
keesjI am hitting a old bug that the env are not taken into account on restart11:23
keesjI am searching for a bug report for that but can't seem to find it (/me need ammo to upgrade to 0.5) 11:23
keesjwhere is Keybuk?11:37
MdBTW, a debian user too reported that $REMOVE_CMD is broken13:41
Milloxis it possible to act on custom events sent by initctl emit in upstart 0.3.9 (the one included in hoary)18:55
sadmacMillox: yes18:58
sadmacMillox: no settup. Just initctl emit anystringyoucanthinkof18:58
sadmacand start on thatstring18:59
Milloxwell, i'm trying just that but somehow it doesnt work19:02
Milloxin the configfile I have "start on blah" but "initctl emit blah" doesn't start the service19:03
Milloxactually it sometimes say Unknown stanza19:03
sadmacMillox: pastebin your entire job definition19:04
Milloxhmm, should I use several stop on .. or should I use stop on blah or bleh?19:05
sadmacin 0.3.9 several stop on will work19:06
sadmacin 0.5 it won't19:06
Milloxthis is the start on and stop on definitions:19:07
Milloxstart on (quagga and firewall) or router-up19:07
Milloxstop on router-down19:07
Milloxstop on runlevel 019:07
Milloxstop on runlevel 119:07
Milloxstop on runlevel 619:08
Milloxthere is also a post-start script which enables routing and a post-stop which disables routing19:08
Milloxstart router and stop router works fine19:09
Milloxsorry about the spamming19:09
Milloxlog says:19:09
Milloxinit: /etc/event.d/router: unable to read: Invalid argument19:09
sadmacdunno that 0.3.9 has an and operator19:10
sadmacor parens19:10
sadmacnot too sure though :O19:11
Milloxmaybe it doesn't19:11
MilloxI just removed them and now the invalid argument isn't seen anymore19:11
Milloxhowever, it still doesn't work19:12
Milloxokay, now i managed to get the bounce example working but I still havn't the foggiest why the other doesn't work19:23
Milloxjust tried adding a script stanza  containg just /bin/true (and exec as well) but it still doen't work19:30
sadmactry doing it without any and or or operators or parens at all19:34
Milloxtried with only one start on and one stop on but nothing19:37
Milloxunfortunately i managed to shut down my router in the process ;-)19:39
Milloxapparently you can't have dash in signal names19:45
Milloxchanging only the signal names is the difference between invalid argument and succes19:47
Milloxunfortunately the start process doesn't return19:48
Milloxah, service solved that19:51
Milloxokay, now I'm confused19:52
MilloxI've changed everything so much now that I dont know what I changed anymore19:53
Milloxbut now it works as it should19:53
Milloxokay, another question: the way to emit a signal from a job description is executing /sbin/initctl emit, right or wrong?20:03
Milloxisn't the job supposed to not run if any of the pre,post-start,stop scripts return nonzero?20:08
sadmacpre-start maybe20:11
sadmacthe rest of those I think it keeps going20:12
Milloxseems like it yes20:20
sadmacpost-start things are already running, so its too late20:20
sadmacpost stop things are already stopped, so...now what?20:20
sadmacpre-stop, well you don't want to make it impossible to stop something ever really20:21
Milloxno, that seems reasonable20:26
MilloxI just hadn't thought about it really20:26
Milloxand I suppose, it would be better to spell correctly so that the script doesn't return nonzero :-/20:27
Milloxhmm, I don't feel that the service jobs works correctly...20:36
Milloxi had a problem just now with jobs not starting20:36
Milloxi have a "bogus" job called network which is basically a placeholder for all network starting, and i had only an emitted signal in this job20:37
Milloxfirewall and quagga had start on starting network in their job description20:38
Milloxwhen I had script or exec /sbin/initctl the network first started and then stopped immideately whereas if I used pre-start and no exec or script stanza the network started20:40
Milloxmaybe I've completely misunderstood the stanzas20:40
Milloxhow is the environment set up for scripts, for instance is pid available through a variable in post-start/pre-stop?21:41
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