
GrueMasterNot sure if this is an ubuntu repo issue or a moblin image creator issue, but creating a project target with "crownbeach-with-proprietary" hangs while trying to find either the marvel 8686 wireless firmware or the helix-cip-codecs.00:29
persiaStevenK: I'm playing with the daily, and still getting a hard system hang in KVM whenever I run apt-get update.  apt-get install seems to work fine.  Any ideas as to what might be happening?06:38
StevenKpersia: It locks up?06:39
persiaYes.  I can't seem to escape with any of the usual suspects (^c ^d ^z)06:40
persiaFurther, once this happens, I can't seem to change virtual terminals.  I'm not sure how to collect debug information, as I'm not getting a crash, and don't have access to the system post-hang for forensics.06:41
StevenKThat's odd. Only update hangs?06:44
StevenKWhat about something requiring network access?06:44
persiaNo problem.  apt-get install downloads and installs anything I want.06:44
persiaI'm using kvm -hda ubuntu-mid.img -hdb disk.img -m 512M -net nic -net user06:44
StevenKOkay, install strace and strace apt-get update?06:44
persiadisk.img is a pristine 4G qcow2 image.06:44
persiaHmm.  Seems something related to Release.gpg06:46
persiaLast call is rename("/var/lib/apt/lists/ports.ubuntu.com_ubuntu-ports_disks_intrepid_Release.gpg", "/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ports.ubuntu.com_ubuntu-ports_dists_intrepid_Release.gpg.reverify"06:47
persiaThere's no close parenthesis or return code.06:47
persiaThis is with the 20080829 image, although I had a similar (less investigated) hang with 20080828.1006:49
persiaAny ideas why this might happen in the live session?06:49
StevenKNone :-(06:51
persiaRight.  Have you tried the image on your hardware?  Does this happen there as well?06:52
persiaAlso, any ideas as to what layer this might occur at?  Generally I don't do much at this level, but I don't know if this is a filesystem issue or a libc issue, or something else.06:55
persiaA simple mv seems to work, although I've not tried it on that file.06:56
StevenKHm. Is gpg installed?06:59
StevenKDoes gpg hang the VM?06:59
persiagpg is installed.  I'll download the release file, and try verification.07:00
persiagpg --verify Release.gpg Release works fine as the ubuntu user.07:00
persiaIt can't find the public key for 437D05B5, but that's unrelated.07:01
StevenKFeed the no verify option to apt-get update and see?07:01
persiaCalling mv to repeat the move file seems to work.07:02
StevenKI'm rsync'ing todays image to try the image on real hardware07:03
StevenKAnd see if X starts07:03
persiaX doesn't start.07:03
* StevenK hands persia back the pin he just used07:03
persiaThere's some issue with /etc/event.d/session: it respawns too quickly to get started.07:03
StevenKX doesn't start quick enough for upstart?07:04
persiaMaybe, or maybe there's something else.  That's the second thing I want to fix, but not being able to run apt-get update seems to be the thing that is causing ubiquity to hang, and having ubiquity not hang is my first priority.07:05
StevenKYeah, I'll poke at apt on real hardware when I have the image downloaded07:06
persiaRunning `startx -- -br` brings up the right session, so I'm not feeling the pain as much as for yesterday.07:06
persiaAustralia needs more fiber.07:06
StevenKFeel free to run it, I'll wait.07:06
persiaProbably faster for you to move somewhere with better bandwidth.07:07
StevenKThat has its own complications07:08
StevenKAnyway, it's 80% done07:08
persiaSo how do I turn off GPG verification in apt again?  I know it's very likely with -o, but I don't see the relevant apt.conf option.07:09
StevenKpersia: Reproduced.07:31
StevenKIt's strange, the terminal doesn't die, but it isn't so happy07:31
persiaStevenK: Well, at least that means it's not just me.07:31
persiaThe terminal doesn't die?  How do you mean?07:32
persiaThe process doesn't end?07:32
persiaOr that it still echoes keystrokes, and just ignores them (which is what I see)07:32
* persia learns not to ask "or" questions07:33
StevenKpersia: It still echoes the keystrokes and does nothing about them.07:34
StevenKWhich is odd07:34
persiaIs it?  There's lots of conditions that generate that, including a non-terminating while loop.07:36
persiaMind you, CPU usage seems very low in this case, which confuses me.07:36
StevenKIt should still listen to a SIGINT07:36
persiaTrue.  That part is odd.  Can you also not change virtual terminals?07:37
StevenKNo keyboard connected. Was about to fetch it07:39
StevenKpersia: Please review maximus 0.3 on REVU at your leisure.07:42
persiaBeats trying to understand why apt is hanging :)07:42
* persia pokes REVU to find out why there isn't any maximus there07:44
persiaStevenK: Where is it?  I don't see it either in the accepted packages or the rejected packages.07:45
StevenKpersia: It's probably there now.07:45
StevenKpersia: It was still uploading when I asked.07:45
persiaOh :)07:45
StevenKapt-get install doesn't work for me either07:46
StevenKThey both hang in D07:46
persiaOdd.  I can do apt-get install.07:46
persiaYou're using the 20080829 image?07:47
persiaCan you run apt-get install in KVM?07:47
StevenKNope, because I can't run KVM07:47
persiaRight.  Never mind.  Even with the kqemu modules, qemu is too slow07:48
persiaMore oddly, it works in a chroot.07:51
* persia downloads the alternate install image to see if the problem is ubuntu-mid specific or architecture-specific07:51
persiaStevenK: Do you really want to be the maintainer for this package?  Why not MOTU?  It's not in our seeds.08:06
persiaRight.  Rescue-mode doesn't support apt-get until one executes a chroot into the target system.08:12
StevenKpersia: MOTU works08:20
StevenKpersia: I suspect I wasn't thinking08:20
persiaCould be leftover fatigue from the pre-FF rush.08:20
persiaI've some other comments, I'll send you the URL when I finish the compilation.08:21
persiaMostly issues with debian/copyright08:21
persiaStevenK: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=maximus commented08:26
ograpersia, you are aware that 2.6.26 has issues (mainly kernel oopses) with virtualization ? 08:38
persiaogra: For running within virtualised environments?  Also, that doesn't really explain that the problem could be replicated on real HW.08:39
StevenKpersia: I tried to find the excerpt for GPLv3, and couldn't08:39
ograoh, i didnt read the full backlog ... i just know that at least or kvm/quemu .27 solves that08:39
ograsadly not for vbox ... so i'm standing in the rain here08:40
persiaogra: .27 in the client, or in the host?08:42
ogra.27 isnt the improvement i hoped for at all :/ ... the wireless in the Q1 still doesnt work without madwifi ... the cam still doesnt work ...08:42
ograbt at least the usplash progressbar isnt broken anymore on my laptop ... thats the only actual improvement i see over .26 for now08:43
persiaStevenK: Starts on line 635 of /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-308:43
persiaogra: You're using GDM for session management, right?08:44
persiaAnd yeah: I retested all my bugs against the kernel against .27 today, and none appear to be resolved.08:45
persiaogra: And you're running lpia, right?08:50
ogramy laptop is a core2duo ... why should i run lpia08:52
persiaI meant for ubuntu-mobile on your smaller device.08:52
* StevenK grumbles about get-orig-source08:53
ograthe Q1 ? its a celeron, why should i run lpia there ?08:53
persiaStevenK: Well, it's one thing to be absent.  It's quite another thing to have one that is broken :)08:53
ograor "generic intel" :)08:53
persiaThe Q1 is a celeron?  I thought it was an A10008:53
ograwell, its not really clear08:54
ograits an 800MHz intel *something*08:54
ograsaying "generic intel" as type08:54
persiaRIght.  That's the second generation lpia chips.  It's probably an A11008:54
ograit uses the lpiacompat in your image 08:54
* StevenK reuploads maximus08:55
ograi use generic here atm and dont realy see difference in battery time 08:55
persiaWell, it's an lpia.  Mind you, I'm running i386 on my lpia device just now as well.08:55
ograi really dont think its lpia08:56
persiaIf you happened to be running lpia, I'd want another check of the apt-get issue, but doesn't really matter.08:56
persiaYes, lpia is A100, A110, Atom, and future chips.08:56
ograand i really dont think it is one :)08:56
persiaThe A100 is usually 600MHz, and the A100 usually 800MHz.  Atoms seem to come in a wide variety of clockspeeds.08:57
ogradmidecode says Pentium M08:58
persiaSure, but it's still lpia.08:58
ograi havent seen any Atome reporting pentuim M ever08:59
persiaYou can run i386 on it the same way you can run i386 on an amd64.  Actually, lpia is *lots* closer to i386 than amd64.08:59
persiaWhat do they report to dmidecode?08:59
ograno idea, they usually report Atom in /proc/cpuinfo already so i dont bother to look08:59
ograthis CPU only shows GenuineIntel09:00
ograbut dmidecode shows pentium M properly09:00
persiaAh.  I think the main differences between the A100/A110 and a Celeron is that they are slightly more parallel and they have a hard limit of 1G RAM.09:00
persiaStevenK: As I try to track down why X isn't starting, I suddenly wonder why I am already logged in when I boot.09:51
persiaIs it perhaps that a special boot sequence is happening that is not driven by the contents of /etc/event.d/ ?09:52
StevenKpersia: casper logs you in09:53
persiaStevenK: That's what I thought, but I didn't see where in /etc/casper.conf that was enforced.09:53
* persia reads more documentation09:53
=== persia_ is now known as persia
loolWe should change the battery icon with a logout one11:48
persiaWhy?  What's the use case for logout?11:51
loolI was just jokng because clicking the battery applet crashes hildon11:51
persiaI see.  In that case, I agree.  While I'll argue against the use case for logout, as long as we have a logout button, it ought be labeled correctly.11:52
persiaAre you running the daily?  Any ideas why apt-get update doesn't work?11:52
loolFor some reason network didn't work on startup here11:52
loolSo I'm chasing why startx isn't run11:52
loolpersia: Unless you solved that alraedy?11:53
persiaNo.  The event doesn't seem to be triggering, but I've yet to discover why.11:53
loolpersia: The even probably triggers11:53
loolBut it doesn't start properly from udev11:53
loolerr upstart11:53
persiaWhat?  The "session" event isn't triggered on boot.11:53
loolpersia: If you "start session" explicitely, nothing happens11:54
persiaMind you, when it triggers it also doesn't work, but when it triggers, it at least reports that it doesn't work to the logs.11:54
loolThere's no session event, session starts on "runlevel 2" event11:54
persiaThere are two distinct problems.11:54
persiaThere is a session event.  That's why sudo start session ought work.11:54
persiaEach entry in /etc/event.d is called an "event".  That there isn't anything listening for the session event isn't important.11:55
loolDon't you mean "job"?11:55
persiaNo, I mean event.11:55
loolstart takes a job as parameter11:55
looltty1 isn't an event11:55
loolthe event in /etc/event.d/tty1 is that it will triggerred when "stopped rc2" happens11:56
persiaRight.  The terminology got rationalised for newer versions of upstart, and now upstream has a meaningful distinction between event and job.  That distinction doesn't really exist for the version in intrepid.11:56
persiaThat said, yes, "job" is more accurate.11:57
loolAnyway, if you "start session", it wont work; but if you run the command it does11:58
persiaI'm currently chasing that, although if you want to chase it, that's fine too.11:58
loolpersia: I'm happy if you chase it; I wonder what's happening11:58
persiaI'm blocked on installing anything, as ubiquity is hanging.  I think it's the same hang as for apt-get update, but I don't understand that problem at all.11:59
* persia goes to the MOTU Release meeting to put in good words for mobile stuff11:59
persia(and probably other motives, yet unexamined)12:00
lool"X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting"12:00
ogralool, well, the more complicated way of logut is open pidgin, go on IRc, join a channel, close window ... 12:00
ograsame result12:00
loologra: I like the one clock logout12:00
ograthey peobably use the same backend :P12:01
loolpersia: Solved here12:14
persialool: What did you do differently?12:14
persiaAnd what did you solve?12:14
loolSo either we need to allow ubuntu to start Xorg unconditionally or we need to own a new tty12:14
loolIt works with "console owner\n respawn\n exec su -l ubuntu "startx..." </dev/tty7 >/dev/tty7 2>&112:15
ogrado we want to be handled as subdistro by the universe team ? 12:16
loolI'd like to not hardcode tty7 naturally12:16
persiaAh.  Interesting.  I'll look at the casper scripts again.  I think there's a way to make that work with a minor change.12:16
ograseems thats just being discussed next door12:16
* ogra thinks mobile/mid might qualify12:16
persiaogra: We are already a universe flavour.  I'm just trying to make sure we don't need special permission to change things.12:16
ograah, good12:17
ograthats what i was asking next :) (whats the advantage)12:17
lool"console owner" might not be necessary; it works after I remove it, but I need to check whether it's a side effect of the first session12:17
loolIt's not12:18
loolSo the only thing which is required is </dev/ttyN >/dev/ttyN 2>&112:18
loolI tried with /dev/tty in prior tests, but it wasn't enough12:18
loolpersia: I'm not sure casper is relevant; I checked it in the beginning but it defers to starting gdm in autologin12:20
loolHmm even gdm hardcodes 712:21
persiaYeah, there's no easy way around hardcoding.  Can do it in ubuntu-mid-settings then.12:21
loolI'm afraid upstart doesn't care about ttys12:22
loolSo we have nobody to ask for a new one12:22
loolIt's all done by config right now12:22
loolWe could of course code something like for tty in 1 .. 20: try_tty12:23
persiaRight.  Annoying that startx requires a tty, but we can just grab tty7, as that's where we'll be putting X anyway.12:23
loolIt requires a VT, that's normal12:23
loolLet's try with openvt12:24
loolWorks standalone12:31
loolopenvt -s -- su -l ubuntu -c startx12:31
loolWorks in event.d12:32
persiaNice discovery.  bzr is up-to-date for ubuntu-mid-default-settings if you want to make the adjustment.12:33
loolLet me confirm with a reboot first12:33
persiaDid you update the change inside the squashfs?12:33
loolHmm shutdown prompts to eject the disk *cough*12:34
persiaYeah, well, the effort to generate USB-based installers didn't complete pre-FF, so there was no need to change that.12:35
persialool: Any objections to having authority to approve freeze exceptions for ubuntu-mid?  If not, please speak up in ubuntu-meeting in a couple minutes.12:39
loolAnyone has access to a recent system not running kbd?12:40
loolIt's like to depend on kbd | console-tools, but not sure it's the correct alternative12:40
persialool: You're up for discussion, if you've a minute.12:40
loolI should be having lunch12:41
loolBut it looks like I wont anyway12:41
persialool: No worries.  You were approved.  That ought make things easier if we need universe exceptions.12:42
ogralool, whats your prob with kbd exactly ? 12:43
loolpersia: pushed12:43
ograi think console-tools is abandoned now12:43
loologra: No "problem", I just don't want to hardcode a dep on it if openvt is provided by the console -tools alternative12:43
persialool: Cool.  Tomorrow ought bring up X.  apt-get update still doesn't work :(12:43
loolpersia: Might check this later12:44
ogra(which actually only means its in universe so we can still make use of it)12:44
ograpersia, is there a doc about the stuff i just accepted (i.e. what power do i have being ubuntu-mobile release manager ... do i still need ubuntu-motu approval for decisions etc ?)12:49
persiaogra: Just follow the rest of the meeting.  At first blush, I believe it means you can grant freeze exceptions for some packages without further review.  I don't know which packages yet.12:50
ograah, good ...12:50
ograwell, i guess that will be the unr stuff :) 12:50
ograor all things in the seed12:50
loolGrr bzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:~ubuntu-mobile/ubuntu-mid-default-settings": No such project: ~ubuntu-mobile13:01
loolThe branch seems to be in ~ubuntu-mobile/ubuntu-mobile/ubuntu-mid-default-settings instead13:01
persiaIndeed.  We've no special ubuntu-mid project (and don't really want one, I think)13:02
loolBut "/ubuntu-mid-default-settings" is usually branch codename13:02
persiaYeah, but one isn't permitted to attach branches to teams.  Blame LP, or wait until it permits branches associated with the disro.13:10
loolpersia: In the mean time, we could register the project13:19
persialool: I don't see any benefit having such a project13:20
=== asac_ is now known as asac
loolpersia: Well we could get a clean branch name for one14:03
persialool: But that's the only advantage, and we then have to dal with managemnt of a product.14:04
persiaSeriously, the package is maybe 20 lines of code.  it doesn't represent a project.14:04
loolIt's the same thing each time you want to forward bugs to an upstream project; it's just Launchpad pain I live with14:04
persiaI'd rather just not use BZR than bother doing it that way.14:04
persiaSee, I don't see any value to taking on extra pain.  We've a perfectly good project already.14:05
loolThe problem is with stuffing branck nicks below the same project14:07
loolI wouldn't mind using subprojects14:07
loolBut it's not one14:07
persiaWhy is it a problem to do that?  I work in several other projects with multiple branches for multiple packages.14:07
loolYou wouldn't merge ubuntu-mobile-defaults-settings with ubuntu-mobile-artwork14:08
loolThey should be namespaced14:09
persiaYes, but LP is broken, so we do it with multiple never-merging branches for now.14:09
persiaFixing LP is on the roadmap, and when it gets fixed, we can do it right.14:09
loolOr LP is broken that it requires you to file projects even for trivial stuff14:09
persiaOtherwise we end up with a mess of projects we need to delete later.14:10
persiaYes, precisely.14:10
loolYup, precisely!14:10
persiaThere is a spec to allow packages to be managed in BZR.  While I happen to think there's no point whatsoever in doing this, it is the appropriate solution for the use case.14:10
persiaThat said, it doesn't make sense to me to abuse LP as a workaround when a perfectly good workaround that doesn't require an extra project registration exists.14:11
persiaAlso, by using multiple branches against the same project, it means that we don't get more projects to collect bugs, which then confuses people less, which is a good thing.14:11
loolSo where I to develop a new version of ubuntu-mid-default-settings with a new feature, where would I put it exactly in ~ubuntu-mobile?14:11
loolA new feature which isn't ready for trunk, you know a feature branch14:12
persiaAfter release, we also create a lp:~ubuntu-mobile/ubuntu-mobile/ubuntu-mid-default-settings.Intrepid branch to use for SRUs.14:12
persiaOh, just stick it in lp:~lool/ubuntu-mobile/ubuntu-mid-default-settings-gdm or something14:13
persiaDoesn't really matter, as long as it can be collected or merged.14:13
loolWhich is why I mentionned in ~ubuntu-mobile :)14:13
persiaWhat's the use case that wants that?14:13
loolWorking with other people on the feature?14:14
persiaAnd why can't you each just merge from each other's trunks?14:14
loolOf course I could start the ubuntu-mobile-ubuntu-mid-default-settings-gdm team14:14
loolpersia: Because you want a trunk for the feature branch as well?14:14
persiaAnd now we get down to where conventional thoughts on how to manage DVCS break down.14:15
loolMy point is you're effectively changing the expected Launchpad bzr/code workflow14:15
persiaThen use lp:~ubuntu-mobile/ubuntu-mobile/ubuntu-mid-default-settings-gdm, but I still think that any management model that encourages that results in lots of useless branching.  I'd rather see it done in trunk.14:16
persiaWas this actually a project with a significant codebase, I may feel otherwise.14:16
persiaYes, I think that the expected LP/bzr workflow is inherently broken.14:16
persiaIT doesn't make sense to have 1000 trunks.14:16
loolI don't want to change my workflow per package or project I'm working on; there are enough special cases that I have to keep in mind already14:16
persiaIt makes sense to have maybe a couple of trunks for a big project, but generally to have just one trunk.14:17
loolMy point is that we should avoid exceptions14:17
persiaFeature branches are interesting, but there's no reason one can't merge against another feature branch, and trunks for feature branches don't scale well.14:17
persiaSure, but this would change the workflow for me for just this project.  Every other project for which I must use bzr follows the named-branches under a single project workaround whilst waiting for LP to become unbroken.14:18
persiaAs a result, I don't see changing it as avoiding exceptions.14:19
persiaMind you, if you *really* want to manage another project, I won't stop you, I just think it's useless.14:19
persiaStevenK: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=maximus (and no, I'm not staying up to hear your response to my comments)15:47
loolpersia: I can reproduce the apt-get issue now that network works15:49
loolI'm afraid I can't even apt-get install to diagnose15:49
loolI suspect it's purely some kvm/kernel bug15:49
persialool: Great.  It's a little beyond what I know how to even properly describe, but it's blocking me.15:50
persiaOn the other hand, I'm sure it's not just KVM, because StevenK reproduced on real HW.15:51
loolpersia: Hmm do you think you could pick up rebuilding python-hildon without hildon-fm support?15:51
loolIt currently prevents update-manager-hildon to startup15:51
persiaThen let's drop update-manager-hildon :)15:51
persiaActually, I'll take another look: from using update-manager in intrepid, I think it's not required anymore.15:52
persiaBut I'll take a look at python-hildon / hildon-fm on Monday, if it still needs attention.15:52
persiaMind you, if apt-get worked, I'd be more interested in other things.15:53
davidmI think Bug #230691 is related to users not knowing that they need to bring up the file browser to remove the USB stick and when they don't "correctly" remove the stick it keeps incrementing.16:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230691 in ubuntu-mobile "USB mount points are incremented each time a device is mounted" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23069116:00
loolOk, but I don't think there's any constraint that /media be properly cleaned up when users don't unmount key properly16:01
loolOr that's very minor wishlist for faster cleanup16:01
loolpersia: Doesn't happen with the daily amd64 live CD16:02
loolCould very well be kernel though16:02
=== mkrufky is now known as mkrufky-lunch
Celtiorehi from france19:50
Celtiorewho have try to put ubuntu mobile on mid aigo p8860 ?19:51

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