
bdmurrayogasawara: what's the UDF kernel bug?00:30
ogasawarabdmurray: the private or the public00:31
bdmurraythe public I've a dupe00:31
ogasawarabdmurray: bug 21369600:32
bdmurrayI wonder what I did with the disc I was testing with00:34
sectechbdmurray,  do you know when my 3 month expires?00:34
bdmurraysectech: not off the top of my head00:34
bdmurrayyou can find at bug-control members page00:35
sectechWell... I can get back into bug triage again... I have had some free time come up00:35
sectechwhich makes me happy...00:35
bdmurraysectech: great, we could use your help!00:35
sectechI will read the wiki's for any updates though for while I was away, just so I am on the same page as you all though00:36
sectechheh one too many though's00:36
bdmurraysectech: There isn't much I can think of00:36
sectechRegardless... I have time now...  It took me a while to settle into my new job...00:37
bdmurraysectech: 2008-09-1200:37
sectechWhen should I be asking for an extension?00:38
sectechit's getting close00:38
james_wbddebian: boo00:38
james_wfinally managed it00:39
james_wI can actually get on with my life now, rather than trying to catch you logging on.00:39
hggdhbdmurray, ping00:40
bdmurraystill here00:40
hggdhbdmurray, are you an op at bugs-announce?00:40
bdmurrayhggdh: yep00:40
hggdhcan you please drop eeebotu so I can restart it?00:40
hggdh(it does not seem to be registered yet)00:41
hggdhbdmurray, ^^00:42
sectechDoes intrepid work on virtualbox yet? The last time I tried it didn't01:04
danbhfiveits a kernel bug01:07
sectechIs it at least being worked on?01:09
danbhfivesectech: you should ask in #ubuntu+1 and yeah, it is, thats why I knew about it.  Its listed in the release notes of alpha 401:55
snadgei wonder if the xen virtual framebuffer works in intrepid ;)02:20
snadgei wonder if you can do a paravirtual install yet.. hehe02:21
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
dholbachgood morning06:42
techno_freakdholbach, morning07:05
dholbachhi techno_freak07:05
techno_freakdholbach, in yur 5-a-day stats, in the top 50 contributors list there are 21 embers07:06
techno_freakdholbach, ah, it got fixed within 30 mins :) sorry and thanks07:07
dholbachnp, I didn't do anything :)07:08
techno_freakdholbach, it was there an hour ago, was wondering why I went out of that list and found "ember" being listed 21 times. :)07:08
dholbachreally... that's weird07:09
techno_freakfirst I thought there was some massive triaging that threw me out of the list ;)07:10
techno_freakdholbach, ouch, it's still there, let me show you screenshot of it :[07:10
dholbachjust tell me which column which numbers are wrong07:11
techno_freakthe top 50 contributors ever07:11
dholbachthat's clearly broken07:11
techno_freakit's been like this for past 3/4 days07:12
dholbachI'll check it out later07:12
techno_freakok, :)07:12
dholbachthanks for letting me know07:13
AwsoonnI'm about to throw the intrepid switch and get testing daily; any tips?07:43
Awsoonnborked systems don't scare me, obvoiusly.07:43
dholbachyou can try out this: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2008-August/026017.html07:45
Awsoonnkvm doesn't fly on my system unfortantly07:46
Awsoonntoo old07:46
Awsoonnis there a planned FF exeption for gimp 2.6 and Open Office 3?07:49
* Awsoonn presses the big red button07:52
dholbachAwsoonn: not sure anybody asked for an FF exception for them yet, but I'm sure that if somebody does it, it will be considered07:53
Awsoonndholbach: good to know, thanks.07:53
mouzanything known about ubottu's whereabouts last 12 hours?08:00
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mcasgood morning08:55
mcasi need some help with bug 26214908:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262149 in ubuntu "ubuntu-8.04.1-server-amd64.iso bugs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26214908:55
mcasthere are 3 bugs in one report08:55
mcasshould i open 3 new bugs and close this one or should the reporter do this?08:56
firmabos20034All greetings. There is here a lucid mind what to help me?09:25
firmabos20034At me a problem at loading with life CD writes here such errors: SQUASHFS error:09:25
* e-jat brb .. zzZZzz sleepy .. 09:44
* e-jat back .. 09:45
=== persia_ is now known as persia
savvas0is anyone in the website maintenance of ubuntu.com? the download link for gobuntu at http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/gobuntu points to outdated 7.1010:32
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=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
rihs_can somebody help me with framebuffer issue, which I think is related to bug #10407911:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 104079 in usplash "Ubuntu splash screen forces 640x480 resolution" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10407911:40
=== mcas_away is now known as mcas
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qenseSomeone has got a bug that makes his CD/DVD player key go dead when an empty disk in in the player. Reading and writing is no problem.13:52
qenseI can't seem to find the cause.13:53
qenseCould someone have a look at bug 229477 ?13:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229477 in hal "most of the laptopkeys don't work " [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22947713:53
chrisccoulsonqense - Just looking at that bug13:57
chrisccoulsonthe reporter is referring to the button to open the CD tray isn't he?13:57
chrisccoulsonand the CD tray doesn't open if there is an empty disk in the player?13:57
qenseHe was a bit unclear, but that's what I understood.13:58
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure whether HAL is involved in this or not13:58
qenseI started a bit wrong with diagnosing because at first I thought the all extra keys, mostly media keys, weren't working.13:59
chrisccoulsonqense - I'm not sure what the problem could be. I've just tried locking my CD device using HAL on my machine to see if it stops me from opening the CD drawer, and it doesn't14:07
chrisccoulsonI'll have a think of what else the person could do to debug it14:07
qenseok, thank you for having a look at it. :)14:07
chrisccoulsoni have noticed another bug by ejecting a mounted CD though14:08
chrisccoulsonnautilus doesn't unmount it before it is ejected!14:08
qenseThat's bad14:08
chrisccoulsonand then you end up with the icon stuck on your desktop14:08
qenseWas that bug already reported or are you reporting that right now?14:09
chrisccoulsoni'll have a look14:09
chrisccoulsondholbach, ping14:55
dholbachchrisccoulson: hiya15:08
chrisccoulsoni'm having issues with the 5-a-day applet. i think you're the right person to speak to?15:08
dholbachchrisccoulson: it depends :)15:09
dholbachchrisccoulson: what's your problem?15:09
chrisccoulsonit crashes every time i try to load it15:09
chrisccoulsoni've got a traceback15:09
dholbachyou have a backtrace15:09
dholbachcan you put it on paste.ubuntu.com?15:09
chrisccoulson1 sec15:10
chrisccoulsoni'm confused15:10
chrisccoulsonthere is no '/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/fiveadayapplet/controller.py' on my system15:11
dholbachhang on15:11
dholbachok... I can reproduce the problem - my fault - will fix it in a bit - what does      ls /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/fiveadayapplet/      say?15:13
dholbachI suppose you're on version 0.49something?15:14
chrisccoulsonthats the one!15:15
dholbachwhat does      ls /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/fiveadayapplet/      say?15:16
dholbachnot fiveaday15:16
chrisccoulsonwhoops! http://paste.ubuntu.com/41567/15:17
chrisccoulsonthis time there is no core.py15:17
dholbachok, so you got the controller15:18
dholbachI'm just about to fix the other mistake15:18
dholbachand hang on for a bit15:18
dholbachchrisccoulson: ok... uploaded to PPA - it might take a bit until 0.50 shows up15:20
chrisccoulsonno probs!15:20
dholbachthanks for letting me know15:20
chrisccoulsonno problem!15:21
dholbachROCK ON15:21
chrisccoulsoni keep forgetting i'm not using MSN!15:21
mcascan someone please look at bug 26214915:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262149 in ubuntu "ubuntu-8.04.1-server-amd64.iso bugs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26214915:22
dholbachchrisccoulson: was that supposed to be a ♥? :)15:22
dholbachor what's a "(H)"?15:23
chrisccoulsonit's a face with shades on!15:23
dholbachah ok15:23
mcasshould i open 3 new bugs and close this one or should this do the reporter?15:23
chrisccoulsonmcas: i would encourage the reporter to open separate reports15:24
chrisccoulsonthat one will become horrendous otherwise15:24
mcasok i close this one with a comment15:24
dholbachthekorn_: if I want to play with the 5-a-day-applet locally, do I run ./5-a-day-applet -d?15:24
mcasthanks for the response chrisccoulson15:24
chrisccoulsonall 3 issues are definately unrelated15:25
dholbachthekorn_: ok, it works now - it's all good :)15:25
mcas1 i think so, too15:26
mcasthe others i wasn't sure15:26
thekorn_aha, it's applet time again15:26
* thekorn_ hugs dholbach 15:27
chrisccoulsonmcas: if you keep that report open for one of the problems, it would be a good idea to edit the title and description to something more appropriate15:27
* dholbach hugs thekorn_ back15:27
dholbachthekorn_: just fixed a tiny mistake that I introduced yesterday, now I'm looking at the teams list15:27
mcaschrisccoulson: then i let this one open for the second issue and change the title15:28
thekorn_I'm happy to help where possible, but I'm not running the applet right now15:28
chrisccoulsonmcas: that's probably the best approach15:28
mcasthe third one should be open as a separate bug and the first i would say it's a support request15:28
mcasis this ok for you chrisccoulson?15:29
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i'm not sure about that. if Xorg isn't starting correctly, then thats probably a bug15:29
mcasok than he should open a separate bug for this issue, too15:31
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think so15:31
mcaschrisccoulson: could you please look again if my changes are correct?15:38
dholbachchrisccoulson: 0.51 is going to fix another problem in the applet (setting the teams)15:39
* dholbach will stop breaking thekorn_'s good work now15:40
mcasdholbach: is there a problem with the 5-a-day stats?15:40
chrisccoulsonmcas: Looks good. You should also request the output of 'lspci -vvnn'15:40
mcasok sorry15:40
dholbachmcas: yes, I'm looking into it next - techno_freak told me this morning15:41
dholbachthekorn_: 5-a-day uses   bzr launchpad-login   now (I think it was your suggestion)15:41
mcasdholbach: ok fine15:41
dholbachmuch more useful to set that instead of a ~/.5-a-day file :)15:41
dholbachmcas: you were referring to the "top 50 contributors ever"?15:44
dholbachember paid me a bit to turn up a couple of times15:45
mcasthere are so many ember entries?15:45
dholbachjust kidding... just wanted to make sure you didn't spot another problem :)15:45
mcasnp dholbach15:46
Awsoonnbefore I go about fixing my issue, is there anythgin else I shoudl attach? Bug #26267615:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262676 in update-manager "package update-manager 1:0.87.30 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: SystemError in cache.commit(): E:Couldn't configure pre-depend cups for cups-pdf, probably a dependency cycle." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26267615:57
hggdhAwsoonn, you have a series of non-standard repositories, and some of them have access errors.16:03
dholbachmcas: should be fixed with next cron run16:13
dholbachember's 5-a-day-data branch seems wonky16:13
mcasthanks dholbach16:14
=== mcas is now known as mcas_away
Awsoonnhggdh: sorry for the late responce, but you would classify this as a no fix bug? It is only due to my repos?17:36
hggdhAwsoonn, I do not know, but it would be worth the time to clean out the errors. On my view, it still should not have failed17:38
hggdhbut the maintainer may have an easy time if we can be more precise on the error17:38
Awsoonnalrighty then, cleaning time it is.17:42
Awsoonnhggdh: where do you see these errors? what file?17:47
hggdhAwsoonn, in the VarLogDistUpgradeMainlog.gz18:15
=== mcas_away is now known as mcas
mcaschrisccoulson: ping21:21
chrisccoulsonhi mcas21:25
mcashi chrisccoulson21:25
mcasyou remember the 3 in 1 bug?21:25
mcasa few hours ago?21:26
chrisccoulsonyep! although i cant remember the bug number!21:26
mcasthe solution is a defect dvd drive :-)21:26
mcashe downloaded a new image takes a new drive and now ist ok21:27
chrisccoulsonah! well, thats good (although not so good for the reporter)21:27
chrisccoulsonhow did you get to the bottom of it?21:27
mcashe wrote it a few minutes ago ;-921:27
chrisccoulsonnice and easy then!21:28
mcasnow he has a running system without any problems21:28
chrisccoulsonthats good to hear!21:28
mcasi want to tell you because i think this was first a little complicated and now so easy21:29
chrisccoulsonyes, that could have ended up being quite complicated21:29
chrisccoulsonalthough with bug reports like that affecting something quite basic - you tend to find that if there aren't lots of people reporting duplicates that it is probably either a configuration problem, or broken hardware21:30
chrisccoulsoni had something this week - bright coloured dots appearing on my screen when usplash was shown. i could have reported it on launchpad and it would have ended up being a pain to debug21:32
chrisccoulsonbut i suspected a hardware problem so i left it21:32
chrisccoulsonand sure enough, my machine failed to POST a few days ago with a video RAM failure!21:32
mcasi think if there are no duplicates but answers it is a real bug anyway21:33
mcaschrisccoulson: good feeling21:33
chrisccoulsoni'm just taking a look at bug 262760 (currently assigned to Xen)21:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262760 in xen-3.2 "All processors in /proc/cpuinfo have ID 0 (zero)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26276021:34
chrisccoulsonhowever, I think it should be assigned to the kernel. Does anyone else have any opinion?21:34
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure where the CPU ID comes from (whether it is from the hardware or assigned by the kernel), which is why I'm unsure21:35
mcasi think it is kernel related21:37
chrisccoulsoni think you're probably right21:37
thekorn /exit22:11
ligemegetHow the devil do I add a tag to a bug in launchpad?22:17
mcasligemeget: there is a link the Update desciption / tags22:18
ligemegetah, there it was, yes :)22:18
ligemegetwhat can I do to improve the bug report of bug 262806 ?22:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262806 in linux "[Intrepid regression] No sound with OSS after upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26280622:19
mcasligemeget: perhaps you find something at this page22:22
ligemegetthanks mcas22:23
=== mcas is now known as mcas_away
jcastrobdmurray: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream23:32
jcastroI added a header and some more links to resources, thoughts?23:32
hggdhall: I *think* I identified the reason, or perhaps *one* of the reasons, eeebotu would stop every so often: it has to do with responding to server PING requests. I have added in the code, but I will not bounce EeeBotu until needed23:34
hggdhthe test code is currently running on #ubuntu-bugs-announce-test23:35
hggdhjcastro, Brian is off on an extended weekend (its labour day in the US this Monday)23:42
jcastrohggdh: ok thanks23:43
hggdhjcastro, FWIW, I like it. Thank you23:44
jcastroNeed to chase down the OOo and mozilla teams still23:46
jcastrotheir pages are pretty bare23:46

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