
Ngis intrepid generally working for 965 folks?00:24
Ng55fps from glxgears and compiz won't run00:25
Nghmm, although it'll run now00:26
brycebdmurray: your scripted -ati test request has proven quite fruitful01:34
tjaaltonNg: upgrade your xserver-xorg-core08:55
Ngtjaalton: apt isn't offering me any updates for that09:06
Ngii  xserver-xorg-core            2:        Xorg X server - core server09:08
Ngalso, I guess I'd still need mvo's package of evdev git to get scrollwheel emulation via hal?09:16
* Ng really hopes that can be included somehow09:16
tseliottjaalton: can you upload these files, please? http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/newlrm/pitti/lista_ia.txt09:25
tseliottjaalton: 173 now works with kernel 2.6.27 while 177.70 fixes a regression in text rendering09:35
Ngargh, laptop completely froze when I locked the screen10:06
Ngnothing in logs, and the highly computationally taxing screensaver I use is "Blank Screen" ;)10:07
tjaaltonNg: yep, works with the hardy kernel11:30
tjaaltondon't let the screen to fall asleep11:30
Ngtjaalton: erk11:30
Ngtjaalton: any idea what it is?11:30
tjaaltonseems like glxgears doesn't count the fps correctly, it's very smooth even though it's <50fps11:31
NgI dunno, compiz feels a bit sluggish too11:31
tjaaltoncompared to?11:31
Ngbefore the upgrade11:31
tjaaltonwhich upgrade :)11:31
tjaaltonhardy -> intrepid?11:32
Nghardy->intrepid. it's hard to be sure though, because all my compiz settings were eaten by the upgrade, so none of my tweaks of things like switching workspaces are the same now11:32
Ngbut 3d oddness is a lot less important than hard lockups ;)11:33
tjaaltoncompiz sluggishness is probably because EXA doesn't preserve enough memory for offsceen pixmaps11:34
tjaaltonaround 12MB for my resolution11:35
Ngah ok11:36
Ngdo you know if there's a bug report for the screensaver lockup thing?11:36
tjaaltonits not a screensaver problem11:37
wgrantAh, is that why my laptop started hardlocking and sometimes panicking on resume today?11:38
tjaaltonthe screen doesn't know how to wake up when blanked11:38
tjaaltonumm, driver/kernel, or whatever11:38
tjaaltonanyway it seems to be a kernel problem11:38
tjaaltonand I don't know if it has been filed yet11:39
Ngtjaalton: sure, I didn't mean to suggest gnome-screensaver was locking the machine11:39
Ngbut whatever it is, it's pretty deep because it really does seem to hardlock - no capslock, no magic sysrq11:39
tjaaltonbut ssh works11:39
Ngthat I haven't tried yet11:39
wgrantI've had a small amount of disk access while it has been otherwise apparently dead. So it's not a full kernel lock generally.11:40
Ngit's almost lunchtime, I'll poke at it a bit then (since I need to lock while I go out anyway) and I'll file something if I can't find it11:40
tjaaltonworks here. nothing in the xserver log or dmesg11:40
tjaaltonits probably in the intel drm code11:40
tjaalton.26 is equally broken11:40
NgI'm gonna try setting my screensaver to something other than blank screen and turn off all the display sleeping stuff11:41
wgrantDo people know about the Synaptics... issues?11:41
tjaaltonwgrant: what issues? I don't have one11:44
wgranttjaalton: Since upgrading about 10 hours ago, I can't click.11:44
wgrantAnd the vertical scrolling region is very thing.11:44
wgrantAnd the touchpad tab is gone from the Mouse capplet.11:45
wgrant(probably because the XInput device name is different)11:45
wgrantAnd I can click fine with the physical buttons, but not by tapping.11:45
tjaaltonyou had SHMConfig in xorg.conf?11:45
wgrantI didn't.11:46
tjaaltonthe driver has apparently changed some defaults11:46
tseliottjaalton: did you see my message about the drivers?11:46
tjaaltontseliot: yes, downloaded11:46
tjaaltonI'm at a seminar though :)11:46
wgrantIt seems to be a "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" rather than "Synaptics Touchpad" now.11:46
wgrantThe latter is hardcoded into g-s-d.11:47
tseliottjaalton: ah, ok, I just wanted to be sure. No hurry11:47
tjaaltonwgrant: what settings did the capplet allow you to change11:47
wgranttjaalton: Turning on and off (touchpad, tapping, horizontal scrolling, vertical scrolling).11:48
tjaaltonyou can do that with xinput11:48
wgrantI tried to work out how.11:48
tjaaltonthe driver (and xserver etc) now support input properties11:48
wgrantIt's not in the manpage.11:49
wgrantBut I see it on the command line.11:49
tseliotwgrant: I have the same problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/26229211:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262292 in xfree86-driver-synaptics "[intrepid] clicking is not working after merging" [High,Confirmed] 11:49
tseliotwgrant: the fact that 2 touchpads show up depends on the fact that one is hardcoded in the xorg.conf11:50
wgranttseliot: I've been subscribed since I noticed it.11:50
wgranttseliot: Yep, I noticed that after I removed my xorg.conf earlier.11:50
tseliotoh, right11:50
wgranttjaalton: How do I know which properties I can use?11:50
tseliotwgrant: xinput list-props <device> ?11:51
wgrantI get just one.11:51
wgrantDevice Enabled:111:51
wgrantAnd I can set anything I want.11:51
* wgrant checks the driver source.11:52
wgrantI also have some very strange graphical glitches with -intel on login and when new windows are created.11:52
tseliotwgrant: does the screen flicker?11:53
tseliotit does in my case with 2.4.111:53
tseliotjcristau: did you say that you found what is causing the problem ^ ?11:54
tjaaltonwgrant: it should work like that11:55
wgranttseliot: It gets strange lines flashing up, and sometimes looks uninitialised for a fraction of a second.11:55
tjaaltonwgrant: the props11:55
wgranttjaalton: Yes, but brute-force isn't an effective way of working out what to set.11:55
tjaaltonI mean there should be more props listed11:55
tjaaltonmy evdev is too old to test it with my mouse11:56
wgrantAm I looking for something like "MaxTapTime" or "Synaptics Tap Time"? I see too many different names.11:57
Ngok, lunchtime, I'm going to lock the screen and see what happens! ;)11:59
wgrant"Connection reset by peer"11:59
Ngtjaalton: sooo, X immediately crashed when my screensaver activated ;)12:26
NgI suspended from gdm when it restarted, and it then refused to resume12:26
Ngbut I don't see anything in the Xorg.0.log.old, it says something about suspending AIGLX for a vt switch, but there's no information about a crash12:28
wgranttjaalton: I applied the latest rev from upstream git, and I can now click.12:31
wgrantThe scrolling region is still smaller, but at least it's mostly functional.12:32
wgrantSetting those through xinput didn't do any good - I can't get any effect with it.12:34
wgrantOh, so it was deliberately turned off. I see.12:40
wgranthttp://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-input-synaptics/commit/?id=fb98432436c5e1cc69b5f4b84f625e3700e51e04, which was reverted in http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-input-synaptics/commit/?id=3d39926875446ef80dc7c23e1e90ce776c911f13.12:40
Ngtjaalton: filed it as bug 26260512:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262605 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[intrepid] X locks up or crashes when screensaver activates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26260512:49
NgI put it against -intel, but that's a guess ;)12:49
* Ng puts screensaver and power settings back to normal.12:51
Ngtime to see if the machine really does stay alive with ssh, from my iphone ;)12:51
Ngtjaalton: yep, the machine is still alive. I was able to kill -9 X and restart gdm and log back in13:01
tjaaltonNg: that's not the same I'm seeing13:08
tjaaltonkilling X doesn't bring the screen back13:08
Ngit wouldn't die from SIGTERM, but SIGKILL seemed to do the trick. It didn't actually come back to life until I restarted gdm though13:10
Ngwhich is a bit weird, but this whole thing is weird13:10
Ngand I noticed I get an oops on boot relating to IRQs13:10
Ngwhich can't possibly be a good thing ;)13:11
Ngtjaalton: I noticed something weird just now, I locked the screen on a typical "I'm walking away from my desk" reflex, then logged in and kill -9'd X, gdm came back of its own volition this time, I rebooted at gdm and instead of usplash I got a purple mess, hit ctrl-alt-f1 and instead of being a regular console I had some kind of higher resolution framebuffer thing going on15:02
NgI dunno if that's a side effect of the modesetting jazz, or if something is trying to make me use a framebuffer console I don't want15:02
NgI notice the boot messages are trying to run v86d for fb stuff15:02
Ngtjaalton: do you see bug 262600 too?15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262600 in linux "[intrepid] OOPS while booting 2.6.27 on Thinkpad X300" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26260015:06
Ngbleh, installing v86d just causes X to stop working15:49
Ngtjaalton: I disabled compiz and I can lock my screen now ;)18:54
Ngsecurity > bling :)18:54
keesalso, battery life > bling.  :)19:11
brycetseliot: I've done the paperwork to get x-kit and screen-resolution-extra into main - #262775, #26277820:40
tseliotbryce: great, thanks a lot :-)20:55
bryceyou might take a quick look at them and make sure I didn't list anything incorrectly20:55
brycealso, if you want to put out a new release with that time.time() bugfix, I can upload that today20:56
tseliotbryce: yes, please. The new release is in my bzr branch20:56
* tseliot has a look at the 2 reports20:57
brycethanks uploaded21:01
tseliotbryce: in both reports: Packaging system (debhelper/cdbs/dbs) ? cdbs21:03
brycetseliot: ahh, ok please update21:04
tseliotbryce: ok, done21:14
brycepatched gnome-control-center is uploaded21:19
brycetseliot: once the packages enter main, then I'll put a Recommends on it21:19
brycebut at least now if people manually install screen-resolution-settings they can test it21:20
tjaaltontseliot: umm, you've changed the 173 tarball?21:20
tseliottjaalton: yes, because I had to add a patch21:20
tseliotand that broke the orig tarball21:21
tseliotsince patches are in debian.binary21:21
tjaaltontseliot: somehow I got two tarballs, same name, different size21:21
tseliottjaalton: one has a -1 added to the version21:22
tseliototherwise debuild would have complained about a missing orig tarball21:23
tjaaltonyou can add stuff outside debian/21:23
tjaaltonno need for a new tarball21:23
tjaaltonor am I missing something?-)21:24
tseliottjaalton: debuild complained about not being able to represent the changes or something like that21:25
tjaaltonok, the other tarball was because of wget failing to finish the download21:31
bryceyesterday I'd taken the goal of just upstreaming one -ati bug, but unfortunately hardly any of the remaining -ati bugs are ready to upstream.  So I ended up triaging through almost the full list.  Knocked out quite a few invalid/fixed/misfiled though21:32
tjaaltonheh, that's impressive21:33
tjaaltonjust like it should be21:33
bryceI think we can easily achieve <100 by Intrepid release21:37
tseliottjaalton: ok, thanks21:38
bryceI noticed tormod had asked for info on 8/8 for a bunch, so on 9/8 whichever ones received no response can be expired21:38
brycesimilarly, bdmurray did a request for testing against intrepid on 8/14, so unanswered ones can be expired 9/14 21:38
bryceI've been upstreaming a bunch, so I'll go through those and pull in fixes so we can close as many of those as possible21:39
brycetjaalton: btw there's been a purge request on xserver-xgl to remove it from universe21:41
tjaaltonbryce: woohoo \o/21:42
tjaaltonNg: btw, try the older intel driver if it crashes too21:59
Ngtjaalton: ok, right after I figure out why 2.6.27 has killed my ethernet port ;)22:04
brycetjaalton: is read-edid not available for amd64?  (bug #242043)22:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242043 in read-edid "read-edid not availabe for amd64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24204322:05
bryce(doesn't seem to be installable on my amd64 so I'm going to confirm it)22:06
tjaaltonso it seems.. last change 2.5y ago22:08
brycepitty, oh well22:08
tjaaltonand the one before that in 200222:08
tjaaltonwhen there was no amd64..22:08
tjaaltonCurrently, get-edid builds against a customized lrmi (Linux Real Mode Interface - homepage), and thus can only be used on x86 systems (not even 64-bit). 22:10
tjaaltonheh, a new version was released on 25th, but still doesn't build on !x8622:14
bryceI like read-edid a lot.  I wish it were more actively maintained.22:37
brycehmm, 1.4.2 doesn't have any significant improvements.  Basically just changing maintainer, adding an exit code on failure, and a lot of autoconf fussing22:53
bryceso not really worth merging22:53
brycebdmurray: btw, tormod and I de-blacklisted compiz for ATI-gfx laptops22:54
brycebdmurray: in Hardy and up until now, compiz would refuse to work if you had a laptop with an ATI graphics card22:54
brycedue mainly to a lot of bugs in the -ati driver22:54
brycebdmurray: anyway, we expect that for *most* cards this change will be fine; people can switch compiz back on, happiness.22:55
brycebdmurray: however note that there are probably some remaining bugs, and we may start seeing a pickup of bugs about compiz + ATI laptops, so keep an eye out for them22:55

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