
naliothbot dance00:25
naliothnah, one of the servers was being upgraded and i was running 3 off my local machine00:26
ubottu_Zeus_ called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:37
jpdsI rock.22:29
Myrttiyou do22:33
Myrttinow fix ubottu too22:33
PiciDoes ubott1 belong to someone?22:33
jpdsPici: CTCP VERSION reply from ~ubott1: Gaim IRC22:39
Myrttijpds: you could have gotten that from plain /whois22:40
Picijpds: any activity from it in #ubuntu lately? my logs are a bit useless today (seeing as I dont seem to have any)22:40
jpdsMyrtti: I know, I was making sure.22:40
Myrtti00:35 < ubott1> tried using the sudo command to get gnome ppp no luck. Message said  package not fount22:41
Myrtti00:14 @,- ubott1 [n=dssuncin@dialup-] has joined  #ubuntu22:41
Myrttinothing between those in my /lastlog22:41
Myrttis/between/outside of/22:41
Picioh.. now its talking22:44
PiciSo.. I thought we had some backup bots?22:45
Myrttimine is down22:46
* Myrtti 22:46
Piciyou actioned22:47
Myrtti./start.sh: line 4: python2.5: command not found22:47
MyrttiI did22:47
jpdsOK, ubot5 is on the job.22:47
jpdsMyrtti: There is a /usr/bin/python2.5 right?22:50
Myrttimyrtti@xob:~$ locate python2.522:51
* Myrtti shrugs22:51
Myrttitis kapsi server22:51
Myrttinot mine22:51
jpdsBut not in /usr/bin ?22:52
Myrttithose are all the hits I get22:52
jpdsubot5: join #kubuntu22:58
ubot5Factoid 'join #kubuntu' not found22:59
jpdsOK; ubot5 now in #x, #u and #k, feel free to /remove when ubottu is back.23:05
Picijpds: great23:05
moo_cowwhat is the schedule for the next ubuntu release?23:08
ubot5Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!23:08
jpdsWhere is that link.23:08
Picimoo_cow: Is there a reason you joined this channel instead of #ubuntu ?23:09
PriceChildmoo_cow: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule Ask in #ubuntu+1 next time, or for any further questinos on intrepid23:09
ompaulmoo_cow, is there anything else we can help you with?23:22
ompauljpds, join that channel ;-)23:22
ompaulmoo_cow, I refer you to the topic23:23
Myrtti!idle | moo_cow23:28
ubot5moo_cow: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.23:28

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