
elky_workfreaking fedora...00:44
mneptok"ask about our broken Perl"00:46
Flannelthey broke perl?00:47
elky_workmneptok: there are updates waiting, including a kernel update. i dont want to have to reboot right now. however the kernel has fallen out of sync with the vmware modules so i need to recompile. this involves new kernel-devel package. this wants to bring in stuff for 3 different kernels00:56
wgrantelky_work: You know what it's trying to tell you...01:14
elky_workwgrant: use ubuntu01:21
elky_worki knkow01:21
elky_workbut this is strictly a rpm workplace :(01:21
pleia2elky_work: if you want to move to the other side of the planet we're hiring ;)01:26
elky_workpleia2: heh. i've done enough moving the past year. i think i'll stick with this side of the planet for a bit longer01:28
pleia2fair enough01:29
elky_worki'm actually thinking of buying somewhere in about a year's time. rent costs about the same as a mortgage, so i might as well invest money in my future, rather than someone else's01:30
pleia2nice :)01:45
mneptokpleia2: you're in Philthadelphia, ja?01:59
pleia2mneptok: yep01:59
mneptoki sometimes almost miss it. :)01:59
mneptoksometimes. almost.01:59
* pleia2 likes it here02:00
mneptokwhat i really miss is working at 4th and South, and lunch at Jim's02:00
pleia2I'm in the suburbs, but am downtown pretty often of late02:00
mneptokwest? NE?02:01
pleia2NW, collegeville area02:01
mneptokk, i lived up that way in Bensalem. was born in New Hope.02:01
mneptok(well, born in Princeton at the hospital, but Mom and Dad lived ...)02:01
pleia2I lived in Bensalem for a summer in 1999, when I came back in 2001 I ended up in Montgomeryville02:02
pleia2grew up in Maine02:02
mneptoki was in Bensalem c1983 :P02:02
mneptokright on the river. i guess looking at Camden every day is what burned me out ;)02:02
* pleia2 laughs02:02
pleia2ubuntu NJ just had a lan party in Cherry Hill, I got slightly lost in Camden, I've had better afternoons02:03
mneptokwas in Ardmore c1992. that's when i worked at TLA Video in CC02:03
pleia2nice area02:04
mneptok"lost in Camden" pretty much equates to "doomed, though you may be unaware of it" in my head02:04
* pleia2 lived to tell the tale, all is well02:04
mneptoksomeday Philly will detonate the Ben Franklin Bridge and be done with it :)02:05
mneptok"so long, and thanks for all the ... uhhh ... inflated crime statistics?"02:05
naliothmneptok: not the science lab, there?02:06
mneptoknalioth: in Camden?02:07
mneptoknalioth: if you mean "mth lab," SAY "meth lab" >:)02:07
* pleia2 chuckles02:07
nalioth1219971707 20:01 <+mneptok> (well, born in Princeton at the hospital, but Mom and Dad lived ...)          <<< not the Princeton University science lab?02:09
mneptoknalioth: they were asked to leave when my mucus nozzles became active.02:19
PiciSomeday I'll actually do something with the NJ loco, instead of just reading about it on the mailing list02:22
pleia2Pici: are you local?02:23
pleia2Pici: do I have to kidnap you? :)02:23
Picipleia2: I live right outside of New Brunswick, NJ02:23
Pici! indeed.02:24
ubot5Factoid 'indeed.' not found02:24
FlannelNew Brunswick?  Drinking and Whoring?02:24
elky_workdrinking and what?02:24
Flannelelky_work: Its from 1776, you can't knock Ben Franklin.02:24
elky_workFlannel: it might have been said in 1776 by ben franklin, but it's 2008 and not appropriate for this channel.02:25
FlannelThe musical is shown in high school, I'd argue its decent enough for this channel.  It wasn't like I was referring to a particular person.  But whatever.02:26
elky_workFlannel: so because mississippi burning is shown in highschools here, i should start recreating parts of that?02:27
* mneptok gets aroused at the thought of elky in a full-head, latex Willem Defoe mask02:30
pleia2speaking of franklin, check it: phillylinux.org02:31
pleia2we have a new logo :)02:31
mneptok"Hey Microsoft. Go fly a kite!"02:31
pleia2he might need a kite02:31
mneptokand/or a full-head, latex Willem Defoe mask ...02:32
pleia2and mucus nozzles02:33
elky_workmneptok: i didnt know you were hot for willem defoe02:33
elky_workbut i'm glad someone understands the relevence of my analogy02:35
mneptokelky_work: i'll be your Ernest Borgnine if you'll be my Phyllis Diller ...02:47
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
wickedpuppyhi , how do i give access to a friend ? i am getting the invalid template error03:18
Flannelwickedpuppy: #ubuntu is the support channel, your best bet is to ask there.03:19
wickedpuppythanks Flannel03:20
FlannelASrock: How can we help you?03:43
ASrocki tried joining #ubuntu and i was told to come here to ask for help03:48
elky_workFlannel: um, wickedpuppy was asking how to give channel ops access to someone in #ubuntu-sg03:52
jribwas wondering how long that would take.  Anyway, goodnight all03:55
jribASrock: told by whom?03:56
jribASrock: did you read it and follow the instructions?03:58
ASrockthe instructions said to come here03:58
jribASrock: please read the topic one more time03:58
ASrockwell i have to go now, i will look into it later04:00
ASrockthanks neway though04:00
ubot5_2 called the ops in #kubuntu (please help seventytohundred to the door)04:44
ubot5seventytohundred called the ops in #kubuntu (_2)04:44
flaccidRiddell gave me operator status in #kubuntu a day or two ago and now it seems to have been removed. Can someone please have a look for me?04:47
naliothswilkoskicksass: can we help you?04:50
Hobbseenalioth: (he's been trolling in #Kubuntu under a different nick, and has already been silenced)04:50
naliothHobbsee: i know who he is  :)04:50
Hobbseenalioth: oh good :)04:50
flaccidHobbsee: can you help with my above enquiry please04:50
naliothswilkoskicksass: is there something we can help you with?04:51
mneptokflaccid: the only people that should be on the #kubuntu op list are members of the Ubuntu IRC ops team.04:53
mneptokflaccid: Riddell may have given a +o through a mode change, but that does not make you a permanent op04:54
naliothmneptok: they do things a bit different in #kubuntu04:54
Hobbseenalioth: that being said, it's in it's correct status now.04:54
flaccidmneptok: i was able to op myself the other day in the channel, and no i cannot04:54
flaccidHobbsee: what status is that?04:54
mneptokflaccid: you are not on the op list for that channel04:54
flaccidi was the other day04:55
flaccidwho changed it?04:55
mneptokprobably a member of the ops team.04:55
naliothmneptok: i suspect flaccid is asking the wrong people here04:55
flaccid so what is the status with me and #kubuntu atm?04:55
Hobbseewell, by looking at the access list, i see you are nto on it.04:56
naliothflaccid: i'd ask whoever added you to the ACL04:56
mneptokflaccid: you are not on the channel's op list04:56
flaccidRiddell added me04:56
naliothwell, there you go04:56
mneptokflaccid: Riddell does not run the IRC ops team.04:56
naliothmneptok: but he runs #kubuntu04:57
mneptokflaccid: and there are policies about how ops are approved and added. i'll remind Riddell of this.04:57
flaccidits a bit rude to be added finally, then have this revoked and nobody knows why04:57
Hobbseenalioth: he is one who does, last i checked, too.04:57
mneptoknalioth: no, the Ubuntu IRC namespace is run by the CC and the IRC Council. not individuals.04:57
naliothmneptok: riddells name is on the GCF, with the blessing of the CC04:57
flaccidso you are telling me the leader of Kubuntu did the wrong thing?04:58
mneptoknalioth: and if some channels aren;t abiding by this, then they need to come into compliance. :)04:58
elky_workflaccid: i'd say that riddell knows why. you should talk to him04:58
flaccidhe has not been online recently04:58
elky_workflaccid: then you email him04:58
flaccidthis is pathetic04:58
* Hobbsee notes the various objections by various existing kubuntu operators probably had something to do with the decision, too.04:58
mneptokflaccid: if you care, an age-old IRC axiom is "the people most anxious for ops are usually the people least likely suited to have them." *shrug*04:58
flaccidmneptok: i wasnt anxious. i didn't ask. i was offered!04:59
flaccidthe logs clearly show this04:59
flaccidHobbsee: what decision and who by?04:59
mneptokflaccid: were you offered ops by the IRC Council?04:59
elky_workflaccid: and offers are able to be recinded, which i imagine is what has happened here04:59
Hobbseemneptok: clearly, he got them temporarily.  After further discussion, between various current kubuntu operators, they were then removed.04:59
mneptokflaccid: i think you have the answer, then.05:00
flaccidHobbsee: where is evidence of this and why was i not notified?05:00
Hobbseethat being said #kubuntu does need more ops, and the current ops team is shortlisting a list of people.05:00
flaccidthis is not the point at all05:01
mneptokflaccid: what is the point you are trying to make, besides "i want my ops back!"? sorry, it's late, and i'm a bit dim.05:01
flaccidthat it was unprofessional05:01
mneptokgood thing we're volunteers and not being paid, then :)05:02
flaccidand that i deserve better than this05:02
elky_worki certainly wouldn't give you ops, given your past behaviour towards both users and ops.05:02
flacciddoes jr not get paid by canonical ?05:02
elky_workflaccid: not everything canonical employees do within the community is paid05:02
mneptokbut in seriousness, Riddell should not be giving people ops in a channel without informing the ops team. i think your complaint is with him, not us.05:02
Hobbseeelky_work: i believe that, and the fact that it hasn't stopped, is exactly why those powers were revoked.05:02
mneptokflaccid: *i* get paid by Canonical. but not to IRC.05:03
elky_workmneptok certainly isnt paid to talk here05:03
flaccidi guess most people are not willing to admit their mistakes05:03
Hobbseemneptok: kubuntu is somewhat different - but they are expected to check with other ops that it's a good idea, etc.05:03
elky_workflaccid: the mistake was admitted by the removal of your ops. qed.05:03
elky_workoh darn05:03
mneptokHobbsee: the "is a bit different than..." needs to stop.05:04
mneptoklook what happens.05:04
elky_worki agree05:04
mneptokennyhoo, i'm off for home05:04
elky_workwe do kind of expect better from xubuntu05:04
* mneptok | Metro > ~/05:04
elky_workmneptok: how long is your commute?05:05
Hobbseemneptok: yeah, well.05:08
Hobbseemneptok: ultimately, someone needs to step up and take more control of #kubuntu05:09
Hobbseeand liase with the ops team here05:09
Hobbseehopefully someone like jussi01 on the council will do that05:09
Hobbseeanyway, i have other bits to do, so...05:09
elky_workski trip? such a hard life05:10
mneptokwait, in Oz?05:43
Flannelmneptok: grass skiing05:43
stdinMyrtti: how come you automatically blame me when the bot breaks, I was in bed :)06:13
bazhangtester5, you understand why you were muted in #ubuntu?06:16
tester5hi, bazhang is being a petty tyrant and banning people who say one single line that is not on topic06:16
tester5after doing many lines that were helpful to others06:16
tester5i move for him to be stripped of the privileges he abuses06:16
bazhangtester5, you were offtopic and warned about it; then ignored and escalated it.06:16
tester5bazhang, there were like 3 or 4 of us saying silly things, I said one line and you picked on me and warned me06:17
tester5and again, it was one line after many where i was being helpful06:17
bazhangtester5, the others warned immediately stopped.06:17
tester5you discourage people who are helpful with your conduct06:18
bazhang!coc | tester506:18
ubot5tester5: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/06:18
ubottutester5: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/06:18
tester5bazhang, I already know you're petty, so I came here to bring this to others, not to you06:18
tester5and nice spamming of the code of conduct, you only sent it to me 20 seconds ago06:19
elky_worktester5: you've come in here for revenge, and that rarely ends well. this channel isnt about getting back at people.06:19
naliothjpds: ubottu appears to have returned, can we get rid of ubot5, please?06:20
elky_worknalioth: just mute it here for now06:20
nalioththen it can't spout inputs from channels it's in06:20
tester5elky_work, but there shouldn't be anything for me to get revenge for. If you think I want revenge, then you aknowledge bazhang is a problem06:21
stdinnalioth: he said to /remove it when ubottu came back06:21
elky_worktester5: not at all. it means you have a victim complex going06:21
tester5elky_work, I think he overreacted and was unfair.06:21
naliothstdin: ah06:21
stdintester5: you were offtopic, disrespectful and abusing the bot, so you got a mute so we could talk about it. there's no need to come in here demanding someone be "stripped of the privileges"06:23
elky_worktester5: i'm yet to meet someone on the recieving end of op action from an op anywhere who thinks the action has actually been fair. if you were offtopic, you got what came to you.06:23
tester5stdin, i "was abusing the bot"? you mean, i made one single bot command, right? the tense you use suggests iteration...06:24
stdintester5: was the factoid call for anything other than to provoke/annoy bazhang ?06:25
elky_worktester5: bot abuse can be merely using the bot to mock someone. if you got offtopic called and you tried to make fool of someone06:25
tester5elky_work, but I had been helping people for some time, and I think after helping people for an hour I should get one single line's worth of offtopic... obviously you admins have to stick together I see06:26
stdinjust because you help people for a certain amount of time does not give you the right to disregard the channel rules/guidelines06:26
tester5I guess what I'm saying is he has some kind of zero-tolerance zeal to exercise his banning. I'm not saying that strictly I didn't post an offtopic sentence.06:27
stdinit was not a ban, but a mute06:28
bazhangyou were muted only tester506:28
tester5* ChanServ gives channel operator status to bazhang06:28
tester5* bazhang sets ban on %*!*@76-10-171-171.dsl.teksavvy.com06:28
tester5* ChanServ removes channel operator status from bazhang06:28
stdinyes, a mute06:28
Jordan_Uubottu and ubot5 are both active in #ubuntu at once06:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:29
stdinsee the '%' there, that makes it a mute on freenode06:29
tester5meh whatever, replace the word ban with mute in my complaint06:29
tester5same diff06:29
stdina mute is used to get your attention so the problem can be resolved without a ban06:30
bazhangtester5 (n=pete@76-10-171-171.dsl.teksavvy.com) has joined #ubuntu06:30
bazhangjust now06:30
tester5oh now! wow!06:30
tester5is that forbidden after all?06:30
stdinhe's just showing you that it's not a ban, because you can still join06:31
tester5yeah, obviously I figured that out when I did it06:31
tester5I see admin solidarity trumps actual moderate moderation06:32
naliothtester5: the !love was uncalled for06:33
stdinif you would have just come in here and talked in a non-aggressive manner, then the mute would have probably been removed by now06:34
tester5stdin, I know that full well. I want to prevent unfair mutes in the first place, for all helpers in the channel, not just get unmuted for myself now06:35
bazhangtester5, yourself being the arbiter of what is fair and unfair?06:36
stdinin what way do you think it's unfair exactly?06:36
tester5stdin, I just told you how it's unfair. It was a very small percentage of my messages, the VAST majority of which were helping people. It was harmless, and it was a slightly silly single line in response to someone else's offtopic post. Granted it was off topic, in the above circumstances it shouldb't merit a mute or even a warning unless it seems as if I would continue the behavior. After all, the purpose of a mute or warning is to sto06:39
tester5p the behavior, and since I was showing so little up to that point, I should not be warned after a single line, and embarassed in the channel06:39
bazhangtester5, the issue was a user was being mocked; ckyle was asked to stop and did so. you were asked to remain on topic and failed to do so, going in the opposite direction with a mocking comment via the bot.06:41
mneptoktester5: "i help a lot of people" is not an free pas to break channel rules. just because i work hard all week doesn't mean i get to break the rules and leave 6 hours early on friday. and people that *really* want to help abide by the rules, not mock the ops that remind them to abide by the rules.06:42
stdinso we should only enforce the rules when it seems people will keep offending?06:42
tester5stdin, of course. The point of enforcement here is to keep the channel on topic, right? Muting someone only helps towards that goal if the muting prevents further rule breakages06:43
stdinif your problem is being embarrassed in the channel, then why would you try to do the same to bazhang ?06:44
tester5stdin, because he embarassed me, so i did to him, exactly.06:44
mneptoktester5: coming in here and demanding retribution is somewhat off-course from the CoC06:44
mneptoktester5: and there you go. retribution is a viable (and used) part of your defensive repetoire. i think the mute was warranted.06:45
stdinhe embarrassed you by asking you stay on topic?06:45
tester5stdin, being "warned" by an admin is always embarassing, of course you must know that06:45
mneptokso then don't do anything that warrants a warning06:46
tester5mneptok, I argue that I didnt.06:46
tester5mneptok, no offense, but maybe you should learn to read before using irc.06:46
stdinso, we can't warn people to abide by the rules? so we should just kick/ban immediately?06:46
mneptoktester5: you saw someone get told not to use silly "mv blah /dev/foo" commands. and then *immediately repeated the behavior that got someone else a warning*06:46
stdinyou'd rather we just went around removing anyone for any infraction instantly?06:47
tester5mneptok, I'm pretty sure he didn't get a warning, but if he did, I didn't see it06:47
mneptok01:00 < ckyle> mv Dabbu /dev/null06:47
mneptok:00 < ckyle> mv Dabbu /dev/null06:48
mneptok01:00 < ckyle> mv Dabbu /dev/null06:48
mneptok01:00 < bazhang> ckyle, that is not helpful06:48
mneptokthere it is06:48
bazhangat which he stopped right away.06:48
mneptokhe was warned. he said "ok."06:48
mneptokthen you immediately repeated that behavior. you also got a warning. then you used the bot.06:49
jpdsnalioth: Done.06:49
mneptoktrust me, my reading skills are fine.06:49
mneptoki'll give you a moment.06:49
tester5stdin, wow, I'm saying warn before kick/ban, yes... but not to be so quick to get warning people in the first place06:49
stdinso we should only warn people after repeatedly doing something wrong?06:50
tester5stdin, I'm not saying use different policies, I'm saying don't be so uptight06:50
stdinthat just sends out the message, "you can get away with it, as long and you don't do it twice in one go"06:51
stdinthe point of the matter is, you were in the wrong and, after a warning, continued to ignore the rules and so were muted06:52
tester5stdin, you should be concerned with making the channel the best it can be... it doesn't matter if somebody "gets away with" being silly once or twice while helping someone else. It's only when it is offending other users or making it difficult for others to get help that you should step in and do anything at all.06:52
mneptokuh ... offending other users?06:54
mneptok01:43 < tester5> mneptok, no offense, but maybe you should learn to read before using irc.06:54
tester5Your overenforcement of the rules is not helping the channel have a good atmosphere, and that is really the whole reason the rules exist as guidelines06:54
stdinallowing users to break the rules will make the channel "the best it can be"?06:54
stdinit's a technical support channel, that's the atmosphere it should have06:55
stdinwe have #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter, and the rules are enforced appropriately06:55
ubot5Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:55
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:55
ubot5Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Controversial topics, which always turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)06:55
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Controversial topics, which always turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)06:55
tester5stdin, the rules exist for a reason. In law, the judges interpret WHY the rules are there, what their intent is... not just applying random rules. You are supposed to think like a judge as an admin.06:55
tester5mneptok, yeah, that was somewhat rude of me. But I was pretty frustrated. I just explained it about 8 times. Sorry for that "learn to read comment"06:56
bazhangtester5, and your !love was out of line as well.06:57
mneptoktester5: please don't make a habit of apologizing, hmmm? ;)06:57
tester5mneptok, I apologize for the rudeness, but I don't think my frustration was wrong, and I do think bazhang was overzealous in enforement06:58
stdintester5: all the operators in #ubuntu are volunteers not judges, we take the responsibility of keeping the channel running because we want to, not because we get paid to06:58
tester5stdin, are you saying, I should not expect the quality of thought of a paid judge?06:58
stdinthat wasn't exactly my point, but as a side-point, yes06:59
stdinof coerce you shouldn't06:59
bazhangtester5, had you just said okay to my !ot, then none of this would have come about.06:59
mneptoktester5: wanna know what i think? i think you should understand mutes/bans usually last a day or two, unless the person is incorrigible here or elsewhere. with that in mind, you should stand up, walk 20 paces in any direction, and say "it's just IRC." i doubt we'll see you for at least 72 hours as the "WTF" moment fades, by which time the ban is gone.07:00
stdinwe are not paid judges with years of legal training, so yes, we are not expected to act like legal judges07:00
tester5stdin, let me put it this way then. Jaywalking is technically illegal. If you guys were police officers, everyone who jaywalks would be thrown into prison for 24 hours. It's called moderation. think about it.07:01
tester5or would you revoke the license of everyone who goes 1 mph over the limit? no, they shoudn't even get a warning07:02
mneptokok, i'm a dot. couch time with the ps3.07:02
mneptok"it's just irc"07:02
stdinfollowing your example there, you were jaywalking, got a warning, then flipped off the police officer07:03
tester5mneptok, but "it's just irc" goes both ways... for the chatters, AND for the admins07:03
naliothi think we're done here.  tester5, most mutes and bans don't last more than 24h07:03
elky_worktester5: the more you argue, the deeper you dig yourself07:04
tester5stdin, if that's the comparison, then bazhang is the police officer who hides on a deserted road waiting to pounce on any unsuspecting jaywalker... still a pretty pathetic police officer07:04
* stdin is done with this07:05
bazhangtester5, come back in 24hours or whenever you have cooled off.07:05
bazhang<[TEXAS]> its not criminal if there is a way to get around it in -ot07:09
bazhanghe had the o4o nickname yesterday07:09
naliothtester5: have a look at the /topic here, and !CoC and !guidelines please07:12
tester5nalioth, I know the rules, but thanks. I was talking about overzealous enforcement, not the rules themselves, which make a fair amount of sense.07:13
elky_workbazhang: do be more careful in future please07:26
bazhangelky_work, careful of what?07:26
elky_workbazhang: timing, making sure they've actually dug the hole07:27
bazhanga user was being mocked and the one being offtopic was asked to stop; this other fellow was equally warned then sent the !love command, at which point he was muted.07:27
bazhangelky_work, I agree; this situation was a bit out of the ordinary though.07:28
bazhanghard to accept others being mocked in channel.07:28
elky_workpreemption is a luxury that seems to only cause us pain. yes, we're expected to do it, but do it very very carefully07:29
bazhangelky_work, you are very correct of course.07:29
bazhanghard to see that this fellow would escalate to the extremes that he did.07:30
bazhanghe once proposed that there be a five-minute rule07:30
elky_workbazhang: it's even harder to explain troll-dar to someone who lacks it07:30
bazhangthat operators should accept whatever happened within that five minutes and only then take action.07:31
bazhangclearly not workable in such a busy channel imo.07:31
elky_workdefinately not. but as i said, explain that to someone without troll-dar07:32
bazhangoh I see what you are saying.07:33
Myrttistdin because I know jussi01 too well and know he couldnt have broken it ;-)08:12
stdinbtw, the council could have reset the bot08:13
stdinI believe jussi01 told them about the magic they can do a while ago08:13
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, snuxoll said: !mockup is <reply> This is a public message brought to you by common sense: Yes, there are some really awesome mockups on the web, but that doesn't make them feasible or real, always use common sense before shouting "COOL!"08:25
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.08:29
ubot5sigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.08:29
jussi01morning all08:30
jussi01jpds: ubot5is gone from all the other chans?08:33
jpdsjussi01: Yead.08:33
Malwirjust now:08:38
Malwir<Richi_> hi08:38
Malwir<Richi_> hi leute08:38
Malwir* gnubie has quit ("bye")08:38
Malwir<pajamian> !hi | Richi_08:38
Malwir<ubottu> Richi_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:38
Malwirrichi and pajamian are clearly off topic, ban them08:38
jpds< Malwir> lakikikialiao, he is wrong, you should use virtualbox08:43
Jordan_UIs malwir tester5 ?08:56
bazhangseems like it08:56
stdinI would almost guarantee it08:56
bazhanghe just made theaxiom quit with his !ot08:56
bazhangoh noez08:57
bazhangMyrtti, why?08:57
MyrttiI installed intrepid kernel update last night08:58
Myrttibooted this morning to explain to kindofabuzz why I kicked him08:58
bazhangwow that is brave08:58
bazhangupdating that is, not kicking kindofabuzz08:59
Myrttithe damn thing wont even get to mounting /08:59
Myrttithen I get the old kernel08:59
Myrttiwireless doesn't wokr08:59
MyrttiI'm online, cause I just recompiled some kernel modules08:59
Jordan_UMyrtti: What about this new "last good boot" feature?08:59
Myrttididn't try09:00
stdindon't you have a hardy kernel laying around?09:00
Myrttiit wouldn't have worked anyway09:00
Myrttistdin: no?09:00
MyrttiI don't remember ever _upgrading_ my ubuntu09:00
Myrttifresh installs, always.09:01
stdinwhen I installed pre-release hardy I kept a feisty kernel in /boot, just in case09:01
stdinerm, gutsy, not feisty09:01
stdinthough I probably have a feisty one somewhere too (/me needs to clean /boot)09:02
Myrttistdin: you honestly think I'm smart enough to know how to do that? I tried. Didn't know how to do it.09:02
Myrttinote: I was smart enough to *try*09:02
stdinafaik, kernels are never auto-removed, so it should be there09:03
Myrttistdin: which part of "11:01 -'@: fresh installs, always." escaped you?09:03
stdinthe part where it's early and I forget to read words on the shiny screen :p09:04
bazhangmalwir is definitely tester509:10
stdinhe's digging09:11
* bazhang lets the line reel out09:12
FlannelI don't think malwir is tester509:13
stdinyes, I started it... after he started it :p09:13
Flanneltester5 is from Canada, malwir is from California09:14
* stdin arrests him for jaywalking09:14
bazhanghe seems almost incontrovertibly to be09:14
bazhang<Malwir> zOMG IM NOT ON TOPIC! I fear the ban police and bazhang coming hot on my tracks!!!09:14
bazhangexhibit A09:14
stdinyou're supposed to be a judge, not a lawyer, remember? :p09:15
bazhangnot guilty then :)09:15
* stdin goes on ebay to buy a gavel09:16
* jussi01 hands stdin an e-gavel09:17
ubottu━━▊ ━━▊ ━━▊09:18
bazhangwait...who predicted it would be an easy day?09:18
Myrttinothing works09:24
Myrttiterminator breaks09:24
Myrttimy wifi breaks09:24
Myrttimy head breaks09:24
Myrttimy tap on touchpad is click breaks09:24
Myrttimy epiphany breaks09:25
jpdsLong live devel releases.09:25
Myrttioh, and my body doesn't work either.09:26
Myrttidamned piriformis09:26
Myrttijpds: but I wanted to help09:28
jpdsMyrtti: File bugs?09:29
Myrttijpds: I do, remember09:31
MyrttiI feel like gnawing my ankle like a small trapped animal09:32
jpdsOh, yeah.09:32
Myrttiand there epiphany crashed again09:32
Myrttiso the problem is to do with something about flash.09:32
Myrttidoesn't matter if it's swfdec, or flashplugin-nonfree09:33
Myrttidoesn't matter if it's firefox09:33
Myrttiit just crashes09:33
Myrttiand I want to cry.09:33
Myrttithought - I don't09:33
bazhangMalwir> bazhang, and have you ever tried "sudo sudo nautilus"? It is even more powerful09:38
jussi01[11:41:31] <Malwir> god bazhang keeps trying to make me go offtopic in the regular ubuntu channel because he wants to ban me09:43
bazhangjussi01, hehe09:44
bazhangif he wants to vent in there that is okay by me09:44
stdinhas it been 5 mins yet? you can ban after 5 mins apparently09:45
bazhangbut the ot in #ubuntu is not okay.09:45
bazhangstdin, haha09:45
GaryI miss the days I used to try to mention all the offtopic subjects in one sentence09:48
jussi01I miss the days when Gary was Gazzak and very crazy (not to mention verbal)09:49
* Myrtti huggles Gary 09:49
GaryI'm still crazy09:49
=== Gary is now known as GazzaK
* Myrtti pinches GazzaK 09:49
* GazzaK Mooo's09:50
jussi01snuffle snuffle snuffle09:50
GazzaKverbal?  as in swearing, or as in talking too much?09:50
jussi01the latter09:50
GazzaKyeah, thats staffdom and too much work @ work for ya09:51
jussi01oh, them good old #ubuntuforums days....09:51
GazzaKlol, yeah09:51
* Myrtti gets jussi01 and GazzaK a cup of milk of magnesia an a ticket to the memory lane tour09:51
GazzaKso tempting09:52
bazhangmalwir really wants to push this to the limits :)10:18
GazzaKpush him back?10:21
bazhanghis !ot finger will tire before I do :)10:22
bazhanghe was in here earlier as tester510:22
bazhangmy favorite is when Myrtti uses the +m on -ot and talks about kittens and the like :)10:37
Myrttiit always works10:38
bazhangtis so funny10:38
Myrttithough, I use it only when there are too many people to be kicked10:38
Myrttiand the conversation has gone on in the wrong direction too long10:38
bazhangthat *never* happens in there.10:39
Myrttinow wait a minute11:33
Myrttiwhat's bigfuzzyjesus doing in -read-topic if he's not a victim?11:35
PriceChildremove him if so11:35
* Myrtti is boggled11:35
ubottuIn ubottu, Malwir said: ok is ti oasda asdasfa as dfa11:46
Myrttiit's so nice and neat that everything in the world is in order again and GazzaK is GazzaK.11:52
Tm_TMyrtti: even l?l ;)11:58
GazzaKMyrtti: lol11:59
MyrttiTm_T: yeah, even him12:01
=== SWAT__ is now known as SWAT
bazhangbdunlap is suggesting deleting home partitions to malwir (aka tester5)12:27
Tm_Tubottu: hi12:42
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu-ops!12:42
jribwhat did ubottu just respond to in #ubuntu?12:42
Picijrib: spike112:42
jriboops :)12:42
PiciI thought it was that at first too12:42
Picier, although that wouldnt make any sense12:43
* Pici gets more caffeine 12:43
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu ()14:42
* Pici sighs15:19
* jrib sighs16:19
jribin pm with user who would rather get banned instead of disabling public away messages16:21
naliothc'est la vie16:21
* jussi01 huggles jrib16:25
naliothwhat is zope ?16:28
PiciI think its a 'web framework'16:30
naliothi am reading zope.com (whatever) and am still pretty clueless16:31
Myrttiif I remember correctly, it's a piece of utter junk developed in python16:58
PiciAnd what ubuntu.com uses, I think.16:58
naliothbada bing16:58
naliothMyrtti: junk or not, what does it do?17:01
Myrtti"Zope is an open source web application server primarily written in the Python programming language. It features a transactional object database which can store not only content and custom data, but also dynamic HTML templates, scripts, a search engine, and relational database (RDBMS) connections and code."17:04
naliothMyrtti: yeah, i read the website ( still don't know what it does )17:07
* Myrtti donates her headache to nalioth so he would care about such minor things17:08
ubottuShackJack called the ops in #ubuntu (hallucinative)20:04
jussi01crap, got to fix my aliases here20:05
Myrttioh my dear god20:05
GazzaK"i'm a real girl, honest, not a 40 year old truck driver"20:06
ompaulGazzaK, you are neither unless ... ohh forget it :)20:12
LjLlook who's switched back to her, sorry his, nickname of old20:33
ompaulboth of ye20:35
LjLyeah i sort of realized after saying it20:35
* Myrtti huggles LjL 20:37
MyrttiI missed you ♥20:37
LjLi'm just a tired wolf20:37
MyrttiI've always wanted something warm and snuggly to keep my toes warm :-}20:38
Myrttipolar bear would be the best.20:38
LjLperhaps next summer20:40
* Myrtti gives LjL some reindeer jerky20:43
mneptoksave the bones!20:43
ompaulMyrtti, that would be too high in protein for his part of the world20:43
ompaulmneptok, for?20:44
ompaulmneptok soup with carrots?20:44
mneptokpukka knife handles?20:44
LjLanything that has protein is too high in protein for me20:44
* Myrtti gives LjL some strawberries20:46
Myrttipoor wolfie20:47
LjLstrawsberry's good20:47
ubottuIn #ubuntu, DavidCanarias said: ubottu : thanks for this info. english is better for me.20:47
GazzaKLjL: did you just like call me a her?21:21
LjLGazzaK: i corrected myself21:21
GazzaKthere is a backspace key21:22
* Mez puts his hand against GazzaK's forehead21:22
MezYou found your K!21:22
LjLsorry, i don't do it again21:23
LjL(poor GazzaK, she's so sensitive)21:23
GazzaKbiatch :-D21:23
MezMrs. Kearley/21:23
Mezaw :(21:24
MezI scared her off :D21:24
* Myrtti declares normality in the IRC Republic of Ubuntu21:24
LjLnormality? that would be an interesting experiment21:24
MyrttiLjL: you iz here, GazzaK iz here...21:24
Myrtticuddlywuddlies ♥21:24
LjLyou know what's funny, i had to look up "sensitive". because i was confusing it with "sensible".21:26
LjLuhm wait it's not really funny21:26
* Mez grouphugs LjL on his own21:31
* Myrtti runs21:31
LjL[22:31:36] <FloodBot1> charsets tried to join #ubuntu from a web gateway, but their host is banned21:31
* Myrtti hugs both Mez and LjL 21:32
MyrttiLjL: perhaps they should be banforwarded here?21:32
Myrttihe was banned for a reason21:32
* Mez gets squished into an LjL and Myrtti sandwhich21:32
LjLMyrtti: i have no idea, for a start i'd need to know why they were banned and who they are21:32
LjLi was just warning they were trying to sneak in21:32
Myrttioh - right.21:33
Myrttino, wait21:33
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore21:33
ubottuThe operation succeeded.21:33
Myrttiit's not working?21:33
Mezbtlogin after login21:35
Mezno response21:35
ubottuThe operation succeeded.21:35
Mezresponse :D21:35
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.21:36
MezLjL, when it has that message ( tried to join #ubuntu from a web gateway, but their host is banned ) it might be worth adding a message saying what hostmask is banned? (so we can use that to check, rather than have to try and match it)21:36
Myrtti2008-08-24T02:03:51 <charsets> UBUNTU21:36
Myrtti2008-08-24T02:03:53 <charsets> UBUNTU21:36
Myrtti2008-08-24T02:03:56 <charsets> I LOVE UBUNTU21:36
Myrtti2008-08-24T02:03:58 <charsets> UBUNTU21:36
MezGazzaK, how long has it been since you've actually been active in here?21:36
Mez@bansearcg charsets21:36
Mez@bansearch charsets21:36
ubottuMatch *!*@gateway/web/*!#ubuntu-proxy-users by douglas.freenode.net on Tue Aug 26 19:41:15 2008 in #ubuntu21:37
ubottuMatch *!*@gateway/web/*!#ubuntu-proxy-users by douglas.freenode.net on Tue Aug 26 19:41:16 2008 in #kubuntu21:37
GazzaKerm, a while21:37
LjLMez: ok21:37
GazzaKahh, it might be the nick21:37
MezGazzaK, that may be why ;)21:37
Myrttiit is21:37
PriceChild'aoirthoir' rings a bell..21:37
Myrttifor a looooong time I kept wondering a) wth happened to GazzaK b) who the hell is Gary21:37
ompaulPriceChild, not a good one21:37
GazzaKMyrtti: seriously?  awww21:38
LjLPriceChild: not a good one.21:38
PriceChildMyrtti: when did you work it out?21:38
ompaulLjL, +121:38
* Mez huggles Myrtti... it's that blond hairdye isn't it?21:38
PriceChildI forget what he actually did?21:38
Myrttisometime this spring - am not sure21:38
GazzaKMyrtti: lol, thats like a year after I changed nicks21:39
* Myrtti looks at Mez boggled - but I don't dye my hair blonde...21:39
GazzaKit's natural?21:39
Myrttiyou should see my baby pictures21:40
MezMyrtti, maybe not physically, but mentally ;)21:40
Mezyou should see mine...21:40
* Myrtti smacks Mez 21:40
Myrttiyou're even *now* blondER than me21:40
GazzaKoh, I'm a uncle again btw :-)21:40
Mezyou know I enjoy that Myrtti21:40
MezMyrtti, maybe in body, but not in soul ;)21:41
Myrttithat's true >___<21:41
LjLthought aunt21:41
LjLsorry i don't even really know why i'm picking on you today21:41
MezLjL, cause it's fun?21:42
LjLah... uhm, yes.21:42
GazzaKLjL: 'cos you want a good spanking?21:42
LjLnah, mez must have it right21:42
MezGazzaK, no, it's me who enjoys that...21:42
Mez(but not from you *backs up against a wall*21:42
* GazzaK spanks Mez 21:43
* Myrtti pokes GazzaK with The Pink Fluffy Pen of Poking™21:43
GazzaKwhere's the hob of seee21:43
LjLin the sea21:43
MezMyrtti's the only person allowed to spank me... well, maybe christel too21:43
ompaulhome by the sea21:44
Mezhttp://is.gd/236D <-- told you I was cute when I was a kid.21:46
MezWhat the hell happened...?21:46
GazzaKdid you have a car accident?21:47
Mezaw... and here I was hoping someone would pipe up and be nice for once21:49
* Mez slaps GazzaK 21:49
* Myrtti decides to unveil her baby pic21:50
* PriceChild wonders what channel he's stumbled into21:51
Myrttimmmm cherry chewies21:53
Myrttihttp://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/2809661268/ <--21:53
GazzaKcor, you look innocent there21:54
Myrtti and 25 years later, here I am21:54
Myrttilearning Python and eating cherry candy accompanied by two guinea pigs21:55
MyrttiLaku stares at me, I think he doesn't approve me eating candy21:58
mneptokwoop woop woop22:02
Myrttioh noes, it's a mneptok.22:02
ompaulPriceChild, the one where people are real and the conversation false?22:02
PiciGoing to vermont for the weekend, if the weathers nice I wont be on irc too much22:03
Picicyas :)22:03
* Pici waves22:03
LjLjust when i've come back to this ugly sweaty city, he goes to vermont >:22:04
MezSorry, was mothsquishing22:06
ubottuUm thanks... We *really* did not need to know that...22:06
LjLanyone familiar with partition table issues, steveire in #ubuntu definitely has a problem22:17
jussio1ssh on ipod touch :D23:17
Mezjussi01, jailbroken?23:19
* Myrtti yawns23:56

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