
CarlFKhmm, debug output overflowed the dmesg buffer - is there a kernel parameter to increase it?00:23
emmaHow many herbs and spices are there again?02:24
rismani want compile gcc 2.95.3 but i cant compile on ubuntu 6.1008:45
mdzhow should regressions in 2.6.27 be marked in Launchpad?09:52
ogasawaramdz: I'd been tagging them 'regression-2.6.27'11:12
mdzogasawara: eek, what are you doing awake?11:23
rihs_anyone here who knows about framebuffers and virtualterminal resolution?11:33
smb_tpcking, Good catch fixing the paravirt stuff! :)12:46
ckingsmb_tp: thanks - it wasn't the most obvious bug to corner :-)12:46
smb_tpcking, No, hat irq_disable in poke_early seemed to be the least intruding part. I'd rather suspected sync_cores... 12:47
ckingI suspected some weird caching problem on the text segment too. the fix seems stable - I was able to build intrepid inside a virtual box running 2.6.2712:48
smb_tpcking, something odd in any case. But the code for those paravirt replacements isn't obvious either12:51
ckingsmb_tp: the whole paravirt code is really a black art - it's very indirect - fortunately I found a paragraph in a pdf that helped me figure out what was going at the lower-level 12:52
* cking needs a coffee12:53
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CarlFKsmb - g'morning 14:53
CarlFKyou see my note about dmesg buffer overflow14:54
* Ng curious if anyone else is seeing bug 26260015:12
smb_tpCarlFK, Hi, yes. But it is good to have that point where it stops. It is scanning the ACPI namespace when it gets interrupted by the EC GPE. That is some information15:13
CarlFKi was hoping for that 15:14
smb_tpCarlFK, One Idea, probably it works when you press ALT+print+t at that moment. But then better take the previous version of the debug kernel. That prints less noise around.15:15
CarlFKsmb_tp:  did you want me to boot linux-image-2.6.26-5-generic_2.6.26-5.13ecdbg_i386.deb ?15:17
smb_tpCarlFK, Yes correct. 15:18
smb_tpCarlFK, As sysrq+t prints all task, this is already noisy enough. Better get that alone in the dmesg.15:19
cjwatsonlinux-restricted-modules 2.6.27-2 accepted, FYI15:20
cjwatsonBenC: ^-15:20
BenCcjwatson: thanks15:21
cjwatsonI'm upgrading d-i now15:21
BenCcjwatson: linux-meta uploaded15:41
CarlFKsmb_tp: any special kernel params?15:45
smb_tpCarlFK, No, this time just wait for the hang and try the magic key15:45
CarlFKon this hp laptop:  Fn + sysrq - nothing.  whats the Alt-T thing?  15:47
cjwatsonalt+print == sysrq15:47
smb_tpCarlFK, Normally a combinaten of alt+print15:47
cjwatsonsysrq won't do anything on its own though; you need the extra letter (t in this case) as well15:48
smb_tpCarlFK, and while pressing those two add the 't' key (needs a lot of fingers)15:48
CarlFKprint is prtSc, which needs an Fn too 15:49
smb_tpCarlFK, You might try to get the right combination by trying 's' instead of 't' when the combination is right the console shows something like emergency sync15:51
CarlFKsmb_tp: even with a usb keyboard (so a dedicated PrintScr/SysRq key) nothing 16:00
smb_tpCarlFK, Sorry if thats a lame question: You hold first alt then (while holding that) press print and while holding both of then press s or t?16:03
CarlFKsmb_tp: yes, and every other permutation I can think of 16:04
CarlFKnumlock does not toggle the light16:04
smb_tpCarlFK, Hm, probably too early in the boot. :(16:05
smb_tpCarlFK, So it requires resorting to more debugging. Looking at the code of the function that prints "non-query interrupt..." hard to get blocked. Not sure how or where the scan gets hold up but I will try to put together code that does not print too much...16:08
Xan3i have a problem with last kernel in intrepid17:18
Xan327-2....  the problem with 27-2 it's already reported?17:20
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cjwatsonXan3: you might need to actually say which problem17:49
Xan3simply with 27-2 right afterwards grup kernel crash with no error17:50
Xan3with 27-1 i have no problem17:50
mdzpgraner,BenC: is there anything more I can add to bug 262539?  I won't have local access to the machine over the weekend17:50
pgranermdz: not that I can think of. BenC would know better17:53
BenCmdz: if removing lrm fixes it would be a good data point17:55
mdzBenC: linux depends on lrm17:55
mdzbut I will try to do a test before I go17:56
mdzdisabling the init script would presumably be sufficient17:56
mdzBenC: does the trace mean anything to you?17:59
CarlFKhow is apt-get linux-image-... and /boot/grub/menu.lst  update-grub options like # defoptions=vga=791 spozed to work?  I keep getting:18:09
CarlFK" A new version of /boot/grub/menu.lst is available, but the version  installed currently has been locally modified." and lots of options18:09
smb_tp_CarlFK, It seems a bit like pulling in grub itself. But I am not sure. You might want to keep the locally installed version...18:13
CarlFKinstall whackes my options, keep keeps it (no update for new kernel), merge errors, show/show/show shows...18:13
CarlFKglad I am not the only one that isn't sure what to do :)18:14
smb_tp_CarlFK, Somehow it seems to be new in the latest packages but I am not sure where exactly it gets triggered.18:16
mdzBenC: updated bug 262539 with analysis; I found the problem18:32
mdzthough there is still some mystery18:32
CarlFKum, .27-2 blanks my screen, -1 did not.18:35
CarlFKoh wait... never mind.  different vga option 18:36
smbCarlFK, I put up another debug kernel for you to my peoples page, I you could give that a try and add the output to the report...19:05
=== smb_tp_ is now known as smb_tp
BenCmdz: that's enough to fix it...not sure I want to figure out why it didn't fail before...thanks19:07
thekornhi, I've got a question about bug 26109819:08
thekornogasawara asked me to test the latest kernel on intrepid there19:09
lukehasnonamebug #26109819:09
thekornthe messages described tthere are gone, but replaced by other ones19:09
fabbioneBenC: ping?19:10
BenCfabbione: yo19:10
fabbioneBenC: hey man.. did you get my pull request?19:10
fabbionei prepared a tree for gfs119:10
fabbionefor .2719:10
BenCfabbione: right, I'm going to pull it for next upload19:11
thekornI would like to know if they are related, or totally different19:11
fabbioneI might have a fix for fs/dlm that is scheduled for .28 but nice to have for .27. Not sure it will make it for .27 bug fixes.19:11
fabbioneBenC: ok cool. what about ports?19:11
fabbioneBenC: you said you were going to do it...19:11
thekornhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/41636/ has the new messages19:12
Ngehh, 2.6.27 kills some intel eth firmwares19:12
fabbionehey Ng 19:12
Ngtheres a thread about it on the linux-kernel ml and its one of the listed regressions on the kernel bugzilla19:13
Nghey fabio19:13
fabbioneNg: are for fw for wireless i guess....19:14
fabbioneor wired stuff too?19:14
Ngjust wired19:14
BenCNg: I saw that, but we are using e1000e from Intel's sf, not the kernel one19:14
BenCNg: unless it affects other than e1000e?19:14
Ngbenc: well it happened to my one with intrepid19:14
Ngneither .27 or .24 pass the checksum, even ater hard power off19:15
fabbioneoh that bug.. 19:16
BenCNg: so it corrupted it on the device?!19:16
Ngseems that way19:16
fabbioneNg: i assume a .26 kernel work?19:17
Ngnot tried it, but until i make a dos disk and reflash iy, nothing will work with it afaics19:18
Ngi think it did work for a bit with .27, but i wasnt paying much attention to NM until after it happened19:22
Ngs'been fine with .24 for months19:23
CarlFKsmb_tp: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/254668 19:30
smb_tpCarlFK, Ah ok. Thanks.19:31
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smb_tpCarlFK, Very interesting. Ok, back to the code19:32
CarlFKsmb_tp: there are 2 ways for me to get past it: power button or plugging in power to laptop 19:33
smb_tpCarlFK, Both seems to generate events from/for the embedded controller.19:33
smb_tpCarlFK, Interestingly it waits just before returning from that handler...19:34
smb_tpCarlFK, Ok, I guess I have a trace... But it might need a bit of time19:41
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=== rikai_ is now known as rikai
Ngwell that didn't go so well, after getting dos booted and running intel's proboot tool to try and restore the NIC, it's now entirely disappeared from the PCI bus22:08
Ngso I suspect I won't be able to do much testing ;)22:09
NafalloNg: FAIL!?22:12
Ngvery very fail22:13
Ngunless some kind of miracle happens, my thinkpad will be heading off for a service next week ;(22:13
NafalloNg: haz spare laptop?22:36
Ngyep, I'll rob my old X40 off my gf ;)22:42
mjg59Ng: Yeah, that'll allegedly happen if the eeprom is sufficiently funted22:43
mjg59Ng: Getting increasingly unimpressed with Intel's networking support22:43
Ngmjg59: it's pretty worrying their their own stable driver release did this. I get a weird oops which seems to relate to drm, so maybe that's screwing with other things, but even that's their code aiui22:44
Ngmjg59: so if the thing won't enumerate on the PCI bus, this is a repair job, right? ;)22:45
mjg59Ng: probably, yeah. Though they'll probably want you to boot Windows.22:45
Ngugh, I'd need to buy restore media from them for that. I did mail Jesse Brandeburg and he thinks the NVM is actually part of the main system BIOS and so it may be restorable22:46
Ngbut I did put the latest lenovo bios on this evening, to no avail22:46
Nghe's also "relatively sure" it's not a driver bug22:47
Ngyeah all of the publically available bios updates for this are the same size, so I'm not sure they've actually got the full BIOS (which may be up to 4MB, I'm told) and thus the LAN bit23:02
CarlFKsmb_tp: " It would make a little bit more sense if the pause would be one message later."23:24
CarlFKany chance there is a line buffer?23:24
CarlFKlike the fprintf happens, but no \n, then the hang, then the next fprintf does a \n which flushes the buffer and it is displayed 23:25
smb_tpCarlFK, Could be23:25
CarlFKi just booted with both hpet=disable and highres=off - same hang.  want me to post the log?23:25
smb_tpNo, enough to know it doesn't change anything23:26
smb_tpI really suspect msleep there. I replaced that by udelay and put some messages around it. The kernel currently comiles23:28
CarlFKk - i'll watch for it23:30
smb_tpCarlFK, Thanks, shouldn't take too long. Its already packaging but that old workhorse of mine takes a bit... ;-)23:31
smb_tpCarlFK, Ok, number 4 is there23:48

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