
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
=== Lunks is now known as Lunksa
=== Lunksa is now known as Lunks
mib_04cywaogi want compile gcc 2.95.3 but i cant compile on ubuntu 6.1008:54
* e-jat brb .. zzZZzz sleepy .. 09:44
* e-jat back .. 09:45
stdinbad e-jat, bad09:46
* jussi01 gigles and wonders how many times e-jat got told off for that...09:47
e-jathmm ..09:47
Myrttitsk tsk09:47
=== Gary is now known as GazzaK
e-jatno la .. im not naughty ..09:49
=== SWAT__ is now known as SWAT
nemphishi all18:02
nemphismay i ask someone of the ubuntu irc team to give me the irc cloak? (https://launchpad.net/~nemphis)18:04
Picinemphis: Have you followed all of the steps here: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup ?18:10
nemphisPici: yes18:10
Picinemphis: okay18:10
Picinalioth, PriceChild, ping for nemphis cloak18:11
Picinemphis: also, congrats on membership18:11
nemphisPici: thank you :)18:11
=== nemphis is now known as nemphis_
=== nemphis_ is now known as nemphis
blizzzhi, i became kubuntu member last wednesday and thus want to ask for the irc cloak. my launchpad profile is here: https://launchpad.net/~blizzz19:08
Ekusheycongrats blizzz :)19:09
blizzzEkushey: thank you :)19:10
Myrttiblizzz: have you followed this http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup guide?19:10
EkusheyPriceChild can set the cloak for you... talk to him when he's online19:10
blizzznot yet19:10
Myrttiyou need to complete all the steps, including setting up an email address, alternate nick etc.19:10
Ekusheyhi Myrtti :)19:11
Myrttihi Ekushey :-)19:11
blizzzMyrtti: i match the requirements19:12
blizzzEkushey: i will, ty19:12
Ekusheymy pleasure, and congrats again :)19:12
MyrttiPriceChild, nalioth ^19:12
EkusheyMyrtti, too bad you stepped down19:13
MyrttiEkushey: took three days to consider, I think I did the correct choice under the circumstances19:13
EkusheyMyrtti, ok :(19:14
naliothblizzz: you need to set an email, please19:17
Ekusheyi've a question, what is the difference between ubuntu membership and kubuntu membership?19:17
Ekusheynalioth, you can set the cloak too?19:18
naliothEkushey: what cloak?19:18
blizzznalioth: for my freenode account? musn't there be one already?19:18
naliothblizzz: /msg nickserv info blizzz19:19
* nalioth does not waste time asking for things that are already done19:19
Ekusheynalioth, ubuntu cloak?19:19
naliothEkushey: for you?19:19
Ekusheynalioth, no no i already have it19:19
naliothEkushey: i'm lost then.19:19
blizzznalioth: you don't have the command to set the adress, have you?19:21
Ekusheynalioth, i just want to know how many people can set the cloak so that i can tell others who might want to know19:21
Myrttiblizzz: you need to setup the email-address19:21
naliothblizzz: /msg nickserv help set email19:22
naliothEkushey: they've been calling me all morning19:22
naliothEkushey: the folks here know19:22
PiciEkushey: Any members of the IRCC can have a staffer set a Ubuntu cloak, its just easier to ask pric-ey and nal because they are staffers as well.19:23
EkusheyPici, that answers my question :)19:23
blizzznalioth: had some trouble with the greylist... anyway, email is set now19:36
blizzzthank you all19:50
Myrttino probs19:50
Myrttiand congratulat...19:50
* Myrtti shrugs and continues to compile bitlbee19:50

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