
mcasit's about bug 12067208:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 120672 in thunderbird "No option to delete messages when right clicking on Junk folder" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12067208:41
gnomefreakmcas: hold on09:05
gnomefreaki know we didnt fix it yet09:05
gnomefreakmcas: we cant really fix it in Hardy09:06
gnomefreakonly INtrepid will get it09:06
mcasthats why i ask for it ;-)09:06
gnomefreakmcas: unless asac slips it past but its not a SRU09:07
gnomefreakmcas: i can always build it for my PPA for hardy09:07
gnomefreakbut i would like to wait to find out what asac plans on doing09:07
mcasok than i'll wait, too09:08
gnomefreakok i pinged him but hes most likely still sleeping09:08
gnomefreakhe will reply when he gets here09:08
mcasif there is something new just ping me09:08
gnomefreakmcas: will do09:09
mcascan someone tell me how i can edit the wiki page so that my nick is directly linked?09:12
mcasis there a special tag?09:13
gnomefreakmcas: no feature work on 2.0 branch in hardy09:43
mcasthank you gnomefreak10:07
mcasi change it to won't fix?10:07
mcasor better fix commited and a comment that there will no feature work on 2.0 branch in hardy, gnomefreak?10:13
gnomefreakasac: would you like that tbird bug closed or target for 3.010:13
* gnomefreak should really keep his pings to one channel 10:14
* gnomefreak just waits for console-tools to get fixed10:16
asacwhich bug in particular?10:16
mcasbug 12067210:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 120672 in thunderbird "No option to delete messages when right clicking on Junk folder" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12067210:17
mcashi asac10:17
asacunlikely that that gets fixed in 2.010:19
asacyou should try out 3.0 and if its not there report it upstream10:20
mcasis there a thunderbird 3.0 version?10:20
mcasthe report looks like it was fixed upstream10:20
geserthekorn: should py-lp-bugs 0.3 work with edge? because I get an parse error about BugReport.__nickname10:33
thekorngeser: it should work, but I just found out that things on edge changed again,10:45
thekornwill look at it in a bit, and run some tests10:45
geserdo you need the traceback?10:47
thekorngeser: no, thanks10:51
thekornit's enought to know that it fails at parsing the nickname10:51
thekorngeser: I can reproduce it, filed bug 26219211:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262192 in python-launchpad-bugs "EDGE: Wrong XPath-Expr while parsing BugReport.__nickname" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26219211:01
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
thekorngeser: commited fix as revision 158 of the .main branch11:30
=== Initial_1 is now known as Initial_M
slhkHi, I need assistance in marking bugs as duplicate12:32
slhkthey have a different "affects" project12:33
slhkshould I add the missing project as  also affected?12:34
knorrslhk: Well, I guess that depends if the projects affected both are correct?12:36
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
slhkknorr: I'm not sure, but I think the one actually present is wrong, and the one on the duplicate bug is the right one12:38
knorrslhk: What are the bug numbers?12:39
slhk Bug 224774 is a duplicate of  Bug 21238812:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 224774 in guidance-power-manager "python2.5 crashed with DBusException in call_blocking()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22477412:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 212388 in dbus-python "python2.5 crashed with DBusException in call_blocking()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21238812:40
slhkknorr: Bug 224774 is a duplicate of  Bug 21238812:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 224774 in guidance-power-manager "python2.5 crashed with DBusException in call_blocking()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22477412:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 212388 in dbus-python "python2.5 crashed with DBusException in call_blocking()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21238812:43
knorrslhk: It's not the same traceback12:43
slhkknorr: do you mean different python version?12:44
knorrslhk: No different DbusExceptions. Look at the last line in both tracebacks. One seems to be a permission/policy issue. The other I don't know.12:46
slhkknorr: Oh, ok! I'm sorry12:47
knorrslhk: But that's just my 2 cents. I'm new to the bugsquad.12:48
slhkknorr: I'm newer than you, thanks for your help12:50
=== Initial_1 is now known as Initial_M
knorrslhk: Didn't think that was possible. ;) But in general, you should look for the info in the bug report and not just the title when marking duplicates.12:52
slhkknorr: I looked at the description but I missed the traceback, maybe it could be suggested on the wiki12:53
snadgehas anyone else experienced not being able to finish bootup after installing the new kernel update? :P13:02
snadgei had to kill some dkms processes for it to continue booting.. and now nvidia driver isnt loading ;)13:02
Hobbseesnadge: where's your nvidia driver from?13:05
snadgeits the ubuntu restricted nvidia driver13:08
knorrsnadge: I had the same problem, but a simple disable/enable in the Restricted Drivers GUI fixed it.13:09
snadgethe dkms part is hanging, on installing the previous kernel13:12
snadgeand it seems to do that on bootup now as well13:12
popeydoes anyone know the name of the program that pops up when you insert a cdrom containing a repository? I'd like to file a bug agsinst it but dont know what it is13:15
popeyand i dont have a cd with a repo on to hand to _make_ it pop up13:15
snadgeok so now i have nvidia back (by reverting to kernel -20) but sound doesnt work :/13:29
snadgeand dkms still causes the bootup to hang until i kill the dkms_autostart process13:30
=== asac_ is now known as asac
snadgeok, so after latest nvidia driver and kernel update.. -rt kernel fails to load nvidia14:12
snadge-generic is ok.. but im still getting the strange dkms problem, and also shutdown also hangs.. after stopping samba processes.. have to sysrq sync, unmount, boot14:13
snadgeblows :(14:13
snadge(hardy proposed)14:15
tuxmaniacany user of matplotlib around to test bug 246239. If someone could give me the code to test I can do that on my hardy too.14:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246239 in matplotlib "pylab.savefig() causes memory leak in matplotlib-0.91.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24623914:39
rbrunhuberIs bug 261147 a duplicate of bug 259278?14:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261147 in knetworkmanager "knetworkmanager silently fails to connect to any wireless networks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26114714:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259278 in knetworkmanager "knetworkmanager will no longer connect" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25927814:47
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=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed
mrooneyokay time to get back on the bay!16:35
bdmurraypedro_: What do you think of bug 253118?17:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253118 in ubuntu-meta "Network Manger does not depend on gnome-network-admin" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25311817:24
pedro_bdmurray: looking17:24
pedro_well network-manager now has the "edit connections" dialog so i don't see why it should depends on gnome-network-admin...17:26
bdmurraypedro_: ah, and I don't see "Manual Configuration" as a menu item either17:28
pedro_bdmurray: that's correct it was removed, network manager (nm-connection-editor)  handle those now17:29
bdmurraypedro_: Okay, they probably just saw it at an odd time, I'll follow up with them17:29
james_wyeah, check they've got nm 0.7 installed17:30
pedro_bdmurray: yup, rock thanks17:30
* pedro_ editing his location on launchpad17:34
bdmurraypedro_: hmm?17:35
pedro_that's a pretty neat new feature17:35
pedro_bdmurray: look at your profile17:35
pedro_now launchpad has an integration with google maps17:35
pedro_edge only i guess17:36
bdmurrayah! I see now17:36
Ampelbeinhi! could some member of bug-control please check on bug #260910 ? I added the upstream-bugwatch and think the bug could be set to triaged.17:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260910 in gnome-session "gnome-session-properties alerts "the startup command cannot be empty" whenever I try adding an autostart program" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26091017:43
pedro_Ampelbein: done, thanks you17:47
Ampelbeinpedro_: thanks.17:48
=== teKnofreak is now known as techno_freak
AmpelbeinNow, I have a question on bug #105818 . First of all I think it could be set to triaged/low, now the questions: 1. Is the tag "packaging" correct, since a change in "debian/control" would fix the problem? 2. Is there any team/person to subscribe the bug to?18:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 105818 in seahorse "seahorse gpg-agent connects only once when gnupg-agent is installed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10581818:04
AmpelbeinOh and 3. Should this also be reported to debian?18:05
techno_freakAmpelbein, if you know how to fix it, you can volunteer to make a debdiff for the same and attach it  ;)18:07
Ampelbeintechno_freak: ok, i'll try that. i guess ubuntu-main-sponsors is then to be subscribed since it is published in main?18:09
techno_freakAmpelbein, righto18:11
Ampelbeintechno_freak: ok, thanks.18:11
techno_freakAmpelbein, thanks for trying to help us :)18:11
AmpelbeinAnd another one ;-) : Bug #155765 - I think it could be set to status triaged, but i'm unsure what importance to suggest. I tend to "low" since the loss of usability is not severe.18:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 155765 in libgnomekbd "Keyboard shortcuts changes do not work" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15576518:16
chrisccoulsoni've just reported a compiz crash using Apport. It's assigned to Compiz at the moment, but I think the problem is my video driver (it started happening after fitting a brand new nvidia card yesterday). could someone take a quick look and tell me what they think? I'll reassign it to the correct package then18:19
chrisccoulsonbug 26233418:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262334 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-177 "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV in _nv000065gl()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26233418:19
chrisccoulsonseems its already been re-assigned!18:19
james_wAmpelbein: "packaging" is right I think. "bitesize" may be appropriate if it looks easy18:20
james_wAmpelbein: but in this case I'm not sure a conflict is appropriate.18:21
Ampelbeinjames_w: why not? seahorse and gnupg-agent provide the same functionality and i see no need for having both of them installed.18:23
james_wbut no reason is not justification for a conflict18:23
james_wperhaps they shouldn't be installed together, but I imagine it's more likely there is just a bug to fix18:24
Ampelbeinjames_w: ok, then i will report the issue upstream. it just seemed as the easiest way to avoid having this issue.18:26
AmpelbeinOk, now i added the upstream-report and removed the packaging tag. Now i think it could be set to triaged/low? (bug #105818)18:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 105818 in seahorse "seahorse gpg-agent connects only once when gnupg-agent is installed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10581818:32
=== Hurtz_ is now known as Hurtz
mattikHello, I have Asus Laptop with Finnish keyboard and arrow keys doesn't work in Kubuntu Intrepid. I have tried keyboard layouts as Asus Laptop and 105-buttons keyboard. Is this reported bug?19:42
mattikand at-character diesn't work, too19:43
knorr1mattik: There was a reported issue some while ago about the up-arrow being mapped as printscreen. I had it as well, but it have been resolved.19:43
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mattikknorr1: do you use KDE4?19:44
Knorrmattik: Nope, that was in Gnome. Sorry, didn't see the (K)ubuntu. ;)19:45
mattikUbuntu keyboard works right19:45
mattikIn Kubuntu I selected Finnish for Keyboard language and after this it doesn't work19:47
KnorrOkay, so it's layout specific. Well I don't really know anything about that I'm sorry. But haven't seen any bugs about it. Not the same as saying there isn't one.19:48
yuriymattik: I have run into that before and it went away. somebody else has reported a bug on it, check launchpad19:48
mattikKnorr: Thank you. It is reported that firefox crashed in paypal-page?19:49
mattikyuriy: thank you :) Do you get a crash19:50
yuriywhat crash?19:51
mattikfirefox in paypal.com19:51
yuriymattik: do you know about lanuchpad, the bug tracker?19:52
yuriymattik: no, haven't had any such problem19:52
mattikyes, I know but I have reported really much bugs what are duplicate and I don't trust myself19:52
yuriymattik: use the search...19:53
mattikI have tried19:53
yuriymattik: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/25586119:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255861 in ubuntu "arrow keys don't work intrepid" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:53
mattikyuriy: thank you :)19:54
mattikyuriy: I found it paypal error what is founded in Hardy first20:08
mattikhas found20:09
mattikI try will it crash on Gnome. Thank you :)20:10
CarlFKhow can I see what files are in a .deb?20:57
jpdsCarlFK: dpkg -L20:57
CarlFKguessing it is some kind of archive - tar and zip didn't like it20:57
jpdsCarlFK: No, wait, it's dpkg-deb --contents filename.deb20:59
CarlFKbingo.  thanks20:59
mouzI just marked 4 bugs as duplicates of bug 150252. Is there anything else I can do for the bug? Should I for instance nominate it for releases?21:07
CarlFK dpkg-deb --contents linux-restricted-modules-2.6.27-1-generic_2.6.27-1.1_i386.deb|grep ath_pci21:29
CarlFK -rw-r--r-- root/root     20304 2008-08-27 08:37 ./lib/linux-restricted-modules/2.6.27-1-generic/ath_pci/ath_pci.mod.o21:29
CarlFKthat may be a mistake21:29
KnorrJust got bug 260931 marked as a duplicate of bug 257376 based on the traces being similar. Am I the only one who finds those traces nothing like each other?21:44
pedro_Knorr: may you reply on the bug then?21:48
Knorrpedro_: Is that a trick question? (If you mean I should just ask in the bug, the answer would be that I just wanted a second opinion before doing so)21:50
pedro_Knorr: no is not21:50
=== mcas is now known as mcas_away
=== LaserJoc1 is now known as LaserJock
james_wbdmurray: hi, are you around? I need the bugmaster.22:03
bdmurrayjames_w: Here I come to save the day!22:03
james_wcalm down everyone, bdmurray is here.22:04
james_wbdmurray: we're going to have to be paying more attention to escalating bugs and adding them to the RC list as we get closer to release. Do we have guidelines on the best way to do this?22:05
james_ware people asked to nominate bugs as they see fit, and then the list of nominations will be processed accordingly?22:05
bdmurrayjames_w: the list of nominations is a bit long at the moment, ~300ish, and the number of people who review the nominations is quite small22:06
james_wis it small as we want it to be small, because there aren't many people qualified, or because we haven't added anyone recently?22:07
bdmurrayjames_w: One thing we'd talked about at UDS was using the bugsquad mailing list22:07
bdmurrayafter establishing criteria for escalation22:07
bdmurraythe group is small due to Launchpad organization22:08
bdmurrayThe group that can manage nominations includes Uploaders and Drivers22:09
james_wI can see the benefits of using the mailing list, but it's a bit of a concern that it would be more work than just nominating, and so we would punish the people that were doing it properly22:09
james_wand lots of users nominate just in an effort to get their bug looked at or worked on22:10
james_wwhen is the next QA meeting?22:11
bdmurrayI believe that nomination would be the ideal process however, from a practical standpoint only 4 people could be said to regularly reviewing those22:12
bdmurrayThe QA meetings are every Wednesday22:13
james_wwould this be a suitable agenda item for the next one?22:14
james_wit may be that this is all pretty clear, and so a meeting wouldn't really help.22:14
AmpelbeinSorry to interrupt. Could some member of bug-control please check on bug #257415 ? I think it could be set to triaged/low importance.22:16
bdmurrayI think talking about it could help.  To me it seems that there may be 2 separate issues though.  1) how to escalate bugs and 2) how to deal with the quantity of nominations22:16
KnorrAmpelbein: It's already tagged as Confirmed and filed upstream?22:17
AmpelbeinKnorr: yes.22:18
AmpelbeinKnorr: did confirm it and filed upstream22:18
KnorrAmpelbein: No need to tag it as triaged then. ;)22:18
KnorrAmpelbein: Actually it's already fixed upstream it seems. Could be tagged as Fix Released then22:19
hggdhbug 25741522:19
hggdhKnorr, only if the fix is already available on our repositories22:20
Knorrhggdh: Okay, I see.22:20
AmpelbeinKnorr: Hmm. From the wiki: <Triaged> Use this when you are confident that it should be looked at by a developer and has enough information. So I thought this should be the status to set when everything is done and the developers are looking at it.22:20
Ampelbeinubottu seems dead... https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seahorse/+bug/25741522:21
bdmurrayjames_w: Does that make some sense?22:21
james_wbdmurray: I agree that there are two issues.22:21
james_wbdmurray: I think we should have guidelines soon, and make them clear to everyone so that people know what to do. For whether this involves a meeting or not I'll defer to you.22:22
bdmurrayjames_w: It'd be interesting to try and find out how frequently bugs are nominated - so if the number of nominations became 0 how many there would be to deal with.22:22
james_wbdmurray: if you think so then can I suggest dropping a mail to -devel inviting the release team and other interested parties to the next meeting to discuss it?22:23
james_wbdmurray: yeah, do you know of a way of doing that?22:23
hggdhAmpelbein, as soon as we are guaranteed the fix has made it to SVN, we can mark fix committed22:23
Ampelbeinhggdh: ups. just marked it fix commited because upstream-developer said it was fixed.22:24
bdmurrayjames_w: I imagine its in the db somewhere but I don't recall looking at nomination dates before22:24
KnorrAmpelbein: My mistake. I ment ofcourse Fix Committed instead of Fix Released22:24
AmpelbeinKnorr: you were right, i didn't notice before that upstream already took care of it.#22:25
james_wbdmurray: as for the question about how to deal with the quantity I think we should have a discussion at some point, and then work with lp to get what we want implemented for the next freeze.22:25
AmpelbeinKnorr, hggdh: and its already in the trunk-changelog.22:25
bdmurrayjames_w: the quantity of nominations or the quantity of reviewers?22:26
james_wbdmurray: cool, that will be useful information. Can you also get the percentage accepted?22:26
hggdhAmpelbein, good!22:26
james_wbdmurray: well, deal with the quantity of nominations, which may involve increasing the number of reviewers.22:27
bdmurrayjames_w: for Intrepid? probably22:27
james_wbdmurray: focusing on nominations for the development release is important I think, SRUs are a different thing in this case I think.22:28
bdmurrayso any information about the rate of nominations could be misleading if more people start using it22:30
CarlFKwhat is the package name for the .27 kernel?23:38
CarlFKkernel-image-2.6.27-2-generic-di  what is the -di ?23:40
CarlFKlinux-image-2.6.27-1-generic  there we go.23:41
hggdhI do not know about this package23:41

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