
wgrantThat sounded mildly evil.00:36
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aramorning all :-)09:26
araquick question: do you guys know if there is a way to change a project's name? how?09:26
thumperara: you need to ask an LP admin09:33
thumperara: the correct way is to ask a question on the launchpad project (https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion)09:34
arathumper: thanks09:36
ZirodayHi, we are trying to register our loco on launchpad, however someone has taken the team address (ubuntu-sg) already10:23
Zirodayhowever he does not seem to be actively using that account10:24
Zirodayany ideas?10:24
intellectronicaZiroday: you could contact them and ask10:27
Zirodayintellectronica: there is no address left10:27
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intellectronicaZiroday: yeah, i can see. well, guess you'll have to use a different name, then10:29
Zirodayintellectronica: bummer10:30
intellectronicaZiroday: it's just a name. why do you feel so strongly about it?10:31
Zirodayintellectronica: no, its for the loco every other loco follows the same format10:31
intellectronicaZiroday: is it following some king of convention10:31
intellectronicaah i see10:32
Zirodayintellectronica: but nevermind, we shall be different :)10:32
intellectronicaZiroday: anyway, the username can be changed, so if you do manage to make contact with sg later on you can still try to persuade him to give your team the name10:34
Zirodayintellectronica: sweet10:34
Zirodayintellectronica: thanks10:34
araanother question, how can I set up a bzr branch hosted in LP to be open for any user to upload changes?10:45
wgrantDoes Ubuntu not have jurisdiction over ubuntu*, like on Freenode?10:45
wgrantara: You would have to create a team with an open membership policy, and tell people to join that team.10:46
arawgrant: thanks10:46
cyberixDoes Launchpad provide any way for estimating how many people are affected by a bug?10:55
cyberixeg. I'd like to see a list of the most active/commented bugs in Ubuntu11:01
cyberixcan I get that somehow?11:01
wgrantcyberix: You can order bug listings by number of comments or duplicates.11:08
gourheh, found the answer :-)11:16
wgrantHrmph. Staging is behind edge.11:22
wgrantmpt: Why does the (accept/decline) button just show separate Accept and Decline buttons?11:23
wgrantWhy aren't those buttons just shown by default?11:23
mptwgrant, for bug report nominations?11:26
wgrantmpt: That's correct, sorry.11:26
mptI don't really know.11:26
mptIt's not as if the table would be too tall if they were shown by default.11:26
wgrantIt wouldn't be significantly taller if they were where the almost-link is now.11:27
mptPossibly it's because it was implemented using the same mechanism as the normal status changing, and it was easier not to special case it and say "this one should be expanded all the time".11:27
mptI'll report a bug if you won't. :-)11:27
wgrantI will.11:28
techno_freakhi, where can I find my LP OpenID Login? I can't find it in my LP profile11:32
wgranttechno_freak: Only members of launchpad-beta-testers can see it, AFAIK.11:32
techno_freakwgrant, ah ok, thanks11:33
dholbachcan somebody change the owner the owner of ~motu-release from ~jr to ~motu-council?12:08
Riddellor tell us who can do it (besides launchpad admins) since the current owner can't12:09
wgrantRiddell: You don't have a 'Change owner' action?12:10
wgrantWhat happens if you go to +reassign?12:10
Riddellwgrant: I do, but I don't have permission when I try and follow it12:10
Riddell"Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page."12:10
wgrantMaybe you need to be a member of the team (which would be a bug).12:11
wgrantBut I can do it on a team of which I am an admin and owner.12:11
dholbachRiddell: shall I make you an admin again? :)12:11
wgrantYou might be able to get a more useful error message if you try on dogfood.12:11
Riddelldholbach: oh go on12:12
dholbachRiddell: hum... reactivated you, but you're not an admin12:13
dholbachI can't do that12:13
dholbachdid that help? :)12:13
wgrantThat's interesting.12:13
wgrantOne doesn't have launchpad.Owner unless one is an admin too, it appears.12:14
wgrantThis is really really broken.12:14
Riddellstill don't have permission to change owner12:14
* wgrant files some bugs.12:14
wgrantYou'll need an admin.12:14
dholbachRiddell: can you make yourself an admin?12:15
wgrantOnly the owner can add admins, but one doesn't get owner privileges unless one is a member.12:15
Riddellyep done that12:15
Riddelland now I can change owner, groovy12:15
* dholbach hugs Riddell and wgrant12:15
wgrantSomething is different on dogfood.12:15
dholbachRiddell: I'll deactivate motu-council and you, OK?12:16
dholbachnow that ownership is transferred12:16
Riddelldholbach: ok12:17
Riddelldholbach: and if you want to, add ubuntu-release12:17
gourno luck with that svn repo. bzr-svn always crashes...12:28
gouroops, wrong channel12:28
dholbachthanks Riddell, thanks wgrant12:29
mptwgrant, you said "as of today's rollout"12:37
mpthasn't it always been like that?12:37
mpt(about the approve/decline buttons)12:37
wgrantmpt: It only started using JS in the past couple of days, AFAIK.12:38
wgrantPreviously it went to another page.12:38
wgrant(see staging)12:38
mptI'm not powerful enough to approve or decline anything :-P12:39
wgrantAh, true.12:39
mptbut testing it locally, I seem to remember it using JS a couple of months ago, at least12:39
wgrantWell, on staging it is blue and a normal link.12:39
Ngdoes anyone have any sneaky scripts or other tips for mass marking Fix Committed bugs as Fix Released? (this is in an upstream project, so not something that a debian/changelog will affect)12:39
wgrantOn edge, it is green and uses JS to display the two buttons underneath.12:39
wgrantbzr log may be your friend.12:40
ignasmwhudson: are you there? ;)12:48
thekorn_Ng, maybe the first one on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugHelper/Dev/python-launchpad-bugs/Examples12:55
Ngthekorn_: interesting, thanks13:01
thekorn_Ng, I just added a new one, which might me more helpfull13:01
aantnhow can I set up a project milestone?13:26
wgrantaantn: You need to create a milestone within a release series for your project.13:28
VladimirMelohello, anyone can tell me when intrepid translations are going to be available?13:52
VladimirMeloon rosetta13:53
VladimirMeloany rosetta developer or contributor?13:55
beunojtv, ^13:56
beunoVladimirMelo, he's in a meeting, so it may take him a bit to answer13:57
VladimirMelobeuno: ok, thanks13:58
aantnwgrant: thanks14:09
ricardokirknerhi. I am having some issues with bzr and launchpad. were I work they filter ssh, so my only choice is https. I could download my branch via https15:33
ricardokirknerbut can I push to it?15:33
ricardokirkneri tried bzr+http and bzr+https, but no success so far15:33
andrea-bsricardokirkner: have you tried sftp?15:34
beunoricardokirkner, you can't push via http15:34
beunoit's read only15:34
ricardokirknersftp... what would the format be?15:35
beunoricardokirkner, sftp://...15:35
ricardokirknerI'll try that now15:36
ricardokirknermhhh. no. it's also filtered15:38
ricardokirknerso, there is no way to push unless you are using ssh/sftp, right?15:39
beunobecause it uses ssh keys to authenticate15:39
rockstarricardokirkner, how do they filter ssh?15:58
rockstarOr do they just block it?15:58
ricardokirknerthey block at firewall level16:00
VladimirMelojtv isn't around?16:51
Ursinhaandrea-bs, are you there by chance?17:04
andrea-bsUrsinha: yep17:05
Ursinhaandrea-bs, i'll give the answer to your question today yet, i promise :)17:05
andrea-bsUrsinha: thanks :)17:05
lamalexCan I give someone else write access to my branch in LP or do I need to start a team17:08
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lamalexeh? anyone?17:24
thekornyou have to start a team17:31
lamalexbah ok17:33
andrea-bslamalex: you can also use the merge proposals; it's not the same as giving someone else the access, but you don't have to start a new team17:35
lamalexyeah, I just made a branch for someone but I think that it was wasted effort17:35
lamalexis that something that would be worth writing up a blueprint for?17:36
andrea-bsI think it's better a bug report, even if I think that it'll be rejected, but I'm not the right person to ask to :)17:38
RainCTIs it possible to filter https://bugs.launchpad.net/people/+me to only see bugs in Ubuntu?17:48
andrea-bsRainCT: currently no, because you cannot select the project/package from the person search17:51
andrea-bsRainCT: I think there's a bug about that17:51
RainCTandrea-bs: ah, thanks17:52
andrea-bsRainCT: bug 18206617:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 182066 in malone "people / team advanced bug search has no way to filter on project or distribution" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18206617:53
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jkakarInteresting, if you click on the django-support branch at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/storm/+activereviews you get to a page for which none of the [Details|Merging|Source Code] tabs are highlighted.18:22
timingSomeone asked me to open a new bug and tag this one with 'linux-2.6.27'18:41
timingbut i didn't know there was a tagging system?18:41
timingand i can't find it18:41
timingso i used the binary package hint: linux-image-2.6.27-1-generic18:42
timingis that the way to go then?18:42
radixtiming: there's an "edit description / tags" link on bug pages18:43
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radixsorry, "Update description / tags"18:43
timingso first post the bug, then edit the tags18:43
radixyeah, you can't do it up front18:43
radixjust like most things in the bug report system (milestone, importance, etc)18:44
timingbut tags seem pretty important?18:44
Juhello !19:11
JuI have a question about https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/TracPlugin here is a good place ?19:13
jwendellis there a way to know how many people are subscribed to a lp mailing list?20:02
jwendellor yet: mass subscribe?20:02
emgentbarry: around ?20:04
barryemgent:only kind of.  not feeling well today20:33
barryemgent: what can i help you with?20:33
emgentbarry: no problem, we can talk later. :)20:35
barryemgent: ok, cool :)  i won't be around on monday (us holiday), but ping me next week okay?20:37
emgentsure np, thanks :)20:39
mdkeRinchen: around?23:31
mdkedoes anyone know if he is on holiday at the moment?23:32
beunomdke, he's probably asleep23:33
beunowe've been on a sprint23:34
beunoand he's on holiday next week23:34
mdkebeuno: aha, thanks23:34
mdkeI'll send him an email23:34
beunomdke, cool. If I see him in the morning, I'll tell him you're looking for him23:35
mdkebeuno: cheers :)23:35
beunomdke, :)23:36

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