
abentleymwhudson: I think we have to introduce a new format to fix that serializer problem.00:17
lifelessif people have used it, for sure00:18
lifelessabentley: can we just rename 1.6-rich-root 1.6-subtrees, and add 1.6-rich-root?00:19
abentleylifeless: I don't think it makes sense to call it 1.6 if it wasn't introduced in 1.600:20
lifelessabentley: true00:20
lifelessabentley: I was thinking 1.6.100:20
abentleylifeless: Yeah, that would be tolerable, I think.00:21
abentleyI'll have to go back and see whether it ever claimed not to support subtrees.00:21
abentleylifeless: It claims not to support subtrees, but has a serializer that does.  I think it's a lost cause.00:23
lifelesslets make it say its bad in 1.6.100:23
lifelessand get 1.6.1 out there asap; intrepid is in feature freeze, and has 1.600:23
abentleyYou know, it's funny how little I hear about the Ubuntu dev cycle.00:23
abentleyAnyhow, I agree we should do that.00:24
fullermdjam: Well, the upgrade completes, and it seems to work out right...00:40
awilkinsCan Bazaar do client cert auth over http(s)?00:42
lifelessawilkins: I don't know, but if you can find the right magic to give pycurl, I can help you hook it in00:44
awilkinsCAn it do basic/digest?00:45
awilkinsI really can't open this up too far ; I now have IIS 6 running an HPSS (as long as you don't want any dumb service too!)00:45
fullermdjam: check is happy (of course, it was happy on the knit before too)00:46
awilkinsOptions for IIS 6 are - SSPI (not an option here), basic, digest, anonymous. You can also restrict connections to specific IPs, domain names, and posession of a client certificate00:47
awilkinsYou can map client certs to user accounts which would be one way of enforcing ACL00:49
lifelessawilkins: https + basic yes, I think we support digest already too00:50
* elmo growls at #26245000:50
awilkinslifeless: That's great00:51
awilkinsI must sleep but I can try configuring that tomorrow. I'll probably update my WSGI gateway script to support multiple repos too00:51
awilkinsbug  #26245000:55
awilkinsbug #26245000:55
mlhbug 26245001:25
jelmerkiorky, hi01:36
jelmerkiorky, it looks more like a bzr problem to me01:38
jelmerkiorky, the tgz file appears to contain a newline01:38
LarstiQhey jelmer01:44
jelmerhi LarstiQ01:45
LarstiQare you in .nl?01:45
LarstiQjelmer: I failed in letting you know there was a python-nl meeting today :/01:45
jelmerLarstiQ, well, I was busy this evening anyway01:47
jelmerLarstiQ, how was the meeting?01:47
LarstiQjelmer: great!01:47
LarstiQjelmer: steve pointing me out swamped me with people for the rest of the evening though ;)01:47
LarstiQbut that was partly what made it good, talking to lots of people01:47
=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh
abentleyjam: Thanks for all the reviews.02:32
jamabentley: yeah, well I'm the 1.7 RM , I figure I need to get the review queue down, right?02:41
jamabentley, lifeless: So I just had jaypipes test my patch with the mysql tree02:41
jamand it drops the "bzr branch" time from 80+minutes down to 23min02:42
jamSo I'd like to get that patch, and a possible patch for the bug lifeless mentioned02:42
jamand do a 1.6.102:42
jamprobably 1.6.1rc102:42
jamAre you guys able to review it so I can get it turned around by tomorrow?02:42
abentleyjam: my time isn't really my own 'till next week.02:43
lifelessjam: make sure they're in BB?02:44
lifelessjam: I'll do a review pass after lunch02:44
jamThe fetch regression is02:44
jamI'll polish the other fetch bug02:44
jambugfix and submit it02:44
lifelessjam: theres a critical format bug too;02:44
lifelessjam: 1.6-rich-root isn't02:44
jamlifeless: except that is a finalized format02:45
jamI don't think we can do anything but change the name to it02:45
jamas people are already using it as-is02:45
lifelessjam: we have to remove it02:45
lifelessjam: have bzr complain, and introduce a good one, because it won't work correctly for people02:45
jamI'm pretty sure people have already upgrade to it, I think I have at least one branch here02:45
jamI can understand "complain and ask to upgrade" or whatever02:46
jambut I think we need to leave it as a "supported" format02:46
jam(I don't care a lot for my own branch, as I can trivially get rid of it)02:46
jambut it has made it to an official release02:46
lifelessjam: no, we don't have to keep it supported02:47
lifelessits a brown paper bag bug02:47
=== Spaz_ is now known as Spaz
lifelessI think we have to let people upgrade away from it sure, to prevent data loss, but it won't push or pull properly02:48
jaypipesjam: awesome work, mate :)  91 minutes -> 23 minutes.02:48
jamlifeless: that was more my point02:48
jamI would really like it if someone else could take over that one02:49
jamI don't have a lot of "work" time left today02:49
lifelessjam: right02:49
jamI'm mostly just sending in fixes I've already done02:49
jamlifeless: would you be able to do a patch for a --1.6-real-rich-root ?03:06
lifelessmaybe, I'll see what I can do03:08
jamworst case I'll get to it tomorrow03:08
lifelessno promises - I've got a few too many balls in the air this week03:08
jambut the turn-around time for reviewing a patch is a bit long03:08
jamwith everyone gone03:08
jamI might give a poke at it right now03:09
jamto catch your post-food reviews03:09
jamabentley: just to be clear, we should use serializer v6, right?03:12
abentleyjam: yes.  It needs to be the same serialiser as rich-root-pack uses.03:13
jamabentley: interestingly the docstring for RichRoot5 *does* say it supports external refs03:14
jamMaybe a copy paste bug?03:14
jamah, it means Stacked branches rather than subtrees03:14
abentleyRichRoot5?  We have one ofthose?03:14
jam"external lookups" confused me03:14
jamabentley: RepositoryFormatKnitPack5RichRoot is the class03:15
abentleyjam: yeah, I find that one a bit confusing too.03:15
jam"results in non-truncated ghosts after reconcile" doesn't really seem to characterize it03:16
jamalso, "get_matching_bzrdir" returns "bzrdir.make_format(development1-subtree)" what is up with that?03:17
abentleyjam: RepositoryFormatKnitPack5RichRoot was copied/pasted from Development1, perhaps a bit too quickly.03:18
StyXmanhi all. I just converted a svn repo into a bzr ... repo? I didn't use the --tree option. the faq says I should bzr co, but when I try I get: bzr: ERROR: No repository present: "file:///home/mdione/src/projects/psync/new/"03:28
VerterokHi StyXman, using bzr-svn?03:41
jamlifeless: there are 3 patches for 1.6.1 review, which should all be in BB03:51
lifelessjam: what was teh 1.5 mysql clone time?04:11
* Peng_ notices this discussion.04:30
Peng_Shush, Bundle Buggy. I know I don't have voting rights. It was a joke!04:34
ptxhi all. got a quick bzr question... is there a way to list branches / tags that are present in a remote repository?04:58
ptx(remote shared repo)04:59
bob2bzr branches url05:00
ptxah I guess I need a more recent version of bzr then... my ubuntu got 1.3.105:01
ptxbzr: ERROR: unknown command "branches"05:01
ptxthanks for the info. will try a later version.05:02
Peng_Actually, it's a part of the bzrtools plugin.05:02
ptxthanks. going to d/l and check it out.05:03
bob2ah, sorry05:03
jamlifeless: "bzr branch lp:mysql-server" was ~90 minutes with bzr1.5, ~80 ish with 1.6, and 23min with the patch05:42
jamalso, what is your feeling about --1.6-rich-root and renaming the old format?05:43
lifelessjam: we don't want users reading docs that say '1.6-rich-root' and getting the broken on05:43
jam ok, so you prefer --1.6-rich-root-broken and new and improved --1.6-rich-root?05:44
lifelessI prefer05:44
lifelessor better yet, the broken one not registered at all05:44
lifelessand --1.6.1-rich-root05:44
jamI think we at least have to register it as a repo format05:44
jambut we may not need to do a bzrdir format05:44
jamI'll try that route05:45
lifelessyes, thats right05:46
Peng_So it would be possible to upgrade from the broken format, but it wouldn't be visible in any way, outside of the code? That sounds nice.05:49
Peng_Or...I dunno. :)05:49
Peng_How easy was it to create something in the 1.6-rich-root format? "branch --stacked" from some rich-root-pack branch?05:50
jamlifeless, abentley: hmm... we have some stacking tests that assume stacking formats are all the same05:52
jamand development-subtree uses serializer 705:52
jamversus 1.6-rich-root using 605:52
jam(the new one)05:52
lifelessPeng_: yeah05:52
jamShould I just disable the development-subtree from being tested?05:52
lifelessPeng_: ebrownbag05:52
lifelessjam: uhm, no, lets fix it right05:53
lifelessjam: or it will just bite us later05:53
jamk, it is only "test_stack_checks_compatibility" at the moment05:53
jamBut I'll poke at it a bit05:53
jamah, the problem is that "development" still uses serializer 506:06
RAOFOw!  bzr, kindly don't consume 650Mb res.06:32
* RAOF watches as bzr attempts to consume more memory than all other processes combined.06:35
fullermdWell, if you're just going to leave it lying around where bzr can find it...06:35
lifelessRAOF: what are you doing, and what version precisely?06:35
RAOFOooh, so close.  It made it up to 998MB res.06:35
RAOFThere shall be a brief haitus while my system is paged back in...06:36
RAOFbzr versoin 1.6, running "bzr multi-pull" in a repository with...6 branches06:36
RAOFlifeless: I heard bzr 1.6 had a memory problem.  I wasn't aware that extended up to 1gb resident :)06:37
lifelessRAOF: actual released version?06:38
RAOFlifeless: As packaged in Ubuntu Intrepid, yes.06:38
lifelessRAOF: same repository format?06:38
RAOFYup.  All pack-0.9206:39
lifelessthats just wrong, it shouldn't spike like that06:39
lifelesscan you reproduce with bzr.dev?06:40
RAOFIt seems like each branch was stacking its own memory on the last; as if there was no GC going on.06:40
RAOFLet's have a try with bzr.dev.06:40
* RAOF rather wishes firefox wouldn't spawn so many empty windows06:42
RAOFlifeless: The easiest way to run bzr.dev will be to just run 'bzr' from my branch, right?06:43
RAOFProgress bars almost uniformly suck.06:56
RAOFbzr's is no exception :(06:57
lifelessprogress is ard06:57
RAOFWhich is why they always suck.06:57
RAOFYay!  We now have bzr.dev head.06:59
RAOF...and we're up to 600Mb resident before it gives any output at all.07:01
lifelessRAOF: please file a bug07:02
RAOFAnd we break the 1/2 of my physical memory barrier!07:02
lifelessRAOF: having enough data to reproduce will be important07:02
lifelessalso, hit ctrl-\07:02
lifelessand get a back trace07:02
RAOFAh.  While bzr is multi-pulling.  Check.07:03
RAOFHm.  That's new and different.  I've never used pdb before.07:04
lifelesslater all, sluggish stuff07:05
jmlRAOF: really?07:06
jmlRAOF: let's switch lives07:06
RAOFOh, that's rather interesting.  It seems that the horrible memory use requires the presence of non-branch directories.07:11
gourjelmer: hello, in regard to bug #261878 the problem is that svn can fetch the repo...07:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261878 in bzr-svn "bzrlib.plugins.svn.core.SubversionException" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26187807:12
jonnydeeHi :) I just wanted to ask if somebody could maybe set the importance of https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/255656 to at least medium? I fear that this bug gets forgotten, otherwise, in spite of the availability of a bugfix branch from lifeless. Our set up at work requires us to use a windows network drive for hosting our repository. And it's really an annoying bug...08:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255656 in bzr ""bzr: ERROR: [Errno 22] Invalid argument" when "bzr pack" is executed manually or when "autopack" is triggered on a repository located on a windows network share" [Undecided,New]08:40
=== bronger is now known as Torsten
=== Torsten is now known as bronger
jelmergour, svn doesn't fetch as much data as bzr-svn, it just fetches the last revision10:03
gourjelmer: still, i can do svn log and see the history...the point is that for quite some time i fetch and update pandoc repo and build the package, but bzr-svn fails to replace the need for svn10:52
jelmergour, the problem appears to be that the svn server is unreliable10:52
jelmergour, bzr-svn has to do far more requests than svn10:52
jelmersince it fetches every revision in history10:52
jelmerand the server occassionally fails with http errors10:53
gouri understand bzr-svn does more...however, i'd like to use bzr instead of svn and dunno what to do in this case10:55
jelmergour, the problem really is in the reliability of google code, that's out of my control :-(10:56
jelmerif you're trying to do a one time import, you can branch into a shared repository and repeat when it fails10:57
gourwell, i want to constantly fetch from the repo..10:57
LarstiQjelmer: how well do stacked bzr-svn branches work?10:57
jelmergour, as long as you're ok with retrying occasionally, that shouldn't be a problem10:58
jelmerLarstiQ, they're not layered appropriately enough in bzr yet for it to work well10:58
gourjelmer: ok. let me try to re-do and continue with that process10:59
jelmerLarstiQ, they do work, but all files have to be fetched individually atm, which doesn't make the process any faster11:00
LarstiQjelmer: ah11:01
Jc2k.wg 311:07
jelmer'morning Jc2k :-)11:09
Jc2kmorning jelmer :)11:13
gourjelmer: the problem is that if i retry with 'bzr pull', bzr says it's not a branch, so i've to try 'bzr branch' again which fails11:19
gourjelmer: it looks like catch-2211:19
lifelessgour: bzr init' then pull11:21
uwsIs it possible to extract a part of a branch into a new branch?11:21
uwsE.g. I have this "subproject" that I want to promote to a real project11:21
lifelessjonnydee: I think its merged and fixed in 1.611:21
lifelessuws: bzr split11:21
uwslifeless: what will happen with revisions touching both files inside and outside this subproject directory?11:22
lifelessuws: it keeps all the history, as that lead into the project11:23
lifelessuws: it just creates a fork in the road, where one side is the subdir, and the other side is all but the subdir11:23
uwslifeless: so basically it's a new branch, removes everything not in that dir, and moves everything in that dir to the branch root?11:23
lifelesswhich lets you merge branches from before the split smoothly and so on11:24
uwslifeless: Ok thanks. will investigate11:24
uwslifeless: the "move" line in bzr status is a bit strange11:25
uws  subproject =>11:25
uwsperhaps a / at the end helpt ;)11:25
lifelessthis is rarely used; please do file bugs :)11:26
uwslifeless: I cannot be bothered in this particular corner case ;)11:28
jelmerlifeless, this is how I ended up solving the sharing of VirtualSignatureFiles btw11:31
jelmerlifeless, A project "bzr-foreign" that is joined to both bzr-svn and bzr-git11:32
lifelessjelmer: and you merge from it twice?11:32
jelmerlifeless, yeah11:32
jelmerit's not optimal - by-reference nested trees would be awesome! - but good enough for now11:33
jonnydeelifeless: I just have had a look at the source code of 1.6 -- it seems like the bugfix is not merged inti bzr 1.6...11:51
gourjelmer: don't know how many times i've tried, but 'pull' fails 100%12:41
gourjelmer: here is the trace of bzr pull http://rafb.net/p/myafQi40.html12:43
jonnydeeHi, when I try to push a new branch to a repository on a windows network share thaen this command fails with a "bzr: ERROR: Could not acquire lock "B:/ProjektM/vendor/.bzr/checkout/dirstate""12:56
jonnydeeIs it a bug? BTW, the branch seems to be pushed to the network share. I can checkout from there12:57
james_wthat's just failing to create the working tree12:58
jonnydeebut a lock seems to exist anyway and I have todo a  break-lock12:58
james_wOS locks are used for that, meaning that the share probably doesn't support them12:58
ftathe builddeb plugin changed the default result-dir to ".." and the help message refers to --result-dir to change it but it doesn't seem to work. I get bzr: ERROR: no such option: --result-dir12:59
jonnydeebut when I browse the working tree on the share it exists...12:59
james_wfta: try --result please12:59
ftajames_w, seems ok, the help is wrong then.13:00
james_wfta: thanks, I'll fix it for the next upload.13:00
james_wfta: are you setting --result back to ../build-area?13:01
ftait's building...13:01
ftajames_w, well, didn't work for me. I wanted to revert to the previous default, ie, keep debs in ../build-area but if i set --result=../build-area , i get a traceback when it tries to move the files on themselves, which is obviously wrong.13:06
james_wfta: ah, thanks, I'll fix that too.13:06
ftaeither there should be a test to detect src = dst, or a way to disable that move13:06
james_wyeah, I'll do the former I think13:06
jonnydeelifeless: are you aware that bug 255656 is not merged in 1.6?13:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255656 in bzr ""bzr: ERROR: [Errno 22] Invalid argument" when "bzr pack" is executed manually or when "autopack" is triggered on a repository located on a windows network share" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25565613:07
jonnydeelifeless: sorry, if I'm bothering you, but I'm trying to convince my development team to use Bazaar and I am constantly experiencing problems with using a network share (which is our setup); the last error I stumbled over today is: bzr: ERROR: Could not acquire lock "B:/ProjektM/vendor/.bzr/checkout/dirstate" when I pushed a new branch.13:17
james_wfta: http://bzr.debian.org/pkg-bazaar/bzr-builddeb/2.0 has a fix if you need it.14:03
lifelessjonnydee: the bugfix is approved; it may not be in 1.6, but I was sure it was in bzr.dev. If its not I'll make sure it this week14:10
lifelessas for the lock problem, well, its after 11pm for me right now, way to tired to be thinking about it14:11
lifelessjonnydee: please file a bug to provide a discussion point about it14:11
StyXmanhi all. I just converted a svn repo into a bzr ... repo? I didn't use the --tree option. the faq says I should bzr co, but when I try I get: bzr: ERROR: No repository present: "file:///home/mdione/src/projects/psync/new/"14:15
james_wjelmer: I just merged your directory branch, should it check whether bzr-svn is available before trying to checkout Vcs-Svn?14:22
StellarisHey, I am currently looking into how to ignore certain files from being monitored and got the User Guide open. I don't understand how the syntax for ignoring files down a file tree works (recursive stuff). I've got a .bzrignore file created.14:25
james_wStyXman: hi, what command did you use to do the conversion?14:26
james_wStellaris: if you "bzr ignore dir/subdir/file" it will add an entry to the file, which should give you a hint14:27
Stellarisjames_w: ah, thanks, will try that14:27
Stellarisjames_w: thanks!14:37
jelmerjames_w: Hi15:08
jelmerjames_w: Yeah, it may be nice to check whether bzr-svn is present and give a more understandable error15:09
jelmerjames_w: Otherwise, it'll just say "Not a branch" if you try to check out a svn branch15:09
beunohey mwhudson15:16
beunocan you take a look at: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~beuno/loggerhead/1.6.1/+merge/80615:16
beunowhen you have time?  :)15:16
abentleylifeless: do you remember why cloning, unlike other operations, inits the branch and tree formats itself?15:23
abentleylifeless: For Pre-split-out bzrdirs.15:23
rockyjelmer: ever see anything like this ?  http://cluebin.appspot.com/pasted/1201   (bzr 1.6 final, bzr-svn 0.4.11 final, svn 1.4.6)15:30
sabdfldo i need to do anything with a branch to get the new b-tree index capability?15:34
sabdflbzr upgrade is saying it has nothing to do15:34
Jc2krocky: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/25048015:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250480 in bzr-svn "Doesn't preserve non-lhs parents for file texts" [Critical,Fix released]15:35
rockyJc2k: awesome, thanks15:36
jelmerJc2k, I'm pretty sure this is different15:36
jelmersince this is about a revision object, not a file text revision15:36
* Jc2k has definitely seen NoSuchRevision before, though15:38
james_whi sabdfl, I'm not sure the b-trees in bzr.dev are hooked up to a format yet, certainly not a default one.15:38
james_wjelmer: is a "try: import bzrlib.plugin.svn; except ImportError:" suitable for that?15:39
rockyjelmer: in that paste ... ClueMapper-rocky is a regular bzr branch of ClueMapper-trunk which is a bzr-svn checkout ... and "repo" is a "bzr init-repo -1.6-rich-root" repo15:39
jelmerjames_w, yep, that should take care of it15:39
james_wjelmer: cool, I'll add it15:39
jelmerrocky, The revision it fails on, what sort of revision is that?15:39
KinnisonThe btree stuff is wired up as --btree-plain and --btree-rich-root etc.15:40
Kinnisonbut they're not default afaict15:40
rockyjelmer: i'm not sure, how do i tell?15:41
dudusI want to use bzr to version some college papers also I want to have a central repository on a server where I commit all changes so I have a backup if something bad happens. I'll be the only user... Should I use this binded mode?15:41
jelmerrocky, that revision id, is that of a revision in the current branches' history (iow, does "bzr log --show-ids" list it?)?15:41
jelmerdudus, yeah, that sounds like the right approach15:41
james_wjam: are you familiar with git's recursive merging? Does/could bzr do something similar? Would it help at all?15:42
rockyjelmer: yes it does15:42
rockyjelmer: http://cluebin.appspot.com/pasted/100215:42
sabdflKinnison: does --development include that?15:42
dudusjames_w: thx15:43
jelmerrocky, Any chance you can paste the full "bzr log --show-ids" output?15:43
jelmerrocky, this looks like a bug in bzr not being able to cope with ghosts15:43
jelmerrocky: Thanks for finding so many bugs :-)15:44
emmajaneHow is the CVS integration? It's not as good as SVN, right?15:45
rockyjelmer: http://paste.plone.org/2347015:45
Kinnisonsabdfl: Not sure, sorry15:45
emmajane(just in a session at DrupalCon, Lenz Zimmer is talking about bzr, we're all stoked)15:45
jelmeremmajane: yeah, correct15:45
Kinnisonsabdfl: btree-plain is just pack-0.92 with btrees turned on15:45
jelmeremmajane: it's possible to do a one-way conversion, roundtripping is not possible15:46
fbondabentley: Hm.  Not sure about push/pull with loom.  Doesn't seem to take the recorded state of the loom into acount at all (from what I can tell).15:46
james_wemmajane: it's not as good as svn, no. There's no "foreign branch" plugin like bzr-svn, but there are several reasonable converters15:46
fbondabentley: Rather, it pulls from the currently selected thread (I think).15:46
jelmerrocky: Thanks15:46
emmajaneThanks, jelmer and james_w.15:46
jelmerrocky: This does indeed look like a bug in the ghosts handling15:47
abentleyfbond: Are you pulling from a loom into a loom?15:47
emmajanegit has sub-projects, is there an equivalent in bzr?15:47
fbondabentley: in fact, it's not clear to me that `bzr record` has any value at all, currently.15:47
fbondabentley: yes15:47
rockyjelmer: if/when you need me to switch to the bzr-svn branch lemme know15:48
fbondabentley: I have two looms that are mirrors of each other, but one is beind the other.15:48
fbondabentley: Be nice to have a single command that brings all the changes from one into the other (in all threads).15:48
abentleyfbond: That's suprising.  last time I tried pull, it was definitely broken.15:48
fbondabentley: You are surprised it's still broken, then?15:50
abentleyfbond: It was broken because it was trying to behave as pull-loom.  I would have thought when it was fixed, it would have.15:51
fbondabentley: Well, I'm currently using 1.3.1...15:52
james_wemmajane: "nested trees", there's experimental support for them, but nothing solid yet. I hope it will be a 2.0 feature, i.e. this year.15:53
fbondabentley: In any case, I can pull one thread at a time by moving through threads on each end before pulling.15:54
emmajanethanks, james_w15:54
rockybzr has no equiv of svn:externals right ?15:55
emmajane(Lenz Grimmer, I think I had the last name wrong.)15:56
Jc2krocky: aiui.. it has by-value nested trees, but not by-reference trees in 1.6 (svn:externals are by-reference)15:57
Jc2k*by-reference nested trees15:57
rockywhat does a "smart server" mean within the context of bzr? (in relation to just a "server")15:59
duduswhen should I use bzr init and when to use bzr init-repo to create a central repository?16:00
rockydudus: i just learned that "bzr init" doesn't create a central repository ... it merely turns the directory into a bzr-versionable dir ;)16:00
dudusin the second exemple in this link it uses init to create the central one !?! http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-guide/index.html#publishing-a-branch16:02
StyXmanjames_w: sorry for dissapearing. bzr svn-import <path to repo>16:02
james_wStyXman: and you were in /home/mdione/src/projects/psync/ when you ran that?16:05
james_wStyXman: what directory are you running the "co" command in?16:05
emmajanestatik: Lenz says hello. :)16:05
StyXmanjames_w: no, in /home/mdione/src/projects/psync/new/16:07
StyXmanerr, in another dir, actually. so the question is, how should I do it?16:08
abentleydudus: No, it uses init-repo to create a central repository.16:08
james_wStyXman: have you moved anything around since running "bzr svn-import"?16:08
Jc2krocky: smart server implies not dumb, e.g. vanilla http is dumb16:08
StyXmanjames_w: actually I copied the .bzr dir in trunk16:09
james_wStyXman: ah, that's probably not a good idea16:09
StyXmanthing is, if I do a svn-import it creates the whole svn tree: trunk, branches/* and tags/*16:10
james_wdo you just want "trunk"?16:10
StyXmanin the parent of all those there's a .bsr16:10
StyXmanjames_w: idealy I want all the history, but trunk is enough16:11
james_wcan you put the .bzr dir back where it was?16:11
StyXmanjames_w: yah, I only copied it16:11
james_wah, can you delete what you copied then?16:12
StyXmanyeha, it's throw-away'able :-P16:12
james_wnow "cd trunk; bzr checkout ."16:13
StyXmantakes time :)16:14
StyXmanthere, thanks16:14
StyXmannow, i have lots of .bzr dirs16:15
james_whave you got what you want now?16:15
StyXmanpsyc/.bzr, psync/trunk/.bzr, psync/tags/*/.bzr, etc16:15
james_wyep, they are each branches16:16
james_wexcept for psyc/.bzr which is the "shared repository" that holds the actual revision data16:16
StyXmanok, I'll have to re-read the user reference then... thanks james_w16:18
Jerky_sanI have a question or 216:44
Jerky_sanwhat permissions are required to the .bzr folder and its sub folders if you are going to do http?16:45
rockyJc2k: the reason i'm asking is because i was wondering about serving up a bzr repo from my python wsgi app (i'm a python programmer) in a R/W fashion ... does the standard wsgi app allow that?16:45
rocky(i'm aware of the missing auth problem)16:46
Jc2krocky: not a dev, so dunno16:46
james_wJerky_san: if you are just serving the files out over http then any permissions that allow your web server to read the files is enough16:48
Jc2kgour: ping16:48
Jerky_sandanke james16:49
Jerky_sanmy other question is if i use htaccess to restrict who can see whats in the folder i seem to get an eror that says  ERROR: pycurl.error: (65, "necessary data rewind wasn't possible")16:50
Jerky_sani thought it had to do wtih permissions to folders/files so i did a test folder and 757 permissions to all files and folders..16:51
Jerky_sanbleh this error is so wierd ._.17:10
Jc2kgour: bzr branch http://bzr-mirror.gnome.org/bzr/pandoc/trunk pandoc17:16
Jc2kgour: ping me when you have it, i dont like having non gnome svn stuff on there17:16
Jc2kgour: it really was just googlecode being flakey, i had to use bzr pull -r50, bzr pull -r100, bzr pull -r150 and eventually it got there17:18
jelmerrocky, still there?17:28
rockyjelmer: yes17:28
jelmerrocky, what was the URL of your svn repo again?17:28
jelmerand the specific branch on which the error occurred?17:29
rockyjelmer: well, this was against a local bzr branch that branched off of cluemapper/trunk checkout17:30
Jerky_sanwelp i figured my error out.. apparently the file pycurl.pyd causes it if you attempt to connect through https17:36
nihilocratI'm wondering if there's a way of intentionally ignoring any conflicts that come up in a particular file18:16
gourJc2k: got it. thanks a lot ;)18:20
james_wnihilocrat: ignoring them how?18:27
james_wcommitting the conflicted version? always using your current version? always using the version you merged?18:28
nihilocratalways using the version that the parent branch has18:49
Verteroknihilocrat: 'bzr revert file', should do the trick18:55
lixomancemHello. I just installed 1.6 on windows and restarted my computer. When I right-click somewhere and choose "bzr init" a window pops up with the message "UnrecognizedCommandError: init". The same happens with the "bzr checkout" option, but not with the "bzr branch" option. What can I do?18:58
james_wnihilocrat: there's no automatic way to do that, you can just move file.OTHER over the top of file in those cases though19:00
nihilocratk, I'll just write a shell script19:07
nihilocratthanks for the input though19:07
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lixomancemHello. I just installed 1.6 on windows and restarted my computer. When I right-click somewhere and choose "bzr init" a window pops up with the message "UnrecognizedCommandError: init". The same happens with the "bzr checkout" option, but not with the "bzr branch" option. What can I do? I can run bzr init on the command line, but there are orhter commands that do not work then, like bzr add...19:20
lixomancem...for instance.19:20
Spazis there any plugin to bzr that can add RCS tags (or something similar) to files on commit?19:20
Spazit would be useful for me19:20
jelmerSpaz, yeah, the keywords plugin should be able to do that19:30
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Spazjelmer, hm19:59
=== jam changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control system | http://bazaar-vcs.org | please test bzr-1.6.1rc1 | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | http://planet.bazaar-vcs.org/
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jam1.6.1rc1 has been released, packages are building in the beta-ppa now20:20
vilajam: you rock ! You deserve a good week-end at least :D20:25
jamthanks vila20:28
jamvila: did you get your patch submitted?20:29
vilaI'm preparing the submission for  -s aliases20:29
vilaoh, and just seen your approve for but '55 select/poll' bug, I will fire both20:30
vilayeah, no but ! :D20:30
jamvila: well, no ifs ands or buts, but I guess there is an and in there ...20:33
abentleyjam: Where are we in the 1.7 release process?20:33
abentleys/release process/development cycle20:34
jamabentley: feature freeze is supposed to be today20:34
jamrc1 next friday20:34
jamfinal the next week20:34
jamwait, I think I bumped it back a bit20:34
jam25th, 2nd, 8th20:34
jamI'll probably end up going back to the original20:35
jamso we don't end up with 1.6.1 and 1.7 on the same day20:35
abentleyjam: :-)20:35
jamtime based releases sneak up on you when you end up with 5 release candidates and a .1 release20:35
jamat least poolie and spiv will be back next week to see all the carnage I've caused20:36
jamabentley: is there anything you would like to get into 1.720:36
abentleyjam: That push cleanup I sent in is the only pressing thing.20:37
jamabentley: well, I at least gave it a once-over and it seemed fine20:38
jambut I didn't poke at it enough to really give a review yet20:39
abentleyI've got about 6 threads left in my PreviewTree loom, but that can easily slip to 1.820:39
jamabentley: It would be *really* nice if you could review my merge patch20:39
jamI really wanted that in 1.720:39
jamand it has sat around for about 2+ weeks20:39
abentleyjam: Okay, I will review it by next Wed.  Please harass me if I don't.20:40
jamJust in case you feel like you have some time20:40
jamvila: don't forget that next week is going to be feature freeze, and you and Verterok offered to be OSX test guardians20:45
vilayeah, I was waiting a bit for some feedback but I will submit as is and we'll continue20:46
jamvila: feedback on what?20:46
jamwhether you are the padawan  or the master?20:46
vilalol, no, this has been sorted out :)20:47
jamI think with 1.7rc1 in slightly more than 1 week, you're running out of time to wait for feedback20:47
vilaTo make the permission tests pass we implemented a _mac_mkdtemp to fix OSX strange idea to assign temp dirs group permissions to a group the user is not a member of...20:48
vilaThat means one chown call at each creation, since bzr doesn't really need the abitility to set the group sticky bit I was wondering about making that a feature instead and skip the tests instead20:49
vilawell a single instead should be enouhg20:50
Jerky_sanis there a way for when you do a push to set what permissions you want the files to have?21:04
Jerky_sansince when i push them the new files get permissions that can only be read by ftp but not http21:04
Peng_jam: There's a typo in 1.6.1's NEWS, about the readv perf improvement: "we know always request full texts"21:10
Verterokjam: thanks for the reminder (of the freeze)21:34
Verterokvila: I've been strugling, with bzr-eclipse. I'll try to catch up with the os x test during this weekend21:45
fbondHow can I make lp: work over https instead of ssh?21:52
fbondI keep getting permission denied but I have no intention of using ssh on this machine.21:52
ElianaTamerinCan I set up bzr on shared host w/o SSH?21:56
fbondElianaTamerin: how do you upload files to your shared host?21:58
fbondYou can bzr push over FTP.21:58
ElianaTamerinwhat does that involve?21:59
fbondOthers can get read-only access via HTTP.21:59
fbondElianaTamerin: Nothing complicated.  Works out of the box as well as SSH, etc.21:59
ElianaTamerinhmm, not idea, it's a project with multiple devs21:59
fbondElianaTamerin: I doubt you can spawn long-running process in a limited shared hosting environment, so everyone that wants write access to the repo needs write access to the machine.22:00
fbond(If long-running process are okay, you can probably use the smart server.)22:00
fbondElianaTamerin: Can you give other devs FTP access, too?22:01
ElianaTamerinyes, I can22:01
fbondThat'll be the way to go, I guess.22:01
ElianaTamerinwould they need to keep a local build of bzr to push from?22:01
fbondElianaTamerin: I'm not sure I understand your question.  The other devs would also be using bzr, right?22:02
fbondElianaTamerin: So what do you mean by "a local build of bzr"?  I assume they have bzr installed on their local machines.22:02
ElianaTamerinthat was my question22:02
ElianaTamerinif they had to have bzr installed22:03
fbondOh, yes, they would have to install bzr to use it.22:03
fbond(Like every other VCS that I am aware of.)22:03
ElianaTamerinand one last question, would the platform matter? if one used win, and another used mac, another *nix, would there be any issues?22:03
ElianaTamerinon their local computers, that is22:03
fbondbzr is designed to be cross-platform.22:04
fbondIf it doesn't work well on any of those machines, it's a bug.22:04
fbondNow, I don't use those platforms, so I can't personally say how good support currently is.22:04
fbondBut cross-platform support is an explicit goal of the project.22:04
ElianaTamerinalright, I'll give it a go and see how it works22:04
fbondElianaTamerin: Great, good luck!22:04
jamabentley: I'm getting an "unexpected success" trying to merge 1.6.1 into bzr.dev, something about the "test_sprout_upgrades_to_rich_root" which expects it to be an Incompatible repo22:05
jamI think because the 1.6.1 *should* auto-upgrade now22:06
jamDo you thnik that is correct?22:06
abentleyjam: yes.22:06
jamok, I'll remove the "expect_failure" then22:07
abentleyThat test was how I discovered the format issues.22:07
jamThe error was a bit odd22:08
abentleypoolie should really have written one like it, and then we wouldn't be brown-bagged.22:08
jamAssertionError: Unexpected success.  Should have failed: Rich root format should be sprout-compatible22:08
jamBecause it is unclear what the actual failure message is versus what is actually expected22:09
jami need to get going22:09
abentleyjam: not sure how to fix in the general case.  I have to go too.22:10
rockyjelmer: any luck on my problem? :)22:32
jelmerrocky, sorry, that's a bzr problem, not a bzr-svn one22:32
rockyjelmer: oh yeah?22:32
rockydoes it have a issue #?22:32
jelmerrocky: not sure, let me check22:33
jelmerrocky, didn't you file a bug about bzr shelve giving NoSuchRevision?22:33
jelmerrocky, still there?23:22
springdaleHi, I would love to use a gui tool for diffs between revisions of files. Is there some way to use meld or how would I do it?23:34
springdaleI found this "--using=meld" somewhere but it does not seem to do anything.23:57

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