
=== root is now known as Guest12687
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MachinTrucChosecan someone tell me if I can force single-logon-per-user in Kubuntu? It's for my parents, I've given up on explaining the concept of sessions. From a user-friendliness perspective, I gotta say, it's silly to have something as confusing as multiple logons per single users00:37
MachinTrucChoseThere's gotta be an option for this somewhere...right?00:38
kuresunaMachinTrucChose: go to Kmenu > system settings00:40
kuresunaclick the advanced tab and click login manager00:41
kuresunaclick on the convenience tab00:41
kuresunaand click the administrator mode button00:41
kuresunaprovide the administrator password00:41
kuresunaand tick the auto-login checkbox00:41
MachinTrucChoseauto-login works for a single user00:41
MachinTrucChosei gave them each their own account...and i also use it myself00:41
MachinTrucChoseit IS a multi-user computer, i just don't want user "Todd" to be able to have 3-4 sessions00:42
MachinTrucChoseas it is, everytime I use the computer and lock my session, they just start a new one instead of selecting their existing one00:43
kuresunain sessions manager in the advance tab00:43
kuresunain the 'on lgin ' section00:43
kuresunaclick restoe previous session00:44
MachinTrucChosei'll try that...00:44
ForgeAusElbuntu (enlightnement instead of KDE/Gnome, etc) looks like it might be the next official *buntu coming...  (at least there is a Ubuntu forums page about it saying its nott official but they say *yet* after it and they do have a page dedicated to it...00:47
MachinTrucChosedoesn't work...it starts a new session based on the last "saved session"...but you can end up with 2+ different new sessions, all based on the last ssession00:47
kuresunaMachinTrucChose im out of ideas sorry00:48
MachinTrucChosethanks anyway00:48
ForgeAusas in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Elbuntu00:48
veritas_so i've been told that kubuntu kde 4.1 is unstable as hell00:52
veritas_any reason as to why such a rumour would propagate?00:52
Dragnslcrveritas_- because there are a lot of idiots on the Internet with nothing better to do with their time00:54
Daisuke_Idothe mistake is in assuming it's a rumour00:59
Daisuke_Idothe only way you can verify if kde 4.1 is suitable for your needs is to try it out01:00
fujisan-veritas i am running it right now01:00
fujisanit works fine if you keep in mind that it's a work in progress01:01
fujisanyou shouldnt expect it to be anything else though01:01
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veritas_would it be stable01:04
veritas_for developing large projects with kdevelop?01:04
katieI could use some help if anybody's aailable01:06
kuresunawhats your problem?01:06
katieI seem to be having difficulty conecting wirelessly to my router. I am connected hardwired, but when I enter the wireless passphrase, it rejects it. I am 100% positive it is the correct passcode, as other computers in the home network connect with the same code.01:07
katiethe router is WPA configured, and I can't change that because one of the other computers in the network can only accept WPA. Is ubuntu compatible with WPA encryption?01:08
Daisuke_Idosure is, i use it on campus almost daily01:08
katiethen I don't understand the problem.01:08
kuresunawhat are you using to connect to the network with?01:09
Daisuke_Idoi don't know if knetworkmanager plays nice01:09
kuresunaif knetworkmanager dosn't work for you try wireless assistant01:10
ubuntui have a problem with ubuntu 801:10
katieum..... the little icon in the top right corner?I'm sorry I'm relatively new to UBUNTU and I am unfamiliar with the networking aspect of it01:10
ubuntuthe installer doesn't detect my hd01:10
ubuntuany help01:10
minziwho can speak chinese??????????????/01:11
kuresunaubuntu: provide more information on your prolem01:11
katieI tried Knetworkmanager and it wouldn't detect ANY of the wireless networks, but when I switched to wireless assistant, it read all the netowrks in range but still wont log me onto the one I need01:11
katiesorry minzi.....01:12
ubuntui have a wd 160gb sata disk and i can't install ubuntu 8.04 becose the cd live isntaller can't detect my hd01:12
katiethat happened with my computer actually... I had to download a different iso and re-burn a new disk01:13
kuresunakatie: im sorry but i don't know how to fix your problem01:13
katiedarn it.... I can't understand this honestly.01:13
kuresunasomeone else might be able to help you01:14
katieI'm not exactly new to networking and this is driving me crazy that I can't figure htis out01:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about engage01:14
ForgeAus!info engage01:14
ubottuPackage engage does not exist in hardy01:14
kuresunawith knetworkmanager you have to enable wirless by right clicking > options > enable wireless01:15
kuresunamaybe that will help01:15
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.01:15
minzioh.....oh..        where are you from ??????????????? who can speak chinese!!!!!!!????????????01:16
ramadanhi how are u all01:16
minzioh.....oh..        where are you from ??????????????? who can speak chinese!!!!!!!????????????01:17
ramadani can only speak english01:17
minzi where are you from?????????01:17
Firebolt145hi, i'm following the instructions on this website to install my Wireless: http://thelinuxnewbie.blogspot.com/2006/08/installing-wifi-wireless-c_115515845577896146.html01:18
afeijohow can I replace double line (\n\n) for single line (\n) in all my php files?01:18
Firebolt145however, it is clearly slightly out of date. i'm using kde 4.1; how do i complete step 5?01:19
Firebolt145afeijo: try use a program called vim, there's a function for doing that quickly, do a google01:19
afeijoI heard about vim, thanks01:19
kuresunaFirebolt145: try using a terminal to type the commands in01:20
Firebolt145kuresuna: i'm still a complete newbie to linux, how do i carry out step 5 in a terminal?01:20
kuresunaah wait01:20
kuresunai don't think you can sorry01:20
ramadanlinux is crab01:22
ramadani don' t like it at all01:23
ramadani tried many time to download files using p2p software never manage to do it01:24
fujisanramadan:  is crab also01:26
kuresunaramadan: do you need help with K torrent or somthing?01:27
fujisanclose your windows and eat during the day Allah wont be able to see it :o. dont spread this secret01:27
veritas_any idea how to get the internal mic working on my T61?01:27
NutzebahnHello. Does anyone know of phone unlocking software that will work in Linux?01:27
fujisanin veritas_01:27
Firebolt145[08:18] <Firebolt145> hi, i'm following the instructions on this website to install my Wireless: http://thelinuxnewbie.blogspot.com/2006/08/installing-wifi-wireless-c_115515845577896146.html01:27
Firebolt145[08:19] <Firebolt145> however, it is clearly slightly out of date. i'm using kde 4.1; how do i complete step 5?01:28
fujisanveritas_:  you are the the truth01:28
fujisanin vino veritas :P01:28
minziI use kubuntu 8.04,in vim, I press direction key ,"B" arise01:37
Firebolt145don't use the direction keys, use hjkl01:38
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veritas_weird my konqueror doesn't like to load up my gmail01:41
veritas_and my firefox can't integrate my konqueror themes =(01:41
veritas_ugly buttons01:41
veritas_weird i also can't change to a 12hour clock01:42
minzihow to install ubuntu  with .iso,not CD01:44
Daisuke_Idouh, wubi.01:45
veritas_then it's not possible...01:45
Daisuke_Idoyou're going to need to burn a disc01:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pendrive01:45
Daisuke_Idomeh, i think there's a way to boot from a usb pendrive that has the image extracted, but that won't help if your pc won't boot from usb01:46
minziwubi only install CD image,DVD image!!!!!!!!!1?????????????01:48
nejodeminzi: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Alternative-Installation-Methods-for-Hardy-86977.shtml01:49
Alex135finally! i got it fixed01:51
Alex135(after trying all day to reinstall ubuntu on a weird computer)01:51
Daisuke_Idoweird like designed by HR Giger?  or weird like odd hardware configuration?01:53
veritas_is anyone able to properly open gmail via konqueror?01:54
minzimy english is too bad,very bad,so i can't to express my idea clearly01:56
nejodeminzi: what's your native language?01:58
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.02:00
bazhangminzi ^^02:00
neversfeldeveritas_: seems to be no problem here on 8.0402:01
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neversfeldeshall I test something special?02:01
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pulaskiHello, does anyone know where I can obtain the audacity help files?02:04
Dr_willisHmm.. Could check the audacity homepage?02:04
kuresunai think it may be in the package audacity-docs02:04
Dr_willis!find audacity02:05
ubottuFound: audacity02:05
Dr_willis!find audacity-docs02:05
ubottuPackage/file audacity-docs does not exist in hardy02:05
Boincim doing it02:05
kuresunaah or not02:05
Boincim deleting windows and moving over to kubuntu02:05
veritas_wtf my kopete doesn't remember my accounts02:05
Boinchelp!!! ive gone insane02:05
* kuresuna yawns02:05
bazhangBoinc, the #kubuntu-offtopic channel is for chat02:07
Boincthis for support then?02:07
pulaskiDr_willis: Duh, thanks02:07
veritas_can i just do apt-get remove Kwallet to remove KWallet?02:07
Boincahh cool, call i install MS office on kubuntu?02:07
Boinclike through wine02:07
Boincor is there another way i can view office documents?02:07
kuresunause openoffice02:08
Boincthat will open MS office files?02:08
Boinccos people send me them02:08
Boincahh ok cool02:08
Boincall free?02:08
kuresunait usually comes with ubuntu02:08
Boincshitting myself tbh cos i run a business and lost of stuff on here02:08
kuresunabut if its a docx file you may need the openoffice beta i think02:09
Boinchope it support smy hardware02:09
Boincdoubt it, but will open office support my emails if i export them from outlook express or will i loose them?02:10
bazhangBoinc, open office is not a mail client02:11
Daisuke_Idobazhang: neither is outlook express :)02:11
Boincahh right, so is it pointless me backing up my emails?02:11
Daisuke_IdoBoinc: there are plenty of email packages for ubuntu (kmail or evolution for kde and gnome respectively)02:12
Daisuke_Idoif you can export to a standard mailbox format, i'm pretty sure you can import into kmail02:12
Boincyes but my point is will any of them support improting my messages from outlook express?02:12
Boincdoubt it02:12
Boinconly ms exchange and windows mail formats :(02:12
Daisuke_Idoyea, OE's not friendly like that02:12
Daisuke_Idothat doesn't surprise me02:13
Boincsuppose i will have to cut my loss's02:13
Daisuke_Idokeep a copy of your mail02:13
Daisuke_Idodefinitely don't want to just dump it02:13
Dr_willisunless its all spam - like my email02:14
Boincwhat about my second drive, i have it as a backup drive with lots of important files in note pad etc... will kubuntu see it and be able to view the files and open them?02:14
Dr_willisLinux can read/write ntfs filesystems.. if its ntfs.. and vfat if its the older windows filesystem02:14
kuresunaBonic: yes kubuntu will see your hard drive when you mount it02:14
Boincok gonna give this a go02:14
Boincthanks for the help02:14
Dr_willisif its an internal drive. be sure to tell the installer a proper mount point for it.02:15
Boincjust need the 648mb download file from the site right?02:15
Dr_willisif its a usb drive. I would unplug the drive befor installing.02:15
Dr_willisyou download the .iso file and burn to cd - normally02:15
Boincits a high spec system worried about that02:15
Boincvery high spec02:15
gecko_I have just deleted a folder that i needed by stupidity, i can't seem to find the "trash bin" is there a way i may retreave my folder back???02:15
Dr_willisThis weeks High Spec. is next weeks Bargin Bin. :)02:15
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash02:15
Dr_willisgecko_,  and theres the 'trash://02:16
Dr_willis (i think url)02:16
Boincwell cost me £3,000 and still worth about £2,00002:16
Dr_willisI dont even know what that is in American. >:)02:16
Daisuke_Idobout 4 grand02:16
Dr_willisI find it hard to justify spending  that kind of $ for any pc these days02:16
Boincno 6 grand02:16
Daisuke_Ido6 grand new, yea02:16
Dr_williseven $1000 is a bit overkill.02:17
Boincok well i can only try02:17
Daisuke_Idobut hardware prices between the UK and US are disparate to say the least02:17
Boincthanks for help02:17
=== Alex135 is now known as Alex135|brb
Dr_willisUnless you need a $800+ video cards.02:17
gecko_Thank you kindly guys.02:17
Daisuke_Idoyou guys have what, a 17.5% VAT?02:17
illmortalDoes anyone know if Kubuntu is still having problems with flv? Why does linux run so choppy on youtube videos?02:17
Dr_willisillmortal,  blame flash.  is about all it boils down to.02:18
Dr_willisI got most flash sites working fine on my kubuntu box.02:18
illmortal-.- there's way to many problems with linux =\02:18
Daisuke_Idoso pitch in and help fix them02:19
illmortaleven if I download the flv file and play it in VLC it run really choppy and simply stops while sound still plays.02:19
Dr_willisFix #1 - stop using flash.02:19
Daisuke_Idocoding's not the only way.  you can file bug reports, triage, assist in writing documentation, etc.02:19
veritas_when are going to fix the goddamn plasma save setting error02:19
illmortallol @ stop using flash. majority of sites in this world use flash.02:19
Dr_willisIts gotten where it seems 90% of the questions in linux channels - are about getting flash working.02:19
Daisuke_Idoveritas_: when you get to #kubuntu-kde4 and ask the right g****** people.02:20
Dr_willisand they use it for totally lame reasons.. like sites did years ago with silly javascript and java crapplets02:20
illmortalif linux can't play flash... then there's no point in using linux for anything other than uhm... well i dunno. majority of the time i spend is on websites, which are flash based.02:20
Daisuke_Idothat's your problem02:20
Daisuke_Idoi can think of literally a thousand things to do that don't require flash :)02:20
kuresunaillmortal: if flash is all you use then stick to winblows02:21
illmortal=\ flash is pretty entertaining.02:21
Dr_willisLovely how 'flash' has taken over the 'video stream' stuff when theres  ways that seem to give much better output.02:21
Daisuke_Idoand i've had no flash issues, aside from the occassional site where a flash navigation system covers up content02:21
illmortalkresuna... it looks like im gonna have to go back to windows for majority of uses.02:22
Dr_williscbs.com updated recently and broke flash/videos in firefox under linux and windows for me.02:22
kuresunaillmortal: if you want, keep kubuntu and dual boot, use kubuntu for other things other then flash02:22
Dr_willisand changing the user agant for firefox - dident help. Opera for windows does work02:22
illmortalI stayed away from windows for nearly 2 years and realized... I'm missing out on so much because of the inabilities of linux (ubuntu/kubuntu)02:22
* Daisuke_Ido 's sides hurt he's laughing so hard02:23
Dr_willisI stay away from windows for 2 years.. and realized how much time and $$ i was saving by not having to fight with spyware/viruses/other stupid trivialware things..02:24
* kuresuna has a good laugh at Daisuke_Ido for no apparent reason02:24
Dr_willisNot to mention - i no longer 'impulse-bought' the latest games. :)02:25
Daisuke_Idowhat could you possibly be missing out on?  BSODs?  Companies treating their customers like criminals?  Artificial software limitations (you can't run this on XP!)?  Viruses?  Spyware?02:25
* Dr_willis is addicted to IRC.02:25
Daisuke_IdoDr_willis: it's an MMO02:25
Daisuke_Idoevening BluesKaj02:25
Daisuke_Idoget some rest?02:25
illmortalok how about this.... if I can convert flv to say... avi. Will it play without freezing up?...02:25
Dr_willisillmortal,  try it and see?02:25
BluesKajevening Daisuke_Ido02:25
Daisuke_Idoillmortal: i've never had a problem with it02:26
illmortalI'm willing to download the darn flv files just to convert it to something that's stable and viewable.02:26
kuresunaillmortal: are you watching you tube videos?02:26
Daisuke_Idoif you can snag the flv, they can be converted fairly easily with mencoder02:26
Dr_willisi seem to recall firefox extensions that could download/convert   automatically for you.02:26
illmortalyeah kuresuna... the same videos I was watching at work.02:26
Dr_willisNot that icve seen any Youtube videos worth downloading.02:26
Dr_willisPoor old Stage6.com - at least had some decent quality streams to watch. :)02:27
kuresunajust an assumption, alot of poeple watch youtube vids02:27
kuresunahi mariano!02:27
illmortalthere's no other sites I know of that plays videos of all sorts o.o; and is more stable than youtube or "linux" friendly.02:27
Dr_willisA lot of people have  way too much free time also. :)02:27
marianoi speke in spanish02:28
Daisuke_Ido!es | mariano02:28
ubottumariano: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:28
Daisuke_Idoillmortal: i still don't see what the issue is with youtube02:28
Daisuke_Idoi use it pretty much daily02:28
illmortalDaisuke_Ido... If I play a video.. within 5 seconds the video becomes choppy.02:29
illmortalAll I get is sound.. and the video either freezes or simply becomes horrible to watch.02:30
Daisuke_Idocan we try a test?02:31
* Daisuke_Ido apologizes in advance02:32
Daisuke_Idoit's the first video i thought of02:32
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illmortal-.- choppy.02:33
Dr_willisCrappy Music videos.. yea.. Youtube is a MUST HAVE thing. :)02:33
DragnslcrDid you just Rickroll him?02:33
illmortaloh now the sound chops up too. joy!02:33
Dr_willisI got no issues here.02:33
Dr_willisOther then the dog just commited sucide from the music. :P02:34
Daisuke_IdoDragnslcr: i did02:34
kuresunarick roll xD02:34
illmortalliterally it looks like the flash is built in slices... and it loads frames in separate slices lol02:34
Daisuke_Idothat's definitely odd02:35
Daisuke_Idowhat version of flash are you using?02:35
Dr_willissounds almost like a cacheing issue.02:35
illmortalo.o; cachin?02:35
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Boincdoes kubuntu support tri monitor setup?02:36
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marianoHola where you are?02:37
Daisuke_IdoBoinc: i can't say i've ever seen it, but i don't think it's impossible02:38
Boincwould it depend on kubuntu or if the video card drivers were out for my card with linux?02:38
Daisuke_Idomariano: do you have a question?02:40
marianoyou speke in spanish?02:41
Daisuke_Idomariano: no, you've already been told that the spanish-speaking channel is #kubuntu-es02:41
Daisuke_Idotype /join #kubuntu-es02:41
Daisuke_Idoand they can help in your native tongue :)02:41
marianoIf but I prefer speaking with you02:43
Daisuke_Idoi don't speak spanish02:43
kuresunayou got some fans Daisuke_Ido02:43
Daisuke_Idothis is a support channel.  if you have a question, ask in here, in english, all on one line, and we'll try to help02:43
marianoI teach(show) you and vos you teach(show) me to my02:44
kuresunamariano, you really should go to #kubuntu-es02:45
marianoWhich is his(its) age?02:46
LinuxReignmariano, escribe /join #ubuntu-es y le das ENTER02:48
marianoalguien tiene que hablar español02:52
nonewmsgsmy kmail isnt getting my gmail anymore03:17
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nonewmsgsok it got it.  my kmail is an intermittant problem getting my gmail :P03:19
nonewmsgsany ideas what this is http://pastebin.com/m3550ba2503:23
gleyvewhere to download mp3?03:30
Dr_willisgoogle for 'legally free mp3' ?03:35
ubottuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information03:35
Dr_willistoo bad he allready left.03:35
veritas_hmm kcontrol doesn't seem to like KDE4.103:42
Dr_willisI was thinking kcontrol was getting a major work over for kde4+03:45
Dr_willisamazing how 'complex' a simple task like 'getting all the settings in one organized place' can be :)03:51
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ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!03:56
veritas_CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.6/Modules/FindX11.cmake:364 (MESSAGE):03:56
veritas_  Could not find X1103:56
veritas_cant figure that out03:56
fernando__any girl?03:57
MrKennieanyone use kdevelop and python?03:59
bazhangfernando__, this is kubuntu support; do you have a kubuntu support question?04:00
veritas_anyone know where X11-devel headers are?04:01
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bazhangfernando__, what04:02
fernando__you said me this?04:02
fernando__<bazhang> fernando__, this is kubuntu support; do you have a kubuntu support question?04:02
Whiz2what is the terminal command to install the KDE desktop, and all the default stuff that comes with Kubuntu?04:02
bazhangfernando__, this is not a chat channel; it is Kubuntu Linux OS support channel.04:03
fernando__yes I understand04:03
bazhangkubuntu-desktop Whiz204:03
bazhangsudo apt-get install04:03
Whiz2if need be, how do i unstall the desktop interface that comes with xubuntu?04:04
MrKennieI understand it's supposed to be better to use aptitude to install it04:04
bazhang!purekde | Whiz2 check this04:05
ubottuWhiz2 check this: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »04:05
bazhangWhiz2, that wont do it; need to check that link04:05
veritas_what are the GTK development libraries  ?04:06
Whiz2bazhang: that is for removing ubuntu and gnome. i'm currently using xubuntu04:07
Dr_willisapt-cache search dev | grep gtk04:08
MrKennieveritas_: apt-cache search might help.04:08
MrKennielike that, yea :)04:08
bazhanghttp://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome Whiz2 sorry wrong link04:08
veritas_i install libgtk and the dev files04:09
veritas_but cmake is still saying that GTK's not found04:09
MrKennieah, is it after gtk1 ?04:09
veritas_i'm just getting the latest gtks04:09
Schuenemannwhat command lists all my partitions?04:09
veritas_trying to build gtk-qt theme engine04:10
MrKennieoh i see04:10
MrKenniecan't be gtk1 then04:10
MrKennieveritas_: you will be looking for package names usually ending with -dev04:10
Dr_willis!find gtk-qt04:12
ubottuFound: gtk-qt-engine, gtk2-engines-gtk-qt, gtk-qt-engine-kde404:12
Dr_willisThat one?04:12
Schuenemannwasn't fstab the command to see my partitions?04:12
veritas_didnt see the kde404:14
veritas_gonna try that out04:14
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_2does anyone know anything about stopping ssh from doing dns lookups ?04:15
* _2 confesses up front that it's not ubuntu's ssh that is causing the problem04:16
reabyI have a problem with konqueror: a site i'm developing stucks to "post data" loop. Page works great under any other browser. Page has a form which on submit poinst to same page, and this is the problem with konqueror. any ideas how to fix.04:16
Dr_willisSchuenemann,  fstab is not now, nor ever has been a 'command'04:17
_2reaby by any other browser can i assume you are including elinks dillo epiphany w3m ...  ?04:17
Dr_willisSchuenemann,  'sudo fdisk -l'   Perhaps04:17
MrKenniereaby: what language are you using?04:17
reabyMrKennie: php04:17
_2reaby or does "any other browser" really mean firefox ?04:18
MrKenniereaby: have you asked in #php?04:18
reabyMrKennie: not yet04:18
reaby_2: well firefox and opera on linux + same on windows + ie04:18
MrKenniereaby: probably best ask in there.04:18
_2reaby ok.  but for future records that does not constitute "any other browser".04:19
reaby_2: well, true.04:20
reaby_2: maybe i could have stated "any other mainstream browser"04:20
reabyi ask in #php, thanks.04:21
_2mainstream on that other os ?    </drops like hot potato>04:21
_2so does anyone know anything about stopping ssh from doing dns lookups ?04:22
_2i kinda need to fix one ssh client04:22
devook i need help, i think someone is in my computer rite now cuz my web bowser keep's on close'n by it's self, can anyone hlep me out!!!???04:22
_2devo pull the plug to the inet.04:23
_2devo pstree04:23
devo i can't cuz i'm rite to my girl04:23
_2devo ?04:23
devo over the net04:23
_2cant != don't want to...04:24
MrKenniedevo: does this happen on any website or a particular one?04:24
devo i'm rite'n to my girl cuz i can't talked to her on the phone rite now & i can't see her rite now so i'm try'n to talk to her through myspace04:24
MrKenniedevo: also which browser are you using?04:24
devo firefox04:25
devo and no this dosen't happen all the time ither04:25
Dr_willisGet her on IRC! :)04:25
devo i can't cuz she's not by a computer rite now04:25
_2anyway.   iftop   wireshark   pstree   w  who      and logs auth.log Xorg.* in /var/log/    all might help prove your caim04:26
Dr_willisI can honestly say ive never chatted with anyone on myspace. :) and i can only rember going to a myspace site.. once..04:26
devo and she has windows04:26
Dr_willisWeird Al. had free mp3's on his Myspace site. :)04:26
MrKenniedevo: well, before assuming you are being I would eliminate any obvious caused first04:26
Dr_willisdevo,  there are irc clients for windows.04:26
MrKenniedevo: er, before assuming you have been compromised...04:26
devo ok04:26
devo i've been use'n linux for the past 2 to 3 week's so srry to say i don't know what ur talk'n about04:27
_2Dr_willis i think you out rank me there by +1 myspace visit04:27
MrKenniedevo: does it happen with a particular website or any website?04:27
devo well rite now it's any website & when i went on here to talk to u guy's to help me out then it stoped, i don't get WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!04:28
* _2 smells a troll04:29
MrKenniedevo: it stopped?04:29
devoi'm NOT a troll god damn it04:29
devo yes it did stop for now but it's gonna do it again i know it will04:29
_2Dr_willis heh.  i'll pass.  you can remain the myspace guru between us   lol04:30
devo & my net connection is extreamly slow 2 & i don't know why04:30
Dr_willisNew Weird Al Tunes! :)04:30
devo can anyone help me to get my internet connection runn'n faster???04:31
Schuenemannyes, buy more bandwidtdh04:31
MrKenniedevo: can't help there. I would check netstat, go through your log files etc.04:31
devo like i said lot's of time's is that i have been use'n linux for the past 2 to 3 weel04:32
MrKenniedevo: enable the firewall04:32
devo week's* so yeah04:32
devo i don't have one04:32
MrKenniedevo: sure, you are using kubuntu right?04:33
devo yes but i don't have a firewall if i do then i don't know how to use it then lol04:33
MrKennieopen konsole and type sudo ufw enable04:34
devo i just got done look'n in my app's & i don't have a firewall04:34
MrKenniejust do what I said04:34
devo i'm NOT gonna untill i know what that is & what does it do???04:34
_2then man ufw04:35
_2man sudo04:35
_2man man04:35
MrKennieir formats your hard disk.. but seriously, it simply enables the ubuntu firewall.04:35
_2reverse order might be advisable04:35
devo i will do it as long as u tell me what it's gonna do04:35
devo i'm very protective of my computer04:35
_2devo type in a konsole.   man intro04:36
MrKennieif you were protective you would have your firewall enabled anyway04:36
_2devo or type in a konsole.   man man04:36
devo well srry that i don't know how to use linux like u do04:36
devo i'm new with use'n linux so give me a break04:36
_2after that you can quiclky check what any command will do by using the man command on it.04:36
MrKenniedevo: we are trying to help you, if you don't want to do it then don't.04:37
veritas_hey guys, i'm running into another problem, i'm trying to install the skulpture theme for KDE4 at kde-look.org, and I DLed it as a .deb file, but when I do dpkg -i on the .deb package, it has architecture conflicts as I'm using 64bit and not 32bit, so how can install the theme?04:37
devo ok i'll do it04:37
jdelectrodoes the last version of kubuntu come with kde 4.1?04:37
veritas_jdelectro: 64bit version didnt lol04:37
_2jdelectro no.04:37
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde404:37
jdelectrooh sry wrong channel :(04:38
devo ok i did enable the firewall now what?04:38
=== pablo_ is now known as BUHG
MrKenniedevo: well, that's a start.04:38
_2veritas_ ummm get the deb for 64 bit or get source04:39
devo ok what else is there to do?04:39
_2devo man man04:39
MrKenniedevo: now while you have konsole open check netstat -tuna and go through your log files04:39
BUHGHi i have a problem with google earth, when i start it, it close by itself, here's the Konsole:04:40
BUHGpablo@pablo-desktop:~$ /home/pablo/google-earth//googleearth %f04:40
BUHG[sis_tex.c:118]:Failure to allocate texture memory.04:40
kuresunaBUHG, try running it as sudo04:40
devo what do u mean by go through the log files???04:40
BUHGhow i run it as sudo?? excuse the dum question04:41
MrKenniedevo: /var/log contains various log files. Check auth.log messages, syslog etc.04:41
devo i don't know how to do that or what u mean, srry04:41
Dr_willissudo /home/pablo/google-earth/googleearth04:41
Dr_willisIve never had to sudo googleearth however.04:41
Dr_willismay be a video card issue04:42
kuresunawell, who knows04:42
mixed1234what application would you recommend to record yourself on the mic using KDE?04:42
BUHGit says the same!!!04:42
kuresunamixed1234 use Audacity04:42
mixed1234kuresuna, ill give audacity a try right now, thanks04:42
MrKenniedevo: this is really something you need to investigate yourself. My first port of call is to figure out why firefox dies. It could be flash, try browsing google for a while and see if it does it.04:43
_2mixed1234 audacity will work.  it's a lot of overnead just to record dps   krec would be a lot lighter04:43
BUHGit says the same thing!04:44
_2heh   dsp  &    maybe i should just retype that...04:44
MrKenniedunno why I bother04:44
Dr_willisBUHG,  and your video card is a ?04:44
BUHGi in windows run perfect to me  with the same card04:44
kuresunaBUHG, do you know the model of your card?04:45
Dr_willisBUHG,  i dident ask that.. :)04:45
_2BUHG and that is relevent how ?04:45
Dr_willisIf you dont have the 3d drivers for your video card installed under linux.. well.. its not going to work04:45
BUHGah! i can't apply the effects either04:45
mixed1234_2, I just tried audacity,  know what?  I think I like it :-) thank you kuresuna, ill play a few songs with my guitar when nobody's at home and see what I sound like04:45
Dr_willisSIS? Ick. :()  Hmm [sis_tex.c:118]:Failure to allocate texture memory.  that makes sence that it has 'sis' in there04:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sis04:46
kuresunamixed123, glad you like it04:46
Dr_willisI dont know squat about sis under linux either - other then people often have problems with them04:46
MrKennieI don't think sis has any proper 3d support in linux04:46
_2mixed1234 like i said it will work.   i have used it quite a bit   but it's a bit like calling a 40ton wrecker to pull a tonka truck out of a ditch.04:47
BUHGit's that my little brother LOVES oogle Earth!!! exist an alternative?04:47
MrKenniedoes glxgears work04:47
_2Dr_willis sis made very few 3d ready cards.04:48
BUHGexist an alternative?04:49
MrKennieBUHG: not as far as I know04:50
mixed1234_2, LoL  yes, I know what you mean however I was able to record my voice without reading an entire manual first, it's not that bad04:51
MrKenniethere is marble but that may not work without 3d and the information isn't anywhere near as complet eas GE yet.04:51
_2mixed1234 happy for you then.04:51
BUHGgoogle maps can work kinda the same right?04:52
mixed1234_2 however I am also going to try krec, thank you for your input04:52
Dr_willisI rember when 'matrox' and 'sis' were big names. :)04:52
MrKennieBUHG: pretty much, just no fancy 3d globe04:52
_2Dr_willis yeah.  and win95 was new...04:52
kuresuna_2 touche'04:53
BUHGwell if has pics and informartion is ok thenks MrKennie04:53
MrKennieBUHG: yea, it's basically the same.04:54
illmortalCan someone recommend a powerful GUI firewall?04:55
_2illmortal the firewall is iptables.04:56
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).04:56
illmortalthanks _2!04:56
_2welcome.   but konw for sure that the cli will be much more flexable than the gui frontends04:57
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR and web (Java, etc) gateways due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks. If you're using mibbit, please try joining #ubuntu again. Mibbit takes a long time to connect, so you may have missed a message to do this.04:57
_2oh   marble is a kde4 app ....   i see.05:05
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m801I'm trying to find the KDE Control Center option for turning CAPS LOCK into an extra control key. Was it removed?05:38
Dr_willisI dont rember ever seeing that. I was thinking years ago there was some xmodemap command ya used.05:39
Dr_willisold-skool :)05:39
m801yeah, I used to do it that way, but for the last few years, it's been an option in the keyboard section of the system options05:40
m801when I google it, there are all these references to a keyboard configuration page that doesn't look like the one I have05:41
Dr_willisI cant recall ever messing with the keybaord configs.. so cant help much.05:42
Dr_willisYou are using kde3 ? not 4 right?05:42
m801no it's 4, AFAICT05:42
m801ah crud, I'm wrong05:43
m8013.5.9 :-(05:43
Dr_williscould been its been tweaked/changed/removed in  some of the later kde's05:43
Dr_williskde4 is a whole nother game. :)05:43
m801ah well, looks like I'm xmodmapping it then. Thanks!05:44
Dr_willishttp://efod.se/writings/linuxbook/html/caps-lock-to-ctrl.html :) seems to cover that05:45
Dr_willisI wodner of the kde config tool just altered the users .Xmodemap file05:45
m801I used to use the gnome control center, and it did something funky.05:46
m801(I'm switching to KDE today)05:46
Dr_willisThen ya get to relearn when kde4 comes out! :)05:47
m801or not upgrade ;-)05:48
Dr_williswheres the fun in that!05:48
m801<- doesn't like fun.05:50
m801well, I put it in .Xmodmap, and it looks like it's working.05:51
binskipy2uhey guys, if i were to install 4.0.2, what is the best way to upgrade to 4.1(after adding the community repos of course)05:51
binskipy2uinstall 4.0.2, then enable all repos, then do a system upgrade then add the 4.1 repo05:51
binskipy2uand do a dist-upgrade?05:51
MrKenniedon't enable all the repositories05:51
binskipy2uive been reading 4.1 is nicer ,faster and more feature-rich then 4.0.205:52
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde405:52
MrKennieit is05:52
_2any particular thoughts on mixing flavours of linux packages  debian/ubuntu  ?05:53
MrKenniecould get messy05:53
_2it's already messy tho05:53
MrKenniewhat is?05:54
_2i really need to relosve this one issue with ssh not being able to connect to my server if the server is not connected to the inet05:54
_2some rdns issue i thing05:54
MrKenniewhat's wrong?05:55
_2it times out05:55
Dr_willismixxing ubuntu + debian is asking for weird funky problems. :)05:55
DarkriftXif I install kde4 on 8.04 can I still choose to use kde3 if I want?05:55
MrKennieI assume you can ping the machine and all?05:55
Dr_willisDarkriftX,  yes.05:55
DarkriftX!info kde405:55
ubottukde4 (source: meta-kde4): the K Desktop Environment version 4 official modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3 (hardy), package size 2 kB, installed size 36 kB05:55
_2can't connect to the server to start the inet connection without the inet connection being up...  catch 2205:55
Dr_willisDarkriftX,  the kdm login screen will have a sessions menu item for them all05:55
DarkriftXspeaking of05:55
DarkriftXwhen my laptop rebooted, i now have like 20 users05:56
DarkriftXall named qmail user05:56
DarkriftXwhat would cause that? and how can I fix it?05:56
Dr_willisDarkriftX,  Hmmm where are you seeing these users at?05:56
_2MrKennie yes. i can even chroot into another installation and from there ssh into it.  so it's got to be client specific.05:56
DarkriftXin the user list when it asks me to login to kde05:56
Dr_willisHmm..i dont even hafe a user list. :)  mstbe using a different kdm theme.05:56
DarkriftXits the default05:57
DarkriftXi havent changed anything since I installed 8.0405:57
Dr_williscould configure kdm  to hide the user  qmail I guess05:57
Dr_willissounds like a bug to me however. :)05:57
DarkriftXi dont even use qmail :S05:57
DarkriftXno mail server here05:57
Dr_willisremove the package then perhaps05:57
DarkriftXand for some odd reason, i couldnt use apt last night without letting it install some odd mail server software, i think it was called imex or something05:58
MrKennie_2: what if you telnet <host> 22 ? anything?05:58
_2MrKennie i'd have to disconnect from the inet to test.05:58
MrKennieoh right05:58
_2MrKennie ssh works find while the server is connected to the inet05:59
MrKennie_2: I'm not sure I follow05:59
MrKennie_2: the server is on your LAN?06:00
_2server is   inet is dialup from    ssh   from if inet is up works fine.  if inet is down. it times out.   only does this with one particular openssh client.   i can chroot another system on and do the same   ssh   with the inet down and it still works fine.06:01
_2MrKennie yes all on two lan's   nat'd togather06:02
MrKennie_2: I see06:02
MrKenniebut can you telnet 22 ?06:02
MrKenniethat is when offline of course.06:03
MrKennieI follow what you are saying now, sorry.06:03
_2i dont think i even can when online06:04
MrKennieyou should get something like Escape character is '^]'.06:04
MrKennieSSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.7p1 Debian-8ubuntu1.206:04
MrKennieyea, so that's good. I guess you would need to test offline too right?06:05
_2but the thing is i can do this offline with other boxen on the lan06:05
_2it's just the debian etch that cant06:05
* _2 watches smoke rise...06:06
MrKennieneed to test if it's application level or not and telnet is probably the best test06:06
_2it's app level.06:06
_2else chroot /mnt/ubuntu     and ssh   would also fail when offline  but it works.06:07
MrKennie_2: tried UseDNS option?06:08
_2and the only thing i have been able to find on the subject so far is "you should setup bind9"06:09
_2MrKennie ?   no06:09
_2MrKennie i'll look for that.06:09
MrKennieaccording to the manpage it's set to yes by default06:09
MrKenniein sshd_config06:10
_2but it's not sshd that's failing it's ssh that's failing06:10
MrKenniereverse lookups are disabled by default btw06:11
_2in ubuntu.  but what about debian.  and howto enable/disable them in ubuntu will probably solve my problem06:11
_2                                 in debian ^06:12
_2192.168.0.1 = ubuntu = debian/ubuntu = ubuntu = ubuntu   192.168.0... = ubuntu     only is failing to connect to anything while is not connected to the inet    all other ssh activity works in all dirrections.06:14
MrKennieVerifyReverseMapping is the only other option I can find06:14
_2MrKennie that's in ssh_config ?06:14
MrKennie"no" is default06:14
_2? ^06:14
_2or sshd_config ???06:15
MrKennieno, sshd, checking06:15
josh__who knows a lot about alienware graphics drivers (proprietory)06:16
MrKennie_2: nothing in there about reverse lookups06:17
josh__well... two gtx 7900 go sli cards anyone know if the drivers are different when they're stock with the alienware mALX?06:18
josh__appreciate any help...06:18
MrKennieI don't know anything about alienware, sorry06:19
josh__i've tried everything i know of06:19
MrKennieyou've tried the nvidia drivers via the restricted drivers manager?06:19
josh__all i end up getting after the configuration of the xorg.conf file is stupid scattering colors everywhere after x boots06:20
MrKenniethey are nvidia right?06:20
josh__like envy06:20
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk06:20
MrKenniesli is still a fairly new feature as far as linux+nvidia is concerned06:20
josh__yeah thats what i hear06:20
MrKennienvidia are slow to support us unfortunatly :(06:21
josh__i have tried envy-ng already no dice06:21
josh__haha i know06:21
josh__there are drivers for my model but they won't seem to work06:21
DarkriftXi installed kde4, rebooted and my login screen was different, but it still loaded kde306:21
josh__i've come to the conclusion that alienware did this to me!!!06:21
MrKennieso you tried the envy method?06:22
DarkriftXand i selected kde4 as the default wm06:22
josh__and the nvidia auto xorg config06:22
josh__i get great res but the 3d wont work06:22
MrKennieI wonder of the 7x series will get any further support..06:22
josh__and thats with the nv set in xorg06:22
josh__i sure hope so06:23
josh__i've had this problem for almost a year now06:23
MrKenniethey recently split the drivers up from what I understand which usually means they cease fixing the older stuff.06:23
josh__i'm seriously thinking of programming my own driver06:23
josh__its not too far fetched either i've been reading up on it06:24
MrKennieI believe it is possible06:24
josh__then i could help my fellow alienware users06:24
MrKenniejust needs a lot of time and patience06:24
josh__oh yeah06:24
josh__and c code haha06:25
MrKennieand try and avoid the reverse engineering lawsuits06:25
fujisani am a propellerhead that's why i am using Kubuntu, and encounter error, MrKennie is clueless about, while he thinks he is an expert!06:25
josh__yeah its crossed my mind... maybe an anonymous distributer ;)06:25
MrKenniefujisan is a troll and should stfu06:26
fujisani am not a troll, I asked you about bluetooth yesterday and you didn't know06:26
josh__i agree what's up with you troll head06:26
fujisanso i have evidence06:26
josh__did you log your session06:27
fujisansee i don't use troll acronyms such as: "lol" , you are the pot calling the kettle black mrKennie06:27
_2fujisan you may not have been a troll yesterday when you asked about bluetooth.  but you are trolling today.   please stop.06:27
MrKennieapparently I have no clue because I do not own any bluetooth devices therefor have no experience using it under linux.06:27
fujisani am not _206:27
DarkriftXi installed kde4 via apt on kubuntu 8.04, rebooted and my login screen was different, but it still loaded kde3, does anyone know what else I have to do?06:27
_2MrKennie please don't feed...06:27
MrKennie_2: *nod*06:28
josh__yeah when you install choose the new kde06:28
DarkriftXi did06:28
fujisan_2 I predicate your sanctimonious attitude towards me06:29
MrKennieDarkriftX: oh, where you login you need to choose kde4 fro mthe sesion type menu06:29
MrKenniesession type menu*06:29
fujisan_2 and MrKennie you both, couldn't help me with bluetooth06:29
fujisanor even refer me to the kde bluetooth channels, amatures06:29
DarkriftXahhh, i c06:29
fujisanOne speaking his concerns about the quality of voluntary community support != trolling06:30
fujisanI am just saying there is room for improvement that's all, and I am trying to do it in concise and constructive manner06:31
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fujisanbluetooth is pretty generic technology and many are using it06:32
fujisanbut I will drop the topic now06:32
fujisanbut the height of ignorance and arrogance to call me a troll is just very abrasive and unnecessary06:32
_2!ot | fujisan stop trolling already.   if you want better support here. pitch in.06:33
ubottufujisan stop trolling already.   if you want better support here. pitch in.: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:33
fujisan!abuse | _206:33
ubottu_2: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:33
fujisanI don't appreciate your antics _2 I am not a troll06:34
fujisanI am just a dissapointed kubuntu user right now06:34
fujisanyou could show some compassion06:34
fujisanand understanding instead of defamating my character with this "troll" slander06:35
DarkriftXI thought kubuntu had kde 4.1, not just 4.0306:35
fujisanyou are really out of order _206:35
fujisantoo bad this channel lacks proper moderation06:35
MrKennieDarkriftX: not by default, you need to add the repository06:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kde4.106:36
DarkriftXif i do so, will it upgrade?06:36
DarkriftXor will i have to reinstall it06:36
MrKennieit will upgrade06:36
MrKennieincludes instructions to install it06:37
aanderse4.2 looks pretty awesome06:37
aoncoquindoes KDE4.1 worth to be dwl ?06:37
aandersekdevelop4, amarok2, koffice206:37
DarkriftXanyone know what I could google to find the repo? coming up with lots of blanks06:38
=== Agent_bob is now known as _2
MrKennieDarkriftX: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 <--06:39
DarkriftXdamned kde4 installed konq back on here :@06:39
eamonone of my windows machines keeps asking me for a password when i try to access the shared folders on my ubuntu computer.  but all the other windows machines can access it fine?06:54
eamonanyone help06:55
eamonguess not06:57
HeManHi! How do I change virtual desktop with keys in KDE?07:08
jussi01hrm, I remember it being ctrl+alt + left/right arrows, but could be wrong07:10
HeManthat's in gnome, won't work in KDE07:10
kuresunajussi01, ctrl+alt+arrows works with compiz too so your not 100% wrong07:12
HeMandoesn't kwin have any key combination to change virtual desktop???07:13
kuresunaHeMan im not sure07:13
HeManseem that ctrl-Fn-keys goes "directly" to desktop 1 to 907:15
HeManbut I like to do "indirect" left, right, up and down in some way07:16
jussi01HeMan: you could always set one...07:16
ubottukeyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts07:16
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amencan anybody help me..the speaker isn't mute when i jack in the headphone,i had to unmute it by by self07:20
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HeManwas the shortcut-info for me?07:20
amenaudio devide : Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller07:21
HeManit doesn't give any information on how to do "relative" movements, ie left-right-up-down07:21
HeManhmm, the ctrl-Fx does only work up to my forth desktop as well07:22
jussi01!intelhda > amen07:22
ubottuamen, please see my private message07:22
ameni had sent...07:23
HeManis anyone actually using kwin?07:24
HeManor does everyone run compiz?07:24
alakhiakwin is default, right?07:24
HeMani don't know, I decided to switch to KDE when 4.0 was released07:26
alakhiai'm still on 3.5.10 so I think that still uses kwin07:26
HeMannobody could tell me how to change virtual desktop with the keyboard then so I changed back07:27
alakhiayup, ps | grep kwin shows that it is running07:27
HeManif I cant get "relative" movements to work now I'll change back to gnome once more07:27
HeManbut I really like to try KDE so I rather have a solution for it07:28
alakhiaI decided to stay with kde3 ... i works for what I need07:28
alakhiai use gnome at work ... with a few settings changed for my taste07:29
alakhiawith kde3, it is easy to change virtual desktops via shortcut07:30
amenhi abby8707:30
abby87amen: hi07:31
HeManalakhia: I can change with ctrl-Fx, but only up to forth desktop and I like to do left, right, up and down07:31
alakhiaHeMan: they have probably reorgd the system settings completely07:32
alakhiaHeMan: for me, I go to system settings -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Shortcuts07:32
alakhiaif I search for "next desktop" i find the setting I need to modify07:33
HeManalakhia: finally! thanks!07:36
alakhiaHeMan: great!07:37
HeManhmm, it wraps07:38
HeManif I'm on the right most and press right I get on the leftmost07:39
alakhiaHeMan: yup, it wraps for me too07:40
HeManhow to turn that off?07:41
alakhiano idea ... try google?07:41
alakhiagoogle is not much help for me07:43
johnmatrixjust works my ass!07:44
HeManjohnmatrix: who is working your ass? :P07:46
johnmatrixnah serious question, is there any actual different between installing kubuntu vs installing ubuntu and then installing kde4?07:47
Dr_willisjohnmatrix,  not really. You just get all the tools from both.07:50
Dr_willisI normally install both.07:50
johnmatrixalright cool07:50
johnmatrixi spent about 6 hours trying to get my second LCD to display at 1280x1024 :(07:51
Dr_willisI normaly have ubuntu+kde+kde4 on this machine07:51
johnmatrixnot a good start07:51
Dr_willisWith my nvidia card - getting the 2nd montior working takes about... err... 30 sec. :)07:51
johnmatrixyeah i have nvidia aswell07:51
johnmatrixi installed nvidia driver and nvidia-settings07:51
johnmatrixbut it only had 640x48007:52
johnmatrixif i changed the xorg.conf to 1280x1024 my lcd said no signal07:52
johnmatrixhad to add that modeline crap to the xorg.conf, but the image isn't aligned properly still..07:52
Dr_willisNormally once i get nvidia and nvidia-settings installed it sees the res right. if not i tweak it with nvidia-settings or nvidia-xconfig07:52
Dr_willisIf using a DVI monitor - its MUCH less a problem.07:52
johnmatrixyeah my DVI monitor works fine07:53
johnmatrixjust the other one being a bitch07:53
Dr_willisIve finally tossed all my nondvi monitors07:53
Dr_willisand convinced most guys at work to do the same. :) they were all like... "why dident you tell me to toss them out earlier!"07:53
DarkriftXAfter making changes in the effects tab for kde4, i logged out then tried to login and i get something about an error has occured, check the kdm logs or contact admin..... ive tried kde3, failsafe etc. what can i do to set the settings back07:55
Dr_willisNext step is hdmi conectors I guess...07:55
johnmatrixnah hdmi is just dvi plus audio07:55
Dr_willisthen we can get 4+ monitors on   a single card. :)07:55
=== kde_ is now known as skinnymg1
Dr_willissmaller plug. :)  Ive noticed most of the new tv's out have 2+ hdmi conectors also.07:55
skinnymg1hello good people of the irc realm07:56
Dr_willisthat way i can get rid of using this svideo out.07:56
johnmatrixgood day kind sir07:56
skinnymg1hows everyones day going so far07:56
johnmatrixits been a fine day, how about you?07:57
johnmatrixwhat is the most popular software for website development?07:57
Dr_willisvi :)07:57
skinnymg1mine is about to end its actually 3:00 a.m. here07:57
johnmatrixanything dreamweaver-esqe?07:58
skinnymg1no not really just waiting to go pick up the gf from work07:59
alakhiamy day is coming to an end ... it's midnight08:05
Dr_willisits 3 am here. :)08:06
Dr_willislinch time.08:06
HeManjohnmatrix: hdmi is dvi plus audio plus cripple...08:07
alakhiajohnmatrix: have you used nvu?08:07
johnmatrixnah i havn't, i havn't used linux for years08:09
johnmatrixjust installed it yesterday08:09
johnmatrixhoping it was somewhat easier than it was back then :P08:09
alakhiahow is it going so far?08:09
alakhiausing linux, that is08:10
alakhiai use linux at work and home08:10
johnmatrixwell the installed didnt support my mouse, and i was up til 7am trying to get my second monitors resolution to go higher than 640x48008:10
johnmatrixso not all that flash so far08:10
Dr_williswhat sort of  mouse was  not supported?08:11
johnmatrixits a usb cordless mouse08:11
alakhiaoh, that's too bad ... i am glad your persistence is paying off though08:11
Dr_willisHmm..  ive yet to track down a mouse that dident work...  and egads i must have 20+ of the things. :) logitech and ms wireless and so on.08:11
Dr_willisMost of them dont even need drivers under windows except for special features.. weird that it dident work08:12
johnmatrixit worked once i booted into ubuntu, but not when i was installing it08:12
Dr_willisI alwyas use the alternative-text based installer.   so i dont need a mouse tehre. Heh08:13
johnmatrixim using vista at the moment, and it is running beautifully.. but i got an urge to try ubuntu. trying to make the switch08:16
Dr_willisive had a few isssues with vista -  nothing major.. but no real improvements over xp from what ive seen either..08:17
HeManI had to the switch from linux to XP after 7 years of linux only08:18
alakhiawhy so, HeMan?08:18
HeManMAN what XP is backwards!08:18
HeMani'm working as a consultant and the customer was running XP on the desktop08:19
alakhiai hate vista with a vengence08:19
HeManthey are developing for linux so it's a odd decision to run XP on the desktops08:19
HeManfortunately my machine was part of their Ubuntu pilot!08:20
johnmatrixalakhia why so?08:20
alakhiai use virtual box for a few things I have to have XP for (taxes and photoshop) ... that works well enuf08:20
HeManso I just had to run windows for 2 months08:20
HeManbut I hated every minute of it08:21
johnmatrixi tried opera browser , seemed very buggy08:22
johnmatrixon linux08:22
johnmatrixi love it on windows08:22
alakhiajohnmatrix: 1), it was the annoying boxes asking for permission, 2) would get screen resolution messed up out of the blue, 3) explorer didn't work the same way, 4) copy, move, delete operations were slow ...08:22
HeManoh well, have to go, bye!08:22
johnmatrixahh fair enough, most of those are easily fixed tho :)08:22
alakhiajohnmatrix: i was also looking for a reson to switch to linux, i guess08:23
alakhiajohnmatrix: with vista, it was easier to convince wife to give linux a try08:24
johnmatrixhehe yeah understandable08:25
alakhiashe complained bitterly the first few weeks and wanted XP08:25
alakhianow, she's gotten used to it08:25
level1hi, I have a 32 bit install and a 64 bit install.  I want use apt on the 64 bit install without rebooting, but I can't chroot.  Is there anything I can do?08:26
level1like, can I get apt a special root?08:26
alakhiawhy can't you chroot, level1?08:27
level1alakhia: you can't chroot from a 32 bit system to a 64 bit system.  its just impossible08:27
level1that would be like upgrading your kernel08:27
johnmatrixim off too, seeyas!08:27
alakhialevel1: you have a 64-bit machine?08:28
level1its a 64bit processor.  My OS is still 32 bit08:28
level1I'm experimenting with 64 bit08:29
level1the thing is that X is in an usuable state on that machine08:29
level1I wonder beyond deleting and regenerating xorg.conf, what I can do to fix X08:29
alakhialevel1: i don't know enough to be of help in your case08:30
DarkriftXanyone know how to start kde4 from command line?08:30
DarkriftXor to make startx start kde4 instead of 3?08:30
alakhiaperhaps come back when its daytime here? More people to read your questiion then?08:31
level1DarkriftX: didn't we meet yesterday?08:32
DarkriftXfew days ago08:33
alakhiaDarkriftX: any reason why you can't choose by launching kdm?08:33
DarkriftXkdm is screwed up08:33
level1DarkriftX: can you start a failsafe session?08:33
DarkriftXall session types fail08:34
level1 /usr/lib/kde4/bin/startkde08:34
DarkriftXgives error about $display not set08:34
level1but that will only work once you can log in to failsafe08:34
DarkriftXneeds the scripts in startx to run08:34
level1you might have more problems there buddy08:34
level1DarkriftX: try installing gdm and switching to that08:35
alakhiaor reinstall kdm perhaps?08:35
DarkriftXi uninstalled and reinstalled the whole kde4 group08:35
DarkriftXbut now instead of loading kdm, i get a prompt08:35
level1DarkriftX: do you still have kdm/kde3?08:35
DarkriftXid assume so08:36
level1whats the command to change display managers?08:37
DarkriftXi think editing /etc/X11/default-display-manager does it08:37
DarkriftXtrying that now08:38
DarkriftXseems to work, sorta08:38
DarkriftXfails with usplash errors about my resolution08:38
level1uh thats not the best wa08:38
alakhiais X running?08:38
level1I think you have a borked X08:38
DarkriftXhow do i get into that xorg config?08:39
alakhiacan you do: startx08:39
DarkriftXi could a min ago08:39
DarkriftXbrings up kde308:39
level1DarkriftX: be hardcore and edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:39
DarkriftXwhich i guess I could live with08:39
alakhiaoh, so X sounds ok ...08:39
level1thats the way haxors do it08:39
DarkriftXi prefer console then startx actually08:40
DarkriftXused to it from my debian box08:40
DarkriftXbut id like to have the option of kde3/408:40
DarkriftXscrew kdm08:40
DarkriftXand there i am08:40
alakhiawell, i'm going off to bed ... later guys08:41
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ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!09:15
lenkhi everyone09:27
lenki've got one question...09:27
lenki'm upgrading kubuntu to 8.0409:28
lenkand i'd like to put kde409:28
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde409:28
lenkis there some pages where i can find how to change my kde09:28
Dr_willisThere ya go... :) takes about 10 sec to do the commands to set it up.. and a few min to download/install kde409:29
lenkok thanks!09:29
Dr_willisThen ya got kde4 and kde3 in the session menus on the kdm login screen09:29
lenkand i can choose...great!09:30
Dr_willisbe a bit annoying if you coudlent choose. :)09:32
Dr_willisimagine windows having this flexibility. :P ha!09:32
lenkand one more question...which client irc is best for kubuntu?09:44
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!09:47
cmorenoi  m   new here09:47
HollowPointevenin all09:48
Dr_willisThats fine. :)09:48
=== cmoreno is now known as cmoreno__
baudthiefis there a way to view connections to samba shares? ie: open "files"10:01
vassilihi all10:01
vassiliтут есть кто из русских?10:01
baudthiefthat russian? :P10:01
vassiliyou right10:02
Dr_willislooks backwards to me. :10:02
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:02
Dr_willisbaudthief,  you may want to check out the 'using samba' book and other docs in the 'samba-doc' package.10:03
baudthiefМне, как русские, но меня Арабская10:04
baudthiefhooray for google translate10:04
baudthiefDr_willis: gah, rtfm always - help a brother out :P10:04
vassiliздарова, чувак10:05
Dr_willisbaudthief,  its the defacto docs :)10:05
Dr_willistheres like 4 books on samba in that package.10:05
baudthiefyeah, BOOKS though :P10:05
Dr_willisin short.. im sure there is.. i dont know exactlyu.. and id have to go read to find out.10:05
Dr_willisthats what the index is for.10:05
* baudthief rtfm's10:07
=== idham is now known as indent
indentHi all10:12
indenti need a help10:12
indentdoes anybody free to help here?10:12
baudthiefdepends on the question I guess :P10:12
indent1st: i already install WinXP pro SP210:13
indentthen..after that10:13
indenti install ubuntu10:13
indentand now..i cant boot into my windows10:14
indentsimply said...i lost my windows after install ubuntu10:14
indentcan some4body help me to resolve this problem?10:14
HollowPointYour first mistake was installing windows at all, (I'm joking) but when you say you can't boot what do you mean? Does it give an error message? If you boot into Ubuntu can you see the Windows drive?10:14
HollowPointDid you install both on the same drive, different drives? Did you tell Ubuntu installation to use entire drive10:15
indentwindows is still inside my drive10:15
indentsame drive10:15
indenti use manual10:15
indentnot entire drive10:15
HollowPointand when the Ubuntu Boot Loader (GRUB) starts up does it give Windows as an option to install?10:15
indentu mean during the installation?10:15
HollowPointno now10:16
HollowPointwhen you try to boot up you will be given the Ubuntu boot loader10:16
indentits directly boot into ubuntu10:16
indentb4 this i already use dual boot10:16
indentand its working good10:17
indenti can select between winxp and ubuntu10:17
indentbut now..it didnt show the selection10:17
indentits directly boot into ubuntu10:17
* baudthief eats popcorn10:17
HollowPointyou're positive that Windows is still on the drive? You can access files from Ubuntu?10:17
indentvery sure10:18
baudthiefbootsector :P10:18
indentwhat did u mean baudthief?10:18
indentactually i'm just a newbie10:18
indentcan u please help me by givint step by step instruction?10:19
HollowPointcan you pastebin the contents of /boot/grub/menu.lst please and then give us the link to the pastebin?10:19
baudthiefindent: nothing really, your bootsector has been overwritten - in the old days you could run "FDISK /MBR" under dos and get it restored, but then you'd lose linux :P Need to find a way to get GRUB to allow you to choose a boot partition10:20
baudthiefthere you go, HollowPoint is on the case ;p10:20
indentok..hold on10:20
baudthiefIt's fun explaining what Kubuntu and "Feisty Fawn" etc mean to windows users - they dont get it, and think its stupid10:21
baudthiefmind you Longhorn wasn't any better, but hey, what can you do :P10:22
HollowPointthat's actually just prompted me to clean up my menu.lst lol had a load of old kernels in there10:22
HollowPointwell LongHorn just sounded dirty, Feisty Fawn sounds like a cute animal10:22
HollowPointHoary was a bit close to the bone obviously10:22
baudthiefbone indeed :p10:23
HollowPointmind you Hardy Heron isn't exactly clean lol10:23
=== mcas is now known as mcas_away
indenthere it is10:23
baudthiefI dont mind the names lol, I think they're awesome - but to the lamers (haha get it? lamers? Not lamen?)10:23
baudthiefblah, tough crowd.10:24
indentthat is my /boot/grub/menu.lst10:24
baudthiefwow mediafire sucks ass10:24
HollowPointWindows is in that list10:25
indenthow about that Hollow?10:25
HollowPointIt's just not the default option10:25
indentthat one i create new10:25
indentbut its not working10:25
HollowPointyou need to edit that file10:25
indentby default..it didnt show any windows title10:25
indentso..how to edit correctly?10:26
HollowPointfind the line timeout 3 and change it to timeout 1010:26
HollowPointthat should give you enough time to select Windows at the bottom of the list10:26
indenti can select it10:26
indentbut its not working10:27
indentmaybe i've edit it in a wrong way10:27
HollowPointwhat is the error when you select it?10:27
indenterror:12..if i'm not mistaken10:27
indentinvalid device10:27
HollowPointah ok10:27
indentdid u need to see my fdisk -l?10:28
HollowPointwell first off instead of using mediafire, try to use the http://paste.ubuntu.com as at the top of this room10:28
HollowPointyou'll be given a link to what you've pasted and when you paste that here it's quicker for us to view and help you10:28
HollowPointsecondly yes fdisk -l might be helpful,10:29
indenthere it is10:30
HollowPointwow thats a lot of partions lol10:31
indentso..what is the correct way to edit the menu.lst file by refering to my fdisk -l?10:31
Dr_willissudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst10:31
Dr_willisperhaps.. dependond on what you want to do. :)10:31
HollowPointlol he's got that part Dr_willis10:32
Dr_willisalso grub checks the /boot/grub/device.map :)10:32
Dr_willisthen why did he ask? :P10:32
HollowPointindent, I think the menu.lst has the correct partition, however I'm not sure you've run grub and defined the partitions it should look for10:32
HollowPointmenu.lst is only one part of grub, you also need to run grub from the command line and have it check the partitions etc10:32
indenthow can do that?10:33
indentplease help me Hollow..coz i'm just a newbie10:33
Dr_willis'sudo update-grub'10:33
HollowPointthat could do the trick yes10:33
Dr_willisrereads/reinstalls the grub loader from the info in the menu.lst file10:33
indenti'll try it now Dr_Wilis10:33
indenti'll try it now Dr_Willis10:33
Dr_willisthe grub homepage/docs are worth reading some time. :)10:33
Dr_willislots of good info on that page10:33
HollowPointlol indeed10:33
Dr_willisGrub is sort of amazing in what all it can do10:33
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HollowPointI wouldn't go that far but it's certainly a lot more advanced now than it was a few years ago10:34
indentFound kernel: /vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic10:34
indentFound kernel: /memtest86+.bin10:35
indentthat is the result for updating grub10:35
indentis it ok?10:35
HollowPointdoesn't appear to have found the windows kernel from that10:36
indentthat's a problem10:36
indentwhat should i do now?10:36
HollowPointIs it Grub giving you the error or does it start to boot Windows and then Windows gives the error?10:38
indentgrub didnt show any error10:39
indentonly windows giving me an error10:39
HollowPointWindows doesn't tend to like booting if it isn't on the first partition on the hard drive, you have it on partition 510:39
indentso,how can i make it change into 1st partition?10:39
HollowPointah no hold on10:40
indentare u sure that i edit the menu.lst correctly by refering to my fdisk -l?10:40
HollowPointno I don't think you have10:40
HollowPointI think menu.lst should be rootnoverify (hd0,1) but technically speaking Windows isn't going to like booting from a logical partition no matter how you do it10:42
indentby the way, what is the command to show the size of the partition?10:42
HollowPointif you type df you can see the partitions and the useage10:43
HollowPointThe normal way to have a dualboot would be to have two extended partitions, Windows in the first and all the Linux logical partitions in the second extended partition, Windows prefers to be at the start of the disk and all on it's lonesome10:43
indenti think that i install it correctly..10:44
indentwhen i install windows, i already make one more partition10:45
indentafter that then i install ubuntu into that free partition10:45
HollowPointaccording to your fdisk -l you have one extended partition which spans the entire disk10:45
HollowPointthen you have several logical partitions10:45
indentso...what did u think?10:46
indentcan i still recover my windows?10:46
testi_I wish to delete all personal data that konqueror holds. What must I do?10:46
=== abby87 is now known as probably
HollowPointindent > it's hard to say. Did Windows have any data in it or could you live with killing the whole drive and starting again, it would probably be quicker10:47
indentactually..i'm too lazy to install all the programs that i already have in windows10:48
indenti can reinstall windows back10:48
indentbut the problem now is..10:48
Dr_willislazy is as lazy does. :)10:48
indentwhen i try to boot from my CD..10:48
HollowPointThe easiest way with Ubuntu/Kubuntu is to install Windows on the drive and not do ANY partitioning in during the Windows Installation, then you install Ubuntu and simply select the guided (Re-size partion sda1 and use remaining space on the disk) option10:48
=== probably is now known as abby87
HollowPointthat allows you to select how much you wish to reduce the Windows partition by and go from there10:49
indentits stop respond..10:49
indentwith a blank screen10:49
indenttried several time already10:49
indentit can detect my OS CD10:50
HollowPointWindows install CDs are known for hanging on boot up if Linux is on the main system hard drive, it's ok, you simply have to leave it for some time (I've waited upto 15 minutes for Windows Installer before)10:50
indenti've leave it for whole night already10:51
indentbut it is still blank10:51
HollowPointor you could boot up in Kubuntu Live CD, delete all partitions in fdisk so that the drive is clean, then boot from Windows CD (Which should not boot quickly) and start with installing Windows, using the ENTIRE drive, then while installing Ubuntu re-size the Windows partition10:51
HollowPointnot should be now *10:52
testi_When I type something into google search, it lists many older searches. I want to delete these entries. How can I do that? I use Konqueror as Browser.10:52
HollowPointdelete the history in konqueror10:53
testi_Okay, I deleted the history in Konqueror, but the entries remain.10:57
HollowPointclose and re-open konqueror10:58
indentok..i'll try10:59
Dr_williswindows answer = reboot.10:59
Dr_williswindows answer = reboot, reformat, reinstall, reformat again...11:00
HollowPointLinux Answer = Remove Windows, Install Linux11:01
testi_HollowPoint: Okay, I closed all instances of konqueror and reopened it, but the entries remain.11:01
Dr_willisLinux Answer = RTFine Manual11:01
HollowPointI'm not sure then testi, I don't tend to use Konqueror, anyone else got any idea how to remove the search history from Konqueror other than deleting it's history?11:03
Dr_willishow many ways do you want? :)11:04
testi_The right one11:04
Dr_willislogout/back in perhaps? reboot?11:04
testi_There is either an extremely heavy usability issue with Konqueror here, i'm stupid or konquerors privacy functions are not dependable11:05
testi_I'll try, but I think it's stupid :D11:05
HollowPointall three is always possible when it comes to Linux, never forget that11:06
Dr_willisThe normal #windows answer is 'Quit going to those porn sites' :)11:06
Dr_willisand 'go buy this $30 crippleware program to 'make your browsing safe' '11:06
HollowPointIE7 costs $30 now?11:07
Dr_willisNo.. these spammy-ad-cripple ware apps you see all over  web sites that 'fix' your browser/secure your browser/and so forth. :) are like $3011:08
Dr_willisUnless you have adblock installed. :)11:08
HollowPointor just download firefox and problem solved lol11:08
=== PhilRod_ is now known as PhilRod
testi_Yeah, looks like konqueror is undependable in that case. I'm going to delete it the unusual hackish way, on the filesystem.11:11
HollowPointtesti_ out of curiousity why don't you use Firefox instead?11:12
testi_I'm going to use firefox now. Such undependable behaviour is not acceptable.11:13
testi_Where on the filesystem are these entries stored?11:14
Dr_willisI would guess .kde*11:15
HollowPointmost likely11:15
testi_I don't want to delete the whole :D11:15
Dr_willistime to get exporing in there then.11:16
PhilRoddon't delete ~/.kde - just move it out of the way11:16
Dr_willisor LOOK in .kde and find the right stuff to delete.11:17
PhilRoddeleting the whole thing is asking for trouble though11:17
HollowPointme thinks Dr_willis has the better option11:18
* HollowPoint thinks Dr_willis has the better option11:18
Dr_willis'stop going to those porn sites' ?11:18
HollowPointthat one primarily yes lol11:19
HollowPointalthough internet wouldn't be much fun without porn11:19
HollowPointa better slogan would be use Linux and Firefox to view as many porn sites as you like11:19
Dr_willisdont forget 'Tor'11:21
ubottuTOR is a project aiming to provide anonymous connections via specialized !proxies - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TOR for information and help - Note that TOR is blocked on most Ubuntu IRC channels, please see !hostmask and !tor-gpg11:21
MrKenniejust wondering, the console resolution seems low, is it possible to change it to a higher resolution?11:34
MrKennieit seems to mess up the laptop osd11:34
Dr_willisthe framebuffer feature of the console can up its res. but  thats NOT the same as the X res.11:35
Dr_williswhat are you doing in the console anyway?11:35
MrKennieyea, I remember from when I used debian I set vga to 791 which was perfect for my needs11:35
MrKenniesometimes I like to be a purist :)11:36
Dr_willisYou can do that from the menu.lst11:36
Dr_willisI normally disable the framebuffer11:36
MrKennieyea, but I think console-setup changes it during boot time11:36
Dr_willisNot that ive noticed.11:36
Dr_willisconsoel-setup sets the fonts i belive11:36
MrKenniealso I've got a hunch that changing the resolution will fix the osd corruption11:37
Dr_willisOSD on the console? You watching videos in the console?11:37
MrKennieI'll try the grub approach first and see what happens11:37
MrKenniewell, not in console it's the laptop osd11:37
Dr_willistheres also the fbset command that can change the res on the fly11:37
* Dr_willis has no idea what ya mean by 'osd' then.11:38
MrKennielike when I change the brightness I get a small osd showing brightness level11:38
* HollowPoint joins in the conversation and agrees with Dr_willis11:38
MrKenniewell it should, I just get a garbled blue box11:38
Dr_willisYou even see that in the  console? thats interesting...11:38
Dr_willismust be done in the hardware/bios11:38
HollowPointthat isn't anything to do with the console11:38
HollowPointthat'll be the bios/flash on the monitor11:39
MrKennieyou know like on some tft monitors, they have like an osd when you change settings11:39
HollowPointyup, got what you mean, changing the fb res in console won't make that ungarbled11:39
Dr_willisinstall fbset, try changing res. try the osd.. try next res... so on and so on.. :)11:40
HollowPointyou can change your resolution, brightness levels etc in your OS and it won't touch the OSD11:40
MrKennieah yes, fbset! cool thanks11:40
Dr_willisgee how often ya even mess with the  brightness and stuff anyway. :)11:41
MrKenniethere is a method to my madness. I'll experiment.11:41
Dr_willisvolume control perhaps....11:41
MrKenniewell, when the screensaver kicks in it sets my brightness to 100%11:41
MrKenniewhich is wrong really, it shouldn't even touch it11:41
HollowPointwhat laptop is this? I'll be sure not to buy one11:41
Dr_willisI normally have mine at 100% anyway :)11:42
MrKennieeverything just works out of the box on this11:42
HollowPointare you from the sun?11:42
MrKennieI don't like bright displays, just my preference11:42
HollowPointthat question was aimed at Dr_willis mate11:42
HollowPointor you just got a crappy monitor?11:42
Dr_willisIm allowed to ghave my own prefferances.. :P11:43
HollowPointNO no you're not!11:43
* Dr_willis adjusts the colors so the people are all greenish on his videos11:45
MrKenniehm, seems I need to configure a fb driver first. Google time11:45
HollowPointvesa ftw!11:45
Dr_willisHmm what video card?11:45
Dr_willisnormally you set the vesa=thing in grub and it loads the framebuffer I thought11:46
* HollowPoint jumps up and down shouting VESA VESA VESA!11:46
MrKennie945GM to be exact11:46
stdinframebuffer modules are blacklisted11:46
HollowPointHP Laptop then?11:46
MrKennienothing fancy, it's a gateway11:46
MrKenniestdin: ok, I'll check that11:47
MrKenniestraight vesafb or intelfb?11:49
Dr_willisvesafb is the generic fb.11:49
MrKennieI should probably go with that first and see how things go then I can break it with the intel one :)11:49
MrKennierebooting, wish me luck. :S11:57
danboidHow do I upload a (text) file so that I can link to it on the ubuntu wiki?12:27
danboidWhen i'm editing the wiki, I can't see any 'upload file' button12:30
Dr_willisHmm.. i cheat and just cut/paste :P12:36
Dr_williscould make a seperate wiki page for it  i guess.. if yu want a link to say a example xorg.conf or similer.12:37
MrKenniewell, that was painless although the intelfb driver didn't work at all.12:41
MrKennienow why does virtualbox change the brightness too.12:43
MrKenniehm, xserver bug, oh well.12:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about adept-fix12:47
ubottuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto12:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about adept-crash12:48
XeRiNwhat was the fix thing?12:48
geek_! apt-fix12:48
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »12:48
geek_that? :)12:48
XeRiNthanks :D12:49
geek_next time though PM ubottu when blindly blungering through !THINGGIES ;p12:50
mrksbrdMrkennie: has that sixsleep guy been back @ all since thursday night?12:59
Dr_willisI often wonder what happens to such people... :)13:00
Dr_willishes proberly still loading on more games to his outdated system?13:00
MrKenniemrksbrd: I've not seen him13:00
MrKennieI just discovered virtualboxes seamless mode :P13:01
Dr_willisIve not messed with that yet. :) seen some mention of it MrKennie13:01
Dr_willisi was thinkinb the next vmware was to have similer  feature13:02
MrKennieit's crazy13:02
geek_seamless mode?13:03
MrKennievery cool though, it means I can test IE more seamlessly when developing13:03
geek_it forwards single windows?13:03
MrKenniewell, it kinda goes fullscreen but keeping your linux desktop13:03
MrKennievery nice feature indeed13:04
Dr_williskinda goes fullscreen?13:05
MrKenniewell, it sort of overlays your current desktop13:05
MrKennieso if running windows you get the taskbar at the bottom and the rest is your current desktop13:06
MrKennierunning windows as the guest os that is13:06
Dr_willisso ya gotta move the kde panel to the top?13:06
geek_i kinda prefer the current options then13:06
MrKenniewell, you could move the windows task bar to the top instead13:06
* geek_ would like some way to just forward a single windows window13:06
mrksbrdi know its not the room, but have u guys messed with project looking glass @ all?13:07
MrKennieheard of it13:07
Dr_willismrksbrd,  is that the java 3d-desktop thinggie?13:07
Dr_willisabout the only time i hear of it now a days is when someone stumbles upon it.. and tries it and asks in here about it.. and we note that the thing has sort of been dead for years.. :)13:08
Dr_willisit was a big 'thing' a few yrs back. and as far as i can tell there hasent been any progress done to it in ages13:08
MrKennieit was only in a magazine last year13:08
mrksbrdactually it was last updated in feb of 0813:08
Dr_willis so there was finally some updates eh? :)13:08
mrksbrdkeep getting error when installing .deb file13:08
Dr_willisI seem to recall it being out  about 3 yrs ago.13:09
mrksbrdlet me grab u the link13:09
MrKennieit is the one I have read about.13:10
Dr_willis    *   Linux x86 Mega Bundle 19 December 2006 License Terms13:10
Dr_willisUpdate Feb 22 2008: For support on the latests Ubuntu distributions please see the section below Fiesty/Gutsy(/Hardy?) Ubuntu Build13:10
MrKenniemega bundle? oh of course, it's java13:10
Dr_willishere we go.. :)13:10
Dr_willisUpdated in Feb. to let it run on ubuntu.. seems they had to work at changing '#!/bin/sh' to #!/bin/bash :)13:12
Dr_willisi would still have to say.. it dosent look like its getting much love.13:13
=== ubuntu is now known as DexterF
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:13
MrKennieI don't think it's about desktops anymore.13:13
MrKennieit's about what you can do on the internet13:14
Dr_willisim not sure what its 'about' any more. :)13:14
mrksbrdyea I should probably just give up on it13:14
Dr_willisI got 10x the machine now to run it.. perhaops it will be useable! :)13:14
MrKennieif I need eye candy I just boot mac osx13:14
* Dr_willis boots mac osx out the door.13:15
MrKennieor use kde4.1 with all the fancy effects turned on13:15
mrksbrdthat was my main reason.....eye candy13:15
MrKennieyea but osx is about eye candy, thats it.13:15
mrksbrdu running on apple or pc?13:16
MrKennievista tries13:16
mrksbrdintel or amd?13:16
MrKennieintel duo13:16
MrKennietried on amd, no go13:17
mrksbrdtried the one for amd but won't recognize hdd13:17
MrKenniedowner is no wireless.13:17
mrksbrdtiger or leopard?13:17
mrksbrdi thought they resolved that issue13:17
MrKenniedriver support13:18
Dr_willisNow we all know that OS-X is perfect!13:18
MrKennieno intel wireless drivers exist13:18
MrKennieapart from hacked ones based on the linux driver which do not work13:18
mrksbrdhmmm....i could be wrong, i know they had that prob with tiger13:19
MrKennieyou can get usb wireless adapters that support osx13:19
mrksbrdmaybe thats it13:19
MrKennieso if i really wanted to I could go that route but I really do not have a real use for it except for showing off my cheap hackintosh13:19
mrksbrdwhat intel card u have?13:19
MrKennielaptop is a centrino so it's all intel13:20
mrksbrdleopard run fairly decent13:20
* geek_ never quite saw the allure of OS X13:20
MrKenniegeneral usage it is very comparable13:20
geek_tried it, hated it ;p13:20
mrksbrdgeek: all about the hack...lol13:21
MrKennieit's really just a hyped up *nix13:21
MrKenniewith all the polish13:21
geek_i tried it in my old uni cause all the windows and sun boxes were in use13:21
geek_was... a pain13:21
mrksbrdi mainly wanted to see if it would work & how well with the AMD13:22
MrKenniemrksbrd: yea, I tried and tried with different options but I just couldn't get it to go.13:22
mrksbrdwas it regognizing your hdd13:23
MrKenniestill, it's fun13:23
MrKennieI didn't get that far13:23
mrksbrdmine is SATA, wouldn't see it13:23
MrKennieit got the the installer and crashed13:23
mrksbrdthat worked fine for me13:23
MrKennieafter using it on my laptop, I would choose it over windows anyday13:24
MrKenniebut linux still owns me13:25
mrksbrddon't know if I have to format as OSX partition first or if the installer was supposed to take care of it......either way I gave up13:25
* geek_ is a windows/linux person13:25
mrksbrdhere here !!!!!13:25
geek_i need a solaris VM at some point though ;p13:25
* Dr_willis runs away13:25
geek_i'm waiting for haiku ;p13:26
MrKennieI don't use windows on principal and the fact it's just plain nasty13:26
Dr_willisgeek_,  i think it will be a long wait13:26
MrKenniehaha, beos13:26
geek_Dr_willis: i'm in no rush13:26
geek_MrKennie:  "nasty"?13:26
MrKennieyea, nasty13:26
mrksbrdyea especially vista.....i hold it on same lines as ME13:26
Dr_willisgeek_,  perhaps your great great great grandkids will be able to run Netscape 3.0 on it13:26
MrKennieand it hasn't really changed since 9513:26
geek_Dr_willis: well the current builds are nice13:26
MrKennieI mean it has of course, but basically it's the same13:27
geek_mrksbrd: erf. windows wise, XP or nothing13:27
Dr_willisgeek_,  not tried any in the last 8 months. :)13:27
Dr_willisIm waiting for the next AmigaOS! :)13:27
MrKennieand microsoft are eveil13:27
geek_evil is a strong word13:27
mrksbrdyea agree, but all new machines built by the larger company's cannot run XP on them (my case)13:27
MrKenniegeek_: read the halloween stuff yet?13:28
geek_i'm not a linux user cause i hate windows, i'm a linux user cause i like aspects of linux13:28
geek_same way i'm a vegitarian not cause i love animals, but cause i hate plants *grin*13:28
geek_MrKennie: erm.. every company would do that. its busines13:28
MrKenniedoesn't matter anyway13:29
MrKenniecathedral and the bizzare comes to mind too.13:30
MrKenniebizarre even? (tired)13:30
MrKennieI don't like esr much but he writes some good stuff.13:31
mrksbrdforgive me what r they13:31
geek_at the end of the day, my decisions should be entirely pragmatic13:31
geek_what the customer wants and what's best for the job should be all i care about ;p13:31
mrksbrdgeek: good luck on that one...this is the only OS that gives u that13:33
geek_mrksbrd: lol. i'm on kubuntu on this, and debian for another box. game box is windows XP13:33
mrksbrdyea u have them all covered ...lol13:35
MrKennieonly game I play now is ET13:36
geek_i also have a BEOS vm somewhere13:36
geek_and a copy of solaris, and os/2 warp somewhere around. the latter a DVD sun shipped me13:36
geek_oh, and i'm getting an IRIX box next month. need an adaptor/monitor though13:36
mrksbrdgood god....as a dust collector....13:36
LinuxReignMrKennie, Wolfenstein 2 is on its way, hopefully will have a Linux installer :)13:37
mrksbrdelectric company must love u13:37
MrKennieooh =)13:37
geek_they don't run all the time ;p13:37
mrksbrdlol oh ok13:37
geek_my laptop and the windows box do13:37
MrKennieET is old but it's so much fun. I wish there was a deb for it in medibuntu or something.13:37
geek_swapping the windows box for an old passively cooled PIII since i run my 'server' in a VM on that13:37
mrksbrdall laptop here....gave up on desktops13:38
LinuxReignET is the best game ever...been playing it since it came out :P13:38
MrKennieLinuxReign: which server you play on?13:38
LinuxReignOF and Shitstorm13:38
MrKennieLinuxReign: ah, I know the latter, I play on alienz13:39
* mrksbrd has psp....wii & ps2 for that.... :)13:39
MrKennieI got a psp with custom firmware :)13:39
LinuxReigni see, my clan got disbanded, I used to be (HAM)Reign***13:39
mrksbrdable to play backups?13:39
mrksbrdhook a brother up.....13:40
MrKenniemaking the battery is a little tricky. I was fortunate to have a spare one to mutilate13:40
[ifroog]Awesome website for ET ...13:40
mrksbrdnew psp or old style13:40
mrksbrdsame here13:40
MrKennieruns homebrew and all13:40
mrksbrdreally??? !!!!13:41
LinuxReignyeah, that site is dedicated to ETQW mostly13:41
MrKennieup, I got an ssh client and a vnc client installed13:41
MrKennievnc client is buggy atm but it's fun to play around with13:41
geek_eww vnc13:42
mrksbrdMrKennie: where did u get that firmware from....is it a custom?13:43
=== thierry is now known as thierry_
gkrLOL I wanted to know what game you were talking about (ET) so I youtubed it .. hrmm .. me thinks thats now the game ur on about http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DTjLG3usQo13:48
LinuxReignnope, this is the ONE, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwhZvkItLOE13:50
LinuxReignand also, runs natively on Linux :)13:51
sergeHello, can someone suggest to me how to install ubuntu on a laptop without a CD drive? (I don't have an external USB one either)13:52
gkrgot to love Id software!13:52
LinuxReignall the way13:53
gkrI'm more of a guitar hero kinda guy myself. :)13:53
LinuxReignwell, thats a good game as far I understand13:54
=== simon_ is now known as CONGRESS
gkrlvl 17 on kbounce!!13:54
indentback to my problem..13:55
indenti believe that there is a way to recover my windows13:56
indenti repeat again about my problem13:56
geek_serge: got a floppy drive?13:56
indenti got windows in my machine..13:56
geek_serge: or a current OS?13:56
indentthen..i install ubuntu at the same HDD13:56
indentafter i reboot..13:56
sergegeek_: no, it's windows, only usb drives, no floppy13:56
geek_indent: overwrote it?13:56
indenti cant boot into my windows13:56
geek_serge: unetbootin ;)13:57
indentplease somebody help me to recover my windows back13:57
geek_indent: probably fubared the bootloader. go ask at the windows channel about restoring the MBR and then reinstall grub if you want to keep linux13:57
sergegeek_: thanks I'll look into it :)13:57
MrKennietalking about games, I'm gonna go frag some butt on ET.13:59
odovzhhello! gues!14:00
mrksbrdindent: there is a prog needed to dual boot ....let me try to remember what the name is14:01
indentok..hope u remember14:01
mrksbrdvista or xp?14:02
odovzhescusme! I try to configure 2 monitors into idq35jo. Help me please! if you known about it.14:02
mrksbrdindent: EasyBCD14:05
odovzhHelp me please!!!!!!!!!!!!14:06
=== odovzh is now known as odovzh_
odovzh_Hto est zdest z Rossiy?14:15
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:18
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat14:18
slim_hello all, i installed KDE4.1 and i have small issue with network every time i reboot i lost nameserver configuration and have to set it manul in /etc/resolv.conf, how to fix this ?14:21
Blissex3slim_: probably nothing to do with KDE. Check your DHCP config.14:24
Rioting_pacifistdoes anybody else get a horrible memory leak when using networkmanager (it climes from <10mb to >200mb) when i kill and start it again it drops back to <10mb14:26
lucas__Hey, anyone having problems with the kubuntu build of amarok-kde4? I can't load songs/albums into the playlist menu14:27
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde414:27
lucas__ok np14:29
mrksbrdRioting_pacifist: there has been some probs with network manager creating issues lately.....try uninstalling it & running without it14:31
Rioting_pacifistmrksbrd: i dont know enough about wireless configs to pull that off, its just that i couldnt find a bug report at launchpad so didnt no if this was a personal problem14:34
=== Pici`__ is now known as Pici
sanchouHow to limit memory consumption of a process? I have a process that use so much memory that my swap is nothing left14:49
* geek_ thinks nice may do that14:49
sanchouAnyone of you know any other way to run flash without using npviewer.bin. Its memory consumption makes me crazy14:52
LS1hello, when running some programs I keep getting "error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" any ideas anyone???14:53
=== idham is now known as indent
jussi01!find libstdcc++.so.514:56
ubottuPackage/file libstdcc++.so.5 does not exist in hardy14:56
jussi01hi roterguru14:58
jussi01LS1: install libstdc++5 (sudo apt-get install libstdc++5 )14:58
LS1jussi01, yeah I did that and it looks good now, thanks :)14:59
roterguruhow can I enable read and write access to my ntfs partition without need for sudo password?14:59
indentcan somebody here help me to recover my windows?14:59
indenti cannot boot into my windows after install ubuntu15:00
mrksbrdindent: they didn't work?15:00
mrksbrdhold on15:01
mrksbrdindent: try this http://www.geocities.com/epark/linux/grub-w2k-HOWTO.html15:06
=== idham is now known as indent
indentnot working15:07
mrksbrddid u see the link i posted15:08
mrksbrdindent: http://www.geocities.com/epark/linux/grub-w2k-HOWTO.html15:10
mrksbrdyour going to have to configure grub loader instead of using windows mbr15:10
indenthow ?15:11
mrksbrdread that link i posted15:11
indentalready done..15:12
indentbut still not working15:12
mrksbrdalso did you have an existing windows partion or will you be able to start from scratch w/o using alot of stuff15:12
mrksbrdalso do you remember if you enabled grub boot loader when u ran linux install?15:13
indenti'm try to boot from cd to reinstall my windows15:13
indentbut it not working15:13
indentit just blank screen when i hit enter to boot from cd15:13
mrksbrdok but was it a fresh install for both?15:14
indentwhat did u mean by both?15:14
indentwhat did u mean by fresh install for both?15:14
mrksbrdwindows & linux15:15
indenti just try to fresh install for windows15:15
=== ubuntu is now known as ForgeAus
ForgeAuswhats qwine?15:20
mrksbrdindent: ok this one should work for ya http://adventuresinswitching.blogspot.com/2007/12/dual-boot-into-windows-and-ubuntu-with.html15:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about qwine15:21
mrksbrdthere is a wine15:22
ForgeAusyeah I know about wine15:23
ForgeAusI guess its an addon of some kind just trying to find out what kind15:23
mrksbrdyea i tried searching for it nohing came back......only one was for a wine & spirits store....lol15:24
WalzmynWhere's the proper place to talk about interpid?15:26
ForgeAusoops #ubuntu+115:28
ForgeAusor #kubuntu-kde4 kinda15:29
idhamstill not working15:33
veritas_hi guys, i'm not sure why the konqueror mouse scrolling is really choppy, while in firefox the response is almost instaneous15:34
=== idham is now known as indent
indentanybode can help me to recover my windows?15:35
mrksbrdindent are you getting errors when trying to do what articles are telling you15:39
gkrindent, if its XP, boot off the xp cd, the installer will detect a previous version of windows and ask you if you want to repair. Select repair and it will ask you for the admin password, enter the password and it will then drop u 2 a shell. type fixmbr and press enter. Reboot and ur done .. but you will have to reinstall grub/lilo etc.15:39
bazhang!grub | indent15:39
ubottuindent: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:39
mrksbrdgkr: he said it's not allowing him15:40
mrksbrdeverything i'm giving him ....he says it's not working15:41
gkr:( I got excited !15:41
mrksbrdi'm starting to wonder if install his install messed up something in his windows partition15:41
gkrwould it play with an ntfs partition with out user action?15:42
gkrintend: did you resize the windows partition when you installed kubuntu?15:44
mrksbrdindent: if you don't mind loosing anything on windows partition just reinstall both OS's15:44
idham_there is another problem..i cant boot from CD15:44
kamalxhey all! anyone here who's done considerable tweaking to the look n feel of the kde desktop? i need some help15:44
idham_when i press enter to boot from Cd...it just stop there15:45
idham_with blank screen15:45
idham_even i've wait in whole night15:45
idham_gkr: i choose manual15:46
idham_not resizing15:46
mrksbrdthat shouldn't happen unless there is a h/w issue15:46
mrksbrdhow old is the hdd15:46
idham_but my h/w is working as usual15:46
idham_hdd can be consider new15:47
gkrhdd may be corrupt though15:47
idham_it is SATA15:47
idham_Hdd is working15:47
idham_i'm using it now15:47
gkrcorrupt, not fault15:47
idham_i can see my windows partition on ubuntu15:47
idham_i can access it15:47
idham_can open the file..copy..paste..bla..bla..15:48
idham_but cannot boot15:48
idham_i didnt touch the windows file inside windows folder15:48
gkrif I had ur problem, i would boot into ubuntu live cd, backup ur windows data to external drive/computer and re-create the hdd partitions using gparted. then try the windows cd again15:49
idham_i'll try it15:50
gkrdo u have a spare hdd? perhaps you can replace the drive and test the windows cd. that way you can eliminate the hdd as the problem15:50
idham_this is my only drive15:50
=== ceco is now known as vyrgozunqk
gkrnight all15:54
=== Czessi__ is now known as Czessi
LokiaseI cannot open gmail or hotmail with konquer and mediaplay always crashes, can someone help plz?15:58
ghostcubeLokiase: maybe kde version and distrie version ?15:59
Lokiasewhere do I find it?15:59
ghostcubeopn4en kcontrol15:59
ghostcubeor judt info in any kde programm16:00
ghostcubehmm there is an update in backports to 3.5.10 and maybe u must install the sun java package16:01
Lokiasei'm a noob, how to do it?16:02
ghostcubeserch for sun16:02
ghostcubeor java16:02
Lokiasewich one16:03
Lokiaselot of java16:03
ghostcubeand for updating toi the newer version u need to open up the backport repos in /etc/apt/sources.list16:03
Lokiasesun-java gives a long list16:04
mrksbrdhold on16:04
ghostcubeshould bring the others with it16:04
ghostcubesun-java6-bin   sun-java6-plugin16:05
ghostcubeif not get with it automaticly16:05
Lokiaseadept crasht during install of java and now I cannot open it anymore16:14
=== genevieve is now known as Arakn
pimMain Memory16:19
pim  16:19
pimSupports dual channel DDR2 400/533/667/800, using four 240-pin DDR2 DIMMs.16:19
ghostcubeLokiase: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-bin16:27
ghostcubein konsole16:27
ghostcubeor terminal16:27
=== patrick is now known as Guest42858
=== MrKennie1 is now known as MrKennie
LokiaseE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct                                                                    the problem.16:36
sponixLooking for advice on webcams, anyone know of one under $40 that "just works" without any fiddling around ?16:36
starenkaany clues how to share printer from one kubuntu for another kubuntu and xp machines?16:50
starenkai thought samba is for file sharing...16:51
starenkaso it is emulating whole ms network?16:51
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:51
starenkathanx ubotu16:52
mondibry den16:57
ghostcubeLokiase: have u done the command the terminal showed u16:58
ghostcubedpkg --configure -a16:59
=== edulix_ is now known as Edulix
Lokiasei have installed the sun-java17:25
Lokiasebut when i wants to open hotmail17:25
Lokiasein konquer17:25
Lokiasei cannot open a email, the jscript doenst work17:25
Lokiaseanyone knows how to solve the javascript error?17:27
mefisto__I don't think hotmail needs or uses java17:32
ghostcubeLokiase: have u tried to use firefox17:32
Lokiasefirefox works but i don't wanna use firefox :s17:32
ghostcubewhy not ?17:33
Lokiasedont prefer firefox17:35
starenkaanybody pls willing to help with printer sharing (cups + samba)?17:35
Lokiasewant konquer17:35
mrksbrdyou can use opera17:36
Lokiasei want javascript in konquer, cant be impossible? :s17:36
ForgeAusjavascript? or java?17:37
ghostcubesudo update-alternatives --config java17:37
=== emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh
ghostcubeForgeAus: i think he want to use javascript i dont knopw why konqisnt working for him17:37
penguiniatoris javascript turned off in konqueror? or is it an issue with the way the script is written?17:38
ghostcubestarenka: how are u configurating  samba17:38
ghostcubehg ?17:38
Lokiasedont know how javascript works, it works in firefox3, but not in konquer17:39
ghostcubeLokiase: check if in settings for konqueroro javascipt is enabled17:39
mefisto__Lokiase: javascript works in konqueror, it's just hotmail that doesn't quite work17:39
starenkaghostcube: well, in system settings -> file sharing i added /var/lib/samba/printer and /var/spool/samba as samba share17:39
starenkaghostcube: i can see the computer from other kubuntu, but can't find the printer (via add printer)17:40
ghostcubehmm i use swat but ok u need to add this to smb.conf global17:40
Lokiasemefisto, java and javascript are activated in konqueror17:40
ghostcubeprintcap name = cups17:40
starenkawhat what17:40
penguiniatoropen Konqueror's settings dialog, clidk Java & JavaScript pane, select the JavaScript tab and make sure Enable JavaScript globally is checked.17:41
Lokiaseit is checked17:41
ghostcubestarenka: u know how to edit the smb.conf ?17:41
starenkawell, technically, but why to edit manully?17:42
ghostcubeu can use swat i dont use the kde tools to set samba up17:42
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:43
penguiniatorAre the JavaScript Policies radio buttons set to allow or ignore in the same pane and is it set to Deny opening new windows?17:43
starenkaghostcube: it doesnt matter where i put the line?17:44
ghostcubeit does matter17:44
starenkaghostcube: nah i see it now17:44
mefisto__Lokiase: you can try to use a different browser identification for hotmail, but I don't think that's going to work either. Is there a reason why you don't want to use firefox (which hotmail officially supports)?17:44
ghostcubeu need some more things17:44
ghostcubeill pastebin17:45
Lokiaseit's not only hotmail17:45
starenkaghostcube: i just uncomented the line17:45
Lokiasealso youtube doenst work17:45
Lokiaseand just prefer konquer17:45
starenkaghostcube: ok, nice. ty17:45
Lokiasepenuiniator: buttons are "allowed" and the new windows button = intelligent17:45
kamalxLokiase: try changing ur user agent string17:46
kamalxTools->Change Browser Identification->...17:46
penguiniatorOne thing you might want to try in Konq is setting the browser ID to a string used by Internet Explorer and trying Hotmail again to see if they are using browser sniffing to discriminate against Konqueror17:47
Lokiaseits not only hotmail, but also youtube, everyting with javascript17:48
=== firephoto_ is now known as firephoto
ForgeAusuh can I leave myself a memo?17:49
ForgeAusor something?17:49
ghostcubestarenka: http://nopaste.info/e20c6464f6_nl.html17:49
ForgeAusso I can read it when I need to?17:49
ghostcubeLokiase: sudo update-alternatives --config java17:49
ghostcubecheck that the jre 1,6 is checked with an *17:50
penguiniatorI'm watching a youtube video in Konq right now... works here... I don't use HotMail, so I can't help with that beyond what I've already suggested.17:50
ghostcubepenguiniator: 3.5.10 or 3.5.917:51
mefisto__Lokiase: you can get konqueror to do youtube if you can find an older version of the flash plugin and set konqueror to use that older plugin17:51
bdogis it possible to change the partition size for kubuntu? I used the windows installer.17:52
ForgeAuswow memoserv is handy :)17:52
starenkaghostcube:  printer admin = users u want to have alowed  <- what should i put here? i want to share the printer to anonymous17:53
=== inet is now known as trepd
Lokiasemestifo__, its not the flash but the jaavscript17:53
mefisto__Lokiase: I kept an old copy of libflashplayer.so and konqueror works on youtube with that (version 9,0,48,0)17:53
mefisto__Lokiase: what makes you think that it's javascript preventing youtube from working?17:54
Lokiaseits not a youtube problem, also in hotmail, etc...... because of javascript17:54
Lokiasebecause I get an error17:54
Lokiasefrom javascript17:54
penguiniatorwhat is the error message?17:54
ghostcuberemove it and try guest17:55
mefisto__Lokiase: it says you have javascript turned off?17:55
starenkaghostcube: i did, and restarted samba, but now i dont even see the workgroup and computer in add printer dialog17:56
Lokiaseerror is: a script on this page causes that KHTML doenst react. If KHTML stays running the script, other processes might react bad. Do you like to abort the script... (but in dutch, i tried to translate :))17:56
=== ceco is now known as vyrgozunqk
vyrgozunqkhi guys, something interesting around ? :P17:57
ghostcubehmmm starenka dont know the prob have u added all into the right sections17:57
bdogwould gparted work in resizing?17:57
penguiniatorI get that same error message... I just ignore it and everything works fine.17:58
vyrgozunqkghostcube, are you sleeping in this channel 24/7 :D17:58
starenkaghostcube: i dont even see the workgroup via dolpohin now :(17:58
ghostcubestarenka: pastebin the smb.conf pls17:58
ghostcubevyrgozunqk: nah :)17:58
starenkaw8 writing from other machine17:58
ghostcubestarenka: u can try swat17:58
ghostcubevery helpful17:59
vyrgozunqkis there someone familliar with kernelCheck ?17:59
starenkais it a package?17:59
ghostcubewithout samba isnt easy to manage17:59
ghostcubesudo apt-get install swat inetutils-inetd17:59
ghostcubei think it needs the inetutils inetd17:59
Lokiaseanyone can solve it?18:00
ghostcubeLokiase: yes use firefox18:00
starenka_ghostcube: could you pls repost the package name18:00
ghostcubei have only audio here18:00
ghostcubesudo apt-get install swat inetutils-inetd18:00
penguiniatorI believe you can set a checkbox in the dialog to not bother you about the JavaScript error again.18:00
starenkaghostcube: ok what now?18:01
ghostcubelocalhost:901 in browser18:01
mefisto__Lokiase: hotmail won't work in konqueror. but you can get youtube working with an older flash plugin18:01
ghostcubeLokiase: firefox3 and noscript is ok18:01
starenka_ghostcube: http://pastebin.com/d31fa198918:02
starenkaghostcube: not working...18:02
FicaBlok38^AWAYmy kubuntu 8.04.1 kde 4.1.00 doesnt see my camera18:03
=== FicaBlok38^AWAY is now known as FicaBlok38
ghostcubesudo  /etc/init.d/inetutils-inetd start18:03
ghostcubeFicaBlok38: usb cam ?18:04
FicaBlok38via firewire18:04
starenka_ghostcube: still nada18:04
starenka_ghostcube: i dont need apache to serve the pages, dont i18:05
ghostcubeswat sahould work fine18:05
starenka_ghostcube: it is not :)18:06
FicaBlok38i have KIno18:06
ghostcubenetstat -ano | grep 90118:06
ghostcubeis it listening on 901?18:06
starenka_lemme check18:07
ghostcubeswat & in terminal18:07
starenka_still nestat gives nthng18:08
ghostcubehmm i dont say this often try a reboot18:08
ghostcubei dont know what to start at the momentz18:08
ghostcubedont know why it doesnt like ure wat18:08
starenka_gimme a sec18:08
starenka_ghostcube: neat... i got it18:12
starenka_ghostcube: wants a login ->it's my login, right?18:12
FicaBlok38an idea how to solve this problem?18:12
ghostcubestarenka: this tool is made by the samab coders18:13
starenka_ghostcube: thanx, sooo any hints18:13
ghostcubemoment brb18:13
starenka_ghostcube: fok. i got 404 while clicking on any link :(18:14
ghostcubeah yeas18:15
ghostcubenot needed just klick the icons18:15
ghostcubeglobals shares18:15
starenka_dont have such18:16
starenka_got home/status/view/password18:16
ghostcubeok the u need to run as user root18:16
ghostcubestarenka: but just try this18:17
ghostcubego to paswords18:17
x-X-xwhats the name of the application which allows you to edit the display in kubuntu ?18:17
ghostcubeedit display ?18:17
x-X-xits not kcontrol18:17
ghostcubeadd an user starenka try to add ure user and activate him18:17
starenka_i got server pass mngmnt and c/s pass mngnmt18:18
PhilRodx-X-x: are you looking for system settings?18:18
x-X-xi have 2 screens and i want to make the external screen screen 118:18
ghostcubeu need the server password18:18
starenka_btw i cross this issue before, how can i login as root? (the pass i use with sudo does not work)18:18
x-X-xbut philrod i want the application in system settings which edits the screen18:18
ghostcubesudo passwd18:18
ghostcubeand this will prompt root pasword18:19
x-X-xk ill try18:19
mefisto__x-X-x: displayconfig ?18:19
starenka_well, tell me how to make it in browser (httpauth) dialog then :))18:19
PhilRodx-X-x: you want a standalone app? Then I don't know18:19
x-X-xmefisto yeh18:19
ghostcubestarenka: just make en sudo passwd typoe passwd in18:19
ghostcubeand u got an real rot18:19
starenka_gh: srty selfpawnd...18:20
x-X-xbut i am using kde418:20
x-X-xand system settings in kde4 doesnt let me edit the display so i need the kde3 ver18:20
x-X-xthnx dudes18:20
ghostcube#kubuntu-kde4  :)18:20
starenka_ghostcube: okok, i'm in as root18:20
x-X-xghostcube i went there and noone could help18:20
ghostcubestarenka: so now u must see more options18:21
mefisto__x-X-x: you might need "kdesudo displayconfig" to change some settings18:21
ghostcubestarenka: global extended view18:21
x-X-xk dude i installing now18:21
FicaBlok38pleease please help18:21
FicaBlok38that is very important18:21
x-X-xdont ask to ask just ask18:22
ender_hi i need help18:22
FicaBlok38i am alredy asked18:22
ghostcubestarenka: so u can set all networking and so there and down there is printeroptions18:22
ghostcubeset load printers yes18:23
ghostcubeprintcap name = cups18:23
ghostcubeprinting is cups18:23
starenka_got that already18:23
ghostcubesave it18:23
ghostcubego to shares18:23
ghostcubecan u choose an printer$ share18:24
veritas_has anyone been able to get the .68/.67 nvidia drivers working?18:24
starenka_i already done all thdi form ur conf18:24
starenka_but ok18:24
starenka_will doublecheck18:24
ghostcubethe print$ sgare is for thwe drivers18:25
ghostcubecheck all and safe it and then restart samba18:25
ghostcubesudo /etc/init.d/samba restart18:26
starenka_??  the print$ sgare is for thwe drivers18:26
ghostcubeyes do u have a print$ share18:26
starenka_any options?18:26
ghostcubefor u guest ok yes18:26
ghostcubei think so18:26
starenka_got it already18:27
ghostcubethe path should be already there18:27
ghostcubebrowsable = yes and available = yes18:27
x-X-xmefisto__ , ghostcube , PhilRod : thnx dudes its was exactly what i was looking for :D18:28
ghostcubeFicaBlok38: take the cam out18:28
ghostcubeand open terminal18:28
ghostcubeplug in the cm18:28
ghostcubeand type in terminal dmesg18:28
ghostcubewhat is the last output18:28
ghostcubeto nopaste.info pls18:28
ghostcubestarenka: now to the printers section18:29
starenka_ghostcube: ok. all set and restarted18:29
ghostcubecan u choose printers and ure printer special18:29
ghostcubeso two kind os18:29
starenka_i can pick my printer18:30
ghostcubeisnt there an printers too18:30
starenka_got ghost:ok18:30
ghostcubeis all done try if its there18:31
starenka_shit guest: ok18:31
FicaBlok38ghostcube: http://paste.ubuntu.com/41930/18:31
FicaBlok38ghostcube: filip@filip-desktop:~$ ls /dev/raw1394 -lcrw-rw-rw- 1 root disk 171, 0 2008-08-30 17:06 /dev/raw139418:32
ghostcubeok so what u wanna do capture over it ?18:32
starenka_ghostcube: still the same, i dont even see the workgroup / computer in dolphin, neither add the printer (of course)18:33
FicaBlok38i dont understand18:33
ghostcubestarenka: maybe remove the old smb.conf u had and clean all u done in kde18:33
ghostcubethen set it iup fresh18:33
ghostcubei dont know if the kde tools are killing swat changes somehow18:33
ghostcubeFicaBlok38: what u wanna do with the cam18:34
FicaBlok38ghostcube: i want to capture from camera to cop18:34
FicaBlok38via firewire18:35
starenka_ghostcube: so i should "reset values" on every tab? and start over18:35
FicaBlok38ghostcube: what is best program for that?18:35
ghostcubeFicaBlok38: kino should work yes18:35
ghostcubeFicaBlok38: /etc/udev/rules.d/020_permissions.rules18:37
starenka_hostcube: so i should "reset values" on every tab? and start over18:37
mefisto__FicaBlok38: is you firewire card and camera supported by linux? have you googled them?18:37
FicaBlok38ghostcube: Kino say No AV/compilant cam connected or no switched on.18:37
starenka_ghostcube: so i should "reset values" on every tab? and start over18:37
ghostcubewhat are the permissions for the #ieee1394 devices18:37
ghostcubestarenka: would be the best dont uswe kde18:37
ghostcubeuse swat at beginning18:37
=== pablo is now known as juht
starenka_yep, but what now?18:38
FicaBlok38root disk 171, 0 2008-08-30 17:06 /dev/raw139418:38
FicaBlok38bash: filip@filip-desktop:~$: command not found18:38
ghostcubeFicaBlok38: vi /etc/udev/rules.d/020_permissions.rules18:38
juhtHi this sure it's a stupid question but how do i install openoffice templates ?? i downloaded from the page and are .oxt? how do i installed? thenks18:38
ghostcubeFicaBlok38: lsmod | grep 1394 to nopaste.info18:38
ghostcubejuht: are u in oo318:39
FicaBlok38ghostcube: http://nopaste.info/36ca099df1.html18:39
juhtOpenoffice 2.418:40
mefisto__juht: extension manager, in tools menu18:41
ghostcubeFicaBlok38: vi /etc/udev/rules.d/020_permissions.rules18:42
juhtthenks so much mefisto!18:43
ghostcubewhat is the # ieee1394 devices  section showing18:43
FicaBlok38ghostcube: vi /etc/udev/rules.d/020_permissions.rules?18:43
FicaBlok38ghostcube: /etc/udev/rules.d/020_permissions.rules18:43
ghostcubejust open that file and tell me what u see inside18:44
ghostcubevi nano kate i dont know what u prefere18:44
ghostcubewhat is the # ieee1394 devices  section showing18:44
ghostcubeFicaBlok38: kate /etc/udev/rules.d/020_permissions.rules18:44
ghostcubein terminal18:44
FicaBlok38blank page18:45
ghostcubeFicaBlok38: cd /etc/udev/rules.d18:46
ghostcubeand then the file thats called permission rules18:46
mefisto__on mine it's /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules18:47
ghostcubeyes it is here too changed :| but hes off he had to go18:49
veritas_How do I get the Nvidia kernel module to match up with the driver i'm installing? I tried installing 177.70 but it complained about mismatch with kernel module 169.12?18:49
ghostcubeit seems the rights must be changed inside for the ieee1394 to video group18:49
starenka_ghostcube: samba.conf in /etc/samba http://pastebin.com/d715aae5218:49
veritas_How do i install the kernel module to 177.70?18:49
ghostcubeveritas_: uninstall the 169.1218:50
starenka_ghostcube: and what swat shows in 'view tab' http://pastebin.com/d7955b77218:50
starenka_ghostcube: weird, right? the browseable thing...18:51
veritas_ghostcube: how do i uninstall it?18:51
ghostcubestarenka: u can remove this in the smb.conf or just use the extended view for the shgare the u will see this18:53
ghostcubebtw printer$ is wrong set18:53
ghostcubepath = /var/lib/samba/printers18:53
ghostcubenot spool18:53
ghostcubemap to guest = Bad User   whats is this in global18:54
ghostcubethats not good idea18:54
veritas_how do i uninstall the drivers lol18:54
ghostcubeu cant do this in one minute it takes a bit time to get through this many options18:54
ghostcubeit took me some time to know what causes what inside18:55
ghostcubeveritas_: how do u install the 16918:55
ghostcubeby restricted manager18:55
veritas_i did apt-get remove nvidia-glx-new18:55
veritas_need to kill x18:56
starenka_ghostcube: ok, map to guest: never?18:57
ghostcubewheere is this i dont have this in my smb.conf18:58
ghostcubejust delete it18:58
ghostcubeif its still there manually18:58
ghostcubeand restart samba18:58
starenka_i dont have it in conf either ;))19:00
=== jacques is now known as Guest65560
ghostcubeok :D19:00
ghostcubeonly whats in conf is detected normally19:00
ghostcubemy smb.conf works here with mac weindows and linux19:00
ghostcubeall sharing one ml-225019:01
starenka_but still i cant see any workgroup on other comp ;(19:01
starenka_this is mayhem19:01
ghostcubehmm normyll u should see the workgroup if u restart samba19:02
ghostcubehave u tried to share an folder on the mashine19:02
ghostcubeif this works ?19:02
starenka_i dont see the workgroup19:03
ghostcubemaybe try if u can share any folders before sharing printer19:03
starenka_i used to see it before i started messing up with settings ;)))19:03
starenka_the initial problem was i have seen the comp but no printer in add printer dialog19:03
starenka_now i cant see even the machine :)))19:04
starenka_neither workgroup19:04
veritas_changing to 177.70 did nothing for my Quadro19:04
ghostcubestarenka: :|19:04
DarkriftX!info jvm19:04
ubottuPackage jvm does not exist in hardy19:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jvm19:04
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper19:05
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:05
ghostcubestarenka: i dont get the prob i had this if i used the kde sharing tool19:05
DarkriftXthx but that didnt work last time, i had to do something else19:05
veritas_also, my nvidia-kernel disappeared from /etc/init.d/19:05
DarkriftXjre was the wrong one, it was like sun-java-jvm or something19:05
DarkriftXmight be19:07
ghostcubestarenka: hmm u can try to add a user in swat for the samba server19:07
ghostcubeand then try to share any folder19:07
DarkriftXNo suitable Java Virtual Machine could be found on your system. The version of the JVM must be at least 1.5. Please define INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME to point to a suitable JVM.19:07
ghostcubeif u can reach the folder by using the command execute in windooz19:07
DarkriftXthats what its asking for19:07
ghostcubeby /ip19:07
ghostcube!java | DarkriftX19:08
ubottuDarkriftX: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper19:08
ghostcubethe 6 versioned one and update the alternatives19:08
ghostcubeu need bin and plugin too19:08
DarkriftXok, ill try it19:08
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels19:08
Boinchello, ive just installed kubuntu for the first time and trying to install the linux drivers for my Nvidia 8800 but im not sure if im using the x32 or x64 bit of kubunu, how can i check?19:09
ghostcubeDarkriftX: sudo  update-alernatives --config java   after install19:09
ghostcubeveritas_: u get it installed now ?19:09
veritas_nvidia-settings says it's 177.7019:10
veritas_but i dont notice any differences19:10
veritas_apparently it .70 has support for Quadro 150/160M, FX 770M, but not FX 570M (which is what my T61P has)19:11
=== drmarwat is now known as cryingtux
starenka_ghostcube: thanx for help.. will read more stuff and try it again19:12
DarkriftXok ghostcube, installed and selected it, but still get same error19:12
veritas_ghostcube: in addition, my nvidia-kernel is gone from /etc/init.d/19:12
DarkriftXthis is what happened last time, someone suggested a different package then it worked19:12
DarkriftXany ideas?19:12
DarkriftXwas a cache file :S19:13
cryingtux! ubuntu19:13
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com19:13
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)19:14
Boincerrm help please, my display resolution is messed up and i cannot see the start menu to get to the display settings19:15
Boincany help?19:15
veritas_no dice19:16
Boincplease help, how can i change my desktop resolution?19:17
ghostcubeDarkriftX: whats the problem exactly19:17
pimBoic , you must be patient and wait a while19:17
ghostcubeBoinc: best way is to set it in xorg.conf to the defaukt depth section19:17
Boincghostcube, i cannot see the start menu though to click on anything19:18
Boinci can just see the middle of the desktop19:18
Boincits like everything is pushed out beyond the monitor on all 4 sides19:18
ghostcubeBoinc: alt + f219:18
ghostcubetype in terminal19:18
DarkriftXits working now ghostcube , thx19:19
Boincok i got a terminal up19:19
Boinchow do i change it please?19:19
ghostcubenow kate /etx/X11/xorg.conf19:19
ghostcubenow kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:19
ghostcubesudo infront19:19
ghostcubeu must edit as sudo19:20
Boincok then when i save will it change the resolution automatically?19:20
ghostcubenah wait19:20
ghostcubescroll to the screen section19:21
ghostcubeBoinc: still there ?19:22
Boincyes m8 sorry first time using this and a little slow19:22
Boincim there19:22
vassilihi all!19:24
vassilihou are you?19:26
vassiliim fine, thancs19:27
vassilikan you help me to find russian channel?19:27
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:27
tuxx:-) here you go19:28
vassilii wil try19:28
tuxxis it working?19:30
Boincghostcube, its a better resolution now but the screen goes beyong my monitor on the right and bottom of the screen and because of that i cannot see the taskbar19:38
ghostcubecan u scroll it ?19:38
Boinci could only launch xchat by adding an application launcher widget19:38
ghostcubeu must install drivers19:38
ghostcubewhat card is this19:38
Boinci downloaded the drivers and saved them to the desktop but cannot see the file19:39
Boincits an nvidia 8800 GTX19:39
ghostcubeu cant install themi in grafical mode19:39
Boinci think the file might have saved off the screen19:39
ghostcubethey are in /home/ folder19:39
ghostcubeu must loggoff and kill kdm19:39
ghostcubethen u can install manually19:40
Boinchow do i unzip the file though?19:40
ghostcubethis si a zip ?19:40
ghostcubenot an  sh ?19:40
Boincerrm i'll have to check19:40
ghostcubealt + f219:40
ghostcubeu are automatzicly in ure homefolder19:41
ghostcubeif not there do19:41
ghostcubecd Desktop19:41
ghostcubeand then an ls19:41
ghostcubenow its a bit tricky19:41
Boinci can write down the instructions if u dont mind helping?19:41
ghostcubeno prob19:42
Boincthank you very much19:42
ghostcubectrl + f2 will bring up an login screen19:42
ghostcubethere login as ure user19:42
ghostcubetype in sudo killall  kdm19:42
ghostcubethen after this x will be stoped from running19:43
ghostcubethen do19:43
ghostcubesudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.12-pkg1.run19:43
ghostcubeit will build ask for building the kernel cause no matching one found19:43
ghostcubethis must be marked yes19:43
ghostcubethen if all runs fine19:43
ghostcubejust sudo reboot19:43
Boincgot it19:44
ghostcubetry it19:44
Boincthanks again, will try now19:44
ghostcubeBoinc: its ctrl alt f219:45
ghostcubemy fault19:45
Boincahh was just coming back to u then hehe19:45
Boincwasnt working19:45
ghostcubeheh killall kdm worked19:47
Boincghostcube, when i type sudo killall kdrr it says no application running19:49
ghostcubebut u left19:50
ghostcubeso it should have workes19:50
ghostcubenot kdrr19:50
pimhow do I delete directories, commandline?19:50
Boincim sorry i cannot read that text it looks like kdrr19:50
KRFpim, rmdir19:51
ghostcubepim: rm -r19:51
pim-r is recursive, what does it mean?19:51
ghostcubeits an small M19:51
Boinceverything and sub directories19:51
pimeverything and subdirectories ok19:52
Boincwow the last leg of the m doesnt show for me19:52
Boinclooks like rr19:52
Boincok also need to get x64 drivers19:52
Boincsays i downloaded the x86 ones19:52
ghostcubedo u need the 173 ?19:52
Boinc173 version you mean?19:53
Boincjust the latest ones19:53
Boinci found this but they look so old http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_1.0-9755.html19:53
=== aakash is now known as smarty
smartydoesnt Kopete support Gtalk (Google Talk)?19:54
ghostcubeenglish ?19:54
ghostcubeBoinc: in terminal19:55
ghostcubewget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/173.14.12/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-173.14.12-pkg2.run19:55
Boincghostcube, is that a beta driver?19:56
Boinccos ive foudn some beta ones19:56
Boincwhich would be best?19:56
ghostcubewget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/177.67/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-177.67-pkg2.run19:57
ghostcubethats latest beta19:57
gecko_Hi guys, I'm trying to installed the game WOW, but i've noticed it doesnt download like "normal".. how do i get it to run in linux???19:57
ghostcubefor  gtx19:57
Boincok bud, will try that now19:57
Boincthanks again19:57
Boincfingers crossed19:58
KRFgecko_, there's a nice tut on the wiki, just google "ubuntu wow"19:58
gecko_KRF: k, thanks.19:58
BarackuseI have a very strange issue here19:59
BarackuseIf anyone would like to help19:59
BarackuseI can not access any web sites with firefox.  I can ping google.com from the cmd prompt and I can connect here.  I cant even connect to google via the ip address.20:00
ghostcubefrom the beginnging or just happened20:01
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BarackuseI checked my router and DNS setting 3 times.  But as I say, I can ping yahoo, google and other web addresses from the command line.20:01
ghostcubeis any other browser working ?20:01
Barackusehmm  dont think I have another one on this machine, just came with fire fox20:03
mondijoin/ #ubuntu-cz20:04
BarackuseI can try and see if I can install another one20:04
Barackusejust strange to have this happen20:04
ghostcubeBarackuse: konqueror should be installed20:04
Barackusechecking now20:04
Barackuseinstalling it now, for some reason just fire fox was this20:06
ghostcubewhat distrie is this20:06
Barackuse8.0.4.1  desktop ubuntu20:06
ghostcubesudo apt-get install firefox-3 --reinstall20:07
Barackusehmm this is not good.  I can bring up package installer and it checks and brings up a list of apps but when I select one to install iot hangs and the D/l prompt  -  so this tells me DNS is not working right20:08
BarackuseBut I can ping dns names in the command prompt---  hmm20:08
Boincghostcube, ok we are getting there, the screen size fits the monitor now but ive no takbar20:08
Boincwhich i never had before either20:08
Boincsorry to be a pain20:09
ghostcubeBoinc: open terminal and type kicker20:09
blekos_hi, i just upgraded from 3.5.9 to 3.5.10, are there any know issues? I am having problems with logout (i get a blank screen) and my taskbar disappears20:09
ghostcubeblekos: u habve installed compiz-taskbar-fusion ?20:09
blekos_i think i had but i do not use it20:10
Boincghostcube, its not installed, should i install it?20:10
ghostcubeblekos: uninstall it20:10
ghostcubeBoinc: yes20:10
ghostcubeBoinc: is this kubuntu ?20:10
Boincyes m820:10
Boincfresh install20:10
ghostcubeBoinc: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop --reinstall20:10
ghostcubeBoinc: before do me a favour20:11
Boincghostcube,  - kicker is installed now20:11
ghostcubeBoinc: kicker & disown in terminal20:11
Boincmy taskbar is there and it looks better than it did before20:11
ghostcubeBoinc: heh20:11
ghostcubeok now20:11
ghostcubeBoinc: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop --reinstall20:11
ghostcubebut before as i said20:11
Boinckicker: WARNING:     *******WARNING****** index=3is out of bounds.20:11
ghostcubedo me a favour20:11
blekos_could u tell me the command for restarting x20:12
ghostcubectrl alt backspace20:12
Boincdownloading 411mb20:12
ghostcubeBoinc: open /etc/apt/sources.list20:12
blekos_doesnt work, is there a command line?20:12
Boincghostcube, downloading 411 to resinstall20:12
ghostcubekillall kdm then sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start20:13
ghostcubeBoinc: edit this file with sudo kate /etc/apt/(sources.list20:13
ghostcubeBoinc: edit this file with sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list20:14
Boincghostcube, default display kdm or kdm-kde4? i downloaded the kd44 installed20:14
Boincghostcube, i cannot im installing what you told me to install before20:14
Boincsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop --reinstall20:14
ghostcubeBoinc: you are on 4.1 ?20:14
Boinci think so20:14
miknolanjoin #kde-devel20:14
mefisto__would this work? sudo /etc/init.d/x11-common restart20:14
ghostcubeuse kdm420:14
ghostcubemefisto__: never tried :|20:15
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)20:16
Boincok ghostcube  its finnished20:16
ghostcubeBoinc: in this file just remove the # infront of lines starting  with deb20:16
ubottuIn KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:16
mefisto__thanks pim, that's what I wanted20:16
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vyrgozunqkmm now compiling kernel :]20:35
vyrgozunqkand if everything works afreter installing it, i'll buy a beer to everybody here20:36
* ghostcube takes a mohito pls i hate beer 20:37
vyrgozunqkno problem :]20:37
vyrgozunqki'll send it to you by ebay ;D20:38
vyrgozunqkfor 25 euro20:38
ghostcubenah then i mix one myself20:38
ghostcubebut thx20:38
vyrgozunqk25 eu for the road ;)20:38
ghostcubeim student im poor20:39
vyrgozunqkthe courier has to pay his gasoline :]20:39
vyrgozunqkwe'll i'm too a student, and i'm a poor as as a stinkin rat20:39
vyrgozunqkpff till now the kernel's compiling for almost an hour :/20:40
vyrgozunqkafter that the system is gonna reconfigure xorg, and then i have to recompile wine... that will be another hour... :(20:41
ghostcubetakes time20:41
vyrgozunqkcrappy old Athlon XP :D20:42
vyrgozunqkonly if i haded a Core 2 Duo E2180 ( multiplier 10x ) overclocked to 3.6 Ghz... mmm :]20:43
=== nick_ is now known as nickgaydos
vyrgozunqkyep and that budget CPU cost around 50 $ and more 60 $ for the MB = 110 $... but i don't have such a large sum... cane somebody give me the money, i promise to return them back as soon as i get my first pension20:47
Roeywhat's with the Pidgin package?20:51
vyrgozunqkwhy ?20:51
RoeyI don't see any standard Pidgin icon in my tray20:51
Roeyand it doesn't flash or highlight when someone messages me20:51
vyrgozunqkhmm maybe its something in the options menu...20:52
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Roeyvyrgozunqk:  hmm, maybe21:03
RoeyI check21:03
vyrgozunqkhave you found something ?21:03
RoeyI didnt21:05
Roeynot exactlyu21:05
Roeythough I re-started it and now I have the familiar green/orange icon21:05
Denisecrazy world21:09
vyrgozunqkWhy ?21:10
DeniseI m always scared to do mistakes21:11
Deniseand do the wrong moves21:11
vyrgozunqkmhm, always gets so ;D21:11
tuxxim scared of these things too :-)21:12
vyrgozunqkif yo're scared from them, then they'll happen to you ;)21:12
tuxxyep, and people around are angry with me21:13
Denisemayeb at the last moment i did the suicidal move21:13
vyrgozunqkits a good thing to experiment :)21:13
vyrgozunqkand take a risc21:13
vyrgozunqkwhat have you done ?21:13
Denisejust back a man in my pidgin21:13
Deniseall my system was clean21:14
Denisenow I dunno if i canceled the job or not21:14
Denisethis is complicated that ubuntu21:15
tuxxeverything need time to get used to it21:15
vyrgozunqkespecially if you were used to windoze :D21:16
DeniseI was used to zombizz21:16
tuxxi was today xtremly angry with the way of installation of frostwire21:17
Deniseand now u are happy?21:17
vyrgozunqkif everything well ok, he should be happy :]21:18
tuxxofc :-) after half an hour spending srearching through google21:18
Boincghostcube, i re-installed and i have the default taskbar again. whats the channel you said i should use though cos i cant remember? ive tried #kubuntu-dev but no ones in there21:18
vyrgozunqkthe open source sommunity is now growing faster than ever, so people be pacient21:18
tuxxi can't understand, why i need to type dpkg blahblah instead of double clicking od that deb archive21:19
Boincahh thanks21:19
vyrgozunqkmaybe your home folder is with name that differs from english21:19
vyrgozunqkcause if your ddeb files is on desktop or home with different name gdebi can't work with them21:20
ghostcubetuxx: :| dpkg -i isnt much work i think so21:20
Andrew_BarberIs there a reason I would get audio from my front jack but not the rear?21:20
vyrgozunqkwell but after all it's a bit of a work ;)21:20
vyrgozunqkyou haven't configured alsa ...21:21
Andrew_Barbervyrgozunqk: whats the best way to do this?21:21
vyrgozunqkthought alsa mixer21:22
Andrew_Barbervyrgozunqk: hmm $alsamixer   ?21:22
vyrgozunqkops Kmix21:22
tuxxghostcube: dpkg worked...only that double clicking wasnt21:23
Andrew_Barbervyrgozunqk: I've been trying to get it to work from kmix forever21:23
ghostcubeso what is the prob exactly21:24
ghostcubeonly front speakers working ?21:24
Andrew_Barberyes ghostcube21:24
vyrgozunqkwait a sec to make a screenshot21:24
ghostcubeu got 5.1 ?21:24
Andrew_BarberIm going from rear audio jack to rca cable on my tv21:24
ghostcubeahh ok21:25
Andrew_BarberIt works with ubuntu, but not kubuntu so I know its a config somewhere21:25
ghostcubeso this is line out ?21:25
vyrgozunqkshould be there21:25
tuxxare there any drivers for Creative usb soundblaster audio?21:25
Andrew_Barberghostcube: Yes line out.21:26
mefisto__so you want to use your tv for sound output?21:27
Boincif i enable desktop effects and it messes up how can i revert back?21:28
ghostcubedisable them ?21:28
Boinchow if i cannot see anything?21:29
Andrew_Barbermefisto__: Yes sir21:29
ghostcubeBoinc: why is it messed up21:29
Boincits ok bud its worked, things went black and white last time and i had to re-install21:30
Boincthink its because i didnt have the drivers installed21:30
mefisto__Andrew_Barber: and this setup is working in ubuntu but not kubuntu?21:30
smartyquick question: is it possible to keep windows on a particular desktop. forexample, i dont want to see firefox open in desktop 2 when its open in desktop 1 (i dont want to see the firefox tab in the panel)21:30
Boincone last thing, how do i enable my other monitors please?21:30
ghostcubeBoinc: with nvidia drivers all should work21:30
ghostcubeBoinc: u can do this with a trick type in terminal nvidia-settings21:31
ghostcubethis opens nvidia tool its like windooz a bit21:31
Boincwill try21:31
ghostcubeu will figuere this out  but only apply21:31
ghostcubedont save to oiginal xorg.conf21:31
ghostcubeif u have done all and want to start by default21:32
ghostcubesave the settings to desktop21:32
ghostcubeand use only the changes inside of the new file21:32
ghostcubeand put them into /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:32
mefisto__smarty: if I understand you correctly, you can do that by right-click the panel, configure panel, taskbar, and untick "show windows from all desktops"21:33
Boincso just save settings to desktop unless i want to use them by default?21:33
vyrgozunqknow i'm really nervous21:33
ghostcubeBoinc: nah just apply21:33
vyrgozunqki want to kill somebody21:33
ghostcubeif u want to use temp21:33
Boincbut will they stay enabled when i reboot?21:33
ghostcubeif u want to use default safe the ile to desktop not to etc21:33
ghostcubeand then only use the changes21:34
ghostcubeand copy them over21:34
ghostcubeso u wont kill the working xorg21:34
Boinci'll get it working first21:34
Boincim not the cleverest person in the world21:34
Andrew_Barbermost clever***21:35
ghostcubeAndrew_Barber: hmm my line out works21:35
Andrew_Barberghostcube: hmmm yah only my front wks ..21:35
Boinchmm it wont let me use the other monitors unless i select another x session21:35
ghostcubeBoinc: twinview21:35
Andrew_BarberIs there a certain channel for rear jack??21:35
Boinconly lets me do twinview on the monitor on the same video card21:36
ghostcubehave u enabled full duplex in systemsettings21:36
Boincive got 2 cards and 4 monitors. 1 monitor is a tv that i just turn on now and again to watch movies on21:36
Boincfull duplex, no this is the first time ive ever used this21:36
Boincwhere do i go please?21:36
ghostcubeBoinc: nah was for andrew21:37
mefisto__Boinc: some video drivers (like mine) need the tv to be on when booting up, otherwise tv out won't work21:37
Andrew_BarberI think it is not selected21:37
ghostcubeu can set up the two cards by crating two devices21:37
Boincmefisto__,  - i dont want to use the tv mainly though, i just want the 3 monitors really21:37
Andrew_Barbernow its e=selected and no change21:37
Boincim happy leaving the tv off21:38
veritas__blast it, my prtscreen button stoppworking after migrating to KDE4.121:38
ghostcubeBoinc:  u need to tell xorg the both cards and manage the windows by twinview then21:38
ghostcubei dont know how to get 3 windows on21:39
ghostcubenever tried so far21:39
Andrew_Barberwould nvidia-settings help with this??21:39
ghostcubeif it detects both cards yes21:39
Andrew_BarberBoinc.. nvidia cards>?21:39
manohello all!!21:39
ghostcubeBoinc: is nidia-settings detecting both cards21:39
Boincit detecs both cards, 3 monitors and the tv21:39
ghostcubeso set all up and save the xorg.conf file21:40
manoi want to change kubuntu to spanish, what do i have to install?21:40
=== pablo is now known as pablo_
Boincghostcube,  but i can only enable the other 2 monitors as a seperate x screen21:40
ghostcubethis is normal for two cards21:41
Boincim not sure what that means but i want to move seemingless between all 3 monitors21:41
Boincas though it was 1 monitor21:41
ghostcubethis could be workiong as i said never tried this21:41
manopleease help with spanish21:41
Boincok i'll try21:41
TwenHi, which package should I install to play with kdevelop & Qt4 ?21:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spain21:41
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:42
pablo_does anyone know if amsn is working now or it still sucks ?21:42
mefisto__mano: in systemsettings, regional and language, there is a button "install new language"21:43
veritas__can anyone figure out what distro/liveCD this is from? http://img56.imageshack.us/img56/8334/snapshot2qs6.png21:43
smartyanyone know how to remove the bubble that comes down when someone messages u in kopete21:43
pablo_does anyone know if amsn is working now or it still sucks ?21:43
veritas__smarty: yes, remove all notifications21:43
ghostcubeveritas__: knoppix :|21:44
veritas__ghostcube: thx21:44
smartyveritas: where do i do that21:44
Andrew_Barberghostcube you think knoppix? I was gonna guess slax21:44
ghostcubecould be any opensuse too21:44
Dragnslcrsmarty- Settings -> Configure Notifications21:45
ghostcubebut knoppix is mostly filles with packages21:45
smartydamn, i feel like an idiot - thanks21:45
ghostcubeor sabayon if compiz is on21:45
veritas__the screenshot looked like a sabayon liveCD21:47
pablohi .. im nex in ubuntu and wanted to know how  is it that KOPETE works ... how do i get to see my contacts '??21:48
veritas__you first have to add an account21:48
pablowhere is that option ?21:48
veritas__goto configure->accounts21:48
Twenwhich package should I install to play with kdevelop & Qt4 ?21:50
veritas__Twen: apt-get kdevelop libqt4-core21:50
Twenthanks veritas_21:51
pablo thanks veritas_21:53
Boincghostcube, i keep trying to enable the other monitor but i need to apply it to the config i think which i cannot do21:56
Boincghostcube, it cannot create or delete backup files. im guessing as it doesnt have permissions too do anything in /etc/X11 directory22:00
Boincso i cannot save configs and enable the other monitors22:00
ghostcubehmm just save the file to desktop22:01
ghostcubeu can choose this22:01
Boinccant save there either22:01
Boincohh saved now22:01
ghostcubeok so maybe backup the old xorg.conf as xorg.conf-backup22:02
ghostcubeand then edit it22:02
DarkriftXanyone know how to make startx start kde4 instead of 3?22:02
Boincthink ive managed it22:03
DarkriftXi installed kde4, and it killed kdm.... so now i get a console login and use startx to start kde, but id like to have the option of kde3 or 422:03
Boincso do i paste the contents into my existing file or replace it?22:03
ghostcubehmmm maybe just copy the new one to /etc/X1122:03
ghostcubeif this works22:04
ghostcubesudo cp22:04
ghostcubeand make a backup from the old one22:04
Boincghostcube, ok done22:08
Boincdo i restart whole pc or just gui with ctrl+alt_backspace ?22:08
ghostcuberestart x should do it22:08
Boincok brb, thank you again22:09
Barackusewoot, on the internet now22:13
Barackusehas anyone had trouble getting flash installed and working?22:13
* Boinc kisses ghostcube 22:16
Boincworking buddy22:16
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:16
Boincghostcube,  - one more thing please, i have another 2 hard drives that are not plugged in. Can I just plug them in and i can access them?22:18
Barackuseyea thanks, been there, read that, twice.  But I did manage to get it working, thanks again for your help22:18
ghostcubeBoinc: heh cool that it works22:18
ghostcubeBoinc: if u plug them in they should be noticed22:19
ghostcubein /dev/sdx22:19
Boincghostcube,  - sorry im lost22:19
Boinctheir sata hard drives22:20
ghostcubeBoinc: if u plug the drives to mb22:20
mefisto__Barackuse: so flash is working? you solved the problem already?22:20
ghostcubeand reboot they should be there22:20
Boincok great i'll try now22:20
ghostcubeu will find them in /dev22:20
Boincok 2 ticks buddy22:20
rohanhi. i have the "apache2" package installed. how do i prevent the web server from starting on every boot? i don't know how to disable services in upstart22:22
ghostcubecouldnt this be done by dpkg-reconfigure apache2 ?22:23
ghostcubeisnt itasking for start method22:23
shamilok rohan22:23
shamilwhat you need to do is go into system settings22:23
shamilonce in there click the advanced tab22:23
shamilthen click system services22:23
DarkriftXi cant remember where to go to change the kicker background22:23
shamilthen you should be able to disable the web server from starting upon startup22:24
ghostcuberightklick kicker panel22:24
rohanshamil: wow, that works! thanks a lot22:24
ghostcubelast tab down22:24
shamili have your answer22:24
DarkriftXfound it22:24
DarkriftXdidnt think to right click on kicker :S22:24
shamilyou got it22:24
shamildoes anyone have an answer for me:p22:25
shamili'm running dual monitors, and the applet chooser for kicker is not showing up with the option to add another system tray22:25
shamili know i have that applet otherwise i wouldn't have a system tray in the first place22:25
shamilthis is super annoying:(22:25
shamili just want two system trays for kicker22:26
DarkriftXok, now how do i change the color of text on buttons?22:26
DarkriftXi picked a color scheme, and i like everything except for text color22:26
shamili know this one22:27
shamilthis one was slightly complicated:p22:27
DarkriftXfound it!22:28
DarkriftXim getting good at this lol22:28
shamilyeah the font color choosing for kicker is a little harder to find:p22:28
ghostcubesystemsettings appearance klick the one u need in colors22:28
shamilactually ghostcube systemsettings, going to appearance, and then clicking colors is actually where you do not change the color of the font for kicker22:29
ghostcubenah for the text22:29
shamilfor changing the color of the text for kicker, right click on kicker to configure it22:30
shamilit's in there22:30
ghostcubethats not what he asked but :)22:30
DarkriftXmade everything a little darker22:30
DarkriftXi just wish i didnt have to restart xchat everytime i make changes to preview them22:31
shamiloh well:p22:31
ghostcubekwin --replace &22:31
ghostcubewill reload kwin22:31
shamillol, it sucks when kwin crashes:p22:31
ghostcubeim not on kwin22:31
shamilyes but in general, it just sucks when kwin crashes22:32
ghostcubesure thats why im not on kwin :D22:32
shamilgood idea22:32
ghostcubeso i have a puffer for crashes22:32
shamilkwin works pretty good, but when it crashes, you can't move any open windows at all22:32
shamilwhich window manager you use?22:33
mefisto__the alt-mouse combo still works to move windows, doesn't it?22:33
shamiloh wow22:33
ghostcubemedo: yep22:34
ghostcubemefisto__: yep22:34
shamili don't like compiz too much, it's really nice, but i wish it were more stable...which is increasing, other than that, i have to shut it down when i play my games anyway22:34
omarkubuntu is unstable22:35
shamilwithout compiz kde has more than enough customizibility for eye candy for me anyway22:35
ghostcubeshamil: i can pülay my games with compiz enabled :)22:35
shamili'd get some really bad slow downs if i did22:36
ghostcubei only play 2  games22:36
omarese sebas22:36
omarhola jessi22:36
DragnslcrYeah, I remember having issues with GL games and Compiz22:36
jessicahey guys22:36
DragnslcrThat was the only real stability problem I remember22:36
shamili was playing openarena and frozenbubble and chromium22:36
shamilomar, sometimes ubuntu doesn't put out good releases22:36
ghostcubei play et and doom 3 :D22:37
ghostcubebut enough ot22:37
shamilconsidering my last card was a 7600gt22:37
shamilcompiz pissed me off sometimes22:37
omarsomeone knows how ti play age of empires with hamcho on kubuntu?22:37
omarhow to sorry22:37
shamilyes omar, get wine22:37
shamilhop into console and do "sudo apt-get install wine"22:38
omarbut the game run stable?22:38
* jessica is tierd22:38
shamilidk if it will or not22:38
omaryes i have winE22:38
shamili don't have age of empires22:38
shamili have a reference for you then22:38
mefisto__omar: it's stable, but a little slower than running natively in windows. depends on the speed of your machine I suppose22:38
shamilhttp://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1007 here you go omar22:39
omarthank you shamil22:39
shamilthat'll give you everything you need to know about running age of empires in wine that you need to know22:39
shamiland tested on hardy as well22:39
mefisto__omar: I didn't even have to install it in wine, just ran the executable from my windows partition and it worked perfectly22:40
shamilthat'll do it too:), if you already have it installed in windows, just run the executable22:40
shamilrun the executable in ubuntu...since you have wine22:41
Boincghostcube, ive had to bootup from the boot cd as when i plugged the other 2 drives in, it loads kububtu but do not load the x session. it sits there with a black screen and no hard drive activity. I tried it with 2 drives and it did the same, so i tried it with my original drive and it still just shows a black screen.22:41
Boincseems its messed up something22:41
omardo you know how to play it with hamachi22:41
uoaphysHi, in K3B, when I burn 4.5GB of files onto a 4.7gb data dvd in data dvd compilation mode, why does an info line come up that says "Trying to write more than the official disk capacity" ?22:42
shamilno i don't omar, i have never played age of empires:p22:42
shamiluoaphys, 4.7gb is only 4464mb22:43
shamildo you calculations for burning dvd's in mb, then you'll probably wont be trying to overfill a dvd on accident22:43
omarit was for mefisto... sorry22:43
uoaphysoh crap, so if its overfilled, it just hoses the dvd?22:44
uoaphysim like 20MB over then if that is the case shamil22:44
Boinchelp - what can i do if kubuntu tries to load but im just getting a black screen when the x session starts?22:44
shamilno if it's over filled it wont burn:p22:44
uoaphysshamil, but it says its more than the official disk size22:45
shamilso remove some data from the burn session before you burn22:45
uoaphysshamil, why does K3B show my session to be 4.5GB then if it doesn't bother to show the difference?22:45
uoaphysyea i already started the session... I guess we will see what happens22:45
shamilbecause burning dvd's is a lot different than burning cd's22:45
shamilthat's why when i burn i do all my calculations in MB because the gb field can be a bit misleading22:46
uoaphysyea, shouldn't the dvd burning app kinda do the calculation automatically though?22:46
shamilit does22:46
uoaphysit says 4.5GB here, and i stuck in a dvd that says 4.7gb on it22:47
shamilplus i just opened up k3b, it says only 4.4 of a dvd can be burned22:47
uoaphysso no it doesn't22:47
shamilopen up k3b real fast22:47
shamiland then click burn dvd data disc22:47
uoaphysok well i will ahve to wait till k3b finishes this burn22:47
uoaphysi'll check it out tho22:47
shamiloh ok:p22:47
mefisto__uoaphys: see bottom right of window, where it says Available 4.4gb 4.4gb? right-click that, and you'll get an explanation, or you can change the size22:48
DarkriftXis there a way to make the kicker image work for the time/date also? it looks like crap the way it is22:48
shamilmefisto, thx, that's what i was trying to point him too:)22:48
shamildarkriftx, right click on the clock22:48
shamiland then click configure clock22:48
mefisto__basically 4.7gb is a lie, kind of22:49
DarkriftXim there, but it only lets you pick colors22:49
DarkriftXmy kicker image is a gradient22:49
shamilit lets yo upick more22:49
shamilyou can change the clock type, and the background for the clock in there22:49
uoaphysmefisto, i can understand that, its just that when I was compiling my disk to 4.5GB (4483MB) it did no warnings or anything until after i started the burn process.. thats really the main thing that is frustrating i guess22:49
MrKennie4.7GB is correct22:50
shamilwell now you know you the truth uoaphys:)22:50
MrKennieit's actually 4.4GiB22:50
shamila tip for you uoaphys, use dvd-rw's for practice burns, or just use dvd-rw's in general:)22:51
shamilyou can always rewrite them, and that is really handy22:51
uoaphysnaa dvd-r is cheaper and if iburn a coaster its not the end of the world for me, mostly time really22:51
shamilaaah, true, but i'm still using my stack of 25 dvd-rw media from 2 years ago22:52
uoaphysi have had lots of probs with DVD-RW's because even the slightest scratches on the surface after using them a few times causes the burns to be less and less reliable22:52
uoaphysso IMO, RW is misleading, unless you plan to not use the RW in between rewrites22:52
shamilhaving a good brand of rw media, and it lasts a long time, plus i use dvd+rw's, the dvd-rw's are actually not as good22:52
uoaphysyea but even a piece of dust can ruin the burn process on a dvd22:53
shamilyou use + or - dvd media?22:53
uoaphysi use -R but thats cos thats what I got22:53
uoaphysnever really bothered with +r all that much, here and there though22:53
Boinchelp - what can i do if kubuntu tries to load but im just getting a black screen when the x session starts?22:54
shamilok, use that till you run out, the next purchase you should make is +, check out the tech specs for +22:54
uoaphyskinda against the whole principle of sony making a +R to thumb their nose as the official -R standard22:54
shamil+r and -r were competing standards, but all dvd players and burners support them today22:54
uoaphysyea, they do22:55
DarkriftXok, one more q.... can i tell kde to show 24px icons on desktop instead of 32px?22:55
shamilusually the more popular standard wins, which doesn't mean the best standard won, + works very good:)22:55
uoaphysbut -R was the standard, sony came out with + a year afterwards for real no apparent reason22:55
uoaphysnow when you buy a a +r you pay sony a few cents per disk22:55
uoaphysin royalties22:55
shamillol, i know, +r has better jitter correction and so on though:p22:55
uoaphysyea, it has better multisession too, and stuff like that22:56
ghostcubeBoinc: hmmm22:56
ghostcubeare the drives still connected ?22:56
shamilthe one thing i hate about dvd media, is that the 9gb dvd's don't come in rw:(22:57
Boincno m8, ive disconnected them22:57
ErikWestrupHow do I get the current time from the terminal?22:57
uoaphys9gb, as in DL's?22:57
ghostcubeBoinc: and u removed the cd from the drive22:57
shamilthere's 4.7gb dvd media and 9gb dvd media22:57
ghostcubeto boot the kernel on the default hd22:57
gkffjcs_How do I start my wireless networking before I start the x server, for instance if I want /home to be an nfs mount22:57
Boincghostcube, it wasnt it22:58
Boincghostcube, i only put it in to boot back up in here so i could talk to you22:58
shamil9gb might be what you want to purchase next, since you don't care about RW capability like me, that 9gb preference sounds like it fits you good though22:58
uoaphyshey u guys wanna know how lame ubuntu is (the gnome version) when you enable compiz on the desktop, the "show desktop" button TOGGLES minimizing and restoring all the windows on your desktop, rather than actually showing you the desktop, lame ehh?22:58
MrKenniegkffjcs_: I configured mine manually but I think wicd might work too.22:58
uoaphysso if its the second click of the show desktop button, even if you want it to show the desktop, it goes ahead and restores everything first lol22:59
Boincbasically everything was working then once i plugged the other drives in it messed up. unplugged them and still just get a black screen22:59
shamil............uoaphys, one of the other reasons i don't use compiz:p22:59
ghostcubeBoinc: if u get the black screen try to type22:59
uoaphysshamil; yea but u know whats lame, i reported it to launchpad, and they closed it and said "someone should report this to gnome"22:59
uoaphysim like, LAME, i already reported it!!!!22:59
ghostcubeif this isnt working do a sudo update-grub22:59
gkffjcs_How do I configure it manually?22:59
ghostcubesudo update-initramfs22:59
shamiljust don't use compiz then i say:)23:00
uoaphysIMO, whether its an ubuntu packaging bug, or a gnome bug, you ought to be able to report them to ubuntu directly23:00
ghostcubeshamil: this si not compiz related23:00
telecasteri installed hardy with kde on  a laptop with only 128mb ram, 2,6ghz cpu and 1gb swap, its very slow, kde runs on a 350mhz cpu with round 400mb ram faster, and i could only install with acpi=off noapic and nolapic23:00
shamili'm more for the utilitarian interface though:(23:00
Raleskhi people23:00
shamilghostcube he said compiz23:00
Boincghostcube, i think its started the x session but its black23:00
RaleskIs it me, or KDE 3.5.10 has introduced some bugs to kicker applets?23:00
Boincas i see the x appear on the screen before it goes black23:00
uoaphysis there a way to make KDE4.1 do a spinning cube?23:00
ghostcubeshamil: oh sorry havent seen23:01
mefisto__DarkriftX: did you get an answer to the desktop icons question?23:01
shamiluoaphys, yes with compiz23:01
Boincit flashes up just before it does black23:01
MrKenniegkffjcs_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 loosk like what you need to configure it manually23:01
uoaphysshamil: I thought kde4.1 had its own compositing desktop23:01
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shamilit does, you can use either compiz, or use the built in kde compositing23:01
mefisto__DarkriftX: in systemsettings, appearance, icons, advanced, you can choose the icon sizes there23:01
gkffjcs_Thanks, Ille check it out.23:01
shamilidk if it does the spinning cube or not23:01
shamilralesk, kde 3.5.10 as far as i know is not released yet, or at least not in ubuntu repos yet, except maybe the next version23:02
ghostcubeits in backports23:02
ghostcubeim on 3.5.1023:02
Raleskshamil: umm, the next version (intrepid) will have no 3.5 KDE in the first place23:02
shamilbe careful with backports23:02
uoaphysyou think ubuntu intrepid will have 4.2 or 4.1 kde?23:03
ghostcubei use proposed to23:03
shamilbackports aren't really maintained by the ubuntu devs23:03
cecohi guys i need help with fglrx i compiled a kernel, but now i cant install fglrx23:03
shamili hope intrepid has 4.223:03
cecoit says23:03
shamil4.1 is an incomplete product23:03
cecoError! Could not locate fglrx.ko for module fglrx in the DKMS tree.23:03
MrKennie4.1, 4.2 isn't out till jan 200923:03
cecoYou must run a dkms build for kernel (i686) first.23:03
uoaphyswhats wrong with 4.123:03
Raleskghostcube: do you use the quicklauncher or an analogue clock?23:03
uoaphysi thought 4.1 was kinda like the real final release (since 4.0 was such a bug storm)23:03
shamilkde devs didn't finish integrating all the features in it23:04
Raleskuoaphys: there's no such thing as "final" :)23:04
cecodoes someone know how to fix this cause i cant enable direct rendering... :/23:04
shamiluoaphys, kde 3.5.9 also has built in compositing features as well23:04
uoaphys4.1 is SO much nicer than 4.0 though23:04
shamil4.0 was a beta release23:04
shamil4.1 is still part of that as well23:04
uoaphyswhen are the apps going to be ported to win/mac, is that scheduled for 4.2?23:05
shamilkde devs say not to use kde 4 until they green light a release which will be 4.223:05
shamiluoaphys, now you know why many still aren't using kde4 yet23:05
ghostcubececo: hmmm fglrx is a pain in the ass in normal install in user kernel oi23:06
uoaphysi really like it, but the panel just is incomplete IMO23:06
Raleskghostcube: could you try to add those two to your kicker?  for me the kclockapplet looks really washed out now, and didn't in 3.5.9 -- and the quicklauncher has the icons cropped23:06
uoaphysand the start menu is hard to work with23:06
shamilexactly my point uoaphys, in 4.2 it should be feature complete23:06
cecoyes but i haven't got any problems till now, i've just finished compiling the kernel... and it says something for dkms...23:06
Raleskshamil: hopefully, but I'm cynical about it, no offence...23:06
cecoand i really don't know how to work with dkms23:06
shamilcynical about what ralesk?23:07
Ralesk4.2 being feature complete :P23:07
shamilyou could be right about that23:07
cecoi can't understand that - You must run a dkms build for kernel (i686) first.23:07
shamilnot going to use kde until the kde people say it's good to use, or if kubuntu does a really good job at kde 4 in intrepid23:08
shamillol i meant to say kde 4 through all of that:p23:08
uoaphysshamil: hahah, why would kubuntu do really good job at kde4 in intrepid23:09
uoaphysi can't think of a single kubuntu release that wasn't horrible23:09
ghostcubeRalesk: hmm the clock and the quciklaunch look ok here23:09
ghostcubeuoaphys: ^^23:09
uoaphysits like. half the apps are compiled improperly and installed with wrong permissions, etc23:09
shamilkubuntu usually does a great job at making at doing kde23:09
ghostcubei have no probs here23:09
Raleskghostcube: could you upload a screenie somewhere? (or I'll PM you a URL where you can upload)23:10
shamillol, uoaphys, in gutsy i had major problems with crap like that23:10
ghostcubeu mean kde 3 or ?23:10
uoaphyskubuntu 7.10 didn't even work with wired ethernet, cos knetwork manager was disabling dhcp by default, took them 3 months to fix23:10
ghostcubei hate dhcp lol23:10
shamili hated 7.1, my wired net would stop working after i had enabled nvidia-glx23:10
Raleskuoaphys: I had no problems whatsoever, dunno :)23:10
uoaphyswhy, it should just work, if it doesn't, software is bugged out23:10
RaleskNetworkManager is a pile of gaaaahhhhhhhh anyway23:11
Kaapahello. Never installed kubuntu, does the install cd come with a partitioning tool?23:11
shamilnetworkmanager is a pile of crap:)23:11
shamilthere is an alternative though23:11
RaleskKaapa: sure it does23:11
uoaphysand 7.10's adapt pakage was totally broken too23:11
Raleskshamil: /etc/network/interfaces is a perfect alternative for me :p23:11
KaapaRalesk: I mean like *parted, not fdisk.23:12
uoaphysthey might as well just leave adept out and put in synaptic who cares if its gtk23:12
mefisto__uoaphys: it's very hard to test everything with every conceivable hardware setup before release23:12
shamilhere you go ralesk http://wicd.sourceforge.net/23:12
ghostcubeRalesk: www.homeinc.de/stuff/screenie7.jpg23:12
shamilthat's true ralesk that is a good alternative23:12
Kaapawanna installet in a laptop that has a full windows vista partition and I', a bit scared :S23:12
shamilbut for those requiring a gui, wicd is awesome23:12
shamilnetworkmanager has actually gotten good enough for me to use........for once, so i use it now23:12
uoaphysyea i know, just silly is all, that knetworkmanager and gnome networkmanager use totally different logic inside them, rather than just being ports of eachother to qt or gtk23:13
shamiljust frontends they are23:13
uoaphysso the kde version just totally hosed the entire 7.10 release23:13
shamil7.1 was so unusable i went to pclinuxos for a whle23:13
uoaphysyea, but u know, the gnome ubuntu 7.1 was perfect23:13
uoaphysalmost no real bugs23:14
ghostcubeuffz pure lie23:14
Raleskghostcube: the quicklauncher looks okay... hmmm  but I meant analog clock actually :)  text renders fine, it just can't seem to get the clock graphics right23:14
shamileven in the gnome one of 7.1 enabling nvidia-glx made my net no longer work23:14
shamilit was really gay23:14
uoaphyshey, i hate gnome, but at least a clean install of ubuntu 7.1 worked with networkmanager and synaptic by default, and the same couldn't be said for kubuntu 7.10 which didn't23:14
shamilanything gutsy based was hell for me23:14
ghostcubeRalesk: can confirm clock crappy23:14
Raleskwhat's this 7.1 you're talking about? :)23:14
uoaphysnow in 8.04, hplip is broken to hell on all inkjet hp usb printers23:14
LjLshamil: did it like same-sex video cards?23:15
shamil7.1, 7.10, same thing23:15
uoaphyswell 7.1 would imply january lol23:15
shamilok, 7.10 i mean to say23:15
shamili hate rpms to death though, so i was happy when ubuntu made a better release this time23:15
shamilmandriva does rpms good, that's about it:p23:15
uoaphysthats the real true reason i use ubuntu, is rpm hell23:16
uoaphysyea screw that man23:16
shamiltrue dat23:16
uoaphyssuse, mandriva, fedora23:16
uoaphyswhy even bother23:16
shamilsuse is the worst with rpms, fedora is standard use for rpm hell23:16
uoaphysIMO, the best way to get kubuntu is to install ubuntu and then install kubuntu-desktop on top of it23:16
shamilmandriva was the only good one that did them good23:16
RaleskI gave a spin to some other distros recently (like in october last year) -- yum was decent, but the fedora repo contained the most brainfucked naming scheme ever (some things were capitalised, some not, it was all gahhh)23:17
ghostcubehmmm anyone here onm kde 3.5.10 compiz can confirm window previews isnt working for taskbar23:17
shamilurpmi is better than yum23:17
Ralesksuse has one of the nicest installers ever, but I couldn't figure out how to use yast once inside the system23:17
dr_Willis3.5.10? Hmm i thought 3.5.9 was the latest..23:17
Raleskand heck, I've been using linux since '99, so it wasn't my first one!23:17
shamillol, suse does have a great installer23:18
Ralesk(and my first distro *was* an ancient suse)23:18
B3ny0-don't play it23:18
shamili would be using pure debian right now, but stable is too old, debian unstable is unstable, and debian testing doesn't have everything in there, and getting proprietary stuff installed in pure debian is a bitch23:19
Raleskso like, in yast you have a bunch of icons that are kinds named the same and should do some installing or upgrading but totally wouldn't work.  shame really :P   then people said "yeah, it's messed up, but they're releasing 10.3 (or what the next one was) just a few weeks from now, and it's fixed there, you have a bad timing"23:19
shamilyast was really cool, except the mandriva control panel is a lot less frightening:)23:20
Raleskheheh, I agree on the frightening part, yes XD23:20
shamili wish that mandriva would port their invictus firewall though:(23:20
Raleskso yeah, back to Debian stuff for now :)23:20
RaleskAdept is nice, except when they break it.23:20
ghostcubedr_Willis: in backport is 5.1023:20
shamili want the mandriva firewall though, closest thing to zonealarm i found for linux:)23:21
dr_Willisghostcube,  its installing now. :)23:21
ghostcubeif  u have installed kicker-taskbar-compiz uninstall it :D23:21
ghostcubeor kicker keeps crashing23:22
ghostcubelast suse i used was 6.023:22
Raleskwhat the...23:22
Ralesk"You are not using a recent KDE version.  Since your bug is likely to be fixed already in more recent versions of KDE you can no longer submit bugs against your version of KDE."23:22
Raleskthis when I select 3.5.10 in bugs.kde.org23:22
dr_WillisI thought all the new 3.5.X releases where to mainly be bug fix's in the first place.23:23
mefisto__I have 3.5.10 and didn't even know it23:23
shamili used 10.3 opensuse, when i installed stuff like win32codecs in opensuse, i still couldn'tplay my wmv's:(23:23
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shamilit did that a whole bunch of the time with me and other crap i installed in 10.3 suse, it was wierd:(23:23
Raleskdr_Willis: well yeah...  trouble is, they broke quicklauncher (at least for me it looks broken) and kclockapplet23:23
dr_WillisIm not even suer what quicklauncher is.. :)  Ive been usng jwm+rox for my main desktop for months23:24
Raleskah :)23:24
Raleskboth are kicker applets23:24
Raleskquicklauncher is... pretty much like Quick Launch in the Windows taskbar23:25
dr_Willisactually i am using quicklauncher. :)23:25
dr_WillisI just never noticed its name. :) i always  use it over the big icons23:25
shamilkubuntu doesn't have the system tray applet to choose in the applet chooser for kicker:p23:25
* dr_Willis wonders when the kde clock will get a simple 'show 12/24 hr time format' check box.. :)23:25
Raleskchange your locale :)23:26
* dr_Willis repeates his original statement.. :)23:26
dr_WillisIt may be i want 24 hr format in some  places.. but a 12 hr clock is fine. :)23:26
Raleskyeah well, point23:26
ghostcubei want 24 all time23:27
dr_Willisplus it defaults to the 24 hr format.. which ive had to explain to way tooo many total computer beginners.. :)23:27
dr_Willisif its past noon.. add 12 .....23:27
ghostcubeim german23:27
dr_Willisor was it past midnight...23:27
Raleskit baffles me that people can't understand 24 hours clock23:27
shamil24 hour clocks rule23:27
Raleskthe 12 hours one is if anything, much more complicated23:28
dr_Williswe need a metric clock! with 10 hrs in a day23:28
ghostcubeu wont have this23:28
ghostcubewe tested here in germany forget it23:28
dr_WillisMetric alphabet with 10 characters.23:28
Raleskone deciletter23:28
mefisto__dr_Willis: I want a metric day with 100 hours. 10 hours is just not enough :)23:29
Raleskdecaletter even, whatever23:29
dr_Willis100 sec per min.. and 100 min per hr...23:29
dr_Willisbrb. gotta restart kde to get to .1023:29
mefisto__ancient egypt had 10 day weeks23:29
gkffjcs_i'm having trouble with nfs, I have an export on /home that looks like this "/home/ 192.168.*.*(rw,sync)23:30
gkffjcs_If i try an dmount it on a second machine I get23:30
gkffjcs_access denied by server while mounting23:30
Raleskoh, hahahahahaha -- kde 3.5.9 is more recent than 3.5.10, according to bugzilla XD23:30
ghostcubebugzilla is counting error23:31
ghostcube1 is smaller than 923:31
ghostcubeand 0 is new release eh ?23:31
ghostcubeso its older :S23:31
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dr_WillisOk. kde 3.5.10 installed.. using compiz.. the issue was... err.. somthign to do with the previews on the taskbar?23:32
ghostcubedr_Willis: yes23:33
dr_WillisThe previews for the Taskbar DOES work here..23:33
dr_Willisthats about the only compiz feature i like23:33
ghostcubetime for restart23:33
dr_Willisthe quicklaunch thing is also working23:33
ghostcubehmm here it crashed and for all others too23:33
ghostcubeif u use the original ione no probs23:34
ghostcubewhat compiz version are u runniong ?23:34
dr_Willis!find emerald23:35
ubottuFound: emerald, libemeraldengine-dev, libemeraldengine0, xemeraldia23:35
dr_WillisHmm.. emerald reccomends emerald-themes.. which.. err.. dosent exist.23:35
dr_WillisRecommended packages:  emerald-themes23:35
Raleskhttps://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=86222 *chuckles*  oh Aaron :)23:36
ubottuKDE bug 86222 in kclockapplet "the analog clock isnt transparent, unless its on LCD" [Wishlist,Resolved: fixed]23:36
dr_Willisi also think that 'fusion-icon' tool should be included/started by default with compiz :)   but  i guess if you stick with their defaults ya may not need it.23:37
ghostcubedr_Willis: compiz --version23:39
ghostcubeis this 0.7.4 ?23:39
dr_Williswell i dont seem to be having any issues with compiz and kde 3.5.10  lets check the version. I just updated/upgraded23:39
dr_Williscompiz 0.7.423:39
ghostcubehmm ok im on 0.7.5623:39
dr_Willisusing nvidia 8800gtsxxx video card23:39
ghostcubewith some additional plugs23:40
ghostcubeanything kiled m prevs23:40
gkffjcs_So I configured nfs based on several tuts on the inter web but it sitll doesn't work, dose anyone have any experience with nfs23:43
dr_Willisgkffjcs_,  ive just followed the !nfs factoid page took me all of 3 min to get going btween 2 box's23:43
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.23:44
dr_Willisif you are using the hostname. and static ip's you may want to chefk that your /etc/hosts file has each machines hostname/ip correct.23:44
dr_Willisor else use ip#'s23:44
dr_WillisI basically set it where each machine was mounted to each other machine in a /media/NFS/machinename directory23:44
dr_Willisor was it /NFS/machinename :) I need to reset that up someday23:45
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gkffjcs_dr_Willis: I followed that tutorial aswell, and I still get "accss denied by server while mounting"23:52
gkffjcs_I know the ip is correct, it is manually configured in interfaces, and I can ssh the ip with no problem23:53
dr_Willischeck the nfs server logs..  its very likely a typo or other simple issue.23:53
dr_Willisor you dident isntall all the nfs packages on the machines23:53
gkffjcs_whre are the logs?23:53
DarkriftXhow do i add myself to a group again?23:54
dr_Willisgkffjcs_,  /var/log is the normal place for all logs. You may need to configure the nfs server to enable more verbose logging23:54
gkffjcs_hmmm, there is no nfs in /var/log23:57
dr_Williscould be under some other name. check the nfs configs/docs perhaps. Im not using nfs at the moment. so cant check23:58
dr_Willisor logging is not enabled23:58
dr_Willisor its in that 'access' log file.. whatever it was called...23:59
dr_Willisauth.log perhaps23:59

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